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Daytime Colorimetric Properties of Fluorescent Retroreflective Sheeting and Marking Materials For High Visibility Traffic Control and Personal Safety Applications Using 45°:normal Geometry

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Designation: E 2301 – 03

Standard Test Method for

Daytime Colorimetric Properties of Fluorescent
Retroreflective Sheeting and Marking Materials for High
Visibility Traffic Control and Personal Safety Applications
Using 45°:Normal Geometry1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2301; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Object-Color Evaluation4

1.1 This test method describes the instrumental measure- E 1767 Practice for Specifying the Geometry of Observa-
ment of the colorimetric properties (CIE tristimulus values, tions and Measurements to Characterize the Appearance of
luminance factors, and chromaticity coordinates) of Materials4
fluorescent-retroreflective sheeting and marking materials E 2152 Practice for Computing the Colors of Fluorescent
when illuminated by daylight. Objects from Bispectral Photometric Data4
1.2 This test method is generally applicable to any sheeting E 2153 Practice for Obtaining Bispectral Photometric Data
or marking material having combined fluorescent and retrore- for Evaluation of Fluorescent Color4
flective properties used for daytime high visibility traffic 2.2 CIE Document:
control and personal safety applications. CIE 15.2 Colorimetry5
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3. Terminology
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.1 Definitions—The definitions contained in Guide E 179,
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Terminology E 284, and Practice E 1164 are applicable to this
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. test method.

2. Referenced Documents 4. Summary of Test Method

2.1 ASTM Standards: 4.1 This test method provides a procedure for measuring the
D 2244 Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and colorimetric properties of fluorescent-retroreflective sheeting
Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color and markings under simulated daylight illumination. Colori-
Coordinates2 metric properties are determined for CIE D65, which approxi-
E 179 Guide for Selection of Geometric Conditions for mates outdoor illumination at midday, and Daylight 15 000 K,
Measurement of Reflection and Transmission Properties of which is an alternate D illuminant chosen to represent low
Materials3 ambient light/dawn/dusk daylight illumination conditions (see
E 284 Terminology of Appearance3 CIE 15.2).
E 308 Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by 4.2 This test method requires the use of a calibrated bispec-
Using the CIE System3 trometer (two-monochromator spectrometer) with either 45:0
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to or 0:45 geometry that can measure the specimen’s Donaldson
Determine the Precision of a Test Method4 matrix (see Practice E 2153).
E 1164 Practice for Obtaining Spectrometric Data for 4.3 This test method provides for calculation and reporting
of separated fluorescence, reflectance and total tristimulus
values (XYZ) and luminance factors (Y, %), and total chroma-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E12 on Color ticity coordinates (x,y) from the Donaldson matrix for the CIE
and Appearance and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E12.05 on 1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer.
Current edition approved July10, 2003. Published August 2003.
2 5
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03. Available from the U.S. National Committee of the CIE (International
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01. Commission on Illumination), c/o Thomas M. Lemons, TLA-Lighting Consultants,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 7 Pond St., Salem, NC 01970-4819.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 2301 – 03
5. Significance and Use Consequently total colorimetric properties (for example, Total tristimulus
values (XYZ)T) may be greatly affected.
5.1 This test method provides procedures for obtaining
tristimulus values, luminance factors and chromaticity coordi- 6.1.6 The illumination monochromator shall illuminate the
nates of fluorescent-retroreflective materials by bispectral colo- specimen over the wavelength range from 300 to 780 nm at
rimetry using a 45:0 or 0:45 optical measuring system. intervals of 10 nm or less.
5.2 The CIE 1931 (2°) standard observer is used to calculate 6.1.7 The viewing monochromator shall detect the speci-
the colorimetric properties of fluorescent-retroreflective sheet- men radiance over the wavelength range from 380 to 780 nm
ing and markings used in daytime high visibility traffic control at intervals of 10 nm or less.
and personal safety applications because in practice these 6.1.8 The minimum illuminated sample area shall be 100
materials are primarily viewed from a distance where they mm2 with no dimension less than 5 mm.
subtend less than 4° of the visual field. 6.2 Calibration Standards, as outlined in Practice E 2153,
5.3 This test method is applicable to object-color specimens supplied by the instrument manufacturer or obtained sepa-
of any gloss level. rately, with calibration values no older than 24 months.
5.4 Due to the retroreflective properties of these materials
6.3 Verification Standards—Verification of the precision
the colorimetric data may not be suitable for use in computer
and bias of the entire system, including calculation of tristimu-
colorant formulation.
lus values, shall be conducted on an annual basis using
5.5 This test method is suitable for quality control testing of
non-retroreflective/non-fluorescent, fluorescent/non-
fluorescent-retroreflective sheeting and marking materials.
retroreflective and fluorescent retroreflective color standards
NOTE 1—Separation of the fluorescence and reflectance components with calibration values traceable to an accredited National
from the total colorimetric properties provides useful and meaningful Standards Laboratory. The calibration values for the verifica-
information to evaluate independently the luminescent and diffuse reflec-
tion panels shall be no older than 36 months.
tive efficiency and consistency of these materials.
5.6 This test method is the referee method for determining NOTE 5—Stable fluorescent/non-retroreflective and fluorescent retrore-
the conformance of fluorescent-retroreflective sheeting and flective color artifact standards are not widely available as Standard
Reference Materials (SRMs). However, measurement services are avail-
marking materials to standard daytime colorimetric specifica- able from Independent Testing Laboratories and National Standards
tions. Laboratories to calibrate artifacts for use as Verification Standards.

6. Apparatus 7. Test Specimen

6.1 Bispectrometer, with either 45:0 or 0:45 (illumina- 7.1 Specimen Preparations:
tion:viewing) geometry.
7.1.1 Samples shall be tested mounted on the substrate that
6.1.1 The tolerance on the inclination of the 45-degree axis
will be utilized for the intended application. Apply the sample
shall be 2 degrees (45 6 2 degrees).
to the substrate in accordance with the recommendations of the
6.1.2 The tolerance on the 0-degree axis shall be 2 degrees
material’s manufacturer.
from the normal (0 6 2 degrees).
7.1.2 If the sample is not supplied with its intended sub-
NOTE 2—For maximum reproducibility smaller tolerances on the axis strate, or if the intended substrate is not defined, then the
angles are recommended. sample shall be mounted or backed by a black panel, such as a
6.1.3 For the 45:0 condition, the illumination geometry may black tile. The black panel shall have a luminance factor (Y) of
be annular, circumferential or uniplanar and the viewing shall less than 4 %.
be normal to the specimen. For the 0:45 condition, the
NOTE 6—The measurement results will depend upon the spectral
illumination shall be normal to the specimen and the viewing
reflectance properties of the material behind the specimen as well as the
geometry may be annular, circumferential or uniplanar. specimen thickness.
6.1.4 The referee geometry shall be annular 45:0.
7.1.3 Specimens should be uniform in physical properties
NOTE 3—Reciprocity between 45:0 and 0:45 geometry for commercial
over the area measured.
instruments may not be observed in practice for retroreflective materials
because of the variation in axis angles and aperture sizes of instruments. 7.1.4 Number of Test Specimens—Measurements shall be
made on a minimum of 3 test specimens. Circumferential instruments are acceptable provided
the procedure described in 9.3.1 is followed. 7.1.5 Specimens that have been subjected to additional Uniplanar instruments are acceptable provided the testing, such as outdoor or machine exposure testing, shall be
procedure described in 9.3.2 is followed. tested on the substrate used for these additional tests.
6.1.5 The referee aperture sizes shall be 10 degrees for 7.2 Test Conditions—Unless otherwise specified, condition
illumination and 10 degrees for viewing. Use of aperture sizes all test specimens at a temperature of 73 6 3°F (23 6 2°C) and
deviating from these may affect the measurement results. See 50 6 5 % relative humidity for 24 h prior to testing.
Practice E 1767 for fundamentals of specification of apertures. 7.3 Sampling—Unless otherwise specified test samples
shall be selected according to the following sampling plan.
NOTE 4—Fluorescent colorimetric properties (for example, Fluores-
cence tristimulus values (XYZ)F) are not significantly influenced by the 7.3.1 Sheeting for Traffıc Control Applications—Test
aperture sizes. Reflectance colorimetric properties (for example, Reflec- samples shall be cut from 1 m2 of sheeting. The test samples
tance tristimulus values (XYZ)R) may be greatly affected by aperture sizes. shall be cut from the lower left corner, center and upper right

E 2301 – 03
corner of the sheeting as shown in Fig. 1. This insures test 9.3.2 If the measurement geometry is uniplanar, then a
samples reflect crossweb and downweb variability of the sequence of measurements shall be made on the same speci-
sheeting. men area at incremental rotations, and the measurement values For materials manufactured in widths less than 1 m shall be averaged over all the rotations. The number of
the size of the sample shall be such that the width times the rotations must be sufficient to assure good approximation to an
length shall equal 1 m2 (that is, length 3 width = 1 m2). An annular measurement. The number depends on the optical
example is shown in Fig. 1B. construction of the specimen and must be determined by the
7.3.2 Marking Materials for Personal Safety Applications— testing laboratory. The averaging over rotations shall be
Test samples shall be cut from a 2 m length by sample width of applied to the values in the Donaldson matrix.
material as shown in Fig. 2. Test samples shall be cut from the 9.4 Obtain the illuminant independent Donaldson matrix for
beginning, middle and end of the 2 m long length of test each test specimen at illumination and viewing sampling
material. This insures test samples reflect variability of the intervals of no greater than 10 nm (see Practice E 2153 and the
marking material. instrument manufacturer’s instructions).
7.3.3 Materials Subjected to Outdoor Exposure—Sampling
of materials subjected to outdoor exposure shall conform to 10. Calculation
these sampling requirements to the extent practical based on 10.1 Tristimulus Values:
the number and size of the exposed test specimen.
10.1.1 Tristimulus Values for CIE D65—Calculate the indi-
8. Calibration and Verification vidual Total tristimulus values (XYZ)T, Reflectance tristimulus
values (XYZ)R and Fluorescence tristimulus values (XYZ)F for
8.1 Calibrate the bispectrometer in accordance with Practice
each test specimen from the respective Donaldson matrix for
E 2153, or
the CIE 1931 Standard Observer and CIE D65 (see Practice
8.2 Verify the accuracy of the instrumental data by measure-
E 2152).
ment of a series of calibrated verification standards. Calculate the averages and standard deviations for
9. Procedure the individual tristimulus values (X, Y, and Z) for each
9.1 Handle the specimen carefully; avoid touching the area component (Total, Reflectance, and Fluorescence) for CIE D65
to be measured. for each set of test specimens:
9.2 Clean the specimen prior to measurement as necessary, Total tristimulus values: XT-average = (S XT)/n; YT-average
for example when measuring specimens that have been sub- = (S YT)/n; ZT-average = (S ZT)/n);
jected to outdoor or machine exposure testing. Reflectance tristimulus values: XR-average = (S XR)/n;
9.2.1 Washing Panels—Gently wash the panels using a soft YR-average = (S YR)/n; ZR-average = (S ZR)/n);
cloth or sponge and clean water or a dilute solution (1 % by Fluorescence tristimulus values: XF-average = (S XF)/n;
weight in water, maximum concentration) of a mild detergent. YF-average = (S YF)/n; ZF-average = (S ZF)/n
After washing, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and blot dry 10.1.2 Tristimulus Values for Daylight 15 000 K—Calculate
with a soft clean cloth. After washing and drying, condition the the individual Total tristimulus values (XYZ)T, Reflectance
panels at room temperature for at least 2 h prior to conducting tristimulus values (XYZ)R and Fluorescence tristimulus values
any property measurements. (XYZ)F for each test specimen from the respective Donaldson
9.3 Position the test specimen at the measurement port of matrix for the CIE 1931 Standard Observer and Daylight
the instrument. 15 000 K (see Practice E 2152).
9.3.1 If the measurement geometry is circumferential, then The spectral power distribution for Daylight
the testing laboratory must verify that the apertures in the ring 15 000 K shall be calculated in accordance with the procedure
are sufficiently close for the measurement to approximate described in CIE Publication 15.2 for other D Illuminants
measurement with annular geometry. This may depend on the (tabulated values at 10 nm intervals for CIE D65 and Daylight
optical construction of the specimen, and must be determined 15 000 K are provided in Annex A1).
by the testing laboratory. Otherwise treat the instrument as a Calculate the averages and standard deviations for
uniplanar geometry (see 9.3.2). the individual tristimulus values (X, Y, and Z) for each

FIG. 1

E 2301 – 03

FIG. 2

component (Total, Reflectance, and Fluorescence) for Daylight 11.5.4 Average Total tristimulus values (XYZ)T, Reflectance
15 000 K for each set of test specimens. tristimulus values (XYZ)R and Fluorescence tristimulus values
10.2 Colorimetric Quantities: (XYZ)F calculated for Daylight 15 000 K.
10.2.1 CIE 1931 Total Chromaticity Coordinates (x,y) for 11.5.5 Average Total CIE 1931 Chromaticity coordinates
CIE D65—Calculate the average Total CIE 1931 Chromaticity (x,y)T-average calculated for Daylight 15 000 K.
Coordinates (x,y)T-average from the average Total tristimulus 11.5.6 Other colorimetric quantities derived from the Total
values (XYZ)T-average for CIE D65 in accordance with estab- tristimulus values (XYZ)T, Reflectance tristimulus values
lished procedures (see Practice E 308). (XYZ)R or Fluorescence tristimulus values (XYZ)F calculated
10.2.2 CIE 1931 Total Chromaticity Coordinates (x,y) for for either CIE D65 or Daylight 15 000 K as required.
Daylight 15 000 K—Calculate the average Total CIE 1931 11.5.7 Other quantities as required.
Chromaticity Coordinates (x,y)T-average from the average 12. Precision and Bias
Total tristimulus values (XYZ)T-average for Daylight 15 000 K
in accordance with established procedures (see Practice E 308). 12.1 Data for the precision and bias of this test method is
10.2.3 Other Colorimetric Quantities—When other colori- based on the results of an international round robin using the
metric properties or values, such as CIELAB, are specified, same make and model of annular 45:0 bispectrometer. A set of
these shall be calculated from tristimulus values in accordance 4 colored fluorescent retroreflective sheeting specimens (red,
with Practices E 308 or E 2152 as applicable. orange, yellow and yellow green) and one white non-
fluorescent/non-retroreflective marking film mounted on black
10.3 Other Quantities:
anodized aluminum panels were measured twice on each of 7
10.3.1 Other quantities derived from the Donaldson matrix,
different bispectrometers. The first measurement was made
such as the Stokes Shift.
immediately after calibration of the instrument; the second
10.3.2 Tristimulus values and Colorimetric quantities for
measurement was made the next day after system verification
other alternate illuminants.
12.2 Reflectance and Fluorescence tristimulus values,
11. Report (XYZ)R and (XYZ)F respectively, were calculated from each
11.1 Specimen description including the following: Donaldson matrix for the CIE 1931 Standard Observer and CIE
11.1.1 Sample Identification including any commercial des- D65. These tristimulus values were then used to calculate the
ignation (for example, trade-name and product number) and Total CIE 1931 Chromaticity coordinates (x,y)T for each
manufacturer lot number. measurement.
11.1.2 Description of the exposure conditions and total 12.3 Table 1 summarizes the results of the round robin. The
exposure duration for any test specimens that have undergone between laboratory (XYZ)R and (XYZ)F averages, standard
outdoor or machine exposure testing. deviations (s), 95 % Confidence Intervals for reproducibility
11.2 Date of Measurement. (SR 95 % CI), and Coefficients of Variation (CV % R) were
11.3 Instrument Description: calculated in accordance with Practice E 691.
11.3.1 Make and Model number of Bispectrometer. 12.4 Table 2 summarizes the results of the round robin
11.3.2 Instrument geometry (annular, circumferential or relative to measurement of CIE 1931 total color coordinates
uniplanar). (x,y)T and total luminance factor (YT). Repeatability and
11.4 Calibration and Verification Information: reproducibility are expressed as Mean Color Differences from
11.4.1 Date of most recent instrument calibration. the Mean (MCDM) in terms of CIELAB DE* and CIEDE2000
11.4.2 Calibration date of instrument calibration standards. (see Practice D 2244), and in terms of Hotelling’s T-squared
11.4.3 Calibration date of verification standards. statistic derived through a Multivariate Statistical Analysis of
11.5 Measurement Results: the individual (x,y,Y)T values.
11.5.1 Donaldson matrix.
11.5.2 Average Total tristimulus values (XYZ)T, Reflectance
tristimulus values (XYZ)R and Fluorescence tristimulus values

(XYZ)F calculated for CIE D65. 13. Keywords

11.5.3 Average Total CIE 1931 Chromaticity coordinates 13.1 bispectral; color; fluorescence; personal safety; retrore-
(x,y)T-average calculated for CIE. flective; traffic control

E 2301 – 03
TABLE 1 CIE 1931 Tristimulus Values for CIE D65
Fluorescent Yellow Green ASTM Type IX
Average 25.4 47.6 2.2 32.2 35.8 1.1
s 1.6 2.5 0.4 1.6 1.9 0.2
SR 95 % CI 64.5 67.4 61.2 64.7 65.3 60.6
CV % R 18 % 16 % -- 15 % 15 % --
Fluorescent Yellow ASTM Type IX
Average 44.4 45.3 0.5 26.2 20.8 0.4
s 1.9 2.0 0.5 1.2 1.1 0.1
SR 95 % CI 65.5 65.8 61.5 63.4 63.0 60.4
CV % R 12% 13 % -- 13 % 15 % --
Fluorescent Orange ASTM Type VII
Average 37.0 23.0 0.0 26.5 14.4 0.6
s 1.9 1.3 0.4 5.1 2.9 0.1
SR 95 % CI 65.5 63.8 61.3 614.8 68.3 60.3
CV % R 15 % 16 % -- 56 % 58 % --
Fluorescent Red ASTM Type IX
Average 29.3 14.9 0.0 11.2 5.1 2.4
s 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.3
SR 95 % CI 63.0 61.8 61.1 62.3 61.2 60.8
CV % R 10 % 12 % -- 21 % 23 % --
White Non-fluorescent/ Non-retroreflective
Average 0.0 0.1 -0.2 76.8 81.4 88.1
s 0.66 0.64 0.53 1.00 1.01 1.28
SR 95 % CI 61.9 61.8 61.5 62.9 62.9 63.7
CV% R -- -- -- 4% 4% 4%

Mean Color Difference Critical T2
from the Mean (MCDM) (95 % CI) = 12.7
CIEDE2000 CIELAB DE* Maximum T2
Yellow Green 0.9 2.7 5.5
Yellow 1.4 6.5 9.3
Orange 1.8 6.0 7.9
Red 1.2 2.8 5.6
White Non-fluor/Non-retro 0.6 0.6 5.6


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Relative spectral power distributions for CIE D65 and CIE Publication 15.2 for calculating the relative spectral power
Daylight 15 000 K computed by the procedures described in distributions of alternate D illuminants.

E 2301 – 03
Daylight Daylight
Wavelength CIE D65 Wavelength CIE D65
15 000 K 15 000 K
300 0.03 0.08 560 100.00 100.00
310 3.29 16.27 570 96.33 92.88
320 20.24 77.21 580 95.79 88.32
330 37.05 145.16 590 88.69 83.26
340 39.95 143.92 600 90.01 80.65
350 44.91 149.80 610 89.60 78.15
360 46.64 141.40 620 87.70 73.77
370 52.09 158.07 630 83.29 67.79
380 49.98 142.97 640 83.70 67.00
390 54.65 137.24 650 80.03 64.55
400 82.75 181.87 660 80.21 63.39
410 91.49 198.08 670 82.28 62.35
420 93.43 194.21 680 78.28 59.79
430 86.68 171.08 690 69.72 52.51
440 104.86 186.55 700 71.61 53.05
450 117.01 196.45 710 74.35 55.31
460 117.81 189.74 720 61.60 45.98
470 114.86 176.16 730 69.89 52.71
480 115.92 168.89 740 75.09 57.03
490 108.81 153.07 750 63.59 48.51
500 109.35 144.96 760 46.42 34.98
510 107.80 136.72 770 66.81 50.30
520 104.79 123.18 780 63.38 47.97
530 107.69 120.54 790 64.30 48.68
540 104.41 113.50 800 59.45 45.15
550 104.05 108.06

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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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