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NCP Activity Intolerance

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Name: Patient S.M.N.

Date: October 1, 2019

Age/Sex: 83 years old/Female Area: Lorma 3C

Problem: Activity Intolerance

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Activity intolerance After 3-4 hours of Independent: Goal met.

“Haan ak unay related to airway nursing interventions, -Monitor vital signs -Use as a baseline data to After 3-4 hours of

makagaraw ta problem as the patient will be able determine underlying nursing intervention,

agkakapsot ak.” As evidenced by tired to: condition patient was able to

verbalized by the appearance and -Engage in normal engage in normal

patient. dyspnea due to an activities with absence activities with

Objective: asthma attack of fatigue -Establish rapport -To gain patient and absence of fatigue

HR: 122 relative’s trust and have a and verbalized “Mas

RR: 24 good student nurse-patient makagaraw ak

T: 37℃ relationship metten ken adda

O2Sat: 95% met pigsa kon.”

- Assess the presence of -Provides information about

weakness and energy reserves as

fatigue caused by airway dyspnea and work of

problem. breathing over a period of

time wears out these


-Disturb only when necessary, -Conserves energy and

perform all care at one time limits interruption in rest.

instead of spreading over a

long period of time, and avoid

doing any care or procedures

during an attack.

-Schedule and provide rest -Promotes adequate rest

periods in a calm peaceful and decreases stimuli.

-Provide health teachings -Helps the patient gain

about the health problem, its knowledge about the

causes, risks, prevention and diseases process by

management. providing an organized flow

of teaching

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