MR 28 Agustus-1
MR 28 Agustus-1
MR 28 Agustus-1
Jaya Wiratama1, Akhada Maulana2
Seminoma is the most common malignant germ cell tumor of the testes. This disease can also
occur in the mediastinum, retroperitoneum, or other extra gonads. Testicular cancer is a curable
cancer. The success of physicians in curing the disease is underpinned by multidisciplinary
advances. Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy and the refinement of post-chemotherapy
surgical procedures and diagnostic strategies have greatly improved long term survival in most
patients. Despite such excellent outcomes, several controversial dilemmas exist in the
approaches to clinical stage I disease, salvage chemotherapy, post-chemotherapy surgical
procedures, and implementing innovative imaging studies. Relapse after salvage chemotherapy
has a poor prognosis and the optimal treatment is not apparent. Recent research has provided
insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying cisplatin resistance. Phase 2 studies with
targeted agents have failed to show adequate efficacy; however, our understanding of cisplatin
resistant disease is rapidly expanding. This review summarizes recent advances and discusses
relevant issues in the biology and management of testicular cancer. This study aims to review
testicular seminoma diagnosis and treatment based on current literature to refer to other
researchers and clinicians.
Keyword: Testicular seminoma, cancer, urologic disorder, review.
Medical professional program, Faculty of Medicine Mataram University/West Nusa Tenggara Province General
Hospital, Mataram, Indonesia
Staff Division of Urology/Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Mataram University/West Nusa Tenggara
Province General Hospital, Mataram, Indonesia
among males 15 to 34 years of age 1. The age- Testicular cancer is classified according to its
adjusted annual incidence in the United States is cell of origin: seminoma, non-seminoma,
5.6 cases per 100,000 persons, with a peak of 14.6 Leydig, sertoli, choriocarcinoma, embryonal,
cases per 100,000 persons 30 to 34 years of age. teratoma, and yolk sac. Yolk sac. Seminoma
Includes incidence rates by age and ethnicity. In and non-seminoma lesions are often grouped
2017, there were an estimated 8,850 new cases of
together as germ cell tumors and are known
testicular cancer and 410 deaths. Whites,
to be the most responsive to chemotherapy
Hispanics, and American Indian/Alaska Natives
compared to other types1. Seminomas
have the highest rates of testicular cancer 1. It is
account for approximately one-third of all
one of the most treatable and curable cancers,
testicular germ cell malignancies and are ETIOLOGI AND STONE COMPOSITION
among the most treatable cancers, with a 98%
The exact etiology of seminoma is unknown.
to 99% survival rate in early-stage disease .
Recent theories suggest that seminoma is
caused by estrogenic and/or antiandrogenic
There are around 1400 new cases of testicular
activity, associated with arrested gonocyte
cancer (seminoma and non-seminoma) in the
development. The disease may develop as
UK each year, with a peak incidence in men
carcinoma in situ during the short phase of
aged 25 to 35 years. It is the most common
intrauterine growth. One widely accepted
tumor in young men. By geography, the
concept is testicular dysgenesis syndrome
incidence varies widely; a study in Northern
(TDS). TDS classifies germ cell tumors,
Europe identified a 10-fold variation, with
disorder of permatogenesis, cryptorchidism,
the highest incidence rate in Denmark at 7.8
and hypospadias by reports that the disease
per 100,000 and the lowest in Lithuania at 0.9
has some common risk factors originating
per 100,000. Recent data on testicular cancer
from fetal life. An increased incidence was
incidence has shown an increase in incidence
reported over the last few decades.
over the past 30 years in most industrialized
Approximately 10% of all patients with germ
countries in North America, Europe and
cell tumors have a personal history of
cryptorchidism 3. Men are more at risk of
Testicular tumors generally have a good testicular cancer if they have a history of
prognosis. However, if left untreated, they developmental abnormalities (e.g.,
will progress over time resulting in large maldescent or gonadal dysgenesis); previous
local tumors and distant spread. Initial spread cancer of the opposite testicle; HIV infection,
is to the lymphatic system, especially the AIDS, or both 3.
para-aortic and pelvic lymph nodes.
Hematologic spread to the lungs, liver and
brain metastases are less common with Germ cell tumors develop due to tumorigenic
seminoma; 75% of men present with stage 1 events in the uterus leading to intratubular
disease. Overall survival in the good germ cell neoplasia. Intratubular germ cell
prognosis category is expected to be in the neoplasia originates from gonocytes that fail
completely. Retroperitoneal lymph node removal of the spermatic cord to the internal
dissection is more complex and invasive. It is inguinal ring, is the primary treatment for any
used for staging and is usually open, but malignant tumor found on surgical
blockage, and loss of the ability to ejaculate. small tumor in one testis or for small bilateral
For this reason, retroperitoneal lymph node tumors. Orchiectomy may be delayed if life-
dissection is rarely performed for seminomas threatening metastases require more urgent
abdominal masses that have not responded to based on histology, staging, prognosis, and
is generally indicated for the treatment of on the benefits and harms of treatment
testicular germ cell malignancies and are population-based study. Cancer. 2018Jul
among the most treatable cancers, with a 98%
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