HP Set-3
HP Set-3
HP Set-3
Roll No.
This Model Examination is used to assess CO1 to CO5 , Lower Order Thinking (LOT) and
Higher Order Thinking (HOT) of the course.
1. Why the Fluid Power System is called muscle of Industry? (CO 1,LOT,K1)
2. What are the disadvantages of variable displacement pump (CO 1,LOT,K1)
3. Draw the symbolic representation of single acting and double acting cylinder.
(CO 2,LOT,K1)
4. What is a servo system? (CO 2,LOT,K1)
5. What is the use of regenerative circuit? (CO 3,LOT,K1)
6. Where speed control circuit is required? (CO 3,LOT,K1)
7. How are air compressors classified? (CO 4,LOT,K1)
8. List the use of ladder diagrams. (CO 4,LOT,K1)
9. List any two common faults in an hydraulic system. (CO 5,LOT,K1)
10. What are the importance components of a hydraulic power pack? (CO 5,LOT,K1)
11(a).Describe the applications of fluid power system and list the main components required
for a power pack with circuit. (CO 1,LOT,K2)
(b). Explain with neat sketch about working principle of basic hydraulic and pneumatic
system. (CO 1,LOT,K2)
12(a).Explain in detail about construction and working principle of a simple pressure relief
valve with its sectional representation and suitable hydraulic circuit (symbolic representation)
15 (a). Device a robot system that can be used for picking and placing glass bottles of a soft
drink processing industry with suitable elements. (CO 5,LOT,K2)
(b). Device a robot system that can be used for picking and placing glass bottles of a soft
drink processing industry with suitable elements. (CO 5,LOT,K2)
PART – C (1X15=15 MARKS)
16.(a) List out various operating problems associated with pumps, valves and various faults,
possible causes and suitable remedy for each problem. (CO 5, LOT,K2)
(b).Draw a pneumatic circuit by cascade method for following sequence of Operation: A+
B+ B– A– where A and B are the two cylinders and + indicates extension and – indicates
retraction of the cylinder. (CO 4, LOT,K2)