Grade 11/12 Daily Lesson Log: Acquires Knowledge of Appropriate Reading Strategies For A Better Understanding of Academic
Grade 11/12 Daily Lesson Log: Acquires Knowledge of Appropriate Reading Strategies For A Better Understanding of Academic
Grade 11/12 Daily Lesson Log: Acquires Knowledge of Appropriate Reading Strategies For A Better Understanding of Academic
3. Textbook pages
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of What is it that you find interesting in comic books?
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Reading the selection: The Golden Age of Comics
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and From the reading selection:
practicing new skills #2 What is the main idea in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?
What is the thesis sentence of the selection?
The thesis sentence states the central idea of the selection and this thesis statement may be expressed or
F. Developing mastery Class will be group into three and each group will select a short text from the book. Each group will be given
5 minutes to outline the text and get the thesis statement of the selection assigned to them.
G. Finding practical applications of How would you compare foreign comic books from local comic books? Which is more appealing to you?
concepts and skills in daily living What are the benefits you think you can get from reading comic books?
H. Making generalizations and What did ideas did you gain from the lesson? What is summarizing and thesis statement? How do we get the thesis
abstractions about the lesson statement from a given selection?
In a half sheet of paper, write the outline of the text, “Golden Age of Comics” and give the thesis statement
I. Evaluating learning
or sentence of that text.
J. Additional activities for application With the same group, select your favorite story and create your original comic book.
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment