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Mixed Use Regulations

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Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones

Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose ...................................................................... 1
SECTION 9.18.020: Uses Permitted ...................................................................................... 7
SECTION 9.18.030: Specific Uses - Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards...... 23
SECTION 9.18.040: Temporary Uses................................................................................... 49
SECTION 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses ...................................................................... 53
SECTION 9.18.060: Alcohol Beverage Sales ......................................................................... 59
SECTION 9.18.070: Outdoor Sales of Goods and Merchandise ................................................. 63
SECTION 9.18.080: Reserved ............................................................................................ 65
SECTION 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones ................... 67
SECTION 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones .......... 89
SECTION 9.18.110: Development Standards for Specific Uses in Mixed Use Zones.................... 104
SECTION 9.18.120: Landscaping ...................................................................................... 108
SECTION 9.18.130: Walls, Fences, and Hedges................................................................... 114
SECTION 9.18.140: Parking ............................................................................................ 116
SECTION 9.18.150: Collection of Recyclable Materials.......................................................... 132
SECTION 9.18.160: Planned Unit Developments ................................................................. 136
SECTION 9.18.170: Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone (-HC)................................................... 138
SECTION 9.18.180: Flood Hazard Overlay Zone (-FH).......................................................... 140

Table of Contents i
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

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Table of Contents ii
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose

SECTION Overall Purpose and Intent................................................................... 1

SECTION Mixed Use Zones Establishment and Intent. ............................................ 2

SECTION Overall Purpose and Intent.

A. Purpose. These regulations for mixed use zones in the City of Garden Grove are
established to implement General Plan Land Use Element and Community Design
Element directives applicable to the Residential/Commercial Mixed Use 1,
Residential/Commercial Mixed Use 2, Residential/Commercial Mixed Use 3, Civic Center
Mixed Use, and Industrial/Residential 2 General Plan land use designations. The Mixed
Use zones provide opportunities to blend residential, commercial, industrial, and/or
civic/institutional uses as integrated developments or single-use structures. However,
some Mixed Use zones require a commercial component in any new development to
ensure that adequate commercial destinations and services are available for residents in
surrounding neighborhoods. The use regulations and development and design standards
set forth in this Chapter establish minimum standards for the use and development of
land within the Mixed Use zones.

B. Intent. The intent of the Mixed Use zones is to:

1. Bring energy and vitality to the city during both daytime and after-work hours.

2. Facilitate a pedestrian-scaled environment with buildings that provide exciting

access, well-designed landscaping, and pedestrian amenities that foster interaction.

3. Allow for the combining of complementary uses, thereby accommodating access to

several goods and services in compact locations and reducing the need for additional
vehicle trips.

4. Encourage local and regional commerce.

5. Enhance the city’s image.

6. Provide opportunities for commercial areas to work in harmony with adjacent

residential uses.

7. Provide for flexibility in the design and use of properties to respond to shifts in
markets and changing land use trends.

C. Chapter Organization. In addition to the use standards provided in Sections 9.18.020

through 9.18.070, this Chapter includes development standards specific to each of the
individual Mixed Use zones (Section 9.18.090), as well as development standards and
design guidelines that are applicable to all Mixed Use zones (Sections 9.18.100 through
9.18.150). Additional unique standards for planned unit development projects and
overlay zones are provided in Sections 9.18.160 through 9.18.180. Users of this Chapter
are required to read all of the provisions to understand how their property or properties
can be developed.

Section 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose 1

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION Mixed Use Zones Establishment and Intent. The following
Mixed Use zones and their purposes are established:

A. Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use (GGMU). The purpose of the GGMU zones is to
create and maintain a vibrant boulevard that is both a regional destination and a place
where people can work and live. The boulevard links destinations and has a distinctive
character and pattern along its length. Standards requiring enhanced building design;
trees; landscaping; amenity areas for pedestrian activity, including plazas, walkways,
and allowed outdoor dining; and creative use of open spaces contribute to an exciting
pedestrian experience. Pedestrian orientation is emphasized in site and building design
through active street frontages, well-scaled and designed buildings, and engaging
outdoor spaces. Three GGMU zones provide opportunities for varying levels of intensity
and new development along the boulevard, while ensuring sensitivity to existing nearby
residential neighborhoods. Figure 9.18-1 (Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zones
Rendering) illustrates how application of the flexible development and design standards
for the GGMU zones will work to create a grand streetscape along Garden Grove
Boulevard and encourage the interaction of uses and enhanced pedestrian activity.

1. Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use 1 (GGMU-1). The Garden Grove Boulevard
Mixed Use 1 zone applies to specific properties along Garden Grove Boulevard, and
provides for urban-scale, fully integrated commercial and residential mixed use
developments near key intersection locations, consistent with the General Plan
Residential/Commercial Mixed Use 1 land use designation. Development intensities
allow buildings up to 10 stories in height. Use regulations and development
standards encourage vibrant, urban-scale districts that attract visitors. Development
approaches provide for ample landscaping and enhanced pedestrian environments
along Garden Grove Boulevard that tie into the adjacent lower-intensity
development, with buildings generally built close to front property lines. Site and
building design highlight Garden Grove Boulevard as one of the city’s distinctive

2. Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use 2 (GGMU-2). The Garden Grove Boulevard
Mixed Use 2 zone applies to specific properties along Garden Grove Boulevard, and
provides for commercial and residential uses to be developed as integrated
developments either on a single development site or as complementary uses within a
district, such as commercial uses that provide goods and services for adjacent or
integrated residential units. This zone implements the General Plan
Residential/Commercial Mixed Use 2 and 3 land use designations. Development
intensities are lower in scale (no more than three to four stories) and respect
adjacencies to lower-density residential neighborhoods. Development approaches
provide for ample landscaping and an enhanced pedestrian environment along
Garden Grove Boulevard, with buildings oriented toward the boulevard. Site and
building design highlight Garden Grove Boulevard as one of the city’s distinctive

3. Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use 3 (GGMU-3). The Garden Grove Boulevard
Mixed Use 3 zone applies to specific properties along Garden Grove Boulevard, and
provides for commercial and residential uses to be developed as integrated
developments either on a single development site or as complementary uses within a
district, such as commercial uses that provide goods and services for adjacent or
integrated residential units. This zone implements the General Plan
Residential/Commercial Mixed Use 1 and 3 land use designations. Development
intensities are moderate in scale (no more than five to seven stories) and respect

Section 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose 2

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

adjacencies to lower-density residential neighborhoods. This zone provides a

transition between lower-intensity mixed use developments along Garden Grove
Boulevard and the most intense mixed use nodes. Development approaches provide
for ample landscaping and an enhanced pedestrian environment along Garden Grove
Boulevard, with buildings oriented toward the boulevard. Site and building design
highlight Garden Grove Boulevard as one of the city’s distinctive corridors.

FIGURE 9.18-1: Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zones Rendering

Section 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose 3

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

B. Civic Center (CC) Zones. Four Civic Center zones provide for a mix of civic,
institutional, educational, commercial, high-density residential, and open space uses
within a pedestrian-oriented district. Developments are linked via local streets and
pedestrian ways to create easy access to complementary uses, and to provide a center
in the community where people can engage in civic, business, educational, and
recreational activities near their homes. Parking facilities can be built to respond to the
pedestrian orientation of the district and the ability of uses to share parking based on
their functions and demands. The Civic Center is recognized as the historic city core and
a public gathering place. Design, development, and use standards are intended to
reinforce the area’s continued function as an area of prominence. Development
standards bring building frontages and shopfronts towards the sidewalk, forming a
consistent streetwall that enhances the pedestrian environment and supports a viable
retail experience. These zones implement the General Plan Civic Center Mixed Use land
use designation.

1. Civic Center – East (CC-1). This zone allows for institutional and educational uses,
together with a mix of residential and commercial uses. The intent is to allow uses
and development approaches that maintain the character and form of the established
neighborhoods within the Civic Center district. Existing residential structures may
continue to be used for residential purposes or may be adapted for commercial use,
provided that applicable development standards can be met.

2. Civic Center – Main Street (CC-2). This zone applies to the historic Main Street
District, a Garden Grove landmark. Main Street is recognized as a place of special
character and aesthetic interest and value. This zone is established to preserve and
enhance buildings and structures of historic and cultural significance, and incidental
uses that advance and preserve the Main Street character and charm.

3. Civic Center – Core (CC-3). This zone is established to encourage civic,

educational, commercial, high-density residential, and compatible uses that enliven
the City’s core and work together to create a walkable, lively district that encourages
interaction and engagement in community activities. Shared parking facilities,
pedestrian orientation of buildings, high-quality architecture, and pedestrian-scale
landscaping, pathways, and signage reinforce the goal to create places where
people, not cars, predominate.

4. Civic Center – Open Space (CC-OS). This zone applies to public properties
dedicated to active and passive recreation uses, civic engagement, arts and culture,
and institutional activities that benefit a broad population.

C. Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU). The Neighborhood Mixed Use zone is intended to
enhance, revitalize, and provide opportunities for new development in neighborhood
commercial centers. This zone allows for retail and service commercial businesses and
moderate-density residential uses. Residential and commercial uses may be provided
together as an integrated mixed use development, or stand-alone commercial uses are
permitted. However, all new residential development in the NMU zone is required to
include a commercial component. Commercial uses and intensities are limited to those
that serve local neighborhood needs, and that are compatible with adjacent and
surrounding residential development. Compatible public and institutional facilities are
allowed as well. This zone implements the General Plan Residential/Commercial Mixed
Use 2 land use designation.

Section 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose 4

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

D. Adaptive Reuse (AR). The Adaptive Reuse zone allows for a mix of work-live, light
industrial, technology, creative industry, office, limited entertainment, and
complementary uses near the City’s civic core. Residential uses are permitted only as
work-live, either in new developments or as adaptive reuse of existing structures. Light
industrial uses must be low impact in nature and compatible with any nearby existing or
allowed residential uses. Development generally is low to moderate in scale, with higher
intensities appropriate closer to existing and planned transit and multiuse corridors.
Preferred approaches to creating new spaces for allowed uses include the adaptive reuse
of existing structures and new development that supports innovative research and
development uses. Projects shall be designed to optimize pedestrian movements
between the AR zone and the CC zones. This zone implements the Industrial/Residential
Mixed Use 2 land use designation.

Section 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose 5

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

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Section 9.18.010: Mixed Use Zones - Purpose 6

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION 9.18.020: Uses Permitted

SECTION Permitted Uses................................................................................... 7

SECTION Prohibited Uses. ................................................................................. 7
SECTION Uses Restricted to Indoor..................................................................... 7
TABLE 9.18-1 Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones .............................................................. 8
SECTION Required Notification for all Residential Uses. ........................................ 21
SECTION Use Regulations Applicable to all Commercial Uses. ................................ 21
SECTION Use Regulations Applicable to all Industrial Uses. ................................... 21
SECTION Restrictions on Uses and Activities within a Vertically Integrated
Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Development. .................................................................... 21

SECTION Permitted Uses. Land, buildings, and other facilities shall be
designed, developed, and used only for those activities listed for the various zones in Table
9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones). The symbols used in this Table 9.18-1
shall have the following meanings:

P = Permitted. Use permitted by right.

C = Conditional Use. Use eligible for consideration under the conditional use procedures
and permitted only if the conditional use permit is approved, subject to the specific
conditions of such permit.

I = Incidental Use. Use permitted only if incidental to another primary use on the same
site. If incidental to a use authorized by a conditional use permit, such incidental
use is permitted only if included within the terms of the conditional use permit.

[ ] = Not a permitted use.

SECTION Prohibited Uses. Any use not specifically indicated in Table
9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones) as a permitted use, incidental use, or
conditional use shall be prohibited. Pursuant to Section 9.32.030.D.7 (Interpretation of
Use), the hearing body may make an interpretation of use to determine whether a use not
listed could be considered similar to a listed use.

SECTION Uses Restricted to Indoor. Unless otherwise indicated in this

Chapter 9.18 or allowed by conditional use permit, all uses listed in Table 9.18-1 (Use
Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones) must be conducted wholly within an enclosed building.
Exceptions to this restriction are noted in this Chapter and are generally intended to foster a
lively pedestrian environment, such as outdoor dining, vehicular vending, and nonvehicular
vending kiosks.

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 7

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted
Permitted Uses Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Residential and Associated Uses
Residential Uses
See Section
Single Family Dwelling P (Existing Nonconforming
Single Family Dwellings).
Minimum density of 10
units/acre required in
GGMU zones.

Residential development
requires a commercial
component in GGMU-1
Multiple Family Residential Use -
(unless 100% affordable
Stand-alone use with no P P P
development) and certain
commercial component
properties in CC-3; see
(Restrictions on Uses and
Activities within a Vertically
Integrated Residential/
Commercial Mixed Use
Minimum density of 10
units/acre required. Section – Special
Requirements Small Lot
Small Lot Subdivision P P Subdivisions (Chapter 9.12
– Multi-Family Residential
Development Standards)
shall apply to all proposed
small lot subdivisions.
Supportive and Transitional
Community Care Facility,
6 Persons or Fewer P P P P
7 Persons or More C C C
Child Day Care Center C C C C C
Family day care operations
Family Day Care Home (1-14 are only permitted as an
Children) incidental use to detached
single-family units.
Foster Home P P P

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 8

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Intermediate Care Facility C C C
Skilled Nursing Facility C C C
Miscellaneous Residential and Incidental to Residential
GGMU, CC-3, and AR
zones: Accessory buildings
Accessory Buildings and
I I I I I I I incidental to detached
single-family units are
Agricultural Growing and Produce
Community Garden and Produce
Garage sales are allowed
incidental to detached
single-family units and
subject to the requirements
Garage Sale I I
of Section
(Garage Sales – Incidental
to a Single-Family
Residential Unit).
See Section
Home Occupations I I I I I I
(Home Occupations).
See Section
(Restrictions on Uses and
Activities within a Vertically
Integrated Residential/
Residential/Commercial Mixed
P P P P P P Commercial Mixed Use
Use Development
Development) for
restrictions on uses and
required commercial
See Section
Work-Live C C C C
(Work-Live Units).
Offices and Related Uses
Administrative/Business P P P P P P
Banks/Financial Institution P P P P P
Medical, Dental and Related
Health Service Support Facilities
Prescription Pharmacy P P P P P
Professional and Clerical P P P P P P

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 9

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Public Utility (Commercial) C C C C C C C
Professional Studios
Art, Music, Dance, and Martial See Section
Arts (Arts and Crafts Studios).
1,500 sf and smaller P P P P P P
Larger than 1,500 sf P C C C
See Section
Crafts, Photography, and Portrait P P P P P P
(Arts and Crafts Studios).
Radio/TV and Recording
1,500 sf and smaller P P P P P P
Larger than 1,500 sf C C C C
Athletic and Health Clubs, Gyms See Section
1,500 sf and smaller P P P P P P (Athletic and Health Clubs,
Spas, and Gyms with
Massage and/or Bathhouse
Larger than 1,500 sf C C C C Facilities) where use
includes massage and/or
bathhouse facilities.
Barber/Beauty Shop P P P P P P
Pick-up and drop-off only;
Dry Cleaning-Limited P P P P P no cleaning equipment
permitted on the premises.
No industrial dry cleaning
businesses permitted. Use
Dry Cleaning with on-site
C C C limited to dry cleaning
cleaning equipment
businesses serving retail
customers only.
See Section
Fortunetelling P C
Laundromat (Coin-operated) P C P
In the CC-1 zone, limited to
Physical Therapy (Medical Use) P P P P P P
2,000 sf.
Shoe Repair P P P P P P
Tailor/Dressmaking P P P P P P
In all GGMU zones, no
tanning parlor shall be
Tanning Parlor C C located closer than 1,000
feet from any other tanning

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 10

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Permitted as incidental to a
barber/beauty shop in CC
zones and AR zone.
Tattoo, Facial P I I I C I See also Title 6, Chapter 38
(Tattooing Establishment
and Operation
In all GGMU zones, no
tattoo parlor shall be
located closer than 1,000
feet from any other tattoo
parlor. Also, the entrance
shall be oriented only
toward a principal, major,
Tattoo, General C C C
or primary arterial street,
as defined in the General
Plan Circulation Element.
See also Title 6, Chapter 38
(Tattooing Establishment
and Operation
Tourist Services
See Section
Bed and Breakfast C C C
(Bed and Breakfast).
See Section
Extended-Stay Business Hotel C C C (Extended-Stay Business
See Section
Hotel, Motel C C C
Ticket Agency P P P P P
Travel Agency P P P P P
Recreation, Amusement, Entertainment
See Section 9.18.050
Adult Entertainment C (Adult Entertainment
See Section
Arcades C C (Arcades and Incidental
Amusement Devices).
See Section
Billiards/Pool Hall C C
(Billiard/Pool Hall).
See Section
Bowling Alley C C
(Bowling Alley).
Cybercafes C C

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 11

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Hours of operation shall be
from no earlier than 7:00
A.M. to no later than 10:00
Golf Driving Ranges C
P.M. All lighting shall be
directed away from
abutting properties.
See Section
Incidental Amusements Devices I I I I (Arcades and Incidental
Amusement Devices).
Live Entertainment C C C C C C
Movie C C C C
Private Clubs and Lodges C C C C
Skating Rinks/Parks C C C
Tennis, Swimming Clubs C C C
See Section 9.18.060 (Alcohol Beverage Sales) regarding on-sale and
Retail Trade
off-sale of alcohol.
Antique Shops P P P P P
Apparel: Clothing, Shoes and
Art Gallery and Sales P P P P P P
Books, Magazines, Newsstand (in In AR zone, permitted as
building) incidental to allowed use.
In CC and NMU zones,
buildings with up to 40,000
sf of gross floor area are
permitted by right;
Building Supply, Plumbing Shop P P/C P/C
buildings larger than
40,000 sf may be allowed
with a conditional use
In CC and NMU zones,
buildings with up to 40,000
sf of gross floor area are
permitted by right;
Department Stores P P/C P/C
buildings larger than
40,000 sf may be allowed
with a conditional use
Drug Stores P P P P
Florists P P P P P I

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 12

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Furniture, Carpets, Household
Gifts and Souvenirs P P P P P I
Hardware, Paint P P P P P
Hobby Shop P P P P P
See Section
Indoor Multi-Tenant Retail
C C (Indoor Multi-Tenant Retail
Shopping Center
Shopping Center).
Jewelry, Cameras and Supplies,
See Section
Nonvehicular Vending Kiosk P I/C I/C I/P (Nonvehicular Vending
See Section
Nurseries – Retail sales only P P P (Nursery – Retail Sales
Retail sales only. No
outdoor staging or parking
Pawnshop, Secondhand Store C C
areas for drop-off are
All sales of merchandise,
pets and equipment and
storage of supplies shall be
within an enclosed building.
Pets and Pet Supplies P P P P
Any overnight boarding
shall be subject to
conditions of Section (Kennel).
Sporting Goods P P P P
Stationery and Office Supplies-No
Toys P P P P P
In the CC and NMU zones,
buildings with up to 40,000
sf of gross floor area are
permitted by right;
Variety, Dry Goods Stores P P/C P/C P/C
buildings larger than
40,000 sf may be allowed
with a conditional use
Food/Drink Sales and

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 13

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Alcohol Sales, On-Sales and Off- See Section 9.18.060
Sales (Alcohol Beverage Sales).
See Section
Bar/Nightclub C C
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales).
Candy, Confectionery P P P P P
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
Convenience Grocery P P P P P
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
Delicatessen P P P P P C
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
Food, Carry-out P P P P P
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
Food Catering I I I I I P
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
Liquor Store C C C C
(Alcohol Beverage Sales).
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
Meat Market P P P P P
No sale or slaughter of live
animals shall take place, be
allowed or provided for.
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
Mini-Market with Gas C C C
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
Supermarket P P P
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 14

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
See Section
Vehicular Vending (Food Truck) I I I I (Vehicular Vending Food
Eating See Section 9.18.060 (Alcohol Beverage Sales) regarding on-sale and
Establishment/Restaurant off-sale of alcohol.
See Section 9.18.060
Brew Pub C C C C C
(Alcohol Beverage Sales).
Refer to Title 5, Chapter 70
(Regulation of
Coffeehouses) for
additional applicable

In the CC-2 zone, a

Coffeehouse P P/C C P P coffeehouse with live
entertainment shall require
a CUP and shall meet the
requirements of Section (Eating
with Limited
Allowed in all zones
indicated if no alcohol
sales. Requires a
Conditional Use Permit with
Eating Establishment/Restaurant P P P P P P
alcohol sales. See Section
9.18.060 (Alcohol Beverage
Sales) for any associated
sale of alcoholic beverages.
See Section
(Eating Establishment with
Eating Establishment/Restaurant
with Entertainment
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 15

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
See Section
with Limited
Eating Establishment/Restaurant Entertainment).
with Limited Entertainment
See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
Ice Cream, Bakery (retail sales (Alcohol Beverage Sales)
and food service only) for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section
(Outdoor Dining at Eating
Outdoor Dining at Eating
Establishment/Restaurant See Section 9.18.060
(Alcohol Beverage Sales)
for any associated sale of
alcoholic beverages.
See Section 9.18.060
Wine Tasting Establishment C C C C C C
(Alcohol Beverage Sales).

Vehicle Sales and Service

Auto Broker, office only with no

vehicle storage
Auto Parts, Accessories
No Installations P P P P
Installations C P P
Auto Lease/Rental C P P
Specific activities are
explicitly not permitted;
Auto Maintenance - Minor C C C P
see Section
(Auto Repair).
Specific activities are
explicitly not permitted;
Auto Repair - General C C P
see Section
(Auto Repair).
Auto Repair (including paint or See Section
body work) (Auto Repair).

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 16

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
See Section
Automatic Car Wash C C C
(Automatic Car Wash).
In the CC-2 zone, repairs
Bicycle Repair P P I P P P incidental to retail sales
facility only.
Bicycle Sales/Rental P P P P P P
Boat Repair C
See Section
Boat Sales C (Motor Vehicle and Boat
Bus/Truck Repair C
See Section
Motorcycle Sales C C
(Motorcycle Sales).
See Section
Motor Vehicle Sales (New) C (Motor Vehicle and Boat
See Section
Motor Vehicle Sales (Used) C (Motor Vehicle and Boat
Hours of operation shall be
Self-Service or Coin-Operated limited to the period from
Car Wash no earlier than 7:00 A.M. to
no later than 10:00 P.M.
Service Stations (new and See Section
conversion of existing) (Service Station).
Tire Sales and Service C P
See Section
Truck, Trailer Rental I I I
(Truck, Trailer Rental).
Other Services
May include accessory sales
and living accommodations
Ambulance Service C C
for on-duty ambulance
service personnel.
Blueprint/Photo Engraving,
Newspaper Printing
Day Care Center C C C C C
Day Care Facility, Adult C C C C C
See Section
Drive-through Facility C C C
(Drive-through Facilities).

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 17

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
See Section
Equipment Rental (Equipment Rentals – Large
and Small).
Small I I I P
Large C
See Section
Graphic Arts/Photocopying P P P P P P (Graphic Arts/
See Section
Home Improvement Center P C P (Home Improvement
Allowed only as incidental
to veterinary clinic, dog day
Kennel I I I I care, or pet store. See
See Section
Neighborhood Recycling Center I I I (Neighborhood Recycling
All parking in parking
facilities shall be
temporary; no such parking
Parking Facilities (For Fee) C C C C C C C area shall be used for car
sales (used or new) or for
the permanent storage of
No overnight boarding of
pets permitted.
Pet Grooming (no boarding) P P P P P P
The use must be conducted
entirely within an enclosed
Small Animal See Section
Hospital/Veterinary/Dog Day C C C C C (Small Animal Hospital/
Care Veterinary/Dog Day Care).
The provisions of Title 5,
Chapter 75 (Regulation of
Smoking Lounges) shall
Smoking Lounge C C C
apply, as shall Section (Smoking

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 18

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Upholstery Repair Retail only. Use may
Furniture P C P P include assembly of
furniture from pre-
Vehicles C C manufactured frames.
See Section
Food Products, Dairy Products, (Food Products, Dairy
and Bakery Products Products, and Bakery
See Section
Handicraft/Arts and Industry P (Handicraft Arts and
Industry, restricted C
Industry, restricted, small scale P
Industry, standard C
Laboratories P
Medical uses – Small dental and
optical labs with maximum 1,200 P P P P
sf of tenant space
Not permitted when located
adjacent to a residential
Lumber Yards and Material
C zone or properties
Storage Yards
improved with single-family
or multi-family housing.
Parcel Delivery Service P
Parcel Delivery Service, small
scale (e.g., UPS store, delivery P P P P
service, mailboxes, etc.)
Must be related to primary
Warehouses and Storage use and shall not exceed
Buildings 40% of gross building
square footage.
In the CC-3 zone,
Helistop C C permitted in association
only with a public use.

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 19

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

TABLE 9.18-1
Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones
P Permitted By Right
TABLE 9.18-1
C Conditional Use Permit Required
I Permitted as an Incidental Use
Not Permitted

Permitted Uses GGMU CC NMU AR

Additional Regulations
-1, -2, and Comments
-1 -2 -3 -OS
and -3
Public and Semi-Public
See Section
Church and Other Religious
C C C C C (Churches and Other
Religious Centers).
Applicant shall furnish proof
of a valid federal
Commercial Radio/TV Towers C C C
communications license
prior to approval.
Educational institutions
shall be located on a
minimum site area of one
acre, whether in
combination with another
Educational Institutions C C C C use or as the sole use of
the property. However,
establishments with a
primary use of providing
tutoring services are not
subject to this restriction.
Hospital - Medical or Psychiatric C C C
Public Buildings (Civic Center,
Library, County, State or Federal)
Public Recreational Facilities P P P P P P P
Public Safety Facilities (Fire,
Public Utility Stations and
Equipment Buildings
Trade or Business School C C C C

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 20

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION Required Notification for all Residential Uses.

A. Resident Notification. Residents of new residential and residential/commercial mixed

use development projects in any Mixed Use zone where residential uses are allowed,
whether owners or tenants, shall be notified in writing before taking up residence that
they will be living in an urban-type environment and that noise levels may be higher
than a strictly residential area.

B. Acknowledgement of Notification Receipt. The covenants, conditions, and

restrictions of a residential or mixed use project shall require that prospective residents
acknowledge the receipt of the written noise notification. Signatures shall confirm
receipt and understanding of this information.

SECTION Use Regulations Applicable to all Commercial Uses.

A. Performance Standards. All operations conducted on the premises shall not create a
nuisance by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, steam, vibration, or other similar

B. Products Produced on Premises. All products that are manufactured or processed on

the premises in conjunction with a permitted use shall be sold on the premises as retail

C. On-site Storage. Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold at

retail on the premises, or used as an element of an activity permitted on the premises.
Such storage shall be placed within a wholly enclosed building or structure, unless
otherwise permitted by this Chapter.

SECTION Use Regulations Applicable to all Industrial Uses. All

operations conducted on the property shall not create a nuisance by reason of noise, odor,
dust, mud, smoke, steam, vibration, or other similar causes.

SECTION Restrictions on Uses and Activities within a Vertically

Integrated Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Development.

A. Required Commercial Component. In the GGMU-1, CC-2, CC-3, NMU, and AR zones,
stand-alone residential development shall not be permitted. All vertically integrated
mixed use developments shall require a minimum commercial component as follows:

1. GGMU-1 Zone. In the GGMU-1 zone, the commercial development component shall
comprise a minimum of 0.3 FAR of the overall development. However, any project
consisting entirely of deed-restricted affordable housing shall not be required to have
a commercial component. See Section (Garden Grove Boulevard
Mixed Use Zone Development Standards).

2. CC-2 Zone. In the CC-2 zone, residential uses shall be permitted only on the second
and third floors. See Section (Additional Regulations Specific to the
CC-2 Zone).

3. CC-3 Zone. In the CC-3 zone, commercial storefronts and related and fully
functional commercial spaces are required along street frontages per Section (Storefronts and Commercial Uses Required at Ground Floors) and
Figure 9.18-11 (CC Required Storefronts/Ground Floor Commercial Uses).

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 21

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

4. NMU Zone. In the NMU zone, the commercial development component shall
comprise a minimum of 0.2 FAR of the overall development. See Section (Neighborhood Mixed Use Zone Development Standards).

5. AR Zone. In the AR zone, only work-live units are permitted as part of a

residential/commercial mixed use development; multiple family residential units are
not permitted, per Section (Adaptive Reuse Zone Development

B. Prohibited Activities within Vertically Integrated Mixed Use. The following

activities shall be prohibited within any vertically integrated residential/commercial
mixed use development:

1. Auto Repair – General, Auto Repair including paint or body work, Auto Maintenance
– Minor, or any similar use.

2. Manufacturing or industrial activities, including but not limited to welding, machining,

or any open flame work, except those permitted as part of a work-live development
in the AR zone.

3. Any other activity, as determined by the responsible review authority, to be

incompatible with residential activities and/or to have the possibility of affecting the
health or safety of residents due to the potential for the use to create late-night
activity, dust, glare, heat, noise, noxious gases, odor, smoke, traffic, vibration, or
other impacts, or would be hazardous because of materials, processes, products, or

C. Loading and Unloading Activities. Where applicable, the covenants, conditions, and
restrictions of a residential/commercial mixed use development shall indicate the times
when the loading and unloading of goods may occur, provided that, in no event, shall
loading or unloading take place after 10:00 P.M. or before 7:00 A.M. on any day of the

D. Change in Use. After approval and project completion/issuance of a certificate of

occupancy permit, a mixed use building shall not be converted to entirely residential use
unless such use is permitted in the zone in which it is located.

Section 9.18.020: Uses Permitted 22

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION 9.18.030: Specific Uses - Special Operating Conditions

and Development Standards

SECTION Purpose. ......................................................................................... 23

SECTION Adult Entertainment. ......................................................................... 24
SECTION Alcohol Sales. .................................................................................. 24
SECTION Arcades and Incidental Amusement Devices. ......................................... 24
SECTION Arts and Craft Studios. ...................................................................... 24
SECTION Athletic and Health Clubs, Spas, and Gyms with Massage and/or Bathhouse
Facilities. .......................................................................................................................... 25
SECTION Auto Repair (including paint or body work, general, and minor). ............... 25
SECTION Automatic Car Wash.......................................................................... 26
SECTION Bar/Nightclub................................................................................... 26
SECTION Bed and Breakfast. ........................................................................... 27
SECTION Billiard/Pool Hall. .............................................................................. 28
SECTION Bowling Alley. .................................................................................. 29
SECTION Churches and Other Religious Centers. ................................................. 29
SECTION Drive-through Facilities...................................................................... 30
SECTION Eating Establishment with Entertainment; Bars/Nightclubs....................... 31
SECTION Eating Establishment/Restaurant with Limited Entertainment. .................. 33
SECTION Equipment Rentals – Large and Small. ................................................. 34
SECTION Extended-Stay Business Hotels. .......................................................... 34
SECTION Food Products, Dairy Products, and Bakery Products............................... 34
SECTION Fortunetelling................................................................................... 34
SECTION Garage Sales – Incidental to a Single-Family Residential Unit. .................. 35
SECTION Graphic Arts/Photocopying. ................................................................ 35
SECTION Handicraft Arts and Industry............................................................... 35
SECTION Home Improvement Center. ............................................................... 36
SECTION Home Occupations. ........................................................................... 36
SECTION Hotel/Motel...................................................................................... 37
SECTION Indoor Multi-Tenant Retail Shopping Center. ......................................... 37
SECTION Kennel. ........................................................................................... 37
SECTION Motorcycle Sales............................................................................... 38
SECTION Motor Vehicle and Boat Sales.............................................................. 38
SECTION Neighborhood Recycling Center........................................................... 38
SECTION Nonvehicular Vending Kiosks. ............................................................. 39
SECTION Nursery – Retail Sales Only. ............................................................... 39
SECTION Outdoor Dining at Eating Establishment/Restaurant................................ 39
SECTION Service Station (New and Conversion of Existing)................................... 41
SECTION Small Animal Hospital/Veterinary/Dog Day Care..................................... 44
SECTION Smoking Lounges. ............................................................................ 44
SECTION Truck, Trailer Rental.......................................................................... 45
SECTION Vehicular Vending............................................................................. 45
SECTION Work-Live Units................................................................................ 45

SECTION Purpose. Certain uses require the application of specific

conditions and development standards to address site and operating characteristics that
have the potential to adversely affect adjacent properties. For uses requiring a conditional
use permit, the standards set forth in this Section 9.18.030 shall apply in addition to any
particular conditions applied through the conditional use permit process. For those uses
allowed as a matter of right, the standards set forth in this Section 9.18.030 for those
particular uses shall apply.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 23
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION Adult Entertainment. See Section 9.18.050 (Adult

Entertainment Uses).

SECTION Alcohol Sales. See Section 9.18.060 (Alcohol Beverage Sales).

SECTION Arcades and Incidental Amusement Devices.

A. Arcades as the Principal Use.

1. Arcades shall not be permitted in any location that would tend to produce a hazard
or nuisance to adjacent properties and/or permitted uses and activities.

2. With the exception of emergency access, all pedestrian and vehicular access to an
arcade shall be oriented toward a principal, major, or primary arterial street, such as
Garden Grove Boulevard, Magnolia Street, or Brookhurst Street. Access via a
secondary arterial or local residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials and local
residential streets are defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

3. Arcades shall be located at least 600 feet from any school, adult entertainment
business, or other arcade, and at least 200 feet from any property zoned for
residential use or containing a residential use, or any bar or nightclub. Within a
residential/commercial mixed use development, an applicant for an arcade may
request a waiver of these distance requirements as part of the conditional use permit
process, provided that the establishment complies with all other distance and
pedestrian and vehicular access requirements of this code.

4. Doors of the establishment shall be kept closed at all times during operation of the
establishment, except in the case of emergency or to permit deliveries.

5. The interior of arcades shall be arranged in a manner that all amusement devices
and public spaces can be viewed from a single supervisory or cashier station.

6. A responsible adult employee shall be on duty throughout the hours that such
establishment is open for business.

B. Incidental Amusement Devices. Up to and including nine incidental amusement

devices may be permitted incidental to a permitted use. Incidental amusement devices
shall be subject to operating conditions regulating number, location, noise, hours,
security, and size in order to eliminate or reduce adverse impacts on the primary use
and nearby uses.

SECTION Arts and Craft Studios. Arts and crafts studios and similar
establishments allowed by the Chapter are permitted, subject to the following conditions:

A. Intent. The intent of such studios is the provision of a service, as opposed to

manufacture of goods or wares.

B. Equipment Scale. Any equipment or apparatus used on the premises shall be of a scale
and construction that facilitate easy handling and operation by nonprofessionals.

C. Operations. The operation shall not be noxious or objectionable to surrounding


Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 24
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION Athletic and Health Clubs, Spas, and Gyms with Massage
and/or Bathhouse Facilities. Such uses shall require a conditional use permit and shall
be subject to the following conditions:

A. Facilities where massage and/or bathhouse services are proposed shall be subject to the

1. The operator and each masseur or masseuse shall obtain a permit as required in
Title 5, Chapter 12 (Massage Regulations).

2. Minimum occupancy shall be 15,000 square feet.

3. No alcoholic beverage control license shall be issued for the premises.

4. No entertainment shall be permitted on the premises.

5. Operation of the facility shall not be permitted before six A.M. or after 10 P.M.

6. The establishment shall be open to the public, and shall provide facilities for men and
women; except the massage and bathhouse areas shall be segregated by gender.

7. No one under eighteen years of age shall be permitted within the establishment
unless accompanied by a parent.

8. Specified anatomical areas, as stated in Section (Specified Sexual

Activities and Anatomical Areas), shall be clothed with opaque material at all times in
the massage and bathhouse areas.

9. A conditional use permit for an athletic or health club, spa or gym with massage
and/or a bathhouse shall be considered to be null and void if the establishment
ceases operation for thirty or more consecutive days.

10.All conditional use permits shall expire three years after issuance unless, upon
application, a conditional use permit is extended by the hearing body upon finding
that the use has been operated in compliance with all conditions of approval and
applicable codes, and is not a nuisance to surrounding properties.

SECTION Auto Repair (including paint or body work, general, and
minor). All auto repair uses shall be subject to the following regulations:

A. Enclosed Building. All work, including but not limited to vehicle repair, restoration,
storage areas and business operations, shall be conducted within a wholly enclosed

B. Parking. Customers and employees shall be required to park on site.

C. Equipment Storage. Used or damaged equipment removed from vehicles during the
repair process shall be stored indoors or shall be deposited in an approved covered
outdoor collection receptacle for appropriate off-site disposal.

D. Public Streets. No vehicles shall be stored on public streets.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 25
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

E. Service Bay Screening and Access. Service bays for vehicle repair, restoration, and
storage shall be screened from direct view from public rights-of-way and private
properties. All service bay doors shall take vehicular access from either an interior side
or rear of building. If service bays face a street, the service bays shall be situated
parallel to a secondary street or alley.

F. Distance Requirements. No new auto repair business shall be established if such

business is within 1,000 feet of any other auto repair business.

G. Services Not Permitted. The following auto repair services are explicitly not permitted
in any Mixed Use zone, except the AR zone: vehicle body work, painting, upholstery
installation and repair, and recapping or retreading of tires.

SECTION Automatic Car Wash. Automatic car washes shall be subject to
the following regulations:

A. Enclosed Building. Any car wash in which power-driven or steam cleaning equipment
is used shall be contained wholly within a completely enclosed building, with openings
for the entrance and/or exit of vehicles. Any activity involving hand drying of vehicles
does not require enclosure within a building. Hand drying shall only be conducted in
areas not used for required parking or vehicular circulation.

B. Noise. Any sound emanating from the operation shall be in conformance with those
standards adopted by the City for the control of noise and noise sources.

C. Hours of Operation. Operation shall not be allowed before 7:00 A.M. and after 10:00

SECTION Bar/Nightclub.

A. Additional Regulations. All bars and nightclubs shall be subject to the requirements
set forth in Section 9.18.060 (Alcohol Beverage Sales). Where entertainment is
provided, the regulations of Section (Eating Establishment with
Entertainment) shall also apply.

B. Location Restrictions.

1. Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs with entertainment shall not be permitted to be

located within 200 feet of any “R” zoned property or any PUD established exclusively
for residential use, any property containing a residential use, or any building owned
and occupied by a public agency.

2. With exception of emergency access, all pedestrian and vehicular access to a bar or
nightclub shall be oriented toward a principal, major, or arterial street, such as
Garden Grove Boulevard, Magnolia Street, and Brookhurst Street. Access via a
secondary arterial or local residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials and local
residential streets are defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

C. Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions. For a residential/commercial mixed use

development project, as defined in this Title, any property owner or his or her
authorized agent may, as part of the conditional use permit process, apply to the
hearing body for a waiver from any of the distance and location provisions contained
and/or cross-referenced in this Section. The hearing body, through the hearing process

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 26
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

for the conditional use permit, may grant a waiver to any distance or location provision
for a residential/commercial mixed use development if the following findings can be

1. That the proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to
nearby properties, and that the spirit and intent of this Section will be observed;

2. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of
neighboring property or cause or exacerbate the development of urban blight;

3. That the use will not interfere with the operations of other businesses or uses on the

4. That the establishment of an additional regulated use in the area will not be contrary
to any program of neighborhood conservation or revitalization, nor will it interfere
with any program being carried out pursuant to the community redevelopment law;

5. That the establishment complies with all other distance and pedestrian and vehicular
requirements of this code; and

6. That all applicable regulations of this code will be observed.

SECTION Bed and Breakfast. Bed and breakfasts shall require a
conditional use permit and shall be subject to the following regulations:

A. Limitation on Services Provided. Meals and rental of bedrooms shall be limited to

registered guests. Separate or additional kitchens for guests are prohibited. No cooking
facilities shall be allowed in guest rooms.

B. Occupancy. Guest occupancy shall be limited to 14 days during any 30-day period and
80 days during any 365-day period.

C. Type of Residence. Bed-and-breakfast inns shall be managed and occupied by the

owner of the property.

D. Existing Building. Bed-and-breakfast inns shall only be permitted as an adaptive reuse

occurring in an existing building.

E. Parking. Parking spaces shall be provided according to the standards of Section (Parking Spaces Required). Such spaces shall not encumber access to a
required parking space for the residential use.

F. Adjoining Property Owner Comments. Prior to the hearing body’s action on the
application, the applicant shall provide evidence that written comments have been
solicited from all owners and occupants of properties adjoining the proposed use. Any
written comments received shall be submitted to the hearing body.

G. Transient Occupancy Permit. A transient occupancy permit shall be obtained prior to

activating the conditional use permit.

H. Signage. All signs shall be externally lighted only and shall be turned off by 10:00 P.M.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 27
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION Billiard/Pool Hall.

A. Conditional Use Permit Required. Billiard and pool halls shall require a conditional
use permit and be subject to the requirements set forth in Title 5, Chapter 40 (Pool
Rooms) of the Municipal Code. In addition, a conditional use permit for a billiard parlor
or pool hall shall be considered to be null and void if the establishment ceases operation
for 30 or more consecutive days.

B. Location Restrictions.

1. Billiard and pool halls shall not be permitted to be located within 200 feet of any “R”
zoned property or any PUD established exclusively for residential use, any property
containing a residential use, or any building owned and occupied by a public agency.

2. Billiard and pool halls shall not be permitted in a location which would tend to
produce a hazard or nuisance to other permitted uses and activities in the vicinity,
including such considerations as noise, late night operations, loitering, and public

C. Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions. For a residential/commercial mixed use

development project, as defined in this Title, any property owner or his or her
authorized agent may, as part of the conditional use permit process, apply to the
hearing body for a waiver from any of the distance and location provisions contained
and/or cross-referenced in this Section. The hearing body, through the hearing process
for the conditional use permit, may grant a waiver to any distance or location provision
for a residential/commercial mixed use development if the following findings can be

1. That the proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to
nearby properties, and that the spirit and intent of this Section will be observed;

2. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of
neighboring property or cause or exacerbate the development of urban blight;

3. That the use will not interfere with the operations of other businesses or uses on the

4. That the establishment of an additional regulated use in the area will not be contrary
to any program of neighborhood conservation or revitalization, nor will it interfere
with any program being carried out pursuant to the community redevelopment law;

5. That the establishment complies with all other distance and pedestrian and vehicular
requirements of this code; and

6. That all applicable regulations of this code will be observed.

D. Access. With the exception of emergency access, all pedestrian and vehicular access to
a billiard or pool hall shall be oriented toward a principal, major, or primary arterial
street, such as Garden Grove Boulevard, Magnolia Street, and Brookhurst Avenue.
Access via a secondary arterial or local residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials
and local residential streets are defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 28
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

E. Doors. Doors of the establishment shall be kept closed at all times during the operation
of the establishment except in the case of an emergency or to permit deliveries.

F. Conditions on Use. The hearing body shall have the authority to impose conditions on
a billiard or pool hall to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Section and to
mitigate against potential nuisance or public safety concerns. Those conditions may
include, but are not limited to, restricting hours of operation, requirements for security
lighting and cameras, requirements for private security, monitoring of parking lots, and
background checks of operators and employees.

G. Denial. The hearing body shall have the authority to deny a conditional use permit
application for a billiard or pool hall if the hearing body finds, based on evidence on the
record, that approval of such a use would result in an undue concentration of uses with
the potential to create adverse conditions within the surrounding area with respect to
noise, traffic, late night activities, calls for police services, and other public health,
safety, and welfare concerns.

SECTION Bowling Alley.

A. Conditional Use Permit Required. Bowling alleys shall require a conditional use
permit. In addition, a conditional use permit for a bowling alley shall be considered to
be null and void if the establishment ceases operation for 30 or more consecutive days.

B. Location Restrictions. Bowling alleys shall not be permitted in a location which would
tend to produce a hazard or nuisance to other permitted uses and activities in the
vicinity, including such considerations as noise, late night operations, loitering, and
public safety.

C. Access. With the exception of emergency access, all pedestrian and vehicular access to
a bowling alley shall be oriented toward a principal, major, or primary arterial street,
such as Garden Grove Boulevard, Magnolia Street, and Brookhurst Avenue. Access via a
secondary arterial or local residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials and local
residential streets are defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

D. Doors. Doors of the establishment shall be kept closed at all times during the operation
of the establishment except in the case of an emergency or to permit deliveries.

SECTION Churches and Other Religious Centers. The following

regulations shall apply:

A. Minimum Site Area. In the CC-1 zone, the minimum site area for a new church or
other religious center use shall be one acre.

B. Front Yard Setback – Primary Use Buildings. The depth of the required front yard
for churches, sanctuaries, or main assembly buildings shall be 40 feet when entrances
are located in the front of the building. However, when building entrances do not face
the front yard, the main structure shall be required to provide only a front yard setback
specified in the zone in which the building is located.

C. Front Yard Setback – Accessory Use Buildings The depth of the required front yard
for accessory buildings, e.g., permitted school buildings, showers or restroom facilities,
etc., shall be only the front yard required in the zone in which they are located, provided
said structures have no entrance facing the front yard.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 29
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

D. Front Yard Setback – Parking. The required front yard for any off-street parking area
shall be no less than that required for the zone in which the parking area is located,
provided that a solid or decorative masonry wall of 42 inches in height is provided
between the parking area and the front yard.

E Proximity to Property Lines. Main buildings and structures on the site shall not be
closer than 25 feet to any property line that is a common property line with "R" zoned
property, except that accessory buildings and structures shall maintain a side yard of 10
feet, with five feet added at ground level for each additional story over the first.

F. Lighting. All lights provided to illuminate any parking area or building on such site shall
be so arranged as to direct the light away from any adjoining premises.

G. Site Frontage. The width of the frontage of the building site shall be not less than 120

SECTION Drive-through Facilities. In addition to the development

standards set forth in this Chapter, the following shall apply to drive-through facilities,
where permitted:

A. Conditional Use Permit. Any use involving drive-through facilities for visitors or
customers shall be incidental to a primary use and shall require a conditional use permit
regardless of the use regulations applicable to that use set forth in Table 9.18-1 (Use
Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones).

B. Civic Center Zones - Generally Prohibited. No drive-through facilities shall be

permitted within any Civic Center zone except on properties zoned CC-3 and fronting on
Garden Grove Boulevard and Euclid Street.

C. Minimum Lot Size. A minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet shall be required for the
establishment of any drive-through facility.

D. Two-Way Driveways. Drive-through facilities shall have two-way driveways.

Driveways shall clearly be delineated from parking areas and general on-site vehicular
and pedestrian circulation routes through use of decorative paving materials that
contrast with other paving provided.

E. Minimum Queuing Distances. A minimum distance of 80 feet shall be provided

between the entrance to the drive-through aisle and the first menu board. Also, a
minimum distance of 80 feet shall be provided between the order board or window and
the pick-up window.

F. Circulation Plan.

1. A parking and vehicular circulation plan encompassing adjoining streets and alleys
shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the approval of a conditional use
permit. Such plan shall provide for safe pedestrian access from parking lots to the
main door and shall comply with applicable requirements of the American with
Disabilities Act.

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2. The circulation plan shall show proposed queuing areas for the drive-up windows.
No queuing area shall obstruct any required parking space, drive aisle, or pedestrian
access associated with the business.

G. Vehicular Access. Vehicular access to a drive-through facility shall only be provided

via a principal, major, or arterial street, such as Garden Grove Boulevard, Magnolia
Street, and Brookhurst Street. Access via a secondary arterial or local residential street
shall be prohibited. Arterials and local residential streets are defined in the City’s
General Plan Circulation Element.

H. Trash Receptacles. In addition to trash facility storage areas, a minimum of one

outdoor trash receptacle shall be provided on site. At least one additional on-site
outdoor trash receptacle shall be provided for every 10 required parking spaces.

I. Noise-Generating Equipment. No noise-generating compressors or other such

equipment shall be placed on or near any property line adjoining any “R” zoned property
or a PUD established exclusively for residential uses.

J. Speaker Systems. Drive-through speaker systems shall emit no more than 50 decibels
(dBA) as measured four feet from the vehicle and the speaker, and shall not be audible
above the daytime ambient noise levels beyond the property boundaries. The system
shall be designed to compensate for ambient noise levels in the immediate area and
shall not be located within 30 feet of any “R” zoned property or a PUD established
exclusively for residential uses.

K. Screen Wall. On any lot where a drive aisle or driveway is located such that vehicle
headlights will shine onto an adjacent property zoned for residential use, a screen wall
shall be provided.

SECTION Eating Establishment with Entertainment;

Bars/Nightclubs. The following shall apply:

A. Security Plan. A security plan shall be provided through the conditional use permit

B. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation may be specified through the conditional use
permit process.

C. Location Restrictions.

1. Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs with entertainment shall not be permitted to be

located within 200 feet of any “R” zoned property or a PUD established exclusively
for residential uses, any property containing a residential use, or any building owned
and occupied by a public agency.

2. With exception of emergency access, all pedestrian and vehicular access shall be
oriented toward a principal, major, or primary arterial street, such as Garden Grove
Boulevard, Magnolia Street, and Brookhurst Street. Access via a secondary arterial
or local residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials and local residential streets
are defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

D. Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions. For a residential/commercial mixed use

development project, as defined in this Title, any property owner or his or her

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authorized agent may, through the conditional use permit process, apply to the hearing
body for a waiver from any of the distance and location provisions contained and/or
cross-referenced in this Section. The hearing body, as part of the hearing for the
conditional use permit, may grant a waiver to any distance or location provision for a
residential/commercial mixed use development project if the following findings can be

1. That the proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to
nearby properties, and that the spirit and intent of this Section will be observed;

2. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of
neighboring property or cause or exacerbate the development of urban blight;

3. That the use will not interfere with the operations of other businesses or uses on the

4. That the establishment of an additional regulated use in the area will not be contrary
to any program of neighborhood conservation or revitalization, nor will it interfere
with any program being carried out pursuant to the community redevelopment law;

5. That the establishment complies with all other distance and pedestrian and vehicular
requirements of this code; and

6. That all applicable regulations of this code will be observed.

E. Queuing Area. Outside queuing areas for patrons shall not be permitted along any
portion of the site that is located adjacent to an “R” zoned property, any PUD
established exclusively for residential use, or along a secondary arterial or local
residential street. All outside queuing areas shall be located within the interior of the
development and shall be buffered so as not to create noise or a disturbance to adjacent
properties and buildings.

F. Insulation for Interior Noise. In residential/commercial mixed use developments,

sound and vibration buffering shall be provided to mitigate against impacts on
surrounding tenant spaces and residential uses and zones, including units above, below,
and adjacent to the entertainment location.

G. Doors. Doors of the establishment shall be kept closed at all times during the operation
of the establishment, except in the case of an emergency or to permit deliveries.

H. Outdoor Patios with No Food or Beverage Service.

1. All outdoor patios or similar areas shall be located away from any “R” zoned property
or any PUD established exclusively for residential use, and shall be oriented toward a
principal, major, or primary arterial. Access to a secondary arterial or local
residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials and local residential streets are
defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

2. Use of patio and similar areas used for smoking and congregating shall not become a
nuisance in any manner to surrounding uses, including due to smoke from smoking

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3. The provisions of Section (Outdoor Dining at Eating

Establishment/Restaurant) with regard to any provided outdoor dining shall apply.

I. Denial. The hearing body shall have the authority to deny a conditional use permit
application for an entertainment use if the hearing body finds, based on evidence on the
record, that approval of such a use would result in an undue concentration of uses with
the potential to create adverse conditions within the surrounding area with respect to
noise, traffic, late night activities, calls for police services, and other public health,
safety, and welfare concerns.

J. Change in Use. Any change or intensification of entertainment uses causing an

increase in the intensity of, or type of, or number of, performers, acts, or similar events
shall require a new conditional use permit.

K. Additional Parking for the Entertainment. In addition to the parking required for
the primary use, additional parking for the incidental entertainment use shall be required
at the ratio of 1.7 parking spaces per 100 square feet of gross floor area.

SECTION Eating Establishment/Restaurant with Limited

Entertainment. Such uses shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. Incidental Use. Limited entertainment shall be permitted only in conjunction with an

eating establishment/restaurant. Entertainment shall be incidental to the restaurant use
(such as background music). Entertainment shall not be utilized as a primary use or as
an attraction to draw customers to the establishment.

B. Conditional Use Permit. A conditional use permit shall be required for the
entertainment use.

C. Number of Performers. Entertainment shall limited to include up to two performers in

the form of one amplified instrumentalist and one vocalist.

D. Noise. Amplified sound from performers and prerecorded music with speakers is
permissible; however, the sound shall not be audible outside the walls of the
establishment. All entertainment shall be conducted within a wholly enclosed building.
The property owner shall provide sound attenuation where necessary to limit noise and
vibrations to neighboring properties. No amplified music shall be permitted outside of
the wholly enclosed building, except as allowed by a conditional use permit.

E. Dancing and Audience Participation. No dancing or audience participation shall be


F. Food Service. Food service shall be provided during all hours the entertainment
operates. The kitchen shall be open and preparing food during all hours the
establishment is open, and shall provide a full menu of food items typically offered in

G. Stage. There shall be no raised platform or stage permitted within the establishment at
any time.

H. Hours of Operation. The hours of operation may be limited and security may be
required through the conditional use permit.

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I. Entrances. Doors that face residential property shall be kept closed at all times during
the operation of the establishment, except in the case of an emergency or to permit

J. Cover Charge. No cover charge or other type of entrance fees shall be required for
entrance into the establishment.

K. Impacts. In reviewing requests for limited entertainment in conjunction with eating

establishments/restaurants, of particular concern will be the physical relationship of the
proposed use and impacts of that use on surrounding properties. The conditional use
permit shall be denied if it is anticipated that the use will create adverse noise, security,
parking and traffic impacts and/or if an adverse effect on the public health, safety or
welfare will be created.

SECTION Equipment Rentals – Large and Small.

A. Screening. The outdoor storage of rental equipment shall be permitted only when
completely enclosed with a masonry wall not less than six feet in height. No equipment
shall be visible above the required wall. A steel gate or equivalent shall be utilized where
access through the required wall is provided.

B. Trailers and Trucks. The outdoor display or storage of utility trailers and trucks not
exceeding 8,000 pounds net weight may be conducted without adherence to the wall
enclosure requirement imposed in paragraph A, above.

SECTION Extended-Stay Business Hotels.

A. Room Size. The minimum individual guest room size shall be 300 square feet in area.

B. Minimum Site Area. The minimum site area shall be 80,000 square feet.

C. Minimum Street Frontage. The minimum street frontage of the site shall be 150 feet.

D. Additional Requirements. Extended-stay business hotels shall be subject to Title 8,

Chapter 70 (Public Lodgings) of the Municipal Code.

SECTION Food Products, Dairy Products, and Bakery Products.

A. Food Product Exceptions. Any food product may be produced with the specific
exception of those involving the manufacturing and processing of: lard, pickles,
sauerkraut, sausage, or vinegar, or similar products.

B. Sale and Slaughter. No sale or slaughter of live animals shall take place, be allowed,
or otherwise be provided for.

C. Frozen fish repackaging. Frozen fish repackaging is permitted.

SECTION Fortunetelling.

A. Additional Requirements. All applicants shall observe all the provisions contained
within Title 5, Chapter 65 (Fortunetelling) of the Municipal Code.

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B. Location Requirements. Any new fortunetelling establishment shall be located a

minimum distance of 1,000 feet from any other establishment engaged in the practice of

SECTION Garage Sales – Incidental to a Single-Family Residential

Unit. Incidental garage sales are allowed subject to the following conditions:

A. Days Limited. Garage sales are limited to four days in any one calendar year.

B. Signs. No off-site signs shall be posted.

C. Sale Items. Items for sale may only be those items used at the residence.

SECTION Graphic Arts/Photocopying. Such uses shall be subject to the

following conditions:

A. Retail Services. The facility shall provide retail services, which may include graphic
design, instant printing operations and print shops during normal business hours. The
facility shall serve the needs of local customers by either providing self-service
photocopying, and printing and/or photocopying of invitations, business cards, forms,
letterhead, envelopes, wedding announcements and other similar items. The facility shall
not provide services to large commercial and wholesale clients, nor shall it print books,
magazines, newspapers, annual reports, catalogs, posters, retail packaging, calendars,
and other similar items.

B. Equipment used shall not make noise or vibration that will disturb adjacent businesses
or residences.

C. Most customers shall place orders in person and wait for it to be completed or pick it up
at a later date. The majority of the finished project shall not be delivered to the

D. A portion of the floor plan shall be devoted to a customer service retail area.

SECTION Handicraft Arts and Industry. Such uses shall be subject to
the following conditions:

A. Enclosed Building. All manufacturing activities shall be conducted within a completely

enclosed building having a total gross floor area of not to exceed 2,500 square feet.

B. Screening. All storage of materials and equipment shall be screened from view from
surrounding properties.

C. Fumes. No fumes, noxious gases, objectionable odors, heat, glare, or radiation

generated by or resulting from such use shall be detectable at any point upon the
boundary of the property upon which the use is located.

E. Noise. The use shall create no objectionable noise or vibration.

F. Smoke and Dust. No smoke or dust shall be created except from the heating of

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G. Fire Department Review. The Fire Department shall review the proposed activity for
compliance with fire codes and to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses.

SECTION Home Improvement Center. Such uses shall be subject to the
following conditions:

A. Lighting. All lighting shall be directed away from abutting properties.

B. On-Site Storage. Stacking of on-site storage and materials shall not exceed a height of
20 feet. All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from view of public rights-of-way by
a view-obscuring fence or wall not greater than eight feet in height.

SECTION Home Occupations. Home occupations are allowed as an

accessory use to a residential use, subject to the following conditions:

A. Application. Each request to the hearing body shall be accompanied by the description
of the proposed use. Such description shall be submitted to a board of review consisting
of representatives from the fire department and planning staff. Said board of review
shall evaluate each proposed use and submit their recommendations to the hearing
body, whose decisions shall be final.

B. Unit Appearance Unaltered. The home occupation shall not alter the appearance of
the dwelling unit.

C. Operations. All operations conducted on the premises shall not be objectionable by

reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, steam, vibration, or other similar causes. The
provision or rendering of any service or sale of any products that involves in-person
interaction with customers in the home is prohibited.

D. Storage and Display. Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities

manufactured, processed or sold at retail on the premises. Storage shall be permitted
only in a wholly enclosed building. All home occupation activities shall be conducted
wholly within a fully enclosed building. No garage, carport or other required parking area
shall be used for the conduct of the home occupation or for storage of equipment,
materials or merchandise of the home occupation. No display of merchandise,
equipment, or supplies or items manufactured, sold, or used by any commercial,
industrial, public or semi-public use shall be permitted.

E. Signs. No signs advertising the type of business or products manufactured shall be

displayed on the premises.

F. Employees. No one other than persons residing on the lot where the home occupation
is located may be regularly employed in such occupation. Exceptions shall be made for a
disabled person applying for a home occupation, whereby immediate members of the
disabled person's family living on the premises or other persons responsible for the care
of the disabled person and living on the premises shall be permitted to participate in the
home occupation.

G. Dispatching. Dispatching of employees or independent contractors at, or from, the

residential premises shall not be permitted.

H. Nontransferable. The home occupation permit is not transferable.

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I. Revocation of Permission. Permission to conduct a home occupation may be revoked

by the hearing body if there is substantial evidence indicating that the provisions of this
Section are being violated.

SECTION Hotel/Motel. All hotels and motels shall be subject to the
following conditions:

A. The minimum site area shall be 30,000 square feet.

B. The minimum street frontage of the site shall be 100 feet.

C. Occupancy Restriction. No consecutive occupancy shall exceed 30 days, nor shall any
nonconsecutive occupancy exceed 30 days in 45 consecutive days.

D. Additional Regulations. Hotels and motels are also subject to Title 8, Chapter 70
(Public Lodgings) of the Municipal Code.

E. Cooking Facilities in Hotels. In hotels, no provisions for cooking facilities shall be

provided within individual rooms or suites.

F. Kitchen Facilities in Motels. In motels, no more than 10 percent of the individual

living units shall contain kitchen facilities.

SECTION Indoor Multi-Tenant Retail Shopping Center. Such uses shall
be subject to the following conditions:

A. Residential Zone Adjacent. If the property abuts an “R” zoned property or any PUD
established exclusively for residential use, the building in which the use is conducted
shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the residential property line.

B. Live Entertainment. No live entertainment shall be permitted.

C. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation shall be permitted only between the hours of
8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M.

D. Signs. Signage shall be limited to the name of the indoor multi-tenant retail shopping
center. No additional special advertising days or signage shall be allowed for the
individual vendors. All proposed signage shall be approved by the City.

E. Minimum Floor Area. The minimum floor area for each vendor shall be 250 square

F. Individual Vendors. Each individual vendor shall have a separate business operations
tax certificate, as well as a seller’s permit and a resale number from the State Board of

SECTION Kennel. Kennels shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. Noise. Buildings and structures shall be completely soundproofed.

B. Screening. The perimeter of all run areas shall be completely surrounded by a

minimum eight-foot-high solid wall. Animal runs shall be constructed in such a manner
that no animal can see another animal.

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SECTION Motorcycle Sales. Motorcycle sales shall be subject to the

following conditions:

A. Paving. The entire site shall be paved, except for structures and landscaping.

B. Maintenance. The premises shall be kept in a neat and orderly condition at all times.

C. Indoor Sales and Storage. No outdoor sales area or storage of motorcycles shall be
permitted; all sales and storage shall occur wholly within an enclosed building.

D. Repair and Maintenance. All motorcycle repair and maintenance shall be performed
within a wholly enclosed building. No motorcycles that are in a wrecked or dismantled
condition shall be stored outside of a wholly enclosed building.

E. Noise. No amplified speaker systems shall be used outside of a wholly enclosed


F. Loading. All loading and unloading of vehicles shall occur on-site or from loading zones
as designated by the City Traffic Engineer and not in adjoining public streets or alleys.

SECTION Motor Vehicle and Boat Sales. Motor vehicle sales shall be
subject to the following conditions:

A. Minimum Site Area. The minimum site area shall be 15,000 square feet.

B. Indoor Sales and Storage. No outdoor sales area shall be permitted. All vehicles,
parts, accessories, etc. shall be stored within a wholly enclosed structure.

C. Noise. No amplified speaker systems shall be used outside of a wholly enclosed


D. Lighting. All on-site lighting shall be stationary and directed away from adjoining
properties and public rights-of-way.

E. Repair and Maintenance. No vehicle service or repair work shall occur, except within a
wholly enclosed structure. Service bays shall not be visible or take access directly from a

F. Loading. All loading and unloading of vehicles shall occur on-site or from loading zones
as designated by the City Traffic Engineer and not in adjoining streets or alleys.

H. Parking. Off-street parking shall adequately accommodate all on-site uses, including
showroom, offices, parts, service and repair areas, as well as employee and customer

SECTION Neighborhood Recycling Center. Neighborhood recycling

centers must operate in conjunction with a business that is currently operating on the
property. The recycling center cannot operate as an independent use. If the primary
business ceases to operate, the recycling center must vacate the premises. Also, the
following shall apply:

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A. Lease Agreement. The applicant shall present the lease agreement that includes the
lease term for the neighborhood recycling center to the Planning Division.

B. Location. The recycling containers and/or equipment cannot encroach into any required
setbacks for the zone. The recycling containers and/or equipment cannot encroach into
any drive aisle, turn around, back-up or loading areas.

C. Adjacent to Residential Zone. The recycling containers and/or equipment shall not be
placed within 30 feet of an “R” zoned property, any PUD established exclusively for
residential use, or property occupied with residential uses to minimize noise impacts to
the abutting residences.

D. Restrictions. No pick-up or drop-off of recycling containers and/or equipment shall

occur on Saturday or Sunday or any federal holiday.

E. Hours of Operation. The hours of operation are limited to 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. seven
days a week.

F. Parking. The recycling containers and/or equipment cannot eliminate or reduce any
required parking unless otherwise permitted by the Planning Division.

G. Maintenance. The operator must properly maintain the recycling center and all areas
adjacent to the recycling center free from any trash or debris.

H. Location. The Planning Division will review and approve the location of the recycling
center. To the extent possible, the recycling center shall be placed at the rear of the
building and/or property. If this is not possible, the Planning Division may allow the
recycling container to be placed at the front of the property with appropriate screening.

J. Containers. The Planning Division will review and approve the type of recycling
containers that will be allowed.

SECTION Nonvehicular Vending Kiosks. See Section

(Outdoor Sales of Goods and Merchandise – Nonvehicular Vending Kiosks).

SECTION Nursery – Retail Sales Only. Retail nurseries shall be subject
to the following development and use standards:

A. Propagation. No indoor or outdoor propagation of plants is permitted. Plants stored

onsite shall be available for retail sale.

B. Permanent Structure. A permanent structure to serve retail functions of the nursery is

required. All merchandise other than plants shall be kept within an enclosed structure or
fully screened. Fertilizers of any type shall be stored and sold in package form only.

C. Parking. All parking spaces shall be paved.

SECTION Outdoor Dining at Eating Establishment/Restaurant.

A. Incidental Use Only. With the exception of permitted joint use outdoor dining areas
as provided for in paragraph F, below, outdoor dining areas must be incidental and
accessory to the permitted eating establishment/restaurant.

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B. Design. Outdoor dining areas shall be open on at least three sides and open to the sky,
with the exception that non-fixed umbrellas and awnings and canopies that accent the
building are permitted. Side panels or any other accessories that enclose the outdoor
dining area are prohibited.

C. Location.

1. The seating area shall not encroach into any required rear or side setback, parking
and/or vehicular circulation area, required landscape areas, required paths of travel,
or public rights-of-way.

2. Within any Mixed Use zone, outdoor dining areas may be permitted within the
required front setback area, consistent with the requirements of this Chapter.

3. Outdoor dining areas may be permitted within the required boulevard garden plaza
or pedestrian plaza area, as set forth in Sections (Boulevard Garden
Plaza Requirement) and (Pedestrian-oriented Plaza Requirement).

4. The outdoor dining area must be located immediately adjacent to, abutting, and
adjoining the establishment with which it is associated, and shall not extend beyond
the building and/or storefront frontage and/or length of the tenant space of the
associated primary establishment.

D. Maximum Allowable Square Footage. Outdoor dining shall not exceed 1,000 square
feet for any individual establishment.

E. Delineation of Area. Any outdoor

dining area serving a single
business shall maintain a clearly
marked perimeter and shall be
separated from vehicular pathways
and public sidewalks with low walls
and/or landscape hedges a
minimum of 30 inches in depth or
42 inches in height.
Establishments that include the
service or sale of alcoholic
beverages are subject to additional
separation requirements provided
in subsection G (Alcoholic Beverage
Sales in Outdoor Dining Areas),

F. Joint Use Areas. Outdoor dining

areas for joint use between Photo 9.18-1: Example of Outdoor Dining
businesses shall be separated from
pedestrian and vehicular pathways with low walls and/or landscaping. Joint use outdoor
dining areas are not required to be located immediately adjacent to an establishment,
but shall be located within 25 feet of at least one establishment participating in the joint
use area. Where adjacent to a public right-of-way, the area shall be delineated as
required by subsection E (Delineation of Area), above. No alcohol shall be served in any
outdoor dining area that serves more than one business.

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G. Alcoholic Beverage Sales in Outdoor Dining Areas. The service of alcoholic

beverages and its consumption by customers in an outdoor dining area shall comply with
Section 9.18.060 (Alcohol Beverage Sales) and furthermore, shall be restricted as

1. Any establishment permitted to sell alcohol that maintains an outdoor dining area
shall separate the outdoor dining area with a wall, fence, or hedge that is intended to
clearly delineate the dining area from pedestrian traffic and prevent ease of access in
any manner to this area by pedestrians and other non-patrons. The wall, fence, or
hedge shall fully enclose the outdoor dining area to separate it from public access
ways. The wall, fence, or hedge shall consist of a minimum five-foot-high barrier
and/or other special separation/improvement from surroundings that would hinder
access from pedestrians to the outdoor dining area, as determined by the Police
Chief. The barrier/fencing shall be subject to the following standards:

a. Any barrier/fencing around the outdoor area perimeter shall allow visibility into
the area from adjacent properties and streets.

b. Any barrier/fencing around the outdoor area perimeter shall be architecturally

compatible with the structure housing the eating or drinking establishment.

c. The location, design, and placement of any barrier/fencing are subject to review
and approval by the Planning Division during the site plan review or conditional
use permit review process.

2. Ingress and egress to/from the outdoor dining area shall be from the interior of the
eating or drinking establishment only. There shall be no ingress or egress permitted
to/from the outdoor dining area to any parking area, landscape area, or public right-
of-way except for emergency purposes only. Any proposed accesses located within
the outdoor dining area that lead to any locations other than into the eating or
drinking establishment shall marked as emergency exits only and shall be provided
with panic hardware.

3. The operator shall post a written notice to customers, as approved by the city, which
states that the drinking or carrying of an alcoholic beverage outside of the outdoor
dining area is prohibited and unlawful.

4. Hours of operation shall not begin prior to 7:00 A.M. nor extend later than 10:00 P.M.

SECTION Service Station (New and Conversion of Existing). Service

stations shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. Required Building Design. The architecture of the building shall be of a type

compatible with the neighboring area. The architectural theme shall be integrated into
the design of all improvements on the site, including main building, canopies, fencing,
landscaping and signage.

1. In the case of the establishment or construction of a new service station, the

following items shall be included in the design of the building:

a. All service bay doors shall take vehicular access from either an interior side or
rear of building.

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b. Restrooms, for use by patrons, shall be required. The entrance to all restrooms
shall be screened from adjoining properties and public streets by a screen that
matches the exterior building material.
c. All lighting shall be directed away from any property zoned for residential use
and so located that lighting does not directly shine into any adjoining residential
d. Air and water dispensers shall be provided in an area convenient for customers.

2. In the case of the reopening of or the conversion to another use of an existing

service station, all existing improvements shall be remodeled, replaced or
refurbished. If, in the opinion of the hearing body, the project or any of its
components, as listed below, is new or in like-new condition, then that certain
improvement may be waived. These improvements shall include, but are not limited
to the following:

a. Refurbishment and remodeling of all exterior and interior wall surfaces.

b. Remodeling of building exterior to eliminate service bay doors. All remaining
service bay doors shall take vehicular access from an interior side or rear of
building. The condition does not pertain to the reopening of an existing service
station, unless service bays are not to be used.
c. Refurbishment and remodeling of all canopies and service islands.
d. Removal of all unused service islands, pumps and their canopies.
e. Resurfacing of all driveways and parking areas.
f. Restriping of parking areas using hair-pin stalls.
g. Refurbishment and/or replacement of all walls and fences on the property,
including planters and landscape retaining walls.
h. Refurbishment and/or replacement of all business and directional signs to be
consistent with building theme.
i. The entrance to all restrooms and comfort rooms shall be screened.
j. In the case of the reopening of a service station or conversion of a service
station to another use that includes the dispensing of motor fuel, restroom
facilities for use by patrons shall be required.

B. Parking Requirement.

1. Parking requirements for service stations shall comply with requirements for off-
street parking in Section 9.18.140 (Parking).

2. Parking requirements for service stations established in conjunction with other

commercial businesses (i.e., mini-markets, separate auto-related businesses, etc.)
or for conversion of service stations to other commercial uses, shall comply with the

a. Required parking shall consist of one space for every 200 square feet of gross
floor area of each building.
b. When service bays remain a part of the use on the site, the service bays shall not
be considered as providing any of the required parking.

C. Landscaping. All site areas not used or required for building location, parking, access,
circulation or service island areas shall be landscaped according to the provisions of
Sections 9.18.120 (Landscaping) and (Parking Design Standards) and
further subject to the following:

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1. Planter areas with a minimum inside width of 10 feet shall be provided adjacent to
all street property lines except for points of access to the streets. In the case of
existing facilities, this inside dimension may be reduced to a minimum of five feet
where it is shown to be in conflict with a remaining service island or required
circulation path.

2. When a service station is located at a street intersection, a planter area of at least

250 square feet in area shall be provided at the intersection corner.

3. Planter areas shall be provided along the interior property lines at their intersection
with the street property lines. Such planter area shall have a minimum length along
the interior property lines of 15 feet and shall have a minimum inside width of five

4. Planter areas with an interior dimension of not less than three feet shall be provided
along all interior property lines, except as otherwise provided in the requirements

5. A minimum of eight percent of the total site, less building pad and required
setbacks, shall be landscaped. Required setbacks and required corner landscaping
shall not be counted toward this requirement.

6. Each planter area shall be enclosed by a concrete border not less than six inches
wide and six inches high.

7. All landscaped areas shall be maintained and provided with irrigation facilities as
required by Section 9.18.120 (Landscaping) of this Title.

8. Planter areas shall be constructed and planted prior to the granting of an occupancy
permit. The type of plant material planted shall be subject to the approval of the
Community Development Director or designee.

D. Storage.

1. Storage of Vehicles. Storage of vehicles and equipment that are not in the
immediate process of being serviced or that are not directly associated with the
service station is limited to vehicles having a capacity of one ton or less. The
number of vehicles being stored shall not exceed one-half the number of required
parking spaces. Vehicles being stored on the property shall be adequately screened
from the public right-of-way.

2. Refuse Storage. Refuse storage areas shall be used for the temporary storage of
all trash, discarded tires and other discarded material.

1. A minimum of one refuse storage facility shall be provided on the site pursuant
to current City standard plans.

2. The storage areas shall be shielded from public view by a wall that matches the
exterior building material and has metal gates with view-obscuring slats or other
opaque material.

3. All refuse storage areas shall be maintained in a neat and sanitary manner.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 43
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4. The refuse storage area shall be located so that the area does not interfere with
motor vehicle circulation on the premises.

E. Merchandise Storage or Display. No merchandise storage or display shall be

permitted outside of the building.

F. Closures and Conversions to Other Commercial Uses.

1. In the event that a service station is closed and not operated for a period of 90
consecutive days, no further sales or services from the station shall be allowed unless
a new conditional use permit is obtained and the development standards set out in
this subsection are completed.

2. If a service station is closed and not operated for a period of six months or longer,
the premises may be found and determined to be a public nuisance, as provided for
in Section 3479 et seq. of the California Civil Code.

3. Any use other than a service station use established in a structure that at any time
has been or is being utilized as a service station shall be subject to a conditional use
permit and to the aforementioned development standards. Coin-operated vending
machines, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, soft drinks or candy, may be
permitted without having to file a conditional use permit, provided such vending
machine(s) shall be located within a wholly enclosed building.

SECTION Small Animal Hospital/Veterinary/Dog Day Care. Such uses

shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. Noise. All buildings and structures shall be completely soundproofed.

B. Outdoor Exercise Areas. Outdoor exercise areas permitted only as authorized by the
applicable conditional use permit. Where permitted, the perimeter of all run areas shall
be completely surrounded by an eight foot solid wall. Animal runs are to be constructed
in such a manner that no animal can see another animal.

C. Incinerator. For small animal hospitals and veterinaries, an incinerator of a type as

recommended by the county public health department and the South Coast Air Quality
Management District shall be provided. A freezer sufficient to contain the remains of
deceased animals shall be installed if an incinerator is not provided.

SECTION Smoking Lounges. Smoking lounges shall be subject to the

following conditions:

A. Locations Allowed.

1. The premises shall not be located within 200 feet of any residential zone boundary or
any property containing a residential use, whether said residential boundary or
property containing a residential use is within or outside of the corporate boundaries
of the City.

2. The premises shall be a minimum distance of 1,000 feet from any public or private
primary or secondary school, whether said school is within or outside of the
corporate boundaries of the City.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 44
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B. Operational Requirements. Smoking Lounges shall be subject to the operational

requirements set forth in Title 5, Chapter 75 (Regulation of Smoking Lounges) of the
Municipal Code.

C. Parking. Parking shall be provided using the standard for bars and nightclubs.

D. Conditions of Approval. In addition to the standards for issuance of conditional use

permits under this Title, the hearing body may impose any condition reasonably related
to mitigate any possible adverse effect upon the public health, safety, or welfare created
by the establishment and/or operation of the smoking lounge.

E. Nonconforming Uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 9.32 (Procedures and

Hearings), any smoking lounge lawfully existing on the effective date of the ordinance
adopting this subsection may continue its operation, provided that its operation does not
cease for more than 90 days, and provided that the nonconforming use, structures, or
buildings of the business shall not be increased, enlarged, or altered without first
conforming with the regulations herein.

SECTION Truck, Trailer Rental. Truck and trailer rental may be permitted
as an incidental use, pursuant to Table 9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones)
and subject to the following conditions:

A. Visibility. Outdoor storage of trucks and/or trailers shall not be visible from any public

B. Location. Outdoor storage of trucks and/or trailers shall not occupy any required
parking space intended for the operation of the primary use. Outdoor storage of trucks
and/or trailers shall not occupy any required driveways, access ways or emergency lanes
on the property. Display and/or storage of trucks or trailers shall not be permitted in any
required street setback.

C. Signs. Signage shall comply with all municipal code requirements. Signage for the
incidental use of truck/trailer rental may not exceed twenty percent of the total signage
for the primary use.

D. Repair, Maintenance and Dismantled Vehicles. All vehicle repair and maintenance
shall be performed within a wholly enclosed building. No vehicles that are in a wrecked
or dismantled condition shall be stored on the property.

SECTION Vehicular Vending. See Section (Outdoor Sales

of Goods and Merchandise – Vehicular Vending).

SECTION Work-Live Units. Standards for work-live units and artists’
lofts/studios, including the adaptive reuse of existing nonresidential buildings to
accommodate work-live uses, are as follows:

A. Limitations on Use. The nonresidential component of a work-live development shall be

a use allowed within the applicable zone by Section 9.18.020 (Uses Permitted) and Table
9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones), subject to the following additional

1. Prohibited Uses. A work-live unit shall not be allowed to include any of the
following activities:

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 45
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a. Auto Repair – General, Auto Repair including paint or body work, Auto
Maintenance – Minor, or any similar use.

b. Storage of flammable liquids or hazardous materials beyond that normally

associated with a residential use.

c. Any other activity or use, as determined by the responsible review authority to

not be compatible with residential activities and/or to have the possibility of
affecting the health or safety of work-live unit residents due to the potential for
the use to create dust, glare, heat, noise, noxious gasses, odor, smoke, traffic,
vibration or other impacts, or would be hazardous because of materials,
processes, products, or wastes.

2. Changes in Use. After approval, a work-live unit shall not be converted to entirely
residential use. The covenants, conditions, and restrictions of any work-live project
or unit in any Mixed Use zone shall include the requirement that the work-live use
shall not be converted to exclusive residential use.

3. Fire Department Review. The Fire Department shall review all work-live
applications and have the authority to make recommendations regarding permitted
nonresidential uses based on fire code and general public health and safety

B. Design Standards.

1. Floor Area Requirement. A work-live unit shall have a minimum floor area of at
least 750 square feet. The maximum size of the residential portion of the work-live
unit shall be no more than 40 percent of the unit to ensure that the residential
portion remains accessory to the primary commercial use. All floor area other than
that reserved for living space shall be reserved and regularly used for working space.

a. Separation and Access of Individual Units. Each work-live unit shall be

separated from other units and other uses in the building. Access to each unit
shall be provided via storefronts or from common access areas, corridors, or
halls. The access to each unit shall be clearly separate from other work-live units
or other uses within the building. Living space shall be located in the rear ground
level or second floor and above to maintain activity and commercial access along
the frontage.

b. Facilities to Accommodate Commercial or Industrial Activities. A work-live

unit shall be designed to accommodate nonresidential uses as evidenced by the
provision of ventilation, interior storage, flooring, and other physical
improvements of the type commonly found in exclusively nonresidential facilities
used for the same work activity.

c. Integration of Living and Working Space. Areas within a work-live unit that
are designated as living space shall be an integral part of the work-live unit and
not separated (or occupied and/or rented separately) from the work space,
except that mezzanines and lofts may be used as living space subject to
compliance with the other provisions of this Title 9, and living and working space
may be separated by interior courtyards or similar private space.

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d. Mixed Occupancy Buildings. If a building contains mixed occupancies of work-

live units and other nonresidential uses, occupancies other than work-live shall
meet all applicable requirements for those uses, and proper occupancy
separations shall be provided between the work-live units and other occupancies,
as determined by the Garden Grove Fire Chief or designee.

e. Parking. Each work-live unit shall meet off-street parking requirements as

provided in Section 9.18.140 (Parking).

C. Operating Requirements.

1. Occupancy. A work-live unit shall be occupied and used only by the operator of the
business within the unit, or a household of which at least one member shall be the
business operator.

2. Business License Required. At least one of the residents of a work-live unit shall
be required to have a business license with the City of Garden Grove.

3. Sale or Rental of Portions of Unit. No portion of a work-live unit may be

separately rented or sold as a commercial space for any person not living in the
premises or as a residential space for any person not working in the same unit.

4. Notice to Occupants. The owner or manager of any building containing work-live

units shall provide written notice to all occupants and users that the surrounding
area may be subject to levels of noise, dust, fumes, or other effects associated with
commercial and industrial uses at higher levels than would be expected in strictly
residential areas. State and federal health regulations notwithstanding, noise and
other standards shall be those applicable to commercial or industrial properties in the
applicable zone.

5. Non-Resident Employees. Up to two persons who do not reside in the work-live

unit may work in the unit unless this employment is prohibited or limited by the
conditional use permit. The employment of three or more persons who do not reside
in the work-live unit may be permitted subject to conditional use permit approval,
based on additional findings that the employment will not adversely affect traffic and
parking conditions in the site vicinity. The employment of any persons who do not
reside in the work-live unit shall comply with all applicable Building Code,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and other state and federal

6. Client and Customer Visits. Client and customer visits to work-live units are
permitted subject to any applicable conditions of the conditional use permit, to
ensure compatibility with adjacent commercial or industrial uses, or adjacent
residentially zoned areas or uses.

Section 9.18.030: Specific Uses – Special Operating Conditions and Development Standards 47
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SECTION 9.18.040: Temporary Uses

SECTION Purpose. ......................................................................................... 49

SECTION Authority......................................................................................... 49
SECTION Temporary Structures........................................................................ 49
SECTION Holiday Lot Sales. ............................................................................. 50
SECTION Neighborhood Events. ....................................................................... 50
SECTION Community Events............................................................................ 50
SECTION Special Events Sales Permit................................................................ 51

SECTION Purpose. This Section is established to control and regulate land
use activities of a temporary nature. The intent is to ensure that temporary uses will be
compatible with surrounding land uses, to protect the rights of adjacent residences,
businesses and land owners, and to minimize any adverse effects on surrounding properties
and to the environment.

SECTION Authority. The City Manager or designee shall be the review
authority for approving or denying a temporary use. The City Manager may establish
conditions and limitations for temporary uses including, but not limited to, hours of
operation, provision of parking areas, signing and lighting, traffic circulation and access,
temporary site improvements and other measures necessary to minimize potential
detrimental effects on surrounding properties. Appeals to the decision of the City Manager,
or his or her designee, shall be heard by the Planning Commission.

SECTION Temporary Structures. The following temporary structures

shall be permitted subject to the conditions stated in this Section and any other additional
conditions as may be prescribed by the appropriate permit.

A. Trailer Coaches, Mobile Homes, and Modular Structures. The temporary use of
trailers, mobile homes, and/or modular structures may be permitted only when
permanent facilities are being constructed or remodeled in accordance with applicable
codes. Such structures may remain on the property only with the possession of a valid
building permit for the permanent facilities. All temporary office or residential structures
shall be removed prior to the occupancy of the permanent facilities or as required by the
site plan.

B. Temporary Construction Buildings. Temporary structures for the storage of tools and
equipment or containing supervisory offices in connection with major construction
projects may be established and maintained for the duration of construction. Such
structures may remain on the property only with the possession of a valid building
permit for the permanent facilities. All temporary office or construction buildings shall be
removed prior to the occupancy of the permanent facilities or as required by the site

C. Temporary Real Estate Office. One temporary real estate office may be located within
the boundaries of any recorded residential tract within the city, provided that the office
shall be removed prior to the occupancy of the final structure or as conditioned by the
site plan.

Section 9.18.040: Temporary Uses 49

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION Holiday Lot Sales. Christmas tree sales, fireworks sales,
pumpkin, and other similar holiday lot sales may be permitted to operate, subject to the
following conditions:

A. Holiday lot sales will be permitted only upon application at least ten calendar days in
advance of the proposed establishment or initiation date of the event under
consideration. The application shall include a site plan for the entire property to be used
for the sales and shall indicate the following:

1. Provision of adequate parking facilities, including vehicular ingress and egress;

2. Provision of adequate pedestrian, including disabled, access;
3. Provision for lighting;
4. Provision for sanitary and medical facilities as may be necessary;
5. Days and hours of operation;
6. Location, type and size of all temporary signage for the event; and
7. Provision for security and safety measures.

B. Holiday lot sales are restricted to a duration of 30 consecutive days prior to, and
including the holiday. No sales are permitted after the holiday.

SECTION Neighborhood Events. Bazaars, bake sales, block parties,

rummage sales, and other similar temporary events held outside of a wholly enclosed
building may be permitted to operate subject to the approval of a neighborhood event
permit. Neighborhood event permits shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. Uses will be permitted only upon application at least 10 calendar days in advance of the
proposed establishment or initiation date of the use or event under consideration.

B. The event shall occur on the applicant's property, with the exception of block parties
that may occur in the public right-of-way adjacent to the applicant's property.

C. The applicant shall be a nonprofit organization, with the exception of block parties for
which a permit may be granted to an individual.

D. These events shall be restricted to properties zoned for residential or open space uses

E. Block parties may be permitted for a period not to exceed four days per year.

F. All other neighborhood events may be permitted for a period not to exceed 10 days per

G. Conditions may be applied to the permit, including days or hours of operation,

restrictions on signage, off-street parking, lighting, fire and safety restrictions, or any
other conditions that may be necessary to prevent conflict with surrounding land uses or
other provisions of the Garden Grove Municipal Code.

SECTION Community Events. Carnivals, rodeos, public assembly tents,

street closures for parades, revivals, and similar types of events may be permitted to
operate, subject to the following conditions:

A. Community events will be permitted only upon application at least 30 calendar days in
advance of the proposed establishment or initiation date of the use or event under

Section 9.18.040: Temporary Uses 50

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consideration. The application shall include a site plan for the entire property to be used
for the event. The plan shall indicate the following:

1. Provision of adequate parking facilities, including vehicular ingress and egress;

2. Provision of adequate pedestrian, including disabled, access;
3. Provision for lighting;
4. Provision for sanitary and medical facilities;
5. Days and hours of operation;
6. Location, type and size of all temporary signage for the event; and
7. Provision for security and safety measures.

B. Uses may be permitted for a period not to exceed 45 days per year.

C. Conditions may be imposed regulating days or hours of operation, restrictions on

signage, off-street parking, lighting, fire and safety restrictions, or any other conditions
that may be necessary to prevent conflict with surrounding land uses or other provisions
of the Garden Grove Municipal Code.

D. Any event expected to attract more than 2,000 persons, on average, per day of
operation, which generates solid waste, such as, but not limited to, paper, beverage
containers or food, shall develop a waste reduction and recycling strategy as part of the
permit application. The waste reduction and recycling strategy shall include an estimate
of the amount and types of waste anticipated from the event, the proposed actions to
reduce the amount of waste generation related to the event, and arrangements for
separation, collection and diversion from landfills of reusable and recyclable materials.

SECTION Special Events Sales Permit. Sidewalk sales, parking lot sales,
and other similar temporary events held outside of a wholly enclosed building may be
permitted to operate subject to the approval of a special event sales permit.

A. Special event sales will be permitted only upon application at least five calendar days in
advance of the proposed establishment or initiation date of the use or event under
consideration. The application shall include a site plan for the entire property to be used
for the event. The site plan shall indicate the following:

1. Provision of adequate parking facilities, including vehicular ingress and egress;

2. Provision of adequate pedestrian, including disabled, access;
3. Provision for lighting;
4. Days and hours of operation;
5. Location, type and size of all temporary signage for the event; and
6. Provision for security and safety measures.

B. The event shall take place on the applicant's business premises.

C. Conditions may be imposed regulating days or hours of operation, restrictions on

signage, off-street parking, lighting, fire and safety restrictions, or any other conditions
that may be necessary to prevent conflict with surrounding land uses or other provisions
of the Garden Grove Municipal Code.

D. A maximum of eight days per calendar year shall be allowed per business address.
Shopping center associations shall be allowed an additional six days per calendar year.
For shopping center events, applications shall be signed by the property owner or their
authorized agent.

Section 9.18.040: Temporary Uses 51

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E. Individual businesses may display merchandise on the sidewalk directly adjacent to the
business's exterior storefront. In the GGMU zones, merchandise may be displayed within
the front setback. The display shall not impede pedestrian circulation on sidewalks.

F. All merchandise, materials, signs and debris shall be removed from the outdoor areas by
10:00 A.M. of the day following the closure of the event, unless extended by the City
Manager or his or her designee.

Section 9.18.040: Temporary Uses 52

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses

SECTION Purpose. ......................................................................................... 53

SECTION Specified Sexual Activities and Anatomical Areas.................................... 53
SECTION Conditional Use Permit Requirement. ................................................... 54
SECTION Distance Restrictions for Adult Entertainment Businesses......................... 54
SECTION Location Restrictions for Adult Entertainment Businesses......................... 55
SECTION Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions for Residential/Commercial Mixed
Use Developments.............................................................................................................. 55
SECTION Required Performance Standards......................................................... 56
SECTION Site Plan Approval. ........................................................................... 57
SECTION Planning Commission Action. .............................................................. 57
SECTION Time for Planning Commission Findings. ............................................... 57
SECTION Appeals........................................................................................... 57
SECTION Adult Entertainment Use within an Existing Development. ....................... 57
SECTION Adult Merchandise in Non-Adult-Use Business........................................ 57

SECTION Purpose. The City Council finds that adult entertainment
businesses, as defined in Section 9.04.060 (Definitions) of this Title, because of their very
nature, have certain harmful secondary effects on the community. These secondary effects

A. Depreciated property values, vacancy problems in commercial space (particularly in the

newer commercial buildings);

B. Interference with residential neighbors' enjoyment of their property due to debris, noise,
and vandalism;

C. Higher crime rates in the vicinity of adult businesses; and

D. Blighted conditions such as a low level of maintenance of commercial premises and

parking lots.

The City Council further finds that the restrictions and development standards contained in
this Section will tend to mitigate, and possibly avoid, the harmful secondary effects on the
community associated with adult entertainment businesses. The primary purpose of these
regulations is the amelioration of harmful secondary effects on the community. The
regulations contained in this Section are unrelated to the suppression of free speech and do
not limit access by adults to materials with First Amendment potential.

SECTION Specified Sexual Activities and Anatomical Areas. Pursuant

to Section 9.04.060 (Definitions) of this Title, an adult entertainment business is any
business or establishment that offers its patrons services, products or entertainment
characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual
activities" or "specified anatomical areas."

A. For purposes of this Section, "specified sexual activities" shall include the following:

1. Actual or simulated sexual intercourse, oral copulation, anal intercourse, oral-anal

copulation, bestiality, direct physical stimulation of unclothed genitals, flagellation or
torture in the context of a sexual relationship, or the use of excretory functions in

Section 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses 53

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the context of a sexual relationship, and any of the following depicted sexually
oriented acts or conduct: anilingus, buggery, coprophagy, coprophilia, cunnilingus,
fellatio, necrophilia, pederasty, pedophilia, piquerism, sapphism, zooerasty; or

2. Clearly depicted human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation, arousal or

tumescence; or

3. Use of human or animal masturbation, sodomy, oral copulation, coitus, ejaculation;


4. Fondling or touching of nude human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female

breast; or

5. Masochism, erotic or sexually oriented torture, beating or the infliction of pain; or

6. Erotic or lewd touching, fondling or other contact with an animal by a human being;

7. Human excretion, urination, menstruation, vaginal or anal irrigation; or

8. Dancing by one or more live entertainers in a manner displaying specific anatomical


B. For the purpose of this Section, "specified anatomical areas" shall include the following:

1. Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock,
and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and

2. Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely

SECTION Conditional Use Permit Requirement. The establishment of

an adult use in a zone where permitted by Section 9.18.020 (Uses Permitted) and Table 9-
18.1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones), in addition to the distance limitations,
location restrictions, and performance standards set forth in this Section, shall also be
subject to the requirement of a conditional use permit.

SECTION Distance Restrictions for Adult Entertainment Businesses.

No adult entertainment business shall be established if such business is located:

A. Within 200 feet of any “R” zoned property, or any PUD established exclusively for
residential use, or any property occupied by a residential use, or within 200 feet of any
building owned and occupied by a public agency;

B. Within 1,000 feet of any other adult entertainment business;

C. Within 1,000 feet of any public or private school facility, grades K through 12; park
playground; public library; or licensed day care facility;

C. Within 700 feet of any church or other facility used for religious worship.

Section 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses 54

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The establishment of any adult entertainment business shall include the opening of such a
business as a new business, the relocation of such business, or the conversion of an existing
business location to any adult entertainment business uses.

For the purposes of this Section, all distances shall be measured in a straight line, without
regard to intervening structures or objects, from the nearest point of the building or
structure used as a part of the premises where such adult entertainment business is
conducted to the nearest property line of any lot or premises with “R” zoning or any PUD
established exclusively for residential use or any property occupied by a residential use, or
to the nearest property line of any lot or premises of a church, park, public library, day care
facility, or educational institution utilized by minors, or to the nearest point of any building
or structure used as a part of the premises of any other adult entertainment business.

SECTION Location Restrictions for Adult Entertainment Businesses.

With exception of emergency access, all pedestrian and vehicular access to an adult
entertainment business shall be oriented toward a principal, major, or arterial street, such
as Garden Grove Boulevard, Magnolia Street, and Brookhurst Street. Access via a
secondary arterial or local residential street shall be prohibited. Arterials and local
residential streets are defined in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element.

SECTION Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions for

Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Developments. For a residential/commercial mixed
use development project, as defined in this Title, any property owner or his or her
authorized agent may, as part of the conditional use permit process, apply to the hearing
body for a waiver from the distance and location provisions contained in this Section relative
to the specific uses within that mixed use development. The hearing body, after a hearing,
may grant a waiver to any distance or location provision for a residential/commercial mixed
use development project if the following findings can be made:

A. That the proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to nearby
properties, and that the spirit and intent of this Section will be observed;

B. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of
neighboring property or cause or exacerbate the development of urban blight;

C. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the operations of other
businesses or uses located on the same site;

D. That the establishment of an additional regulated use in the area will not be contrary to
any program of neighborhood conservation or revitalization, nor will it interfere with any
program being carried out pursuant to the community redevelopment law;

E. That the establishment complies with all other distance and pedestrian and vehicular
requirements of this code; and

F. That all applicable regulations of this code will be observed.

The procedure for this hearing shall be the same as that provided in Section 9.32.30 (Land
Use Actions) of this Title, with, among other matters, the same notice requirements, the
same right of appeal to the City Council, and the same fees payable by the applicant. The
City Manager or designee shall prepare the necessary application form for this waiver.

Section 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses 55

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SECTION Required Performance Standards. All adult entertainment

uses must comply with the following mandatory performance standards:

A. Maximum occupancy load, fire exits, aisles, and fire equipment shall be regulated,
designed, and provided in accordance with the fire department and building regulations
and standards adopted by the City.

B. No adult business shall be operated in any manner that permits the observation of any
material depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified
anatomical areas from any public way or from any location outside the building or area
of such establishment. This provision shall apply to any display, decoration, sign, show,
window, or other opening.

C. Lighting of at least two foot-candles shall be required and designed to illuminate all off-
street parking areas serving such use, for the purpose of increasing the personal safety
of store patrons and reducing the incidents of vandalism and theft. Such lighting shall be
shown on the required site plans and shall be reviewed and approved by the City
Manager or designee.

D. No loudspeakers or sound equipment shall be used by an adult business for the

amplification of sound to a level discernible by the public beyond the walls of the
building or space occupied by the tenant in which such use is conducted, or that violates
any noise standards adopted by this Title.

E. Doors to the structure shall be closed at all times.

F. All on-site signage shall conform to the sign regulations of the municipal code.

G. All adult materials and activities shall be concealed from view from any public right-of-
way, parking lot or neighboring property.

H. It shall be unlawful to sell, serve, or permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a

structure occupied by an adult business.

I. It shall be unlawful to permit patrons or employees under the age of 18 in a structure

occupied by an adult business, including adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult cabarets,
adult motels, adult motion picture theaters, adult theaters, escort-dating services,
massage parlors or sexual encounter establishments.

J. The building entrance to an adult business shall be clearly and legibly posted with a
notice indicating that minors are precluded from entering the premises. Such notice shall
be constructed and posted to the satisfaction of the chief of police.

K. One or more California state-licensed security guards may be required subsequent to the
issuance of a conditional use permit if the police department determines that there is an
increase in crime activity at or upon the property during the life of the conditional use
permit. In such event, the police department may request that the City Manager or
designee set a noticed public hearing under Government Code Section 6061 before the
Planning Commission to determine whether the applicant's conditional use permit shall
be amended to require such security guards at a property location.

Section 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses 56

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L. The business shall be subject to public safety conditions as recommended by the police
department to ensure that harmful secondary effects from the business operation, such
as noise, litter, violent crime and graffiti are mitigated to the greatest extent possible.

M. The business shall comply with the property maintenance standards set forth in Section
9.32.200.B (Property Maintenance). Conditions may be imposed on the conditional use
permit to ensure that the application conforms to this Section.

N. Hours of operation shall be maintained as established in the approved conditional use

permit, unless otherwise provided for in the municipal code.

SECTION Site Plan Approval. In the case of new construction or for
building additions exceeding 10 percent of the existing floor area or 1,000 square feet,
whichever is less, a site plan application and approval shall be required in addition to the
conditional use permit. In granting a site plan approval, the Planning Commission shall be
required to find that:

A. The proposed development is consistent and harmonious with the architectural

elements, including, but not limited to, front elevation design, colors, size of structure,
within 300 feet of structures that front on the same street.

B. The proposed development plan meets the parking, landscaping, setbacks, signage,
fencing, building height and other related building standards of this Title.

SECTION Planning Commission Action. If the Planning Commission

makes findings that the standards set forth in subsection (Required
Performance Standards), above and subsection (Waiver of Distance and
Location Provisions for Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Developments) as applicable, of
this Section can be or have been met, and that the required site plan findings of subsection (Site Plan Approval), above, of this Section can be made, the Planning
Commission shall approve the conditional use permit application. The Planning Commission
shall make written findings to this effect.

SECTION Time for Planning Commission Findings. The conditional use
permit shall be acted upon by the Planning Commission within 90 days after the use permit
application is deemed complete by the City Manager or designee. If an environmental
impact report is required under CEQA, the time for action shall not exceed six months.

SECTION Appeals. The decision of the Planning Commission shall be

appealable to the City Council, pursuant to Section 9.32.110-150 (Appeals).

SECTION Adult Entertainment Use within an Existing Development.

A person seeking to establish an adult entertainment use within an existing development
within any GGMU zone that was developed prior to October 27, 2011 may apply for a
conditional use permit for an adult business as long as the application demonstrates
compliance with the distance and vehicular and pedestrian access requirements of this

SECTION Adult Merchandise in Non-Adult-Use Business.

A. Definitions. For the purposes of this Section, "adult merchandise" is defined as any
product dealing in or with explicitly sexual material as characterized by matter depicting,
describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. In

Section 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses 57

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

addition, "non-adult-use business" means any business or establishment not included in

Section 9.04.060 (Definitions).

B. Floor Space Limitations. No more than 15 percent of total floor space area open to
the public of a non-adult-use business shall be devoted to adult merchandise.

C. Segregation of Adult Merchandise. Retailers classified as non-adult-use

establishments shall display adult merchandise in an area of the business segregated
and screened from the area used for the sale and display of non-adult merchandise.
Screening may be accomplished with partitions or said adult materials may be displayed
in separate rooms.

D. Access by Minors. Non-adult-use establishments shall provide controls sufficient to

prohibit access by persons under 18 years of age to areas screened or segregated for
the purpose of selling or displaying adult merchandise.

E. Certain Merchandise Prohibited. Non-adult-use businesses shall not display or

merchandise adult, sexually oriented implements and paraphernalia, including, but not
limited to: dildos, auto sucks, sexually oriented vibrators, edible underwear, benwa
balls, inflatable orifices, anatomical balloons with orifices, simulated and battery
operated vaginas, and similar sexually oriented devices.

Section 9.18.050: Adult Entertainment Uses 58

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.060: Alcohol Beverage Sales

SECTION Purpose. ......................................................................................... 59

SECTION Restrictions on When Permitted........................................................... 59
SECTION Conditional Use Permit Required.......................................................... 59
SECTION Location and Related Requirements. .................................................... 60
SECTION Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions for Residential/Commercial Mixed
Use Developments.............................................................................................................. 60
SECTION Operational Conditions. ..................................................................... 61
SECTION Administrative Review of Conditional Use Permits................................... 62

SECTION Purpose. This Section establishes criteria and conditions for uses
that sell, serve, or allow consumption of alcoholic beverages.

SECTION Restrictions on When Permitted. Alcohol sales, either on-

sales or off-sales, shall only be permitted in association with the following uses, where such
uses are allowed in a zone, and shall require issuance of a conditional use permit:

A. Bars and nightclubs

B. Brew pubs and wine tasting establishments
C. Catering
D. Convenience stores
E. Delicatessens
F. Drug stores
G. Florists, as an incidental use
H. Liquor stores
I. Minimarkets associated with service stations
J. Restaurants
K. Supermarkets
L. Other uses similar to the above, as determined by the City Manager or designee

SECTION Conditional Use Permit Required. Any use that engages in
on- or off-site retail sales of alcoholic beverages, and that is required to operate under a
state alcoholic beverage control (ABC) license, shall be subject to the approval of a
conditional use permit. A conditional use permit shall be required for the following actions:

A. An application for an original ABC license;

B. An application for a new ABC license;

C. Any change in the type of existing ABC license;

D. Premise-to-premise transfer of an existing ABC license;

E. Any change in floor area in an ABC licensed establishment;

F. Any change in operating characteristics and/or conditions of approval from what was
originally approved by the City or by ABC, including but not limited to any change of
hours of operation or entertainment;

Section 9.18.060: Alcohol Beverage Sales 59

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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G. A request to establish entertainment or dancing in an ABC licensed establishment;

H. Any ABC licensed establishment that has its license revoked or suspended, or any ABC
licensed establishment that surrenders its license to ABC, discontinues use of the license
for 30 days, has its conditional use permit revoked, or vacates the property, shall be
required to file and have approved a new conditional use permit before reestablishing
the use;

I. Any ABC licensed establishment not possessing a conditional use permit approved after
January 1, 1986, when there is a change of ownership that requires an investigation by
the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control pursuant to the provisions of Business and
Professions Code Section 23958, as may be amended from time to time; and/or

J. When the use of the establishment with an ABC license ceases to operate for more than
90 days, the Conditional Use Permit that approved the sale of alcohol shall become null
and void. Reestablishment of the sale of alcohol shall require approval of a new
Conditional Use Permit.

SECTION Location and Related Requirements.

A. In judging requests for alcoholic beverage sales, of particular concern will be the physical
relationship and proximity of the proposed use to that of similar uses on surrounding
sites; the compatibility of the proposed use with neighboring uses (i.e., schools, parks,
religious institutions, hospitals and other similar uses), and that no adverse effect on
public health, safety or welfare will be created.

B. The specified distance from any use listed in Section (Restrictions on When
Permitted) shall be a minimum of 200 feet or equal to the distance used by Alcoholic
Beverage Control for ABC licensed establishments, as specified in the most recent ABC
Rules and Regulations and Procedural Manual. A conditional use permit may be denied
where the building housing a proposed on- or off-sale ABC licensed establishment does
not maintain the specified distance from the indicated uses. Additional distance
requirements for certain uses are prescribed in Section 9.18.030 (Specific Uses – Special
Operating Conditions and Development Standards).

C. The proposed use shall not be incompatible with the adjoining uses as it relates to noise,
debris, traffic, storage, design and hours of operation, nor shall it create any adverse
effect on public health, safety or welfare.

D. The City shall provide for periodic on-site inspections of all uses for which a conditional
use permit has been approved in accordance with this Chapter. Inspection shall be held
at no more than six month intervals to ensure compliance with all provisions of this and
all other applicable ordinances.

E. In the event the City has determined that a party holding a conditional use permit at a
given location is in violation of the conditions of the permit, the Zoning Administrator or
the Planning Commission, through the public hearing process, shall have the authority to
suspend the conditional use until such time as the property has been brought into
compliance and the City establishes that those conditions have been met.

SECTION Waiver of Distance and Location Provisions for

Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Developments. For a residential/commercial mixed
use development project, as defined in this Title, any property owner or his or her

Section 9.18.060: Alcohol Beverage Sales 60

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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authorized agent may, as part of the conditional use permit process, apply to the hearing
body for a waiver from the distance and location provisions contained in this Section relative
to the specific uses within that mixed use development. The hearing body, after a hearing,
may grant a waiver to any distance or location provision for a residential/commercial mixed
use development project if the following findings can be made:

A. That the proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to nearby
properties, and that the spirit and intent of this Section will be observed;

B. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of
neighboring property or cause or exacerbate the development of urban blight;

C. That the proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with the operations of other
businesses or uses located on the same site;

D. That the establishment of an additional regulated use in the area will not be contrary to
any program of neighborhood conservation or revitalization, nor will it interfere with any
program being carried out pursuant to the community redevelopment law;

E. That the establishment complies with all other distance and pedestrian and vehicular
requirements of this code; and

F. That all applicable regulations of this code will be observed.

The procedure for this hearing shall be the same as that provided in Section 9.32.30 (Land
Use Actions) of this Title, with, among other matters, the same notice requirements, the
same right of appeal to the City Council, and the same fees payable by the applicant. The
City Manager or designee shall prepare the necessary application form for this waiver.

SECTION Operational Conditions. All conditional use permits for ABC
licensed establishments may include conditions of approval to ensure that the proposed use
is compatible with adjoining uses as it relates to noise, debris, parking, traffic, security,
design and hours of operation, to ensure that the use does not create an adverse impact on
public health, safety or welfare. In order to ensure that an ABC licensed establishment does
not create an adverse impact on public health, safety or welfare, the following operational
conditions shall be required through the conditional use permit process:

A. Hours of operation shall be permitted only between the hours identified in the
conditional use permit.

B. Site lighting shall be required to illuminate the premises.

C. A state-licensed, uniformed security guard(s) shall be provided if requested by the police


D. The sound emitted from the premises shall not be audible outside the boundaries of the

E. Doors that open towards adjacent residential properties shall be kept closed during the
operation of the establishment, except in case of emergency.

F. The operator of the ABC licensed establishment shall submit a signed letter agreeing to
comply with all conditions of approval.

Section 9.18.060: Alcohol Beverage Sales 61

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G. Signs shall comply with all applicable provisions of this code.

H. The property shall have properly maintained trash enclosures, parking area surfaces,
parking stall striping, and other facilities as required by Sections 9.32.190 (Refuse
Storage Areas), 9.32.200 (Property Maintenance) and other sections of this code.

I. The City reserves the right to review the conditional use permit three years from the
date the conditional use permit is first approved and at three-year intervals thereafter,
and add, amend or delete any conditions of approval based upon changed circumstances
that necessitate a modification to the conditions of approval. The hearing body shall
adopt findings in support of its action. The operator of the establishment shall be
responsible for filing the application for the review.

J. The hearing body may approve additional conditions on any conditional use permit
based upon the characteristics of the ABC licensed establishment and the area in which
it is located.

SECTION Administrative Review of Conditional Use Permits. The City

Manager or designee may perform administrative reviews of existing conditional use permits
for state ABC licensed establishments. The purpose of the administrative review is to ensure
that any conditions of approval originally approved by the hearing body are being complied
with. If, upon review, the establishment has been found to be operating in compliance with
the conditions of approval of the conditional use permit, and no changes to the conditions of
approval are necessary, the City Manager or designee shall send a letter of compliance to
the operator. In the event that, upon review of the conditional use permit, any violations of
the conditions of approval have been found, or any changes to the conditions of approval or
business operation are proposed, the review shall be considered by the Planning
Commission at a duly noticed public hearing.

Section 9.18.060: Alcohol Beverage Sales 62

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.070: Outdoor Sales of Goods and Merchandise

SECTION Nonvehicular Vending Kiosks. .............................................................. 63

SECTION Vehicular Vending (Food Truck)............................................................ 63

SECTION Nonvehicular Vending Kiosks. In the GGMU-1, GGMU-2, and

GGMU-3 zones, nonvehicular vending kiosks may be established as a permanent use
anywhere on a site except within a required side or rear yard setback area, subject to the
following regulations. In the CC-3, NMU, and AR zones, nonvehicular vending kiosks may
be established as an incidental use subject to the following regulations.

A. Circulation. All kiosks shall be located outside of any area provided for on-site
pedestrian and vehicular circulation.

B. Security. All kiosks shall have security features designed to guard against vandalism
and other crimes when not in use.

C. Maximum Footprint. The maximum footprint area occupied by any single kiosk shall
not exceed 36 square feet.

D. Uniform Design. Where more than one kiosk is provided on a single site or group of
related parcels, the design of the kiosks shall be uniform. Also, for any kiosk located
within the front setback or visible from a public right-of-way, the design of the kiosk
shall have an architectural quality and style compatible with permanent structures on
the same site.

E. Maintenance. All kiosks shall be maintained in good condition.

G. Permitted Uses. Goods and services sold at kiosks shall be those permitted within the
zone in which they are located pursuant to Table 9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed
Use Zones).

H. Location. Kiosks shall not occupy any required parking space or impede vehicular or
pedestrian circulation.

I. City Review and Approval Required. Design, location and layout of kiosks shall be
subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director or designee.

SECTION Vehicular Vending (Food Truck). The preparation, sale,

display, and consumption of food and/or beverages may occur from any vehicle that is
parked, stopped, or standing upon any property where such is permitted as an incidental
use, as set forth in Table 9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones). Incidental
vehicular vending, where permitted, shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. Location. The food truck shall be located on a developed site. The owner(s) of the
property shall provide written permission to use the site. It is unlawful for any person to
sell or offer for sale any goods, food or merchandise from any vehicle that is either
parked, stopped or standing upon any public street, alley, parkway, or sidewalk.

Section 9.18.070: Outdoor Sales of Goods and Merchandise 63

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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B. Interference. The food truck shall not interfere with or create hazards for vehicular or
pedestrian access, aisles, circulation, driveways, or fire hydrants.

C. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation at an approved location shall be no earlier than

7 A.M. and no later than 10 P.M., and the vehicle shall be moved each night.

D. Lighting. The food truck shall have adequate lighting to ensure customer safety either
on the vehicle or at the location of the vehicle during business hours.

E. Business License. Food truck owner/operator shall obtain, display, and keep a current
City of Garden Grove business license.

F. Litter. The licensed operator shall be responsible for controlling all litter that may be
generated due to the operation.

Section 9.18.070: Outdoor Sales of Goods and Merchandise 64

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SECTION 9.18.080: Reserved

Section 9.18.080: Reserved 65

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Section 9.18.080: Reserved 66

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to

Individual Mixed Use Zones

SECTION Using this Section...................................................................67

SECTION Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zone (GGMU) Development
SECTION Civic Center Zone Development Standards. ................................75
SECTION Additional Regulations Specific to the CC-1 Zone. ........................81
SECTION Additional Regulations Specific to the CC-2 Zone. ........................82
SECTION Additional Regulations Specific to the CC-3 Zone. ........................84
SECTION Neighborhood Mixed Use Zone (NMU) Development Standards.......86
SECTION Adaptive Reuse Zone (AR) Development Standards......................88

SECTION Using this Section.

A. Standards. This Section establishes the development standards applicable to

each individual Mixed Use zone; the unique standards applicable to each specific
zone or group of zones are provided by subsection. Additional development
standards that apply to all Mixed Use zones are also provided; these standards
are set forth in Section 9.18.100 (Redevelopment and Design Standards
Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones) and Section 9.18.110 (Development Standards
for Specific Uses). All of the provisions in this Section 9.18.090 shall be used in
conjunction with the development and design standards in Section 9.18.100 and
Section 9.18.110. All other provisions of this Chapter are also applicable to
determine how properties can be developed.

B. Examples of Development Approaches and Outcomes. Figures 9.18-5,

9.18-6, and 9.18-7 at the conclusion of subsection (Examples of
Build-out Options for GGMU-1, GGMU-2, and GGMU-3) illustrate development
approaches for the GGMU zones that may result from the application of the
development and design standards set forth in this Chapter. Photographs are
used throughout this Section to illustrate the desired outcomes from application
of the development and design standards.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 67

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zone (GGMU)

Development Standards. In addition to the other applicable requirements of this
Chapter, the provisions of this subsection apply to development in the
GGMU-1, GGMU-2, and GGMU-3 zones. Table 9.18-2 (Development Standards for
the Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zones) sets forth the general development
standards applicable to all development in the GGMU zones.

TABLE 9.18-2
Development Standards for the Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zones
Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zones
Minimum Lot Size Minimum area and width for new lots. When a lot has less
than the minimum required area or width as set forth in the
development standards for the zone in which it is located and was
of record on November 12, 1960, the lot shall be deemed to have
complied with the current minimum required lot area or width.
Minimum Area 22,500 sf 15,000 sf 15,000 sf
Minimum Width 125 ft 75 ft 75 ft
Minimum Width (Corner Lot) 125 ft 75 ft 75 ft
Maximum Density/Intensity
Maximum Commercial Floor Area 1.0 0.5 0.5
Ratio (FAR)
Maximum Residential Density 42 units/acre 21 units/acre 32 units/acre
Residential development No commercial No commercial
requires an on-site component component
commercial development required. required.
component of a minimum
0.3 FAR unless a project
consists of 100%
affordable units, in which
case no commercial
component shall be
Setbacks Minimum setbacks required. See Section 9.18.100 for
setback measurement, allowed encroachments and
projections into setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks.
Front Minimum 10 ft Minimum 15 ft Minimum 15 ft
Side None required None required None required
Corner Side Minimum 10 ft Minimum 10 ft Minimum 10 ft
Rear None required unless abutting a residentially zoned lot;
minimum 10 ft and shall not encroach within an encroachment
plane when abutting a residentially zoned lot. See Section
Maximum Height Maximum building height shall not exceed height limit in
feet or stories. See Section and for additional building stepback
requirements. See also Section 9.18.100 for rear and side
yard encroachment plane requirements which may restrict
heights adjacent to a residentially zoned lot.
110 ft or 10 stories, 50 ft or 4 stories, 75 ft or 7 stories,
whichever is less whichever is less whichever is less
Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Coverage Not applicable
Maximum Lot Coverage Not applicable

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 68

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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A. Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zone 1 (GGMU-1) Setback

Requirements. For any property where the front lot line abuts Garden Grove
Boulevard, the minimum required 10-foot front setback, measured from and
perpendicular to the property line, shall be primarily for pedestrian use and shall
be paved and augmented with landscaping such as planters and trees, as
provided per Section (Setbacks) and subsection C (Garden Grove
Boulevard Tree Requirements) below. Elements enhancing the pedestrian
experience shall be incorporated into the design of the front setback, including
but not limited to benches, lighting, and enhanced paving.

Photo 9.18-2: Example of Paved Pedestrian Activity Area with

Landscaping and Benches in the GGMU-1 Zone

B. Garden Grove Boulevard Mixed Use Zones 2 and 3 Setback (GGMU-2 and
GGMU-3) Requirements. The first five feet within the minimum required 15-
foot front yard setback, measured from and perpendicular to the property line,
shall be for pedestrian use and shall be paved and landscaped, as provided in
Section (Setbacks). Elements enhancing the pedestrian
experience shall be incorporated into the design of the front setback, including
but not limited to benches, lighting, and enhanced paving.

C. Garden Grove Boulevard Tree Requirements. Trees are a significant and

highly visual component of the urban environment for both the pedestrian and
people in vehicles. For the pedestrian, trees create shade and provide comfort
and an enhanced feeling of appropriate scale. For people in vehicles, a clear
pattern of trees provides visual interest and enhances movement along and
through the city’s primary street corridors. For these reasons and to achieve
General Plan goals with regard to enhancing city identity, for all properties
having any property line adjacent to the Garden Grove Boulevard right-of-way,

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 69

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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enhanced landscaping shall be provided within the required front setback area,
in addition to otherwise required paving and landscaping. Such enhanced
landscaping shall consist of the following:

1. Columnar Trees Required. Columnar trees, selected from the Planning

Division’s approved tree list for Garden Grove Boulevard, shall be planted
within 10 feet of the Garden Grove Boulevard property line within the front
yard setback. Trees should be placed at regular intervals and no more than
40 feet on center. Trees shall have a minimum height at maturity of 45 feet.

2. Setback Canopy Trees Required. Canopy trees, selected from the Planning
Division’s approved tree list for Garden Grove Boulevard, shall be planted at a
ratio of at least one tree for every 50 feet of Garden Grove Boulevard lot
frontage. Trees may be placed at regular intervals along the front yard
setback or may be clustered within the front yard setback.

3. Trees within Public Rights-of-way. Canopy trees within the street right-of-
way are an essential component of the streetscape and pedestrian orientation
of Garden Grove Boulevard. Street trees shall be provided no more than 30
feet apart on center, or as otherwise required by Public Works standards.

4. Required Planting Area. A minimum of 16 square feet of planting of shrubs

and/or groundcover shall be provided at the base of each required tree,
unless tree grates are approved through the site plan review process.

D. FIGURE 9.18-2: Garden Grove Boulevard Frontage Tree Requirements

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 70

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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Building Stepback at Garden Grove Boulevard. Any portion of a building or

structure located within 45 feet of the Garden Grove Boulevard right-of-way shall
not exceed 50 feet in height. Where a building fronting Garden Grove Boulevard
is located more than 45 feet away from Garden Grove Boulevard, no additional
building stepback is required.

E. Building Stepback at Side Streets. Any portion of a building or structure

located within 25 feet of any public right-of-way other than Garden Grove
Boulevard shall not exceed 50 feet in height. Where a building is located more
than 25 feet away from another public right-of-way (other than Garden Grove
Boulevard), no additional building stepback is required.

FIGURE 9.18-3: GGMU Required Building Stepbacks

F. Boulevard Garden Plaza Requirement. For projects having a property line

that abuts the Garden Grove Boulevard right-of-way and where the buildings are
clearly oriented immediately toward Garden Grove Boulevard, a boulevard
garden plaza shall be provided. The purpose of this boulevard garden plaza is to
provide a place adjacent to the public right-of-way that expands the area for use
by pedestrians for passive recreation and public gathering, and that provides
area for landscape amenities, display of public art, and similar uses that enhance
the appearance and function of development. This boulevard garden plaza shall
be provided at grade.

Where a building or buildings is located toward the rear of a lot and a surface
parking lot is located between the public right-of-way and buildings on the site,
a pedestrian plaza shall be required in lieu of the boulevard garden plaza, in

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 71

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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conformance with the requirements set forth in Section

(Pedestrian-Oriented Plazas).

1. Permitted Uses. The required boulevard garden plaza may include

landscaped and paved areas, outdoor dining areas, public art display,
fountains, or similar uses and amenities permitted in the applicable zone,
including nonvehicular sales kiosks and outdoor dining.

2. Minimum Area. The boulevard garden plaza area shall comply with the
minimum area requirements set forth in Table 9.18-3 (Minimum Boulevard
Garden Plaza Area in the GGMU Zones).

TABLE 9.18-3
Minimum Boulevard Garden Plaza Area in the GGMU Zones
Garden Grove Boulevard
Frontage Length Minimum Plaza Area
Less than 150 feet 600 sf
150-300 feet 1,000 sf
More than 300 feet 1,500 sf

3. Shape and Minimum Dimensions. The boulevard garden plaza area shall
have a minimum dimension of 10 feet in width and 10 feet in length. The
required open space area may be split into no more than two contiguous

4. Location. The boulevard garden plaza area shall adjoin the front yard

5. Landscaping. A minimum of 25 percent of the boulevard garden plaza area

shall be landscaped with live plant materials. Landscaping provided in raised
planters or pots is permissible.

FIGURE 9.18-4: Required Boulevard Garden Plaza

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 72

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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6. Paving. Boulevard garden plazas shall be paved in high-quality materials

such as pavers, stone or cobblestone, patterned or scored colored concrete,
or similar durable materials. Plain and colored concrete and plain asphalt are

7. Other Requirement. The boulevard garden plaza area shall not be enclosed
or obstructed by fencing or walls and shall be well integrated with the front
yard setback area, except as required for permitted outdoor dining areas.

G. Examples of Build-out Options for GGMU-1, GGMU-2, and GGMU-3.

Figures 9.18-5 through 9.18-7 illustrate development approaches that may result
from the application of the development standards for the GGMU zones.

FIGURE 9.18-5: GGMU-1 Potential Development Examples

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 73

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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FIGURE 9.18-6: GGMU-2 Potential Development Examples

FIGURE 9.18-7: GGMU-3 Potential Development Examples

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 74

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION Civic Center Zone Development Standards. In

addition to the other applicable requirements of this Chapter, the provisions of this
subsection apply to proposed development in the CC-1, CC-2, CC-3,
and CC-OS zones. Table 9.18-4 (Development Standards for the Civic Center Mixed
Use Zones) and referenced figures establish the general development standards
applicable to all development in the CC zones.

TABLE 9.18-4
Development Standards for the Civic Center Mixed Use Zones
CC-1 CC-2 CC-3 CC-OS
Minimum Lot Size Minimum area and width for new lots. When a lot has less than the
minimum required area or width as set forth in the development standards
for the zone in which it is located and was of record on November 12, 1960,
the lot shall be deemed to have complied with the current minimum required
lot area or width.
Minimum Area 10,000 sf 5,000 sf 15,000 sf Development
Minimum Width 75 ft 50 ft 75 ft standards per
site plan review
Minimum Width (Corner Lot) 75 ft 50 ft 75 ft
Maximum Density/Intensity
Maximum Commercial Floor 0.5 0.5 0.5
Area Ratio (FAR)
Maximum Residential Density 21 units/acre 32 units/acre 42 units/acre Development
(units/acre) standards per
No commercial Residential uses Commercial site plan review
component permitted above storefronts required process.
required. ground floor only per Section
(See Section and Figure 9.18-11.
Setbacks Minimum setbacks required. See Section 9.18.100 for setback
measurement, allowed encroachments and projections into
setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks.
Front As determined per Figure 9.18-8 Development
Side Minimum 5 ft None required None required standards per
site plan review
Corner Side As determined per Figure 9.18-8
Rear Minimum 20% of None required unless abutting a
lot depth not to residentially zoned lot;
exceed 25 ft minimum 10 ft when abutting a
residentially zoned lot. See Section
Maximum Height and Maximum building height shall not exceed height limit in feet or
Building Stepbacks stories. See also Section 9.18.100 for rear and side yard
encroachment plane requirements which may restrict heights
adjacent to a residentially zoned lot.
Maximum height and building stepbacks required as Per site plan
determined per Section, including Figure review process.
9.18-9 and Figure 9.18-10.
Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Coverage Not applicable 70% Not applicable Per site plan
review process.
Maximum Lot Coverage 50% Not applicable Not applicable

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Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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A. Required Setbacks. All structures shall maintain the minimum required setbacks
set forth on Figure 9.18-8 (CC Required Street Frontage Setbacks), below.

FIGURE 9.18-8: CC Required Street Frontage Setbacks

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B. Maximum Heights and Required Building Stepbacks. New buildings and

structures shall conform to the maximum height and building stepback
requirements of this Section.

FIGURE 9.18-9: CC Maximum Heights and Required Building Stepbacks

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1. In the CC-1 zone, no building stepback shall be required.

2. In the CC-2 zone, building stepbacks shall be required pursuant to Figure

9.18-9 (CC Maximum Height Limits and Required Building Stepbacks) for any
new development with a property line abutting Main Street, Garden Grove
Boulevard, or Acacia Parkway and where a building will be located within 10
feet of the subject street.

3. In the CC-3 zone, building stepbacks shall be required pursuant to Figure

9.18-9 (CC Maximum Height Limits and Required Building Stepbacks) for any
new development with a property line abutting Garden Grove Boulevard,
Acacia Parkway, Main Street, Civic Center Drive, 8th Street, 9th Street, and
Stanford Avenue east of Euclid Street and where a building will be located
within 20 feet of the subject street. Where a building with frontage on a
subject street is located more than 20 feet from the subject street, no
additional building stepback shall be required.

4. Building stepbacks shall be measured from the property line per Figure 9.18-
10 (Required Building Stepbacks), below.

FIGURE 9.18-10: Required Building Stepbacks

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C. Storefronts and Commercial Uses Required at Ground Floors. Storefronts

provide a means for commercial uses to orient display toward and access directly
from public sidewalks. By providing visibility into these commercial spaces,
pedestrian interest is enhanced to contribute to the pedestrian experience and
encourage high pedestrian volumes. Storefronts and associated ground floor
commercial space shall be required for certain properties with lot lines along
Garden Grove Boulevard, Acacia Parkway, Main Street, and Euclid Street, as
indicated on Figure 9.18-11 (CC Required Storefronts/Ground Floor Commercial

1. Where storefronts are required pursuant to Figure 9.18-11 (CC Required

Storefronts/Ground Floor Commercial Uses), required commercial space shall
have a minimum depth of 40 feet for a minimum of 60 percent of the length
of the building façade measured parallel to the property line. The storefront
shall be oriented toward the street indicated in Figure 9.18-11 (CC Required
Storefronts/Ground Floor Commercial Uses).

2. Commercial space shall be occupied by a commercial use that is permitted in

the zone pursuant to Table 9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use Zones)
of this Chapter.

3. For a civic, institutional, public, or similar use, a public lobby and offices may
be considered a storefront.

Photo 9.18-3: Examples of Storefronts

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 79

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FIGURE 9.18-11: CC Required Storefronts/Ground Floor Commercial Uses

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 80

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SECTION Additional Regulations Specific to the CC-1 Zone.

A. Purpose and Applicability. In addition to the other applicable requirements of

this Chapter, the provisions of this subsection apply to development in the CC-1
zone. These standards are established to maintain the character of established
neighborhoods within the Civic Center East district.

B. Architectural Character. Architectural character of new buildings and

structures shall be compatible with the character and scale of existing
neighborhoods. New buildings and structures shall incorporate variation in
building massing and roofline, utilization of projecting bays or recesses, changes
in material, differentiation of color, changes in architectural detailing or
ornament, or similar architectural features.

C. Maximum Length of Building Façade. Façades of buildings and structures

facing public right-of-ways shall not exceed 50 feet of uninterrupted length
measured parallel to the property line. Facades greater than this length shall be
interrupted by breaks in façade plane not less than 10 feet in width and five feet
in depth.

Figure 9.18-12: CC-1 Maximum Length of Building Façade

D. Porches and Patios at Street-Fronting Setbacks. Porches and patios are

encouraged at street-fronting setbacks and may encroach within required
setbacks for not more than five feet measured perpendicular to the property line.

E. Existing Single-Family Residential Development. Any legally established

single-family residential development existing on the effective date of the
ordinance establishing the CC-1 Mixed Use zone that is maintained as a single-
family residential use shall be subject to the use regulations and development
standards contained in Chapter 9.08 (Single-Family Residential Development
Standards) of this Title for any additions or modifications.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 81

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SECTION Additional Regulations Specific to the CC-2 Zone.

A. Purpose and Applicability. In addition to the other applicable requirements of

this Chapter, the provisions of this subsection apply to proposed development in
the CC-2 zone. These standards are established to maintain the low-scale
character and architectural style of development of the early-20th century district
located along Main Street.

B. Limit on Residential Units. Residential units shall be permitted only above

ground floor commercial space and shall be further limited as follows:

1. The maximum allowable number of residential units within the entire CC-2
zone, located on the east and west sides of Main Street between Garden
Grove Boulevard and Acacia Parkway, shall not exceed 102 units. As each
property is developed with residential units, the number of units that have
been approved shall reduce the maximum number of allowable units in the
CC-2 zone as a whole. In the event that a commercial development is
expanded that would reduce the number of available surplus parking spaces,
the maximum allowable number of units will be reduced according to the
number of parking spaces encumbered by the commercial development,
unless parking has been provided for on site or within a parking structure.

2. Each unit shall be limited to a maximum of two sleeping rooms.

3. The design of the individual units shall preserve the historic feel of the Main
Street District and shall comply with the standards set forth in this Title.

C. Parking. Parking shall be unassigned throughout the Main Street Parking District
unless provided for on site, and any assigned parking shall not be counted toward
meeting minimum parking requirements.

D. General Design Regulations and Site Development Standards. The

following site development standards for the CC-2 zone are established to
provide for the orderly development, restoration, and revitalization of properties
within the CC-2 zone; to provide for the proper relationship of various uses,
buildings, structures and open spaces; to allow for the maximum flexibility in
design and development within the parameters of the historical theme of Main
Street; and to encourage the utilization of recognized economic, cultural, and
social values of good environmental planning.

1. Architectural and Design Criteria. In order to ensure that the

development, restoration, and revitalization of properties and buildings are
completed in accordance with the general historical theme of the CC-2 zone,
the Community Development Department shall adopt, by resolution,
architectural and design criteria, which shall be filed in the office of the City
Clerk. All development projects shall conform to such architectural and design
criteria as though listed verbatim in this Title.

2. Site Plan Required. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any
building or structure, a site plan shall be adopted if either of the following
conditions apply:

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 82

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a. Floor area in excess of 10 percent will be added to an existing building or

b. A new building or structure will be established.

The proposed plan shall be submitted to the Parking and Main Street
Commission for review and recommendation to the Planning Commission. All
required site plans shall be submitted to the Community Development
Department and Planning Commission for approval and architectural review.

3. Building Design Plan. Under the provisions of this subsection, when a

structural rehabilitation is requested and a site plan is not required, a building
design plan shall be required. The proposed building design plan shall be
submitted to the Zoning Administrator for technical review and
recommendation to the Parking and Main Street Commission. The Parking and
Main Street Commission shall review the proposed plan and make
recommendations to the Community Development Department. All required
building design plans shall be submitted to the Community Development
Department for approval and architectural review. The specific drawings and
contents required in the building design plan shall be determined by the
Community Development Department and shall be adopted by resolutions as
a portion of the architectural design criteria.

4. Conformance with Site Plan and/or Building Design Plan Required. All
work to be carried out in the development, restoration, or revitalization of any
building or structure located within the CC-2 zone shall be performed in
accordance with the provisions and conditions of an approved site plan or
building design plan.

E. Signs. All signs shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 9.20 (Sign
Standards) of this Title.

F. Maintenance Requirements. All buildings and structures within the CC-2 zone
shall be maintained in good repair and in a manner consistent with the general
historical theme adopted for the zone. Maintenance shall include, but not be
limited to, buildings being painted and awnings replaced periodically as required.

The Parking and Main Street Commission shall monitor compliance and shall
notify property owners and tenants in the event of noncompliance. In the event
of continued noncompliance, the Parking and Main Street Commission shall make
recommendations to the Community Development Department, which shall be
empowered to utilize any available means to ensure compliance.

G. Role of the Parking and Main Street Commission. The Parking and Main
Street Commission shall review proposed building design plans and site plans,
monitor the maintenance of the buildings in the CC-2 zone, and advise the City
Council regarding the levy of annual assessments for the Main Street Assessment
District No. 1.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 83

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SECTION Additional Regulations Specific to the CC-3 Zone.

A. Intent. It is the City’s intent to create a Civic Center district that consists of a
several distinct neighborhoods connected to the Civic Core and public park areas
by a series of pedestrian pathways, thereby enhancing district cohesion and
allowing people to easily walk to uses throughout the Civic Center district, as
defined in the General Plan. While public sidewalks provide the primary means of
pedestrian mobility within the district, additional connections can be provided via
pathways, pasoes, trails, and walkways that traverse private properties. This is
particularly the case where large blocks either obstruct or are not well integrated
into the traditional grid street pattern shaping the historic civic district. Thus, to
fully realize the General Plan goal of providing connecting pathways throughout
the Civic Center district, these regulations are established to incentivize provision
of pedestrian access across private properties to connect one public right-of-way
to another. These regulations shall become effective upon the City’s adoption of
guidelines and a pedestrian pathway plan for the Civic Center district.

Photo 9.18-4: Example of Pedestrian Pathway with

Benches and Landscape Features

B. Applicability. These regulations shall apply to all new development within the
CC-3 zone, as specified in subsections C (Commercial, Mixed Use, Education, and
Institutional/Civic Developments) and D (Residential Developments) below for
particular types of development. The design and dimensions of such pedestrian
pathways shall conform to any guidelines the City may adopt for such.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 84

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C. Commercial, Mixed Use, Educational, and Institutional/Civic

Developments. All new commercial, mixed use, educational, and
institutional/civic developments, and any additions or improvements to an
existing development whereby the new construction equals or exceeds 50
percent of the replacement value of the existing construction, shall integrate into
the development a pathway, paseo, walkway, or similar pedestrian access that
connects the primary entrance along an adjacent public street or alley to either
another adjacent public street or alley, or to a similar pathway on an abutting
property. The area devoted to such pathway can be credited toward any open
space requirement of the development.

D. Residential Developments. All new development projects with a residential

component shall integrate into the development a pathway, paseo, walkway, or
similar pedestrian access that connects the primary entrance along an adjacent
public street or alley to either another adjacent public street or alley, or to a
similar pathway on an abutting property. The area devoted to such pathway can
be credited toward any open space requirement of the development.

E. General Requirements. All pathways, paseos, walkways, or similar pedestrian

accesses shall be reviewed as part of any required site plan review or
discretionary permit review process. The project may be conditioned to address
such issues as, but not limited to, design materials, hours during which such
pathway shall be available for general public access, pedestrian safety
enhancements, lighting, and security of the businesses and residences with direct
access to the pathway.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 85

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SECTION Neighborhood Mixed Use Zone (NMU) Development


A. General. In addition to the other applicable requirements of this Chapter, the

provisions of this subsection apply to proposed development in the
NMU zone. Table 9.18-5 (Development Standards for the Neighborhood Mixed
Use Zone) sets forth the general development standards applicable to all
development in the NMU zone.

TABLE 9.18-5
Development Standards for the Neighborhood Mixed Use Zone


Minimum Lot Size Minimum area and width for new lots. When a lot
has less than the minimum required area or width as set
forth in the development standards for the zone in which
it is located and was of record on November 12, 1960,
the lot shall be deemed to have complied with the
current minimum required lot area or width.
Minimum Area 15,000 sf
Minimum Width 75 ft
Minimum Width (Corner Lot) 75 ft
Maximum Density/Intensity
Maximum Commercial Floor Area 0.5
Ratio (FAR)
Maximum Residential Density 21 units/acre
Residential development requires an on-site commercial
development component of a minimum 0.2 FAR.
Setbacks Minimum setbacks required. See Section 9.18.100
for setback measurement, allowed encroachments
and projections into setbacks, and exceptions to
Front Minimum 15 ft
Side None required
Corner Side Minimum 10 ft
Rear None required unless abutting a residentially zoned lot;
minimum 10 ft when abutting a residentially zoned lot.
See Section 9.18.100.
Maximum Height Maximum building height shall not exceed height
limit in feet or stories. See also Section 9.18.100
for rear and side yard encroachment plane
requirements which may restrict heights adjacent
to a residentially zoned lot.
50 ft or 4 stories, whichever is less
Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Coverage Not applicable
Maximum Lot Coverage Not applicable

B. Maximum Gross Building Footprint. In the NMU zone, the gross building
footprint of any structure at the ground level shall not exceed 40,000 square feet
of contiguous floor area.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 86

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C. Pedestrian-oriented Plaza Requirement. Each project in the NMU zone shall

provide a pedestrian plaza. The purpose of the pedestrian-oriented plaza is to
provide a place for passive recreation, public gathering, landscape amenities,
display of public art, and similar uses that enhance the appearance and function
of development and integrate multiple uses on a site. For a building that is
constructed with orientation toward the street, the pedestrian-oriented plaza
shall be in the form of a boulevard garden plaza along the front setback and
shall conform to the standards of Section (Boulevard Garden
Plaza Requirement). For other development approaches and types, the plaza
shall be a pedestrian plaza that provides enhanced pedestrian circulation and
connects the various uses/buildings on the site. In particular, for sites at
Brookhurst Street and Chapman Avenue, efforts shall be made to physically
and/or visually connect pedestrian pathways to uses across the street from each

1. Permitted Uses. The required pedestrian plaza may consist of landscaped

and paved areas, outdoor dining, public art display, fountains, or similar uses
and amenities permitted in the applicable zone. When the plaza is interior to
a property, nonvehicular vending kiosks may be permitted.

2. Minimum Area. The pedestrian plaza shall comply with the minimum area
requirements set forth in Table 9.18-6 (Minimum Pedestrian Plaza Area in the
NMU Zone).

Table 9.18-6
Minimum Pedestrian Plaza Area in the NMU Zone
Frontage Length Minimum Plaza Area
Less than 150 feet 600 sf
150-300 feet 1,000 sf
More than 300 feet 1,500 sf

3. Shape and Minimum Dimensions. The required plaza area shall have
minimum dimensions of 10 feet in width and 10 feet in length. The required
area may be split into no more than two contiguous areas.

4. Location. The plaza area may be located anywhere on a site but in a manner
that provides for easy accessibility and maintenance. The plaza area shall be
well integrated into other development features and pedestrian accessways
on the site. Proposed locations shall be reviewed through the site plan review

5. Other Requirement. The plaza area shall not be enclosed or obstructed by

fencing or walls, except as required for permitted outdoor dining areas
abutting a public right-of-way.

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 87

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SECTION Adaptive Reuse Zone (AR) Development Standards.

In addition to the other applicable requirements of this Chapter, the provisions of
this subsection apply to proposed development in the AR zone. Table
9.18-7 (Development Standards for the Adaptive Reuse Zone) establishes the
development standards applicable to all development in the AR zone.

TABLE 9.18-7
Development Standards for the Adaptive Reuse Zone


Minimum Lot Size Minimum area and width for new lots. When a lot has
less than the minimum required area or width as set forth
in the development standards for the zone in which it is
located and was of record on November 12, 1960, the lot
shall be deemed to have complied with the current
minimum required lot area or width.
Minimum Area 15,000 sf
Minimum Width 75 ft
Minimum Width (Corner Lot) 75 ft
Maximum Density/Intensity
Maximum Commercial Floor Area 0.5
Ratio (FAR)
Maximum Residential Density 32 units/acre
(units/acre) All residential units shall be work-live units, per Section
Setbacks Minimum setbacks required. See Section 9.18.100 for
setback measurement, allowed encroachments and
projections into setbacks, and exceptions to
Front Minimum 15 ft
Side None required
Corner Side Minimum 10 ft
Rear None required unless abutting a residentially zoned lot.
minimum 10 ft when abutting a residentially zoned lot. See
Section 9.18.100.
Maximum Height Maximum building height shall not exceed height
limit in feet or stories. See also Section 9.18.100 for
rear and side yard encroachment plane requirements
which may restrict heights adjacent to a residentially
zoned lot.
50 ft or 4 stories, whichever is less
Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Coverage Not applicable
Maximum Lot Coverage Not applicable

Section 9.18.090: Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones 88

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards

Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones

SECTION Purpose and Applicability of Development and Design Standards in

Mixed Use Zones......................................................................................................89
SECTION Development Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones. ...........89
SECTION Site Design Standards.............................................................95
SECTION Enhanced Building Design Standards. ........................................99

SECTION Purpose and Applicability of Development and

Design Standards in Mixed Use Zones.

A. Purpose. These development and design standards are established to achieve

General Plan goals of encouraging local and regional commerce in the Mixed Use
zones, creating attractive districts, and enhancing city image. The city’s goal is to
ensure that developments interact with each other and provide a consistent
pattern and urban form along boulevards and within mixed use districts, rather
than exist as stand-alone, individual projects. Developments within the Mixed Use
zones are intended to harmonize with adjacent residential uses by maintaining a
pedestrian scale and compatible architectural styles, and by providing inviting
and attractive access, well-designed landscaping, and pedestrian amenities that
encourage walking throughout the districts. While vehicular access is important
to support broad-based use of businesses within the Mixed Use zones, parking
areas and driveways shall be considered as an integral part of project design,
with detailed attention to quality and accommodation of pedestrian movement.

B. Application of Design Standards. Subsections (Site Design

Standards) and (Enhanced Building Design Standards) establish
standards for the design of sites and buildings in all Mixed Use zones. If, through
the discretionary review process, a finding is made that the project substantially
meets the intent of the design standards of these subsections, an alternative
design may be approved. However, approvals of alternatives shall not be
permitted for any of the general development standards set forth in subsection (Development Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones).

SECTION Development Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use


A. Applicability. Subdivisions, new land uses and structures, and alterations to

existing land uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established
in compliance with the requirements set forth in Section 9.18.090 (Development
Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones) and Section 9.18.100
(Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones), in
addition to all applicable standards of Title 9.

B. Lot Area. No lot area shall be reduced or diminished so that the setbacks or
other open spaces shall be less than prescribed for the zone in which it is located.

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 89
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

C. Setbacks. Setbacks, as required by Section 9.18.090 (Development Standards

Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones) and Section 9.18.100(Development and
Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones), are diagramed in Figure
9.18-13 (Required Setbacks).

Figure 9.18-13: Required Setbacks

1. Garden Grove Boulevard Adjacent Setbacks. For properties with any

property line abutting the Garden Grove Boulevard right-of-way, said
property line shall be considered the front line for the purpose of determining
required setbacks.

2. Setbacks Unobstructed. Required setbacks shall be open and unobstructed

from the ground to the sky except for trees and other plant material. No
building, parking space, or turning aisle to any parking space shall occupy any
portion of any required setback. Easements for utilities (e.g., electrical,
communications) are exempt from the requirements of this Section.

3. Permitted Intrusions in Setbacks. The following may project into any

required setback a maximum of two feet: cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills,
buttresses, planter boxes, masonry planters, guard railings, chimneys or
similar architectural features.

4. Setback Point of Measurement. All building setbacks shall be measured

from the ultimate street right-of-way.

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 90
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

5. Landscaping Required in Setbacks. A minimum of 60 percent of the

surface area of required setbacks shall be landscaped in all Mixed Use zones,
with the exception of the required front and corner side yard setbacks in the
GGMU-1 and CC-2 zones. In the GGMU-1 zone, a maximum of 60 percent
and a minimum of 15 percent of the surface area of required setbacks shall
be landscaped. In the CC-2 zone, landscaping in setbacks is not required.
Any non-landscaped area within a required setback shall be paved per the
requirements of Section (Paved Areas in Setbacks), below.

6. Paved Areas in Setbacks. Areas not landscaped shall be paved in high-

quality materials such as pavers, stone or cobblestone, patterned or scored
colored concrete, or similar durable materials. Plain and colored concrete and
plain asphalt are prohibited.

7. Limited Outdoor Dining/Seating Permitted in Setbacks. Outdoor seating

may be allowed in accordance with the requirements of Section
(Outdoor Dining at Eating Establishment/Restaurant) in the front yard
setback. No more than 30 percent of the required front yard setback area
may be occupied by outdoor dining/seating.

8. Vending Permitted. Nonvehicular vending kiosks and vehicular vending

may be allowed in accordance with the requirements of Section 9.18.070
(Outdoor Sales of Goods and Merchandise).

Photo 9.18-5: Example of Landscaping and Paving and a Vending

Kiosk in Required Setback Areas

D. Rear or Side Yard Setback and Encroachment Plane Required when

Abutting a Residentially Zoned Lot. Where the rear lot line and/or side lot line
of a Mixed Use zoned lot abuts an “R” zoned property or a PUD established

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 91
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exclusively for residential uses, the following standards shall be met in addition to
all other required setbacks:

1. 10-Foot Rear Yard Setback. A 10-foot rear yard setback or side yard
setback, as applicable, shall be provided.

2. Encroachment Plane. No buildings or structures shall be located within an

encroachment plane sloping upward and inward to the site at a 45-degree
angle, commencing 15 feet above the existing grade at the property line (see
Figure 9.18-14: Rear or Side Yard Setback and Encroachment Plane at
Residentially Zoned Lot).

Figure 9.18-14: Rear or Side Yard Setback and Encroachment Plane at

Residentially Zoned Lot

3. Encroachment Plane at Alley. Where an alley separates the rear lot line of
a Mixed Use zoned lot from a property zoned exclusively for residential uses,
no building or structure shall be located within an encroachment plane sloping
upward and inward to the site at a 45-degree angle, commencing 15 feet
above the existing grade at the centerline of the alley (see Figure 9.18-15:
Rear Yard Setback and Encroachment Plane at Alley Abutting Residentially
Zoned Lot).

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 92
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Figure 9.18-15: Rear Yard Setback and Encroachment Plane at

Alley Abutting Residentially Zoned Lot

4. Property Line Wall Required. A solid decorative masonry wall or concrete

block wall shall be provided at the property line. The wall shall be at least six
feet in height but shall not exceed eight feet in height.

E. Access to Nonresidential Uses. Primary access to any nonresidential use shall

be taken from a primary, major, or principal arterial street classification, as
defined by the General Plan Circulation Element. No access shall be provided to a
nonresidential use from local residential streets, as defined by the General Plan
Circulation Element, unless specifically allowed through the site plan review
process. Emergency access from local residential streets shall be permitted only
where no other feasible emergency access to a primary arterial or higher street
classification is possible. On through lots, no access to nonresidential uses shall
be provided on local residential streets, unless specifically allowed through the
site plan review process.

F. Building Height Exceptions for Uninhabited Penthouses and Roof

Structures. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators,
stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and
maintain the building, fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, flagpoles,
chimneys, smokestacks, wireless masts, and similar structures may be erected
above the height limits established by this Chapter by no more than fifteen feet.
No penthouses, roof structure, or other space above the height limit shall be
allowed for the purpose of providing additional usable floor space.

G. Outdoor Lighting. All on-site lighting shall be stationary and directed away from
adjoining properties and public right-of-ways.

H. Modification of Required Front Yards on Lots Fronting on the Curves of

Cul-De-Sacs or Knuckles. Where the street pattern of a subdivision includes

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 93
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lots fronting upon cul-de-sac turnarounds or knuckle widenings at right angles or

approximate right angle turns in a street, and where such fronting lots by reason
of the cul-de-sac or knuckle creating a greater street width with the resultant
reduced depth of fronting lots, the required front yard may be reduced in the
following manner:

1. Any lot fronting entirely on an arc formed by a knuckle or cul-de-sac, the

front setback shall be no less than one-half the required setback for that
zone; however, no setback shall be less than 10 feet. The prescribed setback
shall be measured by maintaining a constant parallel arc to the front property

2. Where lots have only a portion of the property located on a cul-de-sac,

knuckle, reverse curve, or where the street widens from the established
parallel right-of-way, that portion where the reduction occurs may have the
front yard setback reduced in the following manner: The setback shall be
determined by first locating a point of reference on the property line, of the
subject lot, that establishes the required setback for that zone in which the
property is located. The second point of reference shall be established by
locating a point on the property line establishing the property's depth from
street's arc, by locating the point one-half the required setback for that zone
and in no instance shall the setback at any point along the property street
frontage be less than 10 feet. Once the two points are established, a line is
drawn from one point to the other, thus reflecting the front yard setback.

I. Vision Clearance and Driveway Site Design.

1. Vision Clearance at Street Intersections. All corner and reverse corner

lots shall maintain, for safety vision purposes, an open to the sky and
unobstructed triangular area at the intersection of the front and side street
property lines. One angle and two sides of the triangular area shall be formed
by the intersection of the front and the side street property lines or their
projection to a point of intersection. The third side of the triangle shall be a
straight line connecting those points on the front and side property lines
measured 25 feet from the point of intersection.

2. Vision Clearance at Street Intersections Paving and Landscaping. The

area comprising an open and unobstructed triangular area for vision clearance
shall be paved and landscaped in accordance with Section 9.18.120
(Landscaping) and other applicable tree and landscaping standards required
for specific zones, except that no trees, shrubs, fences, or other physical
obstructions higher than 36 inches above existing grade shall be permitted.

3. Maximum Number of Driveways and Total Allowable Driveway Width.

The number of permitted driveways and the width of driveways shall comply
with Public Works standards established in Ordinance No. 2155.

4. Vision Clearance at Driveways. On corner lots or reverse corner lots, if a

vehicular entrance is provided from the side street side, an area for safety
vision clearance shall be maintained on each side of the driveway. Such area
for vision clearance shall be defined by a diagonal line beginning at the

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 94
Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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intersection of the edges of the driveway and the inside line of the required
side yard and extending away from the driveway at an angle of forty-five
degrees to the edge of the driveway toward the side street property line of
the lot.

SECTION Site Design Standards.

A. Pedestrian Walkways.

1. Pedestrian Walkway Location. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided and

located on the site in a manner that allows easy and clearly identifiable
pedestrian access from sidewalks at public rights-of-way to building entrances,
publicly accessible amenity areas, any required pedestrian-oriented plaza
(including boulevard garden plazas and pedestrian plazas), and similar on-site
uses. Pedestrian walkways shall also provide access between building
entrances and uses on the same site.

2. Pedestrian Walkway Design. Pedestrian walkways shall have a minimum

width of four feet. Pedestrian walkways shall be paved in high-quality
materials such as pavers, stone or cobblestone, patterned or scored colored
concrete, or similar durable materials. Plain and colored concrete and plain
asphalt are prohibited.

Figure 9.18-16: Pedestrian Walkway

3. Pedestrian Walkway Visibility and Site Features. Pedestrian walkways

shall be located so that they are clearly visible from sidewalks at the public
right-of-way. Additional site features shall include but not be limited to
directional signage (as permitted by this code), placement of markers,
landscape planters, or vegetation. These features shall be used to emphasize
the location of the pedestrian walkway at the public right-of-way and
throughout the development.

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Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 96
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4. Pedestrian Walkways within Parking Areas.

a. Where parking areas are located between public sidewalks and buildings,
publicly accessible amenity areas, and similar on-site uses, pedestrian
walkways shall be located to provide the most direct access from public
sidewalks to building entrances, publicly accessible amenity areas, and
similar on-site uses.

b. Where pedestrian walkways pass through parking areas, they shall be

differentiated from parking areas using raised walkways, raised curbs,
enhanced paving clearly differentiated from the parking area paving,
and/or landscape buffers.

c. Pedestrian walkway requirements shall apply in addition to the landscaping

standards of Section 9.18.120 (Landscaping) and the parking design
standards of Section (Parking Design Standards).

Photo 9.18-6: Example of Enhanced Pedestrian Walkway in a Parking Area

B. Pedestrian-Oriented Plazas. Pedestrian-oriented plazas, whether required

pursuant to Sections (Boulevard Garden Plaza Requirement) or (Pedestrian-oriented Plaza Requirement), or provided as a
non-required on-site improvement, shall follow the following standards:

1. Pedestrian-Oriented Plaza Design. Pedestrian-oriented plazas shall have

minimum dimensions of 10 feet in any direction. Pedestrian-oriented plazas
shall be visible and easily accessible from areas of pedestrian activity,
including public right-of-ways, required pedestrian walkways, building

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 97
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entrances, and parking lots. Pedestrian-oriented plazas shall include elements

including but not limited to enhanced paved areas, benches and seating,
landscape planters, gazebos, or similar amenities. Pedestrian-oriented plazas
shall be located so as to be convenient for a diversity of users of a

2. Paving. Pedestrian-oriented plazas shall be paved in high-quality materials

such as pavers, stone or cobblestone, patterned or scored colored concrete,
or similar durable materials. Plain and colored concrete and plain asphalt are

3. Landscaping. A minimum of 25 percent of the pedestrian-oriented plaza

shall be landscaped with live materials. Pedestrian-oriented plazas shall
feature landscape amenities including but not limited to landscape planters,
low hedges, and shade-providing trees, water features, or unique features
that enhance the appearance, desirability, and usability of the plaza.

4. Pedestrian-Oriented Plazas Abutting Parking Areas. Pedestrian-oriented

plazas abutting parking areas shall be separated from drive aisles and parking
stalls with raised curbs. Additional features creating a sense of safety such as
decorative bollards, low and well-maintained hedges, or landscaped planters
are strongly encouraged.

5. Count towards Open Space Requirement. Pedestrian-oriented plazas that

are accessible to both commercial and residential components of an
integrated mixed use development and not allocated to specific uses or
tenants may be counted towards open space, recreation, and leisure area
requirements per Section (Open Space, Recreation, and
Leisure Area Requirements for Residential Components of Integrated Mixed
Use Developments).

Photo 9.18-7: Example of Pedestrian Plaza Featuring Paving, Landscaping,

and Pedestrian-Oriented Amenities

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 98
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SECTION Enhanced Building Design Standards. New buildings

and structures shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the following
standards and as illustrated in Figure 9.18-17 (Enhanced Building Design Standards).

Figure 9.18-17: Enhanced Building Design Standards

A. Architectural Character. The architectural character of all new construction

and additions as established by subparagraphs B through G in this subsection shall be consistently utilized and expressed at all faces of buildings
visible from public rights-of-way.

B. Building Articulation. Façades shall be modulated to create visual and

architectural interest. Architectural elements including bays and recesses,
balconies and terraces, inset windows that allow for the expression of wall
thickness, patterns of shade and shadow at facades, changes of material and
color use of architectural details such as horizontal and vertical banding, cornices,
door and window surrounds, and use of high-quality materials, such as smooth
finished stucco, brick, and stone are encouraged.

C. Roofline Variation. Variation of roof forms shall be used to create visual

distinction between buildings and to incorporate human-scale modulation that
breaks down the bulk of structures and buildings, and at the same time, creates
a sense of common identity throughout the development.

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 99
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Photo 9.18-8: Example of Architecturally Treated and

Human-Scaled Buildings

D. Maximum Length of Building Façade. Façades of buildings and structures

facing public rights-of-way shall not exceed 75 feet of uninterrupted length
measured parallel to the property line. Facades greater than this length shall be
interrupted by breaks in façade plane, major changes in building massing, and
utilization of projecting bays or recesses, along with changes in material,
differentiation of color, or changes in architectural detailing or ornament.

Figure 9.18-18: Maximum Length of Building Facade

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 100
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E. Entrance Frequency. At street frontages, ground-related entrances shall occur

at least once every 150 feet, as measured along the street-facing property line.
In addition to entrances to ground-related uses, entrances to residential units,
clusters of residential units, lobbies, or private courtyards may be applied
towards meeting this requirement.

F. Enhanced Storefront Design. For nonresidential street frontages, glazing at

the ground floor adjacent to or facing a front property line shall comprise a
minimum of 40 percent of the ground floor height at the façade of the building.
The glazing at the ground floor height of other facades that face public and
private streets at side yards shall comprise a minimum of 20 percent of the
ground floor height. Minimum storefront glazing shall be calculated per Table
9.18-8 (Storefront Glazing Calculation).

Figure 9.18-19: Required Storefront Glazing

TABLE 9.18-8
Storefront Glazing Calculation
Storefront Glazing at Front Property Line
Storefront Glazing at Other Facades Facing Public and Private Streets

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 101
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G. Window Design and Glazing. Storefronts and windows shall be inset from
exterior façade planes and/or adjoining exterior wall planes a minimum of two
inches to realize increased shade, shadow, and visual texture along the building
face. Alternatively, windows shall be articulated by adjacent and adjoining
projecting sills, jambs, heads, frames, and/or ornamental surrounds that project
a minimum of one inch from the exterior building plane. Curtain walls and
storefronts shall incorporate mullions and/or vertical and horizontal dividers that
permit glazing placement a minimum of two inches behind the plane of the
curtain wall, as measured from the exterior face of the mullions and dividers.
Glazing at the ground plane and first level of buildings shall be clear, colorless,
and transparent. Use of reflective glazing is prohibited.

Section 9.18.100: Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones 102
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SECTION 9.18.110: Development Standards for Specific Uses

in Mixed Use Zones

SECTION Purpose and Applicability. ...................................................... 104

SECTION Development Standards for Commercial Uses within All Mixed Use
Zones. ................................................................................................................. 104
SECTION Development Standards for Multi-Family Residential Uses within All
Mixed Use Zones.................................................................................................... 104
SECTION Existing Nonconforming Single-Family Dwellings........................ 107

SECTION Purpose and Applicability. Certain categories of uses

vary in their needs for unique development requirements. For example, residential
uses require on-site open space to achieve a high level of livability for residents. The
development standards applicable to all buildings housing residential and commercial
uses in the Mixed Use zones are provided in this Section 9.18.110. Standards for
existing nonconforming single-family dwellings located in the Mixed Use zones are
also provided in this Section 9.18.110.

SECTION Development Standards for Commercial Uses within

All Mixed Use Zones. In addition to the other applicable requirements of this
Chapter, the provisions of this subsection apply to all commercial
developments and commercial portions of residential/commercial mixed use

A. Commercial Ground Floor Design Standards.

1. Elevation of First Floor. The ground floor elevation shall be located no more
than one foot above the existing grade and no more than one foot below
existing grade.

2. Minimum Ground Floor Height. The minimum height of commercial ground

floor spaces shall be 18 feet. This height shall be measured from the floor of
the at-grade level to the floor of the second story. If there is no second story,
the height shall be measured to the top of the roof.

3. Building Entrances to Commercial Uses. Commercial uses shall provide at

least one entrance facing the front property line, which shall serve as the
primary entrance to the business. Walkways, architectural elements,
directional signage, or similar means shall be used to emphasize and direct
persons toward that entrance. Interior space shall be arranged to orient
towards the primary entrance. Street-facing entrances shall be unlocked and
accessible to the public during business hours.

SECTION Development Standards for Multi-Family Residential

Uses within All Mixed Use Zones. In addition to the other applicable requirements
of this Chapter, the provisions of this subsection apply to all multi-
family residential developments and residential portions of residential/commercial
mixed use developments.

Section 9.18.110: Development Standards for Specific Uses 104

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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A. Minimum Dwelling Unit Area. New dwelling units shall have a minimum floor
area established in Table 9.18-9 (Minimum Dwelling Unit Size) excluding garages.

TABLE 9.18-9
Minimum Dwelling Unit Size
Number of Bedrooms 0 1 2 3 or more
Minimum Floor Area per Unit 500 sf 750 sf 900 sf 1,050 sf

B. Maximum Number of Bedrooms per Unit. No single dwelling unit shall have
more than four bedrooms.

C. Residential Building Separation. In addition to the setback requirements set

forth in Section 9.18.090 (Development Standards Specific to Individual Mixed
Use Zones) and Section 9.18.100 (Development and Design Standards Applicable
to All Mixed Use Zones), residential developments and residential portions of
residential/commercial mixed use developments shall meet the minimum building
separation requirements set forth in Table 9.18-10 (Building Separation

TABLE 9.18-10
Building Separation Requirements
Minimum Building Separation
From Rear Property Line 10 feet
From Interior Side Property Line 10 feet

D. Elevation of First Floor. The first habitable floor of a residential-only building

shall be located no more than four feet above the existing grade and no more
than one foot below existing grade along the required front yard setback.

E. Minimum Floor-to-Floor Height. The minimum floor-to-floor height of

residential spaces shall be nine feet six inches. This height shall be measured
from the floor of one story to the floor of the next story. Where a building has
only one story, the height shall be measured to the top of the roof.

F. Open Space, Recreation, and Leisure Area Requirements for Residential

Components of Integrated Mixed Use Developments. Residential
components of integrated residential/commercial mixed use developments shall
provide open space, recreation, and leisure area equal of a minimum 300 square
feet per dwelling unit. The following spaces shall contribute to the open space,
recreation area, and leisure area requirement:

1. Private Open Space. Private open space shall be provided at each unit.
Private open space may be provided in the form of a patio, yard, balcony, or
combination thereof and shall be directly adjacent to and accessible from
each unit. Private open space shall have a minimum area of 90 square feet
and a minimum dimension of six feet.

2. Active Recreation Areas. Active recreation areas shall include one or more
of the following: spa, pool, tennis, volleyball, racquetball courts, basketball
half court, or other similar usable recreational activities. Active recreation
areas shall be open to and accessible to all residents. The required active
recreational amenities shall be based on a needs assessment evaluation of

Section 9.18.110: Development Standards for Specific Uses 105

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the proposed project. The evaluation shall take into consideration the
following criteria:

a. Size and shape of active recreation area;

b. Location and placement of buildings;
c. Diversity of recreational amenities;
d. Number of units and lot size.

Active recreation areas shall never have a minimum dimension of less than
20 feet. Increased dimensions may be required through the site plan review
process based upon specific project circumstances and the intended use of
that active recreation area. Active recreation areas shall not be located in any
required setback area and shall be buffered from adjacent residentially zoned
lots. Active recreation areas may be located indoors, at the outdoor portions
of habitable levels, or on roof decks. Areas located indoors or on roof decks
shall not contribute more than 50 percent of the required open space,
recreation, and leisure areas. Active recreation areas that feature such
activities as pools, spas, court activities shall be placed and operated so as
not to infringe upon the peacefulness of nearby residential properties.

3. Passive Recreation Areas. Passive recreation areas shall consist of

landscape areas that incorporate pathways, waterscape, hardscape (i.e., large
rocks or boulders, benches, gazebos, raised planters constructed on site of
bricks, concrete or rocks, railroad ties) and unique features that enhance the
appearance, desirability and usability of the area. The intent is to provide
landscaped areas that can be utilized for walking, sitting, viewing plants and
vegetation, reading, and similar types of activities. Passive recreation areas
shall have a minimum dimension of 10 feet in width and 30 feet in length.
Said areas shall not contribute more than 50 percent of the required open
space, recreation, and leisure areas.

4. Residential/Commercial Shared Passive Recreation Areas. Passive

recreation areas and joint use patios and plazas may contribute toward the
requirement for open space, recreation, and leisure areas, the use of which is
shared with the commercial components of a residential/commercial mixed
use development, provided that such areas are not used for outdoor dining,
fenced, or otherwise restricted to use by a single business or tenant. These
areas may include required front and corner side yard setbacks designed and
landscaped to meet the requirements for passive recreation areas above and
the requirements for minimum setbacks per Section 9.18.090 (Development
Standards Specific to Individual Mixed Use Zones)and Section 9.18.100
(Development and Design Standards Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones).
Shared passive recreation areas shall have a minimum dimension of 10 feet in
width and 30 feet in length. Such areas shall not contribute more than 25
percent of the required open space, recreation, and leisure areas.

G. Open Space Requirements for Stand-Alone Multi-Family Developments.

All stand-alone multi-family residential developments shall comply with the open
space standards for the R-3 zone, as established in Chapter 9.12 (Multi-Family
Residential Development Standards) of this Title.

H. Additional Residential Unit Requirements. Each residential unit in a multiple

family development shall comply with the following requirements.

Section 9.18.110: Development Standards for Specific Uses 106

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1. Laundry Facilities. Each unit shall be provided with washer and dryer
hookups and laundry space within the unit or garage. For apartment units,
common laundry facilities may be provided.

2. Storage Facilities. Each unit shall be provided with a separate storage area
having a minimum of 300 cubic feet of private and secure storage space. This
storage may be provided within the parking garage provided it does not
interfere with garage use for automobile parking. Closet and cupboard space
within the dwelling unit shall not count towards meeting this requirement.

I. Residential Parking Requirements.

1. Enclosed Parking Required. Required residential parking, per Section

9.18.140 (Parking), shall be provided within a parking structure or enclosed
one- and two-car garages. Parking spaces shall be assigned to each individual

2. Individual One- and Two-Car Garages. Individual one- and two-car

garages shall maintain a minimum clear parking area of not less than 10 feet
by 20 feet for a one-car garage and not less than 20 feet by 20 feet for a two-
car garage. No storage cabinets or mechanical equipment, including but not
limited to water heaters, utility sinks, or washers and dryers, shall encroach
into the required parking area.

SECTION Existing Nonconforming Single-Family Dwellings.

Single-family dwellings existing as of October 27, 2011 in any Mixed Use zone that
allows residential uses shall be considered a permitted use and shall be subject to R-
1 property standards for modifications and additions, as set forth in Chapter 9.08
(Single-Family Residential Development Standards) of this Title.

Section 9.18.110: Development Standards for Specific Uses 107

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.120: Landscaping

SECTION Landscaping General Provisions .............................................. 108

SECTION Water Efficiency Requirements ............................................... 109
SECTION Landscaping Requirements..................................................... 111
SECTION Landscaping Compliance........................................................ 112
SECTION Maintenance Requirements and Violations ................................ 113

SECTION Landscaping General Provisions

A. Intent and Applicability.

1. The landscape provisions in this Section are established to provide for

property improvements that enhance the overall character of development
within the Mixed Use zones; to provide for the planting and maintenance of
trees that contribute shade and visual quality to streets and properties; and
to provide functional, attractive open spaces.

2. It is not the intent of this Section to require identical landscape materials or

landscape designs for all developments. Where existing mature landscaping is
in good, healthful condition, every effort shall be made to retain and
incorporate that landscaping into the overall landscape theme.

3. The hearing body may, through the site plan review procedure, modify the
requirements with consideration to the size and species of trees used, and
may require landscaping in excess of the minimum area specified for a
proposed development in order to achieve a superior project.

4. The general landscaping requirements established in this Section shall apply

to all Mixed Use zones.

B. Single-Family Residential Development. Parcels developed with single-family

residential uses shall provide landscaping in all areas not covered by buildings,
structures, patios, or driveways.

C. Compliance with Regard to Additions. All developed properties shall be

required to be in substantial compliance with the provisions of this subsection
when any additions of one or more square feet are proposed. Guidelines for
implementation of the City of Garden Grove Landscape Water Efficiency
Provisions can be found in Appendix 1, Title 9.

D. General Standards.

1. Adjacent uses shall be considered when designing landscaping to mitigate the

negative impacts of parking areas, activities, storage, or structures by
appropriate screening measures.

2. Every effort shall be made to provide landscaping that is compatible with

neighboring uses.

Section 9.18.120: Landscaping 108

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3. All unpaved areas shall be planted with an effective combination of trees,

grass berms, groundcover, lawn, shrubbery, and/or approved dry decorative
landscape material.

SECTION Water Efficiency Requirements

A. Applicability. Beginning January 1, 2010, the following Landscape Water

Efficiency Provisions shall apply to all planting, irrigation, and landscape-related
improvements for projects included within the following categories:

1. New landscape installations or landscape rehabilitation projects by public

agencies or private non-residential developers, except for cemeteries, with a
landscaped area, including pools or other water features, but excluding
hardscape, equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet, and which are
otherwise subject to a discretionary approval of a landscape plan, or which
otherwise require a ministerial permit for a landscape or water feature.

2. New landscape installations or landscape rehabilitation projects by developers

or property managers of single-family and multi-family residential projects or
complexes with a landscaped area, including pools or other water features,
but excluding hardscape, equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet, and
which are otherwise subject to discretionary approval of a landscape plan, or
which otherwise require a ministerial permit for a landscape or water feature;

3. New landscape installation projects by individual homeowners on single-family

or multi-family residential lots with a total project landscaped area, including
pools or other water features, but excluding hardscape, equal to or greater
than 5,000 square feet, and which are otherwise subject to a discretionary
approval of a landscape plan, or which otherwise require a ministerial permit
for a landscape or water feature.

B. Exceptions. The Water Efficient Landscape regulations do not apply to the


1. Registered local, state, or federal historical sites; or

2. Ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation

system; or

3. Mined-land reclamation projects that do not require a permanent irrigation

system; or

4. Plant collections, as part of botanical gardens and arboretums open to the


C. Irrigation Design Criteria. Water-efficient irrigation design criteria, as set forth

in this subsection shall apply to: all landscaped areas, whether installed prior to
or after January 1, 2010; and all landscaped areas installed after January 1, 2010
to which this Section is applicable.

1. Runoff and Overspray. Soil types and infiltration rate shall be considered
when designing irrigation systems. All irrigation systems shall be designed to

Section 9.18.120: Landscaping 109

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avoid runoff, low-head drainage, overspray or other similar conditions where

irrigation water flows onto non-targeted areas, such as adjacent property,
non-irrigated areas, hardscapes (walks, etc.), roadways or structures.

2. Runoff on Slopes. Special attention shall be given to avoid runoff on slopes

and to avoid overspray on narrow and irregularly shaped areas, including turf,
less than eight feet in width in any direction. Such narrow and irregularly
shaped areas shall be irrigated with subsurface irrigation or a low volume
overhead irrigation system.

3. Irrigation Efficiency.

a. For applicable landscape installations or rehabilitation projects subject to

Section (Applicability), the Estimated Applied Water Use
allowed for the landscaped areas shall not exceed the MAWA calculated
using an ET adjustment factor of 0.7, except for special landscaped areas
where the MAWA is calculated using an ET adjustment factor of 1.0; or
the design of the landscaped areas shall otherwise be shown to be
equivalently water-efficient in a manner acceptable to the city; as
provided in the Guidelines.

b. Irrigation of all landscaped areas shall be conducted in a manner

conforming to the rules and requirements, and shall be subject to
penalties and incentives for water conservation and water waste
prevention as determined and implemented by the Water Department, or
as mutually agreed by the Water Department and the local agency.

c. The project applicant shall understand and implement the requirements in

the City of Garden Grove, Water Conservation Ordinance.

4. Equipment. The Guidelines provide design criteria for irrigation equipment in

Section 2.5 "Irrigation Design Plan."

D. Documentation Required. The following shall be required for all landscape

projects subject to these Landscape Water Efficiency Provisions:

1. Prior to installation, a Landscape Documentation Package shall be submitted

to the City for review and approval of all landscape projects subject to the
provisions of this Section and the Landscape Water Efficiency Provisions. Any
Landscape Documentation Package submitted to the City shall comply with
the provisions of the Guidelines.

2. The Landscape Documentation Package shall include a certification by a

professional, appropriately licensed in the State of California, stating that the
landscape design and water use calculations have been prepared by, or
under, the supervision of the licensed professional and are certified to be in
compliance with the provisions of this Section and the Guidelines.

a. Landscape and Irrigation plans shall be submitted to the City for review
and approval with appropriate water use calculations. Water use
calculations shall be consistent with calculations contained in the
Guidelines and shall be provided to the Water Department, as
appropriate, under procedures determined by the City.

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b. Verification of compliance of the landscape installation with the approved

plans shall be obtained through a Certification of Completion in
conjunction with a Certificate of Use and Occupancy or Permit Final
process, as provided in the Guidelines.

E. Landscape Water Efficiency Guidelines. Guidelines for implementation of the

City of Garden Grove Landscape Water Efficiency Provisions referenced in this
Chapter have been adopted as an Appendix to Title 9 (Land Use Code) and are
maintained on file in the offices of the Planning Division of the Community
Development Department.

SECTION Landscaping Requirements. All landscaping shall

comply with the provisions of this subsection in addition to any other applicable
landscaping requirements of this Chapter. Where landscaping provisions conflict, the
stricter standard shall prevail.

A. Minimum Landscaped Area. Ten percent of the total net developable site area
shall be landscaped. Required setbacks shall be excluded from the calculation of
the minimum landscaped area and landscaping provided in required setbacks
shall not contribute towards the required minimum landscaped area. Minimum
landscaped area that may be counted is 24 square feet.

B. Paved Areas. Only those portions that are required by the Chapter or by the site
plan to be used directly for structures, parking spaces, aisles, refuse storage
areas, drives, or walkways shall be paved. All other areas not needed for the
above shall be landscaped or provided with complementary hardscape materials
and fountains consistent with this Chapter.

C. Ground Cover. All landscaped areas shall be covered with turf, non-deciduous
groundcover, or other types of plantings. All plant spacing shall be as indicated on
the landscape plans. Substitute landscaping such as crushed rock, redwood chips,
pebbles, and stone may not be used in lieu of live plant materials, although
limited use may be approved by the hearing body through the site plan review

D. Artificial Plants Prohibited. Artificial plants, with the exception of artificial turf,
are prohibited.

E. Artificial Turf. Artificial turf may be approved by the hearing body through the
site plan review process. Artificial turf, where permitted, shall comply with the
following criteria:

1. Artificial turf shall not be located in front yards, corner side yards, or portions
of side yards visible from a public right of way.

2. Artificial turf shall have a minimum eight-year no fade warranty.

3. Artificial turf shall be installed by a licensed professional and shall be installed

pursuant to manufacturer’s requirements.

4. Artificial turf shall be installed and maintained to effectively simulate the

appearance of a well-maintained lawn. The turf shall be maintained in a

Section 9.18.120: Landscaping 111

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green fadeless condition and shall be maintained free of weeds, debris, tears,
holes, and impressions.

5. The use of indoor or outdoor plastic or nylon carpeting as a replacement of

artificial turf or natural turf is prohibited.

6. Areas of living plant material (i.e., flower beds, tree wells, etc.) shall be
included within the overall landscape design within the front, side, and rear
yards, as well as common areas when installing artificial turf.

7. Artificial turf shall be separated from flowerbeds by a concrete mow strip,

bender board, or other barrier acceptable to the city in order to prevent
intrusion of living plant material into the artificial turf.

F. Trees

1. Tree Location. No trees shall be planted under any eave, balcony, or


2. Root Barriers Required. Trees in landscape planters measuring 10 feet or

less in width or depth shall be provided with tree root barriers.

3. Tree Staking. All trees shall be staked in accordance with standards

maintained by the City Manager or designee.

4. Visibility. All trees whether singularly placed or placed on clusters shall not
inhibit standard visibility parameters.

5. Required Site Trees. One tree shall be provided for every 1,000 square feet
of site area that is not a required setback, occupied by buildings, or used for
parking or pedestrian walkways. Trees shall conform to the matrix of plant
materials established by the City Manager or designee. Minimum tree size at
planting shall be 24-inch box.

6. Street Trees. Street trees shall be provided per City standards.

G. Substantial Landscaping. All required landscaped areas and planters shall be

landscaped with a mix of shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses, vines, and
ground cover to create a dense and layered design. A substantial quantity of
plants shall be planted to create a naturalistic setting.

SECTION Landscaping Compliance

A. Modifications. Any modification to an approved landscape or irrigation plan

must be approved by the hearing body prior to installation of the landscaping or

B. Approvals. All approvals of such plans are subject to and dependent upon the
applicant complying with all applicable ordinances, codes, regulations, adopted
policies and the payment of all applicable fees and assessments.

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C. Consistency with Approved Plans. No final inspection or occupancy clearance

will be granted until all of the landscaping and irrigation is installed in accordance
with the approved plans.

D. Location and Design. Landscaping and irrigation systems shall be located and
designed as specified on the approved plans.

SECTION Maintenance Requirements and Violations

A. Maintenance. All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy

condition. Maintenance of landscaping areas shall include, but not be limited to,
the following:

1. Irrigation equipment shall be in working condition at all times.

2. Litter shall be removed from all landscaped areas in a timely manner.

3. All sod areas shall be mowed on a regular basis. Sod areas shall at all times
be kept green. Accumulation of leaves, bark and other similar plant materials
shall be removed in a timely fashion. Planting areas must be kept in a weed
free fashion.

4. Landscaping maintenance shall include pruning, cultivating, weeding,

fertilizing, replacement of plants and watering on a regular basis.

5. Landscape maintenance shall also include pruning or removal of overgrown

vegetation, cultivated or uncultivated, that is likely to harbor rats, vermin or
other nuisances, or that causes detriment to neighboring properties or

6. Landscape maintenance shall also include the removal of dead, decayed,

diseased or hazardous trees, weeds and debris constituting unsightly
appearance, dangerous to public safety and welfare or detrimental to
neighboring properties or property values. Compliance shall be by removal,
replacement or maintenance requirements.

7. Any removal of mature landscaping must be replaced with landscaping of

similar size and maturity as that which was removed.

B. Prohibition on Use of Landscaped Areas. Use of landscaped areas for

purposes other than for landscaping as approved in the landscape plan and as
authorized in the amenity area in the GGMU zones shall be a misdemeanor.
Willful failure to maintain the landscaping shall be punishable by fine, or by
imprisonment, or both fine and imprisonment.

C. Delegation. The City may delegate to, or enter into a contract with, a local
agency to implement, administer, and/or enforce any of the Landscape Water
Efficiency Provisions on behalf of the City.

Section 9.18.120: Landscaping 113

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION 9.18.130: Walls, Fences, and Hedges

SECTION Location and Height. ............................................................. 114

SECTION Fences at Public Utility Installations, Schools, and Public Playgrounds.
.......................................................................................................................... 115

SECTION Location and Height. Walls, fences, or hedges may be

maintained in the following locations:

A. General. A wall, fence, or hedge no more than 36 inches in height may be

located and maintained on any part of a lot in any Mixed Use zone except within
a required front yard setback of a commercial or mixed use development and
within the required pedestrian-oriented plaza area in the GGMU and NMU zones.
However, in the CC and AR zones, a residential component of a mixed use
development may include a wall, fence, or hedge within the front yard setback if
approved by the hearing body.

B. Interior Lots. On interior lots, a fence, wall, or hedge not exceeding eight feet in
height above the adjacent natural grade may be located anywhere on the lot
behind the required front yard setback line.

C. Corner and Reverse Corner Lots. On corner and reverse corner lots, a fence,
wall, or hedge not exceeding eight feet in height above the adjacent natural
grade may be located anywhere on the lot behind the required front yard setback
line and behind the required corner side yard setback line.

D. Retaining Wall below Natural Grade. Where a retaining wall protects a cut
below the natural grade and is located on the line separating lots or parcels, the
retaining wall may be topped by a wall, fence, or hedge of the same height that
would otherwise be permitted at the location if no retaining wall existed.

E. Retaining Wall Containing Fill. Where a retaining wall contains a fill, the
height of the retaining wall built to retain the fill shall be considered as
contributing to the permissible height of a wall, fence, or hedge, provided that in
any event, a protective fence or wall not more than 36 inches in height may be
erected at the top of the retaining wall. Any portion of a fence above the
maximum height shall be an open-work fence. An openwork fence means a fence
in which the component solid portions are evenly distributed and constitute not
more than 60 percent of total surface area of the face of the fence.

F. Open Space. No wall, fence, or hedge exceeding 42 inches in height may be

located in open space required between buildings used for human habitation
when the buildings are situated front to front, front to rear, or front to end.

G. Freeway Right-of-Way Adjacent. A wall or fence not exceeding eight feet in

height may be constructed along that portion of a lot or parcel that abuts a
freeway right-of-way, provided that:

1. The wall or fence does not extend into any front yard.

Section 9.18.130: Walls, Fences, and Hedges 114

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2. A wall or fence exceeding six feet in height shall be subject to the review and
approval of the hearing body, which shall consider the effect of such wall or
fence on other property in the vicinity.

3. Walls used for sound attenuation purposes along arterial roadways shall be
attractive and subject to approval by the hearing body.

H. Residential Zone Adjacent. Any other provision of the Chapter

notwithstanding, a wall, fence, or hedge that is provided along a common
boundary line separating property used for commercial or industrial purposes
from an “R” zoned property or any PUD established exclusively for residential
use, and that is permitted or required to maintain a height of six feet, may be
extended to a height not to exceed eight feet. However, no wall, fence, or hedge
shall extend more than six feet above the highest existing grade elevation on a
subject lot.

I. Railroad or Flood Control Channel Adjacent. When commercial or industrial

property has a common property line with an “R” zoned property or any PUD
established exclusively for residential use, and that is a right-of-way for a railroad
or flood control channel, the hearing body may waive the requirement for a zone
separation wall or fence.

J. Setback Area. Notwithstanding the above requirements, no fence, wall, or

hedge shall be permitted within any required street-fronting setback area for any
commercial or residential/commercial mixed use development, with the exception
of any fence or wall required for any outdoor dining area.

SECTION Fences at Public Utility Installations, Schools, and

Public Playgrounds. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to fences
required by the state to surround and enclose public utility installations, or to chain
link fences enclosing school grounds and public playgrounds.

Section 9.18.130: Walls, Fences, and Hedges 115

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
Zoning Ordinance Amendment

SECTION 9.18.140: Parking

SECTION Purpose. ............................................................................. 116

SECTION General Provisions................................................................ 116
SECTION Parking Spaces Required. ...................................................... 119
SECTION Parking Requirements. .......................................................... 123
SECTION Location of Parking Spaces..................................................... 124
SECTION Joint Use and Parking Management. ........................................ 125
SECTION Parking Design Standards. ..................................................... 127
SECTION Loading Areas...................................................................... 130

SECTION Purpose.

A. Purpose. These regulations are established to define the regulations applicable

to on-site parking and circulation, and to ensure that parking facilities are
properly designated and located to meet the parking needs created by specific
uses within the respective zones.

B. Intent. The intent of these regulations is to:

1. Ensure adequately designed parking areas with sufficient capacity and

adequate circulation to minimize traffic congestion;

2. Ensure the usefulness of the facilities by providing on-site circulation patterns

that facilitate client/business relationships;

3. Contribute to public safety and health;

4. Promote efficient use of land and, where appropriate, buffer and transition
land uses from foreseeable impacts; and

5. Utilize landscaping as an effective buffer between different uses and to

promote an aesthetic quality within the parking area and site.

SECTION General Provisions.

A. Applicability. In all districts, off-street parking shall be provided subject to the

provisions of this Chapter for:

1. Any new building or structure constructed;

2. Any new use established;

3. Any structural addition or enlargement of an existing building or use;

however, additional parking spaces may be required for the entire building or
use as a condition of approval of a conditional use permit, site plan or other
discretionary permit granted by the City; or

Section 9.18.140: Parking 116

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4. Any change in the occupancy or use of any building that would result in a
requirement for additional parking spaces pursuant to this Section.

B. Restriction within Reserved Right-of-Way. Property within the ultimate

right-of-way of a street or highway shall not be used to provide required parking
or loading or unloading facilities.

C. Restriction on Streets, Driveways, and Drives. On-street parking within

public or private streets, driveways, or drives shall not be used to satisfy the off-
street parking requirements.

D. Garages to Be Used for Parking Only. For developments required to provide

garages, each such garage shall only be utilized for the parking of vehicles. No
garage shall be used for storage, rental, or lease or for any use other than the
parking of vehicles related to the unit or development for which the garage is
required by this Section and storage areas required by Section
(Storage Facilities).

E. Parking Must Remain Accessible. All off-street parking spaces and areas
required by this Section shall be designed and maintained to be fully usable for
the duration of the use requiring such areas and spaces. All required off-street
parking spaces shall be designated, located, constructed and maintained so as to
be fully available for use by patrons and employees of commercial, industrial,
public or semi-public premises during operating hours.

F. Compliance with Design Standards. Parking facilities constructed or

substantially reconstructed subsequent to the effective date of the ordinance
codified in the Title, whether or not required, shall conform to the City's design
standards set forth in the Parking Design Standards subsection, Section

G. Requirements for Uses not Listed. The parking requirement for uses not
specifically listed in the parking schedule shall be determined by the Planning
Commission for the proposed use on the basis of the requirements for similar
uses and on any traffic engineering and planning data that is appropriate to the
establishment of a minimum requirement.

H. Surfacing Required. All parking spaces, driveways, and maneuvering areas

shall be fully paved and maintained with asphalt, concrete, or other City approved

I. Tandem Parking Restricted. Tandem parking is expressly prohibited, except in

the following circumstances:

1. Valet Parking. Parking associated with valet services may be provided in

tandem format through the discretionary permit review process. If an
approved valet parking arrangement ceases, the use for which the valet
parking was approved shall be considered in violation of the provisions of this
Title. Also, no new use shall be allowed to use the buildings with which the
valet parking was provided unless that use meets the requirements of this
Title and this Section in particular.

Section 9.18.140: Parking 117

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2. Work-live Units. Parking provided for each unit may be provided in tandem
format subject to conditional use permit approval.

3. Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Development. Parking for the

residential component of a residential/commercial mixed use development
may be provided in tandem format subject to conditional use permit

J. Restriction on Commercial Vehicles in Residential Developments.

Commercial vehicles shall not be parked or stored on properties used exclusively
for residential purposes, except while the operator of the vehicle is making
normal deliveries or providing services to the residential premises.

K. Restriction on Commercial Vehicle Parking in Residential/Commercial

Mixed Use Developments. No commercial vehicle shall be parked on any
property zoned Mixed Use except while the operator of the vehicle or trailer is
patronizing or serving a business or residential use, or unless that vehicle is
associated with the day-to-day operations of an on-site business.

L. Restrictions on Recreational Vehicle Parking. The parking or storing of

trailers, vessels, campers, camper shells, motor homes, and similar recreational
vehicles shall be prohibited in all Mixed Use zones, except for such vehicles
associated with single-family dwellings established prior to the effective date of
the ordinance codifying these provisions, in which case the applicable standards
contained in Chapter 9.08 (Single-Family Residential Development Standards)
shall apply.

M. Parking of Vehicles for Sale or Hire Prohibited. No person shall park a

vehicle, camper, camper shell, or vessel upon a public or private street, parking
lot, or any public or private property for the purpose of displaying such vehicle
thereon for sale, hire or rental, unless the property is duly zoned and permitted
by the City to transact that type of business at that location. However, this
subsection shall not prohibit persons from parking vehicles displayed for sale on
private residential property belonging to or resided on by the registered owner of
the vehicle. For purposes of this subsection, a vehicle, camper, camper shell, or
vessel shall be presumed to be for sale if there is a price, or phone number, or a
contact person, or address displayed thereon. Any person violating the provisions
of this subsection shall be guilty of an infraction.

N. Restriction of Vehicle Repair. No person shall repair, grease, or service, or

cause to be repaired, greased, or serviced, any vehicle or any part thereof in a
parking lot, or anywhere outside of a wholly enclosed building.

O. Camping in Parked Vehicles Prohibited. No person shall occupy or use any

camp car, camper, mobile home, recreational vehicle, camper shell, trailer,
vessel, or other vehicle or trailer as a dwelling or for living or sleeping quarters
upon any public street, right-of-way, alley, private street or alley, or any private
property except in an approved trailer, mobile home, or recreational vehicle park.

P. Parking in Required Yards. No above-grade or surface parking shall be allowed

in required yards and setbacks. However, partially subterranean and fully
subterranean parking shall be permitted beneath required yards.

Section 9.18.140: Parking 118

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Q. Parking Prohibited in Rear Yards Abutting a Residentially Zoned Lot. No

above-grade, surface, partially subterranean, or fully subterranean parking shall
be located in rear yards abutting any “R” zoned lot.

R. Parking Height. Where any part of a building is over parking, the parking shall
be considered a full story. Partially subterranean and fully subterranean parking
shall not be considered a story.

S. Maintenance Required. Any development requiring parking lot improvements

will be required to file with the City conditions, covenants, and restrictions
requiring maintenance of the parking area. The conditions, covenants, and
restrictions shall run with the land.

SECTION Parking Spaces Required.

A. General. The number of off-street parking spaces required shall be no less than
as set forth in Table 9.18-11 (Required Parking Spaces). Parking shall be
calculated by the maximum building occupancy and/or the gross floor area, as
applicable. Where the application of these schedules results in a fractional space,
then the resulting fraction shall be rounded up to the higher whole number.

B. Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Developments. The calculation of

required parking spaces for residential/commercial mixed use developments shall
be based upon the parking required for each individual use within the
development. Through the site plan review process or review of any required
discretionary permit, the hearing body may reduce the total number of spaces
required by up to 10 percent of the total requirement in recognition of the shared
nature of the parking facilities and in particular, by allowing parking spaces
provided for a commercial component to satisfy the guest parking needs of the
residential component. If an applicant seeks relief greater than 10 percent, the
provisions regarding shared parking and the requirements for provision of a
parking management plan pursuant to Section (Joint Use and
Parking Management) shall apply.

TABLE 9.18-11
Required Parking Spaces
Use Required Minimum Parking Spaces
Residential Uses – Single Family
1-4 sleeping rooms 2 spaces in an enclosed garage plus 2 open spaces
5-7 sleeping rooms 3 spaces in an enclosed garage plus 3 open spaces
More than 7 sleeping rooms 4 spaces in an enclosed garage plus 4 open spaces
Residential Multiple Family – Stand Alone
Developments with fewer than
50 units, and adjacent to any
principal, major, primary or
secondary arterial street

Fewer than 3 sleeping 2.75 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
rooms enclosed garage

3 or more sleeping rooms 3.5 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
enclosed garage

Section 9.18.140: Parking 119

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TABLE 9.18-11
Required Parking Spaces
Use Required Minimum Parking Spaces
Developments with fewer than
50 units and not adjacent to
any principal, major, primary
or secondary arterial street

Fewer than 3 sleeping 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
rooms enclosed garage

3 or more sleeping rooms 3.25 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
enclosed garage

Developments with 50 or
more units, and adjacent to
any principal, major, primary
or secondary arterial street 2.75 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
enclosed garage
Fewer than 3 sleeping
rooms 3 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
enclosed garage
3 or more sleeping rooms
Developments with more than
50 units and not adjacent to
any principal, major, primary
or secondary arterial street

Fewer than 3 sleeping 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
rooms enclosed garage

3 or more sleeping rooms 2.75 spaces per dwelling unit within a parking structure or
enclosed garage
Residential Multiple Family – Part of Mixed Use Development
Developments with fewer than
50 units Within a parking structure or enclosed garage:

Fewer than 1 sleeping room 2 spaces per dwelling unit

1 sleeping room 2.25 spaces per dwelling unit
2 sleeping rooms 2.75 spaces per dwelling unit
3 or more sleeping rooms 3.5 spaces per dwelling unit

Developments with 50 units

or more Within a parking structure or enclosed garage:

Fewer than 1 sleeping room 2 spaces per dwelling unit

1 sleeping room 2.25 spaces per dwelling unit
2 sleeping rooms 2.75 spaces per dwelling unit
3 or more sleeping rooms 3 spaces per dwelling unit
Other Residential Uses and Uses Incidental to Residential
Community residential care 0.5 spaces per bed
Senior Citizen Housing

Apartment 1 space per unit

Congregate – general care 0.5 spaces per bed or unit

Section 9.18.140: Parking 120

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TABLE 9.18-11
Required Parking Spaces
Use Required Minimum Parking Spaces
Congregate – general care 0.3 spaces per bed or unit
with on-site transportation

Work-live 2 spaces per unit plus one additional space per unit
Day Care 1 space per care provider and staff member, plus 1 space for
each 6 children
Commercial Uses
Under 40,000 square feet 1 space per 200 square feet gross floor area
40,000-100,000 square feet 1 space per 225 square feet gross floor area
100,000+ square feet 1 space per 250 square feet gross floor area
Restaurants Eating, Drinking Establishments, Cafes, Coffeehouses, Bars
Attached 0-16 seats with 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
less than 300 square feet of
customer/dining area
1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, with a
Attached 16+ seats
minimum of 10 spaces
1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, with a
minimum of 10 spaces
1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area (seating and
With entertainment service), plus 1 space per 35 square feet of entertainment
area, plus 1 space per 7 square feet of dance floor
No additional parking required for the first 500 square feet of
outdoor dining area. For any area in excess of 500 square
feet, parking shall be provided as required above for the
applicable use.
Outdoor Dining
Where outdoor dining is covered by a roof structure, all
parking shall be provided as required for the above applicable
Service Station
1 space per pump, plus 1 space per 200 square feet of gross
With convenience store
floor area of sales area, plus 3 spaces per service bay
Without convenience store 1 space per employee, plus 3 spaces per service bay
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area if a drive-up
Financial institutions window exists. If no window, 1 space per 150 square feet of
gross floor area
Nursery, home improvement
center, building materials,
1 space per 200 square feet gross floor area
furniture, general appliance
stores (large display area)
1 space per room/unit plus 2 spaces for hotel manager unit,
Hotel, motel, bed and
plus any parking required for restaurant, assembly, or other
permitted ancillary use
Personal service 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Professional studios and galleries
Art, music, dance, martial
1 space per employee, plus 1 space per 2 student capacity
Photography, portrait,
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
radio, TV, recording
Karaoke studios 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area

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TABLE 9.18-11
Required Parking Spaces
Use Required Minimum Parking Spaces
Art studios and galleries 1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area
5 times the internal washing capacity for stacking and drying,
plus 1 space per employee based on the maximum shift, not
Automatic car wash
less than 3 (internal capacity is defined as conveyor length
divided by 20 feet)
Auto rental
Office only 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
1 space per 350 square feet of gross floor area of office, plus
Vehicle storage
1 space per vehicle
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area of inside
display, plus 1 space per 2,000 square feet of outside display,
Auto and boat sales, leasing plus 1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area of repair,
plus 1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area of parts
storage and sales area
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area including auto
Auto repair and maintenance
paint and body of office space, plus 3 spaces per service bay
Office Uses
General business offices 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Medical, dental and related
1 space per 170 square feet of gross floor area
service support facilities

Industrial Uses
Industrial uses
Buildings with less than
20,000 square feet of gross 2.25 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
floor area
Buildings 20,001 to
100,000 square feet of 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
gross floor area
Buildings with more than
100,000 square feet of 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
gross floor area
Incidental Office:
Under 30 percent of
No additional requirements
gross floor area
30 to 50 percent of
gross floor area of a 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Public and Semi-Public Uses
Hospital 4 spaces per bed
Private school – elementary 1 space per each employee, plus 1 space for each 6 student
through high school capacity
College or university 1 space per employee, plus 1 space per 3 student capacity
1 space per employee, plus 1 space per 3 students capacity
(based on maximum occupancy allowable by building code),
Trade school; adult education
or 1 space per 35 square feet of instructional area, plus 1
space per 250 square feet of office space
Fixed seats: 1 space per each 3 fixed seats
No fixed seats: 1 space for each 21 square feet of area
Churches/religious facilities designated for assembly purposes
All ancillary area(s) shall provide 1 space for each 250 square
feet of gross floor area

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TABLE 9.18-11
Required Parking Spaces
Use Required Minimum Parking Spaces
Commercial Recreation Uses
Golf driving range 1.5 spaces per tee
Bowling alley 3 spaces per alley plus spaces for other uses on-site
Movie theaters
Single screen 0.5 space per seat
Multi screen 0.3 space per seat
Arcades, pool hall 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
1 space per 7 square feet of dance floor, plus 1 space per 35
Night clubs
square feet of additional gross floor area
Assembly halls and dance 1 space per 7 square feet of dance floor or assembly area,
floors plus 1 space per 35 square feet of additional gross floor area
Spa/health clubs/gyms 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Private clubs 1 space per each 15 square feet of assembly area
1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus spaces
Skating rinks
required for other uses on-site

SECTION Parking Requirements. The following parking

requirements are applicable to all land uses, unless stated otherwise in this Chapter.

A. Parking Space Size. All parking spaces shall conform to the minimum

Standard Space: 9 feet wide by 19 feet long

Compact Space: 8 feet wide by 15 feet long
Parallel Space: 8 feet wide by 22 feet long

Wherever a space is adjacent to a wall, fence, or hedge, an additional one foot of

width shall be provided to that space.

B. Compact Car Parking Spaces.

1. Up to 20 percent of the required parking stalls may be compact parking

spaces. The determination of the percentage to be allowed will be made
through the site plan review or applicable discretionary permit review

2. Compact stall size is subject to Public Works Department standards for

compact car spaces.

3. Compact spaces, where provided, shall be consolidated into a specific area of

a parking lot or structure. The area shall include signage designating the
spaces by signs, colored lines, or other appropriate indicators for compact
vehicles only.

C. Automated Parking Systems and Mechanical Parking Lifts. Parking spaces

in automated parking systems and vertical parking lifts may be utilized to meet
the required number of parking spaces pursuant to Section
(Parking Spaces Required), as well as additional/supplemental parking, provided
that all of the following conditions can be met.

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1. The use of automated parking systems and mechanical parking lifts does not
increase the building bulk and mass, in that the area occupied by the
automated parking system or mechanical parking lift is no greater in volume
than a parking structure that would be configured exclusively with
conventional structured parking.

2. The parking system shall be located entirely within the confines of a building
and shall not visible from the public right-of-way.

3. Systems may be self-service or fully automated.

4. Sufficient vehicle queuing distance for the area accessing the parking system
shall be provided, as determined through the site plan review or discretionary
permit review process.

D. Motorcycle Parking Spaces. Commercial and industrial facilities with 25 or

more parking spaces shall provide at least one paved designated parking area for
use by motorcycles.

E. Bicycle Parking. For all new developments where parking is not provided in the
form of individual garages, secure and convenient bicycle parking shall be
provided at a rate of one bicycle space for every 10 required parking spaces.

SECTION Location of Parking Spaces.

A. Located On-site. All required open parking spaces and garages shall be located
on the same building site or within the same development, except where allowed
by Section (Off-site Parking), below.

B. Off-site Parking. Off-site parking for new uses or new construction may be
permitted on either a privately owned property or public property through the
site plan review process or other applicable discretionary review permit process
for an individual use or development project.

1. Joint Use Off-site Parking. Where more than one use is involved, joint use
or shared parking shall require preparation of a parking management plan in
accordance with Section (Joint Use and Parking Management).

2. Location of Off-site Parking. In no event shall any off-site parking facility

be located more than 1,500 feet from the use it is intended to serve.

3. Deed Restriction Required. Where off-site parking for an individual use or

development project is approved, a deed restriction, subject to the review
and approval of the City Attorney, shall be recorded against all affected
properties. Such deed restriction shall indicate the restrictions on the
properties relative to future use and development due to the off-site parking

4. Irrevocable Access and/or Parking Easement. If parking is provided on a

site other than the subject site, an irrevocable access and/or parking
easement shall be obtained on the other site for use and benefit of the site in
issue. Such access and/or parking agreement, when fully exercised, shall not

Section 9.18.140: Parking 124

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diminish the available parking capacity of the site subject to the easement to
less than required by this Section.

C. Accessibility. All off-street open and enclosed parking spaces shall be located
and maintained so as to be accessible and usable for the parking of motor

1. All motor vehicles must be parked or stored on a fully paved surface with
approved entrances and exits to the street.

2. For projects approved and developed after April 25, 1991, where security
gates are proposed to be provided, 70 percent of the guest parking spaces
shall be located outside the secured area.

SECTION Joint Use and Parking Management.

A. Applicability and Where Allowed. These regulations apply in situations where

two or more separate uses or developments look to share parking and/or loading
facilities due to staggered hours of operation or other varying operational
characteristics that would allow parking and loading facilities to provide for joint
use. If an applicant seeks to provide for shared or joint use parking, preparation
of a parking management plan shall be required to allow any deviation from
parking requirement standards established by this Section, as set forth below.
When prepared, a parking management plan shall provide applicable parking
standards that address current development trends and the benefits of parking

Where off-site parking is requested, the provisions in Section

(Off-Site Parking), above, shall also apply.

B. Parking Management Plan Required. A parking management plan shall be

required as follows:

1. Where parking is to be shared or jointly used among the same or different

developments or uses.

2. Where the number of parking spaces required is proposed to be reduced,

except as provided in Section (Residential/Commercial Mixed
Use Developments) regarding required parking for residential/commercial
mixed use developments, where a 10 percent reduction shall be permitted as
part of the site plan review or conditional use permit process for that
development. However, any reduction beyond 10 percent shall require a
parking management plan.

C. Limitation on Parking Space Reduction and Distance. No proposed

reduction in parking spaces due to joint or shared use may exceed 25 percent of
the parking required pursuant to this Section. Also, no joint use or shared facility
shall be located more than 1,500 feet from the use it is intended to serve.

D. Plan Contents. The parking management plan shall be prepared by a qualified

transportation engineer, in accordance with Planning Commission policy, and shall
include, at minimum, the following elements:

Section 9.18.140: Parking 125

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1. Breakdown and description of the proposed uses, including their functional

and spatial components.

2. Statement of the functional area square footage based on the proposed plan.

3. Statement of parking demands by uses for morning, midday, and evening

periods, and a statement of employee parking demands.

4. A peak-demand calculation by adding the various components together to

determine the midday and evening demands with the higher figure
represents the minimum number of spaces to be provided.

a. A 10 percent increase in the minimum number of spaces shall be added to

the peak demand calculation to allow for future changes in the types of
uses proposed in the original development plan, and

b. Use changes throughout the life of the project requiring more than the 10
percent figure shall require the submittal and approval of an amended
parking management plan.

7. A cross-check analysis for functional and operational aspects.

8. Parking management plans shall include a copy of proposed easements or

conditions, covenants, and restrictions tying the parking agreement to the
project in perpetuity, prohibiting revision without City approval. Pre-existing,
shared parking proposals shall be accompanied by a recorded off-site parking
covenant running with the land. The City Attorney shall have the authority to
review and dictate the contents of the CC&Rs and any deed restrictions or
easement language proposed.

E. Shared Loading Spaces. Loading spaces may be shared in compliance with this
Section. However, the loading spaces shall only be shared if located on an
adjoining lot.

F. Review Process. For development projects involving new construction, a

parking management plan for joint or reduced parking shall be considered by the
appropriate review authority at the same time the project is considered. Where a
new use is proposed to occupy an existing building and where a parking
management plan is required, the parking management plan shall be subject to
Community Development Director’s review.

G. Required Findings. Where a shared parking facility serving more than one use
will be provided, the total number of required parking spaces may be reduced
only if the Planning Commission finds that all of the following are true:

1. The peak hours of use will not overlap or coincide to the degree that peak
demand for parking spaces from all uses will be greater than the total supply
of spaces;

2. The adequacy of the quantity and efficiency of parking provided will equal or
exceed the level that can be expected if parking for each use were provided

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3. A parking demand study prepared by an independent traffic engineering

professional approved by the City supports the proposed reduction; and

4. The applicant submitted a signed contract between the applicant and the
other property owner(s) providing the off-street parking spaces subject to the
shared parking arrangement. The contract shall be subject to the approval of
the Planning Commission and shall also be subject to review by the City
Attorney as to form and content.

SECTION Parking Design Standards.

A. Parking Improvements.

1. Paving. Parking and loading facilities and pedestrian pathways shall be

surfaced and maintained with asphalt concrete, concrete, or other permanent
surfacing material acceptable to the Community Development Director or
designee and sufficient to prevent loose surfacing materials and other

2. Striping. Parking lot striping shall be maintained at all times consistent with
City standards.

3. Drainage. All parking and loading facilities shall be graded and provided with
permanent storm drainage facilities.

a. Surfacing, curbing and drainage improvements shall be sufficient to

preclude free flow of water onto adjacent properties or public streets or

b. Measures listed above shall be taken to preclude standing pools of water

within the parking facility.

4. Safety Features. Parking and loading facilities shall meet the following

a. Safety barriers, protective bumpers, or curbing and directional markers

shall be provided to assure pedestrian and vehicular safety, efficient
utilization, protection to landscaping, and prevent encroachment onto
adjoining public or private property.

b. Unobstructed visibility shall be maintained at all times while vehicles are

circulating within the parking area.

c. Internal circulation patterns and the location and traffic direction of all
access drives shall be designated and maintained in accordance with
accepted principles of traffic engineering and traffic safety.

d. Striping of parking lots must at all times be clearly visible and maintained
throughout the life of the facility.

5. Lighting. Lights provided to illuminate any parking facility or paved area shall
be designed with automatic timers (photovoltaic cells) and maintained in

Section 9.18.140: Parking 127

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accordance with the provisions of this Title. Parking lot security lights shall be
maintained and shall be operated during all hours of darkness.

a. All nonresidential parking area lighting shall be provided during the hours
of darkness the establishment is open at a minimum of two foot-candles
of light on the parking surface.

b. A minimum of one foot-candle of light shall be provided during all other

hours of darkness.

c. Lighting in the parking area shall be directed, positioned, or shielded in

such a manner so as not to unreasonably illuminate the window area of
nearby residences.

6. Noise. Areas used for primary circulation, or for frequent idling of vehicular
engines or for loading facilities, shall be designed and located to minimize
impacts on adjoining properties, including sound attenuation to adjacent
property and visibility screening from adjacent property.

7. Screening. Open off-street parking areas shall be screened from view of

public streets and adjacent land uses that are more restrictive.

8. Walls. High walls shall not block or otherwise impair visual access from
adjacent residential properties.

B. Surface Parking Lot Landscaping. In addition to the Site Design Standards of

Section, the following landscaping standards shall apply to all
surface parking lot areas:

1. Surface Parking Lots Visible from Streets. Surface parking lots that are
visible from public and private streets, and in particular surface parking lots
located between the public right-of-way and buildings and structures shall
meet the following landscaping, paving, and tree requirements:

a. Landscaping. At least 10 percent of the total area of any surface parking

lot shall be landscaped.

b. Paving Area. At least 5 percent of the total area of any surface parking
lot shall be paved in high-quality materials such as pavers, stone or
cobblestone, patterned or scored concrete, or similar durable materials.
Paving is encouraged at highly visible locations such as main drive aisles,
parking areas adjacent to required front and corner side yard setbacks,
enhanced stall demarcations throughout the parking lot, or pedestrian

c. Trees. One tree shall be provided for every four parking spaces. Trees
shall be shade-producing trees and shall be evenly distributed throughout
the parking lot so as to shade the parking area. Trees shall be located in
landscape planters. Trees shall conform to the matrix of plant materials
established by the Planning Division. Minimum tree size at planting shall
be 24-inch box.

Section 9.18.140: Parking 128

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2. Surface Parking Lots Not Visible from Streets. Surface parking lots that
are not visible from public and private streets and are located towards the
rear and interior of the site shall meet the following landscaping and tree

a. Landscaping. At least five percent of the total area of any surface

parking lot shall be landscaped.

b. Trees. One tree shall be provided for every 10 parking spaces. Trees shall
be shade-producing trees and shall be evenly distributed throughout the
parking lot so as to shade the parking area. Trees shall be located in
landscape planters. Trees shall conform to the matrix of plant materials
established by the Planning Division. Minimum tree size at planting shall
be 24-inch box.

3. Landscape Buffer. Where a surface parking lot abuts a parking structure or

is adjacent to a surface parking lot on another lot, a landscape buffer not less
than 10 feet in depth shall be provided between the lots or structures. Where
adjacent surface parking lots allow common parking to serve multiple
businesses and pedestrian walkways provide access to all businesses served,
no landscape buffer shall be required.

4. Wheel Stops at Landscaping. Concrete wheel stops shall be installed in

parking areas to protect landscaping. Any broken or damaged wheel stops
shall be replaced. Alternatively, parking may be designed to overhang
landscaped areas. Parking shall overhang landscaping no more than two feet
with a minimum planter dimension of five feet.

5. Landscape Planters. All landscape planters shall have a minimum width of

four feet.

6. Screening Required. Storage areas, trash enclosures, public utilities, and

other similar land uses or elements that do not contribute to the
enhancement of the surrounding area shall be screened with landscaping.
Landscape screening shall consist of evergreen shrubs, vines, or closely
spaced trees.

C. Architectural Treatment of Parking Structures. All façades of a parking

structure shall include architectural and landscaping treatment pursuant to the
standards established in Sections 9.18.090 (Development Standards Specific to
Individual Mixed Use Zones), 9.18.100 (Development and Design Standards
Applicable to All Mixed Use Zones), and 9.18.120 (Landscaping) of this Chapter.
The intent is to ensure that parking structures have the same quality treatment
as the buildings and uses they serve, that such structures are well integrated into
a development project, and that their design contributes to the overall character
and function of the area in which they are located. In particular, any façade that
can be viewed from a public right-of-way shall include treatments that make the
structure resemble a habitable building.

Section 9.18.140: Parking 129

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Photo 9.18-9: Example of Parking Structure Architectural Treatment

SECTION Loading Areas.

All nonresidential developments must provide loading berths in accordance with this

A. Retail Stores, Warehouses, Wholesaling, Manufacturing and Other Goods

Handling Uses. Loading spaces shall be provided as set forth in Table 9.18-12
(Required Loading: General Commercial and Industrial).

TABLE 9.18-12
Required Loading: General Commercial and Industrial
Gross Floor Area of Building or Use Number of Loading Berths Required
Less than 100,000 sf 0
100,001 – 200,000 sf 1
200,001 – 500,000 sf 2
More than 500,000 sf 3 plus 1 for each additional 400,000 sf

B. Offices and Hotels/Motels. Where loading facilities are provided, the standards
in Table 9.18-13 (Required Loading: Offices and Lodging) shall apply.

TABLE 9.18-13
Required Loading: Offices and Lodging
Number of Berths Width Length Height
1 10 feet 25 feet 12 feet
2 or more 10 feet 35 feet 14 feet

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C. Minimum Size of Berths. All berths must be provided with an on-site

maneuvering area to the loading berth that provides a turning radius of not less
than 48 feet.

D. Screening. All loading areas shall be screened from view of adjacent streets.

E. Access.

1. Access to the loading docks shall be provided without the necessity of vehicle
maneuvers in the public right-of-way.

2. The dock approach may not be encumbered by parking stalls or physical


3. All loading must be conducted in loading berths when berths are provided.
Loading and unloading operations shall not be conducted so as to be a
nuisance to adjacent residential areas.

4. Loading areas shall not interfere with parking or with vehicle and pedestrian

Section 9.18.140: Parking 131

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.150: Collection of Recyclable Materials

SECTION On-site Accommodation for Recyclable Materials Containers and

Collection Areas..................................................................................................... 132
SECTION Large Venue Recycling .......................................................... 134

SECTION On-site Accommodation for Recyclable Materials

Containers and Collection Areas.

A. Purpose. These standards are established to ensure that all developments in

the Mixed Use zones are provided with convenient and appropriately sized areas
for the collection of recyclable materials so that residents and businesses in
Garden Grove can contribute toward the achievement of city goals relating to
solid waste diversion, recycling, and greenhouse gas reduction, pursuant to state
law. The city recognizes that in lieu of providing separate areas for the collection
of recyclable materials, development projects can provide convenient and
adequately sized areas where collection bins for both solid waste and recyclables
can be maintained.

B. Area Required; Applicability. Any new development project, including a public

facility, for which a building permit application has been filed, or any addition or
modification to an existing development whereby the addition or modification
exceeds 1,000 square feet or 10 percent of the existing floor area (whichever is
less), shall include adequate, accessible, and convenient areas for the collection
and loading of recyclable materials. These areas, to the maximum extent
possible, shall be provided as part of the collection areas for solid waste.
Construction of an addition to an existing single-family unit, or less than one full
unit to multiple-family residential development, shall be exempt from this

C. Minimum Collection Areas. Areas for solid waste and recyclable materials
storage shall be adequate in capacity, number, and distribution to serve the
development where the project occurs, and shall be based on the following

1. Office, Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional

Collection bins of a minimum size of three cubic yards shall be provided. A

storage enclosure shall be provided sufficient to hold one or more standard
three-cubic-yard bins or similar collection bins available from approved
haulers. Each enclosure shall provide sufficient area for the collection of solid
waste and recyclable materials. Where appropriate, separate collection bins
for food waste associated with food service uses shall also be provided
consistent with other City regulations. The area must accommodate, at a
minimum, the bins indicated in Table 9.18-14 (Recyclable Collection Areas),
below, or as otherwise may be approved through the discretionary permit
review process.

Section 9.18.150: Collection of Recyclable Materials 132

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TABLE 9.18-14
Recyclable Collection Areas
Building Square Types of Receptacles Number of
Footage Receptacles
0-5,000 Bin 1
5,001-10,000 Bin 2
10,001-15,000 Bin 3
15,001-20,000 Bin 4
20,001-25,000 1 Bin 5
Each additional 5,000 square feet requires one additional bin, or more than
one pick up per week, per bin.

2. Residential Developments

a. For developments consisting of five or fewer residential units, and if

containers are utilized, the exterior collection area shall consist of an area
sufficient in size for the storage of containers for each residential unit
consistent with city contract requirements with approved waste haulers.
The suggested area for each container is a minimum of 38 inches by 38

b. For developments with more than five residential units, sufficient area to
accommodate at least one three-cubic-yard bin or similar collection bins
available from approved haulers shall be provided. Each enclosure shall
provide sufficient area for the collection of refuse and recyclable materials.

3. Mixed Use Developments

a. To the greatest extent practicable, separate solid waste and recyclable

materials collection areas shall be provided for residential and
nonresidential components of a residential/commercial mixed use
development. Where separate facilities can be and are provided, the
areas shall meet the standards specified above for nonresidential and
residential uses.

b. Where it is not practicable to separate such areas, as determined through

the development review process, the recyclable materials collection area
shall provide aggregate space sufficient to accommodate the minimum
requirements specified above for each individual use. Such areas shall be
conveniently located to all users.

c. Recycling and solid waste storage facilities for nonresidential uses shall be
located as far as possible from residential units and shall be completely
screened from view from the residential portion of the development.
Recycling and solid waste storage facilities for nonresidential uses shall be
compatible in architectural design and details with the overall project. The
location and design of enclosures shall mitigate nuisances from odors
when residential uses might be impacted. Trash areas for food service and
sales uses, when occupying the same building as residential uses, shall be
refrigerated or otherwise designed to control odor.

Section 9.18.150: Collection of Recyclable Materials 133

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D. Design Standards. The following standards shall apply to all developments

utilizing three-cubic-yard bins or similar collection bins available from approved

1. All solid waste and recyclable material storage areas shall be readily
accessible to the users they serve, as well as for collection operations, and
shall be enclosed by a solid masonry or concrete block wall.

2. Recycling bins or containers shall provide protection against adverse

environmental conditions that might render the collected materials
unmarketable. Solid waste and recyclable materials must be stored within the
bins or containers.

3. Driveways or travel aisles shall provide unobstructed access for collection

vehicles and personnel, and provide at least the minimum clearance required
by the collection methods and vehicles utilized for the particular project.

4. A sign clearly identifying all recycling and solid waste collection and loading
areas and the materials accepted shall be posted adjacent to the storage

5. The design and construction of solid waste and recyclable materials storage
areas shall be compatible with surrounding land uses.

6. The storage area shall be shielded from public view by a wall that matches
the exterior building material and color.

7. The storage area shall be designed as per the Garden Grove design
guidelines, as approved by City Council resolution.

8. Storage areas shall not be located in any required front, side, or rear setback
or any area required to be maintained as unencumbered according to any
public safety laws as adopted.

9. Where collection of solid waste and recyclable materials is separated,

whenever feasible, areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials should
be adjacent to the refuse storage areas.

SECTION Large Venue Recycling

A. Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan Required. Large venues, as defined by

Public Resources Code 42648, including, but not limited to, stadiums, convention
centers, shopping malls, performing arts centers, amusement parks, theaters,
and other public attraction facilities with an average attendance of 2,000 or more
persons per day of operation shall submit a waste reduction and recycling plan to
the City/Garden Grove Sanitary District. Such plan shall include, but not be
limited to, source reduction and recycling programs and the processing of solid
waste collected from the facility by the hauler franchised to provide solid waste
collection services in the city. All solid waste collected from the large venue shall
be subject to the waste reduction plan.

B. Noncompliance. Any large venue subject to this Section that is not complying
with the waste reduction plan submitted to the City/Garden Grove Sanitary

Section 9.18.150: Collection of Recyclable Materials 134

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District may be subject to periodic waste audits by an auditor contracted by the

City/Garden Grove Sanitary District at the expense of the large venue. Based on
such audit, the City/Garden Grove Sanitary District may require additional
processing of solid waste generated by the large venue at an additional cost to
the operator to meet the diversion goals of the City/Garden Grove Sanitary

Section 9.18.150: Collection of Recyclable Materials 135

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SECTION 9.18.160: Planned Unit Developments

Planned Unit Developments may be permitted in any Mixed Use zone subject to the
provisions of Section (Planned Unit Development) of Chapter 16 of this
Title 9. However, the following standards for the specific zones established in this
Chapter shall not be modified through any Planned Unit Development approval:

A. Required front yard setbacks in the GGMU-1, GGMU-2, and GGMU-3 zones, and
any regulations applicable to these areas.

B. Maximum density standards in all Mixed Use zones.

C. Regulations relating to drive-through establishments in all Mixed Use zones.

D. Signs.

E. Storefront requirements for any of the CC zones.

F. Setback requirements.

Section 9.18.180: Planned Unit Developments 136

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SECTION 9.18.170: Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone (-HC)

SECTION Applicability......................................................................... 138

SECTION Permitted Uses. ................................................................... 138
SECTION Determination of Historical Significance.................................... 138
SECTION Site Plan Required. ............................................................... 139
SECTION Historical-Cultural District. ..................................................... 139
SECTION Site Development Standards. ................................................. 139

SECTION Applicability. Properties in a Mixed Use zone may also be

zoned with the Historic-Cultural Overlay zone.

SECTION Permitted Uses. In addition to the uses permitted in the

underlying zone, as specified in Table 9.18-1 (Use Regulations for the Mixed Use
Zones), the following buildings, structures, and uses shall be permitted in the
Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone:

A. Historical buildings and structures established in permanent locations on the

development site.

B. Caretaker's residence, when incidental to primary use.

C. Meeting areas for use by the nonprofit historical or cultural organization owning
the property and the historical or cultural nonprofit organizations, when incidental
to the primary use.

D. Limited retail sales of materials related solely to the historical or cultural activity
conducted upon the property.

SECTION Determination of Historical Significance. The criteria

governing the designation of a historical or cultural site in the city shall be as

A. Sites. Sites shall be significant to the city or local area's social, cultural,
economic, political, religious, or military history, with adequate research and
bibliographical proof supplied to support the designation of a historical-cultural

B. Individuals. The individual sponsored for recognition should have made a

significant historical contribution to the area in one of the aforementioned fields,
and primary emphasis shall be upon the site of the achievement, rather than
upon the place of birth, death, or grave site.

C. Accessibility. The site shall be accessible to the public.

D. Ownership. The site must be owned by a nonprofit organization, in accordance

with applicable United States Internal Revenue Service regulations.

Section 9.18.190: Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone (-HC) 138

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION Site Plan Required. A site plan shall be approved in the
manner prescribed in Chapter 9.32 (Procedures and Hearings), prior to the issuance
of any building permits for any development in this zone.

SECTION Historical-Cultural District. To prevent visual intrusion

by surrounding developments in the historical site, and to preserve the historical site
in accordance with the intent of this zone, and for the general welfare of the citizens
of Garden Grove, all future improvements, not requiring a public hearing, for
property within a 200-foot radius of a Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone shall be
approved by the Zoning Administrator before the issuance of a building permit.

SECTION Site Development Standards. The site development

standards for the Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone shall be the same as the site
development standards for the base zone, with the following exceptions:

A. The size and shape of the site shall be sufficient to allow the full development of
the proposed use in a manner consistent with the stated purpose of this zone for
all essential on-site facilities.

B. The proposed development shall place buildings, parking, and open space in an
aesthetically pleasing design complementary to the intent of this zone.

C. One identification sign shall be permitted provided:

1. The display area does not exceed 20 square feet;

2. The sign is stationary and non-flashing; and
3. The sign is mounted on the wall of a building or securely mounted on a
detached wall, provided the maximum height of such wall shall not exceed six
feet above the ground upon which such wall is located.

D. Covenants, conditions, and restrictions are required to guarantee the

permanence of the site for historical use, subject to the approval of the City
Attorney prior to the final approval of rezoning action by the City Council.

Section 9.18.190: Historical-Cultural Overlay Zone (-HC) 139

Garden Grove Mixed Use Zones
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SECTION 9.18.180: Flood Hazard Overlay Zone (-FH)

Properties in a Mixed Use zone may also be zoned with the Flood Hazard Overlay
zone. Where such overlay zone has been applied, affected properties shall be
subject to the provisions of article (Flood Hazard Overlay Zone [-FH]),
Chapter 16 of this Title 9.

Section 9.18.200: Flood Hazard Overlay Zone (FH) 140

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