Bec 2023
Bec 2023
Bec 2023
Questions CO BL Marks
PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS)
1. Name few tools used for electrical wiring. CO1 U 1
2. The star label indicates the ___________ level of the device. CO1 R 1
3. Single Phase Induction motor is a self-starting motor: (True or False) CO2 R 1
Write the any two Limitations of Brushless DC motor.
4. CO2 R 1
5. Name the types of ROM. CO3 U 1
6. ___________ is used to hold the contents of data being manipulated. CO3 R 1
7. Suggest suitable sensor for Water level controller. CO4 U 1
___________ consists of two different metals connected at two points.
8. CO4 R 1
___________ is a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-
9. peer network. CO5 U 1
10. Define IOT. CO6 U 1
PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS)
11. Justify why LED lighting is superior to other lighting. CO1 U 3
12. Summarize the advantages of three phase induction motor. CO2 U 3
13. Draw the symbol of the following devices. CO3 U 3
a) Zener diode
b) LED
c) UJT
14. List any four essential technologies of Industry-4.0. CO4 U 3
15. Write short notes about Modem. CO5 U 3
16. Mention the characteristics of Big data analysis. CO6 U 3
PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS)
(Answer any five Questions from Q.No 17 to 23, Q.No 24 is Compulsory)
17. a. Distinguish between Conventional and non-conventional sources of CO1 U 4
b. Calculate the energy consumed per month by the following electrical CO1 U 8