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International Journal of Education for Peace and Development

Citation: IJEPD: 2(1): 39-45 April 2014

©2014 Renu Publishers. All rights reserved

ICT for Peace: A Philosophical Perspective

Sujoy Paul and Sanat Kumar Rath

Department of Education, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India

Email: sujoypaul58@gmail.com

Since the last few decades the civilized world has witnessed an unprecedented explosion in the field of information and
communication technology (ICT). The development and use of different electronic media have made it possible for millions of
people to have fast access to huge information resources stored in different places on the planet, to communicate with each other,
and to handle information presented in various forms. These technologies offer brilliant prospects in the process of peace-
building and peace-keeping (Hattotuwa, 2004). In fact, the role of ICT in peace-building has gained increased recognition in the
last few decades. Today, ICT is looked upon as a key to a promising new era, in which important policy decisions at different levels
could be made on the basis of real discussions focused on real facts. Therefore, it is believed that ICT can be a huge aid in the
effort to build lasting peace by helping people to better communicate with each other, and by allowing them to have access to
critical, real-time information, to make decisions, and to understand each other better.
This analytical paper attempts to discuss the role of ICT in the process of peacebuilding from a philosophical perspective. It
explores the huge potential of ICT to conflict resolution by responding effectively to disputes that are created both at the virtual
world as well as at the real world. And in doing so, it has also presented recent examples of using ICT for conflict resolutions in
many places around the world. Besides, it informs us about some key ICT resources that could be used in the peace process.
Thus, the paper is aimed at raising awareness about the possible roles of ICT in peacebuilding.
Keywords: ICT, peace, peacebuilding, conflict resolution, philosophical perspective

Introduction ICT in different areas of human life has become an

The first half of the 21st century, as we all know, is regarded important contributor to human well-being and social
as the age of information (and communication). Today, prosperity (Markauskaite, 2006). What is more significant
unprecedented advancements in various technological and is that ICT is now considered as an omnibus support
social spheres have been reshaping almost all aspects of system, which has extended its wonderful supportive
human life. In fact, with the proliferation of new services in the process of peacebuilding and peacekeeping
technologies, particularly information and communication in different regions of the world.
technologies (ICT) some of the knowledge, skills, abilities, At present, it is believed that ICT can give our leaders and
competencies and personal characteristics that were mediators a chance to interact with people of different
necessary for our life in the past have now become either backgrounds and faiths, promoting cultural diversity which,
irrelevant or less important. Instead, the capacity to apply in turn, promotes peace. Actually, the stakeholders of peace
Paul and Rath

believe that peacebuilding is proactive; it starts with building more and more individuals gain access to the Internet and
a relationship and maintaining that relationship over time. mobile technologies even in the relatively remote areas of
Hattotuwa (2004) has rightly observed that by “building the world. That is why events or incidents that would have
local, regional and national peacebuilding networks between been unnoticed a couple of decades ago, come instantly
and within governments, local authorities, political under the purview of international opinions and discussions.
stakeholders, civil society and international support and Moreover, the latest communication technologies such as
resource institutions, ICT has the potential to shape the Internet together with its various social networking
powerful conflict transformation partnerships”. Therefore, sites can support non-violent, democratic movements,
if we are to succeed in the process of building sustainable promote education, capacity building, intercultural dialogue
peace, we must engage all stakeholders- donors, the private and the establishment of a global civil society (Sabadello,
sectors, civil society organizations, governments, and of 2011). Indeed, the abundance and exuberance of various
course, the common man. This is possible with the help of media resources that provide instant and massive availability
modern ICT tools and resources, such as computers, of desired and required information in times of conflicts
Internet, mobile phones, smartphones, televisions, and crises could be regarded as a positive evolution.
projectors etc.
Now, let us take a look at how ICT could contribute in the
In this analytical paper, an attempt has been made to examine process of establishing peace. In general, information and
and evaluate the role of ICT in the process of negotiating communication technologies can be used in peacebuilding
for lasting peace with an emphasis on discussing it from a efforts in six different ways. They are discussed below-
philosophical perspective. Today, ICT is looked upon as
1. To Provide Necessary Information- ICT can
key to a new world order in which important policy
strengthen the ties between individuals and
decisions at the local, national and international levels could
communities by improving their ability to share, learn
be made on the basis of real discussions focused on real
and interact with one another. Greater sharing of
facts. It is rightly said that gone are the days when people
information and opinions means a better ability to
used to solve our problems for us and not with us.
understand situations and act accordingly.
Naturally, “there is a need to promote general ICT diffusion
and raise awareness and appreciation as well as literacy 2. To Help People Process Information- With the help
among our populations, especially children and youth” of web-portals, data visualization tools, virtual dispute
(Olekmbainei and SintimMisa, 2003). resolution tools, and online command centres
individuals can frame arguments by processing
Using ICT for Peace information to resolve conflicts peacefully. Besides,
There is no denying the fact that technology has a critical there are tools that help individuals to take active part
role to play in shaping the future strategies for peace. But in online debates, negotiations, and mediations for a
to be successful in the effort we need to develop a better peaceful solution to any issue.
understanding of the potential contributions of ICT for 3. To Improve Decision Making- ICT can help to
peacebuilding. Now-a-days, disputes of various levels and improve decision making skills, as well as the ability
degrees are being resolved with the help of a variety of to see the critical information and environment in
technologies including, but not limited to social networking which decisions are made. Virtual games and
sites and SMS. There are a number of groups and simulations that increase awareness and
organizations all around the world, who are leveraging ICT understanding of a conflicting situation can be used
to promote peace-building in regions of conflict and tension to improve decision making skills.
by educating and empowering individuals. According to
Weekes (2011), “ICT is a huge enabler and source of 4. To Reduce Scarcity of Resources- Better
empowerment, allowing individuals to take some, albeit communication through mobile phones and other
limited, control of their own destiny within the chaotic handheld devices can greatly increase the efficiency
framework of a crisis, natural disaster or post-conflict of markets, which in turn would reduce scarcity of
situations”. resources like food, water and money that are
provided to the militia members during the process
Today, the World Wide Web (WWW) has turned a world of demilitarization, demobilization and reintegration
divided by walls into a world linked by networks. Naturally, (DDR).

PRINT ISSN.: 2321-9807 40 ©2014 Renu Publishers. All rights reserved

ICT for Peace: A Philosophical Perspective

5. To Support Relationships among People- ICT can • Tools like ‘Crowdsourcing’ and ‘Crisis Mapping’
be a tremendous support material to those trying to have been used on numerous occasions, such as
maintain old relationships or form new relationships. during the post-election violence in Kenya (2008),
Through the mediums of social networking sites, earthquakes in Haiti (2010), Japan (2011) and New
online collaboration tools, and telecentres like-minded Zealand (2011), floods in India (2008), Columbia
people can connect and collaborate on issues and (2011) and Indonesia (2013), and various hurricanes
causes of common interest during conflicts with a in the U.S.A.
view to improving the peace process.
• Large scale demonstrations organized via cell phones
6. To Help People Understand Each Other- Advanced and SMS were one of the major factors in forcing
ICT, especially the Internet can make distant the Philippine President Joseph Estrada to resign from
situations more understandable and people of distant his office (2001), thus bringing about change in the
lands seem more like us. Indeed, increased country without large-scale violence.
understanding among people of different cultures,
• During the civil war (1993-2005) in Burundi, online
languages, and concerns can go a long way toward
discussion groups hosted by Burundinet and the
reducing conflict and increasing the prospects of
Burundi Youth Council allowed Burundian people
peaceful habitation.
of different backgrounds to discuss the situation,
One thing is clear that the peacebuilding processes with debate the root causes of unrest, and fight out ways
the help of ICT could be greatly strengthened if to move forward as it was quite difficult for them to
organizations, peoples and regions are connected using meet physically.
effective peacebuilding networks and active and open
• The website Videoletters.net captures video
resources. And there are several concrete ways in which
messages from former neighbours and friends and
ICT can be used for peace: as a tool by international
broadcasts them via public access channels
organizations, as a weapon in nonviolent struggle, and as a
throughout the countries of the formerly Yugoslavia,
pillar for building and maintaining peaceful societies
allowing those who lost contact during the military
(Sabadello, 2010). The underlying assumption is that the
conflicts (1991-1999) to reconnect.
creative and sensitive use of modern means of ICT can
encourage holistic peacebuilding practices that could be • Following the presidential election in Iran (2009), a
one of the key factors for establishing a peaceful and wave of protests emerged in the country, with the
harmonious global society. goal of challenging the result of the election as well
as the political establishment in general. In this
It should be remembered that technologies, however
movement, rightly labeled as “Iran’s Twitter
effective and powerful they could be, can’t create peace.
revolution” by Washington Post, social networking
But they can certainly create an environment where people
sites like Twitter and other blogs played a major role
can more easily communicate, understand the current
by publishing information and political messages to
situation, visualize the implications of their actions,
the movement’s members and international
understand each other’s points of view, and form meaningful
relationships with people who are geographically or
culturally distant. Indeed, by the effective use of ICT, the • The official media website of Sri Lanka, Lessons
hype would be washed away, and the moderate majorities Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC)
would probably find more voices; and hopefully, better allowed the Sri Lankan people to generate a lot of
decisions would be made in the process of negotiating for public debate both within and outside the country,
durable peace. causing a peaceful outcome in Sri Lanka’s post-
conflict reconciliation.
Examples of Using ICT for Peace
• During the recent large scale public demonstrations
Over the past few decades there have been increasingly for democracy in the Middle-East, better known as
innovative and open-source ICT initiatives in the events of the ‘Arabian Spring’, and the Civil Society Movements
crises management and peace-building along with other in India latest ICT services like SMS, Tweets and
humanitarian emergencies. For instance: other blog posts played a major role in generating

PRINT ISSN.: 2321-9807 41 ©2014 Renu Publishers. All rights reserved

Paul and Rath

public opinions with a view to bringing about positive 9. ASANA- A very good service (that is free for up to
changes in a peaceful, non-violent manner. 30 members) that provides an online platform for
collaborative projects
Key ICT Resources for Peace
10. GOOGLE Grants- A unique in-kind donation
At present, there are so many software/IT services that programme awarding free AdWords advertising to
are somewhat useful to help people stay connected, up-to- select charitable organizations working for
date and informed, that are a pre-requisite in today’s community services to help the world in areas like
peacebuilding process. Many of these services are better science and technology, education, public health,
known as social networking sites that help individuals and environment, youth advocacy and the arts.
organizations to communicate and exchange ideas and
viewpoints. 11. Ushahidi- A non-profit software that develops free
and open-source software for information collection,
1. Facebook- An extremely popular social networking visualization, and interactive mapping. It uses the
site, where millions of people all over the world share concept of crowdsourcing for social activism and
views, opinions and pictures that cause better public accountability.
understanding among people across borders. Besides,
there are a number of parallel sub-groups specifically 12. TV Channels- A number of TV channels, such as
devoted to promote the concept of peacebuilding. Peace TV, Aastha, Peace of Mind TV, Veda TV, Peace
Channels, and others that broadcast programmes on
2. Twitter- A service for individuals and organizations spiritual awakening, meditation and harmony among
to communicate and stay connected through the people. These channels, popular worldwide among
exchange of quick, frequent messages, called ‘tweets’ religious minded people help to promote inner peace
of 140 characters or fewer. There is a sub-group of through knowledge and awareness about spiritual
bloggers (PCDN) for Peace and Social Change. well-being, morality and wisdom, and work as a
3. SKYPE- A wonderful service that allows one to call, media for international co-operation and
chat, conduct a video-conference to any other online understanding.
device (for free) that also has Skype. In fact, there are many other sites and software services
4. NING- A platform for users to create, customize, that could be used for creating, transmitting, and
and share their own social network in seconds. By disseminating contents and opinions that result in improved
creating a sub-group on this site, one can easily attract understanding among the individuals and organizations
more users and share experiences. through sharing news and views. Thus, these tools and
services can play some catalytic role in the peacebuilding
5. CF Sites- a simple, free way to create a website process.
within minutes with a custom look and broadcast it
live on the Internet for non-profit or other good cause. Philosophical Perspective to Using ICT for Peace
6. NETSQUARED- An online technological site to help There are a number of ways to understand the current
non-profit use for learning skills, sharing experiences practice of using information and communication
and developing expertise with the objectives of technologies (ICT) for Peacebuilding. There is no
changing the world. commonly accepted definition, but most would agree it
involves the use of a variety of ICT tools and services to
7. ShareThis- A wonderful tool that allows for
support the processes and activities involved in resolving
democratizing sharing across various social networks.
violent conflict and establishing a sustainable peace.
Here the members or visitors can instantly share any
According to a document of the World Bank entitled ‘Civil
page on the network via their own social networks
Society and Peacebuilding’ (2006), the term ‘peacebuilding’
that can help increase communication for better
has been defined as “activities aimed at preventing and
managing armed conflict, and sustaining peace after large-
8. ICT for Peacebuilding Blog- A blog devoted to the scale organized violence has ended.” It further says that
open discussion of ICT for Peace issues. “Peace-building should create conducive conditions for
reconstruction and development efforts, but should not be

PRINT ISSN.: 2321-9807 42 ©2014 Renu Publishers. All rights reserved

ICT for Peace: A Philosophical Perspective

equated and thus confused with these concepts. timely delivery of essential services could reach to those in
Peacebuilding differs from peacemaking (the use of force need of help. This is because the availability of more
to end violence), and peacekeeping (the threat of the use authentic, accurate and real time information can contribute
of force to prevent actors from re-engaging in armed to improving public communications and media reporting,
conflict).” The report maintains that there are three phases which in turn could increase public awareness and public
of peacebuilding: prevention prior to the outbreak of support during a crisis. Therefore, the use of the social,
violence, conflict management during armed conflict, and communicative applications enabled by advanced ICT has
post-conflict peace-building for up to 10 years after the the potential to build, maintain and strengthen
conflict ends. communication between and within societies, with the goal
of building lasting and positive peace that is more than just
In all these three phases of peacebuilding ICT can play a
the absence of war.
crucial role because with the widespread availability of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such Thus, we see that there is an unprecedented advancement
as the Internet and mobile phones, it appears that the in the field of using ICT in the process of negotiating for
potential for interactions among peoples and cultures is peace. However, in today’s age of terrorism and numerous
now greater than ever before. In today’s context, ICT is violent conflicts all over the world, the importance of
indeed a powerful asset for fruitful dialogues between educating children about the values of peace and co-
individuals, nations and cultures. operation should be given utmost importance. It is well
known that the school setting provides an ideal space for
As with all technologies, the ICT tools are not an end in
exploring ideas of peace through critical analysis, reflection,
themselves, but they are just a means to achieve an end.
dialogue, and collaborative learning. It is a safe space where
According to Cole and Crawford (2007), in order to
students can experience new ideas and develop insights
effectively employ the ICT tools and services for peace-
and understandings of complex values like peace (Song,
building, it is important to start by thinking through the
goals of our peacebuilding efforts. What type of peace are
we trying to build? With whom do we want to build the Experts believe that a constructivist approach is the best
peace? Where do we want to focus our efforts? When is way to create, transmit and disseminate knowledge and
the most appropriate time to intercede? What do we want information that are necessary in the peacebuilding process.
to achieve? How best can we reach our target audiences? And modern means of ICT are very much helpful in this
endeavour. For example, Skelly (2002) argues that choices
A number of stakeholders argue that it is possible to
of certain ways of communication technologies constitute
transcend conflict if parties can be helped to analyze,
different versions of the world and influence actual practice
explore, question and then reframe their interests and
and the ways in which people think. Consequently, building
positions in an atmosphere of mutual co-operation. For
an atmosphere of peace becomes more accessible through
this, the process of peace-building should take into its
the constructivist approach using ICT that encourages
purview the participation of third parties- the ‘impartial’
better and real-time communications among people.
outsiders, who can play a catalytic role towards constructive
outcomes by replacing mutual antagonism through new In a case study, Song (2012) has described how students
ways of thinking and creating new relationships that can use art and technology to overcome spatial barriers
transcend old stereotypes and barriers (Burtoin & Azar, and exchange creative ideas with students of other
1986). In this context, Boulding’s views in his book ‘Peace countries. This approach is sure to increase students’
Culture’ (2008) could be revoked- “Secrecy and control understanding of peace through “collaboration, dialogue,
of information by those in power is replaced by the free and creation of artworks that represent their ideas” of
flow and sharing of information among everyone involved.” peace. Moreover, Constructivism considers knowledge to
be socially as well as individually constructed. Therefore,
However, the effective use of ICT for peacebuilding
the acquisition of knowledge by students depends on
depends largely on people’s having more and more access
creating a suitable environment for the construction of
to the Internet and mobile technologies in remote areas of
knowledge. In such an environment the use of advanced
the world. For this, the collection and dissemination of
ICT could help learners to realize the authentic and
information prior to and during a crisis should be
meaningful understanding of peace.
standardized so that more effective decision-making and

PRINT ISSN.: 2321-9807 43 ©2014 Renu Publishers. All rights reserved

Paul and Rath

Major Challenges are as good as those who know how to use them effectively,
It is evident that using ICT for peacebuilding is a relatively understand their importance and leverage them to enhance
new and emergent field; and despite having some great their efficiency and usefulness for humanitarian aid in the
potential, every new field is faced with some key challenges peace process. It needs a lot of caution, a lot of sensitivity,
that every organization must overcome to make it more and a lot of awareness on the part of all to make ICT truly
effective and to realize its full potential. Despite the huge effective.
potential benefits of using ICT for peace, it does not always
work as promised or expected due mainly to technical Conclusion
problems, the reluctance of individuals to share information Thus, we see that ICT tools and services that help people
and complex information management architectures that communicate, understand data, and learn, via computers,
severely withhold vital information flows (Ahtisaari, 2011). the Internet, mobile phones, and more - could be a
tremendous help in implementing various peacebuilding
According to a report commissioned by the United States
practices. For this, collaboration and learning across
Institute of Peace (2011), there are four major challenges,
individuals and organizations through the integration of ICT
namely- (i) the challenge of collaboration and management
are necessary. It is true that measuring the real impact of
of information flow, (ii) the challenge of credibility, trust
ICT in the peacebuilding process is difficult. Being a
and validation, (iii) the environmental factor, and (iv) the
relatively unexplored area of research, there is hardly any
challenges of privacy, security and ethical considerations.
concrete evidences of the effectiveness of ICT in enhancing
With the unprecedented explosion of interconnectivity and the peace process. Therefore, the key measure should be
the flow of large quantities of information one of the biggest whether ICT improves the lives of individuals and
challenges is information overload, which should be dealt communities that are affected by conflicts, either directly
carefully with the help of responsible leadership and adequate or indirectly. We must not over-estimate the impact of ICT
training. Then, the accuracy and validity of the continuous in negotiating for peace, which is not established with a
flow of information should be verified by organizations one-time effort. True peace is built over time, with a variety
and individuals before taking any firm step towards of processes and approaches that move conflict into
negotiating for peace. Again, the concerns regarding poor lasting, peaceful resolutions (Cole & Crawford, 2007).
connectivity, ICT literacy levels and costs of access to
Therefore, it must be admitted that ICT does not promise
web-based communication systems need to be overcome
a pre-defined goal; it only fertilizes the process of
in order to successfully use ICT for peacebuilding. Lastly,
peacebuilding itself by energizing the creative dynamics of
there remain the major questions of ensuring the security
societies for visualizing a future world which is expected
and privacy of individuals and communities along with
to be much more humanitarian, democratic and peaceful.
managing the ethical codes of conduct for making the use
ICT is, in fact, an important aid in the peacebuilding process,
of ICT more effective without causing any physical and
as we move, one step at a time, towards a world of lasting
moral harm.
peace. Now, we need to see in the days to come whether
In a study on ICT for peace, Hattotuwa (2004) has also ICT interventions for a successful peacebuilding effort
acknowledged that there are limitations of using ICT. He remain a utopian dream, or whether it becomes an attainable
has argued that if ICT is “used in isolation and without any reality.
supporting structures and holistic frameworks necessary
for facilitating conflict transformation,” the effectiveness References
of ICT interventions will be undermined and it might even Ahtisaari, M. 2011. Preface: Peacebuilding in the Information Age:
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governance norms has also been a conduit for propagating tion and Communications Technologies, Accessed on 2 Nov,
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ICT for Peace: A Philosophical Perspective

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PRINT ISSN.: 2321-9807 45 ©2014 Renu Publishers. All rights reserved

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