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Automobile Question Bank

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R 2013


Types of automobiles, vehicle construction and different layouts, chassis, frame andbody, Vehicle aerodynamics
(various resistances and moments involved), IC engines –componentsfunctionsandmaterials, variable valve timing
1 List major types of automobiles according to the fuel used K1
2 List any four components of a chassis K1
3 Express any two requirement of an automobile K2
4 List any four characteristics of a good chassis K1
5 Point out any two requirement of good frame K2
6 Describe about cross windforce K1
7 List few layout of the vehicle K1
8 Describe the purpose of IC engines K2
9 Name any four airpollutants K1
10 Define Electronic Engine Management system? K2
11 Illustrate the functions of a frame? K1
12 Express the type of loads coming to axle? K1
13 Illustrate various loads that are acting on the frame? K1
14 Describe the various components used in IC Engines? K1
15 Describe the various types of frames? K1
16 Point out the stresses to which the frame members are subjected to? K2
17 Point out the materials used in an IC engines? K2
18 Express about Vehicle Aerodynamics? K1
19 What is frameless construction? K1
20 State the functions of push rod and rocker arm. K2
1 (i)Describe the various components layouts for automobiles
(ii)Discuss the advantages of each.
2 Explain briefly aboutframes K1
3 Describe the followingterms:
a) Load distribution in frames. b) Frame types with neat sketch
c)Framematerials. d) Frametesting.
4 Explain brieflyabout:
Aerodynamic resistance
5 Explain front and rear wheel drive layout in detail withrelevant sketches K1
6 Explain in detail about Variable Valve Timing. K1
7 Explain in detail about Vehicle Aerodynamics. K2
8 (i) Discuss the frame type construction chassis constructionwithneat sketch
(ii) Discuss briefly about the typical metals used for engineparts
9 Explain briefly the various types of chassis construction with suitable diagram K1
10 Explain the materials used to manufacture the components of engine K2
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Electronically controlled gasoline injection system for SI engines, Electronicallycontrolled diesel injection system
(Unit injector system, Rotary distributor type andcommon rail direct injection system), Electronic ignition system
(Transistorized coil ignition system,capacitive discharge ignition system), Turbo chargers (WGT, VGT), Engine
emission control by threeway catalytic converter system, Emission norms (Euro and BS)
1 Describe the functions of Carburetor? K2
2 List the requirements of a Spark plug? K1
3 List out the main functions of a battery. K2
4 Discuss the functions of Variable Jet Carburetor? K2
5 Discuss the significance of gasoline injectionsystem. K2
6 Illustrate the important units used in electronic fuelinjectionsystem? K1
7 Explain the functions of Unit Injector systems? K2
8 Explain the functions of common rail direct injectionsystem? K2
9 Explain the functions of Electronic ignitionsystem? K2
10 Explain the functions of rotary distributor? K2
11 Explain the function of Transistorized coil ignitionsystem? K2
12 Explain the functions of Turbo chargers? K2
13 Explain the advantages of electronic fuel injection system over conventional injection? K2
14 Discuss the functions of three way catalytic convertersystem? K2
15 Discuss the function of capacitive discharge ignitionsystem? K2
16 Which is the most commonly used supercharger in automobiles? Whypetrol engines are
rarely supercharged?
17 DefineCRDI? K1
1 Explain the Operational features of electronicsengine management system with neat
2 Describe the construction and operation of a Simple Carburetor K2
3 Discuss with neat sketch the working of electronicallycontrolledgasoline injection
system for SI engines
4 Illustrate with a sketch the working of a Unit injector system K2
5 Explain the following with suitable sketches: (i)Rotary
distributor(ii)Common Rail Direct Injection System
6 (i) Explain about a Transistorized coil ignition system
(ii) Explain the Capacitive discharge ignition system
7 Explain the multipoint fuel injection system with a neat sketch K2
8 (i) Explain the battery ignition systems with a neatsketch
(ii) Explain briefly the electronic diesel injection system
9 Explain about the Engine emission control by three way catalyticconverter system K2
10 Explain about Emission norms (Euro and BS) K1
11 Explain briefly the electronic diesel injection system withnecessary controls K2
12 Explain the turbo charging system with neat sketch K2
13 What is 3 way catalytic converter? Explain its working principle K2
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Clutch-types and construction, gear boxes- manual and automatic, gear shift mechanisms, Over drive, transfer box,
fluid flywheel, torque converter, propeller shaft, slip joints, universal joints ,Differentialand rear axle, Hotchkiss
Drive and Torque Tube Drive
1 List out the functions of clutch and different types of clutches K2
2 What is a freewheel? What is the importance of free wheel in thetransmission of an K1
3 Give the function of a differential. K2
4 Discuss the functions of universaljoint? K2
5 List out the various functions of a propellershaft. K1
6 What is known as selectivetransmission? K1
7 Give the types of gear boxes used in an automobile. K1
8 Discuss the double clutchingtechnique? K1
9 Illustrate the difference between torque converter gearbox andfluidflywheel? K2
10 Demonstrate the phenomenon of torque multiplication. K1
11 Discuss the need for a gearbox in an automobile? K2
12 Give the function of a flywheel? K1
13 Define traction effort? K1
14 Give the features of a good qualityclutch? K1
15 Define free wheel and what is its importance in thetransmission of an automobile? K1
16 Compare Hotchkiss drive and Torque Tube drive? K1
17 Explain the functions of a slipjoint. K1
18 What is the use of synchronizer in the automotivetransmissionsystem? K1
19 Explain transfer box and its functions? K1
20 What is a pan hard rod? K1
1 (i) Explain the working of friction clutches
(ii) What are the assumptions made in pressurecalculation
2 (i) Discuss about working principle of single plateclutch
(ii) Explain about gear shifting mechanism with neat diagram
3 Describe the working principle of fluid fly wheel with the help of a sketch K2
4 Explain the working of a torque converter with suitable diagram Describe in detail
various types of gear selector mechanisms used inautomobiles K2
5 Explain briefly the following (i)Conventional differential (ii)Power lock differential
(iii)Double reduction type differential K2
6 (i)Describe the construction and working of an over drive with a neatsketch and list out
its advantages
7 Illustrate the operation of a
(i)Sliding mesh gearbox, Constant mesh gearbox, Synchromech gearbox
8 Compare hydraulic, mechanical, electrical and vacuum methods of operating clutches K1
9 Explain in detail the automatic transmission system K2
10 Generalize the mechanics of Hotchkiss drive and torquetube drive K1
11 Explain the differential of an automobile with a neat sketch K2
12 (i) Describe a hydraulically operated clutch in detail with the help of simple diagram
(ii) Describe in detail various universal joints used inautomobiles K2
13 Explain fluid coupling and torque convertor K2
14 Explain the working of epicyclic gear box with neat sketch K2
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Steering geometry and types of steering gear box-Power Steering, Types of Front Axle,Types of Suspension System,
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Braking Systems, Antilock Braking System(ABS), electronic brake force distribution
(EBD) and Traction Control
1 List out the types of stub axle. K1
2 State the purpose of Master Cylinder. K2
3 What is brake compensation? K1
4 What are the different types of dampers used in shock absorber? K1
5 Define Cornering force and corneringpower. K1
6 What is an include angle? K1
7 List the types of suspensionsystems. K1
8 Define caster and chamber. K2
9 Why is camber angle provided in steering systems? K2
10 What causes vapour lock in a braking systems? K2
11 Compare disk and drum brakes. K1
12 List out the different types of steering gear system. K1
13 Name the types of front axles. K1
14 What is meant by tractioncontrol? K1
15 Define tube vulcanizing. K2
16 State the requirements oftyres. K1
17 Generalize the purpose of Toe-in and Toe-out. K1
18 Illustrate king pin inclination. K2
19 State the functions of antilock braking system. K1
1 (a).Explain the principle of operation of power steering system with a neat sketch
(b).With a neat sketch explain the operation of telescopic type shock absorber K2
2 (i).Discuss different types of front axles.
(ii).With a neat sketch explain the principle of operation of antilock braking system K2
3 Explain in detail about electronic brake force distribution. K2
4 With a neat sketch, explain the working principleofpneumatic suspension system K2
5 Explain the four parameters of wheel alignment with neat sketches K2
6 Explain in details Hotchkiss suspension. K2
7 (i) What do you understand by backlash in steering gears
(ii) Sketch any one steering gear and explain theconstructional features provided to K2
adjust backlash.
8 i) What is an interconnected suspensionsystem
ii) Discuss the main constructional features of any such system and its working. K2
9 Explain the element types and stages of a suspensionsystem. K2
10 Illustrate the vehicle dynamics in Anti lock braking system K2
11 Compare and contrast pneumatic and hydraulic brakingsystems. K2
12 Explain how wheel skidding is caused and describe theprinciplesof various techniques
employed to prevent skidding.
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Use of Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Bio-diesel, Bio-ethanol, Gasohol andHydrogen in Automobiles-
Engine modifications required –Performance, Combustion and EmissionCharacteristics of SI and CI engines with
these alternate fuels - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Fuel CellNote: Practical Training in dismantling and assembling
of Engine parts and Transmission Systemsshould be given to the students
1 What is meant by reformulated and oxygenatedgasoline K1
2 What are the merits and demerits of Super critical Methanol transesterification process K1
3 What is LPG? What are the advantages and disadvantages ofusing it in automobiles? K1
4 What are the different types of fuel cells? K1
5 Compare the properties of alcohols and gasoline as enginefuels. K2
6 What are the differences between various fuel cells? K1
7 What is the composition of natural gas? K1
8 Define hybridvehicles. K2
9 What are the main components of hybridautomobiles? K1
10 State any four disadvantages of using hydrogen as fuel K1
11 What are the alternative energy sources for automobiles? K1
12 Why fuel cells are not preferred forautomobiles? K2
13 What are fuel cells? K1
14 Write down the advantage and disadvantage of Bio-Diesel. K1
15 List down the major constituents of natural gas and LPG. K1
16 Indicate the difference between an electric vehicles and a hybridvehicles. K2
17 Summarize the term biomass gasification and pyrolysis. K1
18 Explain the methods for using hydrogen as a fuel. K1
19 Evaluate the technical reason of flash point and state the effect. K2
20 Generalize the term detonation and pre ignition K1
1 Describe the production of natural gas with neat sketch in details K2
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using alcohol and hydrogen K2
3 (i) Explain the reasons for using alternate fuels in IC engines.
(ii) Explain the two methods by which hydrogen can be used inCI engine K2
4 Explain with a neat sketch PEM based fuel and it's working K2
5 Explain the modification required for converting petrol fueled vehicles into LPG
fuelled vehicles
6 Explain any one method for modifying vegetable oil into bio diesel K2
7 Explain in details the modifications required in SI and CI engines toemploy alternate
fuels to produce on par performance, combustion, emission and characteristics of K2
conventional engines
8 Explain in details about electrical vehicle system with a block diagram K2
9 (i) Compare performance, emission and cost aspects ofalternate fuels with
conventional fuels for automobiles K2
(ii) Explain the engine modifications required to usealternate fuels inautomobiles
10 Explain about working principle of LPG fuelled engines K2
11 Classify fuel cells based on the type of electrolyte K2
12 Explain the construction and working principle of fuel cells in detail K2
13 Explain the topological features of a hybrid vehicle K2
14 Estimate the merits and demerits of electric vehicle with respect to efficiency, cost
and performance
15 What is the need for alternative sources of fuel. Justify your answer. K2
16 Explain how a hybrid vehicle differ from a conventional vehicle. K2
17 How does biodiesel differ from diesel as a source of fuel K2
18 Explain how Bio CNG is produced for using as a source of fuel. K2
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