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1 Spillway Energy Dissipaters

The design of the energy dissipater probably includes more options than any other
phase of spillway design. The selection of the type and design details of the
dissipater is largely dependent upon the pertinent characteristics of the site, the
magnitude of energy to be dissipated, and to a lesser extent upon the duration and
frequency of spillway use.

Regardless of the type of dissipater selected, any spillway energy dissipater must
operate safely at high discharges for extended periods of time without having to be
shut down for emergency repairs.

Considering the height of weir and type of river bed material, the roller bucket
energy dissipater has been provided. It dissipates the energy in surface rollers
above the bucket and ground rollers downstream of the bucket. Design of Roller Bucket for Diversion Weir

A roller bucket of similar pattern as constructed for Rosh Gol Weir has been
selected for energy dissipation. The weir overflow section is 120 m wide and a
design flood of 245 m3/s, has been used for sizing and setting of the roller bucket.
The minimum, maximum and sweep out tail water levels have been computed
using the design charts available in the USBR design monograph # 25 titled
“Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipators” by A. J. Paterka. The
USACE engineering manual “EM 1110-2-1602 Hydraulic Design of Reservoir
Outlet Works” has also been consulted for confirmation of design parameters.

The current configuration of roller bucket has been analysed using empirical
equations and design charts from USBR and USACE manuals. The Froude’s
number, flow depth and flow velocity at the toe of the chute for overflow section
have been estimated using energy equations.

These parameters have been used to calculate the necessary radius and lip
elevation of roller bucket required to avoid sweep out during the design flood event.

It has been estimated that the flows will reach the toe of weir at a depth of about
1.16 m with an average flow velocity of about 13.19 m/s. The corresponding
Froude’s number would be about 3.37 giving a conjugate depth of about 5.7 m.

The minimum radius is calculated as 2.8 m therefore a bucket radius of 4.0 m has
been adopted for further analyses. The bucket invert level has been calculated as
2651.7 for safe operation. This gives a lip elevation of 2652.54 m asl.

Minimum radius for the roller bucket:

Rmin  D1 
Figure - 6.1: The Definition Sketch for Roller Bucket Computation Parameters

 A roller bucket type energy dissipater has been proposed for the
diversion weir.
 Roller bucket has been designed for a tail water level of 2657.5 m asl
corresponding to a flood of 245 m3/s.
 The radius of roller bucket should not be less than 4.0 m.

Table - 4.6: Hydraulic Calculation for Hydraulic Jump and Diversion Weir

Hydraulic Jump Computations

Headwater Level WLu/s = 2661.90 masl

Tailwater Level WLd/s = 2657.50 masl
(From Tailwater Rating Curve)

Undersluice Crest Level ILB = 2653.00 masl

Bed Level of Proposed Stilling Basin BLsb = 2652.00 masl
Centerline Elevation of Gates CLG = 2653.00 masl

Number of Bottom Outlets n = 2.0 no.

Width of Bottom Outlet WB = 2.0 m
Height of Undersluice Gate HB = 2.0 m
Width of downstream floor wsb = 16.0 m

Flood discharge through undersluices QB = 65.0 m3/s

Flood discharge through undersluices = 180.0 m3/s

Dischrage Intensity

Dischrage Intensity q = 16.25 m3/s/m

Flow Velocity at the Gates VG = 8.13 m/s

Flow Depth entering the Jump D1 = 1.33 m

(By hit & trial method)

Entrance Loss

Entrance Loss he = 0.54 m

Friction Loss

Friction Loss hf = 0.45 m

Flow Velocity Entering the Jump V1 = 12.20 m/s

2661.90 = 2661.90


Bucket Radius 3.0 m
Angle with Horizontal 16.0 degrees
Design Flood 245.0 m3/s
Flood HWL 2661.9 m asl
Flood TWL 2657.5 m asl
Froude no. 3.91
Bucket Invert (proposed) 2651.7 m asl
Lip Elevation (proposed) 2652.5 m asl
Initial flow depth on chute 1.33 m
Conjugate depth 5.70 m
Velocity over chute 12.20 m/s

Return Tail water Max TW Min TW TW
Discharge V2
Period Level D1  1 Depth Depth Sweepout
(years) (m3/s) (m asl) (m) (m) (m)

1000 245.0 2658.2 0.45 11.99 6.66 5.33

Min. Lip
Bucket Invert Min. TWL * Max. Sweepout
Radius Elevation
(required) (ADOPTED) TWL TWL
(Rmin) (required)
(m) (m asl) (m asl) (m asl) (m asl) (m asl)

3.57 2651.5 2652.5 2658.36 2663.69 2657.03

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