Q & A - Jacketed System
Q & A - Jacketed System
Q & A - Jacketed System
Ans: It is commonly used to convey very viscous process fluids in an inner pipe, heated by steam/hot
water/hot oil or other heating medium between the jacket and core pipe. Vacuum jacketing is also used
as an insulator for cryogenic fluids and can be analyzed using the same calculation method for heated
jacketed piping.
2. If water (density=1000Kg/m3) is flowing through the jacket then what is value of density you will
enter into Caesar spreadsheet?
Ans: We have to calculate equivalent density for the same. The following formula can be used
Actual jacket fluid equivalent density = [(rj2 – Rc2)/ rj2 ] x dj
Where, rj = Inner radius of core
Rc = Outer radius of pipe
dj = Density of heating medium
3. What are the major stresses checks that you will perform while analyzing Jacketed Piping
4. What allowable value is considered for welding check at core jacket interconnection?
Two methods are prevalent. You have to consider any one of the following (discuss with the stress lead)
a) Consider the 0.6 times of electrode tensile strength (As per AISC code)
b) Consider SE=1.25Sc+0.25Sh of electrode as allowable (as per secondary stress generated theory)