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Diamond Logic Builder Introduction and Usage Series: Study Guide TMT-080703

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Diamond Logic Builder Introduction and Usage Series

Diamond Logic Builder ®

Introduction and Usage Series

Study Guide

©2007 International Truck and Engine Corporation
4201 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be duplicated

or stored in an information retrieval system
without the express written permission of
International Truck and Engine Corporation.
Table of Contents
Program I: DLB Fundamentals.......................................1
Module 1: Getting Started.................................................................. 3
Launching Diamond Logic® Builder Software........................................3
Linking to Your Vehicle.................................................................................4
Checking the Connection...........................................................................4
Module 2: Navigating........................................................................... 7
The Menu Bar.................................................................................................8
The Toolbar.....................................................................................................9
Module 3: DLB Windows................................................................... 13
The Select Tab.............................................................................................13
The Features Tab.........................................................................................15
Features Display Area......................................................................15
Parameter Display Area...................................................................16
Parameter Edit Area.........................................................................16
Additional Tabs..................................................................................17
The Faults Tab..............................................................................................18
The Signals Tab...........................................................................................18
The Messages Tab......................................................................................19
The Message Section......................................................................19
The Modified Section.......................................................................19
The Advanced Logic Tab.......................................................................... 20
The Logic Block List........................................................................ 20
The Logic Display Area................................................................... 20
The Variable Selection Tabs.......................................................... 22
The Connectors Tab.................................................................................. 22
An Inactive Module.......................................................................... 22
An Active Module............................................................................. 23
Selecting a Connector Pin............................................................. 23
The Center Panel Tab.................................................................................24
Center Panel Switch Movement....................................................24
The Cluster Tab........................................................................................... 25
Module 4: Ending a Session............................................................ 27
Table of Contents
Program II: Using DLB....................................................29
Module 1: Overview........................................................................... 31
Module 2: Determining Vehicle Configuration.............................33
Module 3: Creating a Template....................................................... 37
Module 4: Working with Features...................................................39
Adding or Removing Features................................................................. 39
Editing a Programmable Parameter........................................................42
Module 5: Programming a Vehicle..................................................45
What Is Programmed................................................................................ 45
Applying a Template to a VIN.................................................................. 46
Programming the Vehicle...........................................................................47

Program III: DLB Diagnostics.......................................51

Module 1: Overview........................................................................... 53
Module 2: Set Up................................................................................55
Checklist....................................................................................................... 55
Linking to the Vehicle..................................................................................57
Module Detection........................................................................................57
Module 3: Diagnostic Fault Codes................................................. 59
Module 4: Diagnostic Windows....................................................... 61
Connectors Tab...........................................................................................61
Connectors Window........................................................................61
RPM in the Connectors Window..................................................61
RPM Output in the Connectors Window................................... 62
Ladder View (Advanced Logic Tab)....................................................... 64
Center Panel Diagnostics......................................................................... 65
Gauge Cluster Diagnostics.......................................................................67
Signal Diagnostics..................................................................................... 68
Using the Signal Status.................................................................. 68
Forcing Signal Values..................................................................... 69
Table of Contents
Module 5: Working with Sessions.................................................. 73
Creating a Session......................................................................................73
Opening an International® Session.........................................................74
Opening a User-Created Session...........................................................75
Module 6: Working with Triggers.................................................... 77
Setting Up a Trigger....................................................................................77
Starting the Recording...............................................................................78
These programs have been designed for dealer
personnel. Some content may not be applicable for
TEM and customer situations. TEM and customer
personnel should disregard information pertaining
to certification, working with the EZ‑Tech® and
other dealer-specific information.


Program I:
DLB Fundamentals
 Program I: DLB Fundamentals
Module 1: Getting Started 

Getting Started Module 1

Welcome to program one, DLB
Fundamentals, the first program in the
Diamond Logic® Builder Introduction
and Usage Series. This program is
designed to take you step by step
through the features, functions and
navigation of this software. Completion
of this program is a key component
toward International® Technician

After completing this program, you will

be required to take a post-test via ISIS®/
Education/Service/Online Testing.

Launching Diamond Logic ®

Builder Software

To launch the Diamond Logic® Builder,

or DLB, software:

• click Cab and Electrical Systems,

• then click the button DLB.

The software could take several minutes “The program

to load. The program checks for checks for software
software and database updates every and database
time it is launched. This ensures that
updates every time
the latest version of DLB is installed.
Progress is indicated by the Java™ logo. it is launched.”

After the User ID and Password are

entered, the main DLB screen appears.
 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

Linking to Your Vehicle

Connect your computer to the vehicle

ATA datalink using an approved
International® communications
device. An IC3, IC4, IC4 serial or
EZ-Tech® Link may be used.

To select the proper communications

cable and connection:

• click Tools,

• select Com Link,

• and the type of communications

device and Com port you are using.

Checking the Connection

After connecting to the vehicle, make

sure your connection is active and
communicating with the body controller.

First check the Connect/Disconnect

icon at the bottom right corner of
the screen. If the two plugs are
coupled, your computer is connected
and communicating. If the plugs are
separated, you are not connected.

If the icon is in the disconnect position,

follow these steps:

Re-check your connections and make

sure they are connected properly and
Module 1: Getting Started 

Check the Tools menu to ensure the

correct port has been selected and the
correct cable is assigned to it.

Unplug the cable from the vehicle’s data

port and from the computer. Wait a few Note
seconds and re-attach. Recycling the
connection often solves the problem. Once you have
connected to the
vehicle, remember the
If the interface cable CAN light is proper key states:
glowing red and the TX light flashes
 hen programming
green, it also means the cable is a vehicle, the key
connected and functioning. needs to be in the
OFF position.
This concludes the Getting Started •W
 hen performing
module of this program. Now let’s take diagnostics, the key
a look at how to navigate through the needs to be in the ON
DLB software.
 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

Module 2: Navigating 

Navigating Module 2
DLB is a straightforward application “DLB is a
designed with the user in mind. straightforward
International® has worked to make the application
application as intuitive and easy to
designed with the
navigate as possible.
user in mind.”
In this module we show you the
program’s organizational structure,
which will help you find the functions
you need.

We begin at the main screen, which

provides you with a virtual table of
contents. It allows you to manage
and edit vehicle configurations and to
program them into the body controller.
The main screen’s structure is very
standard and has three main tools for
navigation and operation:

• the Menu Bar,

• the Toolbar,

• and Tabs.

Let’s look at each of these tools and

their functions individually.
 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains different items,

each with a dropdown list of options.
Click each menu item to learn its

For example, click the File dropdown

menu. The categories relate to the
files you are working with and are
relatively self-explanatory. Most of these
functions and operations are covered
in detail in the third program of this
course, DLB Diagnostics.

The Edit dropdown menu gives

you access to the standard editing
functions, such as undo, find, cut and

The View dropdown menu enables you

to check basic programming data and
allows you to select English or metric
measurement units.

The Advanced Logic dropdown menu

enables you to manipulate logic blocks.
The menu items vary, depending on the
user’s access level. Logic blocks and
ladder logic are described later in this

The Tools dropdown menu enables you

to perform a variety of key functions.
This is also where the Com Link can be
Module 2: Navigating 

The Diagnostics dropdown menu

enables you to complete diagnostic
functions including diagnosing,
simulating, opening sessions, graphing
functions, setting triggers and testing
warning lights.

If you have any questions about “If you have any

the DLB software, you can always questions about
access the Help dropdown menu. the DLB software,
This menu links you to a database that
you can always
defines terms, explains processes
and outlines procedures. It also access the Help
enables you to perform various logging dropdown menu.”
functions that can help diagnose
a particular problem with DLB.

The Toolbar

Just below the Menu Bar is the Toolbar.

Toolbar icons are used to activate
shortcuts to key program functions.
These shortcuts are the same as the
functions listed in the Tool dropdown
options on the Menu Bar.

Not all of these buttons may be active;

it depends on the context of where you
are working and the operating mode.
Depending on your access level, some
of these icons may not even be visible.

Place your mouse over each of the

buttons to see their function.
10 Program I: DLB Fundamentals


Tabs are located throughout the

program. They are the pathway to
many of the DLB software features for
programming and customizing your
vehicle and streamlining truck and
body integration. When you click on a
tab it opens up different informational
windows. These are discussed in
more detail in the next module.

The tabs have Filter icons.

The function of each Filter icon depends

on where the tab is located. Left-clicking
the Filter icon activates a feature that
allows you to scan the current tab for
specific words or parameters.

“Right-clicking Right-clicking the Filter icon displays

the Filter icon the available columns of information
displays the within the window. When a column is
displayed, a check mark is shown next
available columns
to its name. This feature is not available
of information with the Faults, Connectors, Center
within the window.” Panel or Cluster tabs, which are data
displays with no selectable inputs.

Here’s how the Filter icon works on the

select tab. Click the Filter icon.

Notice there are 11 column headers

associated with the Select tab. Each
filter also has a Find and Clear Filter
Module 2: Navigating 11

Another function of the program is the

ability to click a column heading to sort
the list in ascending or descending

Click on the VIN/Name column heading

to sort the information in ascending

This concludes the navigation module

of this program. Now let’s take a look at
the different windows you’ll be working
with as you use DLB.
12 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

Module 3: DLB Windows 13

DLB Windows Module 3

DLB is broken into multiple sections
called windows. These vary depending
on the tab you are working on and the
operation mode you are in.

The default window contains nine

separate tabs, with only five displayed
initially. Let’s take a look at what types
of information are available on each
of these tabs. Click the Select tab to

The Select Tab

The Select tab is the primary tab “The Select tab

and the default window for DLB. is the primary tab
It is used to choose a vehicle or and the default
template for programming and
window for DLB.”
to access basic information. The
Select tab also returns you to the
main screen when you are finished
working on any of the other tabs.

The first section of the Select tab is

the VIN/Template information area in
the upper left of the screen. This area
displays information specific to the VIN
or the templates located in the working
directory of DLB.

When you select a VIN or template, four

additional tabs appear: The Advanced
14 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

Logic, Connectors, Center Panel and

Cluster tabs.

Selecting a VIN or template also

populates the other areas on the Select
tab with specific information about the

The second area, directly below

the VIN/Template area, displays all
modules available on the datalinks for
the VIN or template you are working
with. These could include the switch
packs, body controller or the ABS
controller. When the user is in the
Diagnostics mode, this tab displays
what is communicating on the datalink.

This section contains two tabs:

Detected Modules and Inferred
Modules. As the name suggests,
the Detected Modules tab displays
modules actually on the datalink that
can be manipulated.

“The Inferred The Inferred tab displays all modules

tab displays all that should be on the vehicle. It
modules that also displays the modules that are
communicating on the datalink but that
should be on
are not available to be manipulated.
the vehicle.”
The third area located on the right side
of the Select tab displays the name of
the template or the VIN for the vehicle
Module 3: DLB Windows 15

The lower section of the window

displays the information pertaining to
the module selected. When a VIN or
template is selected, the first module in
the list is automatically selected. Click
on the Features tab to continue.

The Features Tab

The Features tab is either the second

or third tab in the window. This tab
facilitates the addition and removal of
features designed by International®.
You can also use this tab to change
programmable parameter values.

The Features tab has three major


• the Feature Display area,

• the Parameter Display area,

• and the Parameter Edit area.

Features Display Area

The Features Display area lists all “The Features

of the features associated with the Display area lists
vehicle or template selected. There are all of the features
three column headings when a VIN
associated with
is selected and five column headings
when editing a template. the vehicle or
template selected.”
To display the list of available column
headings, right-click the Filter icon.
16 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

Parameter Display Area

“Not all features Selecting a feature in the Feature

have parameters Display area displays any parameters
associated associated with the feature in the
Parameter Display area. Not all features
with them.”
have parameters associated with them.

Parameter Edit Area

Select a programmable parameter.

Notice how the information related to

this parameter populates the area at
the bottom of this window. This area
contains programmable parameter
values and the range at which they can
be set. Values can either be changed
here or by clicking the Value column in
the Parameter Display area.

In either case, the entered value must

fall within the range listed for the
parameter. Some parameter values are
simply on or off and can be changed
by clicking the check box in the value
column. A check means the parameter
is active or on and no check mark
means the parameter is inactive or off.

Other parameter values are

assigned by selecting a number.
These are identified by the word
list appearing in the unit column. In
these cases, clicking on the Value
column reveals a dropdown arrow.
Module 3: DLB Windows 17

Clicking the arrow displays a list of

choices and the definitions for each
number’s function. Place your mouse
over the definition to display the full

Additional Tabs

The Features tab has up to four sub-

tabs, depending on the feature you
have selected on a particular vehicle.

First, the Features tab. This tab is “The Features

always available and displays either tab … is always
the features installed or those available available and
given your user permissions.
displays either the
The second is the ESC tab, which features installed
displays the parameters in a vehicle’s or those available
configuration. given your user
The third is the Aware tab. This tab

displays the parameters for an Aware sm

module, if one is installed on the vehicle.

Finally, the Custom Logic tab displays

the parameters set up in Advanced
Logic for customer modifications. Next,
click on the Faults tab.
18 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

The Faults Tab

Again, depending on what has been

selected on the Select tab, the Faults
tab is either the third or fourth tab
displayed in the window.

When the user is in Diagnostic mode

and the program is connected to a
vehicle, this tab displays trouble codes
generated by the Body Controller.

“DLB now As a new feature, DLB now displays

displays codes codes for any module broadcasting
for any module faults on the datalink. This includes (but
is not limited to) the Engine, ABS and
broadcasting faults
Transmission controllers.
on the datalink.”
Faults can be cleared from any module
by pressing the Erase Faults icon.
When you click this icon a new window
appears, allowing you to select the
modules you would like to clear. Click
on the Signals tab to continue.

The Signals Tab

Next is the Signals tab. This tab enables

users to access detailed information
about each electrical signal available for
use by both International® engineered
features and Advanced Logic.

The main Signals window has upper

and lower sections. The upper section
lists all the signals associated with the
Module 3: DLB Windows 19

selected vehicle. The lower section

graphically displays the ladder logics
associated with any signals selected
on the upper screen. Click on the
Messages tab to continue.

The Messages Tab

The Messages tab displays “The Message
configuration errors and warnings. tab displays
This tab is broken into two sections: configuration errors
the Message section and the Modified
and warnings.”

The Message Section

The Message section displays any

errors and warnings for the vehicle.
Double-clicking on an item in the list
activates a pop-up window, providing
the configuration message detail.

The Modified Section

The lower section displays changes

made to the vehicle configuration since
the last time it was programmed.

Next, let’s talk about the four tabs

displayed once a vehicle or template
is selected. The first of these is the
Advanced Logic tab. Click on the
Advanced Logic tab to continue.
20 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

The Advanced Logic Tab

Once a vehicle or template has been

selected, you can then click the
Advanced Logic tab.

This tab has three main sections:

• the Logic Block list,

• the Logic Display area,

• and the Variable Selection tabs.

The Logic Block List

“DLB software uses DLB software uses logic blocks to

logic blocks to organize, simplify and segment multiple
organize, simplify advanced logic functions and features.
The Logic Block list provides all the
and segment
logic blocks for your vehicle or template
multiple advanced and allows you to select the one you
logic functions want to view.
and features.”
For example, a vehicle’s system might
use one logic block to manage PTO
functions, another to control basic
lighting and a third to handle only
emergency lighting.

The Logic Display Area

The Logic Display area, just below the

Logic Block list, provides a diagram of
each logic block as it is selected.
Module 3: DLB Windows 21

The display area is where diagnostic “… diagnostic

information provided by the author of information
the logic is displayed. This information provided by the
is very important and must always be
author … is very
reviewed when troubleshooting vehicles
with advanced logic. important and
must always be
The display area has three tabs, reviewed when
allowing you to choose one of three troubleshooting
views: vehicles with
• the Ladder Logic view, advanced logic.”

• the Structured Logic view,

• or the Diagnostics view.

The Ladder Logic view outlines

programmed functions. These diagrams
look like ladders; they have rails and
rungs. Each rung maps a control circuit
and its functionality.

You can use your cursor to increase or

decrease the width of the display area.

The Structured Logic view displays the

logic in its programming code.

Finally, the Diagnostics view displays

information used to diagnose any
concern with this logic block.
22 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

The Variable Selection Tabs

The Variable Selection tabs are used

by the programmer when writing
advanced logic. They are used to
select the various inputs and outputs
associated with programming. Click the
Connectors tab to continue.

The Connectors Tab

“Use the Use the Connectors tab to view

Connectors tab to modules and the corresponding
view modules and connectors and connector pin
assignments. This allows you to see
the corresponding
whether a module is programmed
connectors and for the currently selected vehicle or
connector pin template. The window displays various
assignments.” tabs that allow you to select particular
modules. If the label on the tab is
italicized, the module is inactive and not

An Inactive Module

Since RPM 2 is italicized, we know it is

not configured. Because of this, when
the module is selected, the screen
displays the module and connectors
but contains no labels.
Module 3: DLB Windows 23

An Active Module

Since RPM 1 is not italicized, we know

it’s configured. When we select the
RPM 1 tab, both the module and one of
its connectors are displayed.

Place your mouse over the connector

you want to view. If the connector is
not in full view, use the scroll bar at the
bottom of the screen to adjust.

You will notice a gray highlight on the

item. By clicking the connector, you are
able to view the connector pinouts.

These pinouts are labeled to identify all

the signals associated with that pin.

The signals in bold have been used

by advanced logic features. General-
purpose names apply to signals not
used by advanced logic features.

Selecting a Connector Pin

To select a pin, click on it. When a “When a connector

connector pin label is selected, the pin pin label is
name and pictured module connector selected, the pin
are highlighted in yellow.
name and pictured
The associated connector pin is also module connector
highlighted. Selecting the Signals tab are highlighted.”
displays the highlighted signal and
provides additional information. Click
the Center Panel tab to continue.
24 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

The Center Panel Tab

The Center Panel tab allows you

to view the vehicle switch panel
arrangement. The wire connection
displayed on the screen indicates a
second switch pack has switches
populated to it.

Center Panel Switch Movement

Click and drag to move switches to

different locations.

If you hold the cursor over a switch or a

blank area, a pop-up window appears,
describing the object.
Module 3: DLB Windows 25

The Cluster Tab

The final tab we need to discuss is the

Cluster tab. This tab allows you to view
the vehicle cluster gauge and warning
light arrangement. It also displays
the features enabled in the vehicle

Blue circles indicate potential locations

for optional gauges. When optional
gauges are installed, they can only go “Before installing
into pre-configured locations. a gauge in the
physical cluster,
Before installing a gauge in the physical
cluster, make sure DLB can accept the make sure DLB
particular gauge in that location. All can accept the
other gauges and warning lights have particular gauge
fixed locations. in that location.”
26 Program I: DLB Fundamentals

Module 4: Ending a Session 27

Ending a Session Module 4

Once you’ve completed and saved your
work on either the vehicle or templates,
you can end the session using the
following steps:

• If you’re connected to a vehicle,

disconnect the link.

• Go to the Toolbar and click the

Communications Link icon.

The Toolbar icon changes to indicate

the disconnection. The Communications
Link icon in the lower right corner
should indicate the same. Now end the
session using one of two options:

• Open File from the Menu Bar and

click Close.

• Or click the Close button in the

upper right hand corner of the

This concludes the DLB Fundamentals
program, the first program in the
Diamond Logic® Builder Introduction
and Usage Series. Completion of
this educational process is a key
component toward International®
Technician Certification. You are now
required to take a post-test via ISIS®/
Education/Service/Online Testing.
28 Program I: DLB Fundamentals



Program II:
Using DLB
30 Program II: Using DLB
Module 1: Overview 31

Overview Module 1
Welcome to program two, Using DLB,
the second program in the Diamond
Logic® Builder Introduction and
Usage Series. This program describes
how to operate the Diamond Logic®
Builder software. Completion of this
program is a key component toward
International® Technician Certification.

After completing this program you will

be required to take a post-test via ISIS®/
Education/Service/Online Testing.

There are five basic tasks enabled

by Diamond Logic® Builder, or DLB,

• determining a vehicle’s

• creating templates,

• working with features,

• programming a vehicle,

• and diagnosing a problem.

In this program we will discuss the

first four tasks individually to get us
started with this powerful application.
Diagnosing a problem is covered in the
third program, DLB Diagnostics.
32 Program II: Using DLB

Module 2: Determining Vehicle Configuration 33

Determining Vehicle Module 2

If you don’t have a version of the
vehicle’s information, connecting to the
Body Controller is the easiest and most
accurate way to get it.

If you do have a version, but the vehicle

is at a later revision, click the Get Data Note
button to obtain the data. Obtaining the newest
version of the DLB
If you are not connected to the vehicle, software will overwrite
the existing file on
there are two ways to get a vehicle’s your computer. Any
history over the Internet: either through modifications to this
International® or by importing a VIN or file will be lost.

To get the information from

International®, make sure your computer
is connected to the Internet:

• Click File and select Get From

History. A dialogue box will appear.

• Enter the VIN or eight-digit chassis

number for the vehicle.

• Click the Request VINs button. The

requested VIN will appear on the

The system then loads the vehicle

configuration file onto the computer.
This could take a few minutes
depending on how many other users
34 Program II: Using DLB

are logged on to the Vehicle History


If you already have a previous copy

of the VIN file on your computer, a
Confirm Overwrite screen appears.

Click Yes to overwrite the existing

vehicle’s configuration file on the


Click No to stop the process.

“You can import You can import a VIN or template if

a VIN or template someone has exported a file from DLB
if someone has and saved it as an archive file. The file
extension for an archive file is .iva.
exported a file from
DLB and saved it Clicking the Remove Selected Request
as an archive file.” button removes the selected VIN
request from the list.

Selecting the Work Online button

allows you to work either on- or offline.
Working online simply means you are
connected to the DLB resources at
International® through the Internet.

When you are not connected, a broken

signal icon appears on the Toolbar
Module 2: Determining Vehicle Configuration 35

To import the VIN or template:

• click File and select the import


• locate the file on your computer or

network and select it,

• click the open button.

You will be prompted to connect to “You will be

International® via the Internet if you have prompted to
programmed more than 75 vehicles, connect to
or have programmed vehicle histories
International® via
that are more than 72 hours old. This is
done to ensure no vehicle histories are the Internet if you
lost due to computer hardware failures. have programmed
more than
International® suggests connecting 75 vehicles.”
at least once a day if you have
programmed a vehicle.
36 Program II: Using DLB

Module 3: Creating a Template 37

Creating a Template Module 3

A template is a file that captures and
stores vehicle configuration changes
made using DLB.

Templates contain data regarding three

types of changes:

• adding or deleting 595 feature


• revising programmable parameters,

• and adding or modifying advanced

logic blocks.

Essentially, a template is a programming “A template …

guide. It summarizes the features and enables you to
parameter settings to be applied to a make identical
vehicle configuration. Once saved, a
reconfigurations to
template can be e-mailed and stored
just like any other data file. This enables additional vehicles
you to make identical reconfigurations without having
to additional vehicles without having to to reprogram
reprogram changes. changes.”

It is recommended that you create a

template from a selected VIN.

To do this:

• click on the Select tab,

• select the VIN you want to base

your template on,
38 Program II: Using DLB

• click File,

• and click Make Template.


• right-click on the VIN and select

Make Template,

• type the name for the new template

in the dialog box,

• click OK.
Module 4: Working with Features 39

Working with Features Module 4

Adding or Removing Features

To add or remove a feature, use the

Select tab to select the template or VIN
to be modified. Click the Features tab.

The top part of the window displays all

possible software features engineered
for the vehicle or template selected,
as well as your permission level. DLB
determines this by looking at your user
level, the level of the features and the
vehicle configuration itself. The list is
organized into five different columns:

• the Feature column,

• the Description column,

• the Installed column,

• the Added With Template column,

• and the Removed With Template


The Feature column identifies the “The Feature

software feature code for each packet column identifies
of software code. the software
The Description column describes the
feature code for
feature. each packet of
software code.”
The Installed column identifies the
features already included in the vehicle
40 Program II: Using DLB

or template configuration. A checked

box indicates the feature is installed in
the configuration; an unchecked box
indicates it is not.

“If the Added With The final two columns are only
Template column displayed if you are working with a
is checked, the template. If the Added With Template
column is checked, the selected feature
selected feature is
is added to the VIN configuration file
added to the VIN when the template is applied to the VIN.
configuration file An unchecked box has no effect on the
when the template template or VIN file being edited.
is applied.”
If the Removed With Template column
is checked, the selected feature is
automatically removed from a vehicle
configuration when the template is
applied. An unchecked box has no
effect on templates or VIN files.

To sort the features list in ascending or

descending order, double-click on any
column heading.

Select the feature you want to add or

delete by scrolling through the available

When you select a feature, the lower

half of the window is populated with
a list of parameters. Remember,
not all features have programmable
Module 4: Working with Features 41

Click the check box in the Installed

column to add the feature or remove
the check to delete it.

Notice that when you are on a template

and click the check box in the Installed
column, a check mark is automatically
added to the Added With Template

Checking the box also brings up

parameter windows on the lower
portion of the screen. These windows
allow you to change the value of
programmable parameters for the
selected feature. Select the desired
programmable parameter and click on
the data in the value column.

If the parameter is merely an on or

off selection, there is a check box. A
check indicates the parameter is on. An
unchecked box indicates it is off.

For programmable parameters with

numerical values, select the parameter
to be modified and type in the new
value. Other programmable parameters
allow you to make a choice from a list.
You may only select one choice for the “Once you have
feature code.
completed your
Once you have completed your change … the
change—a value, addition or deletion— template must be
the template must be saved before it saved before it
can take effect. can take effect.”
42 Program II: Using DLB

“The Revert feature Each time you save a template during

provides you the an open DLB session, a time-stamped
option to return version of the file is saved in history.
The Revert feature provides you the
to any ‘save point’
option to return to any “save point”
during the open during the open DLB session.
DLB session.”
Once you close out of DLB, removing
features or programmable parameter
selections must be performed manually.

To save your changes, click File and

select Save.

You can also use the Floppy Disk icon

on the Toolbar.

Notice the Status column is cleared.

Until the changes are programmed into
a vehicle, they will not take effect.

Editing a Programmable

The procedure for changing or editing

a programmable parameter is similar
to the process of adding or deleting a
feature. You can modify programmable
parameters in both VIN configuration
files and templates.

After selecting the VIN or template,

go to the Features tab. Scroll through
the available features until you find
the feature with the programmable
parameter you want to change.
Module 4: Working with Features 43

Select the feature to populate the

lower half of the window with the
programmable parameter list. Only
parameters associated with an installed
feature or those that will be added with
a template are available for editing.
Remember, not all features have
programmable parameters.

Clicking on the check box in the

Installed column not only adds a check
mark, but also brings up programmable
parameter windows in the lower half of
the window.

The Programmable Parameter Program

window displays the programmable
parameters of the feature. Also, it allows
you to reset those parameters for the
selected feature or to change the
current value.

As mentioned earlier, once a change

to a programmable parameter is
completed, the template or VIN
configuration file must be saved and
programmed into the vehicle for it to
take effect.
44 Program II: Using DLB

Module 5: Programming a Vehicle 45

Programming a Vehicle Module 5

What Is Programmed

Programming a vehicle using DLB is a

one-step process. However, the vehicle
program contains several distinct

• a Base Kernel program,

• a Configuration Program consisting

of Features and Logic Blocks,

• and a Programmable Parameter file.

Each program is loaded into the Body

Controller individually to ensure the
latest version of each section is installed
in the vehicle.

For example, if the Kernel program on

the vehicle already contains the latest
version available from International®,
then only the configuration file and
programmable parameters would be
loaded into the vehicle.

You can reprogram a vehicle after at

least one of these conditions has been

• a newer version of the Kernel

program is available from
46 Program II: Using DLB

• a newer version of the

Configuration Features is available
from International®,

• one or more features have been

added, modified or deleted from
the vehicle,

• one or more programmable

parameters have been modified,

• or the Advanced Logic has been

changed, added or deleted.

“Only VIN files may Only VIN files may be programmed into
be programmed a vehicle. Templates must be applied to
into a vehicle.” a VIN file, and then the updated VIN file
may be programmed into the vehicle.
Each vehicle or VIN may have more
than one template applied.

Remember, the key must be in the off

position to program a vehicle.

Applying a Template to a VIN

When applying an First, select the vehicle to be
old template to a programmed from the Select tab.
post‑2007 VIN, 595
feature codes will not
transfer. Most—but
Either click the Apply Templates icon,
not all—advanced or right-click on the VIN name and
logic will transfer. A select Apply Templates. The Apply
new template should Template dialog box appears. Click the
be created for all
post‑2007 vehicles. Template you want to apply.

Select from the following lower apply

buttons as needed: All, Advanced
Module 5: Programming a Vehicle 47

Logic, Features, Programmable

Parameters, and Switches and Gauge

Click the Apply Selected Templates “You can select

button. Remember that you can select and apply several
and apply several templates to a vehicle. templates to
After applying the template, the
a vehicle.”
selected vehicle displays Unsaved
Changes in the Status column.

Before saving changes, click the

appropriate Connectors, Signals and
Features tabs to verify the accuracy of
the pins, switches and programmable
parameter changes you have made.

Select the Save Changes To Selected

Vehicle icon or click the Save icon.

Programming the Vehicle

Connect the computer to the vehicle.

Select the Computer Link icon on the

Check the Connection icon in the

lower right of the window to verify you
are connected to the vehicle. Click the
Program icon.

The system loads the VIN configuration

file into the vehicle Body Controller. The
status bar at the bottom of the window
48 Program II: Using DLB

displays the slider bar, which shows

programming status.

Be careful not to interrupt the program

while it’s loading.

Once all required sections of the VIN

configuration files are loaded, the status
bar indicates the system is resetting.
The vehicle is now programmed.

Once a vehicle is programmed, be sure

to connect to the Internet and launch
DLB software to save the revised
VIN configuration file in the archive at

“Launching DLB Launching DLB while connected to

while connected the Internet automatically uploads
to the Internet the revised file. If you do not connect
and send the file within 72 hours,
your permissions with DLB are
uploads the degraded and you will only be able to
revised file.” perform diagnostics until all unsent
history files are uploaded. You will
not be able to do any programming
or write advanced logic.

As stated previously, you must also

connect to International® via the
Internet if you have programmed
more than 75 vehicles. International®
suggests connecting at least once a
day if you have programmed a vehicle.
The upload can be started when
Module 5: Programming a Vehicle 49

connected using the Send Pending

History option from the File menu.

This concludes the Using DLB
program, the second program in the
Diamond Logic® Builder Introduction
and Usage Series. Completion of
this educational process is a key
component toward International®
Technician Certification. You are now
required to take a post-test via ISIS®/
Education/Service/Online Testing.
50 Program II: Using DLB



Program III:
DLB Diagnostics
52 Program III: DLB Diagnostics
Module 1: Overview 53

Overview Module 1
Welcome to program three, DLB
Diagnostics, the third program in the
Diamond Logic® Builder Introduction
and Usage Series. This program covers
electrical system diagnostics using
Diamond Logic® Builder software.
Completion of this program is a key
component toward International®
Technician Certification.

After completing this program you will

be required to take a post-test via ISIS®/
Education/Service/Online Testing.

Understanding the basics of DLB

software will help you realize the full
value of this specialized application.
As you proceed through this program,
keep in mind it’s not a substitute for
printed or electronic manuals that
provide overviews of the software.

In this program, we’ll review the Set

Up, which includes the pre‑check
list, linking to the vehicle and
module detection. Then we’ll focus
on diagnosing concerns in the
connector, ladder, center panel, gauge
cluster and signal windows. We’ll
also discuss creating and saving
sessions and working with triggers.

Let’s get started by setting up our

system to diagnose a vehicle concern.
54 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Module 2: Set Up 55

Set Up Module 2

Before you begin using DLB software “… make sure

to diagnose and troubleshoot electrical the fault is in the
or electronic system problems, make system and not
sure the fault is in the system and not
an external issue
an external issue like a bad bulb. You
also need to have a clear understanding like a bad bulb.”
of the complaint. This not only helps you
develop the best strategy to analyze the
problem, but also saves time and effort.

Before performing diagnostics and

troubleshooting, complete the following

First, verify that there is a problem.

• Operate the system and list any


• Is the complaint due to a

misunderstanding about
customer-selected programmable

Second, gather information to develop

a complete picture of the problem.

• What happens and when?

• Under what conditions does it


• When did the symptoms begin?

56 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

• What else occurred at the time?

Next, check the diagnostic trouble

codes, or DTCs.

• Do the logged codes correlate with

the symptoms?

• What about probable causes?

• Were the codes logged repeatedly?

Then, conduct a thorough visual

inspection of the vehicle.

• Check for loose or corroded wires.

• Are there damaged connectors or


• Are all components installed


• Are the batteries at a 75% state of

charge or higher?

• Are any indicator bulbs burned out?

Finally, check all relevant service

information including circuit diagrams
“Once this and diagnostic charts.
checklist is
Once this checklist is completed,
completed, you you can be confident the problem is
can be confident in the system and you have the basic
the problem is information needed to successfully
in the system.” troubleshoot the complaint.
Module 2: Set Up 57

Now we can begin diagnosing the

vehicle using the DLB software. Let’s
connect to the vehicle. Remember,
the key must be in the ON position to
perform diagnostics on a vehicle.

Linking to the Vehicle

Click on the Select tab to select the


Click the Computer Link icon on the

toolbar. Check the Connection icon
in the lower right corner to verify the

The connection has been made when

the information in the Selected Vehicle
and Detected boxes are the same.

Click the Diagnose icon on the

toolbar. Make sure the icon changes to
Diagnose Selected.

Module Detection

Once the connection has been “Once the

established, you can easily see connection has
which electrical system modules been established,
are communicating on the J1939
you can easily see
datalink by viewing the check marks
in the Detected column. Remember
which electrical
that some modules, such as the system modules
engine controller, are only on when are communicating
the key is in the ignition position. on the J1939
Otherwise they will not appear. datalink.”
58 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Module 3: Diagnostic Fault Codes 59

Diagnostic Fault Codes Module 3

Diagnostic fault codes are useful “The Faults screen
tools for troubleshooting the Body … provides a
Controller, Gauge Cluster and the comprehensive
rest of the electrical system. You
description of the
can decode diagnostic fault codes
directly by selecting the Faults screen, diagnostic fault.
which provides a comprehensive It also indicates a
description of the diagnostic fault. It probable cause.”
also indicates a probable cause, and
displays both the connector pin and
module associated with the fault.

These faults are for any module on

the datalink broadcasting a fault.
Some information such as connector
information may not be available,
depending on the module.

Let’s take a look at the diagnostics you

can view on the Connector tab. Click
the Connector tab to continue.
60 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Module 4: Diagnostic Windows 61

Diagnostic Windows Module 4

Connectors Tab

The Connectors tab displays

information to help isolate concerns
you may encounter. It allows you to
see the signal values for the pins in an
electronic module.

Connectors Window

The Connectors window allows you to “The Connectors

monitor system values without having to window allows you
use breakout boxes. It provides scaled to monitor system
voltages, temperatures and pressures
values without
for analog voltages, as well as check
boxes for controlling on/off values. having to use
breakout boxes.”
You can observe the state of each input
and output from the Body Controller
or from the Remote Power Module,
also known as an RPM. You can also
override many of the inputs and outputs.

Click on a connector. This highlights

the connector in gray and displays it on
the right. It also gives you a graphic of
the module and the connectors on the
left. Click the RPM 1 tab to continue.

RPM in the Connectors Window

Click on the name of an output to select

it. For example, select INTERLOCKED_
62 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

that both the selection and the pin in

the connector graphic are highlighted.

The output is also automatically

selected in the Signals tab. This is
helpful if you are not sure of the feature
code controlling a specific RPM output.

To turn off the highlight, hold down the

Control key and click the highlighted

RPM Output in the Connectors


Let’s review the output connector

view in a little more detail and see the
specific items associated with each

First, the connector cavity pin numbers

or letters are in brackets. The name
assigned by the feature using this

Note the number 5 before the feature-

assigned name. This indicates the
output is set to virtually fuse at 5 amps.
The default is 20 amps.

The phrase RPM1_Output2_Current

indicates the current draw on the RPM
output. The 1 next to the pin number or
letter B represents the current drawn by
the load on output 2.
Module 4: Diagnostic Windows 63

The bold Spare_1 next to pin D is the

custom name assigned to this signal. A
check box, such as the one for pin E, is
used to turn the output on and off.

The Lock icon, also at pin E, is used “When locked, no

to lock and unlock the output on or other signal can
off. When locked, no other signal can drive that output.”
drive that output. If you’re having trouble
turning outputs on or off, make sure
they’re not locked.

Outputs could also be locked in

other views, so make sure to check
those as well. Input connectors are
represented in a similar manner as
output connectors. However, names are
handled a little differently.

Each pin of an input connector is

programmed in the body controller to
respond to either a 12 volt or ground
signal. The ground signal is always
listed closest to the connector image.

The lock works the same as on the

output connector. The input connector
also shows the addressing with
jumper wires. Note the red jumper wire
between pins 1 and 2. Addressing is
extremely important. Do not move input
connectors. Click on the Advanced
Logic tab to continue.
64 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Ladder View
(Advanced Logic Tab)

After linking to the vehicle, choosing

the Diagnostics mode and selecting
the Advanced Logic tab, you’ll find
that diagnostics in the ladder view are
simple and straightforward.

Most items will have the word Off or a

question mark over them. If an item is
highlighted, its present state cannot be

Tabs on the right side of the window

contain all the signals used when
programming with advanced logic. You
can also see actual signals received
from the vehicle.

“There are two There are two ways to test the vehicle
ways to test the feature to make sure it’s working
vehicle feature properly.
to make sure it’s The first is to activate the actual switch
working properly.” in the vehicle and watch the result

The second is to override the switch

by clicking the check box in the Value
column on the right side of the screen.
This tells the body controller to activate
the circuit regardless of switch position.

The technique you use depends on the

item you’re testing. The Value column is
Module 4: Diagnostic Windows 65

good for intermediate variables created

in the ladder logic window and RPM
input signals. Again, this overrides the
vehicle signal.

By observing the reaction of the logic “By observing

rung, you can diagnose the vehicle. If the reaction of
all the items on the left side of the logic the logic rung,
block are properly set, the value on the
you can diagnose
right should be either on or off. If the
contact, light or output indicator is on the vehicle.”
in the diagnostic window, the output
should also be on. If not, check for a
fault code on the Faults tab.

Click on the Center Panel tab to


Center Panel Diagnostics

When you open the Center Panel

tab in the Diagnostic mode, images
of the switches appear. A yellow line
represents the multiplex datalink tying
the switch packs together. Arrows
indicate switch settings. When the
state of the actual switch is changed,
the arrows and images change to show
the new state. A Padlock icon indicates
a locked condition.

There are various ways to override the

switches using DLB software. One way
is to right-click anywhere onscreen to
bring up a list.
66 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Another method is to click the image

of the switch itself. Clicking the top of
the switch activates the switch output.
You can see the arrow move to the up
position. This overrides the switch and
allows you to determine if there is a
switch problem. You can also click on
the padlock to lock the signal in any
valid switch position.

“When diagnosing When diagnosing switches, it helps to

switches, it helps keep basic switch mechanics in mind. A
to keep basic switch rocker is a pair of plungers and a
pair of micro switches. A switch can be
switch mechanics
in one of three positions: micro switch
in mind.” one is depressed, micro switch two is
depressed, or neither micro switch is

Another thing to remember when

diagnosing a switch in the Signals,
Features or Advanced Logic tabs is
that you must select the switch position
you want. For example, choose the
switch up position while in either the
Diagnostic or Simulate mode.

Also, make sure the Switch Middle

and Switch Down check boxes are not

If more than one switch state is selected

in the Advanced Logic or Signal view,
the switch will be highlighted in the
Center Panel view. This means the
switch is in an illegal state.
Module 4: Diagnostic Windows 67

Turn off or unlock the individual switch

signals in the Advanced Logic or Signal
view before you continue with Center
Panel view diagnostics or simulation.

Gauge Cluster Diagnostics

When the Gauge Cluster view is “… the movement

selected in diagnostic mode, the of the diagnostic
movement of the diagnostic mode mode gauge
gauge mirrors the movements of the
mirrors the
actual gauges.
movements of the
For example, if the truck’s fuel gauge actual gauges.”
is not working properly, check the
Gauge Cluster view to see if the signal
is driving the diagnostic mode gauge.
If the gauge in the Diagnostic view is
working but the actual gauge is not,
follow the International® troubleshooting
guide to complete the diagnosis.

Clicking on the outer ring of a gauge

will override the actual gauge signal.
This forces the gauge to the reading
indicated by the cursor location.

Double-clicking an area around the

center of a gauge brings up a text box
in which you can enter a specific gauge
set value. Check to see if the gauge
follows the diagnostic gauge setting. If
it does not, refer to the International®
troubleshooting guide.
68 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Occasionally a gauge may dip to zero

in the diagnostic mode. This occurs
because some gauges require high
update rates, which are sometimes

In addition, the body controller and the

engine ECM may be feeding different
values to the DLB software. The
speedometer and tachometer are most
susceptible to this anomaly because of
their high update requirements. This is
normal and does not mean the gauge is

Signal Diagnostics

The Watch and Lock columns on the

Signal or Advanced Logic tabs in
the diagnostic mode are essential for
diagnostic troubleshooting. Make sure
the Custom Signal, Signal, Pins, Value,
Unit, Status, Watch and Lock columns
are turned on.

If any of these columns are not visible,

right-click on the Filter symbol to the left
of the column headings.
“Each signal in the
Diamond Logic® Using the Signal Status
electrical system Each signal in the Diamond Logic®
has an associated electrical system has an associated
status value.” status value.
Module 4: Diagnostic Windows 69

The status value is only displayed in “The status value

the Status column when the signal is is only displayed in
being watched. During troubleshooting, the Status column
inspect the status of system signals
when the signal is
being tested to ensure they have a
value of zero. Values greater than zero being watched.”
indicate the signal health is bad and it
will not be used by the program logic.
Look for DTCs on the Faults tab.

In order to quickly find signals you want

to watch, use the Search utility in the
upper left corner of the window. Or
go to the My Variables section on the
Advanced Logic tab.

Data in the Value column allows you to

monitor the value of selected signals.
Also observe the Unit column to see
the unit of measure associated with the
signal value.

Forcing Signal Values

In addition to monitoring signal

values, you can also force signals
to a predetermined value. For
example, the accessory signal can
be forced on or off by checking or
unchecking the box in the Value
column on the accessory line.

The accessory voltage is not actually

being forced on or off: it is only
changed from a body controller
programming standpoint. Any features
70 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

or advanced ladder logic using the

accessory signal will respond according
to the on/off state of accessory.

Remember, once a signal is forced to

a new value, the Lock icon indicates a
locked condition.

“Once locked, Once locked, changes by external

changes by inputs such as switches or sensors are
external inputs ignored. In order to unlock the signal,
click on the Lock icon. The signal will
such as switches
now respond to normal system inputs
or sensors are and outputs.
Another diagnostic check in the Signals
tab involves custom signals and ladder

Let’s take a look at Light_Bar and


The first ladder logic rung contains

Light_Bar_Sw and a control element.
The gray area indicate that both are
off. In the signal listing, clicking on the
Light_Bar_Sw Value check box turns
the switch on.

The control contacts are extremely

versatile and accurate. Scroll through
the list and click on Control to select
a sequence. Then scroll through the
lower screen to find the Light_Bar
circuit. Light_Bar_Sw is already on.
Module 4: Diagnostic Windows 71

Print the configuration packet and store

it in the vehicle for future reference. Be
sure to print a new packet whenever
modifications are made.

The Watch tab shows signals selected “The Watch tab

from the master or customer signal shows signals
list for monitoring. The Watch tab selected from the
default is a closed eyelid, which
master of customer
indicates a signal is not being
watched. Clicking on the closed eyelid signal list for
opens the eye. The signal is then monitoring.”
available for diagnosis in real time.

In diagnostic mode, we can now

monitor the signals in a graphic format
and save this information in individual
sessions. This is useful for e-mailing or
reviewing diagnostic scenarios at a later
date or with a remote user.
72 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Module 5: Working with Sessions 73

Working with Sessions Module 5

The Session feature provides
pre‑programmed sessions built by
International®. It also allows you to save
a custom group of signal selections to
an electronic file for future diagnostics.
Sessions can only be used in
diagnostics mode.

Creating a Session
Creating a session saves the selected Under the Diagnostics
watched signals in a file for future use. menu you have the
To save a session: option for a new
session. A new
session returns all
• Select a group of signals you want signals to their default
to watch from the Signals tab. state. If you currently
have modifications
• Click the Diagnostics menu. to the session, DLB
checks to see if you
• Select the Save Session As option. would like to save the
current session. When
DLB creates a Sessions folder on prompted, select the
appropriate option
your hard drive as the default location to save or reject the
for your sessions. If you would like to modifications.
put the files in another folder, navigate
to that folder to save the session.
Remember where you put the files for
future use.

Enter a name for the file in the File

Name text box. Click Save.
74 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Opening an International®

“International® As we mentioned previously,

has developed International® has developed sessions
sessions with the with the most commonly watched
signals. To open an International®
most commonly
created session:
watched signals.”
• Click the Diagnostics menu.

• Under the Open Session option,

select International®. A dialog box
opens with a list of the sessions
created by International®.

• Select a session file.

• Click the Open button.

Module 5: Working with Sessions 75

Opening a User-Created

Once you have created your sessions,

you will use them for future diagnostics
on other vehicles. To open a session
created by a user:

• Click the Diagnostics menu.

• Under Open Session option,

select User. If you are working
with an unsaved session, a dialog
box opens asking if you would like
to save the changes. Click the
appropriate button.

• A dialog box opens for you to

locate your file.

• Select the file.

• Click the Open button.

76 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Module 6: Working with Triggers 77

Working with Triggers Module 6

Triggers are used to detect a condition “DLB keeps a
and record it on a graph. Since DLB maximum of 10
keeps a maximum of 10 minutes minutes of data.”
of data, triggers can also stop the
recording after a specified amount of
time so the trigger condition is not lost.

You can start a recording before the

trigger event occurs. When the trigger
does occur, the graph is marked with a
start line. The recording continues until
a selected amount of time has elapsed
or the graph is stopped manually.

Setting Up a Trigger

Click the Diagnostics menu. Select Edit

Triggers. The Edit Triggers dialog box

Using the dropdown list in the upper

left corner, select the type of signal you
want to select your trigger from. For this
program select Watched.

Next, using the dropdown list in the

upper right corner, select the signal
to use as a trigger. This list box is
populated based on the type of signal
you selected in the previous step.
Select Interlocked_Sw output signal.
78 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

The Rising and Falling Edge options are

used to activate the trigger when the
signal goes active or inactive.

The Faults section is used when you

want the trigger to activate when
a specified number of faults have

For this exercise, we are concerned with

stopping the recording after a specified
amount of time. In this case, we want
to stop the recording after 10 seconds.
Click the OK button.

Starting the Recording

Locate the Signal Trigger icon on your

Toolbar. This icon turns your recording
on and off, and also arms and disarms
your signals.

Clicking this icon starts the recording

session. Once the session is running,
the graph starts to move.

Now turn the park brake signal off.

This will stop the graph so you can
reference this interlock output. Notice
on the graph that the system stopped
graphing 10 seconds after the trigger
was activated.

At eight seconds, the interlocked output

was turned off because the park brake
Module 6: Working with Triggers 79

was released. This is referenced by the

voltage output also dropping to zero.

This concludes DLB Diagnostics,
the third program in the Diamond
Logic® Builder Introduction and
Usage Series. Completion of
this educational process is a key
component toward International®
Technician Certification. You are now
required to take a post-test via ISIS®/
Education/Service/Online Testing.
80 Program III: DLB Diagnostics

Module 6: Working with Triggers 81

82 Program III: DLB Diagnostics


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