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Non Reportable: J U D G M E N T A.S. Bopanna, J

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Ketan Suresh Pawar & Anr.                     ….Petitioner (s)


Yuvraj Sandeepan Sawant & Anr.         ….  Respondent(s)


  A.S. Bopanna,J.        

1. The petitioners are before this Court assailing the

order   dated   13.02.2019   passed   by   the   High   Court   of

Judicature at Bombay in Criminal Bail Application No.191

of 2019.  Through the said order the learned Judge of the

Signature Not Verified

High Court has directed the release of the respondent No.1
Digitally signed by
Date: 2019.08.27
16:56:12 IST
herein subject to the conditions imposed therein.  Though

the petitioners were not parties to the proceedings before
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the High Court, being the complainants, which culminated

in the registration of the F.I.R. No. 485 of 2014 registered

under Sec. 420, 406, 465, 467, 468, 471 and 34 IPC on

27.11.2014 with  Khar Police Station, they are in that view

claiming to be aggrieved by the grant of bail.  

2. Heard   Shri   Viraj   Kadam   learned   counsel   for   the

petitioners,   Shri   R.   Basant,   learned   senior   counsel   for

respondent   No.1   and   Shri   Nishant   Ramakantrao

Katneshwarkar   learned   counsel   for   respondent   No.2   ­

State and perused the petition papers. 

3. The brief facts leading to the case put forth by the

prosecution   is   that   in   the   year   2014   one   Yogesh   Ahir

lodged a complaint against Sunita Tupsaundarya, Ramesh

Chavan, Jitendra Gadia and Yuvraj Sawant Patil.   In the

complaint it is alleged that the complainant was in search

of a premises for purchase and had accordingly traced the

Estate Agent namely the Jitendra Gadia who was dealing

in   bank   auction   flats.     The   said   Estate   Agent   had

represented  to  the  complainant about the Special Quota

Scheme   under   which   the   premises   could   be   purchased

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without   the   lottery   system.     The   complainant   having

shown   his   willingness   had   paid   Rs.3   lakhs   to   Vijaynath

Pal   and   received   possession   letter   of   the   premises   from

Jitendra   Gadia.     The   further   payments   made   in   that

regard to Jitendra Gadia is referred in the complaint and it

is alleged that the false assurances given were not fulfilled.

In that regard though cheques of Rs.10 lakhs and Rs.15

lakhs were received by the complainant from Sunita Tupe

the   said   cheques   were   dishonoured   and   accordingly   the

complainant was cheated to the extent of Rs.26.50 lakhs.

The case is also that in respect of the complaint the co­

accused   of   the   respondent   No.1   were   arrested   and   on

completing   the   investigation,   the   charge   sheet   was   filed

against them.   However, the respondent No.1 herein was

arrested on 18.12.2018.  In that view the respondent No.1

herein   filed   the   application   for   bail   before   the   Sessions

Court   which   was   rejected   through   the   order   dated

04.01.2019.  It is in that light the petition was filed before

the High Court seeking bail.  The High court having taken

note   of   the   sequence   of   events   and   also   taking   into

consideration the nature of the offence alleged and the role
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of the other co­accused, further taking note that the other

accused are granted bail, has allowed the application filed

by the respondent No.1, enlarging him on bail.

  4.             The   learned   counsel   for   the   petitioners   while

assailing         the   order   passed   by   the   High   Court   has

primarily   contended   that   the   order   dated   13.02.2019

passed by the High Court does not assign any reason for

the conclusion to grant the bail.  Though at this point, it is

not disputed that a detailed order has also been passed by

the   High   Court,   the   learned   counsel   would   refer   to   the

copy   produced   along   with   the   counter   affidavit   filed   on

behalf of respondent No.1 to contend that the same was

uploaded   only   on   30.04.2019   and   as   such   the   reasons

were   not   available   on   13.02.2019.     It   is   his   further

contention that the learned Judges of the Committal Court

as   also   the   learned   Judge   of   the   Sessions   Court   have

rejected   the   bail   application   after   assigning   appropriate

reasons.  Despite that, the High Court without reference to

these   aspects   of   the   matter  has  allowed  the application.

Insofar as the allegations as contained in the complaint, it

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is contended that the respondent No.1 being an employee

of MHADA has indulged in committing fraud and deceiving

several persons. It is his further case that the respondent

No.1 is highly influential and in that circumstance, he had

evaded arrest till December, 2018.   In view of his arrest,

further   investigation   would   be   necessary   and   the

additional charge sheet is to be filed.  Hence his release on

bail would not be appropriate.

5. The learned senior counsel appearing on behalf of

Respondent No.1 has, however, contended that the High

Court in fact has passed a detailed order on 13.02.2019

itself as is evident on the face of the order but if there was

delay in uploading the same it cannot affect the validity of

the order.  It is pointed out that the delay in arresting the

respondent No.1 is not on account of the respondent No.1

evading   the   arrest.     It   is   his   contention   that   the

respondent No.1 who is named Yuvraj Sandeepan Sawant

is   not   in   fact   the   person   involved   as   the   complaint   was

filed   against   one   Yuvraj   Patil   Sawant   and   the   other

persons named in the complaint.  In that circumstance, it

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is   contended   that   the  High  Court having  referred to the

nature   of   the   complaint   and   also   having   taken   into

consideration   that   the   other   accused   have   been   granted

bail   despite   the   remand   application   referring   to   the   role

played by them, has granted bail to respondent No.1.   In

that  view it is  contended that when the High Court has

taken note of all aspects and exercised the discretion to

grant the bail the same does not call for interference.

6. At the outset, insofar as the contention relating to

the   impugned   order   not   containing   reasons   for   the

conclusion; presently when it is noticed that the detailed

order is available, merely on the ground that the detailed

order   was   uploaded   on   30.04.2019   we   do   not   find   it

appropriate to doubt the existence of the order inasmuch

as  the   detailed  order  also indicates the date 13.02.2019

and   the   order   dated   13.02.2019   impugned   by   the

petitioners   herein  appears to  be the  operative portion  of

the detailed order.   In that regard it cannot be lost sight

that in cases where liberty of the person is involved and

the   relief   to   enlarge   on   bail   is   granted,   for   immediate

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compliance the operative portion would be made available

immediately and a copy may have been retained in the file.

In that circumstance the contention on that aspect alone

need   not   be   taken   as   a   circumstance   for   this   Court   to

interfere   with   the   order   passed   by   the   High   Court   by

construing it as a non­speaking order.

7. Insofar   as   the   aspect   with   regard   to   the

discrepancy in  the name of the respondent No. 1 in the

complaint   and   the   contentions   urged   thereto   by   the

learned senior counsel for respondent No. 1 also need not

be   gone   into   in   the   instant   proceedings   since   those   are

aspects which would remain as a defence in the trial and

the complicity or otherwise of the respondent No. 1 on that

basis would be determined therein.   Therefore, limited to

the aspect relating to consideration of an application for

bail, the matter needs to be noted.   Though the F.I.R. is

lodged   on   27.11.2014   and   the   respondent   No.   1   herein

was arrested during December, 2018, it is not borne out

from the record that the arrest was not possible as he was

absconding or was evaded in any other manner.   On the

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other hand, the investigating agencies themselves had not

arrested him at an earlier point and the same cannot be

held   against  the   respondent No. 1 as a circumstance  to

deny   bail   by   accepting   the   contentions   put   forth   by   the

learned counsel for the petitioners herein.  That apart the

observations contained in the order dated 04.01.2019 of

the   learned   Sessions   Judge   referred   to   by   the   learned

counsel for the petitioners that there was intervention by a

Central Minister was not based on any concrete material

and further the fact remains that the respondent No. 1 in

any event was arrested and the instant consideration was

for a regular bail and not one for anticipatory bail so as to

take the same as a basis for consideration.

8. In   that   background   considering   that   the   charge

sheet had been filed and the other co­accused have been

enlarged   on   bail,   the   High   Court   has   considered   it

appropriate to grant the bail in favour of the respondent

No.   1   herein.       Though   the   learned   counsel   for   the

petitioner herein contends that the allegations against the

respondent   No.   1   is   of   a   serious   nature,   the   present

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custody being prior to trial the same cannot be treated as

one after conviction so as to deny the bail based only on

the allegation though in appropriate cases the same is also

to   be   kept   in   perspective.     The   allegations   in   any   event

would be gone into in the trial.   Even if a supplementary

charge sheet is required to be filed, the respondent No. 1

was available in custody from the date of his arrest till the

grant of bail.   That apart, the State/Investigating Agency

has   not   made   any   grievance   by   challenging   the   order,

contending that his custody is required for interrogation.

Even   if   he   is   on   bail,   he   shall   certainly   make   himself

available.  In addition, it is seen that the respondent No. 1

was   released   on   bail   as   far   back   as   on   13.02.2019  and

there is no material on record to indicate that as on today

any of the conditions imposed while granting bail has been

violated. Needless to mention that if the respondent No.1

violates   the   bail   conditions,   it   will   be   open   for   the

petitioner   herein   to   approach   the   High   Court   in   that


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9. The learned counsel for the petitioners has placed

reliance   on   the   judgment   of   this   Court   in   the   case   of

Chandrakeshwar Prasad @ Chandu Babu & Anr. vs.

State of Bihar & Ors. (2016) 9 SCC 443 to contend that

in the said case it was held that the High Court had erred

in granting bail to the respondent accused therein without

taking   into   consideration   the   overall   facts   otherwise

having a bearing on the exercise of its discretion on the

issue.   In the  said case it is noticed that the F.I.R. had

indicated that the accused is a habitual offender and he

had   already   been   awarded   two   sentences   of   life

imprisonment and also named in several criminal cases.

The accused therein was also a category­A history sheeter

in   view   of   his   persistent   criminal   antecedents.     In   that

background in the case which was being dealt with and

the   bail   was   under   consideration,   he   had   been   charged

with the offence of facilitating the murder of a witness in a

case   in   which   he   was   being   tried.     In   that   background,

having   considered   all   aspects   this   Court   had   arrived   at

such   conclusion.     Needless   to   mention,   in   a   matter

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relating to consideration of a bail application the facts of

each   case   will   have   to   be   weighed   on   its   own   merits

keeping   in   view   the   principles   for   grant   of   bail,   while

exercising  the  discretion available to the Court.   In that

background,   in   the   instant   case,   for   the   reasons   stated

above   the   discretion   as   exercised   by   the   High   Court

cannot be termed as erroneous. 

10. Accordingly, we see no reason to interfere with the

order   dated   13.02.2019   impugned   herein.     The   special

leave petition being devoid of merits stands dismissed.


                                              (A.S. BOPANNA)
New Delhi,
August 27, 2019

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