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Massey Apprasier Report

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Student Teacher Raiha Falcon- Maxwell College Programme ('irud Uip 'lch^ (S<J(X>ndaiy)

Practicum No 1 College Appraiser Grant Baldwin

School/Centre Hukarere Girls' College

Associate Teacher Amy Brittain Curricula/activity observed Health

Class level/age group Year 10 Group/s or Whole Class Whole class

Date of Visit 1 Apr Time 1:45 pm

Refer to the relevant Practicum Booklet and write your observations with particular reference to the Success Criteria and Learning Outcomes.
Pay particular attention to student/child engagement in meaningful activity and learning. Use a second page to continue the report and write
Summary Comments that include: a. Particular achievements b. Areas for further development

The report has been discussed with the Student Teacher Yes Discussed with Associate Teacher A/o
Note: This report is not for use in making future applications for teaching positions No of Pages



The Lesson;

You have put the learning outcomes on the board - writing is a bit small/ and have the tasks for the day also up. You
have checked the video works and the sound is good.
You get the students lined up outside and give instructions about each group having a device, and the year leader
organises them and brings them into class. The girls enter and stand behind their desks. The student leader starts
with a prayer and the students sit. There is a little bit of organising into the groups and getting everyone seated. You
lead students through a breathing exercise. You read through the learning outcomes for the students. You hand out
some cards and tell students to select one each in their group. These cards have a role that the student wilt preform
in their group for the lesson. You are encouraging of students with use of ka pai throughout this time.

You give a short introduction and then play the video. Your voice is clear and easy to hear at the back of the room
when you talk to the students. The students watched quietly and you then gave them two questions and a couple of
minutes to discuss the question in their groups.
The students discussed in their groups. You got the next activity organised and got attention of the students and
asked a group to feedback what they had discussed. You asked for feedback on the second question and students
put up hands to give their answers. You were encouraging of students answers. The students against the far wall,
didn't give any answers or raise their hands. You rounded off the discussion and got a student from each group to
come and collect the sheets. Make sure you have gained their attention before you talk. Students settled to filing in
the sheets quickly.

You moved around the room, which was a good idea to check each group was focused. You moved around again and
retold students that they could work together in their groups - this was good as it generated some discussion.
You checked in with what students were doing. You gave students a warning that there was 30 seconds to go - a
student asked for one minute to go. You handed out answer sheet for students to check in their groups and then
asked for volunteers to read out the completed exercise. Lots of girls volunteered and you choose two to read.

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Moving to the next activity, you used the role cards to get one student from each group to come and collect the
sheets. You gave instructions and some start doing it, so you got their attention before continuing with the
instructions. You ask them how long they think they need to do the activity and you negotiate it down to five
minutes. One group is finished very quickly. You check in on a couple of groups.
You then invite them to do a "two stray and two stay" to compare answers with other groups. One group doesn't
send anyone. You ask them to head back to their groups and each group feeds back two factors.

You set the next activity going, using the same routine as previously. You move around the room and ensure
students are on task and have the equipment that they need. You hand out another sheet which is the next step.The
students are not listening as they are working on the task. With five minutes left/ you move around and check in
with groups to see if they need help. You are encouraging again of the work that groups have done.

There is a girl by the door using her laptop. She doesn't appear to be engaged with her group. You looked at them,
but didn't address the laptop. Each group reported back one risk and one strategy. (We discussed afterwards that
you had noticed the laptop and checked it out).

You set up to do the Kahoot, and reminded students that it was one device per group. It took a couple of minutes for
students to set up their names and one group had put a name you deemed inappropriate. You then said to the
students that it had taken too long and you had ran out of time so would do it next time. You got students to return
the resources to the middle table and then the next teacher arrived for the reflection part of the day.

Classroom Presence, Confidence and Voice:

You use your voice well to give clear instructions. You hold the students attention when you are talking. You are
encouraging of the students. You are confident in front of the students. You move around the room and interact with
each group. We talked about how the students in the class are good at getting the others to listen to you and how
you might gain attention of the class if this wasn't the case. You had some good strategies to try.

10 2, Professional Standards:

Your interactions with students are professional. You are very encouraging of them. Your focus is on their learning.
You have high standards for the work the students do.
You bought up in our discussion about marking the roll. Great to hear you thinking about these necessary
administration tasks already.

LO 3, Planning:

The lesson is well planned. You have a number of activities for students to do and they work well in their groups. The
"role cards work really well. We talked about this being your first lesson in the classroom and you being more
comfortable with the practical lessons. This didn't show in you planning/ which was thorough and well thought out.
You had good timing and pace for the lesson, just miscalculating a bit at the end/ but getting that right wilt come with
practice (and even experienced teacher don't get it right 100% of the time)

LO 4,Classroom Management:

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You move around the room well. You encourage student participation. This is a relatively
easy class to manage. Students keep others on track. This will be something to think about at your next practicum-
how to gain the attention of the class - and you have ideas on that to try out. Where you know the names of the
students, you used them well and we discussed that this was your first time teaching some of these students.

LO 5, Familiarity with Curriculum:

You understand how the lesson fits within the curriculum. You made links to the learning outcomes explicitly so
students can see how the activity they have done links to the learning outcomes.

LO 8, Reflect on Professional Performance:

1 enjoyed our discussion after the lesson and you were insightful about the lesson and your performance. As
you mentioned the end of the lesson was a bit rushed and you ran out of time for the kahoot. It was also a
bit awkward with the other teacher coming to do the reflection time, so your end of the lesson wasn't really
the end. Maybe you could have got the attention of the class, thanked them for their work durfng the iesson
and handed over to the next teacher. Not a big deal at all, just might have felt a bit neater.

Summary of Strengths:

• Your thinking about the structure of the lesson and what students will actually be doing. For example,
the use of the role cards to give each student a role for the day.
• The confidence to try group work and so many activities with a new group of students in the first
classroom lesson you have ever taught.
• Your encouragement and positive interactions with the students.
• You are thinking like a teacher: about the roil and the use of devices or books.

Aspects to work on:

• End - wrap up - keep an eye on time. You ran out of time for the kahoot this would have given you an
idea of what they had picked up from the lesson. Even without the kahoot you might have been nice to
Just finish with a thank you to them for the lesson to round things off, however this was a bit difficult
with the other teacher coming in to do the reflection.
• Finding a strategy to gain the attention of the class. Again, not really needed here, but something to
think about and prepare for next practicum when it might be needed.
• As this was the first lesson on this topic, it might have been good to give them some context at the
beginning about where this topic fitted or why they were learning about it.

Great job, Raiha, all the best for the rest of the year.

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