Database Technologies PG DAC - Feb 19
Database Technologies PG DAC - Feb 19
Database Technologies PG DAC - Feb 19
4) The .................... refers to the way data is organized in and accessible from DBMS.
A) database hierarchy B) data organization
C) data sharing D) data model
18) How many null values can a unique key column have in MySQL
A) Multiple B) 0 C) 1 D) 2
19) How many null values can a primary key column have in MySQL
A) Multiple B) 0 C) 1 D) 2
20) Can the child table foreign key column has null value?
A) True B) False
21) which of the following query is used to delete data from table
A) Drop B) Delete C) Update D) Alter
27) which of the following joins will return highest number of rows?
A) Cross Join B) Left Join C) Inner Join D) Right Join
29) Can we have a HAVING Clause in the query without group by clause?
A) True B) False
30) What is the default sort done in MySQL when you order by clause?
A) Ascending B) Descending C) None D) both
34) In a relational database a referential integrity constraint can be specified with the help of
A) primary key B) foreign key C) secondary key D) none of the above
36) If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the entire primary key, then the relation will be in:
A) 1NF B) 2NF C) 3NF D) 4NF
38) A relation is ................... if every field contains only atomic values that is, no lists or sets.
A) 1 NF B) 2 NF C) 3 NF D) BCNF
40) In a LIKE clause, you can could ask for any value ending in "qpt" by writing
A) LIKE %qpt B) LIKE *ton C) LIKE ton$ D) LIKE ^.*ton$
42) MySQL is
A) A Programming language B) A Programming language
C) A technique for writing reliable programs D) A Relational Database Management System
43) In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any 6 letter value by writing?
A) LIKE ??????
B) LIKE .{6} Answer 5: LIKE ^.{6}$
C) LIKE ...... (that's six dots)
D) LIKE ______ (that's six underscore characters)
47) What SQL clause is used to restrict the rows returned by a query?
48) Which of the following commands should be used to create a database named “student”?
A) CREATE ?I student B) CREATE DATABASE student
C) DATABASE /student D) DATABSE student
49) Which one will delete the table data as well as table structure?
A) TRUNCATE B) DROP C) delete D) All of the above
57) Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by SQL?
58) Which of the following do you need to consider when you make a table in SQL?
A) Data types B) Primary keys C) Default values D) All of the above.
59) Find the SQL statement below that is equal to the following: SELECT NAME FROM CUSTOMER WHERE STATE =
60) Which one of the following is used to define the structure of the relation ,deleting relations and relating
schemas ?
A) DML(Data Manipulation Langauge) B) DDL(Data Definition Langauge)
C) Query D) Relational Schema
61) Which one of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and to insert tuples
into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database ?
A) DML(Data Manipulation Langauge) B) DDL(Data Definition Langauge)
C) Query D) Relational Schema
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
62) Create table employee (name varchar ,id integer) What type of statement is this ?
A) DML B) DDL C) View D) Integrity constraint
63) To remove a relation from an SQL database, we use the ______ command.
A) Delete B) Purge C) Remove D) Drop table
66) Which of the following makes the transaction permanent in the database ?
A) View B) Commit C) Rollback D) Flashback
67) In order to undo the work of transaction after last commit which one should be used ?
A) View B) Commit C) Rollback D) Flashback
69) In case of any shut down during transaction before commit which of the following statement is done
automatically ?
A) View B) Commit C) Rollback D) Flashback
70) Aggregate functions are functions that take a ___________ as input and return a single value.
A) Collection of values B) Single value C) Aggregate value D) Both a & b
71) Select __________ from instructor where dept name= ’Comp. Sci.’;
Which of the following should be used to find the mean of the salary ?
A) Mean(salary) B) Avg(salary) C) Sum(salary) D) Count(salary)
72) All aggregate functions except _____ ignore null values in their input collection.
A) Count(attribute) B) Count(*) C) Avg D) Sum
73) Which of the following should be used to find all the courses taught in the Fall 2009 semester but not in the
Spring 2010 semester .
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
74) The phrase “greater than at least one” is represented in SQL by _____.
A) < all B) < some C) > all D) > any
75) We can test for the nonexistence of tuples in a subquery by using the _____ construct.
A) Not exist B) Not exists C) Exists D) Exist
80) Foreign key is the one in which the ________ of one relation is referenced in another relation.
A) Foreign key B) Primary key C) References D) Check constraint
81) Which of the following can be addressed by enforcing a referential integrity constraint?
A) All phone numbers must include the area code
B) Certain fields are required (such as the email address, or phone number) before the record is accepted
C) Information on the customer must be known before anything can be sold to that customer
D) When entering an order quantity, the user must input a number and not some text (i.e., 12 rather than ‘a
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
82) The condition allows a general predicate over the relations being joined.
A) On B) Using C) Set D) Where
83) Which of the join operations do not preserve non matched tuples.
A) Left outer join B) Right outer join C) Inner join D) Natural join
84) What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have matching values?
A) Equi-join B) Natural join C) Outer join D) All of the mentioned
87) A _____ indicates an absent value that may exist but be unknown or that may not exist at all.
A) Empty tuple B) New value C) Null value D) Old value
90) Which one of the following deletes all the entries but keeps the structure of the relation .
A) Delete from r where P;
B) Delete from instructor where dept name= ’Finance’;
C) Delete from instructor where salary between 13000 and 15000;
D) Delete from instructor;
91) Which of the following deletes all tuples in the instructor relation for those instructors associated with a
department located in the Watson building which is in department relation.
A) Delete from instructor where dept_name in ‘Watson’;
B) Delete from department where building=’Watson’;
C) Delete from instructor where dept_name in (select dept name from department where building = ’Watson’);
D) Both a and c
93) Which of the following is the correct format for case statements .
A) Case when pred1 … result1 when pred2 … result2
when predn … resultn
else result0 end
B) Case when pred1 then result1 when pred2 then result2
when predn then resultn else result0 end
C) Case when pred1 then result1 when pred2 then result2
when predn then resultn else result0
D) All of the mentioned
95) Which of the following terms does refer to the correctness and completeness of the data in a database?
A) Data security B) Data constraint C) Data independence D) Data integrity
97) If the state of the database no longer reflects a real state of the world that the database is supposed to
capture, then such a state is called
A) Consistent state B) Parallel state C) Durable state D) Inconsistent state
98) Each modification done in database transaction are first recorded into the
A) Harddrive B) Log C) Disk D) Datamar
99) When the transaction finishes the final statement the transaction enters into
A) Active state B) Committed state C) Partially committed state D) Abort state
101) _______ means that data used during the execution of a transaction cannot be used by a second transaction
until the first one is completed.
A) Serializability B) Atomicity C) Isolation D) Time stamping
102) In SQL, which command is used to select only one copy of each set of duplicate rows
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
104) What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command?
A) Grant B) Revoke C) Execute D) Run
105) Which of the following query is correct for using comparison operators in SQL?
A) SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and <80;
B) SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and age <80;
C) SELECT sname, coursename FROM studentinfo WHERE age>50 and WHERE age<80;
D) None of the above
106) How to select all data from studentinfo table starting the name from letter 'r'?
A) SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE 'r%';
B) SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '%r%';
C) SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '%r';
D) SELECT * FROM studentinfo WHERE sname LIKE '_r%';
107) Which of the following SQL query is correct for selecting the name of staffs from 'tblstaff' table where salary
is 15,000 or 25,000?
A) SELECT sname from tblstaff WHERE salary IN (15000, 25000);
B) SELECT sname from tblstaff WHERE salary BETWEEN 15000 AND 25000;
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
108) Select a query that retrieves all of the unique course name from the student table?
A) SELECT DISTINCT coursename FROM studentinfo;
B) SELECT UNIQUE coursename FROM studentinfo;
C) SELECT DISTINCT coursename FROM TABLE studentinfo;
D) SELECT INDIVIDUAL coursename FROM studentinfo;
109) Which query is used for sorting data that retrieves the all the fields from empinfo table and listed them in the
ascending order?
A) SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER BY age;
B) SELECT * FROM empinfo ORDER age;
D) SELECT * FROM empinfo SORT BY age;
110) Select the right statement to insert values to the stdinfo table.
A) INSERT VALUES ("15", "Hari Thapa", 45, 5000) INTO stdinfo;
B) INSERT VALUES INTO stdinfo ("15", "Hari Thapa", 45, 5000);
C) INSERT stdinfo VALUES ("15", "Hari Thapa", 45, 5000);
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
111) How to Delete records from studentinfo table with name of student 'Hari Prasad'?
A) DELETE FROM TABLE studentinfo WHERE sname='Hari Prasad';
B) DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE sname='Hari Prasad';
C) DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE COLUMN sname='Hari Prasad'; D) DELETE FROM studentinfo WHERE sname
LIKE 'Hari Prasad';
115) Which of the following isolation levels doesn’t allow phantom reads?
A) Repeatable Reads B) Read Committed C) Read uncommitted D) Serializable
116) Which of the following isolation levels doesn’t allow non-repeatable reads?
A) Repeatable Reads B) Read Committed C) both D) none
134) What is the command show list the currently connected user in mysql session
A) select user from mysql.user B) select user
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
137) Which Normal form allows dependency of one non-key attribute on another non-key attribute?
A) 2nd Normal form B) 3rd Normal form
C) 4th Normal form D) None
Extra MCQ
1. Redo Log Buffer SGA stores all the redo log entries.
2. Process is a ’thread of control’ or mechanism in Operating System that executes series of steps.
3. The data of a row in a table may not be able to fit the same data block. Data for row is stored in a chain of
data blocks which is called as Row chaining
7. An defined as the collection of blocks which must be continuous whenever allocation takes place.
13. To define access keys in the menu give the symbol before the desired character.
15. To print the message along with the variable ew use the package .
19. Once the values are inserted in a table, the size of its columns can only be Increased & can never be
21. In DBMS terms, the number of rows in a table is called its cardinality & the no. of columns it has defines its
22. The most serious drawback in the ER model is that it cannot depict relationships
23. Dummy records is used to represent many to many relationship in the Network model
24. The data structure used in the Network model is graph & that used in the hierarchical model is tree
25. An SQL query is interpreted & a PL/SQL block is compiled before execution
26. The 4 phases of processing a cursor are Declare, Open, Fetch & Close
27. The FOR UPDATE clause when used with a SELECT query locks a table
28. When a user executes SELECT ……. FOR UPDATE on a table, it tries to lock it, but if the table is already locked,
the user is placed in a no-operation mode. This situation can be prevented by using NOWAIT clause
29. A table whose primary key retains its uniqueness in the view created over it is called a key preserved table
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
30. Instead of trigger is used to take care of operations on columns of a Non Key-preserved table through the
join view
32. The SQL query for calculating the cube of 4 is SELECT POWER(4, 3) FROM dual
33. WITH READ ONLY clause when used with CREATE VIEW statement prevents the users from modifying the
underlying base tables through the view
34. The With admin option clause of the GRANT command makes the recipient the owner of the granted object
35. The With grant option clause of the GRANT command allows the recipient to pass the privilege to others
36. The 5 important components of a Database Management system (DBMS) are Database engine, data
dictionary, query processor, report writer & form generator
40. All uncommitted data during the course of a transaction is stored in REDO LOG buffer
41. The precompiler used for SQL statements embedded in a C program is Pro*C
43. The 2 implicit variables available to a trigger that contain the row values before and after updates are :new
and :old
44. The error codes for user defined error messages must lie between -20000, and -20999
45. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement terminates the PL/SQL block abruptly and displays the specified
error message
46. A NULL value in the column indicates that the value is not applicable or currently not available
47. init.ora file contains the no. of failed login attempts after which the SQL*PLUS application shuts down 54. A
Sequence can be used to provide a surrogate key in a table that does not have a primary key of its own
48. Snapshots are the means of creating local copies of remote tables.
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
True or False
1. The use of DBMS automatically removes redundancies.
8. The columns on which ORDER BY is done must be a part of <Select Statement> 9. For a valid UNION of two
result sets, the column names of the result sets should match.
11. The maximum length of VARCHAR2 datatype is identical when used in a PL/SQL code and when used in a
12. The ORDER BY clause whenever used should always be the last clause of an SQL query (True)
13. 4 The size of a column in a table cannot be decreased once a value is inserted in it (True)
14. The UNIQUE and FOREIGN keys cannot have NULL values (False)
15. Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) consists of more DML and less DQL statements( True)
16. Decision Support System (DSS) is used to understand the trends of data (True)
17. Database Manager is the person responsible for proper functioning of a DBMS. (False)
20. All functions performed by constraints can equally be performed by triggers (True)
22. A single trigger can be used for handling Insert/delete/update on a table (True)
23. DDL operations, once performed are automatically committed & do not require any commit statement for
confirmation (True)
24. No column of a Non-key preserved table can be modified through a view (True)
25. No trigger other than the INSTEAD OF trigger can be applied to a view (True)
26. PL/SQL programs residing at the client side are called named PL/SQL blocks (False)
27. The difference between a procedure and a function is that a procedure needs to be executed explicitly using
EXECUTE whereas a function can be executed within an SQL statement as well (True)
28. The datatypes of parameters passed to stored procedures cannot have any width (True)
30. The updates made to a view are not reflected to the underlying base tables (False)
31. A single query cannot have WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY clauses simultaneously (False)
33. The two SELECT statements joined using UNION, INTERSECT and MINUS must have same no, of columns &
datatypes, the size of these columns does not matter (True)
38. 2NF applies only to the tables with composite primary keys (True)
39. The inner join (or equi join) is same as the natural join (True)
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
40. The implicit variables :new and :old cannot be used in context of table level triggers (True)
41. A function and a table cannot have a same name but a function and a trigger can (True)
42. Indexing a table increases the speed of execution of queries based on it (True)
43. The HAVING clause can only contain aggregate functions (True)
44. The ROWNUM column can be modified through update statement (False)
45. SELECT NLOG(7) FROM dual returns the natural log of 7 (False)
52. Which of the following objects are dropped automatically when a table is dropped.
A. Procedure B. Constraints C. Views D.Synonyms
53. Consider the following four options from a single statement. Which of the following lines in the SELECT
statement below contain an error.
D. AND EMPID > 02000
54. User ‘Janko’ would like to insert a row into the Emp table, which has 3 columns: empid, lastname, salary. The
user would like to enter data for empid 59694, lastname Harry, but no salary. Which statement would work
B. INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (59694,’Harry’);
C. INSERT INTO EMP (empid, lastname, salary) VALUES (59694,’Harry’);
D. INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (Select 59694 from ‘Harris’);
E. INSERT INTO EMP(empid, lastname) VALUES (59694,’Harry’);
56. For every new ballplayer added to the Player table, a record must be inserted into the Player_Bat_Stat table.
You have written a trigger to accomplish this task. To which timing will this trigger be assigned.
A. After B. Instead of C. Statement D. Pre-Insert
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
57. Which of the following is one of the benefits of using procedures and functions A. Procedures and functions
increase the number of calls to the database.
B. Procedures and functions are reparsed for multiple users by exploiting shared SQL areas.
C. Procedures and functions avoid reparsing for multiple users by exploiting shared SQL areas.
D. Testing of procedures and functions requires the database to the restarted to clear out shared SQL areas for
future access.
59. A table can have maximum no. Of Long Raw datatype columns
A. One B. No limit C. 255 D. depends on tablespace
60. A user is setting up a join operation between Emp and Dept tables. The query should return all the
employees, which are assigned dept, as well as the employees which are yet not assigned any dept.
A. Select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d;
B. Select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
C. Select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno (+);
D. Select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d where e.deptno (+)= d.deptno;
61. Output from a table called PLAYS with two columns, PLAY_NAME and AUTHOR, is shown next. Which of the
following SQL statements produced it?
"Midsummer Night’s Dream", SHAKESPEARE
"Waiting For Godot", BECKETT
"The Glass Menagerie", WILLIAMS
A. select PLAY_NAME|| AUTHOR from PLAYS;
C. select PLAY_NAME||’, ’ || AUTHOR from PLAYS;
D. select PLAY_NAME||’, ’ || AUTHOR play_table from PLAYS;
63. Which of the following statements are NOT TRUE about ORDER BY clauses?
A. Ascending or descending order can be defined with the asc or desc keywords.
B. Only one column can be used to define the sort order in an order by clause.
C. Multiple columns can be used to define sort order in an order by clause.
D. Columns can be represented by numbers indicating their listed order in the select
E. clause within order by.
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
65. A user is setting up a join operation between tables EMP and DEPT. There are some employees in the EMP
table that the user wants returned by the query, but the employees are not assigned to department heads
yet. Which SELECT statement is most appropriate for this user?
A. select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d;
B. select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d where e.dept# = d.dept#;
C. select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d where e.dept# = d.dept# (+);
D. select e.empid, d.head from emp e, dept d where e.dept# (+) = d.dept#;
66. Developer ANJU executes the following statement: CREATE TABLE animals AS SELECT * from
MASTER.ANIMALS; What is the effect of this statement?
A. A table named ANIMALS will be created in the MASTER schema with the same data as the ANIMALS table
owned by ANJU.
B. A table named ANJU will be created in the ANIMALS schema with the same data as the ANIMALS table
owned by MASTER.
C. A table named ANIMALS will be created in the ANJU schema with the same data as the ANIMALS table
owned by MASTER.
D. A table named MASTER will be created in the ANIMALS schema with the same data as the ANJU table owned
69. You issue the following statement. What will be displayed if the EMPID selected is 60494? SELECT
DECODE(empid,38475, ’Terminated’,60494, ’LOA’, ’ACTIVE’) FROM emp;
A. 60494 B. LOA C. Terminated D. ACTIVE
70. After executing an UPDATE statement, the developer codes a PL/SQL block to perform an operation based on
SQL%ROWCOUNT. What data is returned by the SQL%ROWCOUNT operation?
A. A Boolean value representing the success or failure of the update
B. A numeric value representing the number of rows updated
C. A VARCHAR2 value identifying the name of the table updated
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
71. A procedure declares a user-defined exception but does not raise it explicitly. Which of the following
statements is true about this function?
A. The user-defined exception will never be raised.
B. The user-defined exception will be handled by a WHEN OTHERS exception handler.
C. The procedure will fail on compile.
D. The user-defined exception is defined incorrectly.
72. Which statement most accurately describes the result of not creating an exception handler for a raised
A. The program will continue without raising the exception.
B. There will be a memory leak.
C. Control will pass to the PL/SQL block caller’s exception handler.
D. The program will return a %notfound error.
74. If left out, which of the following would cause an infinite loop to occur in a simple loop?
A. loop B. end loop C. if-then D. exit
76. Developer JANET receives an error due to the following statement in the DECLARATION section: PI CONSTANT
NUMBER;. The problem is because:
A. There is not enough memory in the program for the constant.
B. There is no value associated with the constant.
C. There is no datatype associated with the constant.
D. PI is a reserved word.
78. The OTHERS exception handler is used to handle the OTHERS raised exception.
79. Which of the following statements are true about WHILE loops?
A. Explicit exit statements are required in while loops.
B. Counter variables are required in while loops.
C. An if-then statement is needed to signal when a while loop should end.
D. All exit conditions for while loops are handled in the exit when clause.
82. After executing an UPDATE statement, the developer codes a PL/SQL block to perform an operation based on
SQL%ROWCOUNT. What data is returned by the SQL%ROWCOUNT operation?
A. A Boolean value representing the success or failure of the update
B. A numeric value representing the number of rows updated
C. A VARCHAR2 value identifying the name of the table updated
D. A LONG value containing all data from the table
83. A developer would like to use referential datatype declaration on a variable. The variable name is
EMPLOYEE_LASTNAME, and the corresponding table and column is EMPLOYEE, and LASTNAME, respectively.
How would the developer define this variable using referential datatypes?
A. Use employee.lname%type.
B. Use employee.lname%rowtype.
C. Look up datatype for EMPLOYEE column on LASTNAME table and use that.
D. Declare it to be type LONG.
84. The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( ) procedure defines errors returned in which of the following numeric
A. -00000 and -99999 B. -01200 and -01299
C. -00030 and -00039 D. -20000 and -20999
85. When developing a PL/SQL library, the developer defines variable NUM2 as IN OUT in the ADD_NUMS( )
function. Which of the following statements may happen as a result of this?
A. The add_nums( ) function will not compile.
B. Code running after add_nums( ) that uses the NUM2 variable may behave unpredictably because NUM2’s value
was changed in add_nums( ).
C. The add_nums( ) function will return errors to the user when run.
D. The add_nums( ) function will cause a memory leak.
86. In which areas of a PL/SQL block must the developer place code for user-defined exceptions? (Choose three)
A. Command line PL/SQL block call B. Variable declaration section
C. Executable section D. Exception handler
87. A procedure declares a user-defined exception but does not raise it explicitly. Which of the following
statements is true about this function?
A. The user-defined exception will never be raised.
B. The user-defined exception will be handled by a WHEN OTHERS exception handler.
C. The procedure will fail on compile.
D. The user-defined exception is defined incorrectly.
USM’s Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
88. Which of the following lines in the PL/SQL source code will return an error?
A. create procedure estatus (
B. eid NUMBER, statchar CHAR ) is begin
C. select status into statchar from EMP where EMPID = eid; end;
D. There are no errors in this code block
89. Which of the following trigger types will be impacted by constraining factors brought on by mutating tables?
A. Row triggers only B. Statement triggers only
C. Both row and statement triggers D. Neither row or statement triggers
91. To find information about trigger status, which of the following views are appropriate?
92. UPDATE OR DELETE ON SOCCER_FAN_SNACKS. Which two of the following keywords may be useful in your
trigger source code to distinguish what should run, and when?
A. inserting B. updating C. deleting D. truncating
93. The SOCCER_FANS table has a trigger associated with it that inserts data into SOCCER_FANS_SNACKS
whenever rows are inserted into SOCCER_FANS. A foreign key constraint exists between FAN_ID on
SOCCER_FANS and SOCCER_FANS_SNACKS. What happens when the trigger fires?
A. The trigger processes normally.
B. The trigger invalidates.
C. The trigger execution fails because of a mutating or constraining table.
D. The trigger execution succeeds because the trigger is a statement trigger.
B. The row trigger does not define prechange as the referencing keyword for old column values.
C. Row triggers cannot process before the triggering statement.
D. Statement triggers cannot process before the triggering statement.
102. The clause(s) that every SQL Server query must have is/are
A. Select B. From C. Where D. Both (a) and (b)
116. In a query with a GROUP BY clause, the columns in the SELECT clause
A. must be aggregate functions only
B. must also appear in the GROUP BY clause
C. must also appear in the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
D. Both (a) and (b)
E. Can be selected arbitrarily
123. In an RDBMS, another word for Column is __________.
A. Row B. Tuple C. Attribute D. Applet
125.. For an Oracle user, the privilege to access the tables of other users is known as __________.
A. Object level security B. Command level security
C. Logging in security D. File level security
129. In a SELECT statement, the WHERE clause is used to retrieve rows from __________.
A. Server RAM to client end B. Server RAM to server disk
C. Server disk to server RAM D. Client RAM to server end
132. The component of SQL that is used for inserting rows in tables is known as __________.
133. The component of SQL that is used for granting and revoking privileges is known as __________.
135. In Oracle, you can have a maximum of __________ columns per table.
A. 1000 B. 254 C. 255 D. 256
136. To suppress the duplicate values, you can use the keyword __________.
A. Distinct B. Unique C. Either of the above D. None of the above
143. The transaction control that prevents more than one user from updating data in a table is called
A. Locks B. Commits C. Rollbacks D. Savepoints
151. Omitting the WHERE clause from a DELETE statement has which of the following effects?
A. The delete statement will fail because there are no records to delete.
B. The delete statement will prompt the user to enter the criteria for the deletion.
C. The delete statement will fail because of syntax error.
D. The delete statement will remove all records from the table.
152. When char datatype is converted to Varchar2 data type of same width then
A. All the blank spaces associated with that column value are removed.
B. All the blank spaces associated with that column value will remain.
C. It is not possible to convert the character to varchar2 data type.
D. None of the above
155. Select ' " ' || SUBSTR('happybirthday',-4,6)||' " ' from dual;
What is the output of the above statement?
A. "happyb” B. "ybirth" C. Statement generates an error D. "hday"
156. Which function will NOT automatically return NULL if passed a NULL argument ?
158. How many columns are presented after executing this query:
SELECT address1||','||address2||','||address2 "Address" FROM employee;
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. ERROR
160. Choose the correct pattern Matching sign for matching a single character.
A. _ B. ? C. * D. %
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
161. EDIT or ED command places the contents of the query buffer in a file named _____ by default
164. ____________ makes a string of certain length by adding a certain set of characters to the left
167. In Oracle, the upper limit for nested functions is upto __________ levels.
A. 0 B. 32 C. 64 D. 255
173. To lock the rows of a table manually, you can use a Select statement with the __________ clause.
A. For Update B. For Delete C. For Insert D. For Lock
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
174. __________ function can be used to make character column data as right-justified.
A. Lpad B. Rpad C. Ljustify D. Rjustify
178. Which line in the following SELECT statement will produce an error?
A. select dept, avg(salary) B. from emp
C. group by empid; D. No errors in this statement
179. Which of the following is the correct order of precedence of SQL clauses?
180. Fill in the blank with a numeric function to get 15 as the output.
SELECT __________(-15) "Absolute" FROM DUAL;
182. Which of the following SOL functions is used to display the current session date and time?
183. Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the HAVING clause?
A. SELECT (column_name)
HAVING (function condition)
GROUP BY (column_name)
FROM (entity_name);
B. SELECT (column_name)
FROM (entity_name)
GROUP BY (column_name)
HAVING (function condition);
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C. SELECT (column_name)
FROM (entity_name)
HAVING (function condition)
GROUP BY (column_name);
D. SELECT (column_name)
HAVING (function condition)
FROM (entity_name)
GROUP BY (column_name);
184. Which of the following SQL functions can operate on any datatype?
187. Which of the following uses of the HAVING clause are appropriate?
A. To put returned data into sorted order.
B. To execute certain data groups based on known criteria.
C. To include certain data groups based on unknown criteria.
D. To include certain data groups based on known criteria
191. ____________ makes a string of certain length by adding a certain set of characters to the left
197.Which one of the following statements about oracle’s set operators is incorrect:
A. UNION - Combine the unique rows returned by 2 SELECT statements
B. UNION ALL - Combine the rows returned by 2 SELECT statements (including all duplicates)
C. INTERSECT - Return only those rows that are in both SELECT statements
D. EXCEPT - Return the rows that are in the first SELECT but not the second
198.To alter the Oracle prompt for accepting input from the keyboard, one can
A. Change the prompt in the config.ora file.
B. Use the prompt clause of the accept command.
C. Enter a new prompt in the login.sql file.
D. There is no way to change a prompt in Oracle.
201. If five tables are given & three join conditions are given & select Query is applied then what will happen?
A. Cartesian product of first 3 tables
B. Three joins make relation between four tables & keep the fifth independent
C. We cannot apply 3 joins on 5 tables
D. None of above
204. A user is setting up a join operation between Emp and Dept tables. The query should return all the employees,
which are assigned a dept, as well as the employees which are yet not assigned any dept.
A. Select e.empid, d.dname from emp e, dept d;
B. Select e.empid, d.dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
C. Select e.empid, d.dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno (+);
D. Select e.empid, d.dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno (+)= d.deptno
209. Which SQL commands are used to create, modify and delete database structure but not data?
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
212. Which of the following queries can you use to search for employees with the pattern 'A_B' in their names?
A. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A\_B%';
B. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A_B%';
C. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE 'A_B%' ;
D. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A\_B%';
213. Which of the following correctly shows the correct use of the TRUNC command on a date?
B. TRUNC = TO_DATE('12-Feb-99','DD-MON-YY'), 'YEAR', "Date " FROM DUAL;
D. date = TRUNC(TO_DATE('12-Feb-99','DD-MON-YY'), 'YEAR') "Date " FROM DUAL
214. Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT e.employee_id, (.15* e.salary) + (.5 * e.commission_pct) +
(s.sales_amount * (.35 * e.bonus)) AS CALC_VALUE FROM employees e, sales WHERE e.employee_id = s.emp_id;
What will happen if you remove all the parentheses from the calculation?
A. The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be lower.
B. The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be higher.
C. There will be no difference in the value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column.
D. An error will be reported.
215. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(4) ENAME VARCHAR2 (25) JOB_ID
VARCHAR2(10) Which SQL statement will return the ENAME, length of the ENAME, and the numeric position of the
letter "a" in the ENAME column, for those employees whose ENAME ends with a the letter "n"?
216. You would like to display the system date in the format "Monday, 01 June, 2001". Which SELECT statement
should you use?
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
218. Which SELECT statement should you use to extract the year from the system date and display it in the format
219. Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT ename, sal, 12*sal+100 FROM EMP; The SAL column stores the monthly
salary of the employee. Which change must be made to the above syntax to calculate the annual compensation as
"monthly salary plus a monthly bonus of $100, multiplied by 12"?
A. No change is required to achieve the desired results.
B. SELECT ename, sal, 12*(sal+100) FROM emp;
C. SELECT ename, sal, (12*sal)+100 FROM emp;
D. SELECT ename, sal+100,*12 FROM emp;
220. Which describes the default behavior when you create a table?
A. The table is accessible to all users.
B. Tables are created in the public schema.
C. Tables are created in your schema.
D. Tables are created in the DBA schema.
221. Evaluate the SQL statement: SELECT ROUND (TRUNC (MOD (1600, 10),-1), 2) FROM dual; What will be
A. 0 B. 1 C. 0.00 D. an error statement
222. You added a PHONE-NUMBER column of NUMBER data type to an existing EMPLOYEES table. The EMPLOYEES
table already contains records of 100 employees. Now, you want to enter the phone numbers of each of the 100
employees into the table some of the employees may not have a phone number available. Which data
manipulation operation do you perform?
223. You define a multiple-row subquery in the WHERE clause of an SQL query with a comparison operator"=" What
happens when the main query is executed?
A. the main query executes with the first value returned by the subquery
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
B. the main query executes with the last value returned by the subquery
C. the main query executes with all the values returned by the subquery
D. The main query fails because the multiple-row subquery cannot be used with the comparison operator.
225. You need to display the last names of those employees who have the letter "A" as the second character in their
names. Which SQL statement displays the required results?
A. SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last_name LIKE'_A%;
B. SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name='*A%
C. SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name ='* _A%;
D. SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name LIKE '* a%
228. When you create a variable in PL/SQL that has not been initialized, it stores a __________ value.
A.Blank B.0 C.Null D.Garbage
232.In PL/SQL, A __________ variable can store a logical true or false value.
A. Char B. Binary C. Boolean D. Logical
238. The PL SQL blocks can contain _________ & _______________ statements
239. begin
for i in 3..1 loop
for j in 1..3 loop
end loop;
end loop;
What is the output of the sample code above assuming SETSERVEROUTPUT is set ON?
A. 3,1,2,3,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,3
B. 1,1,2,3,2,1,2,3,3,1,2,3,
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
C. 1,1,2,3
D. Nothing is printed
240. Which of the following describes the concept of composite data type?
A. A composite data type is a variable that is comprised of multiple datatypes and can hold multiple rows of data.
B. A composite datatype is a type that is comprised of multiple datatypes.
C. A composite data type is a type that can hold multiple rows of data.
D. A composite datatype is a variable object that can hold multiple rows.
v_total_records stats_tab.t_recs%TYPE;
INTO v_total_records
FROM records_tab;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total records found:||v_total_records');
Why will the sample call to DBMS_OUTPUT above NOT show the total records in the RECORDS_TAB table?
A. DBMS_OUTPUT will only work in a stored procedure, function, or package.
B. The call to the PUT_LINE procedure is not syntactically correct.
C. DBMS_OUTPUT can only be used from within a function(anonymous, stored, or client-side).
D. The variable is treated as literal string
244. ___________ is used to declare a composite variable X which has as many columns as in the table EMP
A.X Emp%tabletype
B.X Emp%rowtype
C.X Emp
D. Emp X
247. ____________ loop if used properly can be used to ensure that the statements within the loop are executed iteratively
but at least once.
A. loop .. end loop;
B. While loop …….end loop;
C. for I in 1..10 loop ……… end loop;
D. All of the above
249. The attribute to declare a variable according to another previously declared variable or database column.
251.Dropping a table has the following effects on a non-unique index created for the table.
A. No effect
B. The index will be dropped
C. The index will be rendered invalid
D. The index will contain NULL values
257. Which statement most accurately describes the result of not creating an exception handler for a raised exception?
A. The program will continue without raising the exception
B. There will be a memory leak
C. Control will pass to the PL/SQL block caller’s exception handler.
D. The program will return a %notfound error
258. When we combine multiple columns in a single index, it is known as a __________ index.
A. Composite B. Multiple C. Multicol D. Complicated
260. In PL/SOL if you need to deal with a group of rows, then you must place returned data into
A. Select statement B. Cursors C. into clause D. Code storage
261. In Explicit cursors the __________ attribute returns the number of rows fetched from the active set.
262. Which of the following database objects stores table column data and row reference information?
A. Tables B. Sequences C. Indexes D. Views
264. The attribute __________ indicates whether a FETCH statement returns a row from the active set .
A. %isfound B. %notpresent C. %notfound D. %isopen
v_id NUMBER(2);
INTO v_id
FROM box_rcpt_tab
WHERE receipt_dt = '08-JAN-98';
Which exception will be raised by the statement above?
267. The __________ statement retrieves the current row and advances the cursor to the next row.
A. SET B. GET C. MOVE D. None of the above
269. ____________ is the name of the Implicit cursor created by Oracle in a PLSQL block
A. Oracle B.PLSQL C.SQL D. Cursor
270. __________ is the type of cursor used for DML statements within a PLSQL block
271. ___________ is the type of cursor used for SELECT statements in a PLSQL block which return more than one row
A. Explicit B. Implicit C. Both Explicit and Implicit D. Neither Explicit nor Implicit
273. The ____________ step actually executes the SELECT query associated with an Explicit cursor
A. Declare B. Open C .Fetch D. Close
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PG DAC Feb 19 Data Base Technologies Question Bank
274. _____________ is the valid syntax for a Cursor For Loop.
A.While EREC in <Cursorname> loop ------ end loop
B.EREC in <Cursorname> loop ------ end loop
C.IF EREC in <Cursorname> then ------ end if
D.For EREC in <Cursorname> loop ------ end loop
277. ______________ is an explicit cursor attribute which does not return a Boolean value
A. %Open B. %Found C. %NotFound D. %rowcount
278._____________ is an explicit cursor attribute which can be used to exit from a Cursor loop after certain number of rows
in the cursor have been processed
A. %Open B. %Found C.%NotFound D.%rowcount
279. Actual values for parameterized cursors have to passed at the time of _____________ the cursor.
A.Declaring B. Opening C.Fetching (values from the cursor) D.Closing
280. To open an already opened explicit cursor, you need to first _______ the cursor
A . Redeclare B. Fetch from C. Reopen D. Close
281. __________ option can be used with the query of the cursor to obtain a lock on the rows opened by the cursor
282. _________ clause can be used with the clause to obtain a lock to return an error in case you cannot get a lock.
A. GiveError B.NOWAIT C.WAIT D. Error
283. In case a lock is requested for, in the cursor’s query, the lock is actually achieved when you _________ the cursor.
A. Declare B. Open C .Fetch(from the cursor) D. Close
284. _______________ option can be used with an Update/Delete command to update/delete the row from the table through
the corresponding row in the cursor to avoid a possible table scan.
A.Where Current of <cursorname>
B.Where Current of <tablename>
C.Where Current of Row
D.Where Current of Thisrow
289. The ___________________ utility tells the compiler to associate an exception name with an Oracle error number
290. ____________________ returns the numeric value for the error code in PLSQL.
291. _____________________ returns the message associated with an error code in PLSQL.
292. When an exception occurs in a PLSQL block and it is handled, the block is said to _________________
A. Complete B. Terminate with success C. Terminate with failure D. Neither of the above
293. When an exception occurs in a PLSQL block and it is handled, the uncommitted DMLs in the block _________________
A.are implicitly rolled back
B.are implicitly committed
C.can be committed or rolled back as per requirement
D.Have to be committed, else they are rolled back
296. If you delete a row in a table, and Oracle deletes the related entries in all other tables. This is known as __________.
A.Referential Integrity B. Deleting rows C. Data Integrity D. Cascading delete
297. The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( ) procedure defines errors returned in which of the following numeric ranges?
A.. –00000 and –99999
B. –01200 and –01299
C. –00030 and –00039
D. –20001 and –20999
301. Select * from __________ will give a listing of the source code of Stored procedures, Stored functions and Packages.
A. User_source B. All_source C. DBA_source D. All of the above
302. When a Database trigger causes a second one to fire, which in turn causes a third one to fire, the concept is known as
__________ triggers.
A. Cascading B. Mutating C. Constraining D. Waterfall
303. When we combine multiple columns in a single index, it is known as a __________ index.
A. Composite B. Multiple C. Multicol D. Complicated
304. In PL/SQL, to raise our own user-defined backend error messages, we can issu the command __________.
A. Raise B. Raise exception name C. Raise error D. Raise_application_error
305. Entity Integrity is managed in RDBMS with the help of __________ constraint.
A. Primary key B. Not Null C. Unique D. Foreign key
307. Repeating groups are removed from table design. This is definition of which Normal Form?
A. 1st Normal Form B. 2nd Normal Form C. 3rd Normal Form D. 4th Normal Form
311. . In which of the following SQL commands can you call a stored function?
A. SELECT B. UPDATE C. DELETE D. All of the above
312. Oracle periodically runs __________ algorithm to free the server RAM of unused packages.
A. Bubblesort B. L.R.U. C. Cache D. F.I.F.O.
317. To find information about trigger status , which of the following views are appropriate?
318. A trigger is based on After insert on a table. The reference :old.column will
A. Give the previous value for that column
B. Give the current value for that column
C. Give NULL
D. Invalid statement
320. On-delete-cascade option with foreign key constraint does which one of the following?
A. Delete from the master table
B. Delete from the transaction table
C. Removes all the transaction entries along with master
D. None