Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dme-Third Semester Examination
Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dme-Third Semester Examination
Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dme-Third Semester Examination
Board Diploma Examination, (C–16)
dME—THIRD Semester Examination
thermal engineering-i
PART—A 3×10=30
Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.
(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point
and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
/6244 1 [Contd...
10. Write the applications of compressed air.
PART–B 10×5=50
12. (a) What is reversible and irreversible processes? Give two examples
(b) State the condition for reversibility.
13. An engineer claims his engine to devlop 5kW. On testing, the engine
consumers 0.44 kg of fuel per hour having the calorific value 60000
kJ/kg, the maximum temperature recorded in the cycle is 1400oC
and the minimum is 356oC. Find whether the engineer is justified
in his claim.
(c) Work done per kg of air (d) Heat rejected per kg of air
/6244 2 [Contd...
16. State the necessity of engine governing and explain the hit and miss
type governing with the help of a neat sketch.
17. The percentage composition of a sample of fuel by mass is found to
be C- 76%, H2 - 5.2%, O2 - 2.7%, S- 1.2%. Calculate the minimum
amount of air necessary for complete combustion of one kg of fuel
and percentage composition by mass of dry products of combus-
18. Explain the working of following rotary compressors with line dia-
gram :
* * *
/6244 3 AA8