CCM Breakout
CCM Breakout
CCM Breakout
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1 author:
Sahib Mahdi
Mustansiriyah University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sahib Mahdi on 26 December 2018.
The breakout is one of greatest problems in the continuous casting processes. We can return most
of their reasons on the bad control of casting process circumstances, including the chemical
composition of the metal, pouring speed and temperature, as well as operation processes control.
In this research, the breakout heats had been constrained for the period of ten months, for (ST 52)
type steel .From the operating data, remarked that most breakout heats was out of the upper limit
pouring temperature. Breakout is also appearing to be effect by the chemical composition.
Although Manganese percent of the steel was within limits, but it is effect to induce breakout in
indirect manner. Increase Silicon content will increase the fluidity of molten steel, leading to
increase the ferro-static pressure on solidified shell causing breakout. The increase in Carbon
percent has a positive effect in decreasing breakouts. From actual operating effect on breakout, it
is found that most breakouts were of first sequence of the heat, which it means that casting
preparation was unsuitable. Breakout can be eliminate or avoid by compliance with operation
Liduidus temperature (Tliq) must be known for Tliq = 1536 –{78(%C) + 7.6(%Si) +
all types of casting. It is important for 4.9(%Mn)} ……………………..(3)
controlling solidification of a metal. Always This is true with error (±4oC). From the
casting temperature be enough higher than Formula (3), the temperatures of pouring, ladle
metal liquidus temperature (Tliq) to facilitate before and after treatment and the tundish can
pouring (increase castability). For continuous be calculating [11].
casting practically found that: The main incidentals of the breakout
(Pouring Temp. Tp) Tp = Tliq + 25oC phenomenon are, lowering production
……… (1) efficiency, increasing the expense price of
(Ladle Temp. TL) TL = Tliq + 65 C liquid steel tonnage, time lost on maintenance
……….. (2) and worker exposed to hazards [12–18].
Moreover, for calculating liquidus
temperature, by knowing steel main alloying
content, the formula is
value. To facilitate, fixing the out limits 2. Effect of Manganese percent: From the
heats .As shown in Figures (2–5). operating values for the chemical
4. Analysis and discuss these values, in order composition of (ST52) steel grade.
to specify the breakout reasons. Comparing the Mn% in steel with correct
operating instruction and from Figure 3 , it
3. RESULTS is found that 32 breakout heats of Mn%
content in the steel lays within lower limit.
Table I shows the chemical composition of the 3. Effect of Silicon percent: Figure 4 shows
steel grade ST52 (in DIN specification). This the heats that had been breakout because
grade of steel was study during the ten months of the Silicon percent in the molten steel.
period. From the weekly operating reports and Most heats are within limits except 13 of
compared with the standard operating values, 42. Where 12 heats were out of upper limit
42 heats have been suffer from breakout. and one is out of lower limit.
Although this problem is relatively few. 4. Effects of Carbon percent: Figure 5 shows
Nevertheless, its effects are effective on the the heats that had been breakout with the
production rate where it needs from few days upper and lower limits of Carbon percent
to many hours for repairing the production line in steel. It is clear that most heats are
as well as other mentioned effects. For detects within the limit range, except six heats are
the reason of these breakout heats, according out of the lower limit.
to pouring temperature, the main alloying 5. Effect of chemical composition on pouring
content elements and the operation procedure temperature: Figure 6 show the effect of
it was: pouring temperature that has been
calculated from the Formulas (3) and (1).
1. Pouring Temperature effect: Through It is clear that all point are in the upper
observing the operating values for the limits. But this figure tells us the real
tundish temperature of the steel grade temperatures that must be taken in the
(ST52). Table I show the chemical process, whereas the actual pouring
composition of this steel. Figure 2 show temperature are shown in Figure 1.
the relation between the breakout heats 6. Continuous casting machine state:
that occurs during the study period with Figure 7 shows the number of breakouts
temperature limit that be allowed. It is that have been take place in each month of
seen that 19 heats of 42 are above the studying period. This figure is represent
upper limit that been allowed (1534 C), the actually truth operating for period of
where is only 4 heats are within lower the study.
limit (1514 oC), the rest are within upper 7. Bad preparation of continuous casting
limit. machine: From pursuing the breakout
heats and its relation with heat sequence of number of heats of the first sequence in
casting steps, it is remarked rising in casting steps as shown in Figure 8.
Table I: The Chemical Composition of the Steel ST52 due to DIN Specifications.
C% Si % Mn % P% S%
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
0.34 0.38 0.2 0.25 1.00 1.30 0000 0.04 0000 0.04
Fig. 2: The Pouring Temperature of the Molten Steel for the Heats that Suffer Breakout in the
Period of the Study.
Fig. 3: The Manganese Percent in the Molten Steel for the Heats that Suffer Breakout in the Period of
the Study.
Silicon %
Max. Limit
Min. Limit
Month of study
Fig. 4: The Silicon Percent in the Molten Steel for the Heats that Suffer Breakout in the Period
of the Study.
Fig. 5: The Carbon Percent in the Molten Steel for the Heats that Suffer Breakout in the Period
of the Study.
Fig. 6: The Calculated Pouring Temperature of the Molten Steel for the Heats that Suffer Breakout in
the Period of the Study as a Function of the Chemical Compositio006E.
Fig. 7: Number of Breakouts that Happens in each Month in the Period of the Study.
Fig. 8: Number of Breakouts for each Heat Sequence of Casting that Happens in the Period of the
liquid surface with the slag. Silicon breakout in month (10). The reason was
content increasing made molten steel easy incompetence of X-ray instrument that
to flow, any default in the freezing shell used to control molten steel level inside
can help to breakout occurrence. the mold. The other reason was
4) For the Carbon percent effect: From insufficient maintenance before start
Figure 5 the increase in Carbon percent casting, where most breakouts happened in
has a positive effect in decreasing the first sequence of the heats.
breakouts. The increasing Carbon percent 7) For bad preparation of continuous casting
in molten steel leads to decrease metal machine: From Figure 8 the breakouts
solidifying temperature and vice versa is occurrence are because of the following
true .Low Carbon percent content of liquid factors :
steel will retain it in a liquid stat for longer a) Insufficient maintenance was before
time. This will elongate the molten core of start casting.
the strand .Here it is very important to take b) Misapplying the operating instructions of
attention of direct and indirect mold and continuous casting machine supplying in
exit strand cooling. Alternatively, this right way, like :-
positive case will turn to cause breakout. i) Wrong measurement of mold walls
5) From Figure 6, that represents the inclination.
calculated pouring temp. According to the j) Empty space exists between the narrow
main steel alloying elements (C% ,Mn% wall and wide wall of the mold.
and Si%). It is clear that all heats are k) Improper dummy bar preparation, and bad
within the upper casting tem. Limit. That mold powder was use.
is true if these temperatures were the
casting temperatures. Really Figure 2 CONCLUSIONS:
show the actual pouring temperatures,
where they are much higher than From the actual practice and the schematically
calculated temperatures. Indicating that in figures, conclusions are:
all cases, it was a super heat, and the 1. As pouring temperature to upraise more
chemical composition effect in raising the than allowed limits, the breakouts
temperature above that must be. Breakout increased, because of the freezing shell
happens if the pouring temperature is too cannot withstand the ferro-static pressure
high, because the solidify shill will be of the molten steel.
thin, that cannot standing against the 2. As the Manganese and Carbon percent
Ferro-static pressure. decreased and Silicon increase, the
6) For Continuous casting machine state: probability of breakout will increase. As
From Figure 7 There is a steep rise of well as pouring temperature increase with