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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

I. Instructional Objectives
Presented varied activities, the Grade 5 pupils are expected to:
1. define food chain correctly;
2. construct a food chain clearly;
3. compare and contrast the basic need of all living things correctly; and
4. discuss the importance of food chain.

II. Subject Matter: Ecosystem: Interrelationship among living organisms

- Understanding the Food Chain
References: K-12 curriculum, Internet
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, cartolina
Science Concepts/Ideas: All living things need food. A food chain shows how plants, animals and
humans rely on each other for food.
Learning Competency: Conduct investigations to determine environmental conditions needed by living
things to survive.
Science Process Skills: Classifying and Observing

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Engage
Good morning pupils!
Good morning teacher!
How are you this morning?
We’re fine teacher
That’s great! So today we will learn so much while
having fun. To start things off, Let’s review your past
lesson. I have here a set of pictures. Now tell me what
these animals eat and classify them into Herbivore,
Carnivore or Omnivore.
Okay, teacher.
Meat teacher. Lion is a Carnivore.

Very good!

Meat teacher. Fox is also a Carnivore.

You’re right. Let’s proceed to the next one.

The bunny is eating carrots teacher. So it is a

herbivore. And cows are eating grass so they are
also herbivore teacher.

Brilliant! How about these two animals?

They are both Omnivore teacher. They are

eating plants and meats.
Very good, pupils.
B. Elicit
From the pictures in front, could you tell me if an
animal can eat another animal?
Yes, teacher.

What animal do you think can eat other animal?

The fox eats the bunny teacher then the lion
eats the fox, teacher.
Very well then. Then they need other animals for
food in order for them to survive. Is that right?
Yes teacher!
So now let’s learn more about that.
Okay teacher. We’re excited.
C. Explore
I will share you a story. Before that what are the
things we need to observe when doing an activity?

Listen very well

Be silent
Understand the lesson
Don’t talk with your seatmate
Very good. Now, let’s proceed to our story.
“Once upon a time, the sun shines amazingly
beautiful. It gives color to our surrounding. There, we
saw a plant and there was a little bunny out looking for
some grass. A bunny is an herbivore. An herbivore is an
animal that eats nothing but plants. Grass is a producer. A
producer is a plant that can make its own food. Then, the
bunny spots trouble! He sees a fox! He is on the move
and running as quick as he can to get away.
Unfortunately, he was too slow. The fox had caught up to
the bunny and ate him.
A fox is a carnivore. A carnivore is an animal that
only eats meat. While the fox was finishing his meal he
also spots trouble. He sees a bear! A bear is an omnivore.
An omnivore is an animal that eats meat and plants. The
bear walks away after finishing his meal. High up in the
sky a vulture spots his lunch. He sees the remains of the
fox. A vulture is a scavenger. A scavenger is an animal
that feeds on carrion such as remains of dead animals.
After the vulture finished his lunch he flew back
up looking for his dinner. Then, a fly was buzzing around
looking for his lunch. The fly spots the remains of the
fox. A fly is a decomposer. A decomposer is an animal
that breaks an animal for nutrients.
Then The Cycle Starts Back At The Beginning!
What did you understood?

Okay teacher. We understood it now.

That our lesson for today is called food
chain teacher. We saw how the food goes through a

Very good! Now I think you’re ready for our


D. Explain
Okay let’s play a little game about food chains.
This is called Who–eats-What
Yes teacher!

(It is a game played using a laptop, better if there’s a

Okay teacher
Very well done pupils!
Thank you, teacher
Now, for another activity, I will assign you into
two groups.

(The pupils will be grouped)

I would like you to connect in the board
according to their place in the chain.
For Group1

Flower/ plant hawk

frog grasshopper
grasshopper flower Sunlight

frog snake hawk

Very good! Now for Group2

The sunlight gives energy to the plant/
flowers then the grasshopper eats the plant. The
grasshopper is being eaten by the frog. The frog is
eaten by the snake and the snake is being eaten by
the hawk.

Sunlight flowers

butterflies small birds


Sunlight flowers butterflies

foxes small birds

The sunlight gives energy to the seaweed.

The seaweed so the producer. The small fish eats
the seaweed so it’s the consumer. The small fish is
eaten by the big fish. The large fish is eaten by the
shark. The food chain ends on the shark so the
shark is the predator.

Very good Group 2!

Thanks teacher
E. Elaborate

Here, I need to have 4 groups.

Okay teacher
(The pupils will be grouped into 4)
Now, I would like you to make your own food
chain and your own definition of a food chain. Don’t use
the animals that we have already discussed, Proceed!
Yes teacher !

After you finished making your own food chain,

present it in front with you being the animals and explain

Okay teacher.


Group 1

The sun gives energy to the plants. The

plant serves as the producer. The worm eats the
plants so it is the primary consumer. Then the
worm was eaten by the chicken so the chicken is
the secondary consumer. The chicken is eaten by
the human so the human is the third consumer.

I think you’re ready for a little test.

Yes teacher!

F. Evaluate
Bring out a sheet of paper and answer the following.
Write the letter of the answer only.

1. What is a food chain?

a. a process that starts with ingredients and ends with
cooked foods.
b. a long chain made of food
c. how animals depend on plants and animals for their
food and survival

2. What part do humans play?
a. producers
b. consumer
c. humans are not part of food chains

3. Which is an example of a consumer eating another

a. a rabbit eating grass
b. a hedgehog eating a spider B
c. a squirrel eating nuts

4. What do you always find at the start of a food chain

or web?
a. an insect
b. a bird or prey
c. a green plant

5. A wood mouse eats leaves for food. A badger eats

wood mice for food. Which animal is the prey in this
food chain?
a. badger
b. wood mouse B
c. neither animal
G. Extend

Make your own food chain. Draw it in a coupon

bond and put an explanation on the back of the paper.
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

Submitted by:
Mr. Mark Jayvee P. Esteban

Submitted to:
Dr. Luz L. Ricardo

Date of Submission: April 25, 2019

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