0-3 Connectivity
0-3 Connectivity
0-3 Connectivity
5, October 1996
and D. K. Das-Gupta
School of ElectronicEngineering and Computer Systems, University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom
Ferroelectric composites are now an established alternative to conventional ferro-
electric ceramic materials and to the more recently discovered ferroelectric polymers.
These materials due to their unique blending of polymeric properties of mechani-
cal flexibility, formability and low cost with high electro-active properties have been
been suggested to be a viable alternative both in piezoelectric and pyroelectrictrans-
ducer applications. This review is devoted to the piezoelectricand pyroelectricprop-
erties exhibited by these type of composites with a special reference to those made of
ceramic particles embedded in a polymer matrix (i.e. 0-3 connectivity type compos-
ite). A review of models predicting the electro-active properties of 0-3 composites
is presented together with a proposal for a new mixed connectivity cubes model to
be applicable to the case of high ceramic loading and/or when the ceramic grain size
incorporated in the polymer matrix is comparable to the thickness of the sample. A
review of the experimental results of the piezo- and pyroelectric properties of vari-
ous ferroelectric composite materials, reported by several workers, is also presented
in this paper. Special reference is made to composites made from calcium modified
lead titanate and poly(viny1idenefluoride-trifluorethylene) emphasizing their ad-
vantages in the poling process which is a critical phase in the process of obtaining
successful electro-active 0-3 composite electrets.
1. INTRODUCTION a wide selection of permittivity (E" M 100 to 2400) and low di-
electric and mechanical losses albeit with a large acoustic charac-
I N modern usage, composite materials are made from a filler,
either particles, flakes or fibers, embedded in a matrix made of
polymer, metal or glass. Nevertheless, according to the broadest
teristic impedance resulting in a more difficult acoustic match to
soft media such as organic tissues and water.
definition, a composite is any material consisting of two or more Thus range of electro-active materials have, more recently,
distinct phases. So, in this latter sense most ferroelectrics may be been enlarged with ferroelectric polymers such as PVDF and
included in the composite category. P(VDF/TrFE) [6]which have a low acoustic impedance but also
Combining a piezoelectricceramic and a polymer host to form a lower electromechanical coupling factor and higher dielectric
a flexible ferroelectriccomposite has been pursued in recent years and mechanical losses. These properties are coupled to a low per-
in view of the greater flexibility allowed by these materials to mittivity, wluch can be advantageous in certain situations, such
suit particular properties such as mechanical, electrical, thermal as in pyroelectric detectors.
and/or a coupling between these properties. Composites can be viewed as intermediate materials between
Conventional piezoelectric materials such as lead zirconate- these two extremes 171 combining such attributes as flexibility
titanate [l,21, lead metaniobate and more recently modified lead and formability, to a whole range of piezoelectric and pyroelec-
titanates [3-51 are nowadays the most popular choices in appli- tric properties which themselves depend both on the ceramic-
cations which use either piezo- or pyroelectric properties. These polymer mixture and on the processing employed in its manu-
materials offer high electromechanicalcoupling (kt M 0.4 to 0.5), facture.
1070-9878/96/ $3.00 @ 1996 IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 2996 707
The identification of the relevant variables controlling the sol-gel route [16]. Concern however, must be exercised when us-
property behavior is thus of utmost importance for the manufac- ing fine powders as properties vary with the ceramic grain as
ture of a successful composite. The most obvious one is that the was mentioned above. Presently however, commoln composites
ceramic material employed should exhibit high pyro- and piezo- are N 5 to 10 p m thick while the ceramic grains embedded in
electric activity. It was recognized however in the work of Newn- them are typically > 0.8 to 1 p m and thus acoustic frequencies
ham and coworkers [S-101 that the connectivity of the phases is
also a very important parameter and t h s finding prompted re-
up to 500 MHz can be used without resonance effects.
Other effects such as interfacial, percolation and porosity ef-
search on composites consisting of embedding rods of a piezo- fects can also play a role in composite properties [17]. Interfa-
electric material in a polymer host thus forming a 2D parallel net- cial effects can occur between the ceramic grains and the poly-
work which exhibited better properties than the simpler powder mer matrix leading to large dielectric relaxations normally at low
dispersed composites. Other ceramic-polymer configurations frequencies otherwise known as Maxwell-Wagner relaxations,
have been investigated such as using ceramic fibers and coral while in other cases interesting Schottky barrier ph.enomena can
ceramic templates to make a 3D self connected ceramic phase. also occur. Space-charge compensation of dipolar polarization
Nevertheless, the powder in a matrix approach has never been is also known to occur at the interface boundaries. Percolation
quite abandoned mainly because of the attraction of mass pro- of ceramic grains inside a composite is an effect which can be of
duction of cheap piezoelectricand pyroelectric materials that can great help in aiding its polarization by establishing a continuos
impart in reliable way special properties to various structures by electrical flux through the ferroelectric grains.
a coating process. Large and thin film of electro-activearrays for Porosity, when not planned, can have adverse effects. Howev-
ultrasonic and infrared detection are also part of an agenda that er, it has been intentionally induced in PZT up to 70%in volume
still awaits its fulfillment. [18,19] so that air was the filler material with very compliant
In this latter type of composites, of so-called 0-3 connectivi- properties. Decrease of the permittivity, the Young modulus, the
ty, the characteristics of the grains of the ceramic powder is also transverse coefficients and of the mechanical Qm were observed
of practical relevance. T h s is because the properties of ceram- with increasing porosity whilst d33 remained stable and g33 in-
ics depend not only on the composition and their crystal struc- creased. Such materials could be thus very attractive for longi-
ture but also on the microstructure morphology including grain tudinal mode operation although some pressure dependence of
size, grain boundaries, pores, crystallinity, microcracks etc. For properties should be expected.
instance, fine grained ceramic of lead titanate (PT) and PZT have These 0-3 composites can be poled to form pijezo and pyro
been reported to display a reduction in the polarization and an in- electrets. In this review an introduction to the composite mod-
crease in the room temperature permittivity which was assigned els will be outlined with an emphasis on those taking into ac-
to a lower tetragonality in the structure [ll]. The effect of me- count the connectivity of the composite phases in such electrets.
chanical grinding, lapping and polishng has also been assessed Ths will be followed by Sections covering piezoellectric and py-
in PLZT ceramics discs [12] whch showed a decrease of polar- roelectric properties, where their measurements techniques are
ization and permittivity in mechanically treated samples when described and the composite properties so far obtained are re-
compared to those treated chemically. This effect has been attrib- viewed.
uted to the existence of a layer over the surface of the ceramic
grain characterized by an absence of ferroelectricity and a corre-
sponding low dielectric constant. Making composite materials, by a combination of a ferroelec-
tric ceramic and a polymer of suitable properties, means not only
The matching of electrical [13] and mechanical properties [14]
choosing the right materials processed in a particular way, but
is another area which should be given due consideration. The also coupling them with the best possible design structure. This
importance of electrically matching the ceramic to the polymer concept of connectivity, first established by Newnham et al. [9],
phase stems mainly from the difficulty of orienting the polariza- to describe the interspatial relationships in a multiphase material
tion of randomly distributed ceramic grains of low resistivity and is of the utmost importance because it controls the mechanical,
high permittivity embedded in a high resistivity, low permittivity electrical and thermal fluxes between the phases.
polymer matrix, by means of an external field without triggering
In a composite each phase may be spatially self-connected in
an electrical breakdown.
either one, two or three dimensions. In a diphasic or two phase
The periodicity and scale in composites regarding both the system there are ten different combinations of phase connectivity
filler and the matrix are important factors in determining, for in- which are usually indicated using two digits, dentoting the con-
stance, the upper frequency limit where resonance and interfer- nectivity of the filIer and that of the matrix respectively in t h s
ence occur. In order to get higher frequencies as well as other ad- order. These are the: 0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3,l-1,l-2,l-3, 2-2, 2-3,
vantages such as miniaturization, nanocomposites consisting of and 3-3 connectivities represented in Figure l(a) using a cube as
particles in the nanometer scale dispersed in a matrix, have been a building block. For example, the commonly usecl composite of
recently been experimented [15] which have been brought about dispersed particles embedded in a matrix would then be indicat-
by synergies in the production of fine ceramic powders using the ed as a 0-3 composite while another common system consisting
708 Dias et al.: Inorganic CeramiyTolymer Ferroelectric Composite Electrets
of fibers implanted on a matrix and oriented across one of the temperature with the right proportions of the resin, adhesive and
dimensions of the sample would be known as a 1-3 composite. ceramic powder in a recipient.
T h s classification, does not however specify the directions up- In the case of a thermoplastic polymer the blending process
on which the connectivity takes place nor does it say, in the case may be done in two ways. In one method the polymer is first
of a ferroelectric composite, in what direction the polarization heated in a hot rolling machine to a temperature between its soft-
vector points to. This information must obviously be asserted or ening and melting temperature, after which the ceramic powder
be self evident for the case in hand. For example, for the two is gradually added while mixing the components until a reason-
dimensional case, both the so-called series and parallel connec- able blend is obtained. In another method the polymer is dis-
tivities shown in Figure l(b), would be categorized using this solved in a suitable solvent agent and then the ceramic powder
classificationunder the 2-2 connectivity pattern. They render ob- is added to the fluid. This fluid is then dispersed in a plate, im-
viously quite different properties in all respects as will be demon- parted with release properties, and the solvent allowed to evap-
strated later. orate by a curing process at a suitable temperature. The material
The definition, in a diphasic system, of what is the filler and thus obtained may be further processed in order to get composite
what is the matrix can be confusing when in the case of certain films with the desired thckness either by pressing again at the
composites the volume fraction occupied by the filler is higher softening temperature of the polymer or by means of polishmg
than that of the matrix. The connectivity criteria can be used in and grinding operations.
this case so that the matrix is the phase of highest connectivity in Some problems may be faced during the mixing operation
the composite. which are linked to a poor distribution of the polymer, poor ad-
hesion of component phases or to air entrapment. Inadequate
2.1 . 0-3 CONNECTlVlTY distribution of the polymer is commonly coupled to an agglom-
COMPOSITES AND THEIR eration of the ceramic grains which may be overcome by a lower-
FA BRICAT IQN ing of the polymer viscosity via heating, during the mixing pro-
cess. Air entrapment during mixing also is a common problem
The most commonly studied composites are the 0-3 and 1-3
and vacuum degassing procedures may have to be undertaken
configurations, although for different reasons. The 0-3 connec-
to prevent t h s effect.
tivity owes its popularity to the easy fabrication procedure which
allows for mass production at a relatively low cost. To impart piezoelectric and pyroelectric activities, these mate-
rials must be initially subjected to an external electric field (i.e.
The preparation of 0-3 ceramic polymer composites involves
poling) for a certain time at a suitable temperature, to orient the
proper consideration regarding the materials to be used. The
spontaneous polarization in the ceramic phase of the electret. For
ceramic has to be transformed into a powder form from its usu-
this poling action to be effective, the electric field across each of
al block shape obtained after the pressing, firing and sintering
the grains must be greater than the so-called coercive field of the
stages [20]. This form can be aclveved either by mechanically
ceramic. Two methods of poling are usually in use (1)the con-
grinding the ceramic until the ceramic grains have the desired di-
ventional method where the sample electroded on both sides,
mensions or by heating the ceramic block and then quenchng it
is immersed in an inert insulating fluid customarily silicone oil
in a water bath kept at room temperature, fracturing the ceramic
kept at a constant temperature while an electric field is applied
along the cleavage planes arising from the thermal stresses thus
for a period and (2) the corona method where a one-side elec-
developed [21]. It is clear that the grinding method provides a
troded sample is charged on the unelectroded face by means of a
better control of the size of the ceramic grain powder than the
corona current produced at a corona point sometimes controlled
quenching process where a wider distribution of grain sizes is
by a grid placed in between the corona point and the sample
obtained. The quenched powder can be sieved to separate the
whilst the electroded face of the film rests on a grounded plate
grains into a narrower size range, however there is the disad-
(Figure 2).
vantage that this is inevitably a costly procedure if a too strin-
gent range is to be attained. Mechanical processes such as grind- 2.2. 1-3 AND 3-3 CONNECTIVITY
ing and polishmg have however been reported to induce anoma-
lous dielectric properties and reduced polarization in PLZT ce- The 1-3 connectivity composites show in general a higher per-
ramics which were attributed to the existence of surface layers formance in terms of piezoelectric properties albeit at a lugher
produced during these operations [12], whch could be atten- manufacturing cost [23,24]. T h s usually consists of pillars reg-
uated through chemical etching and/or thermal annealing. A ularly spaced within a polymer matrix oriented with their long
more recent approach for producing ceramic powders uses the axis perpendicular to the surfaces of the film.
sol-gel route where a very fine particle grain size is obtained [22] A problem in 1-3 composites arises as a result of the period-
through the direct calcination of the gel powders. icity of the lattice rods which cause spurious resonances and de-
The polymer to be used determines the way in which the ma- grades the performance of ultrasonic transducers [25,26]. These
terials will be mixed. If it is an epoxy (i.e. a thermoset polymer) resonances are caused by Bragg reflections of Lamb waves prop-
the mixing stage can be performed very simply by hand at room agating laterally in a periodic array of rods. The frequency of
IEEE Transactionson Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 709
a , 53
parallel series
connectivity conne'ctivity
...... .........
... ...............
mixing and hot rolling
- -
hot pressing aluminum
deposition posed which are as follows (1)a carbon fiber is woven into the
coating desired structure by textile techniques and then the carbon stmc-
ture replicated with a piezoelectric ceramic [27], (2) in another
approach a 'lost wax' method [28] is used to produce a comple-
mentary structure in plastic; a ceramic slip is injected into this
corona yling ,,&
-1lkV conventional
paling (ac or dc )
mold and fired; the plastic mold burns away during the ceramic
firing and a polymer is cast back into its place. Such methods
allow for the production of large area and fine scales at relatively
low cost.
the inner radius of the tube. They could also provide compos- composite was shown to be given by
ites with exceptionally high values of hydrostatic piezoelectric
coefficients in the range of 5 to 10 pPa- I.
3-3 connectivity binary composites [lo], where the two phas-
where 7 is a parameter dependent on the shape of the ellipsoidal
es connect in the three dimensions, have been produced by the
particles [32] and their orientation in relation to the surface of the
replamine form process. This consists of shaping a suitably cho-
composite film, while 4' is the volume fraction of the ceramic.
sen coral as a template for the ceramic material. The coral is first
The other symbols E, E' and E P , refer to the magnitude of the
vacuum impregnated with a casting wax after whch the coral
permittivity in the composite, ceramic and polymer respectively.
is leached away in hydrochloric acid leaving a negative of the
Throughout this Section superscripts c and p will refer to the
coral template. The positive of the template is afterwards filled
ceramic and polymer properties respectively, while an absence
with a solution containing the ceramic and the wax is burned off
of a superscript will usually denote a composite property.
at 300°C leaving only the ceramic structure whch is sintered at
high temperature (N 1300°C). The three dimensional structure Composite properties:E. d
posed which deal specifically for example with electrical prop- where the permittivity of the composite is given by Equation (1).
erties, namely the resistivity and the permittivity and a large lit- In that work [31] a shape parameter 7 = 8.5 was found to fit
erature exists on this subject alone, while the same goes for the these theoretical equations to the experimental results obtained
mechanical properties. In this short review, however, we will for PZT-PVDF composites with different ceramic volume frac-
be concerned with predictions on the coupling coefficients be- tions. This value of the shape parameter 7 demanded that the
tween the electrical and the mechanical properties through the ceramic ellipsoid axes ratio was 2.8 with the long axis perpendic-
piezoelectric effect and with the coupling coefficient between the ular to the surface of the composite film. This was difficult to ac-
thermal and electrical properties through the pyroelectric effect. cept in view of the procedure used to obtain the composite, which
involved a h g h temperature mixing of the approximately ellip-
3.2. YAMADA MODEL FOR 0-3 soidal ceramic grains inside the polymer followed by a pressing
COMPOSITES stage to obtain the composite films thus forcing the longer axis
of the ellipsoidal particles to be parallel to the surface of the film
Yamada and his coworkers [31] have studied the binary sys- and not perpendicular. An alternative interpretation put forward
tem consisting of a PZT powder embedded in a polymer matrix by Banno [21] points out that the ceramic grains could be approx-
of PVDF, with respect to their dielectric, piezoelectric and elastic imately spherical in shape but, if one compared their dimensions
properties. In the same work, a model was proposed to explain with those of the composite sample in whch they are embedded
the behavior of the properties of the composite using the proper- it would appear to be bigger in the thckness direction than in
ties of its constituents materials. Considering the binary system the other two perpendicular directions of the film and as a re-
schematically shown in figure 3, composed of ellipsoidal parti- sult, the shape factor 7 representing the spheres would appear to
cles dispersed in a continuous medium, the permittivity of the have been stretched in the thickness direction. In conclusion, the
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 711
parameter 11 is not an absolute measure of shape of the ceramic where the symbol c stands for the Young modulus of the materi-
grains but takes also into account the dimensions of the films into als concerned. Expressions for the piezoelectric constants d, e, g
which they are embedded. and h whch have also been derived, were given by
Based on the same model and assuming that the ceramic is the d = 4"LxLEd" (7)
only pyroelectric phase in the composite its magnitude p may be e = 4"L2LEeC (8)
expressed as
g = d'"LXLDg" (9)
p = aq5'Gp'
(4) h = 4"L,LDh" (10)
where p c is the pyroelectric coefficient of the ceramic whilst the where L x , L,, L~ and L E are the local fields coefficientswith
other quantities already have been defined above. Using this respect to X (stress), z (strain), D (electric displacement) and E
expression, good agreement could be found between the experi- (electric field) respectively. The meaning of the loc,il fields coef-
mentally observed data and the calculated values in composites ficients can be understood by the case of L E (local electric field
made of PZT powder embedded in a PVDF matrix 132,331. coefficient) for example, whch is the ratio of the field applied to
the composite as a &hole to the local electric field priduced in
3.3. FURUKAWA MODEL FOR 0-3 the ceramic inclusion.
It will be instructive to follow the derivation of one of the
+- 4 3
In the previous models an assumption was made that the ce-
ramic grains were sufficiently small so that a quasi-homogeneous Superscripts c and p represent properties of the polymer and ce-
medium was assumed to exist around the ceramic grains. How- ramic phases respectively while an absence of superscripts de-
ever, that can no longer be held true if a high concentration of the notes composite properties. Some of the composite properties,
ceramic dispersoid is present and/or when the ceramic grains such as d33 for example, are given using the properties of the
are of a similar size as the dimensions of the composite film (Fig- constituent materials as well as the calculated elastic compliance
ure 5). Nevertheless, it has been found experimentally that most of the composite 533.
of the useful ferroelectric composites fall in one of the latter cas- It was assumed for reasons that will be apparent later on and
es which prompted the need to build up models that could take without losing generality that both phases constituting the com-
those facts into better account. posite are ferroelectric.
A central concept in the theoretical modeling of composite In order to derive these expressions some assumptions have
behavior is that of connectivity [9] described in Section 2. For been made whch are (1)the strain and the electric field in the 3
two phase structures, those whch we are interested in, the sim- (i.e. 2 ) direction as well as the stress in the transverse directions
plest cases to treat are the series and the parallel two-dimensional 1and 2 (i.e. 1c and y respectively) are equal in both phases (2) the
structures as represented in Figure l(b). According to Newnham stress and the charge in the 3 direction as well as the strain in the
IEEE Transactionson Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 713
'Q 2000
2 1500
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(4 (pc (ceramic volume fraction) (b) $ c (ceramic volume fraction)
Figure 6. PyroelectricFOM (pi.) and hydrostatic piezoelectric FOM (dhgh) for parallel and series connectivity composites.
white = polymer
shaded = ceramic
Computing scheme for
connectivity the mixed connectivity
cube model
1 1
Figure 7. Schematic of the various proposed cubes models. (a) simple cube, (b) Banno's modified cube and (c) mixed connectivity cubes.
approaches unity where the dielectric, piezoelectric and pyro- branches: a pure polymer, a pure ceramic together with a branch
electric properties all change very fast for small increments of wluch has a series connection of a ceramic and a polymer part.
the height n of the ceramic thus making it difficult to find the The n factor is thus a measure of the degree of 1-3 connectivity
proper equivalent cube. Experimentally that is the case when a of the composite such that a value of unity means a pure 1-3 con-
large ceramic grain size is used in the composite causing a sig- nectivity sample while lower values translate into a higher series
nificant ceramic volume fraction to connect to both electrodes character.
hence imparting an appreciable degree of parallel connectivity
to the composite. This is reflected in the equivalent cube model
through the fact that the embedded ceramic parallelepiped al-
most touches both electrodes in a region of n values where the
gradient of the properties is very high.
In order to overcome this problem we propose a different
unit cell model called mixed connectivity cube as schematically
shown in Figure 7(c) [51,52]. It starts as in the previous models The calculation proceeds by computing first the properties of
with a host polymer unit cube. However, the ceramic part con- the series branch using Equations (29) to (36) for the series con-
sists in this case of a cube of size m in which a fraction of it n, nectivity structure and then calculating the total expressions for
in form of a parallelepiped, connects to both electrodes so that the properties of the cube using the parallel connectivity equa-
a part of the total ceramic fraction dispersed in the composite tions as given in Equations (20) to (28). The latter equations for
will be connected in series whilst the rest will be connected in a diphasic parallel configuration need yet be generalized for a
parallel. T h s is emphasized in the way of computing the prop- triphasic parallel structure, wlvch is easily done in the follow-
erties of this mixed connectivity cubes, outlined schematically in ing way due to the inherent symmetry of those equations. In the
its equivalent model (Figure 7(c)).This consists of three parallel case of the permittivity (the other properties generalize similarly)
IEEE Transactionson Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 715
Table 1. Volume fractions of each of the phases for the series and One can see from the charts (Figure 8) that tlus particular com-
parallel branches. posite will not have good pyroelectric properties, although its
dC I dP I os hydrostatic piezoelectric properties can be of some interest. One
series m 1-m can thus use these charts to find out which combination of ce-
parallel n2m2 1 - m2 m y 1 - n2) ramic and polymer to use in order to achieve a given value of a
Total m3 + n2m2(1- m) target property.
These charts, however, are given in terms of the n and m pa-
Equation (26) transforms in a triphasic system into rameters which characterize the equivalent mixed connectivity
E = @EC + ( Y E P + @ E S cube. These parameters are controlled via the volume fraction
and the grain size of the ceramic. Unfortunately there is no sim-
- ( 4 3 - 43)25334c4p- ( 4 3 - 43)2s334C4S
ple rule to relate these variables and one must resort to an edu-
sz343 G3G3 (37) cated trial-and-error procedure. A possible route is to choose a
- ( 4 3-43)2s334sP particular volume fraction and if possible change the grain size
gradually until the composite is located in the region of interest
(i.e.has the correct degree of 1-3 connectivity character). Anoth-
where the s superscript denotes properties of the series branch. er complication whch may arise is dealt in the following Section
As can be observed from this Equation the sum contribution for
and concerns the assumption that the ceramic inside the compos-
the permittivity contains an additional term coming from the se-
ite is supposed to be fully polarized.
ries element whlst the product contribution has two extra terms
to account for the interaction of the series branch with each of 3.5. CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING
the other phases (i.e.the polymer and the ceramic phases). By in- POLING IN COMPOSITES
spection the same argument holds for the following properties:
811, s12, d31 and p . For the piezoelectric constant d33 and the A major restraint in simulating the electro-active properties
elastic constants 533 and s i 3 only one additional term is needed arises from the fact that the piezoelectric and pyroelectric prop-
as no product contributions exist. Simplifications in the expres- erties of the ceramic depend on the efficiency of poling which is
sions could be carried out now to take into consideration the lack the process the ferroelectric ceramic undergoes when its polar-
of intrinsic electro-activity in the polymer phase (i.e. d:j = 0, ization switches irreversibly to the same direction as that of the
p=0). applied field. This process is usually referred to as a field acti-
vated one, because it is effective only when the field across the
To calculate the properties of the mixed connectivity model
ceramic is higher than the so-called coercive field E,.
one needs to know the volume fractions of each of the phases, as a
function of the dimensions n and m, to use in the expressions for The importance of the connectivity of phases in the efficien-
the series and parallel connectivities. These are listed in Table 1 cy of poling can now be appreciated. Whilst the ceramic in the
and should be read as follows: the calculation of the series branch parallel branch would certainly be poled as long as the applied
requires the value of its ceramic and polymer volume fractions voltage ensured the field to be hgher than the coercive field (usu-
in relation to the series branch whilst, for the parallel calculation ally 2 MV/m), in the case of the series branch, the field across
the volume ratios of the ceramic, polymer as well as that of the the ceramic depends on the electrical properties of both the ce-
series branch in relation to the total volume (i.e. unity) needs to ramic and polymer in that branch. The expression found for the
be found. The ceramic total volume fraction inside the unit cube field across the ceramic together with its limiting values for low
cell is found by summing up the ceramic volume in the series and high frequencies are Equations (38) to (40).
branch to that in the parallel one.
In Figure 8 are shown the pyroelectric coefficient p , and d h g h
charts obtained through tlus calculation procedure for a PZT5-
epoxy (Stycast) composite using the property values of Smith
[14]. The dashed lines represent constant volume fraction curves. for all frequencies, and
It means that along these lines the n and m values give a con-
stant value for 4'. The solid lines represent iso-value curves for ,.
v,= v, mPc
mpc + (1 - m)pP
the property concerned calculated, using the mixed connectivity (39)
model. One way of exploring these charts is to choose a particu- 1
lar volume fraction and then progress from n = 0 to n = 1 (i.e. f<-2 7 r P € P
from a simple cube composite of Figure 7(a), to a 1-3 connectivity mEP
composite). It is pointed out that along the line n = 1 the com- v,= v,~A
E +P (1 - m)Ec
posite properties are the same as those predicted by Smith [14]
for 1-3 composites whilst in between we have a combination of
series and parallel properties.
716 Dias et al.: Inorganic Ceramiflolymer Ferroelectric Composite Electrets
------- --
0.9 -------- 0.9
0.8 0.8
m m
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
The general expression has two regimes namely a h g h fre- copolymer P(VDF/TrFE) is a ferroelectric material whose Curie
quency one in which the voltage across the ceramic is roughly temperature T, is in the 70 to 150°C range depending on the mo-
proportional to the ratio @/eC which can be quite small when lar content of VDF and as a consequence, the permittivity can
using a h g h permittivity ceramic. In the low frequency regime increase to 60 [54]in the vicinity of its T,, bringing the permittiv-
the voltage across the ceramic is proportional to the ratio pc/pP ity mismatch down to just a factor of 3 in a PTCa-P(VDF/TrFE)
which can also be a small quantity due to the high resistivity of composite.
the polymer relative to the ceramic. Using the mixed Connectivity model one can find the yroper-
Various researchers tried to improve the degree of poling by ties of the composite as a function of the degree of poling a, of
increasing the ceramic or decreasing the polymer resistivities. Sa- that part of the ceramic whch is in the series branch while assum-
Gong et al. [53] obtained a decrease of the polymer resistivity ing that the parallel connectivity ceramic is always fully poled.
by doping it with a conducting powder such as carbon, silver, TIUS was done by assuming that both the piezoelectric constant
silicon or germanium in PZT/polymer and PT/polymer com- and the pyroelectric coefficients used in the series connectivity
posites and as a result they found that these materials could be branch are proportional to a parameter a measuring the efficiency
poled effectively under a field of 3 to 4 MV/m for 5 min at 100°C. of poling. In Figure 9 is shown both the pyroelectric FOM, @ / E )
T h s approach can have, however, some adverse effects due to and kt for a PTCa-PVDF [65:35vol%]composite as function of n
an increase of the dielectric loss of the composite and thus in its (i.e. the degree of 1-3 connectivity character) for various poling
signal-to-noise ( S I N )ratio. The decrease of the ceramic resistiv- efficiencies. It is apparent that the FOM, is significantly depen-
ity is usually not an option because the ceramics employed are dent on the degree of poling of the series connectivity branch in
in general optimized to have the hghest electro-activeproperties contrast with the electromechanical coupling factor whch is not
with low dielectric loss. Two other approaches [13] have been re- affected as much. This implies that the series connectivity branch
ported whch are based on the hgher temperature dependence makes a higher contribution to the overall FOM, than for the ICi,
of the resistivity of the polymer and on the hgher diffusion coef- the latter being mostly dependent on the ceramic connected in
ficients of moisture on a polymer, thus effectively decreasing the parallel.
polymer resistivity relative to that of the ceramic. A successful
exploitation of these routes requires the optimization of poling 3.6.OTHER APPROACHES
conditions such as the temperature and the humidity of the at- Other theoretical models akin to the connectivity approach
mosphere in which case high piezoelectric sensitivities can be have been reported. Hashimoto and Yamaguchi [55]have ob-
obtained. tained similar results to those mentioned earlier for the one-
Another approach is the use of host polar polymers, whch due dimensional series and parallel connectivity models using a ma-
to their hgher permittivity, provide a better balance of permit- trix formulation of the piezoelectric equations. In their calcula-
tivities, while employing low permittivity ferroelectricceramics tions it was assumed that for a parallel connectivity the equiva-
such as modified lead titanates as dispersoids. Polymers such lent composite properties of stiffness and permittivity are char-
as PVDF and its copolymer with TrFE can be useful alternatives acterized by the corresponding ensemble average raw materi-
when the permittivity are in the range of 5 to 12. Moreover the al properties whlst for a series connectivity composite it is the
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 717
PTCa:PVDF [65:35vol%]
PTCa:PVDF [65:35vol%l - - - - - 0.50
- - _ - _ _ _ _0.75
. .. . . . . . .
ceramic FOM pk = 1.7e-6 c/m*)c, 1.oo
A more rigorous treatment of the one dimensional parallel - -8- composite (experimental)
connectivity (i.e. 2-2 connectivity composites) has been report- - _ _ _ _ .
250 1 PZT-PVDF
- -3
Q _ _ - 1
experimental points
50 -
Das-Gupta and Abdullah [61] measured the dielectric dis-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 persion of PZT/PVDF, PZT/P(VDF/TrFE), PZT/PP and Piezel
ceramic volume fraction. 9‘ (Daikin Industries) in the frequency range 10 Hz to 100 kHz at
Figure 12. Theoretical plot of the permittivity for three values of 363 K and the temperature dependence of E” at 1 kHz. Dielec-
the Yamada shape factor in a PZTPVDF composite together with
the experimental data for this composite [31].
tric dispersion with a broad maximum at 350 K was observed
for PZT/PVDF and Piezel composites and was assigned to the ac
In Figure 13 is shown a contour chart for the permittivity of relaxation of PVDF. In the low temperature region at 270 K, N
PTCa:P(VDF/TrFE)using the mixed connectivity model. For t h s an absorption ascribed to molecular motions in the amorphous
chart the experimental values of the constituent material have phase of the polymer was observed. The imaginary part of the
been used. The constant volume fraction curves have also been permittivity E / / vs. the frequency is shown in Figure 14 for vari-
ous composites of the same volume fraction of ceramic (i.e.50%).
drawn in the chart as dashed lines.
- -
A decrease in the dielectric losses was observed up to 500 Hz
The location of each of the points in a certain property chart is and at 5 kHz a broad maximum of E” was found for compos-
found by using simultaneously the volume fraction of the com- ites having the PVDF matrix. Thus, tlus absorption process can
posite and the experimental value of that property. For instance, be assigned to the relaxation in PVDF polymer.
in the case of the 60 vol% PTCa composite with a permittivity of Sinha et al. [62] measured dielectric dispersion of PZT/PVDF
49, one has to locate first the line of 60% volume fraction in the composites in the frequency range 10 Hz to 10 MHz at room tem-
permittivity chart and then find the property line closer to the perature. They observed a minimum in E” at the frequency of
value of 49. This locates the point in the chart and enables one to -
find an estimate for the values m and n characterizing the equiv- ceramics.
10 kHz and assigned it to the domain wall motion in PZT
an activation energy of 0.7 eV and has been observed to decrease determination of the frequency response of an ultrasonic trans-
with thermal annealing. ducer as well as its time response through a Fourier transforma-
In the h g h frequency region above 5 MHz a considerable in- tion. The key to t h s calculation is a matrix of impedances first
crease of E" accompanied by a small decrease in the E' value for derived by Bui et al. [66,69,70] for a lossy piezoelectric material,
a PZT/rubber composite has been observed. The origin of this relating the voltage and mechanical forces to the electric current
dispersion is still unknown and needs further investigation. and displacement velocities (see Figure 15 and Equation (42):
I 1 I
fo = 5
8 2, = A z , =
~ Apu,a
a=&+i- Qf
0 fo
Figure 14. Dielectric absorption at 363 K for 0-3 composites of (1) where fo is the half wave resonance frequency, A the area of the
PZT/PVDF, (2) PZT/P(VDF/TrFE), (3) Piezel and (4) PZT/PP. The sample, 1 the thickness, p the density, 'U, the velocity of sound, z ,
ceramic volume fractionis 50% [61,64].
N the acoustic characteristic impedance of the composite, $ the me-
chanical loss and h33 the piezoelectric voltage coefficient whch
5. PIEZOELECTRIC PROPERTIES is related to the electromechanical coupling factor /ct by
In contrast with inorganic piezo materials, which have a very A knowledge of the backing acoustic impedance Zb = Azb
high quality factor Qm and thus low mechanical losses, for or- allows one to relate the force Fl to the displacemeint velocity VI
ganic materials like PVDF and piezoelectric composites, the fa- at the back of the transducer through. This makes it possible to
miliar methods of analyzing the frequency dependence of their reduce the above matrix (Equation (42) to a two-port network
electrical impedance give rise to large errors in the determina- in which the input quantities (i.e. the voltage and current) are
tion of the piezoelectricconstants. Various procedures to analyze related to the output ones (i.e.the force and the displacement
the impedance spectra of lossy materials have been proposed velocity at the front surface of the transducer) through a 2x2
q;-lfiJ q-p&
amongst others by Brown [65], Bui [66] and Ohigash [67l and matrix.
the last one will be described here. In this method [67],both
the permittivity under constant strain E; and the elastic stiffness
constant under constant displacement cy3 for a lossy material, Zb
backing 2- matrix medium
are taken to be complex quantities
mechanical - + mechanical
matrix matrix
where 4 = tan 6,is the dielectric loss and $ = Q;l = tan(6,) Figure 15. Network representation of an ultrasonic transducer
is the mechanical loss. The total measured impedance of a piezo-
electric sample resonating in its transverse mode can then be de-
duced to be a sum of two terms i.e. the electric impedance 2,( U ) input
of the sample capacitance, and an acoustic term Z,,(w) [67].
Following the analogy between the mechanical quantities (i.e.
force and displacement velocity in an acoustic transmission line), Figure 16. Network representation of a mechanical layer.
and the electrical ones (i.e.voltage and current), the electrical net-
work theory developed over the years to deal with electrical lossy Furthermore according to this formalism (the so-called ABCD
transmission lines can be used readily for the study of acoustic matrices) the behavior of a non-piezoelectric mechanical layer
transmission lines encountered in the design of ultrasonic trans- can be described also by a matrix which relates the input force
ducers. This scheme which has been used earlier [68], allows a Fz and displacement Vzto the output force F3 and displacement
720 Dias et al.: Inorganic Ceramiyl'olymer Ferroelectric Composite Electrets
Yamada [31] also has reported on PZT-PVDF composites with 8 MV/m at 85°C and 15 min of poling and a remnant polariza-
concentrations of ceramic up to 70%. Improved properties were tion of 0.13 to 0.14 C/m2 was measured whle the coercive field
found whch for a 67% PZT content composite resulted in ~ 3 =
150, d33 = 50 pC/N, and Young modulus of 3 GPa. The de-
3 was - 0.6 MV/m. It should be pointed however, that a satu-
ration of poling does not imply 100% poling of the ceramic but
pendence of the permittivity and the piezoelectric constant d33 rather that a plateau in the target property has been reached such
on the PZT volume fraction is shown in Figure 20 in whch the that increasing the poling field, the poling time or temperature,
simulated curves are those obtained according to Equation (2) any further, does not lead to an improvement in that property.
with the parameter 7 = 8.5 used in the calculation, representing Measurements of the properties against the grain size showed
a ceramic elongated ellipsoid particle with its long axis arranged a sharp increase of the piezoelectric constant d33 for grain sizes
perpendicular to the surface of the film (see discussion of the Ya- larger than 20 pm whch was ascribed to a transition from single
mada model, Section 3.2). domain to multi-domain behavior for ceramic grains > 200 pm.
160 80 Piezoelectric 0-3 composites using P(VDF/TrFE), also have
been extensively investigated at our laboratory using different
140 70 ceramics (e.g.PZT and PTCa) and powder processingroutes (e.g.
120 quenching and milling) as schematically shown in Figure 21.
jlPICal/ pl
milled quenched milled
Figure 21 . Compositesevaluated for their piezoelectric properties
D "
n at our laboratory.
0 0.10.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
The fabrication route of these composites was the hot-rolling
ceramic vol. frac. ["%] techruque as outlined in Figure 2. Measurements of the elec-
Figure 20. Dependence of the permittivity and piezoelectric c o n
tromechanical coupling factor were performed by the resonance
stant on the PZT volume fraction [31]. method whlst the hydrostatic measurements were performed
The ceramic particle size dependence has also been investigat- using the setup of Figure 18. The piezoelectric property mea-
ed by Lee [49] with a barium titanate-phenolic resin composite. surements were always done at room temperature and pressure
The ceramic particles size range was 2 to 130 pm whle the ce- and for the electromechanical related properties they are strictly
ramic volume fraction was kept constant at 60%.They were able valid around the resonant frequency range.
to explain the experimental results based on the existence of a In Table 2 are listed the piezoelectric properties found for these
surface layer on BaTi03 [82]grains 1.59 pm thick whose di- composites namely the electromechanical coupling factor kt, the
mensions become significant for the smaller grains of the ceram- quality factor Qm, the acoustic impedance 2,and the hydrostat-
ic and whose characteristics were their low permittivity ( w 105) ic piezo properties d h and the product d h g h . We have listed in
and non-ferroelectricbehavior. This effect disappeared when the the same Table the properties of some 0-3 composites reviewed
ceramic grains were > 100 pm. It was also pointed out, how- above as well as the properties of PTCa and P(VDF/TrFE).
ever, that the thickness and properties of the surface layer may No results for the PZT-P(VDF/TrFE)composite regarding its
depend on the previous processing of the ceramic powders. electromechanicalcoupling factor and its related properties were
Lead titanate PTP(VDF/TrFE) composites were investigated reported because it was not possible to detect any resonance peak
by Ngoma et al. [83]. They found that the ceramic inclusions in the impedance spectra in any of its polarized samples. This
do not modify the nature of copolymer crystalline phase with fact together with the low d h and FOMh coefficients leads us to
respect to its dielectric and DSC behavior. Due to the low fields suggest that this material has a low piezoelectric activity.
applied whch were in the range of 9 MV/m, they also found that Regarding the PTCa composite a reasonable electromechani-
a poor piezoelectric activity was present in these composites. cal coupling factor was observed with the poling field together
Poling studies have been evaluated by changing the poling with a low mechanical quality factor. The latter has a low val-
conditions and measuring the resulting piezoelectric properties ue between 5.5 and 8 probably due to the very dispersive nature
and XRD diffractograms, on a composite of 70% volume frac- of the composite media in which the ceramic grains act as scat-
tion co-precipitated PT in a gel polymer (Eccogel 1365-0) [84]. ters leading to an attenuation of sound waves. There is no clear
In these studies which used ceramic grains in the 12 to 1100 nm dependence of this property either on the volume fraction or on
size range, a saturation of poling was found for poling fields of the size of the grains. One should employ some caution as the
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 723
55 -
50 -
e 45 -
-3 40 L
30 c
25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l l I l l I l l I l l 'Ilk
10 12 14 16 18 20
2!4 26 22
Poling field [MVlm]
Figure 23. Poling field characteristics of the PTCa-F'(VDF/TrFE)
In Figure 24 is shown a mixed connectivity chart for the d33 for
a PTCa-P(VDF/TrFE)composite where the experimental points
for the quenched ceramic powder of PTCa composite have also
been plotted. The determination of the location of the points was
achieved through a similar procedure as that used for the permit-
tivity chart. It can be observed that the n values for t h s property
are in general a bit lower than those of the permittivity chart of
724 Dias et al.: Inorganic Ceramic/Polymer Fevvoelectric Composite Electrets
~ ~
Figure 13.There is a tendency however, as with that chart for the Kumar et al. [87]where it was shown, using a Cole-Cole dia-
hgher volume fraction composites to show an increase in their gram, that PZT-epoxy resin exhibited typical Debye-type piezo-
1-3connectivity character. electric dispersion. These relaxations was claimed to be due to
the frequency behavior of heterogeneity and trapped charges.
The pyroelectric constant p of a material is determined from
0.8 the change of the total charge AQ at the electrodes due to a
change in sample temperature A T
In the above equation the approximation is only valid when
the area A of the sample does not vary significantly in the tem-
perature range of measurement. In that case it must be pointed
out that a relevant practical quantity is still obtained using the
simplified equation if one envisages using the assessed material
for making pyroelectric detectors.
In order to measure this coefficient the most commonly used
way, the so-called direct method [SS], is to heat and/or cool the
0.2 0.4 0.6 n 0.8 sample at a constant rate p in a cryostat while the current I =
Figure 24. d 3 3 piezoelectric coefficient contour chart for a PT- AQ/At is monitored [32,88]. The pyroelectric coefficient is then
Ca:P(VDF/TrFE)composite using the mixed connectivity cubes. given by
Due to the nature of the piezoelectric phenomena which por- PA
trays a coupling between the dielectric polarization and the elas- Because this procedure is the same as for the thermally stim-
tic properties of a material one can expect that the piezoelectric ulated current (TSC) measurement, one has to ensure that this
coefficients show frequency dispersion. The piezoelectric relax- kind of contribution to the total current is negligible. Using the
ation behavior in composites has been reviewed in the work of property that the pyroelectric current is a reversible current wlule
IEEE Transactionson Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 725
the TSC is an irreversibleone, t h s is accomplished by heating the mismatch (see Section 3.4 on the composite model's) of the com-
sample several times until a reproducible current is measured or ponent phases. The ferroelectricPZT material usecl was of a for-
by performing an annealing of the sample at a temperature high- mulation designed to give lugh piezoelectric d coefficients and
er than the highest temperature of measurement for a extended thus was not the best one suited for pyroelectric applications.
period of time until the level of current subsides to negligible However, it had the advantage of being able to reproduce con-
values relative to those which are to be measured. sistent electrical properties. The epoxy material, SPURRS was a
In the radiative dynamic method of determining the pyroelec- multicomponent system designed for casting and replication due
tric coefficient a light source is used to deliver an ac thermal pow- to its very low viscosity and, therefore suited for the preparation
er W . Assuming that the sample heats up uniformly the pyro- of the 3-3 connectivity composites. The ceramic loading used
electric coefficient is given by [89] was 40%. Pyroelectric and dielectric measurements demon-
strated that the pure 0-3 composite behaved as a dilute PZT sys-
r c tem whose pyroelectric coefficient and permittivj ty were both
P=A= (49)
reduced by a factor of ten in such a way that its ratio p / (i.e.~
where c is the volume specific heat and w is the angular frequen- composite p / = ~ 0.35 pC/m2K) was roughly equal to that of
cy. When the incident radiation is chopped a lock-in amplifier the pure ceramic (PZTp/&= 0.27 pC/m2K). In the 3-3 compos-
must be used to monitor the current generated at the chopping ites made, whose structural unit size was 100 to 150 pm, it was
frequency. observed that critical size effects appeared for tlucltnesseslarger
Another method [90] based on oscillating the temperature of than 6 to 10 structural units (> 1 mm). The pyroelectric coeffi-
the sample uses Peltier elements whose current is controlled to cient exlbited under 45°C a sign opposite (i.e.positive) to that of
generate a low-frequency temperature wave T = Tocos(wt). the ceramic changing to the same sign for l g h e r temperatures.
As the pyroelectric current is proportional to the time derivative This effect was related to a change of the relative contributions of
of the temperature of the sample the magnitude of the current, the primary pyroelectricity, which is due to the intrinsic pyroelec-
which is 90" out of phase relative to the temperature is related to tric properties of the ceramic, and secondary pyrolelectricity, the
the pyroelectric coefficient through latter showing a stronger contribution for thicker samples and
lower temperatures due to the stiffer nature of the polymer host
I 1 in these conditions.
p= -~
BaTi03-rubber 0-3 composites have been synthesised by Amin
The current in phase with the temperature, should be discard- and coworkers [92,93]. The powdered ceramic was introduced
ed because its origin is not pyroelectric. Care should be exercised in a butadiene acrylonitrile rubber after which thle whole mix-
so that the exciting frequency is low enough so that the temper- ture was vulcanized in stainless steel molds to obtain thin films.
ature across the sample is uniform, i.e. Poling of the composites was performed at 130 and 170°C (i.e.
K above the Curie temperature of the ceramic) under poling fields
W < < F ranging from 0.1 to 5 MV/m. A peculiar behavior was found:
the pyroelectric coefficient was found to decrease with increas-
where K is the thermal diffusivityand E the thickness of the sam- ing poling field when poling at 130°C. This effect was ascribed
ple; otherwise currents due to temperature gradients in the sam- to space charge formation which also contributed to the pyroelec-
ple will also add to the measured current. tric current measured by the direct method. At 170"C, however,
6.2. PYROELECTRIC PROPERTIES the sample was found to be free of the space charge and the true
pyroelectric coefficient was found to be M 60 pC/m2K for a 30%
Various combinations of ceramic/ polymer 0-3 composites BaTiOs volume loading. The permittivity was found to be 17 N
have been reported in view of optimizing the pyroelectric co- and thus the pyroelectric FOM, was 3.5 pC/m2K which is quite
efficient and/or the pyroelectric figure of merit FOM, which is a h g h value.
p / & [33]. These reports have also included studies of the effect Tripathi et al. [94] have produced 0-3 composites of BaTiO3-
of the volume loading and in some instances the ceramic grain PVDF in which the BaTiOBpowder, 1pm in size, was obtained
size effect. Although the amount of publications on this subject by means of the sol-gel route. The permittivity of the composites
does not compare with that performed on composite piezoelec- was 20 and good pyroelectric properties relative to the pure
tric properties there is ground to suppose that successful com- BaTi03 were found; however no absolute values for the pyro-
mercial pyroelectric devices can be made out of these materials. electric coefficients were reported
Here we will review some of this work. TGS-PVDF 0-3 composites have also been evaluated for their
Bhalla and coworkers [91] have reported on the pyroelectric pyroelectric properties [33,95]. TGS crystals grounded to par-
coefficient of PZT-epoxy composites of both 0-3 and 3-3 connec- ticle sizes of 45 to 75 pm were mixed in different proportions
tivity. It was anticipated that improved pyroelectric properties up to 80% volume loading with PVDF dissolved in an organ-
would be brought about as a result of the enhancement of the ic solvent and then poured over glass plates to obtain films 50 to
secondary pyroelectric effect arising from the thermal expansion 100 pm thck. The polarization procedure was performed at 70 to
726 Dias et al.: Inorganic CeramicyTolymerFerroelectric Composite Electrets
80°C for 2 to 3 h whilst applying a field of 0.4to 0.6 MV/m. The curve increases for ceramics loading > 35% and thus no opti-
pyroelectric properties increased with the ceramic loading and mum volume fraction may exist. In their work it was suggested,
P 2
3 1.5
0 2 4 6
9 1 E, 1 Vn"l x 106
Figure 27. The dependence of pyroelectric coefficient on poling
0.5 parameters at 343 Kin a PZT-P(VDF/TrFE)50% composite [98].
0-3composites using the ferroelectriccopolymer P(VDF/TrFE)
0 [75:25 mol%] as a host material have been also fabricated
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [99,100]. This material has the attractive property of having a
0 , (ceramic volume fraction) high permittivity relative to other polymers which, as was point-
ed out earlier enhances the poling efficiency of the ceramic phase.
Figure 26. FOM, as a function of the content of the ferroelectric The ceramics used as dispersoids included PLZT, PZT and calci-
powder [96].
um modified PT (PTCa). The latter ceramic powder of PTCa was
In Figure 26 is shown the pyroelectric FOM, as a function of obtained either by a grinding or quenchmg process.
the PT content where it can be observed that the slope of the The pyroelectric coefficient for composites made with PZT,
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 727
PLZT and PTCa is shown in Figure 28. These are 50% ceramic the voltage applied to the grid, whch for a low resistivity sam-
volume fraction composites poled by the conventional method ple may not be the case. For instance, in the case of the 60% vol-
(Figure 28(a))at 100°C for 3 h while applying an electric field
N ume fraction PTCa composites (i.e.lower resistivity materials)
of 20 MV/m. It may be observed that the pyroelectric coefficient we have measured lower pyroelectric coefficients for the corona
of PTCa ceramics composites are 50 and 150%hgher than PZT
N poled samples than for the conventional poled ones whch can
and PLZT composites respectively at room temperature. Howev- only be explained if the conduction current through the compos-
er, as the temperature increases, the PZT and PLZT composites ite sample restricts the surface voltage to a much lower value
perform better relative to the PTCa composites due to the low than that set by the corona grid.
temperature dependence of the latter. We note however that a
Figure 29(a) shows the pyroelectric coefficient for three calci-
low dependence on the temperature is a useful feature to assure
um modified lead titanate composites using two ldifferent vol-
a steady working performance of a pyroelectric detector system.
ume fraction, 50 and 60% and two different powdler processing
The PLZT ceramics have a much higher resistivity (lo1' a m ) methods either milled and quenched with ceramic grain sizes in
than any of the other ceramics for which the resistivity is of the range of 1pm and > 20 p m respectively, all of them conven-
the order of 10' Om. This would improve the poling effi- tionally poled.
ciency by having a higher fraction of the poling voltage across The difference in the behavior of the quenched and milled
the ceramic grains for long poling times. As can be seen in composites can be explained partly by the larger grain sizes pro-
the Table 3 and Figure 28(a), the pyroelectric coefficient for the duced by the quenching procedure. T h s has the efflect of increas-
PLZT/P(VDF/TrFE) is not as great as that of PTCa composites ing the 1-3 connectivity which helps both in the poling and in
and is even lower than that of the PZT-P(VDF/TrFE) composite. the enhancing the active properties. It should be noted however,
Thus, we can conclude that the resistivity matching is not a criti- that the grain size effect does not seem to explain certain fea-
cal factor in determining the final pyroelectric response and fur- tures such as a slightly lugher permittivity whch ir; found in the
thermore it appears that the permittivity mismatching is a more milled ceramic composites compared with the quenched ones.
important factor which, as explained above, can affect both the This contradicts the 1-3 connectivity argument, whch predicts
poling efficiencyand the pyroelectric coefficient once the ceram- a simultaneous rise in the permittivity for an increase in the 1-3
ic is fully poled. From the data measured for these composites it connectivity, and thus requires one to admit that the grains ob-
can be beneficial in pyroelectric terms that the ceramic that goes tained through the milling procedure are in some way altered by
into the polymer matrix should not have a very high permittiv- the mechanical forces drawn upon them during the processing
ity. The permittivity of the composite will be consequently low, stage. It is thus possible that a mixture of both hypothesis can
whilst the pyroelectric coefficient can be high thus improving its explain their different behavior.
figure of mepit.
We do not know of any published work on the effects of the
Figure 28(b) shows the direct pyroelectric coefficient for the grain size on the properties of PTCa ceramic. However, it is
same composites which were corona poled. Here again, PTCa known that for BaTi03 [101,102] the permittivity i:ncreaseswith
composites have a higher pyroelectric coefficientat room temper- decreasing grain size, reaching a peak value at 1pm and decreas-
ature than the other ceramic composites. It is 30 and 70% higher ing subsequently with any further decrease of the g a i n size. It is
than the corresponding PZT and PLZT composites respective- possible that a similar behavior arising from the considerations
ly. The temperature dependence of these composites is the same of the effects of grain boundaries, internal stress and field and
as that exhibited by the conventionally poled samples, the PTCa domain wall area, may also be expected for PTCa.
composite showing the lowest dependence whereas the PZT and
PLZT have a similar variation with temperature. Figure 29(b) shows a plot of the direct pyroelectric coefficient
in the 20 to 70°C temperature range in composites made with
It is apparent from a comparison of Figure 28(a) and (b) for the quenched PTCa powder using volume fractions of 30,50,60, and
conventional and corona poled samples respectively that these 65%. The pyro coefficient increases by 33 % when the ceram-
50% volume fraction composites are more efficiently poled by ic volume fraction rises from 50 to 60% (i.e.16%),wluch is well
the corona poling method than by the conventional one. This in excess of a linear increment. The higher volume fraction will
can be due to a higher poling field applied in the corona pol- increase the pyroelectric coefficient because of two combining ef-
ing than in the conventional method without serious breakdown fects namely: the a presence of a higher proportion of an electro-
problems. From the comparison of both poling methods it is active material and an increased likelihood of ceramic paths con-
seen that the improvement in the pyroelectric response in rela- necting the upper and lower electrodes.
tive terms is higher for the PZT and PLZT coinyosites than in the
PTCa which is an indication of a higher degree of poling for the Because of the restrictions due to electrical breakdown a mod-
PTCa composites when using the conventional poling method. erate poling field in the range of 15 to 25 MV/m was used in this
work. As a result, the polymer does not contribute to the over-
It must be pointed out, that it is usually assumed that the sur- all pyroelectricity of the composite, because its coercive field is in
face voltage of the sample during corona poling is the same as the 50 to 80 MV/m range. Furthermore, the annealing procedure,
728 Dias et al.: Inorganic Ceramiflolymer Ferroelectric Composite Electrets
+ding -
50:50 vol% composites
1 I
20 30
which consisted of an short-circuit aging at 90°C for 12 h, also re- In order to test the mixed connectivity model, the experimen-
duces its contribution. Thus, the polymer although of a ferroelec- tal points taken from the quenched PTCa composite were plotted
tric nature, does not contribute with its electro-active properties in the mixed connectivity cubes charts of Figure 30. In principle
to those of the composite and acts only has a high permittivity, we expect that the location of the points in the nm plane diagram
low stiffness host to the electro-active ceramic powder. to be coincident in the charts for the permittivity (Figure 13), the
piezoelectric constant d33 (Figure 24) and the pyroelectric coeffi-
cient (Figure 30).
Table 3 gives the values of the pyroelectric coefficients of the
composites at 30°C. The values of the permittivity and loss at The experimental behavior of these composites in the theo-
1 kHz and room temperature for the materials tested, are also retical charts seems to be consistent revealing an increase in 1-3
included in Table 3. From these data one can calculate the figure connectivity character and thus better electro-active properties
of merit p/e, which is roughly proportional to the responsivity for hgher volume fraction composites. T h s assumption is re-
of a detector made with that particular sample. This parameter inforced both in the permittivity and the pyroelectric coefficient
stresses the fact that it is important to have a high pyroelectric
coefficient whle keeping the permittivity low.
charts where the n value is 0.4 for the 30% composite rising
to z 0.55 in the 65% volume fraction composite. It is clear that
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical lnsulation Vol. 3 No. 5, October 1996 729
...................... ...+ ...................... ; ..../.....; .................... ..;.......................
e 100
a2 a4 a6 n a8 Qe
Figure 30. Mixed connectivitycharts for the permittivity and py- =-.
roelectric constant in PTCa-P(VDF/TrFE) composites. ............................ AFTER annealing: 4 and 5th.runs ......... .........................
for a given composite similar, although not equal values, of the
n and m values are found in the permittivity and pyroelectric
coefficient charts. In fact one must regard these charts as a semi-
10 20 30 40 50 60
quantitative estimation of the properties of the composites and Temperature PC]
one must recognize that a multitude of effects can be present in Figure 31 . Dynamic and direct (i.e. quasi-static)pyroelectricmea-
such a material whch were not taken into consideration, notably surement of a PTCa-P(VDF/TrFE)60:40 vol%composite [loo].
the interface effects at the ceramic-polymerboundaries.
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el seems to help to portray the general behavior of a composite poling field in the electro-active properties of the composites a
for certain conditions, but care should be taken in ensuring that sample was first polarized with a +25 MV/m dc step voltage for
the premises such as 100% poling and consistent raw material 1h after which the pyroelectric coefficient was measured. Then
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