Bulk Density Measurement
Bulk Density Measurement
Bulk Density Measurement
© Schlumberger 1999 1
Bulk Density Measurement It uses gamma ray interactions in the Compton Scattering energy range to
measure the bulk density of the formation.
This interaction is when the incident gamma ray reacts with an electron
Gamma Ray Physics -density -1 deflecting it from its path and losing energy in the process.
The PEX TLD has three detectors and the LDT two.
The Density Tools use a chemical gamma ray
source and two or three gamma ray detectors.
ρe = ρ( 2Z/A ) Notes
Bulk Density Measurement The assumption is a very good one in the majority of cases. Hydrogen is a
problem but this doesn’t affect the final density product.
Element Z/A
H 0.9921
C 0.4996 Notes
O 0.5
Na 0.4785
Mg 0.4934
Al 0.4819
Si 0.4984
S 0.4989
Cl 0.4794
K 0.4860
Ca 0.499
Bulk Density Measurement The calibration of the bulk density is made to set up the tool under known
conditions. Limestone is chosen as it can be found as a pure substance,
sandstone always contains impurities.
Calibration The calibration sits all the major minerals well except for some of the
evaporites as noted.
The tool measured density, ρb, has been
experimentally related to the electron density;
ρb = 1.0704 ρe - 0.1883
Mud cake
with barite
2.3 Increasing
C A Mud cake
2.4 Thickness
Long Spacing Count Rate
Mud cake 2.5
2.6 Mud cake
2.7 barite
Bulk Density Measurement The presence of a lighter mudcake will make the short spacing read too
low, moving the point from A to B. It is corrected by following down the
ribs to the spine.
Spine and Ribs In heavier mud cake the shift is in the opposite direction.
Mud cake
with barite 2.1
2.3 Increasing
C A Mud cake
2.4 Thickness
Long Spacing Count Rate
Mud cake 2.5
2.6 Mud cake
2.7 barite
The correct reading is at point A.
An increasing mud cake thickness moves
the point to B or C depending on whether
there is heavy material (barite) in the mud
or not.
Bulk Density Measurement The standard log from the LDT tool shows both of these curves, the
principal curve RHOB and DRHO. The latter is a very good indication of
poor hole condition. If the hole is rugous the algorithm will have applied
Density Outputs a lot of correction, hence the DRHO will be very active. In some cases the
caliper will show a large hole but the DRHO will be flat while in some
small holes the opposite will be true.
The TLD tool has RHOZ as the principal density output, with DSOZ as
The outputs are: the density standoff.
RHOZ/RHOB (ρb), the corrected bulk density.
DRHO (∆ρ), the correction that has been
applied to ρb (LDT only).
Bulk Density Measurement The measurement has a very little correction as the major perturbation to
the reading ( mudcake ) is automatically taken care of using the two
detector system. The only problem affecting the reading is the bad hole
Borehole Effects conditions which affect all pad tools.
Bulk Density Measurement Rugosity effects can usually be seen on the DRHO curve, the caliper may
be irrelevant.
Borehole Effects One major cause of problems are turbo-drilled holes, deviated or
horizontal wells. The use of a turbine can cause a hole to corkscrew. This
shape looks to the tools as a very rugous hole, with, in extreme cases, the
log being useless.
Bulk Density Measurement This method works better on this type of tool than on the neutron porosity
devices as the detectors and sources are collimated and smaller.
Alpha Processing
Bulk Density Measurement The density of each mineral is unique. The tool is calibrated in limestone ,
sandstone has a lower density and dolomite is higher; shale varies with the
precise clay minerals present.
Density Parameters The vertical resolutions of the density measurements is better than the
neutron tool. With alpha processing a very high resolution can be
Vertical resolution:
Standard 18"
Enhanced 6"
Readings in:
Limestone (0pu) 2.71
Sandstone (0pu) 2.65
Dolomite (0pu) 2.85
Anhydrite 2.98
Salt 2.03
Shale 2.2-2.7
Coal 1.5
Bulk Density Measurement The density is often used in a development situation as the porosity tool.
This is possible if the matrix density is known.
Bulk Density Measurement The matrix density ρma is known from core analysis or from the neutron
density crossplot. The fluid density ρf , is the density of the mud filtrate.
This can be measured on a sample or computed knowing the salinity. In
Density Porosity the case of oil base mud it has to be measured.
ρb = ρ f φ + ρma (1 − φ)
ρma − ρb
ρma − ρ f
Bulk Density Measurement The scales on a neutron - density log often reflect the use to which the log
is to be put. In an exploration situation or in a complex lithology the
identification of the matrix and then the porosity is the major use. In a
Scaling/Porosity development well in a simple ( ,or single ) lithology the porosity is the
The density tool is usually run with the neutron. The basic scale has the neutron having a total of 60 porosity ( % ) over
two tracks encompassing the most common values. In the “ limestone
To aid quicklook interpretation they are run on
compatible “ scale the density is fixed to also cover 60 pu ( this is
"compatible scales". equivalent to 1.0g/cm3 ) and also to overlay the neutron in limestone. In a
This means that the scales are set such that for a sandstone the density will be at a “ higher “ porosity ( lower density ) than
the neutron, in dolomite it will be the opposite.
given lithology the curves overlay.
To change to a sandstone compatible scale the density log is shifted so
The standard scale is the "limestone compatible" where
that its matrix value for sandstone, 2,65g/cm3 coincides with the zero for
the neutron porosity scale is:
the neutron porosity.
To fit this the density log has to have its zero limestone point (2.7
g/cc) on the same position as the neutron porosity zero and the Notes
range of the scale has to fit the neutrons 60 porosity units hence the
scale is:
Bulk Density Measurement The energy is absorbed expelling the electron from its atom.
The low energy window in the detector gives the gamma ray population
which can be related to Pe.
Pef Physics The photoelectric effect happens at the low energy end of the gamma ray
spectrum. This means that it is badly affected by barite in the mud which
The Photoelectric effect occurs when the incident reduces the counts reaching the detector.
Pe = ( Z/A )3.6
Bulk Density Measurement The major need for the Volumetric Photoelectric Absorption Index is in
formation evaluation equations when a link between the measurements
and the formation components such as porosity are required.
Pef Theory The Pef alone gives an excellent indication of the lithology. Its major
drawback is the effect of barite on the measurement. As the measurement
is of gamma rays the dense barite material reduces the amount seen by the
Pe can be easily computed for any lithology by tool. However the major effect is the Pe of barite at 267 is far above the
summing the elemental contributions. normal formation component figure of <6. Hence a little of this material
in the mud (and hence the mudcake) will make the reading completely
Measurement is virtually porosity and fluid
U = φUφ+ (1 - φ) Uma
Bulk Density Measurement
Pef Parameters
Vertical resolution:
Standard 4"
Readings in:
Limestone 5.08
Sandstone 1.81
Dolomite 3.14
Shale 1.8-6
Anhydrite 5.05
Salt 4.65