Heman RPG
Heman RPG
Heman RPG
By Jeremiah L. Schwennen
Nightcandle Imaginations
Games from Outside the Box
Introduction 3 Action Mechanics 34
The He-Man and the Masters of the Universe RPG is an extremely compact RPG
system based around the core concepts of the Mattel/FILMATION animated series
HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE and related toys, media, and
merchandise. It is not in any way intended as a challenge of copyright to the
creators, publishers, or anyone else who has a vested interest in the success and
profitability of the Masters of the Universe intellectual property. It exists because I
had a thought about it and couldn’t stop thinking about it. It isn’t terribly original
or special.
The He-Man and the Masters of the Universe RPG (HATMOTURPG) is a
traditional table-top role-playing interpretation of the classic 1980s
animated series of the same name. The game allows players to take the
role of He-man and his fearless friends, working together to defend the
secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.
Characters in the game possess fabulous secret powers, gained through the
setting’s liberal intermingling of fantasy and science-fiction tropes. Eternia is
a world populated by avatars of the imagination, and thus HATMOTURPG
is a game about stories of good versus evil rooted in the family-friendly fun
of a cartoon famous for its heartfelt morals and noble ambitions.
The game uses a collection of traditional six-sided dice in four colors: white,
blue, red, and black. Whenever these rules refer to rolling dice, it is these
six-sided dice to which they refer.
Aside from these dice, all that is required to play is some kind of bag or
opaque cup for each player to use to hold their dice, some paper, a few
pencils, and an imagination that is willing and able to hold aloft a magic
sword and cry, “By the power of Grayskull!”
Special Guest Stars
Throughout this book, several special guest stars will appear to point out
important information that you may find helpful…
HATMOTURPG uses very simplified rules, boiling almost all tasks down to
the roll of a single handful of dice, which are then checked to see how
many of them rolled a 5 or a 6. More difficult actions require that more
dice come up 5s or 6s, while simpler actions succeed with fewer 5s and 6s.
Any die that is rolled and returns a result of a 5 or a 6 is called a stroke.
The player then pulls, without looking, the number of dice required for his
pool from his dice bag. Before the dice are rolled, the player will check to
see what colors of dice are in his hand. Each color of dice represents
something very specific. In order to use their special abilities, a character’s
pool of drawn dice must include a number of dice of the specific color
indicated by the ability. Often, when the dice a character needs to power
an ability are not present, the ability fails and there is no need to roll the
dice. Other times, special abilities simply enhance a regular action, and
the action can still be successful even without them. The specifics of how
these abilities—called Aspects—work are outlined in their chapter of this
Dice Type Overview
A white die is a Heroic Die. These dice represent the
ordinary, but heroic, effort and accomplishments of a
character. They don’t trigger any kind of special effects, but
they represent the inherent nobility and goodness of a
character. A pool that has no white dice in it leaves the
character open to risky situations or serious penalties.
Heroic Dice are gained by achieving Morals.
A black die is a Risk Die. These dice represent
complications or poor decisions in a character’s past. The
presence of black dice in a pool makes it possible for a
character to use a type of special ability called a Risk
Aspect, but using Risk Aspects is usually what causes more
black dice to be added to the dice bag. If a pool of dice
is drawn that contains only black dice, the character suffers
the effects of their Frailty—they must give in to their less
noble nature for a time.
A blue die is a Mastery Die. These dice represent the most
incredible abilities a character possesses, the skill, talent, or
power that makes them a famous hero and a Master of
the Universe. Blue dice will allow a character to use their
most potent abilities, Mastery Aspects, but each time a
Mastery Aspect is used, one of the blue dice from that pool
must be discarded for the remainder of the session.
Mastery Dice are gained by gaining Power.
A red die is a Penalty Die. These dice represent serious
injuries or forms of incapacitation that work against a
character achieving their goals. These dice are gained
when a character suffers penalties from either being
beaten in battle with foes or failing against Arc challenges.
These dice are always unwelcome in a dice bag or a pool.
If drawn to form a dice pool, they are immediately
returned to the dice bag and not replaced—they
represent a lack of strength caused by injury. If a pool of
dice is drawn that contains only red dice, the character falls
unconscious until they have time to recover.
The character sheet of a character dictates the number of dice drawn for
each of their Core and Supplemental Domains, what Risk Aspects and
Mastery Aspects they possess, and how the various colors of dice can benefit
them. The sheet will also outline a character’s Frailty—a negative
personality trait—and their Vulnerability—a negative physical trait. As they
progresses on their mission to protect Eternia, they will frequently come
across opportunities to learn valuable moral lessons or gain access to
incredible new power. These advancements will open up new Aspects,
increase the rating of Domains, and better position the character to turn
back Skeletor’s fiendish schemes.
There are many versions of the history of Eternia
and the Masters of the Universe. In time, a deeper
and truer accounting of the origins of the universe
may come to light. For now, consider this history
your first taste of the mysteries of eternia…
On the distant world of Eternia, the great cosmic forces of the universe
conspired to keep the secrets of magic safe from those who would use
them for evil. To this end, they built a mighty fortress to contain their power
and its mysteries—Castle Grayskull. They placed a long line of powerful
Sorceresses in the castle to protect its secrets, and they moved on to other
tasks and other dimensions. What they did not count upon is the nature of
evil to seek power.
Not long ago, a powerful being known only as Skeletor came to Eternia
and took up residence in the dark fortress at Snake Mountain. He was
obsessed with the idea of gaining control of the secrets of Castle Grayskull,
and he gathered to his side a veritable army of some of the most notorious
and powerful fiends in the universe. Their might threatened to overwhelm
even the Sorceress.
To combat this evil, the Sorceress sought out a champion—a young man
born of a human mother, lost on Eternia when her space shuttle crashed
there, and the king of Eternia’s largest nation. This child, Prince Adam, was
given a mighty weapon—the Sword of Power—through which he
channeled the magic of Castle Grayskull to become He-Man, the most
powerful man in the universe! Together with friends and allies drawn from
across the planet, he formed the foundation of a mighty line that stands
against Skeletor and the other dark sorcerers, scientists, and schemers that
seek to rule Eternia and the universe.
HATMOTURPG is set in the midst of that ongoing struggle for control of Castle
Grayskull and Eternia. He-Man and his allies stand against the forces of evil,
but they do not stand alone. They are joined by the player characters,
some of whom may even be the beneficiaries of other wondrous artifacts
from the vaults of Castle Grayskull!
When it comes time to play a game of HATMOTURPG, players have two
options—they can play an existing character from the Masters of the
Universe mythology or they can build a character of their own. While some
greatly enjoy one style of play over the other, the truth is that the two are
easily interchangeable in this rules-set.
ASPECTS. The two types of Aspects a character has indicate the abilities
they have that not everyone on Eternia can duplicate. The Aspects
and Drawbacks chapter of this book details several sample Risk
Aspects and Mastery Aspects to choose from, along with providing
guidance on how to create your own. Starting characters will have 2
Risk Aspects and 1 Mastery Aspect.
DRAWBACKS. Each character has two Drawbacks that represent their
weaknesses. Without weaknesses, a character would never risk defeat
at the hands of the forces of evil, and there would be no drama in the
struggle for Castle Grayskull. Every character will have 1 mental or
social drawback, called a Frailty, and 1 physical drawback, called a
Vulnerability. The Aspects and Drawbacks chapter provides more
information and sample drawbacks to choose from.
DOMAINS. There are six attributes that describe the general prowess of
a character—these attributes are called Domains. Every character gets
to assign 15 points across these six Domains, with the requirement that
every Domain have at least 1 point invested in it and no more than 4
points. Additional details on the six Domains are found below.
Every character has a rating between 1 and 4 in each of the six Domains
below. The Domains are divided into two groups of three for a very
important reason—each time a dice pool is being calculated, it is made
up of the number of dice from one Core Domain plus the number of dice
from one Supplemental Domain.
PHYSICAL. The rating that determines the strength, speed, and
toughness of a character. This is the number of dice used whenever
the task or challenge is solved solely by physical means.
MENTAL. The rating that determines the intelligence, perception, and
quick-wittedness of a character. This is the number of dice used
whenever the task or challenge is solved solely by intellectual means.
SOCIAL. The rating that determines the charm, courage, and
persuasive abilities of a character. This is the number of dice used
whenever the task or challenge is solved solely by social means.
MARTIAL. The rating that determines the combative abilities of a
character, including strategy and tactics, the use of weapons, unarmed
combat, and more.
MYSTIC. The rating that determines the magical abilities of a character,
including the use of spells and magical powers, knowledge of the
mystic arts, and resistance to such magic.
EXPERT. The rating that determines the specialized skills of a character,
including their knowledge and understanding of technology and areas
of specialty that do not fall under the Martial or Mystic Domains.
Before you can play, you will need to gather the initial dice for your Dice
Bag, as indicated by your Genre on the table below.
Archetypal 7 2 1 0
Empowered 4 2 3 1
Enchanted 7 1 2 0
Magician 6 1 2 1
Artificial 7 2 1 0
Augmented 6 1 2 1
Equipped 7 2 1 0
Inventor 5 2 2 1
Crossover 8 1 1 0
Versatile 5 3 1 1
You will also want to record these numbers of dice in the central Dice Bag
section of your Bio (you can get a blank Bio at the back of this book). As
you add additional characteristics to your Bio after each session of play,
these numbers (and the balance of dice in your bag) will change.
At this time, all other information from the choices you have made should
also be added to the Bio. Once this is complete, you are ready to play!
Every character (even the villains!) in HATMOTURPG belongs to a Genre.
When building a character, the first step is to select what Genre your
character will be. This Genre will guide the rest of your choices both in
character creation and in play, so choose wisely!
The following character Genres are grouped into three families: Fantasy,
Sci-Fi, and Hybrid.
HYBRID GENRES are derived from the unique blend of fantasy and
science fiction-based elements of Eternia and the MOTU mythology.
These are the sorts of characters that would be at home in any style of
campaign and are either very flexible characters or those rooted
deeply in multiple elements of the universe.
For each Genre listing, you will see a description of the Genre, a reminder
of their starting Dice Bag, guidance on selecting Aspects and Drawbacks,
and an exemplar character.
Risk Aspects: Robot type characters can often make good use of Magic
Resistance or Proficiency, but Second Wind and Split Target are even more
exciting. A Weapon is never a bad idea, and can often be described as
built into your artificial body.
Drawbacks: Choose your Frailty carefully, as the fact you are not
properly alive probably limits some of your options. Disarm, or something
like Low Charge, might make the most sense. For Vulnerabilities, consider
Feature Damage.
Risk Aspects: You must take one of the two Weapon Aspects, but
beyond that you have lots of choices. If you intend to work on your
equipment yourself, consider Jury-Rig.
Risk Aspects: The Jury-Rig Aspect plays nicely with your character’s
interests and areas of focus, but you could also make interesting use of
Second Wind, Proficiency, or even Grandstand, depending on how you
wanted to specialize.
Risk Aspects: Any pair of Aspects are a good idea here, especially
considering that you can mix and match from both genres.
Every character in HATMOTURPG has a collection of specialized traits called
Aspects and Drawbacks.
Aspects describe special abilities of the character, and they come in two
types: Risk Aspects and Mastery Aspects. Each has its own section on the
pages that follow.
Drawbacks are described at the very end of this chapter, and they come
in two types as well: Frailty, which describes social or mental weaknesses,
and Vulnerability, which describes physical weaknesses.
At Character Creation, all characters (except characters in the Empowered
Hero Genre) start with 2 free Risk Aspects and 1 free Mastery Aspect. On
the Bio, you can see where these free Aspects go because they are noted
with a green checkmark instead of a die icon. Any other time you add an
Aspect it will go next to a die icon, and that will mean that you add that
die to your Dice Bag above and beyond your Base Dice at the beginning
of each session of play.
Effect(s): Every Black Die that results in a stroke counts as two strokes.
Effect(s): Discard any dice you wish from your Dice Pool and redraw. You
must change your Aspect for this next draw.
Restrictions: You can’t discard Red Dice using Grandstand.
Magic Resistance Genre: FS Activation:
Effect(s): You may re-roll any Black Dice that didn’t result in strokes one
Effect(s): Put all Red Dice from your Dice Pool back in the Dice Bag and
re-draw. You must keep any Red Dice drawn on this new draw.
Effect(s): You may split your strokes from this Dice Pool into two separate
Restrictions: These two actions must either be the same action affecting
two different targets or two different actions affecting the same target.
Weapon (Close) Genre: FS Activation:
Effect(s): If making a Close Attack Action, add two strokes to the results
of the roll.
Restrictions: When choosing this Aspect, you must determine if the
weapon’s attacks will be magical or non-magical. Write an asterisk after
the Aspect’s name on your Bio if it is magical.
Effect(s): If making a Ranged Attack Action, add two strokes to the results
of the roll.
Restrictions: When choosing this Aspect, you must determine if the
weapon’s attacks will be magical or non-magical. Write an asterisk after
the Aspect’s name on your Bio if it is magical.
Mastery Aspects represent truly impressive magical or technological feats.
These are, in general, considered to be related to your Mastery Statement,
and thus you should construct a Mastery Statement before selecting these
See the individual entries for each Aspect to learn more about how to
customize them to suit your character’s Mastery Statement.
Effect(s): Every die that results in a stroke counts as a master stroke for a
Spell Action.
Domain Domination Genre: FS Activation:
Effect(s): For the remainder of the scene, you may increase your Domain
by 2. Draw these two additional dice into your Dice Pool now.
Restrictions: When choosing this Aspect, you must limit it to a specific
Domain. Write the Aspect as Domain Domination (Domain Name) on
your Bio.
Effect(s): You may use your Mastery Action for something that stretches
(but does not break) the bounds of fantasy or sci-fi plausibility.
Effect(s): Every die that results in a stroke counts as a master stroke for a
Tinker Action.
Effect(s): If making an Attack Action, add five strokes to the results of the
Effect(s): If making an Attack Action, add five strokes to the results of the
Restrictions: Write an asterisk after the name of this Aspect on your Bio to
indicate this attack is magical in nature.
Effect(s): Every die that results in a stroke counts as a master stroke for a
Solve Action.
That Out of the Blue Aspect represents either a
flash of inspiration or, as I have often witnessed
across the MOTU multiverse, an instance where the
writer injects a clue into the scene to make sure
the episode’s arc is resolved within 20 minutes.
Effect(s): You may Return one Red Die from your Dice Pool to Snake
Mountain for every Blue Die in your Dice Pool.
Restrictions: While you may use this Aspect to temporarily get rid of a
Permanent Penalty Red Die, it will return the next time your Dice Bag
At Character Creation, all characters are required to start with 1 Frailty and
1 Vulnerability. On the Bio, you can see where these free Drawbacks go
on the right side, next to the Dice Bag. If at any time you are to gain a
new Frailty or Vulnerability, it replaces the current one—you will never have
more than one of each on your Bio at any one time.
Regardless of their title, Frailties (mental or social weaknesses or flaws) and
Vulnerabilities (physical weaknesses or flaws) all have the same effects. To
better understand when each of these two different types of Drawbacks
comes into play, and what they do, see the Action Mechanics chapter.
Here are some possible titles for Frailties and Vulnerabilities that you could
consider using. Feel free to invent your own!
Possible Drawbacks
Frailties Vulnerabilities
Identity Crisis Magical Overload
Lack of Confidence Overstress
Arrogance Feature Damage
Disarm Curse
Exhaustion Running on Empty
Run of Bad Luck Severe Wound
Below you will find several sample heroic characters from the classic
continuity, built using HATMOTURPG rules. For villains, you’ll have to wait
until the Evil Warriors chapter, page 54.
Stratos Genre Archetypal Hero
Risk Aspect Double-Down (Basic) Frailty Exhaustion
Risk Aspect Grandstand Vulnerability Curse
Physical 3 Mental 2 Social 4
Martial 3 Mystic 2 Expert 1
HATMOTURPG is a game of action and excitement (and fun!). The previous
chapters have painted the details of how a Masters of the Universe
character is created and assigned values for its various capabilities—but
how do those qualities impact the action of the game?
Before we investigate the rules, we need to make a few key pieces of
terminology clear.
CHECK. This is the act of looking at your dice, after drawing and before
rolling, to see if your Aspect or Frailty activated.
COLLECT. This term means to add a die to your Dice Bag. In general,
these dice are temporary and are returned to their Lairs at the end of
an Arc.
DICE BAG. This is where all of your dice are stored. The Dice Bag
contains a number of dice equal to those listed on the Bio in the Base
Dice sections.
DICE POOL. This is the name for the dice that are out of your Dice Bag
and in your possession.
DISCARD. This is the term that means to set a die out of the Dice Pool
without rolling it. It still counts as a die for determining how many dice
are in your Dice Pool, it just can’t have any beneficial effect.
DRAW. This is what happens when you reach into your Dice Bag and
pull out (without looking) the required number of dice.
REFRESH. This is the name for the process of returning your Dice Bag to
the contents indicated by your Bio.
RETURN. This term tells a player (not the Narrator) to send a die back
to its Lair. Red and Black Dice go to Snake Mountain (the narrator’s
special supply) and Blue Dice go to Castle Grayskull (the players’
special supply). White Dice are never returned.
ROLL. This is what you do after drawing and checking your dice. After
they have been rolled, every die showing a 5 or a 6 on its face is
considered a stroke—a success.
Any time a character wishes to achieve success in a task or action where
the outcome could possibly be in doubt, the dice are rolled. Every time
the dice are called for, what is happening is called an Action.
On the next page, there is a comprehensive list of all the Actions possible
in the game. They are very broadly defined and generally applicable, but
these Actions are the backbone of the action mechanics in the game.
1. Select the Action Type and add any current Dice Pool dice back into
your Dice Bag
2. Choose an Aspect (or No Aspect)
3. Determine the Core and Supplemental Domain that apply—this
number is the size of your Dice Pool
4. Draw dice from the Dice Bag equal to the size of your Dice Pool
5. Check the types of dice in your Dice Pool.
a. If all of them are Black, activate your Frailty and your turn ends.
b. If using an Aspect, check the types of dice in your Dice Pool. If you
have the required dice types and quantities to activate the
Aspect, its game text takes effect.
6. Roll the dice
7. Count the number of strokes (dice that rolled a 5 or 6)
8. Compare the number of strokes to either the Standard or Challenge
Difficulty. If your number of strokes meets the Difficulty, you are
successful. Strokes in excess of the Difficulty may determine the
effectiveness of the action (see Action descriptions).
9. Keep these dice out of your bag until your next action. If you
activated a Mastery Aspect, return 1 Blue Die from your Pool to Castle
Grayskull. If you activated a Risk Aspect, collect 1 Black Die from
Snake Mountain and put it in your Dice Bag.
Action Index
Action Description
Attack This action is used to attempt to defeat a foe in close
(Close) combat (Brawl Sequence rules apply)
Resisted by Martial Domain. Excess strokes improve
likelihood of causing Penalties or Stun.
Attack This action is used to attempt to defeat a foe in ranged
(Ranged) combat (Blast Sequence rules apply)
Resisted by Physical Domain. Excess strokes improve
likelihood of causing Penalties or Stun.
This action is used when doing any action that a character
is capable of doing (either naturally or with the aid of an
Basic available tool) that is not an attack or intended to solve
an Arc complication. This includes actions to convince
Type: villagers to help you on your quest, investigations for clues
Standard in ancient libraries, and more.
Excess strokes typically have no effect in Basic actions.
When your Mastery Statement applies, a character can
attempt a Mastery Action in place of any other Action.
When using Mastery for Attack, excess strokes improve
Mastery likelihood of causing Penalties or Stun.
When using Mastery for Solve, each excess stroke adds 1
White Die to Snake Mountain from Castle Grayskull.
As Other
When using Mastery for Basic, add 1 White Die to Snake
Mountain from Castle Grayskull if there are 3 or more
excess strokes.
This action is used to attempt to overcome obstacles,
puzzles, perils, and challenges presented by the Narrator
as part of the episode’s Arc. It is not used to defeat Evil
Type: Warriors, but is sometimes used to stop complicated foes
Standard such as the gigantic Colossor.
Excess strokes typically have no effect in Solve actions.
Spellcast / See Special Rules, pages 43-47.
To start an action, you must make sure that any dice currently in your Dice
Pool are added back to your Dice Bag and shaken vigorously. Then, decide
what the action is going to be (selecting from the Action Index on page
v You now need to roleplay the effects of your Frailty (if you were not
already doing so).
v You need to mark one of your Risk Aspects. This Aspect is currently
disabled and will not be useful again until you Refresh.
v Your action is an automatic failure. Your turn ends.
Pool includes the number of dice you need in the correct color, the Aspect
activates and its game text takes effect.
If any of the dice in your Dice Pool are Red Dice, set them aside. Red Dice
are never rolled by heroes. They represent penalties and injuries and simply
serve to take up space and limit your access to the other, more beneficial,
dice in your Dice Bag.
In actions that are rolled against Standard Difficulty (Basic Actions, Solve
Actions, and some Mastery Actions), you then compare your number of
strokes to the Standard Difficulty assigned by the Narrator (see table at
right). If you meet or beat that number, you are successful at whatever you
are trying to do (and your extra strokes MAY have an additional effect—
see the Action Index on page 36 for more details on that).
Note that many Aspects do strange things during this step, including
multiplying strokes, changing the numbers you are looking for on the dice,
and more. Keep the effects of any successfully activated Aspect in mind as
you determine your results!
If, after applying adjustments from Aspects, you have met or exceeded
the indicated Difficulty, you are successful at your action! If the Action Index
indicates that excess strokes increase likelihood of penalties, consult the
Combat rules (below). If the Action Index indicates that excess strokes add
White Dice to Snake Mountain, consult the Snake Mountain section of
Narrating Eternia, page 49.
To offset this, the Risk Aspects Magic Resistance and Evasion exist to add a
slightly more dynamic defensive option to the game. Those two Aspects
are not activated like a normal Aspect, instead triggering a bit more
reflexively. Even though they activate differently, they still will result in a
Black Die being added to the player’s Dice Bag from Snake Mountain after
each successful use.
v If the character’s Dice Bag doesn’t have enough dice to fill the
number required, the character collects 1 Red Die from Snake
v If the character’s Dice Bag does have enough dice to fill the number
required, the character checks the dice drawn:
o If none of the dice drawn are Red Dice, exchange 1 of the drawn
Black Dice for one of Snake Mountain’s Red Dice. If none of the
dice drawn were Black either, nothing happens and the hit is
o If any of the dice drawn are Red Dice, the character’s Vulnerability
activates. This strikes out a Mastery Aspect in much the same way
that a Frailty activation strikes out a Risk Aspect. As with that, the
Aspect won’t be returned until the character experiences a
Most of the time, penalty dice in player Dice Bags are just irritation, limiting
the number of useful dice drawn into Dice Pools. But if a hero draws a Dice
Pool that is entirely made up of Red Dice, the character falls unconscious
until someone can take an action (Basic Action, Modest Difficulty) to wake
them up. Characters revived from unconsciousness receive an immediate
Refresh (see below).
Villains fall unconscious when they have taken a number of points of Stun
equal to their Threshold. They rarely wake back up when that happens,
though they are often spirited away by dark magic in the instant of their
v They now need to roleplay the effects of their Vulnerability (if they
were not already doing so).
v They need to mark one of their Mastery Aspects. This Aspect is currently
disabled and will not be useful again until the character Refreshes.
o If the Mastery Aspect that is marked is Transformation, the
character returns to their ordinary form and can’t change back to
their Empowered form until they Refresh.
Whenever player characters get a Refresh, each villain that has not been
knocked unconscious gets to recover 2 Stun. The only way this Villain
Refresh brings a villain back to consciousness is if the Arc requires that
villain’s presence.
While the exact nature of the Arc of any given story (and thus adventure)
is a closely guarded secret held only by the Narrator, it is important that all
players understand the role of the Arc in the game.
In almost every session of play, the objective is not just to knock the villains
unconscious. Evil Warriors didn’t get to be the most fearsome foes in the
universe by wandering around getting into slugfests with heroes.
Each villainous plan is broken down into four parts that, together, represent
the Arc. In each part of the plan, there is an Arc (or Scenario, if you prefer)
problem that can only be solved by quick thinking, a variety of physical,
mental, and social skills, and a well-placed, successful use of a Solve Action
(or, sometimes, multiple Solve Actions).
As the story advances from one part of the Arc to the next, the villains get
more powerful, either because parts of the plan are going their way or
because they are simply more desperate and driven than before. The chart
below illustrates these shifts, not because the players need to know them,
but because they are not meant to be a secret from them. Your mystery is
figuring out what the Evil Warriors are up to, not trying to decipher the
mechanics of the game!
When you choose to cast a spell, you start by describing the spell’s effect
using the Spellcasting Table (see page 45). This will determine how many
master strokes you need to accumulate in order to cast the spell.
You then draw and roll the dice as normal. Unlike normal actions,
however, not every stroke counts towards meeting or exceeding the
Difficulty of the action. Only master strokes count, and the way that a stroke
can be considered a master stroke depends on what type of action caused
the dice to be rolled:
Spellcasting Approaches
Action Particulars What Counts as a Master Stroke
If the roll generates at least five
Fantasy or Hybrid Genre character
strokes, those five dice collectively
making a Basic Action to Spellcast
count as one master stroke
Fantasy or Hybrid Genre character As above, plus one master stroke
making a Mastery Action to for each stroke rolled on a Blue
Spellcast Die.
Character making a Basic Action
Every three strokes collectively
to Spellcast with an activated
counts as one master stroke.
Rhyme Cast Aspect
Character making a Mastery As above, plus one master stroke
Action to Spellcast with an for each stroke rolled on a Blue
activated Rhyme Cast Aspect Die.
Character making a Basic Action
Every stroke counts as a master
to Spellcast with an activated
Channel Cast Aspect
Character making a Mastery As above, plus one master stroke
Action to Spellcast with an for each stroke rolled on a Blue
activated Channel Cast Aspect Die.
It will often take more than one Spellcast Action to accumulate the
necessary number of master strokes to cast the spell. Spellcasting (like
Tinkering) is a special situation because a player is allowed to take the dice
that counted towards master strokes and keep them out of the Dice Bag.
They remain “locked” in the spellcasting process until the spell is completed
or abandoned.
If a player ends up locking all of their dice but still not successfully casting
the spell, the attempt is a failure and all dice are then “unlocked” and
ready to return to the Dice Bag at the start of the player’s next action.
Spellcasting Table
Effect Title Master
Description Strokes
Deal damage to a target as though you rolled X excess X
Reduce the Dice Pool of an enemy by X dice
Take on an alternate form, which grants up to X bonus X
Domain ratings and relevant natural abilities and lasts X turns
Deceive / Illusion*
Gain X bonus dice to any Basic or Mastery Action using the X
Social Domain
Counterspell / Disrupt
End a spell or enchantment cast by another spellcaster, X+1
where X equals the X of their spell
Enchant / Boost*
Target character Collects X Blue Dice from Castle Grayskull X+1
(any that are left must be Returned when spell ends)
As transform, but turns a target into a less desirable form, X+1
lowering their total Dice Pools by X
Target character Collects X Blue Dice from Castle Grayskull.
Each time that character would check to take Penalties, any X+2
Blue Dice in the check results in no effect (any that are left
must be Returned when spell ends)
Travel anywhere else on Eternia
Target villain can’t take actions, where X equals villain’s Arc- X+2
modified Threshold
If a spell has a * after the Effect Title, it can be sustained. This means that
the spell can be made to last longer than one turn. In order to do that,
the spellcaster must make a Spellcast action on their turn and earn at
least 1 master stroke.
Any character from a Sci-Fi or Hybrid Genre can attempt the Tinker Action.
It is a difficult action to perform, and those without one of the two Aspects
that assist with it (Jury-Rig or Invention) often find it more trouble than it is
When you choose to tinker together an invention, you start by deciding the
effects of the device you are making using the Tinkering Table (see page
47). This will determine how many master strokes you need to accumulate
in order to build the device.
You then draw and roll the dice as normal. Unlike normal actions,
however, not every stroke counts towards meeting or exceeding the
Difficulty of the action. Only master strokes count, and the way that a stroke
can be considered a master stroke depends on what type of action caused
the dice to be rolled:
Tinkering Approaches
Action Particulars What Counts as a Master Stroke
If the roll generates at least five
Sci-Fi or Hybrid Genre character
strokes, those five dice collectively
making a Basic Action to Tinker
count as one master stroke
As above, plus one master stroke
Sci-Fi or Hybrid Genre character
for each stroke rolled on a Blue
making a Mastery Action to Tinker
Character making a Basic Action
Every three strokes collectively
to Tinker with an activated Jury-Rig
counts as one master stroke.
Character making a Mastery As above, plus one master stroke
Action to Tinker with an activated for each stroke rolled on a Blue
Jury-Rig Aspect Die.
Character making a Basic Action
Every stroke counts as a master
to Tinker with an activated
Invention Aspect
Character making a Mastery As above, plus one master stroke
Action to Tinker with an activated for each stroke rolled on a Blue
Invention Aspect Die.
It will often take more than one Tinker Action to accumulate the necessary
number of master strokes to build the device. Tinkering (like Spellcasting)
is a special situation because a player is allowed to take the dice that
counted towards master strokes and keep them out of the Dice Bag. They
remain “locked” in the tinkering process until the device is completed or
If a player ends up locking all of their dice but still not successfully building
the device, the attempt is a failure and all dice are then “unlocked” and
ready to return to the Dice Bag at the start of the player’s next action.
Tinkering Table
Effect Master Strokes
Acts as “Double-Down” 2/4
Acts as “Evasion” 2/4
Acts as “Grandstand” 3/4
Acts as “Magic Resistance” 2/5
Acts as “Proficiency” 4/6
Acts as “Refocus” 3/5
Acts as “Second Wind” 2/4
Acts as “Split Target” 2/4
Acts as “Weapon (Ranged)” 2/3
Acts as “Weapon (Close)” 1/2
Performs a Solve Action with a Dice Pool of 12 4/7
Stability Costs
Devices built using the first Master Strokes cost last only one scene. Devices
built using the second cost are more stable and will last for the remainder
of the Arc.
At the conclusion of a successful Arc where the Evil Warriors are thwarted,
each character is given their choice of the following Advancements. A
character gains only such advancement each Arc, but they may take the
same Advancements multiple times over the course of the ongoing saga
of the Masters of the Universe.
Add a Moral from the Arc that You Just Completed (and thus a Whte Die)
Add a Risk Aspect (and thus a Black Die)
Increase a Domain by 1 (maximum Rating of 4)
Change Your Frailty
Rewrite Your Mastery Statement (but you can’t change its basic theme)
Change Your Vulnerability
Add a Mastery Aspect (and thus a Blue Die) *
Change Your Genre (and thus your Base Dice Bag) *
* Taking one of these Advancements also requires taking on a Permanent
Penalty (and thus a Red Die)
To keep adventures on Eternia engaging, the heroes must deal with
dangers and threats that pose a true challenge to He-Man and the Masters
of the Universe. This chapter provides information on the world of Eternia,
the structure of Arcs that serve to challenge the heroes, and some
mechanics, including the rules for the two Lair Dice Bags and the ways that
the rules work differently for villainous characters.
Among the countless places on Eternia where adventure might strike, there
are a few stand-out locations famous for their role in Skeletor’s evil
THE ISLES OF DARKSMOKE. These islands play host to a clan of
fearsome, wise, and powerful dragons.
THE TAR SWAMP. A stinking swamp where many lost things might be
found and many fierce creatures make their home.
THE VINE JUNGLE. A dense jungle of wild creatures and primitive
THE MYSTIC MOUNTAINS. A massive mountain range that is home to
wizards, secrets, and wonders of the natural and mystic worlds.
THE CRYSTAL SEA. One of the largest of Eternia’s oceans and home to
some truly terrifying sea creatures.
These are but a sampling of the wondrous places where stories can unfold
and adventure awaits to be told.
In order to build an Arc worthy of an episode of He-Man and the Masters
of the Universe, there is a certain formula that a Narrator would do well to
1. Select the Master Villain. This book includes Skeletor as the main
Master Villain (see Evil Warriors), but you can also use a combination
of any two other Evil Warriors or invent your own Master Villain. It is
important that your Master Villain has the answer to two questions:
a. What is their ultimate goal?
b. How do they get away when they are defeated?
2. Determine what specific action the Master Villain will be taking to get
them closer to their ultimate goal. It may help to answer this question:
a. What is an objective that would get them closer to their goal?
Skeletor doesn’t try to break down the door to Castle Grayskull
every week… he has to build up to making his big play by
making smaller plays in between the big ones.
3. Break the plan into four scenes by answering these four questions:
a. How will the heroes find out about this plan?
b. What surprises (minions or obstacles) do they have in store for
when the heroes show up (and where is it that the Master Villain
has to be to make this plan work)?
c. Which Evil Warriors will be waiting if the heroes get too close to
stopping the Master Villain?
d. Where will the final confrontation be, and how will the Master
Villain stack the scenario in their favor?
4. What important moral or lesson can people learn by studying the
behavior of a character in the story (a villain or a supporting cast
Not every Arc needs to follow this exact pattern, but this is a starting place
to help new Narrators build compelling, easy-to-run adventures. As you get
more comfortable with the model, start to bend and break it as you see
At the end of each Arc, if the forces of Evil were victorious, make a
note that the next Arc will begin with one fewer Blue Die in the
Grayskull Lair. When the number of Blue Dice in Grayskull at the
beginning of an Arc is equal to or lower than the Master Villain’s
Threshold, the Master Villain can make an attempt to take the Castle
directly (instead of putzing around with a smaller objective for that
Arc). Castle Grayskull is restored to a standard 10 Blue Dice at the
beginning of the Arc immediately after a direct attempt on the castle
is defeated by the heroes.
SNAKE MOUNTAIN represents the forces of evil, even when the Master
Villain of an Arc is not Skeletor or his henchmen. At the beginning of
the Arc, Snake Mountain’s Dice Bag should contain 10 Red Dice, 4
Black Dice per player character, and 1 Blue Die. For each player
character playing a character from the Empowered Hero Genre, add
1 additional Blue Die.
Not every villain gets a name—sometimes, a villain is just a minion.
These faceless servants of evil, such as robot knights, lesser demons, fire
elementals, wolfbats, and the like, do not get full write-ups. In fact, they
usually just exist to mess with the heroes in an early scene of the Arc.
ATTACK. The Dice Pool they use to attack the heroes. This number
should be between 3 and 5. If their attack is magical, put an asterisk
after it. If they have a ranged attack, note that in parentheses. When
rolling these dice, discard any White Dice in the pool (like what heroes
do with Red Dice).
THRESHOLD. The number of points of Stun any given minion can take
before it is knocked out of the fight. This number should be between
1 and 3. Alternatively, you could describe a whole swarm of minions
by giving them a higher Threshold (3-6) and letting them have a
number of attacks equal to their current Threshold minus any Stun they
have taken.
Evil Warriors are a level of intensity above a simple minion. This chapter
will describe the mechanics behind an Evil Warrior’s Bio, the way Evil
Warriors and Master Villains use Aspects, and provide sample Bios for a
collection of some of Eternia’s worst fiends.
DICE POOL. The Dice Pool they use to attack the heroes or perform
any other actions. This number should be between 4 and 8. If their
attack is magical, put an asterisk after it. If they have a ranged attack,
note that in parentheses. When rolling these dice, discard any White
Dice in the pool (like what heroes do with Red Dice).
THRESHOLD. The number of points of Stun any given Evil Warrior can
take before it is knocked out of the fight. This number should be
between 3 and 7.
EVIL ASPECT. A single Risk Aspect that the Evil Warrior uses every
chance they get (see below).
they check Red Dice, not Black. An Evil Warrior must have Rhyme Cast to
use Spellcast Actions and they must have Jury-Rig to use Tinker Actions.
Unlike heroes, when a villain uses a Risk Aspect, no new dice are added
to their Dice Bag. Since Evil Warriors only have one Risk Aspect, they don’t
have to declare it—they are assumed to always be attempting to use it,
so long as the action they are taking allows the use of that Aspect.
DICE POOL. The Dice Pool they use to attack the heroes or perform
any other actions. This number should be between 6 and 10. If their
attack is magical, put an asterisk after it. If they have a ranged attack,
note that in parentheses. When rolling these dice, discard any White
Dice in the pool (like what heroes do with Red Dice).
THRESHOLD. The number of points of Stun the Master Villain can take
before it is knocked out of the fight. This number should be between
5 and 8.
EVIL ASPECT. A single Risk Aspect that the Master Villain uses every
chance they get (see above).
MASTER ASPECT: TRAGEDY. If the Master Villain is about to be defeated
in combat, or their master plan depends on obstacles in Scene 4 that
are about to be solved, they may escape, with all of their remaining
Evil Warriors in tow, by way of magic, technology, pet dragon,
massive flying battleship any other means that feels appropriate. This
ends the Arc in a decisive victory for the heroes.
Beast Man
Dice Pool 5 Threshold 7 Defense 2
Aspect Split Target
Mastery Savage Henchman of Evil
Dice Pool 7 Threshold 5 Defense 2
Aspect Evasion
Mastery Evil Ocean Warlord
Dice Pool 7* (Ranged) Threshold 3 Defense 4
Aspect Rhyme Casting
Mastery Evil Warrior Goddess
Dice Pool 8 Threshold 4 Defense 2
Aspect Double-Down (Attack)
Mastery Evil Robot of Skeletor
Trap Jaw
Dice Pool 6 (Ranged) Threshold 6 Defense 2
Aspect Proficiency
Mastery Evil & Armed for Combat
Dice Pool 7 Threshold 4 Defense 3
Aspect Jury-Rig
Mastery Evil & Sees Everything
Dice Pool 6 Threshold 6 Defense 2
Aspect Magic Resistance
Mastery Warrior with the Grip of Evil
The HATMOTURPG project is not without many, many people to thank. The
following resources were invaluable in the compilation of this game and
deserve your patronage:
Aspiring Narrators may want to check out the following critical resources:
Physical Mental Social Base Base
White Black
(Occurs when only Black is drawn to
form a Dice Pool)
Martial Mystic Expert
Base Base
Blue Red
This appendix contains the directions required to print this book yourself at
lulu.com, if you so desire.
1.0: Original release of complete rules. 60 pages. 3-13-2018