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Determining The Physico-Mechanical Characteristics of Maize Stalks Fordesigning Harvester

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Seflek The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 27(3): 2017, Page:

The J.855-860
Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017
ISSN: 1018-7081


A.Y. Şeflek

Agricultural Machinery and Tecnologies Department, Selcuk University Agricultural Faculty, Konya, Turkey;
Corresponding author e-mail:seflek@selcuk.edu.tr

Physical characteristics of crops and plants are significant issues in designing machinery to harvest them.Therefore in the
present study, general physical properties, bending stress, modulus of elasticity, shear stress and specific shearing energy
were determined over stalks of 10 different maize (Zeamays L.) cultivars. Test specimens were taken from three different
locations of stalks as of upper section, middle section and bottom section. Average moisture contents of upper, middle
and bottom sections were respectively observed as 78.18, 73.87 and 69.91%. The average bending force varied between
40 -459.3N and the average modulus of elasticity varied between 10.04- 673.84 MPa. The modulus of elasticity
decreased with increasing stalk diameters. Variance analysis revealed that Bora, SX-689, MocejonI and DK-585 were
similar cultivars and their modulus of elasticity were greater than the other cultivars (P<0.01). The results also showed
decreasing shearing stress and specific shearing energy values toward the upper sections of the stalks. The maximum
shearing stress and the specific shearing energy were 5.27MPa and 213.03 mJmm-2, respectively. According to variance
analysis, the cultivarsSX-689 and Mocejon-I were also found to be as similar varieties and their specific shearing
energies were greater than the other cultivars (P < 0.01). Both the shearing stress and specific shearing energy were
found to be higher along the bottom section of the stalks due to the structural heterogeneity.
Key word: Maize, bending stress, modulus of elasticity, shearing stress, specific shearing energy.

INTRODUCTION equipment without a previous knowledge of physic-

mechanical characteristics of the relevant plant or
Maize silage is cultivated over 337.159ha land crop.Thus, physical properties of agricultural materials
area with 14.9million ton annual production and are very important for designing machinery for them.
44500kgha-1 yield in Turkey (TUIK, 2012). It is the third Various studies have been conducted to
cereal crop of the country after wheat and barley.Maize determine the mechanical properties of plants and crops.
has a remarkable place in human and animal feeding and Curtis and Hendrick (1969) determined that the section
a significant industrial cash crop. Of the annual modulus in bending varied with the third power of the
production, 35% is used for human nutrition, 30% is used diameter for cotton stalks of diameters ranging from 7 to
for animal feeding and 20% is used in again livestock 16 mm. The modulus of elasticity varied from 600 to
feed industry. It is also a silage crop and cultivation lands 3500 MPa. Prince et al.(1969) studied the modulus of
are increasing in each day (Keskin et al.,2005). Maize is rigidity of green lucerne and oven-dried specimens and
harvested with silage machines and combine observed the mean values of 0.225 and 1.45 GPa,
harvesters.The cultivar plays a significant role in the respectively. Sakharow et al. (1984) reported that the
specific energy consumptionof the harvester. Through required force to cut the stretched stalks was 50% less
selection of proper cultivar, considerable savings can be than that of unbelted stalks. Chattopadhyay and Pandey
achieved in specific energy consumption of the harvesters (1999) determined the bending stress for sorghum as 40-
and silage machines. Therefore, physico-mechanical 53 MPa and 45-65 MPa at the seed stage and forage
characteristics of maize stalks should be known or stage, respectively.
determined for proper operation of such devices. Among Prasad and Gupta (1975) emphasized that the
those characteristics, compression, tension, bending, cross-sectional area and moisture content of the crop had
density and friction are the most significant ones significant effects on cutting energy and maximum
influencing the harvest of corn stalks. Such cutting force. Similar results were also reported by Choi
characteristics totally depend on species, variety, stalk and Erbach (1986). They also studied the mechanical
diameter, maturity, moisture content and cellular properties of alfalfa stems and observed maximum
structure (Bright andKleis, 1964; Persson, 1987). shearing stresses ranging between 0.4 and 18.0 MPa
Thosecharacteristics also vary from one section to depending on moisture content. McRandal and
another of the stalks. Empirical methods are not sufficient McNulty(1980) conducted shearing experiment on field
alone in design of plant handling and processing grasses and observed a shearing stress of 16 MPa and
shearing energy of 12.0 mJmm-2. Chen et al.(2004)

Seflek The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017

reported the maximum force and the total cutting energy diameter of the stalks in upper, middle and bottom
for hemp as 243 N and 2.1 J, respectively. Inceet sections respectively varied between 8.75-11.01,15.85-
al.(2005) determined bending and shearing characteristics 19.76 and 23.08 -26.66 mm.The basic characteristics of
of sunflower stalk residues and reported specific shearing each cultivar are provided in Table 1.
energy for sunflower stalk as between 1.86-8.5, 1.7-10.7
Bending Strength: Beam tests provide information on
and 2.4-11.0 mJmm-2 at the upper, middle and lower
strength in bending and stiffness of the material. A three-
sections, respectively.
point loading apparatus was used to determine bending
Considering the above points, there is a need for
strength of the specimens. The span length was 68.25 mm
research about the variations in physico-mechanical
and the force applied from upper surface of the
properties of maize stalks to improve the chopping
stalk.Support and indenting rods were 11.2 mm in
conditions. Therefore, the present study was focused on
diameter. Specimens were placed in the three point
bending stress, modulus of elasticity in bending, shear
loading apparatus and the force was applied to the centre
stress and specific shearing energy of three different
of the stalk. Force-versus-deformation data were recorded
sections of stalks of 10 different maize cultivars.
by the computer until fracture.
Force-deformation curves were obtained from
MATERIALS AND METHODS the test data by software. The force and deformation at
the bioyield peak and at the inflection point as defined by
Research plan: Three groups of experiments were ASAE Standard S368.1 (1985) were obtained from all
conducted in this study. The first group included basic curves. Tangent modulus was calculated by using the
physicalcharacteristics such as length, diameter, cross- slope of pseudo-elastic portion of the force-deformation
sectional area and moisture content. The second group curve. The tangent modulus(T) was computed for the
was conducted for three-point loading to test the strength strength in bending with the following equation
in bending. The third group was composed of the tests (Mohsenin, 1980):
madeto determinethe shearing stress and shearing energy. T = F/D (1)
The maize cuttings operationsof the experiments were Where: T is tangent modulus in daNmm-1, F is
conducted at BahriDağdaş International Agricultural force in daN and D is deformation in mm.
Research Institute, Konya. All the tests were carried out The values of f andD were taken from the center
under laboratory conditions. The classified stalk samples of the pseudo-elastic portion of the force deformation
were preserved in plastic bags until test times. Upper, curve of the bending tests. Then, the modulus of elasticity
middle and bottom sections of stalk samples were (Ea) was computed by using following equation
designated and sheared in certain lengths to use in (Mohsenin, 1980):
experiments. Before the tests, malformed cuttings were
f l 3 106
discarded. The tests were performed over 10 different Ea  (2)
cultivars (Bora, SX-689, Montai, MocejonI, Progen- 48 D  d 4 / 64
1490, Progen-1550, DKC-6022, P-31G98, DK-585 and Where: Ea is the modulus of elasticity in Pa, f is
P-3394). In brief, three groups of experiments (basic the concentrated load at mid span in N, lis the effective
characteristics, bending strength and shearing strength) length in mm, D is the deformation in mm and d is the
were conducted overthreesections (upper, middle and diameter of the stalk in mm.
bottom) of stalks with 10 samples for each group.
Shearing Strength: The outermost layer of the maize
Experimental Procedure stalk is known as the cortex and is made up of
Basic Characteristics: For each cutting, length of the parenchyma cells containing chloroplast. This fibrous
maize stalks were measured, then the cobs and the leaves tissue plus the tubular configuration provides the stalk
of plants were removed. Before bending and shearing strength. The outer single layer of cells of the cortex is
tests, diameter (average diameter at the midpoint) the epidermis which may be quite thick and is covered in
recorded and cross-sectional areas of samples were most cases with a waxy substance called cutin. To
measured. A digital camera and Sigma Scan Pro Software determine the shearing force of maize stalks, an
were used to measure cross-sectional areas. Specimens experimental shearing apparatus was used. This test rig
from upper, middle and bottom sections were cut has three main components, which are a fixed and a
approximately at 122.5 mm lengths (Simonton, 1992).To moving platen, a driving unit (AC electric motor,
determine of the average moisture contents, specimens electronic reduction unit) and a data acquisition (load-
were weighed and dried at 102 °C for 24 h in an oven and cell, personal computer card and software system). The
reweighed. The diameter of the maize stalks decreased shearing tests were conducted at 0.8 mms-1 knife velocity
towards the top of the plant. That means the maize stalk and repeated three times over the upper, middle and
shows different physico-mechanical properties at bottom sections of stalks of different cultivars. During the
different heights due to cross-sectional area. The average shearing tests, the shearing forces on the load-cell with

Seflek The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017

respect to knife penetration were recorded by data logger. sections of the stalks. The maize stalk has a hard structure
The shearing stress τ in MPa was then calculated by the because of the length of the plant. Therefore, the shearing
following equation(Mohsenin,1980): stress of bottom section was higher than upper section of
Fs max the stalk. The shearing stress varied between 2.75 – 4.91
 MPa at moisture contentof 78.14% in bottom section,
2A (3) between 2.61 – 4.56 MPa at moisture content of
Fs max 73.87%in middle section and between 1.64 – 2.81 MPa at
Where: is the shearing force in N; and A moisture content of 69.91% in upper section.
is the cross-sectional area of the stalk at shearing plane in
mm2. Double shearing method was used in the tests. Table 1. Summary of results of the basic properties
From the shearing speed and time, the knife displacement testing for the maize.
was computed and the force-versus-displacement curves
were plotted for each stalk diameter. The shearing energy Average Region Average Moisture
was calculated by using the area under these curves Varieties Length, Diameter, Content,
(Chattopadhyay and Pandey, 1999; Chen et al, 2004). mm mm %wb
The areas under the curves were determined by using 2280 Growth 10.38 66.03
Sigma Scan Pro Software.The specific shearing energy Bora middle 19.76 72.45
ESC in mJmm-2 was determined by using the following root 23.99 74.43
equation(Mohsenin,1980): 2450 growth 9.9 72.17
E SX-689 middle 16.82 76.21
E SC  S root 24.28 78.27
A (4) 2350 growth 11.01 72.49
Where, ES is the total shearing energy in mJ and Montai middle 18.61 76.13
A is the cross-sectional area of the stalk in mm2. root 26.66 79.15
2350 growth 9.34 66.04
Mocejon-I middle 19.63 73.06
2300 growth 9.76 64.01
Bending stress and modulus of elasticity: The bending Progen-
middle 18.99 70.62
stress was evaluated as a function of stalk diameter. The 1490
root 23.59 74.43
bending stress at bioyield points varied between 4.0 - 2375 growth 10.29 68.14
41.88daN.Decreasing bending stresses were observed Progen-
middle 18.27 72.59
with increasing stalk diameters. The average modulus of 1550
root 23.58 78.05
elasticity varied between 11.87-496.66 MPa. An 2250 growth 10.89 73.13
exponential relationship was observed between modulus DKC-6022 middle 19.01 73.60
of elasticity and stalk diameter.Mohsenin (1980) also root 24.55 76.03
reported the similar results with the present findings. 2150 growth 10.55 72.94
Bending test results are provided in Table2. Graphically P-31G98 middle 19.39 76.65
the force- deformation curves of the groups were similar root 23.60 81.22
to each other with slight differences in magnitudes of 2225 growth 8.75 69.13
force and deformation. DK-585 middle 15.85 72.53
The average values for modulus of elasticity root 23.08 76.92
were found to be 237.07, 44.14 and 21.6 MPa for upper, 2175 growth 10.06 65.75
middle and bottom sections of the stalks, respectively. P- 3394 middle 18.21 64.03
root 25.02 75.79
According to the variance analysis of modulus of
2283 growth 10.10 69.91
elasticity values, differences between cultivars and stalk Average
middle 18.61 73.87
sections were found to be significant (P<0.01). According Values
root 24.52 78.18
to the LSD (5%) test, Bora, SX-689 and Mocejon-I 12.03 growth 1.1 3.86
werefound to be similar cultivars and their modulus of Standard
middle 1.83 4.16
elasticity values were greater than the other cultivars.So, Deviation
root 1.59 2.76
these cultivars have greater loading resistance and
resistance to the natural conditions like wind.
Shearing stress and specific shearing energy:The
maize stalk is full of juice and has a full tubular section
with cellulose. Shearing test results are presented in
Figure 1. Similar trends were observed for different

Seflek The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017 The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017
Table 2. Compiled data from the strength in bending tests according to the different varieties

Property Bora SX-689 Montai Mocejon-I Progen- Progen- DKC- P- DK- P-3394 Average Standard
1490 1550 6022 31G98 585 Values Deviation
Group = Growth
Bioyield force (daN) 5.90 5.40 5.90 5.43 4.48 6.14 5.89 9.00 4.71 4.00 5.68 1.36
Bioyield 2.8 4.86 5.04 3.24 5 4.56 5.92 8.74 6.86 3.61 5.06 1.77
deformation (mm)
Force (daN) 4.47 2.81 3.87 3.40 1.85 2.81 3.52 5.24 3.06 1.40 3.24 1.14
Deformation (mm) 1.34 1.88 2.5 2.28 1.92 2.16 2.6 4.04 1.54 1.42 2.16 0.79
Tangent modulus 3.35 1.6 1.54 1.44 0.94 1.3 1.32 1.3 1.98 1.06 1.58 0.68
Modulus of elasticity 393.0 271.97 144.44 279.87 134.51 212.46 137.74 141.03 496.66 158.94 237.06 124.57
(MPa) 4
Group = Middle
Bioyield force (daN) 15.91 13.77 13.77 19.72 13.29 16.86 19.96 21.39 13.29 14.01 16.19 3.11
Bioyield 7.78 5.1 5.32 4.18 3.86 7.22 7.5 9.28 6.14 7.64 6.40 1.76
deformation (mm)
Force (daN) 12.33 10.67 9.48 15.0 8.29 11.38 12.57 15.2 8.52 8.29 11.17 2.6
Deformation (mm) 4.18 3.8 3.48 3.2 2.38 3.08 3.36 3.34 2.96 3.18 3.29 0.48
Tangent modulus 3.55 2.80 2.69 4.55 3.48 3.83 3.89 4.51 3.05 2.78 3.51 0.68
Modulus of elasticity 34.51 46.96 30.19 40.83 35.86 58.86 40.91 43.01 32.58 32.7 39.64 8.6
Group = Root
Bioyield force (daN) 25.41 41.88 27.83 37.59 19.96 33.55 32.35 40.45 27.82 32.58 31.94 6.88
Bioyield 10.28 7.38 9.54 9.4 9.04 7.86 6.9 7.46 7.56 9.34 8.47 1.17
deformation (mm)
Force (daN) 19.31 34.96 20.68 23.25 13.77 24.49 26.82 32.58 18.29 23.57 23.77 6.43
Deformation (mm) 4.1 5.26 4.72 5 3.6 4.56 4.56 4.82 3.48 4.04 4.41 0.59
Tangent modulus 4.74 6.52 4.38 4.81 3.91 5.39 5.84 6.79 5.26 5.84 5.34 0.91
Modulus of elasticity 19.99 25.32 11.87 18.53 17.1 26.51 22.21 29.88 24.28 20.17 21.58 5.2
Means of modulus of 149.1 114.75ab 62.16b 113.07ab 62.49b 99.27B 66.95b 71.30ab 184.5a 70.60b 42.41
elasticity (MPa) 8ab*
between groups
LSD (5%) = 96.63
* Means followed by the same letter in each column and each treatment aren’t significantly different (P<0.01) according to LSD test.

Seflek The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017 The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017
Table 3. Compiled data from the strength in shearing tests according to the different varieties

Property Bora SX-689 Montai Moceron-I Progen Progen DKC P31D98 DK585 P3384 Average Standard
1480 1550 6022 Values Deviation
Group = Growth
Shearing Force (N) 609.4 776.2 838.1 907.25 707.1 802.4 928.7 721.35 547.5 690.4 752.84 122.37
Displacement (mm) 13.34 13.16 12.4 12.5 15.46 14.54 13.98 12.52 11.66 13.84 13.34 1.14
Shearing stress (MPa) 1.64 2.81 2.66 2.69 1.94 1.92 2.49 2.12 2.1 2.19 2.26 0.39
Specific Shearing 37.65 46.57 46.72 43.79 39.94 38.41 41.77 35.75 38.84 41.98 41.14 3.71
energy (mJmm-2)
Group = Middle
Shearing Force (N) 2336.7 2794.1 2501.05 2865.55 2331.9 2877.5 2813.2 2429.6 2069 2484.4 2550.31 275.14
Displacement (mm) 25.24 19.28 18.22 18.62 21.16 18.5 19.12 13.72 19.22 19.08 19.22 2.83
Shearing stress (MPa) 2.96 4.56 2.98 3.55 2.61 3.92 3.31 3.17 2.97 3.08 3.31 0.57
Specific Shearing 62.12 98.78 63.97 74.25 52.22 75.23 74.41 86.55 64.75 62.2 71.45 13.53
energy (mJmm-2)
Group = Root
Shearing Force (N) 3253.9 5421.5 4058.2 4759.3 3728 3542.2 4981.2 3963.9 3932.9 4033 4167.41 677.43
Displacement (mm) 18.48 21.38 19.46 18.22 19.58 15.46 18.52 15.22 15.56 14.82 17.67 2.25
Shearing stress (MPa) 2.75 4.91 3.42 4.46 3.31 3.79 3.82 3.43 3.8 3.77 3.75 0.6
Specific Shearing 75.88 179.91 110.73 163.46 92.68 112.41 119.83 94.95 100.08 124.03 117.40 32.12
energy (mJmm-2)
Means of Specific 58.55d* 108.42a 73.81cd 93.83ab 61.62cd 75.35bcd 78.67bc 72.42cd 67.89cd 76.07bcd 14.78
Shearing energy
(mJmm-2) between
LSD (5%) = 19.19
* Means followed by the same letter in each column and each treatment aren’t significantly different (P<0.01) according to LSD test.

Seflek The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 27(3):2017

Fig. 1. Typical force - displacement curve for maize stalk; the graphics; A shows root region, B shows middle
region and C shows growth region of cutting.

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