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Infecciones y Examenes IDSA 2018

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Clinical Infectious Diseases


A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory

for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: 2018 Update by the
Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American
Society for Microbiologya
J. Michael Miller,1 Matthew J. Binnicker,2 Sheldon Campbell,3 Karen C. Carroll,4 Kimberle C. Chapin,5 Peter H. Gilligan,6 Mark D. Gonzalez,7
Robert C. Jerris,7 Sue C. Kehl,8 Robin Patel,2 Bobbi S. Pritt,2 Sandra S. Richter,9 Barbara Robinson-Dunn,10 Joseph D. Schwartzman,11
James W. Snyder,12 Sam Telford III,13 Elitza S. Theel,2 Richard B. Thomson Jr,14 Melvin P. Weinstein,15 and Joseph D. Yao2
Microbiology Technical Services, LLC, Dunwoody, Georgia; 2Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; 3Yale
University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut; 4Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland; 5Department of Pathology, Rhode Island Hospital,
Providence; 6Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; 7Department of Pathology, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Georgia; 8Medical College
of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; 9Department of Laboratory Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio; 10Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Beaumont Health, Royal Oak, Michigan; 11Dartmouth-
Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire; 12Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville, Kentucky; 13Department of Infectious Disease and Global Health,
Tufts University, North Grafton, Massachusetts; 14Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, Illinois; and 15Departments of Medicine and
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey


Introduction and Executive Summary

I. Bloodstream Infections and Infections of the Cardiovascular System
II. Central Nervous System Infections
III. Ocular Infections
IV. Soft Tissue Infections of the Head and Neck
V. Upper Respiratory Tract Bacterial and Fungal Infections
VI. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
VII. Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract
VIII. Intra-abdominal Infections
IX. Bone and Joint Infections
X. Urinary Tract Infections
XI. Genital Infections
XII. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
XIII. Arthropod-Borne Infections
XIV.  Viral Syndromes
XV.  Blood and Tissue Parasite Infections

Received 22 April 2018; editorial decision 23 April 2018; accepted 28 April 2018; published distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
online June 28, 2018. electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of IDSA. Permission is
It is important to realize that this guide cannot account for individual variation among granted to physicians and healthcare providers solely to copy and use the guide in their profes-
patients. This guide is not intended to supplant physician judgment with respect to particular sional practices and clinical decision-making. No license or permission is granted to any person or
patients or special clinical situations. The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) con- entity, and prior written authorization by IDSA is required, to sell, distribute, or modify the guide,
siders adherence to the recommendations in this guide to be voluntary, with the ultimate deter- or to make derivative works of or incorporate the guide into any product, including but not limited
mination regarding their application to be made by the physician in the light of each patient’s to clinical decision support software or any other software product. Any person or entity desiring
individual circumstances. While IDSA makes every effort to present accurate and reliable infor- to use this guide in any way must contact IDSA for approval in accordance with IDSA’s terms and
mation, the information provided in this guide is presented “as is” without any warranty of conditions of third party use, in particular any use of the guide in any software product.
accuracy, reliability, or otherwise, either express or implied. This guide should be applied in a Correspondence: J.  M. Miller, Microbiology Technical Services, LLC, PO Box 88212,
manner consistent with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Neither IDSA nor its officers, Dunwoody, GA 30338 (jmm8@comcast.net).
directors, members, employees, or agents will be liable for any loss, damage, or claim with
respect to any liabilities, including direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages, incurred Clinical Infectious Diseases®  2018;XX(XX):1–94
in connection with this guide or reliance on the information presented. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
This guide represents the proprietary and copyrighted property of IDSA. Copyright 2018 of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciy381

A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases  • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 1

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by guest
on 23 July 2018
The critical nature of the microbiology laboratory in infectious disease diagnosis calls for a close, positive working relationship between
the physician/advanced practice provider and the microbiologists who provide enormous value to the healthcare team. This document,
developed by experts in laboratory and adult and pediatric clinical medicine, provides information on which tests are valuable and in
which contexts, and on tests that add little or no value for diagnostic decisions. This document presents a system-based approach rather
than specimen-based approach, and includes bloodstream and cardiovascular system infections, central nervous system infections,
ocular infections, soft tissue infections of the head and neck, upper and lower respiratory infections, infections of the gastrointestinal
tract, intra-abdominal infections, bone and joint infections, urinary tract infections, genital infections, and other skin and soft tissue
infections; or into etiologic agent groups, including arthropod-borne infections, viral syndromes, and blood and tissue parasite infec-
tions. Each section contains introductory concepts, a summary of key points, and detailed tables that list suspected agents; the most
reliable tests to order; the samples (and volumes) to collect in order of preference; specimen transport devices, procedures, times, and
temperatures; and detailed notes on specific issues regarding the test methods, such as when tests are likely to require a specialized
laboratory or have prolonged turnaround times. In addition, the pediatric needs of specimen management are also emphasized. There
is intentional redundancy among the tables and sections, as many agents and assay choices overlap. The document is intended to serve
as a guidance for physicians in choosing tests that will aid them to quickly and accurately diagnose infectious diseases in their patients.
Keywords.  specimen management; clinical relevance; specimen collection; clinical correlation; microbiology specimens.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY specimen management processes, the results of analysis will be

INTRODUCTION compromised and interpretation could be misleading.
Unlike other areas of the diagnostic laboratory, clinical microbi- Physicians and other advanced practice providers need con-
ology is a science of interpretive judgment that is becoming more fidence that the results provided by the microbiology labora-
complex, not less. Even with the advent of laboratory automation tory are accurate, significant, and clinically relevant. Anything
and the integration of genomics and proteomics in microbiology, less is below the community standard of care for laboratories.
interpretation of results still depends on the quality of the speci- To provide that level of quality, however, the laboratory requires
mens received for analysis whether one is suspecting a prokaryote that all microbiology specimens be properly selected, col-
or a eukaryote as the etiologic agent, both of which are featured lected, and transported to optimize analysis and interpretation.
in this document. Microbes tend to be uniquely suited to adapt Because result interpretation in microbiology depends entirely
to environments where antibiotics and host responses apply pres- on the quality of the specimen submitted for analysis, specimen
sures that encourage their survival. A laboratory instrument may management cannot be left to chance, and those that collect
or may not detect those mutations, which can present a challenge specimens for microbiologic analysis must be aware of what
to clinical interpretation. Clearly, microbes grow, multiply, and die the physician needs for patient care as well as what the labora-
very quickly. If any of those events occur during the preanalytical tory needs to provide accurate results, including ensuring that

Table 1. Transport Issues (General Guide)a

Collection Device, Temperature,

Specimen Type Specimen Required and Ideal Transport Time

Aerobic bacterial culture Tissue, fluid, aspirate, biopsy, etc Sterile container, RT, immediately
Swab (second choice); flocked swabs are recommended Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture Tissue, fluid, aspirate, biopsy, etc Sterile anaerobic container, RT, immediately
Swab (second choice); flocked swabs are effective Anaerobic swab transport device, RT, 2 h
Fungus culture; AFB culture Tissue, fluid, aspirate, biopsy, etc Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Swab (second choice) (for yeast and superficial Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
mycobacterial infections only)
Virus culture Tissue, fluid, aspirate, biopsy, etc Viral transport media, on ice, immediately
Swab; flocked swabs are recommended Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
Suspected agent of bioterrorism Refer to CDC website for specimen collection and shipping:
Serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Antigen test As described in the laboratory specimen collection manual Closed container, RT, 2 h
NAAT 5 mL plasma EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
Other specimen, ie, viral transport medium Closed container, RT, 2 h

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
Contact the microbiology laboratory regarding appropriate collection and transport devices and procedures as transport media such as Cary-Blair or parasite preservative transport for stool
specimens, boric acid for urines, and specialized containers for Mycobacterium tuberculosis are often critical for successful examination. The time from collection to transport listed will
optimize results; longer times may compromise results.

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on 23 July 2018
specimens arrive at the laboratory for analysis as quickly as pos- standards of care and that set microbiology apart from other labo-
sible after collection (Table 1). ratory departments such as chemistry or hematology.
At an elementary level, the physician needs answers to 3 very
basic questions from the laboratory: Is my patient’s illness caused TEN POINTS OF IMPORTANCE
by a microbe? If so, what is it? What is the susceptibility profile of 1. Specimens of poor quality must be rejected. Microbiologists
the organism so therapy can be targeted? To meet those needs, act correctly and responsibly when they call physicians to
the laboratory requires a specimen that has been appropriately clarify and resolve problems with specimen submissions.
selected, collected, and transported to the laboratory for analy- 2. Physicians should not demand that the laboratory report
sis. Caught in the middle, between the physician and laboratory “everything that grows.” This can provide irrelevant infor-
requirements, are the medical personnel who actually select and mation that could result in inaccurate diagnosis and inap-
collect the specimen and who may not know or understand what propriate therapy.
the physician or the laboratory needs to do their work. Enhancing 3. “Background noise” of commensal microbiota must be
the quality of the specimen is everyone’s job, so communication avoided where possible. Many body sites have normal, com-
between the physicians, nurses, and laboratory staff should be mensal microbiota that can easily contaminate the inappro-
encouraged and open with no punitive motive or consequences. priately collected specimen and complicate interpretation.
The diagnosis of infectious disease is best achieved by apply- Therefore, specimens from sites such as lower respiratory
ing in-depth knowledge of both medical and laboratory science tract (sputum), nasal sinuses, superficial wounds, fistulae,
along with principles of epidemiology and pharmacokinetics and others require care in collection.
of antibiotics and by integrating a strategic view of host–par- 4. The laboratory requires a specimen, not a swab of a speci-
asite interactions. Clearly, the best outcomes for patients are men. Actual tissue, aspirates, and fluids are always specimens
the result of strong partnerships between the clinician and the of choice, especially from surgery. A swab is not the specimen
microbiology specialist. This document illustrates and promotes of choice for many specimens because swabs pick up extra-
this partnership and emphasizes the importance of appropriate neous microbes, hold extremely small volumes of the speci-
specimen management to clinical relevance of the results. One men (0.05 mL), and make it difficult to get bacteria or fungi
of the most valuable laboratory partners in infectious disease away from the swab fibers and onto media, and the inoculum
diagnosis is the certified microbiology specialist, particularly from the swab is often not uniform across several different
a specialist certified as a Diplomate by the American Board of agar plates. Swabs are expected from the nasopharynx and
Medical Microbiology, the American Board of Pathology, or the to diagnose most viral respiratory infections. Flocked swabs
American Board of Medical Laboratory Immunology or their have become a valuable tool for specimen collection and have
equivalent certified by other organizations. Clinicians should been shown to be more effective than Dacron, rayon, and cot-
recommend and medical institutions should provide this kind ton swabs in many situations. The flocked nature of the swab
of leadership for the microbiology laboratory or provide formal allows for more efficient release of contents for evaluation.
access to this level of laboratory expertise through consultation. 5. The laboratory must follow its procedure manual or face
legal challenges. The procedures in the manuals should be
IMPACT OF SPECIMEN MANAGEMENT supported by the literature, especially evidence-based lit-
Microbiology specimen selection and collection are the respon- erature. To request the laboratory to provide testing apart
sibility of the medical personnel, not usually the laboratory, from the procedure manual places everyone at legal risk.
although the certified specialist may be called upon for consulta- 6. A specimen should be collected prior to administration of
tion or assistance. The impact of proper specimen management on antibiotics. Once antibiotics have been started, the micro-
patient care is enormous. It is the key to accurate laboratory diag- biota changes and etiologic agents are impacted, leading to
nosis and confirmation, it directly affects patient care and patient potentially misleading culture results.
outcomes, it influences therapeutic decisions, it impacts hospital 7. Susceptibility testing should be done only on clinically signif-
infection control, patient length of stay, hospital and laboratory icant isolates, not on all microorganisms recovered in culture.
costs, it influences antibiotic stewardship, and it drives laboratory 8. Microbiology laboratory results that are reported should be
efficiency. Clinicians and other medical personnel should consult accurate, significant, and clinically relevant.
the laboratory to ensure that selection, collection, transport, and 9. The laboratory should set technical policy; this is not the
storage of patient specimens they collect are managed properly. purview of the medical staff. Good communication and
mutual respect will lead to collaborative policies.
TENETS OF SPECIMEN MANAGEMENT 10. Specimens must be labeled accurately and completely so
Throughout the text, there will be caveats that are relevant to spe- that interpretation of results will be reliable. Labels such as
cific specimens and diagnostic protocols for infectious disease “eye” and “wound” are not helpful to the interpretation of
diagnosis. However, there are some strategic tenets of specimen results without more specific site and clinical information
management and testing in microbiology that stand as community (eg, dog bite wound right forefinger).
A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases  • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 3

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The microbiology laboratory policy manual should be available use or application. Future modifications of the document are to
at all times for all medical personnel to review or consult and it be expected, as diagnostic microbiology is a dynamic and rap-
would be particularly helpful to encourage the nursing staff to idly changing discipline. Pediatric parameters have been updated
review the specimen collection and management portion of the in concordance with Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines and
manual. This can facilitate collaboration between the labora- Policies, 16th ed., and The Red Book (2015), both published by the
tory, with the microbiology expertise, and the specimen collec- American Academy of Pediatrics. Comments and recommenda-
tion personnel, who may know very little about microbiology or tions have been integrated into the appropriate sections.
what the laboratory needs to establish or confirm a diagnosis.
It is important to welcome and actively engage the micro- I. BLOODSTREAM INFECTIONS AND INFECTIONS OF
biology laboratory as an integral part of the healthcare team THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
and encourage the hospital or the laboratory facility to have A. Bloodstream Infections and Infective Endocarditis
board-certified laboratory specialists on hand or available to The diagnosis of bloodstream infections (BSIs) is one of the most
optimize infectious disease laboratory diagnosis. critical functions of clinical microbiology laboratories. For the
great majority of etiologic agents of BSIs, conventional blood cul-
HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ture methods provide positive results within 48 hours; incubation
This document is organized by body system, although many for >5 days seldom is required when modern automated continu-
organisms are capable of causing disease in >1 body system. There ous-monitoring blood culture systems and media are used [1, 2].
may be a redundant mention of some organisms because of their This includes recovery of historically fastidious organisms such
propensity to infect multiple sites. One of the unique features of as HACEK [1] (Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium,
this document is its ability to assist clinicians who have specific Eikenella, and Kingella) bacteria and Brucella species (spp) [3, 4].
suspicions regarding possible etiologic agents causing a specific Some microorganisms, such as mycobacteria and dimorphic fungi,
type of disease. When the term “clinician” is used throughout require longer incubation periods; others may require special cul-
the document, it also includes other licensed, advanced practice ture media or non-culture-based methods. Although filamentous
providers. Another unique feature is that in most chapters, there fungi often require special broth media or lysis-centrifugation vials
are targeted recommendations and precautions regarding select- for detection, most Candida spp grow very well in standard blood
ing and collecting specimens for analysis for a disease process. It culture broths unless the patient has been on antifungal therapy.
is very easy to access critical information about a specific body Unfortunately, blood cultures from patients with suspected can-
site just by consulting the table of contents. Within each chapter, didemia do not yield positive results in almost half of patients.
there is a table describing the specimen needs regarding a variety Table 2 provides a summary of diagnostic methods for most BSIs.
of etiologic agents that one may suspect as causing the illness. The For most etiologic agents of infective endocarditis, conven-
test methods in the tables are listed in priority order according to tional blood culture methods will suffice [3–5]. However, some
the recommendations of the authors and reviewers. less common etiologic agents cannot be detected with current
When room temperature is specified for a certain time blood culture methods. The most common etiologic agents of
period, such as 2 hours, it is expected that the sample should culture-negative endocarditis, Bartonella spp and Coxiella bur-
be refrigerated after that time unless specified otherwise in that netii, often can be detected by conventional serologic testing.
section. Almost all specimens for virus detection should be However, molecular amplification methods may be needed for
transported on wet ice and frozen at –80°C if testing is delayed detection of these organisms as well as others (eg, Tropheryma
>48 hours, although specimens in viral transport media may be whipplei, Bartonella spp). In rare instances of culture-negative
transported at room temperature when rapid (<2 hours) deliv- endocarditis, 16S polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA
ery to the laboratory is assured. sequencing of valve tissue may help determine an etiologic agent.
The volume of blood that is obtained for each blood culture
request (also known as a blood culture set, consisting of all bottles
This document has been endorsed by the Infectious Diseases procured from a single venipuncture or during one catheter draw)
Society of America (IDSA) and the American Society for is the most important variable in recovering bacteria and fungi
Microbiology (ASM). This is not an official guideline of the IDSA from adult and pediatric patients with bloodstream infections [1,
but rather an authoritative guide with recommendations for uti- 2, 5, 6]. For adults, 20–30 mL of blood per culture set (depending
lizing the microbiology laboratory in infectious disease diagno- on the manufacturer of the instrument) is recommended and may
sis. It is a collaborative effort between clinicians and laboratory require >2 culture bottles depending on the system. For neonates
experts focusing on optimum use of the laboratory for positive and adolescents, an age- and weight- appropriate volume of blood
patient outcomes. When the term “recommended” is used in this should be cultured (see Table 3 below for recommended volumes).
document, it is not a “graded” recommendation as would be found A second important determinant is the number of blood culture
in a guideline, but rather the preferred or indicated approach for sets performed during a given septic episode. Generally, in adults

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on 23 July 2018
Table 2.  Blood Culture Laboratory Diagnosis Organized by Etiological Agent

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues

Staphylococcus spp Adults: 2–4 blood culture 20–30 mL of blood per Inoculated culture vials should be transported to the
Streptococcus spp sets per septic episode culture set in adults Laboratory ASAP at RT, organisms will usually sur-
Enterococcus spp injected into at least 2 vive in inoculated culture vials even if not incubated
Listeria monocytogenes blood culture bottlesb immediately
Enterobacteriaceae Infants & children: ≥2 blood Blood volume depends on
Pseudomonas spp culture sets the child’s weight (see
Acinetobacter spp Table 3)c
HACEKa bacteria
Brucella spp
Anaerobic bacteria
Bartonella spp ≥2 lysis-centrifugation 10 mL of blood should be Lysis-centrifugation culture tubes should be transported at
(Isolator) blood culture inoculated directly into RT to the laboratory ASAP and processed within 8 h of
tubesd each lysis-centrifugation blood inoculation
culture tube
NAAT 5 mL of plasma EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
Serology for IgM/IgG 5 mL of serum Clot tube; RT; 2 h
Legionella spp 2 or more lysis- centrifuga- 10 mL of blood should be Lysis-centrifugation culture tubes should be transported at
tion (Isolator) blood cul- inoculated directly into RT to the laboratory ASAP and processed within 8 h of
ture tubese each lysis-centrifugation blood inoculation
culture tube
Legionella urine antigen test 10 mL of midstream, Closed container, RT, 2 h
(for serotype 1) clean-catch urinef
Coxiella burnetii Coxiella IFA serology 5 mL of serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
NAAT 5 mL of plasma EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
Tropheryma whipplei NAAT 5 mL of plasma EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
Yeast Adults: 2–4 blood culture 20–30 mL of blood per Inoculated culture vials should be transported ASAP at RT
sets (see above) culture in adults injected to the laboratory for early incubation.
into at least 2 blood cul- Inoculated vials for direct detection of Candida spp by T2
ture bottlesg magnetic resonance assay may be used [10].
Infants and children: ≥2 As much blood as can be Organisms will usually survive in inoculated culture vials
blood culture sets (see conveniently obtained even if not incubated immediately. Malassezia spp re-
above) from children; volume quire lipid supplementation; lysis-centrifugation is recom-
depends on weight of mended for their recovery.
Filamentous and dimorphic fungih ≥2 lysis-centrifugation 10 mL of blood should be Lysis-centrifugation culture vials should be transported to
(Isolator) blood culture inoculated directly into the laboratory ASAP and processed within 8 h of blood
vials each lysis-centrifugation inoculation.
culture vial
Mycobacteria 3 cultures using AFB- 5 mL of blood inoculated Inoculated culture vials should be transported to the labora-
specific blood culture directly into AFB-specific tory ASAP for early incubation.
bottles blood culture bottle

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; ASAP, as soon as possible; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; IFA, indirect fluorescent antibody; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M;
NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature. 
HACEK bacteria include Haemophilus (Aggregatibacter) aphrophilus, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Aggregatibacter (formerly Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium
hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and Kingella kingae.
Typically, blood specimens are split between aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottles. There may be circumstances in which it is prudent to omit the anaerobic vial and split blood spec-
imens between 2 aerobic vials. One example is when fungemia due to yeast is strongly suspected. Most manufacturers’ bottles accept a maximum of 10 mL per bottle.
Recommended volumes of blood for culture in pediatric patients are shown in (Table 3) [1].
The success rate for recovery of Bartonella spp from blood even when optimum methods are used is extremely low.
Legionella bacteremia occurs infrequently and rarely is the organism recovered from blood even when optimum culture techniques are employed.
The optimum urine specimen is the first voided specimen of the day.
Since yeast are highly aerobic, when fungemia due to yeast is suspected, it might be prudent within a series of blood cultures to inoculate at least 1 blood specimen into 2 aerobic vials
rather than the customary aerobic and anaerobic vial pair. Alternatively, a broth medium designed for enhanced yield of yeast (eg, MycoF/Lytic [BD Diagnostics, Sparks, Maryland]) or
lysis-centrifugation may be used.
Some dimorphic fungi and yeasts (eg, Malassezia spp) may be visualized on peripheral blood smears in some patients using one of a variety of fungal stains. Such requests should be made
in consultation with the microbiology laboratory director.

with a suspicion of BSI, 2–4 blood culture sets should be obtained situations, obtaining blood culture sets may be spaced over sev-
in the evaluation of each septic episode [5, 7]. eral hours or more.
The timing of blood culture orders should be dictated by Skin contaminants in blood culture bottles are common, very
patient acuity. In urgent situations, 2 or more blood culture sets costly to the healthcare system, and frequently confusing to cli-
can be obtained sequentially over a short time interval (min- nicians. To minimize the risk of contamination of the blood cul-
utes), after which empiric therapy can be initiated. In less urgent ture with commensal skin microbiota, meticulous care should be

A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases  • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 5

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on 23 July 2018
Table 3.  Recommended Volumes of Blood for Culture in Pediatric Patients (Blood Culture Set May Use Only 1 Bottle)

Recommended Volume of
Weight of Blood for Culture, mL
Patient, Total Patient Total Volume % of Total
kg Blood Volume, mL Culture Set No. 1 Culture Set No. 2 for Culture, mL Blood Volume

≤1 50–99 2 … 2 4
1.1–2 100–200 2 2 4 4
2.1–12.7 >200 4 2 6 3
12.8–36.3 >800 10 10 20 2.5
>36.3 >2200 20–30 20–30 40–60 1.8–2.7

When 10 mL of blood or less is collected, it should be inoculated into a single aerobic blood culture bottle.

taken in skin preparation prior to venipuncture. In addition, new (chlorhexidine NOT recommended for children <2 months
products are now available that allow diversion and discard of the old), using povidone-iodine and alcohol).
first few milliliters of blood that are most likely to contain skin • Draw blood for culture before initiating antimicrobial therapy.
contaminants. Consensus guidelines [2] and expert panels [1] • Catheter-drawn blood cultures have a higher risk of contam-
recommend peripheral venipuncture as the preferred technique ination (false positives).
for obtaining blood for culture based on data showing that blood • Do not submit catheter tips for culture without an accompa-
obtained in this fashion is less likely to be contaminated than blood nying blood culture obtained by venipuncture.
obtained from an intravascular catheter or other device. Several • Never refrigerate blood prior to incubation.
studies have documented that iodine tincture, chlorine peroxide, • Use a 2- to 3-bottle blood culture set for adults, at least 1 aer-
and chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) are superior to povidone-io- obic and 1 anaerobic; use 1–2 aerobic bottles for children and
dine preparations as skin disinfectants for blood culture [1, 2]. consider aerobic and anaerobic when clinically relevant.
Iodine tincture and CHG require about 30 seconds to exert an • Streptococcus pneumoniae and other gram-positive organ-
antiseptic effect compared with 1.5–2 minutes for povidone-io- isms and facultatively anaerobic organisms may grow best in
dine preparations [2]. Two recent studies have documented equiv- the anaerobic bottle (faster time to detection).
alent contamination rates with iodine tincture and CHG [8, 9].
CHG is not recommended for use in infants <2 months of age but B. Infections Associated With Vascular Catheters
povidone-iodine followed by alcohol is recommended. The diagnosis of catheter-associated BSIs is often one of exclusion,
Blood cultures contaminated with skin flora during collec- and a microbiologic gold standard for diagnosis does not exist.
tion are common but contamination rates should not exceed Although a number of different microbiologic methods have been
3%. Laboratories should have policies and procedures for described, the available data do not allow firm conclusions to be
abbreviating the workup and reporting of common blood cul- made about the relative merits of these various diagnostic tech-
ture contaminants (eg, coagulase-negative staphylococci, viri- niques [10–12]. Fundamental to the diagnosis of catheter-associ-
dans group streptococci, diphtheroids, Bacillus spp other than ated BSI is documentation of bacteremia. The clinical significance
B. anthracis). These procedures may include abbreviated iden- of a positive culture from an indwelling catheter segment or tip
tification of the organism, absence of susceptibility testing, and in the absence of positive blood cultures is unknown. The next
a comment that instructs the clinician to contact the laboratory essential diagnostic component is demonstrating that the infec-
if the culture result is thought to be clinically significant and tion is caused by the catheter. This usually requires exclusion of
requires additional workup and susceptibility results. other potential primary foci for the BSI. Some investigators have
Physicians should expect to be called and notified by the concluded that catheter tip cultures have such poor predictive
laboratory every time a blood culture becomes positive since value that they should not be performed [13].
these specimens often represent life-threatening infections. If Numerous diagnostic techniques for catheter cultures have
the physician wishes not to be notified during specific times, been described and may provide adjunctive evidence of cathe-
arrangements must be made by the physician for a delegated ter-associated BSI; however, all have potential pitfalls that make
healthcare professional to receive the call and relay the report. interpretation of results problematic. Routine culture of intrave-
Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of bacteremia/ nous catheter tips at the time of catheter removal has no clinical
fungemia: value and should not be done [13]. Although not performed in
most laboratories, the methods described include the following:
• Volume of blood collected, not timing, is most critical.
• Disinfect the venipuncture site with chlorhexidine or • Time to positivity (not performed routinely in most labora-
2% iodine tincture in adults and children >2  months old tories): Standard blood cultures (BCs) obtained at the same

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time, one from the catheter or port and one from peripheral In selected instances when it is important clinically to define
venipuncture, processed in a continuous-monitoring BC sys- the specific cause of infection, a microbiologic diagnosis should
tem. If both BCs grow the same organism and the BC drawn be pursued aggressively. Unfortunately, however, the available
from the device becomes positive >2 hours before the BC diagnostic resources are quite limited, and there are no firm
drawn by venipuncture, there is a high probability of cathe- diagnostic guidelines that can be given. Some of the more com-
ter-associated BSI [14]. mon and clinically important pathogens are listed in Table  5
• Quantitative BCs (not performed routinely in most labora- below. When a microbiologic diagnosis of less common etio-
tories): one from catheter or port and one from peripheral logic agents is required, especially when specialized techniques
venipuncture obtained at the same time using lysis-centrifu- or methods are necessary, consultation with the laboratory
gation (Isolator) or pour plate method. If both BCs grow the director should be undertaken. There is considerable overlap
same organism and the BC drawn from the device has 5-fold between pericarditis and myocarditis with respect to both etio-
more organisms than the BC drawn by venipuncture, there is logic agents and disease manifestations.
a high probability of catheter-associated BSI [15, 16].
• Catheter tip or segment cultures: The semi-quantitative II. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTIONS
method of Maki et al [12] is used most commonly; interpre-
Clinical microbiology tests of value in establishing an etiologic
tation requires an accompanying peripheral BC. However,
diagnosis of infections within the central nervous system (CNS)
meticulous technique is needed to reduce contamination and
are outlined below. In this section, infections are categorized
to obtain the correct length (5  cm) of the distal catheter tip.
as follows: meningitis, encephalitis, focal infections of brain
This method only detects organisms colonizing the outside of
parenchyma, CNS shunt infections, subdural empyema, epi-
the catheter, which is rolled onto an agar plate, after which the
dural abscess, and suppurative intracranial thrombophlebitis.
number of colonies is counted; organisms that may be intralu-
Organisms usually enter the CNS by crossing a mucosal bar-
minal are missed. Modifications of the Maki method have been
rier into the bloodstream followed by penetration of the blood–
described as have methods that utilize vortexing of the catheter
brain barrier. Other routes of infection include direct extension
tip or an endoluminal brush (not performed routinely in most
from a contiguous structure, movement along nerves, or intro-
laboratories). Biofilm formation on catheter tips prevents anti-
duction by foreign devices.
microbial therapy from clearing agents within the biofilm, thus
Usually 3 or 4 tubes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are col-
requiring removal of the catheter to eliminate the organisms.
lected by lumbar puncture for diagnostic studies. The first
tube has the highest potential for contamination with skin
C. Infected (Mycotic) Aneurysms and Vascular Grafts
flora and should not be sent to the microbiology laboratory
Infected (mycotic) aneurysms and infections of vascular grafts
for direct smears, culture, or molecular studies. A minimum of
may result in positive blood cultures. Definitive diagnosis requires
0.5–1 mL of CSF should be sent immediately after collection to
microscopic visualization and/or culture recovery of etiologic
the microbiology laboratory in a sterile container for bacterial
agents from representative biopsy or graft material (Table 4).
testing. Larger volumes (5–10  mL) increase the sensitivity of
D. Pericarditis and Myocarditis culture and are required for optimal recovery of mycobacteria
Numerous viruses, bacteria, rickettsiae, fungi, and parasites and fungi. When the specimen volume is less than required
have been implicated as etiologic agents of pericarditis and for multiple test requests, prioritization of testing must be
myocarditis. In many patients with pericarditis and in the over- provided to the laboratory. Whenever possible, specimens for
whelming majority of patients with myocarditis, an etiologic culture should be obtained prior to initiation of antimicrobial
diagnosis is never made and patients are treated empirically. therapy.

Table 4.  Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Infected Aneurysms and Vascular Grafts

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Bacteria Gram stain Lesion biopsy or resected graft materialb Sterile container, RT, immediately
Aerobic bacterial culturea
Blood cultures (see Section I-A)
Fungi Calcofluor-KOH stainc Lesion biopsy or resected graft materialb Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Fungal culture
Blood cultures (see Section I-A)

Abbreviations: KOH, potassium hydroxide; RT, room temperature.

If aerobic bacteria are suspected. If anaerobes are suspected, then the culture should consist of an aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture.
Tissue specimens or a portion of the graft material are always superior to swab specimens of infected sites, even when collected using sterile technique during surgery.
Calcofluor stain is a fluorescent stain and requires special microscopy equipment and may not be available at all facilities.

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Table 5.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Pericarditis and Myocarditis

Etiologic Agentsa Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Bacteria Gram stain Pericardial fluid or pericardium biopsy Sterile container or blood culture vial
Aerobic bacterial cultureb (pericardial fluid only), RT, immediately
Blood cultures (see I-a above)
Fungi Calcofluor-KOH stain Fungal culture Pericardial fluid or pericardium biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Blood cultures (see Section I-A)
Mycobacteria Acid-fast smear Pericardial fluid or pericardium biopsyc Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture
Blood cultures (see Section I-A)
  Coxsackie B virus Virus-specific serology Acute and convalescent sera Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Coxsackie A virus Virus-specific NAAT (may be first Pericardial fluid or pericardium biopsy Closed container, RT, 2 h
 Echovirus choice if test is available)
  Polio virus
Virus culture (culture not productive Pericardial fluid or pericardium biopsy Virus transport device, on ice, immediately
for all virus types)
  Mumps virus Histopathologic examination Pericardial fluid or pericardium biopsy Place in formalin and transport to
 Cytomegalovirus histopathology laboratory for processing.
  Other viruses
  Trypanosoma cruzi Parasite-specific serology Acute and convalescent sera Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Trichinella spiralis Blood smeare 5 mL of peripheral blood EDTA tube, RT
  Toxoplasma gondii
Histopathologic examination Endomyocardial biopsy or surgical Consultation with the laboratory is recommended.
Toxoplasma NAAT specimen For histopathology, place in formalin and transport
to histopathology laboratory for processing.

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room
Other infectious causes of pericarditis and myocarditis include rickettsiae (Rickettsia rickettsii, Coxiella burnetii), chlamydiae, Borrelia burgdorferi, Treponema pallidum, Nocardia spp,
Tropheryma whipplei, Legionella pneumophila, Actinomyces spp, Entamoeba histolytica, Ehrlichia spp, Toxocara canis, Schistosoma, and Mycoplasma spp.
If aerobic bacteria are suspected. If anaerobes are suspected, then the culture should consist of both a routine aerobic and anaerobic culture.
Pericardial tissue is superior to pericardial fluid for the culture recovery of Mycobacterium spp.
If parasites other than T. cruzi, T. gondii, or T. spiralis are suspected, consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Parasitic Consultation Service (http://dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/HTML/
Blood smears may be useful in detection of infection caused by Trypanosoma spp.

CSF Gram stains should be prepared after cytocentrifugation Submission of acute (3–10 days after onset of symptoms) and
and positive results called to the patient care area immediately. convalescent (2–3 weeks after acute) serum samples is recom-
Identification and susceptibility testing of bacteria recovered mended. Serum should be separated from red cells as soon as
from cultures is routinely performed unless contamination possible.
during collection or processing is suspected. Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of CNS infections:
Most clinical microbiology laboratories do not perform all
of the testing listed in the tables. This is especially true of sero- • Whenever possible, collect specimens prior to initiating anti-
logic and many molecular diagnostic tests. The availability of microbial therapy.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared NAATs for • Two to 4 BCs should also be obtained if bacterial meningitis
many agents is limited, requiring laboratory-developed tests to is suspected.
be used, with variable sensitivities and specificities. Although • Inform the microbiology laboratory if unusual organisms are
an FDA-cleared multiplex PCR targeting 14 organisms is avail- possible (eg, Nocardia, fungi, mycobacteria), for which spe-
able for diagnosing meningitis and encephalitis, it should not cial procedures are necessary. [20].
be considered a replacement for culture since clinical experi- • Do not refrigerate CSF.
ence with the assay is limited and specificity issues have been • CSF tubes #2 or #3, not #1, should be submitted for bacterial
reported [17, 18]. The expense and data interpretation chal- culture and molecular testing.
lenges associated with next-generation sequencing have pre- • Attempt to collect as much sample as possible for multiple
vented widespread use of this technology for the time being [19]. studies (minimum recommended is 1 mL); prioritize multi-
Serologic diagnosis is based on CSF to serum antibody index, ple test requests on small-volume samples.
4-fold rise in acute to convalescent immunoglobulin G (IgG)
titer, or a single positive immunoglobulin M (IgM). Detection A. Meningitis
of antibody in CSF may indicate CNS infection, blood contami- The most common etiologic agents of acute meningitis are viruses
nation, or transfer of antibodies across the blood–brain barrier. (echoviruses and parechoviruses) and bacteria (Streptococcus

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Table 6.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Meningitis

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Time

  Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram staina CSF Sterile container, RT, immediately
  Neisseria meningitidis Aerobic bacterial culture Blood, 2–4 sets Blood culture bottles, RT, 2 h
  Listeria monocytogenes Blood cultures
  Streptococcus agalactiae
  Haemophilus influenzae
  Escherichia coli
  Other Enterobacteriaceae
  Elizabethkingia meningoseptica
  Citrobacter diversus
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis AFB smear CSF (≥5 mL) Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture
Mycobacterium tuberculosis NAATb CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Treponema pallidum (syphilis) VDRL, FTA-ABS CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Traditional: RPR screening test with positive RPR confirmed by TPPA test Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
or other treponemal confirmatory test
Reverse sequence: EIA or chemiluminescent immunoassay treponemal
screening test with positive confirmed by RPR (negative RPR reflexed
to TPPA)
  Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme B. burgdorferi antibodies, IgM and IgG with Western blot assay Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
disease) confirmationc
CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
B. burgdorferi NAAT (low sensitivity) CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
 Leptospira spp Leptospira NAATd Blood EDTA or sodium citrate tube, RT, 2 h
CSF, urine Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Leptospira culture (special media required; rarely available in routine First week of illness: CSF, Sterile container, heparin or citrate
laboratories) 10 mL blood tube, RT, immediately
After first week of Sterile container, RT, immediately
illness: 10 mL urine
Leptospira antibody, microscopic agglutination test Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Cryptococcus neoformans Cryptococcus antigen test CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Cryptococcus gattii Gram stain CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Aerobic bacterial culture (faster growth on blood agar medium)
Fungal culture
 Coccidioides spp Coccidioides antibody, complement fixation, and immunodiffusione CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
Calcofluor stain and Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Fungal culture CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
 Acanthamoeba spp See Table 7
  Naegleria fowleri
  Enteroviruses (nonpolio) Enterovirus NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Parechoviruses Parechovirus NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Herpes simplex virus HSV-1 and HSV-2 NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Varicella zoster virus VZV NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  LCM virus LCM antibodies, IgM and IgG, IFA CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Mumps virus Mumps virus antibodies, IgM and IgG Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
Mumps culture and NAAT CSF Sterile container, on ice, immediately
Buccal or oral swabf Viral transport device, on ice,

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; FTA-ABS, fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorbed; HIV,
human immunodeficiency virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IFA, indirect fluorescent antibody; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; LCM, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus;
NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RPR, rapid plasma reagin; RT, room temperature; TPPA, Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory;
VZV, varicella zoster virus.
Gram stains may be performed on uncentrifuged specimens when the CSF is visibly turbid.
A negative result does not rule out Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Include a CSF index: simultaneous CSF:serum ratio of Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies with normalized protein amounts.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention accepts specimens referred by state or local public health laboratories (https://www.cdc.gov/laboratory/specimen-submission/index.html).
Complement fixation on CSF is optimal test; serum complement fixation antibody may reflect a remote rather than an active infection.
Specimen collection instructions available at https://www.cdc.gov/mumps/lab/specimen-collect.html.
The diagnosis of acute meningitis due to HIV, a condition that often arises during the early stages of the HIV retroviral syndrome, is best established based on compatible CSF findings (ie,
a mild CSF lymphocytosis with a mildly elevated CSF protein level and normal glucose) combined with definitive evidence of recent HIV infection (see Section XIV, HIV diagnosis).

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Table 7.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Encephalitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Herpes simplex virus HSV-1 and -2 NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Enteroviruses (nonpolio) Enterovirus NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
 Parechoviruses Parechovirus NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  West Nile virus WNV IgM antibodya CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
WNV NAATb CSF and/or serum Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Other arboviruses Virus specific antibodies, IgM and IgG CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Varicella zoster virusd VZV NAAT CSF or plasma Sterile container or EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
VZV antibodies, IgM and IgG CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Epstein-Barr virus EBV NAATe CSF or plasma Sterile container or EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
EBV antibodies, VCA IgG and IgM, EBNA CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
 Cytomegalovirusf CMV NAATg CSF or plasma Sterile container or EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
CMV antibodies, IgM and IgG CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Human herpesvirus 6 HHV-6 NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  JC virus JC virus NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Mumps virus Mumps virus antibodies, IgM and IgG Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
Mumps culture and NAAT CSF Sterile container, on ice, immediately
Buccal or oral swab Viral transport device, on ice,
  Measles (rubeola) virus Measles antibodies, IgM and IgG CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
Measles culture and CSF, urine Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Throat swab Viral transport device, on ice,
  Influenza virus Influenza DFA and culture or NAAT Nasopharyngeal wash Viral transport device, on ice,
or other respiratory immediately
 Adenovirus Adenovirus DFA and culture or NAAT Nasopharyngeal wash Viral transport device, on ice,
or other respiratory immediately
Adenovirus NAAT CSF or plasma Sterile container or EDTA, RT, 2 h
  Rabies virush Rabies antigen, DFA Nuchal skin biopsy Closed container, RT, immediately
Rabies NAAT Saliva Sterile container, RT, immediately
Rabies antibody CSF and serum Closed container, clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus LCM antibodies, IgM and IgG, IFA CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Zika virus (see Table 71)
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis See Table 6, Meningitis
  Bartonella spp Bartonella spp NAAT CSF or plasma Sterile container or EDTA, RT, 2 h
Bartonella spp antibodies, IgM and IgG CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Mycoplasma pneumoniae M. pneumoniae NAAT CSF or respiratory Sterile container, RT, 2 h
M. pneumoniae antibodies, IgM and IgG CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Tropheryma whipplei (Whipple T. whipplei NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Listeria monocytogenes Gram stain CSF, blood Sterile container, aerobic blood culture
Aerobic bacterial culture bottle, RT, 2 h
Listeria antibody, complement fixation CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) C. burnetii antibodies, IgM and IgG Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
C. burnetii NAAT Whole blood EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
Tissue Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Rickettsia rickettsii (RMSF), Rickettsia spp antibodies, IgG and IgM, IFA CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
Rickettsia typhi
R. rickettsii DFA or IHC and NAAT Skin biopsy from rash Sterile container, RT, 2 h
R. rickettsii NAAT Whole blood EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
  Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Anaplasma E. chaffeensis and A. phagocytophilum CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
phagocytophilum antibodies, IgM and IgG
E. chaffeensis and A. phagocytophilum Whole blood EDTA tube, RT, 2 h

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Table 7. Continued

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time
 Other: B. burgdorferi, T. pallidum, See Table 6, Meningitis
Leptospira spp
  Cryptococcus neoformans Cryptococcus antigen test CSF, serum Closed container, clot tube, RT, 2 h

  Cryptococcus gattii Gram stain CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h

Aerobic bacterial culture
Fungal culture
  Coccidioides spp Coccidioides antibody, immunodiffusion, CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
and complement fixatione
Calcofluor stain CSF, other sites Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Fungal culture
Histologic examination Tissue or formalin-fixed Sterile container, RT, 2 h or formalin,
tissue indefinite
  Acanthamoeba spp Microscopic wet mount CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Naegleria fowleri Giemsa stain
Histology (trichrome stain) CSF, brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
Culture CSF, brain tissue Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Acanthamoeba antibody IFAi Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Acanthamoeba IIF stainingi Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
Histology (trichrome stain) Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Balamuthia mandrillaris Balamuthia antibody, IFAi Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Balamuthia IIF stainingi Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Baylisascaris procyonisj B. procyonis antibodies CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Trypanosoma brucei spp Giemsa stain CSF, brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
Blood EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
  Toxoplasma gondii Toxoplasma NAAT CSF, serum, plasma Sterile container, clot tube, EDTA tube,
RT, 2 h
Toxoplasma antibodies, IgM and IgGk CSF and/or serum Closed container or clot tube, RT, 2 h
Giemsa stain, histology CSF, brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseasel 14-3-3 protein CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
Neuron-specific enolase CSF Closed container, RT, 2 h
Routine histology, immune stain for prion Formalin-fixed brain tissue Contact surgical pathologist prior to col-
protein lection of tissuem
Western blot for prion protein Frozen brain tissue Contact surgical pathologist prior to col-
lection of tissuem
PrP gene sequencing Blood, other tissues EDTA tube, sterile container, RT, 2 h

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DFA, direct fluorescent antibody; EBNA, Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; EDTA, ethylenedi-
aminetetraacetic acid; HHV-6, human herpesvirus type 6; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IFA, indirect fluorescent antibody; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; IHC, immunohis-
tochemistry; IIF, indirect immunofluorescent antibody; LCM, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification testing; RMSF, Rocky Mountain spotted fever; RT, room
temperature; VCA, viral capsid antigen; WNV, West Nile virus.
WNV IgM antibody may persist for >6 months. False positives may occur with recent immunization (Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever) or other flavivirus infection (dengue, St Louis
encephalitis, Zika) [30].
Sensitivity of WNV NAAT in immunocompetent host is <60% [30]. Testing for IgM in CSF is preferred, but may be falsely negative during first week of symptoms. Persistent viremia in
immunocompromised hosts lacking serologic response may improve WNV NAAT sensitivity.
Eastern equine, Western equine, Lacrosse, St Louis, and California encephalitis viruses.
Detection of VZV DNA in CSF (~60% of cases), CSF IgM, or intrathecal antibody synthesis distinguishes meningoencephalitis from postinfectious, immune-mediated process [27].
Quantitative EBV NAAT may help distinguish true-positive from latent virus [27].
Congenital disease in newborns and reactivation in immunocompromised hosts. False-positive CSF CMV NAAT results have been reported in immunocompetent patients with bacterial
meningitis [27].
In human immunodeficiency virus–infected patients, detection of CMV DNA in CSF has 82%–100% sensitivity and 86%–100% specificity for diagnosing central nervous system CMV
infection [27].
Contact state public health department to arrange testing; questions regarding sampling techniques and shipping may be directed to the Rabies section at the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), telephone: (404) 639–1050.
Available at the California State Department of Health Services and the CDC [31].
Consider if eosinophilia or exposure to raccoon feces [32]. Testing available at the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana), telephone: (765)
Refer positive IgM to Toxoplasma Serology Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, for confirmatory testing (http://www.pamf.org/serology/). The absence of serum IgM or IgG does not exclude
Toxoplasma infection (22% of AIDS patients with Toxoplasma encephalitis lack IgG; IgM is rarely detected) [33].
Testing available at the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center (http://www.cjdsurveillance.com) [34]. The 14-3-3 protein has limited specificity for prion disease.
Compliance with appropriate infection control protocols is essential.

A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 11

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pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis) (Table  6). Patient age America (IDSA) practice guidelines provide a detailed listing of
and other factors (ie, immunostatus, having undergone neuro- risk factors associated with specific etiologic agents [26].
surgery, trauma) are associated with specific pathogens. Although the diagnosis of a specific viral cause is usually based
Molecular testing has replaced viral culture for the diagno- on testing performed on CSF, testing of specimens collected
sis of enteroviral meningitis, but is not routinely relied on for from other sites may be helpful. The virus most commonly iden-
the detection of bacteria in CSF where Gram stain and bacte- tified as causing encephalitis is herpes simplex virus (HSV) with
rial culture should be ordered. The sensitivity of the Gram stain 90% HSV-1. The sensitivity and specificity of NAAT for HSV
for the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is 60%–80% in patients encephalitis are >95%; early data showed that HSV is cultured
who have not received antimicrobial therapy and 40%–60% in from CSF in <5% of cases [27, 28]. Reports of false-negative
patients who have received treatment [21]. Bacterial antigen HSV NAAT are the basis of recommendations to collect another
testing on CSF is no longer recommended and should not be CSF specimen 3–7 days later for repeat testing if HSV encepha-
ordered nor should the laboratory provide this service. Early, litis continues to be suspected [26, 29]. The sensitivity of NAAT
incorrect assumptions held that selected antigen tests on CSF performed on CSF for enterovirus encephalitis is >95% and the
may have some value in patients who received therapy prior to sensitivity of culture is 65%–75% (recovery from throat or stool
specimen collection with negative Gram stain and negative cul- is circumstantial etiologic evidence) [27]. Additional NAAT
ture results [22], but this is no longer recommended. In patients specific for parechoviruses is recommended for young children
suspected of having bacterial meningitis, at least 2–4 blood cul- [29]. Because the performance characteristics of molecular test-
tures should be performed, but therapy should not be delayed. ing for other causes of viral encephalitis are not well established,
Organisms expected to cause chronic meningitis (symptoms serology and repeat molecular testing may be required (Table 7).
lasting ≥4 weeks) include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi, and
C. Focal Infections of Brain Parenchyma
spirochetes (Table 6). Because the sensitivity of nucleic acid ampli-
Focal parenchymal brain infections start as cerebritis, then
fication tests (NAAT) for M. tuberculosis in nonrespiratory speci-
progress to necrosis surrounded by a fibrous capsule. There are
mens may be poor, culture should also be requested [20, 23]. The
2 broad categories of pathogenesis: (1) contiguous spread (otitis
reported sensitivity of culture for diagnosing tuberculous meningi-
media, sinusitis, mastoiditis, and dental infection), trauma, neu-
tis is 25%–70% [24]. The highest yields for acid-fast bacilli (AFB)
rosurgical complication, or (2) hematogenous spread from a dis-
smear and AFB culture occur when large volumes (≥5 mL) of CSF
tant site of infection (skin, pulmonary, pelvic, intra-abdominal,
are used to perform the testing. The cryptococcal antigen test has
esophageal, endocarditis). A brain abscess in an immunocompe-
replaced the India ink stain for rapid diagnosis of meningitis caused
tent host is usually caused by bacteria (Table 8). A wider array of
by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii and should be
organisms is encountered in immunocompromised individuals.
readily available in most laboratories. This test is most sensitive
when performed on CSF rather than serum. The sensitivity and D. Central Nervous System Shunt Infections
specificity of cryptococcal antigen tests are >90%, but false-nega- Shunts are placed to divert CSF for the treatment of hydrocephalus.
tive and false-positive results may occur, for example in patients The proximal portion is placed in a cerebral ventricle, intracranial
with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS. Complement cyst, or the subarachnoid space (lumbar region). The distal portion
fixation test performed on CSF is recommended for the diagnosis may be internalized (peritoneal, vascular, or pleural space) or exter-
of coccidioidal meningitis since direct fungal smear and culture nalized. Five to 15% of shunts become infected (Table 9). Potential
are often negative. Detection of Coccidioides antibody in CSF by routes of shunt infection include contamination at time of place-
immunodiffusion has lower specificity than complement fixation. ment, contamination from the distal portion (retrograde), break-
down of the skin over the shunt, and hematogenous seeding. Blood
B. Encephalitis cultures should also be collected if the shunt terminates in a vascu-
Encephalitis is an infection of the brain parenchyma caus- lar space (ventriculoatrial shunt). Most CNS shunt infections are
ing abnormal cerebral function (altered mental status, beha- caused by bacteria. Fungi are more likely to cause shunt infections
vior or speech disturbances, sensory or motor deficits). Despite in immunocompromised patients and those receiving total paren-
advancements in molecular technology for the diagnosis of CNS teral nutrition, steroids, or broad-spectrum antibiotics. Culture of
infections, the etiologic agent of encephalitis often cannot be shunt or drain components after removal should not be performed
identified. The California Encephalitis Project identified a defi- unless the patient has symptoms of a CNS infection [35].
nite or probable etiologic agent for only 16% of 1570 immuno- E. Subdural Empyema, Epidural Abscess, and Suppurative Intracranial
competent patients enrolled from 1998 to 2005 (69% viral, 20% Thrombophlebitis
bacterial, 7% prion, 3% parasitic, 1% fungal); a possible cause was Cranial subdural empyema and cranial epidural abscess are neu-
identified for an additional 13% of patients [25]. Immunostatus, rosurgical emergencies that are usually caused by bacteria (strep-
travel, and other exposure history (insects, animals, water, sex- tococci, staphylococci, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, anaerobes,
ual) should guide testing. The Infectious Diseases Society of often polymicrobial) (Table 10). Mycobacteria and fungi are rare

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Table 8.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Focal Parenchymal Brain Infections

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

 Aerobes: Streptococcus,   Staphylococcus, Gram stain Aspirate of abscess con- Sterile anaerobic con-
Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Haemophilus, Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture tents, tissue tainer, RT, immediately
Listeria spp
 Anaerobes: Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Prevotella,
Actinomyces, Clostridium, Propionibacterium spp
  Nocardia spp Gram stain, modified acid-fast stain Aspirate of abscess con- Sterile container, RT,
Aerobic bacterial culture (hold 7 d; add tents, tissue immediately
buffered charcoal yeast extract agar)
Histology (GMS, Gram stain) Tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis AFB smear Aspirate of abscess con- Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture tents (no swabs), tissue
Histology (AFB stain) Tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
M. tuberculosis NAATa Aspirate, tissue Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Candida spp Calcofluor stain Aspirate of abscess con- Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Cryptococcus spp Fungal culture tents, tissue
  Aspergillus spp Histology (GMS stain) Tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
 Zygomycetes (Rhizopus, Mucor spp) Mucicarmine stain for Cryptococcus
  Scedosporium apiospermum
  Trichosporon spp
  Trichoderma spp
  Dematiaceous molds   (Cladophialophora bantiana,
Bipolaris spp, Exophiala spp
  Endemic dimorphic fungi
  Toxoplasma gondii Toxoplasma NAAT Aspirate of abscess con- Sterile container, RT, 2 h
tents, tissue
Toxoplasma antibodies, IgM and IgGb Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Giemsa stain Aspirate of abscess con- Closed container, RT, 2 h
Histology tents, tissue Formalin, indefinite
  Taenia solium (neurocysticercosis) T. solium antibodies, IgG, ELISA, con- Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
firmatory Western blotc
Histologyd Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
Formalin, indefinite
  Acanthamoeba spp Microscopic wet mount Aspirate of abscess con- Closed container, RT, 2 h
Giemsa stain tents, tissue
Histology (trichrome stain) Aspirate of abscess con- Closed container, RT, 2 h
tents, tissue
Culture Aspirate of abscess con- Sterile container, RT, 2 h
tents, tissue
Acanthamoeba antibody, IFAe Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Acanthamoeba IIF staininge Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
Giemsa Aspirate of abscess con- Closed container, RT, 2 h
tents, tissue
  Balamuthia mandrillaris Histology (trichrome stain) Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h
Formalin, indefinite
Balamuthia antibody, IFAe Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Balamuthia IIF staininge Brain tissue Closed container, RT, 2 h

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; GMS, Gomori methenamine silver; IFA, indirect fluorescent antibody; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immu-
noglobulin M; IIF, indirect immunofluorescent antibody; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature. 
A negative result does not rule out Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Refer positive IgM to Toxoplasma Serology Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, for confirmatory testing (http://www.pamf.org/serology/). The absence of IgM or IgG does not exclude
Toxoplasma infection [33].
Only 50% sensitivity if patient has solitary parenchymal lesion [34]; potential for false-positive ELISA results due to cross-reactivity with Echinococcus.
Diagnosis usually on basis of clinical presentation, neuroimaging, and serology. Only occasionally are invasive procedures (brain biopsy) required.
Available at the California State Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [31].

causes. Predisposing conditions include sinusitis, otitis media, The pathogenesis of spinal epidural abscess includes hematoge-
mastoiditis, neurosurgery, head trauma, subdural hematoma, nous spread (skin, urinary tract, mouth, mastoid, lung infection),
and meningitis (infants). direct extension (vertebral osteomyelitis, discitis), trauma, or

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Table 9.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Shunt Infections

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Time

Bacterial (1 organism or mixed)

 Aerobes: Staphylococcus,   Streptococcus, Gram stain CSF Sterile, anaerobic container, RT,
Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture immediately
Corynebacterium spp (hold 14 d for C. acnes)
 Anaerobes: Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium) acnes
  Mycobacterium spp (rare) AFB smear CSF (≥5 mL) Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture
Candida spp, other fungi Calcofluor stain CSF Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Fungal culture

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; RT, room temperature.

postprocedural complication (surgery, biopsy, lumbar puncture, or parenteral antimicrobial therapy. Infections may occur in the
anesthesia). Spinal epidural abscess is usually caused by staphylo- anatomical structures surrounding the eye (conjunctivitis, bleph-
cocci, streptococci, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, and anaerobes. aritis, canaliculitis, dacryocystitis, orbital and periorbital celluli-
Nocardia spp, mycobacteria, and fungi may also cause spinal tis), on the surface of the eye (keratitis), or within the globe of the
epidural abscess. Spinal subdural empyema is similar to spinal eye (endophthalmitis and uveitis/retinitis). Recommendations
epidural abscess in clinical presentation and causative organisms. for the laboratory diagnosis of ocular infections are often based
Magnetic resonance imaging is the optimal diagnostic pro- on studies where only small numbers of clinical specimens were
cedure for suppurative intracranial thrombophlebitis. The etio- examined so the evidence base for many recommendations is
logic agent may be recovered from cerebrospinal fluid and blood limited. Studies comparing multiple diagnostic approaches to
cultures. Causative organisms are similar to cranial epidural determine the optimal means for detection of the infectious eti-
abscess and cranial subdural empyema. Empiric antimicrobial ology of keratitis and endophthalmitis are further hampered by
therapy is usually based on the predisposing clinical condition. small specimen size. Finally, frequent pretreatment with topical
antibacterial agents further complicates laboratory diagnosis of
both bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis [36].
The spectrum of ocular infections can range from superficial, Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of ocular infections:
which may be treated symptomatically or with empiric topical
antimicrobial therapy, to those sight-threatening infections that • Specimens should be labeled with the specific anatomic
require aggressive surgical intervention and either topical and/ source, ie, conjunctiva or cornea, but not just “eye.”

Table 10.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Subdural Empyema, Epidural Abscess, and Suppurative Intracranial Thrombophlebitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Aerobes: Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Gram stain Aspirate of purulent Sterile, anaerobic con-
Enterobacteriaceae, Haemophilus, Pseudomonas spp Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial material (never use tainer, RT, immediately
  Anaerobes: Peptostreptococcus, Veillonella, Bacteroides, culture swabs)
Fusobacterium, Prevotella spp, Cutibacterium
(Propionibacterium) acnes
 Nocardia spp Gram stain, modified acid-fast stain Aspirate of purulent Sterile container, RT,
Aerobic bacterial culture (hold 7 d; material immediately
add BCYE agar)
 Mycobacterium spp AFB smear Aspirate of purulent Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture material
M. tuberculosis NAATa
(rarely available)
 Candida spp, other fungi Calcofluor stain Aspirate of purulent Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Fungal culture material

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
Negative NAAT for tuberculosis does not rule out Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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• The Gram stain is useful in the diagnosis of conjunctivitis, so Smears may be made for Gram stain, calcofluor stain for fungi
2 swabs per site may be appropriate; a paired specimen from and Acanthamoeba, or direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) for
the uninfected eye can be used as a “control” to assist in cul- Chlamydia trachomatis. Appropriate transport media should be
ture or Gram stain interpretation. provided by the laboratory and available at the collection site for
• Swab specimens are routinely used but provide a minimum specimens submitted for Chlamydia and/or viral culture or NAAT
amount of material. Consult the laboratory regarding sus- [36]. Although NAAT tests are preferred for the diagnosis of viral
picious agents. Corneal scrapings are preferred for keratitis ocular infections because of their increased sensitivity and more
diagnosis. rapid turnaround time, if viral culture is requested, specimens
• Organisms that are part of the indigenous microflora are should be submitted on ice using viral transport medium, espe-
usually not involved in conjunctivitis but may be involved in cially if specimen transport is prolonged [36].
postsurgical keratitis and endophthalmitis. Specimens obtained from either the surface or the globe
of the eye are almost always collected by ophthalmologists.
A. Specimen Collection, Processing, and Transport Specimen types include swabs of ulcers, corneal scrapings,
Because ocular infections may involve one or both eyes and eti- impression membrane cultures, biopsies, or anterior chamber
ologies may differ, clinicians must clearly mark specimens as to aspirates, or vitreous aspirates/washings [36, 37]. The volume of
which eye has been sampled, especially in those patients who specimens is always limited. This specimen limitation makes it
have bilateral disease. necessary for the laboratory to prioritize procedures depending
Collection of specimens from anatomical structures sur- on what organisms are sought; this should always be done after
rounding the eye is typically done using swabs (Table  11). The discussion with the ophthalmologist who collects the specimen
most commonly collected specimens are from the conjunctiva. and the infectious disease consultant when appropriate. This
Cultures for aerobic bacteria and detection of Chlamydia and is particularly important because all major pathogen groups—
viruses either by culture or NAAT are most commonly performed, viruses, parasites, bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi—can cause
although none are as yet FDA approved for detection in eye spec- ocular infection. Both epidemiology and clinical presentation
imens. Since direct microscopic examination may be useful in are used to narrow the organism(s) sought and the laboratory
preliminary diagnosis of conjunctivitis, obtaining dual swabs, tests requested. Because of the limited specimen size seen with
one for culture and one for smear preparation, is recommended. scrapings and biopsies, the laboratory and ophthalmologist

Table 11.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Periocular Structure Infections/Conjunctivitis, Orbital and Periorbital Cellulitis, and Lacrimal and Eyelid Infections

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Haemophilus influenzae Gram stain Conjunctival swab Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
  Streptococcus pneumoniae Aerobic bacterial culture
  Staphylococcus aureus
  Moraxella catarrhalis and other spp
  Streptococcus pyogenes
  Escherichia coli
  Other Enterobacteriaceae
  Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Actinomyces spp Anaerobic bacterial culture Conjunctival scraping or biopsy Sterile anaerobic container, RT,
  Other anaerobic bacteria (rare cause of immediately
  Chlamydia trachomatis Direct fluorescent antibody Conjunctival swab Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
  HSV HSV NAAT Conjunctival swab Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
HSV culture
  VZV VZV NAAT Conjunctival swab Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
  Adenovirus Adenovirus NAAT Conjunctival swab Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
  Herpes B virus

Abbreviations: HSV, herpes simplex virus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; VZV, varicella zoster virus.
NAATs for detection of C. trachomatis have not yet been approved in the United States for use with conjunctival swab specimens. Individual laboratories, however, may have validated
NAATs for examination of specimens obtained from patients with conjunctivitis, and studies suggest that NAATs are more sensitive than cultures.
Use of NAAT for detection of C. trachomatis is considered an “off-label” use of this test. Laboratories that offer such testing must conduct in-house validation of these assays before offering
NAAT as a diagnostic test.
Culturing of specimens thought to harbor herpes B virus (primate origin) requires use of biosafety level 4 precautions in the laboratory, and testing is almost always referred to a specialized
reference laboratory. Consult the laboratory when herpes B virus is suspected.

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may agree to inoculate these specimens onto media and pre- of bacterial conjunctivitis is often compromised by the prior
pare smears at the bedside. In this case, the laboratory should use of empiric antibacterial therapy [40, 41]. Sexually active
supply the necessary media and slides to the ophthalmologist. patients who present with bacterial conjunctivitis should have
If these supplies are stored in the clinic or operating suite for an aggressive diagnostic workup with Gram stain and cultures
ready access by the surgeon, it is the laboratory’s responsibility because of their risk for N. gonorrhoeae conjunctivitis [43]. This
to assure that these materials do not out-date and meet all qual- is a sight-threatening infection which can result in perforation
ity control standards. Aspirates from the anterior chamber or of the globe. In the developing world, trachoma, a form of con-
vitreous are the optimal specimens for detection of anaerobic junctivitis due to specific strains of C. trachomatis is a leading
bacteria and viral agents; they can be submitted in syringes with cause of blindness, especially in children [44]. Off-label use of
needles removed. Syringes should be placed in a leak-proof commercial NAAT assays is used for detection of this agent in
outer container for transport. Injection of the fluid into a small research settings [44]. Certain organisms that are part of the
sterile vial (provided by the laboratory) is preferable. The same indigenous skin and mucous membrane microflora, such as
principles for specimen collection and transport described for coagulase-negative staphylococci, Corynebacterium spp, and
conjunctival specimens apply to these specimens as well. viridans streptococci, are generally considered nonpathogenic
when recovered from the conjunctival mucosa and are consid-
B. Orbital and Periorbital Cellulitis ered to be “normal flora.” In specimens taken from the surface
Orbital cellulitis is almost always a complication of sinusitis and or interior of the eye, these organisms along with Cutibacterium
the organisms associated with it include Streptococcus pneu- (Propionibacterium) acnes are considered pathogens, especially
moniae, nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus in patient postcataract or LASIK surgery [36]. Adenovirus, the
pyogenes, Moraxella spp, anaerobic bacteria, Aspergillus spp, etiologic agent of “pink eye,” is highly transmissible in a variety
and the Mucorales (formerly Zygomycetes). Periorbital celluli- of settings. This is almost always a clinical diagnosis, although
tis usually arises as a result either of localized trauma or bacte- for epidemiologic purposes culture or NAAT can be done [36].
remia most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus, S. pyogenes, Most cases of neonatal conjunctivitis are due to Neisseria gon-
or S.  pneumoniae [38]. Diagnosis of these infections is either orrhoeae, C. trachomatis, or herpes simplex virus. Commercial
based on positive blood cultures or, in the case of orbital cellu- NAATs for both N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis are not FDA
litis, culture of drainage material aspirated from the subperios- approved for this specimen type so culture or in the case of
teal region of the sinuses. C. trachomatis, DFA testing, if available, can be used [36, 44].
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a rare but life-threatening cause of
C. Infection of the Eyelids and Lacrimal System
neonatal conjunctivitis in hospitalized infants.
Blepharitis, canaliculitis, and dacryocystitis are all superficial
infections that are generally self-limited. The organisms asso-
E. Keratitis
ciated with these infections are predominantly gram-positive
Corneal infections usually occur in 3 distinct patient popula-
bacteria, although various gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes,
tions: those with ocular trauma with foreign objects, those with
and fungi all have been recovered [39]. A  limitation of many
postsurgical complications of corneal surgery, and in patients
studies of these infections is that microbiologic data on con-
who practice poor hygiene associated with their extended-wear
trol populations are frequently lacking. The organisms com-
contact lenses [45, 46]. Postvaccination keratitis is a well-rec-
monly recovered are part of the indigenous skin microflora
ognized complication of vaccinia vaccination and should be
such as coagulase negative staphylococci and diphtheroids, so
considered in the appropriate clinical setting [47]. Corneal
attributing a pathogenic role to these organisms in these condi-
infections can also result from reactivation of herpes viruses
tions is difficult. Cultures from these sites are rarely submitted
including HSV and varicella zoster virus [48]. It is important
for diagnostic workup. If cultures for canaliculitis are consid-
to note that the use of dyes and topical anesthetics may inhibit
ered, concretions recovered during canalicular compression or
NAAT reactions used to diagnose keratitis [48]. The eye sur-
canaliculotomy are recommended. Strategies for the diagnosis
face should be thoroughly rinsed with nonbacteriostatic saline
of these superficial infections should be similar to those for
before specimens for NAATs are obtained [48, 49] (Table 12).
The most common corneal infections occur in patients who
D. Conjunctivitis improperly use their contact lens system. Because these patients
Most cases of conjunctivitis are caused by bacteria or viruses are usually treated with antimicrobial agents prior to obtain-
that are typically associated with upper respiratory tract infec- ing specimens for bacterial cultures, some ophthalmologists
tions [40, 41]. Because of the distinctive clinical presentation of favor culturing contact lens solution and cases. However, cul-
both bacterial and viral conjunctivitis coupled with the self-lim- ture of such solutions and cases is not recommended because
ited nature of these infections, determining its etiology is infre- of the frequency with which they are falsely positive [50, 51].
quently attempted [42]. When tests are requested, diagnosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common cause of sporadic

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Table 12.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Periocular Structure Infections/Keratitis

Transport Issues and Optimal Transport

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Time

  Coagulase-negative staphylococci Gram stainb Corneal scrapings, Inoculated plates and prepared slide
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aerobic bacterial culture (with bedside sterile impression transported directly to the laboratoryb,
  Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium) acnes inoculation of plates)b membrane, RT, immediately
  Streptococcus pneumoniae Add BCYE agar for Nocardia corneal biopsy
  Staphylococcus aureus Anaerobic culture (for C. acnes) Corneal scrapings, Place second sample into anaerobic
  Serratia marcescens sterile impression broth (at bedside) provided by
  Acinetobacter spp membrane, laboratory
  Escherichia coli corneal biopsy
  Enterobacter cloacae
  Haemophilus influenzae
  Klebsiella pneumoniae
  Other gram-negative bacteria
  Corynebacterium spp
  Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  Nocardia sppc
  Mycobacterium sppd Acid-fast smear Corneal scrapings, Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture sterile impression
corneal biopsy
  Aspergillus spp Calcofluor-KOH staine Corneal scrapings, Inoculated plates and prepared slide
  Fusarium spp Fungal culture (with bedside inoculation of sterile impression transported directly to the laboratorye,
  Dematiaceous fungi plates)e membrane, RT, immediately
corneal biopsy
 HSV HSV NAAT (for initial diagnosis) Corneal swab, Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
HSV culture corneal biopsy
 VZV VZV NAAT Corneal swab, Virus swab transport device, RT, 2 h
Corneal biopsy
 Adenovirus Adenovirus NAAT Corneal swab, Viral swab transport device, RT, 2 h
Corneal biopsy
  Acanthamoeba spp Giemsa stain Corneal scrapings, Sterile container, RT, immediately.
Calcofluor-KOH stain sterile impression Transport in Page saline.
Acanthamoeba NAAT or culture (with Corneal swab, Inoculated plate transported directly
bedside inoculation of culture plate)f Corneal biopsy to the laboratoryf, RT, immediately.
Swab/tissue for NAAT in viral trans-
port device or saline, RT, 2 h

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; HSV, herpes simplex virus; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room tempera-
ture; VZV, varicella zoster virus.
The relative likelihood of a specific etiology depends on the underlying reason for the development of keratitis.
Culture plates, including a sheep blood agar plate and a chocolate agar plate, should be inoculated directly with material collected on the Kimura spatula directly at the patient’s bedside at
the time corneal scrapings are obtained, usually applied to the agar surface as a number of small “C”-shaped inocula. If sufficient sample is available, a smear on a glass slide may also be
prepared at the patient’s bedside after the plates are inoculated. The inoculated plates and slide (if prepared) are then transported directly to the microbiology laboratory.
The laboratory should be notified when Nocardia spp is suspected so that culture plates may be incubated for longer periods than normal, thus enhancing the chance of recovering this
slow-growing organism. Additional media, such as BCYE, can enhance recovery of Nocardia.
Acid-fast smears and mycobacterial cultures should be performed in all postoperative infections of the cornea. Mycobacterium chelonae is a common finding in such cases.
At least one culture plate or slant containing a nonselective fungal growth medium should be inoculated directly at the patient’s bedside at the time corneal scrapings are obtained. If
sufficient sample is available, a smear on a glass slide may also be prepared at the patient’s bedside. This should be attempted only after plates/slants have been inoculated. The inoculated
plates/slants and slide (if prepared) are then transported directly to the microbiology laboratory. The smear is stained with Calcofluor-KOH in the laboratory and examined for fungal elements.
A corneal swab specimen is used to inoculate an agar plate containing nonnutritive medium at the patient’s bedside and then transported immediately to the laboratory. In the laboratory,
the plate is overlaid with a lawn of viable Escherichia coli or some other member of the Enterobacteriaceae (ie, co-cultivation) prior to incubation. Alternatively, plates seeded with the bacteria
are inoculated with a bit of corneal scraping material or a drop of a suspension of the scraped sample in sterile saline.

contact lens–associated keratitis, but outbreaks of keratitis coagulase-negative staphylococci or C. acnes, so in this setting
due to contamination of contact lens care solutions have been these organisms should not be considered contaminants but
recently reported with both Fusarium and Acanthamoeba as potential pathogens [36]. Keratitis postcorneal transplant is
[50–53]. Sporadic cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis are increas- most commonly due to Candida spp (80% of cases). This is due
ing, with >90% associated with improper contact lens use [54]. in part to the most widely used corneal holding medium not
Postsurgical keratitis infections are frequently due to either containing any antifungal agents [55].

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Keratitis following trauma due to foreign objects is frequently and fungi (n = 6) represented most of the organisms detected
caused by organisms found in the environment. Included in this by histopathology.
group are environmental gram-negative rods such as P. aerugi-
nosa, Nocardia spp, molds including dematiaceous fungi, and F. Endophthalmitis
environmental mycobacteria [36]. Endophthalmitis can arise either by exogenous introduction of
Corneal biopsies are recommended in patients in whom pathogens into the eye following trauma or surgery, or as a result
keratitis persists or worsens. In a small series (n = 48), organ- of endogenous introduction of pathogens across the blood–eye
ism was found in 44% who had negative corneal scrapings. barrier. Depending upon the mode of pathogenesis, the spectrum
However, most pathogens were detected by histopathology of causative agents will vary (Table  13). Specimens for diagno-
(n = 19) and not culture (n = 9) [56]. Acanthamoeba sp (n = 8) sis of endophthalmitis can be obtained by aspiration of aqueous

Table 13.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Endophthalmitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Coagulase-negative staphylococci Gram stainb Aqueous aspirate Inoculated plates and prepared
  Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic bacterial culture (with bed- Vitreous aspirate, washing or biopsy slide transported directly to the
  Streptococcus agalactiae side inoculation of plates)b laboratoryb, RT, immediately
  Viridans streptococci Add BCYE agar for Nocardia Washing sent to laboratory, RT, 2 h
  Bacillus cereus and related spp
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  Acinetobacter spp
  Escherichia coli
  Enterobacter cloacae
  Haemophilus influenzae
  Serratia marcescens
  Klebsiella pneumoniae
  Neisseria meningitidis
  Enterococcus spp
  Listeria monocytogenes
  Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium) acnes
  Corynebacterium spp
  Nocardia sppc
Anaerobic culture for C. acnes Place second sample into anaerobic Sterile anaerobic container, RT,
broth (at bedside) provided by immediately
  Mycobacterium sppd Acid-fast smeare Aqueous aspirate Inoculated slants and smear are
AFB culture (with bedside inocula- Vitreous aspirate, washing or biopsy transported directly to the
tion of slants)e laboratorye, RT, immediately
Washing sent to laboratory, RT, 2 h
  Aspergillus spp Calcofluor-KOH staing Aqueous aspirate Inoculated plate and smear are
  Fusarium spp Fungal culture (with bedside inocu- Vitreous aspirate, washing or biopsy transported directly to the
  Dematiaceous fungi lation of culture plate) laboratoryg, RT, immediately
  Scedosporium spp Washing sent to laboratory, RT, 2 h
  Candida albicans
  Candida glabrata
 Other Candida spp

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; KOH, potassium hydroxide; RT, room temperature.
Among the long list of bacterial causes of endophthalmitis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Listeria monocytogenes, and Neisseria meningitidis occur almost exclusively as a result of endoge-
nous seeding of the eye. The other bacteria listed may cause endophthalmitis either secondary to trauma or surgery or following hematogenous seeding. 
Culture plates, including a sheep blood agar plate and a chocolate agar plate, should be inoculated directly at the patient’s bedside at the time corneal scrapings are obtained (see footnote
"b" for Table 12). If sufficient sample is available, a smear on a glass slide may also be prepared at the patient’s bedside after plates are inoculated. The inoculated plates and slide (if prepared)
are then transported directly to the microbiology laboratory.
The laboratory should be notified when Nocardia spp is suspected so that special media can be used and routine culture plates will be incubated for up to 7 days.
The most common Mycobacterium sp recovered from intraocular infections is M. chelonae, and this occurs almost exclusively as a complication of surgical procedures.
Acid-fast smears and mycobacterial cultures should be performed in all postsurgical infections of the eye. A 7H-11 agar or a Lowenstein-Jensen agar slant should be inoculated at the
patient’s bedside. If sufficient clinical sample remains, a smear should be prepared. Both the slant and the smear (if prepared) should be transported directly to the laboratory for further
processing. If after inoculating a slant and preparing a smear at the bedside, there is still unused specimen remaining, it should be transported in a sterile container immediately to the
laboratory at RT for inoculation into broth media and subsequent instrument-based processing.
Among the fungi listed, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and other Candida spp cause endogenous endophthalmitis as a result of hematogenous seeding of the eye. The other fungi
listed typically cause infection following traumatic inoculation of the eye.
At least one culture plate or slant containing a nonselective fungal growth medium should be inoculated directly at the patient’s bedside at the time corneal scrapings are obtained. If suffi-
cient sample is available, a smear on a glass slide may also be prepared at the patient’s bedside after plates/slants have been inoculated. The inoculated plates/slants and slide (if prepared)
are then transported directly to the microbiology laboratory. The smear is stained with Calcofluor-KOH in the laboratory and examined for fungal elements.

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fluid or vitreous fluid/washing or via biopsy [57–59]. Specimen T. gondii IgG lacks specificity for the diagnosis of ocular toxo-
amounts of both aqueous and vitreous fluid are small, so dis- plasmosis; therefore, serology is only valuable in the setting of
cretion must be exercised in determining for which agents the acute infection or when the patient has an ocular examination
specimen should be examined. Alternatively, vitrectomy, a surgi- pathognomonic for toxoplasmosis, demonstrating retinocho-
cal procedure, allows collections of comparatively large fluid vol- roiditis in a majority of cases. The comparison of intraocular
umes (>5 mL) by “washing” the vitreous with a nonbacteriostatic antibody levels in aqueous humor to that in serum has been
balanced salt solution [58, 59] or by membrane filtration. found to be a useful means for diagnosing ocular toxoplasmo-
Postoperative endophthalmitis is most often caused by sis, although not consistently accurate. Because the specimen
gram-positive organisms with coagulase-negative staphylococci needed for testing can only be obtained by an experienced oph-
predominating; chronic postoperative endophthalmitis can be thalmologist and is an invasive procedure, it is unlikely that this
due to C. acnes, so this organism should not be routinely dis- technique will be used outside the research setting [68]. NAAT
missed as a contaminant [58–61]. Postcorneal endophthalmitis of blood, vitreous, or aqueous fluids is not as sensitive as intra-
is due primarily to Candida spp (65%) and gram-positive organ- ocular antibody determinations, but the specimens for testing
isms (33%), with Candida and the majority of the gram-positive may be more easily obtained. Sensitivities of NAATs ranging
organism resistant to the antimicrobials present in the cornea from 50% to 80% have been reported in patients with T. gondii
holding medium [56]. retinitis depending upon the sequence used and the specimen
Environmental organisms such as dematiaceous fungi, tested. It should be noted that the total numbers of specimens
Fusarium spp, Bacillus cereus, Nocardia spp, Mycobacterium tested in these studies are small but there is increasing evidence
chelonae, and glucose-fermenting gram-negative rods are more to the diagnostic value of NAAT in T. gondii retinitis [68–72].
commonly encountered in patients with exogenous endoph- Since the advent of highly active antiretroviral treatment,
thalmitis [61]. Endogenous endophthalmitis, because of its CMV retinitis has become much less frequent. Nevertheless,
association with bacteremia and fungemia, is usually caused cases do occur in HIV patients who have either failed HIV ther-
by those organisms most responsible for BSIs; for example, apy or as an AIDS-presenting diagnosis [73]. In addition, CMV
Candida albicans and related species, Aspergillus spp, S. aureus, retinitis has been a well-recognized complication of bone mar-
S.  pneumoniae, the Enterobacteriaceae (especially Klebsiella row and solid organ transplantation, less frequent recently due
pneumoniae), and P.  aeruginosa [62, 63]. Viruses and para- to improvements in preemptive detection and therapy. CMV
sites are rarely found to cause endophthalmitis; however, as in retinitis is frequently diagnosed clinically because of character-
cases of trauma or severe immunosuppression, infection due to istic lesions seen on ophthalmologic examination. Quantitative
agents such as the herpes viruses, Toxoplasma gondii, Toxocara CMV NAAT performed on peripheral blood is also a useful
spp, Echinococcus spp, and Onchocerca volvulus do occur [64, tool in the diagnosis and management of this infection. Patients
65] and typically involve the uvea and retina. For further infor- with detectable CMV viral loads have a higher likelihood of ret-
mation on the diagnosis of ocular infections caused by O. vol- inal disease progression, and those with high CMV viral loads
vulus, see Section XV-C. have increased mortality. Patients with undetectable CMV viral
loads have a low likelihood of having virus that is resistant to
G. Uveitis/Retinitis antiviral agents [74]. Because of interlaboratory variation in
The inflammation characteristic of uveitis/retinitis is typically viral quantification, what represents a positive CMV viral load
due to either autoimmune conditions or is idiopathic [66]. Only and a high CMV viral load will vary among laboratories [75].
infrequently is it due to infection, which is almost always caused Physicians should consult the laboratory performing the CMV
by endogenous microbes accessing the eye via a breach in the viral load for assistance with test interpretation.
blood–eye barrier. Because uveitis and retinitis, like endogenous Patients with ocular syphilis may present with normal CSF
endophthalmitis, are localized manifestations of systemic infec- or may frequently have CNS findings associated with either
tions, diagnosis of the etiology of systemic infections should acute syphilitic meningitis or neurosyphilis. Patients with
be coupled with a careful ocular examination, preferably per- syphilitic uveitis typically have high rapid plasma reagin (RPR)
formed by an ophthalmologist with specific infectious disease titers [67]. Cell counts, total protein, and glucose, along with
expertise. Important causes of uveitis/retinitis include T. gondii, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) testing of CSF,
cytomegalovirus (CMV), HSV, varicella zoster virus, M. tuber- are recommended in clinical settings where syphilitic uveitis is
culosis, and Treponema pallidum [64–67]. Toxocara canis and suspected [67].
rubella are additional agents to be considered in pediatrics. Finally, metagenomics analysis is beginning to be applied in
Toxoplasma gondii is the most common infectious cause of research settings for the diagnosis of unusual cases of uveitis. This
retinitis. Diagnosis is typically made on clinical grounds sup- diagnostic approach is likely to be available for the diagnosis of
ported by serology. In the industrialized world, the presence of endophthalmitis, uveitis, and retinitis in the near future [76].

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IV. SOFT TISSUE INFECTIONS OF THE HEAD role in these infections, most frequently gram-negative bacilli
AND NECK and staphylococci.
Infection of various spaces and tissues that occur in the head Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of head and neck soft
and neck can be divided into those arising from odontogenic, tissue infections:
oropharyngeal, or exogenous sources. Odontogenic infections
are caused commonly by endogenous periodontal or gingival • A swab is not the specimen of choice for these specimens.
flora [77]. These infections include peritonsillar and pharyngeal Submit tissue, fluid, or aspirate when possible.
abscesses; deep space abscesses, such as those of the retropharyn- • Resist swabbing in cases of epiglottitis.
geal, parapharyngeal, submandibular, and sublingual spaces; and • Use anaerobic transport containers if anaerobes are suspected.
cervical lymphadenitis [78, 79]. Complications of odontogenic • Keep tissue specimens moist during transport.
infection can occur by hematogenous spread or by direct exten-
sion resulting in septic jugular vein thrombophlebitis (Lemierre The following tables include the most common soft tissue and
syndrome), bacterial endocarditis, intracranial abscess, or acute tissue space infections of the head and neck that originate from
mediastinitis [80, 81]. Accurate etiologic diagnosis depends upon odontogenic, oropharyngeal, and exogenous sources. The opti-
collection of an aspirate or biopsy of inflammatory material from mum approach to establishing an etiologic diagnosis of each
affected tissues and tissue spaces while avoiding contamina- condition is provided.
tion with mucosal microbiota. The specimen should be placed
into an anaerobic transport container to support the recovery of A. Infections of the Oral Cavity and Adjacent Spaces and Tissues Caused
by Odontogenic and Oropharyngeal Flora (Table 14)
anaerobic bacteria (both aerobic and facultative bacteria survive
in anaerobic transport). Requests for Gram-stained smears are
B. Mastoiditis and Malignant Otitis Externa Caused by Oropharyngeal and
standard for all anaerobic cultures because they allow the labo- Exogenous Pathogens (Table 15)
ratorian to evaluate the adequacy of the specimen by identify-
ing inflammatory cells, provide an early presumptive etiologic V. UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT BACTERIAL AND
diagnosis, and identify morphologic patterns indicative of mixed FUNGAL INFECTIONS
aerobic and anaerobic infections [82]. Additionally, spirochetes Infections in the upper respiratory tract usually involve the ears,
(often involved in odontogenic infection) cannot be recovered in the mucus membranes lining the nose and throat above the epi-
routine anaerobic cultures but will be seen in the stained smear. glottis, and the sinuses. Most infections involving the nose and
Infections caused by oropharyngeal flora include epiglotti- throat are caused by viruses (see Section XIV for testing informa-
tis, mastoiditis, inflammation of salivary tissue, and suppurative tion). Inappropriate utilization of antibiotics for viral infections is a
parotitis [77, 83]. Because the epiglottis may swell dramatically major driver of increasing antibiotic resistance. Proper diagnosis of
during epiglottitis, there is a chance of sudden occlusion of the infectious syndromes in this environment must involve laboratory
trachea if the epiglottis is disturbed, such as by an attempt to col- tests to determine the etiology and thus inform the proper therapy.
lect a swab specimen. Blood cultures are the preferred sample for Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of upper respiratory
the diagnosis of epiglottitis; if swabbing is attempted, it should tract infections:
be in a setting with available appropriate emergency response.
Oropharyngeal flora also can extend into tissues of the middle • Swabs are not recommended for otitis media or sinusitis.
ear, mastoid, and nasal sinuses, causing acute infection [77, 84]. Submit an aspirate for culture.
Aspirated material, saline lavage of a closed space, and tissue or • Most cases of otitis media can be diagnosed clinically and
tissue scrapings are preferred specimens and must be transported treated without culture support.
in a sterile container. Tissues should be transported under sterile • Throat specimens require a firm, thorough sampling of the
conditions and kept moist by adding a few drops of sterile, non- throat and tonsils, avoiding cheeks, gums, and teeth.
bacteriostatic saline. Although rarely implicated, if anaerobic bac- • Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria
terial pathogens are suspected, anaerobic transport is required. meningitidis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae are not etiologic
Note that filamentous fungi are common causes of chronic sinus- agents of acute pharyngitis and should not be identified or
itis, and they may not be recovered on swabs, even those obtained reported in throat cultures.
endoscopically. Endoscopic aspirates or tissue scrapings are the • Nasopharyngeal cultures cannot accurately predict the etio-
specimens of choice. For microbiology analysis, it is always best to logic agent of sinusitis.
submit the actual specimen, not a swab of the specimen.
Infections caused by exogenous pathogens (not part of the A. Otitis Media
oral flora) include malignant otitis externa, mastoiditis, animal Otitis media (OM) is the single most frequent condition caus-
bites and trauma, irradiation burns, and complications of sur- ing pediatric patients to be taken to a healthcare provider and
gical procedures [84, 85]. Mucosal flora may play an etiologic to be given antibiotics [86]. Acute OM with effusion is the

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Table 14.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Infections of the Oral Cavity and Adjacent Spaces and Tissues Caused by Odontogenic and Oropharyngeal Flora

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Vincent angina (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis)

  Mixed infection due to Fusobacterium Gram stain; culture not recommended Biopsy or irrigation and aspiration of Sterile container,
spp and commensal Borrelia spp of the lesion; swab not recommended RT, immediately.
oral cavity If culture attempted, anaerobic transport vial,
RT, 2 h
Epiglottitis and supraglottitis
  Normal host
  Haemophilus influenzae Gram stain Clinical diagnosis may not require Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
  Streptococcus pneumoniae Aerobic bacterial culture specimen
  β-hemolytic streptococci Swab of epiglottisa only if necessary
  Staphylococcus aureus Blood cultures Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic blood culture bottle, RT, immediately
  Neisseria meningitidis
  Immunocompromised host
   Same bacteria as in the normal host Gram stain Clinical diagnosis may not require Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
above but also other agents such as Aerobic bacterial culture specimen
Pasteurella multocida Swab of epiglottisa only if necessary
Blood cultures Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic blood culture bottle, RT, immediately
  Aspergillus spp Calcofluor-KOH stain Biopsy or protected specimen brush Sterile container, RT, 2 h
   Other filamentous fungi Fungal culture Swab much less likely to recover fungi
Fungal blood cultures Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic blood culture bottle formulated for
fungi, RT, immediately, or lysis-centrifuga-
tion blood culture tubes, RT, immediately
Peritonsillar abscess
  Streptococcus pyogenes Gram stain Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of abscess; Sterile anaerobic container, RT, immediately
  Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture swab not recommended
  Streptococcus anginosus (milleri) group
  Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
  Mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora
of the oral cavity
Lemierre syndrome (internal jugular thrombophlebitis)
  Fusobacterium necrophorum Gram stain Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of lesion; Sterile anaerobic container, RT, immediately
  Occasionally mixed anaerobic bacterial Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture swab not recommended
flora of the oral cavity including Prevotella Blood culturesb Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottle, RT,
spp and anaerobic gram-positive cocci immediately
Submandibular, retropharyngeal, and other deep space infections including Ludwig angina
  Streptococcus pyogenes Gram stain Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of lesion; Sterile anaerobic container, RT, immediately
  Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture swab not recommended
  Streptococcus anginosus (milleri) group Blood culturesb Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottle, RT,
  Actinomyces spp immediately
  Mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora
of the oral cavity
Cervical lymphadenitis
  Acute infection
  Streptococcus pyogenes Gram stain Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of abscess; Sterile anaerobic container, RT, immediately
  Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture swab not recommended
  Streptococcus anginosus (milleri) group Blood culturesb Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottle, RT,
   Mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacterial immediately
flora of the oral cavity
  Chronic infection
  Mycobacterium avium complex Acid-fast smear Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of abscess; Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis AFB culture swab not recommended
  Other mycobacteria
  Listeria monocytogenes Gram stain Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of abscess; Sterile container, RT, immediately
Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture swab not recommended
Blood cultures Blood, 2–4 sets Aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottle, RT,
  Bartonella henselae Bartonella NAATc 5 mL plasma EDTA tube, RT, 2 h
Biopsy tissue Sterile container, RT, immediately
Bartonella cultured Biopsy, aspiration or irrigation of abscess; Sterile container, RT, immediately
Histopathology (Warthin-Starry and swab not recommended Container for pathology, indefinite
H&E stains) Tissue in formalin for histopathology

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room
Alert! Consider risk. During specimen collection, airway compromise may occur, necessitating the availability of intubation and resuscitation equipment and personnel.
Blood cultures should be performed at the discretion of the healthcare provider.
Note that nucleic acid tests are not usually available locally and must be sent to a reference laboratory with a resulting longer turnaround time.
The laboratory should be alerted if Bartonella cultures will be requested so that appropriate media are available at the time the specimen arrives in the laboratory; even then, the yield
of Bartonella culture is very low. When available, Bartonella nucleic acid testing is more sensitive. A portion of the specimen should be sent to the histopathology laboratory for H&E and
Warthin-Starry stains.

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Table 15.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Mastoiditis and Malignant Otitis Externa Caused by Oropharyngeal and Exogenous Pathogens

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Time

  Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain Middle ear fluid obtained by tympanocente- Sterile anaerobic container, RT,
  Haemophilus influenzae Aerobic and anaerobic sis or biopsy of mastoid tissue; swab not immediately
  Moraxella catarrhalis bacterial culture recommended
  Streptococcus pyogenes
  Staphylococcus aureus
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  Anaerobic bacteria
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acid-fast smear Biopsy of mastoid tissue Sterile container, RT, 2 h
AFB culture
Malignant otitis externa
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gram stain Scraping or fluid from external canal or tissue bi- Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Aerobic bacterial culture opsy from temporal bone or mastoid

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; RT, room temperature.

clinical variant of OM most likely to have a bacterial etiology canal. Cultures of the pharynx, nasopharynx, anterior nares, or
and, as a result, most likely to benefit from antimicrobial ther- nasal drainage material are of no value in attempting to establish
apy [87, 88] (Table 16). Streptococcus pneumoniae, nontypeable an etiologic diagnosis of bacterial OM (Table 16) [92].
Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most
common bacterial causes of OM, with S.  aureus, Streptococcus B. Sinusitis
pyogenes, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa occurring less com- Rhinosinusitis (the preferred term encompassing both acute
monly [89]. Turicella otitidis and Staphylococcus auricularis and chronic disease) affects approximately 12%–15.2% of the
are emerging pathogens thought to cause OM, but additional adult population in the United States annually. The direct
studies are needed to determine the true significance of these costs of managing acute and chronic rhinosinusitis exceed
organisms [89, 90]. Chronic suppurative OM is associated with a US$11 billion per year. The etiological agents of rhinosinus-
higher rate of complications than acute OM. Pseudomonas aeru- itis vary based upon the duration of symptoms and whether
ginosa and S. aureus are the most common pathogens in chronic it is community acquired or of nosocomial origin (Table  17).
OM [91]. A  variety of respiratory viruses are known to cause Streptococcus pneumoniae, nontypeable H.  influenzae, and
OM; however, there exists no pathogen specific therapy and as Moraxella catarrhalis are the most common bacterial causes
a result, there is little reason to attempt to establish an etiologic of acute maxillary sinusitis. The role of respiratory viruses in
diagnosis in patients with a viral etiology. Efforts to determine sinusitis needs further study, but most patients with acute sinus-
the cause of OM are best reserved for patients likely to have a itis have an upper respiratory virus detectable early in the illness
bacterial etiology (recent onset, bulging tympanic membrane, [93]. Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative bacilli, Streptococcus
pain, or exudate) who have not responded to prior courses of spp, and anaerobic bacteria are associated more frequently with
antimicrobial therapy, patients with immunological deficiencies, subacute, chronic, or healthcare-associated sinusitis [94]. The
and acutely ill patients [86, 88]. The only representative speci- role of fungi as etiological agents is more controversial, possi-
men is middle ear fluid obtained either by tympanocentesis or, bly due to numerous publications that used poor sample col-
in patients with otorrhea or myringotomy tubes, by collecting lection methods and thus did not recover the fungal agents. In
drainage on mini-tipped swabs directly after cleaning the ear immunocompetent hosts, fungi are associated most often with

Table 16.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Otitis Media

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiological Agentsa Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Time
Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain, Tympanocentesis fluid Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Haemophilus influenzae Aerobic bacterial culture Mini-tipped swab of fluid draining from the middle Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
Moraxella catarrhalis ear cavity in patients with myringotomy tubes or otorrhea
Streptococcus pyogenes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Alloiococcus otitidis
Staphylococcus aureus

Abbreviation: RT, room temperature.

Viruses are often the etiologic agent, but microbiologic studies do not help with treatment decisions.

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Table 17.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Sinusitis

Transport Issues and

Etiological Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Acute maxillary sinusitis

  Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain Aspirate obtained by antral puncture Sinus secretion collector
  Haemophilus influenzae Aerobic bacterial culture (vacuum aspirator)
  Moraxella catarrhalis  Sterile container, RT, <2 h
  Staphylococcus aureusa Middle meatal swab specimen obtained Swab transport device, RT, 2 h
  Streptococcus pyogenesa with endoscopic guidance (in adults)
Complicated (chronic) sinusitis
  Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain Aspirate obtained by antral punctureb Sinus secretion collector
  Haemophilus influenzae Aerobic and anaerobic (vacuum aspirator)
  Moraxella catarrhalis bacterial culture Sterile anaerobic container, RT, <2 hc
  Staphylococcus aureus Tissue or aspirate obtained surgically Sterile anaerobic container, RT, <2 hc
  Streptococcus pyogenes
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
   Mixed aerobic-anaerobic flora
from the oral cavity
  Aspergillus spp Calcofluor-KOH stain Aspirate obtained by antral punctureb Sinus secretion collector
  Mucormycetes Fungus culture (vacuum aspirator)
  Fusarium spp Sterile aerobic container, RT,<2 h
  Other molds Tissue or aspirate obtained surgically Sterile aerobic container, RT, <2 h

Abbreviations: KOH, potassium hydroxide; RT, room temperature.

Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes do cause acute maxillary sinusitis but only infrequently.
Antral puncture is a useful method for sampling the maxillary sinuses.
Anaerobic transport vials are good for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

chronic sinusitis, though the significance of fungal presence in sinuses. To establish a fungal etiology, an endoscopic sinus aspi-
chronic sinusitis is frequently uncertain [93, 95, 96]. Invasive rate is recommended [98] but is often unproductive for a fungal
sinusitis due to fungal infections in severely immunocompro- agent. Tissue biopsy may be more productive.
mised persons or uncontrolled diabetic patients is often severe
and carries a high mortality rate. C. Pharyngitis
Attempts to establish an etiologic diagnosis of sinusitis are Acute pharyngitis accounts for roughly 1.3% of outpatient visits
typically reserved for patients with complicated infections or to healthcare providers in the United States and was responsible
chronic disease (patients who are seriously ill, immunocom- for 15 million patient visits in 2006 [99]. Most pharyngitis is
promised, continue to deteriorate clinically despite extended viral and need not be treated, but 10%–15% of pharyngitis in
courses of antimicrobial therapy, or have recurrent bouts of adults and 15%–30% in children is due to group A streptococci
acute rhinosinusitis with clearing between episodes). Swabs [100]. Differences between the epidemiology of various infec-
are not recommended for collecting sinus specimens since an tious agents related to the age of the patient, the season of the
aspirate is much more productive of the true etiologic agent(s) year, accompanying signs and symptoms, and the presence or
and is the specimen of choice. Endoscopically obtained swabs absence of systemic disease are insufficient to establish a defin-
can recover bacterial pathogens but rarely detect the causa- itive etiologic diagnosis on clinical and epidemiologic grounds
tive fungi [92, 97, 98]. In maxillary sinusitis, antral puncture alone [101]. Consequently, the results of laboratory tests play
with sinus aspiration (though seldom done) and, in adults, a central role in guiding therapeutic decisions (Table  18).
swabs of material draining from the middle meatus obtained Antimicrobial therapy is warranted only in patients with phar-
under endoscopic guidance represent the only adequate spec- yngitis with a proven bacterial etiology [102].
imens. Cultures of middle meatus drainage specimens are not Streptococcus pyogenes (group A  β-hemolytic Streptococcus)
recommended for pediatric patients due to colonization with is the most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis and carries
normal microbiota, which overlaps with potential respiratory with it potentially serious sequelae, primarily in children, if left
tract pathogens. Examination of nasal drainage material is of undiagnosed or inadequately treated. Several laboratory tests,
no value in attempting to determine the cause of maxillary including culture, rapid antigen tests, and molecular methods,
sinusitis. Surgical procedures are necessary to obtain specimens have been used to establish an etiologic diagnosis of pharyngitis
representative of infection of the frontal, sphenoid, or ethmoid due to this organism [101, 103]. During the past few decades,

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Table 18.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Pharyngitis

Transport Issues and

Etiological Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Streptococcus pyogenes Rapid direct antigen test (followed by a Dual pharyngeal swab Swab transport device, RT, <2 h
culture or NAAT test if negative)a
Direct NAATb Pharyngeal swab Swab transport device, RT, <2 h
Nucleic acid probe testsb Pharyngeal swab Stability as specified by lab or
Swab transport device, RT, <2 h if
reflex culture is to be performed
  Groups C and G β-hemolytic Throat culture and antigen tests on Pharyngeal swab Swab transport device, RT, <2 h
streptococcic isolates for groups C and G streptococci
NAAT Follow manufacturer’s instructions for the method used
  Arcanobacterium haemolyticumd Throat culture for A. haemolyticum Pharyngeal swab Swab transport device, RT, <2 h
  Neisseria gonorrhoeaed Throat culture or NAATe for N. gonorrhoeae Pharyngeal swab Swab transport device, RT, <2 h
  Corynebacterium diphtheriaed Methylene blue stain C. diphtheriae culture Pseudomembrane Sterile container, RT, <2 h
  Fusobacterium necrophorum Anaerobic incubation. A selective medium is Pharyngeal swab Anaerobic swab transport, RT, <2 h
  EBV Monospot testf 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, <2 h or refrigerate <24 h
EBV serology
  HSV (usually type 1) Direct detection testg Swab of pharyngeal lesion Swab transport device, RT, <2 h
HSV IgG and IgM serologyh 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, <2 h or refrigerate <24 h
  CMV CMV IgM serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, <2 h or refrigerate <24 h
  HIV See Section XIV

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; NAAT,
nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
A rapid antigen test for Streptococcus pyogenes may be performed at the point of care by healthcare personnel or transported to the laboratory for performance of the test. There are
numerous commercially available direct antigen tests. These vary in terms of sensitivity and ease of use; the specific test employed will dictate the swab transport system used. In pediatric
patients, if the direct antigen test is negative, and if the direct antigen test is known to have a sensitivity of <80%, a second throat swab should be examined by a more sensitive direct
NAAT or by culture as a means of arbitrating possible false-negative direct antigen test results [102]. This secondary testing is not necessarily required in adults [103]. A convenient means
of facilitating this 2-step algorithm of testing for Streptococcus pyogenes in pediatric patients is to collect a dual swab initially, recognizing that the second swab will be discarded if the
direct antigen test is positive.
Direct and amplified NAATs for Streptococcus pyogenes are more sensitive than direct antigen tests and, as a result, negative direct NAAT results do not have to be arbitrated by a sec-
ondary test. The swab transport device should be compatible with the NAAT used. Direct nucleic acid probe tests are usually performed on enriched broth cultures, thus requiring longer
turnaround times. Some amplified tests for point-of-care use are quite rapid.
Detection of group C and G β-hemolytic streptococci is accomplished by throat culture in those patients in whom there exists a concern for an etiologic role for these organisms. Only large
colony types are identified, as tiny colonies demonstrating groups C and G antigens are in the Streptococcus anginosus (S. milleri) group. Check with the laboratory to determine if these
are routinely looked for.
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Corynebacterium diphtheria cause pharyngitis only in limited epidemiologic settings. The laboratory will not routinely recover
these organisms from throat swab specimens. If a clinical suspicion exists for one of these pathogens, the laboratory should be notified so that appropriate measures can be applied.
Use of NAAT for detecting gonorrhea in throat specimens is currently an off-label use of this test but may be validated for use in the laboratory.
If the Monospot test is positive, it may be considered diagnostic for EBV infection. Up to 10% of Monospot tests are, however, falsely negative. False-negative Monospot tests are encoun-
tered most often in younger children but may occur at any age. In a patient with a strong clinical suspicion for EBV infection and a negative Monospot test, a definitive diagnosis can be
achieved with EBV-specific serologic testing. Such testing can be performed on the same sample that yielded a negative Monospot test. Alternatively, the Monospot test can be repeated
on a serum specimen obtained 7–10 days later, at which time, if the patient had EBV infection, the Monospot is more likely to be positive. See Section XIV on viral diagnostics.
Probable cause of pharyngitis only in immunocompromised patients. Numerous rapid tests based on detecting HSV-specific antigen (by direct fluorescent antibody) directly in clinical mate-
rial have been developed; the nonspecific stain Tzanck test is very insensitive and is not recommended. A swab should be used to aggressively collect material from the base of multiple
pharyngeal lesions, and then placed in a swab transport device which is compatible with the test to be performed. Culture may be useful in immunocompromised patients.
HSV serology is useful primarily for immunostatus and exposure status testing. IgM serology is no longer recommended.

rapid antigen tests for S. pyogenes have been used extensively in antigen test results by culture should be used to achieve maxi-
the evaluation of patients with pharyngitis. Such tests are tech- mal sensitivity for diagnosis of S. pyogenes pharyngitis in adults
nically nondemanding, generally reliable, and often performed [103]. Laboratories accredited by the College of American
at the point of care. For any of these methods, accuracy and Pathologists are required to back up negative rapid antigen
clinical relevance depend on appropriate sampling technique. tests with culture. Rapid, Clinical Laboratory Improvement
There is a consensus among the professional societies that Amendments (CLIA)–waived methods for molecular group
negative rapid antigen tests for S. pyogenes in children should A  Streptococcus testing provide improved sensitivity and may
be confirmed by culture or molecular assay. Although this is not require culture confirmation [104, 105], though they have
generally not necessary for negative test results in adults due not yet been incorporated into consensus guidelines.
to the lower risk of complications, new guidelines suggest that The role of non–group A β-hemolytic streptococci, in partic-
either conventional culture or confirmation of negative rapid ular, groups C and G, as causes of pharyngitis is controversial.

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However, many healthcare providers consider these organ- practice guidelines that have been written in recent years by the
isms to be of significance and base therapeutic decisions on Infectious Diseases Society of America, the American Thoracic
their detection. Rare cases of poststreptococcal glomerulone- Society, and the American Society for Microbiology, among
phritis after infection with these species have been reported. other clinical practice groups that describe the clinical features,
Therefore, we have included guidance for detecting group C diagnostic approaches, and patient management aspects of
and G β-hemolytic streptococci (large colony producers, since many of these syndromes.
Streptococcus anginosus group, characteristically yielding pin- The table below summarizes some important caveats when
point colonies, does not cause pharyngitis) in pharyngeal swab obtaining specimens for the diagnosis of respiratory infections.
specimens, but indicate that this should be done only in settings Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of lower respiratory
in which these organisms are considered to be of significance, tract infections:
such as outbreaks of epidemiologically associated cases of phar-
yngitis. Recovery of the same organism from multiple patients • NAATs have largely replaced rapid antigen tests and culture
during an outbreak should be investigated. Arcanobacterium for respiratory virus detection.
haemolyticum also causes pharyngitis but less commonly. It • The laboratory should be contacted for specific instructions
occurs most often in teenagers and young adults and causes prior to collection of specimens for fastidious pathogens such
a highly suggestive scarlatina-form rash in some patients. as Bordetella pertussis.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Corynebacterium diphtheriae, in • First morning expectorated sputum is always best for bacte-
very specific patient and epidemiologic settings, may also cause rial culture.
pharyngitis [100]. • Blood cultures that accompany sputum specimens may occa-
Respiratory viruses are the most common cause of pharyngi- sionally be helpful, particularly in high-risk patients with
tis in both adult and pediatric populations; however, it is unnec- CAP.
essary to define a specific etiology in patients with pharyngitis • The range of pathogens causing exacerbations of lung dis-
due to respiratory viruses since there exists no pathogen-di- ease in cystic fibrosis patients has expanded, and specimens
rected therapy for these agents. HSV, HIV, and Epstein-Barr for mycobacterial and fungal cultures should be collected in
virus (EBV) may also cause pharyngitis. Because of the epi- some patients.
demiologic and clinical implications of infection due to HSV, • In the immunocompromised host, a broad diagnostic
HIV, and EBV, circumstances may arise in which it is important approach based upon invasively obtained specimens is
to attempt to determine if an individual patient’s infection is suggested.
caused by one of these 3 agents [100]. • Bronchoscopy with washings is the optimal diagnostic speci-
Recent studies have shown a relationship between men in pediatrics.
Fusobacterium necrophorum and pharyngitis in some patients.
In this case, throat infection could be a prelude to Lemierre syn- A. Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis
drome. Fusobacterium necrophorum is an anaerobic organism Table 19 lists the etiologic agents and diagnostic approaches for
and, as such, will require additional media and the use of anaer- bronchiolitis, acute bronchitis, acute exacerbation of chronic
obic isolation and identification procedures, which most labo- bronchitis, and pertussis, clinical syndromes that involve inflam-
ratories are not prepared to use with throat specimens. Notify mation of the tracheobronchial tree [109, 110]. Bronchiolitis
the laboratory of the suspected diagnosis and the etiologic agent is the most common lower respiratory infection in children
so that appropriate procedures can be available. In the absence [109, 110]. Viruses, alone or in combination, constitute the
of anaerobic capability of the laboratory, this would be sent out major causes of the syndrome characterized by bronchospasm
to a reference laboratory [106–108]. (wheezing) resulting from acute inflammation, airway edema,
and increased mucus production [109, 110]. Acute bronchitis
VI. LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS is largely due to viral pathogens and is less frequently caused by
Respiratory tract infections are among the most common infec- Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae. Pertussis,
tious diseases. The list of causative agents continues to expand classically known as whooping cough, caused by Bordetella per-
as new pathogens and syndromes are recognized. This section tussis, should be considered in an adolescent or young adult
describes the major etiologic agents and the microbiologic with paroxysmal cough. NAATs in combination with culture
approaches to the diagnosis of bronchitis and bronchiolitis; are the recommended tests of choice for B. pertussis detection.
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP); hospital-acquired Currently there are a few FDA-cleared platforms for B. pertus-
pneumonia (HAP) and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP); sis detection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
infections of the pleural space; bronchopulmonary infec- (CDC) has suggested best practices when using molecular tests
tions in patients with cystic fibrosis; and pneumonia in the for pertussis detection (https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/clinical/
immunocompromised host. The reader is referred to various diagnostic-testing/diagnosis-pcr-bestpractices.html).

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Table 19.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Bronchiolitis, Bronchitis, and Pertussis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  RSV NAATb Nasal aspirates or washes, NP swabs or VTM or sterile container (washes, etc),
  Rhinovirus aspirates, throat washes or swabs transport RT, < 2 h or refrigerated
  Adenovirus (2°C–8°C), 24–48 h
  Coronavirus Rapid antigen detection testsc NP swabs or aspirates, nasal washes VTM or sterile container (washes, etc)
  HMPV Virus cultured NP swabs, NP aspirates, nasal washes, throat transport RT <2 h or refrigerated
  Enterovirus washes or swabs (2°C–8°C, 24–48 h
  Influenza virus
   Human bocavirus type I
Acute bronchitis
  Mycoplasma pneumoniae NAATe Throat swabc, NP swab, NP aspirates NP swab, aspirate or wash
Suitable transport device, RT, 2 h
Mycoplasma IgG and IgM serology (EIA) 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Chlamydia pneumoniae NAATe NP swab Suitable transport device, RT, 2 h
Chlamydia IgG and IgM serology (MIF) 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Influenza viruses NAATb Nasal aspirates or washes, NP swabs or VTM or sterile container (washes, etc,
  PIV aspirates, throat washes or swabs transport RT <2 h or refrigerated
  RSV (2°C–8°C), 24–48 h
  HMPV Rapid antigen detection testsc Nasal aspirates or washes, NP swabs or VTM or sterile container (washes, etc,
  Coronavirus Virus cultured aspirates, throat washes or swabs transport RT <2 h or refrigerated
  Adenovirus (2°C–8°C, 24–48 h
Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
  Haemophilus influenzae (nontypeable) Gram stain Expectorated sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h or >2–24 h,
  Moraxella catarrhalis Aerobic bacterial culture 2°C–8°C

  Chlamydia pneumoniae See above under Acute bronchitis See Chlamydia and Mycoplasma above See above
  Mycoplasma pneumoniae See above under Acute bronchitis See Chlamydia and Mycoplasma above See above
  Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain
Aerobic bacterial culture
Urine antigenf First voided clean-catch urine specimen Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gram stain Expectorated sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h or >2–24 h,
Aerobic bacterial culture 2°C–8ºC
  Rhinovirus Rapid antigen detection testsb Nasal aspirates or washes, NP swabs or VTM or sterile container (washes, etc,
  Coronavirus Virus culturec aspirates, throat washes or swabs transport RT <2 h or refrigerated
   PIV (most often PIV3) NAATd (2°C–8°C), 24–48 h
  Influenza virus
Bordetella pertussis
Bordetella culture on Regan-Lowe or NP swabs; NP aspirates; nasal wash For NAATs, use swabs tipped with
Bordet-Gengou selective agar and polyester, rayon, nylon-flockedg
NAAT For culture, use suitable transporth,
RT, ≤24 h

Abbreviations: EIA, enzyme immunoassay; HMPV, human metapneumovirus; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; MIF, microimmunofluorescent stain; NAAT, nucleic acid ampli-
fication test; NP, nasopharyngeal; PIV, parainfluenza virus; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RT, room temperature; VTM, viral transport medium.
Viruses are listed in decreasing order of frequency [110].
Several US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared NAAT platforms are currently available and vary in their approved specimen requirements and range of analytes detected. Readers
should check with their laboratory regarding availability and performance characteristics including certain limitations.
Rapid antigen tests for respiratory virus detection lack sensitivity and depending upon the product, specificity. A recent meta-analysis of rapid influenza antigen tests showed a pooled
sensitivity of 62.3% and a pooled specificity of 98.2% [130]. They should be considered as screening tests only. At a minimum, a negative result should be verified by another method.
Specimen quality is critical to optimize these tests.
Specimen type depends upon the virus that is sought. In general, throat swabs are at the least desirable. Care should be taken to preserve cells by using VTM or transporting specimens
in a sterile container on wet ice as soon as possible after collection.
There are several FDA-cleared assays available at this time. Two assays are comprehensive multiplex panels that contain Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae as part of a
comprehensive respiratory syndromic panel. There is one singleplex assay for M. pneumoniae. Availability is laboratory specific. Clinicians should check with the laboratory for validated spec-
imen sources, collection and transport, performance characteristics, and turnaround time. In general, avoid calcium alginate swabs and mini-tipped swabs for nucleic acid amplification tests.
Sensitivity in nonbacteremic patients with pneumococcal pneumonia is 52%–78%; sensitivity in bacteremic cases of pneumococcal pneumonia is 80%–86%; specificity in adults is >90%.
However, studies have reported a 21%–54% false-positive rate in children with NP carriage and no evidence of pneumonia and adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [128, 131].
Cotton-tipped or calcium alginate swabs are not acceptable as they contain substances that inhibit polymerase chain reaction.
Plating of specimens at the bedside is ideal but rarely done. Several types of transport media are acceptable. These include Casamino acid solution, Amies transport medium, and Regan-
Lowe transport medium (Hardy Diagnostics) [132].

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Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae do for M. pneumoniae detection [114] and at least one assay that
not play an established role in acute bronchitis but they, along also detects Chlamydia pneumoniae. Urinary antigen testing for
with Moraxella catarrhalis, do figure prominently in cases of S.  pneumoniae detection is not recommended for use in chil-
acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Several FDA-approved dren because of the poor specificity of the test [114].
NAAT platforms are available for the detection of a broad range Laboratories must have a mechanism in place for screen-
of respiratory viruses and some of the “atypical bacteria” asso- ing sputum samples for acceptability (to exclude those that are
ciated with respiratory syndromes. These have largely replaced heavily contaminated with oropharyngeal microbiota and not
rapid antigen detection tests and culture in most institutions. representative of deeply expectorated samples) prior to setting
Performance characteristics vary among the various panels and up routine bacterial culture. Poor-quality specimens provide
singleplex NAATs. Specimen sources may also vary depending misleading results and should be rejected because interpre-
upon the assay. Readers should become familiar with the plat- tation would be compromised. Endotracheal aspirates or
forms offered in their respective institutions and the approved bronchoscopically obtained samples (including “mini–broncho-
specimen sources, collection devices, and transport require- alveolar lavage” [BAL] using the Combicath [KOL Bio Medical
ments. Respiratory syncytial virus, human rhinovirus, human Instruments, Chantilly, Virginia] or similar technology) may be
metapneumovirus, human coronavirus, and type 3 parainflu- required in the hospitalized patient who is intubated or unable
enza virus are significant causes of bronchiolitis in infants and to produce an adequate sputum sample. A thoracentesis should
young children [111]. Coinfections are not uncommon and be performed in the patient with a pleural effusion.
have been observed in up to 30% of cases. Several molecular Mycobacterial infections should be in the differential diagno-
panels for the detection of bacterial causes of pneumonia and sis of CAP that fails to respond to therapy for the typical CAP
their resistance markers are currently in clinical trials. pathogens. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, although declining in
the United States in recent years, is still an important pathogen
B. Community-Acquired Pneumonia among immigrant populations. Mycobacterium avium complex
The diagnosis of CAP is based on the presence of specific symp- is also important, not just among patients with HIV, but espe-
toms and suggestive radiographic features, such as pulmonary cially in patients with chronic lung disease or cystic fibrosis, and
infiltrates and/or pleural effusion. Carefully obtained microbio- in middle-aged or elderly thin women [115].
logical data can support the diagnosis, but often fails to provide
an etiologic agent. Table  20 lists the more common causes of C. Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
CAP. Other less common etiologies may need to be considered Hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonias (HAP
depending upon recent travel history or exposure to vectors or and VAP, respectively) are frequently caused by multidrug-re-
animals that transmit zoonotic pathogens such as Sin Nombre sistant gram-negative bacteria or other bacterial pathogens.
virus (hantavirus pulmonary syndrome) or Yersinia pestis Aside from respiratory viruses that may be nosocomially trans-
(pneumonic plague, endemic in the western United States). mitted, viruses and fungi are rare causes of HAP and VAP in the
The rationale for attempting to establish an etiology is that immunocompetent patient. Table  21 lists the organisms most
identification of a pathogen will focus the antibiotic manage- commonly associated with pneumonia in the immunocompe-
ment for a particular patient [112]. In addition, identification tent patient with HAP or VAP.
of certain pathogens such as Legionella spp, influenza viruses, The 2016 IDSA/ATS guidelines recommend noninvasive
and the agents of bioterrorism have important public health sampling of the respiratory tract for both HAP and VAP [116].
significance. IDSA/American Thoracic Society (ATS) practice In the nonventilated patient, the specimens could include those
guidelines (currently under revision) consider diagnostic test- obtained by spontaneous expectoration, sputum induction, or
ing as optional for the patient who is not hospitalized [113]. nasotracheal suction in an uncooperative patient and, in the
Those patients who require admission should have pretreat- ventilated patient, endonasotracheal aspirates are preferred
ment blood cultures, culture and Gram stain of good-quality [116]. Determining the cause of the pneumonia relies upon ini-
samples of expectorated sputum and, if disease is severe, uri- tial Gram stain and semi-quantitative cultures of endotracheal
nary antigen tests for S. pneumoniae and Legionella pneumoph- aspirates or sputum. A  smear lacking inflammatory cells and
ila where available. The recommendations for children are in a culture absent of potential pathogens have a very high nega-
agreement with the adult recommendations with respect to tive predictive value. Cultures of endotracheal aspirates, while
when to obtain blood cultures and sputum cultures but dif- likely to contain the true pathogen, also consistently grow more
fer slightly for other laboratory tests [114]. Testing for viral mixtures of species of bacteria than specimens obtained by
pathogens is recommended in both outpatient and inpatient bronchoscopic techniques. This may lead to additional unnec-
settings [114]. Although a weak recommendation, in children essary antibiotic therapy. Quantitative assessment of invasively
with appropriate signs and symptoms, Mycoplasma pneumoniae obtained samples such as BAL fluid and protected speci-
testing is indicated. There are several molecular assays available men brush specimens is often performed [116]. Quantities of

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Table 20.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Time

  Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain Sputum, bronchoscopic specimens Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
Urine antigena Urine Sterile container, RT, 24 h; >24 h–14
d, 2°C–8°C
  Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain Sputum, bronchoscopic specimens Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
  Haemophilus influenzae Culture
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
 Legionella spp Urine antigen Urine Sterile container, RT, 24 h; >24 h–14
L. pneumophila serogroup 1 d, 2°C–8°C
Selective culture on BCYE Induced sputum, bronchoscopic Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
NAATb Induced sputum, bronchoscopic Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
  Mycoplasma pneumoniae NAATb Throat swab, NP swab, sputum, Transport in M4 media or other
BAL fluid Mycoplasma-specific medium at RT
or 4°C up to 48 h; ≥48 h, –70°C
Serology IgM, IgG antibody detection Serum Clot tube, RT, 24 h; >24 h, 4°C
  Chlamydia pneumoniae NAATb NP swab, throat washings, sputum, Transport in M4 or other specialized
bronchial specimens transport medium at RT or 4°C up
to 48 h; ≥48 h, –70°C
Serology (MIF) IgM antibody titer; IgG Serum Clot tube, RT, 24 h; >24 h, 4°C
on paired serum 2–3 wk apart
  Mixed anaerobic bacteria Gram stain Bronchoscopy with protected Sterile tube with 1 mL of saline or
(aspiration pneumonia) Aerobic and anaerobic culture specimen brush thioglycollate; RT, 2 h;
>2–24 h
Pleural fluid (if available) Sterile container, RT, without transport
media ≤60 min;
Anaerobic transport vial, RT, 72 h
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis AFB smear Expectorated sputum; induced Sterile container, RT, ≤2 h; ≤24 h, 4°C
and NTM AFB culture sputum;
NAATc,d bronchoscopically obtained
Gastric aspirates in pediatrics
  Histoplasma capsulatum Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal stain Expectorated sputum; induced Sterile container, RT, <2 h; ≤24 h, 4°C
Fungal culture sputum, bronchoscopically
obtained specimens; tissue
Histology Tissue Sterile container, 4°C; formalin
container, RT, 2–14 d
Antigen tests Serum, BAL, urine, pleural fluid (if Clot tube, RT, 2 d; 2–14 d, 4°C
available) Sterile container (urine), RT, 2 h;
>2–72 h, 4°C
Serum antibody (complement fixation) Serum Clot tube, RT, 24 h; 4°C, >24 h
  Coccidioides immitis/posadasii Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal stain Expectorated sputum; induced Sterile container, RT, < 2 h; ≤24 h, 4°C
Fungal culture sputum, bronchoscopically
obtained specimens
Histology Tissue Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d; Sterile
container, 2–14 d, 4°C
Serum antibody IgM (ID, LA, EIA) Serum Clot tube, RT, 24 h; >24 h, 4°C
IgG antibody (complement fixation,
  Blastomyces dermatitidis Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal stain Expectorated sputum; induced Sterile container, RT, <2 h; ≤24 h, 4°C
Fungal culture sputum, bronchoscopically
obtained specimens; tissue
Histology Tissue Sterile container, 4°C, formalin
container, RT, 2–14 d
Antigen tests Serum, Clot tube, RT, 24 h
Urine, BAL fluid, pleural fluid (if Sterile container, 4°C, 2–14 d
Serum antibody (complement fixation) Serum Clot tube, RT, 24 h; >24 h, 4°C

28 • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • Miller et al

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Table 20. Continued

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Time
  Influenza viruses A, B Rapid antigen detection Nasal aspirates, nasal washes, NP swabs, throat washes, throat swabs,
DFA bronchoscopically obtained samples
Viral culture methods Transport in viral transport media, RT <2 h; 5 d, 4°C; >5 d, –70°C
  Adenovirus DFA
Viral culture methods
  Parainfluenza viruses 1–4 DFA
Viral culture methods
  Respiratory syncytial virus Rapid antigen detection
Viral culture methods
  Human metapneumovirus DFA
  Coronaviruses NAATc
  Rhinovirus Viral culture methods
  Enteroviruses Viral culture methods
  Paragonimus westermani Direct microscopic examination of Pleural fluid Sterile container, fresh samples, 4°C,
pleural fluid and sputum for charac- Sputum 60 min; preserved samples, RT, >60
teristic ova min–30 d

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; DFA, direct fluorescent antibody test; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; ID, immunodif-
fusion; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; KOH, potassium hydroxide; LA, latex agglutination; MIF, microimmunofluorescent stain; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP,
nasopharyngeal; NTM, nontuberculous mycobacteria; RT, room temperature.
Sensitivity in nonbacteremic patients with pneumococcal pneumonia is 52%–78%; sensitivity in bacteremic cases of pneumococcal pneumonia is 80%–86%; specificity in adults is >90%.
Not for use in children. Studies have reported a 21%–54% false-positive rate in children with NP carriage and no evidence of pneumonia and adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease [128, 131].
There are several US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared assays available at this time. Two assays are multiplex panels that contain Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneu-
moniae as part of a comprehensive respiratory syndromic panel. There is one singleplex assay for M. pneumoniae. Availability is laboratory specific. Clinicians should check with the labora-
tory for validated specimen sources, collection and transport, performance characteristics, and turnaround time. In general, avoid calcium alginate swabs and mini-tipped swabs for NAATs.
Several FDA-cleared NAAT platforms are currently available and vary in their approved specimen requirements and range of analytes detected. Readers should check with their laboratory
regarding availability and performance characteristics, including certain limitations.
Sensitivity of NAAT with smear negative, culture positive is only 50%–80% (Updated Guidelines for Use of NAATs for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Morb Mortal Wkly Rept (MMWR) 2009;

bacterial growth above a threshold are diagnostic of pneumonia infection to assess streptokinase treatment, the major patho-
and quantities below that threshold are more consistent with gens recovered in decreasing order of frequency were S. angi-
colonization. The generally accepted thresholds are as follows: nosus group, S.  aureus, anaerobic bacteria, other streptococci,
endotracheal aspirates, 106 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL; Enterobacteriaceae, and S.  pneumoniae [118]. Among patients
BAL fluid, 104 CFU/mL; protected specimen brush samples, with hospital-acquired infection, S.  aureus tops the list, with
103 CFU/mL [116]. Quantitative studies require extensive lab- at least half of them being methicillin resistant, followed by
oratory work and special procedures that smaller laboratories Enterobacteriaceae, the streptococci (anginosus group, S. pneu-
may not accommodate and are therefore not endorsed by the moniae), Enterococcus spp, and anaerobes [118, 119]. Table 22
guidance despite studies that show decreased antibiotic utiliza- summarizes the major pathogens. Any significant accumu-
tion with quantitative cultures [116]. Bronchial washes are not lation of fluid in the pleural space should be sampled by tho-
appropriate for routine bacterial culture. racentesis. Specimens should be hand carried immediately to
the laboratory or placed into appropriate anaerobic transport
D. Infections of the Pleural Space media for transport. In some institutions, bedside inoculation
An aging population, among other factors, has resulted in into blood culture bottles has become an established practice.
an increase in the incidence of pleural infection [117]. The This is acceptable and has been shown to increase the sensitivity
infectious causes of pleural effusions differ between com- by 20% [119]. The manufacturer’s guidelines should be followed
munity-acquired and hospital-acquired disease. In a large with respect to the volume inoculated and whether supplemen-
multicenter study (MIST1) of 454 adult patients with pleural tation is required to enhance recovery of fastidious pathogens

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Table 21.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (Immunocompetent Host)

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Pseudomonas aeruginosa Blood culture Blood cultures Routine blood culture bottles, RT <24 h
  Escherichia coli Gram stain Sputum Sterile cup or tube RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  Klebsiella pneumoniae Quantitative or semi-quantitative Endotracheal aspirates
 Enterobacter spp aerobic and anaerobic culturea BAL
  Serratia marcescens Protected specimen brush samplesa
 Acinetobacter spp Lung tissue
  Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
  Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA
  Haemophilus influenzae
  Streptococcus pneumoniae As above plus urine antigenb Urine Sterile container RT, 24 h; >24 h–14 d,
  Mixed anaerobes (aspiration) Gram stain Protected specimen brush samplesa Sterile tube with 1 mL of thioglycollate
Culturea Lung tissue (for brush samples); Sterile container
for tissue; RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
 Legionella spp Culture on BCYE media Induced sputum Sterile cup or tube
NAATc Endotracheal aspirates RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Protected specimen brush samples
Lung tissue
Urine antigen (L. pneumophila Urine Sterile container RT, <24 h; 4°C >24
serogroup 1 only) h–14 d
 Aspergillus spp Fungal stain—KOH with calcofluor; Endotracheal aspirates Sterile cup or tube RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
other fungal stains BAL
Fungal culture Protected specimen brush samples
Histology Lung tissue Sterile cup; RT, 2 h; or formalin container,
RT, 2–14 d
Galactomannand Serum, Clot tube 4°C, ≤5 d; >5 d, –70°C
(1–3) β-d-glucan BAL Sterile cup or tube RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  Influenza viruses A, B Rapid antigen detection Nasal washes, aspirates Transport in viral transport media, RT or
  Parainfluenza viruses DFA NP swabs 4°C, 5 d; –70°C, >5 d
  Adenovirus Viral culture methods Endotracheal aspirates
Protected specimen brush samples

Abbreviations: BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; DFA, direct fluorescent antibody; KOH, potassium hydroxide; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RT, room temperature.
Anaerobic culture should only be done if the specimen has been obtained with a protected brush or catheter and transported in an anaerobic transport container or by placing the brush in
1 mL of prereduced broth prior to transport.
Sensitivity in nonbacteremic patients with pneumococcal pneumonia is 52%–78%; sensitivity in bacteremic cases of pneumococcal pneumonia is 80%–86%; specificity in adults is >90%.
However, studies have reported a 21%–54% false-positive rate in children with NP carriage and no evidence of pneumonia and adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [128, 131].
No US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared test is currently available. Availability is laboratory specific. Provider needs to check with the laboratory for optimal specimen source,
performance characteristics, and turnaround time.
Performance characteristics of these tests are reviewed in references [133, 134].
Several FDA-cleared NAAT platforms are currently available and vary in their approved specimen requirements and range of analytes detected. Readers should check with their laboratories
regarding availability and performance characteristics, including certain limitations.

such as S. pneumoniae. If blood culture bottles are used, an addi- meta-analysis showed that the best predictors of an exudate were
tional sample should be sent to the microbiology laboratory for pleural fluid cholesterol level >55 mg/dL and an LDH >200 U/L
Gram stain and culture of nonbacterial pathogens when indi- or the ratio of pleural fluid cholesterol to serum cholesterol >0.3
cated. Even when optimum handling occurs, cultures may fail [120]. Most infections result in an exudate or polymorphonu-
to yield an organism. Laboratory-developed NAATs targeting clear leucocytes (PMNs) (empyema) within the pleural cavity.
pneumococcal genes, such as those that encode pneumolysin When tuberculosis or a fungal pathogen is thought to be the
and autolysin, in fluid from pediatric cases of pleural infection, likely cause, a pleural biopsy sent for culture and histopathology
have been very useful [117]. increases the diagnostic sensitivity. Always notify the laboratory
Fluid should be sent for cell count, pH, protein, glucose, lac- of a suspicion of tuberculosis so that appropriate safety pre-
tate dehydrogenase (LDH), and cholesterol. These values assist cautions can be employed. The recently published IDSA/ATS/
with the determination of a transudative or exudative process CDC guidelines on the diagnosis of tuberculosis in adults and
and in the subsequent management of the syndrome. A recent children “weakly recommends” the measurement of adenosine

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Table 22.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Infections of the Pleural Space

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  Streptococcus pneumoniae As above, plus S. pneumoniae urinary antigen Urine, pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 24 h; >24 h–14 d, 2°C
–8°C; Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  Streptococcus pyogenes Gram stain Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  Streptococcus anginosus group Culture
  Enteric gram-negative bacilli
  Enterococcus spp
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  Nocardia Gram stain
Modified acid-fast stain
Culture (include selective BCYE or other selective media)
  Legionella Gram stain—carbolfuchsin counter stain Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Culture on BCYE
Legionella urinary antigen (L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Urine Sterile container, RT, <24 h; 4°C, >24 h–14 d
  Bacteroides fragilis group Gram stain Pleural fluid Anaerobic transport vial, RT, 72 h; without
  Prevotella spp Anaerobic culture transport RT ≤60 min
  Fusobacterium nucleatum
  Actinomyces spp
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acid-fast stain Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Mycobacterial culture
Histology Pleural or lung biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, 3 d
Pleural fluid Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
  Fungi Fungal stain—calcofluor-KOH; other fungal stains Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Fungal culture Pleural biopsy required for some
  Candida spp As above plus may be evident on Gram stain Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  Aspergillus General fungal assays (ie, stains, culture, serology) plus BAL Sterile container, 4°C, ≤5 d; –70°C >5 d
galactomannan, (1–3)-β-d-glucanb
Serum Clot tube RT, 2 d; 4°C
  Histoplasma capsulatum Fungal stain—calcofluor-KOH; other fungal stains Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Fungal culture
Pleural biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h; for-
malin container for histology, RT 2–14 d
Antigen testc Serum, urine, BAL, pleural fluid Clot tube, RT, 2 d; 4°C, 2–14 d
Sterile container (urine and fluid), RT 2 h;
>2–72 h, 4°C
Serum antibody (complement fixation) Serum Clot tube RT, 2 d; 4°C, 2–14 d
  Coccidioides immitis/posadasii General fungal assays (ie, stains, culture, serology) plus Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
histology Pleural biopsy
Serum antibody IgM (ID, LA, EIA) Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 d; 4°C, 2–14 d
IgG antibody (complement fixation, EIA)
  Blastomyces dermatitidis Fungal stains and cultures (but not serology) plus histology Pleural fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Pleural biopsy
Antigen testc Urine, BAL, pleural fluid, serum 4°C, ≤5 d
  Paragonimus westermani Direct microscopic examination of pleural fluid and Pleural fluid Sterile container, fresh samples 4°C, 60 min;
  Entamoeba histolytica sputum for characteristic ova Sputum RT, preserved samples >60 min–30 d
  Echinococcus Direct examination of pleural fluid for troph and cyst forms Pleural fluid
  Toxoplasma gondii Direct examination of pleural fluid for scolices
Giemsa-stained smear of pleural fluid or pleural biopsy

Abbreviations: BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; ID, immunodiffusion; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; KOH,
potassium hydroxide; LA, latex agglutination; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
No US Food and Drug Administration–cleared test is currently available. Availability is laboratory specific. Provider needs to check with the laboratory for optimal specimen source, perfor-
mance characteristics and turnaround time.
Performance characteristics of these tests are reviewed in references [133, 134].
May cross-react with other endemic mycoses.

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deaminase (ADA) and free interferon-λ (IFN-λ) in pleural fluid. airways of the lung. The spectrum of organisms associated
This endorsement is based upon a sensitivity and specificity of with disease continues to expand and studies of the microbi-
ADA of ≥79% and ≥83%, respectively, as determined by several ome demonstrate the complex synergy between easily culti-
meta-analyses [121]. The figures for free IFN-λ were ≥89% and vatable and noncultivatable organisms. Table 23 lists the most
≥97% for sensitivity and specificity, respectively [121]. It should frequently isolated pathogens in this patient population. Early
be stressed that the quality of evidence is low and both markers in childhood, infections are caused by organisms frequently
should be used in conjunction with hematologic and chemical seen in the non-CF pediatric population such as S.  pneumo-
parameters and other diagnostic tests such as NAAT, culture, niae, H. influenzae, and S. aureus. Of these organisms, methi-
and histology of a pleural biopsy. The performance of ADA in cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has significantly
developed countries has been shown to be quite variable and is increased in prevalence [123]. At some point, later in childhood
related to multiple factors including the type of method used, the or adolescence, P.  aeruginosa becomes the most important
likelihood of tuberculosis, and “false positive” results in patients pathogen involved in chronic lung infection and the concom-
with other causes of lymphocytic pleural effusion such as rheu- itant lung destruction that follows. The P.  aeruginosa strains
matoid disease, mesothelioma, and histoplasmosis [122]. adapt to the hypoxic stress of the retained mucoid secretions
by converting to a biofilm mode of growth (mucoid colonies).
E. Pulmonary Infections in Cystic Fibrosis Nosocomial pathogens such as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,
Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) suffer from chronic lung Achromobacter xylosoxidans, and Achromobacter ruhlandii
infections due to disruption of exocrine function that does may be acquired during a hospital or clinic visit. Burkholderia
not allow them to clear microorganisms that enter the distal cepacia complex is a very important pathogen in these patients.

Table 23.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Pulmonary Infections in Cystic Fibrosis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Staphylococcus aureus Culture Expectorated sputum; throat swabsa; other Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
  Haemophilus influenzae respiratory samples
  Streptococcus pneumoniae
  Enteric bacilli
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
 Achromobacter spp
  Burkholderia cepacia complex Culture using B. cepacia Throat swabsa, expectorated sputum; other Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
selective agar respiratory cultures
  Opportunistic glucose nonfermenting Culture Expectorated sputum; throat swabsa; other Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
gram-negative rods respiratory samples
  Burkholderia gladioli
 Inquilinus spp
 Ralstonia spp
 Cupriavidus spp
 Pandoraea spp
 Mycobacterium spp
  Mycobacterium abscessus Mycobacterial culture Expectorated sputum, bronchoscopically Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
  Mycobacterium avium complex Mycobacterial culture obtained cultures; other respiratory cultures
 Aspergillus spp Calcofluor-KOH or other Expectorated sputum, bronchoscopically Sterile container, RT, 2 h; >2–24 h, 4°C
 Scedosporium spp fungal stain obtained cultures; other respiratory cultures
Fungal culture
  RSV Rapid antigen detection Nasal aspirates, nasal washes, NP swabs, Transport in viral transport media, RT or
  Influenza DFA throat washes, throat swabs; 4°C, 5 d; –70°C, >5 d
  Adenovirus Viral culture methods bronchoscopically obtained specimens
  Rhinovirus NAATb
  Parainfluenza virus
  Human metapneumovirus

Abbreviations: DFA, direct fluorescent antibody; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RT, room temperature.
Young children < 8 years of age only; often called “gag sputum.”
Several US Food and Drug Administration–cleared NAAT platforms are currently available and vary in their approved specimen requirements and range of analytes detected. Readers should
check with their laboratories regarding availability and performance characteristics, including certain limitations.

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Burkholderia cenocepacia is highly pathogenic and is respon- may be affected by recently administered prophylaxis. Table 24
sible for rapid decline and death in a subset of patients who focuses on the major infectious etiologies likely to be of interest
acquire the virulent clones. Special microbiological techniques in most immunocompromised hosts [128]. Patients are still vul-
are required to recover and differentiate B.  cepacia complex nerable to the usual bacterial and viral causes of CAP and HAP.
from the mucoid P. aeruginosa strains. Less common gram-neg- In addition, fungi, herpesviruses, and protozoa play a more sig-
ative organisms that appear to be increasing in their frequency nificant role and should be considered.
of recovery, but whose role in the pathogenesis of CF lung dis- When rapid and noninvasive tests such as urine or serum anti-
ease is still unclear, include Burkholderia gladioli, Ralstonia spp, gen tests and rapid viral diagnostics are not revealing, more defini-
Cupriavidus spp, Inquilinus spp, and Pandoraea [124, 125]. The tive procedures to sample the lung are required. Several diagnostic
reader is referred to the Parkins and Floto reference for a dis- procedures can be performed, but usually the patient initially
cussion of pathogens within the CF microbiota [123]. undergoes bronchoscopy with BAL with or without transbron-
As CF patients have survived into adulthood, opportunistic chial biopsy. When an infiltrate is focal, it is important to wedge
pathogens such as nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have the scope in the pulmonary segment corresponding to the abnor-
been isolated with increasing frequency, ranging in prevalence mality on radiographs; otherwise, in diffuse disease, the scope is
from 6% to up to 30% in patients aged >40  years [123]. The usually wedged in the right middle lobe or lingula. It is suggested
M.  avium complex and the Mycobacterium abscessus complex that microbiology laboratories, in collaboration with infectious
are the most commonly encountered NTM [123]. There is evi- diseases physicians and pulmonologists, develop an algorithm for
dence to suggest that both M. abscessus and M. avium complex processing samples that includes testing for all major categories
contribute to lung destruction and should be treated when cul- of pathogens as summarized in the table. Cytologic analysis and/
tures are repeatedly positive. Mycobacterial culture should be or histopathology are often needed to interpret the significance of
added to the routine cultures obtained from patients >15 years positive NAAT or culture for herpesviruses, for example, and to
of age who present with exacerbations, as the incidence of definitively diagnose filamentous fungi. It should be noted, how-
Mycobacterium spp is likely underestimated due to failure to ever, that histopathology alone is not sensitive enough to diagnose
routinely assess patients for these organisms [124]. fungal infections and should be accompanied by immunostain,
Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common fungus recovered culture, and, when available, NAATs [128, 129]. In addition, serum
from CF patients, in whom it causes primarily allergic bron- and BAL galactomannan and serum 1–3 β-d-glucan tests may be
chopulmonary disease. Scedosporium apiospermum may cause helpful. However, cytology and/or histopathology are quite useful
a similar syndrome. Exophiala dermatitidis has been reported for distinguishing conditions such as pulmonary hemorrhage and
by some centers to cause chronic colonization of the CF airway rejection from infectious causes of infiltrates. Transthoracic nee-
[124]. Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans is a pathogen that has a dle aspiration, computed tomography–guided biopsies of pleu-
propensity to cause disease in patients with CF [125]. Table 23 ral-based lesions, and open lung likewise may be considered if less
summarizes the organisms most likely to cause exacerbation of invasive diagnostics are unrevealing.
pulmonary symptoms in CF patients [115, 123–127]. While a
number of environmental nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli VII. INFECTIONS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT
are frequently recovered from the sputum of these patients,
Gastrointestinal infections include a wide variety of disease
their role in CF lung disease is either unknown at this time or
presentations as well as infectious agents. For many of these
unlikely to be of significance. These organisms have not been
infections, particularly noninflammatory diarrhea and acute
included in the table. Laboratories should spend resources on
gastroenteritis of short duration, no laboratory testing is recom-
those pathogens proven or likely to play a significant role in pul-
mended [135]. This section addresses the laboratory approach
monary decline in these patients.
to establishing an etiologic diagnosis of esophagitis, gastritis,
F. Pneumonia in the Immunocompromised Host gastroenteritis, and proctitis.
Advances in cancer treatments, transplantation immunology, Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of gastrointestinal
and therapies for autoimmune diseases and HIV have expanded infections:
the population of severely immunocompromised patients.
Pulmonary infections are the most common syndromes con- • The specimen of choice to diagnose diarrheal illness is the
tributing to severe morbidity and mortality among these groups diarrheal stool, not a formed stool or a swab, with a notable
of patients. exception in pediatrics where a swab is acceptable when feces
Virtually any potential pathogen may result in significant ill- is noted on the swab.
ness, and the challenge for both clinicians and microbiologists • Toxin or nucleic acid amplification testing for C.  difficile
is to rapidly differentiate infectious from noninfectious causes should only be done on diarrheal stool, not formed stools,
of pulmonary infiltrates. The likelihood of a specific infection unless the physician notes that the patient has ileus.

A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 33

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Table 24.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Pneumonia in the Immunocompromised Host

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  See list of bacterial agents re- See Table 21 See Table 21 See Table 21
sponsible for CAP and HAP
  Additional bacterial pathogens Gram stain Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube, RT, 2 h; 4°C,
of interest Culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens >2–24 h
  Salmonella (nontyphoidal)
  Elizabethkingia meningoseptica
  Listeria monocytogenes
  Nocardia and other aerobic Gram stain Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
Actinomycetes Modified acid-fast stain Bronchoscopically obtained specimens RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Culture (include selective BCYE or Lung tissue
other selective media)
  Rhodococcus Gram stain
  Respiratory viruses See Tables 20 and 21 See Tables 20 and 21 See Tables 20 and 21
 Cytomegalovirus Shell vial culture combined with Expectorated sputum Transport in VTM, 4°C, 5 d; –70°C,
antigen detection; use with Bronchoscopically obtained specimens >5 d
cytologic analysis and/or tissue Lung tissue
histology for interpretation
NAATa Plasma, BAL Clot tube, RT, 30 min; 4°C, >30
min–24 h
Quantitative antigenemia (losing Plasma EDTA tube, RT, 6–8 h; 4°C, >8–24 h
favor vs NAAT)
  Herpes simplex virus Culture combined with antigen Histopathology of Transport in viral transport media, 4°C,
detection; bronchoscopically obtained specimens 5 d; –70°C, >5 d
Use with cytologic analysis (protected brush)
and/or tissue histology for Lung tissue
Mycobacterium spp
  M. tuberculosis Acid-fast stain Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
AFB culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
NAAT Lung tissue
  M. avium intracellulare complex Acid-fast stain Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
  M. kansasii AFB culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
  M. xenopi Histology Lung tissue Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
  M. haemophilum
  Rapid growers, eg,
M. abscessus
  Pneumocystis jiroveciib DFA on BAL or sputum (not tissue) Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
NAATa Induced sputum RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2 h–7 d
Cytologic stains (liquid samples) Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Tissue stains Tissue RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
  Cryptococcus neoformans Calcofluor or other fungal stain Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
Fungal culture Induced sputum RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Cryptococcal antigen test Serum, 1 mL Clot tube, RT, 1 h; 4°C, >1 h–7 d
Tissue stains Tissue Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4ºC, >2–24 h
  Aspergillus spp Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
stain Induced sputum RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Fungal culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Galactomannan Serum Clot tube, 4°, ≤5 d; >5 d, –70°C
(1–3)-β-d-glucan BALc Sterile container for BAL, RT, 2 h; 4°C,
>2–24 h

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Table 24. Continued

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time
  Fusarium spp Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
stain Induced sputum RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Fungal culture
Histology/GMS stain Bronchoscopically obtained specimens Sterile cup or tube,
Lung tissue RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
Fungal blood culture (see blood Blood in aerobic blood culture bottle or RT, 4 h
culture section) lysis-centrifugation tube
 Zygomycetes Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal Expectorated sputum Sterile cup or tube,
such as Rhizopus, Mucor, Absidia stain Induced sputum RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
spp Fungal culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
  Pseudoallescheria boydii Lung tissue
  Histoplasma capsulatum Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal Expectorated sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
stain Induced sputum
Fungal culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Lung tissue
Fungal blood culture (see blood Blood in aerobic blood culture bottle or RT, 4 h
culture section) lysis-centrifugation tube
Antigen test Serum, urine, BAL, pleural fluid (if Clot tube for serum, RT, 2 d; 4°C,
applicable) 2–14 d
Sterile container for other samples,
4°C, ≤5 d
Serology (complement fixation) Serum RT, 2 d; 4°C, 2–14 d
  Coccidioides immitis/posadasii Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal Expectorated sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
stain Induced sputum
Fungal culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Lung tissue
Serum antibody IgM (ID, LA, EIA) Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 d; 4°C, 2–14 d
IgG antibody (complement fixa-
tion, EIA)
Other endemic fungi Calcofluor-KOH or other fungal Expectorated sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
stain Induced sputum
Fungal culture Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Lung tissue
Antigen test (Blastomyces) Serum, urine, BAL, pleural fluid (if Clot tube for serum, RT, 2 d; 4°C,
applicable) 2–14 d;
Sterile container for other samples,
4°C, ≤5 d
  Toxoplasma gondii Microscopy—Giemsa stain smears Induced sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
(tissue) Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
NAATa Lung tissue
IgM antibody detection Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 d; 4°C, 2–14 d
  Enterocytozoon bieneusi Histologic stains Lung tissue Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
(Microsporidiosis) Modified trichrome stain Induced sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C, >2–24 h
NAAT Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
 Cryptosporidiosis Modified acid-fast stain
Histologic stains Lung tissue Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
  Strongyloides stercoralis Microscopic wet mount examina- Induced sputum Sterile container, RT, 2 h; 4°C,>2–24 h
tion of liquid samples for larval Bronchoscopically obtained specimens
Culture (consult laboratory for
Histologic stains Lung tissue Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; BCYE, buffered charcoal yeast extract; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; DFA, direct fluorescent antibody test; EDTA,
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; GMS, Gamori methenamine silver stain; HAP, healthcare-associated pneumonia; ID, immunodiffusion; IgG, immunoglobulin G;
IgM, immunoglobulin M; KOH, potassium hydroxide; LA, latex agglutination; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; VTM, viral transport medium.
No US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared test is currently available for respiratory source and availability is laboratory specific. Provider needs to check with the laboratory for
optimal specimen source, performance characteristics, and turnaround time.
In the appropriate clinical setting, an elevated serum or BAL β-d-glucan level is highly suggestive of P. jirovecii infection. A positive result should be followed by a definitive test for the
organism, such as NAAT or DFA.
Only galactomannan assays are FDA-cleared for this source.

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A. Esophagitis sensitivity (<90%) and specificity (90%) and is not useful for
Esophagitis is most often caused by noninfectious conditions, test of cure after therapy.
such as gastroesophageal reflux disease. Infectious causes are
often seen in patients with impaired immunity (Table  25). C. Gastroenteritis, Infectious, and Toxin-Induced Diarrhea
Fungal microscopy with Calcofluor or potassium hydroxide Gastrointestinal infections encompass a wide variety of symp-
(KOH) or bacterial examination by Gram stain of esophageal toms and recognized infectious agents (Table 27). The appro-
brushings with histopathological examination and viral culture priate diagnostic approach to diarrheal illness is determined
of esophageal biopsies will establish the diagnosis in most cases. by the patient’s age and status, severity of disease, duration
and type of illness, time of year, and geographic location.
B. Gastritis Fecal testing using culture or culture-independent methods
Helicobacter pylori is associated with atrophic gastritis, peptic is indicated for severe, bloody, febrile, dysenteric, nosoco-
ulcer disease, and gastric cancer. Diagnosis of H. pylori infec- mial, or persistent diarrheal illnesses [138]. Communication
tion is critical as treatment can decrease morbidity. Testing is with the laboratory is required to determine what organisms,
recommended for all patients with peptic ulcer disease, gas- methods, and screening parameters are included as part of
tric mucosa–associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and early the routine enteric pathogen culture or culture-independent
gastric cancer. In some patients with dyspepsia, noninvasive method. Most laboratories will have the ability to culture for
testing is an option [136]. Both invasive and noninvasive tests Salmonella, Shigella, and Campylobacter and test for Shiga
(Table 26) are available to aid in the diagnosis [137]. Invasive toxin–producing Escherichia coli. Culture independent meth-
tests such as Gram stain and culture of endoscopy tissue, his- ods are often routinely available for Clostridium difficile and,
topathologic staining, and direct tests for urease require the although available, may not be routinely employed for other
collection of biopsy samples obtained during endoscopy from bacterial and viral causes of gastrointestinal infections. Stool
patients who have not received antimicrobial agents or pro- culture often fails to detect the causative agent and, when
ton pump inhibitors in the 2 weeks prior to collection and, necessary, culture-independent methods are recommended
as such, pose greater risks to the patient. Culture, although as adjunct methods. The specimen of choice is the diarrheal
not routinely performed, allows for antimicrobial suscepti- stool (ie, takes the shape of the container). Multiple stool spec-
bility testing. The advantage to the noninvasive assays such imens are rarely indicated for the detection of stool pathogens.
as the urea breath test and stool antigen determinations is In studies of adult patients who submitted >1 specimen, the
that patients can avoid endoscopy and gastric biopsy. They enteric pathogen was detected in the first sample 87%–94%
are also useful to test for organism eradication after therapy. of the time, with the second specimen bringing the positive
Collection of specimens for the urea breath test may be per- rate up to 98% [139]. In pediatric patients, the first specimen
formed in the clinic. This assay has a sensitivity of approxi- detects 98% of the enteric pathogens [140]. Thus, one sample
mately 95%, comparable to the invasive assays. Stool antigen for children and a second for selected adult patients may be
tests have a reported sensitivity of 88%–98%, with sensitiv- considered. Rectal swabs are less sensitive than stool speci-
ity being higher in adults than in children. The noninvasive mens when culture methods are employed and are not recom-
assays are also useful to test for organism eradication after mended for culture from adults, but in symptomatic pediatric
therapy, the urea breath test having a somewhat higher sensi- patients, rectal swabs and stool culture are equivalent in the
tivity than stool antigen detection. Serodiagnosis has a lower ability to detect fecal pathogens [141, 142]. Rectal swabs have

Table 25.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Esophagitis

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Candida spp Calcofluor-KOH stain Esophageal brushing or biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Fungus culture
Histopathological examination Esophageal biopsy Formalin container, RT, 2 h–14 d
Herpes simplex virus HSV culture Esophageal brushing or biopsy Viral transport device, on ice, immediately
Direct fluorescent stain
NAAT Esophageal brushing or biopsy Closed container, RT, 2 h
Histopathological examination Esophageal biopsy Formalin container, RT, 2 h–14 d
Cytomegalovirus CMV culture Esophageal brushing or biopsy Viral transport device, on ice, immediately
Direct fluorescent stain
NAAT Esophageal brushing or biopsy Closed container, RT, 2 h
Plasma EDTA plasma
Immunohistochemical stain Esophageal biopsy Formalin container, RT, 2 h–14 d

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; HSV, herpes simplex virus; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room

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Table 26.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Gastritis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time
Helicobacter pylori H. pylori stool antigen test Stool specimen Closed container, RT, 2 h
Urea breath testa Radiolabeled breath Special collection device
Histopathological examinationb Same as above Formalin container, RT, 2 h–14 d
Agar-based or rapid tissue urease testsc Same as above Closed container, RT, 2 h
Gram stain Two biopsies from antrum and 2 Sterile container, RT, immediately
H. pylori cultureb biopsies from posterior corpus

Abbreviation: RT, room temperature.

a 13 13
The patient ingests a cocktail containing C-labeled urea and 15–30 minutes later, a breath sample is obtained and analyzed for the presence of C-labeled CO2 as an indication of the
presence of H. pylori in the stomach.
Gram stain and culture of properly collected and transported biopsy specimens has a sensitivity of 95% as does histopathological examination, but is usually unavailable and considered
inappropriate by some.
Agar-based or rapid urease tests have a slightly lower sensitivity of 90%–95% but offer the advantage of providing rapid results. They may be performed at the point of care or in the labo-
ratory. When these tests are performed on gastric fluid, orogastric brush, or “string” specimens, they have lower sensitivity than when performed on biopsy specimens.

been shown to be as sensitive as stool specimens when cul- Culture-Independent Methods

ture independent methods are employed, although no tests are Culture independent methods are becoming increasingly avail-
FDA-cleared for their use. able. Nucleic acid amplification assays vary from singleplex
to highly multiplexed assays. It is imperative to communicate
Stool Culture with the laboratory to determine what organisms are detected.
Stool culture is indicated for detection of invasive bacterial Culture independent methods can detect pathogens in as little
enteric pathogens. When culture methods are employed, as 1–5 hours compared to the 24–96 hours often required for
most laboratories routinely detect Salmonella, Shigella, and culture. These assays are reported to be more sensitive than cul-
Campylobacter and, more recently, Shiga toxin–producing ture and have resulted in much higher rates of detection [144].
E.  coli in all stools submitted for culture. Salmonella spp Highly multiplexed assays allow for the detection of mixed
can take 24–72 hours to recover and identify to genus alone infections, where the importance of each pathogen is unclear,
with the specific serotyping usually performed at the pub- and they may allow for the detection of pathogens, such as
lic health laboratory level. It is recommended that tests for enteroaggregative E. coli or sapovirus, where the indication for
the detection of Shiga toxin, or tests to specifically detect therapy is unclear. Culture-independent methods should not be
Shiga toxin–producing E.  coli O157:H7 or other Shiga used as test of cure as they will detect both viable and nonviable
toxin–producing serotypes, be included as part of the rou- organisms.
tine test. However, in some settings, these tests may require
a specific request. Tests that detect only E.  coli O157:H7 Clostridium botulinum
will not detect the increasing number of non-O157 isolates Botulism is an intoxication in which a protein exotoxin, bot-
being reported and may not detect all E. coli O157:H7 [143]. ulinum toxin, produced by Clostridium botulinum causes a
Screening algorithms that limit testing to bloody stools may life-threatening flaccid paralysis. Diagnosis, while not usually
also miss both O157 and non-O157 isolates. Screening of confirmed by the hospital microbiology laboratory, is made
stool for toxin-producing E.  coli is recommended for all by clinical criteria, allowing prompt initiation of essential
pediatric patients. antitoxin therapy. The microbiologic diagnosis is dependent
Detection of Vibrio and Yersinia in the United States is usually upon detection of botulinum toxin in serum (in patients with
a special request and requires additional media or incubation wound, infant, and foodborne disease), stool (in patients with
conditions. Communication with the laboratory is necessary. infant and foodborne disease), and gastric contents/vomitus (in
Laboratory reports should indicate which of the enteric patho- patients with foodborne disease). Toxin detection is performed
gens would be detected. Laboratories are encouraged to pro- in many public health laboratories and at the CDC. Culture can
vide enteric pathogen isolates to their public health laboratory be performed on both feces and wounds, but the yield is low
and/or the CDC for pulsed-field gel analysis or whole-genomic and most laboratories lack the necessary expertise to isolate and
sequencing for national surveillance purposes. Culture meth- identify this organism [145].
ods must be used for test of cure.
Selective use of multiplex NAATs for stool pathogens is very Clostridium difficile
sensitive and, when positive for reportable agents, should either Numerous methods have been employed for the laboratory
be cultured to recover the isolate or the stool provided to public diagnosis of infection caused by Clostridium difficile. Toxigenic
health laboratories to culture, for epidemiologic follow-up. culture is probably the most sensitive and specific of the assays

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Table 27.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Gastroenteritis, Infectious, and Toxin-Induced Diarrhea

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

  Clostridium difficile NAAT Stool Closed container, RT, 2 h
GDH antigen and toxin detection with Stool Closed container, RT, 2 h
or without discrepant results arbi-
trated by NAAT; or NAAT plus toxin
performed as part of an algorithm
 Salmonella spp NAAT Stool Closed container, RT, 2 hb
 Shigella spp Routine stool enteric pathogen culturea
 Campylobacter spp
  EHEC (including E. coli O157:H7 and other NAAT for Shiga toxin genes Stool Closed container, RT, 2 hb
Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli) Shiga toxin immunoassay Stool Closed container, RT, 2 hb
Culture for E. coli O157:H7c Stool Closed container, RT, 2 hb
 Yersinia spp NAAT Stool Closed container, RT, 2 hb
 Vibrio spp
 Plesiomonas spp
 E. coli (enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive,
enteropathogenic, enteroaggregative)
 Yersinia spp Specialized stool culturese Stool Closed container, RT, 2 hb
 Vibrio spp
 Aeromonas spp
 Plesiomonas spp
  Edwardsiella tarda
  Staphylococcus aureus
 E. coli (enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive,
enteropathogenic, enteroaggregative)
  Bacillus cereus Specialized procedure for toxin Stool Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Clostridium perfringens detectionf
  Staphylococcus aureus
  Clostridium botulinum Mouse lethality assayg (usually per- Stool, gastric Closed container
formed at the state public health contents, Store and transport specimens at 4°C; do not
laboratory) vomitush freeze
  Entamoeba histolytica/dispar Ova and parasite examination including Stool Stool not in fixative <1 h RT, 5% or 10% buff-
  Blastocystis hominisi permanent stained smear ered formalin and modified PVA, SAF, or com-
  Dientamoeba fragilis mercially available 1-vial system, 2–24 h
  Balantidium coli
  Giardia lamblia
  Nematodes including Ascaris lumbri-
coides, Strongyloides stercoralisj, Trichuris
trichiura,   hookworms
  Cestodes (tapeworms)
 E. histolytica E. histolytica sp–specific immunoassay Stool Stool not in fixative
NAATd Cary-Blair transport, RT, 24 h
  Giardia lambliak EIA Stool Stool in fixative, 2–24 h
 Cryptosporidium sppk DFA Stool Stool in fixative, 2–24h
NAATd Cary-Blair transport, RT, 24 h
Histologic examination with electron Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
microscopy confirmation
  Coccidia including Cryptosporidiumk, Modified acid-fast stainl performed on Stool Stool not in fixative <1 h RT, 5 or 10% buffered
Cyclospora, Isospora concentrated specimen formalin and modified PVA, SAF, or commer-
cially available 1-vial system, 2–24 h
 Cryptosporidiumd, Cyclospora NAATd Stool Cary-Blair transport, RT, 24 h
  Microsporidia Modified trichrome stainl performed on Stool Stool not in fixative <1 h RT, 5 or 10% buffered
concentrated specimen formalin and modified PVA, SAF, or commer-
cially available 1-vial system, 2–24 h
  Enterobius vermicularis Pinworm paddle or Scotch tape prep Perianal area RT, 2 h
  Astrovirusm NAAT Stool Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Calicivirusm (norovirus, sapovirus)
  Enteric adenovirus

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Table 27. Continued

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time
  Rotavirus EIAo Stool Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Enteric adenovirus
  Enteric adenovirusp Viral culture Stool Viral transport medium, on ice, 2 h
  Cytomegalovirus Histopathological examination Biopsy Formalin container, RT, 2–14 d
CMV culture Biopsy Sterile container, RT, immediately
NAAT for viral loadq Plasma EDTA plasma tube, RT, 2 h or 2°C–8°C for 24 h,
frozen –20°C for longer storage
  Calicivirus (norovirus, sapovirus) Outbreak investigation performed by Stool Closed container, RT, 2 h
public health officials

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; DFA, direct fluorescent immunoassay; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EHEC, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli; EIA, enzyme immunoassay;
GDH, glutamate dehydrogenase; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PVA, polyvinyl alcohol; RT, room temperature; SAF, sodium acetate formalin transport.
A routine stool culture in most laboratories is designed to detect Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Campylobacter spp, and Escherichia coli O157 or Shiga toxin–producing E. coli.
If the specimen cannot be transported to the laboratory within 2 hours, then it should be placed in vial containing Cary-Blair transport medium and transported to the laboratory within 24
It is recommended that laboratories routinely process stool specimens for the presence of Shiga toxin–producing strains of E. coli including O157:H7. However, in some settings, this testing
may be done only on specific request.
Available as part of some multiplex panels.
Specialized cultures are required to detect these organisms in stool specimens. In many cases, such cultures are performed only in public health laboratories and only in the setting of an
outbreak. The laboratory should be notified whenever there is a suspicion of infection due to one of these pathogens.
Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, and Staphylococcus aureus cause diarrheal syndromes that are toxin mediated. An etiologic diagnosis is made by demonstration of toxin in stool.
Toxin assays are either performed in public health laboratories or referred to laboratories specializing in such assays.
Testing for Clostridium botulinum toxin is either performed in public health laboratories or referred to laboratories specializing in such testing. The toxin is lethal and special precautions are
required for handling. Note that it is considered a bioterrorism agent and rapid sentinel laboratory reporting schemes must be followed. Immediate notification of a suspected case to the
state health department is mandated. For this purpose, 24-hour hotlines are available.
Implicated food materials may also be examined for C. botulinum toxin, but most hospital laboratories are not equipped for food analysis.
The role of Blastocystis hominis as a pathogen remains controversial. In the absence of other pathogens, it may be important where symptoms persist. Reporting semi-quantitative results
(rare, few, many) can help determine significance and is a College of American Pathologists accreditation requirement for participating laboratories.
Detection of Strongyloides in immunocompromised patients may require the use of Baermann technique or agar plate culture.
Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia testing is often offered and performed together as the primary parasitology examination. Further studies should follow if a travel history or clinical
symptoms suggest parasitic disease.
These stains may not be routinely available.
Also available as part of some multiplex panels.
Asymptomatic shedding is common.
Norovirus antigen assays have limited sensitivity and specificity and are not recommended for clinical use.
Enteric adenoviruses may not be recovered in routine viral culture.
A negative viral load test does not necessarily rule out CMV disease. Gastrointestinal disease due to CMV may be present in patients with negative viral load.

for the detection of C. difficile, although detection of a toxigenic NAAT to arbitrate discrepant GDH and EIA toxin results. These
organism is not, in itself, specific for infection. It is slow and algorithms allow for both the rapid reporting of most negative
labor intensive and not routinely performed in the commu- specimens and the sensitivity of cytotoxin testing or NAAT, but
nity hospital setting. Compared to toxigenic culture, the cyto- could result in delays depending on the laboratory testing algo-
toxin assay has a sensitivity of 85%–90%. The cytotoxin assay rithm employed [146–148]. NAAT detects viable and nonviable
requires 24–48 hours and is also labor intensive. Thus, toxin organisms. To decrease the identification of colonized patients,
detection by either enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or immuno- some laboratories are performing both NAAT tests and tests to
chromatographic methods are widely used in clinical practice. detect toxin production. Diarrheal stool specimens (not formed
These assays have reported sensitivity of 70%–85% but are sig- stools or rectal swabs) are required for the diagnosis of C. dif-
nificantly faster with results available in <2 hours. Utilization ficile disease (not colonization). The specimen should be loose
of an assay that detects both toxin A and toxin B improves the enough to take the shape of the container. Formed stools should
sensitivity. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) antigen assays be appropriately rejected by the laboratory but with the proviso
are sensitive but have poor specificity. NAATs for the detec- that formed stools from patients with ileus, or potential toxic
tion of C.  difficile have reported sensitivity of 93%–100%. To megacolon, as noted by the physician, should be tested. When
reduce turnaround time, reduce costs, and improve accuracy testing is limited to patients not receiving laxatives and with
of C. difficile–associated disease, some laboratories employ an unexplained and new-onset diarrhea (≥3 unformed stools in 24
algorithm that utilizes GDH as a rapid screening test, followed hours), NAAT alone, or toxin EIA as part of a multistep algo-
by (or simultaneous to, as part of the same test platform), EIA rithm (GDH plus toxin, GDH plus toxin arbitrated by NAAT,
for toxin A and B detection with or without cytotoxin testing or or NAAT plus toxin) are the recommended test options. When

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there are no institutionally agreed upon limiting criteria for procedures or special stains or NAAT on the specimens and
stool submission, toxin EIA, as part of a multistep algorithm the manufacturer’s recommendations for specimen fixative. It
as defined above, is recommended, not NAAT testing alone. is imperative that the laboratory be consulted to assure proper
Repeat testing of patients previously positive as a “test of cure” transport conditions are utilized. Polyvinyl alcohol is the
is not appropriate. Repeat testing of patients negative by NAATs gold standard for microscopic examination; however, due to
should not be performed for at least 6 days [148, 149]. the presence of mercuric chloride, modifications that do not
Because of the presence of asymptomatic carriage, routine employ mercury have been developed. None of these modified
testing should not be performed in children <2  years of age, preservatives allow stains to provide the same level of micro-
particularly in those <1 year (infants) [150]. Toxigenic C. diffi- scopic detail, although with experience, they are acceptable
cile colonizes nearly 50% of infants in the first year of life, with alternatives.
asymptomatic rates at around 2 years of age approaching those In routine procedures, pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica
of healthy adults. The presence of diarrhea is difficult to assess cannot be differentiated from nonpathogenic Entamoeba dispar
in this age group as loose or unformed stool can be difficult to using morphologic criteria, so the laboratory report may indi-
discriminate. However, there are data to suggest that C.  diffi- cate E. histolytica/dispar [156]. Only an immunoassay or NAAT
cile may be the cause of disease in some infants. For children can differentiate these organisms.
<2 years of age, testing for other causes should be pursued first,
with C. difficile testing being performed only if there is no alter- Viruses
native cause and the symptoms are severe or the clinical presen- Viral causes of gastroenteritis are often of short duration and
tation is consistent with C. difficile infection [151]. self-limited. Viral shedding may persist after resolution of
Since 2000, an increase in C.  difficile–associated disease symptoms. Although included as part of some multiplex NAAT,
with increased morbidity and mortality has been reported in testing is not routinely performed except in immunocompro-
the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The epi- mised patients, infection control purposes, or outbreak inves-
demic strain is toxinotype III, North American pulsed-field gel tigations. In immunocompromised hosts, laboratory testing
electrophoresis (PFGE) type 1 (NAP1), and PCR ribotype 027 for CMV should be considered, using a quantitative NAAT
(NAP1/027). It carries the binary toxin genes, cdtA and cdtB, performed on plasma. Of note, a negative NAAT does not rule
and an 18-bp deletion in tcdC. It produces both toxin A  and out the possibility of CMV disease, and repeat testing may be
toxin B [152]. A commercially available FDA-cleared NAAT for required.
binary toxin and the tcdC deletion genes identifies this strain
for epidemiological purposes. The severity of disease is believed D. Proctitis

to be due to toxin hyperproduction [153]. The association of Proctitis is most commonly due to sexually transmitted agents,
binary toxin with disease severity is controversial. a result of anal–genital contact, although abscesses or perirec-
tal wound infections may present with similar symptoms. One
Parasites sample is usually sufficient for diagnosis (Table 28).
The number of specimens to be submitted for parasitologic exam-
ination may be a controversial subject [154, 155]. Historically, VIII.  INTRA-ABDOMINAL INFECTIONS
when using conventional microscopic procedures, it was recom- This section is designed to optimize the activities of the micro-
mended that 3 specimens collected over a 7- to 10-day period biology laboratory to achieve the best approach for the iden-
be submitted for ova and parasite (O&P) examination. Options tification of microorganisms associated with peritonitis and
for cost-effective testing today include examination of a second intraperitoneal abscesses, hepatic and splenic abscesses, pan-
specimen only when the first is negative and the patient remains creatitis, and biliary tract infection. As molecular analyses
symptomatic, with a third specimen being submitted only if the begin to be used to define the microbiome of the gastrointes-
patient continues to be O&P negative and symptomatic. Targeted tinal and genitourinary tract, contemporary culture protocols
use of immunoassay testing or NAAT for the most common par- will surely evolve to accommodate new, emerging information.
asites based on geography, patient demographics, and physician The future use of gene amplification and sequencing for identi-
request can also be used as a screen, with only negative patients fication of microorganisms in these infections will likely show
with continued symptoms or patients with specific risk factors that for every organism currently identified by culture, there
requiring full O&P examination. Immunoassays for Giardia are will be several times that number that cannot be cultivated
sensitive enough that only a single specimen may be needed. No using current technologies. To remain focused on contempo-
data are available on the number of specimens required to rule rary methods currently available in the diagnostic microbiol-
out infection when NAAT is performed. ogy laboratory, the tables outline the most likely agents of each
The specimen preservative to be used, often supplied by entity (Table  29) and how best to evaluate the situation with
the laboratory, depends on the need to perform immunoassay existing techniques (Table 30).

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Table 28.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Proctitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Neisseria gonorrhoeae NAATa Rectal swab Transport is manufacturer dependent

Routine aerobic culture employing media (consult lab)
for the recovery of N. gonorrhoeae Swab in Amies or Stuart transport
medium, RT, 8 h
Neisseria gonorrhoeae NAATa Rectal swab Transport is manufacturer dependent
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis NAATa Rectal swab Transport is manufacturer dependent
Direct immunofluorescent stain
Herpes simplex virus NAAT Rectal swab Viral transport medium, RT, 2 h,
Viral culture wet ice if >2 h for culture
Treponema pallidum RPR or VDRL with confirmatory Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Treponema pallidum–specific test or syphilis IgG

Abbreviations: IgG, immunoglobulin G; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RPR, rapid plasma reagin; RT, room temperature; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory.
This is not yet a US Food and Drug Administration–approved specimen source. Availability of testing on this sample type is laboratory specific based on individual laboratory validation.
Provider needs to check with the laboratory for optimal specimen and turnaround time.

Factors to consider when collecting specimens for laboratory include fluid analysis for protein, cell count and differential, lac-
diagnosis of intra-abdominal infections: tate concentration, and pH along with 2–3 sets of blood cultures
Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of intra-abdominal for the identification of concomitant bacteremia (Table  29).
infections: Alternatively, because SBP and infections of ascites fluid tend to
be monomicrobic, an aerobic blood culture bottle can be inoc-
• The laboratory needs the specimen, not a swab of the spec- ulated with fluid (volume dependent upon blood culture sys-
imen. Sufficient quantity of specimen must be collected to tem) if the presence of a single organism is reasonably certain.
allow the microbiology laboratory to perform all the neces- A Gram stain may be used prior to broth inoculation to evaluate
sary and requested tests. the morphology of any organism(s) present in the specimen.
• The specimen of choice for an abscess is a sample of the con- Since the differentiation between SBP and secondary peritoni-
tents plus a sample of the wall of the abscess when possible. tis may be uncertain, it may be beneficial to submit peritoneal
• Pus alone may not reveal the etiologic agent since the PMNs fluid in a sterile container for conventional culture and stain
may have destroyed morphological evidence of microbial as well as to inoculate blood culture bottles at the bedside with
invasion. the fluid. Mass spectrometry, sequencing, and 16S PCR can
• While most molecular tests have excellent sensitivity, a be used to identify isolates present in these specimens if these
Mycobacterium tuberculosis NAAT test should be an adjunct techniques are available to the laboratory. In the next few years,
to a culture and never ordered alone. No current commercial next-generation sequencing will be able to analyze such spec-
methods are FDA-cleared for intra-abdominal specimens, so imens to determine the total microbial load by species. If >1
laboratories must have validated the test they use. morphologic type is noted in the Gram stain, a broth should
• If M.  tuberculosis is present, it is usually a sign of dissemi- not be inoculated. The caveat for use of blood culture bottles
nated disease that must be thoroughly investigated. with fluid other than blood is that not all systems have been
evaluated for this purpose. Furthermore, broth cultures do not
A. Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis and Ascites accurately reflect the bacterial burden or the variety of organ-
In cases of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), the source isms at the time the specimen is obtained, and the presence of
of the invading organism(s) is unknown and the syndrome can a true pathogen may be obscured by the overgrowth of a more
also be seen in patients with preexisting risk factors such as cir- rapidly growing organism.
rhosis with ascites [157, 158]. SBP is an ascitic fluid infection Negative culture results in the presence of other indicators
without an evident intra-abdominal focus, tends to be monomi- of infection should prompt an evaluation for fastidious or
crobic, and is usually caused by aerobic organisms from the slowly growing organisms such as Mycobacterium spp, fungi,
intestinal tract; therefore, anaerobic cultures are less valuable. Chlamydia trachomatis, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Sufficient fluid (eg, 10–50 mL if available) should be obtained to
allow for concentration by centrifugation and a cytospin Gram B. Secondary Peritonitis
stain evaluation. At a minimum, at least 10  mL of peritoneal The diagnosis of secondary peritonitis is dependent upon
fluid (not swabs of the fluid) should be collected aseptically identifying a source for invading microorganisms—usually
and transported to the laboratory prior to the administration genitourinary or gastrointestinal flora [158, 159]. There are
of antimicrobial agents. Additional laboratory testing should numerous causes of secondary peritonitis including iatrogenic

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or accidental trauma, perforated appendix or diverticuli, typh-


litis, or intra-abdominal abscess. Complications from bariatric
surgery may also cause secondary peritonitis. Unlike SBP, how-

ever, secondary peritonitis tends to be polymicrobic and may

include anaerobic flora. Organisms such as S.  aureus, N.  gon-
orrhoeae, and Mycobacterium spp are unusual in this setting.


Common etiologies include aerobic and anaerobic gram-nega-
tive rods (Bacteroides spp, E. coli, Klebsiella spp) and gram-pos-

itive flora (Clostridium spp, Enterococcus spp, Bifidobacterium


spp, Peptostreptococcus spp). Infectious complications following

bariatric surgery are frequently due to gram-positive cocci and


yeast (Candida spp). Since many obese patients have had prior
exposure to antibiotics, multidrug-resistant organisms are of

concern [160, 161]. If typhlitis is suspected, C.  difficile toxin




testing, stool cultures for enteric pathogens, and blood cultures

should be requested. Additionally, Clostridium septicum should
be considered in neutropenic enterocolitis.

Peritoneal fluid should be sent to the laboratory in an anaer-


obic transport system for Gram stain and aerobic and anaer-
obic bacterial cultures. Inoculation of blood culture bottles

alone with peritoneal fluid is not appropriate in this setting, as



competitive bacterial growth in broth cultures could mask the

recovery of clinically important pathogens (Table 29). Because
CMV is a possible cause of secondary peritonitis, the micro-

biology laboratory should be contacted to arrange for special


processing if CMV is of concern. The microbiology laboratory

should also be contacted if N.  gonorrhoeae is of concern as


special processing or NAAT (this specimen type has no FDA-


cleared commercial platform for testing) will be necessary.


Because of the polymicrobic nature of secondary peritonitis,



clinicians and other healthcare providers should not expect or

request identification and susceptibility testing of all organ-

isms isolated. Rather, the laboratory should provide a general


description of the culture results (eg, mixed aerobic and anaer-

obic intestinal flora) and selective identification of certain
organisms such as MRSA, β-hemolytic Streptococcus spp, multi-
Table 29.  Etiologic Agents Involved in Intra-abdominal Infections



drug-resistant gram-negative bacilli, and vancomycin-resistant


enterococci (VRE), etc) to guide empiric antimicrobial therapy


[157, 158, 162]. Patients who do not respond to conventional

therapy should have additional specimens collected to examine

for resistant organisms or for the presence of intra-abdominal

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis/ascites

C. Tertiary Peritonitis
Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis

This entity refers to persistent or recurrent peritonitis following

Secondary pancreatic infections

unsuccessful treatment of secondary peritonitis. Tertiary peri-

tonitis might also indicate the presence of an intra-abdominal
Infections of biliary tree

abscess or organisms that are refractory to broad-spectrum

Secondary peritonitis

Lesions of the liver

antimicrobial therapy such as VRE, Candida spp, Pseudomonas

Tertiary peritonitis

Splenic abscess

aeruginosa, or biofilm-producing bacteria such as coagu-

lase-negative Staphylococcus spp. Fluid cultures from cases of

tertiary peritonitis are commonly negative for bacteria [157].

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Table 30.  Specimen Management for Intra-abdominal Infections

Transport Issues and Optimal

Condition Diagnostic Procedure Optimum Specimen Transport Time

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis/ Aerobic and anaerobica culture: 10-50 mL concentrated peritoneal RT; if >1 h, 4°C
ascites; secondary peritonitis; Gram stain prior to culture fluid and
tertiary peritonitis; peritoneal Sample in blood culture bottlea
dialysis-associated peritonitis
Blood culture 2–3 sets blood culture bottles RT, do not refrigerate
AFB stain and culture Peritoneal fluid, aspirate or tissue RT <1 h or 4°C
Mycobacterium NAATb
Fungal culture and KOH or calcofluor Peritoneal fluid, aspirate or tissue RT <1 h or 4°C
white microscopy
Microscopy for ova and parasitesc Stool, peritoneal fluid, bile, duodenal Transport stool in parasite transport
aspirate vial; others <1 h at RT
Space-occupying lesions of the Aerobic and anaerobic culture Lesion aspirate Anaerobic transport; RT, if >1 h, 4°C
liver Gram stain specimen prior to culture
Blood culture 2–3 sets in blood culture bottles RT, do not refrigerate
Cultures for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Lesion aspirates For N. gonorrhoeae: Amies charcoal
and Chlamydia trachomatis C. trachomatis specimen may include transport, RT.
swab of liver capsule or surround- For C. trachomatis: Chlamydia trans-
ing peritoneum port medium at 4°C
NAAT for N. gonorrhoeae and Urethra, pelvic specimen (approved RT for <1 h or 4°C
C. trachomatis swabs), or urine (sterile cup)
Fungal culture and KOH or calcofluor 10–50 mL fluid RT, if >1 h, 4°C
white microscopy
Serology for Entamoeba histolytica/ Serum RT for <30 min, then 4°C. Freeze
dispar at –20°C if shipping to reference
Antigen detection for E. histolytica Liver aspirate RT for <30 min, then 4°C. Freeze
(–20°C) if shipping to reference
Infections of the biliary tree Aerobic and anaerobic culture Aspirate from lesion Anaerobic transport device; RT, if
Gram stain before culture >1 h, 4°C
Blood culture 2–3 sets RT; do not refrigerate
AFB stain and culture Fluid or tissue ≤1 h at RT or 4°C
O&P exam Stool, peritoneal fluid, bile, or duo- Closed container, RT, <2 h
denal aspirate O&P transport vial, RT, 2–24 h
Viral culture or NAAT Aspirate or biopsy for CMV Viral transport <1 h at RT. If >1 h,
freeze (–70°C)
Serology for E. histolytica/dispar Serum RT for <30 min, then 4°C.
Freeze (–20°C) if shipping to reference
Splenic abscess Aerobic and anaerobic culture Aspirate from lesion Anaerobic transport at RT. If >1 h, 4°C
Gram stain
Blood culture 2–3 sets RT; do not refrigerate
AFB stain and culture Fluid or tissue RT. If >1 h, 4°C
Mycobacterium NAAT can be doneb
Fungal culture and KOH or calcofluor 10–50 mL of aspirate or tissue RT. If >1 h, 4°C
white microscopy
Serology for Entamoeba and Serum RT for <30 min, then 4°C.
Echinococcus Freeze (–20°C) if shipping to reference
Secondary pancreatic infections Aerobic and anaerobic culture Aspirate from lesion Anaerobic transport at RT. If >1 h,
Gram stain prior to culture 4°C.
Blood culture 2–3 sets RT; do not refrigerate
Fungal culture and KOH-calcofluor 10–50 mL aspirate or tissue RT; if >1 h, 4°C

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; CMV, cytomegalovirus; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; O&P, ova and parasite; RT, room temperature.
If Gram stain reveals multiple morphologies of organisms, do not inoculate blood culture bottles with the fluid, as competitive bacterial growth could mask the recovery of clinically signif-
icant pathogens. If fluid is inoculated into blood culture bottles, a conventional culture must also be used. Anaerobic cultures of peritoneal fluid are only necessary in cases of secondary
Depends on availability and should never substitute for culture because of variable sensitivity. Check with the microbiology laboratory for transport conditions. No commercial NAAT for
mycobacteria available for nonrespiratory samples.
Procedure to be used in cases of secondary peritonitis in appropriate clinical situations.

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In any case, cultures appropriate for spontaneous or secondary anaerobic transport for aerobic and anaerobic bacterial cultures.
peritonitis may be helpful (Table 30). The possibility of infec- Commonly recovered isolates include Klebsiella spp, E.  coli,
tion caused by unusual or slowly growing organisms such as fil- and other Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp, Streptococcus
amentous fungi and Mycobacterium spp should be entertained spp including Streptococcus anginosus group spp, Enterococcus
if bacterial cultures are negative for growth. If culture results spp, viridans group streptococci, S.  aureus, Bacteroides spp,
in growth of Mycobacterium spp, it may represent disseminated Fusobacterium spp (especially with Lemierre syndrome),
disease. However, AFB and parasitic studies would only rarely Clostridium spp, and, rarely, Candida spp [166–168]. Aerobic
be considered. and anaerobic bacterial culture should be requested (Table 30).
Blood cultures can also be helpful in establishing an etiology if
D. Peritoneal Dialysis–Associated Peritonitis collected prior to the institution of antimicrobial therapy [167,
The evaluation of dialysis fluid from patients with suspected 168]. Occasionally, patients with primary genital infections
peritoneal dialysis–associated peritonitis (PDAP) is essentially due to N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis can have extension of
identical to that used for SBP. Infections tend to be monomicro- the disease to involve the liver capsule or adjacent peritoneum
bic and rarely anaerobic. In the case of PDAP, however, the list (Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome).
of likely suspect organisms is quite different from SBP. Gram-
positive bacteria (predominantly Staphylococcus spp and, to a F. Infections of the Biliary Tree
lesser extent, Streptococcus and Corynebacterium spp) account Not unexpectedly, bacteria commonly associated with biliary
for >60% of cultured microorganisms. Gram-negative bacteria tract infections (primarily cholecystitis and cholangitis) are the
(mostly E. coli, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter spp) represent <30% same organisms recovered from cases of pyogenic liver abscess
of positive cultures while anaerobes comprise <3% of isolates (see above and Table 29). Parasitic causes include Ascaris and
[158, 163, 164]. Fungi, especially Candida spp, contribute to Clonorchis spp or any parasite that can inhabit the biliary tree
the same number of identified infections as anaerobes [165]. leading to obstruction [166]. At a minimum, cultures for aero-
Cultures can remain negative in >20% of all cases of PDAP [163]. bic bacteria (anaerobes if the aspirate is collected appropriately)
Again, 10–50 mL of dialysate should be collected for concentra- and Gram stain should be requested. When signs of sepsis and
tion and culture, cytospin Gram stain evaluation, analysis for peritonitis are present, blood and peritoneal cultures should be
protein, and cell count and differential (Table 30). Blood cultures obtained as well.
are rarely positive in cases of PDAP [158]. Direct inoculation of For patients with HIV infection, the list of potential agents
dialysate or a concentrated dialysate into an aerobic blood cul- and subsequent microbiology evaluations needs to be expanded
ture bottle for automated detection has proven to be as effective to include Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, Cystoisospora
as direct plating of centrifuged fluid [164, 165]. Consult directly (Isospora) belli, CMV, and M.  avium complex [166]. As the
with the microbiology laboratory when primary cultures of fluid identification of these organisms requires special processing, it
are negative and additional cultures for slowly growing or highly is important to communicate with the laboratory to determine
fastidious organisms such as Mycobacterium, Nocardia, and fil- test availability either on-site or at a reference laboratory.
amentous fungi should be pursued. If Nocardia is of concern,
primary culture plates require prolonged incubation or culture G. Splenic Abscess
on fungal media or buffered charcoal yeast extract agar. Most cases of splenic abscess are the result of metastatic or
contiguous infectious processes, trauma, splenic infarction,
E. Space-Occupying Lesions of the Liver or immunosuppression [169]. Infection is most likely aerobic
The primary diagnostic dilemma for cases of space-occupy- and monomicrobic with Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp,
ing lesions of the liver is distinguishing those caused by para- Enterococcus spp, Salmonella spp, and E.  coli commonly iso-
sites (E. histolytica and Echinococcus) from pyogenic abscesses lated. Anaerobic bacteria have been recovered in 5%–17% of
caused by bacteria or fungi. The location, size, and number of culture-positive cases [170]. Aspirates should be processed in
liver abscesses is often not helpful for differentiation purposes a similar manner as pyogenic liver abscesses including aerobic
as the majority are in the right lobe and can be seen in single and anaerobic culture, Gram stain, and concomitantly collected
or multiple loci [166–168]. In regions where E. histolytica dis- blood culture sets (Table 30). Unusual causes of splenic abscess
ease is endemic, the use of serology or serum antigen detection include Bartonella spp, Brucella melitensis, Streptobacillus
tests can be helpful to exclude amebic abscess [169], whereas moniliformis, Nocardia spp, and Burkholderia pseudomallei
examination of stool for cysts and trophozoites is generally not (uncommon outside of Southeast Asia or without sugges-
(Table 30). Liver abscess aspirates can be tested for the presence tive travel history) [171]. The laboratory should be notified if
of E. histolytica antigen as well as submitted for direct micro- B. melitensis or B. pseudomallei is possible due to the need for
scopic evaluation for parasites. When amebic disease is unlikely, increased biosafety/security precautions since they are poten-
the abscess should be aspirated and the contents submitted in tial bioterrorism agents. As in biliary disease, the spectrum of

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organisms to be considered needs to be expanded to include • When anaerobic bacteria are suspected, which includes all
Mycobacterium spp, fungi (including Pneumocystis jirovecii), cases of prosthetic joint infection, anaerobic transport con-
and parasites for immunocompromised patients [171]. tainers should be used for transportation of tissues and fluids
to the laboratory, and anaerobic cultures performed.
H. Secondary Pancreatic Infection • Some agents of bone and joint infection are nonculturable
Most cases of acute or chronic pancreatitis are produced by or poorly culturable and require molecular and/or serologic
obstruction, autoimmunity, or alcohol ingestion [172, 173]. methods for detection.
Necrotic pancreatic tissue generated by one of these pro-
cesses can serve as a nidus for infection [172, 173]. Infectious A. Osteomyelitis
agents associated with acute pancreatitis are numerous and Osteomyelitis can occur following hematogenous spread,
diverse; however, superinfection of the pancreas is most often after a contaminated open fracture, or in those with diabe-
caused by gastrointestinal flora such as E.  coli, Klebsiella spp, tes mellitus or vascular insufficiency. Vertebral osteomyelitis/
and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus spondylodiscitis will be separately considered. Osteomyelitis
spp, Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp, and Candida spp. is typically suspected on clinical grounds, with confirmation
Necrotic tissue or pancreatic aspirates should be sent for aero- involving imaging and microbiologic and histopathologic
bic bacterial culture and Gram stain and accompanied by 2–3 tests. The peripheral white blood cell count may be elevated,
sets of blood cultures (Table  30). Antimicrobial susceptibility and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive
results from isolated organisms can be used to direct therapy to protein (CRP) are often elevated. Establishing an etiologic
reduce the likelihood of pancreatic sepsis, further extension of diagnosis, which is important for directing appropriate clin-
infection to contiguous organs, and mortality. Sterile cultures of ical management since this varies by microorganism type
necrotic pancreatic tissue are not unusual but may trigger con- and associated antimicrobial susceptibility, nearly always
sideration of an expanded search for fastidious or slowly grow- requires obtaining bone for microbiologic evaluation. This
ing organisms, parasites, or viruses. can be accomplished by imaging-guided or surgical sam-
pling. As much specimen as possible should be submitted to
the laboratory; specimens may include pieces of intact bone,
shavings, scrapings, and/or excised or aspirated necrotic
Osteomyelitis arises from hematogenous seeding of bone from material (Table  31). Swabs are not recommended. Cultures
a distant site, extension into bone from a contiguous site, or of sinus tracts are generally not recommended because recov-
direct inoculation of microorganisms into bone with surgery ered organisms usually do not correlate with those found
or trauma. Infections of native joints may also develop by any in deep cultures, although S.  aureus shows modest correla-
of these routes, with most occurring by hematogenous seeding. tion. Hematogenous osteomyelitis is usually monobacterial,
Infections of prosthetic joints are usually acquired from con- whereas that resulting from contiguous infection is often
tamination at the time of arthroplasty implantation, but may polymicrobial. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of long
occur due to subsequent hematogenous seeding or extension bones mainly occurs in prepubertal children, but can occur
from contiguous sites. in the elderly, injection drug users, and those with indwelling
The potential list of causative agents of bone and joint infec- central venous catheters. In prepubertal children, the most
tions is diverse and largely predicated on the nature and patho- common microorganisms involved are S. aureus and S. pneu-
genesis of infection and the host. While bone and joint infections moniae; Kingella kingae is common in children <4  years of
are usually monomicrobial, some may be polymicrobial. age [174]. Osteomyelitis in neonates, especially in those
Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of bone and joint with indwelling central venous catheters, typically results
infections: from hematogenous spread; commonly involved organisms
include Streptococcus agalactiae and aerobic gram-negative
• Swabs are not recommended for specimen collection, with bacteria, especially E.  coli. Candida spp and P.  aeruginosa
aspirates and/or tissue biopsies being preferred. are more commonly encountered in injection drug users and
• Blood cultures are indicated for detection of some agents of those with indwelling central venous catheters. In children,
osteomyelitis and native joint infection, but not for routine the diagnosis is often made based on clinical and imaging
prosthetic joint infection diagnosis. findings in the context of positive blood cultures. NAATs
• Joint fluids should ideally be cultured in blood culture bottles. are particularly useful for diagnosing K.  kingae bone and
• For prosthetic joint infection diagnosis, 3–4 separate tis- joint infection in children <4  years of age. In adults, imag-
sue samples should be submitted for culture; sonication of ing-guided aspiration or open biopsy is typically necessary.
explanted prostheses may also be used to detect pathogens in In osteomyelitis occurring after a contaminated open frac-
biofilms. ture, the organisms listed above may be found, with enterococci,

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Table 31.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Osteomyelitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain Bone biopsy Sterile anaerobic transport

Coagulase-negative staphylococci Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture container, RT, 2 h
Salmonella sppa
Streptococcus sppb
Enterococcus spp
Candida spp
Brucella sppc
Pseudomonas sppd
Anaerobic bacteria
Kingella kingae Aerobic bacterial culture Bone biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h
K. kingae NAAT
Mycobacterium tuberculosise Acid-fast smear Bone biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Mycobacterial culture
M. tuberculosis NAATe
Blastomyces spp Calcofluor-KOH stain Bone biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Coccidioides immitis/posadasii Fungus culture
Mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora of the oral cavity Gram stain Bone biopsy Sterile anaerobic transport
including Actinomyces spp in patients with maxillary or Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture container, RT, 2 h
mandibular osteomyelitisf
Mixed bacterial flora in diabetic patients with skin and soft Gram stain Bone biopsy Sterile anaerobic transport
tissue extremity infections Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture container, RT, 2 h
Nocardia spp, other aerobic actinomycetes and soil filamen- Gram stain Bone biopsy Sterile container, RT, 2 h
tous fungi in patients with mycetomag Aerobic bacterial culture
Nocardia stain
Calcofluor-KOH stain
Nocardia culture
Fungal culture

Abbreviations: KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
Salmonella osteomyelitis occurs most often in patients with sickle cell trait or disease.
Streptococcus pneumoniae osteomyelitis occurs most often in pediatric patients, not infrequently in the setting of pneumococcal bacteremia.
Brucella spp will be recovered in standard aerobic bacterial cultures; however, the laboratory should be notified when Brucella spp is considered to be a potential cause of osteomyelitis so
that cultures are examined only in a biological safety cabinet. Concomitant serologic testing is recommended.
Hematogenous osteomyelitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Pseudomonas spp occurs most often in injection drug users. P. aeruginosa is the most common bacterial cause
of calcaneal osteomyelitis in individuals who develop this infection after stepping on nails while wearing sneakers.
The most common site of osteomyelitis due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the vertebral bodies. M. tuberculosis also represents one of the most common causes of clavicular osteo-
myelitis. Commercial NAATs are not US Food and Drug Administration–approved for nonrespiratory sites, so a laboratory-developed/validated test must be used if NAATs are requested.
Chronic endodontic infections such as apical abscesses may extend into surrounding bone, resulting in osteomyelitis of the maxilla or mandible. These infections are caused by the aero-
bic and anaerobic bacterial flora of the oral cavity and may be either monomicrobial or polymicrobial. Actinomyces spp is a recognized pathogen in this setting; when Actinomyces spp is
suspected, specimens should be transported to the laboratory under anaerobic conditions and cultures incubated for 10–14 days.
Mycetoma is a chronic soft tissue infection of the extremities which can also extend into contiguous bone and connective tissue. It occurs most often in tropical and subtropical climates and
may be characterized by the development of draining sinuses. Etiologic agents are derived from the soil. Sinus tract drainage material, when present, may be representative of the etiology of
underlying osteomyelitis. In addition to the stains and cultures noted in the table, sinus drainage should also be examined grossly and microscopically for the presence of “sulfur granules”
characteristic of this disease. Furthermore, the laboratory should be notified of the possibility of Nocardia spp as a pathogen so that appropriate media (eg, Middlebrook agar, Sabouraud
dextrose agar, buffered charcoal yeast extract) can be inoculated which facilitate recovery of this organism.

fungi, and NTM alternatively being involved; microorganisms Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci are
may derive from patient skin, contaminated soil, and/or the most commonly involved, followed by gram-negative aerobes,
healthcare environment. streptococci, Candida spp, and, in patients with relevant risk fac-
In patients with diabetes, osteomyelitis typically involves tors, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (and occasionally NTM) and
the foot as a complication of a chronic foot ulcer; a positive Brucella spp. Two sets of aerobic and anaerobic bacterial/candidal
probe-to-bone test is associated with osteomyelitis. Specimens blood cultures and ESR and CRP should be obtained; in addition,
for bone culture (aerobic and anaerobic) and histology can be Brucella blood cultures and serologic tests should be obtained
obtained by open debridement, needle puncture, or transcuta- in those in areas endemic for brucellosis, fungal blood cultures
neous biopsy. Readers are referred to a guideline that provides in those with relevant epidemiologic or host risk factors, and, as
greater detail on the diagnosis of diabetic foot infections [175]. with other types of osteomyelitis, a purified protein derivative
Vertebral osteomyelitis/disc space infection/spondylodisci- test or interferon-γ release assay may be considered in those at
tis is often hematogenous in origin (eg, from skin and soft tis- risk for tuberculosis (acknowledging a risk of both false-pos-
sue, urinary tract, intravascular catheter, pulmonary infection itive and false-negative results). Patients suspected of having
sites), but can occur postoperatively or following a procedure. native vertebral osteomyelitis based on clinical, laboratory, and

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imaging studies, with S.  aureus, Staphylococcus lugdunensis, or especially Staphylococcus epidermidis, are particularly common
Brucella bloodstream infection or, in an endemic setting, a pos- causes, but many other organisms, including streptococci,
itive Brucella serology, do not need further testing. For all others, enterococci, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, anaerobic bacteria
imaging-guided aspiration/biopsy of a disc space or vertebral end- (eg, Cutibacterium acnes, Finegoldia magna), and fungi, can be
plate is recommended, with the specimens submitted for Gram involved (Table  33). Cutibacterium acnes is particularly com-
stain and aerobic and anaerobic culture and, if adequate tissue can mon in shoulder arthroplasty infection.
be obtained, histopathology. If results are negative or inconclusive The diagnosis of PJI is ideally made preoperatively, but if this
(eg, Corynebacterium spp is isolated), a second imaging-guided is not possible, diagnosis and, if present, definition of the infect-
aspiration biopsy, percutaneous endoscopic discectomy and ing organism(s) should be pursued at the time of revision or
drainage procedure, or open excisional biopsy should be consid- resection arthroplasty. Readers are referred to a guideline that
ered to collect additional specimens for repeat and additional test- provides detail on the diagnosis of PJI [178]. Preoperatively,
ing. Readers are referred to a guideline that provides greater detail ESR and CRP are recommended, as is arthrocentesis for syno-
on the diagnosis of native vertebral osteomyelitis in adults [176]. vial fluid cell count, differential, and culture, ideally in aerobic
and anaerobic blood culture bottles. Criteria for the interpre-
B. Infections of Native Joints and Bursitis tation of synovial fluid cell count and differential in the pres-
Joints can be hematogenously seeded by bacteria, or seeded by ence of a prosthetic joint differ from those in native joints.
direct inoculation or from a contiguous focus, with the major- Intraoperative frozen section analysis is a reliable diagnostic
ity of infections being monoarticular. Staphylococcus aureus and test. For tissue culture, multiple specimens should be submit-
Streptococcus spp are common causes of septic arthritis of native ted for aerobic and anaerobic cultures, 4 if using conventional
joints, followed by gram-negative bacilli, which mainly cause plate and broth cultures, and 3 if culturing tissues in aerobic and
septic arthritis in neonates, the elderly, injection drug users, and anaerobic blood culture bottles [179]. Tissue can be processed
the immunocompromised. Kingella kingae is the most common in a number of ways, including crushing, stomaching, and bead
etiology of bacterial joint infection in children <4 years of age. mill processing using glass beads [180]. Two or more intraop-
Gonococcal arthritis is rare. Viruses, including parvovirus B19, erative cultures or a combination of preoperative aspiration and
Chikungunya virus, and rubella, among others, may be asso- intraoperative cultures that yield the same organism is consid-
ciated with arthritis (Table 32). Subacute or chronic infectious ered definitive evidence of PJI. Notably, single positive tissue
arthritis may be caused by M. tuberculosis and NTM, Borrelia or synovial fluid cultures, especially for organisms that may be
burgdorferi, Candida spp, Blastomyces sp, Coccidioides immitis/ contaminants (eg, coagulase-negative staphylococci, C. acnes),
posadasii, Histoplasma spp, Sporothrix sp, Cryptococcus neofor- should not be considered evidence of definite PJI. Gram stains
mans/gattii, and Aspergillus spp, among others. Septic bursitis, are not recommended. Isolation of C.  acnes may require cul-
which usually involves the prepatellar, olecranon, or trochan- ture incubation times as long as 14 days. The pathogenesis of
teric bursae, is usually caused by S. aureus. PJI relates to the presence of microorganisms in biofilms on the
Although peripheral-blood white cell count, ESR, and CRP implant surface. Therefore, if the arthroplasty is resected, the
are often elevated, they are nonspecific. Arthrocentesis of a septic implant components may be vortexed and sonicated and the
joint usually reveals purulent, low-viscosity synovial fluid with an resultant sonication fluid semi-quantitatively cultured [181].
elevated neutrophil count. Traditionally, a synovial fluid leukocyte Since fungi and mycobacteria are extremely rare in this setting,
count >50 000 cells/μL was considered to suggest septic arthri- they should not be routinely sought.
tis; however, lower counts do not exclude the diagnosis. Ideally,
synovial fluid should be submitted for Gram stain, and cultured
in aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottles. If synovial fluid
studies are negative, biopsy of the synovium may be required Clinical microbiology tests of value in establishing an etiologic
for Gram stain, aerobic and anaerobic cultures, histopathologic diagnosis of infections of the urinary tract are covered in this
evaluation, and possibly fungal and mycobacterial stains and cul- section, including specimens and laboratory procedures for the
tures. Concomitant or secondary bacteremia or fungemia occurs diagnosis of cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, epididymitis,
sporadically in patients with septic arthritis; thus, blood cultures and orchitis. Some special tests not available in smaller labora-
collected during febrile episodes are recommended. tories may be sent to a reference laboratory, but expect longer
turnaround times for results.
C. Prosthetic Joint Infection Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infec-
A special category of bone and joint infection exists for pros- tions (UTIs):
thetic joint infection (PJI), which may involve knee, hip, shoul-
der, elbow, or other prostheses [177]. Staphylococci, including • Urine should not sit at room temperature for more than 30
not just S. aureus, but also the coagulase-negative staphylococci, minutes. Hold at refrigerator temperatures if not cultured

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Table 32.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Native Joint Infection and Bursitis

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Acute arthritis
  Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain Synovial fluid and/or synovium Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Staphylococcus lugdunensis Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial biopsy Inoculate fluid into aerobic and anaerobic blood
 Streptococcus spp culture Blood culture bottles
  Enterobacteriaceae K. kingae NAAT Blood cultures
 Pseudomonas spp
  Kingella kingaea
  Neisseria gonorrhoeaeb
 Brucella spp Brucella serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Brucella culture Synovial fluid and/or synovium Sterile container, RT, 2 h
biopsy Inoculate fluid into aerobic blood culture bottle
Blood Blood culture
  Parvovirus B19 PV-B19 serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
PV-B19 NAAT Synovial fluid Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Rubella Rubella serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Subacute or chronic arthritis
  Chikungunya Chikungunya serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
B. burgdorferi NAAT Synovial fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h
B. burgdorferi culturec Synovial fluid Closed container, RT, 2 h
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acid-fast smear Synovial fluid and/or synovium Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  NTM AFB culture biopsy
M. tuberculosis NAATd
 Candida spp Calcofluor-KOH stain Synovial fluid and/or synovium Sterile container, RT, 2 h
  Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii Fungal culture biopsy Clot tube, RT, 2 h
 Blastomyces spp Serum cryptococcal antigen 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
  Coccidioides immitis/posadasii Blastomyces dermatitidis serology 5 mL serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
 Aspergillus spp Coccidioides immitis/ posadasii 5 mL serum
Septic bursitis
  Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain Bursa fluid Sterile container, RT, 2 h
Aerobic bacterial culture Inoculate fluid into aerobic and anaerobic blood
culture bottles

Abbreviations: AFB, acid-fast bacilli; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NTM, nontuberculous mycobacteria; PV, parvovirus; RT, room temperature.
Kingella kingae is the most common cause of septic joint infections before the age of 4 years.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultures of synovial fluid may be negative. NAATs for N. gonorrhoeae should be performed on genitourinary sites and/or freshly voided urine and, if clinically indi-
cated, rectal and oropharyngeal swabs; culture for N. gonorrhoeae should be performed on specimens from genitourinary sites and, if clinically indicated, rectal and oropharyngeal swabs.
Serology would be expected to be positive in the case of a positive NAAT or culture. Culture for Borrelia burgdorferi requires use of specialized media, rarely results in recovery of the
organism, and is seldom done except in research settings.
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or other Mycobacterium spp by microscopy or culture is very uncommon from synovial fluid in patients with joint infections due to these organ-
isms. Analysis of synovial tissue enhances the likelihood of detection.

within 30 minutes, or use a urine transport device (boric acid recommendations that are similar to those presented here
or other preservative). (Table  34). The differentiation of cystitis and pyelonephritis
• Reflexing to culture after a positive pyuria screen should be a requires clinical information and physical findings as well as
locally approved policy. laboratory information, and from the laboratory perspective
• The presence of 3 or more species of bacteria in a urine spec- the spectrum of pathogens is similar for the 2 syndromes [185].
imen usually indicates contamination at the time of collec- Culturing only urines that have tested positive for pyuria,
tion, and interpretation is fraught with error. either with a dipstick test for leukocyte esterase or other indi-
• Do not ask the laboratory to report “everything that grows” cators of PMNs, may increase the likelihood of a positive cul-
without first consulting with the laboratory and providing ture, but occasionally samples yielding positive screening tests
documentation for interpretive criteria for culture that is not yield negative culture results and vice versa [186]. The Gram
in the laboratory procedure manual. stain is not the appropriate method to detect PMNs in urine,
but it can be ordered as an option for detection of high num-
A. Urinary Tract Infection/Pyelonephritis bers of gram-negative rods when a patient is suspected of
The IDSA guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of UTIs are suffering from urosepsis. Because urine is so easily contami-
published [182, 183] as are American Society for Microbiology nated with commensal flora, specimens for culture of bacterial
recommendations [184]. These provide diagnostic urinary tract pathogens should be collected with attention to

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Table 33.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Prosthetic Joint Infection

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time
Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture Synovial fluid Sterile anaerobic trans-
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (incubate anaerobic cultures up to 14 Multiple tissue biopsy samples port container, RT, 2 h
Enterococcus spp d for recovery of C. acnes) Consider submitting prosthesis (if removed) for
Streptococcus spp Gram stain not useful vortexing/sonication with aerobic and anaer-
Enterobacteriaceae obic culture of sonicated fluid
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Corynebacterium spp
Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium)
Finegoldia magna
Other aerobic or anaerobic bacteria

Abbreviation: RT, room temperature.

minimizing contamination from the perineal and superficial a less contaminated specimen. If mixed enteric bacteria in
mucosal microbiota [187]. Although some literature suggests high numbers are recovered from a second, well-collected,
that traditional skin cleansing in preparation for the collec- straight-catheterized sample from the same patient, a enter-
tion of midstream or “clean catch” specimens is not of benefit, ic-urinary fistula should be considered. Laboratory actions
many laboratories find that such specimens obtained without should be based on decisions arrived at by dialogue between
skin cleansing routinely contain mixed flora and, if not stored clinician and laboratory.
properly and transported within 1 hour to the laboratory, yield Specimens from urinary catheters in place for more than a
high numbers of one or more potential pathogens on cul- few hours frequently contain colonizing flora due to rapid bio-
ture. Determining the true etiologic agent in such cultures is film formation on the catheter surface, which may not represent
difficult, so skin cleansing is still recommended. The use of infection. Culture from indwelling catheters is therefore strongly
urine transport media in vacuum-fill tubes or refrigeration discouraged, but if required, the specimen must be taken from
immediately after collection may decrease the proliferation the sampling port of a newly inserted device. Cultures of
of small numbers of contaminating organisms and increase Foley catheter tips are of no clinical value and will be rejected.
the numbers of interpretable results. Straight or “in-and-out” Collection of specimens from urinary diversions such as ileal
catheterization of a properly prepared patient usually provides loops is also discouraged because of the propensity of these

Table 34.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Cystitis and Pyelonephritis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Gram-negative bacteria
 Enterobacteriaceae:includes Escherichia coli, Routine aerobic culture Midstream, clean-catch, or Closed sterile leak-proof container; refrig-
Klebsiella spp, Proteus spp, others Gram stain (optional, low straight-catch urine erate (4°C) or use urine transport tube
  Pseudomonas spp, other nonfermenting sensitivity) unless delivery to lab ≤1 h is certain
gram-negative rods
Gram-positive bacteria
  Enterococcus spp Routine aerobic culture Midstream, clean-catch, or Closed sterile leakproof container; refrig-
  Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain (optional, low straight-catch urine erate (4°C) or use urine transport tube
  Staphylococcus saprophyticus sensitivity) unless delivery to lab ≤1 h is certain
  Corynebacterium urealyticum
  Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci)
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterial culture First-void urine Prefer >20 mL urine, refrigerate (4°C)
during transport
 Adenovirus NAATa Midstream or clean-catch Closed sterile container to lab within 1 h
  BK polyoma virus Quantitative NAATa from urine, Blood EDTA or citrate blood collection tube, RT
plasma, or serum Serum Clot tube, RT

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
No US Food and Drug Administration–cleared NAAT tests are available.

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locations to be chronically colonized. Chronic nephrostomy the percentage of cases in which a positive culture is obtained
collections and bagged urine collections are also of questionable is much lower [193]. The traditional Meares-Stamey 4-glass
value. Multiple organisms or coagulase-negative staphylococci specimen obtained by collecting the first 10-mL void, a mid-
may be recovered in patients with urinary stents, and may be stream specimen, expressed prostate secretions (EPSs) and
pathogenic. It is important that urologists and nephrologists a 10-mL post–prostate massage urine is positive if there is a
who care for patients with complicated infections discuss any 10-fold higher bacterial count in the EPS than the midstream
special needs or requests with the microbiology director or urine. A 2-specimen variant, involving only the midstream and
supervisor. Specimens from these patients may contain a mixed the EPS specimens, is also used. A  positive test is infrequent,
flora and if specific interpretive criteria are documented for and chronic pelvic pain syndrome is not frequently caused by a
these specimen types, the laboratory must be aware of the doc- culturable infectious agent. It should be remembered that pros-
umentation and the special interpretive standards. Laboratories tatic massage in a patient with acute bacterial prostatitis may
routinely provide antimicrobial susceptibility tests on poten- precipitate bacteremia and/or shock. Table 35 summarizes the
tial pathogens in significant numbers. Specimens obtained by approach to laboratory diagnosis of prostatitis.
more invasive means, such as cystoscope or suprapubic aspira-
tions, should be clearly identified and the workup discussed in C. Epididymitis and Orchitis
advance with the laboratory, especially if the clinician is inter- Epididymitis in men <35 years of age is most frequently asso-
ested in recovery of bacteria in concentrations <1000 CFU per ciated with the sexually transmitted pathogens Chlamydia
milliliter. Identification of a single potential pathogen in num- trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC). NAATs are
bers as low as 200 CFU/mL may be significant, such as in acute the most sensitive and a rapid diagnostic procedure for these
urethral syndrome, but requests for culture results reports of agents, and each commercially available system has its own
<10 000 CFU/mL should be coordinated with the laboratory so collection kit. Culture of GC is recommended when antibiotic
that an appropriate volume of urine can be processed. resistance is a concern, and special media are required for anti-
While not without some exceptions, in febrile infants and microbial susceptibility testing, which may be referred to a pub-
young children (2–24 months) an abnormal urinalysis and a col- lic health laboratory. In men >35  years of age, gram-negative
ony count of >50 000 CFU/mL of a single organism obtained by and gram-positive pathogens similar to the organisms causing
either a suprapubic aspirate or catheterization is considered diag- UTI and prostatitis may cause invasive infections of the epi-
nostic [188]. More recent evidence would suggest that ≥104 CFU/ didymis and testis. Surgically obtained tissue may be cultured
mL and a reliable detection of pyuria would pick up an additional for bacterial pathogens, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
significant proportion of children with true UTI [189]. will be performed. Fungal and mycobacterial disease are both
Recovery of yeast, usually Candida spp, even in high CFU/ uncommon, and laboratory diagnosis requires communication
mL, is not infrequent from patients who do not actually have from the clinician to the laboratory to ensure proper medium
yeast UTI, thus interpretation of cultures yielding yeast is not selection and processing, particularly if tissue is to be cultured
as standardized as that for bacterial pathogens. Yeast in urine for these organisms.
may rarely indicate systemic infection, for which additional Bacterial orchitis may be caused by both gram-negative
tests must be conducted for confirmation (eg, blood cultures and gram-positive pathogens, frequently by extension from a
and β-glucan levels). Recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculo- contiguous infection of the epididymis. Viral orchitis is most
sis is best accomplished with first-void morning specimens of frequently ascribed to mumps virus. The diagnosis is made by
>20 mL, and requires a specific request to the laboratory so that IgM serology for mumps antibodies, or by acute and convales-
appropriate processing and media are employed. Detection of cent IgG serology. Other viral causes of epididymo-orchitis are
adenovirus in cases of cystitis is usually done by NAAT. This Coxsackie virus, rubella virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and varicella
testing is typically available at tertiary academic centers or refer- zoster virus (VZV). Systemic fungal diseases can involve the
ence laboratories. Polyoma BK virus nephropathy is best diag- epididymis or testis, including blastomycosis, histoplasmosis,
nosed by quantitative molecular determination of circulating and coccidioidomycosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis may also
virus in blood rather than detection of virus in urine. Such tests involve these sites [194]. Table 36 summarizes the approaches
are usually performed in tertiary medical centers or reference to specimen management for cases of epididymitis and orchitis.

B. Prostatitis Both point-of-care and laboratory tests to identify the micro-

Acute bacterial prostatitis is defined by clinical signs and phys- biological etiology of genital infections are described below. In
ical findings combined with positive urine or prostate secretion addition, because recommendations exist for screening of gen-
cultures yielding usual urinary tract pathogens [190–192]. The ital infections for specific risk groups, these are also presented.
diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is much more problematic, and In this section infections are categorized as follows: cutaneous

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Table 35.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Prostatitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Acute bacterial prostatitis

  Escherichia coli, other enteric Aerobic culture Midstream urine with or without Closed sterile container to laboratory within 1 h or
bacteria expressed prostate secretions refrigerate (4°C) if delayed transport
 Pseudomonas spp
  Staphylococcus aureus
  Group B streptococci
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
  Pathogens similar to acute Gram stain or cell counts Midstream urine and expressed Closed sterile container to laboratory within 1 h or
bacterial disease Aerobic culture prostate secretions, seminal fluid refrigerate (4°C) if delayed transport
  Blastomyces dermatitidis Fungal culture Expressed prostate secretions, Closed sterile container to laboratory within 1 h or
  Coccidioides immitis prostate biopsy refrigerate (4°C) if delayed transport
  Histoplasma capsulatum
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterial culture First-void urine, expressed prostate Prefer >20 mL urine, refrigerate (4°C) during
secretions, prostate biopsy transport

genital lesions, vaginitis and vaginosis, urethritis and cervicitis, Providers should also recognize that despite diagnostic test-
and infections of the female pelvis, including endometritis and ing, 25%–40% of the causes of genital infections or symptoms
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Testing in special popula- may not be specifically identified, and that many infections are
tions, such as pregnant patients, children, and men who have acquired from an asymptomatic partner unaware of their infec-
sex with men (MSM) are noted where applicable but readers tion. In fact, patients who seem to “fail” therapy and continue to
are referred to the more comprehensive guidelines referenced. exhibit symptoms and/or have positive tests for sexually trans-
There is considerable overlap in symptoms and signs for mitted infections (STIs) are most likely to have been reinfected
many genital infections, and clinical diagnosis alone is neither by their sexual partner [197, 198]. Thus, referral for partners for
sensitive nor specific. Thus, diagnostic testing is recommended specific testing and/or directed treatment is essential to prevent
for the following reasons: appropriate treatment can be focused reinfection and is especially true for patients who may be preg-
for eradication, reduction of transmission as well as symptom- nant or are HIV positive. Finally, because the vast majority of
atic relief, specific diagnosis has the benefit of increasing thera- genital infections are STIs and communicable, they are a public
peutic compliance by the patient and the patient is more likely health concern. Patients and their providers should note that
to comply with partner notification [195, 196]. positive tests for CT, GC, syphilis, chancroid, and HIV require

Table 36.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Epididymitis and Orchitis

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

  Chlamydia trachomatis NAAT Urethral swab or first void urine for Specific collection system for each NAAT
  Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture NAAT
Urine not suitable for culture
  Enteric bacteria Aerobic culture and susceptibility test Tissue aspirate or biopsy Closed sterile container, refrigerate (4°C)
  Staphylococcus aureus if delay.
  Mumps Serology Acute and convalescent serum Clot tube, RT
  Coxsackie Culture where available Tissue aspirate or biopsy Closed sterile container, refrigerate (4°C)
  Rubella if delay
  Blastomyces dermatidis Fungal culture Tissue aspirate of biopsy Closed sterile container, refrigerate (4°C)
  Coccidioides immitis if delay
  Histoplasma capsulatum
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterial culture Tissue aspirate or biopsy Closed sterile container, refrigerate (4°C)
if delay

Abbreviations: EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; VZV, varicella zoster virus.

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reporting in accordance with state and local statutory require- Table 37 shows the diagnostic tests for identifying the etiology
ments by the laboratory and/or the provider. Reporting of addi- of the most common genital lesions.
tional STIs varies by state [195]. For suspected cases of HSV genital lesions, viral culture, DFA
Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of genital infections: and/or NAATs are commonly used for diagnosis. As methods
for specific testing for vesicles varies among laboratories, consul-
• For vaginosis (altered vaginal flora) a Gram stain and recently tation with the laboratory before specimen collection is appro-
available microbiome-based assays are more specific than priate. While many NAATs are FDA-cleared and the preferred
culture and probe testing for Gardnerella vaginalis alone. diagnostic because they provide typing and are the most sensi-
• Resistant Candida spp occur in 10%–15% of patients with tive, especially where suboptimal collection or nonulcerative or
recurrent yeast vulvovaginitis. vesicular lesions may be present, there may be limitations as to
• Most laboratories use a reverse syphilis screening algorithm; specimen source able to be tested and/or patient age depending
treponemal specific test first (EIA/chemiluminescence on the NAAT used. Culture is more likely to be positive in patients
immunoassay) followed by nontreponemal (rapid plasma that have vesicular vs ulcerative lesions, specimens obtained from
reagin [RPR]) to confirm. a first episodic lesion vs a recurrent lesion, and specimens from
• Testing simultaneously for CT, GC, and Trichomonas is immunosuppressed patients rather than immunocompetent.
optimal for detection of the most common treatable STIs in DFA allows assessment of an adequate specimen and can be a
female patients. rapid test if performed on-site; isolates should be typed to deter-
• High-risk individuals (eg, MSM) should have extragenital mine if they are HSV-1 or HSV-2 since 12-month recurrence
sites evaluated (rectal, oropharyngeal) for GC and CT. rates are more common with HSV-2 (90%) than HSV-1 (55%).
• Screen for group B streptococcus at 35–37 weeks of preg- Serology cannot distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 unless a
nancy using both vaginal and rectal swabs; susceptibility of type-specific glycoprotein G–based assay is requested [195, 197]
group B Streptococcus is not routinely performed unless the Point-of-care tests or tests that can be signed up for online
patient is penicillin allergic. and are antibody-serologic tests should not be used in patient
• Screen for HIV in each new pregnancy during the first prena- populations with a low likelihood of HSV infection (no symp-
tal visit or trimester as well as third trimester even in previ- toms, no high-risk history) because a low index value positive
ously tested pregnancies and in sexually active patients aged is not specific and often yields false-positive results. In one
13–64 seeking evaluation for STIs. study where HSV-2–positive indexes were reviewed, increasing
• Undertake partner testing and/or treatment of positive index the cutoff index value yielded better specificity. Similarly, early
cases to prevent reinfection. stages of infection result in false-negative results.
• Co-testing with hrHPV and cytology increases detection of In children presenting with genital lesions, providers should
cervical cancer compared to cytology alone. not assume HSV as the only etiology and should consider
• High-risk HPV and genotyping helps triage management of potential atypical presentation of VZV. DFA and NAATs are
women >30 years of age. best for detection of VZV, as culture is less sensitive. No NAAT
• Recognized emerging diagnostic issues: FDA-cleared assays are available at the time of this writing,
although some laboratories may offer a laboratory-developed
test (LDT). Pregnant patients with a history of genital herpes
o Mycoplasma genitalium as a cause of nongonococcal ure- should be assessed for active lesions at the time of delivery.
thritis in males and cervicitis and PID in females. Updated consensus guidelines for the management of women
o Acquisition of hepatitis C virus by sexual transmission in with abnormal cervical cytologic lesions and testing for HPV as
MSM [195]. well as the use of genotyping tests were published in 2013. The
o Resistance of N. gonorrhoeae to antimicrobials [195]. updated guidelines are discussed by Massad et al in The Journal
of Lower Genital Tract Disease (including corrections from the
A. Genital Lesions original guidelines published), available on the website http://
Genital lesions may have multiple simultaneous infectious etiol- www.asccp.org/asccp-guidelines [199–201]. The guidelines
ogies that make them a challenge to diagnose and treat properly. are very comprehensive and present what is considered the
Guidelines from the CDC recommend that all patients present- optimal prevention strategies that would identify those HPV-
ing with a genital lesion should be evaluated with a serological related abnormalities likely to progress to invasive cancers while
test for syphilis, as well as diagnostic tests for genital herpes and avoiding destructive treatment of abnormalities not destined to
for Haemophilus ducreyi where chancroid is prevalent. Because become cancerous [202]. An updated consensus guideline fre-
many of the genital lesions exhibit inflammatory epithelium quently asked questions section is also available at http://www.
that enhances the transmission of HIV, serologic screening for asccp.org/consensus-guidelines-faqs. As with previous guide-
HIV infection is recommended in these patients as well [195]. lines, HPV testing refers to validated HPV assays that have been

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Table 37.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Genital Lesions

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimen Transport Time

HSV-1 and HSV-2 NAATb Scraping or aspirate Assay-specific; consult laboratory

In children with genital lesions, DFA Scraping of lesion base rolled directly onto slidea RT
consider atypical VZVa
Culture (rarely performed) Scraping of lesion base and placed in VTM//UTMc RT, If >2 h, refrigerated
Serology Serum Clot tube, RT
HPV-16/18 genotyping DNA hybridization probe or NAAT for high-risk HPV Endocervical brush into liquid cytology medium RT, 48 h
Refer to guidelines types onlye or transport tube
for specific age, cytology,
and triaging recommendations
Genital wartsf Histopathology; high-risk HPV testing not done Biopsy or scraping Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
on warts
Syphilis Darkfield microscopyg Cleanse lesion with gauze and sterile saline RT, immediately to laboratory
Test is not widely available and specimen must be Swab of lesion base directly to slide
transported to laboratory immediately to visu-
alize motile spirochetes
DFA–Treponema pallidumh,i Cleanse lesion with gauze and saline Slide should be dry before placing
Swab of lesion base directly to slide. Clarify in holder and/or transporting to
source, genital, oral, rectal laboratory
Serology Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Nontreponemal (VDRL or RPR)j
Treponemal serology Serum Clot tube, RT, 2 h
Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)m Gram stain and culturen Swab of lesion base without surface genital skin RT immediately to laboratory
Lymphogranuloma venereumm Cell cultureo Swab of ulcer base, bubo drainage, rectum RT, immediately to laboratory
(Chlamydia serovars L1, L2, L2a,
L2b, L3)
Serology Serum RT, 2 h
Serology Serum RT, 2 h
Complement fixationq
NAATr Swab of ulcer base, bubo drainage, rectum RT, 2 days; or refrigerate
Granuloma inguinalem (donovanosis) Giemsa or Wright stain in pathology. Visualization of Scraping of lesion base into formalin RT, 2 h
Klebsiella granulomatis blue rods with prominent polar granules
Scabies Microscopic visualization Collect parasite from skin scrapings using sterile RT, within 1 h
scalpel blade with a drop of mineral oil to facil-
itate adherence of the organisms
Lice Macroscopic visualization Hair should be submitted in a clean container RT, 1 h

Abbreviations: CIA, chemiluminescence immunoassay; DFA, direct fluorescent antibody; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; FTA-ABS, fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorbed; HPV, human
papillomavirus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; MIF, microimmunofluorescent stain; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RPR, rapid plasma reagin; RT, room temperature; TPPA, Treponema
pallidum particle agglutination assay; UTM, universal transport medium; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; VTM, viral transport medium; VZV, varicella zoster virus.
Epithelial cells are required for adequate examination and used to assess quality of the specimen collection; consider atypical VZV in children with genital lesions using DFA. Typical 3-well
slide allows distinction between HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV.
Several NAATs are US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared. Specimen source and test availability are laboratory specific. Provider needs to check with laboratory for allowable
specimen source and turnaround time. More sensitive than culture and DFA, especially when lesions are past vesicular stage.
Check with laboratory; most are maintained and shipped at RT, ice not required.
Serology can be non-specific for HSV-1 and HSV-2 differentiation; should be limited to patients with clinical presentation consistent with HSV but with negative cultures by NAAT; request
type-specific glycoprotein G–based assays that differentiate HSV-1 and HSV-2.
High-risk HPV testing currently recommended in women ≥30 years of age. HPV testing is not recommended for the diagnosis of HPV in a sexual partner or in patients aged ≤21 years
(adolescents); options for women aged 21–29 years vary depending on cytology, HPV-16/18 genotyping in cytology negative and high-risk HPV positivity helps with triage.
The diagnosis of genital warts is most commonly made by visual inspection; high-risk HPV testing is not recommended.
Darkfield microscopy not widely available.
Limited availability typically performed in public health laboratories.
Viable organisms are not required for optimal test performance; clarify source (genital, oral, rectal) because nonpathogenic treponemes can be detected in nongenital sites.
Nontreponemal tests (RPR and VDRL) are less sensitive in early and late disease, and become negative after treatment; do not use to test pregnant patients due to potential for false-positive results.
Treponemal tests: EIA or CIA formats, TPPA, and FTA-ABS; monitor titers using same type of test and/or same laboratory; positive for life; human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–infected
patients may have unusual serologic responses.
Treponemal test may be performed first with subsequent testing done with nontreponemal tests such as RPR (reverse testing algorithm). Confirmation with a second treponemal test dif-
ferent than the first is required in positive EIA/CIA but negative RPR tests. For laboratories that routinely perform the reverse algorithm, a special request for testing by RPR may be required
when following positive syphilis patients for treatment effectiveness.
Uncommon genital ulcers in the United States are typically diagnosed by clinical presentation, risk factors, and exclusion of syphilis and HSV; HIV testing should be part of workup.
Gram stain with chancroid organisms shows small rods or chains in parallel rows, “school of fish”; culture requires special media and sensitivity is only 30%–70%. Testing should only be
performed by laboratory that regularly performs this testing.
Cell culture sensitivity about 30%; rectal ulcers in men who have sex with men.
MIF titers ≥256 with appropriate clinical presentation suggests lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV).
Complement fixation titers ≥64 with appropriate clinical presentation suggests LGV, sensitivity 80% at 2 weeks.
NAATs for C. trachomatis (CT) will detect L1–L3 but do not distinguish these from the other CT serovars; typical lesion sites not FDA-cleared; some laboratories have validated rectal swabs;
NAAT performed through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in outbreak situations [210].
Place a drop of mineral oil on a sterile scalpel blade. Allow some of the oil to flow onto the papule. Scrape vigorously 6 or 7 times to remove the top of the papule. (Tiny flecks of blood
should be seen in the oil.) Use the flat side of the scalpel to add pressure to the side of the papule to push the mite out of the burrow. Transfer the oil and scrapings onto a glass slide (an
applicator stick can be used). Do not use a swab, which will absorb the material and not release it onto the slide. For best results, scrape 20 papules.

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analytically and clinically validated for cervical cancer and veri- screening without Pap [201, 202]. An overview of possible
fied precancer cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+ by the FDA. advantages and disadvantages were addressed. Assessment from
Only testing for hrHPV types that are associated with cervical large databases showed major advantages in primary hrHPV
cancer is appropriate [202, 203]. Because the 2013 guidelines screening as an alternative to current guidelines. Detection
are lengthy, with 18 flowchart figures, essential changes and of hrHPV and genotypes 16/18 allowed triaging effectively as
retained 2006 consensus guidelines are listed below. far as disease detection, number of screening tests, and overall
Essential changes from prior management guidelines related colposcopies performed. Major disadvantages identified were
to screening include: a doubling of the number of colposcopies in ages 25–29 (thus
why primary screening was recommended at age >30  years),
• Cytology (Papanicolaou [Pap] smear) screening is only and that primary hrHPV testing alone did not allow assessment
acceptable in women <30 years of age. of specimen adequacy that co-testing offered. A point-counter-
• High-risk HPV testing is unacceptable for routine manage- point on primary screening showed that this strategy is not yet
ment of women aged 21–29 years. fully accepted [203].
• Co-testing with cytology and hrHPV is preferred in women Patients with a cervix remaining after hysterectomy, HIV-
≥30–65 years of age. infected patients, and patients that have received one of the
• High-risk HPV–negative and atypical squamous cells of HPV vaccines should undergo routine Pap and HPV screening
undetermined significance (ASC-US) results should be fol- and management. Testing should be postponed when a woman
lowed with co-testing at 3 years, not 5. is menstruating [195, 202, 203].
• In general, results of cytology negative but hrHPV positive In the United States, testing for syphilis is most commonly
warrant HPV-16/18 genotype to identify patients at higher performed by serology and requires 2 tests. Traditionally test-
risk for progression to cervical cancer. ing has consisted of initial screening with an inexpensive non-
treponemal test (ie, RPR), then retesting reactive specimens
Prior management guidelines from the 2006 consensus guide- with a more specific, and more expensive, treponemal test (ie,
lines for the management of women with abnormal cervical Treponema pallidum particle agglutination). If a nontreponemal
screening tests [203] retained include: test is being used as the screening test, it should be confirmed, as
a high percentage of false-positive results occur in many medi-
• Women <21  years of age do not need routine cervical cal conditions unrelated to syphilis. When both test results are
screening. reactive, they indicate present or past infection. Many high-vol-
• Endocervical specimens in liquid cytology medium have a ume clinical laboratories have reversed the testing sequence
higher sensitivity for detecting significant lesions and facili- and begin the testing algorithm first with a specific trepone-
tate subsequent HPV testing in patients because tests can be mal test, such as an EIA or chemiluminescence immunoassay,
done from the same specimen. and then retesting reactive results with a nontreponemal test,
• High-risk HPV testing is not recommended for ages 21–29 as such as RPR, to confirm diagnosis. Screening with a trepone-
a routine test but is recommended for the purposes of triag- mal test can identify persons previously positive, treated, and/
ing women >25 years of age with ASC-US or ASC-H (atyp- or partially treated for syphilis as well as yield false positives in
ical squamous cells cannot exclude high-grade squamous patients with low likelihood of infection. If the follow-up confir-
intraepithelial lesion). mation test (RPR) is negative, it requires the laboratory to per-
• Only testing for hrHPV types associated with cervical cancer form a different treponemal-specific test to guide management
is appropriate. decisions (ie, fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorbed) [194,
• HPV-negative and ASC-US results are insufficient to allow 204]. Treponema pallidum cannot be seen on Gram stain and
exit from screening at age 65 years. cannot be cultured in the routine laboratory. Darkfield exam for
• In women >30 years of age, co-testing strategies with nega- motile spirochetes is unavailable in the majority of laboratories.
tive cytology but positive hrHPV reflex to 16/18 genotyping Chancroid, caused by the gram-negative organism
should be considered H.  ducreyi, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) caused by
C. trachomatis serovars L1, L2, or L3, and granuloma inguinale
Follow-up testing for abnormal cytology and/or positive hrHPV (donovaniasis) caused by the intracellular gram-negative bac-
is complicated and readers are referred to the American Society terium Klebsiella granulomatis, are genital ulcers uncommon in
for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology guidelines for manage- the United States and are typically diagnosed by clinical presen-
ment decisions and the free teaching modules available (http:// tation, identification of high-risk factors, and exclusion of the
www.asccp.org/asccp-guidelines. more common genital lesions (syphilis and HSV). Chancroid
In 2015, additional interim clinical guidance papers were may be identified by Gram stain and culture but is not recom-
published for use of primary hrHPV testing for cervical cancer mended to be performed unless by a laboratory experienced in

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on 23 July 2018
this testing. NAATs for C. trachomatis will detect LGV serovars 10% KOH microscopic examinations for VVC. For BV, use of
but not specific serovars, but none are FDA-cleared for genital clinical criteria (Amsel diagnostic criteria) is equal to a scored
ulcer sites. Rectal swabs in patients with proctitis are recom- Gram stain of vaginal discharge. However, a scored Gram stain
mended, and testing is available in laboratories that have vali- is more specific than probe hybridization, point-of-care tests,
dated this source [205]. and culture that only detect the presence of G.  vaginalis as
the hallmark organism for altered vaginal flora) Table 38. For
B. Vaginosis/Vaginitis VVC and TV, the presence of pseudohyphae and motile tricho-
The diagnoses of bacterial vaginosis (BV), or altered vaginal monads, respectively, allows a diagnosis. However, proficiency
flora, and vaginitis caused by fungal organisms (vulvovaginal in microscopic examination is essential given that infections
candidiasis [VVC]) or Trichomonas vaginalis (TV), are often may be mixed and/or present with atypical manifestations.
considered clinically and diagnostically as a group because of Unfortunately, consistent microscopic examination of vaginal
their overlapping signs and symptoms. However, the mode of specimens and interpretation are difficult for many laboratories
transmission and/or acquisition is not necessarily that of an STI to perform and wide variation of sensitivities (40%–70%) for
for VVC, but may be for BV and is for TV. A number of point- both TV and VVC using smear examination exists relative to
of-care tests can be performed from a vaginal discharge spec- NAAT and culture, respectively [206]. It should be noted that
imen while the patient is in the healthcare setting. Although recent publications utilizing NAATs highlight the prevalence
point-of-care tests are popular, the sensitivity and specificity for of Trichomonas as equal to or greater than CT and GC in cer-
making a specific diagnosis vary widely and these assays, while tain patient populations and point to a growing trend toward
rapid, are often diagnostically poor. Some of the tests include a screening for TV, CT, and GC simultaneously [207, 208]. More
pH strip test, scored Gram stain for BV, wet mount for TV, and recently, microbiome-based multiplex NAATs have become

Table 38.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast Vaginitisa, and Trichomoniasis

Common Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Yeast (pH <4.5b) Saline wet mount and Swab of vaginal discharge Submitted in 0.5 mL saline or transport swabd, RT, 2 h
10% KOHc
Culturee Swab of vaginal discharge Submitted in transport swab, RT, 12 h
f f
DNA hybridization probe Swab of vaginal discharge Lab provided transport
RT, 7 d, or manufacturer’s recommendations
Bacterial vaginosis (pH >4.5b) Wet mount and 10% Swab of vaginal discharge Submitted in 0.5 mL saline or transport swab, RT, 2 h
Quantitative Gram stainh Swab of vaginal discharge Place directly into transport swab tube, RT, 12 h
DNA hybridization probef Swab of vaginal dischargef Lab provided transport, RT, 7 d or manufacturer’s
Trichomoniasis (pH >4.5)b i
Vaginal, endocervical swab, urine or Lab provided transport, RT, 7 d (or manufacturer’s
liquid-based cytology specimen, recommendation)
urethral, rectal, pharyngeal swabs
Rapid antigen testj Swab of vaginal epithelium/discharge Submitted in transport swab or saline, RT, 24 h
DNA hybridization probef Swab of vaginal dischargef RT, 7 d
Culturek Swab of vaginal discharge Place directly into InPouch TV Culture system, RT, 48 h
Saline wet mountl Swab of vaginal discharge Submitted in saline, RT, 30 min (optimal) – 2 h

Abbreviations: KOH, potassium hydroxide; RT, room temperature; TV, Trichomonas vaginalis.
Multiplex nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) Max Vaginal panel (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, Maryland). Multiplex NAAT for Candida albicans and resistant species (Candida glabrata/krusei),
microbiome-based bacterial vaginosis, and TV. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared for use in symptomatic females.
pH of vaginal discharge for each condition listed when using pH strips as a point-of-care test.
Sensitivity of wet mount between 40% and 80%.
Culturette (BD Microbiology Systems, Sparks, Maryland), Eswab (Copan Diagnostics, Murietta, California), or similar product.
Consider culture in recurrent cases and when wet mount/KOH is negative.
Affirm VP III Assay (Becton Dickinson); does not rely on viable organisms for optimal test performance; special transport tube required; detects Gardnerella vaginalis as an organism associ-
ated with BV, yeast vaginitis (C. albicans only), and TV. FDA-cleared for vaginal specimens from symptomatic female patients only. Trichomonas sensitivity not as good as NAAT.
Amine or fishy odor, “whiff test” positive when KOH added, lack of white blood cells, and presence of clue cells.
Quantitative Gram stain most specific procedure for bacterial vaginosis; culture not recommended; testing and treatment recommended in symptomatic pregnant patients to reduce
postpartum endometritis.
Many assays are currently FDA-cleared. Specific use (screening as well as diagnostic, female and/or male); specific sources and self-collection vary depending on test. Same specimen and
collection device often is used for Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae NAAT. Provider needs to check with laboratory for availability.
OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test (Genzyme, Diagnostics, Cambridge, Massachusetts); does not require live organisms for optimal test performance, sensitivity ranges from 62% to 95%
compared to culture and NAAT in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, with best results in symptomatic patients.
InPouch TV culture system (Biomed Diagnostics, White City, Oregon) allows both immediate smear review by wet mount and subsequent culture; not widely available, sensitivity approx-
imately 70% compared to NAAT methods.
Wet mount for trichomonads requires live organisms to visualize movement and has poor sensitivity.

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available for the diagnosis of BV and have been validated in positive test for possible reinfection because those patients with
several reference laboratories. One commercial product is now repeat infections are at higher risk for PID. Requirements for
FDA-cleared. Preliminary data show greater specificity of this testing practices and/or need for confirmatory testing in pedi-
approach compared to methods that identify only G.  vagina- atric patients may vary from state to state, especially in potential
lis, as well as consistency in both reproducible as well as stan- victims of assault; check with state guidelines. Appropriate pro-
dardized results. Tests for the entities of vaginosis/vaginitis are viders or laboratories that perform testing in children should be
shown in Table 38 [209–214]. consulted [195].
Recently, prevalence studies using NAATs have shown that
C. Urethritis/Cervicitis Trichomonas is as common as CT and more common that GC
Urethritis and cervicitis share common signs and symp- in certain clinical and geographic settings, with a uniquely high
toms and infectious etiologies in male and female patients, presence in women and men over 40 and in incarcerated popu-
respectively. Table  39 combines the diagnostic tests used lations. In addition, the ulcerative nature of TV infection leads
to identify the pathogens common to both. In addition, to sequelae similar to those of CT and GC, including perinatal
because screening for CT and GC has reduced the reper- complications as well as susceptibility to HIV and HSV acqui-
cussions related to infections and subsequent PID, the fol- sition and transmission. FDA-cleared NAATs allow testing
lowing guidelines for screening women for CT and GC have from the same screening specimens used for CT and GC test-
been presented by the US Preventive Services Task Force in ing, with significantly improved sensitivity over wet mount or
2014 (available at: https://www.uspreventiveservicestask- hybridization test.
force.org/Page/Document/RecommendationStatementFinal/ Mycoplasma genitalium is a recognized pathogen in nongono-
chlamydia-and-gonorrhea-screening). coccal urethritis and nonchlamydial nongonococcal urethritis
in males and likewise cervicitis and PID in females. Fifteen per-
Annual CT Screening cent to 25% of infections may be due to this organism, and resis-
➢ Sexually active women aged ≤25 years and those pregnant tance to first-line agents is rising [215, 216]. A NAAT may be
➢ Older women with the following identified risk factors: the best option for detection of M. genitalium, due to issues with
culture and cross-reactivity with serologic tests. While there is
• new sex partner no FDA-cleared assay available, multiple laboratories have val-
• multiple partners idated molecular assays. Culture or NAATs for Ureaplasma is
• partner with an STI not recommended because of the high prevalence of coloniza-
• inconsistent condom use, not in a monogamous relationship tion in asymptomatic, sexually active people [195, 217].
• previous or coexisting STI
• exchanging sex for money or drugs D. Infections of the Female Pelvis
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a spectrum of disor-
GC Screening (Consider Local Epidemiology and Risk) ders and can be a serious infection in the upper genital tract/
reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries) and
➢ Sexually active women aged ≤25 years and those pregnant includes any single or combination of endometritis, tubo-ovar-
➢ Similar criteria as above for CT ian abscess, and salpingitis. PID can be sexually transmitted or
naturally occurring, has the highest incidence in ages 15–25,
For laboratory diagnosis of CT and GC, NAATs are the pre- and is the leading cause of infertility in women [218] (http://
ferred assays for detection because of increased sensitivity www.ashasexualhealth.org/stdsstis/pid/).
while retaining specificity in low-prevalence populations (preg- PID can be clinically difficult to identify when patients pres-
nant patients) and the ability to screen with a noninvasive urine ent with mild or nonspecific symptoms. Finding symptoms on
specimen [195]. Vaginal specimens in women (either provider physical examination (cervical motion tenderness) as well as
or self-collected) and urine specimens in men are preferred other criteria (elevated temperature or mucopurulent discharge)
specimen sources. In MSM, rectal and oropharyngeal testing increases the specificity and positive predictive value of labora-
is recommended. NAATs on samples other than genital (rectal, tory tests. Diagnostic tests are dependent on the clinical sever-
oropharyngeal, conjunctival) are currently not FDA-cleared and ity of disease, epidemiological risk assessment, and whether
require in-house validation. Providers need to confirm with the invasive procedures, such as laparoscopy and/or endometrial
laboratory if these sources will be tested. In general, retesting biopsy, are used. Bacterial tests performed on non–aseptically
patients with a follow-up test for CT or GC (test of cure) is not collected specimens (endocervical or dilatation and curettage)
recommended unless special circumstances exist (pregnancy, have limited utility in diagnosing PID. Actinomyces spp are part
continuing symptoms). However, patients that are at higher risk of normal flora and can often be seen on Pap smears. While
for STIs should be screened within 3–12 months from the initial Actinomyces spp have been associated with intrauterine devices

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Table 39.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Pathogens Associated With Cervicitis/Urethritis

Common Etiologic Transport Issues and

Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Chlamydia trachomatis NAATa Urine Laboratory-provided transport device, RT, 2 d

Endocervical, vaginal, and/or urethral swab (rectum,
pharynx, conjunctiva, liquid-based cytology)b,c
Cultured Endocervical, urethral, conjunctival, NP, pharynx, or Laboratory-provided transport device, refrigerate
rectal swab (4°C); <2 h
DFA teste Conjunctival swab Transport medium, RT, 2 h
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Gram stainf Urethral discharge Smear on slide directly or submit swab in
transport medium, RT, immediately
NAATa Urine Laboratory-provided transport device, RT, 2 d
Endocervical, vaginal, and/or urethral swab
(Rectal, pharynx, conjunctiva, liquid-based cytology
Cultureg Endocervical, urethral, conjunctival, nasopharyngeal, Transport medium, RT, ≤1 h
pharynx, rectal swab Do not refrigerate specimen
Trichomonas vaginalis NAATc Vaginal, endocervical swab, urine and liquid-based Laboratory-provided transport device, RT, 2 d
cytology specimen, urethral, rectal, pharyngeal
Rapid antigen testh Endocervical swab Laboratory-provided transport device, RT, 24 h
DNA hybridization probei,j Endocervical or vaginal swab Laboratory-provided transport device, RT, 7 d
Culturek Endocervical or urethral swab Direct inoculation into InPouch TV culture
system, 2–5 d
Saline wet mountl Endocervical or urethral swab Submit in 0.5 mL saline, 30 min–2 h
Herpes simplex virus DFAm Scraping of lesion base Apply to slide at bedside, RT, 24 h
Culture Scraping of lesion base Place in VTM/UTM RT
NAATn Scraping of lesion or swab of discharge Laboratory-provided transport device, assay-
specific; consult laboratory

Abbreviations: DFA, direct fluorescent antibody; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RT, room temperature; UTM, universal transport medium; VTM, viral transport
Current US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–cleared NAATs for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC), and Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) refer to: https://www.fda.gov/
Pharynx and rectal specimens in men who have sex with men (requires laboratory validation for those specimen types).
Some tests are FDA-cleared for both screening as well as diagnosis of TV in women. Some only for symptomatic patients. Multiple specimen types and transport can often be used for
multiple sexually transmitted infections such as GC, CT, and TV. Testing for males and alternate sites has been validated by some laboratories. Provider needs to check with laboratory for
Not as sensitive as NAATs.
Epithelial cells are required for adequate examination.
Gram stain in males only; 10–15 white blood cells per high-powered field and intracellular gram-negative diplococci (gndc): 95% specific for GC; intracellular gndc seen, only 10%–29%
specific for GC.
Culture allows for antimicrobial susceptibility testing; culture sensitivity may be better when direct inoculation of specimen to selective media with carbon dioxide tablet at patient bedside;
vancomycin in media may inhibit some GC strains.
OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test (Genzyme, Diagnostics, Cambridge, Massachusetts); does not require live organisms for optimal test performance, sensitivity ranges from 62% to 95%
compared to culture and NAAT in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, with best results in symptomatic patients.
Check for availability. A reference laboratory may be needed.
Affirm VP III Assay (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, Maryland); does not rely on viable organisms for optimal test performance; special transport tube required; detects Gardnerella vaginalis
as an organism associated with bacterial vaginosis, yeast vaginitis (Candida albicans only), and TV. FDA-cleared for vaginal specimens and symptomatic female patients only. Trichomonas
sensitivity not as good as NAATs.
InPouch TV culture system (Biomed Diagnostics, White City, Oregon) allows both immediate smear review by wet mount and subsequent culture; not widely available. Sensitivity approx-
imately 70% compared to NAAT methods.
Wet mount for trichomonads requires live organisms to visualize movement; sensitivity 60%.
Not widely available; reference test for some specimens; sensitivity approximately 70% compared to NAATs.
Currently many FDA-cleared. Check with laboratory on available sources validated and potential sex and age restrictions.

(IUDs) in the past, they are very uncommon and usually occur diagnosis as well as significant potential sequelae should make
most commonly in 2 settings: if a patient has an infection at the threshold for therapy low [220].
the time of insertion of an IUD and if the IUD is left in place Postpartum endometritis should be suspected when the
past the recommended time of removal (typically 5 years) [219]. patient presents with high fever (≥101°F [38.3°C] or >100.4°F
If Actinomyces infection is suspected, the laboratory should be [38.0°C] on >2 occasions >6 hours apart after the first 24 hours
notified to culture such samples anaerobically, including an of delivery and up to 10  days postdelivery), abdominal pain,
anaerobic broth that is held for ≥5 days. Patients with suspected uterine tenderness, and foul lochia. Usually a multiorganism
PID should be tested for CT, GC, and HIV. Both difficulty in syndrome, the infection is most commonly seen in patients

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with unplanned cesarean delivery because of the inability to broth specimen. Women with bacteriuria with GBS (as single
introduce antibiotics quickly. Postpartum endometritis can pathogen or predominant pathogen isolated) indicate high car-
be reduced by testing and treating for symptomatic BV late in riage and increased risk for transmission of GBS to the neo-
pregnancy, which has been associated with preterm labor and nate. Treating GBS prior to 35–37 weeks does not eliminate the
prolonged delivery. Late postpartum endometritis suggests pos- need to treat at the time of delivery, and patients are assumed
sible chlamydia or other chronic STI. to be carriers. Susceptibility testing of GBS is not routinely per-
Although the role of culture in the setting of endometritis formed and recommended only if the patient is allergic to peni-
is controversial, diagnostic tests to consider in the diagnosis of cillin. Group A streptococci are not detected by GBS PCR tests.
PID and postpartum endometritis are shown in Table 40. Past history of STIs, those in higher-risk groups, and/or clini-
cal presentation consistent with infection, should be assessed
E. Special Populations for other pathogens as warranted (ie, HSV if vesicular lesions
Children for whom sexual assault is a consideration should be are present). Although rare, Listeria infection in the pregnant
referred to a setting or clinic that specifically deals with this sit- woman (usually acquired via ingestion of unpasteurized cheese
uation. Readers are referred to the references by Girardet et al or other food) can be passed to the fetus, leading to disease or
and the 2015 CDC guidelines, where NAAT and noninvasive death of the neonate. Due to nonspecific symptoms, diagnosis
specimens have yielded excellent results [195, 221]. is difficult, but blood cultures from a bacteremic mother may
In MSM, the typical genital sites are not always infected (eg, allow detection of this pathogen in time for antibiotic pro-
the urethra or urine). Recommendations from the CDC now phylaxis Screening tests (serology, stool cultures) in pregnant
include screening in this population at a number of sites for GC women are not appropriate [222].
and CT, including rectum, oropharynx, and urethra. Readers
are referred to the CDC treatment guidelines for further recom- XII. SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE INFECTIONS
mendations [195] and a review of extragenital infections caused Cutaneous infections, often referred to as skin and soft tissue
by CT and GC [221]. infections (SSTIs), occur when the skin’s protective mecha-
In pregnant patients, screening for HIV, syphilis, hepati- nisms fail, especially following trauma, inflammation, macer-
tis B surface antigen, CT, and GC (if in high-risk group or ation from excessive moisture, poor blood perfusion, or other
high-GC-prevalence area) is routine. Symptomatic patients with factors that disrupt the stratum corneum. Thus, any compro-
vaginosis/vaginitis should be tested for BV and Trichomonas. mise of skin and skin structure provides a point of entry for
Screening for group B streptococci (GBS) should occur at a myriad of exogenous and endogenous microbial flora that
35–37 weeks with both rectal and vaginal swab specimens sub- can produce a variety of infections. Infections of the skin and
mitted to optimize identification of carriers. Laboratories typi- soft tissue are often classified as primary pyodermas, infections
cally use an enrichment broth and selective media to enhance associated with underlying conditions of the skin, and necro-
recovery for GBS. While NAATs are available for GBS, the sen- tizing infections. Representative primary cutaneous infections
sitivity is optimal only when performed from an enrichment of the skin include cellulitis, ecthyma, impetigo, folliculitis,

Table 40.  Laboratory Diagnosis for Pathogens Associated With Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometritis

Transport Issues and Optimal Transport

Common Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Time

Mixed anaerobic organisms Blood cultures and antimicrobial Blood, 2 separate 20-mL venipuncture Inject into blood culture bottles at bed-
Vaginal flora susceptibilities to assess unusual collections side, RT, 1 h
Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci, group causes of PID or endometritis
A and B streptococci Gram stainb Endometrium, tubo-ovarian abscess Place in or inject into sterile anaerobic
Mycoplasma Aerobic and anaerobic culturec and/or fallopian tube contents containerd, RT, 30 min
Actinomyces sppa
Histology for evidence of Endometrial biopsy Sterile container, RT, 30 min
endometritis Formalin container, RT, 30 min–4 h
Neisseria gonorrhoeaee NAAT Urine, endocervical swab Laboratory-provided transport device,
Chlamydia trachomatis RT, 2 d
Trichomonas vaginalis
Mycoplasma genitalium
HIV Serologic testing Serum, plasma Clot tube, RT, 2 h

Abbreviations: EIA, enzyme immunoassay; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PID, pelvic inflammatory disease; RT, room temperature.
Actinomyces spp are an uncommon cause of PID.
Gram stain may aid in identification of significant pathogen.
Limited identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing when cultures show multiple mixed aerobic and anaerobic organisms.
Invasive specimens obtained by laparoscopic or other sterile technique.
In patients with late-appearing postpartum endometritis, consider chronic and/or asymptomatic sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia.

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furunculosis, and erysipelas and are commonly caused by a nar- A major factor in acquiring clinically relevant culture and
row spectrum of pyogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and/ associated diagnostic testing results is the acquisition of appro-
or Streptococcus pyogenes [group A Streptococcus]). Secondary priate specimens that represent the group of diseases discussed
infections are often extensions of preexisting lesions (traumatic in this section. Guidelines for obtaining representative speci-
or surgical wounds, ulcers), which serve as the primary por- mens are summarized as follows:
tal of entry for microbial pathogens and are often polymicro- Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of SSTIs:
bial (mixed aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms) involving
subcutaneous tissue. Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) typically • Do not use the label “wound” alone. Be specific about body
originate in a wound, secondary to a neuropathic ulceration. site and type of wound (for example “human bite wound,
Anaerobic bacteria are important and predominant pathogens knuckle”).
in DFIs and should always be considered in choosing ther- • The specimen of choice is a biopsied sample of the advancing
apeutic options. The majority of DFIs are polymicrobial but margin of the lesion. Pus alone or a cursory surface swab is
gram-positive cocci, specifically staphylococci, are the most inadequate and does not represent the disease process.
common infectious agents. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is involved • Do not ask the laboratory to report everything that grows.
in the majority of chronic DFIs but its relevance related to treat-
ment decisions is not clear. Surface cultures of such wounds, A. Burn Wound Infections
including decubitus ulcers, are not valuable, as they usually Reliance on clinical signs and symptoms alone in the diag-
represent colonizing microbes, which cannot be differentiated nosis of burn wound infections is challenging and unreliable.
from the underlying etiologic agent. Tissue biopsies after thor- Sampling of the burn wound by either surface swab or tissue
ough debridement, or bone biopsies through a debrided site, are biopsy for culture is recommended for monitoring the presence
most valuable. Necrotizing cutaneous infections, such as necro- and extent of infection (Table 41). Quantitative culture of either
tizing fasciitis, are usually caused by streptococci (and less often specimen is recommended; optimal utilization of quantitative
by MRSA or Klebsiella spp), but can also be polymicrobial. The surface swabs requires twice-weekly sampling of the same site to
infection usually occurs following a penetrating wound to the accurately monitor the trend of bacterial colonization. A major
extremities, is often life-threatening, and requires immediate limitation of surface swab quantitative culture is that microbial
recognition and intervention. On rare occasions, necrotizing growth reflects the microbial flora on the surface of the wound
fasciitis occurs in the absence of identifiable trauma. rather than the advancing margin of the subcutaneous or deep,
For the common forms of SSTIs, cultures are not indicated underlying damaged tissue. Quantitative bacterial culture of
for uncomplicated infections (cellulitis, subcutaneous abscesses) tissue biopsy should be supplemented with histopathological
treated in the outpatient setting. Whether cultures are beneficial examination to better ascertain the extent of microbial inva-
in managing cellulitis in the hospitalized patient is uncertain and sion. Be advised that quantitative bacterial cultures may not be
the sensitivity of blood cultures in this setting is low. Cultures offered in all laboratories; quantitative biopsy cultures should
are indicated for the patient who requires operative incision and be considered for patients in whom grafting is necessary. For
drainage because of risk for deep structure and underlying tissue laboratories that provide quantitative wound culture services
involvement and cases of therapeutic failure [223]. to wound care centers, which predominately manage chronic
In this section, cutaneous infections, involving skin and soft wounds, obtaining clinically relevant results is dependent upon
tissue, have been expanded and categorized as follows: trauma obtaining tissue from deep within the wound to avoid surface
associated, surgical site, burn wounds, fungal, human and ani- and subsurface microbial flora, which essentially colonize these
mal bites, and device related. Although the majority of these areas and are part of a biofilm. Collection of specimens using
infections are commonly caused by S. aureus and S. pyogenes, swabs is discouraged due to the significant limitations of swabs:
other microorganisms, including fungi and viruses, are import- (1) high risk of contamination with surface and subsurface con-
ant and require appropriate medical and therapeutic manage- tamination, and (2) limited specimen capacity (500 μL) leading
ment. It is important that the clinician be familiar with the to insufficient quantity of specimen, especially when cultures
extent or limitation of services provided by the supporting lab- (fungal, mycobacterial) other than bacteriology are requested.
oratory. For example, not all laboratories provide quantitative Prior to any sampling or biopsy, the wound should be thor-
cultures for the assessment of wounds, especially burn wounds. oughly cleansed and devoid of topical antimicrobials and debris
If a desired service or procedure is not available in the local that can affect culture results. Blood cultures should be collected
microbiology laboratory, consult with the laboratory so that for detection of systemic disease secondary to the wound.
arrangements can be made to transfer the specimen to a qual- The application of NAAT for detection of listed viruses is com-
ified reference laboratory with the understanding that turn- monly restricted to blood and/or body fluids. It is advisable that the
around times are likely to be longer, thus extending the time to clinician determine if the local supporting laboratory has validated
receipt of results. such assays and if the laboratory has assessed the performance

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Table 41.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Burn Wound Infections

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

  Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic, quantitative Blood culture RT, <12 h, aerobic
 Coagulase-negative culture/AST Surface swab RT, <2 h, transport medium
staphylococci Tissue (punch biopsy) No formalin, keep moist
  Enterococcus spp Histopathology Tissue (punch biopsy) Submit in formalin, RT, 2 h
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Anaerobic culture Tissue biopsy or aspirate (swab may Anaerobic transport tubes, prereduced media;
  Escherichia coli
not represent the disease process) RT, <2 h
  Klebsiella pneumoniae
  Serratia marcescens NAAT for MRSA and S. aureus only Swab from manufacturerb Laboratory-provided transport device, RT, <2 h
  Proteus spp
  Aeromonas hydrophilaa
  Bacteroides spp and other
 Candida spp Fungal culture Tissue biopsy RT, <30 min, no formalin, keep moist
 Aspergillus spp Fungal blood culture Blood; 2-4 cultures per 24-h period Lysis-centrifugation tube or broth-based blood
 Fusarium spp culture bottles, RT, <2 h
 Alternaria spp
  Herpes simplex virus Tissue culture Tissue (biopsy/aspirate) Viral transport medium or laboratory-provided
  Cytomegalovirus NAAT, where applicable and transport device
  Varicella zoster virus laboratory-validated

Abbreviations: AST, antimicrobial susceptibility test; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
Electrical burns; potential for transmission from leeches.
Xpert MRSA/S. aureus skin and soft tissue infection (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, California).

with tissue specimens. This precaution would also apply to the with surface/colonizing flora; (2) limited quantity of specimen
molecular detection of MRSA (except for one FDA-cleared test for that can be acquired; (3) drying unless placed in appropriate
S. aureus and MRSA from SSTIs) and VRE [224, 225]. transport media, which in itself dilutes out rare microbes and
further limits the yield of the culture [226–228].
B. Human Bite Wound Infections
The human oral cavity contains many potential aerobic and C. Animal Bite Wound Infections
anaerobic pathogens and is the primary source of pathogens that As with human bite wounds, the oral cavity of animals is the
cause infections following human bites. The most common of primary source of potential pathogens and thus the anticipated
these are Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp, Clostridium spp, etiological agent(s) is highly dependent upon the type of ani-
pigmented anaerobic gram-negative rods, and Fusobacterium mal that inflicted the bite (Table 43). As dogs and cats account
spp. Such infections are common in the pediatric age group and for the majority of animal-inflicted bite wounds, the 2 most
are often inflicted during play or by abusive adults. Bite wounds prominent groups of microorganisms initially considered in the
can vary from superficial abrasions to more severe manifesta- evaluation of patients are Pasteurella spp, namely P. canis (dogs)
tions including lymphangitis, local abscesses, septic arthritis, and P.  multocida subsp multocida and subsp septica (cats) or
tenosynovitis, and osteomyelitis. Rare complications include Capnocytophaga canimorsus. Other common aerobes include
endocarditis, meningitis, brain abscess, and sepsis with accom- streptococci, staphylococci, Moraxella spp, and saprophytic
panying disseminated intravascular coagulation, especially in Neisseria spp. Animal bite wounds are often polymicrobial in
immunocompromised patients. nature and include a variety of anaerobes. Due to the complex-
In addition to the challenge of acquiring a representative ity of the microbial flora in animals, examination of cultures for
wound specimen for aerobic and anaerobic culture, a major organisms other than those listed in Table 43 is of little bene-
limitation of culture is the potential for misleading informa- fit since these organisms are not included in most of the com-
tion as a result of the polymicrobial nature of the wound. It is mercial identification systems (conventional and automated)
important that a Gram stain be performed on the specimen to databases [229–238]. Matrix-assisted laser desorption–ion-
assess the presence of indicators of inflammation (eg, neutro- ization mass spectrometry has proven valuable in identifying
phils), superficial contamination (squamous epithelial cells), organisms when conventional phenotypic systems have failed.
and microorganisms. Swabs are not the specimen of choice If rabies or herpes B infection is suspected, contact the local or
in many cases (Table 42). Major limitations of swabs vs tissue state public health laboratory for assistance and advice on how
biopsy or aspirates include (1) greater risk of contamination to proceed.

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Table 42.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Human Bite Wound Infections

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Proceduresa Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Time

 Aerobes Aerobic/anaerobic culture Tissue Anaerobic transport conditions/vials
  Mixed aerobic and anaerobic oral flora Gram stain Biopsy/aspirate
There is no utility in collecting a specimen at the time of the bite; collect samples only if infection occurs.

D. Trauma-Associated Cutaneous Infections E. Surgical Site Infections

Infections from trauma are usually caused by exogenous or Surgical site infections (SSIs) may be caused by endogenous
environmental microbial flora but can be due to the indi- flora or originate from exogenous sources such as healthcare
vidual’s endogenous (normal) flora (Table  44). It is strongly providers, the environment, or materials manipulated during
recommended that specimens not be submitted for culture an “incisional” or “organ/space” surgical procedure. Incisional
within the first 48 hours posttrauma as growth from speci- infections are further divided into superficial (skin and sub-
mens collected within this time frame most likely represents cutaneous tissue) and deep (tissue, muscle, fascia). Deep
environmental flora acquired at the time of the trauma epi- incisional and organ/space infections are the SSIs associated
sode (motor vehicle accident, stabbings, gunshot wounds, with the highest morbidity. The reader is referred to the CDC
etc). The optimal time to acquire cultures is immediately after guidelines for prevention of surgical site infections, 2014, for
debridement of the trauma site [239–242]. It is strongly rec- specific definitions of SSIs (http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/pdfs/
ommended that initial cultures focus on common pathogens, pscmanual/9pscssicurrent.pdf). Of the microbial agents listed
with additional testing being reserved for uncommon or rare below (Table  45), S.  aureus, including MRSA, coagulase-neg-
infections associated with special circumstances (eg, detection ative staphylococci, and enterococci are isolated from nearly
of Vibrio spp following saltwater exposure) or patients with 50% of these infections [243]. Although enterococcal species
chronic manifestations of infection or who do not respond to are commonly isolated from superficial cultures, they are sel-
an initial course of therapy. dom true pathogens; regimens that do not include coverage for
Although not considered in quite the same manner as exter- enterococci are successful for surgical site infections. To opti-
nal trauma, intravenous drug users inject themselves with exog- mize clinically relevant laboratory results, resist the use of swabs
enous substances that may include spores from soil and other during surgical procedures, and instead submit tissue, fluids, or
contaminants that cause skin and soft tissue infections, rang- aspirates.
ing from abscesses to necrotizing fasciitis. Agents are similar
to those in Table  44, with the addition of Clostridium sordel- F. Interventional Radiology and Drain Devices
lii, C. botulinum (causing wound botulism), and the agents of Common interventional devices that are used for diagnostic or
human bite wounds (Table  42) among skin poppers who use therapeutic purposes include interventional radiology and surgi-
saliva as a drug diluent. cal drains. The former consists of minimally invasive procedures

Table 43.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Animal Bite Wound Infections

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Times

 Actinobacillus spp Aerobic/anaerobic culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Anaerobic transport containerb
 Capnocytophaga spp Gram stain Be certain to provide sufficient volume of sample for
  Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae complete culture and Gram stain evaluation; RT, <2 h
 Pasteurella spp Blood culture Blood; 2-4 cultures per 24 h Blood culture bottles, RT, <2 h
 Streptobacillus spp
  Mycobacterium fortuitum Aerobic culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Sterile container
  Mycobacterium kansasii Acid-fast culture RT, <2 h
Acid-fast stain
Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Transport in formalin, RT, 2 h–24 h

Abbreviation: RT, room temperature.

Additional potential pathogens to consider: Staphylococcus intermedius, Bergeyella zoohelcum, Propionibacterium spp, Filifactor spp, Moraxella spp, Neisseria spp, Kingella spp,
Pseudomonas fluorescens, Halomonas venusta, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) group EF-4, CDC NO-1, Peptococcus spp, rabies, herpes B, or other viruses (refer to
Section XIV).
Anaerobic transport media preserve all other organisms for culture.

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Table 44.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Trauma-Associated Cutaneous Infections

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Times

  Staphylococcus aureus Aerobic/anaerobic culture Surgical tissue Aerobic/anaerobic conditions or anaerobic trans-
  Group A, B, C, and G streptococci NAATa Biopsy/aspirate port device; keep tissue moist
  Aeromonas hydrophila and other Blood culture Blood Aerobic/anaerobic blood culture bottles, RT, <2 h
Aeromonas spp Histopathology Surgical tissue Formalin container, RT, 2 h–24 h
  Vibrio vulnificus Biopsy/aspirate
  Bacillus anthracisb
  Clostridium tetanic
 Corynebacterium spp
  Mixed aerobic/anaerobic flora
(cutaneous origin)
 Mycobacterium spp Mycobacterial culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Sterile container, RT, <2 h
 Nocardia spp Acid-fast smear
Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2 h–24 h
 Aspergillus spp Fungal culture Surgical tissue Aerobic transport device
  Sporothrix schenckii Calcofluor-KOH preparation Biopsy/aspirate Keep tissue moist; avoid formalin fixation
  Histoplasma capsulatum Histopathology Surgical tissue Formalin container, RT, 2 h–24 h
  Blastomyces dermatitidis Biopsy/aspirate
  Coccidioides immitis
  Penicillium marneffei
  Yeasts (Candida/Cryptococcus spp)
  Other filamentous fungi
  Dematiaceous molds

Abbreviations: KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
There is an US Food and Drug Administration –cleared NAAT for direct detection of S. aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus from swabs of wounds and pus.
Potential bioterrorism agent: if suspicious, notify laboratory in the interest of safety.
Clostridium tetani can also be an etiological agent of trauma-associated infections in rare cases. This is usually a clinical diagnosis rather than a laboratory diagnosis.

(angiography, balloon angioplasty/stent, chemoembolization, The type of drain to be used is selected according to quality
drain insertions, embolizations, thrombolysis, biopsy, radiofre- and quantity of drainage fluid, the amount of suction required,
quency ablation, cryoablation, line insertion, inferior vena cava the anatomical location, and the anticipated amount of time
filters, vertebroplasty, nephrostomy placement, radiologically the drain will be needed. Tubing may also be tailored accord-
inserted gastrostomy, dialysis access and related intervention, ing to the aforementioned specifications. Some types of tub-
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, biliary interven- ing include round or flat silicone, rubber, Blake/channel, and
tion, and endovenous laser ablation of varicose veins) performed triple-lumen sump. The mechanism for drainage may depend
using image guidance. Procedures are regarded as either diag- on gravity or bulb suction, or it may require hospital wall suc-
nostic (eg, angiogram) or performed for treatment purposes (eg, tion or a portable suction device. Drains may be left in place
angioplasty). Images are used to direct procedures that are per- from 1  day to weeks, but should be removed if an infection
formed with needles or other tiny instruments (eg, catheters). is suspected. The infectious organisms that may colonize a
Infections as a result of such procedures are rare but should be drain or its tubing typically depend on the anatomical loca-
considered when evaluating a patient who has undergone inter- tion and position of the drain (superficial, intraperitoneal, or
ventional radiology, which constitutes a risk factor for infection within an organ, duct or fistula) and the indication for its use.
due to the invasive nature of the procedure. Interpretation of culture results from drains that have been in
A variety of drainage devices are used to remove blood, place for >3 days may be difficult due to the presence of colo-
serum, lymph, urine, pus, and other fluids that accumulate in nizing bacteria and yeast.
the wound bed following a procedure (eg, fluids from deep Drains are characterized as gravity, low-pressure bulb evac-
wounds, intracorporeal cavities, or intra-abdominal postoper- uators, spring reservoir, low pressure, or high pressure. Fluids
ative abscess). They are commonly used following abdominal, from drains are optimal specimens for collection and sub-
cardiothoracic, neurosurgery, orthopedic, and breast surgery. mission to the microbiology laboratory. All fluids should be
Chest and abdominal drains are also used in trauma patients. collected aseptically and transported to the laboratory in an
The removal of fluid accumulations helps to prevent seromas appropriate device such as blood culture bottle (aerobic), ster-
and their subsequent infection. The routine use of postopera- ile, leak-proof container (ie, urine cup), or a citrate-containing
tive surgical drains is diminishing, although their use in certain blood collection tube to prevent clotting in the event that blood
situations is quite necessary. is present. Expected pathogens from gravity drains originate

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Table 45.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Surgical Site Infections

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Times

  Staphylococcus aureus Gram stain Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Keep tissue moist; aerobic transport,
  Coagulase-negative staphylococci Aerobic culture and AST RT, <2 h
  β-hemolytic streptococci (groups A, B, C, and G) NAATa
  Nonhemolytic streptococci Anaerobic culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Anaerobic transport device
  Enterococci (if appropriate) RT, <2 h
 Acinetobacter spp
Blood culture Aerobic and anaerobic bottles RT, <2 h
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  Enterobacteriaceae Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
  Indigenous/exogenous aerobic/anaerobic flora RT, indefinite
  Mycoplasma hominis and Legionella pneumophila Culture (mycoplasma culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Special transport medium; check with
(rare but possible agents in specific situations)b requires special handling) laboratory if available
 Mycobacterium spp–rapid growers Acid-fast stain and culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Aerobic transport device
Sterile container
RT, <2 h
 Candida spp Fungal culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Aerobic transport device
Calcofluor-KOH preparation Sterile container
RT, <2 h
Fungal blood culture Blood Lysis-centrifugation blood culture tube
or aerobic blood culture bottles, RT,
<2 h
Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h

Abbreviations: AST, antimicrobial susceptibility test; KOH, potassium hydroxide; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature.
There is an US Food and Drug Administration–cleared NAAT for direct detection of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus from swabs of wounds and pus.
Mycoplasma hominis has caused infections post–joint surgery and post–abdominal surgery, particularly after cesarean deliveries. A series of sternal wound infections due to Legionella
spp were traced to contamination of the hospital water supply. A post–hip surgery Legionella infection occurred after skin cleansing with tap water. Proper water treatment should remove
the risk for such infections.

from the skin or gastrointestinal tract; for the remaining drain media) do not always appear pigmented in tissue but rather
types, skin flora represent the predominate pathogens. hyaline in nature. To help differentiate the dematiaceous spe-
cies, a Fontana-Masson stain (histopathology) should be per-
G. Cutaneous Fungal Infections formed to detect small quantities of melanin produced by these
The presence of fungi (molds or yeasts) on the skin poses a chal- fungi. It is not uncommon for this group of fungi to be mis-
lenge to the clinician in determining if this represents contamina- takenly misidentified by histology as a hyaline mold such as
tion, saprophytic colonization, or is a true clinical infection. For Aspergillus spp. This highlights the importance of correlating
convenience, the fungi have been listed by the type of mycosis culture results with histological observations in determining
they produce (Table  46): for example, dermatophytes typically the clinical relevance since the observation of fungal elements
produce tinea (ringworm)–type infections; dematiaceous (darkly in histopathology specimens is most likely indicative of active
pigmented molds and yeast-like fungi) cause both cutaneous and fungal invasion [244, 245].
subcutaneous forms of mycosis; dimorphic fungi generally cause
systemic mycosis and the presence of cutaneous lesions signifies
either disseminated or primary (direct inoculation) infection;
yeast-like fungi are usually agents of opportunistic types of mycoses The clinical microbiology tests of value in establishing an etiol-
but can also manifest as primary or disseminated disease as is true ogy of various arthropod-borne diseases are presented below.
for the opportunistic molds (eg, Aspergillus spp, Fusarium spp). In Those transmitted by ticks are most likely to require clinical
addition to the recommended optimal specimens and associated laboratory support (Table 47). Borreliosis includes relapsing
cultures, fungal serology testing (complement fixation and immu- fever, Borrelia miyamotoi infection, and Lyme borreliosis; these
nodiffusion performed in parallel, not independent of the other) diseases are transmitted by ticks to humans. Lyme borreliosis or
is often beneficial in diagnosing agents of systemic mycosis, spe- Lyme disease (primarily due to infection with Borrelia burgdor-
cifically those caused by Histoplasma and Coccidioides. In cases of feri or Borrelia mayonii in the United States), a multisystem dis-
active histoplasmosis and blastomycosis, the urine antigen test may ease that can affect the skin, nervous system, joints, and heart, is
be of value in identifying disseminated disease. the most frequently reported tick-borne disease in the northern
The clinician should be aware that dematiaceous fungi hemisphere [246]. Most commonly, early localized Lyme disease
(named so because they appear darkly pigmented on laboratory (LD) is diagnosed on clinical grounds, including the presence of

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Table 46.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Infections of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue

Transport Issues and

Etiologic Agents Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Optimal Transport Times

 Epidermophyton spp Fungal culture Skin scrapings/hair follicles/nail Sterile transport container Aerobic conditions
 Trichophyton spp Calcofluor-KOH preparation scrapings RT, <4 h
 Microsporum spp Histopathology Tissue/biopsy Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
Dematiaceous (darkly pigmented) filamentous fungi
 Scedosporium/Pseudallescheria spp Fungal culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Sterile transport container
 Exophiala spp Calcofluor-KOH preparation Aerobic conditions
 Cladosporium spp RT, <2 h
 Phialophora spp Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
 Alternaria spp
 Bipolaris spp
  Histoplasma capsulatum Fungal culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Sterile transport container
  Blastomyces dermatitidis Urine antigen (Histoplasma; Urine Aerobic conditions
  Coccidioides immitis Blastomyces) Sterile cup; RT <2 h
  Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Calcofluor-KOH preparation
Penicillium marneffei Fungal serology Serum Clot tube, RT, <2 h
  Sporothrix schenckii
Blood culture Lysis-centrifugation vials or blood; RT, <2 h
2 sets Aerobic blood culture bottles, RT, <2 h
Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
Yeast-like fungi
 Candida spp Fungal culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Sterile transport container
  Cryptococcus neoformans Calcofluor-KOH preparation Blood; 2 sets Aerobic conditions
 Trichosporon spp stain RT, <2 h
 Geotrichum spp Aerobic blood culture bottles, RT, <2 h
 Malassezia spp Blood culture Blood; 2 sets Aerobic blood culture bottle or lysis/centrifuga-
tion blood culture, RT, <2 h
Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
Other fungi
 Aspergillus spp Fungal culture Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Sterile transport container
 Fusarium spp Calcofluor-KOH preparation Blood; 2 sets (Fusarium only) Aerobic conditions
  Zygomycetes RT, <2 h
Aerobic blood culture bottles or lysis/centrifuga-
tion blood cultures, RT, <2 h
Histopathology Tissue/biopsy/aspirate Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h

Abbreviations: KOH, potassium hydroxide; RT, room temperature.

erythema migrans. Erythema migrans (EM; an expanding rash) a convalescent serum or continue observation to see if the EM
was previously considered pathognomonic for Lyme borrelio- becomes more characteristic. Otherwise, NAATs may be per-
sis; however, other infections can mimic this dermatologic pre- formed on EM biopsy specimens to confirm early localized LD
sentation (eg, southern tick-associated rash illness, cellulitis). if the visual appearance of the EM rash is questionable. Serologic
Diagnostic testing for LD in patients who present with a char- testing using a 2-tiered testing algorithm (TTTA) remains the
acteristic EM rash, alongside an appropriate exposure history, testing methodology of choice for both early disseminated and
is contraindicated, as antibodies to B. burgdorferi may not yet late stages of LD. The TTTA currently recommended by the
be detectable, leading to false-negative results and undertreat- CDC involves an initial EIA or indirect fluorescent antibody
ment. While NAAT for LD-associated Borrelia spp is available (IFA) screen for antibodies to LD-associated Borrelia spp, fol-
through multiple reference laboratories, performance of this lowed by supplemental Western blot or immunoblot testing for
testing on whole blood or other blood fractions for detection of specific IgM- and IgG-class antibodies to B. burgdorferi in any
early disseminated or late stages of LD is not recommended due sample positive or equivocal by an EIA/IFA screen. Immunoblot
to low sensitivity in this specimen source. testing for antibodies to B. burgdorferi should not be performed
A notable exception to this is NAAT for B.  mayonii; this as a standalone test as specificity is reduced.
newly described agent of LD is associated with a higher level Borrelia burgdorferi–specific IgG and IgM scoring is based
of spirochetemia, and given the lack of serologic assays able to on the presence of at least 5 out of a possible 10 diagnostic IgG
detect specific antibodies to this species, NAAT of whole blood bands and 2 of a possible 3 IgM bands following reaching the
is recommended for detection of B. mayonii [247]. For atypical threshold of a positive or equivocal screening EIA [248]. The
EM, serology may be obtained and, if negative, one may obtain IgM blot is not clinically meaningful in patients who present

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Table 47.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Tick-borne Infections

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agentsa Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Times

  Relapsing fever borreliae Primary testb: Darkfield microscopy or Wright, Giemsa, or Blood, bone marrow EDTA or citrate blood tube, RT,
  Borrelia hermsii (western US) Diff-Quik stains of peripheral thin or/ ≤30 min
  Borrelia parkeri (western US) and thick blood smears. Can be seen in direct wet prep-
  Borrelia turicatae (southwestern US) aration of blood in some cases.
  Borrelia mazzottii (southern US) Others tests Serum, blood, body fluids Clot tube for serum; sterile tube or
NAAT Blood, body fluids citrate tube for body fluids, RT,
Culturec Serum within 2-4 h
Serologic testingd
  Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato com- Early, localized Lyme disease with EMf Testing not routinely recommended
plex (Lyme borreliosis)e (See NAAT below)
  Borrelia burgdorferi (US) Early, disseminated if EM or multiple EM rash absent Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤ 2 h
  Borrelia mayonii (US) (weeks through months after tick bite) or late (months
  Borrelia garinii (Europe, Asia) through years after tick bite) in untreated patients:
  Borrelia afzelii (Europe, Asia) Primary test: 2-tier testing (acute- and convales-
cent-phase sera optimal) = EIA IgG and IgM anti-
body screening. If EIA result is positive or equivocal,
confirm with IgG and IgM Western or immunoblotsh.
NOTE: A Western or immunoblot should not be performed
unless an initial EIA is reported as positive or equivocal.
Early Lyme neuroborreliosis: 2-tiered testing algorithmi Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤ 2 h
Late Lyme neuroborreliosis Paired serum and CSF, collected within Clot tube for serum, sterile tube for
CSF/serum antibody index 24 h CSF, RT, ≤1 h
NAATj Biopsy specimens of infected skin, Transport on ice; ≤1 h
synovial fluid or tissue, etc If DNA not extracted shortly after
collection, store frozen at –70°C.
  Borrelia miyamotoi (B. miyamotoi Primary test for acute infection: NAAT Blood Transport on ice; ≤1 h
infection, hard tick-borne relapsing If DNA not extracted shortly after
fever) collection, store frozen at –70°C
Serology: EIA for detection of antibodies to recombinant Serum Clot tube, RT, <2 h
GlpQ antigen
  Anaplasma phagocytophilum Primary test for acute infection: NAAT Blood EDTA anticoagulant tube
(human granulocytotropic Transport on ice; ≤1 h
anaplasmosis)k Alternative primary test (if experienced technologists Blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤1 h
available/NAAT unavailable): Wright or Giemsa stain of
peripheral blood or buffy coat leukocytes during week
first week of infection.
Serology: Acute and convalescent IFA titers for IgG-class Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤2 h
antibodies to A. phagocytophilum antibodiesl
Immunohistochemical staining of Anaplasma antigens in Bone marrow biopsies or autopsy Formalin container, RT, ≤2 h
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens tissues (spleen, lymph nodes, liver,
and lung)
  Ehrlichia chaffeensis (human mono- Primary test for acute infection: NAAT Whole blood Heparin or EDTA anticoagulant tube
cytotropic ehrlichiosis) NOTE: Only definitive diagnostic assay for E. ewingii) Transport on ice; ≤1 h
  Ehrlichia muris If DNA not extracted shortly after
  Ehrlichia ewingiik,l collection, store frozen.
Wright or Giemsa stain of peripheral blood or buffy coat Blood EDTA anticoagulant tube, RT, ≤1 h
leukocytes smear during first week of infection
Serology: acute and convalescent IFA titers for Ehrlichia Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤2 h
IgG-class antibodiesm
Immunohistochemical staining of Ehrlichia antigens in for- Bone marrow biopsies or autopsy Formalin container, RT, ≤2 h
malin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens tissues (spleen, lymph nodes, liver
and lung)
  Rickettsia rickettsii (RMSF)n,o Serology: acute and convalescent IFA for Rickettsia sp IgM Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤2 h
  Other spotted fever group Rickettsia and IgG antibodiesm
spp (mild spotted fever) NAAT Skin biopsy (preferably a maculopapule Sterile container
  R. typhi (murine typhus) containing petechiae or the margin Transport on ice; ≤1 h
  R. akari (rickettsialpox) of an eschar) or autopsy tissues If DNA not extracted shortly after
  R. prowazekii (epidemic typhus) (liver, spleen, lung, heart, and brain) collection, store frozen.
Immunohistochemical staining of spotted fever group Skin biopsy (preferably a maculopapule Formalin container, RT, ≤2 h
rickettsiae antigens (up to first 24 h after antibiotic containing petechiae or the margin
therapy initiated) in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded of an eschar) or autopsy tissues
specimens (liver, spleen, lung, heart, and brain)
  Babesia microti Primary Test: Giemsa, Wright, Wright-Giemsa stains of pe- Whole blood For whole blood, prepare smears
  Babesia spp ripheral thin and thick blood smears (Giemsa preferred) Second choice: EDTA Vacutainer tube immediately
RT, ≤30 min
Primary test for acute infection: NAAT Blood EDTA anticoagulant tube, RT, ≤1 h
Serology: acute and convalescent IFA titers for Babesia Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤2 h
IgG-class antibodiesp
NOTE: Not recommended for acute infection.

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Table 47. Continued

Transport Issues and Optimal

Etiologic Agentsa Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Times

  Colorado tick fever virus Virus-specific IFA-stained blood smears Blood EDTA anticoagulant tube, RT, ≤2 h
Serology: IFA titers or complement fixationq Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤2 h
  Powassan/deer tick virus Primary test: IgM capture EIA (available only through state Serum Clot tube, RT, ≤2 h
departments of public health)
NAAT Blood, CSF, brain (biopsy or autopsy) Frozen or in RNAlater/Trizol

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; EM, erythema migrans; IFA, immunofluorescent assay; IgG, immunoglobulin G;
IgM, immunoglobulin M; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RMSF, Rocky Mountain spotted fever; RT, room temperature; US, United States.
Other tick-borne diseases should be considered if patients have traveled to international destinations. Because travel between North America and Europe is common, Lyme borreliosis
caused by Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii have been included in the table. Tick-borne rickettsial diseases such as African tick-bite fever (ATBF) or Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) occur
worldwide and might have epidemiologic, seasonal, and clinical features that differ from those observed in the United States [253]. Of note, tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia parkeri
is emerging; this organism has a similar clinical presentation as ATBF and MSF with fever, headache, eschars, and regional lymphadenopathy [255]. State laboratories and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention can perform NAATs on swab or biopsy.
Organisms are best detected in blood while a patient is febrile. With subsequent febrile episodes, the number of circulating spirochetes decreases. Even during initial episodes, organisms
are seen only 70% of the time.
Special media and technical expertise is required for culture of Borrelia spp that cause relapsing fever. A centrifugation-based enrichment method followed by Giemsa staining is a rapid
and viable approach [256].
Not valuable for an immediate diagnosis; however, serologic testing is available through public health and some private laboratories. An acute serum (obtained within 7 days of the onset of
symptoms) and convalescent serum (obtained at least 21 days after the onset of symptoms) should be submitted for testing. Of significance, early antibiotic treatment can blunt the antibody
response and antibody levels may fall quickly during the months after exposure.
To date, 18 genomic species are reported in the literature; 3 are confirmed agents of localized, disseminated, and late manifestations of Lyme disease and are listed in the table. Another
9 species have been described with possible pathogenic potential [257]. Serologic assays used in North America are designed to detect antibodies to B. burgdorferi sensu stricto. These
assays, particularly the blots, are insensitive for detection of B. garinii, B. afzelii, or B. mayonii antibodies. Immunoblots for detection of antibodies to B. garinii or B. afzelii are available at
select commercial reference laboratories. Lyme VlsE-based ELISAs will detect infection with B. garinii or B. afzelii. Also, Lyme C6 testing is available and US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA)–approved if suspicious for acquiring B. garinii or B. afzelii.
EM is the only manifestation of Lyme disease in the United States that is sufficiently distinctive to allow clinical diagnosis in the absence of laboratory confirmation. Positive culture rates
for secondary EM lesions, primary EM lesions, and large-volume (≥9 mL) blood or plasma specimens are 90%, 60%, and 48%, respectively [258]. If skin is biopsied, >1 biopsy sample
should be taken for culture due to uneven distribution of spirochetes; disinfect the skin prior to collection and submit tissues in sterile saline. Culture is rarely performed outside of research
settings. Serologic testing in patients with early localized Lyme disease is insensitive and associated with a low negative predictive value due to the low level of antibodies present at this
stage of infection.
Ixodes ticks have a broad host range, thereby increasing the chance of acquiring multiple pathogens from reservoir hosts. Thus, patients with one documented tick-transmitted disease are
at increased risk for infection with another tick-transmitted organism. Patients with a diagnosis of Lyme disease have demonstrated immunoserologic evidence of coinfection with Babesia
microti, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, or Ehrlichia spp; coinfection with tick-borne encephalitis virus (including Powassan/deer tick virus) should also be considered [259].
Perform an IgM and an IgG Western blot (WB) during the first 4 weeks of illness on a patient with a positive EIA. An IgM WB is not interpretable after a patient has had symptoms for
>1 month’s duration because the likelihood of a false-positive test result for a current infection is high in these persons; therefore, in patients with symptoms >4 weeks, only test an IgG WB
(http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/healthcare/clinician_twotier.html). In addition, a positive IgM WB is considered positive only if 2 of the following 3 bands are present: 24 kDa, 39 kDa, and 41 kDa.
Similarly, a positive IgG WB is considered positive only if 5 of the following 10 bands are present: 18 kDa, 21 kDa, 28 kDa, 30 kDa, 39 kDa, 41 kDa, 45 kDa, 58 kDa, 66 kDa, and 93 kDa.
Laboratories performing this testing are strongly encouraged to report only the presence/absence of these specified bands since misinterpretation of Lyme disease WBs can otherwise
possibly occur.
Laboratory assays for the diagnosis of neuroborreliosis are of limited clinical value [260].
Other Lyme-associated diseases can be diagnosed by NAAT (turnaround time [TAT], 24-48 h) or culture (TAT, 3 days to 6–12 weeks). Acceptable specimens for multiple erythemata or
borrelial lymphocytoma, Lyme carditis, Lyme arthritis, and acrodermatitis are skin biopsy, endomyocardial biopsy, synovial fluid or biopsy, and skin biopsy, respectively [259, 261]. Although
Borrelia can be detected by NAAT in blood or CSF, its usefulness for the diagnosis of Lyme disease in these specimen sources is limited. For example, Borrelia DNA is detected in the blood
of less than half of patients in the early acute stage of disease when the EM rash is present, and if symptoms of Lyme disease have been present for a month or more, spirochetes can no
longer be found in blood. Similarly, NAAT testing of CSF specimens is positive in only about one-third of US patients with early neuroborreliosis, and is even less sensitive in patients with
late neurologic disease. The utility of testing synovial fluid and other specimen types is not well established and should be considered only under special circumstances and skin biopsy is
not generally recommended because patients with EM can be reasonably diagnosed and treated on the basis of history and clinical signs alone.
Communication with the laboratory is of paramount importance when ehrlichiosis is suspected, to ensure that Wright-stained peripheral blood smears will be carefully examined for intra-
cytoplasmic inclusions (morulae) in either monocytes or neutrophils or bands.
Serologic testing for Anaplasma phagocytophilum is associated with a specificity of 83%–100%, with cross-reactivity occurring in patients infected with Ehrlichia spp, Rickettsia rickettsiae,
and Coxiella burnetii, among others. A newly discovered Ehrlichia spp was reported to cause ehrlichiosis in Minnesota and Wisconsin; this Ehrlichia is closely related to Ehrlichia muris [262].
Sensitivity of IFA antibody titers for tick-borne rickettsial diseases (RMSF, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis) is dependent on the timing of specimen collection; the IFA is estimated to be
94%–100% sensitive after 14 days of onset of symptoms and sensitivity is increased if paired samples are tested.
Treatment decisions for tick-borne rickettsial diseases for acutely ill patients should not be delayed while waiting for laboratory confirmation of a diagnosis. Fundamental understanding of
signs, symptoms, and epidemiology of the disease is crucial in guiding requests for tests and interpretation of test results for ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and RMSF. Misuse of specialized
tests for patients with low probability of disease and in areas with a low prevalence of disease might result in confusion.
Antibiotic therapy may diminish the development of convalescent antibodies in RMSF.
Currently available serologic assays are designed specifically for B. microti and may not detect antibodies to other Babesia spp (eg, B. duncani, B. divergens).
IgM antibodies develop 2 weeks after symptom onset.

30 days or longer after symptom onset due to high rates of false have emerged in recent years, claiming expertise in tick-borne
positivity. Additionally, seropositivity for both IgM- and IgG- disease diagnosis and offering LD diagnostic assays with
class antibodies to LD-associated Borrelia spp may persist for improved sensitivity [250, 251]. These laboratories may not be
months to years (>10–15  years) following resolution of the CLIA-approved and offer LD diagnostic assays using methods
infection [249]. Since positivity by the TTTA may reflect remote and interpretive criteria for which validation data has neither
exposure rather than current infection, it is recommended that been made publically available nor been vetted by high-quality
only symptomatic patients with an appropriate exposure history peer review. Submission of patient specimens to such laborato-
be tested for LD. Finally, multiple LD “specialty” laboratories ries is not recommended.

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on 23 July 2018
Classical relapsing fever transmitted by the bites of soft Heartland virus and Bourbon virus, are also strongly suspected
(argasid) ticks burdens residents or travelers to mainly the to be transmitted to humans via tick vectors. With the excep-
western United States, although sporadic cases occur in the tion of babesiosis, which may comprise as much as a third as
south-central states. Louse-borne relapsing fever is endemic to many cases as Lyme borreliosis in some sites, these other tick-
tropical countries or may become epidemic in refugee camps; borne infections are relatively rare (a tenth as common as Lyme
travelers would be the only patients who might present with borreliosis). Annually, tick-transmitted viral infections are on
louse-borne relapsing fever, and their diagnosis would be sim- the order of 25 or fewer cases a year nationally; however, this is
ilar to that for tick-borne relapsing fever. Relapsing fever pres- likely an underrepresentation due to the lack of available clini-
ents as recurrent fevers of several days’ duration, terminating cal assays for routine detection of these emerging vector-borne
with crisis and resuming after a few days; febrile episodes are infections. Most cases due to these less common infections pres-
marked by the presence of large numbers of spirochetes in the ent with fever >38.9°C (>102°F) but other than the arboviral
peripheral blood. Relapsing fever-like borreliae (B. miyamotoi) infections with neurologic signs, the presentation is nonspecific.
transmitted by the same hard tick as that transmitting the agents Other than the use of NAAT and assessment of blood smears for
of LD cause fever that has a less characteristic presentation and detection of Babesia spp, laboratory confirmation of a diagnosis
may be confused with human granulocytic anaplasmosis; spiro- of these less common infections depends on seroconversion.
chetes are sparse in peripheral blood but are usually detectable As the most of the organisms transmitted by ticks are infre-
by NAAT (particularly reverse-transcription PCR [RT-PCR]). quently encountered in clinical specimens, many clinical micro-
Recent data suggest that both acute and convalescent sera from biology laboratories do not provide all of the services listed in
patients with B. miyamotoi infection are frequently reactive by the table below. Of significance, while relapsing fever, ehrlichi-
first-tier serologic assays for LD (eg, C6 EIA) and convalescent osis, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis can all be rapidly diagnosed
sera may be positive of B. burgdorferi–specific IgM blots [252]. by examining peripheral blood smears, a negative smear result
Despite this, testing for B. miyamotoi infection using B. burg- does not necessarily rule out these tick-borne infections due
dorferi serologic assays is not recommended. to the often low and variable sensitivity of a peripheral blood
In the United States, rickettsial diseases that are transmitted smear examination. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and ele-
by ticks include Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) due to vated liver enzymes may also help establish the need for specif-
Rickettsia rickettsii; “mild” RMSF (Rickettsia parkeri and other ically testing for these tick-borne infections.
spotted fever group Rickettsia spp), human granulocytic ana- Body lice may transmit the agent of trench fever (Bartonella
plasmosis (Anaplasma phagocytophilum), human monocytic quintana), and fleas that of diverse bartonelloses, including cat
ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia chaffeensis), and ehrlichiosis caused by scratch disease due to Bartonella henselae. Transmission may
Ehrlichia ewingii or Ehrlichia muris [253, 254]. Although clin- occur by bites of these arthropods, but a more likely mode of
ically similar, these diseases are epidemiologically and etio- exposure is to the infectious louse or flea excreta. The barton-
logically distinct illnesses. Endemic typhus and flea-borne elloses may present as acute febrile disease, with or without
typhus (Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia felis, respectively) may lymphadenopathy. These gram-negative bacteria are fastidious
also infect people in the United States, mainly in warmer sites and slow growing, requiring hemin and a humidified carbon
where fleas are common throughout the year. Rare epidemic dioxide atmosphere. If lymphadenopathy is present, aspirates
typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii) cases have been recorded in the may be cultured; whole blood needs to be lysed for effective
United States from contact with flying squirrels or their nests. cultivation. NAAT is more sensitive and rapid. The IFA test may
Rickettsialpox (Rickettsia akari), comprising a mild febrile dis- confirm infection, particularly if seroconversion is documented;
ease with rash and eschar, is maintained by mouse mites in there is significant IgG cross-reactivity between the bartonellae,
many large urban areas. The diagnosis of patients with these though, and thus specific identification of the infecting species
infections is challenging early in the course of their clinical may not be possible without cultures or NAATs.
infection since signs and symptoms are often nonspecific or While laboratory identification of arthropods submitted
mimic benign viral illnesses. Rash is usually present in most by patients can provide limited information with respect to
acute rickettsiosis, but skin color may prevent its recognition. exposure risk, testing of these arthropods for the presence of
The likelihood of severe morbidity or mortality with delaying infectious agents has no clinical value. For example, testing of
treatment for RMSF means that patients should be presump- engorged or partially engorged ticks for tick-borne infectious
tively treated without waiting for laboratory confirmation, organisms should be avoided as the presence of an organism
which rests mainly on seroconversion. (via nucleic acid detection) in a tick does not indicate that the
In addition to borreliosis and rickettsial diseases, babesiosis, infectious agent was transmitted to the patient. Symptomatic
tularemia, Powassan/deer tick virus encephalitis, and Colorado patients, not the removed arthropod, should be tested for spe-
tick fever virus are also transmitted by ticks in the United States. cific vector-borne infections, guided by clinical presentation,
While not yet officially confirmed, emerging viruses, such as duration of symptoms, and exposure history.

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For all of the arthropod-borne infections, clinical specimens for Though an increasing number of molecular tests for infec-
culture, molecular analysis, and the majority of serologic assays tious agents are gaining FDA clearance, many molecular
are, for the most part, sent to reference laboratories. In addition, assays for viral pathogens are LDTs, offered by CLIA-certified
because most NAATs for the diseases listed are not FDA-cleared, laboratories. Although LDTs require validation according to
such tests are not universally available. As with most infections, CLIA requirements prior to clinical use, performance may
paired serologic testing of patients suspected of having a tick- vary between laboratories. Throughout this section, the acro-
borne disease, with samples collected at presentation and at 3–4 nym NAAT generally refers to RT-PCR or real-time RT-PCR.
weeks of follow-up, provide the best probability of confirming a Other specific techniques may be substituted with appropriate
diagnosis. With these limitations in the availability of and perfor- validation.
mance of various testing formats (ie, culture, molecular analysis, While molecular assays offer strong laboratory evidence
and the majority of serologic assays), the provider needs to check for the presence of a viral agent, serologic tests may not be as
with the laboratory for availability of testing, the optimum testing conclusive. Notably, detection of IgM-class antibodies against
approach, appropriate specimen source, and turnaround time. a variety of viral agents may be associated with false-positive
Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of arthropod-borne results [263]. Therefore, if the pretest probability of acute infec-
infections: tion is low to moderate, it is good practice to measure IgG (or
total IgG and IgM) antibodies at the time of presentation (acute
• Arthropod-borne diseases may be difficult to diagnose phase) and 2–3 weeks later (convalescent phase) to assess for
because signs and symptoms are generally nonspecific early seroconversion, or if possible and depending on the assay for-
in infection, including fever, chills, aches, pains, and rashes. mat, to demonstrate a 4-fold or greater rise in antibody titers.
• Patient residence, travel history, recent exposure, and poten- False-positive results may also occur in assays measuring IgG-
tial for tick bite are important. class antibodies, especially between closely related viruses (eg,
• Serology remains the best tool for confirming the diagnosis flaviviruses). Additionally, maternal IgG antibodies readily
of Lyme disease. cross the placenta and may confound laboratory results in neo-
• NAATs are the preferred diagnostic modality for acute nates. Finally, the possibility of false-negative serologic results
infection with Anaplasma, B.  miyamotoi, Babesia spp, and must also be recognized, particularly for patients who present
Ehrlichia spp. Babesia may also be a microscopic diagnosis soon after (~7 days) symptom onset or in patients who are sig-
where available. nificantly immunosuppressed. It is therefore important to care-
• Consultation with the microbiology laboratory is normally fully consider all patient factors, including age, co-circulating
required to determine the specimens accepted, the available viruses, exposure and vaccination history, immunostatus, and
diagnostic assays, the location of the testing laboratory, and timing of presentation when interpreting serologic results for
the turnaround time for results. diagnostic purposes.
Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of viral syndromes:

This section will review commonly encountered viral infections • Viral syndromes should be considered based on the patient’s
in the United States, realizing that there are a myriad of viruses age, immune status, exposure and vaccination history, and
associated with human disease. Clinical microbiology labora- many other variables.
tory tests that are commonly used to establish a diagnosis of • Viral yields are highest early in the infectious process.
viral infections are outlined below. Tests for HIV, EBV, CMV, • Samples should be obtained and tested for the most likely
VZV, HSV, human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6), enteroviruses, agents, with residual specimen being stored (preferably fro-
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus, adenovirus, zen) in the laboratory in case additional testing is necessary.
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, BK virus, JC virus, hep- Typically, it is not cost-effective to test initial samples broadly
atitis A to E viruses, parvovirus (erythrovirus) B19, measles, for numerous viruses.
mumps, rubella, rabies virus, dengue virus, parechovirus, para- • Sample collection and handling are essential components of
influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus, West Nile virus obtaining a reliable viral test result; consult the microbiology
(and other encephalitides), and Zika virus are specifically high- laboratory to determine which specimens should be obtained
lighted. Not all clinical microbiology laboratories provide the and how to transport them to the laboratory.
comprehensive services outlined in the tables below, especially • Many laboratories will not have broad virologic testing capa-
in the case of serologic and molecular tests. When the recom- bilities, requiring specimens to be referred externally and
mended testing is not available in a local laboratory, it can often resulting in longer turnaround times for results.
be referred to a reference or public health laboratory, although • Antibody cross-reactivity among some closely related viral
this approach may yield a delay in obtaining results. agents may result in nonspecific serologic results.

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• Tests for immunity, previous viral infection (eg, for tissue low copy number (<1000 copies/mL), low copy number results
donors), and new infections may have different assay for- should prompt retesting of a second specimen. Notably, because
mats, even when the same virus is being evaluated. there is a 10- to 12-day period after infection when serologic
markers are not detectable, testing another specimen 2–4 weeks
A. Human Immunodeficiency Virus later should be considered if initial antibody, antigen, or RNA
HIV type 1 (HIV-1) is an RNA virus with a genome consisting tests are negative. NAAT is not 100% sensitive in individuals
of 3 major genes encoding capsid proteins (gag p55, p24, and with established HIV infection due to viral suppression, either
p17), reverse transcriptase, protease, integrase (pol p66, p51, naturally or therapeutically, or improper specimen collection/
and p31), and envelope glycoproteins (env pg160, gp120, and handling. If NAAT is used to make a diagnosis of acute HIV-1
gp41). HIV viruses are classified based on the relatedness of infection, subsequent HIV-1 seroconversion by conventional
their genome into types 1 and 2, groups, and clades. HIV-1 is serologic testing is recommended.
categorized into groups M, O, and P, with M being most com- In the neonate, serologic testing is unreliable due to per-
mon [264, 265]. HIV-1 is more common than HIV type 2 (HIV- sistence of maternal antibodies; quantitative HIV-1 RNA testing
2) in the United States, but the latter should be considered in is as sensitive as qualitative HIV-1 RNA and/or proviral DNA
persons who were born in, have traveled to, have received blood testing for the diagnosis of HIV-1 infection [267]. NAAT is rec-
products from, or have had a sexual partner from West Africa, ommended at 14–21 days, 1–2 months, and 4–6 months after
as well as those who have been similarly exposed to HIV-2– birth, in infants born to HIV-1–infected mothers. Since the
infected persons in any geographic area. availability of HIV serologic assays in the 1980s, HIV screening
After exposure to HIV, HIV RNA is detectable in plasma tests have evolved to the current fourth- and fifth-generation
by 10–12 days, followed by appearance of HIV p24 antigen in assays in which recombinant and synthetic HIV peptide anti-
serum or plasma at 15–17 days. Depending on the sensitivity gens are used in the detection of HIV p24 antigen and specific
of the serologic assays used, HIV-specific antibodies are detect- IgM and IgG antibodies. Such assays generally yield positive
able in serum or plasma at the earliest at 21 days after exposure. results by 4–6 days after positive NAAT results. Fifth-generation
Performing an HIV RNA test after a negative initial antibody screening assays have the advantage over fourth-generation
and/or antigen test in persons suspected of acute infection assays in their ability to discriminate among HIV-1 p24 anti-
may therefore be helpful. Due to the time course of test posi- gen, HIV-1 antibodies, and HIV-2 antibodies.
tivity and the possibility of seronegativity, laboratory diagnosis HIV-1 p24 antigen is detected in serum or plasma usually by
of primary (acute) HIV-1 infection is usually based on a high 14–16 days after infection (before antibody becomes detectable),
quantitative HIV-1 RNA (viral load) result (typically >105 cop- and it typically decreases below detection limits thereafter, limit-
ies/mL) or qualitative detection of HIV-1 RNA and/or provi- ing the utility of p24 antigen testing alone for the diagnosis of HIV
ral DNA (Table 48) [266]. However, in the setting of nonacute infection. The US Association of Public Health Laboratories and
HIV infection, HIV viral load assays should be used with cau- the CDC now recommend the use of fourth-generation assays
tion for diagnosis of HIV infection because of the possibility of for initial screening of individuals for diagnosis of HIV infection
false-positive results. Since false-positive results are generally of [264, 265]. The testing algorithm using such assays recommends

Table 48.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Viral Marker Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology (rapid, point-of-care tests) HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies only Oral fluid (saliva), Not applicable
HIV-1 and HIV-2 antigen and antibody combination Whole blood (finger stick,
Serology (laboratory-based tests) HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies only Plasmaa EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
HIV-1 and HIV-2 antigen and antibody combination Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody differentiation
NAAT HIV-1 DNA and RNA, qualitative Whole blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h
HIV-2 DNA and RNA, qualitative Plasmab EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
HIV-1 RNA, quantitative (viral load) Plasma EDTA or PPTa, RT, ≤2 h
HIV-2 RNA, quantitative (viral load)
HIV-1 genotypic or phenotypic drug resistance

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; HIV-1, human immunodeficiency virus type 1; HIV-2, human immunodeficiency virus type 2; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test;
PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.
For viral load testing, blood collected in PPT should be processed within 6 hours of collection to separate plasma from cells prior to transport. Since polymerase chain reaction does not
differentiate between such proviral DNA and cell-free viral RNA, leakage of proviral DNA from cells during storage in PPT may cause falsely elevated plasma HIV RNA level results.
Nucleic acid amplification tests are commercially available to detect non-integrated HIV DNA present in cell-free plasma.

A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 69

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on 23 July 2018
that serum or plasma specimens with reactive screening test immunocompromised patients. An elevated white blood cell
results be tested in reflex with HIV antibody differentiation count with an increased percentage of atypical lymphocytes is
immunoassays that can distinguish between HIV-1 and HIV-2 common in EBV-associated mononucleosis. Heterophile anti-
antibodies. If the antibody differentiation assay result is nega- bodies usually become detectable between the sixth and tenth
tive, further testing with a qualitative or quantitative NAAT is day following symptom onset, increase through the second or
recommended to rule out acute HIV-1 infection. If the differen- third week of the illness and, thereafter, gradually decline over
tiation assay is positive, viral load testing (and usually also CD4 a year or longer. False-positive heterophile antibody results may
cell count determination) is recommended to direct manage- be observed in patients with autoimmune disorders, leukemia,
ment. Alternatively, if a fifth-generation HIV antigen/antibody pancreatic carcinoma, viral hepatitis, or CMV infection. False-
combination assay is used as the initial test and if only the HIV negative results are obtained in approximately 10% of patients,
p24 antigen is reactive, then such specimens can be tested subse- and are especially common in children younger than 4 years.
quently by NAAT, whereas those specimens that are reactive for When the results of rapid Monospot or heterophile testing
HIV-1 or HIV-2 antibodies can be tested subsequently with HIV are negative, additional laboratory testing (Table  49) may be
antibody differentiation assays. Use of third-generation screen- considered to differentiate EBV infection from a mononucle-
ing assays is limited to the diagnosis of nonacute HIV-1 infec- osis-like illness caused by CMV, HIV, or Toxoplasma gondii. In
tion (Table  48), since these assays can detect only HIV-1 and this situation, EBV-specific antibody testing for IgG- and IgM-
HIV-2 antibodies. Serum or plasma specimens that are reactive class antibodies to the viral capsid antigen (VCA) and Epstein-
with such screening assays can be tested further with HIV anti- Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA) is recommended. The presence of
body differentiation assays for confirmation. Individuals with VCA IgM (with or without VCA IgG) antibodies in the absence
initially reactive results in whole blood, serum, plasma, or saliva of IgG antibodies to EBNA suggests recent, primary infection
tested with rapid HIV antibody-only or antigen-antibody assays with EBV. The presence of anti-EBNA IgG antibodies indicates
(eg, point-of-care rapid tests) should be tested further by lab- that infection occurred at least 6–12 weeks prior, and there-
oratory-based fourth- or fifth-generation HIV immunoassays fore, is suggestive of a past (remote) infection with EBV. IgG-
to determine the HIV infection status as described above. The class antibodies to EBNA generally develop 2–3  months after
current Association of Public Health Laboratories/CDC HIV primary infection and are detectable for life. Over 90% of the
testing algorithm no longer recommends supplemental HIV-1 adult population has IgG-class antibodies to VCA and EBNA
antibody Western blot testing because of the subjectivity, labor antigens, although approximately 5%–10% of patients who have
intensity, and limited access of this manual assay. been infected with EBV fail to develop antibodies to EBNA.
Antiviral drug resistance testing is recommended for patients EBV is associated with lymphoproliferative disease in patients
with acute or chronic HIV infection prior to initiating therapy with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, including
(including treatment-naive pregnant HIV-1–infected women), patients with severe combined immunodeficiency, recipients
virologic failure during combination drug therapy, and subopti- of organ or peripheral blood stem cell transplants, and patients
mal suppression of viral load after initiating therapy. Genotypic infected with HIV. An increase in the EBV viral load in periph-
resistance testing is recommended generally for treatment-naive eral blood or plasma, as measured by a quantitative NAAT, may
patients, while phenotypic resistance testing is reserved mainly occur in patients before the development of EBV-associated
for treatment-experienced patients whose genotypic HIV resis- lymphoproliferative disease. Viral loads should be measured
tance profiles show multiple resistance-associated mutations no more frequently than once per week, and these levels typ-
that could not predict an effective antiviral drug combination. ically decrease with effective therapy. A difference in the viral
load of ≥0.5 log10 between samples, preferably evaluated by
B. Epstein-Barr Virus the same assay, is typically required to demonstrate a signifi-
Epstein-Barr virus is a cause of mononucleosis among immu- cant change. Conversion of EBV copies/mL to IU/mL using
nocompetent individuals and lymphoproliferative disease in the World Health Organization (WHO) standard (or a WHO

Table 49.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Serology (include heterophile antibody test or Monospot) Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
NAAT, qualitative CSF Sterile tube, RT, ≤2 h
NAAT, quantitative (viral load) CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Whole blood, peripheral blood lymphocytes EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum
separator tube.

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traceable standard) allows for laboratory-to-laboratory com- used to diagnose CMV-associated signs and symptoms, to guide
parison of results. Tissues from patients with EBV-associated preemptive treatment, and to monitor response to antiviral ther-
lymphoproliferative disease may show monoclonal, oligoclonal, apy. For laboratories using LDTs, Standard Reference Material
or polyclonal lesions. The diagnosis of EBV-associated lymph- (SRM) is available from the National Institute of Standards and
oproliferative disease (eg, posttransplant lymphoproliferative Technology for CMV viral load measurement. SRM 2366, which
disorder) requires multiple tests, including quantitative NAAT, consists of a bacterial artificial chromosome that contains the
radiology (eg, positron emission tomography scan), and detec- genome of the Towne strain of CMV, is used for assignment
tion of EBV DNA, RNA, or protein in biopsy tissue. of the number of amplifiable genome copies of CMV/volume
NAATs may be used to detect EBV DNA in CSF of patients (eg, copies/μL). However, 4 FDA-approved assays (Abbott
with AIDS-related CNS lymphoma. However, EBV DNA may RealTime CMV, Abbott Molecular, Inc; artus CMV RGQ MDx
also be present in the CSF of patients with other abnormalities Kit, Qiagen, Inc; Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan CMV Test,
(eg, CNS toxoplasmosis, pyogenic brain abscesses), and there- Roche Molecular Systems, Inc; Cobas CMV, Roche Molecular
fore, positivity is nondiagnostic. Detection of EBV-specific anti- Systems, Inc) are now available that are calibrated against the
bodies in CSF may indicate CNS infection; however, it may also WHO standard and allow for normalization of results to inter-
be observed if the CSF fluid becomes contaminated with blood national units per milliliter. Conversion of copies/mL to IU/mL
during collection, or if there is transfer of antibodies across the using the WHO standard (or a WHO traceable standard) allows
blood–brain barrier. Calculation of the CSF-to-serum antibody for laboratory-to-laboratory comparison of results.
index may be helpful, but this type of testing is not performed Cytomegalovirus can be cultured from peripheral blood
in most clinical laboratories. mononuclear cells (and other clinical specimens). However,
isolation is labor-intensive and can take up to 14 days. The turn-
C. Cytomegalovirus around time can be reduced to 1–2 days with the use of the shell
Cytomegalovirus is a member of the Herpesviridae family and vial assay. In addition to a long turnaround time, culture-based
causes acute and latent infection. Infection with CMV is very com- assays have poor sensitivity for the recovery of CMV. Because
mon, resulting in mild or asymptomatic disease in most immu- the viral load is typically high and CMV is shed in the urine of
nocompetent individuals. However, CMV is a significant cause of newborns, urine culture for CMV continues to be used at some
morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised hosts, espe- institutions for the diagnosis of congenital CMV infection.
cially transplant recipients. Serologic testing for CMV-specific anti- Cytomegalovirus antigens can be demonstrated by immuno-
bodies is typically limited to pretransplant screening of the donor histochemical or in situ hybridization tests of formalin-fixed,
and recipient (Table  50). This is usually accomplished by testing paraffin-embedded tissues. Cytomegalovirus DNA, detected
for anti-CMV IgG-class antibodies, which, when present, indicate using NAAT in a variety of clinical specimens, may be useful in
past exposure to CMV. The utility of testing for IgM-class antibod- diagnosing CMV disease.
ies is more limited, and may serve as an adjunct in the diagnosis Among immunocompromised patients with CMV infection,
of recent CMV infection; however, false-positive CMV IgM results the potential exists for the emergence of resistance to antiviral
may occur in patients infected with EBV or with immune disorders. agents. A variety of assays can be used to assess antiviral resistance,
In recipients of solid organ or peripheral blood stem cell trans- most commonly by sequencing of the UL97 (phosphotransferase
plants, monitoring CMV viral loads by a quantitative NAAT is gene) and UL54 (DNA polymerase gene) genes. Sequencing-based

Table 50.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Cytomegalovirus Infection

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

Serology Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h

CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Antigenemiaa Whole blood Heparin, EDTA, or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h
Culture Urine Sterile container, RT, <2 h
NAAT, qualitative Body fluids Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Respiratory specimens
NAAT, quantitative (viral load) Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Whole blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum
separator tube.
Direct counting of stained cells; method no longer considered optimal.

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assays are performed on DNA amplified directly from clinical VZV infection, a culture transport swab should be vigorously
specimens, provided they contain a sufficient quantity of CMV rubbed on the base of the suspect skin lesion; the vesicle may
DNA. Alternatively, the virus can first be isolated in cell culture. be unroofed to expose the base. The swab should then be placed
Ganciclovir resistance most commonly emerges due to point in viral transport media and transported to the testing labora-
mutations or deletions in UL97 (with foscarnet and cidofovir tory. A less sensitive method for diagnosis is detection of viral
unaffected), with mutations at 3 codons (460, 594, 595)  being antigens by direct fluorescent antibody stain of lesion scrapings.
most common. UL54 point mutations or deletions occur less fre- Suspected VZV-associated skin lesions should be clinically dif-
quently. If UL54 mutations are selected by ganciclovir or cidofovir, ferentiated from smallpox. Information regarding clinical man-
there is typically cross-resistance to both ganciclovir and cidofovir ifestations of smallpox, including differentiation from VZV
but not foscarnet. However, if mutations are selected by foscarnet, pocks, and laboratory testing can be found on the CDC website
there is usually no cross-resistance to ganciclovir or cidofovir. (https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/index.html).
NAATs may be used to detect CMV DNA in CSF of patients VZV NAATs can be performed on CSF as an aid to the diag-
with suspected CMV CNS infection, but false-positive results nosis of VZV CNS infection. Detection of anti-VZV IgM anti-
may occur (eg, in patients with bacterial meningitis in whom bodies in the CSF may also be used to support a diagnosis of
CMV DNA in blood crosses the blood–brain barrier and con- VZV meningoencephalitis, but if performed, should be com-
taminates CSF). Detection of antibodies in CSF may indicate pleted alongside evaluation of anti-VZV levels in serum and
CNS infection; however, it may also be observed if the CSF fluid NAAT in CSF.
becomes contaminated with blood during collection, or if there
is transfer of antibodies across the blood–brain barrier. E. Herpes Simplex Virus
Herpes simplex virus types 1 (HSV-1) and -2 (HSV-2) are com-
D. Varicella Zoster Virus mon causes of dermal and genital lesions, but may also result in
Varicella zoster virus is a member of the Herpesviridae family CNS disease or congenital infections. Serology should not be
and causes chickenpox and shingles (zoster). Serology is not used a primary diagnostic test, but may assist in determining a
usually recommended for the diagnosis of acute disease, but the patient’s exposure status to HSV-1/2. The presence of IgG-class
presence of anti-VZV IgM antibodies typically indicates recent antibodies to the HSV-1/2 glycoprotein G antigen indicates previ-
exposure to VZV. However, an elevated IgM response may also be ous exposure to the corresponding serotype of the virus. Positive
observed in patients with recent immunization to VZV or reac- IgG results do not differentiate past from current, active infection
tivation of latent virus. A positive VZV IgG with a negative IgM unless seroconversion is determined by testing acute and conva-
result suggests previous exposure to VZV and/or response to vac- lescent phase specimens. A 4-fold increase in anti-HSV IgG levels
cination. A negative IgG result coupled with a negative IgM result may suggest recent exposure; however, most commercial assays
indicates the absence of prior exposure to VZV and no immunity, no longer yield a titered result that can be used quantitatively. The
but does not rule out VZV infection as the serum specimen may presence of IgM-class antibodies to HSV suggests primary infec-
have been collected before the appearance of detectable antibod- tion; however, anti-HSV IgM reactivity is often absent at the time
ies. Negative results in suspected early VZV infection should be of lesion development, with IgM seroconversion occurring 1–2
followed by testing a new serum specimen in 2–3 weeks. weeks after infection. Also, commercial IgM assays are not able
Although viral culture can be used to recover VZV from clin- to reliably distinguish between infection with HSV-1 and HSV-2,
ical specimens, it may take up to 14 days for cytopathic effect to and may be falsely positive due to other viral infections, alloanti-
be observed. Due to this delay in turnaround time, NAATs have bodies present during pregnancy, or autoimmune disorders.
become routinely used for the diagnosis of VZV and offer the NAAT is the most sensitive, specific, and rapid test for
most sensitive and rapid approach to detect the virus (Table 51). diagnosis of HSV-associated skin or mucosal lesions and can
For dermal lesions that are suspected to be associated with detect and distinguish HSV-1/2 (Table  52). For collection of

Table 51.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Varicella Zoster Virus Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

NAAT Scraping of base of dermal lesion collected using swab Viral transport mediuma, RT, <2 h
CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Serologyb Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
Direct fluorescent antibody test Vesicle fluid on slide Place in sterile container, RT, <2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.
M4 or M5 media acceptable; do not use calcium alginate-tipped swab; swab with wood shaft, or transport swab containing gel.
Evaluation for anti–varicella zoster virus immunoglobulin M antibodies is not recommended as a means to establish recent or acute infection; NAAT or culture is preferred.

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Table 52.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

NAAT Scraping of base of dermal or mucosal lesion Place into viral transport mediuma, RT, <2 h
collected using a swab
CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Serologyb Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
Direct fluorescent antibody test Vesicle fluid on slide Place in sterile container, RT, <2 h
Culture Scraping of base of dermal or mucosal lesion Place into viral transport mediumb, RT or on wet ice, <2 h
collected using a swab

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.
M4 or M5 media acceptable; do not use calcium alginate-tipped swab, wooden shaft swab, or transport swab containing gel.
Evaluation for anti–herpes simplex virus immunoglobulin M antibodies is not recommended as a means to establish recent or acute infection; NAAT or culture is preferred.

specimens, a viral culture transport swab should be vigorously multiplex test platform for this is FDA-cleared; some of these
rubbed over the base of the suspect skin or mucosal lesion; the tests differentiate variants A and B (Table 53). However, quali-
vesicle may be unroofed to expose the base. Older, dried, and tative NAAT does not differentiate replicating from latent virus.
scabbed lesions are less likely to yield positive results. Culture HHV-6 DNA quantification may be useful in this regard, as
and direct fluorescent antibody testing are less sensitive than well as in monitoring response to antiviral therapy. HHV-6 may
NAATs, especially for the detection of HSV-1/2 from CSF. be shed intermittently by healthy and immunocompromised
HSV NAATs are now considered the gold standard to diag- hosts. Therefore, detection of HHV-6 in blood, body fluids, or
nose HSV CNS disease [268]. The assay should detect and dis- even tissue does not definitively establish a diagnosis of disease
tinguish HSV-1/2; type 1 is most commonly associated with caused by HHV-6. Chromosomally integrated HHV-6, which
encephalitis and type 2 with meningitis. Viral culture of CSF is results in high HHV-6 levels in virtually all clinical specimens,
insensitive for diagnosis of HSV CNS disease and should not be may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of active infection. HHV-6
used to rule out HSV encephalitis/meningitis. can be cultured from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (and
other clinical specimens) [269]. However, viral isolation is
F. Human Herpesvirus Type 6 labor-intensive, taking up to 21 days. The detection time can be
Human herpes virus type 6 causes roseola infantum in children shortened to 1–3 days with the use of shell vial culture assay. In
and can cause primary infection or reactivation in immuno- addition to a long processing time, culture-based assays suffer
compromised patients. Although serologic testing is not the from poor sensitivity and do not differentiate between variants
preferred means of establishing a diagnosis of HHV-6 infection, A and B. If tissue biopsy is performed, HHV-6 antigens can be
IgG seroconversion, the demonstration of anti–HHV-6 IgM, or targeted by immunohistochemical or in situ hybridization tests
a 4-fold rise in IgG antibody titers using paired sera may indi- in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues.
cate recent infection. Commercial assays do not typically dis-
tinguish between variants A and B. Because of the ubiquitous G. Parvovirus (Erythrovirus) B19
nature of HHV-6, most people have been exposed to the virus Parvovirus B19 is associated with a variety of clinical syn-
by 2  years of age. Therefore, a single positive result for anti- dromes including erythema infectiosum (ie, “slapped-cheek”
HHV-6 IgG may not be able to differentiate recent infection rash or “gloves-and-socks” syndrome) or arthralgia/arthri-
from remote exposure. The most commonly used molecular test tis in immunocompetent individuals, transient aplastic cri-
for the laboratory diagnosis of HHV-6 is NAAT and at least one sis in patients with hemoglobinopathies or who are otherwise

Table 53.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Human Herpesvirus Type 6 Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h

NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Saliva Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
Whole blood, PBMCs EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PPT, plasma preparation
tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.

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immunosuppressed, and congenital infection and possibly fetal H. Measles (Rubeola) Virus
death (eg, hydrops fetalis) occurring in nonimmune women Although endemic measles was proclaimed eliminated in the
who acquire the virus during pregnancy. Disease is often bipha- United States in 2000 as a result of high vaccination rates and
sic beginning as a self-resolving, nonspecific febrile illness, fol- vaccine efficacy (~97% following 2 doses), travel-associated
lowed by onset of rash and/or arthralgia approximately 1 week cases (and spread among unvaccinated individuals) continue
later. Importantly, the classic rash is immunologically mediated, to occur (www.cdc.gov/measles/vaccination.html). Immunity
as its appearance corresponds with development of an IgM anti- to measles is indicated by the presence of IgG-class antibodies
body response to the virus. Serologic testing for the presence to the virus. While diagnosis of recent (acute) measles infection
of IgM- and/or IgG-class antibodies to parvovirus B19 is the can be made on clinical grounds, supportive laboratory find-
recommended diagnostic testing method for evaluation of a ings include a positive antimeasles IgM result. IgM antibodies
parvovirus B19 infection (Table  54). IgM-class antibodies to are often positive by the time the rash appears, but up to 20%
the virus are detectable within 10–12 days postinfection, with of patients may be serologically negative within the 72 hours
IgG detectable by 2 weeks [270–272]. Notably, approximately after rash onset. Therefore, in suspected measles cases, initially
90% of patients presenting with erythema infectiosum have seronegative cases during the acute stage, a second specimen
detectable IgM antibodies to parvovirus B19 at the time of pre- collected 72 hours after rash onset should be collected and
sentation [272]. Antibodies to parvovirus B19 reach peak titers tested for antimeasles IgM to document seroconversion. IgM
within 1 month, and while the presence of IgM-class antibod- antibodies to measles may be detectable for a month or longer
ies suggests recent infection, they can persist for months. The following disease onset and may also be positive in recently vac-
presence of IgG antibodies alone is indicative of past exposure; cinated individuals. A serologic diagnosis of acute measles may
these may remain detectable for life and are thought to provide be established by demonstrating seroconversion of antimeasles
lasting immunity to reinfection. Serologic testing for parvovi- IgG antibodies or a 4-fold rise in IgG titers between acute (col-
rus B19 remains the recommended methodology for evaluation lected at the time of rash onset) and convalescent (collected
of pregnant women with possible exposure or infection; posi- 10–30 days later) specimens (Table 55). Notably however, quan-
tive results for both IgM and IgG antibodies to parvovirus B19 titative or semi-quantitative testing for antimeasles antibodies
suggest infection within the last 3 months and a possible risk of (ie, determining a titer) is no longer routinely available in local
infection to the fetus. Importantly, serologic tests may be neg- or reference laboratories. Measles virus can be isolated by cul-
ative in an immunocompromised host, despite prior exposure ture or detected by NAAT from throat, nasal or nasopharyngeal
to the virus. swabs, or urine collected soon after rash onset; such testing is
Parvovirus B19 NAATs may provide improved sensitivity typically limited to public health laboratories [274].
over serologic methods in patients presenting with transient Infrequently, measles infection may lead to development
aplastic crisis or chronic anemia. Despite the lack of FDA- of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) later in life.
cleared molecular assays for parvovirus B19, NAAT is the Measurement of antibodies to measles in CSF is recommended
preferred noninvasive technique for laboratory diagnosis of in suspected cases of SSPE. Importantly, intrathecal antibody
parvovirus B19-related anemia in immunosuppressed individ- synthesis of these antibodies should be confirmed by ruling out
uals, including solid organ transplant recipients. An important introduction of antimeasles antibodies into the CSF via blood
caveat regarding NAAT for diagnosis of parvovirus B19-related contamination (eg, during a traumatic lumbar puncture) or
anemia is that parvovirus B19 DNA has been anecdotally defective blood–brain barrier permeability.
detected for extended periods in serum, even in healthy indi-
viduals [273]. The presence of giant pronormoblasts in bone I. Mumps Virus
marrow is suggestive of parvovirus B19 infection, although Similar to measles, mumps is considered eliminated in the United
such cells are not always detected. States, though travel-associated cases among unvaccinated

Table 54.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Parvovirus (Erythrovirus) B19 Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Histopathology Bone marrow Sterile container, RT, <2 h

Formalin container, RT, 2–24 h
Serology Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
NAAT Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
Whole blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.

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Table 55.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Measles (Rubeola) Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h

Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
Culture CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Oropharyngeal or NP swaba, nasal aspirate Viral transport media, RT or on wet ice, <2 h
Urine Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Whole blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h
NAAT CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Oropharyngeal swab, oral fluid Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Urine Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Whole blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.
Place the swab in viral transport medium, cell culture medium, or other sterile isotonic solution (eg, saline).

individuals continue to occur, and while effective, the mumps response to the virus. For such individuals, confirmation of
vaccine has a protective rate of approximately 88% following mumps infection requires isolation of the virus itself or detec-
administration of the 2 doses (www.cdc.gov/mumps/vaccina- tion of viral RNA; these tests are largely limited to public health
tion.html). Immunity to mumps is suggested by the presence of laboratories and the CDC. The preferred specimen source for
antimumps IgG-class antibodies. While mumps infection pres- culture and/or NAAT is an oral or buccal swab around the
ents with classic symptoms (eg, parotitis), diagnosis of infection affected parotid gland and Stensen duct [275]. Mumps virus
can be supported by a positive serologic test for antimumps IgM RNA may be detected prior to onset of parotitis until 5–9 days
antibodies and/or seroconversion or a 4-fold rise of mumps after symptom onset. Unlike for measles, urine samples are not
IgG antibody levels between acute and convalescent phase sera considered as sensitive for mumps culture or NAAT, as the virus
(Table 56). Ideally, acute phase sera should be collected immedi- is often not detected in this specimen source until at least 4 days
ately upon suspicion of mumps virus infection and/or symptom following symptom onset.
onset and convalescent sera collected approximately 5–10  days
thereafter. IgM antibodies to mumps typically become detectable J. Rubella Virus
during the first few days of illness, peak approximately 1 week Rubella (German measles or 3-day measles) was officially pro-
after onset, and may remain detectable for a few months. As with claimed eliminated from the United States in 2004, largely due
serologic testing for measles, quantitative or semi-quantitative to intense vaccination efforts; with <10 cases reported per year,
(ie, determining a titer) testing for mumps IgG-class antibodies these are often travel associated and sporadic. Serologic testing
is no longer routinely available in local or reference laboratories. for detection of antirubella antibodies can be used to establish
Notably, previously immunized patients who are subse- immunity or to provide laboratory-based evidence for rubella
quently infected with mumps may not develop a detectable IgM infection (Table 57). The presence of IgG antibodies to rubella

Table 56.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Mumps Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h

Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
Culture CSF Sterile tube, RT but best on wet ice, <2 h
Oropharyngeal or NP swaba Viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
Parotid (Stensen) duct/buccal swabb
Urinec Sterile container, RT but best on wet ice, <2 h
NAAT CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Oropharyngeal or NP swaba Viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
Parotid (Stensen) duct/buccal swabb
Urinec Sterile container, RT, <2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.
Place swab in viral transport medium, cell culture medium, or other sterile isotonic solution (eg, saline).
Massage parotid gland for 30 seconds and then swab parotid (Stensen) duct using a viral culture transport swab.
Specimen is associated with lower sensitivity for culture and NAAT.

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Table 57.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Rubella

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedure Optimal Specimen Optimal Transport Time

Serology Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h

NAAT Oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs Viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
Urine Sterile container, RT, <2 h

Abbreviations: NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.

virus in an asymptomatic individual indicates lifelong immu- especially in bone marrow transplant patients. A  definitive
nity to infection. Acute rubella infection can be serologically diagnosis of these conditions requires renal allograft biopsy
confirmed by documenting seroconversion to IgM and/or with in situ hybridization for BK virus.
IgG positivity or a 4-fold rise in antirubella IgG titers between Detection of BK virus by NAAT in plasma may provide an early
acute and convalescent serum specimens. As with measles and indication of allograft nephropathy, although there are currently
mumps serologic assays, however, assays providing quantitative no FDA-cleared NAATs (Table 58) [276]. Urine cytology or quan-
titers for antibodies to rubella are not commonly offered at local titative NAAT may be used as a screening test, and if positive, may
or reference laboratories. be followed by BK viral load testing of plasma, which has a higher
Only approximately 50% of patients are positive for IgM clinical specificity. As there are no FDA-cleared quantitative
antibodies to rubella at the time of rash onset, which empha- NAATs available for monitoring BK viral loads, each institution
sizes the importance of collecting a convalescent sample. Acute must establish a threshold for identifying patients at highest risk of
phase serum should be collected upon patient presentation and BK virus–associated nephropathy. Urine NAATs for BK virus may
again 14–21 days (minimum of 7) days later. Due to the rarity of be more sensitive than detection of decoy cells (virus-infected cells
rubella in the United States and thus the low pretest probability shed from the tubules or urinary tract epithelium) using urine
of infection, serologic evaluation should only be performed in cytology, as BK virus DNA is typically detectable earlier in the
patients with appropriate exposure risks and a clinical presenta- urine than are decoy cells. However, shedding of BK virus in urine
tion highly suggestive of acute rubella; in patients not meeting is common. Therefore, if used as a screening test, only high levels
these criteria, positive rubella IgM results should be interpreted (ie, above a laboratory-established threshold that correlates with
with caution as they may be falsely positive. disease) should be considered significant. Urine testing for BK
Congenital rubella syndrome can be diagnosed by the pres- virus places the laboratory at risk for specimen cross-contamina-
ence of IgM-class antibodies to rubella in a neonate, alongside tion, as extremely high levels of virus in the urine may lead to car-
symptoms consistent with congenital rubella syndrome, appro- ryover between specimens and, potentially, false-positive results.
priate exposure history of the mother, and lack of maternal
protective immunity. NAAT for detection of rubella RNA can L. JC Virus
be performed on throat or nasal swabs and urine, though such JC virus is the etiologic agent of progressive multifocal leukoen-
testing is largely limited to public health laboratories and/or the cephalopathy (PML), which is a fatal, demyelinating disease of
CDC. Specimens for NAAT should be collected within 7 days of the CNS that occurs in immunocompromised hosts. Histologic
presentation to enhance sensitivity. examination of brain biopsy tissue may reveal characteristic
pathologic changes; however, in situ hybridization for JC virus
K. BK Virus may be required to confirm the diagnosis. Detection of JC virus
BK virus is a polyomavirus that may cause allograft nephrop- DNA in CSF specimens by NAAT has largely replaced the need
athy in renal transplant recipients and hemorrhagic cystitis, for tissue biopsy for laboratory diagnosis of PML (Table  59).

Table 58.  Laboratory Diagnosis of BK Virus Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Cytology Urine 100 mL urine in 250-mL clear plastic collection bottle containing 50 mL of
2% carbowax solution (Saccomanno fixative) or alternative fixative 50%
ethyl alcohol in equal volume to urine, RT, <2 h
NAAT, quantitative (viral load) Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
Urine Sterile container, RT, <2 h

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.

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Table 59.  Laboratory Diagnosis of JC Virus Infection specificity over commercial serologic assays; however, due to
the complexity of testing, PRNT is currently only available at
Diagnostic Optimal Transport Issues and
select public health laboratories and the CDC.
Procedure Specimen Optimal Transport Time
Following infection with DENV, patients may be viremic for
NAAT CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
4–6 days after symptom onset. Though viral isolation is possible
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room
temperature. during this timeframe, it is not routinely performed in clinical
laboratories [278]. Detection of DENV RNA by NAAT is pre-
ferred for acutely ill patients. Recently, detection of the DENV
A  serologic test (STRATIFY JCV) is now FDA-cleared for
NS1 antigen, which is secreted from infected host cells as early
screening patients who are considering treatment with certain
as 1 day after symptom onset and up to 10 days thereafter, has
immunomodulating therapies (eg, natalizumab). A  positive
become an acceptable alternative to NAAT for diagnosis of
result by this test is indicative of prior exposure to JCV, and
acute DENV infection.
potentially elevated risk of developing PML, if initiating treat-
ment with the immunomodulating drug natalizumab.
N. Hepatitis A and E Viruses
Diagnosis of acute hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is confirmed
M. Dengue Virus
by detecting HAV IgM antibody (Table 61). However, false-posi-
Dengue virus (DENV) is a flavivirus transmitted by Aedes spp
tive HAV IgM antibody results can occur due to low positive pre-
mosquitos and is most often associated with a febrile illness in
dictive value of assays used in population with low prevalence of
travelers returning from endemic regions (eg, Caribbean, South
acute hepatitis A [279]. The presence of HAV IgG antibody indi-
and Central America, Asia). Diagnosis of DENV infection is
cates either past or resolved hepatitis A infection or immunity to
most often established by serologic methods for detection of
this viral infection from vaccination. Alternatively, the same hep-
IgM- and/or IgG-class antibodies to the virus or detection of
atitis A state can be deduced by the presence of combined HAV
the DENV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) antigen (Table 60). In
IgG and IgM total antibodies in an asymptomatic patient with
cases of primary infection, IgM-class antibodies to DENV are
normal liver tests and/or absence of HAV IgM antibody.
detectable as early as 3–5 days after symptom onset and remain
Hepatitis E is usually a foodborne illness in developing coun-
detectable for 2–3 months, whereas IgG antibodies to the virus
tries due to ingestion of hepatitis E virus (HEV) transmitted in
appear 10–12 days after onset and are detectable for months to
contaminated food and water. However, such infection in devel-
years [277]. Notably, in secondary or repeat DENV infection,
oped countries may be encountered in return travelers (acute
IgM antibodies may not be detectable. An initially negative
hepatitis E) or organ transplant recipients (acute or chronic)
serologic profile for DENV in a patient for whom dengue fever
[280]. Because presentation of acute hepatitis A and E are indis-
is strongly suspected should be followed up with repeat sero-
tinguishable clinically from one another, diagnosis of the latter is
logic evaluation on a serum specimen collected 7–10 days after
made usually by presence of HEV IgM antibody (appearing by
disease onset. Seroconversion to either anti-DENV IgM and/
4–6 weeks after exposure and lasting for 2–4 months) and absence
or IgG seropositivity is strongly suggestive of recent infection.
of HAV IgM antibody in serum or plasma. HEV IgG antibody is
However, due to the similar antigenic profiles between mem-
detectable in serum and plasma usually by 4 weeks after clinical
bers of the Flavivirus genus, false-positive results for antibodies
presentation. However, with delayed humoral response in organ
to DENV may occur in patients with a prior flavivirus infec-
transplant recipients who are immunosuppressed from antirejec-
tion (eg, West Nile virus, St Louis encephalitis virus, or Zika
tion therapy and suspected to have acute hepatitis E, diagnosis
virus). Plaque reduction neutralization tests (PRNTs) are con-
may need to be made with molecular assays for detection of HEV
sidered the reference standard for detection of antibodies to
RNA in serum or plasma. Individuals with ≥3 months of HEV
arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) and provide improved
viremia are considered to have chronic hepatitis E, and quantifi-
cation of HEV RNA in serum or plasma can be used to monitor
Table 60.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Dengue Virus Infection disease progression and response to antiviral therapy.

Diagnostic Optimal Transport Issues and

Procedures Specimens Optimal Transport Time O. Hepatitis B, D, and C Viruses
Serology Serum Clot or SST, RT, <2 h Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) may be detected in the
NS1 antigen Serum Clot or SST, RT, <2 h presence of acute or chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection
NAAT CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h [281]; it indicates that the person is infectious. In acute infec-
Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h tion, its appearance predates clinical symptoms by 4 weeks and
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
it remains detectable for 1–6 weeks. The tests for detecting
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT,
nucleic acid amplification test; NS1, nonstructural protein 1; PPT, plasma preparation tube;
hepatitis B and D disease are primarily serologic and molecu-
RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube. lar (Table 62). Care providers should check with the laboratory

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Table 61.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Hepatitis A and E

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Viral Marker Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology Hepatitis A virus IgM antibody Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, <2 h
Serum Clot or SST, RT, <2 h
Hepatitis A virus IgG antibody
Hepatitis A virus total antibodies
Hepatitis E virus IgM antibody
Hepatitis E virus IgG antibody
NAAT Hepatitis A virus RNA, quantitative Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
Hepatitis E virus RNA, quantitative (viral load)

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room tem-
perature; SST, serum separator tube.

on the minimum volumes of blood needed, as some molecular A chronic HBV carrier state is defined by persistence of
platforms require more blood than others. HBsAg for at least 6 months. In patients with chronic hepati-
The presence of hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) indi- tis B, the presence of hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) in serum
cates recovery from and immunity to HBV infection, as a result or plasma is a marker of high viral replication levels in the
of either natural infection or vaccination. In most patients with liver. Loss of HBeAg and emergence of antibody to HBeAg
self-limited acute HBV infection, HBsAg and HBsAb are not (ie, HBe antibody) is usually associated with improvement of
detectable simultaneously in serum or plasma. underlying hepatitis and a reduction in the risk of hepatocel-
Hepatitis B core (HBc) IgM antibody appears during acute lular carcinoma and cirrhosis. Alternatively, disappearance of
or recent HBV infection and remains detectable for about HBeAg may denote the emergence of a precore mutant virus;
6  months. A  serologic “window” occurs when HBsAg disap- high concentrations of HBsAg and HBV DNA, in the absence
pears and HBsAb is undetectable. During this “window” period, of HBeAg and presence of HBe antibody, suggest the presence
infection can be diagnosed by detecting HBc IgM antibody. of a HBV precore mutant virus. Hepatitis B viral DNA is pres-
HBc total antibodies appear at the onset of symptoms of ent in serum or plasma in acute and chronic hepatitis B infec-
acute hepatitis B infection and persist for life. Their presence tion [282]. Quantification of HBV DNA in serum or plasma
indicates acute (positive HBc IgM antibodies), recent (both may be included in the initial evaluation and management of
HBc IgM and HBc total antibodies), or previous (positive HBc chronic hepatitis B infection, especially when the serologic test
total antibodies but negative HBc IgM antibody) HBV infec- results are inconclusive or when deciding treatment initiation
tion. There is currently no commercially available test for HBc and monitoring a patient’s response to therapy. Other molec-
IgG antibody in serum or plasma. ular laboratory tests used in the diagnosis and management of

Table 62.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Hepatitis B and D Viruses

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Viral Marker Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology Hepatitis B surface antigen Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, <2 h

Serum Clot or SST, RT, <2 h
Hepatitis B surface antibody
Hepatitis B core total antibodies
Hepatitis B core IgM antibody
Hepatitis B e antigen
Hepatitis B e antibody
Hepatitis D total antibodies
Hepatitis D IgM antibody
Hepatitis D IgG antibody
Hepatitis D antigen
NAAT Hepatitis B virus DNA, quantitative (viral load) Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
Hepatitis D virus RNA, quantitative (viral load)

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room tem-
perature; SST, serum separator tube.

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chronic hepatitis B infection have been reviewed and include can confirm the presence of HCV antibodies in patients with
assays for determining viral genotype, detection of genotypic positive HCV IgG antibody screening test results, but none of
drug resistance mutations, and core promoter/precore muta- these assays are currently FDA-approved for clinical use in the
tions [282]. United States. According to the latest recommendations from
Detection of HBs antibody in the absence of HBc total anti- the CDC [283], all individuals born during 1945–1965 should
bodies distinguishes vaccine-derived immunity from immunity be screened at least once for evidence of HCV infection.
acquired by natural infection (in which both HBs antibody and Hepatitis C virus RNA can be detected by NAATs soon after
HBc total antibodies are present). Current commercially avail- infection as well as in chronic infection. NAATs for HCV can
able assays for detecting HBs antibody yield positive results be performed qualitatively or quantitatively (by RT-PCR or
(qualitative) when antibody levels are ≥10 mIU/mL (or ≥10 transcription-mediated amplification methods). Highly sen-
IU/L) in serum or plasma, indicating postvaccination immu- sitive molecular assays for quantification of HCV RNA in
nity (protective antibody level). Quantitative HBs antibody serum or plasma (limit of detection of ≤25 IU/mL) are neces-
results are used to monitor adequacy of hepatitis B immuno- sary to monitor patients’ virologic response and to determine
globulin therapy in liver transplant recipients receiving such cure (ie, sustained virologic response) from antiviral therapy.
therapy during the posttransplant period. Determination of HCV genotype and subtypes (ie, 1–6 and
In acute hepatitis D superinfection of a patient with known 1a vs 1b) is used to guide the choice and duration of antivi-
chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis D virus (HDV) antigen, HDV ral therapy and predict the likelihood of response to therapy, as
IgM, and total antibodies are present (Table 62). In acute hepa- different genotypes and subtypes varying in virologic response
titis B and D coinfection, the same serologic markers (ie, HDV to current treatment regimens and in likelihood of antiviral
antigen, HDV IgM, and total antibodies) are present, along with resistance before or during direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treat-
HBc IgM antibody. ment. Pretreatment testing for HCV genome-specific resis-
The diagnosis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection usually tance-associated substitutions (RASs) by conventional (Sanger)
begins with a screening test for HCV IgG antibody in serum or next-generation sequencing assay methods is recommended
or plasma immunoassays. Antibody may not be detectable by the FDA and/or current clinical practice guideline (https://
until 6–10 weeks after the onset of clinical illness. Individuals www.hcvguidelines.org/evaluate/resistance) prior to initiating
with negative HCV antibody screening test results do not need certain DAA therapy combinations for infection due to certain
further testing for hepatitis C (Table  63), except in immuno- HCV genotypes: (1) HCV NS3 RAS for simeprevir in genotype
compromised individuals (in whom development of HCV IgG 1 infection, and (2) HCV NS5A RAS for elbasvir-grazoprevir
antibody may be delayed for up to 6 months after exposure) or or ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in genotype 1a infection, and daclat-
those with suspected acute HCV infection. Those with positive asvir/sofosbuvir or velpatasvir/sofosbuvir in genotype 3 infec-
screening HCV IgG antibody test results should undergo con- tion. Per recent recommendations from the FDA (https://www.
firmatory or supplemental testing for HCV RNA by molecular fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm522932.htm), all patients prior
test methods. Signal-to-cutoff ratios (calculated by dividing the to initiating DAA therapy should be screened for evidence of
optical density value of the sample tested by the optical den- prior or current HBV infection (positive for HBc total antibod-
sity value of the assay cutoff for that run) are an alternative ies and/or HBsAg), so that affected patients can be monitored
to supplemental testing (http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/HCV/ and managed appropriately for reactivation of HBV during and
LabTesting.htm). Supplemental HCV IgG antibody assays after DAA therapy.

Table 63.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Hepatitis C Virus

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Viral Marker Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

Serology HCV IgG antibody screen Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, <2 h
Serum Clot or SST, RT, <2 h
HCV IgG antibody confirmation
NAAT HCV RNA, qualitative Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
HCV RNA, quantification (viral load)
HCV genotyping
HCV NS3 resistance-associated substitutions (genotypes 1 and 3 only)
HCV NS5a resistance-associated substitutions (genotypes 1 and 3 only)
HCV NS5b resistance-associated substitution (genotypes 1 and 3 only)

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IgG, immunoglobulin G; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NS, nonstructural protein; PPT, plasma prepara-
tion tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.

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A human genomic polymorphism interleukin 28B (IL-28B) immunocompromised hosts. NAAT testing has become the
genotype CC (within an interferon-γ promoter region on diagnostic method of choice, and the preferred specimen types
human chromosome 9)  is associated with good likelihood of include a nasopharyngeal swab or BAL fluid, if the patient has
spontaneous resolution of HCV infection in acutely infected evidence of lower respiratory tract infection (Table 65). Several
individuals as well as high probability of sustained viral response FDA-cleared NAAT platforms exist. Although RSV can be
in those receiving interferon-based combination therapy for recovered in routine viral culture, this approach is time-consum-
chronic HCV infection. Now with interferon-based therapy no ing and cytopathic effect may not be observed for up to 2 weeks.
longer in use for chronically HCV-infected individuals, IL-28B Serology is not recommended as a diagnostic method in
genotype testing is used mainly to predict likelihood of sponta- patients with suspected RSV infection. The seroprevalence to
neous resolution of acute HCV infection. RSV is high, and the presence of IgG-class antibodies generally
indicates past exposure and immunity.
P. Enterovirus and Parechovirus
R. Influenza Virus Infection
Enteroviruses are a large group of viral pathogens that may cause
Rapid diagnosis of influenza virus infection (≤48 hours following
disease ranging from mild respiratory infection, to paralysis or
the onset of symptoms) is needed to facilitate early administration
severe CNS infection. NAAT of CSF is more sensitive than viral
of antiviral therapy. The virus may be rapidly detected by NAAT or
culture for the diagnosis of enteroviral CNS infection (Table 64).
direct antigen detection from a nasopharyngeal swab (Table 66).
Plasma or serum is useful for diagnosis of sepsis syndrome in a
Sensitivity is higher for NAAT than rapid antigen detection. Rapid
newborn due to enterovirus, but testing is less reliable beyond
screening tests may perform poorly during influenza season
the newborn period. In the right clinical scenario, detection of
(especially for detection of pandemic H1N1 and swine-associated
enterovirus from throat or stool specimens may provide circum-
H3N2 strains), and negative tests should be confirmed by NAAT
stantial evidence of CNS infection; however, if this is performed,
or culture prior to ruling out influenza infection. During seasons
it should be accompanied by NAAT testing of CSF.
of low prevalence of influenza, false-positive tests are more likely
Serologic evaluation for enteroviruses requires assessment of
to occur when using rapid antigen tests. The performance of
acute and convalescent titers, due to the high seroprevalence
influenza assays, including NAAT and rapid antigen tests, varies
in the population. Therefore, serology is typically not useful in
depending on the assay and the circulating strains. NAAT is now
clinical practice, with the exception of determining whether a
considered the gold standard for detection of influenza virus in
patient with myocarditis has had exposure to enteroviruses (eg,
clinical samples. Several FDA-cleared NAAT platforms exist.
Coxsackie B virus).
Influenza virus can be recovered in routine viral cell culture,
Parechoviruses have clinical presentations similar to entero-
but confirmation is needed, typically through the use of hemad-
viruses, but are classified as a different genus and require a spe-
sorption and/or hemagglutination techniques. Serologic testing
cific NAAT for detection (laboratory validated only, except for
is not useful for the routine diagnosis of influenza due to high
one current multiplex assay that is FDA-cleared).
rates of vaccination and/or prior exposure.

Q. Respiratory Syncytial Virus S. West Nile Virus

Respiratory syncytial virus causes bronchiolitis and/or pneumo- West Nile virus (WNV), alongside other endemic arbovi-
nia and is most common in infants and young children, although ruses including St Louis encephalitis, Lacrosse encephalitis,
it can cause respiratory illness in adults and severe disease in and California encephalitis viruses, can cause CNS infections.

Table 64.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Enteroviruses and Parechoviruses Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimen Optimal Transport Time

NAAT CSFa Sterile tube, RT, <2 h

Plasmab EDTA or PPT, ≤2 h
Serumb SST, RT ≤2 h
Urine Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Culture Plasmab EDTA or PPT, RT, <2 h
Stool Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Throat swab Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST, serum
separator tube. 
A commercial US Food and Drug Administration–cleared product is available for rapid polymerase chain reaction testing for enteroviruses in CSF.
Whole blood is a less reliable source for detection by culture or NAAT methods.

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Table 65.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time
NAAT NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, lower Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT,<2 h
respiratory specimen
Antigen detection (direct fluorescent antibody stain or NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, lower Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
rapid immunoassay antigen detection method) respiratory specimen
Culture NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, lower Sterile container or viral transport medium,
respiratory specimen RT or ideally on wet ice, <2 h

Abbreviations: NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RT, room temperature.
Commercial products are available for rapid polymerase chain reaction testing for respiratory viruses.

Laboratory diagnosis of WNV, and most other arboviruses, is T. Adenovirus

typically accomplished by detecting virus-specific IgM- and/ In otherwise healthy individuals, adenoviruses may cause mild,
or IgG-class antibodies in serum and/or CSF [284] (Table 67). self-limiting respiratory illness or conjunctivitis, with most
IgM antibodies to WNV are detectable 3–8 days after symp- cases being diagnosed on clinical grounds. Occasionally, adeno-
tom onset and often taper off 2–3 months later, though serop- virus infections in immunocompetent hosts can result in death,
ersistence in serum for up to 12 months has been documented. especially in children with asthma. In immunocompromised
Seroconversion to anti-WNV IgM and/or IgG positivity patients, adenoviruses may cause pneumonia, disseminated
between acute and convalescent sera (collected 7–10  days infection, gastroenteritis, hemorrhagic cystitis, meningoen-
apart) is strongly suggestive of a recent WNV infection. The cephalitis, or hepatitis.
presence of anti-WNV IgG alone at the time of presentation is The diagnosis of adenoviral infections is typically made using
indicative of prior WNV infection, and evaluation for an alter- NAAT, viral culture, and/or histopathology (Table  68). Viral
native etiology is recommended. Serologic diagnosis of WNV culture has a long turnaround time (~5 to 7 days), but this can
CNS infection may be established by detection of IgM anti- be reduced by using shell vial technology. Plasma viral load
bodies to WNV in CSF as antibodies in this class do not nat- (assessed by quantitative NAAT) may be useful as a marker for
urally cross the blood–brain barrier. However, introduction preemptive therapy, to diagnose adenovirus-associated signs
of blood into the CSF during a traumatic lumbar puncture or and symptoms, and to monitor response to antiviral therapy in
defective permeability of the blood–brain barrier may lead to some immunocompromised populations.
falsely elevated IgM levels in the CSF. False-positive results for
both anti-WNV IgM and IgG antibodies may occur in patients U. Rabies Virus
who have been vaccinated against yellow fever virus or fol- Rabies virus infects the CNS and is most often transmitted
lowing natural infection with other flaviviruses (eg, dengue, through the bite of a rabid animal. Diagnostic testing for rabies
St Louis encephalitis viruses). To rule out cross-reactivity, it is not offered through most hospital or reference laboratories;
is recommended that specimens reactive for WNV antibodies therefore, consultation with a local public health laboratory
be tested by PRNT. or the CDC should be performed immediately in suspected
Detection of WNV RNA by NAAT in serum and CSF is asso- rabies cases.
ciated with higher sensitivity in immunosuppressed patients No single test is sufficient to diagnose rabies antemortem
due to the delayed immune response and thus prolonged WNV (Table  69). NAATs and viral isolation can be performed on
viremia in this population. Viral culture, while possible, is insen- saliva, immunohistochemistry may be performed on skin biop-
sitive and not routinely offered at local or reference laboratories. sies at the nape of the neck for detection of rabies antigen in

Table 66.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Influenza A and B Virus Infection

Transport Issues and

Diagnostic Procedures Optimal Specimens Optimal Transport Time

NAATa NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
lower respiratory specimen
Antigen detection (rapid) NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
lower respiratory specimen
Culture NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT or ideally on wet ice, <2 h
lower respiratory specimen

Abbreviations: NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; RT, room temperature.
US Food and Drug Administration–cleared commercial products are available for rapid NAAT testing for respiratory viruses.

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Table  67.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Infection With West Nile Virus and alphacoronavirus (229E and NL63) and betacoronavirus, lin-
Other Endemic Arboviruses
eage A (OC43 and HKU1) lineage B (severe acute respiratory
syndrome [SARS] coronavirus), and lineage C (Middle East
Diagnostic Optimal Transport Issues and
Procedures Specimens Optimal Transport Time respiratory syndrome [MERS] coronavirus).
Serology Serum Clot or SST, RT, <2 h Human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 are
NAATa CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h associated with the common cold with symptoms of rhinorrhea,
Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h congestion, sore throat, sneezing, and cough and may present
Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h with fever. In children, the viruses have also caused exacerba-
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, tion of asthma and otitis media.
nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST,
serum separator tube. Respiratory secretions or nasopharyngeal swabs placed in
NAATs for uncommon arboviruses (eg, California encephalitis viruses, LaCrosse encepha- appropriate VTM are the specimens of choice. Diagnostic tests
litis, St Louis encephalitis virus, Eastern equine encephalitis virus) are available through the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or select public health laboratories. include NAATs, which are now common in commercial respi-
ratory panels.
Suspected cases of SARS coronavirus and MERS coronavirus
the cutaneous nerves, and antirabies antibody testing is availa-
require immediate notification to the laboratory. Guidance for
ble for serum and CSF specimens. Postmortem histopathology
testing can be found at www.cdc.gov/sars/index.html and www.
of brain biopsies in patients with rabies are notable for mono-
nuclear infiltration, perivascular cuffing of lymphocytes, lym-
phocytic foci, and Negri bodies. Serologic testing may be used X. Parainfluenza
to document postvaccination seroconversion, if there is signifi- Parainfluenza viruses are a major cause of croup (laryngo-
cant deviation from a prophylaxis schedule. tracheobronchitis), bronchiolitis, and pneumonia as well as
upper respiratory tract infections. Of the 4 antigenically dis-
V. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus tinct types, types 1 and 2 are most commonly associated with
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is a rodent- croup syndrome, while type 3 is associated most commonly
borne virus that can cause meningoencephalitis and may be with bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Parainfluenza virus infec-
life-threatening in immunosuppressed persons. Serologic test- tions account for up to 11% of all hospitalizations in children
ing is the mainstay of diagnosis for LCMV infection, and is typ- <5 years old [285].
ically established by demonstrating a 4-fold or greater increase Respiratory secretions or nasopharyngeal swabs placed in
in IgG-class antibody titers between acute and convalescent appropriate VTM are the specimens of choice. Diagnostic tests
phase serum samples, or by detection of anti-LCMV IgM anti- include culture, which may take 4–7  days for detection, and
bodies (Table 70). Detection of antibodies in the CSF may indi- NAATs, which are now common in commercial respiratory
cate CNS infection; however, it may also be observed if the CSF panels.
fluid becomes contaminated with blood during collection, or
if there is transfer of antibodies across the blood–brain barrier. Y. Human Metapneumovirus
NAAT can also be used to diagnose LCMV infection, but is lim- Human metapneumovirus has been shown to cause acute respi-
ited to select public health laboratories. ratory tract disease in people of all ages. The virus has been
associated with cases of bronchiolitis in infants as well as pneu-
W. Human Coronavirus monia, exacerbations of asthma and croup, and upper respira-
The coronaviruses are host specific and can infect a variety tory infections with concomitant otitis media in children. Most
of animals as well as humans. Four distinct genera have been commonly, children present with mild to moderate symptoms.
described with human pathogens belonging to the genera Infections with human metapneumovirus associated with

Table 68.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Adenovirus Infection

Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimens Transport Issues and Optimal Transport Time

NAAT NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
lower respiratory specimen, stool, conjunctiva swab
CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Antigen detection, rapid NP swab, respiratory specimen Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
Antigen detection (adenovirus types 40 and 41) Stool Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Culture NP aspirate/washing, throat or NP swab, Sterile container or viral transport medium, RT, <2 h
lower respiratory specimen, stool, CSF

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NP, nasopharyngeal; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature.

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Table 69.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Rabies Virus Infection

Diagnostic Optimum Transport Issues and

Procedure Specimen Optimal Transport Time

Direct fluorescent antibody, Nuchal skin biopsy, Sterile container, RT, <2 h
histopathology brain biopsy
Serology CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
NAAT Saliva Sterile tube, RT, <2 h

See also Table 43.

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube.

exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pneu- regarding patient management should not be based on a reac-
monia have been detailed in adults. When diagnostic tests are tive ZIKV IgM serologic result alone. Confirmatory PRNTs for
required, the specimens of choice are respiratory secretions or ZIKV neutralizing antibodies should be performed for all sam-
nasopharyngeal swabs placed in VTM. Diagnostic tests include ples reactive by an anti-ZIKV IgM serologic assay. Finally, due
immunofluorescent assays and NAATs, which are now available to co-circulation of DENV and Chikungunya viruses in regions
in several commercial respiratory panels. where ZIKV is endemic, and the often-times similar disease
manifestation among these arboviruses, concurrent evaluation
Z. Zika Virus for DENV and Chikungunya virus should be considered.
Zika virus (ZIKV), a member of the Flavivirus genus and trans-
mitted by Aedes spp mosquitos, has been causally linked to con-
genital birth defects, including microcephaly [286]. Diagnostic
tests available for ZIKV include NAATs for viral RNA, sero- Blood and tissue parasites comprise a large number of protozoa
logic evaluation for IgM antibodies to the virus, and PRNTs, and helminths found in both tropical and temperate climates
considered the reference standard for detection of neutralizing worldwide [288–290]. Some parasitic infections are associated
antibodies to arboviruses (Table  71). Selection between these with high morbidity and mortality (eg, malaria, amebic encepha-
methodologies (ie, NAAT vs serology) is primarily dependent litis), whereas others cause only mild or asymptomatic disease (eg,
on when the patient presents in relation to symptom onset or filariasis due to Mansonella spp, toxoplasmosis in immunocom-
last possible exposure to ZIKV [287]. Currently, the CDC rec- petent adults). As expected, the most commonly submitted spec-
ommends molecular testing by NAAT on serum and urine in imens for laboratory identification of these parasites are whole
symptomatic patients and pregnant women with illness duration blood, tissue aspirates/biopsies, and serum for serologic studies.
of 14 days or less. While a positive NAAT result for ZIKV is diag- Microscopy remains the cornerstone of laboratory testing for
nostic for infection, a negative result does not exclude infection the identification of most blood parasites and many tissue par-
as viremia or viruria may have passed by the time the specimen asites [289–291]. Expert microscopic examination of Giemsa-
was collected. Patients negative by NAAT, particularly pregnant stained thick and thin peripheral blood films is used for detection
women, for whom ZIKV infection remains in the differential, and identification of the protozoan blood parasites Plasmodium,
should be evaluated using a serologic assay for antibodies to Babesia, and Trypanosoma, and the filarial nematodes Brugia,
the virus. The most current guidelines and recommendations
regarding evaluation and testing for ZIKV can be found on the
Table 71.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Zika Virus Infectiona
CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/zika/hc-providers/index.
html). False-positive ZIKV IgM serologic results may occur in Diagnostic Optimum Transport Issues and
patients with a prior or current infection with a closely related fla- Procedures Specimens Optimal Transport Time

vivirus, including WNV or DENV. Therefore, clinical decisions Serology CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
NAAT CSF Sterile container, RT, <2 h
Table  70.  Laboratory Diagnosis of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Plasma EDTA or PPT, RT, ≤2 h
Infection Serum SST, RT, ≤2 h
Urine Sterile tube, RT, <2 h
Diagnostic Optimum Transport Issues and Whole blood EDTA or citrate tube, RT, ≤2 h
Procedures Specimens Optimal Transport Time
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT,
Serology CSF Sterile tube, RT, <2 h nucleic acid amplification test; PPT, plasma preparation tube; RT, room temperature; SST,
serum separator tube.
Serum Clot or SST, RT, ≤2 h
Additional specimens (eg, products of conception, tissue) may be validated for testing at
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; RT, room temperature; SST, serum separator tube. select public health laboratories or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Wuchereria, Loa loa, and Mansonella, whereas microscopic times (eg, night shift) when personnel with sufficient expertise
examination, culture and/or nucleic acid amplification of ulcer to screen and interpret blood films for parasites. In general, most
samples, bone marrow, tissue aspirates, and biopsies are useful malaria RDTs, including the BinaxNOW Malaria, are adequately
in the diagnosis of African trypanosomiasis, onchocerciasis, sensitive in typical patients with symptomatic malaria (“fever
trichinosis, toxoplasmosis, and leishmaniasis. Although requir- and chills”) but lose sensitivity when the parasitemia is very low
ing a minimal amount of reagents and equipment, the accuracy or infection is due to non-falciparum species [292]. Finally, the
of microscopic methods requires well-trained and experienced CDC [289] and a number of reference laboratories in the United
technologists. Even in the best hands, diagnosis may be ham- States, Canada, and Europe perform extremely sensitive NAATs
pered by sparseness of organisms on the slide and the sub- such as real-time PCR assays for certain blood and tissue para-
jective nature of differentiating similar-appearing organisms sites, including Plasmodium, Babesia, Toxoplasma, and the agents
(Plasmodium vs Babesia; various microfilariae) or in identifying of amebic encephalitis. Clinicians should consult their micro-
the species of Plasmodium present. The laboratory can enhance biology laboratory to determine if their reference laboratory or
the sensitivity of these methods by employing a number of con- other entity offers the desired testing. Molecular assays may be of
centration procedures such as buffy coat examination, centrif- particular use in patients with very low parasitemias or in specif-
ugation, and filtration. In all of these procedures, samples must ically identifying organisms that cannot be differentiated micro-
be properly obtained, transported to the laboratory as quickly as scopically. However, DNA may persist for days or weeks after
possible, and processed in a timely fashion to preserve organism successful treatment and detection does not necessarily correlate
viability and/or morphology. Organism viability and morphol- with the presence of viable organisms. In addition, the current
ogy may be adversely affected by a number of different factors restriction to the reference laboratory setting means that the time
including temperature, humidity, and exposure to fixatives or from specimen collection to receipt of result may be longer than
anticoagulants. Transportation requirements are described for desired for optimal patient care. In situations where infection is
each organism in the corresponding sections below. potentially life-threatening, initial testing should be performed
Serologic assays for detection of antibodies are available as locally and empiric treatment should be considered while await-
adjunctive methods for the diagnosis of a number of blood and ing results from the outside laboratory.
tissue parasite infections. Unfortunately, none are sensitive or Key points for the laboratory diagnosis of blood and tissue
specific enough to be used to establish the diagnosis on their own. parasites:
In particular, assays for infection with one helminth will often
cross-react with antibodies to a different helminth [290]. When • Microscopy is the cornerstone of laboratory identification
available, antibody titers may be used to determine the strength but is highly subjective and dependent on technologist expe-
of the immune response or detect a trend in antibody levels over rience and training.
time. IFA can provide quantitative titer results but reading the • Proper specimen collection and transport are essential com-
slides is subjective and inherently prone to varying results. In ponents of morphology and culture-based techniques.
contrast, EIAs typically provide only qualitative positive or nega- • Serology shows significant cross-reactivity among helminths,
tive results determined by an arbitrarily set breakpoint. Thus, cli- including filaria.
nicians will not be able to determine if a positive result was a very • There are a limited number of antigen detection methods
strong positive or a very weak one without calling the laboratory available for blood and tissue parasites in the United States.
for more information. This can have important implications for • Automated hematology analyzers may fail to detect malaria
interpretation of results that are not entirely consistent with the or babesiosis parasites; request manual stain and evaluation
clinical picture. In some cases, it is desirable to confirm the result if either agent is suspected.
of an EIA by using a more specific immunoblot assay. • NAATs are useful for detection of low parasitemia or in spe-
Laboratory methods that detect parasite antigens and/or nucleic cifically identifying organisms that cannot be differentiated
acid provide an attractive alternative to traditional morphologic microscopically.
and serologic techniques. For example, a simple rapid immu- • Antigen and nucleic acid detection methods should not be
nochromatographic card assay for the detection of Plasmodium used to monitor response to therapy, since antigen or DNA
(BinaxNOW Malaria, Alere, Waltham, Massachusetts) has been may be detectable for days to weeks after successful treatment.
cleared by the FDA for in vitro diagnostic use, and many more • NAATs for detecting blood and tissue parasites are currently
assays are commercially available for this purpose outside of the available only from specialized laboratories and turnaround
United States [292]. Rapid detection tests (RDTs) are particu- time may be prolonged.
larly useful in acute care settings such as emergency departments
or outpatient clinics to establish a diagnosis of malaria quickly Table  72 presents an inclusive overview of the approach to
while awaiting results of confirmatory blood films. These meth- the diagnosis of blood and tissue parasitic infections based on
ods are also commonly used in smaller laboratories or during published recommendations [288–290]. Important points are

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Table 72.  Approach to Diagnosis of Blood and Tissue Parasitic Infections

Disease/Organism Main Diagnostic Test(s) Remarks

Amebic meningitis/en- Microscopy and culture of CSF or brain tissue Specimens for culture should not be refrigerated. Balamuthia
cephalitis due primarily mandrillaris does not grow on standard agar (requires specialized
to Naegleria fowleri, cell culture). PCR from tissue or CSF is available from the CDC
Acanthamoeba spp, and and some reference labs. Stained and unstained tissue slides
Balamuthia mandrillaris may also be sent for identification of amebic trophozoites and/
(free-living amebae) or cysts.
Angiostrongyliasis and Serology available at the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, In eosinophilic meningitis, larvae may be rarely seen in CSF. Larvae
Gnathostomiasis Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (http://www. may also be seen in tissue sections with associated eosinophils
tm.mahidol.ac.th/en/tmhm/index-m.htm) and/or necrosis.
Babesiosis due to Babesia Microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood Real time PCR available from CDC and reference labs. Most PCR
microti, Babesia divergens, films assays detect B. microti only. Serology does not distinguish be-
Babesia duncani, and tween acute and past infection.
Babesia sp MO-1 strain
Baylisascaris encephalitis Serology available from the CDC Larvae may be seen on histopathologic sections of brain tissue.
Cysticercosis and Serology from the CDC or referral laboratories. Cross- Encysted larvae and/or hooklets can be seen in tissue biopsies or
echinococcosis reactivity may be observed between tests for aspirates of cysts (echinococcosis).
either organism.
Filariasis due to species of Microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood Blood films for W. bancrofti and B. malayi should be collected
Wuchereria, Brugia, and films. Examination of concentrated blood speci- between 10 am and 2 pm when microfilariae are circulating.
Mansonella mens (Knott, Nuclepore filtered blood, or buffy coat) Repeat exams may be necessary due to low parasitemia.
increases sensitivity. Antibody and/or antigen de- Serology does not differentiate between these filariae.
tection EIA (Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi)
in blood by the CDC or reference lab
Filariasis, onchocerciasis Microscopy of “skin snip” after incubation in saline “Skin snips” should be from areas nearby nodules and should
due to Onchocerca volvulus at 37°C. be “razor thin” with no visible blood. Histopathologic examina-
tion of skin biopsy or resected nodule (onchocercoma) can iden-
tify microfilariae and/or adults. Serology from reference lab; does
not differentiate between filaria.
Leishmaniasis, cutaneous Microscopic exam of Giemsa-stained smears of bi- Treatment is dependent on species identification (using culture
due to various Leishmania spp opsy touch impressions or aspirate from leading or PCR) for disease acquired in South or Central America.
edge of ulcer; culture and PCR are available through Histopathology is less sensitive than impression smears, culture,
the CDC (contact CDC for collection kit prior to and PCR. Serology is not useful for cutaneous disease.
collecting biopsy)
Leishmaniasis, visceral due to Microscopic exam of Giemsa-stained bone marrow Positive rK39 serology is reported to be both sensitive and specific
various Leishmania spp aspirate/ for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in various endemic
biopsy, splenic aspirate; culture, PCR and serology areas of the world.
is available from the CDC (contact CDC for collec-
tion kit prior to collecting biopsy)
Malaria due to Plasmodium Stat microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained thick Antigen tests lack sensitivity with low parasitemia and non-fal-
falciparum, Plasmodium and thin blood films (repeat testing every 12–24 h ciparum malaria and do not differentiate all species. PCR
ovale, Plasmodium vivax, for a total of 3 exams before ruling out malaria); from some reference laboratories will detect and differentiate all
Plasmodium malariae, rapid antigen detection tests followed by confirma- species. Calculation of percentage parasitemia (using thick or
Plasmodium knowlesi tory blood films within 12–24 h thin blood films) is required for determining patient manage-
ment and following response to therapy.
Toxocariasis (visceral larva Serology from CDC or referral laboratories Larvae are only rarely seen in histopathologic sections of biopsies
migrans) of liver or other infected tissues.
Toxoplasmosis due to Serology (IFA, EIA, ELFA) from CDC or reference lab Cysts and tachyzoites can be seen in specimens from immunocom-
Toxoplasma gondii for detection of IgM and IgG. Positive IgG seen promised patients (eg, bronchoalveolar lavage, brain biopsy); PCR
in up to 15%–40% of US population due to pre- is available from some reference labs.
vious exposure. IgG avidity test and serial titers
may distinguish between recent and past infection.
Trichinosis due to Trichinella Serology (EIA) from the CDC or reference lab Encysted larvae can be seen in histopathologic sections of muscle
spiralis and other species biopsies.
Trypanosomiasis, African Microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood Plasma cells with large eosinophilic antibody globules may be seen
(African sleeping sickness) films or buffy coat preps. Parasitemia is often in CSF and brain biopsy. Card agglutination test for trypanosomi-
due to Trypanosoma brucei low, requiring repeated exams. Aspirates of asis is available in endemic settings for detection of T. b. gambi-
gambiense (West African) chancres and lymph nodes may also be examined. ense infection. Contact the CDC or Prince Leopold Institute of
or T. b. rhodesiense (East Centrifuged CSF should be examined to eval- Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (http://www.
African) uate for late stage disease. There is an infection itg.be/E/card-agglutination-test-for-human-trypanosomiasis).
hazard from live organisms in blood specimens.
American trypanosomiasis Microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood Parasitemia is very low in chronic infection. IgG antibody may
(Chagas disease) due to films or buffy coat preps. Serology available through persist for decades and its presence is considered evidence of
Trypanosoma cruzi the CDC. There is an infection hazard from live chronic infection. An FDA-approved test is available for screening
organism in blood specimens. blood donors but is not available for diagnostic purposes.

Sources: [288, 290–292, 295].

“CDC” refers to the Division of Parasitic Diseases at the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/dpdx/). “Reference Labs” refers to any laboratory that performs esoteric testing not usually done in
routine hospital laboratories.
Abbreviations: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; ELFA, enzyme-linked fluorescence antibody; FDA, US Food and Drug
Administration; HRP2, histidine-rich protein 2; IFA, immunofluorescence assay; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.

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bolded. Subsequent sections A  and B provide more detailed a small number of infections occurring in California and
information on the diagnosis of parasitic infections that are of Washington have been attributed to Babesia duncani, while
particular concern to practitioners in North America (babesiosis B.  divergens–like organisms including the MO-1 strain have
and American trypanosomiasis) or in which rapid and accurate been detected in patients residing in Missouri, Kentucky,
diagnosis is crucial because of the life-threatening nature of the Washington, and Arkansas [293]. Human malaria is caused by 4
infection (malaria and babesiosis). With all testing, it is import- Plasmodium spp: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae
ant to note that results are only as reliable as the experience, [287, 288]. The simian parasite Plasmodium knowlesi has also
resources, and expertise of the laboratory performing the tests. been reported to cause a significant portion of human cases in
In general, large public health and reference laboratories are parts of Southeast Asia [293]. Table 73 summarizes the labora-
more likely than community laboratories to have the experience tory tests available for these agents.
and volume of specimens to properly validate the more esoteric The gold standard method for diagnosis of both malaria and
tests. Direct communication by phone or email will sometimes babesiosis is microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained thick
hasten specimen processing and result reporting from public and thin blood films [293, 294]. Although this method requires
health laboratories, especially when there is an urgent clinical a minimum amount of resources (staining materials and
situation. The DPDx website at the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/ high-quality, well-maintained microscopes), skilled and expe-
dpdx/diagnosticprocedures/index.html) provides a list of cur- rienced technologists must be available to obtain maximum
rently available diagnostic tests for parasitic infections available accuracy and efficiency. Because both babesiosis and malaria
from the CDC. The CDC also provides a valuable telediagnos- are serious infections that can progress to fatal outcomes if not
tic consultation service that can be accessed through the DPDx diagnosed and treated accurately, it is necessary for healthcare
website for both the laboratorian and clinician. The availability facilities to have ready access to rapid accurate laboratory test-
of rapid shipping methods (FedEx, United Parcel Service, United ing [293]. Samples should be obtained from fresh capillary or
States Postal Service, etc) and email or other electronic commu- ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) venous blood and
nication allow reporting of results from specialty laboratories, slides prepared and read immediately.
including those in Europe and Asia, in surprisingly short peri- Thick blood films are essentially lysed concentrates which
ods of time. It is useful to obtain shipping information from such allow rapid detection of the presence of parasites consistent
laboratories to avoid unnecessary delays because of customs or with either Plasmodium or Babesia but may not allow for dif-
airline regulations or other delivery problems. ferentiation of the 2 organisms. The thick film is made using
2–3 drops of blood that have been “laked” (lysed) by placement
A. Babesia and Malaria into a hypotonic staining solution. This releases the intracel-
Babesiosis is caused primarily by Babesia microti in the United lular parasites and allows for examination of multiple (20–30)
States and Babesia divergens in Europe [293]. More recently, layers of blood simultaneously. For this reason, it is the most

Table 73.  Summary of Laboratory Detection Methods for Babesiosis and Malaria Infection

Diagnostic Procedure Optimum Specimen Transport Considerations TATa

Microscopy of Giemsa stained thick and Drop of blood from finger stick or ven- Slides should be made from blood within 1 h. Prolonged 2-4 h
thin blood films with determination of ipuncture needle placed directly on exposure to EDTA can alter parasite morphology.
percentage parasitemia glass slides and blood films made Thick blood films dry slowly and should be protected from
immediately inadvertent smearing or spillage and dust. Use of the
“scratch” method will improve adherence and allow for
examination as soon as the blood is visibly dry.
QBC centrifugal system Buffy coat concentrate of RBCs from QBC concentrates and slides should be made from 2-4 h
venous blood in acridine orange con- blood within 1 h for optimal preservation of parasite
taining capillary tubes morphology
Antigen detection immunochromato- Drop of blood from finger stick or ven- Test should be performed as soon as possible but blood 15–30 min
graphic assay (generally termed rapid ipuncture needle placed directly on may be stored at 2°C–30°C for up to 3 d for some com-
diagnostic test) rapid diagnostic test pad mercial assays.
Serologic detection of antibody to 1.0 mL of serum from clotted blood Serum should be separated from blood within several 4–6 h
Babesia microti and Plasmodium spp tube hours. Store serum refrigerated or frozen if not tested
within 4–6 h to preserve antibody and prevent bacterial
growth. Avoid use of hyperlipemic or hemolyzed blood.
NAAT Typically 1.0 mL venipuncture blood in Test should be performed as soon as possible, but blood 1–2 h
EDTA tube may be transported refrigerated over 48 hours

Sources: [6, 7].

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; QBC, quantitative buffy coat; RBC, red blood cell; TAT, turnaround time.
Transportation time and nucleic acid extraction time are not included in this estimate.

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sensitive method for microscopic screening and allows detec- Quantification is used to guide initial treatment decisions and to
tion of very low levels of parasitemia (<0.001% of red blood follow a patient’s response to antimalarial treatment [293].
cells [RBCs] infected) [293]. Use of the “scratch method” allows An alternative to Giemsa-stained blood films for morpho-
for improved adherence of the thick film to the slide and facil- logic examination is the quantitative buffy coat (QBC) method
itates rapid examination (ie, it can be examined as soon as the [293]. This test detects fluorescently stained parasites within
blood is visibly dry) [294]. In contrast to thick films, thin films RBCs and requires specialized equipment. It acquires maxi-
are prepared like a hematology peripheral smear and are fixed mum efficiency for the laboratory if multiple specimens are
in ethanol before staining. Fixation retains the structure of the being processed at the same time, which is seldom the case in
RBCs and intraerythrocytic parasites and provides ideal mor- US laboratories. In addition, it requires preparation of a thin
phology for Plasmodium spp identification. It also allows for blood smear if a QBC sample is positive, since specific identi-
optimal evaluation and differentiation of Plasmodium from fication and rate of parasitemia will still need to be determined
Babesia parasites, although the different Babesia spp cannot be by the latter method [293]. For these reasons, the QBC method
distinguished from one another by morphology alone. Staining is seldom used in the United States at this time.
is best performed with Giemsa at a pH of 7.2 to highlight the Although morphologic examination is the conventional
microscopic features of the parasites. Wright-Giemsa and rapid method for diagnosis of malaria, it requires considerable time and
Field stains are also acceptable. The CDC provides additional expertise. Malaria RDTs provide cost-effective, rapid alternatives
guidelines for inactivating hemorrhagic fever viruses such as and can be used for screening when qualified technologists are
Ebola in clinical specimens (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/ not available [288]. These methods are rapid immunochromato-
healthcare-us/laboratories/safe-specimen-management.html). graphic tests using dipstick, card, or cassette formats in which a
Both thick and thin films should be screened manually, since nitrocellulose membrane with bound parasite antigens are incor-
automated hematology analyzers may fail to detect Plasmodium porated. The most commonly used antigens are Plasmodium
and Babesia spp parasites [293]. The slides should first be lactate dehydrogenase, Plasmodium aldolase, and P.  falciparum
screened at low power using the 10× objective for identifica- histidine-rich protein 2.  There are a number of commercially
tion of microfilariae, followed by examination under oil immer- available options, although the BinaxNow Malaria is currently
sion [290, 291, 293, 294]. The laboratorian should examine a the only test approved by the FDA. Depending on the number of
minimum of 100 microscopic fields using the 100× objective antigens employed, RDTs may detect to the genus level, species
on the thick and thin films before reporting a specimen as neg- level (most commonly P. falciparum), or both. In general, RDTs
ative. Additional fields (at least 300)  should be examined for are somewhat less sensitive than thick blood films and may be
patients without previous Plasmodium exposure since they may falsely negative in cases with very low rates of parasitemia and
be symptomatic at lower parasite levels [294]. It is important to non-falciparum infection [292]. The performance characteristics
remember that Babesia and Plasmodium may at times be indis- of the commercially available assays vary widely; the WHO pro-
tinguishable on blood films and that both can be transmitted vides several useful publications on the performance and selec-
by transfusion, so each can occur in atypical clinical settings. tion of available malaria RDTs [292]. Given the lower sensitivity,
Clinical and epidemiologic information must be considered positive RDTs should be confirmed by examination of thick and
and additional testing may be required. thin blood films, ideally within 12–24 hours of patient presenta-
If parasites are identified and the laboratory does not have tion. Blood film examination is also necessary for positive cases
expertise for species identification, then a preliminary diagno- to confirm the species present and calculate the degree of para-
sis of “Plasmodium or Babesia parasites” should be made, fol- sitemia [295]. In the United States, Canada, and Europe, RDTs
lowed by confirmatory testing at a reference or public health are primarily used for initial screening in settings where reliable
laboratory. The CDC provides rapid telediagnostic services for blood films are not be readily available (evening shift, small com-
this purpose (http://www.cdc.gov/dpdx/contact.html). While munity laboratories) or when the clinical situation is critical and
awaiting confirmatory testing, the primary laboratory should an immediate diagnosis is required (stat laboratory in the emer-
relay the message to the clinical team that the deadly parasite gency department). Such RDT testing should be followed as soon
P.  falciparum cannot be excluded from consideration. Repeat as possible by good-quality thick and thin blood film examina-
blood samples (≥3 specimens drawn 12–24 hours apart, ideally tion. It is important to note that RDTs may be falsely positive for
during febrile episodes) are indicated if the initial film is nega- several days after eradication of intact parasites since antigens
tive and malaria or babesiosis is strongly suspected. may still be detected. Therefore, the assay should not be used to
When Plasmodium spp are identified, one can enumerate follow patients after adequate therapy has been given.
the number of infected RBCs and divide by the total number of Serology plays little role in diagnosis of acute babesiosis and
RBCs counted to arrive at the percentage of parasitemia. This is malaria, since antibodies may not appear early in infection and
best determined by using the thin film. Quantification can also titers may be too low to determine the status of infection. The
be performed using the thick film, but this method is less precise. primary use of antibody detection is for epidemiologic studies

A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases • CID 2018:XX (XX XXXX) • 87

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and as evidence of previous or relapsing infection. Serologic turnaround time will be too long to enable rapid institution of
testing is also used for blood donor screening. IFA is the most antimalarial therapy. In such cases, the primary use of NAATs
readily available commercial assay for Babesia; IgM titers ≥1:16 is for confirmation of infection, assistance in species identifica-
and IgG titers ≥1:1024 indicate acute infection, as does a 4-fold tion, and differentiation of malaria from Babesia.
rise in titer. IgG titers of 1:64–1:512 with negative IgM and no
titer rises in serial specimens suggest previous infection or B. American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disease) Caused by Trypanosoma
exposure. There is insufficient evidence for use in diagnosis cruzi
of B.  divergens, B.  duncani, or MO-1 infections. Serology for American trypanosomiasis may consist of acute, latent, and
Plasmodium spp is available through the CDC. chronic phases, and the optimal diagnostic method differs with
Rapid NAATs have recently been developed for malaria and each stage. The standard method for diagnosis of American try-
babesiosis and are available from some commercial reference panosomiasis during the acute phase of infection (4–8 weeks in
laboratories and the CDC, although none are FDA-cleared. length) is microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood or
These methods offer similar or improved sensitivity to the thick buffy coat films, since extracellular trypanosomes will be pres-
blood film and require no specialized parasitologic expertise. ent at this time (Table 74). As with blood films for malaria and
NAATs may be useful in accurate diagnosis of acute infection Babesia, a minimum amount of resources (staining materials and
if blood films are negative or difficult to obtain and in the dif- high-quality microscopes), as well as proficient and experienced
ferentiation of malaria parasites from Babesia or nonparasitic technologists, must be available to obtain maximum accuracy
artifacts. Finally, NAAT may provide diagnostic confirmation and efficiency. On stained preparations, the motile trypomasti-
in cases empirically treated without prior laboratory diagnosis gote forms typically adopt a “C” shape and can be differentiated
by detection of remnant nucleic acid. Because residual DNA from the similar-appearing trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma
can be detected days (or even weeks to months in asplenic per- brucei by the presence in T. cruzi of a large posterior kinetoplast.
sons) after intact parasites have been eradicated, NAATs should In comparison, the kinetoplast of T.  brucei trypomastigotes is
not be used to monitor response to therapy. When a NAAT is much smaller. Of course, these infections can also be likely dif-
positive for Plasmodium or Babesia parasites, blood films must ferentiated on epidemiologic grounds. Motile organisms can also
still be examined to determine the percentage parasitemia. be observed in fresh wet preparations of anticoagulated blood or
It is important to stress that requests for malaria and babesio- buffy coat, although most US laboratories are unfamiliar with
sis diagnosis should be considered “stat” and testing performed this method. Unfortunately, infection is rarely diagnosed in the
as rapidly as possible. NAAT assays may be rapid but are usu- acute stage since only 1%–2% of infected individuals present
ally limited to the reference laboratory setting, and the total with symptoms during this time period [289, 290].

Table 74.  Summary of Tests for Trypanosomes

Diagnostic Procedures Optimum Specimen Transport Considerations TATa

Microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick Drop of blood from finger stick or ven- Slides and wet preps should be made from blood within 1 h. 2–4 h
and thin peripheral blood films in ipuncture needle placed directly on Thick blood films dry slowly and should be protected from
fresh and stained preparations. glass slides and blood films made inadvertent smearing or spillage and dust. Use of the
immediately “scratch” method will improve adherence and allow for
OR examination as soon as the blood is visibly dry.
Buffy coat concentrate from anticoag-
ulated venous blood (thin smear or
fresh wet prep for motile organisms)
Microscopic examination of tissue aspi- Fluid from needle aspirate of enlarged Fresh aspirated fluid should be stained and examined as 2 h–3 d
rates/biopsies by Giemsa/H&E stains lymph nodes or tissue biopsies from soon as possible, preferably within 1 h of sampling.
lymph nodes, skin lesions, heart, GI
tract, or other organ
Culture in NNN or other suitable media Anticoagulated blood or buffy coat, tis- Fresh specimens should be inoculated into culture medium 2–6 d
with subsequent microscopic exami- sue aspirates, and tissue biopsies as soon as possible, preferably within 1 h of collection for
nation for motile trypanosomes preservation of organism viability.
Serology 1.0 mL of serum from clotted blood. Serum or plasma should be separated from blood within 1d
Plasma is also acceptable for the several hours. Store serum refrigerated or frozen if not
Ortho donor test. tested within 4–6 h to preserve antibody and prevent
bacterial growth. Avoid use of hyperlipemic or hemolyzed
NAAT Typically 1.0 mL venipuncture blood in Test should be performed as soon as possible, but blood 1–2 h
EDTA tube may be transported refrigerated over 48 hours.

Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GI, gastrointestinal; H&E, hematoxylin & eosin; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; NNN, Novy-MacNeal-Nicolle; TAT, turnaround time.
Transportation time and nucleic acid extraction time are not included in this estimate.

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Microscopy is less useful during the latent and chronic activities outside the submitted work, K. C. serves on the scientific advisory
boards of Quidel Biosciences, Inc, and NanoMR, Inc, and her institution has
stages of infection when rates of parasitemia are very low.
grants/grants pending from Nanosphere, Inc, Biofire, Inc, and AdvanDx. She
The diagnosis in these stages may be established serologically has received payment for lectures/speakers’ bureaus from the New York City
or by microscopic examination of tissue aspirates or biopsies. Branch of ASM and royalties from McGraw-Hill; all activities are outside the
The nonmotile (amastigote) intracellular form of T. cruzi pre- submitted work. For activities outside the submitted work, S. C. K. received
payment from Meridian Bioscience for the development of educational pre-
dominates during this phase of the infection. Culture in easily sentations. For activities outside the submitted work, B. R. D. is employed by
prepared Novy-MacNeal-Nicolle medium or similar media of Beaumont Health System and has received payment for lectures/workshops
any appropriate blood or tissue specimen during the acute and and travel/accommodations from the ASM. For activities outside the submit-
ted work, J. D. S. is employed by Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and
chronic stages will add to the sensitivity of laboratory diagnosis
Geisel School of Medicine. For activities outside the submitted work, K.  C.
and may be available through the CDC or specialized reference C. serves on the Board of ThermoFisher; her institution has received grants/
laboratories. Live trypanosomes are highly infectious and spec- grants pending from BD Diagnostics, Biofire, and Hologic; and she has received
payment for lectures/speakers bureaus for BD Diagnostics and Hologic. For
imens must be handled with care using “standard precautions”
activities outside the submitted work, J. W. S. has received payment from IDSA
for the handling of blood and body fluids. for travel to meetings in support of this activity. He has also received support
Serology by commercially available enzyme-linked immuno- for lectures/speakers bureaus outside the submitted work from Bellarmine
assay (ELISA) kits is of greatest use during the latent and chronic University, Becton Dickinson, and Great Basin Corp. He has also received pay-
ment for his consultancies to Jewish Hospital (Louisville, Kentucky) and Floyd
stages of disease when parasites are no longer easily detected in Memorial Hospital (New Albany, Indiana) and royalties from Taylor Francis,
peripheral blood preparations by microscopy. Positive ELISA and his institution has received grants/pending grants from the National
results are considered evidence of active infection and would Institutes of Health (NIH), all outside the submitted work. For activities out-
side the submitted work, R. P. is employed by Mayo Clinic and her institu-
exclude potential blood/tissue donors who test positive from
tion has grants/pending grants from the following: Pfizer, Pradama, Pocared,
acting as donors, as the infection has been shown to be trans- Astellas, Tornier, and the NIH. She and her institution have patents and receive
mitted by transfusion and transplantation. royalties from Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis polymerase chain reaction
and she has received payments for travel/accommodations from ASM, IDSA,
International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance (ISAAR),
and Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (APCCMI)
Acknowledgments.  We acknowledge the contributions and leader- and for her role as Editor of The Journal of Clinical Microbiology. All activities
ship provided by Dr Ellen Jo Baron in the 2013 version of this document. are outside the submitted work. For activities outside the submitted work, B. S.
We appreciate the contributions of the Pediatric Clinical Microbiology P.’s institution has received payment from the College of American Pathologists
Consortium to the document. Participants included Jennifer Dien Bard, for lectures/speakers’ bureaus and travel/accommodations. For activities
Christopher Doern, James Dunn, Karen Sue Kehl, Amy Leber, Alex outside the submitted work, S. R. T. is a consultant on the diagnosis of tick-
McAdams, Joel Mortensen, Xuang Qin, Paula Revell, Rangaraj Selvarangan, borne infections for Immugen, Inc, Immunetics, Inc, Fuller Laboratories, and
and Xiotian Zheng. The panel is grateful to Thomas F.  Smith, PhD and Meridian Laboratories. All other authors report no potential conflicts of inter-
Donna J. Hata, PhD, for their contributions to the development of this guid- est. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
ance, and to Marilyn August for her assistance with the formatting of the Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consider relevant to the content
tables. We especially appreciate the careful review and suggestions of mem- of the manuscript have been disclosed.
bers of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the Infectious
Diseases Society of America (IDSA).
Potential conflicts of interest.  For activities outside the submitted work,
J.  M. M.  has received royalties from ASM for his 1999 book A Guide to 1. Baron EJ, Weinstein MP, Dunne WMJ, Yagupsky P, Welch DF, Wilson DM, eds.
Cumitech 1C, Blood cultures IV. Washington, DC: ASM Press, 2005.
Specimen Management in Clinical Microbiology, and he serves on the Board of
2. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Principles and procedures for blood
Directors of BioFire Defense. For activities outside the submitted work, M. P. cultures; approved guideline. CLSI document M47-A. Wayne, PA: CLSI, 2007.
W. has received royalties from UpToDate and payment for consultancies from 3. Baron EJ, Scott JD, Tompkins LS. Prolonged incubation and extensive subcultur-
Rempex, Accelerate Diagnostics, and PDL Biopharma. His institution has ing do not increase recovery of clinically significant microorganisms from stan-
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pending grants from JMI Labs, BD Diagnostics, Siemens, and bioMérieux that 4. Petti CA, Bhally HS, Weinstein MP, et al. Utility of extended blood culture incubation
are all outside the submitted work. For activities outside the submitted work, for isolation of Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella
S. S. R. is employed by the Cleveland Clinic and her institution has received organisms: a retrospective multicenter evaluation. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:257–9.
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Roche, and ARLG. She has received payment for lectures from the ASM.
6. Reller ME, Mirrett S, McKnight CM, Reller LB. Role of volume of blood cul-
She has also received payment for travel/accommodations from the College tured in detection of disseminated infection with Mycobacterium avium com-
of American Pathologists, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, plex [abstract 368]. In: 45th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of
and the ASM; all activities are outside of the submitted work. For activities America, San Diego, CA, 2007.
outside the submitted work, P. H. G. has received payment from Mountside 7. Lee A, Mirrett S, Reller LB, Weinstein MP. Detection of bloodstream infections in
Consulting and Diagnostic Microbiology Development Program for consul- adults: how many blood cultures are needed? J Clin Microbiol 2007; 45:3546–8.
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9. Story-Roller E, Weinstein MP. Chlorhexidine versus tincture of iodine for reduc-
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the submitted work. For activities outside the submitted work, R.  B. T., has 10. Mermel LA, Farr BM, Sherertz RJ, et al; Infectious Diseases Society of America;
received payment from IDSA for travel to meetings in support of this activ- American College of Critical Care Medicine; Society for Healthcare Epidemiology
ity. His institution has received grants/grants pending from Nanosphere, Inc of America. Guidelines for the management of intravascular catheter-related
(now Luminex Corp) and Cepheid, both outside the submitted work. For infections. Clin Infect Dis 2001; 32:1249–72.

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