Carbon: Yunlong Li, Shijie Wang, Quan Wang
Carbon: Yunlong Li, Shijie Wang, Quan Wang
Carbon: Yunlong Li, Shijie Wang, Quan Wang
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Article history: Molecular models for graphene reinforced polymer composites are developed to study the enhanced
Received 7 September 2016 mechanical and tribological properties of the composites by introduction of graphene as reinforcements.
Received in revised form Strain constant method is applied to evaluate the Young's modulus and shear modulus of the polymer
13 October 2016
composites. A layer model containing iron atoms as the top nanorod and the graphene reinforced
Accepted 17 October 2016
Available online 18 October 2016
polymer composites as the core are constructed to study the tribological properties of polymer com-
posites, i.e. friction coefficient and abrasion rate, by sliding the top iron nanorod on the surface of the
polymer matrix. The molecular dynamics simulation results show that increases of about 150% in Young's
modulus, 27.6% in shear modulus and 35% in hardness of the polymer composites are obtained
respectively by incorporation of graphene reinforcements. In addition, decreases of around 35% and 48%
in the average friction coefficient and abrasion rate of the polymer composites are achieved. The research
findings are discussed and interpreted by monitoring the interaction energy between graphene and the
polymer matrix, the angle, bond and kinetic energy of the polymer chains of the polymer composites.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction researched by Gandhi et al. [8]. The results revealed that the
tribological properties can be enhanced with an increase in the
The outstanding mechanical and thermal properties, self- weight percentage of CNTs through investigating the wear loss and
lubrication ability, corrosion resistance of polymer composites friction coefficient and observing the worn surface. Lee et al.
have made the materials among the most attractive anti-friction experimentally studied the effect of CNT length on the tribology
media in industrial applications [1]. Numerous investigations properties of polyamide/CNT nano-composites [9]. It was found
have been conducted on enhancing the tribology properties of the that the storage modulus, loss modulus and thermal conductivity of
composites by incorporations of new fibrous filler [2,3]. Zhou et al. the polymer composites can be increased by applying CNTs as re-
studied the effect of carbon fiber reinforcements on mechanical and inforcements. Wear resistance of the composites can also be
tribology properties of polyamide/polyphenylene sulfide compos- improved by introduction of longer CNTs, especially at higher
ites. The results revealed that both the abrasion rates and friction temperature.
coefficients of the composites can be decreased by filling carbon Recently, owing to the fascinating properties of high Young's
fiber in an appropriate proportion [4]. modulus, hardness and flexibility, and cost-effectiveness [10e12],
Owing to their superior strength, elastic modulus, flexibility and graphene sheet (GS) with a structure of one-atom-thick planar
thermal properties [5e7], carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have exhibited sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms is also considered as another
great potentials in enhancing the tribology properties of polymer superior nano-filler for enhancing the mechanical and tribological
materials as a nano-filler. The sliding wear properties of CNTs/ properties of polymer materials. A number of studies have been
polypropylene polymer composites in dry condition were conducted to evaluate the tribological properties of graphene/
polymer composites. Preparation and tribological properties of
graphene oxide (GO)/nitrile rubber (NBR) nano-composites were
* Corresponding author. studied by Li et al. [13]. The experimental results showed that both
E-mail address: (Q. Wang). the friction coefficient and wear rate of the nano-composites
0008-6223/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Li et al. / Carbon 111 (2017) 538e545 539
decrease significantly under dry sliding condition first, then in- torsion angle rotations, and Wilson out-of-plane angle potentials)
crease with increasing Go contents. Pan et al. [14] conducted a and off-diagonal cross-coupling (Interactions between diagonal
research on mechanical and tribological properties of monomer terms) terms. The non-bonded interactions are included with van
casting nylon/graphene oxide composites. The results showed that der Waals (vdW), hydrogen bond energy and long range electro-
a notable effect on reinforcing the monomer casting nylon matrix static interactions (Coulombic functions). The vdW energy is rep-
and tribological properties can be obtained with a low content of resented by a sum of repulsive and attractive Lennard-Jones terms
graphene oxide. [20]. This force field has been proven to be applicable in describing
Although lots of experimental works have been conducted on the mechanical properties of graphene and polymers [21,22].
tribological properties of polymer composites, few studies have To investigated the enhanced mechanical properties by intro-
been dedicated from an atomic level. The small length and time duction of graphene as reinforcements, two molecular models of
scales associated with the atomic dynamics limit the possible in- pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites are first
vestigations. With the development of nanoscience and nano- developed and shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b). In the modeling, an unit
technology, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are considered cell in a size of 5 5 5 nm3 containing a single-layer graphene
to be an effective method for investigating material properties of and an empty unit cell in the same size are initially constructed.
materials in an atomic scale. Microscopic information and details of The graphene in a size of 2.26 nm 3.44 nm shown in Fig. 1 (d) is
molecular interactions inside materials are able to be monitored by edge-functionalized by hydrogen element in order to reach a
simulations in addition to experiment studies. MD simulations better mechanical property [23]. A number of the NBR (Acrylo-
have become indispensable in studying the nano-materials and nitrile and Butadiene as the repeat unit, CH2¼CHeCHeCH2 and
providing interpretations of experimental results [15]. Li et al. [16] C3H3N) chains composed of 30 monomer units in a 1:1 allocation
developed a three-layer molecular model to provide un- ratio are packed into the simulation cells with a predefined den-
derstandings of the improved tribological properties of CNT/poly- sity of 0.98 g/cm3 respectively. The Amorphous Cell Packing task
mer composites by incorporation of CNTs as reinforcements using in a software of Accelrys Materials Studio (MS) is adopted in the
MD simulations. The atom movement velocities, atom concentra- packing processes. The molecules in a cell are built with a Monte
tion, peak temperature and average cohesive energy in the friction Carlo style, by minimizing close contacts among atoms, whilst
interface region between polymer matrix and iron layers have been keeping a realistic distribution of torsion angles. To obtain a global
calculated and discussed to reveal the mechanism of improved minimum energy configuration, a geometry optimization is first
tribological properties. Liu et al. [17] conducted an MD simulation performed using the method of conjugate-gradient [24] with a
on graphene/polyethylene (PE) composites to reveal the mecha- convergence criteria of 0.00001 kcal/mol. The two unit cells are
nism of improved mechanical properties. The results showed that then allowed to equilibrate over NPT simulations (isothermal-
the toughness increases significantly with an increase in the vol- isobaric ensemble) at a room temperature of 298 K and atmo-
ume fraction of graphene sheets by examining the interaction spheric pressure of 101 KPa for 2ns with a time step of 1 fs. Well-
strength between polymer chains and graphene. Huang et al. [18] equilibration molecular systems of the pure polymer matrix and
studied the thermal conduction in phase change materials of gra- graphene/polymer composites can be obtained after a geometry
phene paraffin polymer composites using MD simulations. It optimization. These simulation processes are aimed to remove
revealed that non-covalently-functionalized graphene surfaces internal stresses in the polymer matrix. After the equilibration
would affect the thermal conductance owing to the heat transfer process, the constant-strain minimization method is then applied
ability between paraffin and graphene by its high-frequency bond- to the system to calculate the Young's modulus and shear modulus
stretching vibrations. However, most of the available MD works on of the two polymer composites. The MD simulation processes are
graphene reinforced composites were mainly forced on their me- performed with the Forcite module of MS. In addition, a potential
chanical and thermal properties. Still very few microscopic studies cutoff radii of 1.25 nm is applied in the calculation of the non-
have been conducted on the tribological properties of graphene/ bonded interaction. Andersen feedback thermostat [25] and
polymer composites using MD simulations to the authors' Berendsen barostat algorithm [26] are applied in the system
knowledge. temperature and pressure conversion. The Ewald summation
Hence, in the research, we first study the mechanical and method [27] with an accuracy of 0.001 kcal/mol is used in calcu-
tribological properties of the graphene/polymer composites, i.e. lations of the electrostatic interactions. Periodic boundary con-
Young's modulus, shear modulus and hardness using MD simula- ditions are adopted in all the molecular models in MD simulations.
tions. Layer models containing iron atoms as the top nanorod and In order to further study the improved tribological properties by
substrate and the graphene/polymer composites as the core are introduction of graphene as reinforcements, another two three-
then constructed to further study the friction coefficient and layer models are constructed and shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b)
abrasion rate by sliding the top Fe nanorod on the surface of the respectively. It is known that iron is widely used as the main
polymer matrix. To explore and discuss the mechanism of the antifriction material in the field of progressing cavity pump tech-
improved tribological properties of graphene/polymer composites, nology [28]. The metal elements in the two models are hence
the interaction energy between graphene sheet and polymer ma- designed by Fe atoms. In the two models, the middle layer in Fig. 2
trix are especially monitored and interpreted. (a) is developed by NBR matrix composed 20 monomer units in a
1:1 allocation ratio; and the other one in Fig. 2 (b) is made of the
2. Modeling same NBR matrix containing a graphene sheet in its middle posi-
tion. The bottom layer and top iron nanorod are designed in the
The condensed-phased-optimized molecular potential for sizes of 7.1 5.1 2 nm3 and 0.28 0.28 4.2 nm3 respectively.
atomistic simulation studies (COMPASS) force field, which is the Then, a geometry optimization with an energy convergence toler-
first ab initio force-field that enables accurate simultaneous pre- ance of 1.0e-4 kcal/mol and a force convergence tolerance of
dictions of a broad range of molecules and polymers, is employed in 0.0001 kcal/mol/Å is applied for finding a global minimum energy
the following MD simulations. In the COMPASS force field [19], the configuration for the two models. To further equilibrate the mo-
total potential energy is composed of both valence and non-bonded lecular systems, a 5-cycle anneal process is then followed under the
interaction terms. The valence expressions can be divided into the constant volume and the constant temperature (NVT ensemble)
following parts: diagonal (bond stretching, bond angle bending, from 150 K to 350 K for 200ps. In the anneal process, the polymer
540 Y. Li et al. / Carbon 111 (2017) 538e545
Fig. 1. Molecular conformations of the: (a) pure polymer matrix, (b) graphene/polymer composites, (c) Interface region between GS and polymer matrix, (d) Edge-functionalized
graphene by hydrogen atoms. In the snapshots, white and blue color present the polymer chains, Graphene is presented by pine color. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed
chains of the composites can be further relaxed in a wide temper- (where m is the friction coefficient; and FN and FT are the normal
ature range to obtain a local energy minimum. To fulfill the friction force and friction force). The worn polymer molecules can be
process, a shear loading is then employed to the upper iron nano- determined by recognizing the molecules which are moved out of
rod by moving it with a speed of a 0.1 Å/ps for 600ps under a the polymer matrix. Then, the abrasion rates can be calculated by
normal loading of 0.13 GPa. The temperature and time step of the the ratio of the numbers of the worn molecular to the total mo-
MD simulations are set to be 298 K and 1fs respectively. During the lecular of the polymer matrix. To elucidate the results of the MD
MD simulations, the forces in the sliding direction and the trajec- simulations, the interaction potential energy of the interfacial re-
tories of atoms of the upper iron nanorod and polymer matrix are gion between the polymer matrix and graphene reinforcement, the
calculated and recorded to investigate the friction coefficient and angle, bond and kinetic energy of the polymer matrix are calculated
abrasion loss. The friction coefficient can be expressed as: m ¼ FN/FT, and discussed accordingly.
Fig. 2. Configurations of molecular models: (a) the initial structure of pure NBR matrix, (b) the initial structure of graphene/polymer composites. Iron atoms, polymer matrix and
graphene sheet are represented by gold, blue and light green color respectively. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
Y. Li et al. / Carbon 111 (2017) 538e545 541
GS/polymer composites
Pure polymer matrix
Fitted curve of GS/polymer composites
Fitted curve of pure polymer matrix
Stress (MPa)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fig. 3. The stress-strain behavior of the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites under tensile loadings. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
542 Y. Li et al. / Carbon 111 (2017) 538e545
Table 1
The depths of the indentations of the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites under different impact loadings.
Impact loading (kcal/mol/Å) Pure polymer (depth of indentation) Graphene/polymer (depth of indentation) Decrease (%)
The enhancement of hardness of the polymer matrix by intro- In order to investigate the enhancement of tribological proper-
duction of the GS as reinforcement is also studied using MD sim- ties of polymer composites by incorporation of GS as reinforce-
ulations. In this regard, the three-layer molecular structures shown ment, the three-layer structures shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) and the
in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) and the equilibration processes introduced in MD equilibration processes introduced in the modeling section are
the modeling section are adopted. To estimate the property of applied to calculate the friction coefficients and abrasion wear rates
hardness of both the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer of the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites. To
composites, the polymer matrices of the two layer structures are apply the friction process, the middle part of the layer structure is
subjected to three normal impact loadings by the top iron nanorod subjected to a shear loading by the upper nanorod by moving it for
respectively. The impact loadings are set to be 5, 10 and 20 kcal/ 600 ps at a room temperature of 298 (NVT) and a velocity of 0.1 Å/
mol/Å. The depths of the indentations of the two layer structures in ps under a normal loading of 0.13Gpa. During the MD simulations,
Fig. 4. The variation of the interaction potential energy of the interfacial region between the GS reinforcement and polymer matrix during the friction process subjected to shear
loading in MD simulation. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
Y. Li et al. / Carbon 111 (2017) 538e545 543
Fig. 5. The variations of the angle, bond and kinetic energy of the polymer chains of both the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites during the friction process
subjected to shear loading in MD simulation. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
the forces in the sliding direction and the trajectories of the atoms recognized as the worn polymer molecules from the polymer ma-
of the polymer composites are calculated and recorded to deter- trix during the simulations. The abrasion rates are then given by the
mine the friction coefficient and abrasion loss. The equation: ratio of the numbers of the worn molecular to the total molecular of
m ¼ FN/FT, where m is the friction coefficient; and FN and FT are the the polymer matrix. The friction coefficients and abrasion rates of
normal force and friction force, is applied to calculate the friction the graphene/polymer composites and pure polymer matrix are
coefficients. The molecules reduced from the model lattices are hence obtained to be 0.286, 0.44 and 4.2% and 8.1% respectively.
Fig. 6. (a) RDF values of the top iron nanorod and C atoms of the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites during the friction process in MD simulations. (b) and (c)
The snapshot of the final states of the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer composites subjected to shear loading by the top iron nanorod during the friction process in MD
simulation. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
544 Y. Li et al. / Carbon 111 (2017) 538e545
Decreases of 35% and 48% in the friction coefficient and abrasion between the polymer chains and GS reinforcement, as seen in
rates are obtained by introduction of the GS. In addition, decreases Fig. 6(b) and (c), leading to a better wear-resisting property.
of about 13% and 76% in the friction coefficients and abrasion rates
of the polymer composites by introduction of GS as reinforcements 4. Conclusion
compared by introduction of carbon nanotubes can be obtained
[41]. In the research, the improvement of the mechanical and tribo-
In order to explore the mechanism on the improvement of the logical properties of the polymer composites by introduction of GS
tribological properties of polymer composites, the interaction po- as reinforcement is studied using MD simulations. Molecular
tential energy (Uinterfacial) of the interfacial region between the GS models of pure polymer matrix and graphene sheet reinforced
reinforcement and polymer matrix are calculated based on the polymer composites and a layer model containing iron atoms as the
following equation: top nanorod and substrate and the graphene/polymer composites
as the core are constructed to study the Young's modulus, shear
Uinterfacial ¼ Utotal UGS Upolymer (4) modulus, hardness, friction coefficient and abrasion rates of both
the two polymer composites. The results show that about increases
where Utotal is the total potential energy of the polymer composite; of 150% in Young's modulus, 27.6% in shear modulus and 35% in
UGS is the potential energy of the GS reinforcement; and Upolymer is hardness of the polymer composites are obtained respectively by
the potential energy of the polymer matrix. Then, the variation of incorporation of graphene sheet reinforcement. Decreases of
the interaction energy between the GS and polymer matrix of the around 35% and 48% in the average friction coefficient and abrasion
graphene/polymer composites is plotted in Fig. 4. rate of the polymer composites are also achieved owing to the
From Fig. 4, it shows that the interaction energy between that introduction of the GS as reinforcement. The interaction energy
GS and polymer matrix varies from 453 to 500 kcal/mol, showing between the graphene sheet and polymer matrix is calculated to
an increment of 10% during the friction process. It can be under- reveal the mechanism of the improvement of the tribological
stand that more interactions between the GS reinforcement and property of the polymer composite. The angle, bond and kinetic
polymer matrix are initiated when the polymer composites are energy of the polymer chains of polymer composites and the RDF
subjected to the friction by the top iron nanorod. It is hence ex- values of the top iron nanorod and C atoms of the pure polymer
pected that lots of the polymer chains of the polymer matrix are matrix and graphene/polymer composites are calculated and
strongly adsorbed and bonded by GS reinforcement via the elec- interpreted accordingly to prove the hypothesis on the improve-
trostatic and vdW forces leading the graphene/polymer composites ment of the tribological properties of the polymer composites.
to a more stable state. To verity the hypothesis on the variation of
the interaction energy between GS and polymer matrix, the vari-
ations of the angle, bond and kinetic energy of the polymer chains
of both the pure polymer matrix and graphene/polymer compos-
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ing Climbing Scholar (10142) Program.
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