UNIT 3 Notes
UNIT 3 Notes
UNIT 3 Notes
Energy management & Audit
1. objective of energy management
2. Need and scope of energy audit
3. Methodology
4. Types of energy audit
5. Material and energy balance
6. Energy auditing instruments
7. Maintenance and audit
3. Methodology:
The methodology employed in energy audit is:
Conducting a survey if energy use and conservation study to identify scope and
possible areas of conservation
Work out techno economic feasibility in the use of alternative sources of energy
Type of industry.
Type of fuel/ energy being used.
Depth to which final audit is needed.
Different functionalities and process performed in industry.
Investment and time availability.
Potential and magnitude of cost reduction required.
The energy auditing process can be classified to different forms depending on the depth and
intensity of audit required, based on the demands of different sectors in which auditing is done.
In general auditing process is done to check some parameters like amount of energy
consumption, energy utilization, wastage, qualitative and quantitative measure of products
produced, and its contribution to economic development. Few different types are mentioned
1) Walk through audit: This type of audit includes visual inspections of energy utilization,
conservation, wastage and other energy associated parameters, it requires less cost and
time to complete.
2) Mini audit: This type of audit is done based on the tests and measurements to quantify
the energy associated parameters such as utilization, conservation, wastage etc.
3) Maxi audit: This type of audit is a systematic and detailed audit which includes scientific
approaches, computer simulations, scientific models to determine the energy usage
patterns and distributions, it includes detailed analysis of energy related parameters at
each stage and hence time consuming and costly.
This type of energy audit determines the qualitative and quantitative requirements of the
energy at different functions carried out in the different sectors.
1) Heat treatment
2) Cooling
This type of audit determines the amount of energy required for a specific process and
scope of energy savings.
1) Boiler house
2) Store office
3) Works dispensary
4) Maintenance workshop
5) Tool room
6) Power house
Utility audit determines the amount of energy utilized by a specific utility and scope of energy
1) Macro energy audit: This type of audit takes two to three days and provides overview of
different processed, functions and identifies substantial scope of energy savings.
2) Micro energy audit: This type of audit last for six to seven day and provides deep view
of different processes, function and identifies key area that require attention and specific
recommendation for improvement.
1) Billing audit: It is done by collecting information based on the bills. These bills provide
detail information about payment made for energy production and utilization. In this type
of audit data is collected by only bills.
2) Field audit: This type of audit is done by collecting information through actual visit to
site than calculations are done for various aspects of energy production, utilization,
losses, field audit provides specific recommendation for improvement.
This involves the total examinations of organization and analysis of efficiency and
effectiveness of the present system. It includes the detailed analysis of detailed accountability at
various intermediate stages.
To ensure the optimum utilization on all the resources including money, materials,
machines, men and methods.
To highlight deficiencies in procedures and planning.
To suggest improvement in methods of operations.
To highlight weak links in internals control system and suggesting improvements.
To provide accurate estimations of energy savings and cost.
This includes the initial site study, which is very useful for planning of future activities.
During the initial site visits the energy audit/ engineers should carry out the following actions:
1) Discuss with the set’s senor management the aims of energy audit.
2) Discuss about economic guidelines/ financial strength.
3) Issue a questionnaire which is related to types of instruments and equipments in use,
existing operations, procedures and control methods.
4) Collect details of all related data aboyt major energy consumption
The total time taken for this stage depends on the type of the industry/ site. A detailed study
need to be established at each and every unit of the system. the following are the steps carried
out in detailed audit:
1) Study the primary data, process flow diagram, energy utility diagrams.
2) Record important data, conduct survey and monitor the process.
3) Conduct detailed experiments for selected machines/ process.
4) Collect the information of the material and energy balances, energy wastage at different
5) Identification and development of energy conservation opportunities by using some
important effective techniques.
6) Finalize the best energy conservation opportunities by applying cost benefits analysis
7) Prepare a detailed energy audit report with standard formats.
Assist and implement ENCON recommendation measures and monitor the performances
.periodical review the performances of the system and follow-up.
Types of Balance:
(A) Differential Balance: is a balance taken at a specific instant in time. it is useful in
Steady state continuous process which produces same results at any time.
(B) Integral Balance: is a balance taken at two specific instants in time and applied to
the beginning and the end of a batch process
∑Masses entering via. Feed streams=∑ Masses exiting via product stream
The above equation can be written for batch and continuous process as
Energy exist in many forms such as heat, mechanical work (including potential and
kinetic energy), Light (radiation), sound, electric and chemical energy but because of
inter-conversion, it is not always easy to isolate separate constituents of energy balances.
The energy balance equation is driven by common laws of physics and thermo dynamics”
Energy cannot be created or destroyed”
Sankey diagram are a specific type of flow diagram in which the width of arrows is
shown proportionally to the flow quantity.
They are typically used to visualize energy or material transfers between processes.
2. Combustion Analyzer:
This instrument has in-built chemical cells which measures percentage of various
gases such as CO2, NOx, SOx etc.
These instruments are portable and estimates combustion efficiency of furnace,
Boilers or other fossil fuel burning devices.
5. Contact Thermometer:
These are thermocouples which measures temperature of hot air, hot water by
insertion of probe into the stream.
For surface temperature a leaf type probe is used with the same instruments.
6. Infrared Thermometer:
This is ma non-contact type, measures when directed at a heat source directly
gives the temperature read out.
Can be useful for measuring hot spots in furnaces, surface temperature etc.
9. Speed Measurements:
a. Contact type: Tachometer is a contact type instruments ,which is useful where direct
access is possible
b. Non –Contact type: Stroboscopes is a non – contact type, which is useful where
direct access is not possible.
14. Anemometer:
This measures the air velocity from heating, air conditioning or ventilating ducts or from
other sources of airflow.
15. Psychrometer:
Useful for measuring wet bulb temperature (WTB) and dry bulb temperature (DBT).
WBT and DBT reflect relative humidity.
Relative humidity is very important in HVAC and drying operations.