Many-Electron Atom Confinement by A Penetrable Spherical Box: C. Di Az-Garci A, S. A. Cruz
Many-Electron Atom Confinement by A Penetrable Spherical Box: C. Di Az-Garci A, S. A. Cruz
Many-Electron Atom Confinement by A Penetrable Spherical Box: C. Di Az-Garci A, S. A. Cruz
Spatial limitation of atoms and molecules also within an infinitely hard spherical cavity of varying
produces remarkable differences in physical and radius. After the pioneering work by Guimarc, spa-
chemical properties between the confined system tial confinement effects on helium-like systems
and its free-counterpart, revealing a wealth of po- have been studied using a variety of approximate
tential applications for the synthesis of new mate- techniques and focused mainly to the case of infi-
rials [3]. Examples of this type of systems are donor nitely hard closed boundaries with different sym-
hydrogenic impurities at the surface of semicon- metries [20, 41– 47] and the effect of cavity size and
ductors [4 –9], atoms and molecules enclosed by shape on the ground-state energy evolution. These
nanocavities like fullerene cages [10 –13] and theoretical studies have been extended more re-
nanochannels, like carbon nanotubes and zeolites cently to low-lying excited states and spectroscopic
[14, 15] to mention a few. Indeed, when an atom or properties [42– 44, 48] and only a few papers have
molecule is embedded in a condensed host me- been devoted to helium confinement by a hard-
dium, changes in the spatial limitation imposed by open boundary [49 –51].
its neighboring environment may be related with The ground-state energy evolution of many-elec-
an external pressure. Changes in total internal en- tron atoms confined within hard spherical cavities
ergy and electronic structure because of an external of varying size has been addressed in the past
pressure may be envisaged through spatial confine- through different approaches, ranging from ab ini-
ment. Hence, confinement effects also play an im- tio Hartree–Fock (HF) procedures [52, 53], density
portant role in studies of atomic and molecular functional Kohn–Sham theory [54, 55], and Tho-
compressibility [16, 17] and matter under high pres- mas–Fermi–Dirac–Weizsäcker (TFDW) statistical
sures [3, 16 –18]. Recent years have seen an increas- atomic models based on an orbital density decom-
ing research interest on this topic, with the proposal position [56]. A common feature in these models is
of confinement models based on different forms of the use of a rigid spherical enclosing cage, whereby
external confining potentials. The interested reader Dirichlet boundary conditions must be satisfied by
is kindly referred to extensive accounts on these the different orbital components. In spite of their
studies reviewed by Fröman et al. [19], Jaskolski inherent level of difficulty, a general qualitative and
[20], and Dolmatov et al. [12]. In the following, we quantitative agreement among these models has
shall refer specifically to atomic spatial confinement been observed for the total ground-state energy
based on the boxed-in-atom model. evolution as a function of cage-size.
The effect of spatial limitation on the electronic It is well known, however, that the use of an
properties of one and two-electron atoms has been infinitely hard confining wall leads to an overesti-
extensively studied in the past through use of ap- mate of the energy evolution as the confinement
propriate— open and closed— confining bound- volume is reduced. This is in addition to the unre-
aries with different geometries. In the case of hy- alistic permanent retention—within the confine-
drogenic systems, most of these studies have dealt ment volume– of the already unbound electrons,
with infinitely hard [4 –9, 21–28] and soft [29, 30] whose kinetic energy yields a high enough value to
limiting open surfaces and cavities with different overcome an otherwise finite confining barrier po-
shapes with hard and soft walls [19 –20]. In many of tential [57]. In spite of this, soft-wall confinement of
these situations, exact solutions to the Schrodinger the simplest of many-electron atoms (helium) has
equation have been found to account for the evolu- been only scarcely explored, particularly for cavi-
tion of ground and excited states in terms of the ties with spherical geometry [36, 57–59].
degree of confinement [4 – 8, 22, 23, 25, 31–34]. Confinement of many-electron atoms by spheri-
These exact calculations have served as important cal cavities with a finite potential barrier height has
reference to calibrate corresponding—simpler—ap- been addressed by Connerade et al. both in their HF
proximate treatments [6, 27–30, 35–39]. [53] and Dirac–Fock [16] studies of shell collapse of
Helium— being the next element after hydrogen third and fourth row atoms in the periodic table
in the Periodic Table— constitutes an important and Cs, respectively. In both cases, a finite barrier
subject of study to survey confinement effects on height was used mainly for the purposes of numer-
atomic systems with more than one electron, where ical calculation. In the former case, a barrier height
electron– electron interaction and correlation en- of 10 a.u. was used to mimic an infinitely hard wall,
ergy appear for the first time. This was first realized while in the latter case a barrier height of 5 a.u. was
by Guimarc [40], who studied the behavior of the found to be high enough to retain the 5d and 6s Cs
electron correlation energy of helium enclosed electrons within the cavity. Further studies on
properties of endohedrally confined atoms in C60 The paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
by Connerade et al. resort to a confining potential the model as well as the relevant assumptions in the
shell of finite barrier height to represent the C60 method of calculation are presented. The results of
endohedral environment [60, 61]. In spite of these this work and a discussion are then given in section
important studies, no further analysis on the total 3. Finally, section 4 is devoted to the conclusions of
energy evolution as function of cage size and bar- this study. Hartree atomic units are used through-
rier-height was pursued and—to the authors out, unless stated otherwise.
knowledge—no such studies have been reported
for many-electron atoms so far.
The aim of this work is to present a more realistic 2. Method
description of confinement by enclosing the many-
electron system within a spherical cage with pene- Consider an N-electron atomic system confined
trable walls. This constitutes a natural extension of by a spherical cage of radius R with a confining
a previously published paper where the TFDW barrier potential Vc, such that
formalism based on known properties of the orbital
electron densities was used for the case of many-
0 0 ⱕ ri ⬍ R
electron atoms enclosed by infinitely hard walls V c ⫽ V 共i兲 ⫽ V R ⱕ r ⬍ ⬁, i ⫽ 1, .., N, (1)
o o i
[56]. Here, the confining barrier potential is consid-
ered as a step-like function of finite height V0. This
assumption demands of the appropriate descrip- where ri denotes the radial position of electron “i”
tion of the TFDW energy functional for both the relative to the nucleus of atomic number Z located
interior and exterior regions together with the cor- at the origin, and Vo共i兲 ⫽ Vo the height of the
responding ansatz orbital density representations potential barrier felt by each electron outside the
subject to continuity boundary conditions at the cage. At this stage, we make the following simpli-
wall. For a given cage radius R and confining bar- fying assumption. Outside the confinement region,
rier height V0, the total ground-state energy is vari- the total energy will be composed of the kinetic
ationally optimized with respect to the characteris- energy term plus the barrier potential height. This
tic parameters defining the interior and exterior would correspond to considering an effective con-
orbital densities. Accordingly, the total ground- stant potential acting on each electron once outside
state energy E(R, V0) and corresponding electronic the cage.
density (R, V0) are obtained as function of barrier Since we are interested in the variational optimi-
height and cage radius for many-electron atoms zation of the TFDW energy density functional for
this system subject to the conditions imposed by Eq.
and ions. To the authors’ knowledge, this kind of
(1), let us first briefly describe the construction of
study is the first reported so far for many-electron
such functional. The finite barrier height of the
atoms (other than helium) under finite barrier
confining potential allows for a nonzero probability
height confinement.
for the electron to be found outside the confinement
As mentioned before, many-electron atom con-
region. Interpreting the probability amplitudes for
finement by a finite barrier height potential allows
the interior and exterior regions in terms of the
for a more realistic description of the internal evo-
corresponding radial electron density distributions,
lution of the system. Accordingly, given a barrier
we note first that different variational representa-
height V0, the results are presented for the critical tions (and variational parameters 兵j其, 兵j其) for the
cage size to produce one or more unbound elec- electronic charge density int共j; r兲, ext共j; r兲 are re-
trons—yet confined by the box— until reaching quired for the internal and external region, respec-
threshold size values for which electron escape tively. Hence, the corresponding TFDW energy
from the confinement region takes place. Critical density functional may be generically written in
sizes for electron escape are found by analyzing the terms of an interior and exterior contribution as
cage-size evolution of the different ionization po-
tentials until they reach the barrier height. Al-
though the method proposed in this work has gen- E关R,V 0 ; j ,  j 兴 ⫽ E int关int, R兴 ⫹ Eext关ext, R, V0兴 (2)
eral applicability, specific results are presented for
the case of the He, Li, C, and Ne systems and where the following definitions are made in terms
various of their ionic states. of the kinetic energy (T), electron–nuclear (Ven),
electron– electron (Vee), and barrier (Ebarrier) compo- Having constructed the energy density func-
nents: tional for the system, we now turn our attention to
the characteristics of the electron density function.
E int关int, R兴 ⫽ Tint关int, R兴 ⫹ Ven关int, R兴 ⫹ Vee关int, R兴, (3) Here we resort to the use of appropriate orbital
densities to construct the total atomic density for
and the interior int共r兲 and exterior ext共r兲 regions, i.e.
冕 冕
int,i共r兲 and ext,i共r兲 are the corresponding orbital den-
ⵜ 䡠 ⵜ
sities for the interior and exterior region, and the
T⫽ 5/3 d ⫹ d, (5)
8 sum is carried over all occupied orbitals.
⌫ ⌫
Finally, the interior and exterior densities and
their derivative must satisfy continuity boundary
with ⫽ 共3/10兲共32兲2/3 and the factor to be
conditions, which may be imposed on each of the
chosen so that the free-atom energies correspond as
corresponding orbital components as
closely as possible to HF values [56].
Also, the electron–nuclear Ven and electron– elec-
tron Vee interaction energies appearing in Eq. (3) int,i兩r⫽R ⫽ ext,i兩r⫽R (11)
are given, respectively, as
⭸ int,i ⭸ext,i
V en ⫽ ⫺ Z intr⫺1d
⭸r r⫽R
兩 ⫽
⭸r r⫽R
兩 (12)
V ee ⫽
冕 d ⫺ int4/3d,
2 int int 冕 (7)
int,i共r兲d ⫹ 冕 ⬁
ext,i共r兲d ⫽ i (13)
⌫ ⌫
冘 ⫽ N.
second term in Eq. (7) being the Dirac exchange
energy [67] with ⫽ 共3/4兲共3/兲1/3. Finally, the i (14)
second term in Eq. (4) corresponds to the energy
contribution due to the confining barrier:
As mentioned previously, the distinction be-
E barrier ⫽ V0 extd
tween an interior and exterior region demands ap-
propriate variational ansatz representations for the
interior and exterior orbital density distributions
defined by corresponding sets of variational param-
The symbol ⌫ appearing in Eqs. (5)–(8) denotes eters to be found after optimization of the total
the domain of definition for either the interior or energy given by Eq. (2).
exterior region. For the ansatz radial orbital density in the exter-
TABLE I ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Ground-state energy values ETFDW and optimized orbital parameters (1s, ␥) obtained in this work for He as a
function of confinement radius for various barrier heights.
Helium ( ⫽ 0.02544)
R 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5
Ea ⫺2.8426 ⫺2.8302 ⫺2.7935 ⫺2.5285 ⫺1.8456 1.0626 22.9229
Eb ⫺2.8615 ⫺2.8585 ⫺2.8308 ⫺2.5625 ⫺1.8642 1.0612 22.7909
Ec ⫺2.9033 ⫺2.8997 ⫺2.8718 ⫺2.6036 ⫺1.9067 1.0159
ETFDW ⫺2.8554 ⫺2.8430 ⫺2.8120 ⫺2.6110 ⫺2.1160 ⫺0.0610 14.8020
1s 1.64510 1.58690 1.53137 1.47146 1.48693 1.62231 2.14355
R 6 4 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3
Ea ⫺2.8341 ⫺2.8054 ⫺2.6179 ⫺2.4201 ⫺1.4621 4.6722
Ed ⫺2.8477 ⫺2.8476 ⫺2.8126 ⫺2.6254 ⫺1.6288 4.6434 9.6342
1.68749 1.68760 1.71293 1.61287 1.37566 0.97889 0.08518
0.00012 0.00006 0.00003 0.32274 0.55641 0.58961 0.55397
ETFDW ⫺2.8617 ⫺2.8606 ⫺2.6682 ⫺2.2903 ⫺0.9427 4.2054 7.9439
1s 1.74170 1.74545 1.57763 1.60348 1.89030 2.95121 3.93380
␥ 0.00003 0.00015 0.84918 0.85822 0.75316 0.31777 0.00002
R 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5
Ea ⫺2.8341 ⫺2.8054 ⫺2.7579 ⫺2.6184 ⫺2.5086 ⫺2.0522 ⫺0.2412
Ed ⫺2.8477 ⫺2.8476 ⫺2.8460 ⫺2.8277 ⫺2.7556 ⫺2.2171 ⫺0.2450
1.68749 1.68760 1.68716 1.66542 1.68600 1.64689 0.15158
0.00012 0.00006 0.00035 0.000002 0.00006 0.26069 0.56099
ETFDW ⫺2.8617 ⫺2.8616 ⫺2.8605 ⫺2.8343 ⫺2.7439 ⫺2.3962 ⫺1.3044
1s 1.74159 1.74182 1.74486 1.78480 1.86624 2.03851 2.53907
␥ 0.00032 0.00072 0.00013 0.00029 0.00026 0.00021 0.00002
Also shown are corresponding energies reported in the literature. The variational energies together with the variational parameters
(,)-not explicitly reported in Ref. [57] are also shown. All values in atomic units.
Ref. [36].
Ref. [52].
Ref. [41].
Ref. [57].
nal region resort is done to a functional form de- fined by hard walls [56], we propose here the ansatz
rived from exact solutions to the Schrodinger equa- radial orbital density for the interior region as
tion for the hydrogen atom confined by penetrable
spherical boxes [32], i.e. int,i共r兲 ⫽ Nint,ir2ni⫺2e⫺2ir共1 ⫺ ␥r/R兲, (16)
FIGURE 1. Ground-state energy evolution of He as a function of confinement radius for barrier heights V0 ⫽ 0, 5, and
⬁. Solid lines: TFDW calculations of this work. Dotted lines: variational calculations using the method of Ref. [57]. Sym-
bols correspond to calculations by other authors as follows. (V0 ⫽ ⬁) : (䊐) SCF by Ludeña [52]; (⫻) variational by Marin
and Cruz [36]; (E) variational Hylleraas-type by Aquino et al. [41] (the dashed line is shown to guide the eye). (V0 ⫽ 5): (‚)
variational by Marin and Cruz [36] (V0 ⫽ 0): (⽧) variational by Marin and Cruz [36]. The inset shows the behavior of the
TFDW calculations for V0 ⫽ ⬁ (E) as compared to that of two electrons in a box (F) for strong confinement.
pends on a third variational parameter ␥, which—for and since i ⬎ 0, the following condition must be
simplicity—is assumed to be the same for all orbital satisfied for the values of i and ␥:
densities and such that 0 ⱕ ␥ ⱕ 1.
The variational parameters 共i, i, ␥兲 for the ex-
共2n i ⫹ 2l i ⫹ 1兲 ␥ ⫹ 2 i R共1 ⫺ ␥ 兲 ⬎ 2共n i ⫹ l i 兲. (18)
ternal and internal regions are coupled through the
boundary conditions [Eqs. (11) and (12)] as
Also, the values for the normalizing factors Nint,i
␥ ni ⫹ li and Next,i may be readily obtained through use of
i ⫽ i ⫹ ⫺ (17)
2 R共1 ⫺ ␥ 兲 R Eqs. (11) and (13).
TABLE II ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Ground-state energy values ETFDW and optimized orbital parameters (ns, ␥) obtained in this work for C as a
function of confinement radius for various barrier heights.
Carbon ( ⫽ 0.12479)
R 10 7.5 5 3 1.5 1 0.5
Ea ⫺37.6681 ⫺37.2570 ⫺30.2169 ⫺10.9178
ETFDW ⫺37.6855 ⫺37.6724 ⫺37.5728 ⫺36.9769 ⫺30.4799 ⫺15.3853 79.7298
1s 5.52577 5.50835 5.47464 5.41492 5.35835 5.15093 4.11941
2s 2.65327 2.62579 2.52874 1.95669 2.54204 3.29502 5.83853
2p 1.18381 1.18744 1.29366 1.95602 2.5419 3.29507 5.83853
R 10 7.5 5 3 1.5 1 0.9
ETFDW ⫺37.6887 ⫺37.6886 ⫺37.6816 ⫺37.5087 ⫺34.6715 ⫺27.6684 ⫺24.5788
1s 5.57240 5.57118 5.57055 5.53207 5.54526 5.53578 5.52044
2s 2.70332 2.69767 2.69080 2.50011 2.84624 3.31621 3.37894
2p 1.23706 1.23516 1.26942 1.58735 2.42967 3.37110 3.77518
␥ 0.085755 0.084761 0.065039 0.295323 0.374704 0.348139 0.329385
R 10 7.5 5 3 2.5 2 1.9
ETFDW ⫺37.6887 ⫺37.6886 ⫺37.6835 ⫺37.5626 ⫺37.4402 ⫺37.1591 ⫺37.0578
1s 5.57240 5.57226 5.57192 5.56861 5.57766 5.54004 5.53842
2s 2.70332 2.70391 2.69678 2.58416 2.47602 2.33261 2.36648
2p 1.23706 1.23607 1.26203 1.52909 1.74506 1.97073 1.98085
␥ 0.085755 0.068065 0.053405 0.073177 0.020734 0.210561 0.224810
Also shown are corresponding energies reported in the literature for V0 ⫽ ⬁. All values in atomic units.
Ref. [52].
Having defined the characteristics of the orbital using this model for different cavity radii and bar-
densities for the interior and exterior regions, we note rier heights, as an example. As a first step, the
at this stage that—according to the assumptions in the factor appearing in Eq. (5) was set so that the
model—the electrostatic potential int appearing in TFDW free-atom energies (ETFDW) would corre-
Eq. (7) needs to be evaluated only in the interior spond to three decimal digits accuracy with those
region through use of Poisson’s equation for the den- from Clementi and Roetti [68]. This was done to
sity distribution given by Eqs. (9) and (16) following guarantee the correct HF limit when R 3 ⬁, in con-
the same criterion established in Ref. [56] to obtain the trast with the value ⫽ 1/8 suggested in Ref. [56]
correct behavior for the whole range of R values. for all atoms.
The subsidiary conditions given by Eqs. (17) and Tables I–III display—as an example—the
(18), together with Eqs. (2)–(6) allow for the calcu- ground-state energies obtained in this work
lation of the total energy functional E共i, i, ␥; R, V0兲 (ETFDW) for He, C, and Ne for selected values of R
[Eq. (2) ], which is variationally optimized for a and barrier heights V0 ⫽ 0, 5, and ⬁ and compared
given value of R and V0 by requiring that with other theoretical calculations, where available.
⭸E ⭸E The optimal values used are shown at the top of
⫽ ⫽ 0;共i ⫽ 1,. . .,occ兲. (19) each table within parenthesis. Also included in
⭸i ⭸␥
these tables are corresponding orbital variational
parameters (i,␥) obtained after total energy mini-
3. Results and Discussion mization according to Eq. (19) [the value of i may
be extracted from Eq. (17)].
The ground-state energy evolution of spherically Table I and Figure 1 correspond to the helium
confined He, Li, C, and Ne has been estimated case, for which wider information is available for
FIGURE 2. Ground-state energy evolution of C as a function of confinement radius for barrier heights V0
⫽ 0, 5, and ⬁. The symbols and inset have the same meaning as in Figure 1 considering four “s” and two “p” elec-
trons in a box.
proper comparison for the different barrier heights. as that of two s-electrons in a box, as may be gath-
For hard-wall confinement (V0 ⫽ ⬁), the results of ered from the inset in Figure 1. For soft-wall con-
this work are compared to HF calculations by Lu- finement, comparison is done with corresponding
deña [52], variational calculations by Marin and variational calculations by Marin and Cruz [36]—
Cruz [36], and recent accurate correlated Hylleraas- who used a single variational parameter for the
type calculations by Aquino et al. [41]. According to interior and exterior wavefunctions. Comparison is
Figure 1, our calculations show reasonable qualita- also done with calculations by Dı́az-Garcı́a and
tive and quantitative agreement with the other ref- Cruz [57], who extended the work of the former
erence values for R ⱖ 1.5, while clearly an under- authors by using three variational parameters, i.e.,
estimate of the total energy is observed for 0.5 two parameters (, ) for the interior one-electron
ⱕ R ⱕ 1.5. Interestingly, for strong confinement wavefunction int共r兲 ⬇ exp共 ⫺ r兲共1 ⫺ r/R兲 and
conditions, the total energy has the correct behavior one () for the exterior wavefunction ext ⬇
Neon ( ⫽ 0.12331)
R 10 7.5 4.5 3 1.5 1 0.55
Ea ⫺128.5351 ⫺128.4145 ⫺123.3101 ⫺102.9430 35.7008
ETFDW ⫺128.5412 ⫺128.5330 ⫺128.3816 ⫺127.3772 ⫺115.1697 ⫺85.4709 75.4193
1s 9.63937 9.62219 9.57864 9.53626 9.46417 9.60340 9.59250
2s 5.43786 5.41989 5.36636 5.26616 3.08773 3.71898 5.42775
2p 2.00466 1.98347 1.95048 2.02517 3.08774 3.71898 5.42775
R 10 5 3 2 1.5 1 0.92
ETFDW ⫺128.5470 ⫺128.5468 ⫺128.4837 ⫺127.3952 ⫺124.3938 ⫺112.6710 ⫺107.9840
1s 9.68857 9.68693 9.68818 9.64287 9.65584 9.74341 9.78191
2s 5.48778 5.48614 5.47968 5.33561 5.00465 3.77988 3.65734
2p 2.05990 2.05820 2.09157 2.27738 2.66031 3.75327 4.03143
␥ 0.032221 0.032280 0.030814 0.296317 0.396977 0.292388 0.295157
R 10 4 3 2.5 2 1.6 1.54
ETFDW ⫺128.5470 ⫺128.5453 ⫺128.5020 ⫺128.3463 ⫺127.7867 ⫺126.5723 ⫺126.2849
1s 9.68857 9.68614 9.68734 9.68984 9.65128 9.65134 9.65170
2s 5.48778 5.48493 5.48076 5.46930 5.38557 5.30210 5.28300
2p 2.05990 2.05869 2.08188 2.13689 2.20710 2.36314 2.39236
␥ 0.032221 0.032246 0.031065 0.038822 0.229603 0.230958 0.228966
Also shown are corresponding energies reported in the literature for V0 ⫽ ⬁. All values in atomic units. aRef. [52].
exp(⫺r)/r, where a similar relation to Eq. (17) was Figure 2—the TFDW and SCF calculations for this
used. For completeness, the values of the so-ob- case present good agreement for confinement radii
tained variational parameters (, ) and energies R ⱖ 1.5, whereas for smaller values of R, the
are included in Table I for barrier heights V0 TFDW values lie systematically below the SCF
⫽ 0, 5. This is useful for quantitative reference, ones, with relative differences up to about 40%.
since they were not reported numerically in Ref. Note also that, for strong confinement conditions,
[57] and constitute a significant improvement to the the TFDW calculations have the correct tendency
values reported in Ref. [36]. Inspection of Figure 1 as compared with estimates for the energy of four
and Table I for the energy values obtained in this s-electrons and two p-electrons in a hard box, as
work for finite barrier heights indicates a reason- may be verified from the inset in Figure 2.
able qualitative and quantitative agreement with Hence—as in the case of helium—the model satis-
the corresponding variational calculations for a fies the limiting conditions when R 3 0 and R 3 ⬁
wide range of R. The TFDW values become sensi- for hard-wall confinement. We now turn our atten-
bly lower for smaller confinement radii—particu- tion to the soft-confinement situation for carbon.
larly for V0 ⫽ 0. This behavior, as well as the From the results displayed in Table II and with the
differences with the hard-wall case, can be better help of Figure 2, we note that—as the barrier height
appreciated from Figure 1. is reduced—the ground-state energy shift as func-
The TFDW results for carbon for the selected tion of cavity size is lower than in the hard-wall
barrier heights are shown in Table II and Figure 2. case. Moreover, a critical cage-size below which
For hard-wall confinement, comparison is done neutral carbon cannot further exist is found at R
with corresponding HF values by Ludeña [52]. ⬇ 0.9 for V0 ⫽ 5 and at R ⬇ 1.9 for V0 ⫽ 0. This
Again—as may be gathered from this table and is an important general characteristic arising from
FIGURE 3. Ground-state energy evolution of Ne as a function of confinement radius for barrier heights V0 ⫽ 0, 5,
and ⬁. The symbols and inset have the same meaning as in Figures 1 and 2 considering four “s” and six “p” elec-
trons in a box.
finite barrier-height confinement, as we shall see ous cases, for finite barrier heights V0 ⫽ 5 and V0
further later. ⫽ 0, the critical radii below which neon cannot be
For Neon under hard-wall confinement, the sustained as a neutral system are R ⬇ 0.92 and R
TFDW calculations lie between 10 and 20% above ⬇ 1.54, respectively. The reasons for this behavior
the corresponding SCF calculations by Ludeña [52] will be now analyzed.
in the region 1 ⱕ R ⱕ 1.5 with a steeper energy From the previous discussion, we deem that the
increase for smaller confinement radii, as may be model proposed here allows to explore properties
verified from Table III and Figure 3. Again, the of the system not foreseen by hard-wall confine-
TFDW values for very small values of R corre- ment. Namely, the reach of a critical radius where
spond well to those of four s-electrons and six the confining capacity of the box is superseded and
p-electrons in a hard box, as may be gathered from an otherwise neutral atom cannot exist longer. This
the inset in Figure 3. Furthermore, as in the previ- important consequence will now be analyzed in
tential reaches the barrier height at R ⬇ 0.3, where numerical computation origin. This behavior may
clearly no appreciable difference between both be related to inherent limitations of the superposi-
schemes appears to define this critical point. Taking tion method for such small radii and a few number
this into consideration, we have used the superpo- of electrons. To assess further knowledge on the
sition scheme for the TFDW calculation of the first adequacy and limitations of the model, we now
and second ionization potential for helium for the make a similar analysis for a slightly larger system
same barrier height (V0 ⫽ 5) to compare with the as Li.
aforementioned variational calculations. Table IV Table IV shows the TFDW ground state energy
displays the HF ground-state energy of He⫹ for a of Li, Li⫹, and Li2⫹ for a confinement barrier height
set of confinement radii for this barrier height. In V0 ⫽ 5 and various cage radii. As in the previous
this case, we have set ⫽ 0.32448 so that ETFDW cases, for numerical reference, corresponding vari-
corresponds to the ground-state energy of the free ational parameters and energies calculated accord-
He⫹. Using corresponding values for the neutral ing to Ref. [57] are also shown for Li⫹ and Li2⫹, as
species in Table I yields quantitative reference for well as the appropriate parameters. Figure 5(b)
Figure 5(a), which shows the results of this calcu- shows the cage-size evolution of the first (ETFD W),
lation. second (ETFDW) and third (ETFDW) ionization poten-
Interestingly, the cage-size evolution of the tial for this system, calculated using the superposi-
TFDW second ionization potential ETFD II
W follows tion method. Also shown are the second (crosses)
TABLE IV _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Ground-state energy values ETFDW and optimized orbital parameters (1s, ␥) obtained in this work for Heⴙ, Li,
Liⴙ, and Li2ⴙ as a function of confinement radius for barrier height V0 ⴝ 5.
V0 ⫽ 5
The variational energies for He⫹, Li⫹ and Li2⫹ together with the variational parameters (, ) are also shown. All values in atomic units.
Variational method [57].
and third (open circles) ionization potentials de- scheme. Accordingly, in the following we shall con-
rived from the variational calculations according to sider the superposition scheme as a reasonable ap-
Table IV. Interestingly enough, the critical radius proximation to explore the evolution of the various
below which neutral Li cannot further exist is ionization potentials for confined many-electron at-
clearly attained at R ⬇ 0.66 indicated by the point oms within the TFDW formalism.
at which the first ionization potential reaches the The important consequences of soft-confinement
barrier height. Note also the strikingly good corre- effects on the ground-state properties of many-elec-
spondence between the ETFD W curve and the third tron atoms will now be further explored by consid-
ionization potential curve derived from variational ering the specific cases of carbon and neon enclosed
energies. Also, as in the He case, a crossover be- by spherical cavities with V0 ⫽ 5 and 0. To illus-
tween the ETFD W and ETFDW curves takes place for trate the various stages at which electron escape
R ⬇ 0.2, which are constructed from the helium- takes place as the cavity size is reduced for a fixed
and hydrogen-like configurations. It seems, how- barrier height, we choose V0 ⫽ 5 for carbon and its
ever, that as the nuclear charge increases, this cross- ionic species C⫹, C2⫹, C3⫹and C4⫹ and invoke the
over will take place for smaller confinement radii, superposition method. Table V displays the
and thus cage-size effects on lower-order ionization ground-state energies corresponding to the afore-
potentials may be confidently analyzed within this mentioned ionic species for the same set of selected
TABLE V ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Ground-state energy values ETFDW and optimized orbital parameters (nl, ␥) obtained in this work for the ionic
species Cmⴙ as a function of confinement radius for a barrier height V0 ⴝ 5.
V0 ⫽ 5
R 10 7.5 5 3 1.5 1 0.9
C⫹ ( ⫽ 0.129856)
ETFDW ⫺37.2922 ⫺37.2922 ⫺37.2922 ⫺37.2710 ⫺35.6749 ⫺31.1653 ⫺29.1544
1s 5.55108 5.54970 5.54992 5.55205 5.46457 5.42481 5.40648
2s 2.59191 2.58903 2.58984 2.51664 2.91580 3.49567 3.65549
2p 1.83579 1.83705 1.83716 2.08042 2.62147 3.56441 3.95821
␥ 0.03012 0.03853 0.02446 0.02936 0.44562 0.40005 0.37484
C2⫹ ( ⫽ 0.128807)
ETFDW ⫺36.4084 ⫺36.4084 ⫺36.4084 ⫺36.4047 ⫺35.6598 ⫺33.2532 ⫺32.1797
1s 5.54775 5.54813 5.54318 5.54602 5.38124 5.32190 5.31595
2s 2.73081 2.73135 2.72946 2.73647 3.01549 3.70219 3.93895
␥ 0.00557 0.00119 0.00834 0.01962 0.55026 0.45953 0.42123
C3⫹ ( ⫽ 0.114839)
ETFDW ⫺34.7260 ⫺34.7260 ⫺34.7260 ⫺34.7258 ⫺34.5295 ⫺33.6038 ⫺33.1381
1s 5.56991 5.57264 5.57226 5.57175 5.36210 5.27906 5.28796
2s 3.19841 3.20122 3.20121 3.20075 3.28022 3.95886 4.25581
␥ 0.05616 0.00088 0.00276 0.00731 0.59002 0.51587 0.45166
C4⫹ ( ⫽ 0.066096)
Ea ⫺32.3477 ⫺32.3477 ⫺32.3477 ⫺32.3477 ⫺32.3476 ⫺32.3456 ⫺32.3426
5.68775 5.68824 5.68741 5.68570 5.68746 5.68674 5.67975
0.00256 0.00561 0.00025 0.00533 0.00005 0.00210 0.00016
ETFDW ⫺32.3611 ⫺32.3611 ⫺32.3611 ⫺32.3611 ⫺32.3609 ⫺32.3453 ⫺32.3184
1s 5.73469 5.73469 5.73466 5.73473 5.73481 5.74797 5.76635
␥ 0.00001 0.00004 0.00018 0.00001 0.00009 0.00028 0.00011
The variational energies for C4⫹ together with the variational parameters are also shown. All values in atomic units.
Variational method [57].
tion potential for Ne, with V0 ⫽ 5 as well as the ation of the ionization potentials when the barrier
effect of lowering the barrier height (V0 ⫽ 0) on height is reduced.
this quantity for Ne and C. These quantities were Note that all of the previous analysis is based
obtained using the superposition method. For on the fact that—while electrons become un-
quantitative reference, Table VI displays the energy bound to their parent atom (ion) as the confine-
values and relevant orbital parameters for Ne⫹ and ment radius is reduced—if they are still retained
C⫹ for these two barrier heights, and for the same R by the confining box, the total system energy is
values, as those given in Tables II and III for the described by the corresponding full-electron
corresponding neutral species. Clearly, reduction of composition until the one-electron ionization en-
the barrier height leads to larger values for the ergy reaches the barrier height. Furthermore,
critical cage radius for electron escape. Inspection since cage-size reduction is related to increasing
of Figures 6 and 7 for the first critical radius leads to pressure, the different stages at which electron
R1c ⬇ 0.85, R1c
⬇ 0.92共V0 ⫽ 5兲, and R1c C
⬇ 1.9, escape takes place for many-electron atoms may
R1c ⬇ 1.54 (V0 ⫽ 0) for C and Ne, respectively.
be a source of explanation of charge accumula-
Interestingly, while R1c is quite similar for C and Ne tion during build-up of tectonic stresses prior to
for V0 ⫽ 5, a much smaller value of R1c is required seismic events [69, 70]. This question was also
for Ne than for C to produce the first electron surveyed by Ley-Koo and Garcia-Castelan [22] in
escape when V0 ⫽ 0. This may be related with their studies of the hydrogen atom limited by a
the—initially shallower—first ionization potential hard paraboloidal boundary, pointing to the need
of C compared to Ne and the lower cage-size vari- of further analysis. Since many-electron atoms
4. Conclusions
TABLE VI _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Ground-state ETFDW energy evolution as a function of cage size for Neⴙ and Cⴙ for V0 ⴝ 5 and 0.
V0 ⫽ 5
Ne⫹ ( ⫽ 0.13309)
R 10 5 3 2 1.5 1 0.92
ETFDW ⫺127.8174 ⫺127.8173 ⫺127.7974 ⫺127.2031 ⫺125.2050 ⫺116.5393 ⫺112.8430
1s 9.61376 9.60957 9.61311 9.55849 9.56426 9.64219 9.67465
2s 5.41921 5.41439 5.41515 5.24847 4.83978 3.90590 3.90500
2p 2.30544 2.30062 2.32063 2.45459 2.85700 3.93672 4.18152
␥ 0.09994 0.09628 0.03486 0.31858 0.31785 0.32417 0.32726
V0 ⫽ 0
C⫹ ( ⫽ 0.129856)
R 10 7.5 5 3 2.5 2 1.9
ETFDW ⫺37.2922 ⫺37.2922 ⫺37.2922 ⫺37.2827 ⫺37.2556 ⫺37.1192 ⫺37.0568
1s 5.55108 5.54950 5.55018 5.55247 5.55164 5.49381 5.55040
2s 2.59191 2.59030 2.59035 2.47054 2.40573 2.41098 2.50718
2p 1.83579 1.83406 1.83658 2.13203 2.34929 2.37476 2.46538
␥ 0.03012 0.04683 0.02319 0.01184 0.02095 0.29060 0.08554
Ne⫹ ( ⫽ 0.13309)
R 10 4 3 2.5 2 1.6 1.54
ETFDW ⫺127.8174 ⫺127.8170 ⫺127.8029 ⫺127.7315 ⫺127.3944 ⫺126.5041 ⫺126.2743
1s 9.61376 9.60999 9.61573 9.61810 9.56573 9.57691 9.56654
2s 5.41921 5.41891 5.42095 5.40310 5.29459 5.15652 5.12888
2p 2.30544 2.30463 2.31586 2.35731 2.40512 2.58836 2.62828
␥ 0.09994 0.05733 0.04845 0.02763 0.26761 0.27042 0.26456
thors [56] here, further quantitative evidence has within this scheme, and it is deemed to have im-
been given, particularly for the case of strong-con- portant consequences to be surveyed in pressure-
finement behavior as compared to the limiting sit- induced mechanoluminescence phenomena.
uation of noninteracting electrons in-a-hard-box. Finally, the results of this work point to the
This, together with the ad hoc choice of the -pa- adequacy of the TFDW method to study soft- and
rameter appearing in the Weizsäcker term to fulfill hard-wall confined many-electron systems. We
the HF values for the free-atom constitute two im- hope that the results presented here will stimulate
portant asymptotic limiting conditions satisfied for the use of more powerful methods to address the
a plausible physical description of the system under important effects hereby discussed.
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