Ca Endometrium
Ca Endometrium
Ca Endometrium
Endometrial cancer
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4 authors, including:
Martin K Oehler
University of Adelaide
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Endometrial cancer
Received: 23 December 2004 / Accepted: 1 March 2005 / Published online: 10 June 2005
# Springer-Verlag 2005
Abstract Endometrial cancer is the most common gynae- The molecular pathogenesis of EC remains poorly un-
cological malignancy in the developed world. The majority derstood. However, as in other malignancies, such as co-
of cases can be divided into two broad categories based on lorectal cancer, the transition from normal endometrium to
clinico-pathological and molecular characteristics; Type I carcinoma is thought to involve a stepwise accumulation of
oestrogen-dependent with endometrioid morphology and alterations in genes favouring cell proliferation, the inhi-
Type II non-oestrogen-dependent with serous papillary or bition of apoptosis and angiogenesis (Enomoto et al. 1991).
clear cell morphology. As has been described for other This article reviews the molecular changes commonly as-
malignancies, such as colorectal carcinoma, the transition sociated with EC and discusses possible progression mod-
from normal endometrium to carcinoma is thought to in- els for the disease.
volve a stepwise accumulation of alterations in cellular
regulatory pathways leading to dysfunctional cell growth.
This article reviews the current knowledge of the molecular Clinico-pathological characteristics of endometrial
changes commonly associated with endometrial cancer and cancer
presents possible progression models.
Approximately 10% of EC cases are considered familial
Keywords Endometrial cancer . Microsatellite instability . with many of these being associated with hereditary non-
Oncogenes . Progression model . Tumour suppressor polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), a dominantly inher-
genes . Human ited syndrome with germ-line abnormalities in one of five
DNA-mismatch repair genes with resultant micro-satellite
instability. Females with HNPCC have a ten-fold increased
Introduction lifetime risk of EC compared with that of the general
population and the lifetime risk of EC (42%) is higher than
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynaecolo- that for colorectal carcinoma (30%; Dunlop et al. 1997).
gical malignancy and the fourth most common malignancy Hereditary EC is more likely to occur at a younger age and
in women in the developed world after breast, colorectal is characterised by high FIGO stage and grade, cribriform
and lung cancer. The incidence is estimated at 15–20 per growth pattern, mucinous differentiation and necrosis (Parc
100,000 women per year. Despite the curability of EC et al. 2000).
being high, tumours with particular morphological var- Most EC cases (90%) are sporadic. Sporadic EC is mor-
iants, adverse histopathological features and/or advanced phologically heterogeneous with variants from all path-
stage are characterised by aggressive behaviour and poor ways of Mullerian differentiation, the most common having
prognosis. endometrioid, serous or clear cell morphology. However,
the clinico-pathological properties of endometrioid tu-
mours differ from those of serous and clear cell tumours.
A. J. Ryan . B. Susil These differences were first recognised over 20 years ago
Department of Anatomical Pathology,
Monash Medical Centre, by Bokhman (1983) who hypothesised that sporadic EC
Clayton, Victoria, Australia can be divided on clinical and prognostic grounds into two
main subgroups. The first group consists of oestrogen-
T. W. Jobling . M. K. Oehler (*) related tumours that occur in pre- and post-menopausal
Department of Gynaecological Oncology,
Monash Medical Centre, women, are usually low grade with endometrioid mor-
PO Box 72 East Bentleigh, Victoria, 3165, Australia phology, are frequently preceded by endometrial hyper-
e-mail: plasia and have a good prognosis. They are referred to as
(Niederacher et al. 1999; Saffari et al. 1995). Recent studies abnormalities of the PTEN gene and germ-line mutations
examining serous carcinomas have shown a wide variation are associated with Cowden’s disease and Bannayan–
of Her2/neu over-expression (18%–80%) but this is likely Zonona syndrome (Li et al. 1997). PTEN mutations have
to be attributable to differing sample numbers and staining also been demonstrated in ECs with rates ranging from
protocols (Prat et al. 1994; Santin et al. 2002). A recent 34% to 83% depending on sample selection (Mutter et al.
study of a large series of 68 serous carcinomas investigated 2000; Risinger et al. 1997). When analysed according to
by standard breast cancer HER2/neu immunohistochemis- histological type, these mutations are found almost ex-
try criteria found that only 12 (18%) of the tumours over- clusively in endometrioid (Type I) tumours (24, 25).
expressed HER2/neu. Of these, only two demonstrated PTEN mutations are seen at higher rates in MSI tumours
gene amplification. However, serous tumours with HER2/ and are also well documented in endometrial hyperplasia
neu over-expression have been shown to have decreased with and without atypia (Levine et al. 1998; Maxwell et al.
overall survival (Slomovitz et al. 2004). 1998). Given the role of endometrial hyperplasia as the
putative precursor of Type I tumours, PTEN mutations are
presumed to play an early role, although probably not the
Other oncogenes determining step, in tumorigenesis (Latta and Chapman
2002). Levine et al. (1998) have documented a case of syn-
The involvement of the aforementioned oncogenes is well chronous PTEN-positive/MSI-negative hyperplasia and P
established in EC. However, a large number of additional TEN-positive/MSI-negative carcinoma and proposed that
proto-oncogenes are under investigation for possible in- PTEN mutation could precede microsatellite instability;
volvement in EC. C-myc, survivin and human telomerase however, this remains controversial.
reverse transcriptase (hTERT) have all been described in
association with EC. C-myc amplification and over-expres-
sion is present in between 3% and 19% of ECs and, despite p53
conflicting reports of links to tumour differentiation, myo-
metrial invasion and lymph node metastases, a recent The TP53 tumour suppressor gene on chromosome 17
report has shown nuclear and cytoplasmic c-myc immuno- codes for a nuclear protein with an important role in pre-
histochemical staining to be an independent prognostic venting the propagation of cells with damaged DNA. After
factor in EC (Geisler et al. 2004; Niederacher et al. 1999; DNA damage, nuclear p53 accumulates and, through
Williams et al. 1999). Over-expression of hTERT is in- p21, causes cell cycle arrest by inhibiting cyclin-D1 phos-
volved in cancer cell pathogenesis by causing activation of phorylation of the Rb gene and by promoting apoptosis
telomerase and subsequent telomere maintenance and po- through proteins including Bax and Apaf-1 (Yin et al.
tential cell immortalisation (Horikawa and Barrett 2003). 1999; Fig. 3d). Abnormalities of TP53 have been well de-
This mechanism has been implicated in EC development scribed in various malignancies and germ-line mutations
(particularly in conjunction with tamoxifen); however, the are associated with Le Fraumeni syndrome. The mutant
regulation of hTERT is known to be partly dependent on p53 protein is non-functional but resists degradation and
gene products previously linked to EC (e.g. c-myc) and accumulates thereby acting as a dominant negative inhib-
further studies are needed to establish its exact role (Wang itor of the wild-type p53. The accumulated mutant protein
et al. 2002). Likewise for the inhibitor of apoptosis protein can be demonstrated immunohistochemically.
survivin, whose over-expression has been associated with a Mutations of the p53 gene are a frequent and character-
higher clinical grade and stage, but whose definitive role in istic finding in Type II serous tumours with positive im-
tumorigenesis is yet to be established (Takai et al. 2004). munohistochemistry reported in 71%–85% of tumours
None of these three oncogenes has been studied in relation (Kounelis et al. 2000; Moll et al. 1996; Zheng et al. 1996)
to specific prevalence in Type I or II tumours. and are considered to be an early event in tumorigenesis.
This is supported by concordant p53 staining in multiple
biopsies from different areas of individual tumours and by
Tumour suppressor genes the finding of positive immunohistochemical results in
endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma (EIC), the putative
PTEN precursor of serous carcinoma (Lecce et al. 2001; Weihua
et al. 2000).
The PTEN gene codes for a phosphatase that helps to Positive staining for p53 is less common in Type I EC
modulate cell signal transduction pathways by acting on and ranges from 16% to 40% (Erkanli et al. 2004; Lax et al.
phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-triphosphate (PIP3), 2000). When stratified by histological grade, grade 1 and 2
a second messenger produced after growth factors bind to tumours are positive at much lower rates than high grade
cell surface membrane receptors. Decreased activity of (grade 3) tumours and staining is rarely seen in atypical
PTEN and therefore increased PIP3 lead to increased cell endometrial hyperplasia, the putative precursor of Type I
proliferation and survival (Fig. 3b). The gene has been tumours. This suggests, in contrast to serous tumours, that
localised to chromosome 10 (10q23-24; Steck et al. 1997). p53 occurs as a late molecular event in Type I tumours (Lax
A number of tumours (e.g. glioblastoma multiforme, et al. 2000).
prostate carcinoma) that have been shown to have acquired
1996). Furthermore, a progressive increase in microvessel VEGF-A is highly expressed in EC, it is only rarely
density from benign endometrium through atypical com- identified in benign endometrium or atypical complex hy-
plex hyperplasia to invasive disease has been reported perplasia of postmenopausal women (Holland et al. 2003).
(Abulafia et al. 1995). VEGF-A has been reported to be an important indicator of
Angiogenesis is a highly regulated process resulting poor prognosis in patients with EC. Detection of VEGF/
from the increased production of stimulating factors and a KDR complexes is associated with an even worse outcome
concomitant decrease in inhibitors of angiogenesis. One of (Giatromanolaki et al. 1998). Another member of the VE
the major drivers of tumour angiogenesis is hypoxia, which GF family, VEGF-B, forms homodimers and can hetero-
is a common feature in malignancies in which the growth dimerise with VEGF-A. In contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-B
of cells outstrips local neovascularisation, thereby creating expression in EC has been found to be significantly lower
areas of inadequate perfusion. The transcription factor than in benign endometrium (Holland et al. 2003). Loss of
hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is an important reg- VEGF-B expression might contribute to endometrial tumor-
ulatory protein of cellular response to hypoxic stimuli. igenesis, although this remains to be clarified. Other studies
HIF-1 is a heterodimer composed of HIF-1α and HIF-1β/ have shown that the presence of VEGF-C or VEGF-D and
ARNT subunits and binds to hypoxia response elements in its receptor VEGFR-3 may predict myometrial invasion
the promoters of various hypoxia-regulated genes includ- and lymph node metastasis in EC and may prospectively
ing those of angiogenic factors. A recent study examining identify patients who are at increased risk for poor outcome
stage I endometrial carcinomas has found HIF-1α to be (Hirai et al. 2001; Yokoyama et al. 2003).
commonly up-regulated in these malignancies. HIF-1α Adrenomedullin (ADM) is another angiogenic factor
expression is related to an unfavourable prognosis, despite that has been implicated in EC pathogenesis. ADM, a 52-
its correlation with low tumour grade. HIF might there- amino-acid peptide belonging to the calcitonin gene-related
fore have potential as a new marker for the detection of peptide family, has been shown to be up-regulated in en-
heterogeneous behaviour patterns in groups of patients dometrium of women receiving tamoxifen therapy. Tam-
classified by conventional criteria (Sivridis et al. 2002). oxifen, the long-term endocrine treatment for selected
HIF-1 is the key regulator of the angiogenic factor VE patients with breast cancer, is known to induce proliferative
GF. The vascular endothelial growth factor family com- changes of the endometrium increasing the risk of the
prises four members: VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and development of EC. Xenograft experiments with endome-
VEGF-D. VEGF-A is a dimeric glycoprotein existing as trial cancer cells have shown that ADM is pro-tumorigen-
four main isoforms originating from alternative splicing ic, inducing angiogenesis and stimulating carcinoma cell
from a single gene. The VEGF-A isoforms bind to the ty- growth directly (Oehler et al. 2002). These properties pro-
rosine kinase receptors VEGFR-1 (flt-1) and VEGFR-2 vide support for the involvement of ADMs in the patho-
(KDR/flk-1). Increased VEGF-A expression is found in genesis of EC. Whether ADM expression in endometrial
many tumours including EC (Doldi et al. 1996). Whereas
malignancies has an impact on the clinical course of the et al. (1997a) has clarified this further by demonstrating
disease is unknown. higher rates of loss of heterozygosity in serous carcinoma
(100%) compared with EIC (43%) and suggesting that loss
of the wild-type p53 allele can result in EIC, whereas
Endometrial cancer progression models serous carcinoma develops after the loss of the second
allele. The timing of the appearance of HER2/neu muta-
Much is known about these common molecular changes tions in Type II EC pathogenesis is unknown.
that we have described but a challenge still lies in the
development of a progression model for EC to match the
adenoma-carcinoma model of colorectal carcinoma de- Future perspective
veloped by Vogelstein et al. (1988). Two pathways of tu-
morigenesis provide a basic outline for such a model, the With targeted research involving the latest technology, e.g.
details of which are shown in Fig. 4. proteomics, further molecular pathways with relevance for
EC tumourigenesis are going to be discovered. The ac-
quired knowledge of the molecular pathology of EC has the
Type I (endometrioid) potential for the identification and development of:
a) Diagnostics–with the identification of pre-morpholog-
Hypermethylation plays a significant role in several areas
ical disease (early detection)
of Type I tumorigenesis with some suggestion that it may
b) Prognostics–with improved disease classification and
be an initial event, as it is suspected of being in colorectal
treatment planning
cancer (Breivik and Gaudernack 1999). Demonstration of
c) Therapeutics–with specific targeting of molecular
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endometrial hyperplasia supports these claims and suggests
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phenotype associated with microsatellite instability. As a
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