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Artificial intelligence:
From “ok google” on android devices to the much-known SIRI on the
Iphones and to the age detection camera on the Xiaomi all that we are
using daily are examples of Artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence refers to the intelligence demonstrated by
machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans
and other animals.
In simpler words it is a branch of computer science that aims to create
intelligent machines. It has become an essential part of the technology
There is rapid increase in the use of Artificial intelligence in today’s
world. Artificial intelligence is almost everywhere today. Its not just the
robots to whom we can refer as human’s creation of an artificial
intelligence model but a lot more, a world full of artificial intelligence’s
application beyond what one can ordinarily imagine.

Cars are becoming self-driven, hand held devices are being

revolutionised (face unlocking systems in smartphones), many machines
are performing human intelligent things and many more things have
become easier for us in life all owing to artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow AI (or weak AI),

in that it is designed to perform a narrow task (e.g. only facial recognition
or only internet searches or only driving a car). However, the long-term
goal of many researchers is to create general AI (AGI or strong AI).
While narrow AI may outperform humans at whatever its specific task is,
like playing chess or solving equations, AGI would outperform humans
at nearly every cognitive task.

This goes to prove what we are witnessing now of artificial is just the
mere beginning and the time to come has many other huge artificial
intelligent appliances and applications which ought to take working and
its use to the next supreme level.

AI is, “ A core, transformative way by which we’re rethinking how we are

doing everything.”- Sundar Pichai
Types of artificial intelligence

AI can be categorized in any number of ways, but here are two


The first classifies AI systems as either weak AI or strong AI.

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is an AI system that is designed and
trained for a particular task. Example: Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana,
and Amazon's Alexa.

Strong AI, also known as artificial general intelligence, is an AI system

with generalized human subliminal abilities so that when presented with
an unfamiliar task, it has enough intelligence to find a solution. The
ultimate target of the strong AI is to produce a machine whose overall
abilities is similar to that of a human being.

The other classification is according to Arend Hintze(assistant professor

at Michigan state university) who gave the following four types:
*Reactive machines: It has no memory, but on a chess board it can see
the pieces and choose the next best strategic move.
*Limited machines: It uses past experiences to decide on future
decisions. It is used in vehicles.
*Theory of mind: It is a psychological AI that has not yet come into
*Self-awareness: This is a type where they have self-consciousness, a
sense of understanding of situations and feelings. This type of AI system
is also yet to come.

Applications of Artificial intelligence

AI in manufacturing: Here the upfront is taken by the robots who on a

large scale are being put to work instead of the humans and their work is
no less than perfect and adds speed and value to the manufacturing

AI in finance: AI applied to personal finance applications, such as Mint or

Turbo Tax, is overturning financial institutions. Applications such as
these could collect personal data and provide financial advice which is
helpful in meritorious ways to the user. Several large financial institutions
have invested in AI engines to assist with their investment practices. A
good example of this is the BlackRock’s AI engine, Aladdin, which is
used both by the company and helps the outside parties with investment
decisions at large. On a personal end the example of AI application
would be Wallet.AI, an upcoming start-up in San Francisco that builds
agents that analyse data that a consumer would leave behind, from
Smartphone check-ins to tweets, to inform the consumer about their
spending behaviour

AI in job recruitment: TextRecruit, a Bay Area start-up, released Ari

(automated recruiting interface.) Ari is a recruiting chatbot that is
designed to hold two-way text message conversations with candidates.
Ari automates posting jobs, advertising openings, screening candidates,
scheduling interviews, and nurturing candidate relationships with
updates as they progress along the hiring funnel. Ari is currently offered
as part of TextRecruit’s candidate engagement platform.

AI in business: Customer relationship management is developed by the

advent of Artificial intelligence in it and thus on the whole help the
business to flourish by knowing better what the customer likes are. Job
automation processes also help businesses.

AI in education: Education is a sensitive sector and AI turns out to be

very useful for it as it will help teacher by automating grading, thus giving
them more time. AI can assess students and adapt to their needs, and
thus result in betterment of their skills. All these are rising the intelligent
tutoring systems.

AI in healthcare: There are certain diagnostics that machine is doing

better than humans. One of the finest healthcare technologies is IBM
Watson. It understands natural language and is capable of responding to
questions asked of it and helps in mining data of patients also. Computer
aided interpretation of medical images is another AI benefit that helps in
detection of tumor for example.

AI in aviation: The Air Operations Division (AOD) uses AI for the rule
based expert systems. The AOD has use for artificial intelligence for
substitute operators for combat and training simulators, mission
management aids, support systems for tactical decision making, and
post processing of the simulator data into symbolic summaries. Pilots are
also helped on large scale by the Artificial intelligence systems in their
flying and also get rid of some manoeuvres that human possibly would
not have been able to avoid.

Recent examples in the field of Artificial intelligence:

Microsoft AI app for the blind can help them identify Indian currency.

The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog

and Google have joined hands to work on several initiatives to develop
the artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem across the country.

The Indian government has entrusted its think tank - NITI Aayog - to set
up a national programme to conduct research and development in
leading technologies such as AI

On a negative hand , Massachusetts institute of technology have

developed an AI engine “NORMAN” a psychopath that only thinks
Like every coin has two sides even a revolutionising phenomenon
artificial intelligence could be used for negative purposes.

Chinese tech giant Tencent has developed AI base camera that helps
even a Layman to click amazing pictures by deblurring them.
Similar to this is the VIVO camera that’s quite famous in India for its AI
camera .

Google has updated its News app by making it AI based which will help
to understand complex, fast-breaking news as it evolves.

In an other news, it was known that, Google will also train and mentor
Indian AI start-ups in an accelerator programme to help them better
leverage AI in their businesses.

Nowadays smart video doorbell is also come to play which ha added

security features , one such is the Portronics mBell.

Is Artificial intelligence a threat to humans:

The great Stephen Hawkins had warned that artificial intelligence could
end mankind.
And this is to a great extent is true for the fact that robots at some level
perhaps in the future would seem dangerous to mankind if evil intent is
developed in it.
Just as discussed above about “NORMAN” creation.

Considering threats from robots is just one end of it.

Artificial intelligence owing to its rapid growth is going to gradually
perhaps take over human job, with the veil of having lessened the
human work it actually is a risk to their jobs.
Specially considering the generalists, they have a high risk on their jobs
as there will hardly be any work which AI based machine might not be
able to do.
According to the news last year a study said that by 2030 800 million
jobs could be gone due to automation.
As we saw earlier in the application in finance it can slowly even knock
down skill sets of specialist as well , and many other AI based machinery
are leaving scarce opportunities to some labour classes.

With the abundance of information that it will have AI based machines

and software on the long run will also be a risk to security and privacy,
not only this but gradually al humans will start relying only on such
devices and the importance of an individual’s knowledge might reduce.
Another study revealed that AI can predict time of human death rather

Other disadvantages of AI are it is a massive threat to human dignity,

privacy and safety as well because there are many self-improving AI
systems on the rise.

“One of the first areas AI will take many jobs is transportation. Bus
drivers, truckers ,taxicab drivers need to start thinking about new
careers”-DAVE WATERS

Artificial intelligence is thus a mighty impact having its effect revolving all
over a human in oral, visual , written forms , robots ,expert systems and
what not.
Its huge application ranging to almost all the possible avenues makes it
a complete revolutioniser .

Human beings are slowly being inclined either consciously or

deliberately towards the mass use of Artificial intelligence systems right
from the selfies that they click to the voice searches that they make and
to the expert systems ,the advice that they seek. Not just this but also
driving using AI systems.
Thus it will not be wrong to tell that we all are being surrounded by
technological advancements of which Artificial intelligence is one being
the most dynamic and dominating.

Each invention of man is just like the sun, which shines and gives light to
all but too much of it leads to severe and unforeseen in fact intolerable

Hence it is perfect to conclude by telling that this AI system which came

into existence since the 20th century is the future of smart working but
using it in a negative way will certainly put forth unavoidable pitfalls to

So, meritorious development of it will surely ease the work smoothen the
process and better the output, however sensible use of it is certainly
demanded at each and every step that we take towards it.

According to Stephen Hawking “computers will overtake humans with AI

within the next 100 years. And when that happens we need to make
sure that computers have goals aligned with ours.”

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