Atp3 09 50
Atp3 09 50
Atp3 09 50
MAY 2016
Techniques........................................................................................................ 11-8
Section IV – Communications ..................................................................... 11-10
Planning Considerations ................................................................................. 11-10
Techniques...................................................................................................... 11-10
Section V – Fire Support .............................................................................. 11-13
Planning Considerations ................................................................................. 11-13
Techniques...................................................................................................... 11-13
Section VI – Meteorology and Survey ......................................................... 11-17
Meteorological Data ........................................................................................ 11-17
Survey ............................................................................................................. 11-18
Chapter 12 DEPLOYMENT ................................................................................................. 12-1
Overview ........................................................................................................... 12-1
Planning Considerations ................................................................................... 12-1
Techniques........................................................................................................ 12-1
Home Station Training Prior to Deployment ..................................................... 12-2
Appendix B SAMPLE MISSION CHECKLISTS .................................................................... B-1
Appendix C COMMON MISTAKES AND MALPRACTICES ................................................ C-1
Appendix D FORMS .............................................................................................................. D-1
Appendix F KILLER JUNIOR................................................................................................. F-1
GLOSSARY .......................................................................................... Glossary-1
REFERENCES.................................................................................. References-1
INDEX ......................................................................................................... Index-1
Figure 2-1. Howitzer tracking chart example ......................................................................... 2-4
Figure 3-1. Example terrain gun positioning .......................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-2. Platoon in wedge and battery in star formation example .................................... 3-7
Figure 3-3. Battery in line or in lazy-w formation example ..................................................... 3-7
Figure 4-1. Example reciprocal laying.................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-2. Computation of the orienting angle example ....................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-3. Computation of the grid azimuth example ........................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-4. Reciprocal laying from another howitzer (M100-series sight) ........................... 4-11
Figure 5-1. Defense diagram matrix example ........................................................................ 5-4
Figure 5-2. Constructing the matrix example ......................................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-3. Defense diagram with sectors of fire for a platoon example ............................... 5-6
Figure 8-1. Angles of minimum quadrant elevation ............................................................... 8-1
Figure A-1. Field artillery munitions precision capabilities ..................................................... A-1
Figure C-1. Aiming circle sight picture at 100 meters example ............................................. C-3
Figure C-2. Aiming circle sight picture at 50 meters example ............................................... C-3
Figure D-1. DA Form 4513 example ..................................................................................... D-1
Figure D-2. DA Form 5212 example ..................................................................................... D-5
Figure D-3. DA Form 5698 example ..................................................................................... D-7
Figure D-4. DA Form 5969 front example ............................................................................. D-9
Figure D-5. Reverse of DA Form 5969 ................................................................................ D-10
Figure D-6. DA Form 5699 example ................................................................................... D-12
Figure E-1. Proper sight picture..............................................................................................E-2
Figure E-2. Centering the magnetic needle............................................................................E-2
Figure E-3. M2 Compass........................................................................................................E-4
Figure F-1. DA Form 5699 Killer Junior data example ........................................................... F-3
Table 1-1. Howitzer ammunition and range capabilities ........................................................ 1-7
Table 3-1. Reconnaissance Movement Order Briefing .......................................................... 3-4
Table 4-1. Laying by orienting angle (aiming circle) ............................................................... 4-6
Table 4-2. Laying by grid azimuth (aiming circle) ................................................................... 4-7
Table 4-3. Laying by M2 compass ......................................................................................... 4-9
Table 4-4. Laying by aiming point deflection method ........................................................... 4-10
Table 4-5. Laying by howitzer back-lay method ................................................................... 4-10
Table 4-6. Verifying the lay (aiming circle) ........................................................................... 4-12
Table 4-7. Reporting the correct deflection .......................................................................... 4-14
Table 4-8. Measuring the azimuth with a gun laying and positioning system ...................... 4-17
Table 4-9. Measuring the azimuth with an aiming circle ...................................................... 4-17
Table 4-10. Measuring deflection with the panoramic telescope ......................................... 4-18
Table 4-11. Howitzer parameter card example. ................................................................... 4-19
Table 5-1. Example related information ................................................................................. 5-7
Table 6-1. Example simultaneous observation ...................................................................... 6-2
Table 6-2. Subtense using a 2-meter base (bar).................................................................... 6-4
Table 6-3. Subtense using rifle or carbine as base ................................................................ 6-5
Table 6-4. Subtense using a 60-meter base .......................................................................... 6-6
Table 7-1. Fire command sequence ....................................................................................... 7-6
Table 7-2. Fire commands for direct fire example .................................................................. 7-6
Table 8-1. Computing minimum quadrant elevation .............................................................. 8-3
Table B-1. Mission checklist example ....................................................................................B-1
Table B-2. Precombat checklist for ground threat (mounted) example ..................................B-2
Table B-3. Precombat checklist for ground threat (dismounted) example .............................B-3
Table B-4. Precombat checklist for air threat example ..........................................................B-3
Table B-5. Precombat checklist for counterfire example ........................................................B-4
Table B-6. Precombat checklist for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
(CBRN) threat example ...................................................................................... B-4
Table B-7. Precombat checklist for medical evacuation example ......................................... B-5
Table B-8. Precombat checklist for artillery raid example...................................................... B-6
Table B-9. Precombat checklist for scatterable mines example ............................................ B-6
Table B-10. Precombat checklist for massing fire example ................................................... B-7
Table B-11. Sample inventory of assets ................................................................................ B-8
Table B-12. Sample critical events time line .......................................................................... B-8
Table B-13. Unit defense checklist example .......................................................................... B-9
Table D-1. Instructions for DA Form 4513 ............................................................................. D-2
Table D-2. Instructions for DA Form 5212 ............................................................................. D-6
Table D-3. Instructions for DA Form 5698 ............................................................................. D-8
Table D-4. Instructions for DA Form 5969 ........................................................................... D-11
Table D-5. Instructions for DA Form 5699 ........................................................................... D-12
Table F-1. Completing the DA Form 5699 for Killer Junior .................................................... F-4
ATP 3-09.50 is a reference intended to provide general guidance to commanders and their principal
subordinates. This publication provides a starting point from which commanders can adjust their battery
tasks and training based on local training scenarios and mission variables. The publication is an aid to
develop or refine unit standard operating procedures. Use this publication in conjunction with the digital
training management system, equipment technical manuals, training circulars, Soldier’s training
publications, and trainer’s guides.
The techniques described herein are guidelines that remain flexible. Each situation in combat must be
resolved by intelligent interpretation and application of the techniques in this publication.
ATP 3-09.50 is not intended as the sole reference for cannon batteries; rather it is used in conjunction with
existing doctrine. This publication supplements doctrine and tactics and techniques addressed in Army
Techniques Publication (ATP) 3-09.23 and FM 3-09. As applicable, those techniques that do not differ
significantly from those described in the mentioned publications are not repeated in this publication.
As used throughout this publication, the terms cannon battery, firing battery, and battery are synonymous.
Note. For more information on the Army cannon battalion, see Field Manual (FM) 3-09 and
ATP 3-09.23. For further information on the M109A6 Paladin howitzer, see ATP 3-09.70.
Note. The use of FDCs, platoon operations centers (POC), or battery operations centers (BOC) is
dependent upon the organizational structure and positioning options. Unless specified, FDC,
POC, and BOC are used interchangeably in this document.
1-10. The first sergeant is the principal enlisted advisor to the battery commander. The first sergeant has
specific responsibilities, which include:
Verify communication of the battery commander’s directions and intent to the Soldier and that
their feedback and concerns are reaching the commander.
Advise the battery commander on matters pertaining to enlisted Soldiers.
Supervise the platoon sergeants, gunnery sergeants, and section chiefs, whenever possible by
maintaining a presence on the gun line.
Assist the battery commander during reconnaissance.
Assist the battery commander in the execution of the battery defense plan.
Coordinate administrative and sustainment support (less ammunition), to include::
Water and food service.
Personnel and equipment evacuation.
Monitor battery personnel’s morale, welfare, and hygiene.
Direct evacuation of casualties to the battalion aid station, or other locations, as directed by
higher headquarters.
1-12. The platoon leader is responsible for all aspects of platoon operations. The platoon leader will locate
in a position to best lead the platoon, considering mission variables and the level of unit training. The
platoon leader will rely heavily on the platoon sergeant to supervise the firing platoon and the gunnery
sergeant to supervise the detailed platoon reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of a position (RSOP).
The platoon leader has specific responsibilities, which include:
Establish the platoon’s firing capability.
Supervise the platoon’s displacement, movement, and occupation of a position.
Be prepared to perform the fire direction officer’s duties to facilitate 24-hour operations.
Supervise the use of the muzzle velocity sensor.
Supervise the maintenance of platoon equipment.
Verify the platoon maintains continuous security, with emphasis during position displacement
and occupation.
Confirm each section chief knows the location and route to alternate and supplementary
Verify completion of Department of the Army (DA) Form 2408-4, Weapon Record Data, after
each day of firing.
Verify ammunition handling procedures.
Verify safety procedures during firing.
Supervising the use and maintenance of the muzzle velocity sensor.
Determine minimum quadrant elevation for the position.
Note. The gunnery sergeant is the battery’s primary reconnaissance expert and spends a great
deal of time away from the platoon. The gunnery sergeant selects howitzer locations based on
employment criteria from the battery commander, which may range from very precise locations
to simply the center of a firing area and a radius. The FDC uses this data to formulate movement
orders for the howitzers.
Note. Unit tactical standard operating procedures and the applicable howitzer technical manual
will dictate when to dig in spades.
1-20. A summary of howitzer ammunition and range capabilities is at table 1-1 on page 1-7. For greater
detail, see the appropriate weapon technical manual.
(Zones 1-7)
1 rd/min
18,000 (Zone 7) 30,000
155-mm 22,000 (Zone 8 or (Zone 8)
M109A52,3 MACS Zone 5) 1 rd/min for 60
Zone 8 or
MACS min.
HE, Zone 5)
PD 1 rd every 3
VT, min thereafter.
APICM, ET, 18,000 (Zone 7)
22,000 (Zone 8 or (M203 Zones 3-7:
M825 Smoke Delay 4 every 2
Zone 5 MACS) Zone 8 or 1 round per
Excalibur2 PGK minute.
25,300 with XM982 Zone 5 )
(Only Zone 8: 1
155-mm M109A6 Excalibur (Zone 4 MACS)
27,000 round per
M109A64,5 and A7; 37,500 with M982 and (PGK minute until
M777- M982A1 Excalibur (Zone 5 M549A1 limited by tube
series MACS) and Zones temperature
with 7, 8 or sensor.
shell 22,000 (M795 with PGK MACS
M795 or and Zones 7, 8 or MACS Zone 5).
M549A1) Zone 5).
14,800 (M4 Charge 7
White) 30,000 2 in
24,000 (M119-series) (M203 accordance
155-mm Zone 8 or with thermal
30,000 (Zone 5 MACS)
M777- MACS warning device
25,400 with XM982
series5,6 Zone 5)
Excalibur (MACS Zone 4) 5
37,700 with M982 and (PGK
M982A1 Excalibur (MACS M549A1
Zone 5)5 and Zones
7, 8 or
Zone 5).
1. TM 9-1015-260-10 technical data. 2. Excalibur not authorized for M109A5 3. TM 9-2350-311-10 technical data.
4. TM 9-2350-314-10-1 technical data. 5. TM 9-1320-202-13 technical data. 6. TM 9-1025-215-10 technical data
2-1. The cannon battalion is a principal means of fire support to the maneuver commander. The agility,
flexibility, and employability of cannon batteries enhance the cannon battalion’s ability to deliver
responsive and accurate fires throughout the depth of threat formations.
2-2. The primary control node for the cannon battery is the fire direction center (FDC). Methods of
employment available to the firing battery affect the delivery of fires. Choosing the correct method of
employment based on mission variables allows well-trained units able to deliver fires in support of the
mission. The battery commander and platoon leaders disperse in the battery or platoon position to increase
redundancy and enhance control of the battery.
2-3. The FDC should be positioned outside of the firing area to reduce detection. Position the FDC to
effectively communicate with higher headquarters and howitzers. Once positioned, the FDC does not
routinely move within the battery or platoon position, but instead relies on cover and concealment for
2-4. Cannon batteries are employed using battery, platoon, paired or grouped, and single howitzer
methods. The FDC can control the howitzers as a battery element, two platoons, in three pairs, or as single
howitzers. The battery commander’s guidance and mission variables dictate the method of employment.
Under normal conditions, the smallest unit of employment is the firing platoon. This facilitates command,
control, and sustainment, as the platoons operate as individual units. As the distance between elements
increases, so does the difficulty of control and sustainment.
2-5. In a battery-based unit, the unit operates from one centralized location. This provides for maximum
defensibility of the position. The battery commander may designate one of the platoon operations centers
(POC) as the battery operations center (BOC) when both platoons are collocated in a single battery
position. One of the POCs acts as the battery FDC that controls the firing of the battery. That FDC is
required to maintain the current tactical situation and respond to the supported unit and higher
headquarters. The other POC acts as the BOC. The battery commander and BOC facilitate control of the
firing battery. The BOC serves as a focal point for internal battery operation including battery defense,
coordinating sustainment, and all other operational functions normally performed by a headquarters. It also
serves as the alternate FDC by providing backup fire direction capability with a tactical automated fire
control system.
2-6. In a platoon-based unit, firing platoons operate independently in separate platoon locations with a
FDC controlling the howitzers. The numbers of howitzers in each platoon and employment method vary
based on the unit table of organization and equipment, the tactical situation or mission requirements.
Howitzers normally position individually and work together under the lead of the senior section chief. If the
platoon divides into pairs or groups, a designated senior section chief acts as team leader.
2-7. In a platoon-based unit, the requirement for control exists at both platoon and battery levels. The
POC achieves this requirement in the platoon. The POC is an FDC with added operational responsibilities.
The POC is not a separate element and does not require a separate vehicle. The functions of the POC
include technical and tactical fire direction, the traditional functions of the FDC. Additional functions of the
POC are executing orders from higher headquarters, coordinating sustainment, and all the other operational
functions normally performed by a headquarters based on guidance from the battery commander and
platoon leader.
2-8. Consider employment of pairs or groups when the counterfire threat is high and the threat from a
dismounted ground attack is low. Control is critical to maintaining responsiveness and survivability of
platoons. Platoon leaders must understand and use troop leading procedures that reinforce and expedite
dissemination of information to the platoon.
2-9. Section operation is the least preferred, because the section is isolated and must provide for its own
defense. Consider employment of single howitzers for special missions, as this the most difficult method to
command. This method requires the highest degree of crew training and does not provide for mutual
support against air or ground threats. A howitzer section consists of a howitzer, prime mover (if a towed
system), ammunition vehicle, and cannoneers. The howitzer section chief is responsible for the howitzer
and prime mover, except in special cases (for example, airmobile missions) when control of the prime
mover will go to other battery or platoon personnel.
2-10. There are three positioning options for section operation. The mated option (howitzer close to prime
mover) is the standard method used since it allows the section to displace rapidly. The separated option
(howitzer at a distance from the prime mover) is used only in special circumstances, which forces the
howitzer to rely on the on board power supply or other power source for electrical power. The overwatch
option combines both the strengths and weaknesses of the mated and separated modes. In the overwatch
option, the prime mover is stationed a short distance away from the howitzer to provide early warning and
covering fires, particularly during firing. All three options have their advantages and disadvantages.
2-13. Under the centralized control method, the FDC directly controls the howitzers. The howitzers move
to new locations only when directed by the FDC. The centralized method of control is best suited for
positions with limited terrain. The battery commander may also choose the centralized method to exercise
maximum control, when one or more howitzers experience system failures, or to train inexperienced crews.
For example in a platoon operating under centralized control, the POC directly controls all howitzer
movement. The POC designates the new location as a grid location, direction and distance, or quadrant. In
the quadrant method a radius is drawn oriented to the azimuth of fire to facilitate the layout of quadrants
(upper left-quadrant 1, lower left-quadrant 2, upper right-quadrant 3, and lower right-quadrant 4). The
howitzers move on the specific order of the POC. This method of control increases allows the platoon
leader or fire direction officer to position assets based on the other friendly elements collocated in the
platoon position area.
2-14. The decentralized method of control takes full advantage of the modern howitzers capabilities. These
howitzers deploy within their own assigned firing areas. Howitzers move at the discretion of the senior
section chief. Battery commander's guidance, tactical standard operating procedures, or the threat (for
example, counterfire, or ground attack) will dictate movement of the howitzers.
2-15. There are disadvantages to the decentralized method of control. Tracking the location and status of
the howitzers is difficult, as the FDC must wait for the howitzer to arrive in the new position and report. If
there are problems with the new position (for example, proximity to another howitzer or other friendly
element), the FDC must immediately notify the howitzer to move. An unforeseen mask may disrupt
communications. Difficulty in coordinating platoon defense increases under decentralized control. The
probability of two or more howitzers locating in close proximity, or occupying a position recently vacated
by another section, increases without an effective reconnaissance and movement plan. Regardless of the
method of control, the FDC must develop tools and procedures for controlling movement.
Note. Use the howitzer position chart in conjunction with the howitzer-tracking chart. For
information on the use of graphics and symbols, see Army Doctrine Reference Publication
(ADRP) 1-02.
software is designed to replicate the decision process that a leader would go through to determine whether a
target is appropriate for engagement. However, the recommendation will only be appropriate if
commander’s guidance is properly input. The FDC has key responsibilities that include:
Perform AFATDS computer database management.
Establish internal fire direction networks.
Control movement of howitzers, to include survivability moves.
Review fire missions for safety violations (for example; fire support coordination measures or
intervening crests).
Perform tactical and, if required, technical fire direction.
2-23. The FDC performs tactical and possibly technical fire direction for fire missions assigned by the
battalion to the battery or platoon. This tactical fire direction includes howitzer selection for missions that
do not require the entire firing unit; for example, smoke, illumination, and precision registration missions.
The fire direction officer and the FDC chief retain responsibility for tactical and back up technical fire
direction while the platoon leader and his designated representative monitor the tactical situation. While
tactical fire direction is primarily accomplished at the field artillery battalion command post, the FDC at the
battery or platoon ensures that the fire orders received from the battalion are executed properly.
2-24. Technical fire direction during normal operations is normally accomplished by each individual fully
digitized howitzer. The leaders at the battery or platoon FDC quickly review each mission as it is received
to ensure that it is safe to fire and does not violate maneuver boundaries, restrictive fire support
coordination measures, or intervening crests. The FDC also validates the use of precision munitions based
on the commander’s guidance. After these checks are conducted, the mission is transmitted to the howitzers
for processing of individual firing data by the howitzer's computer. This procedure may be modified to
accommodate special circumstances. As an example, precision registration missions are computed and
controlled by the FDC.
Note: The preferred method requires an operational howitzer to locate next to the degraded
howitzer and the degraded howitzer uses the operational howitzer’s firing data.
2-26. In those cases when the FDC is providing technical data down to one or more howitzers, secondary
checks by independent means must be used. The secondary independent check for the AFATDS computing
data for the degraded howitzer(s) will be by verifying the howitzer location (by the gunnery sergeant, the
platoon sergeant, or platoon leader) and target location (from the fire support team, battalion FDC, POC).
Once data is verified and correctly input into the AFATDS and no major database change has occurred,
then data is good. Safety will be applied to the degraded howitzer the same as on operational howitzers.
2-29. Maneuver graphics for the force being supported. Friendly and enemy unit locations, front line of
own troops, and observer locations. The battalion operations section should provide this information. The
fire direction officer must be proactive in ensuring that the information is current.
2-30. Platoon and battery operations overlay. This overlay includes the current position areas of both the
battery headquarters and the platoons in the battery.
2-31. Other overlay information:
Anticipated future position areas of the battery and platoon, including the locations of the battery
headquarters and the other battery POC.
Battery sustainment assets.
Survey control information.
2-33. Military operations in mountainous terrain are characterized by rugged, compartmented terrain with
steep slopes, treacherous mobility, and poor road networks. Additional ammunition may be required to
support the maneuver force in mountainous terrain because of reduced munitions effectiveness. Cross-
country restrictions force threat forces to use roads and trails, which will enhance friendly interdiction fires.
Movement control is more difficult on winding mountain roads. Because of the closeness of terrain masks,
fewer suitable platoon positions are available. Maximize use of terrain for cover and concealment to
compensate for limited hardening potential. Position units in defilade, if possible. Position observation
posts, listening posts, and crew-served weapons to provide early warning and defensive fires. Plan for
defensive cannon direct fire missions. Displacement is limited to the use of available roads, which
generally are narrow and twisting. Survey may not be as accurate and terrain masks may limit target
acquisition. Emplacing on hills increases the range of howitzer weapons systems. For more information on
mountain operations, see FM 3-97.6.
2-34. Military operations in jungle terrain are characterized by high humidity and dense vegetation.
Position units for mutual defense, especially when thick vegetation increases vulnerability to ground attack.
Humidity may degrade the ability of propellant to achieve desired ranges and may reduce equipment
operability. Employ measures to keep powder increments dry. Dense vegetation degrades munitions
effects. In thick canopy, variable time and improved conventional munitions are ineffective. Point
detonating fuzes may be set on delay to penetrate to the ground and achieve the desired results.
Communications degrade because of high humidity, vegetation density, and electronic line of sight.
Antennas may have to be elevated to overcome line of sight restrictions. Soft terrain and thick vegetation
hamper selection of firing positions. The battery must be prepared to clear fields of fire. Firebase operations
are viable means of providing battery defense and 6,400 mil firing capability. Soft ground on the available
roads reduces mobility and restricts the use of terrain march. Reduced mobility hampers sustainment
resupply. Survey control is more difficult to establish, and survey parties need more time to complete their
tasks. Heavy foliage degrades target acquisition accuracy. Position howitzers closer together to provide
security of the position. For more information on jungle operations, see FM 90-5.
2-35. Military operations in cold regions are characterized by frozen earth, snow covered terrain, intense
sunlight, and prolonged darkness. Obscurants last longer and travel farther in cold weather; however, snow
usually smothers the smoke canisters. White phosphorus particles remain active in the area longer and
restrict use of that terrain. In all types of terrain, particles of white phosphorus can remain within the
charred wedges and can reignite if the felt is crushed and the unburned white phosphorus is exposed to the
air. Use artillery fires to start snow slides or avalanches as a munitions effects multiplier. Radio
communications can be unreliable in extreme cold, and equipment may become inoperative. Frozen, snow
covered terrain may limit the number of available positions for emplacement. Wheeled vehicles and trailers
are generally not suited for operations in northern areas due to reduced mobility. Snowstorms and intense
cold adversely affect target acquisition equipment. Without the use of improved position azimuth
determining system, survey may be more time consuming. For more information on cold region operations,
see Army tactics, techniques, and procedures (ATTP) 3-97.11.
2-36. Military operations in urban areas are characterized by densely populated areas. High angle fires are
most effective in attacking the defiladed areas between buildings. Control of a firing platoon operating in
an urban area is demanding. Using existing structures (for example, barns, auto repair shops, and
warehouses) as firing or hiding positions provides maximum protection and minimizes the camouflage
effort. Additional time must be allotted for the reconnaissance of these positions. The use of aerial imagery
could aid in identifying potential locations. Depending on the density of buildings in the area, the
reconnaissance party may need to use cordon and search techniques to clear and check buildings. Special
techniques for emplacing howitzers may be required if the ground is not suitable for normal emplacement.
Consider placing howitzer spades against curbs, rubble, or building walls. Because of the expanded
occupation required in the urban area, platoon displacement may be impossible. In this case, displacement
may be by howitzer section. Battery personnel must be prepared to use hasty survey techniques to establish
directional and positional control. Magnetic instruments are impaired when operating in a built up area and
their accuracy is degraded. For more information on urban operations, see FM 3-06.
2-37. Military operations in desert regions are characterized by rapid, highly mobile warfare conducted
over great distances. Considerations vary according to the type of desert; however, considerations common
to all include munitions effects due to the temperature extremes and a lack of identifiable terrain features.
The mountain desert has barren, rocky ranges separated by flat basins that may be studded by deep gullies
created during flash floods. This terrain will support all types of artillery but is best suited for self-propelled
artillery. The rocky plateau desert has slight relief with extended flat areas and good visibility. It has steep-
walled eroded valleys (wadis). These areas are suitable for artillery positions, but are subject to flash
flooding. The sandy or dune desert has extensive flat areas covered with dunes subject to wind erosion. The
dune size, the texture of sand, and the leeward gradient may prohibit terrain movement entirely. For more
information on desert operations, see FM 90-3.
3-1. The primary purpose of reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of a position (RSOP) is to
determine the suitability of a position in terms of providing the necessary fire support, maneuverability,
defensibility, trafficability, and communications. The battery commander must issue clear guidance for an
effective reconnaissance of battery and platoon positions. The battery commander assembles the
reconnaissance elements from one or both platoons. The platoon reconnaissance element is normally the
gunnery sergeant and his driver, augmented with additional personnel, as required. The primary function of
the reconnaissance element is to determine the suitability of routes and in what general areas the unit can
operate. The key to a successful RSOP is discipline and team effort. Reconnaissance examines the terrain
to determine its suitability for use in accomplishing the mission.
3-2. The battery commander’s guidance to the reconnaissance elements should include:
Reconnaissance method.
Positioning options.
Positioning of support assets, as applicable.
Considerations for offensive and defensive tasks.
Note. There are no major differences between the reconnaissance, selection, and occupation
techniques of a platoon position and a battery position. The platoon survives with a combination
of movement and dispersion. The battery commander issues movement criteria to the platoon
leader for displacement and survivability moves. Base platoon movement criteria on mission
variables and tactical standard operating procedures. Managing survivability moves requires
teamwork between the howitzers and the fire direction center.
3-3. On the battlefield, a sophisticated threat can locate and engage field artillery in various ways. To
survive, field artillery units move often. An artillery unit is most vulnerable to threat action while moving
into or out of a position. To minimize movement time, key personnel must be able to perform
reconnaissance, selection, occupation, and movement tasks quickly and efficiently. The battery commander
must clearly understand the tactical situation of both friendly and threat forces while planning and
executing movement. The basic considerations for RSOP are when to move, where to move, and how to
3-4. Field artillery units usually conduct moves in response to either tactical or survivability
considerations. The three factors driving most unit movements are fire support to maneuver forces, timing,
and survival. A unit must be able to move to provide fire support to the supported force. Some tasks require
the unit to reach a certain position or phase line to range the target. A unit may also be forced to move
when a position becomes untenable due to threat counterfire, attack, or natural disturbances (for example,
flooding). The battery commander issues movement criteria to the platoon leader for displacement and
survivability moves. Base movement criteria on mission variables and unit tactical standard operating
procedures. Some triggers for movement may include number of rounds fired in current location, duration
of firing, and time in position. Managing survivability moves requires teamwork between the howitzers and
the fire direction center (FDC).
3-5. The battery commander will conduct a reconnaissance of the proposed position as time allows.
Ideally, the reconnaissance will consist of a ground reconnaissance with identification of proposed routes,
obstacles, ambush sites, survey locations, and howitzer positions. Reconnaissance allows the battery
commander to traverse the terrain that the battery (platoons) will cover en route to the position.
Reconnaissance can also accomplish survey coordination, engineer support, route security, adjacent unit
coordination, and fire support.
3-6. The three methods of reconnaissance available to the battery commander are map, air, and ground.
All reconnaissance methods should begin with a map inspection, supplemented by photomaps, aerial
photographs and digital imagery, if available. The best reconnaissance uses a combination of all three
methods. The map reconnaissance method is very fast, but there are disadvantages. For example, terrain
and other features may have been altered and surface conditions of the route and position cannot be
determined. Aerial photographs should be used to supplement maps, as they are usually more recent and
present a clearer picture of the terrain. If time and resources are available, an air reconnaissance may be
beneficial, but true surface conditions may be indistinguishable. Be careful that the flight plan does not
compromise the route or new position area. The best single reconnaissance method is the ground
reconnaissance. For this reason, the primary focus for the remainder of this chapter will be on ground
3-11. If the most dangerous enemy action during the battery’s movement is ambush, then:
Each march element, to include the reconnaissance and advance parties, must lead with an
armored vehicle or crew served weapon.
Coordinate with higher headquarters to determine possible ambush sites and clear those areas so
that advance parties or main bodies can conduct reconnaissance by fire.
3-12. Positioning criteria considerations:
If the most likely threat in the subsequent position is enemy counterbattery fire, then the battery
commander must ensure position areas support maximum dispersion and hardening.
If the most dangerous threat to the battery in the subsequent position is from ground attack, then
the battery commander must::
Ensure the position is not located on platoon-size or larger avenues of approach.
Locate possible observation posts to provide for early warning to execute hasty displacements
or the activation of howitzer direct fire and tank-killer teams.
Locate the position area for supplemental positions for howitzer direct fire and tank-killer
Determine if the position provides adequate defilade and terrain masking.
3-13. Terrain and Weather. The battery commander and platoon leaders must analyze the routes to be used
by the unit assets and the time and distance required to make the move. The ability to move one firing
platoon while keeping the other in position and firing is critical to the platoon-based operations and the
accomplishment of the battery mission. Moving the battery over long, difficult routes requires well
planned, coordinated movement orders and unit standard operating procedures. The effects of the weather
on the terrain to be crossed must be analyzed to facilitate rapid movement. Weather affects visibility (fog,
haze) and trafficability (ice, rain-softened ground).
3-14. Troops. The current troop strength and level of training must be considered. The mission may not
change; but the troops available to accomplish it will. As the other mission variables change, so will the
number of troops necessary to perform the mission. Because of casualties and these varying conditions,
adjustments must be made during the planning phase.
3-15. Time. The amount of time available for the RSOP will affect all phases of its accomplishment. The
time factor will change due to events on the battlefield. Whether minutes or hours are allowed for the
RSOP, adjustments must be made.
3-19. Before departing to reconnoiter the new position, the commander briefs the platoon leaders and other
key personnel on the movement information:
Enemy situation. Rear area activity. Major avenues of approach. Air activity. Potential
ambush sites. locations of friendly maneuver units and supporting artillery.
Mission: Changes in the mission of the supported maneuver unit and supporting artillery.
Concept of the operation. General location of the battery and platoon positions, azimuth of
fire, routes, order of march, location of start point, release point and times.
Mission-oriented protective posture status.
Areas of known chemical or nuclear contamination.
Sustainment: When and where to feed unit personnel, priority for maintenance, recovery,
ammunition resupply, and refuel location.
Command and signal:
Changes in location of the battalion command post and battalion support operations and the
location of battery commander. It also includes a contingency plan if the commander does
not return or report back by a predetermined time or event.
Movement radio frequencies and net control restrictions. Signals for immediate actions at the
halt and during movement.
3-20. After being briefed by the commander, the platoon leader or executive officer briefs the remaining
key personnel. See Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Reconnaissance Movement Order Briefing
1. Situation: i. Emergency missions.
2. Mission: 4. Sustainment:
3. Execution: a. Ammunition.
a. General. b. Fuel.
b. Organization. c. Food.
c. Composition of column. d. Maintenance.
d. Instructions. 5. Command and Signal.
(1) Air observers. a. Location of executive officer, platoon leader and fire
(2) Reconnaissance element. direction officer.
(3) Route markers. b. chief of firing battery’s or platoon sergeant’s location.
(4) Start point. c. Battery commander’s location.
(5) Check points. d. Battalion and battery headquarters location.
(6) Rally points. e. Other locations.
(7) Release points. f. Signals:
(8) Route of march. (1) Unblocked ambush.
(9) Alternate routes. (2) Blocked ambush.
(10) Lights. (3) Air attack.
e. Unblocked ambush. (4) Emergency mission.
f. Blocked ambush. (5) Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear attack.
g. Air attack. (6) Artillery attack.
h. Artillery attack. (7) Radio.
3-21. After making a map inspection, planning the reconnaissance, and briefing the necessary personnel
the commander is now ready to make a ground reconnaissance. Accompanied by the advance party, the
commander or his representative departs on the route reconnaissance. The primary purpose of this
reconnaissance is to determine the suitability of the route of the units’ movement. Items to be analyzed
include possible alternate routes, cover, concealment, location of obstacles, likely ambush sites,
contaminated areas, route marking requirements, and the time and distance required to traverse the route.
Once these areas are analyzed, any information considered pertinent should be sent back to the firing unit.
3-22. Based on the reconnaissance conducted earlier, the battery commander selects the battery or the
platoon positions or firing areas. Once the general locations are determined, the gunnery sergeant(s)
conduct a detailed preparation of their respective positions.
3-23. The mission is the most important consideration for selection of the position. The position must
facilitate fires throughout the maximum area of the supported maneuver force. The azimuth of fire is
determined with this in mind. The azimuth of fire is the direction, expressed in mils, that a firing unit is
laid (oriented) on when it occupies a position. Communications is a key consideration for position
selection. The position must enable communications with higher headquarters. Defensibility is another key
consideration for position selection. The position should use existing terrain features to hinder threat forces
from targeting the unit. A position that provides protection against the effects of counterfire is very
desirable. The position should offer effective cover and concealment with emphasis on concealment. The
position should also avoid high-speed avenues of approach and have more than a single entrance and exit.
Consider personnel and weapon systems when selecting positions to maximize capabilities in responding to
and defeating a physical attack. Trafficability and maneuverability are other key considerations for position
selection. The terrain should facilitate movement within the position. An established track plan specifies
the routes vehicles take within the position. The weapon systems that will occupy the position dictate the
position requirements. For example, units with medium howitzers and associated prime movers require a
larger area with stable soil to support the increased weight than with light howitzer units.
3-24. There are three types of positions available for cannon battery occupation. These include the primary
position, alternate position, and supplementary position.
3-25. The primary position is one where the firing battery accomplishes its assigned mission. This position
includes general locations for the FDC, howitzer sections, support vehicles, entrance point(s), and exit
point(s), at a minimum. The battery commander issues general guidance to the gunnery sergeant for the
track plan, scheme of defense, and location of ground guide pickup point.
3-26. An alternate position is one where the unit moves to if the primary position becomes untenable. The
alternate position must meet the same requirements as the primary position and be located to allow for
rapid and orderly occupation. If the unit comes under attack, a prepared alternate position will facilitate
rapid movement and continued fires to maneuver forces. Each section chief must know the location and
route to the alternate position, because movement to that position may be by section.
Note. The alternate position should be reconnoitered or prepared for occupation as part of
position improvement activities for the gunnery sergeant. The position should be far enough
away to escape the effects of enemy indirect fire on the primary position.
3-27. A supplementary position is one selected to accomplish a specific mission. For example, a
supplementary position for an offset registration should be far enough away that counterfire will not affect
the primary position. A supplementary position for defense could be located within the primary position
and cover likely threat avenues of approach.
3-28. Threat forces pose a general hazard from counterfire, air attack, ground attack, and electronic
warfare. To counter this danger, the battery commander or platoon leader must consider techniques of
dispersion, movement, hardening, and concealment when selecting howitzer positions.
3-29. Consider the use of terrain gun positioning (figure 3-1) to disperse howitzers over a large area when
the threat is from threat counterfire or air attack. Terrain gun positioning maximizes the use of natural
cover and concealment.
Note. The following examples are for illustration purposes only. Vehicles and equipment differ
based on unit configuration and authorizations.
3-32. The type of position and dispersion technique used for emplacement will depend on mission
variables and unit tactical standard operating procedures. The main factors to consider are the mission and
the threat.
3-34. Upon arrival at the new location, the advance party conducts a security sweep of the position. The
sweep will identify the presence of threat forces; mines; improvised explosive devices; chemical,
biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) hazards; and other threats. If these threats are present, the
advance party will break contact with threat forces or mark hazards and relocate to another location. The
intent is to move stealthily, avoid threat contact, and accomplish the tasks assigned without engaging in
close combat. The security sweep should be well trained and rehearsed. Security is continuous throughout
advance party operations. For more information on reconnaissance patrols, see ATP 3-21.8.
3-35. The following paragraphs briefly discuss occupation techniques and associated considerations used
in the occupation of a position. Regardless of the type of occupation chosen, local security must be
maintained throughout the occupation.
3-36. A deliberate occupation is one that is planned. During a deliberate occupation, the advance party
precedes the main body and prepares the position for occupation. The deliberate occupation may be during
the hours of daylight or after darkness falls. Preparations for the occupation can occur during the day or at
night, depending on the tactical situation and time available. Minimize the number and composition of the
advance party to preclude observation by threat forces and risking detection. A preferred method for a
deliberate occupation at night would be to prepare the position during daylight hours. The nighttime
reconnaissance and subsequent movement are often necessary and can be time consuming. The primary
considerations for a deliberate occupation are time available and time of day for preparation of the position.
Additional planning and preparation time are required for movements conducted at night.
3-37. A hasty occupation differs from a deliberate occupation mainly in time available for reconnaissance
and subsequent preparation of the position. Generally, a hasty occupation results from unforeseen
circumstances. A hasty occupation begins as a deliberate occupation, but due to limited time available for
advance party preparations, it then becomes a hasty occupation. The considerations for a hasty occupation
include time available and training level of advance party personnel. During a hasty occupation, clear and
concise direction is necessary to establish priority tasks.
3-38. An emergency occupation is one that results from a call for fire received during a tactical movement.
An emergency occupation requires a modification to the normal occupation procedures. Emergency
occupation procedures apply to all artillery units, both towed and self-propelled. The battery commander
should consider suitable locations for emergency missions along the route during reconnaissance. This
information is issued to platoons during the movement briefing. The key to a successful emergency fire
mission is well-rehearsed tactical standard operating procedures.
3-39. The following paragraphs briefly discuss the techniques and associated considerations for an orderly
occupation with respect to time of day and time available. For more information on emplacement
procedures for standard and emergency fire missions, see applicable howitzer technical manuals.
3-40. The first sergeant or gunnery sergeant establishes the track plan to include the vehicle dispersal area
and positions for support vehicles. Considerations for a daytime occupation include:
Use existing roads.
Select separate entrance and exit routes.
Follow natural terrain features (for example, gullies, or tree lines) that take advantage of natural
overhead cover and concealment.
Dictate exact routes for each vehicle if concealment is critical.
Identify the vehicle pickup point.
3-41. The gunnery sergeant prepares the position for occupation, to include:
Select howitzer locations.
Select FDC location.
Issue priorities of work to advance party members.
Select orienting equipment location, as required.
Establish survey, as required.
Determine deflection (DF), distance, and vertical angle to each howitzer location.
Record howitzer information on weapons location data card.
Obtain site to crest (see Appendix E) and piece to crest range from each howitzer representative.
Determine minimum quadrant elevation, as required.
Initiate perimeter sketch and defense diagram.
Supervise advance party personnel in the execution of their duties.
3-42. Advance party personnel prepare their positions for occupation. Each howitzer representative
determines the site to crest and piece to crest range. Information is relayed to the gunnery sergeant.
Advance party personnel walk the track plan to confirm the path is free of obstacles. The FDC
representative selects a position that is located to the rear or flank, as far as possible from the gun line as
feasible. The communications representative establishes radio and, if available, wire communications.
Upon completion, the advance party personnel report to the pickup point to wait for vehicles, and assume a
defensive posture. The loss of space-based communications due to enemy activity remains a major concern
for cannon batteries conducting military operations. Whether the interruption of the communications is
caused by enemy action against satellites or through the use of intermittent jamming or spoofing, the
resulting communications black-out will require deployed forces to adapt and adjust until the capability is
restored. Short term losses or disruptions of satellite communications will have to be mitigated through
alternative communications methods and courier networks. For more information on preparations for
occupation, see the digital training management system website.
3-43. The advance party may not always have enough time to accomplish every task. For this reason, the
gunnery sergeant will dictate activities for the advance party emphasizing those tasks in priority, including
howitzer positions, orienting equipment, and essential communications. Due to the limited time available,
the duties of the advance party are decentralized.
3-44. Preparations for a night occupation are similar to those for a daytime occupation. The main
differences are an increased emphasis on noise and light discipline. At night, additional planning, time, and
techniques are required to ensure an orderly occupation. Any tasks that can be performed prior to nightfall
will be beneficial. Personnel must exercise noise and light discipline. Noise travels much farther at night
due to atmospheric conditions, so it is critical that noise be kept to a minimum. Light sources can be
detected from greater distances, which can disrupt attempts at an undetected occupation.
3-45. During a night occupation, the gunnery sergeant is especially concerned with noise and light
discipline, security, and communication between advance party members. Considerations for a night
occupation include:
Install light sets and generators before dark.
Shield fire control instruments.
Install filters on flashlights.
Mark obstacles with engineer tape or light source (for example, chemical light).
Secure wire communications, if available.
Determine site to crest information prior to sunset.
Brief advance party personnel on nighttime ground guide procedures.
Drivers must stop their vehicles whenever they cannot see the
light from the vehicle guide’s flashlight. Death or serious injury
may result.
3-46. Once the occupation is complete and the unit is ready to answer calls for fire, sustaining actions
begin. The battery commander or the platoon leader determines sustainment actions in priority, to include:
Improve position defenses (for example, camouflage, concealment, and fighting positions).
Harden critical elements.
Perform maintenance.
Rehearse reaction forces.
Conduct resupply.
Conduct training.
4-2. The M2A2 aiming circle is a 4-power, fixed focus instrument used to measure azimuth and elevation
angles of a ground or aerial target with respect to a preselected base line. The aiming circle orients the
howitzer on a designated azimuth of fire. Azimuth is a horizontal angle measured clockwise from a
north base line that could be true north, magnetic north, or grid north. The azimuth is the most
common military method to express direction. When using an azimuth, the point where the azimuth
originates is the center of an imaginary circle. The circle related to an azimuth of fire is divided into 6400
mils (360 degrees).
4-3. For more information on the aiming circle (such as on instrument controls, setup and takedown, and
maintenance), see Technical Manual (TM) 9-6675-262-10. For information on declinating the aiming
circle, see Appendix E and the digital training management system.
The laser range finder is eye safe when operated according to the
operator’s manual. Unauthorized handling (for example, opening the
cover or using an unauthorized power supply) may exceed established
eye safe laser exposure levels. Under these circumstances, radiant
exposure may cause eye injury to the operator and bystanders.
Corneal and retinal damage can occur.
4-5. The GLPS has a theodolite, which is a digital electronic angle-measuring device used to measure
horizontal and vertical angles. The vertical angle is the angle measured up or down (in mils) in a vertical
plane from the horizontal to a straight line joining the observer and target (ATP 3-09.30). The GLPS has a
gyroscope to measure the direction to grid north. The vertical interval is the difference in altitude
between the unit or observer and the target or point of burst. Determine vertical interval by subtracting
the altitude of the unit or observer from the altitude of the target or point of burst.
4-6. The GLPS works in concert with companion global positioning system devices, which provide data
to the system. Two examples of these are the AN/PSN-11 Precision Lightweight Global Positioning System
Receiver and AN/PSN-13A Defense Advanced Global Positioning System Receiver. For more information
on the GLPS, see TM 9-6675-347-13&P. See TM 11-5825-291-13 for information on the AN/PSN-11 and
TM 11-5820-1172-13&P for the AN/PSN-13, AN/PSN-13A, and AN/PSN-13B.
4-7. The M2 compass is an alternate instrument for orienting or laying howitzers. The unmounted
magnetic compass is a multipurpose instrument used to obtain angle of site and azimuth readings. Like the
M2A2 aiming circle, the M2 compass requires declination.
4-8. For more information on the M2 compass, see TM 9-1290-333-15. For information on declinating
the M2 Compass, see the digital training management system and Appendix E.
Note: Steps for laying with the GLPS differ slightly from the aiming circle. However, the
principles are alike. For more information on laying procedures for the GLPS, see the unit
standard operating procedures and TM 9-6675-347-13&P. See also TM 9-6675-262-10 for the
aiming circle.
4-10. In reciprocal laying, the 0-3200 line of one instrument and the 0-3200 line of another instrument are
laid parallel. Figure 4-1 on page 4-3 provides a graphic representation of reciprocal laying with the GLPS
or aiming circle serving as the primary instrument and the howitzer panoramic telescope serving as the
secondary instrument.
4-11. Reciprocal laying is based on the geometric theorem that given two lines cut by a common
transversal whose alternate interior angles are equal, then those two lines are said to be parallel. The
parallel lines are the 0-3200 lines of the aiming circle and the line of fire and rearward extension of the line
of fire of the howitzer. The common transversal is the line of sight established between the aiming circle
and the panoramic telescope. The alternate interior angles are the deflections as read from the instruments.
4-12. When the 0-3200 line of the instrument (aiming circle or GLPS) is parallel to the azimuth of fire, the
instrument operator sights on the lens of the panoramic telescope and reads the deflection. The instrument
operator announces the deflection to the gunner on the howitzer.
4-13. The gunner sets the announced deflection on the panoramic telescope. The gunner orders the
howitzer to be shifted or traverses the tube until the line of sight through the panoramic telescope is again
on the laying instrument (aiming circle or GLPS).
Note: Because the panoramic telescope (pantel) is not directly over the pivot point of the
cannon’s tube, the pantel displaces horizontally. When the telescope has been sighted on the
laying instrument, the gunner reports “READY FOR RECHECK”.
4-14. The instrument operator again sights on the lens of the pantel and reads and announces the
deflection. This procedure is repeated until the gunner reports a difference of 0 mils between successive
deflections. The howitzer has then been laid.
Azimuth Line
of Fire of Fire
Line Howitzer
of Sight
Deflection B
A Deflection
A= B Extension of
Line of Fire
A deflection is a horizontal clockwise angle measured from the line of fire or the rearward
extension line of fire to the line of sight to a given aiming point with the vertex of the angle
at the instrument.
The common deflection is the deflection, which may vary based on the weapon’s sight
system, corresponding to the firing unit’s azimuth of fire.
The referred deflection is the deflection measured to an aiming point without moving the
tube of the weapon.
Refer is to measure, using the panoramic telescope, the deflection to a given aiming point
without moving the tube of the weapon.
4-16. The GLPS or aiming circle measures horizontal clockwise angles from the line of fire to the line of
sight of a given aiming point. The panoramic telescope measures horizontal clockwise angles from the line
of fire or the rearward extension of the line of fire to the line of sight of a given aiming point. Therefore,
the angular measurements taken when reciprocally laying with the GLPS or aiming circle and the howitzer
panoramic telescope are always deflections.
When live firing with precision lightweight global positioning system
receiver location data input in the GLPS, the precision lightweight
global positioning system receiver Figure of Merit reading must be a
Figure of Merit 1 when used for artillery positioning.
4-20. Set-up and level the GLPS in accordance with the procedures outlined in TM 9-6675-347-13&P.
Determine what position data is available for the GLPS. The GLPS needs position data that allows the
North-seeking gyroscope the ability to accurately orient itself on Grid North. There are three means of
providing position data to the system – global positioning system position, input position, and back polar
Input Position
4-22. Input Position is normally used when operating at an orienting station, survey control point, or
survey location. If survey is available, the point will be tagged with important information, to include:
4 May 2016.
Azimuth of the orienting line.
Distance to end of the orienting line.
Description of the end of the orienting line.
Note: Position data provided by battalion and used in the GLPS Input Position and Back Polar
Plot options will place the battalion firing assets on a common grid. Use of the precision
lightweight global positioning system receiver location for positioning does not meet the
definition of common grid in as far as the separate firing elements having the same location
4-24. Orient the GLPS for direction. Once positioning data is provided to the system, there are two
methods used to orient the system on grid North. The most accurate means is by running the survey North-
seeking gyroscope; the second means is to use existing directional control already established on the
ground. This method saves the 210-second gyroscope spin time.
4-25. Prepare the position to receive the howitzers. After the GLPS orientation is complete, the operator
selects the “LAY BY DEFLECTION” option and establishes each howitzer location. The operator inputs the
azimuth of fire and then sights on each position to determine an initial deflection, range, and vertical angle
to each gun location and stores the data. The GLPS calculates the Universal Transverse Mercator/
Universal Polar Stereographic grid coordinates of each gun and stores them. The operator then passes the
information to the fire direction center (FDC) and the gun guides to assist during the occupation of position
to enhance the unit’s ready to fire time. If not already done and time permits before the arrival of the
howitzers, use the “LAY BY AZIMUTH” option to establish an orienting station with grid and altitude, an
azimuth of the orienting line, and a description of the end of the orienting line. Then use the GLPS’s
capability to conduct a graphic traverse to establish an alternate position for the unit.
4-26. Lay of the platoon (battery) during the occupation of position. Use the “LAY BY DEFLECTION” option
to lay the firing element to a zero mil tolerance. Store the final lay data in the GLPS and pass the
information to the FDC to update the center’s computer. See TM 9-6675-347-13&P for information on the
operation of the GLPS.
4-29. The instrument operator will set up the aiming circle using a plumb bob, and position the aiming
circle over the orienting station. Table 4-1 depicts the steps for orienting the aiming circle by orienting
angle. An illustration of the computation of the orienting angle is in Figure 4-2.
Table 4-1. Laying by orienting angle (aiming circle)
TFOOL (if survey is available)
Math step: Subtract the azimuth of fire from the
TFOOL (Take the azimuth of fire out of the
Do this first. azimuth of the orienting line (add 6400, if necessary).
orienting line)
This is the orienting angle (OA).
Do this second. U Use the azimuth knob (upper motion) to set the OA.
With the orienting knob (lower motion), sight on the
Do this third. L
With the azimuth knob (upper motion), sight on the
Do this last. U weapon panoramic telescope. Announce the deflection
to the weapon(s) and lay, using proper commands.
Note. You must use the azimuth of the orienting line and the azimuth of fire.
OA = orienting angle EOL = end of the orienting line U = upper motion L = lower motion
Note: Laying by grid azimuth involves the use of the magnetic needle of the aiming circle. The
instrument must be set up where it is free from magnetic attractions. The minimum distances are:
4-31. Circumstances may arise when the howitzers are not able to orient themselves. Use the commands in
the following example to lay a platoon (battery) with a GLPS or an aiming circle.
(For brevity, only the exchange between the aiming circle operator and the gunner of howitzer
number 3 are given. The deflections announced are only examples. Digital fire control
instruments have other gunner actions that must be accomplished during the laying procedure.
See the appropriate technical manual for those steps.)
Instrument operator: (Using the aiming circle azimuth knob [upper motion], the instrument
operator turns the aiming circle until the line of sight is on the panoramic telescope of howitzer
number 3. The instrument operator reads and announces the deflection to howitzer number 3.)
“NUMBER 3, DEFLECTION 3091.” See TM 9-6675-347-13&P for steps using the GLPS.
Instrument operator: (The instrument operator again turns the head of the aiming circle until
the line of sight is on the panoramic telescope of number 3 and reads and transmits the
deflection.) “NUMBER 3, DEFLECTION 3093.”
Instrument operator: (The instrument operator again turns the head of the aiming circle until
the line of sight is on the panoramic telescope of number 3 and reads and transmits the
deflection.) “NUMBER 3, DEFLECTION 3093.”
Instrument operator (once the entire platoon or the battery is laid): “THE PLATOON
Note. Normally, howitzers are laid in the order of their readiness. When the gunner of any
howitzer transmits a difference of 10 mils or less, the instrument operator normally continues to
lay that particular howitzer until it is laid. When the deflection announced by the instrument
operator and the deflection on the panoramic telescope are identical the howitzer is laid.
M2 Compass Method
4-33. This method of laying is normally used during an occupation when a GLPS or an aiming circle is not
available or in an emergency fire mission. The instrument operator sets up the M2 compass on a stable
object (for example, collimator cover or mattock handle) away from magnetic attractions. The M2 compass
should be positioned at least 55 meters from high-tension power lines, 10 meters from large metal objects
(for example, railroad tracks, artillery, tanks, and vehicles), 10 meters from small metal objects (for
example, barbed wire or telephone), 2 meters from crew-served weapons, and 0.5 meters from personal
weapons. Table 4-3 depicts the steps for laying a howitzer when using the M2 compass.
Table 4-3. Laying by M2 compass
Measure the azimuth to the weapon pantel. Math step:
SAM (Subtract the azimuth of fire from the Subtract the azimuth of fire from the azimuth measured to
Do this first.
measured azimuth) the panoramic telescope of the howitzer. Add 6400, if
Using the proper commands, announce the resulting
Do this second.
deflection to the howitzer.
The howitzer that was laid by the M2 compass will lay the
Do this last.
rest of the unit reciprocally.
Note. You must use the azimuth to the howitzer measured with the compass and the azimuth of fire.
4-34. The advantage for this method of lay is that all howitzers will be oriented parallel. The disadvantages
are the compass is graduated every 20 mils and can only be read to an accuracy of 10 mils. The accuracy
will depend on the ability of the instrument operator. Use the following commands to lay a battery or
platoon with the M2 compass.
The exchange is between the instrument operator and the gunner of howitzer number 3, which
was selected to lay the rest of the battery. The deflection announced and the howitzer selected
are examples only.
4-36. The advantage for this method of lay is a very rapid method of lay with only one command required
to lay the entire firing element. The disadvantages are a suitable distant aiming point must be available, line
of sight may be obscured (for example, smoke, fog, or darkness), and howitzers will not be laid parallel
when oriented with a common deflection to an aiming point. Use the following commands to lay a battery
or platoon by the aiming point deflection method.
For brevity, only the exchange between the instrument operator and the gunner of howitzer
number 3 are given. In this example, a water tower is selected as the distant aiming point. The
deflection announced is an example only.
(Each gunner sets the deflection on the panoramic telescope and traverses the tube until the
gunner is sighted on the distant aiming point.)
4-38. The advantages for this method of lay are an immediate firing capability with the adjusting howitzer
and the position requires minimal preparation. The disadvantages are the laying process is not as timely as
other methods, and if boresight errors exist at the adjusting howitzer, they will be passed along to the
remaining howitzers. Use the following commands to lay a battery or platoon by the howitzer back-lay
For brevity, only the exchange between the instrument operator and the gunner of howitzer
number 3 are given. The deflection announced is an example only.)
(The FDC transmits firing data to the adjusting howitzer (number 3), and the first round is
4-39. If all howitzers are not able to see the aiming circle, one howitzer can lay another (reciprocal laying).
The commands for laying reciprocally from another howitzer are the same as those given when laying with
the aiming circle or gun laying positioning system. When equipped with the M100-series panoramic
telescopes, the readings between any two weapons will be 3,200 mils apart. To prevent confusion, the
gunner on the laying howitzer adds or subtracts 3,200 mils to or from his reading before announcing it to
another howitzer. If the howitzer to which the laying gunner is referring is on his left, the gunner must add
3200. If it is on his right, the gunner must subtract 3200 (left, add; right, subtract rule). See Figure 4-4.
Note: The chief of section supervises the laying process and verifies all data after the gunner
lays the howitzer.
of independent safety checks. These safety checks ensure that another individual checks tasks affecting
firing (for example, mission processing and orienting howitzers for direction). Although most independent
checks take place before firing, performing independent checks is a continuous process that must be rigidly
enforced to ensure fires are timely, accurate, and safe. Unit standard operating procedures will dictate what
checks are performed. For more information on field artillery safety, see TCs 3-09.8 and 3-09.81.
4-42. The lay of the unit is verified immediately following a deliberate or hasty occupation. The platoon
leader or designated safety officer sets up a verification (safety) circle using a method other than that of the
lay GLPS or aiming circle. The safety aiming circle must be located where all howitzers can see it and
should not be any closer than 10 meters to the lay circle. Care must also be taken not to position the safety
circle along the line of sight between a howitzer and the GLPS or aiming circle used to lay the battery.
4-43. After the safety circle is established, command the instrument operator on the GLPS to measure a
deflection to the safety circle. The instrument operator on the GLPS determines a deflection to the safety
circle and then announces that deflection to the safety circle operator. This procedure serves to verify that
the GLPS was oriented properly when it laid the platoon. The tolerance allowed between the deflections of
the lay circle and the safety circle must be within 10 mils or can be found in the local range regulations for
the firing range in use. Use the stricter tolerance for verification of lay. The unit standard operating
procedures will specify the method and sequence of verifying lay (for example, M2 compass) during an
emergency occupation.
4-44. If the lay GLPS or lay circle and the safety circle deflections are within tolerance, as specified by the
stricter figure of 10 mils or local range regulations, the safety circle instrument operator places the
deflection read by the lay circle on the azimuth knob (upper motion) of the safety circle. With the orienting
knob (lower motion), the safety circle operator sights back in on the GLPS or lay circle. This aligns the 0-
3200 line of the safety circle parallel to the 0-3200 line of the GLPS or lay circle. Table 4-6 depicts the
steps for verifying the lay of the platoon or battery.
Note. When an aiming circle is used to orient another aiming circle for direction, the readings
between the two circles will be 3200 mils apart because both circles measure horizontal
clockwise angle from the line fire. Remember, if the lay circle is a GLPS it does not have a red
scale! If the safety circle operator after sighting on the GLPS remembers that, “if you see red,
read red” or if the deflection given is greater than 3200 the safety circle operator will have to
subtract 3200 the deflection given by the GLPS. The safety circle commands: “LAY CIRCLE
REFER, AIMING POINT THIS INSTRUMENT.” The lay circle sights on the safety circle, reads the
deflection and replies, “AIMING POINT IDENTIFIED, DEFLECTION XXXX (Lay circle determined
instrument reading).” If the deflection on the safety circle and the aiming circle are within the
specified tolerance, set the announced deflection on the safety circle and, using the safety
circle’s orienting knob (lower motion), sight in on the lay circle.
4-45. The platoon leader or platoon sergeant should walk the gun line and visually check the tubes to
ensure they are parallel. An M2 compass should also be used to ensure that the tubes are on the azimuth of
fire. The following commands are used to verify the lay of a platoon (battery).
(The deflection announced is an example only.)
Instrument operator on verification (safety) circle: “GLPS (OR LAY CIRCLE) REFER, AIMING
Instrument operator on GLPS or lay circle: “AIMING POINT IDENTIFIED, DEFLECTION 3091.”
Instrument operator on verification (safety) circle: “PLATOON (BATTERY) REFER, AIMING POINT
(If the deflection referred by a howitzer is within the tolerance given in the standard operating
procedures or local range regulations, the instrument operator on the verification (safety) circle
transmits that the howitzer is safe: (example) “NUMBER 3 IS SAFE”. When all sections have
reported and are within tolerance, command: “THE PLATOON (BATTERY) IS SAFE.”)
4-46. Normally, vertical angles are measured during advance party operations. The vertical angle and
distance from the orienting station to each howitzer are required by the FDC for fire mission processing.
The vertical angle to a point is measured from the horizontal plane passing through the horizontal axis of
the instrument. The vertical angle is expressed as plus or minus, depending on whether the point is above
(plus) or below (minus) the horizontal plane. On an M2A2 aiming circle this correction factor is determined
by using the elevation knob to center the tubular leveling vial, then read and record the result (black
numbers are plus and red numbers are minus) for use in determining the vertical angle. The vertical angle is
measured to the height of the instrument—about chest high on the average individual at the howitzer
position. When measuring the vertical angle, elevate or depress the telescope to place the horizontal cross
hair on the instrument. Read and record the value on the elevation and elevation micrometer scales to the
nearest mil. Apply correction factors and report measurements to the FDC.
Note. These checks must be made before “END OF MISSION” is received at the howitzer.
angle, and deflection announced are examples only. Table 4-7 depicts the steps for reporting the correct
Table 4-7. Reporting the correct deflection
Do this first. Go to the howitzer.
Check to ensure that the bubbles on the sight mount are centered. If they are not, center them
Do this second.
with the pitch and cross level control knobs.
Check the sight picture. If incorrect, correct it by moving the head of the panoramic telescope
Do this third.
only. Do not traverse the tube.
Do this last. Read and report the deflection on the panoramic telescope.
4-50. The following command is used to report the correct deflection. The deflection announced is an
example only.
The platoon is laid on azimuth 5,000 (orienting angle 0600) with a common deflection of 3,200.
After firing a registration, the FDC requests that the platoon leader report the correct deflection.
The platoon leader completes the required checks, and reports “CORRECT DEFLECTION 3250.”
Howitzer gunner: (Measures with the panoramic telescope the deflection to the aiming circle
without moving his tube.) Announces: “NUMBER (number of howitzer), AIMING POINT
IDENTIFIED, DEFLECTION 0963 (example number).”
Instrument operator: (Sets the announced deflection on the upper [recording motion] of the
aiming circle. With the lower (non-recording) motion, sights in on the panoramic telescope.
Note: The 0-3200 line of the aiming circle is now parallel to the tube of the firing weapon.)
The final step at the aiming circle depends on whether survey control is available.
If survey control is not available:
(1) The platoon leader, with the azimuth knob (upper motion), floats and centers the magnetic
needle. Note: Since the magnetic needle is being used, the aiming circle must be declinated
and set up away from magnetic attractions.
(2) The value now on the azimuth knob (upper motion) is the instrument reading. Subtract the
instrument reading from the declination constant. The difference is the azimuth of the line of
4-56. When a deflection is read from the pantel or when an azimuth is measured, the deflection or azimuth
determined is that of the 0-3200 line of the pantel as read from the azimuth counter. When the FDC
requests the platoon leader to “MEASURE THE AZIMUTH”, the azimuth requested is that of the howitzer
tube. If the howitzer is out of boresight, the data derived is inaccurate by the amount of the error.
Note. If the howitzer in question was used to lay the aiming circle or the rest of the howitzers,
the other howitzers are out of lay by the amount of error found. The platoon leader should take
immediate corrective action to orient them on the correct azimuth of lay (after all howitzers have
verified boresight).
Verifying boresight
4-57. Verify howitzer boresight. This can be done with an alignment device or other means such as distant
aiming point or test target.
Table 4-8. Measuring the azimuth with a gun laying and positioning system
Note. With survey control – the GLPS uses the “Input Location” or “Back Polar Plot” option to enter the GLPS location at an
orienting station, survey control point, or survey location provided from battalion.
Select the Lay by Azimuth option on the GLPS and measure an azimuth to
Do this first.
the identified howitzer’s panoramic telescope.
Do this second. Command the howitzer to refer to the GLPS.
Subtract the referred deflection from measured azimuth (adding 6400 mils
Do this third.
If necessary). The remainder is the measured azimuth.
Math step: Subtract the howitzer’s referred deflection from the gun laying
and positioning system’s measured azimuth to the howitzer’s panoramic
Do this fourth.
The GLPS measured azimuth to the howitzer minus (-) the howitzer’s
referred deflection = the measured angle (the azimuth of fire or line of fire).
4-64. The following commands are used with either the GLPS or the aiming circle to measure the azimuth
of the line of fire. Steps to follow when measuring with the pantel are in table 4-10 on page 4-18.
Instrument operator: “NUMBER 3 (number of howitzer) REFER, AIMING POINT THIS
Do this second. Check to ensure the bubbles on the sight mount are level. If they are not, level them with the
leveling knobs.
Do this third. Check the sight picture. If incorrect, correct it by moving the head of the panoramic telescope
only. Do not traverse the tube.
Do this last. Read and report the deflection on the panoramic telescope.
4-65. If the battery or platoon is to deliver accurate fires, the boresight of the howitzer must be correct.
Boresighting is the process of ensuring that the optical axis of the weapon sights is parallel to the cannon
tube. The primary methods of boresighting are distant aiming point, test target, and standard angle. If a
howitzer is not in boresight, the tube is disoriented in relation to the amount of boresight error. If the sight
is off to the right, the tube is disoriented by that amount to the left. If the sight is off to the left, the tube
reflects that error to the right. Howitzer sections verify boresight as part of occupation procedures.
Howitzers sections will follow the boresight procedures outlined in the applicable howitzer TM.
Emergency occupation of a firing position may require firing before the boresight is verified. In such cases,
the howitzers must verify boresight as soon as possible. If this verification discloses an error (for example,
the 0-3200 line of the panoramic telescope and the howitzer tube are not parallel), immediate corrective
action is taken after measuring the error and reporting it to the FDC.
Note. If the howitzer in question was used to lay the aiming circle or the rest of the howitzers,
the other howitzers are out of lay by the amount of error found. The platoon leader should take
corrective action to orient them on the correct azimuth of lay after all howitzers have verified
4-67. Digital communications are the primary method of field artillery communications. Voice
communications are available as a back-up means.
4-68. Units equipped with advanced digitized equipment at the FDC and howitzers use digital fire
missions. The AFATDS or equivalent transmits the digital fire missions from the FDC to the howitzers.
The howitzer’s digital fire control system receives and displays the fire mission data. The fire mission
display contains the menu, information, and data entry areas required for operating the howitzer’s digital
fire control system. The specific data shown in this area is dependent on the functions being performed.
Various instructions and warnings will appear in this area, as necessary. See TMs 9-2350-314-10-1 and 9-
2350-314-10-2 for the M109-series howitzer, TM 9-1025-215-10 for the M777-series howitzer, and TM 9-
1015-260-10 for the M119-series howitzer for further information on use of the howitzers’ digital fire
control systems.
4-69. Establishing digital communications is vital. Initialization and howitzer database checks occur
whenever the digital fire control is first turned on, in accordance with procedures found in the howitzer
operators manual. These include entering communications parameters and navigation system initialization.
Unit standard operating procedures should list explicitly those settings to be made at the howitzer. The
platoon leaders assisted by the gunnery sergeants and platoon sergeants will verify each howitzer’s
initialization data base and at a minimum, these leaders will verify the initialization grid Easting, Northing,
azimuth, and communication parameters. They will report this information to the FDC and ensure
verification that the correct data has been sent.
4-70. To ensure the FDC and howitzer sections have the correct digital fire control and radio settings, the
FDC should prepare a communications parameter card (see table 4-11) for each howitzer during pre-
combat checks. Parameter cards should then be treated similar to safety T’s, with any changes reported to
all subscribers. Platoon leadership checks to ensure changes are recorded and applied.
Table 4-11. Howitzer parameter card example.
Net Access Net Address
Communication configuration: __________. Gun section/platoon: _______/________.
Number of stations: __________________. DFC URN: _______________________.
Use net busy detect: No (default) Yes (Circle desired setting). FDC (P) URN: ____________________.
Intranet relayer: Disable (default) Enable (Circle desired FDC (B) URN: ____________________.
setting). DFC Rank: _______________________.
N-layer pass through: Enabled (default) Disabled (Circle FDC (P) Rank: ____________________.
desired setting). FDC (B) Rank: ____________________.
Controlling FDC: ___________________.
Digital net: __________________________________. Spheroid: _________________________.
Voice net: ___________________________________. Datum: ___________________________.
Backup digital net: ____________________________. Time zone: ________________________.
Backup voice net: _____________________________.
Data rate: ______________________________ _____.
PT/CT: _____________________________________.
4-71. The FDC initializes the AFATDS in accordance with the applicable technical bulletin and the
standard operating procedures. The fire direction officer will verify that all entries made by the AFATDS
operator are correct.
4-72. The FDC ideally will be operational before the howitzers are initialized. Then once the howitzers
have initialized the first check of digital communications will be the howitzer transmitting its position and
status to the FDC and the resultant acknowledgement. If this does not work, the howitzer crew, FDC, and
platoon leadership must begin communications troubleshooting procedures. Once the position and status
message is successfully passed, the FDC should verify that the location data is what was expected.
4-73. Units without a digital capability must use voice fire commands. Units also use voice fire commands
if the digital equipment malfunctions. To facilitate voice commands, the FDC provides the fire command
standards to the section chief after occupation of the position. Fire command standards are discussed in the
main paragraph below.
4-74. Digital communications are the primary means for transmitting fire commands. If digital
communication is lost or degraded, digital communications must be reestablished as soon as possible. An
alternative to voice communications is degraded digital communication. Degraded digital communication
uses the AFATDS purely as a technical fire direction computer and transmits the fire command by voice. If
one howitzer in the battery or platoon loses digital communications, the FDC will issue voice commands to
that howitzer. If two or more howitzers lose digital communications, the FDC may direct all howitzers to
use degraded mode. The howitzers will then ignore gun display unit data and take fire commands by voice
4-75. See ATP 3-09.23 for information on the communications nets in which the field artillery operates.
See chapter 7 for information on the fire commands used by the howitzers.
5-1. The reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of the position are complete. Now the battery must
prepare an adequate defense in order to survive and provide continuous fire support to the maneuver
commander. A defense is more effective when there is adequate time to thoroughly plan and prepare
defensive positions. For more information on defense or security operations, see Field Manual (FM) 3-90-1
or ATP 3-21.8
5-2. Threat forces direct actions against the field artillery to affect the ability to deliver fires. Threat forces
may try to detect field artillery elements through the study of doctrine and the processing of information
collected by using reconnaissance and surveillance as sources of information. Personal communication
devices, such as cellular phones, permit untrained observers or irregular forces to report unit positions for
targeting. In addition to visual observation, predicted activities, bumper markings, and leftover rubbish add
to the collection of information supporting the threat targeting effort. However, the greatest threats to the
field artillery battery come from counterfire, air attack, and ground attack. The battery commander must
analyze the intelligence preparation of the battlefield and develop an overall defensive plan to mitigate
these threats.
5-3. The battery commander is responsible for general planning, coordination, and execution of the
battery defense. By thoroughly analyzing mission variables, the battery commander gains an understanding
of the tactical situation and identifies potential friendly and threat weaknesses. The battery commander
must graphically portray to his subordinate leaders how the commander intends to defend the position. This
information will aid the platoon leaders in developing a plan to defend the platoon. The first sergeant is
responsible for the overall execution of the battery defense. The first sergeant integrates the platoon defense
plans into an overall battery defense. This may not be feasible if the platoons disperse over a significant
distance (distributed unit). The battery defense plan must be submitted to the battalion headquarters so the
operations sergeant can integrate all firing battery defense plans into the overall battalion defense plan. A
unit defense checklist may aid in the defense preparations. A sample unit defense checklist is discussed in
appendix B of this publication.
5-4. The battery commander will undertake actions to provide for early and accurate warning of threat
activities. This will protect the battery from surprise and reduce the unknowns in any situation. Unit
standard operating procedures must contain provisions for battery self-defense. These include gunnery
techniques such as firing Killer Junior (time fuzed, high explosive rounds fired in direct fire) on
dismounted avenues of approach and flechette (antipersonnel-tracer) rounds for perimeter defense. This
section briefly discusses techniques and associated considerations for battery defense. See chapter 9 and
appendix F for information on Killer Junior.
5-6. A concealed or unrecognizable battery has greater odds of survival. Occupying positions that offer
cover and concealment will aid the battery in avoiding detection. Use any terrain and natural concealment
available to blend into the surroundings. Use available camouflage (for example, trees, shrubs, buildings,
and lightweight screening systems) to hide equipment and not contrast with the natural surroundings.
Maintain noise and light discipline throughout operation. Use the track plan, because the most common
signs of military activity in an otherwise well camouflaged area are tracks, disrupted soil, and debris
associated with movement. Use the terrain by occupying positions that have natural advantages for the
defense (for example, interior tree lines and ravines). Harden battery positions and dig in whenever
possible. If possible, construct obstacles to delay, stop, divert, or canalize an attack force. Once emplaced,
these obstacles should be covered by fire. In fast moving situations, or when emergency displacement is
anticipated, hardening might be limited to digging fighting positions on the perimeter, placing sandbags
around sensitive equipment (for example, collimators and tires), and constructing survivability positions.
5-8. The howitzer battery or platoon is most vulnerable to attack during the occupation of and
displacement from a position. The first consideration for either is establishing security. Each section will
have a predetermined sector of responsibility. This sector of fire must maximize the use of primary
weapons and ensure there is a coordinated 6,400-mil defense with interlocking fires. The defense plan is
visually depicted by a defense diagram, to be discussed later in this section. The defense diagram includes
the fields of fire for the howitzer cannon, antitank weapons, crew served weapons, and individual weapons.
If howitzer sections are dispersed over great distances, the section may become responsible for its own
defense. This requires the section to defend itself until help arrives. If the unit is attacked or penetrated by
threat forces, a reaction force may be required. This reaction force responds by assembling at a
predetermined location to assess the situation and deploys to augment the existing perimeter. The reaction
force deploys using fire and maneuver techniques to expel or destroy the threat and reestablish the
perimeter. Composition of the reaction force is mission variable dependent and tactical standard operating
procedures driven. Based on personnel strength levels, the unit may not be able to fully man an effective
defensive perimeter and provide continuous fires. Battery personnel should be trained on basic and
advanced warfighting skills that were formally exclusive to the infantry. For more information on
warfighting skills, see Soldier Training Publication (STP) 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT.
5-9. Dispersion laterally and in depth minimizes the effects of an air attack or counterfire, but the unit
becomes more susceptible to dismounted infantry and individual threat combatants. The battery
commander will determine the method of employment and formation for howitzers and other support
vehicles, based on mission variables. Howitzer sections should be positioned at least 100 meters apart, with
the fire direction center (FDC) an even greater distance to the rear or either flank of the formation.
5-10. Another technique used in the conduct of a defense, is the defense diagram. The defense diagram
graphically portrays the position with respect to the azimuth of fire. The defense diagram displays section
positions, defensive positions (for example, sectors of fire, target reference points, and adjacent units), and
key terrain. The defense diagram illustrates 6,400-mil coverage for the battery. The defense diagram
identifies terrain, vehicles, weapon systems, and sectors of fire, which include:
Dominant terrain features.
Dead space.
Target reference points.
Range markers.
Observation and listening posts.
Howitzer direct fire sectors.
Crew served weapons sectors of fire.
Fire direction centers.
5-11. The platoon sergeant establishes the sectors of fire for the platoon. When these sectors have been
determined and assigned, each section will construct a range card for each weapon system position (for
example, howitzer, machine gun, grenade launcher, or antitank team). The sections will continually update
and revise range cards throughout the occupation of a position. Battery leaders should verify that range
cards are properly constructed and maintained.
Note. A sample Department of the Army (DA) Form 5699, Howitzer Range Card, is at
Appendix D (Figure D-6 on page D-12). For information on DA Form 5517, Standard Range
Card, for other weapons and sector sketches, see ATP 3-21.8.
5-12. Once the range cards are completed, the information is used to construct the sectors of fire on the
defense diagram. The objective is a completed defense diagram with pertinent data for the platoon defense.
The methods for constructing a matrix on which to draw the diagram vary. The key is to pick a scale
suitable for plotting the grid locations for the unit. The matrix may be a commercially produced item, or
one developed by the user. The most important thing to remember is that the matrix should accurately
reflect conditions on the ground. The FDC has preprinted grid sheets, which are scaled to 1:25,000. Each
grid square represents 1,000 meters on these sheets. Other map scales are available for use in constructing a
matrix. For example, each grid square may represent 500 meters (1:12,500) or each square may represent
200 meters (1:5,000). For the purposes of this discussion, the matrix scales in the following examples are
1:5,000 (figure 5-1 on page 5-4).
Record related information with grid locations on the back of the defense diagram (table 5-1 on
page 5-7).
Verify that the defense diagram graphically portrays the battery commander’s defensive plan.
Note. Grid coordinates may be obtained from the FDC computer, global positioning system
receivers, or a map spot.
Figure 5-3. Defense diagram with sectors of fire for a platoon example
Note. The legend is customized for user preference, to include symbols and their associated
description (for example, M136 AT4 or similar light antitank weapon; azimuth of fire; POC;
observation posts and listening posts). For more information on symbols and graphics, see Army
Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 1-02.
HE = high explosive
Q = fuze quick
DPICM = dual purpose improved conventional munitions
5-14. The defense diagram is completed based on guidance from the battery commander or first sergeant
and unit tactical standard operating procedures. The gunnery sergeant initiates the defense diagram, to
include howitzer locations, terrain sketch, and initial defensive positions, during the advance party
operations. Once the main body occupies the new position, the gunnery sergeant submits the defense
diagram to the platoon sergeant for completion or verification. The first sergeant collects completed platoon
diagrams and integrates them into the overall battery defense diagram. The defense diagrams are
continuously updated as the battery improves the defenses. The completed battery defense diagram and
updates are forwarded to the battalion command post for use in development of a battalion defense plan.
5-16. For examples of sample mission checklists, see Appendix B. For more information on defensive
control measures or defensive planning considerations, see FM 3-90-1 and ADRP 3-90.
against CBRN attack should be exercised regularly to maintain proficiency. For more information on
CBRN operations, see FM 3-11 or FM 3-11.3 respectively.
Note. Units equipped with the gun laying and positioning system (GLPS) have an organic
capability to establish an orienting station and end of the orienting line for the unit.
6-2. The three elements of survey control are direction, location, and altitude. The survey section should
survey the firing unit’s position before the unit arrives, if the tactical situation permits. The survey section
will provide coordinates and height of the orienting station and grid azimuth from the orienting station to
the end of the orienting line. The hasty survey techniques discussed in this chapter fall into two categories–
directional control and location determination.
6-3. Direction is the most important element of survey control. The mil relation formula states that one
mil of error in direction at 1,000 meters will result in a one meter lateral deviation from the target.
Therefore, as the range increases, so does the deviation. This section discusses techniques available to
establish or transfer directional control with the M2A2 aiming circle.
6-4. Simultaneous observation of a celestial body is a fast and easy method of transferring directional
control. Simultaneous observation is ideally suited for field artillery units because multiple units can be
placed on common directional control in minutes. The principle of simultaneous observation is that any
given celestial body is so far away that, for practical purposes, the lines of sight to it from two or more
points on the surface of the earth are parallel. During daylight hours, the sun will serve as the celestial
object, at night any clearly defined object will suffice. There are certain requirements for a simultaneous
observation, to include:
Clear weather that permits observation of the celestial object.
Communications between the master and flank stations.
Known directional control to a known point.
Distance between master and flank stations does not exceed 26 kilometers.
Note. Distances greater than 26 kilometers may result in exceeding hasty survey tolerances of
6-5. The point having known directional control (a grid azimuth to a known point) becomes the master
station. It can be occupied by survey personnel or personnel from the firing unit. All positions requiring the
establishment of directional control become flank stations.
Place the sun filter over the aiming circle eyepiece before tracking the
6-6. The M2A2 aiming circle at the flank station is set up to observe the prearranged celestial object. It
becomes the orienting station for the firing unit. The instrument operator of the flank station will set up the
aiming circle using a plumb bob, and position the aiming circle over a user defined orienting station
marker. If the simultaneous observation is prearranged, the flank station can maintain radio silence during
the procedure. Table 6-1 depicts the steps for performing a simultaneous observation. For more information
on procedures and commands for simultaneous observation, see the digital training management system
and Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 3-09.02.
Table 6-1. Example simultaneous observation
Step 1. Use the azimuth knob (upper motion) to set the Step 1. With the azimuth knob (upper motion), set 0.0 mils
known azimuth value on the instrument azimuth scale on the instrument.
(upper motion), and sight on the known point or azimuth
marker with the orienting knob (lower motion).
Step 2. Using the azimuth knob (upper motion), identify Step 2. Contact the master station, and report that you are
and sight on the predetermined celestial object.1 ready to observe.
“This is November 38, ready, start tracking, out.” “November 38, this is November 37, ready to observe, over.”
Step 3. Using the azimuth knob (upper motion), track the Step 3. With the orienting knob (lower motion), sight on
celestial object and announce, “TIP.”2 and track the celestial object until the master station
“This is November 38, tracking, tracking, tracking announces, “TIP.”
(countdown), TIP, out.”
Step 4. Read the azimuth to the celestial object from the Step 4. Depress the telescope of the instrument, and
azimuth scale, and announce it to the flank station(s). place the end of the orienting line squarely along the line
“This is November 38, azimuth 3741.5, over.” of sight at least 30 meters away from the orienting station.
Record the azimuth that is announced by the master
Step 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3, and determine a second Step 5. With the azimuth knob (upper motion), track the
angle for verification. celestial object until the master station announces, “TIP.”
“This is November 38, tracking, tracking, tracking, TIP,
Step 6. Determine the clockwise angle (check angle) Step 6. Read the angle that was measured, and copy the
between the first and second azimuths. Announce the check angle from the master station.
check angle to the flank station(s).
Step 7. Ensure the check angle from the master station
and the angle measured agrees within ±2 mils; the
azimuth to the end of the orienting line is the azimuth that
was recorded in step 4. If the check angle is out of
tolerance, repeat the entire procedure.
1 Sight on the center mass of the celestial object. With the M2A2 aiming circle, you can see celestial objects when they
are only half-visible to the naked eye.
2 TIP - telescope in place.
3 The second TIP on the celestial object verifies the accuracy of the orienting line.
Bold text indicates commands between master station and flank station. (Call signs and azimuths depicted are
examples only)
6-7. The directional traverse transfers directional control from one point to another using measurements
and directions to a series of straight lines connecting a series of points. The directional traverse should only
be used when conditions prohibit the use of simultaneous observation or other methods. The advantage of
this method is improved accuracy versus floating the magnetic needle of an aiming circle or scaling an
azimuth from a map. The disadvantages are the loss of accuracy (0.5 mils) for each angle turned during the
traverse, and time consumption due to overall distance traveled. For more information on steps for
directional traverse, see the digital training management system and ATP 3-09.02.
6-10. The graphic resection is a quick method of determining location, but requires coordinates to known
aiming points (for example, water tower, church steeple, or trigonometric markers). The advantage of a
graphic resection is the relative ease in determining location. The disadvantages include visibility and more
than one known aiming point must be available.
6-11. A graphic traverse is a means of transferring direction and location control from one point to another
using angle and distance measurements. This procedure is similar to a directional traverse, with the
exception of distance to each forward station is included in the measurements. The data needed to begin a
graphic traverse include the coordinates to a known aiming point and the direction to an azimuth mark.
6-13. With the exception of the GLPS, the subtense method is the fastest. Subtense is based on a principle
of visual perspective, where the farther away an object is, the smaller it appears. An advantage of subtense
is that a horizontal distance is obtained indirectly; that is, the distance is computed rather than measured.
This allows subtense to be used over terrain where obstacles (for example, streams, ravines, or steep slopes)
may prohibit pacing. The subtense base (for example, 2-meter bar, or rifle) may be any desired length. The
instrument operator sights on one end of the object and measures the horizontal clockwise angle to the
other end. If a 2-meter bar or rifle is used, the Soldier facing the aiming circle must hold the rifle or 2-meter
bar perpendicular to the line of sight. Repeat the process twice and then determine the mean angle. The
subtense method uses precise values with a trigonometric solution. Use the computation below or
appropriate subtense table to extract the distance.
You are using a 2-meter subtense bar and you measure an angle of 10.5 mils.
Determine the horizontal distance using the following formula:
Distance = ½ base = 1 = 1 = 194 meters
tan ½ (angle) tan (5.25) 0.005154
Note. You must convert mils to degrees by dividing 17.778 into the angle determined. To
determine the tangent (tan) of an angle, you will need a calculator.
6-14. For ease of measurement and speed of action, the subtense method is preferred. Tables 6-2, 6-3, and
6-4 on pages 6-5 through 6-10 are provided that calculate distances for measured angles.
Table 6-2. Subtense using a 2-meter base (bar)
6.0 340 18.5 110 31.0 66
6.2 329 18.8 108 31.2 65
6.5 313 19.0 107 31.5 65
6.8 300 19.2 106 31.8 64
7.0 291 19.5 104 32.0 64
7.2 280 19.8 103 32.2 63
7.5 272 20.0 102 32.5 63
7.8 261 20.2 101 32.8 62
8.0 255 20.5 99 33.0 62
8.2 248 20.8 98 33.2 61
8.5 240 21.0 97 33.5 61
8.8 231 21.2 96 33.8 60
9.0 226 21.5 95 34.0 60
9.2 221 21.8 93 34.2 60
9.5 214 22.0 93 34.5 59
9.8 208 22.2 92 34.8 59
10.0 204 22.5 91 35.0 58
10.2 200 22.8 89 35.2 58
10.5 194 23.0 88 35.5 57
10.8 189 23.2 88 35.8 57
11.0 185 23.5 87 36.0 57
11.2 182 23.8 86 36.2 56
11.5 177 24.0 85 36.5 56
11.8 173 24.2 84 36.8 55
12.0 170 24.5 83 37.0 55
12.2 167 24.8 82 37.2 55
6-15. Soldiers who have measured their pace should be able to pace 100 meters to an accuracy of ±1 meter
over level ground. However, the paced distance follows the contour of the earth and can provide inaccurate
measurements over great distances. Therefore, in sloping or rough terrain, determining a horizontal
distance with accuracy becomes more difficult. Soldiers can try to adjust their pace length to the degree of
slope being paced, but accuracy will decrease. Pacing should be used only over relatively flat terrain, when
other methods are unavailable.
6-16. A measured and marked length of wire or substitute may be used as a means to measure distance.
This method is substantially more accurate than pacing, but it requires that two Soldiers hold the ends of
the wire. The wire may be any length, although a length of 60 meters is recommended. The wire should be
marked with the same color-coded tape at every meter increment throughout its entire length, and with a
different color-coded tape at every 10-meter increment. The Soldiers will measure in a straight line from
one point to the other and count the number of whole lengths measured. The distance of the leg is
determined by multiplying the number of whole wire lengths by 60 (the length of the wire) and adding the
partial length.
Note. Section chiefs must view the digital fire command for each mission in its entirety. This
will preclude errors in firing when the fire for effect is entered or if the shell, charge, fuze type,
or fuze setting changes.
7-3. A warning order alerts the firing element to an impending fire mission. When the FDC transmits the
warning order digitally, the gun display unit emits a steady alarm signal indicating the start of the fire
mission. The howitzer section chief acknowledges receipt and prepares for action. When using voice
commands, a warning order of “FIRE MISSION” is announced.
Pieces to Follow
7-5. Pieces to follow designates the firing element that will follow the commands given for an adjust fire
mission. “PLATOON (BATTERY) ADJUST” indicates the mission will be an adjust-fire mission and that all
howitzers will copy the commands, follow the mission, and participate in the fire for effect phase. Any
howitzer or number of howitzers may be announced in this element; for example, “PLATOON ADJUST” or
Pieces to Fire
7-6. Pieces to fire designates which howitzer(s) will fire the data given in the initial fire command.
“PLATOON ADJUST, NUMBER 3” indicates that during an adjust fire mission, number 3 will fire the
initial round of adjustment. Piece(s) to fire may be standardized. A voice command would be “NUMBER 3, 1
ROUND”. If the mission were fire for effect, then “PLATOON” would be sent.
Method of Fire
7-7. Method of fire designates how many rounds to fire. “PLATOON ADJUST, NUMBER 3, 1 ROUND”
indicates that during this adjust fire mission, number 3 will fire 1 round. “PLATOON 1 ROUND” indicates a
fire for effect mission with all howitzers firing 1 round. Method of fire may be standardized.
7-8. This element designates specific actions that differ from normal. “DO NOT LOAD” or “AT MY
COMMAND” signify restrictive commands. Other special instructions include high angle, use gunner’s
quadrant, azimuth, zone, sweep, zone and sweep fire, and special corrections. When more than one special
instruction applies, announce restrictive commands first.
Do Not Load
7-9. “DO NOT LOAD” is a restrictive fire command that prohibits loading and firing. The section may
prepare the projectile, charge, and fuze (if applicable); lay the howitzer for deflection; and set the quadrant
elevation or loading elevation, as required.
At My Command
7-10. The restrictive fire command “AT MY COMMAND” prohibits the firing element from firing until
directed by the FDC. “AT MY COMMAND” remains in effect until the FDC commands “CANCEL AT MY
cancelled at any time. If the FDC has announced “QUADRANT”, the command would be “CANCEL AT
7-11. “HIGH-ANGLE” alerts the firing element that the fire mission requires an angle of elevation greater
than 800 mils. Light artillery weapons can be elevated before loading. Medium artillery weapons normally
must be loaded at loading elevation.
7-13. “AZIMUTH” alerts the element to a large shift in the direction of fire. The azimuth in mils follows
the command of azimuth. Direction of fire is the direction on which a fire unit is laid to the most
significant threat in the target area, to the chart direction to the center of the zone of fire, or to the
7-14. “SWEEP (so many) MILS, (so many) DEFLECTIONS” commands a seldom-used method of fire when
the standard sheaf does not adequately cover the target and more width is required. Sweep fire provides for
firing several deflections with 1 quadrant. The howitzer section chief computes the required deflections
and, after firing the initial deflection, fires the remaining deflections in any order, or as directed by unit
tactical standard operating procedures.
The howitzer section chief computes deflections 3216 and 3246 by subtracting 15
mils from and adding 15 mils to the displayed deflection.
7-15. The sheaf is the lateral distribution of the bursts of two or more pieces fired together. The width
of the sheaf is the lateral distance (perpendicular to the direction of fire) between the centers of flank bursts.
A sheaf may be formed in any of the following patterns: converged, open, parallel, or special.
7-16. “ZONE (so many) MILS, (so many) QUADRANTS” commands another method of fire used when the
standard sheaf does not adequately cover the target and more depth is required. Zone fire provides for firing
1 deflection with several quadrants. The howitzer section chief computes the required quadrants, fires the
initial quadrant, and fires the remaining quadrants in any order, or as directed by unit tactical standard
operating procedures. Zone fire always includes an odd number of quadrants fired.
The howitzer section chief computes quadrants 399 and 419 by subtracting and
adding 10 mils to the displayed quadrant elevation.
7-17. “SWEEP (so many) MILS, (so many) DEFLECTIONS, ZONE (so many) mils, (so many) QUADRANTS”
commands a method of fire combining sweep fire and zone fire. Sweep and zone fire provides for firing
several deflections and quadrants. The howitzer section chief fires the initial commands for deflection and
quadrant first, and then fires all combinations of computed deflections and quadrants in any order, or as
directed by unit tactical standard operating procedures.
The howitzer section chief computes deflections 3190 and 3210, and quadrants 306
and 314.
7-18. “SPECIAL CORRECTIONS” alerts the crew that separate data will be transmitted to one or more
sections. The command “SPECIAL CORRECTIONS” should precede any special corrections that apply to
the fire command. This command prevents misunderstanding and unnecessary repetition of missed special
corrections. Unit tactical standard operating procedures and level of training dictate the use of special
7-19. This element designates the type of projectile (often high explosive (HE)) required in the fire
mission, for example “SHELL HE.” The projectile must be announced when it differs from standard.
7-20. This element designates the ammunition lot required in the fire mission, for example “LOT XY”
Code ammunition lot numbers for simplicity. Separate loading ammunition has two designators. The first
letter is for the projectile and the second letter is for propellant. Semi-fixed ammunition has a one letter
designation. The lot designator(s) must be announced when it differs from standard.
7-21. This element designates the amount of propellant required and allows the section to prepare the
propellant charge, for example “CHARGE 5.”
7-22. This element designates the fuze type required in the fire mission, for example “FUZE QUICK.” The
fuze must be announced when it differs from standard.
7-23. This element designates the corresponding fuze setting required in the fire mission, for example
“FUZE TIME, TIME 17.6.” If fuze quick is to be fired on the delay mode, “DELAY” is displayed digitally
or announced by the FDC.
7-24. This element designates the 4-digit deflections required for the fire mission, for example
“DEFLECTION 0320.” With voice commands, deflection is always announced as four digits; for example,
“DEFLECTION 0321 (zero three two one)”.
7-25. This element designates the quadrant elevation required in the fire mission, for example
“QUADRANT 471.” When the section chief announces deflection, the gunner reads back the deflection.
After the assistant gunner (AG) has reported “QUADRANT (so much), SET”, the gunner will verify his sight
picture, ensure that his bubbles are centered, and reports “DEFLECTION (so much), READY”.
Note: The quadrant elevation is never standardized and is always announced for subsequent fire
Element Example
1. Warning Order. 1. “TARGET ARMORED CAR”
2. General direction to the target. 2. “LEFT FRONT”
3. Lead in mils. 3. “LEAD, LEFT 5” (Reference the appropriate
weapon technical manual).
4. Range to the target. 4. “RANGE 500”
Note: The shell, fuze, and charge to be fired in direct fire should be standardized in order to save time.
“CONTINUOUS FIRE” commands the howitzer crews to continuously fire within the prescribed
rates of fire for the howitzer, until the command “CHECK FIRING” or “CEASE LOADING” is
“FIRE AT WILL” commands the howitzer crews to engage targets at will, while under control of
the howitzer section chief. This command is used in a direct fire role, primarily for perimeter
7-31. Anyone can give the command “CHECK FIRING,” but it should be used only in emergencies, or if a
safety violation is observed. All firing ceases immediately. This command may be given by voice,
displayed digitally, or both. Immediate action is taken to determine the nature of the check firing and to
correct the situation.
7-32. The command “CEASE LOADING” allows the firing element to fire rounds that are loaded, but no
additional rounds may be loaded. This allows howitzers to avoid having HE rounds remaining in a tube that
may be hot from repeated firing.
7-33. The command “END OF MISSION” terminates the current fire mission. The howitzer sections should
return to the lay deflection and quadrant, or lay on priority target data, as required.
7-34. The battery may be assigned planned targets for which current firing data must be maintained. Each
target is assigned a number and each weapon is laid on its assigned priority target. In such cases, unit
standard operating procedures usually designate a command or a prearranged signal to fire on the priority
target, bypassing the usual sequence of fire commands.
Target AC7343 has been designated as a priority target. Firing data have been computed and
have been transmitted to the left firing platoon. On the command “LEFT, SUPPRESS
AC7343”, the left platoon engages Target AC7343 with the previously arranged method of fire
7-35. In defensive operations, the command “FIRE THE FPF” causes the firing battery to fire the final
protective fires on which it is laid. Firing the final protective fire continues until all ammunition is
expended or the FDC commands “CEASE LOADING”. That command ensures rounds are not left in a hot
7-38. Howitzer section chiefs transmit firing reports to the FDC during firing, as required. These reports
notify the FDC of section firing status, for example:
When the FDC commands the special instruction “DO NOT LOAD,” the howitzer section chief
reports, “LAID, NUMBER (so and so).” The howitzer section chief reports when the projectile,
charge, and fuze have been prepared; the howitzer is laid for deflection; and the quadrant has
been set.
When the FDC commands the special instruction “AT MY COMMAND” or “BY PIECE (or BY
ROUND) AT MY COMMAND,” the section chief reports, “READY, NUMBER (so and so).” The
howitzer section chief reports when the section is ready to fire.
The howitzer section chief submits the report “SHOT NUMBER (so and so)” after a round is
fired. However, if the method of fire is more than one round, the howitzer section chief reports
“SHOT” only after the initial round.
The howitzer section chief reports “ROUNDS COMPLETE NUMBER (so and so)” when the final
round designated in the method of fire is fired. However, if only one round is to be fired, the
section chief does not report rounds complete after shot.
The section chief reports “MISFIRE NUMBER (so and so)” when a misfire occurs (voice only).
Note. The reports above are used primarily during voice communication. For more information
on reporting with the gun display unit, see Technical Manual (TM) 11-7440-283-12-2.
7-39. The howitzer section chief reports ammunition status, as required. This report includes the number of
rounds expended by type and lot number. This report is submitted in accordance with unit tactical standard
operating procedures.
7-40. The howitzer section chief reports data fired in error. The section chief reports the actual data fired in
error to the FDC; for example, “NUMBER 2 FIRED DEFLECTION 3276.”
8-1. The platoon leader is responsible for determining the lowest quadrant elevation that can be safely
fired from a position to ensure that projectiles clear all visible crests.
Note: All references to platoon leader will apply to the executive officer as well when platoons
are collocated. Also, the gunnery sergeant is responsible for these same duties prior to the
platoon’s occupation of position.
8-2. Always determine a minimum quadrant for each howitzer. The maximum of these minimum
quadrants is the minimum quadrant elevation. Using the rapid fire tables in TC 3-09.8 for 105-mm M67
and 155-mm M3A1 green bag, and M4A1 and M119 white bag powders is the fastest method of computing
the minimum quadrant elevation for those powders and specified fuzes. Modular artillery charge system
rapid fire tables have not been republished at the time of this writing. The quadrant elevation determined
using the rapid fire table is always greater than or equal to manual computations and therefore safer. Figure
8-1 depicts the elements of minimum quadrant elevation.
Note: Manual computations are more accurate than the rapid fire tables and are used if the sum
of the site to crest and the angle needed for a 5-meter angle of site is greater than 300 mils.
Note. All angles are determined and expressed to the next higher mil.
8-4. The sum of angles 1 through 5 (figure 8-1 on page 8-3) is the minimum quadrant elevation for the
weapon and the charge computed, to include:
Angle 1 is the angle of site to crest measured by for the weapon. See TC 3-09.8 for the steps to
measure angle 1. The largest site to crest will not necessarily yield the largest minimum quadrant.
Angle 2 is the vertical angle required to clear the top of the crest. For quick, time, and unarmed
proximity (variable time) fuzes, a vertical clearance of 5 meters is used. For armed fuzes,
reference their technical manual. In most cases for existing artillery fuzes fired over ordinary
terrain, it is 70 meters.
Angle 3 is the complementary angle of site. It is the complementary site factor (tabular firing
tables, table G) for the appropriate charge at the piece to crest range multiplied by the sum of
angles 1 and 2. Site is the sum of angles 1, 2, and 3.
Note. The entry argument for applicable tabular firing table is the piece to crest range. If not
listed, do not interpolate, instead use the next higher listed value.
Angle 4 is the elevation (from the tabular firing table, table F) for the appropriate charge
corresponding to the piece to crest range.
Angle 5 is a safety factor equivalent to the value of 2 forks (tabular firing table, table F) for the
appropriate charge at the piece to crest range.
The sum of angles 1 through 5 is the minimum quadrant elevation for the weapon and the charge
Attention. Minimum quadrant elevation must be computed for each weapon and charge to be fired. The
maximum quadrant of these minimum quadrants is the minimum quadrant elevation for the firing unit.
Howitzer number 1 has a range to crest of 1,100 meters. The site to crest reported is
+16 mils. Howitzer number 1 is a 155-mm howitzer, and charge 3 green bag will be
fired. The platoon leader computes the minimum quadrant elevation, to include:
Angle 1: Record the site to crest reported by the chief of section (+16 mils).
Angle 2: Determine the angle of site in mils and use the following equation to
determine angle of site: Vertical interval ÷ range in thousands x 1.0186 mils =
angle of site (for example, 5 meters ÷ 1.1 meters x 1.0186 mils = 4.63 mils
expressed to the next higher whole mil of +5 mils).
Note. The value for angle 2 can also be extracted from the rapid fire tables. See TC
3-09.8 for 105-mm howitzers and M3A1 green bag, and M4A2 and M119 white bag
powders for 155-mm howitzers.
Angle 3: Determine comp site by multiplying the comp site factor corresponding to
the piece to crest range (or the next higher listed range in the tabular firing table,
table G, if that range is not listed) by the sum of angles 1 and 2. Angle 1 + angle 2
= +21. The comp site factor corresponding to 1,500 meters (range 1,100 is not
listed in the tabular firing table) is +0.010. Therefore, +21 x 0.010 = +0.210. Once
a value for comp site is determined, it must be expressed to the next higher whole
mil: +1 mil.
Angle 4: Determine elevation for the piece to crest range (tabular firing table). If
this value is not a whole number, it is expressed to the next higher whole mil (74.1
expressed to 75): +75 mils.
Angle 5: Determine the value of 2 forks (tabular firing table) at piece to crest range
(for example, 2 x +2 mils = +4 mils).
Total: Add angles 1 through 5 to determine the platoon leader's minimum quadrant
elevation. 16 + 5 + 1 + 75 + 4 = 101.
Therefore, the minimum quadrant elevation for howitzer number 1, charge 3 green
bag is 101 mils.
The platoon leader will compute the minimum quadrant elevation for each howitzer in
the firing unit. The highest value is the minimum quadrant elevation for the firing unit
with this charge.
Note. All computations are derived from tabular firing tables, graphical firing tables,
and manual computation of angle of site.
necessary to fire a proximity fuze with a time less than the minimum safe time, then increase the angle of
site for the minimum quadrant elevation to ensure that the fuze will not function as it passes over the crest.
8-12. If the projectile is to be fired with the proximity fuze set at a time less than the minimum safe time,
make an allowance for angle of site of friendly elements. If the projectile is to be fired over marshy or wet
terrain, the average height of burst will increase. Therefore, increase the angle of site by 50 percent. If the
projectile is to be fired over water, snow, or ice, increase the angle of site shown by 100 percent. When a
fuze setting less than the minimum safe time is fired, the minimum quadrant elevation for fuze proximity is
based on piece to crest range and a greater angle of site instead of 5 meters. The following special segment
is an example of computations used to determine minimum quadrant elevation for armed variable time
The site to crest reported by the chief of section is +16 mils. The piece to crest range
is 1,700 meters. Howitzer number 1 is a 155-mm howitzer. Charge 4 green bag, and
armed variable time fuzes (M732) will be fired. The platoon leader computes the
minimum quadrant elevation, to include:
Angle 1: Record the site to crest reported by the chief of section (+16 mils).
Angle 2: Determine the angle of site in mils and use the following equation to
determine angle of site: Vertical interval ÷ range in thousands x 1.0186 mils =
angle of site (for example, 70 meters ÷ 1.7 meters x 1.0186 mils = 41.94 mils
expressed to the next higher whole mil of +42 mils).
Angle 3: Determine comp site by multiplying the comp site factor corresponding to
the piece to crest by the sums of angles 1 and 2. Angle 1 + angle 2 = +58. The
comp site factor corresponding to 1,700 meters (tabular firing table gives a comp
site factor of 0.010 for charge 4 green bag and range 2,000 meters.) Therefore,
+58 x 0.010 = +0.580 expressed to the next higher whole mil: +1mils.
Angle 4: Determine elevation at piece to crest (tabular firing table): +90 mils.
Angle 5: Determine the value of 2 forks (tabular firing table) at piece to crest range
(for example, 2 x +2 mils = +4 mils).
Total: Add angles 1 through 5 to determine the platoon leader's minimum quadrant
elevation. 16 + 42 + 1 + 90 + 4 = 153 mils quadrant elevation for charge 4 green bag.
Minimum safe time (time of flight) at piece to crest range (5.6 + 5.5 = 11.1 or 12.0
seconds) is 12.0 seconds.
The minimum quadrant elevation for this howitzer is 153 mils, charge 4 green bag,
minimum safe time 12.0 seconds (M732), fuze-armed variable time.
The platoon leader will compute the minimum quadrant elevation for each howitzer in
the firing unit. The highest value is the minimum quadrant elevation for the firing unit
with this charge.
Note. All computations are derived from tabular firing tables, graphical firing tables,
and manual computation of angle of site.
8-13. The minimum quadrant elevation is compared to the minimum quadrant elevation and the minimum
point detonating range line as computed by the FDC. The greater of these two values is placed on the DA
Form 7353, Universal Safety T, (or a locally produced version of that form). See TCs 3-09.8 and 3-09.81
for additional information.
Note: Always compute the platoon leader’s (executive officer’s) minimum quadrant elevation
(QE) for all howitzers and select the largest value as the platoon leader’s or battery executive
officer’s minimum QE.
See TM 43-0001-28-3 for information on the interchangeability among North Atlantic Treaty
Organization members’ ammunition types.
If a projectile fired with an MK 399-1 fuze impacts a substantial object
(either intentionally or unintentionally), a high-order explosive function
may result even when the object is located inside the 400-caliber
minimum arming distance from the weapon (138 feet for 105-mm and
203 feet for 155-mm weapon systems).
8-15. TC 3-09.8 describes the steps required to determine the minimum quadrant elevation to safely fire
the howitzers. Field artillery units must follow those steps to ensure targets are not engaged (either in the
indirect or direct fire mode) before the MK 399-1-fuzed round has reached the 400-caliber minimum
arming distance from the weapon. Point detonating fuzes on delay only allow penetration of the first wall
or roof. For more information on loading and firing during direct fire missions, see technical manuals (TM)
9-1015-252-10 for M119A2 howitzer, TM 9-1015-260-10 for the M119A3 howitzer, TM 9-1025-215-10
for the M777-series howitzer, and TM 9-2350-314-10-1 and -2 for the M109-series howitzer.
9-1. The composite cannon structure consists of any combination of howitzer systems, with associated
prime movers and ammunition resupply vehicles, which may include:
Howitzer, Medium, Self-Propelled, 155-mm, M109A6.
Howitzer, Medium, Towed, 155-mm, M777-series.
Howitzer, Light, Towed, 105-mm, M119-series.
9-2. Composite units may be organized under tables of organization and equipment or through force
tailoring. Although a battalion may be organized with individual firing batteries equipped with only a given
type of weapon, a mission’s task organization may require that different weapon systems co-exist within
the same battery. Under this circumstance, the battery’s howitzer crews should train on and, as a goal, be
certified to operate both systems for maximum tactical flexibility. This training will be easier if both are
similar types of weapon systems. Mixing training on towed and self-propelled systems will be more
difficult, for example, due to the added maintenance training on the self-propelled model, air mobile
training for the towed model, and differing employment techniques.
9-3. Although cannon battalions in Infantry BCTs are organized as composite units, combat operations
have dictated that other units encounter composite unit situations where they might have any combination
of howitzer configurations across the battery or battalion. These situations affect personnel, equipment,
manning, training, and sustainment among others. Identify considerations associated with composite units
as early as possible in the military decisionmaking process.
1. A possible type of composite battalion organization is where Alpha and Bravo
batteries are organized with 2 platoons of 3 M109A6 Paladin self-propelled
howitzers, while Charlie battery is organized with a platoon of 3 M109A6 Paladin
self-propelled howitzers and a second platoon of 3 M777A2 towed howitzers.
9-4. Composite battery units present unique challenges and tactical considerations for the cannon battery
commander and key leaders. Considerations for composite battery units include—
Unit composition (howitzer mix).
Manning levels for howitzer sections, fire direction centers (FDC), and platoon leadership.
Technical firing solution computation capabilities.
Note. The type of howitzer, associated prime mover (if so equipped), and ammunition resupply
vehicle vary among the systems. See the applicable technical manual for general information and
equipment description.
9-6. Planning considerations for unit composition include equipment type, quantity, supply, and
maintenance associated with different types of equipment. Considerations vary according to the type of
howitzer(s) (self-propelled or towed) and quantity of vehicles (wheels and tracks) and associated equipment
in the cannon battery, which include:
Position area requirements that increase with the use of self-propelled howitzers and other
tracked vehicles, while decreasing with the use of towed howitzers and other wheeled vehicles.
Climate and terrain that hampers or restricts movement of track or wheeled vehicles (mountains,
jungle, desert, cold regions, and urban population areas).
Methods of employment (platoon, paired, grouped, or single howitzer) that differ between
terrain and distance.
Method of control (centralized or decentralized) based on method of employment.
Note. Chapter 2 discusses techniques and key considerations for methods of employment and
methods of control.
Note. For more information on airborne or air assault missions, see Field Manual (FM) 3-99.
Sustainment requirements that increase with the amount of vehicles task-organized to the unit.
Supply accountability of equipment with hand receipts, shortage annexes, and additional
authorization listings.
Operator level maintenance and records management of howitzers, vehicles, and associated
equipment new (not organic) to the unit.
Maintenance support from forward support company or brigade support battalion.
9-8. The unit manning levels will vary based on unit composition. Unit tables of organization and
equipment, task-organization, commander’s preference, personnel strength, level of training, individual
capabilities, and other factors may require the battery commander to modify requirements for unit manning
levels. The battery commander bases this decision on mission variables or unit tactical standard operating
procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance on minimum safe manning levels for
howitzer sections and FDC personnel during firing.
9-9. It is normal to expect howitzer sections and FDCs to reduce to numbers less than prescribed by tables
of organization and equipment strength due to illness, casualties, battery tasking, and the need to rest
personnel, among others. Combine the duties of section personnel to meet mission requirements and still
maintain continuous operation, as required.
9-10. Planning considerations for manning levels include unit composition and minimum safe manning
requirements. Considerations vary according to the assigned equipment, which include:
Experience level (towed, self-propelled) for howitzer section personnel.
Experience level for FDC personnel.
Knowledgeable and competent personnel assignments from section level to platoon leadership.
9-11. Determine minimum safe manning requirements or levels as early as possible in the military
decisionmaking process. Include these numbers in the unit tactical standard operating procedures, as
9-12. Considerations for howitzer sections include:
Tactical situation.
Crew drill on each weapon system (dual assigned).
Cross training among howitzer platforms to increase proficiency.
Minimum safe manning requirements for firing.
Training and certification programs for howitzer crews on each assigned weapon system.
9-13. The purpose of crew drill is to improve the performance of the howitzer section through execution of
assigned tasks and cross training of section personnel. Drill howitzer sections until reactions to commands
are automatic, rapid, and efficient. Adherence to procedures will prevent injury to personnel or damage to
9-14. Cross training of section personnel takes on an added importance with the introduction of dual
howitzers at the section level. The howitzer section must be ready and capable of executing dual fire
missions on both systems near simultaneously. In addition to indirect fires, the need may arise to include
direct fires, as well. For more information on howitzer section crew drill and reduced crew drill, see the
applicable howitzer technical manual
Firing sections conducted a dual fire mission, switching between indirect and direct
artillery fire modes on M777A2 and M119A3 weapon systems against several threat
positions. These Soldiers fired nearly simultaneously in support of nearby troops in
contact, while also engaging the forces firing at the combat outpost, switching
between systems and modes within mere minutes.
Note. Chapter 11 discusses other considerations for cross training of composite and distributed
9-15. Combine howitzer sections to maintain established minimum safe manning requirements. Battery
leadership may perform duties as cannoneers with a howitzer section, if required.
Note. Problems during firing arise due to a lack of training or sacrificing established procedure
for speed. Bypassing established procedures can lead to inaccuracies in fires, wasted rounds, and
a decrease in the effectiveness of fire support. Careless or improper procedures at the howitzer
contribute to these inaccuracies. Proper training is the key to minimizing human error and
careless gunnery procedures.
9-19. Considerations for platoon leadership include:
Supervision of gunnery procedures for firing elements, especially those assigned different
weapon systems (dual assigned).
Supervisory responsibilities involving firing safety for the unit.
9-20. The platoon leadership enforces gunnery procedures and safety practices within the unit, with special
emphasis on FDC and howitzer section operation. Lack of attention to detail, improper supervision, and
failure to make safety checks lead to incidents that result in equipment failure, and can lead to physical
injury or death to personnel. Proper supervision of firing units could eliminate or at least reduce the
opportunity for common mistakes or malpractices. Leaders at every level should be diligent in enforcement
of safety practices and procedures. Each member of the unit is responsible for firing safety.
9-21. The battery commander and key leaders must identify the unique challenges as well as techniques
and associated considerations for composite battery units. For more information on firing safety, to include
duties and responsibilities of safety personnel in a battery, see the applicable gunnery publication.
10-1. Dispersion assists in disrupting or denying threat access to key terrain and avenues of approach.
Extensive dispersion reduces the unit’s vulnerability to threat observation and fires but may increase its
vulnerability to attack by threat forces.
10-2. Current operations, recent trends, and lessons learned indicate the need for distributed units.
Distributed units require effective small unit leaders, decentralized positions, decentralized decisionmaking
and well-trained small units. The more distributed units are, the greater the reliance on effective leadership,
standardization, and small unit performance. The responsibility of small unit leaders is ever increasing.
Today, company grade officers and noncommissioned officers are fully prepared to assume much greater
authority and responsibility than was traditionally expected at small unit level.
10-3. There are tactical advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated with small, distributed units. Small
units operating independently from each other may require improved external sustainment support from
higher headquarters; improved situational awareness; reconnaissance and surveillance support; organic
sensors that can survive under fire; and increased local security. Additionally, increasing the distance
between units beyond mutually supporting ranges may require support to supplement organic fires. Identify
considerations associated with small, distributed units as early as possible in the military decisionmaking
10-4. Small, distributed units present unique challenges and tactical considerations for the battery
commander and key leaders. Considerations for small, distributed units include:
Methods of control (centralized or decentralized).
Methods of employment (platoons, pairs, groups, or individual howitzers).
Personnel (strength and level of training).
Communications (equipment availability and level of training).
Sustainment (supply and maintenance operations).
Note: Chapter 9 discusses other considerations for composite and distributed units.
10-5. Distributed units require well-trained and professional small unit leaders that focus training on small
unit doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures. These small unit leaders motivate, inspire, and influence
their Soldiers to work toward a common purpose, compelling them to go beyond their individual interests
and work for the common good. Small units achieve success when competence breeds the confidence that
cements cohesion. Distributed units will lead to a greater reliance on teamwork, cohesion, and trust.
10-6. Cannon batteries may perform maneuver tasks in addition to firing battery tasks, as required. The
cannon battery is not equipped with the equipment, resources, or personnel to conduct standard infantry
missions. A traditional infantry company is considerably larger that a cannon battery. All personnel must
fully understand the mission; cultural impacts, if any; and rules of engagement. Unit tactical standard
operating procedures must be developed, rehearsed, and coordinated to effectively deal with these complex
10-7. The considerations for personnel will vary based on unit composition and method of employment.
Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s guidance, personnel strength,
level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery commander to modify
personnel assignments for task organization. The battery commander bases this decision on mission
variables or unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance
on personnel, to include minimum safe manning levels for firing and priorities for defense of the unit.
10-8. Considerations for battery personnel include:
Personnel strength levels.
Unit elements (distributed).
Unit positions (forward operating base or combat outpost).
Level of training on defense tactics and procedures.
Maneuver missions for one or more firing platoons.
Note. Distribution of FDC personnel across multiple locations such as forward operating bases
or combat outposts can create a shortage of experience in FDCs. The unit should identify
mission requirements (composite or distributed) and expedite operational needs statements, as
needed prior to deployment.
10-9. Monitor personnel strength levels for unit elements conducting maneuver missions in addition to
firing battery tasks. Monitor personnel strength levels for positions where the unit may not be able to fully
maintain an effective defensive perimeter and provide for continuous fires from all howitzers.
10-10. Considerations for medical support include:
Medical personnel assigned to the unit.
Task organization of combat medics to the firing platoons.
Identification of unit combat lifesavers.
Training of unit combat lifesavers.
Number of combat lifesaver bags.
Requisition Class VIII supplies for combat lifesaver bags.
Number of litters (standard collapsible or nonstandard collapsible) for casualty evacuation.
Precombat checks or inspections for availability and contents of combat lifesaver bags (include
in unit tactical standard operating procedures).
10-11. Request additional trained combat medical personnel to augment unit level combat medics to meet
mission requirements. Determine the number of combat lifesavers that the unit needs and establish a
selection criteria to identify the best qualified Soldiers to attend training. The goal should be to position a
combat lifesaver and bag in every section and on every vehicle. Identify and nominate Soldiers to attend
emergency medical technician training to enhance first responder care within the units.
10-12. Distributed units require more robust communications equipment and assets to operate effectively
over great distances. Communications between the howitzers and the FDC is a major concern with
increased distances. Develop unit tactical standard operating procedures to establish primary and alternate
means of communications and provide for redundancy.
10-13. The battery communication requirements will vary based on unit composition and method of
employment. Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s guidance,
personnel strength, level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery
commander to modify the unit communications plan. The battery commander bases this decision on
mission variables or unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning
guidance on priorities for voice and data networks, to include redundancy.
10-14. Planning considerations for communications include:
Communications equipment availability.
Tactical radios.
Wire communications.
Non-organic equipment.
Information systems availability.
Network availability.
Voice networks.
Data networks.
Unit training.
New equipment training.
Unit leadership.
Security measures.
10-15. Inventory tactical radios and wire communications, if available for accountability and
serviceability. In addition, inventory non-organic equipment assigned to the unit, for example, theater
provided equipment. Inventory information systems, if available for accountability and serviceability. In
addition, inventory peripherals, power supplies, and stand-alone kits, if equipped. Verify systems capability
to maintain situational awareness, perform threat analysis, and display imagery analysis. Establish voice
and data networks based on availability and operational status of equipment. Verify network connectivity
and bandwidth. Request additional bandwidth to support mission requirements, as required. Establish
backup plans for each network for redundancy. Conduct rehearsals of communications, to include degraded
10-16. Determine level of training and certification of unit personnel on assigned equipment. Identify
training requirements for communications equipment and information system operators. Request new
equipment training or mobile training teams, if available. Develop a certification program for
communications equipment or information system operators. Include unit leadership in training and
certification, if possible.
10-17. Determine locations or terrain that may interfere with communications. Terrain masks may
interfere or disrupt lines of communication. Verify communications for future locations, if possible.
Relocate to improve communication with all elements or higher headquarters.
10-18. Develop communications security measures to prevent disruption in connectivity. For instance, use
secure communications equipment whenever possible. In addition, practice communications discipline by
limiting transmission length and frequency of use.
10-19. Mission success depends as much on preparation as it does on planning. Preparation requires
leader and Soldier actions. To make a tentative plan, the battery commander must gather information by
focusing on battery level mission variables. Mission checklists could be valuable in providing sample
topics and questions that may assist the commander in this effort.
10-20. Tables are available, which provide sample mission checklists. These tables include:
Mission planning.
Precombat checklists for:
Ground threat (mounted and dismounted).
Air threat.
Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats and hazards.
Medical evacuation.
Artillery raid.
Scatterable mines.
Inventory of assets.
Critical events timeline.
Unit defense.
Degraded operation.
10-21. Develop some version of these checklists for use by battery personnel and incorporate the
checklists into the unit tactical standard operating procedures. Develop checklists for composite units as
11-1. Field artillery skills require extensive training to maintain proficiency. These military occupational
specialties suffer skills atrophy when weighted down with an increasing operation tempo and non-field
artillery missions. In order to maintain field artillery skills, it is crucial that battery commanders and key
leaders set aside time and resources for training. Once time is set aside, the focus should be on basic
gunnery skills, with particular attention to cross training and reduced crew drill for howitzer sections and
fire direction centers (FDC).
Note. Chapter 12 discusses home station training for deployment, mobile training teams, and
new equipment training.
11-2. Training for composite or distributed units presents unique challenges and tactical considerations for
the battery commander and key leaders. Other considerations for training include:
Time available.
Resources available.
Cross training of howitzer sections on composite equipment.
Reduced crew drill for howitzer section and FDC personnel.
Certification of howitzer crews, FDCs, and platoon leadership.
11-3. Planning considerations for training will vary based on time and resources available. Unit tables of
organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s guidance, personnel strength, level of
training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the cannon battery commander to modify the
unit training plan. The battery commander bases this decision on mission variables or unit tactical standard
operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance to key leaders based on these
considerations. This guidance dictates the necessary planning and preparation required to train the unit and
ensure future mission success.
11-4. The techniques for training composite and distributed units should be included in the unit’s tactical
standard operating procedures. Techniques include cross training, reduced size crew drill, and certification.
11-5. Planning considerations for cross training include:
Time available.
Personnel available.
Training objective.
Training end state or desired outcome.
11-6. The Army trains leaders for their next higher position before they assume it. Small unit leaders train
their Soldiers in the same way through cross training; preparing them to assume the next higher position
within the section, squad, or team. Cross training provides unit depth and flexibility and fosters leader
confidence. Sections conduct cross training to increase proficiency among section members. Section
members rotate duties during training so that each member can perform all duties within the section. In
composite cannon battery organizations, the howitzer sections have an added responsibility to conduct
cross training on more than 1 howitzer system. The howitzer sections must be proficient on each howitzer
system assigned to the unit, or dual assigned to the individual howitzer section.
Note. Cross training could include training on basic howitzer skills for all battery personnel not
assigned to the howitzer sections, so that they could function efficiently with a howitzer section
if required.
Note. Standardized procedures for operating with a reduced crew were developed under the
Army standardization program. For more information on howitzer section reduced crew drill, see
applicable howitzer technical manual.
11-9. An alternative to reduced crew drill is the method of rotating personnel at “hot gun” platoon
locations. In this scenario, the designated firing platoon maintains continuous manning of howitzers and the
FDC. The firing platoon rotates the howitzers between a hot, warm, and cold status. The hot status
represents a fully mission capable state of readiness, while the warm status represents a standby near fully
mission capable status. The cold status could represent a non-mission capable status due to maintenance,
rest, training, or unit tasking. Standardize the terms (hot, warm, cold gun), definitions, and methods
mentioned here in the unit tactical standard operating procedures.
11-10. Planning considerations for certification of FDCs, howitzer sections, and platoons include:
Time available.
Personnel available.
Access to equipment.
Certification level (artillery tables).
11-11. Certification and subsequent qualification of battery elements is the responsibility of the battery
commander. Certification focuses on firing safety of howitzer crews and FDCs. This assessment validates
the battery commander’s recommendation of safety certification. The battery commander certifies his
howitzer crews and FDCs, once the commander determines they are qualified to perform duties, as
required. Complete certification for each assigned howitzer weapon system. Qualification is a live-fire
event completed later at battery level and observed by battery leadership.
11-12. Access to equipment is critical for training, certification, and qualification if not readily available.
Mobile training teams and new equipment training are options worth exploring for new or unfamiliar
equipment. Identify planning considerations associated with training, certification, and qualification as
early as possible in the military decisionmaking process. For more information on field artillery gunnery, to
include training strategy, training plans, certification, evaluation, qualification, or field artillery safety, see
applicable gunnery publications.
11-15. Planning considerations for battery tasks will vary based on the tactical situation or mission
requirements. Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s guidance,
personnel strength, level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery
commander to modify battery tasks. The battery commander bases this decision on mission variables or
unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance to key leaders
based on these considerations. This guidance dictates the necessary planning and preparations required to
maintain continuous operation and ensure future mission success.
11-16. Small unit leaders must establish, conduct, and enforce detailed troop leading procedures. The unit
should establish and conduct precombat checks and inspections of personnel and equipment prior to every
11-17. The techniques for composite or distributed unit tasks should be included in the unit’s tactical
standard operating procedures. These techniques should address continuous operations, unit movement, and
unit defense.
11-18. Planning considerations for continuous operation include:
Mission directives.
Personnel strength levels.
Personnel management.
Priorities of work.
Note. Both leaders and Soldiers sometimes regard themselves as being invulnerable to fatigue
and the effects of sleep loss. Deliberately depriving yourself of sleep is counterproductive. Sleep
deprivation could jeopardize mission accomplishment.
11-20. Planning considerations for movement include:
Communications availability and reliability.
Ballistic protection for vehicles.
Counter improvised explosive device protection measures, if available.
Crew served weapons.
Convoy security.
Range of organic and supporting indirect fire systems.
Precombat checks.
11-21. Cannon batteries and platoons survive with a combination of movement and dispersion. Dispersion
over great distances creates challenges for movement of vehicles for sustainment (logistics packages and
ammunition resupply). Light, thin-skinned vehicles are most susceptible to targeting and damage by a
threat. Whenever possible, use hard surface roads to minimize the risk of encountering mines and
improvised explosive devices. Coordinate cleared and approved routes before departure. Hard copy maps
may not be accurate or reliable. Aerial reconnaissance may facilitate movement planning. Ensure convoy
leaders report departures, maintain communications during movement, and report arrival at the final
destination. Anticipate weather conditions and its effect on mobility.
11-22. Train Soldiers on improvised explosive devices and mine identification, likely locations, and
marking procedures. Determine proper reporting procedures when improvised explosive devices or mines
are located. Rehearse procedures for responding to mounted and dismounted detonation. For more
information on improvised explosive device defeat techniques, see ATP 3-90.37, TC 3-90.119, and the
individual tasks identified in the Central Army Registry.
11-23. Planning considerations for defense include:
Time available.
Resources available.
Distance between adjacent units.
Perimeter defense.
Mounted and dismounted patrols.
Quick reaction forces.
Unmanned aircraft systems, if available.
11-24. Cannon batteries are valuable targets for threat forces, and small unit leaders must limit the
vulnerability of their positions. Proper preparation of a defensive position provides for early warning of
threat activities and reduces the threat posed to personnel and equipment. A perimeter defense is the
preferred method of security for a battery or platoon. This provides the best security because it is oriented
in all directions. The use of patrolling and available observation systems enhances the overall effectiveness
of the defense.
Note. Based on dispersion and personnel strength levels, the unit may not be able to fully operate
an effective defensive perimeter and provide for continuous fires.
11-25. Develop checklists for continuous operation, movement, and defense, to include patrolling and
quick reaction forces for use by battery personnel and incorporated into the unit tactical standard operating
procedures. Develop checklists for composite and distributed units as well. Identify planning considerations
associated with battery tasks as early as possible in the military decisionmaking process. For more
information on employment of unmanned aircraft systems and mission planning considerations, see ATP 3-
04.1. For more information on considerations and preparations for defense or security tasks, see ATP 3-
21.8, ATTP 3-21.71, FM 3-90-1, and Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 3-90.
11-26. Planning considerations for use of patrolling in the defense include:
Threat situation.
Personnel available.
Combination of mounted and dismounted movement.
Escalation of force measures.
Cordon and search.
Site exploitation.
Improvised explosive devices.
Embedded sniper teams.
Casualty evacuation.
Quick reaction forces.
Precombat checks.
Note. Precombat checks and inspections are critical to the survival of Soldiers for both mounted
and dismounted patrols.
11-27. Use a combination of mounted and dismounted patrolling whenever possible. Use mounted pickup
points to increase dismounted patrol time. In addition, use mounted patrols in combination with dismounted
infantry to eliminate predictability.
11-28. Rehearse clearance of improvised explosive device procedures, to include locating cache sites and
dismounted route clearance. Request support from explosive ordnance or route clearance teams, if
Note. The improvised explosive device is obviously the most prevalent weapon of choice for a
threat, and constant vigilance is required to prevent the threat from emplacing larger and more
deadly devices.
11-29. All units must be proficient in the fundamentals of patrolling. Patrolling is a daily requirement in
some regions, and can be the largest determinant of overall mission success. Ensure all Soldiers understand
the principle of patrolling, especially squad leaders and above. For more information on considerations and
use of patrolling, see ATP 3-21.8 and ATTP 3-21.71.
Personnel available.
Equipment available.
Mode of transportation.
Quick reaction force commander.
Reinforce perimeter.
Supplement patrols.
Note. Composition of the reaction force is dependent on mission variables and unit tactical
standard operating procedures.
11-31. Determine equipment requirements for quick reaction forces. Inventory communications
equipment, to include communications equipment security measures. Assign crew served and, if available,
antitank weapons to fire teams. Coordinate transportation for quick reaction forces, based on mission
Warfighting Skills
Train battery personnel on basic and advanced infantry warfighting skills as
necessary. Base the use of patrolling or quick reaction forces on mission variables
and unit tactical standard operating procedures.
For more information on basic and advanced warfighting skills, see Soldier training
publication (STP) 21-1-SMCT or STP 21-24-SMCT. These manuals include Army
warrior training plans for warrior skills and task summaries for critical common tasks
that support unit wartime missions.
Direct Fire
11-32. Direct fire is a special technique that demands a high level of training and requires the howitzer
section to operate as an independent unit. Considerations for the use of direct fire include trajectory, target
type, and ammunition.
11-33. Trajectory characteristics change with respect to range to target and charge fired. To produce the
highest muzzle velocity and a flat trajectory, always use the maximum charge available. Shorter ranges are
the most accurate to engage a target, because the trajectory is flattest. Intermediate ranges provide a
trajectory flat enough to allow direct estimation of range without actually bracketing the target. At longer
ranges, hits are only reasonably possible and bracketing will probably be required to obtain a hit.
Engage targets closer than 800 meters from the howitzer only during combat
situations. Lethal fragments can travel up to 600 meters from the point of burst.
11-34. The most likely direct fire targets are vehicles or dismounted personnel. Vehicles are engaged as
point targets and personnel are engaged as area targets. Direct fire targets should be engaged in priority, for
Vehicles at short ranges threatening to overrun the position.
Stationary vehicles covering the advance of other vehicles.
Command and control vehicles.
Dismounted infantry.
11-35. Planning considerations for the use of direct fires include:
Personnel available.
Level of training.
Equipment available.
Communications available.
Howitzer range cards.
Forward operating base and combat outpost defense.
11-36. Direct fire provides a decisive response to threat attacks on vulnerable positions. However, it
requires knowledgeable and competent personnel, from the howitzer section to the platoon leader or battery
11-37. Use thermal weapon sights on the M913 Gun Electronic Laying Optical Night Sight for nighttime
direct fire engagements, if available. Coordinate self-illumination missions, as required.
Note. The M913 mount facilitates the use of selected night vision sights or authorized infrared
lasers on the M119-series howitzer. This device enhances the capability of howitzer crews to
engage direct fire targets at night. In addition, this configuration reduces or eliminates the need
for self-illumination fire missions while allowing the unit to maintain light discipline.
Note. Use of this device in combat operations overseas resulted in a reduction in collateral
damage and civilian deaths.
11-38. Annotate potential threat firing positions on the howitzer range card. Establish target reference
points, complete with distances, directions, and elevations.
Note. Use the laser range finder on the GLPS, hasty survey, map scaling or to determine this
11-39. Determine and standardize ammunition for direct fire engagements (propellant, shell, and fuze
combinations). For example, use high explosive shell with point detonating fuze against armored targets
and high explosive shell with fuze time for dismounted attack. These may be standardized in the unit
tactical standard operating procedures to save time. If other than standard is desired, commands for shell,
charge, and fuze are given after direction to target.
Note. Fuze delay mode works well against fortified threat positions. The projectile penetrates
deeper into the face of the targeted position while simultaneously limiting collateral damage.
11-40. Conduct direct fire rehearsals individually at section level and collectively at platoon level.
Rehearse direct fire procedures to include notifying FDC of direct fire mode and requesting clearance to
fire. For more information on loading and firing during direct fire missions, see the applicable howitzer
technical manual.
Killer Junior
11-41. Killer Junior is a special technique developed to defend positions against threat dismounted ground
attack. Much like direct fire, Killer Junior demands a high level of training and requires the section to
operate as an independent unit. Killer junior uses time fuzed high explosive projectiles set to burst in the air
at close range seconds after firing.
11-42. Direct fire and Killer Junior provide the battery commander a large bore, first response weapon for
battery defense. This allows the battery commander to engage the threat at the farthest range possible.
Standardize ammunition (propellant, shell, and fuze combinations (high explosive and time)) for
engagements in unit tactical standard operating procedures.
11-43. Develop checklists for continuous operation, movement, and defense, to include patrolling and
quick reaction forces for use by battery personnel and incorporated into the unit tactical standard operating
procedures. Develop checklists for composite and distributed units as well. Identify planning considerations
associated with battery tasks as early as possible in the military decisionmaking process.
Note. Appendix B discusses sample mission checklists; appendix F discusses Killer Junior.
11-47. Planning considerations for sustainment will vary based on total number of vehicles and equipment
requiring sustainment Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s
guidance, personnel strength, level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the
battery commander to modify the unit plan for sustainment. The battery commander bases this decision on
mission variables or unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning
guidance to key leaders based on these considerations. This guidance dictates the necessary planning and
preparations required to sustain the unit and ensure future mission success.
11-48. The techniques for sustaining composite or distributed units should be included in the unit’s
tactical standard operating procedures. The following paragraphs will briefly discuss techniques available
and associated considerations for sustainment.
11-49. Planning considerations for sustainment include the quantity of vehicles (wheels and tracks) and
associated equipment in the battery. Considerations vary according to task-organization, which include:
Sustainment requirements that increase with the amount of vehicles task-organized to the unit.
Supply accountability of equipment with hand receipts, shortage annexes, and additional
authorization listings.
Operator level maintenance.
Records management of howitzers, vehicles, and associated equipment new (not organic) to the
Maintenance support from forward support company or brigade support battalion.
Note. This maintenance course provides enlisted personnel with the skills and knowledge to
perform unit maintenance of cannon weapons armament systems.
11-52. Success on the battlefield directly relates to the unit’s ability to maintain equipment and material in
effective operating condition. When breakdowns occur, the lowest echelon possible must repair equipment
as far forward as possible. Technical manuals provide repair procedures and guidelines for battlefield
repairs. Maintenance qualified personnel at battery level will help to bridge the gap between operator and
next higher-level maintenance.
11-53. Planning considerations for unit supply include:
Level of training proficiency.
Multiple property books.
Property accountability.
Hand receipt procedures.
Unit identification codes.
Training change request.
Orders in a timely manner.
11-54. The battery has limited resources for sustainment. The battery supply section is equipped to
provide limited sustainment support. Supply activities and property accountability become burdensome
when units distribute across large areas and numerous locations.
Note. Supply assets may be consolidated at battalion level by design or task organization.
11-55. Separate organizational equipment from theater provided equipment, if applicable. Mark
equipment for identification. Inventory equipment and issue equipment hand receipts to unit elements as
soon as possible. Document equipment location on hand receipts or some other locally developed
documentation. Conduct periodic inventories of organizational equipment, as time permits. Secure any
equipment not issued to end users. Request separate unit identification codes for home station, combat
training centers, and combat operations.
11-56. Ammunition management involves the resupply, management, handling, segregation, and
preparation of semi-fixed and separate loading howitzer ammunition, to include forecasting requirements
based on mission variables. The battery commander, platoon leaders, platoon sergeants, and howitzer
section chiefs all share in a portion of this responsibility. Identify planning considerations associated with
sustainment as early as possible in the military decisionmaking process.
11-57. Communications and equipment are essential elements for planning, directing, and controlling
operations. The commander must develop techniques for communications that promote an expeditious flow
of information throughout the unit. These techniques and associated considerations should be included in
the unit’s tactical standard operating procedures.
11-58. The unit must successfully install, operate, and manage network and automation equipment in
order to communicate effectively. The increased distances at which units typically operate in, coupled with
the lack of communications equipment in the tables of organization and equipment or personnel to operate
and maintain it create challenges for the battery commander and key leaders. Fielding new communications
equipment without the proper training can be detrimental to mission accomplishment.
Note. The communications representatives at battalion level provide battery personnel with
advanced technical assistance in installing, operating, and maintaining the battery
communications system. Battery personnel share responsibility for the installation, operation,
and maintenance of the system.
11-59. Communications for composite or distributed units present unique challenges and tactical
considerations for the battery commander and key leaders. Other considerations for communications
Radio network structure.
Information systems.
Communications support.
11-60. Training on organic communications equipment, to include installation and troubleshooting prior
to deployment is effective and fosters confidence in communications skills. For more information on
information systems and communications within the cannon field artillery battalion, see ATP 3-09.23.
11-61. Planning considerations for communications will vary based on equipment availability and
bandwidth. Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s guidance,
personnel strength, level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery
commander to modify the unit communications plan. The battery commander bases this decision on
mission variables or unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning
guidance to key leaders based on these considerations. This guidance dictates the necessary planning and
preparations required to maintain communications with higher headquarters and ensure future mission
11-62. The techniques for communications in composite and distributed units should be included in the
unit’s tactical standard operating procedures. Consider the radio network structure, wire system,
information systems, bandwidth, host nation considerations, and communications support
11-67. When deployed, wire communication systems may be locally available from host nation sources.
The battery and platoon may use both radio and wire equipment based on mission variables. One system
will be designated primary and the other will become secondary. There are advantages and disadvantages
associated with both. A radio permits mobility and speed but is susceptible to threat electronic warfare.
Wire lines are much less vulnerable to threat electronic warfare, but inhibit rapid movement and speedy
installation. Therefore, the strength of one is the weakness of the other. Units must strive to develop system
redundancy. Determine diagrams and system configurations that provide practical and realistic alternatives
to establishing battery communications. Established methods, procedures, and configurations should be
included in the unit tactical standard operating procedures.
11-68. Planning considerations for information systems include:
Equipment availability.
Internet protocol addresses.
Additional authorizations.
11-69. Request sufficient internet protocol addresses for information systems to maintain continuous
communications. Manage network firewalls for information systems security. Request additional
authorizations, as required. Request tactical network training for administrators, as required.
11-70. Inventory information systems and associated equipment, to include:
Vehicle mounting hardware and equipment, if equipped.
Stand-alone desktop configuration kits.
Uninterrupted power supplies.
Power strips.
11-71. Planning considerations for bandwidth include:
Network management.
Connectivity outages.
Additional authorizations.
11-72. Request sufficient bandwidth to support operations. Manage the network to ensure there is enough
bandwidth to support imagery analysis at battery level. Maintain network connectivity to minimize outages.
Request increases in authorization, as required. Identify the network architecture used in theater, if
11-78. Planning considerations for communications support include:
Direct support.
Contractor support.
11-79. Request communications support from higher headquarters, as needed. Request retransmission to
maintain sufficient communication with higher headquarter and adjacent units, as required. Request
contractor support for new equipment training, as required. Identify and resource the network architecture
used in the theater of operation prior to deployment, if possible. Identify planning considerations associated
with communications as early as possible in the military decisionmaking process.
11-82. Observer management will vary based on location and personnel available. Unit tables of
organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s preference, personnel strength, level of
training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery commander to modify planning
guidance. The battery commander bases this decision on mission variables or unit tactical standard
operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance on fire support.
11-83. The techniques for observer management in composite and distributed units should be included in
the unit’s tactical standard operating procedures. Planning considerations for delivery units at forward
operating bases and combat outposts include:
Personnel available (forward observer or joint fires observer).
Equipment available.
Lightweight countermortar radar, if equipped.
Unmanned aircraft systems, as applicable.
Note. For more information on employment of unmanned aircraft systems and mission planning
considerations, see ATP 3-04.1.
Ground deconfliction.
Levels of command.
Target acquisition.
11-84. Inventory communications equipment to determine equipment allocations and identify critical
shortages. Ensure observers, if assigned, have the equipment necessary to request and adjust fires. Monitor
internet relay chat clients, if available for target grids, observer grids, shell and fuze combinations
requested, and other useful information pertinent for FDC operation.
11-85. Use available forward operating base or combat outpost observation towers as platforms for target
acquisition. Develop aerial imagery, complete with identified target reference points.
11-86. Maintain centralized control over all fires. Clear each target of civilian and collateral damage
hazards prior to sending the fire mission to the howitzers or mortars.
Note. Joint fires observers deploy in a manner similar to traditional forward observers. However,
the priority for employment should be to areas where close air support is required and in
accordance with the unit observation plan and joint tactical air controller location.
Note. Observers receive equipment from a variety of sources, including tables of organization
and equipment, rapid fielding initiatives, and theater provided equipment. It is imperative that
observers have the maximum time available to familiarize and train with this equipment prior to
mission execution.
Note. Joint fires observer skills are perishable. Commanders and fire support officers must
develop sustainment training programs to enhance skill sets, increase proficiency, and foster
11-89. Determine equipment requirements for joint fires observers. Joint fires observer equipment
requirements include:
Multiband radio.
Friendly marking device (marker panels, signal mirror, and infrared position markers [strobe]).
Target marking device (laser designators and visible and infrared laser pointers).
Note. Field artillery battalion commanders or their designated representatives are responsible for
observer training requirements and program management. The designated representative
executes program oversight and policies established by higher headquarters. Documentation of
these requirements is contained in the digital training management system.
Note. The digital training management system allows ready access to online tracking and
verification of individual training requirements and status. The digital training management
system replaces hard copy training record requirements.
11-91. Joint fires observers may be collocated with battery elements or positioned in the nearby vicinity.
The joint fires observer is a valuable resource for the battery commander. Make every attempt to integrate
joint fires observers into the battery mission tasks. Develop mission specific techniques for employing joint
fires observers.
11-92. The examples provided below illustrate situations where the use of joint fires observers could
contribute to overall mission success.
Note. These examples are for illustration purposes only. Other techniques or designs developed
can be included in unit tactical standard operating procedures.
This example involves the reconnaissance, surveillance, or observation of an
objective and includes tasks conducted at any unit level.
The joint fires observer collocates a position with a fire support team, scout team,
long-range surveillance detachment, sea-air-land team, or a special operations unit
with the task to observe an objective, avenue of approach, or high-payoff target.
The observer conducts specific reporting as the basis for close air support requests
and fire support coordination. The observer provides weapons adjustments and
battle damage assessment, as required.
The joint terminal attack controller may be located at another observation position or
at higher headquarters tactical operations center.
This example involves a cordon and search mission, but it could equally apply to
other missions, including artillery raids or direct action against a threat.
The joint fires observer occupies an overwatch position on the outer cordon prior to
actions on the objective. The observer readies the position in order to provide support
on the objective. The observer provides observation and reacts to threat targets
within the friendly forces field of view while on the objective.
The observer provides spot reports on threat size, location, activity, and time to the
mission commander and fire support chain. This information may not be readily
apparent to the friendly forces on the objective. The observer can provide situational
awareness and timely targeting information to the joint terminal attack controller in
order to facilitate close air support. The joint fires observer can relay real time battle
damage assessment to the controller following engagement and recommend
additional actions or weapons adjustments.
The joint terminal attack controller can remain either at the task force tactical
operation center, a command post location on the outer cordon, on the objective, or
at an additional observation post location on the outer cordon.
This example involves convoy security.
The joint fires observer occupies a vehicle that allows for the most flexibility and
command connectivity to perform his duties. The observer should have a full
understanding of convoy techniques and unit tactical standard operating procedures.
The joint terminal attack controller may be located at any nearby location or at higher
headquarters tactical operations center.
The observer conducts mission specific reporting as the basis for close air support
requests and fire support coordination. The observer provides situational awareness
and timely targeting information to the controller in order to facilitate close air support,
as required. The observer provides weapons adjustments and battle damage
assessment, as required.
Note. The joint fires observer may pass through several maneuver force areas of
operation due to convoy duration and distance traveled. The observer may not work
with a familiar joint terminal attack controller. In this case, the observer contacts
higher headquarters for new contact (joint terminal attack controller) information, if
not already known.
This example involves unforeseen situations, to include troops in contact.
Note. The friendly unit could have more than one joint fires observer.
The observer conducts mission specific reporting as the basis for close air support
requests and fire support coordination. The observer provides situational awareness
and timely targeting information to the controller in order to facilitate close air support,
as required. The observer provides weapons adjustments and battle damage
assessment, as required.
In this particular situation, troops are in contact with a threat. The observer‘s job is
extremely difficult due to the emergency nature of the situation. The observer quickly
responds to the event with little or no planning and maintains situational awareness,
all while possibly being under fire. The observer coordinates close air support and
continued fixed wing armed overwatch, as required.
Note. Observers assigned to a military transition team may face additional problems
of language barriers and possibly reduced multinational command, control, and
11-96. Current meteorological data must be applied for accurate artillery fires, battlefield forecasts,
radiological fallout predictions, and target acquisition. This information is in the form of meteorology
messages provided by the field artillery battalion headquarters.
11-97. Computer Meteorological Data-Profiler (AN/GMK-2) is an evolutionary block of the Profiler
system and is designed to reduce the logistical footprint to a laptop configuration located in the field
artillery battalion main command post.
11-98. Computer Meteorological Data-Profiler interfaces with the AFATDS via local area network
connection and is operated by the AFATDS operator. The battalion AFATDS transmits meteorological data
to the subordinate field artillery units. For more information on the Computer Meteorological Data-Profiler,
see Technical Bulletin (TB) 11-6660-299-13.
11-99. The considerations for survey will vary based on unit priorities for survey support. Unit tables of
organization and equipment, support relationship, commander’s preference, personnel strength, level of
training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battalion commander or S-3 to modify
survey guidance. The commander or S-3 bases this decision on mission variables and unit tactical standard
operating procedures. The battalion commander or the S-3 issues planning guidance on survey plan.
11-100. Planning considerations for survey tasks include equipment availability and survey capabilities.
Considerations vary according to the survey plan, which include:
Mission requirements.
Survey support requests.
Equipment available.
Equipment serviceability.
Personnel available.
Communications protocols.
Survey data.
11-101. Establish communications with adjacent units and higher headquarters. Verify communications
protocols with survey section, as required. The survey section must be able to provide updated survey data
to firing elements in order to facilitate accurate fires. Verify survey information, and disseminate
information (location and description of survey control point) to firing elements, as required. For more
information on field artillery survey, to include support request procedures, see ATP 3-09.02.
12-1. The Army operates on a rotational basis to provide a sustained flow of trained and ready forces,
prepared for decisive action. Army force generation is a rotational readiness model designed to provide
strategic flexibility to meet security requirements for a continuous presence of deployed forces. The Army
force generation process is the structured progression of unit readiness over time to produce trained, ready,
and cohesive units prepared for operational deployment. Identify planning considerations associated with
deployment as early as possible in the military decisionmaking process.
12-2. Deployment preparations for battery units present unique challenges and tactical considerations for
the battery commander and key leaders. Considerations for unit deployment include:
Role (standard or nonstandard).
Development of the training strategy.
Integration of select deployment mission essential tasks prior to unit validation at combat
training centers.
Pre-deployment site surveys.
12-3. Planning considerations for deployment will vary based on the mission and time available for
training. Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s guidance, personnel
strength, level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery commander to
modify the unit training plan. The battery commander bases this decision on mission variables and unit
tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance to key leaders
based on these considerations. This guidance dictates the necessary planning and preparations required to
deploy and ensure future mission success.
12-4. The techniques for deploying units should be included in the unit’s tactical standard operating
procedures. The following paragraphs will briefly discuss techniques available and associated
considerations used in deployment.
12-5. Planning considerations for deployment include task-organization and equipment available for
training. Considerations vary according to the stated mission requirements, which include:
Personnel strength.
Level of training.
Operational needs statement or request for forces.
New equipment training.
Mobile training teams.
Note. The system program manager releases a memorandum of notification outlining specific
fielding requirements, along with a distribution plan for system fielding. A fielding plan
summary details the prioritized unit distribution. At this point, the program manager releases a
fielding schedule for coordination and distribution to various units.
Note. Before equipment is officially signed over to a unit, new equipment training must be
conducted in conjunction with the material fielding. New equipment training is the responsibility
of the program executive officer or program manager and allows for transfer of equipment use
and support requirement knowledge from the material developer to the users, trainers, and
maintainers of new Army equipment.
variables and unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues training guidance
on priorities for individual, collective, and non-standard missions training.
12-12. Planning considerations for home station training prior to deployment include personnel and
equipment availability for training. Considerations vary according to mission requirements and training
strategy, which include:
Time available.
Individual training.
Collective training.
Non-field artillery skills training.
Equipment availability for non-field artillery missions (operational needs statement).
Reset training.
12-13. Develop unit training for non-field artillery skills set topic areas, which include:
Patrolling (mounted and dismounted).
Convoy security.
Convoy escort.
Quick reaction forces.
Forward operating base security.
Security force assistance.
Host nation military training and assistance.
12-14. Coordinate unit reset training during the Army force generation cycle. Coordinate reset training
and assistance with higher headquarters, as required. Schedule institutional training for unit personnel, as
early in the reset training window as possible. Execute individual and section level training immediately, if
12-15. Planning considerations for individual training include:
Time available.
Personnel available.
Equipment available.
Non-field artillery missions.
12-16. Schedule blocks of time for individual training on gunnery skills and warfighting skills. Focus on
individual skills training requirements for non-field artillery mission topic areas, which include:
Moving tactically.
Crossing a danger area.
Conducting a movement to contact.
Conducting a hasty defense.
Clearing a danger area.
Conducting a cordon and search.
12-17. Individual training covers basic and advanced warfighting skills. First line small unit leaders plan,
conduct, sustain, and evaluate individual training of warrior tasks and unit battle drills using Soldier’s
manuals to teach these skills. These manuals include Army warrior training plans for warrior skill levels
and task summaries for critical common tasks that support unit wartime missions. For more information on
basic and advanced warfighting skills, see Soldier training publication (STP) 21-1-SMCT or STP 21-24-
SMCT, as applicable.
12-18. Planning considerations for collective training include:
Personnel available.
Equipment available.
Ammunition, as required.
Verification of ammunition lots.
Calibration of weapon systems.
Range support, as required.
12-19. Divide unit collective training time between field artillery and non-field artillery tasks during pre-
deployment training, if applicable. Battery personnel may require extensive training on maneuver type
tasks. This training time should be exclusively devoted to this skill set in order to attain the minimum
required level of proficiency. The unit should not transition frequently between field artillery and non-field
artillery training though, as this tends to degrade both. Instead, dedicate training time solely to one or the
other. Training both types of tasks simultaneously at platoon and below is not recommended.
Note. Unit collective training could include live fire for howitzer sections and other crew served
weapons, and could serve to verify howitzer ammunition lots and calibration data.
Communications Equipment
12-24. Planning considerations for the issue and use of communications equipment include:
Equipment available (operational needs statement).
Long range radio communications.
Army Battle Command System.
A-1. Precision munitions allow commanders to defeat threats while minimizing risks to friendly forces,
casualties among the population, and undesired collateral damage. Indirect fire precision munitions provide
all weather, day and night, precision strike capabilities. There have been recent advances in standard
munitions as well to include propellant and fuzes. Lack of familiarity with these new munitions hinders
their employment in combat. See figure A-1.
A-2. Excalibur is a precision extended range 155-mm high explosive cannon munition. It is primarily used
for destruction of well-located, high-payoff targets in urban and complex terrain. The Excalibur increases
lethality over older high explosive projectiles, while minimizing collateral damage and risks to friendly
personnel and noncombatants.
Note. For more information, to include safety, operating instructions, and maintenance of
Excalibur, see Technical Bulletin (TB) 9-1320-201-13 or the applicable howitzer technical
A-3. XM1156 and M1156 Fuze, Multioption: Precision Guidance Kit (PGK). The PGK is a low cost fuze
alternative designed to increase effectiveness by ensuring rounds impact at or near the input target
coordinates and are within the lethal radius of the round. This achieves increased efficiency with fewer
rounds needed to achieve desired results. The PGK enhances accuracy of M549A1 or M795 155-mm
artillery projectiles with the aid of global positioning system acquisition and guidance. This fuze allows for
closer support of friendly forces and reduces the overall logistics burden by providing a near-precision
capability to M549A1 or M795 high explosive cannon artillery projectiles. See TB 9-1390-226-13.
A-4. M1155A1 Fuze Setter: Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery. The enhanced portable inductive
artillery fuze setter is capable of setting inductively settable fuzes. This fuze setter is easy to use and sets
fuzes faster and more reliably, with an ability to confirm fuze identification and settings audibly. See TM 9-
1290-211-13&P and the applicable howitzer technical manual.
Note. In order to fire precision munitions accurately, the enhanced portable inductive artillery
fuze setter requires a specific communications security variable, commonly referred to as black
key, that must be changed regularly to operate via the platform integration kit. It is imperative to
request and secure these keys in a timely manner to facilitate firing. Include communications
security procedures in the unit tactical standard operating procedures.
A-5. Rapid fielding of new munitions must also include user, leadership, and institutional training, as
applicable. Identify considerations associated with precision munitions and ammunition management as
early as possible in the military decisionmaking process.
A-6. Precision munitions and ammunition management present unique challenges and tactical
considerations for the battery commander and key leaders. Considerations for precision munitions and
ammunition management include:
Personnel available.
Time available.
Level of training.
A-7. The techniques for precision munitions and ammunition management should be included in the unit’s
tactical standard operating procedures. The following paragraphs will briefly discuss techniques available
and associated considerations for precision munitions and ammunition management.
A-8. The considerations for precision munitions will vary based on mission requirements. Unit tables of
organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s preference, personnel strength, level of
training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery commander to modify planning
guidance. The battery commander bases this decision on mission variables and unit tactical standard
operating procedures. The battery commander issues planning guidance for precision munitions.
A-13. The considerations for ammunition management will vary based on ammunition totals and forecasted
requirements. Unit tables of organization and equipment, task-organization, commander’s preference,
personnel strength, level of training, individual capabilities, and other factors may require the battery
commander to modify procedures for ammunition management. The battery commander bases this decision
on mission variables and unit tactical standard operating procedures. The battery commander issues
planning guidance for ammunition management.
A-14. Ammunition management involves the resupply, management, handling, segregation, and
preparation of semi-fixed and separate loading howitzer ammunition, to include forecasting requirements
based on mission variables. Difficulties arise from the improper handling, storage, segregation, and
accountability of howitzer ammunition by type, lot, and weight. These types of actions can lead to a
decrease in mission effectiveness and possible damage of equipment or injury to personnel.
A-15. Planning considerations for ammunition management include:
Time available.
Personnel available.
Equipment available.
Ammunition accountability.
Ammunition supply point.
Personnel experience and training.
Hand receipt procedures.
Ammunition handling procedures.
Note. Ammunition handlers should pay close attention to warning and safety statements for
howitzer ammunition contained in howitzer technical manuals.
Note. For more information on ammunition handling, storage, and safety, see TB 43-0250.
A-16. Inventory ammunition by type, lot, and weight, and segregate by the same, if possible. Issue
ammunition to firing elements as soon as possible. Secure ammunition for transportation according to
vehicle load plans contained in applicable technical manual. Observe ammunition safety messages and
A-17. Attach or assign knowledgeable personnel to serve as ammunition specialists at the ammunition
transfer holding point, if possible. Practice good ammunition accountability by using the correct
documentation (for example, DA Form 581, Request for Issue and Turn-In of Ammunition) to issue and
receipt for complete ammunition totals (fuze, projectile, propellant, primer, as applicable). Issue as few
different ammunition lots as possible.
Note. Multiple ammunition lots (propellant and projectile) complicate technical fire direction
procedures and database management, and affect the unit’s ability to have accurate data for
mission computation.
A-18. Recommend training on basic field artillery tasks of lot management, transportation, and storage of
cannon ammunition within the brigade. Supervise brigade elements on those basic tasks.
Note. Other brigade elements may transport cannon ammunition from the ammunition supply
point to battery elements or another predetermined location. Ammunition lot management may
be nonexistent in this case, resulting in mixed lots, and further complicating ammunition
A-19. Maintaining accurate totals is a challenge and requires strict accountability of inventories. This
increases with the introduction of different types of ammunition within the same unit (composite). The
battery commander and other unit leaders all share in a portion of this responsibility.
A-20. At a minimum, the fire direction center (FDC) and howitzer sections should maintain a total of
ammunition on hand at all times. The unit may develop ammunition management checklists to aid in
ammunition management.
A-21. Units have found it useful to keep a computer spreadsheet to store and calculate baseline muzzle
velocity variations by charge, lot, and howitzer tube by linking the gun cards to the spreadsheet.
Note. Limit the amount of ammunition requests, due to issues associated with convoy security
and vulnerability to attack.
A-24. Verify basic load totals on hand from outgoing unit. Verify basic load requirements for incoming
unit, as applicable. Configure basic loads to meet mission requirements (forward operating base and
combat outpost defense or long-range attack). Develop standardized basic load packages for offensive and
defensive tasks. Request additional ammunition for missions that fall outside day-to-day activities.
A-25. Develop unit checklists to aid in management of basic loads. Distribute checklists to unit personnel.
For examples of various sample mission checklists, see Appendix B.
B-1. The techniques for mission checklists can be included in the unit’s tactical standard operating
procedures. The following paragraphs briefly discuss techniques available and associated considerations for
unit missions and tasks.
B-2. To make a tentative plan, the battery commander must gather information by focusing on battery-
level mission variables. Table B-1 provides example topics and questions that may assist the commander in
this effort.
Table B-1. Mission checklist example
From the intelligence staff officer Result
1. Position (for example, terrain and weather)
What are the slope, soil conditions, and trafficability?
Where can I best position observation or listening posts?
Are there site to crest or intervening crest problems?
What are the percent illumination, moonrise, moonset, and night
vision device window?
What are the precipitation, wind, and temperature?
2. Threat
What is the threat’s mission?
What is the primary threat to the battery?
What is the composition of the forces?
What are the number and type of weapons?
What are the likely avenues of approach?
How will threat forces locate me (for example, direction-finding
radar, or observation)?
How will threat forces react?
When and where will threat forces endanger mission
When will I be a high-value target for the threat?
Will threat forces use chemical or biological weapons?
If so, when and where will they use them, to include type,
effects, and best defense?
From the operations staff officer (S-3) Result
What field artillery tasks are my responsibility? (continued)
Who am I supporting?
How much ammunition do I need?
When and where will I get this ammunition?
When will the tasks be executed?
What are the trigger points and frequency?
Where are the positions I must fire from and are they clear?
What are the adjacent unit’s call sign, frequency, and actions?
What are my approved routes and movement priority?
What event triggers my movement?
What are the grids to–
Brigade support area?
Battalion aid station?
Ambulance exchange points?
B-3. Mission success depends as much on preparation as it does on planning. Preparation requires leader
and Soldier actions. The tables B-2 through B-10 on pages B-2 through B-8 provide sample checklists for
precombat checks and inspections. Some version of these checklists may be incorporated into the battery
tactical standard operating procedures.
Table B-2. Precombat checklist for ground threat (mounted) example
Complete range cards for crew-served weapons and howitzers.
Complete range cards for howitzer.
Compute data to target reference points (fire direction center).
Rehearse Killer Junior engagements to cover dead space (howitzer sections). See appendix F.
Rehearse direct fire crew drill (howitzer sections). See chapters 7 and 11.
Identify tank-killer teams and reaction force personnel.
Perform preventative maintenance checks and services, to include:
Individual and crew-served weapons.
Precision-guided munitions capability of howitzers.
Night vision devices (for example, sights, and goggles).
Inventory ammunition on hand for all weapons.
Complete individual fighting positions with overhead cover and sector stakes.
Complete survivability positions.
Review threat vehicle identification.
Verify boresight (howitzer sections). See applicable technical manual.
Review unit tactical standard operating procedures.
Report completion of preparations to the platoon leader or platoon sergeant.
Position weapons to cover threat avenues of approach.
Establish battery engagement areas with triggers.
Position weapons to maximize fires in engagement areas.
Identify dead space. (continued)
Table B-2. Precombat checklist for ground threat (mounted) example (continued)
Plan Killer Junior engagements to cover dead space (fire direction center). See appendix F.
Identify natural target reference points, or emplace target reference points with global positioning
system device.
Compute range and azimuth to each target reference point (fire direction center).
Compute self-illumination targets (fire direction center).
Rehearse tank-killer teams and reaction force.
Rehearse medical evacuation. See medical evacuation checklist.
Establish observation or listening posts.
Review unit tactical standard operating procedures.
Same information as table B-2 above, but with additional precombat checks, which include:
Use platoon formations (for example, star or wedge) to maximize perimeter security.
Use defensive wire, if available (for example, concertina or barbed).
Focus on 6400-mil (360 degree) security.
Use patrolling.
Review unit tactical standard operating procedures.
Table B-6. Precombat checklist for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN)
threat example
Inventory decontamination kits, if available.
Inventory chemical detection kits, if available.
Inventory decontamination apparatus, if available.
Rehearse donning of protective mask and hood (for example, mask fit and seal).
Inventory protective gear.
Stow non-essential equipment according to load plan. (continued)
Table B-6. Precombat checklist for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threat
example (continued)
Inventory nerve agent antidote auto injectors, if available.
Identify detection teams.
Identify survey teams
Rehearse buddy aid procedures.
Review operational level decontamination procedures.
Inventory chemical detection paper, if available.
Perform map reconnaissance of operational and thorough decontamination sites.
B-8. Once the battery commander completes the operation order, the commander arranges potential
actions in time, space, and purpose to guide the battery during execution. One successful technique is a fill
in a template blank order format. Section chiefs and other key leaders can use a blank, laminated order to
fill in during the battery commander’s orders brief. This technique will assist the section chief in briefing
their subordinates. This suggestion provides another option for development of unit tactical standard
operating procedures. For more information on formats, examples, and procedures for creating operation
orders and annexes, see ATP 3-09.23 and FM 6-0.
C-1. Problems during firing arise due to lack of training or sacrificing established procedure or techniques
for speed. Bypassing proper procedures and techniques can lead to inaccuracies in fires, wasted rounds, and
a decrease in the effectiveness of fire support. Many of these inaccuracies are attributed to careless or
improper procedures at the howitzer or orienting station. Proper training is the key to minimizing human
error and careless gunnery procedures.
C-2. For more information on safety, see the applicable gunnery publication. For more information on
special segments containing cautions, warnings, and danger notices during loading or firing, see the
applicable howitzer technical manual.
C-3. The following paragraphs will briefly discuss techniques available and associated considerations for
combating common mistakes and malpractices. These techniques should be included in the unit’s standard
operating procedures.
C-4. One problem area of concern is the preparation of propelling charges. Improper preparation of
propelling charges can lead to the firing of an incorrect charge. Firing an incorrect charge is the single most
common reason that a cannon unit fires outside of safety limits, which can result in fratricide.
C-5. Older series of propellants (for example, M67, M3A1, or M4A2) have adjustable propelling charges.
These propellants are manufactured with an adjustable propelling charge divided into increment charges.
When the propellant is fired full charge, the charge is used as issued. When other than full charge is to be
fired, the propelling charge is adjusted as indicated in the instructions for adjustable propelling charges. Pay
particular attention and prepare only the charge increment announced in the fire command.
C-6. Propelling charges are prepared, commonly referred to as “cut,” when directed as part of a fire
command. Cut the charge ONLY after the command “CHARGE” is announced as part of the initial fire
command, or if “CHARGE” is not announced, after a subsequent element of the fire command (for
example, fuze, deflection, and quadrant) is announced.
C-7. The procedures and commands for preparation and firing of propelling charges must be strictly
enforced. For information on the preparation of propelling charges, see applicable howitzer technical
the sight caused by traversing the tube or by the shock of firing. Left uncorrected, the weapon will not be
oriented in the direction of the target, which could result in rounds that impact outside of safety limits and
result in fratricide. Correcting for displacement is made using the two close-in aiming points (collimator
and aiming posts).
C-9. The collimator is the primary aiming point for the howitzer. The emplacement distance for the
collimator will vary because of terrain encountered, but is normally between 4 and 15 meters from the
howitzer. Displacement is corrected by matching the numbers in the panoramic telescope with the
corresponding numbers in the collimator. If the collimator is not emplaced within the distances stated
above, the graduations visible in the collimator will not align properly and the sight picture will be out of
focus. Therefore, it will be impossible to correct for displacement.
C-10. The aiming posts are a secondary aiming point for the howitzer. The aiming posts are emplaced
approximately 50 and 100 meters from the gun for the M119-series and M109-series howitzer, or 75 and
150 meters for the M777-series howitzer. The increased spacing of the M777-series howitzer’s aiming
posts is due to the pivot point of that weapon system. When firing out of traverse missions, the gunner can
lose sight of the aiming posts at the shorter distances. Increasing the distance of the aiming posts addresses
the problem.
C-11. Proper aiming post positioning is very important for two reasons. First, the distance to the aiming
post is in direct relationship to the angular measurement taken when displacement occurs. The farther the
aiming post is from the sight, the smaller the angular measurement. This is the reason for using the near-
far-line rule when correcting for displacement to the aiming posts. To correct for displacement to the
aiming posts, the number of mils between the near aiming post and the far aiming post must equal the
number of mils between the far aiming post and the vertical line in the panoramic telescope. Second, the
rules of geometry and trigonometry state that if two points are on a line and the near point is half the
distance of the far point from the origin, then the angle measured to the far point from a point that is not on
the line is half the angle measured to the near point. Specifically, the angle measured to the near aiming
post will be twice that of the far aiming post only if the near aiming post is half the distance to the far
aiming post. Therefore, if the near aiming post is not properly emplaced, displacement will not be properly
accounted for, and the weapon will not be oriented correctly.
C-12. The cannoneer setting out the aiming posts will stick the near post into the ground and continue to
where the far post is to be emplaced. The cannoneer stops at the appropriate distance, faces the panoramic
telescope and holds the upper section of one of the aiming posts in a horizontal position, perpendicular to
the line of sighting. The gunner measures the length of the section in mils by using the reticle of the
panoramic telescope. For example, the upper section of the aiming post is 4 ½ feet long and measures 14
mils when it is 100 meters from the piece (Figure C-l) and approximately 10 mils when it is 150 meters
from the piece. The proper location of the near aiming post at 50 meters would be the point at which the 4
½-foot section measures 28 mils (Figure C-2). The proper location of a near post placed at 75 meters would
be the point at which the 4 ½-foot section measures approximately 20 mils. The cannoneer positions the
aiming posts by instructions from the gunner that may be received over radio or by observing the gunner’s
hand signals.
Note. The minimum distance for a distant aiming point is 1,500 meters.
Note. Comparison tests must be done with the alignment devices to verify their accuracy when
performing fire control alignment tests.
C-24. Another problem area of concern is malpractice. Malpractice includes blatant violations of standard
procedures set forth in field manuals, technical manuals, and other publications. In order to reduce or
eliminate the occurrence of malpractice, leaders must be observant for conditions not mentioned
previously, to include:
Failure to have a second safety certified person orient the verification circle and verify the lay of
the battery or the platoon.
Failure to adhere to maximum or sustained rates of fire.
Failure to properly seat the projectile during ramming, which may result in the projectile falling
back on the propellant when the tube is elevated (separate loading ammunition), or a blow by
Failure to properly test the gunner’s quadrant.
Failure to properly or consistently place the propellant in the powder chamber (separate loading
Failure to complete or improperly performing fire control alignment tests.
Failure to protect projectiles or propellants from exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods.
Failure to protect the fuze during handling, when mated to the projectile.
Failure to use a fuze wrench when tightening fuzes.
Failure to follow firing procedures in the howitzer (for example, attaching the lanyard before the
proper command is given).
Failure to clear the path of recoil when priming.
Failure to segregate ammunition by type, lot, and weight.
C-27. Lack of attention to detail, improper supervision, and failure to make safety checks lead to incidents
that result in equipment failure and injury or death to personnel. Leaders at every level should be diligent in
enforcement of safety practices and procedures. For more information on safety, see applicable gunnery
D-6. The section chief’s report is required for each position area or firing point occupied. For centralized
control of the report, the section chief submits the report directly to the fire direction center. The position
commander and fire direction officer then take necessary actions.
Note: At this time, the 0-3200 line will be aligned with grid north.
Release the magnetic needle. With the azimuth knob (upper recording motion), float and center
the magnetic needle. (See Figure E-2.)
Note: If the two values differ by more than two mils, repeat the entire process!
E-4. A declination station maybe established by simultaneous observation. See Chapter 5. Declination can
be performed by scaling a grid azimuth to two distant points. The following procedures are used:
Place the aiming circle over the selected point and level it. Select two distant points on a map.
Scale the direction to each from the occupied point.
Using the direction scaled from the map, declinate the aiming circle by the procedures
previously discussed.
Compare the two values determined. They must agree within 10 mils.
If the values determined agree within 10 mils, determine the mean; record it on the notation pad.
If the values do not agree within 10 mils, repeat the entire procedure.
When measuring an azimuth, be sure no magnetic materials are near
the compass. See chapter 4 and TM 9-1290-333-15.
F-1. The Killer Junior direct fire technique was developed during the Viet Nam war by a field artillery
battalion whose call sign was Killer. The Killer Junior used mechanical time and superquick-fuzed
projectiles set to burst approximately 10 meters above the ground at ranges of 200 to 1,000 meters to defeat
enemy ground attacks or to clear snipers from around fire base areas. The Killer Junior, in some cases,
proved more effective than the 105-mm M546 antipersonnel-tracer round’s flechettes that the enemy could
avoid by lying prone or crawling. To speed the delivery of fire, the crew of each weapon used a firing table
containing the quadrant, fuze settings, and charge appropriate for each range at which direct fire targets
could be acquired. For more information on minimum fuze settings and ammunition safety, see the
applicable howitzer TM and TM 43-0001-28 respectively.
Firing a fuze with a time setting of less than minimum safe time or
distance could result in injury to personnel or damage to
equipment from lethal fragments.
F-2. Planning considerations for the computation and use of Killer Junior include:
Personnel available.
Level of training.
Communications available.
Equipment available.
Howitzer range cards.
Note. The fire direction center computes firing data for elevation and time. This minimizes
adjustments and creates a greater chance for first round hits.
F-3. Direct fire and Killer Junior provide the battery commander a large bore, first response weapon for
battery defense. This allows the battery commander to engage the threat at the farthest range possible.
Standardize ammunition (propellant, shell and fuze combinations [high explosive and time]) for
engagements in unit tactical standard operating procedures.
F-4. The most likely target for which Killer Junior would be used is dismounted infantry. Careful
consideration must be given to weapon positioning to maximize fields of fire and to complement
other organic or attached weapon systems.
F-5. Shell HE is fired with electronic time fuze M767, 767A1, or the multi-option artillery fuze
M782. Minimum authorized charge should be fired to facilitate the engagement of targets at close
range. If the maximum charge is used, it will serve only to increase the range-to-fuze function.
F-6. Other considerations for the use of Killer Junior include friendly troop safety, methods of
sighting the weapon, and recording firing data. Battery personnel should note that when Killer Junior
is used over friendly troops, soldiers and equipment must be below ground with substantial overhead
cover. Fighting positions over which Killer Junior is likely to be fired must be specially reinforced on
the back side to protect the soldiers and to prevent collapse.
F-7. 105-mm and 155-mm firing data. Direct fire tables are not available at the time of this writing;
therefore, battery personnel must compute the data. The data are produced for quadrant elevation,
fuze setting, and 10/R factor (10 divided by range in thousands) for the minimum authorized charges.
The quadrant elevation, when used with the listed fuze setting, will produce an airburst of 10 meters
above and before the listed range. Compute data as in the following discussion.
Firing a fuze setting less than what corresponds to a range of 650
meters for 105-mm or 750 meters for 155-mm is restricted to
combat emergency conditions only. This distance represents the
minimum target engagement distance when personnel at the
firing position are unprotected. Firing a fuze setting less than this
value results in a danger close hazard to the crew. (Refer to
Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-63, Chapter 10, Table 10-2.)
Also, the fuzes require about 400 meters to arm (2.0 seconds).
Any time setting of less than 2 seconds is a danger to the crew
and should not be fired unless firing Killer Junior.
Note: For howitzers firing separate-loading ammunition, direct fire tables should be produced
for all available propellants.
F-8. The DA 5699 can be used to prepare a range card for Killer Junior direct fire as shown in figure
F-1 on page F-3. Label the card to identify its purpose and the shell, fuze, and charge models for
which the card is prepared. Record the 10/R in mils in the Remarks column. Steps for completing the
DA Form 5699 for Killer Junior direct fire are in table F-1 on page F-4.
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from a north base line that could be true north, magnetic north,
or grid north.
*azimuth of fire
The direction, expressed in mils, that a firing unit is laid (oriented) on when it occupies a position.
*azimuth of the orienting line
The direction from the orienting station to a designated end of the orienting line.
The direction equal to the azimuth plus or minus 3200 mils.
*common deflection
The deflection, which may vary based on the weapon’s sight system, corresponding to the firing unit’s
azimuth of fire.
A horizontal clockwise angle measured from the line of fire or the rearward extension line of fire to the
line of sight to a given aiming point with the vertex of the angle at the instrument.
*direction of fire
The direction on which a fire unit is laid to the most significant threat in the target area, to the chart
direction to the center of the zone of fire, or to the target.
*line of fire
1. As it relates to the principle of the reciprocal laying of field artillery weapons, any line parallel to
the azimuth of fire. 2. The direction of the line established by the tube or any line parallel to that line in
the firing battery.
*orienting angle
A horizontal, clockwise angle measured from the line of fire to the orienting line.
*orienting line
A line of known direction in the firing unit’s area that serves as a basis for laying the firing unit for
*orienting station
1. A point established on the ground that has directional control. 2. An orienting device, such as an
aiming circle or gun laying and positioning system, set up over a point to lay the weapons by the
orienting angle method.
precision-guided munition
A guided weapon intended to destroy a point target and minimize collateral damage. (JP 3-03)
precision munition
A munition that corrects for ballistic conditions using guidance and control up to the aimpoint or
submunitions dispense with terminal accuracy less than the lethal radius of effects. (FM 3-09)
* rearward extension of the line of fire
An imaginary line in the exact opposite direction of the line of fire that extends through the center axis
of the tube when looking down through the muzzle to the breech of the weapon.
To measure, using the panoramic telescope, the deflection to a given aiming point without moving the
tube of the weapon.
*referred deflection
The deflection measured to an aiming point without moving the tube of the weapon.
*registering piece
The howitzer designated by the fire direction center to conduct a registration fire mission.
The lateral distribution of the bursts of two or more pieces fired together.
vertical angle
The angle measured up or down (in mils) in a vertical plane from the horizontal to a straight line
joining the observer and target. (ATP 3-09.30)
*vertical interval
The difference in altitude between the unit or observer and the target or point of burst.
Non-prescriptive ways or methods used to perform missions, functions, or tasks. (CJCSM 5120.01A)
These documents must be available to intended users of this publication.
ADRP 1-02, Terms and Military Symbols, 07 December 2015.
JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 8 November 2010.
These documents contain relevant supplemental information.
Most joint publications are available online: <>
JP 3-03, Joint Interdiction, 14 October 2011.
Most Army doctrinal publications are available online: <>.
Technical bulletins and manuals are available online:
Army Regulations
AR 525-29, Army Force Generation, 14 March 2011.
Field Manuals
FM 3-06, Urban Operations, 26 October 2006.
FM 3-09, Field Artillery Operations and Fire Support, 04 April 2014,
FM 3-11, Multiservice Doctrine for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations, 01
July 2011.
FM 3-11.3, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
and Nuclear Contamination Avoidance, 02 February 2006.
FM 3-90-1, Offense and Defense Volume 1, 22 March 2013.
FM 3-97.6, Mountain Operations, 28 November 2000.
FM 3-99, Airborne and Air Assault Operations, 06 March 2015.
FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations, 05 May 2014.
FM 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare, 18 July 1956.
FM 90-3, Desert Operations, 24 August 1993.
FM 90-5, Jungle Operations, 16 August 1982.
Technical Bulletins
TB 9-1320-201-13, Operator’s And Field Information For Projectile, 155mm, HE, XM982 (Excalibur)
(NSN 1320-01-534-2535) And Howitzer, Medium, Self-Propelled: 155MM, M109A6 (NSN
2350-01-305-0028): 23 October 2008.
TB 9-1390-226-13, Operator and Maintainer Information for Fuze, Multioption: Precision Guidance
Kit (PGK), XM1156 NSN 1390-01-579-0413, DODAC 1390-NA28 And Fuze, Multioption:
Precision Guidance Kit (PGK), M1156 NSN 1390-01-617-0269, DODAC 1390-NA29, 09
June 2014
TB 11-6660-299-13, Software User’s Manual (SUM) For Computer, Meteorological Data AN/GMK-2
(NSN 6660-01-593-5972) (EIC: N/A) (Profiler Virtual Module (PVM)) Versions And, 15 April 2015.
TB 43-0250, Ammunition Handling, Storage and Safety, 29 February 2012.
Technical Manuals
TM 9-1015-252-10, Operator's Manual for Howitzer, Light, Towed: 105-mm, M119A2 NSN 1015-01-
482-4914 (EIC: 3WE) LIN: H57505, 30 September 2010.
TM 9-1015-260-10, Operator Manual for Howitzer, Light, Towed: 105-mm, M119A3 NSN 1015-01-
598-4568 (EIC: 3FD), 30 October 2014.
TM 9-1025-215-10, Technical Manual Operator’s Manual for Howitzer, Medium, Towed: 155-mm,
M777 (1025-01-445-0991) Howitzer, Medium, Towed: 155-mm, M777A2 (1025-99-463-
7551) (EIC:3EU), 12 January 2016.
TM 9-1290-211-13&P Operator and Field Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special
Tools Lists) for Fuze Setter: Enhanced, Portable, Inductive, Artillery (EPIAFS), M1155A1
(NSN 1290-01-536-5650, PN 13015264), 12 December 2014.
TM 9-1290-333-15, Operator, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support and Depot
Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) Compass, Magnetic,
Unmounted: M2 (1290-930-4260), 07 November 1963.
TM 9-1320-202-13, Operator And Field Maintenance Manual For Projectile, 155MM: HE, XM982
(Excalibur) (NSN 1320-01-534-2535) Projectile, 155MM: HE, M982 (Excalibur) (NSN 1320-
01-552-1850) Projectile, 155MM: HE, M982A1 (Excalibur) (NSN 1320-01-611-6762)
Dummy Projectile, 155MM: Excalibur Training Aid, Fullweight (NSN 1320-01-559-9526)
Dummy Projectile, 155MM:Excalibur Training Aid, Lightweight (NSN 1320-01-556-7373),
20 June 2014.
TM 9-2350-311-10, Operator's Manual for Howitzer, Medium, Self-Propelled, 155mm, M109A2
(2350-01-031-0586)(EIC:3EZ) M109A3 (2350-01-031-8851)(EIC:3E2) M109A4 (2350-01-
277-5770)(EIC:3E8) M109A5 (2350-01-281-1719)(EIC:3E7), 23 November 1994.
TM 9-2350-314-10-1, Operator's Manual for Howitzer, Medium, Self-Propelled, 155mm, M109A6
(NSN 2350-01-305-0028) (EIC 3FC), 30 May 2014.
TM 9-2350-314-10-2, Operator's Manual for Howitzer, Medium, Self-Propelled, 155mm, M109A6
(NSN 2350-01-305-0028) (EIC 3FC), 30 May 2014.
TM 9-6675-262-10, Operator Manual for Aiming Circle M2 W/E NSN: 1290-00-614-0008 (EIC 3SC)
and M2A2 W/E NSN:6675-01-067-0687) (EIC 3SC), 06 December 2013.
TM 9-6675-347-13&P, Operator, Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual Including
Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Gun Laying and Positioning System (GLPS): M67
(NSN 6675-01-430-1965) (EIC: 3XA), 31 October 2000.
TM 11-5820-1172-13&P, Formal Technical Manual Operator and Maintenance Manual Defense
Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) Satellite Signals Navigation Set AN/PSN-13 NSN 5825-01-
516-8038 AN/PSN-13A NSN 5825-01-526-4783, AN/PSN-13B NSN 5825-01-590-9534, 09
May 2014.
TM 11-5825-291-13, Operations and Maintenance Manual for Satellite Signals Navigation Sets
AN/PSN-11 (NSN 5825-01-374-6643) and AN/PSN-11(V)1 (5825-01-395-3513), 01 April
TM 11-7440-283-12-2, Operator’s and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Data Display
Groups, Gun Direction, OD-144(V)1/GYK-29(V) (NSN 7025-01-134-2329) (EIC: HP4) OD-
144(V)2/GYK-29(V) (7025-01-134-3218) (EIC: HQH) OD-144(V)3/GYK-29(V) (7025-01-
134-3219) (EIC: HQJ) (P/O Computer System Gun Direction, AN/GYK-29(V)), 27 September
TM 43-0001-28, Army Ammunition Data Sheets for Artillery Ammunition: Guns, Howitzers, Mortars,
Recoilless Rifles, Grenade Launchers, and Artillery Fuzes (Federal Supply Class 1310, 1315,
1320, 1390), 28 April 1994.
TM 43-0001-28-3, Data Sheets For Guns, Howitzers, And Mortars Interoperable Ammunition, 29
September 1986.
Training Circulars
TC 3-09.8, Field Artillery Cannon Gunnery, 15 November 2013.
TC 3-09.81, Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery, 01 March 2016.
TC 3-25.26, Map Reading and Land Navigation, 15 November 2013.
TC 3-90.119, U.S. Army Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Training, 23 June 2009.
Unless otherwise indicated, DA Forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) web
site:< >
DA Form 4513, Record of Missions Fired.
DA Form 5212, Gunner’s Reference Card.
DA Form 5698, Weapon Location Data.
DA Form 5699, Howitzer Range Card.
DA Form 5969, Section Chief’s Report.
DA Form 581, Request for Issue and Turn-In of Ammunition.
DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.
DA Form 2408-4, Weapon Record Data.
DA Form 5517, Standard Range Card.
DA Form 7353, Universal Safety T.
ATP 3-04.64, Multi-service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Employment of Unmanned
Aircraft Systems, 22 January 2015.
ATP 3-09.12, Field Artillery Target Acquisition, 24 July 2015.
ATP 3-36, Electronic Warfare Techniques, 16 December 2014.
FM 1-0, Human Resources Support, 01 April 2014.
S planning considerations, V
sustainment 11-3 verification circle, 4-44
planning considerations, 11- vertical angle, 4-46
T unit basic load/ammunition
warfighting skills, 11-31
training basic load
planning considerations, A-
General, United States Army
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Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
Active Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve: Distributed in electronic media
only (EMO).
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