Chapter-3 2 PDF
Chapter-3 2 PDF
Chapter-3 2 PDF
Concrete Dam
I. Water Load
γωh2 γωh2
When flow from u/s to d/s face is allowed With u/s effective cutoff
W = γc * A
γc is the unit weight of concrete
A is the cross-sectional area of the structure
The upper portions of dams are subject to the impact of waves, Pwave.
Wave run-up
When the dam is full, wind acts only on the downstream side thus
contribute to stability Where:
Reservoire full
Reservoir empty
Earthquake Direction
Direction of vibraion
Inertia forces
Horizontal Feqh = ±αhW
Vertical Feqv = ±αvW
Water body
• As analyzed by Westerguard(1993)
Py = k ' 'α hγ w H . y
Fewy = α hγ w y H . y k ' '
where k” = earthquake factor for the water body
k" = Where: T = period of earthquake
H γw = in tone/m3
1 − 7.75 H, y in meters
1000T The force acts at 0.4y from the dam joint being
• Load Combinations
• Load Combinations
∑H = ∑V = 0 ∑M = 0
Assumptions inherent in preliminary analyses using gravity method
(USBR) are as follows:
The concrete (or masonry) is homogeneous, isotropic and
uniformly eastic.
All loads are carried by gravity action of vertical parallel-sided
cantilevers with no mutual support between adjacent cantilevers
No differential movements affecting the dam or foundation occur
as a result of the water load from the reservoir.
Overturning Stability
F0 =
∑ M + ve
∑M − ve
For earthquake loads, the resultant may fall anywhere within the
base, but the allowable concrete or foundation pressure must not be
Sliding Stability
Sliding Stability
∑ H
(∑ H ∑ V ) − tan α
1 + (∑ H ∑ V ) tan α
• S is the maximum shear resistance, which can be mobilized.
cA h
S= + ∑ V tan (φ + α )
cos α(1 − tan φ tan α )
FSF = (S + Pp ) ∑H
c A AB
Where Pp = + Ww tan (φ + α )
cos α(1 − tan φ tan α )
In the presence of a horizon with low shear resistance, e.g. a thin
clay horizon or clay infill in the discontinuity, it may be advisable to
make the assumption S =0, in the above equation
• FLE = 2.0 in normal operation, i.e. with static load maxima applied,
• Its validity is questionable near the base of the dam where stress
concentrations arise at the heel and toe due to reentrant corners
formed by the dam faces and the foundation surface.
σz =
∑V ±
∑ y′
M *
Ah I
∑V = resultant vertical load above the plane considered, exclusive of
∑M* = summation of moments determined with respect to the centroid
of the plane,
y’ = distance from the neutral axis of the plane to the point where σz is
being determined , and
I = the second moment of area of the plane with respect to its centroid.
σz =
∑ V 12∑ V e y ′
T T3
For e > T/6, upstream face stress will be negative, i.e. tensile.
For e > T/6, upstream face stress will be negative, i.e. tensile.
For e > T/6, upstream face stress will be negative, i.e. tensile.
Vertical Stress
on the base of
a gravity dam
• Horizontal shear stresses
If the angles between the face slopes and the vertical are respectively
Φu upstream and Φd downstream, and if an external hydrostatic
pressure, pw, is assumed to operate at the upstream face, then
• Horizontal normal stresses
The boundary values for σy at either face are given by the following:
σ yu = p w + (σ zu − p w ) tan 2 φ u
– for the downstream face,
σ yd = σ zd tan 2 φ d
• Principal stresses
σz + σy
σ1 = + τ max
σz + σy
σ3 = − τ max
σz − σy
τ max = + τ2
As there is no shear stress at and parallel to the face, that is one of
the planes of principal stress, the boundary values of σ1 and σ3 are
then determined as follows:
( )
σ1u = σ zu 1 + tan 2 φ u − p w tan 2 φ u
σ 3u = p w
σ1d = σ zd 1 + tan 2 φ d )
σ 3d = 0
• Permissible stresses and cracking
K d γ w Z − σ 't
σ zu min = '
• Cracked Base Analysis
B = total base width
b = base width in compression
Mo = sum of moments at the toe excluding uplift
V = sum of vertical forces excluding uplift
p = unit uplift pressure at heel
A resulting negative value for
b indicates an overturning
condition with the resultant
falling downstream of the toe
The buttress or vertical walls that support the deck and transmit
the load
• Longitudinal beams are used for stiffing and bracing the buttresses
(G K + G P + W2 − U ) f + c.d .b
W1 =
• Example
#The profile of the major monolith of a buttress dam is illustrated in the
figure. The stability of the dam is to be reviewed in relation to:
Normal Load Condition (NLC): Water load(to design flood level + self
weight + uplift(no pressure relief drain)
Static stability : Overturning, Fo>1.5; sliding (shear friction factor),FSF
Concrete characteristics: Unit weight γ C 23KN/m3 , Unit shear
resistance , C = 500KN/m2 , angle of shearing resistance (internal
friction) φC = 350
1. Analyze the static stability of the buttress unit with respect to plane
X–X under NLC and in relation to the defined criteria for Fo and FSF.
• Arch (or arch unit) refers to a portion of the dam bounded by two
horizontal planes, 1 foot (1 meter) apart.
• Narrow gorges provide the most natural solution for an arch dam
construction, the usually recommended ratio of crest length to dam
height being 5 or less.
B + H (secψ 1 + secψ 2 )
•The usual values of C.S.F. are 2 to 5; lower value giving thinner sections
Constant-radius profile
Constant-angle profile
• Single Curvature :
Single-curvature arch dams are curved in plan only. Vertical
sections, or cantilevers, have vertical or straight sloped faces.
• Double Curvature :
Double-curvature arch dams means the dam is curved in plan and
The weight of concrete and water in the dam is carried directly to the
P = γ w h × 2re sin θ 2
R γ w hre
The transverse unit stress σ = =
t *1 t
γ w hre
For a given stress, thickness t t=
σ all
Note: the hydrostatic pressure γwh may be increased by earth quake and
other pressure forces where applicable:
γ w hre
σ all
• This equation indicates that the thickness t of the arch ring increases
linearly with depth below the water surface and for a given pressure
the required thickness is proportional to its radius.
γ w hrc γ w hri
t= t=
σ all − 0.5γ w h OR
σ all − γ w h
• Best Central Angle
The concrete volume of any given arch is proportional to the
product of the arch thickness and the length of the centerline arc
2 sin θ / 2
Differentiating V with respect to θ and setting to zero, θ = 133.5o
which is the most economical angle for arch with minimum volume
For θ = 133.50 ,r = 0.544B
b. Thick Cylinder (Ring) Theory
Improvement in thin cylinder theory was made by the considering
the arch as thick cylinder.
2 re 2 × ri 2
Pw re +
σ= ( 2 )
re − ri m
2 2
Stress is maximum at the downstream face ,
With P = γ w h
2rw hre 2
σ max = for r = ri
t (r + r )
e i
• Example:
# Given a canyon with the following dimensions, compute and draw the
layout of arch dams of constant radius and constant angle profiles.
B 500
re = = = 258.82m
2 sin θ 2 2 sin 75