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Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

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Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

j our na l ho mepa ge: w w w .e l s e v i e r .c o m / l o ca t e /j i e c


Advances in bioleaching as a sustainable method for metal recovery

from e-waste: A review
Mahsa Baniasadia, Farzane Vakilchapa, Nazanin Bahaloo-Horeha,
Seyyed Mohammad Mousavia,*, Sebastien Farnaudb
Biotechnology Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
CSELS, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Coventry University, Coventry, UK


Article history: Electronic waste (e-waste) accumulation on earth is a serious environmental challenge. The need for
Received 30 March 2018 heavy metal recovery, together with the profitability of precious and base metals, are strong incentives
Received in revised form 13 March 2019 for researchers to find a sustainable method for metal recovery from e-waste. The scientific community is
Accepted 27 March 2019 trying to improve the efficiency of metal recovery from e-wastes using bioleaching, a more sustainable
Available online 5 April 2019 method in comparison to traditional methods. In this review, available methods and the kinetic models
that describe the bioleaching processes, and also their limitations, are reviewed. In addition, the
Keywords: application of new approaches to understand how the contribution of microorganisms and their genetic
Bioleaching modification can affect the processes, are reviewed.
E-waste © 2019 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights
Heavy metals
Waste PCBs
Spent batteries


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Bioleaching of e-waste ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................77
Discarded printed circuit boards (PCBs) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Disposal of spent batteries .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Spent nickel cadmium batteries ................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Spent zinc manganese batteries (ZMBs)........................................................................................................................................................................ 81
Miscellaneous e-waste ............................................................................................................................................................................................................82
Process of e-waste bioleaching ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
E-waste preparation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................83
Adaptation of microorganism to the e-waste ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Bioleaching methods ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84
Kinetic studies............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Catalytic bioleaching of e-waste ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Large scale bioleaching of e-waste ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Restriction of e-waste bioleaching ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Future of bioleaching perspective in omics and bioinformatics .............................................................................................................................................. 88
Conclusion .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................89
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................89
References ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................89

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mousavi_m@modares.ac.ir (S.M. Mousavi).

1226-086X/© 2019 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
76 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

Introduction c) Cyanogenic bacteria by complexolysis

Waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) is defined as Astonishingly diverse groups of microbes such as bacteria, fungi
amalgams of various metals including copper, nickel, iron, and yeast are used for leaching activity, although acidophilic
aluminum, and zinc, to name only a few, trapped in plastic and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and iron-oxidizing bacteria are the most
ceramic matrices through mixing, coating or binding mechanism. widely used in this process [12]. The most well-known chemo-
High value waste contains precious metals like silver, gold and lithotrophs are Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus
platinum group metals (PGMs), which are used for their high thiooxidans which catalyze the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron
conductivity and high chemical stability [1]. The need for metal ions [13]. In addition, Bacillus species as the most effective bacteria
recovery from e-wastes is highlighted by the toxicity of these as well as some fungi such as Aspergillus niger and Penicillium
metals (especially heavy metals) for human health and environ- simplicissimum genera can be used in bioleaching process.
ment, as well as by the economic benefits of WEEE as a secondary Chromobacterium violaceum and Bacillus megaterium proved to
source of rare and precious metals [2]. According to the statistics, be the most promising cyanogenic bacteria [10,14].
40 million tons of e-waste are produced annually, which comprise Generally three mechanisms of acidolysis, redoxolysis and
5% of the total solid wastes worldwide [3]. complexolysis are involved for bioleaching of e-waste. In acid-
The content of urban mines has attracted the interest of both olysis, the protonation of oxygen atoms that covers the metallic
academic andindustrial sectorsdue tothe high amountof preciousand compound surface occurs. Protons of organic acids produced by
rare metals, which are becoming depleted in natural resources but can heterotrophs (malic, oxalic, gluconic, acetic, citric, succinic, pyruvic
be recovered from e-wastes with much less energy consumption [4]. and formic acids) and also bacterial inorganic acids (e.g. H2SO4)
The conventional methods available for metal removal from have the ability for acidolysis [15,16]. Redoxolysis is the metal
WEEE are pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical routes, and solubilisation mechanism through oxidation-reduction reactions.
are considered to be environmentally unsustainable due to the By redoxolysis, energy transfer necessary for microbial growth
difficulty of control, production of secondary waste together with a occurs through electron transfer. In the redoxolysis reactions of
high cost and risk of the process. In pyrometallurgical methods, acidophiles, ferric ions are reduced enzymatically under anaerobic
which have high energy demand, solid waste are mixed with metal conditions, where hydrogen or sulfur acts as the electron donor
concentrates and smelted for metal recovery [5]. Energy crisis and [15,17]. Complexolysis is another mechanism by fungi and also is
concerns about emission of greenhouse gases led industry to look significant for precious metal recovery by cyanogenic bacteria.
for alternatives. Emission of atmospheric pollutants such as Cyanide is produced by decarboxylation of glycine in the late
dioxins and furans due to the presence of some flame retardants stationary phase of microorganism growth [18]. Many cyanide-
in electronic equipment is also a growing concern. Disadvantages producing bacteria have the ability to detoxify the cyanide to β-
of this method include high capital and operational costs, low cyanoalanine by β-cyanoalanine synthase. This makes bio-cyani-
selectivity, negative environmental impact, low social acceptance, dation process an attractive process in the case of availability of
and harsh thermal treatment conditions. However, this method less hazardous cyanide in the wastewater streams [9].
has been proved to be feasible and is a developed technology on As shown in Table 1, microorganisms used for bioleaching of
commercial scale. Hydrometallurgy is the process of solubilizing electronic waste (e-waste) were from all three groups mentioned
metals by using large quantities of chemical agents (acids). This earlier, considering chemolithoautotrophs, fungi and cyanogenic
method also needs pretreatment of waste. However, this process is bacteria. It can be seen that the most common e-waste for
a slow, and hazardous process with negative environmental bioleaching tests were PCBs and different types of batteries. Both
impact and high operating cost [6]. As a result, hydrometallurgy mesophilic and thermophilic chemolithoautrophs have been used
process includes the need for treatment and management of large for bioleaching. When precious metals are targeted, cyanogenic
amount of acidic wastewater effluent [7,8]. Biological metal bacteria are commonly used.
recovery from solid waste is based on the same mechanism of Different mixtures of chemolithoautotrophs bacteria have been
hydrometallurgical process with employing microorganisms for used by researchers for the bioleaching of e-wastes including
production of reagents to extract metals [6]. Specificity, cost- printed circuit boards (PCBs) [5,36–38], lithium ion batteries
effectiveness, and environmental acceptability are key advantages lithium ion batteries (LIBs) [39,40], Zn-Mn batteries (ZMBs) [41–
for metal recovery through microbial processes [9]. Bioleaching as 43] and cathode ray tubes (CRTs) [44] for better metal recovery due
a bio-hydrometallurgical process is simple and has advantages to the synergic effect of bacteria.
such as higher efficiency and safety, lower operating costs and Target metals available in the electronic waste are mostly
energy consumption, easier management, implementation of critical metals (including precious metals and some base metals).
operating conditions at atmospheric pressure and room tempera- These are metals with large and essential consumption in
ture, eco-friendly, no need for skilled workers and use of few industrial and technical applications, that have led to the depletion
industrial requirements [10]. As an economic point of view, of their natural sources [45]. Among the e-wastes, printed circuit
conventional processes require larger investments than bioleach- boards printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the most heterogeneous,
ing process [7]. since they contain many elements including base metals, heavy
Bioleaching is performed by different microorganisms (fungus metals, alkali metals, precious metals, lanthanides, actinides and
and bacteria) with the ability to secret inorganic or organic acids or some non-metal elements. Precious or noble metals are resistant
cyanide which enhance enzymatic oxidation-reduction, proton- to oxidation, corrosion and acids. PCBs contain the highest amount
promoted mechanisms and/or ligand and complex formation of precious metals, which are used due to their desirable
[7,10]. conductivity and stability; as such, they can be considered as
Microorganisms with the bioleaching ability can be categorized “artificial ores” as they contain significant amount of Pt, Au and Ag
in three major groups [11]: [7,46].
E-waste contains a wide range of discarded devices from small
a) Chemolithoautotrophic bacteria by acidolysis and redoxolysis to voluminous electronic equipment. However, bioleaching studies
mechanism mostly focus on the devices that contain metals of interest which
b) Organic acid producing fungi by acidolysis and complexolysis are heavy or precious metals and rare earth elements in most of the
mechanism cases. In previous research available in the literature which will be
M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 77

Table 1
Microorganisms used for bioleaching of e-waste.

Microorganism E-waste Target metal References

Chemolithoautotrophs Mobile and computer PCBs Ni, Cd [19,20]
A. ferrooxidans
PCBs Cu [21]
PCBs Al [22]
Ni–Cd batteries Cd [23]
A. thiooxidans PCBs Al, Cu, Mg, Zn [24]
Thermophiles PCBs Cu [25]
S. thermosulfidooxidans
Fungi LIBs Ni, Co, Mn, Li, Cu, Al [26,27]
A. niger
Mixture of six Aspergillus species: ZMBs and Ni–Cd Battery Ni, Cd, Co, Zn [28]
A. fumigatus, A. flavipes, A. japonicus, A. tubingensis A. versicolor, A. niger
Cyanogenic bacteria Mobile PCBs Au, Cu [29]
C. violaceum Electronic scrap Au [30]
Sim card Au, Ag, Cu [31]
B. megaterium Computer PCBs Au, Cu [32]
Mobile PCBs Au, Cu
Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCBs Au, Ag, Cu [33]
Mixture of: PCBs Au [34]
C. violaceu/
P. aeruginosa
P. fluorescens
Mixture of: Electronic scrap Au, Ni, Cu [35]
C. violaceum
P. fluorescens
B. megaterium

reviewed in this work, bioleaching has been most widely studied electronic scraps although they comprise only 6% of e-wastes [19].
for PCBs and batteries (LIBs, Ni-Cd batteries and ZMBs) PCBs composition can be varied with the year of production and
(Sections “Discarded printed circuit boards (PCBs)” and “Disposal the manufacturers [50]. It has been reported that annually 17
of spent batteries”). Other form of e-waste such as panels of liquid million computers are discarded, which corresponds to the
crystal displays (LCD), light emitting diodes (LED) can be also disposal of 50 million kg of CPUs annually [32]. It has been
noteworthy for research (Section “Miscellaneous e-waste”). reported that 0.5 million tons waste PCBs are disposed annually
This work is a review of the current state of the art in the field of [51].
bioleaching of e-wastes. Previous reviews on metal recovery from The most important and studied PCBs are computer and mobile
e-waste focused mostly on pyrometallurgical and hydrometal- phone PCBs, because of their high precious metal content, high
lurgical methods, and often only mentioned bioleaching briefly [47]. disposal amount and short lifespan estimated to 4 years,
Lee and Pandey instead focused on bioprocesses available for considering also reuse [19].
metal recovery of different industrial and urban waste including The composition of PCBs varies between sources. However,
some e-wastes [48]. The aim of this review is to describe the polymers, ceramics and metals are common fractions of this waste.
fundamentals of bioleaching and the obtained results of the up-to- Around 28% of PCBs is the metal fraction including Cu (10–20%), Pb
date published research in the field of bioleaching of e-wastes. For (1–5%) and Ni (1–3%), plastic materials compose 19%, glass and
this purpose, the authors describe the principles of the bioleaching ceramics 49%, Br 4% and very little percentage (0.3-0.4%) precious
including mechanism, microorganism and bioleaching methods metals like Pt (10–200 ppm), Au (20–500 ppm) and Ag (200–
and process. Previous studies on bioleaching of e-waste are 3000 ppm) [19] which are used as a contact material due to their
reviewed and classified according to waste type, microorganism suitable conducting properties and chemical stability [1]. Ceramics
and target metal. The bioleaching stages include waste prepara- available in PCBs are composed of silica, alkaline earth oxides,
tion, microorganism adaptation, as well as one-step, two-step and alumina, mica and barium titanate [52].
spent-medium bioleaching methods are described in this review. Regarding the metal recovery process, PCBs are categorized into
The limitations of the bioleaching process are also described. The three classes of high, medium and low grade scrap on the basis of
kinetic study of the process is also discussed and the catalysts that their precious metal quantity [52]. High and medium grade
were used in previous studies are reviewed. Finally, future materials are those having high concentrations of Pd and Au. It
prospects and open issues for the bioleaching of metals from e- must be considered that almost 90% of PCBs value is for these two
wastes are discussed in the last part of this review. metals. In high and medium grade PCBs, the metals are easily
separated, and are available in integrated circuits, pin boards, and
Bioleaching of e-waste thermally coupled modules of mainframe. The second category is
medium grade waste materials and includes wastes with high
Discarded printed circuit boards (PCBs) amount of precious metals which are in pin and edge connectors
together with aluminum capacitors. The low grade PCBs are those
PCBs are the most common target of the recycling process due available in televisions, and power supply units with transformers
to the presence of precious metals and hazardous materials of heavy ferrite and aluminum heat sink assemblies. The metal
content as a step forward for resource preservation and circular recovery from this category is not cost effective [53]. Two fractions
economy [49]. of PCBs are high grade or metal-rich (RPCBs) and low grade or
The heterogeneity of electronic scrap (ES) makes the recycling metal-poor (PPCBs) fractions are separated through mechanical
process very complicated [1]. PCBs are important component of methods by shaking table separator after grinding and sieving. The
78 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

high grade fractions are suitable for pyrometallurgy and the low dissolution occurrence is dominant to Au dissolution due to two
grade fractions are suitable for bioleaching [36]. following reasons [54]:
PCBs are traditionally disposed by incineration and landfills.
Informal disposal of waste is done in backyard workshop by ● Base metals such as Cu consume free cyanide and make it
techniques such as acid washing and incineration. The risks for unavailable for complexation of Au.
environment and human health on one hand, and the economic ● The standard electrode potential (E )0 of gold (Au /Au
0 +
) equals to
motivations coming from metal recovery on the other hand, have —1.83 V which makes it less reactive than base metals such as Ni
motivated the scientific community for finding alternative (E0 = —0.67 V), Cu (E0 = —0.34 V) and Fe (E0 = —0.44 V).
recycling methods [7].
Bioleaching has been reported to be a commercially feasible and Au complexes with cyanide by the Elsner’s reaction [55]: 2Au þ
as a low cost solution for recovery of metals from low grade ores.
4CN— þ H2 O þ 1=2O2 ! 2AuðCNÞ—
2 þ 2OH

However its application to the PCBs and other e-wastes is still in
the research phase [8]. One of the limitations of bioleaching of PCBs Therefore, separation of base metals in the first step and
is the toxicity of the waste to the microorganism, although it is not precious metals in the second step should be envisaged for the
clear whether this toxicity is the result of the metal or organic bioleaching of PCBs. This process named pre-treatment, has been
content [53]. performed by chemical method (acid leaching) or biological
The most common microorganisms used for the bioleaching of methods (using chemolithoautotrophs). Işıldar et al., used a novel
PCBs are chemolithoautotroph (mesophilic) bacteria or cyanogenic method to separate the base metals in the first step by chemo-
bacteria like C. violaceum depending on the target metal [49]. lithoautotrophic acidophilic bacteria and the precious metals in
Among cyanogenic organisms, C. violaceum can be more the second step by cyanogenic bacteria [54].
important due to its six HCN synthase enzymes which could Results using bioleaching of PCBs with chemolithoautotrophs
produce more cyanide. Compared to other microorganisms, it has for base metal recovery is summarized in Table 2, while the works
better versatility of energy metabolism [9]. focused on gold recovery which are using cyanogenic bacteria was
The first category (chemolithoautotrophs) are suitable for base mentioned earlier in Table 1.
metal recovery while the cyanogenic bacteria are the most Xia et al. have performed PCB bioleaching in stirred tank
promising microorganism for gold recovery. For Au recovery from reactor. They firstly separated PCBs into two fractions which were
PCBs, which contain also high amount of copper, the Cu2+ ions may metal rich and metal poor using a shaking table separator, and
interfere with Au recovery, due to the formation of Cu–cyanide performed the bioleaching on the metal poor fraction. They have
complexes that are formed faster and at higher concentration than proposed a semi industrial process based on this method and did
Au–cyanide complexes [20,30]. In the other words, the Cu the economic analysis to prove the feasibility of the process [36].

Table 2
Recent studies in bioleaching of PCBs.

Microorganism Bioleaching Recovered Findings Reference

type metals

Acinetobacter sp. Cr B2 Pulsed plate Cu ● Studied large scale application by the function of extracellular enzymes and metabolites. [2]
rector ● Used ambient conditions, less energy intensive, controllable conditions.

L. ferriphilum, Stirred tank Zn, Cu, Al, ● Thermophilic bacteria have better performance than mesophilic. [36]
A. caldus reactor Pb, ● Proposed the semi industrial process.
A. ferrooxidans One-step Cu ● Used nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes modified electrode as catalyst. [50]
● Optimized the recovery based on the effects of pH, ORP, Fe 2+ and Cu2+ concentration.
● Analyzed the mechanism of catalysis.
● The modified electrode was recyclable.

A. ferrooxidans One-step Cu ● Graphene is a promising catalyst for bioleaching of Cu from PCBs. [51]

A. ferrooxidans One-step- Cu ● Studied catalytic effect of carbon nanotubes. [56]

Alicyclobacillus sp. and One-step Cu ● Biocahr used to facilitate the redox action between Fe2+ and Fe3+. [57]
Sulfobacillus sp. ● Catalyst promoted the leaching recovery by Fe mediated pathway.

Step 1 2 steps Cu, Au ● Bioleaching was done for base and precious metals separately. [54]
A. ferrivorans/ A. ● There is a need to enhance bacterial cyanide production.
P. fluorescens and
Pseudomonas putida
A. ferrooxidans One-step Cu ● The kinetic of the bioleaching process was studied in which the variation in Fe 3+ concentration [39]
column considered in the conventional kinetic.
● The rate of Cu dissolution is controlled by external diffusion rather than internal one since Fe
hydrolyze and form jarosite.
● Jarosite formation can be prevented by adding dilute sulfuric acid.

L. ferriphilum Two-step Cu, Cr, Ni, ● Using pyrite as a source of lixiviant. [53]
Sn, Zn ● High content of elemental iron caused a lag period in copper solubilisation due to displacement

A. ferroxidanse One-step Cu, Zn, Pb, ● Addition of natural citric acid (lemon juice) improved the metal recovery due to the role of acid as [58]
Ni chelating agent.
M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 79

The most comprehensive techno-economic assessment has been studied in the presence of a solid support. The impacts of solid
done by Isildar [59]. The process used for metal recovery from support type and quantity, hydraulic residence time (HRT), and
PCBs in that work had two steps including a pretreatment method culture medium composition on bio-oxidation yield were investi-
for copper recovery and then gold recovery in the next step. Three gated. The study showed that colonization by the microorganisms
different technologies has been assessed for that process, which was affected by solid support clogging with jarosite precipitates.
were biological, chemical and hybrid technologies. In the The structure and the abundance of the microbial community was
biological method, both steps were bioleaching and in the also influenced by operating conditions, ferrous iron concentration
chemical method both steps were chemical leaching, while the and nutrient composition of medium [17].
hybrid method was the application of acidophiles for copper Priya and Hait suggested a hybrid bioleaching and hydrometal-
recovery and using commercial cyanide in the second step for lurgy approach, in which citric acid as a chelating agent improved
gold recovery. The comparison of the operational and capital cost the base metal recovery from PCBs. Citric acid improves production
of the three technologies has been carried out and can be seen in of expolymeric substance by A. ferroxidans and decreases the
the Table 3. jarosite formation [58].
It was concluded that the most economical process for metal The most recent findings in the application of chemolithoauto-
recovery was the biological method. However, considering the trophs for base metal recovery are summarized in Table 2, while
revenue and return on the investment, chemical method was the findings of the recent research in the field of cyanogenic
found to be the most competitive. The environmental aspect of bacteria application for precious metal recovery from PCBs can be
each process, was also evaluated by calculating the contribution of summarized as follows:
each method to the climate change, which showed that the most
environmental friendly process is the biological method [59]. ● The optimum pH for cyanogenic bacteria growth is in the range
Jagannath et al., have used a pulsed plate reactor in order to of 7–8, while the cyanide might be lost at this pH due to the
perform the large scale bioleaching. They have studied the effect of volatilization (pKa = 9.3), therefore there is a need to compro-
parameters including inoculum size, waste load, frequency and mise between the chemical and biological effect of pH [34].
amplitude of the pulsation [2]. ● Higher amount of glycine might improve the yield of cyanide
In most of the cases Cu and Au were the target metals for PCB and gold recovery, but more than a certain amount of glycine
bioleaching. The use of catalyst to improve the bioleaching of may have inhibitory effect [54].
PCBs was also done in several works [51,57]. In the work of Wang ● Better recoveries can be obtained at lower particle size and
et al. three different pathways, carbon-mediated (C-mediated), lower pulp densities [32].
sulfur mediated and iron-mediated processes, were tested for ● The amount of dissolved oxygen has a determining effect on the
determining the role of biochar in promoting the metal recovery metal recovery by cyanogenic bacteria as oxygen apart from
in bioleaching pathways [57] which can facilitate the electron being needed for bacterial respiration is needed as electron
transfer in the process. It was observed that in C-mediated acceptor [60].
process where glucose was used as electron donor against the ● Mixed culture of autotrophs and heterotrophs can be more
metabolite production, and the addition of biochar did not change effective in metal recovery, effective compared to pure cultures
the function of electron transfer chain. It was suggested that of single-strain and also synergistic effects occurs between
inefficiency of the C-mediated pathway was due to the lack of microorganisms of bioleaching [61].The mixed culture of
functional bacteria, organic acid and cyanide. In S-mediated different bacteria mostly from two groups of iron and sulfur
pathway, where the sulfur reduced as substrate, the biochar oxidizing have shown to be beneficial for the bacterial growth
addition blocked the process. It was due to the coverage of sulfur and activity and as a consequence metal recovery. For example A.
powder with biochar, which limited the sulfur consumption by thiooxidans can provide the favorable condition for the growth of
microorganism. This led to less biomass production and lack of H+ iron oxidizing bacteria [62]. The superior rate of extraction with
release. In other word, the electron transfer chain (from S0 to mixed culture was also observed for bioleaching of ores [63].
bacteria) was blocked in the presence of biochar, and also the ● When iron-oxidizing and sulfur-oxidizing chemolitoautotrophs
dominant microbial species was changed. However, in the Fe- coexist in the medium, more copper mobilization was observed
mediated pathway, the electron transfer for oxidation of Fe2+ was from PCBs. In this case, both redoxolysis and acidolysis
enhanced due to the transformation between oxidation and mechanisms are available [54].
reduction states of quinone and aromatic structures. Redox-active ● In addition, mixture of Thermoplasma acidophilum and chemo-
biochar in Fe-mediated pathway enhances the transfer of lithoautotroph bacteria (S. thermosulfidooxidans) for
electrons and the rate of redox reaction of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and bioleaching of PCBs have also been studied by Ilyas et al in
efficiency of Cu leaching from PCBs [57]. years 2010 and 2013 [64,1]. The authors explored the potential
A low-cost oxidant such as ferric iron that is frequently used in of adapted consortia of moderately thermophilic bacteria
hydrometallurgy can particularly leach various metals from PCBs. (autotrophs and heterotrophs) for metal recovery from scrap
Hubau et al. investigated generation of biogenic ferric iron by using on a small scale such as column reactors [1]. In the next paper,
BRGM-KCC acidophilic consortium in a bubble column in the they focused on applying consortia of moderately thermophilic
presence of activated charcoal. The effects of concentration of bacteria (iron and sulfur oxidizing) in metal recovery from e-
ferrous iron in the range of 1–9 g L—1 on the bio-oxidation rate was waste [64].

Table 3
Techno-economic and environmental assessment of biological and chemical leaching for metal recovery from PCBs [59].

Technology Operational cost Investment cost Total cost Net revenue Return of interest Climate change contribution
(Euro/kg PCB) year Kg CO2/Kg PCB

Biological 0.159 0.457 0.616 4.41 5.1 8.26

Chemical 0.224 0.446 0.670 8.97 2.4 14.6
Hybrid 0.232 0.777 1.008 8.25 4.3 11.6
80 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

Disposal of spent batteries Then the cathode and anode rich in Co, and Li are mixed, grounded,
and sieved to the specific size [40].
Two types of batteries are available which are primary non- For the bioleaching of spent LIBs, usually acidophilic bacteria
rechargeable batteries and secondary rechargeable ones [28]. like A. ferrooxidans are used. Bioleaching of Co from LIBs was
Primary batteries include ZMBs while the secondary batteries are studied using copper ions as catalyst to solve the problem of low
mostly LIBs, Ni-Cd batteries and nickel metal hydrid batteries [41]. metal recovery [65].
Accumulation of spent batteries in general, causes serious In the work of Niu et al. the thermodynamic of bioleaching was
problems to the ecosystem due to the presence of hazardous compared with chemical leaching. The negative value obtained for
materials. They are also a rich resource of the metals to be DG with bioleaching process indicated that bioleaching of LIBs is
recovered [28]. more probable to occur spontaneously in comparison to chemical
EU Battery Directive 2006/66/EC imposes that at least 50% leaching. However, the reaction rate is very low [40].
(weight) of waste batteries must be recycled to be used for new In some studies the catalytic effect of metal (Cu and Ag) ions
batteries or other purposes but not energy recovery [26]. was studied [65,71]. Xin et al. have studied the metal recovery from
Therefore, there is a need to find technical solutions for the electronic vehicle LIBs by bioleaching [39]. They have determined
treatment and recycling of these wastes [65]. It must be noted that the dominant mechanism for bioleaching of different metals (Li,
the batteries built from recovered material has 51% less life cycle Co, Ni, Mn) from LIBs. The addition of Fe2+ did not affect the Li
impact in comparison to the ones that was produced by primary release in the presence of H2SO4. This proved that the dominant
materials [66]. mechanism for Li mobilization was acid dissolution. However, Ni,
Co and Mn recoveries were enhanced by increase of initial Fe2+
Spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) concentration. This results were further approved in the work of
Technology, industry and communication development has led Heydarian et al. for bioleaching of spent laptop LIBs with mixed A.
to a sharp increase in the consumption of portable electronic ferroxidans and A. thiooxidans by statistical analysis of the influence
devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and cameras [26]. of different parameters which were initial sulfur and Fe2+
Therefore, there is a huge demand for electrochemical power concentrations [72].
sources such as rechargeable batteries and as a result a large Table 4 summarizes the findings in the previous works in the
number of used batteries is discarded in the environment [67]. field of LIBs bioleaching.
LIBs are preferred to aqueous electrolytes rechargeable batter- Li, Ni and Co available in LIBs are mostly in the form of metal
ies such as Ni-Cd [65], representing 60% of total portable battery oxides such as LiCoO2 and LiNiO2. Eqs. (2)–(4) were suggested by
sales in the year 2011 [67]. In 2011, the global consumption of LIBs different researchers for metal recovery from LIBs [73,40,74]:
was reported to be 4.49×109 unit with annual growth rate of 14.5%
4LiCoO2ðsÞ þ 6 H2 SO4ðaqÞ ! 2Li2 SO4ðaqÞ þ 4CoSO4ðaqÞ þ 6H2 OðaqÞ þ O2ðgÞ
from 2006 to 2011 [68].
The significant difference between primary lithium batteries ð2Þ
(LBs) and secondary rechargeable LIBs should be noted. Primary
LIBs are prone to catch fire after corrosion since they have metallic
Li as cathode material and no toxic metals; on the other hand, 4LiNiO2 þ 6H2 SO4 ! 2Li2 SO4 þ 4NiSO4 þ O2 þ 6H2 O ð3Þ
secondary rechargeable LIBs contain material like LiXMA 2 (LiCoO2,
LiNiO2, LiNiMnCo2) instead of metallic Li in their cathode in order
to overcome the fire hazard [65]. 2FeSO4 þ 2LiCoO2 þ 4H2SO4 ! Fe2ðSO4Þ3 þ 2CoSO4 þ Li2SO4 þ 4H2O
Currently there are strict regulations on the fate of hazardous ð4Þ
wastes such as spent portable batteries containing heavy metals
[65]. This waste should be managed not only for their potential
hazard to ecosystem and human health, but also for the presence of Spent nickel cadmium batteries
valuable metals like Co (5–20%) and Li (5–7%) which are Ni–Cd and nickel metal hydride (NMHs) belong to the group of
experiencing a shortage in the natural resources [69,70]. Co as a rechargeable secondary batteries with several industrial applica-
quite critical and high cost metal and Li have application in several tions specially in portable electronic devices such as wireless
industries. The concentration levels of some metals in LIBs are even communication and computing equipment [28].
higher than natural ores or their processing concentrate [65]. High content (51–67%) of heavy metals is available in Ni-Cd
Cathode materials are usually the most expensive part of the batteries. The electrode material contains 22–46% Cd, which is
battery. However, the different compositions of the cathode much higher than earth crust Cd content (only 0.1–0.5 ppm).
material are available and are being developed to produce LIBs Different from the metal ores which contain mostly metal sulfides,
with low cost and high energy density. Most of the current metals in Ni-Cd batteries are mostly in the form of elemental
recycling efforts have focused on Co recovery from LiCoO2 cathode metals, metal oxides and hydroxides [23].
material. However, other materials have been substituted to Cobalt Around 3.9% of discarded batteries are Ni-Cd batteries, which
in the LIBs cathode material to lower use of Co and Ni for their high are classified as hazardous waste due to the presence of heavy
price [67]. metals and carcinogenic effect [75]. Therefore, different EU
The hazards of this waste is due to their flammable and toxic directives have been established for their collection. Several
ingredients, which during landfill may leach to the soil, ground- treatments are available based on pyrometallurgical and hydro-
water and rivers. The valuable metals available in LIBs are Co, Li, Ni, metallurgical or combined techniques for Ni-Cd batteries recovery
Al, Cu, and Mn [26]. [23].
The effective LIB waste management is usually through Despite of environmental concerns, Cd has several industrial
recycling which leads to valuable metal recovery, and environ- applications such as stabilizers and alloys, coating, pigments, and
mental impacts reduction. The regulations must be observed battery production. Therefore reuse of metals available in battery
during all production, use, collection, recycling and disposal steps could be considered as secondary resources [23].
[68]. Before recycling, the spent LIBs should be manually Several researchers have used a bioreactor system in which, the
dismantled into plastic shell, cathode, anode, aluminum foil, etc. microbial growth or biogenic acid production was conducted in a
M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 81

Table 4
Previous studies on LIBs bioleaching.

Microorganism Bioleaching Recovered Findings Reference

type metals

A. niger One-step, Li, Co, Al, Cu, ● Studied the growth characteristics of fungi (pH variation, biomass and organic acid concentration). [26]
Two-step, Ni, Mn ● Maximum recovery obtained by spent medium (100% Cu, 95% Li, 70% Mn, 65% Al, 45% Co and 38% Ni).
Spent- ● The major organic acids produced was citric acid.
A. niger Spent- Li, Co, Al, Cu, ● Optimized the bioleaching parameters (the variables of sucrose concentration, initial pH, and [68]
medium Ni, Mn inoculum size) for organic acid production and then metal recovery.

A. ferrooxidans One-step Li, Co ● Possibility of the recovery of cathode material of LIBs with acidophilic bacteria by producing sulfuric [69]
● Li dissolved slower than Co.
● Higher density of solid prevents the bacterial activity due to its toxicity.

A. ferrooxidans One-step Co ● Cu metal ions could enhance not only the oxidation rate of LiCoO2, but also the leaching amount of [65]
Co from spent LIBs.

A. ferrooxidans One-step Co ● Silver ions can also be used as a catalyst for the metal recovery from LIBs. [71]

Alicyclobacillus sp. and One-step Li, Co ● Increase of pulp density reduces sharply the metal recovery by bioleaching. [40]
Sulfobacillus sp. ● Product layer diffusion model described best the bioleaching behavior of Co and Li from the spent

A. thiooxidans One-step Li, Co ● Metal dissolution is exclusively dependent on the non-contact mechanism not on the contact [12]
L. ferriphilum mechanism.
● Acid dissolution was the sole mechanism for Co release in the sulfur containing environment.

A.thiooxidans One-step Li, Co, Ni, ● Effective bioleaching of metals from LIBs of electronic vehicles was obtained. [39]
L. ferriphilum Mn ● Li extraction was due to acid dissolution by biogenic H2SO4.
● Co, Ni and Mn mobilization were due to the combined actions of Fe2+reduction and acid dissolution.
● Non-contact mechanism observed for Li extraction, while a contact mechanism was observed for
efficient mobilization of Co, Ni and Mn.

A. thiooxidans Two-step Li, Co, Ni ● Energy sources concentration and pH were optimized in spent LIBs detoxification. [72]
A. ferroxidans ● The results confirmed acid dissolution mechanism for Li recovery and combination of acid
dissolution and oxidation reduction for Ni and Co recovery.

separate reactor from bioleaching reactor in which the batteries and heavy metals, makes spent ZMBs among the toxic and
were placed [75,76,77]. hazardous wastes [43].
Table 5 summarizes the recent research in the field of Ni-Cd ZMBs are non-rechargeable batteries and therefore
bioleaching. their consumption is far more than secondary ones (LIBs and
Ni–Cd batteries). Zinc–Carbon and alkaline batteries are other
Spent zinc manganese batteries (ZMBs) rechargeable batteries and are used in several household devices
The most frequently used primary batteries are ZMBs [28]. It including radios, calculators, cameras, remote controls and toys
was estimated that the annual consumption of ZMBs is up to 40 [42].
billion unites in the world [42] and they comprise 90% of the total ZMBs contain high percentage of Zn (12–28%) and Mn (26–45%)
portable batteries annual sales [43]. This indicates the large and can be considered as secondary resources of these metals [42].
accumulation of these batteries in the nature with serious threat to The rest of the composition include graphite, K and Fe which are
environment and human health [42]. The presence of Hg, Zn, Mn quite abundant and nontoxic [43].

Table 5
Previous studies on bioleaching of Ni–Cd batteries.

Microorganism Bioleaching Recovered Findings Reference

type metals

A. niger Spent- Ni, Cd, Co, ● More than 95% of metals were extracted. [28]
A. tubingensis medium Zn
A. ferrooxidanse One-step Cd ● H2SO4 and Fe2(SO4)3 solutions were used as media and different Fe (III) concentration were tested. [23]
● Ferric iron plays an important role in bioleaching from Ni-Cd batteries, due to its high oxidative function
and ability to maintain the low pH.

Indigenous Two-step Ni-Cd ● Bioleaching was conducted in a system consisting of a bioreactor, settling tank and leaching reactor. [76]
Thiobacilli ● Total Cd recovered, and partial Ni recovery was achieved.
Indigenous Two-step Ni, Cd, Co ● System includes an acidifying reactor and a leaching reactor. [77]
Thiobacilli ● Iron oxidizing system is more efficient in short time, and is suitable for high loading rate plants.
sludge ● Sulfur oxidizing system with its strong acid generation capacity is more suitable for a long time leaching.
● Cadmium hydroxide, elemental Cd and Co were more easily leached than nickel hydroxide and metallic Ni.

A. ferrooxidanse Two-step Cd, Ni ● Production of biogenic acid was done in the first reactor and bioleaching of batteries in the second reactor. [75]
● More than 90% of metal recovery was obtained.
82 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

Large amount of batteries are currently landfilled or incinerated. In the study of the parameters influencing metal extraction from
However, several countries established regulations to ban landfill ZMBs, it was observed that metal recovery was not affected by type of
and incineration in favor of collection and recycling. In addition, Mn energy source and bacterial species (sulfur oxidizing or iron oxidizing
and Zn are among strategic metals due to their high demand and bacteria), while it influenced strongly by initial pH. The metal recovery
limited natural resources and must be recovered and reused [43]. decreased almost linearly with the increase of pH. Mn recovery from
Recently bioleaching of this waste for recovery of metals has ZMBs occurred during contact mechanism between microbial cells
been investigated in several studies. The high content of alkaline and the waste material. The XRD analysis was performed on the ZMB
and toxic matters in the form of oxides and hydroxides present in powder before bioleaching which showed the presence of Mn in the
the ZMBs, urges metal recovery from the waste before landfill [42]. form of Mn2O3 and Mn3O4 in the waste. When the bioleaching was
The catalytic effect of metallic ions Ni2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Ag+ was performed in non-contact mechanism (through separation of waste
analyzed for bioleaching of ZMBs. Among them Cu2+ proved to be from microbial cell by dialysis bag) the existence of Mn was still
an effective catalyst of the bioleaching process, via formation of observed but in the form of MnO2. However, Zn was completely absent
CuMn2O4 [42]. in the bioleached sample even in non-contact approach [79].
Kim et al. have used the spent-medium obtained from fungi to
recover the metals from ZMBs [28]. Sun et al. performed LCA for Miscellaneous e-waste
bio-hydrometallurgical metal recovery from ZMBs. They found out
that the main environmental impact categories were human Several studies have shown the bioleaching of miscellaneous e-
toxicity and marine eco-toxicity comes from metal emission in waste including fluorescent powder obtained from cathode ray
mechanical cutting and crushing step. Therefore, there is a need for tube glass recycling process [44], obsolete SIM cards [31], TV
well-designed, and closed battery cutting and crushing equipment circuit boards [80] and electrolyte manganese slag [79]. However,
to meet environmental requirement. The authors suggested that there are still several other e-wastes for bioleaching which should
the process must be optimized considering large bacteria be investigated for recovery of hazardous heavy metals and also
consortia, high pulp density and reuse of solid residue [78]. reuse of some precious and economically viable metals. These
Table 6 summarizes the findings in the previous works in the field include panels of liquid crystal displays, light emitting diodes in
of bioleaching of ZMBs. lamps and TV to name only a few.
In ZMBs the metals (Zn and Mn) are in the form of hetaerolite In the work by Beolchini et al. the acidophilic mixture of iron
(ZnMN2O4), manganese oxides (MnO2), simonkilleite and sulfur oxidizing bacteria were used for the bioleaching of zinc
(Zn5(OH)8Cl2H2O) and zinc ammine chloride (Zn(NH3)2Cl2). Zn2+ and yttrium from fluorescent powder coming from cathode ray
mobilization from zinc ammine chloride compounds is straight- tube glass recycling process, studying the effect of pulp density and
forward. Metal extraction from simonkolleite as Zn2+ can be substrate. This waste comes from recycling process of cathode ray
obtained by biogenic acid dissolution as alkaline matter [42]. tubes by diamond cut technology. Around 30% of metal recovery
Mn recovery from manganese oxide is by combined reaction of was obtained in this study [44].
acid dissolution and reduction by ferrous ions generated by Obsolete SIM cards are another group of e-wastes that is
biogenic and chemical reactions (Eq. 5) [42]: increasing in the environment due to the expansion of cellular
networking. This waste contains high quantity of Cu (75.84%), and
MnO2 þ 2Fe2þ þ 4Hþ ! Mn2þ þ 2Fe3þ þ 2H2 O ð5Þ small amount of precious metals (0.042% Au and 0.01% Ag). In the
However, hetaerolite remains even after bioleaching [42]. work that studied the bioleaching of SIM cards [31], C. violaceum
For the bioleaching of ZMBs, the highest pulp density used was was used as microorganism. However, the obtained yield were not
10% in the work of Niu et al. They used the catalyst to improve the satisfactory (13.79% for Cu, 0.44% Au and 2.55% Ag). Therefore, they
pulp density and Zn and Mn recovery from ZMBs by boosting the have suggested a hybrid chemo-biohydrometallurgy technology, in
bioleaching of hetaerolite. However, jarositie formation led to which Cu recovery was achieved in an acid pretreatment step and
further blockage between cell and energy matter and stopped the later when there is no hindrance of Cu, Au and Ag recovery was
Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle. Bioleaching of hetaerolite could not be continued performed by bioleaching.
thereafter. The kinetic of ZMBs bioleaching was best described by The bioleaching of TV circuit boards which is low grade scrap,
chemical reaction controlled model [42]. which has low content of Fe was studied by Bas et al. using a mixed

Table 6
Previous studies on ZMBs bioleaching.

Microorganism Bioleaching Recovered Findings Reference

type metals

A. thiooxidans L. One-step Zn, Mn ● Bioleaching was performed at high pulp densities (10%) in comparison to previous works on ZMBs. [42]
ferriphilum ● Metal ion (Cu2+) catalyst improved the results through formation of CuMn2O4.
● Poor microorganism growth and jarosite formation destroyed the Fe 3+ /Fe2+ cycle and impede the
bioleaching process.

Six Aspergillus Spent- Zn, Mn ● Two different nutrients, malt extract and sucrose, were used to produce different types of organic acids. [28]
species medium The acid were then used for the metal recovery.
● Oxalic acid was the dominant acid in malt extract media and citric acid in sucrose media.
● A. tubingensis resulted to be a useful fungus for bioleaching.

Alicyclobacillus One- step Zn, Mn ● Zn recovery occurs effectively regardless of the bacterial type and energy source. [43]
sp. ● Zn recovery was done in non-contact mechanism and Mn recovery in both contact and non-contact
Sulfobacillus sp. mechanism.

Alicyclobacillus One-step Zn-Mn ● Analyzed the reason of ZMBs bioleaching failure at high pulp densities due to cell number reduction and [41]
sp. activity decrease.
Sulfobacillus sp.
M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 83

culture of acidophilic bacteria (A. ferrooxidans, L. ferrooxidans, A. conditions. After these steps, death phase starts which is the period
thiooxidans) [80]. By addition of Fe (II) ions, the Cu recovery in which the cells lose their viability [84]. Apart from toxic nature
improved significantly up to 54%. However, the acid consumption of waste to microorganisms, at higher pulp densities, collision and
increased. In another approach, in which pyrite was used as a friction of solid particles may lead to the decrease of oxidation
source of iron and sulfur, Cu recovery improved from 24% to 84% activity of bacterial cells [85].
with significant decrease in acid consumption. The transition to the stationary phase in Gram-negative and
In another study, Xin et al. evaluated the effectiveness of Gram-positive bacteria is ruled by sigma regulatory proteins. It is
bioleaching in metal recovery from electrolytic manganese slag, believed that the adaptability of the bacteria is due to the role of
which is produced from electrolytic manganese residue [79]. In sigma factors. These factors are a subunit of the holoenzyme RNA
this work, the series of bioleaching was conducted by sulfur- polymerase that is responsible for recognizing the specific
oxidizing bacteria followed by pyrite leaching bacteria to promote regulons of the bound sigma factor and can regulate the gene
Mn recovery (98.1%). activity at the transcriptional level [84].
When the microorganism is exposed to high amount (higher
Process of e-waste bioleaching than its adaptation capacity) of toxic material such as heavy
metals, the integrity of cellular membrane is disrupted and its
E-waste preparation population in the leaching medium is affected. Some fungal strains
have the ability to efflux heavy metal ions out of their cell to reduce
In most of the e-waste bioleaching experiments, the waste the toxic effects [82]. A tool for mapping the adaptive evolution of
should be prepared and/or pre-treated prior to metal recovery. bacterium is measuring the growth tolerance index (TI) with time
Usually, the electronic components must be disassembled which is defined by Eq. (6) [82].
manually, and the desirable compartments be separated. In the
case of batteries, usually anodes and cathodes are used for metal Cell count in presence of heavy metals ðcell mL—1Þ
TI 6
recovery in bioleaching process. The desirable compartments are ¼ ð Þ
Cell count in the absence of heavy metals ðcell mL—1Þ
powdered and grinded by blenders and ball mills to obtain a
homogenous mixture. The powder is then sieved to obtain a High concentration of heavy metals inhibit the metabolism and
specific particle size. Drying is applied in some cases prior to growth of the microorganism. The toxic effect could be considered
bioleaching. Several analytical tests can be performed on the bactericidal or bacteriostatic. The bactericidal is lethal effect in
obtained powder for characterization of sample before bioleach- which the microorganisms are unable to continue their growth
ing. The metal content quality and quantity can be measured by even after toxin removal. This is in contrast to bacteriostatic
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP- method where the toxic effect is reversible [82].
OES). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for detecting component The measurement of bacteriostatic effect by TI method
phases of the powder is helpful as well. indicates the tolerance development of a microorganism over an
extended period of time after sequential exposure to the toxic
Adaptation of microorganism to the e-waste material. This is a better method than measuring through
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) approach that has
The alkaline nature of e-wastes causes a sharp increase in initial shorter duration of exposure to toxin. This short period is not
pH of the medium after addition of the solid waste [47]. This is sufficient for adaptive evolution of bacterial strains [82].
mostly due to the presence of heavy metals in the e-waste. In The bacteriostatic effect of heavy metals on the bacterium can
bioleaching, the toxicity of e-waste to microorganism is not only be limited by low pH, since high acidity increases the positively
affected by heavy metal concentration, but is also dependent on charged groups on the cell surface and consequently reduces the
the cumulative contact time [81]. Therefore, their application to metal biosorption capacity of the bacteria. In general, less pH and
the medium can have toxic effect which can hinder the chaperone activity gives the acidophilic bacteria the ability to
microorganism growth and activity. detoxify and proliferate even in the presence of heavy metals [82].
One of the challenges in this bioprocess is to obtain a stable The most common method used for the adaptation of micro-
microbial population with sufficient functionality, since some organisms to the e-waste is by gradual increase of the e-waste pulp
inhibitory factors, in particular the bacteriostatic and bactericidal density in medium and sub-culturing of microorganism. In this
effects of the heavy metal may cause toxicity to the microorganism method, the microorganism uses its natural intra and extra
[82]. The response of microorganism to heavy metals is in biphasic detoxification strategies to attain the tolerance to toxic environ-
mode. Low concentration of heavy metals can stimulate the ment [62]. Repeated sub-cultivation of microorganism and gradual
microorganism growth, but higher concentration inhibits the increase of heavy metals available in the medium, may leads to
microorganism growth and metabolism [82]. isolation of metal tolerant mutants and activation of some
The microorganism must be adapted to the e-waste before the biochemical pathways that allow cell growth [81].
start of bioleaching process to become resistant to the toxic nature More pulp density (the weight of solid waste per volume of
of e-waste and be able to continue their growth and activity; in bioleaching media) is a crucial parameter in the size of bioreactor,
addition, it must also sustain its functionality in acidic condition, medium consumption and operation cost per weight of treated
and in the presence of heavy metals and a wide range of inorganic solid material and therefore a significant improvement toward
ions and organic plastic content of e-waste [62,83]. large scale application of bioleaching. High pulp density can
For a better understanding of the adaptation process, the minimize the capital cost of the bioleaching process as well [86]. In
bacterial growth process must be understood. In the dynamic of comparison to e-waste, mineral ores have less toxic nature, since
bacterial growth, five distinct growth phases have been distin- they are mainly reduced sulfides and contain less alkaline and
guished. The first phase is the lag phase which refers to the delay toxic matter. The metals in e-waste (in the form of oxides and
period before the start of the exponential growth. Lag phase is the hydroxides) severely harm the growth and activity of the
less understood stage of the bacterial growth. Next steps is microorganism. As an example the highest pulp density achieved
exponential growth phase which is the period in which the cell for spent batteries was less than 10% [42].
division proceeds at a constant rate followed by stationary phase, Xin et al. have studied the decline in the rate of bioleaching with
when the bacterial replication stops due to the unfavorable pulp density increase. They have observed that there is a linear
84 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

relation between the reduction of bacterial growth and activity approach only the metabolite free of cells is used for bioleaching.
with pulp density increase and could achieve an acceptable metal The advantages of that are: the non-direct contact of biomass with
recovery (100% Zn and 89% Mn) at 4% pulp density [41]. metal-containing waste during growth period which enables the
For the adaptation of microorganisms to the mineral ores, biomass recycling, optimization of metabolite production in the
different protocols have been used. However for the e-waste absence of waste and possibility of applying higher waste
bioleaching only gradual sub-culturing of microorganism has been concentrations and no concern about contamination of waste
reported. Different criteria have been considered for considering with microbial biomass during growth [47].
the microorganism as adapted. In the case of bioleaching of e- Natarajan and Ting, observed for cyanogenic bacteria that with
waste, the microorganisms are usually considered adapted when a spent-medium, increasing the pH will shift the equilibrium in
the cell concentration reach 107 cell mL—1. However, other criteria favor of cyanide ions production which will lead to improved Au
such as appearance of significant amount of soluble Fe and Cu and solubilization and higher metal recovery from electronic scrap
Fe(II)/Fe(III) lower than one, ferrous iron oxidation rate similar to (from 18% to 30%). The better performance of spent-medium in
those obtained in the waste free medium and equal metal comparison to the two-step method for Au recovery by cyanogenic
dissolution rate in two consecutive sub-cultures have been used bacteria could be due to the several facts. In the spent-medium, the
for considering the microorganisms as adapted when working with oxygen is available to form Au-cyanide complex, while in the two-
mineral ores [87]. Easier adaptation was reported for bioleaching step process the oxygen is consumed by bacteria. The cyanide is
of solid waste containing heavy metals when larger particle size of also consumed by bacteria in the two-step process during the mid
the waste were used [88]. and late stationary phase, while in the spent-medium the biogenic
During the adaptation of microorganism by repeated sub- cyanide is available to be totally utilized for the Au leaching. The
culturing and gradual increase of waste concentration, the bacteria biosorption and bioaccumulation of metals on the inactivated
gain resistance by physiological changes. Therefore, in future due bacteria after bioleaching may cause the reduction of metal
to the further adaptation and function of gene transformation concentration in the bioleached solution. Finally, working at higher
working at higher pulp densities will be possible [36]. pH and pulp densities in the spent-medium could be applied, since
there is no limitation due to the toxicity of the waste [34].
Bioleaching methods In the work of Kim et al., different Aspergillus species were used
for recovery of metals from spent Zn–Mn or Ni–Cd batteries in the
There are three different bioleaching methods suggested by spent-medium containing organic acids produced by fungi [28]. In
researchers based on the type of biomass exposure to the waste, the work of Bahaloo-Horeh and Mousavi, A. niger was used for the
including one-step, two-step and spent-medium. recovery of Cu, Li, Mn, Al, Co and Ni from spent phone mobile LIBs
In the one-step method the e-waste is added immediately to the using one-step, two-step and spent-medium for comparison. The
culture medium, while in the two-step leaching substrate is added maximum recovery was obtained by the spent-medium at pulp
in the second step after the microorganism reaches its logarithmic density of 1%. The organic acids produced by A. niger were citric,
growth phase. In two-step method, the medium is inoculated in gluconic, oxalic and malic acids, among them citric acid had
the first step and pre-cultured without e-waste [53,34,89]. Since in principle role. Spent-medium also provides shorter processing
the one-step process the bacterial growth occur in the presence of time and ease of the operation. According to this study the spent-
e-waste, the growth and metabolite production are inhibited [30]. medium is the most effective among the three available methods in
The two-step method is reported to be a more efficient metal the leaching of heavy metals [68].
mobilization process, in which biomass growth is firstly a separate
step. Advantages reported for two-step process are better bacterial Kinetic studies
growth and appropriate Fe2+ oxidation rate [7].
It was reported by Bryan et al. that if a decline in the culture Kinetic study is an important step toward the understanding of
viability is observed after the addition of e-waste, fresh media and the nature and mechanism of leaching process. The aim of kinetic
inoculum will be required and might be impossible to sub-culture studies is to develop the best kinetic model that describes the
from one run to another [53]. It was observed in the work of Zhu process and deduces kinetic parameters to obtain insight and
et al. that two-step process can shorten the leaching time appropriate results to be used for plant design, optimization of
significantly with obtaining high recovery [89]. operating conditions of a working plant, real time optimization for
Işıldar et al. used multiple-step method, in which, the Cu was automatic control and maximizing the metal recovery. The
removed from PCBs with proteobacterium in one-step, and then Au common belief according to the research is that the rate of
was separated in the following step by cyanide produced by bioleaching is controlled by the diffusion controlled model
cyanogenic from Cu-leached waste. This is an attractive method in described as shrinking core model. In this model, the irreversible
order to remove the metals, based on their different chemical desorption is followed by diffusion in the porous solid through the
properties and leaching mechanism. The idea comes from the fact pores. The assumption of this model is that the solute inside the
that presence of high concentrations of base metals (such as Cu) particles is located inside a core that shrinks by the extraction of
will interfere with Au cyanidation, and their removal in the prior solute [90]. The three major steps of the reaction according to this
step is important [54]. In the work of Natarajan and Ting, by model are diffusion of biogenic acids and metabolites through the
increase of pulp density, the efficiency of bioleaching for Au and Cu solution and reaching the solid surface, diffusion of acids and
decreased in two-step process, as a result of toxicity of e-waste for metabolites inside the solid particles and ultimately chemical
cyanide production [34]. reaction. In a suitably shaking medium the first step is not limiting
As mentioned before in the two-step process, the e-waste is step, therefore the process is controlled either by diffusion through
added to the pure culture and the metabolite concentration (acids the solid or chemical reaction.
or cyanides) declines during metal bioleaching. The decrease is The method is fitting the changes in metal recovery with time
sharper, in the presence of higher pulp densities [30]. according to the available models for the process controlled by
The third method to perform bioleaching process is the spent- diffusion (Eq. 7) or chemical reaction (Eq. 8)
medium approach, in which cells are separated with filtering and
2 2
centrifuging from the culture after the microorganism growth and
kt ¼ 1 — X — ð1 — XÞ3 ð7Þ
maximum cell density and production of metabolite [28,34]. In this 3
M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 85

kt ¼ 1 — ð1 — XÞ1=3 ð8Þ Catalytic bioleaching of e-waste

The shrinking core model can be described by Eqs. (7) and The effectiveness of the bioleaching is restricted by several
Eq. (8) only if the concentration of the leaching agent is constant reasons mostly coming from slow dissolution kinetics and low
during the process, which is far from the reality in most of the metal leaching yield which hinders the use of bioleaching in
cases. The shrinking core model can be modified to consider the commercial scale [92].
change of the leaching by using Eqs. (9) and (10) instead for the It was reported that, for obtaining acceptable metal recovery,
cases when the diffusion or chemical reaction are dominant long period (300 days in laboratory experiment and as long as 900
respectively [91]: days in industrial scale) is required to obtain 60% recovery [92].
, Z t
2 2bDe For solving this problem, different materials were suggested by
EðXÞ ¼ 1 — 2 3 XðtÞ — ð1 — XðtÞÞ3 ¼ CAdt ð9Þ different researchers as catalysts. Catalyst, a substance that can
rBR2ð1 — eÞ 0 lower the activation energy and increase the rate of reaction, can be
used for modifying the slow kinetic of bioleaching from e-waste
Zt [92]. Using metal ions, surfactant and carbonaceous materials
bkm were proved to improve the bioleaching yield from e-wastes [51].
GðXÞ ¼ 1 — ð1 — Xð tÞÞ3 ¼
C dt ð10Þ
rB Rð1 — e Þ 0 A Table 7 summarizes the studies that examined the catalyst
application for improving the efficiency of metal recovery from e-
In the above equations, rB is molar density of metallic waste by bioleaching.
compounds in solid waste, CA is proton concentration in the Metallic ions such as Ag+, Cu2+, Bi3+ and Hg2+ have been used as
solution, De is the diffusion coefficient of proton, R is the particle catalyst for bioleaching of metals from ore. However, only Cu2+ and
radius, e is porosity of the solid waste and 0t CAdt is the function of Ag+ were used for bioleaching of e-waste (LIBs [65,71] and ZMBs
time that can be calculated by the area underneath of the graph of [42]). Therefore, the mechanisms of these two metallic ions are
proton concentration which can be estimated by theoretical explained in the following.
calculations of acid concentration and time zero is the moment The role of Cu2+ ions in metal recovery from mineral ores has
that the solid waste was added. By plotting G(X) and E(X) versus been studied several times. The metals of Li and Co in LIBs (an e-
Rt waste for which catalytic bioleaching have been studied) are
0 CAdt, a linear must be fit. The equation that better fits the mostly in the form of LiCoO2 [65]. Zeng et al. suggested that LiCoO 2
experimental data shows which model (diffusion and chemical 2+
reaction control) is better for describing the kinetics of the process. during bioleaching in the presence of Cu undergo a cationic
The kinetic study of bioleaching of waste of PCBs was performed interchange reaction with Cu2+ formed CuCo2O4 on the surface of
in the work of Yang et al. In this process precipitation due to the sample, which could be dissolved easily by Fe3+. The role of
jarosite formation influences the kinetic of process. Due to the metal ions as the catalyst is formation of this intermediate.
formation of a product layer of jarosite, shrinking core model CuCo2O4 can then oxidizes to Cu2+ in the presence of Fe(III). The Fe
would be a suitable model for describing metal recovery from (III) ions are then produced from ferrous ions. Eqs. (11)–(13) show
waste PCBs by A. ferrooxidans. In this process the iron cycle relates the catalytic reactions of LIB bioleaching [65]:
the metal recovery and H+ consumption and therefore second- Cu2þ þ 2LiCoO2 ! CuCo2 O4 þ 2Liþ ð11Þ
order may apply for kinetic of metal recovery [90].
At high pulp densities, the mass transfer of oxygen and carbon
dioxide may be determining and as a result the mechanism is
CuCo2 O4 þ 6Fe3þ ! 6Fe2þ þ Cu2þ þ 2O2 þ 2Co2þ ð12Þ
combination of both diffusion and reaction. However, the
mentioned conventional methods are not enough for the cases
that more than one mechanism is determining in the overall rate of
equation. They will not be useful also in the cases where the 4Fe2þ þ O2 þ 4Hþ ! 4Fe3þ þ 2H2 O ð13Þ
correlation coefficients of the equations are too similar that Zeng et al. proposed a mechanism for metal removal from LIBs,
distinguishing of the controlling mechanism is not possible. which is mostly in the form of LiCoO2 by using Ag metal ions [71].

Table 7
Previous studies on catalytic bioleaching of e-waste.

Microorganism Catalyst Waste Recovery Reference

A. ferrooxidans Graphene WPCBs ● Cu recovery 75% without catalyst, 84% with catalyst [51]

Aerobic activated Biochar PCBs ● Enhancement of Cu recovery by iron mediated pathway [57]
A. ferrooxidans NCNTs WPCBs ● Cu recovery 99% without catalyst, 79% with catalyst [50]

A. ferrooxidans Cu2+ LIBs ● Co recovery achieved 99% with catalyst, while it was 43.1% without catalyst [65]

A. ferrooxidans Ag+ LIBs ● Co recovery achieved 98.4% with catalyst, while it was 43.1% without the use of catalyst [71]

A. ferrooxidans Co2+ ZMBs ● Zn recovery achieved 62.5% with catalyst, while it was 47.7% without catalyst [42]
Ni2+ ● Mn recovery 62.4% with catalyst, while it was 30.9% without catalyst
Acidithiobacillus Surfactant PCBs ● Pb recovery reached 70% from 30% in the absence of surfactant producing bacteria [52]
sp. producing bacteria ● For Zn, Cu and Cd quite the same recovery achieved with and without catalyst

A. ferrooxidans NCNTs PCBs ● Catalyst promoted Cu recovery by 10% [50]

86 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

Compounds such as silver sulfate, silver nitrate and silver chloride bioleaching of minerals and reported to be thermodynamically
have been used previously as sources of Ag+ ions and has proved to more stable than minerals [93].
be efficient for improving the dissolution kinetics and metal Biochar is the by-product of the biomass pyrolysis process, rich
recovery leaching yields from different solid wastes [92]. The role in carbon and inorganic materials [94], with several applications
of Ag+ is formation of an intermediate compound AgCoO2 which is due to its high carbon content and high porosity which provide the
further oxidized by ferric ions and release Ag+ ions again. The suitable matrix for the attachment of microorganism. Biochar can
ferrous ions are oxidized back in to ferric ions by bacterial activity. be used as the catalyst also in bioleaching process by facilitating
The proposed reactions are as Eqs. (14) and (15) [71]: the electron transfer and consequently promoting the redox
reactions. Fe mediated bioleaching was promoted significantly
Agþ þ LiCoO2 ! AgCoO2 þ Liþ ð14Þ using biochar in the bioleaching of PCBs using Alicyclobacillus sp.
and Sulfobacillus sp. Three different basic processes were examined
for determining the role of biochar. Carbon-mediated, Iron-
AgCoO2 þ 3Fe3þ ! 3Fe2þ þ Agþ þ O2 þ Co2þ ð15Þ mediated and sulfur-mediated. The biochar can facilitate the
redox action between Fe(II) and Fe(III), and then effective leaching
In the work of Niu et al. four different metal ions were tested as
of Cu [57].
the catalyst for the metal recovery from ZMBs. The metal ions were
Graphene is a nano material with a high surface area, desirable
Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Ag+; among them only Cu2+ proved to be an
stability and favorable conductivity. Therefore, graphene has a
effective catalyst [42]. This work inspired from the work of Zeng
common use as a catalyst in different fields. It was tested as a
et al. [65] and considered the catalytic mechanism due to the
catalyst in bioleaching of PCBs and resulted in improved Cu
formation of intermediate similar to CuCoO2 which was CuMn2O4
recovery. The enhanced bioleaching process in the presence of
in the case of ZMBs. This intermediate will undergo the same
graphene, could be due to the adsorption of microorganism on the
mechanism as the Eqs. (16) and (17) [42]:
catalyst surface, which leads to the extended reaction time
Cu2þ þ ZnMn2 O4 ! CuMn2 O4 þ Zn2þ ð16Þ between the microorganism and waste. Another hypothesis is
that the leached metals are adsorbed on the graphene surface,
therefore the concentration of metal ions decrease in the solution,
so more metals move to the solution from solid waste. However,
CuMn2O4 þ 2Fe3þ þ 4Hþ ! 2Fe2þ þ 2Mn2þ þ O2 þ Cu2þ
þ 2H2 O ð17Þ the amount of graphene must not exceed a certain limit that may
impede the normal growth of bacteria. The graphene particles are
In this mechanism, Fe2+/Fe3+ have great importance to metal surrounded with ferrite precipitations at the end of bioleaching
release. However, even with the metal ion as catalyst the obtained [51].
recovery did not exceed 62.5% for Zn and 62.4% for Mn. This was Nitrogen doped carbon nanotube are materials with large
reported to be due to the high dose of alkaline substance and amount of surface area, desirable selectivity and stability and
jarosite formation [42]. promising conductivity. Therefore, this material is used largely as
On the other hand, the high cost of the metals ions as catalyst catalyst [50]. The structure of NCNTs is a one-dimensional tubular
must be considered. The combined application of metal ion form, which is made of single layer or multilayer graphene [56].
catalysts and non-metal catalysts are worth studying as well. As an Characteristics such as high specific surface area, favorable
example, simultaneous application of metal ions (such as Ag+) and adsorption, and good electric and heat transfer properties,
activated carbon as non-metal catalyst may have synergic effects nominated NCNTs as catalyst in different application.
that promotes greater catalysis [92]. In the work of Gu et al., NCNTs was used for the bioleaching of
Surfactants such as Tween 20 and Tween 80 are believed to be PCBs by A. ferrooxidans. The optimal amount of NCNT catalysts and
effective in the improvement of efficiency of bioleaching from e- recycling effects of NCNT modified electrodes were studied in that
waste since they were proved to be an effective catalyst for the work [50].
bioleaching of mineral ores. By changing the surface condition of the In the work of Bai et al., NCNTs catalytic role was studied for
minerals or wastes they can accelerate the oxidation rate of ferrous bioleaching of WPCBs by A. ferrooxidans. Better results obtained for
ions and the bio-oxidation of elemental sulfur. This is due to the bioleaching with NCNTs as catalyst was due to the increased
improved attachment of bacteria to the elemental sulfur, increased contact area between cell and the waste and extended reaction
rate of sulfur oxidation and sulfuric acid production, and finally time in large surface area of the catalyst. The NCNTs with the
boosting the reaction kinetics. However, at a very high concentration gathered bacteria in their surface are adsorbed on the surface of
of surfactants bacterial growth may be inhibited [93]. the waste and the residence time of bacteria in the waste is
The combination of surfactants and activated carbon and their increased. However, addition of excess NCNTs prevents CO2 from
synergistic effect gave even a better result for bioleaching behavior entering to the culture medium and causes agglomeration and
of mineral ores than that of either individual application. In their limits the bacterial normal growth [56].
combined application, the surfactant not only reduces the surface
energy of the surface, but also the surface energy of activated Large scale bioleaching of e-waste
carbon which enhances the particles dispersion and decreases the
agglomeration of solid particles (ores or waste) and activated Few studies have investigated the bioleaching process of e-
carbon [93]. waste in different bioreactor configurations. However, the
In the work of Karwowska et al. biological surface-active knowledge for large scale bioleaching of e-waste is still limited.
compounds, were produced by two surfactant producing strains The only commercialized e-waste treatment is through pyromet-
Bacillus subtilis PCM 2021 and Bacillus cereus PCM 2019 for allurgical methods, which as mentioned earlier are energy
bioleaching of PCBs [52]. intensive, with the possibility of hazardous gas emission [5].
Different forms of carbon based catalyst have been used for The first large scale application of bioleaching for metal
enhancing bioleaching including activated carbon, graphene, recovery from e-waste was done in the year 2003 by Zhu et al.
biochar and nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes (NCNT). [76]. In this work, the metal recovery from Ni-Cd batteries was
Activated carbon is electrically conductive catalyst that can performed inside two successive reactors. The first was a
form a galvanic couple. This material have been used for bioreactor inoculated with indigenous Acidithiobacilli, in which
M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 87

the sulfuric acid was produced. The overflow of the reactor was For bioleaching of PCBs toxic effects of organic materials such as
transferred to settling tank where the sewage sludge was aromatics and brominated flame retardants (BFRs), caused the
thickened. The effluent was then conducted to leaching reactor decrease of iron oxidation rate and inhibition of microbial enzymes
that contained the powder obtained from Ni–Cd batteries. The involved in carbon dioxide fixation [54].
whole process took 50 days, during which 100% Cd and 66.1% Ni Precipitation of target metal due to jarosite formation can
were recovered. The effect of retention time in both bioreactor and hinder bioleaching and decrease the rate of metal recovery as well.
leaching reactor on recovery was also studied. This is promoted by saturation of metals available in solution and
The same method was applied in the work of Zhao et al. and presence of precipitating agents [62]. Jarosite can be represented
obtained the total recovery of Co, Ni, Cd. They made an important by Mn(Fe3+)6(SO4)4(OH)12 where M could be K, NH4, Na, Ag or Pb.
conclusion that iron oxidizing system is more efficient in plants For monovalent and divalent cations, n equals 1 and 2 respectively.
with high loading rate due to its shorter bioleaching time, while The heavy metals can be trapped in the lattice of jarosie crystal if
sulfur oxidizing systems are more suitable for long leaching due to they replace the M (K, NH4, Na, Ag or Pb) in the structure [95].
more acid generation [77]. As a consequence of ferric ions generation from ferrous by
Ilyas et al. studied the bioleaching in a column reactor loaded bacterial activity, the pH will increase due to H + consumption.
with electronic scrap by mixed adapted consortium. On the bottom When pH is more than 2.0 the formation of Fe oxyhydroxides
of the column there was support plate with holes for air injection. through ferric hydrolysis is promoted.
The temperature was maintained with a jacket at 45 ○C. The The generated H+, will reduce the pH again and at that
obtained recovery was 80% for Zn, 64% for Al, 86% for Cu, and 74% condition, the ferric hydroxide reacts with monovalent cations (K+,
for Ni [1]. NH4 +, . . . ) [62].
In the work of Chen et al., the washed e-waste samples were Velgosova et al. have described the jarosite formation by Eq. 18
placed in a column while the inoculated medium was put in an for K+ [23].
incubator and fed continuously to the column. The effluent of the
reactor was entered the medium in incubator. The whole system Kþ þ 5OH— þ 3Fe3þ þ 2SO 4
2— þ H O

including column and incubator were located in a thermotank ! KFe3 ðSO4 Þ2 ðOHÞ6 þ Hþ ð18Þ
[21]. Jarosite precipitation can adversely affect the metal bioleach-
Mäkinen et al. first separated the PCBs into metal rich and metal ing. Several parameters including high concentration of ferrous
poor fractions by flotation. The metal rich fraction was treated by iron, pH and temperature can affect the jarosite formation [95].
pyrometallurgical methods and the metal poor fraction was The precipitates can settle down on the reactive surfaces of the
transfered to the bioleaching reactor. The scaled-up experiments waste and make a barrier toward the diffusion which slows down
were conducted in three steps with a three continuous CSTR [5]. the reactant and product fluxes [96]. As an example in the work of
A rotating drum reactor was used by Rodrigues et al. for Mishra et al. for bioleaching of LIBs, ferric ion precipitation with
bioleaching of PCBs. The reactor was a perforated drum rotating ions available in leaching medium and formation of metal
with a motor. This drum was located in a cylindrical tank filled with complexes were reported [69].
liquid medium. The PCBs were in the form of sheets with 20 mm In general, jarosite is the undesirable by-product of the
long immersed in the medium containing inoculum [25]. bioleaching process, which destroys the effectiveness of the metal
Jagannath et al. applied perturbations to overcome the removal process due to passivation of leaching reactions by
problems of fixed bed reactors for bioleaching through provision precipitation on solid waste surface and consumption of Fe3+ in
of proper mixing and distribution of substrate, renewal of solution which lowers the oxidation–reduction potential value.
interfering surface area and improving mass transfer. Bioleaching Rashidi et al. have proposed the following correlation for the rate of
was performed in pulsed plate column with solid e-waste located Fe(III) precipitation, in which k1, k2, q and p are the constants [97].
in the spacewere
between plates as packedThe
Different frequency
Fe3þ] p
amplitude studied as variables. working of r k Fe3þ k 19
Σ ½ Þ ðÞ
¼ — ð2þ 2þ
the reactor was 1.5 L [2]. 3þ
Fe precepitated 1 ½Fe ]
In the work of Xia et al., the bioleaching of e-waste was
Therefore, the ferric balance in the system can be described by
performed in 3 L stirred reactor placed in thermostatic bath at
Eq. (20):
45 ○C [36]. The catalytic bioleaching of e-waste was also conducted
in bioreactor [56]. d½Fe3þ ] 1 MFe
dt ¼ Y ðrcellÞ — 2 ð—rt:m Þ — ð—rFe3þ precepitated Þ ð20Þ
cells=Fe2þ M:m
Restriction of e-waste bioleaching
In which MFe is the molecular mass of iron, Mt:m is the molecular
Several phenomena can hinder the proper bioleaching of e- mass of target metal and rt:m is the target metal dissolution rate,
wastes. Among them toxicity and precipitation due to the jarosite Ycells=Fe2þ is the yield coefficient in the oxidation of iron [97].
formation and complexation are the major ones. During fungal leaching, the metal oxalate can precipitate on the
As mentioned earlier, the heavy metals available in the e-wastes non-leached powder and cause lower metal recovery. Most of
may hinder the microorganism growth and activity, which urge the metal oxalate complexes (such as nickel oxalate and cobalt oxalate)
adaptation of microorganism to the e-waste prior to bioleaching are insoluble, while other metal oxalate such as lithium and
usually by gradual sub-culturing. aluminum oxalate are more soluble. Therefore metal oxalate
However, the toxicity of the e-waste to microorganism is also formation can decrease the yield of nickel and cobalt recovery. For
due to organic compounds available in the e-waste specially epoxy fungal bioleaching of LIBs, Eqs. (21) and (22) were proposed to
plastics and brominated flame retardant. The organic matter of the describe the undesirable precipitation of cobalt oxalate [68]:
plastic content of the e-waste cannot be consumed by microor-
2LiCoO2 þ 7C2H2O4 ! 2LiC2HO4
ganism and at certain concentration could be toxic for bacterial
þ 2 CoðC2 HO4 Þ2 þ 4H2 O þ 2CO2 ð21Þ
growth [62]. The sensitivity of the microorganism restricts the
amount of waste that can be treated in each batch, therefore limits
the large scale and high pulp densities application of bioleaching
2LiCoO2 þ 4C2 H2 O4 ! Li2 C2 O4 þ 2CoC2 O4 þ 4H2 O þ 2CO2 ð22Þ
process for e-waste treatment.
88 M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90

In the bioleaching of Ni-Cd batteries with fungi, it was observed comparison of the engineered strains with natural ones which
that the larger quantities of oxalic acids inhibit metal recovery for can be seen in Fig.1. By decreasing the availability of the substrate
Ni, Cd, Co and Zn, since these metals precipitate with oxalic acid glycine, cyanide production through HCN synthase can be
[28]. decreased. As a consequence glycine flux can be also achieved
by enzymatic actions such as serine hydroxymethyltransferase
Future of bioleaching perspective in omics and bioinformatics (glyA), useful in the biosynthesis of serine from glycine, glycine
decarboxylase (gcvP), the enzyme for glycine cleavage system,
The term omics refers to innovative technologies platforms serine dehydratase (sdaA1) the enzyme for serine catabolism,
such as genetics, genomics, metabolomics and proteomics. Omics threonine aldolase and glycine C-acetyltransferase (CV_4309 and
approach along with bioinformatics is a new approach to be kbl) for biosynthesis of threonine. The performed study in the
applied for bioleaching for clarifying the questions related to the mentioned work, revealed that by increase of cyanide production
complex contribution of microorganisms. This approach will help in the engineered strain, no significant direct or indirect change
to the discovery of new aspects and characteristics of micro- in the protein levels of the mentioned enzymes was associated
organisms regarding to interaction of genes, proteins, macro- with the cyanolytic pathways [99]. This concept is depicted in
molecules, and the environment. Prediction of metabolic models Fig.1.
can be also achieved with the aid of genomics (study of the The cyanide production is increased significantly by dissociat-
structure, function and evolution of genomes), metabolomics ing the cyanogenesis from quorum control which consequently
(study the chemical fingerprint of a cellular process), proteomics lead to the improved Au recovery. In the engineered strain in this
(study of structure, function and interaction of proteins produced work (pBAD), the cyanide production increased above wild-type
by genome) and other omics approach in addition to bioinformat- levels at mid-log phase using L-arabinose as the exogenous inducer.
ics applications which helps on advancing the scientific knowledge In engineered pTAC strain, an analogous doseresponsive profile
on the physiology of the microorganisms involved in bioleaching was obtained with IPTG as the exogenous inducer, where the
including metabolism of the extremophiles, and synergetic effect addition of 1 mM IPTG resulted in maximal cyanide production
of microorganism in bioleaching system [98]. [99].
In the work of Tay et al., the metabolically-engineered pBAD and Genomics, metagenomics and proteomics are used to study the
pTAC C. violaceum strains were used for recovery of Au from mechanism that microorganisms use for adaptation to their
electronic scrap and significant increase was observed for gold changing environment [100]. The tools needed for the identifica-
recovery by using both strains. Considering the cyanide lixiviant tion of the steps that must be done for manipulation of strains
production, under optimal conditions, pBAD strain produced 68% genetically and/or chemically for enhancing the heavy metal
and pTAC 51% more cyanide lixiviant in comparison to non- storage capacity and efficiency are provided by system-biology
engineered cyanogenic bacteria and the consequence was the experimental approaches (metabolic control analysis and kinetic
improved Au recovery from e-waste [99]. modeling) application to the cellular processes involved in the
Tay et al., have studied the modulations of the lixiviant chelation and intracellular accumulation of heavy metals. The
metabolic network of the pBAD by proteomics study and cellular responses to the stress caused by heavy metals relies

Fig. 1. Comparative proteome analyses after increasing cyanogenesis in C. violaceum [99].

M. Baniasadi et al. / Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76 (2019) 75–90 89

majorly on the activation of the Cys, GSH and PCs biosynthesis. The contribution in the process and the manipulation of their genetic
most logical strategy for enhancing the heavy metal accumulation makeup toward the generation of more efficient microorganisms
capacity of a microorganism is by handling of the basic controlling with enhanced bioleaching capabilities.
steps of these pathways which is done through genetic engineering
and selection by growth under stressful conditions [101]. As an Acknowledgment
example, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus by excreting extracellular
substances which are metabolic products (such as glycoproteins, This study was financially supported by Tarbiat Modares
polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, cellulose and glycolipids) provide University under grant number IG-39701.
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