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Tlsu Prospectus

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Multiple functions of
TeamLease Skills University
towards Comprehensive Skill Education in Gujarat State

Formal Education (Associate Degree and

Other Programmes for Organized Sector)

Life Skills Programmes

Career Progression
Support to Employed Category

Community Welfare Programmes

Training of Community Workers

Career Entry Training for Other Graduates

Vocational Training for Unorganized Sector

Support to Micro Small & Medium Enterprises

Training NGO & Public Service Officials

Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

TeamLease Skills University

(A Private University established by an Act of State Legislature)

Shri. Manish Sabharwal

TeamLease Skills University
ITC Building, ITI Campus, Tarsali, VADODARA-390 009, Gujarat.
University Contact No.: +91-265-618 9100 / 113
email: admission@teamleaseuniversity.ac.in
University website: www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in

To contribute to workforce productivity, socio-economic
development and social harmony through well rounded and
industry relevant educational programmes
with employment at the heart of academic offerings,
technology at the heart of operations
and academic mobility as the focus deploying
inclusive, distributed and low cost delivery methodology.

To enable all individuals acquire skills and capabilities,
prepare them to get appropriate employment and
ensure their competitiveness in National and
International work environment

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in A

Education and Career Progression at

TeamLease Skills University

Standard ITI
(I) Career options
11th & 12th after Associate Degree
Midlevel entry jobs in
Manufacturing & Services Sectors

(II) Career options after

Bachelor’s Degree
UPSC Examination
2 Year Associate Indian Administrative Services (IAS)
Indian Foreign Services (IFS)
Degree Programmes Indian Police Services (IPS)
& Indian Forest Services (IFS)
Job relevant 3 Year Bachelor’s Indian Economic Defence Services (IES)
curriculum Degree Programmes Indian Revenue Services (IRS)

Railways Examination
Multiple entry and Indian Railway Service (IRS)
exit options
Gujarat State Officers
Employability Indian Economic/Statistics Service (IES)
aspects included Recruitment of Engineers

Bank Examinations
Continuing Education Bank Officers
Openings for
Employed Category Post Graduate Government of India Undertaking
Manufacturing & Services Sectors


B Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University
S# Description Page #
1.0 TeamLease Skills University...................................................................................................................1
1.1 The University...............................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 TLSU Organizational Background - Thrust for moving towards Employability ....................................................1
1.3 Academic Departments ............................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Academic Programmes .............................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Course Content Composition with focus on Employability.........................................................................................2
1.6 Credit System................................................................................................................................................................................2
1.7 Programme Delivery ..................................................................................................................................................................2
1.8 On-Job-Training (OJT)................................................................................................................................................................3
1.9 Assessment Scheme...................................................................................................................................................................3
1.10 Semester-wise Registration System......................................................................................................................................3
1.11 Attendance ....................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.12 Discipline among Students......................................................................................................................................................3
1.13 Ban on ragging in the Campus...............................................................................................................................................4
1.14 Committee on Violence against Women and Sexual Harassment ............................................................................4
1.15 Health Centre................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.0 Programmes of Study.............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Programmes and Duration ......................................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Medium of Instruction...............................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Financial Support ........................................................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Fee Refund Policy ........................................................................................................................................................................7
2.5 Department of Commerce and Management..................................................................................................................7
2.6 Department of Hospitality and Tourism ..........................................................................................................................13
2.7 Department of Information Technology ..........................................................................................................................22
2.8 Department of Mechatronics ...............................................................................................................................................28
2.9 Department of Health, Life and Applied Sciences........................................................................................................33
2.10 Centre for Industry and Knowledge Partnerships.........................................................................................................36
2.11 Department of Life Skills ........................................................................................................................................................36
3.0 Eligibility, Criteria for Admission ........................................................................................................40
3.1 Eligibility.......................................................................................................................................................................................40
3.2 Criteria for Admission..............................................................................................................................................................40
3.3 Admission Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................................40
3.3.1 Application Form - Purchase and Submission Details ....................................................................................40
3.3.2 Procedure for drawing a Demand Draft (DD).....................................................................................................40
3.4 General Instructions.................................................................................................................................................................40
3.5 Selection List and Admission Formalities ........................................................................................................................41
3.6 Jurisdiction..................................................................................................................................................................................41
4.0 Highlights of 2018-19...........................................................................................................................41
4.1 Convocation................................................................................................................................................................................41
4.2 Workshop on Enterprenureship ..........................................................................................................................................42
4.3 Studentpreneurship.................................................................................................................................................................42
4.4 Outstanding achievements of Excellence........................................................................................................................43
4.5 Rasrang Club...............................................................................................................................................................................44
4.6 Sports Club..................................................................................................................................................................................44
4.7 Aavishkaar Club.........................................................................................................................................................................44

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1.0 TeamLease Skills University opportunities have been made available for the
employed category.
1.1 The University
TeamLease Skills University (TLSU) is India's 1.2 TLSU Organizational Background -
First Vocational Skills University, established under Thrust for moving towards Employability
Public-Private-Partnership with the Government of TLSU is sponsored by TeamLease Education
Gujarat (Gazette Notification: Gujarat Act No. 18 of Foundation (TLEF), a Company formed under
2013) under Gujarat Private Universities Section 25 of Companies Act, 1956. TLEF is
(Amendment) Act, 2013 with effect from 22nd April promoted by TeamLease Services Ltd., which is
2013), with a mission to facilitate willing individuals India's largest staffing solution company with a
to acquire skills and capabilities, prepare them to motto of 'Putting India to Work'. TeamLease has a
get appropriate employment and ensure their track record of hiring 1 person every 5 minutes
competitiveness in national and international work since last 5 years. TeamLease has offered jobs to
environment. over 17 lakh candidates since its inception, in 2200
Established with active support and in partnership different corporates spread in 1800 distinct
with Labour & Employment Department of locations across India.
Government of Gujarat, TLSU envisions striving Focus on Employability
towards socio-economic development through Keeping in view the competitiveness in job market
academic programmes, training, research and at the national level, TLSU focuses on 3 'E's as part
extension work and also collaborating with of its curricular design methodology :-
industry, other universities and higher education Education: Employability:
institutions in India and abroad. TLSU aims to
Provision of theoretical Facilitating skill
facilitate skill inculcation and societal enrichment background and development
through traditional and non-traditional practical exercises
programmes focusing on academic, vocational,
professional, technical and life skill domains. In
order to put into practice industry-relevant course Provision of a supporting hand to students in their
pursuit for employment and career development
syllabi, TLSU involves employers in the relevant
sector for curriculum design, guest lectures,
1.3 Academic Departments
internship, assessment and search for job
openings. To enhance employability, courses are TLSU offers programmes at an
included on Computer Skills, English and undergraduate level through the following
C o m m u n i c a t i o n S k i l l s , a n d Pe r s o n a l i t y departments:
Development thereby creating 'ready-to-employ' Ø Commerce and Management (CM)
graduates who acquire and develop professional
Ø Hospitality and Tourism (HT)
competence and employable skills as part of TLSU's
industry relevant academic curriculum. Ø Information Technology (IT)

Apart from catering to the educational needs of Ø Mechatronics (MS)

Higher Secondary School pass-outs, efforts have
Ø Health, Life and Applied Sciences (HLS)
been made for opening higher education / training
avenues for the pass-outs and Instructors of Ø Centre for Industry and Knowledge Partnerships
Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), Vocational Higher (CIKP)
Secondary Schools (VHSS) and Polytechnics that Ø Life Skills (LS)
could strengthen the respective areas of studies.
The academic programmes have been planned
Continuing education and skill enhancement

1 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

with the aim of enhancing the employability of sequence of activities.

students and providing human resource to the fast
growing manufacturing and services sectors in
Gujarat and across India.

1.4 Academic Programmes

TLSU provides flexibility of study and
modular curriculum. At present, the
Undergraduate Programmes carry two exit options
- Two Year Associate Degree and Three Year Degree.
Candidates desiring a break from studies after
successful completion of two years of the
programme to take up a job, start own business,
join family business, or pursue any other interest,
1.6 Credit System
would be awarded Associate Degree or an The 'Credit System' has been implemented
Advanced Diploma (in case any issue arises from for all programmes offered by the University. The
UGC) Candidate wishing to pursue further studies credit assignment is made depending on the hours
may approach the University to secure Degree of study and hands-on work a student needs to do.
qualification, by seeking admission to the third The individual courses are assigned credit weight.
year of the programme, subject to prevalent
curricular conditions and options. 1.7 Programme Delivery

Completion of stipulated duration of the Emerged from a deep realization and

programme leads to the award of a Degree on understanding of a huge gap that exists between
fulfillment of all prescribed require-ments. industry needs and a predominantly theoretical
education system prevalent in India which
Specific details about all academic programmes neglects the practical aspect of learning, training
are provided under Section 2.0. and hands-on-experience, TLSU adopts the
1.5 Course Content Composition with blended mode (hybrid mode) of teaching
involving a combination of face -to-face
focus on Employability
instruction, workshop/laboratory practice, web
TLSU designs its programmes keeping in based learning, hands-on work for practical
view the need to inculcate- experience and on-job-training as well as
Area competence Employability skills facilitating 24x7 access to web based learning
To shape its graduates Required for adjusting materials. The instructional methodology which
as professionals. to the work place lays stress on employability is the distinguishing
feature of TLSU. The blended mode of instruction
Life skills facilitates flexibility of study to the diverse age and
Needed to transact activities in day-to-day life occupational group of students. To facilitate triple
as a responsible citizen. focus, TLSU prescribes a work load for the students
The area competence is built through focal courses, that could be more intense than is followed
which are a combination of domain based and normally by the universities.
allied courses. The employability skills and life skills TLSU believes in offering learner-oriented
are inculcated through generic courses and On- education where the student is an active
Job-Training (OJT) components. A significant time participant in the teaching-learning process.
for on-job-training is allotted, which has a defined Industrial visits, seminars, conferences, and project

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 2

work will add to job-oriented educational initiative. assignments, seminars, term papers in addition
TLSU is creating an active base for industry- to examination at the end of each semester. The
institution collaboration. The role of visiting faculty, record of the continuous assessment will be
mainly from the industries and industrial maintained by the Department. The final result
associations, will be a vital input in the instruction. of each course is calculated on the basis of
continuous assessment and performance in the
1.8 On-Job-Training (OJT) semester end examination.
Many of the present day graduates are not Ø On-Job-Training (OJT) - This will be jointly
in a position to transfer knowledge and fit into supervised, assessed and graded by Faculty
workplaces after they are employed. To address the Supervisor of TLSU and Mentor of Industry /
gap, On-Job-Training (OJT ) also known as Corporate.
internship, is an integral component of each
Ø Semester-end Examination - This will comprise
academic programme, where students acquire
of course wise semester-end written/online and
work place k nowledge. OJT provides an
practical examination.
opportunity to transfer theoretical concepts and
practical based knowledge acquired during 1.10 S e m e s t e r - w i s e R e g i s t r a t i o n
studies to the context of the workplace. Towards System
this aim, TLSU directs the students to suitable
workplaces appropriate with their course work. The In order to maintain an effective enrollment
purpose is to provide the students an opportunity of students and their progress in their studies, the
to observe the employees at work and to perform University has introduced a system of student
functions as directed and thereby facilitating registration at the beginning of each semester for
learning by connecting the workplace practices to all the programmes offered on regular basis. A
their course work. OJT helps students in becoming schedule for semester-wise registration will be
familiar with the workplace practices, behaviour, provided before the commencement of following
technology and systems. As a result of this, the semester.
students get job-relevant skills and enhanced
1.11 Attendance
Students should have a minimum of 75% of
1.9 Assessment Scheme attendance of the classes actually held in each
The performance of each student enrolled course. Absence on medical reasons should be
in a programme will be assessed at the end of each supported by a certificate which has to be
semester. The final result of each course will be submitted soon after recovery to the respective
determined on the basis of continuous assessment departments. Absence from classes continuously
and performance in the semester end examination for more than 10 days shall make the student liable
which will be in the ratio of 40:60 in case of theory to provide suitable explanation for permission to
courses and 60:40 in laboratory courses (practical). continuation of his/her studies.
Ø Continuous Internal Assessment - The 1.12 Discipline among Students
examination system of the University is
designed to test systematically the student's All powers relating to discipline and
progress in theory, laboratory, and OJT (field disciplinary action in relation to students of the
work) through continuous evaluation. Students University are vested in the Provost. He may
are given periodical tests, assignments, group delegate all or any of his powers as he deems
assignments, surprise tests, quizzes, practical proper to any of the officers of the University
assignments, project work, presentations, home specified by him.

3 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

1.13 Ban on ragging in the Campus with or without an intent to derive a sadistic
Ragging constitutes any of the following acts 1 pleasure or showing off power, authority or
superiority by a student over any fresher or any
(a) any conduct by any student or students other student.
whether by words spoken or written or by an
act which has the effect of teasing, treating or As per the orders of the 'Honourable Supreme
handling with rudeness a fresher or any other Court of India', if any incident of ragging comes to
student; the notice of the authority of the University, the
concerned student should be given liberty to
(b) indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities explain and if his/her explanation is not found
by any student or students which causes or is satisfactory, the authority would expel him/her
likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical from the University.
or psychological harm or to raise fear or
apprehension thereof in any fresher or any 1.14 Committee on Violence against
other student; Women and Sexual Harassment
(c) asking any student to do any act which such TeamLease Skills University is committed to
student will not in the ordinary course do and promoting a positive environment that is
which has the effect of causing or generating a conducive to the personal and professional growth
sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment and ensures every student and employee is treated
so as to adversely affect the physique or
with dignity, respect and equality in the campus.
psyche of such fresher or any other student;
The management will not tolerate any form of
(d) any act by a senior student that prevents, harassment and is committed to taking all
disrupts or disturbs the regular academic necessary steps to ensure that students and
activity of any other student or a fresher; employees are not subject to any kind of
(e) exploiting the services of a fresher or any other harassment. Specifically, the law guarantees
student for completing the academic tasks employees the right to employment in a workplace
assigned to an individual or a group of free from sexual harassment and gender
students; discrimination. Similarly for the benefit of women
students as suggested by UGC, a committee is in
(f ) any act of financial extortion or forceful
expenditure burden put on a fresher or any place to combat any menace of violence and sexual
other student by students; harassment against women in the campus.

(g) any act of physical abuse including all variants 1.15 Health Centre
of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults,
The Health Centre of the University caters to
stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts,
basic Out Patient treatment. Specialist Doctors will
gestures, causing bodily harm or any other
also be visiting Health Center on specific days and
danger to health or person;
the students can visit Health Center for
(h) any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, consultation, if required. At the time of admission
post, public insults which would also include every student shall submit a physical fitness
deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or certificate and undertaking signed by the
sadistic thrill from actively or passively
parent/guardian to the effect that 'any
participating in the discomfiture to fresher or
hospitalization/medical treatment expenses shall
any other student;
be borne by the parents/guardian of the student
(i) any act that affects the mental health and self- concerned and the University is not responsible for
confidence of a fresher or any other student treating the major diseases/ailment occurred while
1 UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in pursuing studies in the University'.
Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 4

2.0 Programmes of Study

Admissions are open for the following Programmes for the 2019-20 Academic Session.

2.1 Programmes, Duration, Eligibility and Fee Structure

S# Programme Duration Eligibility Fee (`)
Department of Commerce and Management

1 B.Com (Finance and 6 Semesters

Business Operations) (3 years) 10 +2 or equivalent 10,000/-
Associate Degree (Finance 4 Semesters in any stream per Semester
and Business Operations) (2 years)

3 Bachelor of Business 6 Semesters 10 +2 or equivalent 60 25,000/-

Administration (BBA) (3 years) in any stream per Semester
Department of Hospitality and Tourism
B.Sc. (Hospitality and 6 Semesters
1 Tourism Management) (3 years)
10 +2 or equivalent 25,000/-
Associate Degree in in any stream per Semester
4 Semesters
2 Hospitality and (2 years)
Tourism Management
B.Sc. (Hotel 6 Semesters 10 +2 or equivalent 20,000/-
3 Management : Work 60
(3 years) in any stream per Semester
Based Learning)
Department of Information Technology
B.Sc. (IT-Infrastructure 6 Semesters
Management Services) (3 years) 10 +2 or equivalent 25,000/-
Associate Degree in in any stream per Semester
4 Semesters
2 IT-Infrastructure (2 years)
Management Services
Bachelor of Computer 6 Semesters 10 +2 or equivalent 25,000/-
3 60
Applications (BCA) (3 years) in any stream per Semester
Department of Mechatronics
10 +2 or equivalent in
6 Semesters Science Stream (PCM)
1 B.Sc. (Mechatronics)
(3 years) OR
10th Standard (Any 25,000/-
State Board 60 per Semester
2 Associate Degree 4 Semesters Central Board) +
in Mechatronics (2 years) Completion of
2 Year ITI trade

5 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

S# Programme Duration Eligibility Fee (`)
Department of Health, Life and Applied Sciences
Diploma in Medical 60 15,000/-
1 2 Semesters 10 +2 or equivalent
Laboratory Technology per per Semester +
(1 years) in Science stream
(DMLT) batch tax as applicable

In addition to Semester Fee, the students are

required to pay a refundable caution deposit of
Rs.5000/- towards Labs and Library facilities
maintenance at the time of Admission.
(i) After successful completion of first four
Semesters, the student will be awarded an
Associate Degree if he/she wishes to exit the
(ii) In case, any issue arises from UGC for the offer
of Associate Degree, alternatively Advanced study. Brief particulars of the scholarship scheme
Diploma will be awarded. for the academic year 2019-20 are provided
below :-
(iii) Af te r Co m p l e t i n g As s o c i ate D e gre e
Programme (or Advanced Diploma), if a TLSU Scholarship : TLSU Scholarship Scheme is
student decides to secure Degree meant for students seeking admission to various
qualification, he/she can contact the programmes of the University during the Admission
University for admission to the third year, Session 2019-20. The scheme is open to the
subject to prevalent curricular conditions and students who are in their final year of Higher
options. Secondary Education either from Science,
Commerce or Arts stream based on 12th pass
2.2 Medium of Instruction percentage score after the Board results of 2019. The
The medium of instruction for all programmes of concession in fee based on score is provided in
study is English. Table-1. The scholarship scheme is available to the
students on first-cum-first-service basis as per the
2.3 Financial Support date schedule announced for admission. Total
The University offers financial assistance to the number of seats allotted under each programme for
students for admission to different programmes of scholarship students is given at Table-2.

Table1: Slab-wise Scholarship Percentages in Semester Fee.

Score Scholarship (%)
Slab (%) B.Com BBA B.Sc. HTM B.Sc. IT-IMS BCA B.Sc. MS
!85 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
!75 & <85 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%
!66 & <75 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
!50 & <65 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 6

Table 2: Number of Scholarship Seats permitted based on 12th pass percentage score after the Board
results of 2019.
Score Number of Seats Total
Slab (%) B.Com BBA B.Sc. HTM B.Sc. IT-IMS BCA B.Sc. MS Seats
!85 5 5 5 5 5 5 30
!75 & <85 10 10 10 10 10 10 60
!66 & <75 10 10 10 10 10 10 60
!50 & <65 10 10 10 10 10 10 60
Total Seats 35 35 35 35 35 35 210
Note: 35 seats out of 60 seats per Degree programme are allocated for scholarship.

2.4 Fee Refund Policy programme and if the seat consequently

falling vacant has been filled by another
(1) In the event of a student/candidate
candidate by the last date of admission, the
withdrawing before the starting of the
university shall return the fee collected with
programme, the waitlisted candidates shall be
proportionate deductions of monthly fee and
given a chance for admission against the
proportionate hostel rent & mess charges
vacant seat. The entire fee collected from the
where applicable.
student, after a deduction of the process fee of
not more than Rs.1000/- (rupees One (3) If a student leaves after joining the
thousand only) shall be refunded and programme and if the seat goes vacant by the
returned by the university. last date of admission then the student will not
be eligible for any refund.
(2) Should a student leave after joining the

2.5 Department of Commerce and Management

S# Programme Name Eligibility
1 B.Com (Finance and Business Operations) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
2 Associate Degree in Finance and Business Operations 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
3 Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
4 Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream

B.Com (Finance and Business Operations) ➢ To facilitate students with skills and abilities to
Programme Objectives: become competent and competitive to be
➢ To provide conceptual knowledge and assured of good careers and job placements.
application skills in the domain of Commerce. ➢ To develop entrepreneurship and managerial
➢ To sharpen a students' analytical and decision skills in students so as to enable them to
making skills. establish and manage their business
establishments effectively.
➢ To gain an in-depth practical knowledge on
core subjects like Accounting, Law, Tally, ➢ To develop ethical business professionals with
Statistics, Financial Management, Taxation just a broad understanding of business from an
to name a few. interdisciplinary perspective
➢ To sustain as a corporate employee or as an ➢ On Job Training for a full semester in the
entrepreneur. industry.

7 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

S# Course Credits
Semester 3
1 Cost and Management Accounting 4
2 Direct and Indirect Tax 4
3 Audit Practice 4
4 Management of Financial Services 4
5 Tally ERP-II 4
6 Corporate Skills 4
7 Spiritual Management 4
English and Communication
Programme Structure : B.Com 8 2
Skills-II Theory
S# Course Credits English and Communication
9 2
Semester 1 Skills-II Practical
1 Principles of Management 4 Semester 4
2 Financial Accounting 4 1 Corporate Financial Reporting 6
3 Business Economics 4 2 Tax Laws 6
4 Business Mathematics 6 3 Capital Market Operations 5
5 Accounting Skills 3 4 E- Commerce 5
English and Communication Entrepreneurship Skills and
6 2 5 3
Skills-I Theory Applications
English and Communication 6 Finance and Taxation Skills 3
7 2
Skills-I Practical Personality Development and
7 2
Computer Skills and Job Skills-II Theory
8 3
Office Administration-I Personality Development and
8 2
Semester 2 Job Skills-II Practical
1 Business Statistics 6
2 Corporate Accounting 5
3 Legal Aspects of Business 5
4 Financial Management 5
5 Business Skills 3
6 Tally ERP-I 3
Computer Skills and
7 3
Office Administration-II
Personality Development and
8 2
Job Skills-I Theory
Personality Development and
9 2
Job Skills-I Practical

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 8

S# Course Credits Ø On Job Training for a full semester in the

Semester 5
Programme Structure: BBA (Finance)
1 International Financial Management 6
S# Course Credits
Security Analysis and
2 6
Portfolio Management Semester 1
3 Banking Service Operations 6 1 Principles of Management 4
4 Risk and Insurance Management 6 2 Financial Accounting 4
Corporate Governance and 3 Business Economics 4
5 6
Business Ethics 4 Business Mathematics 6
6 BFSI Skills 4 5 Accounting Skills 3
English and Communication English and Communication
7 2 6 2
Skills-III Theory Skills-I Theory
English and Communication English and Communication Skills-I
8 2 7 2
Skills-III Practical Practical
Semester 6 Computer Skills and
8 3
1 On-Job-Training 36 Office Administration-I

Job Opportunities: Semester 2

Ø Accountant 1 Organizational Behaviour 4

Ø Account Executive. 2 Marketing Management 4

Ø Taxation Executive 3 Business Statistics 6

Ø Tax Auditor 4 Legal Aspects of Business 5

Ø Tally Trainer 5 Financial Management 5

Ø Tax Consultant 6 Business Skills 3

Computer Skills and
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 7 3
Office Administration-II
(Finance) Personality Development and
8 2
Program Objectives: Job Skills-I Theory
Ø To give practical and theoretical knowledge Personality Development and
9 2
and skills to the students of various financial Job Skills-I Practical
components like investment, insurance etc.
Ø To enable the students for proper predictions
and forecasts about investment and insurance
Ø This course is to prepare graduate to success at
the entry level in finance and business.
Ø To gain in depth practical knowledge in the
BFSI sector like Basic Business Statistics,
Banking Services, Capital Market Operations,
Business Laws, Computers Skills, and Soft
Skills, etc.
9 Putting India to Work
TeamLease Skills University

S# Course Credits S# Course Credits

Semester 3 Semester 5
1 Human Resource Management 3 1 International Financial Management 6
2 Supply Chain Management 5 Security Analysis and
2 6
Production and Portfolio Management
3 5
Operation Management 3 Banking Service Operations 6
4 Strategic Management 3 4 Risk and Insurance Management 6
5 Management of Financial Services 4 Corporate Governance and
5 6
6 Operational Skills 4 Business Ethics

7 Spiritual Management 4 6 BFSI Skills 4

English and Communication English and Communication

8 2 7 2
Skills-II Theory Skills-III Theory

English and Communication English and Communication

9 2 8 2
Skills-II Practical Skills-III - Practical

Semester 4 Semester 6

1 Corporate Financial Reporting 6 1 On-Job-Training 36

2 Tax Laws 6 Job Opportunities:

3 Capital Market Operations 5 Ø Terminal Agent
4 E- Commerce 5 Ø Finance Executive
Entrepreneurship Skills and Ø Relationship Officer
5 3
Ø Finance Manager
6 Finance and Taxation Skills 3
Ø Financial Analyst
Personality Development and
7 2 Ø Finance Planner
Job Skills-II Theory
Ø Portfolio Manager
Personality Development and
8 2 Ø Stock Broker
Job Skills-II Practical

Bachelor of Business Administration

Programme Objective:
Ø To consider careers options in marketing,
advertisement, branding, sales and general
management field.
Ø To encompasses traditional as well as modern
approaches towards marketing and enables
the students to deal with the real life problems
in the industry.
Ø To develop deep aspects of product

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 10

marketing, advanced social media marketing, S# Course Credits

search engine marketing, business marketing 5 Financial Management 5
operations, integrated online strategies and
6 Business Skills 3
entrepreneurship and small business
development to name a few. Computer Skills and
7 3
Office Administration-II
Ø To have wholesome growth and development
of the student as he/ she are taught on critical Personality Development and
8 2
thinking, in different subjects of Marketing Job Skills-I Theory
Management, Selling Techniques, Advertising Personality Development and
9 2
and Sales Promotion, Personality Job Skills-I Practical
Development, Computer Skills and English and
Semester 3
Communications skills and different aspects of
Marketing Skills 1 Human Resource Management 3

Ø To become professionals in the industry by 2 Supply Chain Management 5

teaching the students how to help in Production and Operation
3 5
promoting businesses successfully and Management
expertise in selling techniques and marketing 4 Strategic Management 3
strategies to sell company products.
5 Management of Financial Services 4
Ø On Job Training for a full semester in the
6 Operational Skills 4
7 Spiritual Management 4
Programme Structure:
English and Communication
S# Course Credits 8 2
Skills-II Theory
Semester 1
English and Communication
1 Principles of Management 4 9 2
Skills-II Practical
2 Financial Accounting 4 Semester 4
3 Business Economics 4 1 Consumer Behaviour 5
4 Business Mathematics 6 2 Retail Management 6
5 Accounting Skills 3 3 Services Marketing 6
English and Communication 4 Rural Marketing 5
6 2
Skills-I Theory
Entrepreneurship Skills and
English and Communication 5 3
7 Applications
Skills-I Practical
6 Marketing Skills-I 3
Computer Skills and
8 3 Personality Development and
Office Administration-I 7 2
Job Skills-II Theory
Semester 2 Personality Development and
8 2
1 Organizational Behaviour 4 Job Skills-II Practical
2 Marketing Management 4 Semester 5
3 Business Statistics 6 1 Advertisement and Sales Promotion 6
4 Legal Aspects of Business 5 2 Sales and Distribution Management 6

11 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

S# Course Credits
3 Product and Brand Management 6
4 Digital Marketing 6
Corporate Governance and
5 6
Business Ethics
6 Marketing Skills -II 4
English and Communication
7 2
Skills-III Theory
English and Communication
8 2
Skills-III Practical
Semester 6
1 On-Job-Training 36 Dr. Ashutosh Sandhe
Job Opportunities: Associate Professor
Ø Marketing Manager

Ø Sales Manager

Ø Business Associates

Ø Strategic Manager Dr. Ashutosh Sandhe possesses 21 years of post

Ø Advertising and Selling Executives graduate experience comprising industry and
academics, 2 books published in the area of
Faculty Profile Consumer Behaviour (Marketing Management),
total 21 research papers in international peer
Dr. Anupam Mitra
reviewed journals including 4 papers presented in
M.Com, Ph.D, ICWA, CS (I),
International/National Seminars. Member of Ph.D
review committees in various universities. Active
Professor and HOD,
reviewer in numerous international peer reviewed
I/C Controller of Examinations

Dr. Manoj Sharma

Dr. Anupam Mitra has 26 years of experience out of M.Com, MBA,
which 16 years in teaching and 10 years in industry. Ph.D (Business Administration)
He has worked in eminent institutions like Indian Assistant Professor
Railways, University of Calcutta, Symbiosis
International University etc,. He has 18 publications
in different national and international refereed
journals from UK, USA, Ghana, Brazil and India. He Dr Manoj Sharma has about 13 years of Teaching
has also presented several research papers in Experience in the field of Finance and Accounting
national and international conferences. He has and 3 years of Industry Experience. He has
conducted numerous MDPs, FDPs and corporate completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration
training. His research interest lies in Banking, from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. He has
Accounting , Taxation, Micro-finance and Stock published a book and altogether 7 Research papers
Market etc. in national/ international peer reviewed journals.

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 12

Students' Feedback Industry Feedback

Pinki Kumavat Hemant Patel
B.Com. 6th Semester
Office Manager, Siddhi Accounts Pvt Ltd, Vadodara.
The OJT programme helps students to know
about working environment of industry /
company. The students of TLSU are very hard
working and always try to improve.
TLSU is a skills based university where a student can
have overall development through domain skills,
soft skills, on job training with 100% placement CA Chintan Shah
support. Parikh & Parikh Associates, Vadodara
We are satisfied with the performance of the TLSU
Rohan Jadhav students during OJT. The students are very
B.B.A. 2nd Semester punctual and enthusiastic to learn new things.

CA K J Shah
KJ Shah & Co., Vadodara
At TLSU, we are given a chance to grow ourselves in
different ways. We have qualified and experienced OJT during graduation gives the students a scope
faculty to provide in-depth knowledge and skills in to learn industry based practical accounting,
the hard skills and life skills department to provide taxation, auditing, GST etc., practices followed in
soft skills. At TLSU, I learn not just the knowledge the industry. We are happy with the students of
but wisdom and its true application which makes TLSU in terms of their performance.
me curious to learn new things.
Milan Chaturvedi
B.B.A. 2nd Semester

In TLSU, there is no need for tution and I can easily

relate things which are taught to us. The university
has good mix of theory and practical subjects. A
few extra skills provided by TLSU will give me extra
edge in the corporate world..

2.6 Department of Hospitality and Tourism

S# Programme Name Eligibility
1 B.Sc. (Hospitality and Tourism Management) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
2 Associate Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
3 B.Sc. (Hotel Management: Work Based Learning) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream

13 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

B.Sc. (Hospitality and Tourism Management) S# Course Credits

Programme Objectives: Semester 2

Ø Education and Employability Skills for 1 Front Office Operation - II - Theory 3
Employment in Hospitality Industry
2 Front Office Operation - II - Practical 2
Ø Curriculum design aimed at imparting Food and Beverage
comprehensive knowledge, competency as 3 3
Service - II - Theory
well as understanding of all the core areas
of Hotel operations. Food and Beverage
4 2
Service - II - Practical
Ø Equip students with requisite skills to work
5 Food Production - II - Theory 3
effectively as a professional.
6 Food Production - II - Practical 2
7 Housekeeping - II - Theory 3
8 Housekeeping - II - Practical 2
Personality Development and
9 2
Job Skills - I - Theory
Personality Development and
10 2
Job Skills - I - Practical
11 Industrial Exposure (30 days ) 12
Programme Structure:
Semester 3
S# Course Credits 1 Hospitality Management Practices 3
Semester 1 2 Front Office Operation - III - Theory 3
1 Front Office Operation - I -Theory 3 3 Front Office Operation - III - Practical 2
2 Front Office Operation - I - Practical 2 Food and Beverage
4 3
Food and Beverage Service - III - Theory
3 3
Service - I - Theory Food and Beverage
5 2
Food and Beverage Service - III - Practical
4 2
Service - I - Practical 6 Food Production - III - Theory 3
5 Food Production - I -Theory 4 7 Food Production - III - Practical 2
6 Food Production - I - Practical 2 8 Housekeeping - III - Theory 3
7 Housekeeping - I -Theory 3 9 Housekeeping - III - Practical 2
8 Housekeeping - I - Practical 2 10 Nutrition 3
9 Basic Financial Accounting 3 Introduction to Tourism and
11 3
Computer and office Cultural Heritage
10 3
Administration -1 English and Communication
12 2
English and Communication Skills - II - Theory
11 2
Skills - I - Theory English and Communication
13 2
English and Communication Skills - II - Practical
12 2
Skills - I - Practical

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 14

S# Course Credits Elective Based Course ( Choose Any One)

Semester 4 Ø Accommodation Operation and Management

1 On-Job-Training 36 Ø Food and Beverage Operation and

Semester 5 Management
Ø Food Production Operation and Management
1 Facility Management- I 3
Ø Event Management
2 3
Management - Theory Ø Entrepreneurship Development

Accommodation Ø Travel and Tourism Management

3 2
Management - Practical
Job Opportunities:
Food and Beverage
4 3 Hotel Operation Trainee/Executive, Management
Management - Theory
Trainees/Commis/Sales and Marketing Executive /
Food and Beverage HR Trainee with :
5 3
Management 1- Practical
Ø National and International Chain of Hotels and
Food Production- Advance Resorts
6 3
Ø Airlines - Cabin Crew and Ground staff
Food Production - Advance
7 2 Ø Cruise line - National and International
Kitchen - Practical
Ø Quick Service Restaurants
8 Food Science 3
Ø Malls and Retail Sectors
9 Tourism Operation 3
Ø Railway Catering- Government
Personality Development and
10 2 Ø Indian Army- Catering Institutes
Job Skills - II - Theory
Personality Development and Ø Government Guest Houses
11 2
Job Skills - II - Practical Ø Industrial Catering
Semester 6 Ø MNC and Corporate Houses
1 Facility Management II 3 Ø Travel Agencies - National and international
2 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 4
Entrepreneurship Skills and
3 3
4 Elective Subject Theory 3
English and Communication
5 2
Skills - III - Theory
English and Communication
6 2
Skills - III - Practical
7 Elective based Project 18

15 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

B.Sc. (Hotel Management: Work Based S# Course Credits

Learning) Essentials of Communication for
11 2
Hospitality I - Theory
Programme Objectives:
Essentials of Communication for
12 2
Ø To equip students with the necessary Hospitality I - Practical
knowledge, understanding and required skills
Semester 2
to work effectively as a professional in the
Hospitality Industry. Foundation in
1 2
Front Office-II - Theory
Ø Acquaint students with basic technical Skills,
Foundation in
knowledge and social skills, enabling them to 2 4
Front Office-II - Practical
take up supervisory level assignment in the
hospitality Industry. Foundation in Food
3 2
Production-II - Theory
Ø To provide Students some uniform essential
sk ills such as G eneral M anagement, Foundation in Food
4 4
Communication, Presentation, Group Production-II - Practical
Discussion and Interpersonal skills, also make Foundation in
5 2
them confident and capable of using the Housekeeping- II - Theory
knowledge gained while at work. Foundation in
6 4
Programme Structure: Housekeeping- II - Practical

S# Course Credits Foundation in Food and

7 2
Beverage Service II - Theory
Semester 1
Foundation in Food and
1 Foundation in Front Office-I - Theory 2 8 4
Beverage Service II - Practical
2 Foundation in Front Office-I - Practical 4
Understanding Food Safety and
9 2
Foundation in Food Hygiene - Theory
3 2
Production-I - Theory
Understanding Food Safety and
10 2
Foundation in Food Hygiene - Practical
4 4
Production-I - Practical
Personality Development and
11 2
Foundation in Job Skills I - Theory
5 2
Housekeeping- I - Theory
Personality Development and
12 2
Foundation in Job Skills I - Practical
6 4
Housekeeping- I - Practical
Foundation in Food and
7 2
Beverage Service - I - Theory
Foundation in Food and
8 4
Beverage Service - I -Practical
Computer Skills and
9 2
Office Management - Theory
Computer Skills and
10 2
Office Management - Practical

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 16

S# Course Credits
6 4
Operations - II - Practical
Food and Beverage Service
7 2
Operations - II -Theory
Food and Beverage Service
8 4
Operations - II - Practical
9 Basics of Nutrition - Theory 2
S# Course Credits 10 Basics of Nutrition - Practical 2
Semester 3 Essentials of Personality
11 Development for 2
1 Front Office Operations -I - Theory 2
Hospitality II - Theory
2 Front Office Operations -I - Practical 4
Essentials of Personality
Food Production 12 Development for 2
3 2
Operations-I - Theory Hospitality II - Practical
Food Production Semester 5
4 4
Operations -I - Practical
The student will choose his/her specialization
Housekeeping domain and will work for one year under the same.
5 2
Operations - I - Theory
Hospitality Human
Housekeeping 1 2
6 4 Resource - Theory
Operations - I - Practical
Hospitality Human
Food and Beverage Service 2 2
7 2 Resource - Practical
Operations - I - Theory
Sales and Marketing in
Food and Beverage Service 3 2
8 4 Hospitality Industry - Theory
Operations - I - Practical
Sales and Marketing in
9 Hotel Accounting - Theory 2 4 2
Hospitality Industry - Practical
10 Hotel Accounting - Practical 2
Professional Skills for
Essentials of Communication for 5 2
11 2 Hospitality - I Theory
Hospitality II - Theory
Professional Skills for
Essentials of Communication for 6 2
12 2 Hospitality - I Practical
Hospitality II - Practical
7 Elective Based Theory - I 3
Semester 4
8 Elective Based Project - I 21
1 Front Office Operations -II - Theory 2
2 Front Office Operations -II - Practical 4
Food Production
3 2
Operations - II - Theory
Food Production
4 4
Operations -II - Practical
5 2
Operations - II - Theory

17 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

S# Course Credits Ø Government Guest Houses

Semester 6 Ø Industrial Catering

1 Basics of Entrepreneurship 3 Ø MNC and Corporate Houses

2 Basics of Hotel Engineering 2

Professional Skills for
3 2
Hospitality - II - Theory
Professional Skills for
4 2
Hospitality - II - Practical
Elective Based Theory - II
5 3
(Same as selected in Vth semester)
Elective Based Project - II
6 24
(Same as selected in Vth semester)
Faculty Profile
Elective based Courses - Choose any One
Dr. Rahul Kanagat
1 Front Office Operation and Management
2 Housekeeping Operation and Management PhD Tourism and Management
3 Fo o d a n d B e v e r a g e O p e r a t i o n a n d Professor & HOD
4 Food Production Operation and Management

Versatile professional, with over 3 decades, (26

years in Industry and 17 years in Academics) in the
Hospitality industry, 11 years as General Manager
and 14 years in the education sector as Director. A
PhD in Tourism & Management and MBA in HR, has
provided great inputs of Operational and
Administration Skills and conceptualizing of
services and products. Member of selection
committee (Subject Expert) at BIT, MESRA Ranchi,
Job Opportunities:
Bharatiar University, Coimbatore, Anand Institute
Hotel Operation Trainee/Executive, Management of Management Studies, and LIC member for
Trainees/Commis/Sales and Marketing Executive / Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat.
HR Trainee with :
Bharti Mohanty Sharma
Ø National and International Chain of Hotels and
Resorts Diploma in Hotel Management
Academic Associate
Ø Airlines - Cabin Crew and Ground staff

Ø Cruise line - National and International

Ø Quick Service Restaurants

Ø Malls and Retail Sectors

A Hotel Management Professional with 12 years of
Ø Railway Catering- Government
Experience in Hospitality Sector and 3 years of
Ø Indian Army- Catering Institutes experience in academics. She has immense

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 18

Managerial experience with Domestic and

International brand of Hotels, in PAN India. Her
s p e c i a l i z at i o n s a re i n Fro nt o f f i ce a n d
Housekeeping Departments. She has visited
NWRC, London Derry, UK under Erasmus+ project.

Doron Pawar
Diploma in Hotel Management,
Academic Associate Vanita Tekle
B.Sc.(HTM) 2nd Semester

A hospitality professional with over 12 years of

teaching experience and 5 years of industry
experience. Awarded Best Entrée' Chef during
training at Indus Institute of culinary arts. A person Everyone has a dream to take admission in good
with passion of learning and imparting the same to university after 10th & 12th. I am pursuing B.Sc.
people. Strong culinary skills, ability to develop hospitality & tourism management at TeamLease
new dishes and sound knowledge of the Skills University .This University is good and has
hospitality industry. improved my skill level. University provides a lot of
practical exposure and has 100% placement. I'm
hopeful to achieve my goals after completion of
Students' Feedback the course
Nani Dokoh
B.Sc. (HTM) 2nd Semester Nani Yanya
B.Sc.(HTM) 2nd Semester

I am a student of TLSU studying in the 2nd semester

under B.Sc. Hospitality and Tourism management I feel TLSU is a unique University. When I started
course. I am very grateful to this university for graduation at TLSU, I was concerned about my
providing me with such a great opportunity for future career and anxious about the upcoming
pursuing my dream to work in the hospitality challenges. But all the teachers and classmates
industry. gave me support and confidence to grow both
Before joining this university, I never maintained personally and professionally. It helped me to
my schedule and always wasted my work time, but enhance knowledge, learn and grow gradually. The
after joining this university everything started to faculty members are very helpful, open minded.
upgrade for me, it has made me more sincere and They provide me limitless opportunities to become
taught me to use the proper use of time. more competent and become good human being.

19 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

Rahul Mukeshbhai Parmar The university for providing me with such

B.Sc.(HM-WBL) 4th Semester knowledge that can be very useful for my
developing career this industry

Dipali Soni
B.Sc. (HTM) 6th Semester

I am pursuing B.Sc Hotel Management (Work based

learning) programme of Team Lease University. I
am very happy that I have selected Team Lease
University over other institutions. I have learnt
many invaluable lessons along with my course I am Dipali Soni from the department of Hospitality
curriculum. I have improved my English language and Tourism Management. The student of
and communication skills. I have got very good TeamLease Skills University.
command over my subject knowledge thanks to I like to share with you my views about University.
practical oriented program design. Now, I feel more Every faculty members teach us practically with
confident to face the challenges of the corporate examples and they help us in solving the problems
world. regarding to subjects, improving language and
self-confidence, personality and body language.
My overall experience is good from the University.

Umakant Soni
B.Sc. (HTM) 2th Semester

My name is Umakant Soni. After completing higher

secondary education I just wanted to go to the
hospitality industry I have chosen to study at the
Hospitality and Tourism Management Department
in TeamLease Skills University. This University is the Rutvik Thakkar
first Skills University in India and l am very glad to B.Sc. (HTM) 6th Semester
be the student of this University. When I first came
to this university I had stage fear but after
performing lots of class works activities I have
almost overcome my stage fear. I have joined HTM
department because this department teaches us
necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to I am Rutvik Thakkar a student of 6th Semester from
work effectively as a professional in the Hospitality Hospitality & Tourism Management. I am glad that I
Industry. It is also said that hospitality is the mother choose TLSU. I enjoy the theory and practical
services. The faculty members are highly qualified. knowledge given here. I was given On Job training

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 20

at Indana Palace, Jodhpur which is a beautiful Industry Feedback

heritage property. I have gained confidence as I got Mayank Mishra
ample opportunity to show my talent in various Front Office Manager,
activities. It is really good University for developing The Fern and Ecotel Hotel,
skills. Vadodara

Parents' Feedback Got a chance to be a part of the Institution for a

Rajen Nani while and that is a real privilege for me.
Father of Nani Dokoh Here, teacher's major focus is on extending
B.Sc. (HTM) 2nd Semester knowledge and skills beyond the level achieved
Arunachal Pradesh Congress even in excellent Hotel Management institutions.
Committee, The students, who venture from all parts of India
Sate Vice President are well prepared to learn which enables the
faculty, comprising leaders in Hotel Management
It gave me immense pleasure and satisfaction on from throughout the country, to share their
experience fully. Teaching format here is a unique
my visit to TeamLease Skills University, on 7th
chance for communication with students, and this
September 2018 at ITI campus, Tarasali, Vadodara,
new Teaching Center provides intensive lectures
Gujarat, where many Arunachal students along
course with interactive wide space demonstration
with students from other states are pursuing their
and training. All the students are highly motivated
degrees in different courses under the guidance of young specialists, aspiring to new knowledge.
friendly, experienced and highly qualified faculties. TLSU gives everyone great teaching and learning
The academic performances of Arunachal students experience in a very friendly atmosphere.
as a whole and my son Mr. Nani Doko in particularly And above all the most satisfying of all was sharing
who secured first in his class is first-hand testimony my knowledge with these students, while I learned
to me and my family that TeamLease Skills from them as well.
University is one of the best Universities in
Further to all of it TLSU is expanding with new ideas
Vadodara and educational opportunities.
I wish All The Best to Team “TeamLease Skills
Santosh Vaishnav
Human Resources &
Admin Manager,
Mahendra Kumarji Tank Indana Palace, Jodhpur
Father of Shivangi Tank
B.Sc. (HTM), 6th Semester.

Greetings from Indana Palace, Jodhpur…!!!

This is to inform you that Mr. Rutvik Thakkar, who
has completed his Five months job training w.e.f.
It's a good pleasure to have my child in such 15th January 2018 to till 15th June 2018 in all
University which provide skills to get practical operational departments, during this tenure, his
knowledge through strong industry placements. performance was very good, he was a quick learner,
This helps the student in improving their overall and always keen to learn new things, he will be an
knowledge through hands on experience of the assets for an organization where ever he works.
industry. We wish him success in his future endeavors

21 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

2.7 Department of Information Technology

S# Programme Name Eligibility
1 B.Sc. (IT-Infrastructure Management Services) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
2 Associate Degree in IT-Infrastructure Management Services 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream
3 Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) 10 +2 or equivalent in any stream

B.Sc. (IT-Infrastructure Management

Programme Objectives:
Ø To enable and equip students with
competent skill-sets and detailed
knowledge of different verticals including
networking, server administration, data
centre administration, cloud
administration) in the IT sector
Ø To help students to take up any core or
support IT related technical responsibility,
as the job demands, in any industry.
S# Course Credits
Programme Structure: 2 Windows Server 2016 - I - Practical 2
S# Course Credits 3 Advanced Networking - Theory 4
Semester 1 4 Advanced Networking - Practical 3
1 Computer Fundamentals - Theory 4 5 Linux Administration - I - Theory 4
PC Troubleshooting and 6 Linux Administration - I - Practical 3
2 4
Maintenance - Theory 7 Operating Systems - Practical 2
PC Troubleshooting and 8 Maths II 2
3 2
Maintenance - Practical
Computer Skills and
4 Networking Fundamentals - Theory 4 9 3
Office Administration - II - Practical
5 Networking Fundamentals - Practical 2 Personality Development and
10 2
6 Operating Systems - Theory 4 Job Skills-I - Theory
7 Maths I 2 Personality Development and
11 2
English and Communication Job Skills-I - Practical
8 2
Skills -I - Theory Semester 3
English and Communication 1 Windows Server 2016-II - Theory 4
9 2
Skills -I - Practical
2 Windows Server 2016-II - Practical 2
Computer Skills and
10 3 3 Advanced Routing - Theory 4
Office Administration - I - Practical
4 Advanced Routing - Practical 3
Semester 2
5 Advanced Switching - Theory 4
1 Windows Server 2016 - I - Theory 4
6 Advanced Switching - Practical 3

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 22

S# Course Credits S# Course Credits

7 Linux Administration-II - Theory 4 Semester 5
8 Linux Administration-II - Practical 4 1 Network Trouble Shooting - Theory 4
9 Seminar 2 2 Network Trouble Shooting - Practical 4
English and Communication 3 Database Fundamentals - Theory 4
10 2
Skills-II - Theory 4 Database Fundamentals - Practical 4
English and Communication Fundamentals of
11 2 5
Skills-II - Practical 2
Data Warehouse - Theory
Semester 4 Server Virtualization with
1 Windows Server 2016-III - Theory 4 6 Windows Server Hyper-V and 4
2 Windows Server 2016-III - Practical 3 System Center - Theory

Mail Server Setup and Server Virtualization with

3 4 7 Windows Server Hyper-V and 4
Administration - Theory
System Center - Practical
Mail Server Setup and
4 4 8 Cloud Computing Theory 2
Administration - Practical
Linux Enterprise 9 Cloud Computing Practical 2
5 4
Virtualization - Theory IT Security and
10 2
Linux Enterprise Policy Planning - Theory
6 4
Virtualization - Practical English and Communication
11 2
7 Storage Area Network Theory 4 Skills III - Theory

Entrepreneurship Skills and English and Communication

8 3 12 2
Applications Skills III - Practical

Personality Development and Semester 6

9 2
Job Skills -II - Theory 1 On-Job-Training 36
Personality Development and
10 2
Job Skills -II - Practical Job Opportunities:
Ø Desktop Support Engineer
Ø Network Support Engineer
Ø Server Support Engineer
Ø IT Infrastructure Support Engineer
Ø IT Engineer
Ø Service Engineer
Ø Technical Support Engineer
Ø Network Engineer
Ø Network Administrator
Ø Network Analyst
Ø IT Officer

23 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) S# Course Credits

Programme Objective: Semester 2
Ø The Program prepares students with Object-oriented programming
1 4
competent skill-sets and detailed knowledge with C++ - Theory
of different verticals including Java, .NET, PHP,
Object-oriented programming
Web Development, Mobile Application 2 2
with C++ - Practical
Development, in the Computer Application
field and helps them to take up different Database Management
3 4
technical roles in the Software industry. System - Theory

Ø The Program covers comprehensive technical

Database Management
4 2
knowledge, in demand by various industry System - Practical
domain and in the fields of Website 5 Web Technologies - II - Theory 4
Development, Software Development, Quality 6 Web Technologies - II - Practical 2
Assurance, Project Management etc.
Fundamental of
Ø Unique and Industry Oriented approach 7 4
Networking -Theory
encouraging students to experiment with out
8 Maths - II 2
of the box ideas for holistic skill development.
Personality Development and
Programme Structure: 9 2
Job Skills -I - Theory
S# Course Credits
Personality Development and
10 2
Semester 1 Job Skills -I - Practical
1 Computer Fundamentals - Theory 4 Computer Skills and
11 3
Computer Programming Office Administration-II - Practical
2 4
in C - Theory Semester 3
Computer Programming 1 .NET Programming - I - Theory 4
3 2
in C - Practical
2 .NET Programming - I - Practical 2
4 Web Technologies - I - Theory 4
3 Java Programming - I - Theory 4
5 Web Technologies - I - Practical 2
4 Java Programming - I - Practical 3
6 Operating System - Theory 4
Relational Database Management
5 4
7 Maths - I 2 System - Theory
English and Communication Relational Database Management
8 2 6 2
Skills -I Theory System - Practical
English and Communication 7 Data Structures - Theory 4
9 2
Skills -I Practical
8 Data Structures - Practical 2
Computer Skills and
10 3 9 Python - Theory 4
Office Administration-I - Practical
10 Python - Practical 2
English and Communication
11 2
Skills- II - Theory
English and Communication
12 2
Skills- II - Practical

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 24

S# Course Credits Job Opportunities:

Ø Computer Programmer
Semester 4
Ø Software Engineer
1 .NET Programming - II - Theory 4
Ø Website Designer/Developer
2 .NET Programming - II - Practical 2 Ø System Analyst
3 Java Programming - II - Theory 4 Ø System Administrator
4 Java Programming - II - Practical 3 Ø Software Developer

5 Computer Graphics - Theory 4 Ø Computer Support Service Specialist

Ø Project Manager
6 Computer Graphics - Practical 3
Ø Tele Verification Executive
System Analysis and
7 4 Ø Information Systems Manager
Design - Theory
Ø Software Architect
8 Operation Research -Theory 4 Ø Design Engineer
Entrepreneurship Skills and Ø Java Developer
9 3
Applications Ø .Net Developer
Personality Development and Ø Android Developer
10 2
Job Skills - II - Theory Ø Quality Assurance Engineer
Personality Development and Faculty Profile
11 2
Job Skills - II - Practical Jayendra Goswami
Semester 5 Diploma Mechanical Engineering
1 Mobile Application Program Manager
Development - Theory
Mobile Application
2 3
Development - Practical
3 PHP Programming - Theory 4 Jayendra Goswami has 14 years of experiences in
4 PHP Programming - Practical 3 various academic Institutes and Industry. He is an
experienced professional in various Networking
5 Artificial Intelligence - Theory 4 Technologies like Novell, Cisco, Microsoft and Mail
Management Information Server. His area of interest includes Enterprise
6 3 Network Administration, Server Administration,
System - Theory
Advanced Routing-Switching and Network
Data Warehousing and Security. He has trained many students to achieve
7 3
Mining - Theory International Certifications in Cisco and Microsoft
8 Project 6 Technologies

English and Communication Rajesh Parmar

9 2
Skills- III Theory B.Com.
Program Manager
English and Communication
10 2
Skills- III Practical
Semester 6
1 On-Job-Training 36
Rajesh Parmar has 11 years of teaching experience
in reputed academic institutes and university,

25 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

having experience in RHCSA, RHCE, RHCVA, CCNA, helpful and considerate. The faculties are
MCSA and Microsoft Exchange Server. He was experienced, excellent and very encouraging.
holding various Technical position in his previous Learnt a lot, The course are very intense and helpful.
jobs. Thanks giving to all my colleagues and faculties for
Revika Kothari making this journey of college as best memorable
BCA, MCA, SLET qualified one.
Academic Associate
Alata Veer
4th Semester, B.Sc. IT-IMS

Revika Kothari has 4 years of teaching experience

and 6 months of industrial experience in the field of
Computer Science and Information Technology.
Her specializations are in Database Management My name is Alata Veer from IT-IMS Dept. I got
Systems, Android Application Development and admission in 2017 and very lucky by getting
Computer Graphics. admission in this University. I really feeling very
Hardik Shah good/happy by studying here and getting very
Diploma in Computer Engineering nice education.
Sr System Administrator I would also like to say that, this University is very
different from other universities as in this
University we are learning theory as well as more
focus on practical which is very useful during our
OJT tenure and Job prospects which is not taken
Hardik Shah is a dynamic Professional. He has over care by any University.
14 years of Professional experience in the areas of IT Once again I am very thankful to all faculties who
Infrastructure management and planning with work hard to teach and give us best education /
Asset Management and IT Security Compliance guidance.

Students' Feedback Rahul Kumar

Nandini Mistry 4th Semester, B.Sc. IT-IMS
4th Semester, B.Sc. IT-IMS

I, am Rahul Kumar, from Ratlam have joined the

After my schooling, it was my dream to get program of Information Technology in August
admission in best college and this is super perfect 2017 and found that this university is different from
than my dream college. I have enhanced my skills other universities. High discipline standards with
and my future is bright with the help of this proper dress code and overall care of each student
university. This has provide best opportunities in is the speciality of this university the teaching
training's and placements. The staff is always very methods are different here, I learn by doing and so I

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 26

understand properly, though I am from Hindi Parents' Feedback

medium. I am very happy here and would like to Amrutrao Khairnar
suggest all my juniors interested in this field to join Father of Kajal Khairnar
only TLSU for better education. B.Sc. (IT-IMS), 6th Semester

Radhik Soni
2nd Semester, BCA

I am Amrutrao Khairnar, I am father of Kajal Khairnar

who is studying in B.Sc. (IT-IMS) in 6th Semester. After
joining TeamLease Skills university I find herself
confident. From last 2.5 years my daughter is very
conscious about her studies. The great point of
My name is Radhika Soni. When I first started at
TeamLease Skills University is that they focus on
TeamLease Skills University, I was unsure about my practical knowledge rather than only theoretical
future and anxious about the different challenges I knowledge.
was heading forward to face. But TLSU gave me the
Pankaj Rajput
support and confidence to grow both personally
Father of Shivam Rajput
and professionally. It gave me an opportunity to
B.Sc. (IT-IMS), 6th Semester.
enrich my knowledge, to learn and to grow
gradually. As its India's first Skills university, it really
helped me out to find my hidden skills, now I really
feel confident. The faculty members are helpful,
open and supportive.
I am Pankaj Rajput father of Shivam Rajput. He is
Badal Tak studying in BSc. IT-IMS. This University provide a Big
6th Semester, BCA Platform, where students can improve their self-
confidence, self- grooming, communication skills
and many more other skills. The most important, this
University provide 100% placement to students.
Thanks to TLSU to give my son support and motivate
him to give his Best.

Journey at TLSU is completely awesome. The best

place for education and Industry relevant
curriculum, Unique concept for hands on training
in Industry and work on Real life projects during On
Job Training which helps me to prepare myself for
job ready at the end of programme.
Industry Feedback
Rippal Bhatt
System Solution
We have students of IT-IMS from TeamLease Skills
University. The objective of University is to create
Skilled IT professional who are job ready and trained
as per the need of IT industry. I found this is the first
university which provides a Degree in IT
Networking-a very good initiative.

27 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

2.8 Department of Mechatronics

S# Programme Name Eligibility
1 B. Sc. (Mechatronics) Ø 12th Standard from Gujarat State Board or any other
State Board/Central Board with Science (Chemistry,
Mathematics and Physics subjects) OR
2 Associate Degree in Mechatronics Ø 10th Standard (from Gujarat Board/any other State
Board /Central Board) + Completion of 2 Year ITI trade

B. Sc. (Mechatronics) Programme Structure:

Programme Objectives: S# Course Credits

Ø To analyse an industrial system for optimum Semester 1
utilization as well as to translate customer
1 Mathematics 4
requirement by integrating multiple
engineering fields. 2 Manufacturing Techniques-I 3

Ø To be able to design, synthesize and test 3 Manufacturing Techniques-I Practical 2

intelligent products and processes that 4 Fundamental of Mechanical 4
incorporate suitable computers, sensors,
5 Fundamental of Electronics 3
electronics and actuators.
6 Fundamental of Electronics Practical 3
Ø To develop affinity for society and
understand their ethical responsibility 7 Computer Aided Drafting Practical 3
towards global environment. English and Communication
8 2
Skills-I - Theory
Ø To train students to become capable of
presenting self as a multidisciplinary English and Communication
9 2
professionals with sound fundamental Skills-I - Practical
knowledge. Computer Skills and
10 3
Ø To train students to engage in life-long Office Administration-I
learning and demonstrate their skills Semester 2
throughout their career by functioning
Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics
effectively in a professional environment. 1 4
and Heat Transfer
2 Manufacturing Techniques-II 4

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 28

S# Course Credits S# Course Credits

Manufacturing Semester 4
3 2
Techniques-II Practical 1 Sensor Technology 4
4 Fundamental of Electrical 4 2 Programmable Logic Controller 4
5 Fundamental of Electrical Practical 3 Programmable Logic Controller
3 3
6 Computer Programming 3 Practical
7 Environmental Studies 3 Advanced Hydraulics and
4 4
Personality Development and Pneumatics System
8 2
Job Skills-I - Theory Advanced Hydraulics and
5 3
Personality Development and Pneumatics System Practical
9 2
Job Skills-I - Practical 6 Microcontroller 4
Computer Skills and 7 Microcontroller Practical 3
10 3
Office Administration - II 8 Mechatronics Project - I 4
Semester 3 Personality Development and
9 2
1 Analog and Digital Electronics 3 Job skill-II - Theory
Analog and Digital Electronics Personality Development and
2 2 10 2
Practical Job skill-II - Practical
3 Machine Element Design 4 Entrepreneurship Skills and
11 3
4 Computer Aided Graphics 4 Applications

5 Computer Numerical Control 3 Semester 5

Computer Numerical Control Manufacturing Planning and

6 3 1 4
Practical Scheduling Principle

7 Electrical Drives and Control 4 2 Robotics 4

Electrical Drives and Control 3 Robotics Practical 3

8 3
Practical 4 Control System 4
9 Plant, Maintenance and Safety 4 5 Control System Practical 3
English and Communication 6 Advanced Microcontroller Practical 4
10 2
Skills-II - Theory 7 Quality Management 4
English and Communication 8 Mechatronics Project - II 5
11 2
Skills-II - Practical
English and Communication
9 2
Skills-III - Theory
English and Communication
10 2
Skills-III - Practical
Semester 6
1 On-Job-Training 36

29 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

Job Opportunities: Prashant Parmar

Ø As junior / trainee engineer, supervisor or Diploma (Mechatronics),
technical assistant BE (Mechatronics);
ME (Mechatronics), Pursuing Ph.D.
Ø M e c h a n i c a l e q u i p m e n t a n d p ro d u c t
Assistant Professor
manufacturing e.g. automotive, machine
tools, pumps, refrigeration and air conditioning
Ø Defense (Like Navy, Army and Air force) and
Mr. Parmar Prashant is Assistant Professor in
Research Organisation (Defense Research and Mechatronics Department at TeamLease Skills
Development Organisation-DRDO and Indian University. In his 9 years of teaching experience and
Space Research Organisation-ISRO) has been involved in the areas of Hydraulics &
Pneumatics, Programmable Logical Controller,
Ø Automation and Robotics
variable frequency drives, Mechatronics Systems,
Ø Avionics and Aerospace
Robotics and Machine Vision, control system, Basic
Ø Chemical process industries of electronics and Electrical, and manufacturing
Ø Pharmaceutical process plant processes. Apart from regular teaching he has
Ø Service industries like auto-repairs, telecom coordinated and delivered bespoke skill
equipment maintenance, electronic and development training programmes for various
computer equipment maintenance etc. companies. He is co-coordinating Rubber training
Institute, set-up under the short-term bridge
Ø Engineering Project Companies
course by industry/institute, a scheme of The
Ø Transportation and Logistic
Center for Entrepreneurship Development. His
Ø Food processing other areas of interest are Medical Instrumentation,
Ø MEMS, Nano-Technology Low Cost Automation, Mechatronics System
Ø Multi-disciplinary branch enables students to Design and Microelectromechanical system. He
work in multiple job profiles like Project has published papers in international conferences.
Engineer, Research & Development Engineer,
Production Engineer, Design Engineer, Service
& Maintenance Engineer and Purchase Udayan Trivedi
BE (Electronics and
Faculty Profile Instrumentation); ME (Electronics,
Dishank Upadhyay Instrumentation and Control)
Diploma in Assistant Professor
Mechatronics (Gold Medallist);
BE (Mechatronics).
Academic Associate and I/C HOD Mr Udayan J. Trivedi has teaching experience of 5
years along with experience of working in the state
of the art Laboratories like National Physical
Laboratory (NPL) New Delhi, DRDE (Defence
Mr. Dishank S Upadhyay is an experienced
Academic Associate with a demonstrated history Research And Development Establishment)
of working in the education management industry. Gwalior. He has published one international paper
Skilled in AutoCAD, Analytical Skills, PTC Creo, in IEEE journal and one international conference
SCADA, CNC Manufacturing & Programming, Paper. His area of interests are Biomedical
Planning & Scheduling of production along with Instrumentation, Control Systems and Embedded
Microsoft office skills. systems, but not limited to these.

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 30

Joseph Rony multinational company and got industrial

Diploma in Mechanical knowledge and also TLSU have Life skills courses
Engineering, which really helped me to increase my confidence
Workshop and personality.
Assistant Superintendent Sunil Baghel
B.Sc. MS, 6th Semester.

Mr. Joseph Rony is working as workshop assistant

superintendent in Mechatronics Department at
TeamLease Skill University. He has specialisation in
FITTER from National Council of Vocational Training
and Press Tool and Die making from Technical I am Sunil Baghel studying in sixth semester of B.Sc.
Education Board-Gujarat. He has rich Experience of Mechatronics. This university have smart classes
over 7 years in Industry and over 21 years in facilities along with computer and workshop. We
Academic. have faculty with good expertise in their
Karansinh Chauhan specialized field and also we get mentors who
Diploma (Electrical Engineering) helps us in guiding the best specialization for us.
BE (Electrical Engineering) We also have good library where you can get all the
latest edition of business magazines, course
Lab Assistant
curriculum books and journals. A part from this
TLSU have a good reputation in terms of
placement. In all you can join TLSU without any
second thoughts and you will have good time here.
Mr. Karansinh Chauhan is an Electrical Engineer Jayesh Rajendra Soni
having 1 year of academic experience and 1 year of
B.Sc. MS, 6th Semester
Industrial experience. He has completed his
Diploma in Engineering in Electrical followed by
Bachelor in Electrical Engineering. He has interest
i n e l e c t r i c a l m a c h i n e s, g e n e rat i o n a n d
transmission, automation and electronics. He
adopts practical approach to teach every theory to
the students. I am Jayesh Soni, student of final year B.Sc. in
Students' Feedback Mechatronics. The curriculum is designed for this
Amisha Dharmendrakumar Patel course is such that the student is getting good
B.Sc. MS, 6th Semester. domain knowledge with life skills. I have got good
opportunity to work with one of the largest MNC
during my OJT for six months. We are getting
chance to organize different technical events. I with
my team members had participated in national
level automation competition organized by
Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt Ltd. and have got
I am Amisha Patel student of final year B.Sc.in appreciation award with securing position in top
Mechatronics. During these 3 years I came to know 15 teams from all over India. This University
that "Engineering becomes easy when you practice provides opportunity to develop technical skills as
it". By providing hands on practice on industrial well as leadership skills, for this the university is
level machineries this university proves this having separate clubs to organize cultural and
sentence. Apart from domain courses TLSU have on technical events. The sports club also teach us the
job training for six months, in which I worked with importance of physical activity in one's life.

31 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

Pratik Kalpeshbhai Shah equipped. Faculties are very co-operative and give
B.Sc. MS, 4th Semester good guidance to students and helps them in
overall growth.
Industry Feedback
Rushil Sevak
Executive Engineer,
I am Pratik K. Shah, studying in fourth semester of Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat
B.Sc in Mechatronics. Right now I am doing my six
months on job training at New Bhavna Machine
Tools, Vadodara and getting stipend for my work.
Here in this University a part from teaching, other On my visit to this university. I found many facility
curricular & extracurricular activities gives us available for the good practical education.
platform to be updated with the latest technology.
From very first year I am able to use latest tools of There are many CNC machines like turning center,
Mechatronics Engineering. machining center for the students' learning. Good
Parents' Feedback PLCs and AC drives for the practical, pneumatic
Rajendra Soni system for the electro pneumatic practice.
Father of Jayesh Soni It is very beneficial for the students who wants to
6th Sem B.Sc. (Mechatronics) continuously update the knowledge on current
automation field.
Anand Mistry
Aspire Designs
Its an honour to tell you that my son is studying in
B.Sc. Mechatronics final year in TeamLease Skills
Univesity. Their objectives and visions are really
best and clear. In my point of view my ward's
confidence level, fluency of the language is really
"Of all the workshops and certifications that I teach
improved. The lecturers are very good and helpful.
at Aspire Designs Connections is one of my
In this university they provide the opportunity for
OJT where our children are spending time with favourites. Often times the colleges we serve have
industrial experts and they enhance their hands on limited skill sets, and less equipments to provide to
experience on industry level machines students.

Dharmendra Patel Making Connections during workshop, providing

Father of Amisha Patel expert talks on different colleges we found
6th Sem B.Sc. (Mechatronics) TeamLease Skills University is great attempt to
make a huge difference in education sector by
providing skill based training to the youth with
affordable fees and sponsorships to them.
By doing so they are actually creating a huge
I choose this university for my daughter because I platform for the youth to grow and lead the next
observed that the university focuses on skill based generation. With all the equipped laboratories and
knowledge and provide practical training to with latest machines and experimental equipment
students. When I visited the university campus I they are literally making a bridge for students from
have seen the labs and workshop, they are very well book knowledge to industrial platform.

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 32

You can literally see the pride in their smiles and faces. It is that result that makes offering this training to
students and providing placement opportunities. "

2.9 Department of Health, Life and Applied Sciences

S# Programme Name Eligibility
1 Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) 10 +2 or equivalent with Science stream

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology S# Course Credits

Semester 2
Programme Objectives:
Immunology, Serology, Blood
1 4
Ø To generate skilled Medical Laboratory banking and Parasitology - Theory
Immunology, Serology, Blood
Ø To impart theoretical knowledge and focus on 2 2
banking and Parasitology - Practical
the practical training of latest Medical
Laboratory testing methodologies and Personality and
3 1
techniques based on specific inputs, Jobs Skills Enhancement
requirements and recommendations from the 4 Introduction to MS-Office- Practical 2
5 On-Job-Training 24
Ø To generate Job-ready candidates who have
undergone a monitored and evaluated 3 Job Opportunities:
months On-Job- Training.
Medical Laboratory Technologists / Technician /
Programme Structure :
Assistant in:
S# Course Credits
Ø Government hospitals
Semester 1 Ø Private hospitals
1 Haematology - Theory 5 Ø Minor emergency centers

2 Haematology - Practical 2 Ø Private laboratory

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Ø Blood donor centers or blood banks

3 4
Biochemistry -Theory Ø Doctor's clinics

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Ø Research facilities

4 2
Biochemistry - Practical
Clinical pathology, Body Fluid and
5 4
Clinical Microbiology - Theory
Clinical pathology, Body Fluid and
6 2
Clinical Microbiology - Practical
Elements of English and
7 2
Communication Skills - Theory
Elements of English and
8 2
Communication Skills - Practical
9 Minor Project 4

33 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University
Faculty Profile Students' Feedback
Dr Avani Umatt Devangini Patel
DMLT, 2nd Semester.
B.Sc. (Chemistry),
M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry),
Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Dean Academics Professor & HOD
and Program Coordinator Centre
for Industry Knowledge Partnerships
I am Devangini Patel from Department of Health, Life
Dr Avani Umatt has a total of 18 years of experience
and Applied Science from TLSU. This university
which include 15 years of experience in teaching at
provides us big platform where we can improve our
a graduate level, 7 years at a post graduate level; 18 personality, grooming, stage fear and many other
years of research experience, 1.5 years of industrial skills. Faculties are very friendly, supportive and
and other academic experience. She has published caring they always encourage students to participate
1 book, 12 research papers in Journals and in curricular as well as extra-curricular activities. They
Conference Proceedings, presented 5 research provide knowledge related to subject or out of
papers at National Conferences and guided 16 syllabus which is required as a lab technician and give
M.Sc. Projects. Her specialization is in the field of good opportunity to gain real life work experience of
the laboratory during 3 months of OJT.
polymers and field of research includes developing
and application of conductive polymers/
composites as well as modifying clay for
stabilization of expansive soils with and without
bio enzymes.

Sanyukta Purohit
PGDAB, DMLT, M.Sc.(DFSM) Aakruti Patel
Visiting Faculty DMLT, 2nd Semester.

Ms Sanyukta Purohit has over 6 years of teaching

experience in various reputed academic institutes.
She has also worked in industry for 1.5 years. She
has good practical knowledge of all laboratory I'm Aakruti Patel From Health, life and Applied science
department Teamlease skills university is truly a skills
instruments and equipment.
University. DMLT Programme is 1 year programme
but in this 1 year we learn lots of things like
presentation skills, grooming standard, to get rid of
stage fear & Build up self-confidence. Our HOD and
other facilities has always been very supportive & has
always adviced, encouraged, and motivate all the
students. We learn not only through theories but also
through activities. Best part of this University is that
they gives live or real experience of JOB through 3
month OJT, where we will get real life work
experiences like teamwork, communication and time

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 34

Rutvi Shiyani found great friends, best teachers and mentors.

DMLT, 2nd Semester. This is possible only because of the good, humble
and supportive Teachers. Our HOD has always been
very supportive and has always advised to be
punctual and perfect in our work. She always
encourage us to learn English as it is a most
communicating language everywhere. I really
I am Rutvi Shiyani from Department of Health, Life value the knowledge that has been provided to me
and Applied Sciences. This University has high with proper guidance.
discipline standard with proper grooming
standards. This University provide us big platform Ayushi Nagar
where we can improve our self-Confidence, DMLT, 2nd Semester.
Spoken Skills and many other Skills. In this
university all faculty members are very supportive
and caring. They always encourage students to
participate in extracurricular activities which
makes our integrated development. Three month
OJT is really good experience of job, University I am Ayushi Nagar from Department of Health, Life
placed us in reputed organization or laboratories and Applied Sciences. In this University I've learnt
where we can learn lots of things. They also give us so many things including how to develop my skills,
100% job Placement. how to face stage fear, how to maintain personality
Megha Patel etc. This is possible only because of the friendly,
DMLT, 2nd Semester. caring and supportive faculty members. They
support us a lot. By participating in different
activities we learnt a lot, By that way We have
developed good self-confidence level. HOD Mam
always suggest us to be Progressive.
This is the best University I've seen.
I am Megha Patel from Department of Health, Life
and applied Science. In this university all faculties
are very friendly and caring and solve all the
Parents' Feedback
problems of students. TLSU also conduct good Girishbhai Patel
seminars which are useful for students to improve Father of Devangini Patel,
their skills and gain self-confidence. They provide DMLT, 2nd Semester.
us good knowledge of theory as well as practical.
We have also undergone 3 months of OJT were we
get real life work experience of the Laboratory
Urvi Patel
DMLT, 2nd Semester. I am Girishbhai Patel, Father of Devangini Patel
from Department of Health, Life and Applied
Sciences, TLSU. Thank you all faculty for giving my
daughter proper knowledge and real life work
experience in Lab. I have seen some change in
confidence and personality in my daughter. I
I am Urvi Patel from Department of Health, Life and acknowledge TLSU for their effort to support and
Applied Science. In this university where I have motivate her to give her best.

35 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University
Industry Feedback the two-way delivery/sharing of expertise and
Dr Vijal V Kaka knowledge. The Centre for Industry and
MD (Path), DCP, Knowledge partnerships is aimed at becoming a
Sr Pathologist facilitator to generate skilled work force for
Sterling Accuris Diagnostics, industrial requirement, at various levels, by such a
Vadodara. unique amalgamation for programmes which do
not fall under any existing department of the
University and for which an independent
TLSU is one of the best skills university which department is yet to be set up.
focuses mainly on practical and management skills The main objectives of the Centre for Industry and
of candidates which is more helpful them to grow Knowledge Partnerships are:
up as best laboratory technologist. TLSU really i. To identify and initiate programs with Industry
fulfills the needs of any laboratory by shaping the and/or Knowledge Partners to help train and
new youth according to recent advancement of create skilled and employable work force for
laboratory medicine. industry at all levels.

Rushik Zinzuvadia ii. To design, develop and conduct all the job
oriented programs/courses aimed at creating
Operation Head, Ambe's Advanced Clinical Laboratory
employability for candidates through focused
We have for the first time opted for students from
skill enhancement by collaboration between
TLSU for OJT at our Laboratory. We have identified
TLSU and Industry and/or Knowledge
that the students can be moulded from their
curriculum base, they can be very good in the
industry. This is the same feedback as that from iii. T o t a k e t h e e x p e r t i s e o f t h e
TLSU faculty and HOD. We are looking forward to Industry/Knowledge partners to design/
absorb more and more students from TLSU for the improve/ redesign curriculum periodically in
continuous industry need. tune with the requirement of the industry.

2.11 Department of Life Skills

Self Awareness Kindness

Emotional International
Development E I Relationships

Fitness & Health F L Living in Balance

Identity Language &
Learning Solving Problems

Department of Life Skills offers subjects that

2.10 Centre for Industry and Knowledge
inculcate personal development, effective
Partnerships communication and professional etiquettes. The
There are many areas of collaboration between domain is about skills that one must calibrate in
Universities and industries as well as knowledge order to be successful on the professional as well as
partners which are mutually beneficial owing to the personal front. Life Skills help students to

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 36

traverse their abilities, skills, ideas, concepts, values

and behaviour to maximize their personal and
professional potentials.
Effective communication with interpersonal skills
are crucial to infuse employability and professional
compatibility at work place. To be a successful
professional one must transform his/her domain
knowledge into fruitful practical. Life Skills'
practical approach, activity based teaching and
subtle theory helps students to develop true sense
of practical utilization of skills in real life. It also
teaches the use of Emotional intelligence to
develop and maintain healthy professional Instructional Methodology
relationships at work place for mutual gain.
The training of life skills is conducted in a very
Life Skill courses are taught across all domains. informal, interesting, and interactive manner,
The courses are as follow: which gives ample scope to interact and face a
Semester Course wide variety of obstacles, situations and challenges
that one is likely to come across in day to day life.
I English and Communication Skills I
With a focus on 'Learning by doing, the training
II Personality Development and Job Skills I methods include-
III English and Communication Skills II Ø Practical Orientation.

IV / VI Personality Development and Job Skills II Ø Ice Breaking Workshop during induction
Ø Video Recording of students' performance to
V English and Communication Skills III
map progressive development
Ø Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
By the end of life skills courses, students will be able Ø Dedicated Language Laboratory
to :
Ø Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
Ø Understand the various components of life Ø Participatory sessions including Role plays,
skills and their importance in personal and Skits, Group activity, assignments, project
professional life. presentations, event management, online
Ø Develop knowledge, understanding and skills tests, extempore elocution etc.
in order to English and Communication Skills
- Develop a Healthy Lifestyle: Personal
Ø Listening Skills
Hygiene, Nutrition, Dressing sense
Ø Speaking Skills
- Develop positive social skills and etiquettes
Ø Reading Skills
Ø Use language to shape and make meaning
Ø Writing Skills
according to purpose and context in daily life
and in the professional set up Ø General Awareness
Ø E- Mail /Telephone etiquettes
Ø Become self-confident by learning inter-
personal skills, team management skills and Ø Grammar for personal and professional use

leadership skills Ø Interview skills

Ø Learn Employment Seeking and Job Interview ‘It all starts with belief . . . . . . . .
Skills If you think YOU CAN, YOU WILL'
37 Putting India to Work
TeamLease Skills University

Personality Development and Job Skills Mayurkumar Shrimali

Ø Self-Grooming and Personal Hygiene MA (English Literature), B.Ed
Academic Associate
Ø Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Ø Goal Setting

Ø Team Building and Group Dynamics

Ø Time Management
Mr. Mayur Shrimali has 5 years of academic
Ø Leadership Skills
experience. He has worked as a mentor, paper
Ø Building Assertive Behaviour setter, student counsellor and International
Ø Stress Management students' faculty advisor at UG & PG level. He has
attended many workshops and seminars.
Faculty Profile
Dr. Priyanka Behrani
MA, PhD Psychology,
I/c HoD, Assistant Professor

Dr. Priyanka Behrani has 22 years of experience out

of which 18 years in teaching and 4 years in
Research. Her areas of specialisation are Industrial
Psychology and Educational Psychology and
disability studies. She is trained in skills for
Students' Feedback
Adolescence. She is also certified in !6PF and skills
Bhariya Tilottama Ramchandra
for Assessors from PSI,UK. She has altogether 15
2nd Semester, B.Com
publications in different national and international
refereed journals. She is also a Life member of
Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. She has
also presented 39 research papers in national and
international conferences. She has also conducted
and attended various workshops for professional
development Life skills class has increased the level of confidence
in me. It has also developed the ability to influence
people by effective communication and body
language. This class gave me the opportunity to
come forward and speak in front of the whole class
which I never did before as confidently as now. It
eliminated stage fear in me. It also developed in me
the art of dealing with the people at individual and
group level. The learning in this class supported in
other domain related subjects like making
presentations, working with the class mates as a

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 38

Jenish Patel
2nd Semester DCA

Life skills class is the most interesting class as we

learn through activities. This fun learning does not
make us feel as we are learning but brings about Amisha Patel
the change in us slowly. I have seen that change 6th Semester B.Sc. Mechatronics
happening in my non- verbal communication and
body language. I have learnt time management by
assigning priorities to the work. The major change
is the reduction in the time I spent on playing PUB-
G which I learnt during one of the discussions held
in class. I have developed confidence in verbal
‘Life Skills', the motto of the department lies in the
expression. Leadership skills is another thing that I
have learnt as the outcome of the project being name itself. It focuses on the skills that are helpful in
assigned to us in the group. real life. The skills that helps students to shape their
prosperous career with peaceful life. It includes
behavioral skills, soft skills, body language,
presentation skills etc. It improves the skills that
plays pivotal role in shaping up the career of any
professionals. I am grateful to have such creative
and enthusiastic teachers who provided guidance
and support throughout the course and always
lead by example.

Kajal A Khairnar Punit Makhija

6th Semester B.Sc. (IT-IMS) 6th Semester BBA (Marketing)

Life Skills sessions are full of interactive activities Life skills programs have proliferated around the
that helped me to learn time management, public world. Little is known about the efficacy and
speaking and expressing my views, ideas and effectiveness of these programs on individual
emotions in English. I was not able to communicate behavior an attitude. This program helped me to
in English before joining TeamLease Skills expand my vision and experience the unexplored
University. Thanks to life skills department now I am aspects of life. This program is 'Velocity of Money' in
able to confidently speak, read and write in English. context of investment in an asset that we would get
I overcome my shyness and now able to speak to returns in the form of knowledge, grooming, body
strangers without any hesitation due to effective language. It helped me to gain many experiences
teaching techniques. throughout 6 semesters of BBA.

39 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

3.0 Eligibility and Criteria for downloaded from university website

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in. Alternatively the
Admission filled up Application Form can be sent to "The
3.1 Instructions for Determining Admission Section, TeamLease Skills University, ITC
Building, ITI Campus, Opp. Army Canteen, Tarsali,
Eligibility to Apply
Vadodara - 390 009, Gujarat" through post/courier
(1) Marks of the Higher Secondary along with a DD for Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred
Examination, 10+2 or its equivalent course Only). The details of drawing the demand draft are
(HSC/Pre-University Course/10+2 Years of given in Section 3.2.2.
ITI) pursued by the applicant will be taken
for determining his/her eligibility. Option III: Through Courier/Post - The applicants
can send a request letter along with Demand Draft
(2) In case it is found that the information
(DD) for Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred Fifty Only)
furnished by an Applicant is incorrect or
asking for Prospectus and Application Form to the
misleading or ineligibility being detected
address of 'The Admission Section, TeamLease
before or after the selection process/
Skills University, ITC Building, ITI Campus, Opp.
admission, his/her candidature will be
Army Canteen, Tarsali, Vadodara - 390 009, Gujarat'.
cancelled without giving reasons thereof.
The details for the preparation of demand draft are
3.2 Criteria for Admission provided under section 3.2.2. The request letter
Admission to the University is open to all who fulfill should contain full name and address and a contact
the prescribed qualifications without any phone or mobile number of the applicant.
distinction of race, caste, creed, language or sex. Requests coming without a DD and or without a
The selection is made strictly on the basis of merit. proper address will not be accepted.

3.3 Admission Procedure 3.3.2 Procedure for drawing a Demand Draft

3.3.1 Application Form - Purchase and
Submission Details The DD can be drawn from any branch of State
Bank of India/Any Nationalized Bank/ICICI
Three options are available for obtaining the
Bank/Axis Bank/HDFC Bank in favour of
Application Form. The Prospectus (containing
'TeamLease Skills University', payable at
Application Form) can be obtained -
Option I: In Person - The Prospectus can be
The completed Application Form along with the
purchased directly from TLSU Campus by paying
self-attested copies of relevant certificates, mark
non-refundable deposit of Rs.100/- (Rupees One
sheets can be submitted either in person at TLSU
Hundred Only) by cash or DD.
Campus or send by post/courier addressed to 'The
Option II: Download from University website - Admission Section, TeamLease Skills University, ITC
The Prospectus and Application Form can be Building, ITI Campus, Opp. Army Canteen, Tarsali,
Vadodara - 390 009, Gujarat'.

3.4 General
Before filling the Application Form, candidates are
advised to read the instructions carefully and
complete the form accordingly, incomplete form is
liable for rejection without assigning any reasons.
The last date for receiving the completed
applications for admissions Session 2019-20 is
15th July 2019.

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 40

Some Important Details A total of 29 degrees (4 BBA, 9 B.Com. (Finance and

¥ Application Fee paid by the applicants is not
Business Operations), 1 B.Sc. (Hospitality and
refundable under any circumstances. Tourism Management); 5 B.Sc. ( IT- Infrastructure
Management Services) and 10 B.Sc. (Applied
¥ The applicant should be careful to provide all
Science: Mechatronics), 56 diplomas (51 Diplomas
details as required in the Application Form;
in Medical Laboratory Technology,1 Diploma in
otherwise, incomplete application forms will be
Computer Applications, 1 Dilpoma in IT-
Infrastructure Management Services; 1 Diploma in
¥ The applicants are advised to adhere to the Basics of Front Office, 2 Diplomas in Basis of Food
dates mentioned in 'Important Dates' table. and Beverage Services) will be awarded at the
¥ Subject to availability of seats, Admission Second Convocation. Five students: Mr. Shubham
Committee of TLSU may decide to accept the Agrawal, and Ms. Bhavnaben Khunte of
Application Form up to a specified date. Department of Commerce and Management, Mr.
Information on this will be made available at Mohit Kotak of Department of Information
TLSU website and its notice board at campus. Technology, Mr. Satish Tiwari of Department of
Mechatronics and Mr Bharatbhai Dumadiya of
3.5 Selection List and Admission
Department of Health, Life and Applied Sciences
will be awarded the TLSU Gold Medal for the year
Selection to all the programmes of TeamLease 2018, for passing all semesters at the first attempt
Skills University will be on first-cum-first-service with overall best academic performance amongst
basis. The decision of the Admission Committee of all students graduating in their respective
TLSU is final in relation to offer of admission based discipline.
on the Applications received.
The Provost of TLSU Dr Dileep Kamat delivered the
3.6 Jurisdiction keynote address. Chief Guest for the occasion,
All disputes are subject to Vadodara Jurisdiction, Ashoka Fellow and Eisenhower Fellow, Padma Shri
only. Dr Subroto Das, CEO Life line Foundation, Vadodara
delivered the convocation address and guided the
4.0 HIGHLIGHTS OF 2018-19 graduates emphasizing the need and urgency to
identify a role model followed by the requirement
4.1 Convocation and essential to have a mentor. Guest of Honour Ms
TeamLease Skills University (TLSU), Vadodara Neeti Sharma, Senior Vice President, TeamLease
presented its second batch of Graduates as well Services Limited highlighted the important
Diploma holders at the University’s Second contribution TLSU was making by addressing one
Convocation held on Friday, 22rd February 2019 at of the biggest concerns across industry being Skill
TeamLease Skills University Auditorium. Deficit.

41 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

4.2 Workshop on Entrepreneurship þ Saurabh Agrawal & Mr. Akash Agrawal (B.Sc.

Development Mechatronics) have started a venture of online

sensors selling named SenzorIndia.
A One day workshop on Entrepreneurship
Development’ organized by Department of þ Nilesh Paraswani (BBA) has stared ‘True Worker’
Commerce and Management, TeamLease Skills A sewing and alteration work outsourcing
University, Vadodara and sponsored by The Centre services, to take bulk sewing works orders for
for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), semi stitched clothes from local clothes
Gandhinagar, was conducted on 23rd February manufactures ; train and deploy women on
2019 at the University Campus. The workshop was sewing work.
open for Final year students of Diploma, Graduate
þ Mohit Agrawal (BBA - Marketing) has started his
and Post graduate programmes. The workshop saw
registrations from 24 institutions, across the state. own Financial Consultancy and stock broking
The participants were from diverse educational house.
backgrounds including B.E., B.A, B.C.A, B.Tech., þ Ronak Palrecha (B.Com.) has started his own
B.Sc., B.Com., BBA and Polytechnic Diploma stock broking house franchisee of 5paisa.com
Programmes, with a total participation of 133
students for the workshop. þ Vishal Panchal (4th Sem B.Com.) has started his
online platform for customized furniture
The workshop was addressed by eminent speakers
solution for home and corporates.
Dr. Chirag Rathod, Project Leader from CED,
Gandhinagar, Government of Gujarat; Successful þ Rahulray Thakar,(B.Sc. IT-IMS) has started RT
entrepreneurs Mr. Kashyap Shah, MD Anugrah In- Creation Design Studio, All kind of graphics
Org (P) Ltd. and Director CABB Chemicals (I) Ltd.; designing solution under one roof.
and Mr. Kushal Trivedi, Founder and CEO of PreBoo,
þ Aman Gala (BBA-Marketing) has started Nini’s
a mobile app for primary school teachers and
House of Fashion-retailers & Wholesaler of
Exclusive Kurtis, Semi stitched suit and more.
4.3 TLSU Studentpreneurs:
þ Namish Jaiswal (B.Com.) started a venture of
'Packaged Drinking Water' supplier named
Crystal Water Supply, Vadodara.
þ Jignesh Devda (DMLT ) has started his
computerized diagnostic Centre’ Maharshi Vyas
Clinical Laboratory in Godhra.
þ Navazisali Pathan (DMLT) has started his own
pathological Laboratory ‘My Pathology
Laboratory’ at Dahod.
Studentpreneurs working on Business Ideas
Business idea 1 : Design It
A DIY No pain Temporary Tattoo kit for Tattoo
Students’ Team : Jayesh Soni, Mushkan Pal, Rahul
Pal, Suresh Prajapati

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 42

Business idea 2 : The Bread House 4.4 OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS OF

Fresh and delicious sandwiches for late night EXCELLENCE
hunger. Online food provider for late night
a. Four students of 6th B.Sc. (Mechatronics) were
hunger from 11:00 PM to Morning 5:00 am
recipients of an appreciation Award in
Students’Team : Janki Patel, Pinki Kumawat, Gaytri recognition of their commendable
Mandora, Jyotika Bariya performance at the "4th Mitsubishi Electric
Business idea 3 : APRA (Cleaning services) Cup-2018", a National Level Automation
Competition organized by Mitsubishi Electric
“Swachta ko apnao APRA ko bulao.” Customized
India Pvt Ltd. The students prepared a working
cleaning solutions for Hostels, Houses, and
model of "Intelligent Water Management
System using IoT" under the theme of smart
Students’ Team : Punit Makhija, Rutushri Dongre, manufacturing. The team was selected from
Aman Gala, Aashu Patel the top 35 team from across India.
Business idea 4 : Maa Ka Kitchen b. Students of IT department participated in
Maa ka Kitchen is an online Nutritious Tiffin Gujarat Industrial Hackathon, organized by
Services, provides home made fresh, nutritious Education Department, Government of
and hygiene customized food in tiffin for Gujarat to enable students from across the
students and working professionals universities/colleges to make systematic
efforts to solve technical (digital and semi
Students’ Team : Harjyot Kaur, Riya Chaturvedi,
digital) challenges shared by MSMEs, Large
Nalini Karki, Amisha Patel
Industries, Corporate and Public Sector
Business idea 5 : Shree Cyber Services Enterprises. About 200 problem statements
Digital Services for Villagers: Digital service from 156 industries had been sourced and
platform for villages for all kind of digital work shared with students across disciplines. About
like Bill Payment, Form filling, Online shopping, 6,000 students across the Gujarat State had
Income Tax, GST etc. applied for participation.

Students’ Team : Nayan Bariya, Vinay Patel, Shivani Two teams of students from TLSU were
Bhatt and Tanveera Patel selected to participate in the regional round
and one team of 8 students was shortlisted out
Business idea 6 : Automaton
of 171 teams to participate in the grand finale,
IOT based Automation Solutions for homes and in the Grand finale of the Hackathon, non-stop
agriculture in low budget 36 hour process in which they applied their
Students’ Team : Sunil Baghel and Dharmendra skills in developing solutions for various
Verma industry.

Business idea 7 : Secure

On-Call Doorstep solutions for Mobile and
Computers repair service for all.
Students’Team : Arjun Veer and Shivang Bhatt

43 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University


The main focus of the club is to organize co- It is extremely important to embrace sports along
curricular and extra- curricular activities with academics, as it brings in the spirit of
Leadership and Teamwork, coupled with
delegation; that's exactly what drives TLSU's Sports
Club. Be it the Annual Sports Week or the daily
throughout the year to inculcate various skills into
the students as well as various events that are fun
for everyone; these include fun random and fun
planned socio-cultural events for all TLSUites as distressing sporting activities, all students and
faculty alike participate wholeheartedly and
reinforce the five S's of sports training are: stamina,
speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of
these is spirit.


A club to encourage the information sharing,
creative and competitive spirit for different
technical activities under a single umbrella.

Vision : To create awareness of various technical

happenings around the world among the students,
academic and extracurricular activities, to
encourage students to actively participate in
related events, to represent our University by
participating at National-International level skills
competitions. Also we hope to prepare students
technically advanced and prepare them to serve for
the country well enough to compete with other
established high tech countries and also emerging
countries which are technically very sound.
stress busters during the busy schedule of
academic and administrative activities. The faculty
committee members plan a calendar of events and
ensure their smooth conduct by guiding the
student coordinators to plan and execute the
activity or event. Some of the highlights of the club
are Annual Day Celebration, Cultural Fest, Festival
Celebrations, Teacher's Day, Library Week,
Women's Day and competitive events like Poster
Making etc.

www.teamleaseuniversity.ac.in 44

To achieve our goal of excellence in the respective and "Fun with Food" food challenges and food
departments of TLSU, we are trying our best to related games; "Back To Basics" was a crowd pulling
provide base for those hardworking students so event where the participants had to cook a dish of
that they can grow, nurture and explore the their choice on a coal fire place 'chulla' in earthen
opportunities, which are lying in front of them. pots (handis); "Enact The Act", a digital marketing
based event ; "PUBG" an online multiplayer battle
royale game, CAD Creators; Robo Race ; "Express
Concoct'18, a 3-Day state level Tech-fest was It"; Book talk, an event designed to deliver a short,
organized by students of TLSU, under the Umbrella engaging and enthusiastic presentation to inspire
of Aavishkar Club. Concoct'18 had 16 events others to read the same book. ; Robo wars: involved
panning across different domains, both technical a task to build a robot strong and agile enough to
and non-technical like "Wall Street" a virtual stock fight his opponent robot to a knock out. Food trivia;
trading event, "Mind Scribble" a quiz competition Asphalt; Tricky tacts: an event to design web pages
based on wit, common sense, presence of mind, using HTML tags and apply styles to those tags
logical reasoning and general awareness; "IT Tact" a leading winning effects. The tech-fest saw
technology based event to check and enhance participation of 500 + students from various
knowledge about security of day to day gadgets; schools and colleges .

45 Putting India to Work

TeamLease Skills University

Important Date - 1 Important Date - 2

Start date of filling up Last Date for submission of
Online Admission Form duly filled online application form
1st April 2019 15th July 2019
Important Date - 3 Important Date - 4
Provisional Admission Admissions Commencement
Commencement Date
1st April 2019 1st June – 20th July 2019
Important Date - 5
Academic Session Commencement

1st August 2019

iry C
da Da

se S

Tars v

en C


TeamLease Skills University

(A Private University established by an Act of State Legislature)
ITC Building, ITI Campus
Tarsali, Vadodara - 390 009, Gujarat

teamleaseskillsuniversity /teamleaseuniv /edu/teamlease-skills-university

admission@teamleaseuniversity.ac.in +91 256 618 9100 +91 256 618 9113

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