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19 Synthesis Table Template

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[FELICIANO,Paul Andre M.] [MARCELINO, Rafael Carlo DL.

] Grade 12 – [Love]
● [FANTILANAN, Francesca Alyssa T.] [BALUBAR, Cyril Jude]
Group No. [6]

Research Title: ​The Relationship Between Video Games and Optimism of High School Students of Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos

Citation Title Author/s Statement of the Locus Methods Findings and Conclusions
Enhancing Enhancing Adam C. Oei, To examine whether 5 groups of Quantitative, The results of the study shows that
Cognition with Cognition Michael D. playing non-action non-gamer experimental. cognitive improvements were not limited
Patterson games can improve participants to action game training alone and
Video Games: A with Video
cognition and to The different games enhanced different
Multiple Game Games: A compare the transfer researchers aspects of cognition. It suggests that
Training Study, Multiple effects of an action instructed 5 many video game-related cognitive
https://journals.p Game and non-action types groups of improvements may not be due to
los.org/plosone/ Training that require different non-gamer training of general broad cognitive
cognitive demands participant to systems, but instead it depends upon
article?id=10.13 Study
play one game the frequent utilization of specific
71/journal.pone. each on a cognitive processes during game play.
0058546 mobile device
for one hour a Synthesis:
day, five days a The article is related to the study
Date Accessed​:
week which is because it is stated in the article that
September 20, equivalent to video games can improve one’s
2018 20 hours. cognitive abilities, not just executive
These games attentional control, through exercising
Date Posted​: included and applying it in video games and
actions, spatial cognitive is somehow similar to one’s
March 13, 2013
memory, urgent optimism where cognition is the
match-3, mental action or process of acquiring
hidden-object, knowledge and understanding through
and an thought, experience, and the senses.
agent-based Urgent optimism on the other hand is
life simulation. the desire to act immediately and tackle
The an obstacle in hopes of an epic win. The
participants article supports the study to be
performed four conducted and the objective is also
behavioral similar for both.
tasks before
and after the
video game Analysis:
training to The researchers of this study utilized 5
assess the game genres, namely: ​action, spatial
effects. memory, match-3, hidden- object, and
an agent-based life simulation. Different
effects were observed in each genre,
which emphasized training specific
cognitive abilities through frequent
gameplay improves performance in
tasks with same demands in skills. The
researchers focused in exercising
cognitive abilities of the participants
instead of measuring it, which gave way
for the participants to improve through
the genres aforementioned.
Gaming well: Gaming well: Christian M. To review the High-school Quantitative, Low use students had better and higher
links between links between Jones, Laura relationship and the students of Questionnaire self-esteem than those who did not play
videogames and videogames Scholes, role of playing video an unnamed at all. High use students had better
flourishing and Daniel games and school The use of the results than those who did not, but lower
mental health, flourishing Johnson, technology to the questionnaires scores than low use students.
2014, mental health Mary improvement of were more
https://www.ncbi Katsikitis, mental health and efficient Synthesis:
.nlm.nih.gov/pm Michelle C. well-being. compared to The article is relevant to the
c/articles/PMC3 Carras the other researchers’ study because both studies
978245/​ ​, articles which have the same problem and objectives.
September 9, used an The results of the study will give the
2018, March 31, experimental researchers a background of the
2014 design, which possible results that they may get, and it
allowed the can be used to either support or
researchers to contradict the researchers’ study. The
take lesser study also provides them with example
time in materials such as questionnaires that
accomplishing can be used (when given permission) to
the research. gather the data.

Unlike the other articles, the use of the
PERMA (Positive Emotion,
Engagement, Relationships, Meaning
and Accomplishments) theory provided
the authors a basis on the results that
they got on the different aspects of
wellbeing, which also allowed them to
dissect the effects of video games into
two categories: positive and negative. In
contrast with the other articles, it only
focused on a specific moment or a
situational effect, which involves
self-esteem, while the other articles
focused on long-term effects of video
games. The article also focused on the
positive effects while the other articles
focused on the negatives.
The effects of The effects of Walter R. To observe both Unidentified Quantitative, Players with extensive time in gaming
video game video game Boot, Arthur expert/non-gamer Experiment. display good attention skills which in
playing on playing on F. Kramer, differences and the turn helps in prioritizing a task, switching
attention, attention, Daniel J. effects of video The use of from one task to another more quickly
memory, and memory, and Simons, game playing on dividing two compared to others. It is also noticeable
executive executive Monica tasks tapping a wider groups to that extensive exposure to video games
control, control Fabiani, range of cognitive Gamers and did not significantly improve
https://www.scie Gabriele abilities, including Non-Gamers performance of non-gamers on
ncedirect.com/s Gratton attention, memory, gave emphasis cognitive tasks, although they did
cience/article/pii/ and executive that experience improve in mental rotation performance
S000169180800 control. in games and alongside expert/experienced gamers.
1200 skills involved
in it affect the Analysis: Comparing this study,
Date Accessed​:
outcome of the conducted by Walter Boot and his
September 9,
game’s effect colleagues,​ ​to the others, the
to the player. researchers took into account on having
both gamers and non-gamers
Date Posted​:
participate and gave them the
October 16,
opportunity to observe how the effects
of video games vary between gamers
and non-gamers. Gamers received
more beneficial effects due to their
veterancy, varying skill sets, and
experience in games, while non-gamers
having only some similar but limited
effects in mental abilities. Having more
contrast in this study, it is only focused
on the effects on developing skills of
managing tasks, some of the
aforementioned being attention skills
and memory. The article will give light to
the researchers that all participants will
not receive the same effects they expect
to happen.

Synthesis: This research is relevant to

the researchers’ study as it aims to
show how video games develop skills
and abilities applicable to real life tasks,
which is related to the study focused on
urgent optimism that affects the
approach to solve problems and the
perspective. This study also aims to
show that there is a significant
difference of effects between a
non-player and a gamer being exposed
to playing video games.

Video Games: Video Brandon T. (Some people call Unidentified Qualitative, Video games do have positive and
Effect on child Games: McDaniel our generation as Questionnaire negative effects. It can cause critical
development Effect on generation m, where thinking, and skill development. On the
child m stands for media. Questionnaires other hand, it can also cause violent
https://www.rese development Some are saying that were the best behaviors. This only means that
archgate.net/pro children's time were fit for the study excessive gaming leads to harmful
file/Brandon_Mc mostly used in video because it is effects on child development
daniel2/publicati gaming.) The study's more efficient
on/237585088_ objective is to know comparing to Synthesis: this is relevant to the
Video_Games_ the positive and the previous researchers’ study because this study is
Effects_on_Chil negative effects of study which aiming know the effect of video games
d_Development/ video games on child uses an on child development and the said
links/004635202 development. experimental research is focusing on its effect on
6160453900000 design that student's optimism. The common trait
s-Effects-on-Chil may take more between them is decision making that
d-Development. time. makes them relevant to each other
EwjZ9ouq463dA ​ nhancing Cognition with
Analysis:​ E
hUGTLwKHeuR Video Games: A Multiple Game Training
AsQQFjAJegQI Study​ a​nd ​Gaming well: links between
BRAB&usg=AO videogames and flourishing mental
vVaw3IPjcjkT7j health​ is not directly related to this study
XZKtiMGgXcpk because they both focuses on mental
health and cognitive abilities regardless
Date Accessed​: of age not like the study ​The impact of
September 9, computer use on children's and
2018 adolescents' development​ which is
directly related to this study because
Date Posted​: they both focuses on the effect of video
2008 games in the development of a person
or a human being as they age.
The Video game The Video Shuang The study focuses School of Qualitative, Video games will always be a
from the game from Liang, on the relationship of Educational RRL controversial topic. We can't describe
Perspective of the Honghan Li, video games to the Science, the effects of video games without
Positive Perspective Xiaojun Yang perspective of Guangxi The study saying its negative side. In order to see
Psychology of Positive positive psychology Normal made use of its positive side, we must use positive
Psychology University, different psychology. With this we may see the
http://www.scirp. Guilin, China literatures to positive effects of video games to us.
org/journal/jss support the
http://dx.doi.org/ authors’ Synthesis: This is relevant to the
10.4236/jss.201 hypotheses. researchers’ study because positive
4.28009 This allowed psychology somehow includes urgent
them to finish optimism in it. It both urges us to be
Date posted: the research positive minded.
August 2014 quickly, but
lacks solid Analysis: The research done by Shuang
Date accessed: credibility since Liang, Honghan Li, and Xiaojun Yang is
October 4 2018 it was taken different to the researches made by
from other McDaniel and ​Walter and company
literatures as because the two researches focuses on
well. how children develop with video games
while this research focuses on how we
must think to benefit from video games.
On the other hand, this research is
somehow supported by the research
done by Jones and company and Adam
C. Oei and Michael D. Patterson
because they both focuses on the
effects of video games to us mentally.

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