Mini Unit
Mini Unit
Mini Unit
Unit Overview
This mini unit is designed for a Grade 5 English Language Arts class and will be covering the
general learning outcome number one in the program of studies. More specifically, this unit covers
two parts of the specific learning outcome 1.1. The first lesson is designed to encourage student
reflection of personal experiences and utilize this reflection to interpret the short story Amigo
Brothers by Piri Thomas. The second lesson involves students applying their knowledge from the first
lesson in order to both analyze character traits and create their own characters. The goal of the mini
unit is to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to answer the unit inquiry
question: How does my own experiences help me to understand the short story Amigo Brothers by
Piri Thompson and how can I apply this new understanding of the short story to my own
development of characters? This inquiry question is relevant because it directly relates to the
intended general learning outcome and the specific learning outcome. It encourages students to
develop and explore by using prior knowledge and experiences to understand the new information in
the short story and then apply the knowledge of the text to understand how to create characters.
For both lesson plans, I have allotted time to classroom set up which saves time in the lesson
and allows the focus to be on the intended learning outcomes. The activities written on the
whiteboard for students to do if they arrive early are effective for classroom management because
they outline expectations and get students to start thinking about the lesson. I also use two different
hooks for both lessons to cause student engagement. In the first lesson I use a tool called focused
imaging which is an experiential learning instruction strategy that is learner centered and emphasizes
student experience. I decided to use this activity because it grabs student’s attention and encourages
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
students to reflect on prior knowledge and experiences which aligns well with the purpose of the
lesson. In the second lesson, the hook or attention grabber that I chose to use was a video with Mr.
Bean. I decided to use this because it accommodates for visual learners and it provides an engaging
I decided to do a more formal introduction to the material for the first lesson which included a
direct instructional strategy known as a structured overview where the teacher gives an overview of
the material. I chose to use this method when introducing the short story to jog student’s memory
about the reading. In the second lesson, I did not give a formal introduction to the material because I
thought it would be more interactive to jump straight from the video to analyzing the video for its
In the body of the first lesson I begin with an indirect instruction strategy where I use
reflective questions to focus the students towards the intended outcome. I used the interactive
instructional strategy “Think, Pair, Share” where students are expected to interact with one another
to develop ideas. This strategy is engaging because it requires peer and group interaction with
material. The end class activity is an exit slip intended to be used as a formative assessment check
where the teacher is able to assess the students understanding of the material.
In contrast with the body of the first lesson which mostly includes an interactive instructional
strategy, the body of the second lesson mostly includes direct instruction and reflective questions to
provide information on character analysis as well as engage students. The activity in the second
lesson is an interactive instructional strategy because the students interact with others in the class
and are given the chance to engage with the material by creating their own character. This is also a
formative assessment. I will use their work sheets to get an idea of where the class is at with
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
The differentiation that I am providing for both lessons is mostly dedicated towards the ESL
student in the class and the student who cannot sit for long periods of time. I have created a
differentiation for these students because the other students do not have difficulty with reading,
writing, or participating in conversations at their desks. I have decided to provide more one on one
time with the ESL student to ensure their understanding of the task. I have not changed the material
rather the way the material is being presented by providing more supports. For the student who has
trouble sitting for longer periods of time, I have accommodated for comfort by providing a fidget
chair. This chair will help him to fidget in his desk and still stay on task. Both of the differentiations
did not include changing the material because the emphasis of interaction in the lesson plans provide
for thoughtful discussion both in pairs and with the whole class. I did not want to deprive students of
this opportunity.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
Grade: 5 English Language Arts Lesson
Title: Exploration of the Short Story Amigo Brothers by Piri Thomas
Lesson Duration (mins): 40 mins
Overview of lesson (150 words). Write a clear and concise paragraph that indicates what the lesson is, how it is
connected to the POS and what students will learn.
This lesson serves to build off of a Grade 5 English Language Arts Unit which includes exploring new information by
reflecting on past experiences and prior knowledge. This unit is intended to cover the general learning outcome 1 in the
program of studies and this lesson specifically covers the SLO: express ideas and develop understanding. The purpose of
this lesson is to get students to think critically about a short story called Amigo Brothers by Piri Thomas and consider
their own feelings towards the text based on prior experiences. Students are provided guiding questions which serve to
focus student’s thoughts on the reading towards reflection and individual understanding. Students are provided time to
share their answers for the guiding questions with a partner and participate in a group discussion. This allows for
students to hear how their experiences differ from others and are encouraged to consider how this might affect
interpretation of the short story.
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not put in
10 SLO's just because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end
of the lesson/unit
Critical Questions
The unit inquiry question guides the the end of the two lesson students must be able to respond to the unit question. The inquire question is
a broad question and is linked to curriculum outcomes
Unit Inquiry Question: How does my own experiences help me to understand the short story Amigo Brothers by Piri Thompson and
how can I apply this new understanding of the short story to my own development of characters?
Lesson Guiding Questions (These types of questions guide the lesson itself and are more specific questions. These can facilitate
dialogue, they can be used for formative assessment and can be used to facilitate pedagogical discussion with your students. Guiding
questions aim to provoke thinking and can be used for share/pair activities. Guiding questions are just that - guiding. A lesson should
have several guiding questions.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
Lesson Guiding Questions
1. Based on your own experience or prior knowledge, do you think the Amigo brothers did the right thing by training alone?
2. Based on your own experience or prior knowledge, if you were in the same position as Antonio or Felix, do you think you
would have left the boxing ring without knowing who won the match? Why or why not?
3. Based on your own experience or prior knowledge, how does this short story shape your view of competition?
4. How might others who have different experiences interpret and understand the text differently?
Learning Objectives
Students will…
Reflect on the short story Amigo Brothers by Piri Thomas by
- Recalling prior experiences and prior knowledge
- Applying the prior experiences and prior knowledge to analyze the text
- Classroom Whiteboard
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Printed exit slips to hand out to students
Lesson Procedures
Introduction (4 min.):
Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body. Indicate the timing for each section
This allows for time efficiency so that students know the expectations. It also provides students who arrive early a chance to interact with
the text and their classmates.
This tool is an Experiential Learning Instruction Strategy which is learner centered and emphasizes student experience. I decided to use
this activity because it grabs student’s attention and encourages students to reflect on prior knowledge and experiences. It also provides a
segway into the purpose of the lesson, to understand a text by reflecting on prior experiences.
This is a Direct Instruction strategy known as a structured overview where the teacher gives an overview of the material. I chose to
use this method when introducing the short story to jog student’s memory about the reading.
Body (30 min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Image a substitute teacher picks up this
lesson; will they be able to carry it out based on your descriptions and instruction?
Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities/steps/scaffolding and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of
each section. Identify teaching strategies, organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative assessment in your
lesson? Indicate differentiation and accommodation in the provided tables
1. Do you think the Amigo brothers did the right thing by training
alone? Think about your own experiences and prior knowledge. Assessments
2. If you were in the same position as Antonio or Felix, do you think Indicate what these will be and when you would
you would have left the boxing ring without knowing who won the use them.
match? Why or why not? Think about your own experiences and
prior knowledge. Formative: Example: Observation/Anecdotal,
3. How does this short story shape your view of competition? Think Student/Teacher conferencing, check list etc..
about your own experience and prior knowledge When will you administer these and why?
This is an indirect instruction strategy where I use reflective questions to focus Summative Assessment: Example Rubrics,
the students towards the intended outcome. I chose to give students a few
minutes to consider their answers to give students the chance to think prior to
quizzes test etc, projects
discussion. The strategy Think, Pair, Share is also an interactive instruction
method where students are expected to interact with one another to develop
ideas and understandings.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
This is an interactive instruction method where students are provided the
chance to think about their own interpretations and experiences and then
share with a partner before sharing with the class. I chose to do this because
it provides students the time to think about their own opinions and it also
provides students the time to at least share with one other person if they did
not get a chance to share with the class.
This guided discussion is intended to get the students to think about their
prior knowledge reading the text and relate the text to their experiences. It
also allows students to listen to others and understand how different
experiences can cause different interpretation and understanding of the
same text.
Provide at least one.
Provide an example of an alternative way to deliver information to students. Imagine that you have some students that struggle with writing, what ways can you
differentiate your instruction to support students learning?
1. One student in the class has trouble sitting for long periods
of time without moving around. For this lesson I will give
him the class wobble chair so that he can move around
during the class.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
Consolidating and Closure: In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned
and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach
(if necessary) Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group
discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into closure...cleanup and getting
ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation
and closure. Provide Clear steps and indicate process. Often 5 mins is allotted for this section but that is not enough
time. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready for transition can take up to 10 - 15 mins depending on the
Pack up – 1 Minute
Students are given time to put the short story into their binder and pack up for the end of class.
Reflective Notes: You will only fill out this section after your deliver your lesson.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
Grade: 5 English Language Arts
Lesson Title: Character Creation
Lesson Duration (mins): 40mins
Overview of lesson (150 words). Write a clear and concise paragraph that indicates what the lesson is, how it is
connected to the POS and what students will learn.
This lesson serves to build off of a Grade 5 English Language Arts Unit because students use their prior knowledge of
interpreting texts based off of experience and apply this knowledge to character analyzation. Students will think about
how the two characters in the short story Amigo Brothers were described and then students continue to think about
character traits by analyzing the character Mr. Bean from a video. The students are told by the teacher other character
traits and the teacher provides a worksheet for the students to create their own characters in partners. This worksheet
allows for the students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of character creation. The purpose of this
lesson is for students to apply their knowledge of characters from the short story Amigo Brothers by developing their
own characters.
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not put in
10 SLO's just because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end
of the lesson/unit
Critical Questions
The unit inquiry question guides the the end of the two lesson students must be able to respond to the unit question. The inquire question is
a broad question and is linked to curriculum outcomes
Unit Inquiry Question: How does my own experiences help me to understand the short story Amigo Brothers by Piri Thompson and
how can I apply this new understanding of the short story to develop characters?
Lesson Guiding Questions (These types of questions guide the lesson itself and are more specific questions. These can facilitate
dialogue, they can be used for formative assessment and can be used to facilitate pedagogical discussion with your students. Guiding
questions aim to provoke thinking and can be used for share/pair activities. Guiding questions are just that - guiding. A lesson should
have several guiding questions.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
Lesson Guiding Questions
1. What kinds of character traits did Mr. Bean have?
2. What kinds of character traits are present in a well written character?
Learning Objectives
Students will…
- Identify different kinds of character traits.
- Be able to create a character by writing specific character traits.
- Whiteboard
- Pencil
- Eraser
Lesson Procedures
Introduction (3 min.):
Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body. Indicate the timing for each section
This allows for time efficiency so that students know the expectations. It also provides students who arrive early a chance to interact with
the text and their classmates
I chose this video as an attention grabber because it is engaging and accommodates for more visual learners.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
Body ( 35 min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Image a substitute teacher picks up this
lesson; will they be able to carry it out based on your descriptions and instruction?
Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities/steps/scaffolding and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of
each section. Identify teaching strategies, organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative assessment in your
lesson? Indicate differentiation and accommodation in the provided tables
I chose to add this into the lesson because it gives students the opportunity
to think about the material learned and consider if they would add
information which creates a more active learning environment.
Activity 25 minutes
The teacher tells the students it is their turn to create their own
The teacher tells the students that the teacher will hand out a
character worksheet for students to fill out to create their own
The teacher asks students to find a partner to complete the
worksheet together (provide 1 minute for the students to find a
Hand out the worksheet and give students 20 minutes to create
their own character by filling out the worksheet.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges
This is an example of interactive instruction because the students interact
with other students in the class and are given the chance to engage with the
material by creating their own character. This is also a form of formative
assessment. I will use their work sheets to get an idea of where they are at
with understanding how to build characters.
Provide at least one.
Provide an example of an alternative way to deliver information to students. Imagine that you have some students that struggle with writing, what ways can you
differentiate your instruction to support students learning?
- I will pair the ESL student in the class with a student who is
a strong reader so that the ESL student will feel less stress
on reading the assignment and still be able to engage in
character building.
- I will also circle around the classroom and ask the pair with
the ESL student to make sure they are on task and
- I will also allow students to sit anywhere in the classroom
to do their work so that the students in the class who do
not like working at a desk are given a chance to move
around the room.
Consolidating and Closure: In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned
and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach
(if necessary) Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group
discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into closure...cleanup and getting
ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation
and closure. Provide Clear steps and indicate process. Often 5 mins is allotted for this section but that is not enough
time. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready for transition can take up to 10 - 15 mins depending on the
Students hand in character sheet and pack up anything they need to pack up 1 minute
Reflective Notes: You will only fill out this section after your deliver your lesson.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Curriculum and Instruction Fall 2019 St. Georges