T-Test For Independent Samples: West Visayas State University College of Education Graduate School
T-Test For Independent Samples: West Visayas State University College of Education Graduate School
T-Test For Independent Samples: West Visayas State University College of Education Graduate School
Graduate School
FND 503
The t-test is a test of difference between two independent groups. In this test, the means are being compared.
( X1 against X 2 ). The t-test for independent samples is used to compare two sample means to determine whether
the population means are significantly different. The t-test for independent samples compares the means of two
independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means
are significantly different. The t-test for independent samples is a parametric test.
t = t-test
The following are the scores in spelling of 10 male and 10 female AB students. Test the null hypothesis that there is
no significant difference between the performance of male and female AB students in spelling.
Male Scores: 14 18 17 16 4 14 12 10 9 17
Female Scores: 12 9 11 5 10 3 7 2 6 13
n1 10 n2 10
X1 13.1 X 2 7.8
1. ) Compute the sum of group 1 ( X1 131 ) and the sum of group 2 ( X 2 78 ).
3. ) Compute the sum of the squares of group 1 ( X 1 1891 ) and group 2 ( X 2 738 ).
2 2
X 1
Group 1: X 1
X 2
Group 2: X 2
( X1 )2 ( X 2 )2
SS1 X 12 SS2 X 22
n1 n2
(131)2 (78)2
SS1 1891 SS2 738
10 10
X1 X 2 5.3
t t
SS1 SS2 1 1 16.92.2
n n2 2 1
n n2
13.1 7.8 3.8396
174.9 129.6 1 1 5 .3
10 10 2 10 10 1.8395
5 .3 t 2.88
.1 .1
Problem: Is there a significant difference between the performance of the male and the female AB students in
1. ) Hypothesis:
Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between the performance of the male and the female AB
students in spelling.
X1 X 2
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between the performance of the male and the
female AB students in spelling.
X1 X 2
2. ) Level of significance ( ) = .05, two-tailed
df = 10 + 10 -2 = 18
-2.101 2.101
3. ) Test: t-test for independent samples
4. ) Compute: t = 2.88
6. ) Conclusion: Since the computed value of 2.88 is greater than the critical value of 2.101 at .05 level of
significance with 18 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that there is a significant
difference between the performance of the male and the female AB students in spelling. This result implies that
the male students performed better than the female students considering that the mean score of the male
students of 13.1 is greater compared to the mean score of female students of only 7.8.
In Using SPSS:
To run a T-Test for Independent Samples in SPSS, click Analyze --> Compare Means -->
Independent Samples T-Test
Move the dependent variable to the test variable box and the independent variable to the grouping
variable box.
Then click Define Groups. Specify the value for each group depending of the assigned number for
each group.
Note: , Reject Ho
Decision: Reject Ho
Two groups of experimental rats were injected with a tranquilizer at 1.0 mg and 1.5 mg dose respectively. The time
given in seconds that took them to fall asleep is hereby given.
1.0 mg 9.8 13.2 11.2 9.5 13.0 12.1 9.8 12.3 7.9 10.2 9.7
1.5 mg 12.0 7.4 9.8 11.5 13.0 12.5 9.8 10.5 13.5
When computed:
t = -.40
Problem: Is there a significant difference brought about by the dosages on the length of time it took for the rats to fall
1. ) Hypothesis:
Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference brought about by the dosages on the length of time it
took for the rats to fall asleep.
X1 X 2
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference brought about by the dosages on the length of
time it took for the rats to fall asleep.
X1 X 2
df = 11 + 9 - 2 = 18
.5% .5%
-2.878 2.878
4. ) Compute: t = -.40
6. ) Conclusion: Since the computed value of -.40 is within the the critical value of -2.878 at .01 level of significance
with 18 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is not rejected. This means that no significant difference was
brought about by the dosages on the length of time it took for the rats to fall asleep.
Broto, A. (2008). Parametric Statistics. National Bookstore, Mandaluyong City.
Narag, E. (2010). Basic Statistics With Calculator and Computer Application. Rex Bookstore, Manila Philippines.