PLA Transducer
PLA Transducer
PLA Transducer
piezoelectric transducer
Eli J. Currya,1, Thinh T. Leb,1, Ritopa Dasa, Kai Kec, Elise M. Santorellad, Debayon Pauld, Meysam T. Chorsib,
Khanh T. M. Trana, Jeffrey Baroodya, Emily R. Borgesa, Brian Koe, Asiyeh Golabchif, Xiaonan Xing, David Roweg,
Lixia Yueh, Jianlin Fengh, M. Daniela Morales-Acostai, Qian Wuj, I-Ping Chenk, X. Tracy Cuif, Joel Pachterd,
and Thanh D. Nguyena,b,i,2
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269; bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CT 06269; cCollege of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China; dBlood–Brain Barrier Laboratory,
Department of Immunology, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030; eDepartment of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762; fDepartment of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; gCenter for
Regenerative Medicine and Skeletal Development, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030; hDepartment of Cell Biology, University
of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030; iInstitute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269; jPathology and Laboratory
Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030; and kDepartment of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dental
Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030
Edited by Samir Mitragotri, Harvard University, and accepted by Editorial Board Member James J. Collins November 26, 2019 (received for review June
16, 2019)
Piezoelectric materials, a type of “smart” material that generates been extensively studied and shown to be safe and the most ef-
electricity while deforming and vice versa, have been used exten- fective tool (11–13). However, the use of external US is limited to
sively for many important implantable medical devices such as small animals with thin skull bones. Since the human skull is thick
sensors, transducers, and actuators. However, commonly utilized and absorbs more than 90% of US energy, it requires a large and
piezoelectric materials are either toxic or nondegradable. Thus, bulky array of external US transducers, a complicated energy-
implanted devices employing these materials raise a significant focusing operation, and a tedious MRI (magnetic resonance im-
concern in terms of safety issues and often require an invasive aging) monitoring procedure (11, 12). This extensive process would
removal surgery, which can damage directly interfaced tissues/
be useful for a single treatment like viral gene delivery-based ap-
organs. Here, we present a strategy for materials processing, de-
proaches (14). However, in certain applications such as chemo-
vice assembly, and electronic integration to 1) create biodegrad-
able and biocompatible piezoelectric PLLA [poly(L-lactic acid)]
therapy, research has shown the opening of the BBB requires
nanofibers with a highly controllable, efficient, and stable piezoelec- repetitive treatment (15). As such, implanted US transducers (e.g.,
tric performance, and 2) demonstrate device applications of this nano- Sonocloud) have emerged as an excellent alternative, which can
material, including a highly sensitive biodegradable pressure sensor repeatedly induce low-intensity sonication deep inside brain tissue
for monitoring vital physiological pressures and a biodegradable ultra- at a precise location to open the BBB without causing any damage
sonic transducer for blood–brain barrier opening that can be used to to the surrounding brain tissue (10, 15). Unfortunately, all of the
facilitate the delivery of drugs into the brain. These significant appli- aforementioned pressure sensors and US transducers rely on
cations, which have not been achieved so far by conventional piezo- conventional piezoelectric materials such as PZT (lead zirconate
electric materials and bulk piezoelectric PLLA, demonstrate the PLLA titanate), PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), ZnO (zinc oxide), etc.,
nanofibers as a powerful material platform that offers a profound which are either toxic and/or nondegradable. Thus, these piezo-
impact on various medical fields including drug delivery, tissue engi- electric devices pose significant concerns regarding safety after
neering, and implanted medical devices.
biodegradable piezoelectric | PLLA | pressure sensors |
ultrasound transducer
This paper describes a powerful biodegradable and biocompatible
piezoelectric nanofiber platform for significant medical implant
junctions between the endothelial cells in the blood vessels of the Published under the PNAS license.
brain, prevents most therapeutics from accessing the brain tissue 1
E.J.C. and T.T.L. contributed equally to this work.
and thus is a major hurdle for the treatment of brain diseases (e.g., 2
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
cancers). There are several established methods for opening the This article contains supporting information online at
BBB, which include solvent, adjuvant, acoustic wave, lipidization, doi:10.1073/pnas.1910343117/-/DCSupplemental.
and osmostic pressure; ultrasound (US) or acoustic waves have
varied from 300 to 4,000 rpm, while other parameters such as collector drum speed generally results in higher crystallinity and
the voltage applied to the needle, distance to collector, needle crystal alignment in the nanofibers. Thus, by tailoring the col-
gauge, flow rate, and solution concentrations were held constant. lector and jet speeds, we can control the piezoelectricity of the
This resulted in PLLA nanofiber mats with different levels of nanofibers.
fiber orientation. The nanofiber samples initially made by the We then assessed the piezoelectric performance of the PLLA
electrospinning setup are highly amorphous and unstable, as nanofiber films through an impact test (i.e., generation of voltage
pC/N (SI Appendix, Fig. S7B). This indicates the processing of
PLLA nanofibers significantly improves the material’s shear pie-
zoelectric response. Furthermore, our strategy of cutting the PLLA
films at 45° angles to utilize shear piezoelectricity was also justified
by comparing the charge outputs of a 0° and 45° cut film under the
same applied force (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). For the actuation mea-
surement, a treated PLLA film (1.27 cm × 1.27 cm) was sandwiched
in the center of aluminum foil electrodes (9.53 mm × 9.53 mm). A
controlled voltage waveform was then applied to the sensor, and the
displacement in the exposed right corner of the sample was mea-
sured using a laser displacement sensor (SI Appendix, Methods). As
seen in Fig. 3B, the treated PLLA nanofiber samples vibrate with
the same frequency (1 Hz) as the applied sinusoidal voltage wave-
form (20 Vpp). The 4,000 rpm electrospun sample again exhibits the
greatest displacement (∼4.5 μm), while the stretched 3.5 DR
bulk film and 300 rpm electrospun samples exhibited no
measurable displacement. This result confirms the superior
Fig. 2. Material characterization of the electrospun PLLA. (A) Results from piezoelectric performance of the highly aligned nanofiber film. In ad-
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of electrospun PLLA nanofiber films dition, as the amplitude of the applied voltage increases, the amplitude
collected at different spin speeds. (B) The 2D X-ray diffraction (2D XRD) of displacement for the electrospun films also increases, and the
images show orientation of crystal domains inside the electrospun PLLA
displacement is frequency dependent (Fig. 3C and SI Appendix,
nanofibers, made with different collection speeds. (C) Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) images show PLLA nanofiber alignment with different
Fig. S9). Piezoelectric performance in the treated PLLA nanofiber
collection speeds. (Scale bars, 40 μm.) (D) Graphical summary illustrating the film is also stable. This advantage is significant as there has been
trend that, as the PLLA nanofibers are collected at faster speeds, the Herman little research to avoid depolarization of the PLLA nanofibers
orientation factor (i.e., crystal alignment) and crystallinity percentage gen- over time (25, 32, 34). Indeed, as seen in Fig. 3D, only an elec-
erally increase. trospun sample (3,000 rpm) that underwent our full annealing
processes (i.e., annealed at both 105 and 160.1 °C) has a stable
piezoelectric output under the same applied force (∼30 N) for
under impact force) and an actuation test (i.e., displacement 7 d, with a marginal loss (∼6%) in signal at 14 d. In contrast, the
under an applied electric field) (3, 20). To create the PLLA untreated (i.e., not annealed) and partially treated (i.e., annealed
sensor for these tests, we fully annealed and cut the PLLA film at only at 105 °C) samples rapidly lose their performance and are
a 45° angle relative to the fiber direction to utilize shear piezo- therefore not stable for long-term implant applications.
electricity by maximizing shear force under an applied normal After verifying the piezoelectric effect of the PLLA nano-
force. The fully treated and cut PLLA films possess a stable, fibers, we create a biodegradable force sensor by using the
efficient, and highly controllable piezoelectric performance, nanofibers, molybdenum (Mo) electrodes, and encapsulating
which has not been achieved by previous reports for the PLLA untreated PLLA layers (Fig. 1). PLLA or PLA are common
nanofibers (25, 32, 34). We then sandwiched the films between biodegradable polymers used in Food and Drug Administration
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aluminum foil electrodes and Kapton tape (SI Appendix, Meth- (FDA)-approved implanted tissue scaffolds, bone screws, and
ods). For impact testing, the PLLA sensor is subjected to a drug carriers (36). Molybdenum is a common nutrient (37) and a
consistent force induced by an actuator, which is integrated with biodegradable metal, used extensively in FDA-approved hip and
a dynamic force sensor and driven by a defined voltage wave- joint implants (38). Although we previously reported on a bio-
form. The charge output from the PLLA sample is measured degradable piezoelectric force sensor, the device is based on the
with an electrometer (SI Appendix, Methods). All of the sensors stretched PLLA bulk film, which is less flexible, exhibits much
Importantly, for a proof-of-concept on a potential application of biodegradable device for delivering drugs through the BBB,
the biodegradable transducer, we employ the PLLA device, made another in vivo animal model was performed. The procedure of
of 4,000 rpm nanofiber samples, for disruption of the BBB in vivo. this experiment is similar to the previous experiment except
The experiment is illustrated in Fig. 6A. A 5 mm × 5 mm bio- that the dextran (3 kDa, FITC, Lysine Fixable; Thermo Fisher)
degradable US transducer, which is connected to flexible, bio- as a drug model was retro-orbitally injected into the mice after
degradable PLLA-encapsulated Mo wires, was placed on a the sonication process (SI Appendix, Methods and Fig. S20).
craniotomy defect in a mouse skull (SI Appendix, Methods). The Additionally, another control group in which mice did not re-
spatial pressure field of the biodegradable transducer is provided ceive the microbubbles before sonication was added to this
in SI Appendix, Fig. S15. The transducer was operated at 1 MHz to experiment in order to validate the effect of microbubbles in
generate an acoustic pressure of 0.3 MPa (rarefaction pressure the BBB opening. As seen in Fig. 6 E, Left, a remarkable level
value) in a series of 2 shots lasting 30 s, with a 30-s break between of green signal (FITC) was found around the microvessels in
each shot (SI Appendix, Fig. S16). The device functioned well in its the brain of mice that received the treatments by the 4,000 rpm
predefined lifetime and eventually self-degraded (Fig. 6B). We transducer and microbubbles. It is noticeable that the intensity
processed the brains for fluorescence analysis of bloodborne ele- of the FITC signal is reduced at deeper areas of the brain. On
ments to gauge leakage of the BBB (SI Appendix, Methods). Two the other hand, no green signal was detected from the same
indicators of leakage were intentionally chosen in order to reflect
the relative degree of BBB disruption. Tissue autofluorescence at
488 nm is associated with the presence of the 64.5 kDa (in MW)
blood protein hemoglobin (39, 40), which has been suggested to
leak across a disrupted BBB (41). As seen in Fig. 6C, a noticeable
halo of autofluorescence (green stain) could be seen around var-
ious microvessels (red stain) in the brains of mice sonicated by the
4,000 rpm transducer. In contrast, no similar signal was observed
from the same coronal sections (C2) of the control mouse, soni-
cated by the 300 rpm nonpiezoelectric control sample. Additional
brain sections of the control mouse (receiving the nonpiezoelectric
device) are provided in SI Appendix, Fig. S17. As further illus-
trated in Fig. 6D and SI Appendix, Fig. S18, for the mice that
received US treatment, the closer the coronal sections are to the
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coronal sections of the two control samples, Fig. 6 E, Center of mice and the intracranial cavity of rats (SI Appendix, Methods)
and Right. Additional representative images of the brain sec- for histology analysis. The histological images from both exper-
tions in the experimental group, as well as the control groups, iments showed that the device elicits minimal fibrosis and immune
are provided in SI Appendix, Figs. S21 and S22. If higher output response after implantation for 2 and 4 wk, as seen in SI Appendix,
acoustic pressure and wireless powering are needed for the US Figs. S28–S30. Collectively, these results illustrate that the bio-
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transducer, we can fabricate the device with multiple layers of degradable PLLA transducer can be implanted safely into the brain
PLLA nanofiber films and utilize the inductive coupling effect, to locally and effectively open the BBB, which could facilitate the
as demonstrated in SI Appendix, Figs. S23–S25, and SI Ap- delivery of drugs into the brain for the treatment of various brain
pendix, Figs. S26 and S27, respectively. diseases or disorders. Built upon materials commonly utilized in
Finally, to demonstrate the biocompatibility of the PLLA medical implants, the transducer can self-degrade, causing no harm
nanofiber devices, we implanted these devices s.c. into the backs to the body, and avoid any invasive brain surgery for removal.
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