Project Management 4 Module 2
Project Management 4 Module 2
Project Management 4 Module 2
Project planning
• Often considered the most important step of
the project management process
• Make sure work is done correctly the first
Steps within project planning
1. Write a scope statement
• Defining a project’s scope ensures that
everyone involved in a project understands
what the project is supposed to accomplish
• After writing the scope statement, you can
create the scope management plan. The plan
indicates the following:
– How scope changes will be identified
– How scope changes will be integrated into the
– What approval requirements are necessary for
scope changes
2. Clearly define all activities
• Identify all activities that must be
completed during the project and use them
to create an activity list
• Identify any constraints or dependencies
that affect how or when activities can be
3. Develop a schedule
• Estimate how long each activity will take
• Construct a project network diagram to
illustrate the sequence in which the
schedule must be completed
• Put dates on the diagram
4. Determine resource needs
• Determine what resources are needed for
each activity
• Determine in what quantities they are
• Determine at what times they are needed
• Develop a procurement management plan
5. Estimate the project’s cost
• Top-down estimating
– Examines past data from similar projects
– Often based on the manager’s experience
• Bottom-up estimating
– Develops estimates for each activity in the work
breakdown structure then adds estimates to arrive
at an estimate for the total project cost
• Phased estimated
– Breaks projects into phases
– Calculates a separate cost estimate for each phase
6. Develop a budget
• Assign amounts to each activity based on
cost estimates
• Develop a cost management plan
• Two factors to consider
– Work results
– Performance results
7. Create a project plan
• A good project plan should:
– Direct how, when and by whom all project
activities should be completed
– Document what decisions are made and why
they are made
– Define standards against which the project and
team members performance is measured
7. Create a project plan
• Additional actions that need to be performed:
– Define the project’s quality standards and develop a quality
management plan
– Assign roles and responsibilities, which include developing a staff
management plan and acquiring staff for the project team
– Develop a communication system, which includes creating a
communications management plan that will make sure
information is distributed to the right people at the right times in
an appropriate format
– Identify and evaluate the seriousness of potential project risks
– Develop responses to the potential risks, which includes compiling
a risk management plan
– Decide which resources must be procured from outside the
project’s parent company, which includes developing a
procurement plan
– Determine which sources can provided the needed resources for a
project, which includes defining resource requirements, such as
what level of quality is expected for contracted work
Project plan
1. Project plan
2. Feasibility study
3. Scope management
4. Build methods
5. Execution strategy
6. Work Breakdown Structure
7. Organisational Breakdown Structure
8. Critical Path Method
9. Schedule bar chart
10. Procurement schedule
11. Resource histogram
12. Budgets and project cash flow
13. Communications plan
14. Project quality plan
15. Risk management plan
16. Baseline plan
1. Project charter
• Officially acknowledges the start of the
• Should outline the following:
– The purpose of the project
– The beneficial changes
– Key objectives and the means of achieving them
2. Feasibility study
• Develops the project charter and project
brief into a project proposal
• Offers a structured approach for
identifying the stakeholders and assessing
their needs
• Reviews close-out reports of previous
projects, together with investigating other
options and alternatives
3. Scope management
• Defines what the project includes and what
it doesn’t include
• Developed into:
– Bill of materials
– List of drawings
– Specifications
• Includes close-out report
Example of a bill of materials
Bill of Materials – Home Linux Server
Components Model Details Price
Case SX1040 Easy access R654.00
Power supply PP412X Included with case R0.00
CPU 2.4GHz 533 MH2 F88 R1400.00
Motherboard IT7 Onboard LAN R910.00
System memory 512 MBPC2700 DDR R950.00
Graphics card GeForce 4MX 420 R490.00
Network card 3C805-TX R175.00
CD burner SD-R1002 DVD, CD-RW, CD-R R1050.00
Hard drive WD1200JB 120GB drive for data volume R980.00
Display Q41Opliquest 14” Monitor R950.00
Keyboard PS2 R195.00
Mouse Wheel Mouse R110.00
Distribution SUSE8.0Pro R560.00
Total R8424.00
4. Build methods
• Outlines how the product will be assembled
or implemented
5. Execution strategy
• Considers the “make or buy” decision
6. Work Breakdown Structure
• Key management tool used to subdivide the
scope of work
• Divides work into packages that can be
estimated, planned, assigned and controlled
7. Organisational Breakdown
Structure (OBS)
• Set up to manage the project as outlined in
the execution strategy
• Lines the work packages to the company
department or person who is responsible
for performing the work
• Can be further developed to include
delegated responsibility, level of authority
and lines of communication
8. Critical path method
• Uses a network diagram to present the work
packages and activities in a logical sequence of
work that is developed from the build method
and other constraints
• Calculates:
– Activities early start
– Early finish
– Late start
– Late finish
– Float
– Critical path
Critical path method
9. Schedule bar chart
• Enables participant to easily walk through
the sequencing of the project’s work
• Can be further simplified by focusing on
hammocks, key dates and milestones
10. Procurement schedule
• Procurement function is to supply all the
bought-in items at the best price
• Long lead times need to be identified early
on so they can be ordered
11. Resource histogram
• Resource over-loads
and under-loads
need to
accommodate both
project and
• Resource smoothing
needs to consider
other company
projects and outside
12. Budgets and cash flow
• The accounting process:
– Establishes and assigns budgets
– Determines project’s cash flow
13. Communications plan
• Includes the process required to ensure
proper collection and dissemination of
project information
14. Project quality plan
• Outlines a quality management system
designed to guide and enable the project to
meet the required condition
15. Risk management plan
• Includes the process of identifying,
analysing and responding to project risk
• Consists of:
– Risk identification
– Risk quantification and impact
– Response development
– Risk control
– Disaster recovery plan
16. Baseline plan
• Portfolio of documents which outline how to
achieve the project’s objectives
• Level of detail and accuracy will depend on
the project phase and complexity
• Should be a coherent document to guide the
project through the execution and project
control cycle
Importance of developing a
solid project plan
• Since the goal of planning a project is to make
sure that work is done correctly the first time it
is important to develop a solid project plan. A
solid project plan should do the following:
– Record assumptions made during project planning
– Direct project execution and control
– Provide instructions for documenting what
decisions were made and why they were made
– Specify dates for management review
– Define standards against which project and team
members’ performance are measured
1.2 Identify a small project / sub-project
and develop the plans in accordance
with the correct procedure
• The following is a handy guide for the one’s who are
involved in the smaller projects of even a do-it-yourself
(DIY) project. Their project plan will generally include:
– Documents used during project planning, such as the scope
statement, work breakdown structure, and cost estimates
– The project charter
– Scope, risk, communication, procurement and schedule
management plans
– Responsibility assignments
– Schedule dates and milestones
– Major risks, constraints and assumptions and how each will
be handled
– Pending issues and decisions
– Design and other specifications
1.3 Utilise leadership skills and
Generally accepted project
General management
management knowledge and
•Draw up project policy
•Organising behaviour
•Financial management
•Problem solving
•Information systems
•Marketing and sales
Task 1.3
Task 2.1
Task 2.3
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• The WBS you create should be able to help you do all of
the following:
– Identify the major parts of the project so that all the work
needing to be done is clearly indicated
– Organise the work in the most logical sequence so the work
packages can be efficiently scheduled
– Identify work packages that need to be assigned to various
team members
– Identify the resources necessary to complete each work
package so a budget can be developed
– Communicate the work to be done in an unambiguous way
so that team members understand their assigned jobs and
responsibilities for completing the project
– Organise related work packages using logical milestones
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Organising a work breakdown structure
– According to the phases in which the product will be released
– According to the physical elements of the product, listing
each as a high-level deliverable
– According to the general project objectives the deliverables
need to meet
– According to the reports needed for upper management
– According to the chronology of the major steps in a
product’s life cycle
– According to various locations if the project is
geographically dispersed
– According to functional departments and then within each
department using the individual WBS that makes the most
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Other breakdown structures
– A bill of materials (BOM) is a breakdown of the
physical elements needed to assemble a manufactured
– A contractual work breakdown structure (CWBS) is
used to detail the work breakdown of any products or
services related to a project that are provided by
someone outside the organisation
– An organisational breakdown structure (OBS)
identifies which deliverables have been assigned to
functional departments within the organisation
– A resource breakdown structure (RBS) identifies which
deliverables have been assigned to individuals within
the organisation
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Importance of designing a WBS
– A work breakdown structure is an essential part of a
project because it enables you to:
• Finalise the scope of the project, since any work not listed in
the WBS is outside the scope of the project
• Plan the project
• Outline a budget for the project
• Link deliverables to available company resources
• Establish an accurate cost and schedule estimates
• Clearly assign work responsibilities to specific team members
• Monitor the progress of the project as whole, since each
deliverable is a measurable unit of work
• Track time, cost, and performance throughout the project
• Establish status-reporting procedures
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Elements of a WBS
– High-level deliverables give a broad overview of
the project
– Summary deliverables are not actually
executed, but are a summarisation of the
subordinate work packages
– Low-level deliverables, commonly called work
packages, are manageable units that can be
planned, budgeted, scheduled, executed and
controlled effectively
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Define deliverables in a work breakdown
– All deliverables in a work breakdown structure
should be defined so that they:
• Indicate definite beginning and ending dates
• Provide a benchmark that compares results to
• Result in a solid product or service, or part of a
product or service
• Are clearly defined so they require minimum
documentation to be provided to the project office
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Create a good work breakdown structure
– List the breakdown of deliverables
– Review it with responsible individuals
– Identify data relevant to the WBS
– Continually examine actual resources used
– Compare actual progress to scheduled progress
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Tips to follow when developing a work breakdown
structure (WBS)
– In order to make sure your WBS is useful in planning,
communicating, and controlling your project, it should meet
the following criteria:
• The WBS should be clear and easy to understand to anyone who
reads it
• Each work package should be a direct subset of a summary
deliverable, and each summary deliverable should be a direct
subset of a high-level deliverable
• Summary deliverables should be broken down so that all of the
work packages necessary to complete that summary deliverable
are listed below it
• All tasks listed on the WBS should produce a deliverable
• Deliverables listed on the WBS should be tangible milestones,
making it easy to recognise when milestones are achieved
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Can a WBS already exist?
– It is important to be aware of the fact that a
WBS might already exist for the project on
which you are working. Although each project
is unique, there are frequently enough
similarities between projects that organisations
keep a standard WBS on file that you can use as
a template. Using a WBS template, can save
you time when planning a project.
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Benefits of a WBS
– The project team develops confidence in their goal
– A framework is provided with which you can identify
projects separately from organisations, accounting
systems, and funding sources
– Specific work packages are available with which you
can estimate and assign work
– Responsibilities are clearly defined, resulting in
– Team members find it easier to focus their attention on
project objectives
– It is easier to develop detailed planning and
2.4 Develop a Work
Breakdown Structure
• Five steps to develop the Work Breakdown Structure
1. Break the work into independent work packages that can be
sequenced, assigned, scheduled, and monitored
2. Define the work packages at a level of detail appropriate for
the length and complexity of the project
3. Integrate the work packages into a total system with a
beginning and an end. This may involve combining tasks
into milestones (also called sub-projects)
4. Present the work packages in a format that can be easily
communicated to people assigned to complete them during
the project. Remember that each work package should have
a deliverable and a time for completing that deliverable
5. Verify that completion of the work packages will result in
attainment of all the project goals and objectives
Activity 3
• The team’s project is to build a house. With
the help of the team break the project up
into a detailed WBS.