Lic QB
Lic QB
Lic QB
Mahendhirapuri, Mallasamudram
S.NO Questions BT CO
Give the difference between monolithic and hybrid ICs.
1 K1 CO1
2 State the limitations of IC technology. K1 CO1
Distinguish between dry etching and wet etching.
Both utilize corrosion as the reactive force in the etching process –
the difference is wet etching uses chemical solutions while dry
3 K2 CO1
etching uses gases. Dry etching is used primarily for circuit-
defining steps; wet etching (using chemical baths) is used mainly to
clean wafers.
Mention the purpose of oxidation process in IC Fabrication?
In bipolar and MOS transistors, it isolates one device from
It provides surface passivation.
It acts as a barrier or mask against the diffusion or the
4 K1 CO1
implantation of impurity dopant in substrate.
In MOS devices, it acts as a component.
It serves as a dielectric isolation between multilevel inter
connect layers.
S.NO Questions BT CO
36 Construct a typical transistor from the fabrication techniques of K2 CO1
monolithic ICs and briefly explain the process involved in it.
37 Describe the steps used in preparation of silicon wafer with neat sketch. K2 CO1
38 Discuss in detail about the fabrication of FET with neat sketch K2 CO1
39 With neat illustrations explain the various steps involved in the IC K2 CO1
fabrication process.
40 Evaluate the different methods of fabricating the integrated resistor with K2 CO1
neat diagram.
Describe photolithography process with neat diagram
With neat illustrations Explain metallization process to produce a thin
metal film layer with neat sketch
Describe the following processes in detail:
i (i) Diffusion Process. (6)
ii (ii) Ion implantation process. (7)