Land Use Policy
Land Use Policy
Land Use Policy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Human beings have used fire as an ecosystem management tool for thousands of years. In the context of
Received 6 October 2014 the scientific and policy debate surrounding potential climate change adaptation and mitigation strate-
Received in revised form 25 February 2015 gies, the importance of the impact of relatively recent state fire-exclusion policies on fire regimes has
Accepted 14 March 2015
been debated. To provide empirical evidence to this ongoing debate we examine the impacts of state
fire-exclusion policies in the chestnut forest ecosystems of two geographically neighbouring municipal-
ities in central Spain, Casillas and Rozas de Puerto Real. Extending the concept of ‘Traditional Ecological
Fire exclusion policies
Knowledge’ to include the use of fire as a management tool as ‘Traditional Fire Knowledge’ (TFK), we take
Traditional ecological knowledge
Traditional fire knowledge
a mixed-methods and interdisciplinary approach to argue that currently observed differences between
Chestnut forest ecosystems the municipalities are useful for considering the characteristics of “pre-industrial anthropogenic fire
Fire Paradox regimes” and their impact on chestnut forest ecosystems. We do this by examining how responses from
interviews and questionnaire surveys of local inhabitants about TFK in the past and present correspond
to the current biophysical landscape state and recent fire activity (based on data from dendrochrono-
logical analysis, aerial photography and official fire statistics). We then discuss the broader implications
of TFK decline for future fire management policies across Europe particularly in light of the published
results of the EU sponsored Fire Paradox research project. In locations where TFK-based “pre-industrial
anthropogenic fire regimes” still exist, ecosystem management strategies for adaptation and mitigation
to climate change could be conceivably implemented at a minimal economic and political cost to the state
by local communities that have both the TFK and the adequate social, economic and cultural incentives
to use it.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
“This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by Introduction
any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-
living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by Contemporary ecology understands that many ecosystems can
regular measures”. be considered “fire adapted”, their structure and function being
partly determined by the fire regimes with which they have
co-evolved (Gill, 2002; Pausas and Keeley, 2009). Humans have
often played a long-standing role in such fire-adapted ecosystems.
Anthropogenic landscape burning is believed to have had a signif-
icant ecological impact on the Earth system for thousands of years
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 913071825. and in many flammable ecosystems worldwide it has become a key
E-mail address: (F. Seijo). ecological process conditioning present biodiversity and climate
0264-8377/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144 131
(Stewart, 1957; Ruddiman, 2003; Bowman et al., 2010). However, undesirable (Seijo and Gray, 2012; Montiel, 2013) – and rural devel-
biomass burning has also been recently determined to be an impor- opment policies have impacted TEK and TFK. For example, in the
tant contributor to the global greenhouse gas emissions causing Iberian Peninsula these policies often set the stage to the enclosure
climate change, though the impact of anthropogenic fires on net of large tracts of land for new industrial era uses (e.g. afforesta-
emission outputs is highly uncertain and remains widely debated tions, conservation areas, recreational hunting estates, etc.) and the
within the scientific community (Hurteau et al., 2008; Fule, 2008; prohibition of traditional land use practices such as extensive ani-
Pausas and Fernández-Muñoz, 2012; Moritz et al., 2013; IPCC AR5, mal husbandry and swidden agriculture (Fernandes et al., 2014)
2014; Gill et al., 2014). These changes shifted rural economies away from approaches that
In the context of the scientific and policy debate surround- required the use of TFK-based practices and therefore contributed
ing potential climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, to rural abandonment (Seijo and Gray, 2012; Stephens et al., 2014).
researchers continue to discuss the importance of the impact of It is important, therefore, to re-evaluate the fire management
state fire exclusion policies on fire regimes. Fire exclusion poli- potential of TFK-based practices, particularly since continent-wide
cies have been defined as the attempt to exclude all types of European Union funded research projects such as Fire Paradox are
landscape fires from a specified area (Scott, 2015). One of the calling for a reform of present fire suppression based management
first contemporary large-scale attempts at implementing a state- strategies and advocating for the promulgation of new European
wide fire exclusion policy was carried out by the United States legislation on the matter in the form of a “Fire Framework Directive”
throughout the 20th century prompting other countries receiv- (Montiel, 2013).
ing its technical advice and forestry aid funds, such as Spain, to As an evidence-based contribution to this ongoing debate, in
follow suit (Donovan and Brown, 2007; Seijo and Gray, 2012). this study we examine the current biophysical attributes of two
At the end of the 20th century it has become apparent that the adjacent sweet chestnut forest ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula
effects of fire exclusion policies on fire regimes may be provoking and local inhabitants’ perspectives on pre-industrial anthropogenic
what some researchers have termed a “firefighting trap” (Collins burning within them. The present existence of chestnut forest
et al., 2013). By altering historical fire regimes and landscape fuel ecosystems throughout Europe was only made possible by cen-
structures, state fire exclusion policies may well be contributing to turies of intense management by local communities (Conedera
contemporary “megafires” that seem to positively feedback with et al., 2004; Conedera and Krebs, 2009). In fact, the chestnut for-
anthropogenic climate change as well as spiralling fire suppression est ecosystems of the study sites we consider in this paper – the
costs in many countries (Millar et al., 2007; Seijo and Gray, 2012; municipalities of Casillas and Rozas de Puerto Real in the foothills
Pezzatti et al., 2013; Stephens et al., 2014; Fernandes et al., 2014). of the mountains of Gredos, central Spain – can be theoretically
In this volatile and uncertain scenario, theoretical concepts such described as coupled human–natural systems because of the histor-
as “applied historical ecology” and “pre-industrial anthropogenic ically verified, prolonged and intense interaction between human
fire regimes” have been advanced in an attempt to come to terms and natural system variables in them (Liu et al., 2007). Commu-
with the role that historical fire patterns (in general) and traditional nities in this region have managed their chestnut forests with a
anthropogenic fire practices (in particular) should or should not sophisticated ecosystem management toolkit that exemplifies TEK
play as a baseline for informing future fire management decisions and TFK. Through time these communities actively participated in
(Swetnam et al., 1999; Keane et al., 2009; Seijo and Gray, 2012; the design of their chestnut forest ecosystems through terracing,
Pezzatti et al., 2013; Gill et al., 2014; Petty et al., 2015). grafting, pruning, careful tree species selection and burning in what
Traditional ecosystem management practices are reliant on can be most aptly described as a pre-industrial effort at large-scale
“Traditional Ecological Knowledge” (TEK), defined as, “the cumu- environmental engineering (Martin et al., 2010).
lative body of knowledge, practice, and belief, evolving by adaptive Changes in the use of TEK in coupled human–natural chest-
processes and handed down in generations by cultural transmis- nut forest ecosystem management have been known to result in
sion, about relationships of living beings [including humans] with substantial transformations in both their structure and function
one another and with their environment” (Berkes et al., 2000:8). A as natural succession processes resume unaltered (e.g. Mazzoleni
variant of TEK but with particular regard to the use of fire as a man- et al., 2004; Romero-Calcerrada and Perry, 2004; Millington et al.,
agement tool, “Traditional Fire Knowledge” (TFK) has more recently 2007; Millington et al., 2009). Such change in forest stands for-
been defined as, “fire-related knowledge, beliefs, and practices that merly dominated by chestnut trees has been observed in Corsica,
have been developed and applied on specific landscapes for specific for example, with the encroachment of mixed and closed-canopy
purposes by long time inhabitants” (Huffman, 2013:1). stands dominated by Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and Cluster pine
Decline of the use of TEK and TFK can lead to significant changes (Pinus pinaster Ait.) following abandonment (San Roman et al.,
in ecosystems. Some of the first descriptions of these impacts 2013). In Bulgaria, in the absence of traditional management, chest-
appear in Omer C. Stewart’s collection of essays “Forgotten Fires” nut forests have apparently become increasingly vulnerable to pest
(Stewart, 1957), which has inspired this article’s title. In his 1950s disturbances such as chestnut blight (Zlatanov et al., 2013), and
pioneering work, Stewart identified diverse TFK-based fire uses in Switzerland the loss of ecologically valuable old growth “giant”
by native Americans for ecosystem management and described chestnut trees is feared – as well as the emergence of significant
some of the ecological consequences that emerged when these fire regime changes – as the anthropogenic silvicultural practices
practices were “forgotten”. Today, the gradual abandonment of tra- of the past fade away (Krebs et al., 2012; Pezzatti et al., 2013).
ditional land use – resulting in a loss of both TEK and TFK – has In an effort to restore ecosystem structure and process in aban-
been recognized as one of the main structural factors leading to doned chestnut forest ecosystems a debate is thereby emerging
the emergence of so-called “Large Wildland Fires” across Mediter- concerning the appropriate role of traditional pre-industrial era
ranean Type Ecosystems in Europe (Seijo and Gray, 2012; Galiana burning in the ecological restoration of these ecosystems. Some
et al., 2013; Pezzatti et al., 2013; Montiel, 2013; Stephens et al., researchers advocate for continued use of TFK-based practices or
2014; Fernandes et al., 2014). Much of the literature now acknowl- surrogate prescribed burning (Grove and Rackham, 2003; Seijo and
edges that socio-economic and political drivers are at the core of Gray, 2012; Fernandes et al., 2013) in contrast to others who argue
this change (Seijo, 2005; Seijo and Gray, 2012; Pezzatti et al., 2013; it should be limited to certain specific sites where the goal is the
Fernandes et al., 2014). However, little attention has been paid to conservation of locally endangered species associated via coppiced
the exact mechanisms by which state fire exclusion policies – which (or abandoned) chestnut stand communities (Grund et al., 2005;
have been shown to be ecologically, economically and politically Moretti et al., 2006, 2008; Pezzatti et al., 2013).
132 F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144
Fig. 1. Study area location. Casillas is located within Comunidad de Castilla y Leon and Rozas within Comunidad de Madrid, both in central Spain.
Here, we take a mixed-methods and interdisciplinary approach of these territories with social groups originating from Northern
to explore these issues, integrating both quantitative and quali- Spain, though further palynologic and genetic research would be
tative methods, to capture and understand the complexities and needed to confirm this hypothesis.
feedbacks between coupled human and natural systems in our Our data collection was conducted in the municipalities of Casil-
sites (Bryman, 2006; Liu et al., 2007). We compare contemporary las, autonomous community of Castilla y León, and Rozas de Puerto
fire regimes, landscape characteristics and use of TEK-based land- Real (hereafter abbreviated as Rozas), autonomous community of
scape burning practices in two Spanish municipalities and argue Madrid (Fig. 1) from June 1st, 2012 to May 31st, 2013. These munic-
that currently observed differences are useful for considering the ipalities are contiguous geographically but separated by a political
characteristics of “pre-industrial anthropogenic fire regimes” and boundary between autonomous communities in the Spanish state
their impact on chestnut forest ecosystems. We do this by exam- (Fig. 1). Site selection was informed by a previously articulated
ining how responses from interviews and questionnaire surveys conceptualization of “pre-industrial anthropogenic fire regimes”
of local inhabitants about TFK in the past and present correspond in Mediterranean Type Ecosystems (MTEs), which hypothesizes
to the current biophysical landscape state and recent fire activity. that uneven economic and political development processes have
We then discuss the broader implications of TFK decline for fire driven, to varying degrees, the fire regime changes taking place at
management policies across Europe. present in many MTEs (Seijo and Gray, 2012). Casillas and Rozas
have differing economic conditions (Table 1), but relatively similar
mountainous MTEs. Casillas has lower family income and munic-
ipality expenditure than Rozas, with a smaller proportion of the
local population employed in the service sector and a greater pro-
Study species and site selection
portion in agriculture. By selecting these sites we have endeavoured
to ensure that the biophysical variables underlying any differences
The sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a deciduous, hard-
in fire regimes could be held (as far as possible in a natural non-
wood angiosperm tree species belonging to the Fagaceae family.
laboratory setting) constant so as to better highlight the ecological
It has been widely cultivated throughout the temperate world,
effects of different fire management recently. This is a proven
particularly across the Mediterranean Basin in areas with abun-
methodological approach that has yielded interesting findings on
dant precipitation and its geographical range is closely associated
changing fire regimes in other MTEs (Minnich, 1983).
with the activities of pre-industrial traditional agrarian societies
(Conedera et al., 2004). Currently, sweet chestnut forests are mainly
concentrated in southern Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Biophysical data
Switzerland) and Turkey where there is a long tradition of their cul-
tivation as groves for nuts and wood production (Conedera et al., To assess the current biophysical state of the municipalities’
2004). The species itself seems to be native to the Iberian Penin- forests and their fire regimes we used National Forest Inventory
sula with pre-Holocene glacial refugia having been identified in data (IFN3, 2007), fire reports from autonomous communities,
primary and secondary foci located in N and W Spain and N Portugal dendrochronological sampling and military aerial photographs
regions (Krebs et al., 2004; Postigo-Mijarra et al., 2010). The chest- from 2011. Individual fire reports for the two municipalities were
nut forest ecosystems of our study area are located in the foothills received from the regional autonomous governments of Madrid
of the mountains of Gredos (central Spain). These forests, in all like- and Castilla y Leon for the period 1984–2012. In this study, we
lihood, originated in the 13th and 14th centuries as a result of the have only quantified the fire regime attributes that can be inferred
anthropogenic diffusion of sweet chestnut after the “Reconquista” from official Spanish government fire statistics for the selected
(Reconquest) and the subsequent “repoblación” (re-population) sites. These include information on fire regime characteristics,
F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144 133
Table 1
Development level indicators for Casillas and Rozas. Income levels, employment sectors and other indicators were compiled to determine the uneven stages of development
present in both study sites.
frequency, size, season and causality. Comparable figures for both Fillat, 2012). The surveys/interviews were administered and com-
municipalities were only available for the period 1984–2009. pleted face-to-face with respondents by the principal investigator
Aerial photographs were received from the “Centro Geografico del and other collaborators since, as has been the case in other research
Ejercito” of the Spanish army. studies on TEK taking place in Spain, many respondents were
We used dendrochronology to estimate the age of chestnut functionally illiterate or had problems reading, understanding or
stems apparently not affected by recent fires. We took cores at 1.3 m answering the written questions on their own (Otero-Rozas et al.,
from dominant trees (n = 11 in Rozas, n = 18 in Casillas) randomly 2013). The questionnaire itself contained 83 semantic differential
selected in each site and not presenting visible ‘catfaces’ (cavities at scale and rank order type questions, 38 multiple choice and 13
the foot of the trunk with darkened burn markings), using a Pressler open-ended questions.
increment borer. We sampled non-fire scarred trees distributed as Questions examined in this paper refer to inhabitants’ per-
broadly as possible across each of the two study areas. All wood spectives on fire causes, fire sizes, attitudes towards fire and
samples were air dried, sanded using several papers of successively fire use (see Table 2). To test for possible differences in answers
finer grains until tree-rings were clearly visible and then visually between groups of respondents (e.g. between municipalities),
cross-dated. The sampling area was approximately from 1 to 3 ha
in each study site.
We interpreted forest stand structure (i.e. primarily canopy
cover) in the two selected study sites/municipalities using his-
torical aerial photographs (see Fig. 3). Aerial photographs were
obtained from the Spanish army’s geographical services and
included color photographs for 2011 for both Rozas and Casillas. To
analyze the data, we placed a grid over the existing cartography for
the two municipalities and numbered each grid cell (Nowak et al.,
1996). Using a random number generator 74 grid cells (plots) were
selected for analysis (Rozas n = 27; Casillas n = 47). Only complete
grid cells were analyzed while plots crossing municipal boundaries
were discarded. Grid cells including buildings, roads, orchards and
other man-made infrastructures were also discarded. Grid cells for
the municipality of Casillas covered 5.2 ha while grid cells for Rozas
covered 7.3 ha. To visually estimate foliage cover in both sites we
used a standardized comparison chart in order to determine the
canopy cover for each grid cell. To describe the structure of each
grid cell, we developed a stand structure code with the following
characterizations: no canopy; open, mixed-canopy stand; closed
mixed-canopy stand; closed and small-canopy stand; open and
small-canopy stand; open and large-canopy stand; and closed and
large-canopy stand (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Example aerial imagery used to evaluate landscape structure in the municipalities. (a) Open large canopy, (b) open medium canopy, (c) closed small canopy, (d) closed
mixed canopy. Summary of the proportions of different structure types in the landscapes is shown in Table 3.
non-parametric Mann–Whitney U tests were used to compare Rozas is wine which covers 3.2% (Caja España, 2012) and the
median values of coded responses (all results are reported at the most extensive tree species is C. sativa which is estimated to
95% confidence level). occupy 39% of Rozas forested surface (442 ha). In Casillas, IFN3
data identifies C. sativa, P. pinaster, Q. pyrenaica, Pinus sylvestris
Results L. and, to a lesser extent, Pinus nigra J. F. Arn. as the main tree
species. In Casillas 52.9% of rural lands are forested, while 42.1% are
Biophysical characteristics pasture and shrubland and 4.8% are agricultural land. The chest-
nut forests of Casillas occupy approximately 24% of all forested
Forest cover and land use results land (155 ha), though this figure may be, in fact, larger since it
Based on National Forest Inventory data (IFN3, 2007), forests only accounts for chestnut trees employed for nut production.
within the municipal territory of Rozas de Puerto Real are com- Other chestnuts are classified as timber wood and may consti-
posed mainly of six tree species, namely: C. sativa, Quercus pyrenaica tute a large proportion of the remaining 483 ha of the forested
Willd., P. pinaster, Pinus pinea L., Quercus ilex and Fraxinus angusti- surface.
folia Vahl. In Rozas 40.7% of rural lands are forested while 55.8% Chestnut forest groves in Rozas and Casillas exhibit subtly dif-
form pastures and shrubland (including ‘dehesa’). A ‘dehesa’ is ferent stand structures as can be appreciated in Fig. 2. A significant
an extensive area which is generally, but not always, enclosed, proportion of chestnut forest patches in both Rozas and Casillas
with low densities of old growth trees that allows multiple pas- are composed of young saplings re-sprouting from root systems.
ture and arable farming practices in the spaces between (e.g. see These chestnut trees grow in closed canopy, coppiced stand forma-
Millington et al., 2007). The most important agricultural crop in tions. Results from our dendrochronological sampling indicate that
Table 2
Semantic differential scale questions. Questions were grouped by topic and responses coded for analysis as shown.
Fire cause On a scale from ‘none’ to ‘all’, how many fires were started in this municipality by the following causes? None = 0
[accidental/intentional/natural] in the [past/present] All = 10
Fire size On a scale from ‘small’ to ‘large’ how large in area were the biggest fires in this municipality in the [past/present]? Small = 0
Large = 10
Attitudes to fire On a scale from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’, how do you agree with each of these statements about fire? Strongly disagree = 0
[fires are . . . bad/good/destructive/necessary/useful] Strongly agree = 10
Fire Use On a scale from ‘Not Useful’ to the ‘Best method’, how useful is fire for the following purposes? [clearing land for Not useful = 0
cultivation/clearing land for livestock pasture/improving soil for cultivation/improving livestock pastures/eliminating Best method = 10
shrubs and weeds underneath or near useful trees/eliminating shrubs and weeds in understory of forests/improving
habitat for wildlife (e.g. rabbit, birds)]
F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144 135
Table 3
Landscape cover types in Casillas and Rozas. Percentages of different landscape cover
types derived from aerial photo analysis (e.g. Fig. 3) for 2011 are similar between
municipalities except ‘open, no canopy’ and to a lesser extent ‘closed, small canopy’.
0.41 ha, Casillas 0.42 ha) but once differences in territorial size Accidental 141.0 0.003 205.5 0.091
are accounted for, burnt surface per year was larger in Rozas Intentional 369.5 0.031 236.0 0.597
Natural 194.5 0.060 223.5 0.180
than in Casillas by a factor of 10 (2.12 ha km2 yr−1 compared to
136 F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144
Fig. 5. Perspectives of the ignition cause of (a) past and (b) present fires by municipality. Box plots show the median values, first and third quartiles, with whiskers extending
to 150% of the inter-quartile range. There are statistically significant differences at the 95% confidence level (P < 0.05) between municipalities regarding accidental and
intentional causes of past fires (see Table 3) driven mainly by divergent perspectives of inhabitants of Rozas. There are no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05)
between municipalities for present fires. See Table 2 for questions and response coding.
that they are accidental or natural (Fig. 5b), and there are no signif- TFK survey and interviews
icant statistical differences between municipalities for any class of As can be seen in Fig. 8, fire is perceived as a useful ecosystem
present cause (Table 4). management tool by a large proportion of the survey respondents in
Perspectives on fire size in the past and present vary to dif- both municipalities. The most important perceived utility ascribed
fering degrees between municipalities. We detected a statistical to anthropogenic burning is as a tool for understory burning under
difference in the perspectives of inhabitants between the two woodland, in general, and useful trees (i.e. chestnuts), in partic-
municipalities with regards fires at present (Table 5). Inhabitants ular. In both municipalities more than 60% of the respondents
of Casillas generally perceive fires at present to be larger than believed this to be the case. A second important fire use identified
inhabitants of Rozas (Fig. 6). There is no statistically significant by respondents is both to improve fertility and clear shrubs or trees
difference between municipalities in their perspectives on past from arable land. Again, in both municipalities around 60% of the
fires (Table 5), although the median response for Casillas is smaller
than for Rozas (Fig. 6; 2.0 vs 7.0, respectively). There is a statis-
tically significant difference in perspectives on sizes of present
vs past fires for inhabitants of Casillas (Table 5), with inhabi-
tants perceiving fires to be larger now than in the past (Fig. 6).
There is no statistical difference between perspectives on present
vs past fire sizes in Rozas (Table 5), although median response is
smaller for fires at present compared to the past (Fig. 4; 1.5 vs 7.0,
There are no statistical differences between the municipalities
in terms of median responses to questions about their attitudes
towards fire (whether bad, good, destructive, necessary, useful;
Fig. 7). Furthermore, inhabitants of both municipalities clearly per-
ceive fires as ‘bad’ and ‘destructive’ (most respondents replied
strongly agree) and not ‘good’ (most respondents replied strongly
Table 5
Results of Mann–Whitney U tests for perspectives on fire sizes between time period
(past vs. present) and municipality. Values in bold indicate statistically significant
difference between group medians relative to corresponding probability levels (p,
at the 95% confidence level).
Municipality Period U p
Fig. 8. Attitudes towards fire as an ecosystem management tool. Abbreviations as follows: clear arable and clear pasture are perceived usefulness of fire to clear land from shrubs
and trees for new arable cultivation and pasture, respectively; imprv arable and imprv pasture are perceived usefulness of fire to fertilize existing arable fields or pastures,
respectively; rm woodland and rm forest are perceived usefulness of fire to burn the understory of “wild” woodland (oak, ash, etc.) or under “domesticated” trees (olive,
chestnut, etc.), respectively; and imprv habitat is perceived usefulness of fire to improve habitat for huntable animal species (deer, roe deer, wild boar, partridge, etc.).
138 F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144
Table 6
Components of traditional fire knowledge in Casillas and Rozas. Landscape burning in both Casillas and Rozas was justified by survey respondents with various rationales
which are classified here as ecosystem management strategies.
Agro-silvo-pastoral Chestnut tree groves Burn chestnut leaves so as to visually facilitate chestnut and mushrooms harvesting
Chestnut tree groves Burn leaves and understory so as to facilitate grassland growth in the understory for
possible use as pasture or simply because the landscape looks “cleaner”
Chestnut tree groves Use fire to sift through the chestnut harvest. Fire roasts the useless, insect ridden,
chestnuts by burning into the holes made by perforating insects and killing them. This also
facilitates the separation of healthy from infected chestnuts and prevents insect
proliferation in the stored chestnut harvest
Shrublands “Piornales” (Cytisus Some respondents maintain burning is useful for regenerating or creating new pastures in
spp.) and “Escobares” (Retama shrublands by favouring more palatable new shrub growth and grasses
Traditional landscape maintenance Human-made stonewalls, Eliminate annual growth from the “callejas” (paved, stonewall accesses to individual plots)
roads, terraces and other and the terraces (“bancales”)
landscape infrastructure
Chestnut tree groves Burn remains of small diameter understory shrubs and young trees/sprouts that are
useless for firewood
“Acequias” (human-made Unclog water courses from grass and weeds
irrigation ditches) and natural
water courses
Chestnut tree groves Stop or slow down tree (Q. pyrenaica, P. pinaster) and shrub encroachment into old growth
chestnut groves
Forest structure and Use fire to keep the landscape visually “clean” and to eliminate “shelters” for wild animals
biodiversity (boar, foxes, vipers, etc.) near the village
Forest structure “Pile burning” used to maintain the understory clean in all types of forests, not only
chestnuts, so as to prevent wildfires
Fire and smoke for plant disease Chestnut tree groves Use leaf pile burning to “smoke” individual old growth trees. Some respondents and
control practitioners argued that this was “good” for the trees to prevent fungi infection of stems
though no rationale or scientific justification were provided as to why this would be the
Chestnut tree groves Burning the leaves under old chestnut trees is believed by some survey respondents to
prevent chestnut bleeding canker (“tinta”) and chestnut blight (“chancro”) caused by the
pathogenic fungi Phythophtora cinnamomi and Cryphonectria parasitica, respectively. There
was a certain debate about what technique to use in order to accomplish this more
effectively whether “pile burning” or “a manta” broadcast burning
Chestnut tree groves Some respondents argued that it was also convenient to burn the hollow “catface” of fire
scarred old-growth chestnut trees by piling leaves or straw inside the trunk cavity and
igniting a slow burn so as to prevent fungal and insect attacks
Cultural tradition Chestnut tree groves Fire forms a part of the cultural feast of the “Calbote”, “Calbotada” or “Calbotá” which is
held in both municipalities around November 1st. In this feast locals build bonfires under
the chestnut groves. The feast marks the end of the summer “growing” season and either
the beginning or the end of the chestnut harvest (depending on weather conditions)
small landowners through other means. As another interviewee towards traditional ecosystem management practices associated
explained: with stockbreeding or agriculture. As an interviewee in Rozas
Yo vendi a los ‘Reginos’ obligado prácticamente porque no
limpiaban sus fincas y asi yo no tenia acceso a las mias. Para Antiguamente la Comunidad pagaba para limpiar el monte
eso mejor venderlas. ahora ya nada. Hace poco dieron algo para hacer unas rutas de
senderismo pero ahora estan abandonadas
(I was practically forced to sell to the Reginos because they didn’t
(Some time ago the regional government would pay for us to
clean their land plots and so I couldn’t reach mine. So before they
disappeared I chose to sell to them). keep the forests clean but now nothing. . . Lately, they spent
some money in creating some hiking paths but those have also
In the 1980s “Los Reginos” sold their lands, in turn, to wealthy been abandoned).
families from Madrid for use as recreational hunting estates. This
This same interviewee also expressed his dismay about having
decade-long process of land grabbing may have generated some
to apply for burning permits and paying a tax for them:
conflict within the municipality, according to some survey respon-
dents, and may constitute the social setting leading to the large fires Ahora hay que pagar para quemar D 1 o D 1.5 por metro. En
in the municipality. As an interviewee put it: seguida vienen los helicópteros cuando quemas algo ahí estan
Pueblo pequeño, infierno grande. Hay mucha rivalidad y ene-
(Now you have to pay to burn about D 1 or D 1.50 per square
mistad entre los que tienen fincas grandes y pequeñas. En Rozas
meter and as soon as you burn they send the helicopter to con-
los fuegos han sido todos por venganza
trol you).
(Small town, large hell. There is a lot of enmity between those Finally, another interviewee openly accused the authorities of
who have large and small estates. In Rozas all the fires are moti- mismanaging the few forestry projects that are actually funded in
vated by revenge). the municipality’s communal lands:
Regarding the Comunidad de Madrid’s forest and rural devel- El monte publico esta sin arboles. Hace 8 años se repoblo con
opment policies, many interviewees from Rozas complained about castaños y se gastaron unos D 118.000 pero no se cuido y desa-
a certain disdain or even hostility on the part of the authorities parecieron
F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144 139
(The comunal lands have no trees. About 8 years ago they refor- based on TFK burning practices (Seijo and Gray, 2012). This is ren-
ested with chestnuts and they spent about D 118,000 but they dered most evident by the fire season and frequency data obtained
didn’t take care of them and they disappeared). from the official municipal individual fire reports (see the “Individ-
ual fire reports” section). Most fire incidents in Casillas still take
Even the management of hunting estates, which seems to be
place in the traditional fire season (i.e. autumn and spring months,
the main land use priority for the Comunidad de Madrid’s regional
Fig. 4) and seem to be linked to the management devoted to the pro-
government in the municipality, does not escape the scrutiny of
duction of chestnuts, firewood and, occasionally, timber or other
Rozas inhabitants. As an interviewee from Rozas told us:
uses compatible with and related to TFK management goals (see
Antes habia cebada, trigo, centeno, algarroba y claro las perdices Table 6).
eran como gallinas. Ahora como esta todo a monte no hay mas In Rozas, on the other hand, the vast majority (71%) of fires occur
que jabalíes y estos no las dejan criar. in summer months, seemingly corresponding to the markedly dif-
ferent rationale of an “industrial or post-industrial anthropogenic
(In the old times the fields were planted with barley, wheat, rye
fire regime” with fire regime attributes in all likelihood linked to
and carob kernel and the partridges were like chickens. Now
different land use (greater abandoned shrubland in Rozas), land
everything is abandoned and there’s only wild boar because the
tenure (larger land holdings used as hunting estates) and the aban-
boar eats the partridges’ eggs).
donment of traditional fire use (Seijo and Gray, 2012; Huffman,
In Casillas interviewees also manifested their discontent with 2013; Fernandes et al., 2014). This is not to say that absolutely
the Castilla y Leon community authorities thought to a lesser extent all fire incidents in both municipalities respond to the aforemen-
than in Rozas. When asked to compare the management of chest- tioned theoretical characterizations. Some fire incidents in Rozas
nuts in both municipalities an interviewee in Casillas succinctly may indeed respond to the logic of the “pre-industrial anthro-
told us: pogenic fire regime” (fires linked to pastoral or chestnut understory
burning which then burned out of control to unintended areas) and
El castaño en Rozas es de propiedad comunal y aquí en Casillas
vice versa for Casillas.
es todo privado y por eso esta bien
Fires in Rozas are less frequent than in Casillas but have a much
(The chestnut groves in Rozas are communal whereas here in larger mean size (see the “Individual fire reports” section). While
Casillas its all private that’s why here it’s well kept). official fire statistics in Casillas actually registered far more fire inci-
dents than in Rozas (by a factor of almost 2:1) annual burnt surface
However, the same interviewee noted increased intervention-
in Casillas was inferior to Rozas by a factor of 1:24. In other words,
ism on the part of the regional authorities on privately owned
more frequent, traditional seasonal burning in Casillas produces
chestnut forest groves and traditional management practices in
less burnt annual forest surface overall than in Rozas. This differ-
ence may be an indirect consequence of both the fuel structure
Estos bosques los han plantado nuestros padres y abuelos y of chestnut grove forest stands resulting from frequent TFK-based
ahora tienes que pedir permiso hasta para hacer una poda, no burning (open with larger, older trees; Fig. 2) and the fire season
hay derecho. preferred by TFK practitioners (unintended fire escapes are likely
to be less common if burning takes place during the less dry and
(These trees were planted by our grandparents and parents and
hot Spring, Autumn and Winter months; Fig. 9, Table 6). In addi-
now you have to ask for a permit even to prune them. It’s unfair).
tion, Casillas, in spite of having a smaller fire return interval than
Since, in the 1950s and 1960s, the regional government of Rozas, has not experienced any large fires during the 1984–2009
Castilla y Leon was perceived as being more supportive in its poli- period while in Rozas a “large fire” event took place in 1985. These
cies of pine tree plantations than chestnut forests, criticism of the results seem to replicate Minnich’s (1983) findings on the contrast
regional government’s forest policies appear in a subtler manner between fire regimes in Baja California (Mexico) – where during
such as in this quote from another Casillas interviewee: the time of his study state fire suppression policies had never
been implemented – and California (USA) where active state fire
Estoy de acuerdo en que planten mas castaños. Pinos no. La
suppression policies had been a part of the landscape since the
castaña se puede vender a la cooperativa y sacar una renta pero
beginning of the 20th century. These findings have been confirmed
la madera de pino ahora no la quiere nadie, ni la resina tampoco
and further refined in posterior comparative studies of fire regimes
(I think that more chestnut trees should be planted not pines. in both countries (Stephens et al., 2008).
We can sell the chestnuts to the cooperative but no one wants
the pine wood now or the resin). Perceptions of past and present fire regimes
Fig. 9. Traditional fire knowledge for agro-sylvo-pastoral uses and traditional landscape maintenance. The ‘pile-burning’ technique involves (a) raking, (b) piling and (c) igniting
leaves. This contrasts with ‘a manta’ broadcast burning in which leaves and ground litter are burned across larger areas (as used in the area shown in d).
resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of the arsonist. These arson or crimes (Seijo, 2009; Paveglio et al., 2011; Altangerel and Kull,
fires were frequently mentioned in the course of the in-depth inter- 2013). Such public opinion formation processes associated with the
views in Casillas where respondents were eager to differentiate implementation of fire exclusion policies among local community
between the positive ecological effects and rationale of traditional practitioners have been observed elsewhere around the world (for
fire use and the “destructive” character of these arson fires. The per- example, in Mexico; Matthews, 2003).
ception on the “intentionality” of “past” and “current” fires in Rozas A final perception on TFK based fire use appeared during the
may be related, on the other hand, to conflicts over land tenure and interviewing process but cannot be quantified through the sur-
land use which many respondents, during the in-depth interviews, vey responses. These observations relate to the adequate use of
believed to have been the driving force of most fire incidents in the “a manta” (broadcast) vs “pile” burning techniques (Table 6). Some
municipality in the recent past (see the “TFK survey and interviews” respondents argued that the most frequent burning technique in
section). the past was that of “a manta” broadcast rather than “pile” burning.
Other perceptions that are worth noting concern the size of fires
and their “useful” or “destructive” character in both municipali- Factors conditioning present TFK-based fire use in Casillas and
ties. A majority of respondents in Casillas believe that fires in the Rozas
past were smaller than at present. Could this perception reflect,
again, the general impression left by the “atypical” arson fire events Why do we currently see more TFK-based landscape burning in
that took place in 2009 or could it possibly be related to a gen- Casillas but not in Rozas? This is an important question for fire man-
eral sense that TFK based burning may be withering away as a agement, particularly if future research verifies that TFK-based fire
result of young people not participating as much in these tradi- practices favour chestnut ecosystem resilience to disturbances and
tional practices? Perhaps this could also simply reflect differences carbon sequestration. If this were to be the case, managers in these
in the property structure of both municipalities since individual ecosystems may deem it necessary to “retain or attain” (perhaps
plots are much larger in Rozas than Casillas, hence fires would through prescribed burning surrogate techniques where traditional
always have been larger in Rozas than in Casillas both in the past burning has disappeared) the “pre-industrial anthropogenic fire
and in the present (see Table 7). Finally, there is a perception in both
municipalities that fires are generally “bad” although, contradicto- Table 7
rily, most respondents also believe that they are often “necessary” Indicators of property structure of rural lands in Rozas and Casillas. Data are from
and “useful”. This generalized “negative” perception of fire may Caja España (2012).
be expressing a “framing effect” resulting from fire exclusion poli- Indicator Casillas Rozas
cies implemented by the regional forest agencies of Castilla y León
Total rural land owners 1005 591
and Madrid in both municipalities where all fires, including those Total rural land ownership plots 5874 1448
related to TFK based burning, are depicted in governmental pub- Rural land area (ha) 1208 2969
lic information campaigns as destructive ecological catastrophes Mean plot area (ha) 0.21 2.10
F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144 141
regime” either through rural development policies implementing the abandonment of traditional management practices (see the
“payment for ecosystem services” schemes or just simply by pro- “TFK survey and interviews” section). The communal chestnut
viding the adequate incentives for fire practitioners to continue forests that still remain in Rozas may have also suffered a simi-
doing what they are already doing (Gill et al., 2014; Redford and lar fate though for different reasons. EU and regional community
Adams, 2009; Galiana et al., 2013). Although it is difficult to quan- forest agency rural development projects have actively subsidized
tify the exact mechanisms whereby human system dynamics may a “wildland” management approach for these forests since it is
be influencing this outcome we suggest that the answer to this believed that urban “ecotourists” prefer a less disturbed “wild” nat-
question may lie in a series of interrelated social, political, cultural ural environment for their recreational activities rather than a more
and economic transformations related to the uneven impacts of the kept “humanized” landscape (Mayor of Rozas, pers. comm. and the
protracted “industrialization” and “post-industrialization” process “TFK survey and interviews” section). When compounded all of
taking place throughout the second half of the 20th and the begin- these factors create a very inauspicious environment for traditional
ning of the 21st century in both municipalities, in particular, and fire practitioners in Rozas.
more generally throughout Spain as has been suggested in other In Casillas, on the other hand, the industrialization process
studies (Seijo and Gray, 2012). unfolded quite differently which may have led to a social environ-
An important factor that may play a role in the relative absence ment more conducive to the continuity of traditional TFK based
of TFK in Rozas is the different intensity with which fire exclu- burning. In the 1970s, the P. pinaster resin tapping industry in
sion and suppression policies have been implemented by the fire the area declined sharply because of increasing labour costs and
agency of the autonomous community of Madrid compared to that the availability of synthetic substitutes for resin. In addition, resin
of Castilla y León. State fire exclusion policies seem to have, indeed, tapping only provided seasonal employment for the inhabitants of
played an important role in determining the evolution of anthro- Casillas in the first place. Both factors in all probability, halted the
pogenic fire regimes not only in Spain but also throughout the expansion of cluster pine plantations and their encroachment into
world (Minnich, 1983; Kull, 2002; Seijo, 2005; Laris and Wardell, chestnut forest groves, while simultaneously creating an economic
2006; Stephens et al., 2008; Montiel, 2013; Fernandes et al., incentive for the maintenance of the pre-industrial era chestnut
2014). Political scientists have hypothesized, for instance, that the groves as a complementary source of income to seasonal work in
same international governance rural development or environmen- resin-tapping, industry or construction. In addition, the people of
tal policies may have contrasting impacts depending on the relative Casillas set up a cooperative to facilitate the commercialization
“strength” or “weakness” of the implementing national state orga- of chestnuts which has led to an easy access to cash in exchange
nizations (Migdal, 1988; Scott, 1999; Guha, 2000; Goldman, 2005; for chestnuts for its inhabitants (see the “TFK survey and inter-
Seijo and Gray, 2012). This could very well be the case in Rozas views” section). The combination then of a more divided property
and Casillas. As can be seen in Table 1 expenditure in fire exclusion structure, stability in land use practices and economic incentives
policies in Rozas is higher than in Casillas by a factor of five. This to maintain chestnut production has likely contributed to the con-
could likely translate into a greater pressure on fire practitioners tinuity of traditional fire practices in the municipality.
in Rozas to discontinue traditional burning. For example, in-depth
interview respondents in Rozas noted that, frequently, when they Broader implications of TFK decline for fire management policies
lit a bonfire or conducted a pile burn in their fields, a forest agency
helicopter would fly over them or a police (Guardia Civil) vehicle The implications of these findings for the ongoing scholarly
would appear in the scene (see the “TFK survey and interviews” sec- debates outlined in the “Introduction” section of this article are
tion). This is facilitated by the fact that the firefighting station for important. The specific mechanisms by which TFK-based burning
the Madrid forest agency is located only a few kilometres away in practices maintain ecosystem structure and function in tradition-
San Martín de Valdeiglesias. In Casillas, however, which is under the ally managed chestnut forests (outlined in Table 6) has rarely been
jurisdiction of the autonomous community of Castilla y Leon, for- described in the literature, though it may be indispensable. Fur-
est agency pressure is much lower though, according to the survey ther research would therefore be needed to investigate longer time
respondents, it is also increasing. scales in order to fully verify these observations using, if possible,
Two other factors that may be playing a role in the different dendrochronology to rebuild the fire histories of these landscapes
TFK-based practices in Rozas and Casillas concern developments in (Swetnam et al., 1999). Comparative research would also be nec-
land tenure and land use since the 1950s. Today, property is con- essary in other European regions (in the Mediterranean Basin and
centrated in the hands of fewer owners in Rozas than in Casillas beyond), where chestnut forests are still managed traditionally but
(Table 7). Correspondingly, the total number of ownership plots also in other sites where traditional practices have been abandoned,
is greater in Casillas and mean plot area is an order of magnitude so as to build a complete typology of the ecological rationale for TFK
smaller than in Rozas. This was not always the case. The trans- practices in these ecosystems.
formation in both land tenure and use in Rozas were driven by the The emphasis placed by Pezzatti et al.’s (2013) model for Fire
entrepreneurial family known locally as “Los Reginos” (see the “TFK Paradox on fire frequency and burnt area as quantitative indicators
survey and interviews” section). “Los Reginos” owned much of the of changing fire regimes in chestnut forest ecosystems is particu-
local resin pine industry, and were thus the main employers in the larly relevant from a policy point of view because, when other fire
region, and also dominated local politics during the dictatorships regime attributes are taken into consideration, it may be telling only
of generals Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923–1930) and Francisco a part of the story. Pezzatti et al.’s model does not account for crucial
Franco (1939–1975). After the large fires of the 1980s, significant fire regime attributes in chestnut ecosystems such as fire season.
land use changes took place in the larger properties once owned As we have seen in Casillas, where TFK-based burning practices are
by “Los Reginos”. Under the new owners these properties were more prevalent, the “pre-industrial anthropogenic fire regime” may
either transformed into recreational hunting estates or chestnut well be characterized by a spring/autumn fire season as opposed
tree plantations for timber. Traditional chestnut recollection and its to that in Rozas where the vast majority of fire events take place
associated management practices were subsequently abandoned. during the summer months (Fig. 4; the “Contrasting anthropogenic
These transformations in land use and tenure may have elim- fire regimes” section). Seasonality, then, is an important quantifi-
inated much of the rationale for TFK-based burning in Rozas. The able indicator that, in view of our study’s findings, should also be
enclosure of the large hunting estates also blocked or made access taken into account when identifying fire regime change points in
to individual plots embedded within them difficult resulting in chestnut forests as Pezzatti et al. (2013) do in their study.
142 F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144
Another aspect of Pezzatti et al.’s (2013) model for Fire Para- landscapes with fire in the traditional manner. Evidence from Rozas
dox that seems to require further refinement is related to the suggests that “ecotourism” initiatives–by fostering a “wildland”
land use (human system) indicator chosen for quantification. approach to the management of chestnut forests–may in fact pro-
Stockbreeding, though undoubtedly an important indicator of pre- duce the opposite effect.
industrial traditional land use practices associated with chestnut In sum, references to local community stakeholders’ prefer-
forest ecosystems, is not the only human system variable that may ences, attitudes and rationale regarding ecosystem management,
impact on their structure, process and disturbance regimes. Chest- state rural development policies and state fire exclusion policies are
nut collection in both of our study sites seems to have been, in fact, notoriously absent or have been “forgotten” – similarly to observa-
the crucial socio-economic driver of traditional fire practices and tions on native American fire use practices in Omer C. Stewart’s time
forest stand structure and, should, therefore be taken into account (Stewart, 1957) – in the published results of Fire Paradox and meth-
as a valid human system indicator worthy of quantification. ods leading to their obtainment have not been contemplated with
Finally, Pezzatti et al.’s concluding “policy lesson”, as derived the exception of some questionnaires distributed among repre-
from their model’s findings, regarding the proven effectiveness of sentatives of the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development,
“absolute fire bans” on reducing fire frequency and burnt area dur- Environment and Civil Protection of various EU member countries
ing certain historical periods seems to require further clarification, (Galiana et al., 2013). This is unfortunate because some of the
given our findings that large fires and burnt surface per year are most promising leads in contemporary fire management seem to
greater in Rozas, where fire suppression policies are more strictly be emerging from non-state, local community initiatives as well
enforced. This is especially important when considering that the as from state forest and forest-related policies that integrate local
final objective of Fire Paradox is to provide an impetus for a new knowledge and practices (Agrawal et al., 2008; Raymond et al.,
fire management paradigm in Europe that moves away from the 2010).
“ecologically undesirable” (Pezzatti et al., 2013: 7) and “economi- The clock, of course, cannot be turned back and it would be
cally unfeasible” (Montiel et al., 2013: 1) fire exclusion policies of both impossible and undesirable to recreate the pre-industrial
the past. economic, cultural and social human systems that favoured the
If TFK-based fire practices are at the root of the “pre-industrial expansion of Europe’s chestnut forests 2000 years ago (Conedera
anthropogenic fire regime,” we have characterized in this study, and Krebs, 2008). However, there exists a wide range of policy
and to which chestnut forest ecosystems have become adapted options available to managers who would find it desirable to main-
through the centuries, what can, or should be, done to “retain or tain TFK-based practices in these (and similar) ecosystems, both
attain” (Gill et al., 2014) them so as to maintain the ecologically as a means of conserving them but also possibly strengthening
desirable fire cycle that has made possible the existence of these their resilience to likely future disturbance regime transformations
landscapes for centuries? A first necessary step would entail the linked to climate change in Mediterranean type ecosystems (Millar
scientific validation of the fire management strategies and uses et al., 2007; Pérez and Boscolo, 2010; Fernandes et al., 2013). In
articulated by TFK practitioners in Table 6. Second, the human chestnut forest ecosystems, the simplest strategy would probably
system dynamics that favour the preservation of these TFK-based be to facilitate the profitable commercialization of chestnuts either
practices need to be identified and preferably quantified so as to by supporting cooperatives of producers, such as those existing
better inform policymaking in similar ecosystems elsewhere. A already in Casillas, or through other locally tailored or Europe-wide
third line for future research would imply studying the effects on marketing initiatives. Other options could include payment for
biodiversity of maintaining the traditional pre-industrial chestnut ecosystem services (Redford and Adams, 2009) or even surrogate
forest ecosystem structure (Fig. 2a) or abandoning it to change prescribed burning carried out by professionals that would comple-
driven by succession and competition (Fig. 2b). Anecdotal evidence ment or replicate the small patch-burning mosaic pattern produced
obtained from the survey respondents indicates that in the absence by TFK-based burning practices (Abbot and Burrows, 2003; Bilbao
of TFK practices and traditional land use, a range of animal species et al., 2010; Fernandes et al., 2013).
(rabbits, partridge, etc.) are substituted by others more adapted to
abandoned chestnut forest landscapes (wild boar, roe deer, etc.). In
these and other ecosystems in which TFK practices are declining,
scientists and landscape managers will need to clarify and recon-
Practices based on Traditional Fire Knowledge (TFK) in the
cile impacts with desired biodiversity and conservation goals (see
chestnut forest ecosystems of the mountains of Gredos exhibit a
the “TFK survey and interviews” section).
level of sophistication that deserves further attention from sci-
What our findings seem to suggest – from a policy perspective –
entific researchers, foresters and environmental managers. By
is that rural development policies that overlap and converge with
(attempting to) exclude fire from ecosystems that can be consid-
the socio-economic effects of state fire exclusion policies can have
ered to be “fire adapted”, contemporary fire management policies
a significant impact on fire regime change. This contrasts sharply
may be ignoring some promising leads as to how to manage and
with some of the conclusions of Fire Paradox (Galiana et al., 2013;
conserve such ecosystems in the future. This is particularly impor-
Montiel, 2013). Galiana et al. (2013) affirm, for instance, that, “It
tant in light of disturbance regime transformations likely to be
should be recognized that large territories cannot be managed
induced by anthropogenic climate change in forest ecosystems.
by means of agricultural or stockbreeding activities any longer;
In locations where TFK-based “pre-industrial anthropogenic fire
the abandonment of traditional forest management is not to be
regimes” still exist, ecosystem management strategies for adap-
reversed. . . The likelihood of success is beyond the reach of the
tation and mitigation to climate change could be conceivably
policies (i.e. forest-related rural development EU initiatives) under
implemented at a minimal economic and political cost to the state
analysis” (: 44). As our study sites show, however, rural develop-
by local communities that have both the TFK and the adequate
ment and fire exclusion policies (or rather their “weak” or “strong”
social, economic and cultural incentives to use it.
implementation) seem to have a significant impact on changing fire
regimes. Indeed, the emphasis placed by Fire Paradox on top-down
solutions to the issue of changing fire regimes in Europe through Acknowledgements
measures such as “Fire Framework Directives” or “Ecotourism”
rural development initiatives will probably not accomplish much This research was made possible by an Academic Out-
in motivating local communities to continue managing their reach Engagement Grant from Middlebury College. The following
F. Seijo et al. / Land Use Policy 47 (2015) 130–144 143
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