Taxation Law: I. General Principles
Taxation Law: I. General Principles
Taxation Law: I. General Principles
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Taxation Law”.
Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence pertinent
to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2019 Bar
A. Power of taxation as distinguished from Police Power and Eminent Domain
Authority (who May be exercised only May be exercised by: May be exercised only
exercises the by: the government; by:
Power) the government; or its its political the government; or its
political subdivisions. subdivisions; political subdivisions.
or may be granted to
public service
companies or public
Purpose The property (generally Merely a power to take The use of the property
in private is
the form of money) is property for public use. “regulated” for the
taken for the support of purpose of promoting
the government. the general welfare; it is
not compensable.
There is no transfer of
title. At most, there is
restraint on the injurious
use of property.
Indirect benefits
The person affected
receives indirect benefits
as may arise from the
maintenance of a healthy
economic standard of
Amount of
Relationship to
Subject to constitutional
limitations, including the
prohibition against
impairment of the
obligation of contracts.
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
b.Concept of income from whatever source derived
c.Gross income vs. net income vs. taxable income
d.Classification of income subject to tax
i. Compensation income
ii. Fringe benefits
iii. Professional income
iv. Income from business
v. Income from dealings in property
vi. Passive investment income
vii. Annuities, proceeds from life insurance or other types of
viii. Prizes and awards
ix. Pensions, retirement benefit or separation pay
x. Income from any source
e. Exclusions and exemptions
i. Rationale
ii. Taxpayers who may avail
iii. Distinguished from deductions and tax credits
4. Deductions from gross income
a. Concept as return of capital
b. Itemized deductions vs. Optional Standard Deduction
c. Items not deductible
5. Income tax on individuals
a. Resident citizens, non-resident citizens, and resident aliens
i. Inclusions and exclusions for taxation on compensation income
ii. Taxation of business income/income from practice of profession
iii. Taxation of passive income
iv. Taxation of capital gains
v. Capital asset vs. ordinary asset
b. Income tax on non-resident aliens engaged in trade or business
c. Income tax on non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or business
d. Individual taxpayers exempt from income tax
i. Senior citizens
ii. Minimum wage earners
iii. Exemptions granted under international agreements
6. Income tax on corporations
a. Income tax on domestic corporations and resident foreign corporations
i. Minimum Corporate Income Tax
ii. Branch Profit Remittance Tax
iii. Itemized deductions vs. Optional Standard Deductions
iv. Taxation of passive income
v. Taxation of capital gains
b. Income tax on non-resident foreign corporations
c. Income tax on special corporations
i. Proprietary educational institutions and hospitals
ii. Non-profit hospitals
iii. Government-owned or controlled corporations, agencies, or
iv. Domestic depository banks (foreign currency deposit units)
v. International carriers doing business in the Philippines
vi. Off-shore banking units
vii. Resident foreign depository banks (foreign currency deposit
viii. Regional or area headquarters and regional operating
headquarters of multinational companies
d. Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax (IAET)
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
IV. JUDICIAL REMEDIES (RA 1125, as amended, and the Revised Rules of
the Court of Tax Appeals)
A. Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
1. Exclusive original and appellate jurisdiction over civil cases
2. Exclusive original and appellate jurisdiction over criminal cases
B. Procedures
1. Filing of an action for collection of taxes
a. Internal revenue taxes
b. Local taxes
2. Civil cases
a. Who may appeal, mode of appeal, and effect of appeal
b. Suspension of collection of taxes
c. Injunction not available to restrain collection
3. Criminal cases
a. Institution and prosecution of criminal actions
b. Institution of civil action in criminal action
c. Period to appeal
4. Appeal to the CTA en banc
5. Petition for review on certiorari to the SC
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