Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Reaf. MAY1998
Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Reaf. MAY1998
Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Reaf. MAY1998
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
RECOMMENDED Issued 1970-06
PRACTICE Reaffirmed 1998-05
Foreword—On some applications of threaded fasteners, it is desirable to control the amount of developed tension
when a specific range of torque has been applied or the torque required to develop a specific range of tension.
Accurate torque-tension relationships can be achieved only by uniquely defining and controlling the many related
test parameters, such as: materials, their hardness and finish coatings, mating part interference fit, lubrication
between both mated parts, the presence of foreign materials as rust, dust, and burrs, temperature and humidity,
and whether the tightening is by hand or power tool turn nut or bolting wrenching.
1. Scope—This test procedure is intended to provide a quality control method for checking torque-tension
characteristics of non-prevailing torque-type threaded steel fasteners 1/4 through 1 in nominal diameters.
Realistically, torque-tension relationships for specific individual fastener assembly joints will vary due to the
different joint parameters. Tests using actual joint components will be required to determine accurate torque-
tension values for those conditions. For the metric version, see SAE J174M.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
2.1.2 ASTM PUBLICATIONS—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely
voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.
3. Test Material
3.1 Test Bolt—When evaluating nuts, test bolts conforming to SAE J429, grade 8 requirements shall be used.
Threads shall gage to the same class of fit as the nuts. Threads on all bolts shall be produced by rolling.
Bolts shall be free from burrs, loose scale, and contamination. This test procedure can be applied to test bolts
with different finish coatings. But to compare torque-tension bolt quality results, various lots, and/or
manufacturers, the finish shall be zinc phosphate and oil, meeting a 72-h salt spray life when tested in
accordance with ASTM B 117.
NOTE—The lubricant shall neither be added or removed from the test material. It shall be dry to the touch as
determined by Waterman #41 filter blot test.
3.2 Test Washer—Washer shall conform to the dimensional, metallurgical, and finish requirements given in Table 1.
(See also Figure 1.) Optionally, clipped washers or multihole plates or strips may be used providing they
conform to the previous requirements.
1. The washer ID is intended for use with hex bolts and all nuts. To accommodate other bolts with larger under head
fillet radii, washer hole diameter shall be increased proportionally to allow bearing surface of bolt head to seat.
SAE J174 Reaffirmed MAY1998
SAE J174 Reaffirmed MAY1998
3.3 Test Nut—When evaluating bolts, test nuts conforming to SAE J995, grade 8 requirements shall be used to
evaluate bolts. Threads shall gage to the same class of fit as the bolt.
Nuts shall be free from burrs, loose scale, and contamination. Similar to test bolts, the test procedure can be
applied to test nuts with different finish coatings. But to compare torque-tension nut quality results of various
lots and/or manufacturers, the finish shall be zinc phosphate and oil, meeting a 72-h salt spray life when tested
in accordance with ASTM B 117.
NOTE—The lubricant shall neither be added or removed from the test material. It shall be dry to the touch as
determined by Waterman #41 filter blot paper test.
4. Test Equipment
4.1 Tension-Measuring Device—The tension-measuring device shall be capable of measuring the axial tension
induced in the bolt as it is tightened. The device shall be accurate within ±3% of the test load.
4.2 Torque-Measuring Device—The torque-measuring device shall have an accuracy within ±2% of a given
torque reading.
4.3 Test Socket Wrench—A socket with a hexagon configuration is preferred, features shall be provided within
the socket to prevent the socket from contacting either the test washer or the threaded end of the bolt.
4.4 Test Spacer (If Required)—The test spacer (used only for testing bolts) shall be placed under the nut. The
spacer must be hardened to 52 HRC minimum and the faces shall be parallel to each other and perpendicular
to the axis within 0.0005 in/in. The spacer hole diameter shall be equivalent to Table 1, dimension A, and
minimum spacer wall thickness shall be equivalent to one-half the bolt diameter. A feature of preventing the
nut and spacer from rotating shall be provided.
5. Test Method
5.1 Testing Bolt—The bolt, as received, shall be inserted in the tension-measuring device with the test washer
placed under the bolt head. The test nut and spacer, if required, shall be assembled onto the bolt by turning
the bolt head until the bolt is seated against the hardened washer. The test shall be such that a minimum of
two threads protrude through the nut. The bolt shall then be continuously and uniformly tightened at a speed
not to exceed 30 rpm with a torque-measuring device or equivalent means, until either the torque or the tension
value, as required, is developed, at which time both torque and tension readings shall be recorded.
During all tests, the test washer shall be prevented from turning and contacting bolt shank. A new bolt, nut,
and washer shall be used for each test.
5.2 Testing Nut—To test a nut, the nut and bolt exchange positions and the previous procedure shall apply.
SAE J174 Reaffirmed MAY1998
Rationale—Not applicable.
Application—This test procedure is intended to provide a standard method for checking torque-tension
relationships of non-prevailing torque type threaded steel fasteners 1/4 through 1 in nominal diameters.
Reference Section
ASTM B 487—Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thicknesses by Microscopical
Examination of a Cross Section