Grade 11 DLP
Grade 11 DLP
Grade 11 DLP
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
1. Represent real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise functions
2. Evaluate a function
A. Subject Matter: Functions and their graphs
B. Lesson: Functions as a Model; Evaluating Function
C. Code: M11GM-Ia-1
D. References: General Mathematics by Orlando A. Oronce, pp.1-9
E. Materials: projector, manila paper, pentel pen
F. Strategies: Cooperative Learning
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Drill: Integer Flashcard Activity
B. Review
What is a function as introduced during your Grade 8 Mathematics?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Present a scenario where functional relationship exists. Solicit additional real-
life situations from the students.
2. Presentation
Students are divided in groups where they will be given different topics to
brainstorm and come up with a creative presentation. Here are the topics to
be given:
a. Difference of function and relation
b. Function as a machine
c. Function and relations as a table of values
d. Function as a graph in Cartesian plane
e. Function as representations of real-life situations
f. Evaluation of Functions
3. Discussion
Highlight the idea to the students that real-life situations may be represented
using functions and need to be evaluated.
4. Developmental Activity
The students will be given more examples on functions and will be given
more exercises in evaluating functions.
5. Synthesis/Generalization
What are the important things to take note about functions?
Why is there a need to be careful in evaluating functions?
1. Write 2 classroom scenarios that represent a function.
2. Evaluate the following:
a. X = 4, where x = 5
b. 2x – 3, where x = -2
c. 5 – x, where x = -3
A math puzzle involving evaluation of functions will be given to students.