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Key / Key Command Combo

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Key / Key Command


B (or .) Display a black screen, or return to the slide

E Erase on-screen annotations (in presentation

H Go to next hidden slide

M Use mouse-click to advance while rehearsing

N (or Enter, Page Perform the next animation or advance to the

Down, Right arrow, next slide
Down arrow,
Space, or mouse)

O Use original timings while rehearsing

P (or Page Up, Left Perform the previous animation or return to

arrow, Up arrow, or the previous slide

S (or +) Stop or restart an automatic slide show

T Set new timings while rehearsing

Tab Go to the first or next hyperlink on a slide

Tab Move through objects on a slide

W (or ,) Display a white screen, or return to the slide

Display Help or the Office Assistant

F2 Toggle select text in a selected Text box /

F4 Repeat the last action

F5 Run a presentation

F6 Move to the next pane

F7 Check spelling

F10 Activate the menu bar

F12 Carry out Save As command (File menu)

Key / Key

Alt Temporarily release grid/guide snap

Delete Delete one character to the right

End To the end of a line

Enter While a hyperlink is selected, acts like a

mouse click

Esc (or Ctrl + Cancel an action

Break, or -)

Esc (or Ctrl + End a slide show

Break, or -)

Home To the beginning of a line

Select text, Ctrl + Creates copy of selected text


<arrow> Nudge object one grid unit

<down arrow> One line down

<left arrow> One character to the left

<right arrow>
One character to the right

<up arrow>
One line up

<number> + Enter Go to slide <number>

Alt + 1 Back / Previous folder

Alt + 2 Up one level
Alt + 3 Search WWW
Alt + 4 Delete selected folder or file
Alt + 5 Create a new folder
Alt + 6 Toggle between views
Alt + 7 Display Tools menu
Alt + F4 Quit PowerPoint

Alt + F5 Restore the program window size

Alt + F7 Find next misspelling

Alt + F10 Maximize the program window

Alt + F11 Display Visual Basic code

Alt + Shift + F4 Quit PowerPoint

Key / Key

Ctrl + F4 Close the window

Ctrl + F5 Restore the edit window size

Ctrl + F6 Move to the next edit window (one or more

presentations open)

Ctrl + F7 Move command for edit window

Ctrl + F8 Size command for edit

Ctrl + F10 Maximize the edit window

Ctrl + F12 Open

Ctrl + <drag guide> Creates new guide

Ctrl + <resize> Resize from center

Ctrl + <rotate> Rotate from corner

Ctrl + <select and Creates duplicate object

Ctrl + = Subscript formatting

Ctrl + Alt + click Creates straight line while using Curve tool

Ctrl + Backspace Delete one word to the left

Ctrl + Delete Delete one word to the right

Ctrl + <down ar- Down one paragraph


Ctrl + <left arrow> One word to the left

Ctrl + <right arrow> One word to the right

Ctrl + <up arrow> Up one paragraph

Ctrl + End Move cursor to the end of a text box

Ctrl + Enter Moves cursor to beginnning of next object

(adds a new slide if cursor is on last object in
last slide)

Ctrl + Home To the beginning of a text box

Ctrl + Space Remove manual character formatting

Key / Key

Ctrl + A Selects all slides (in slide sorter view)

Ctrl + A Selects all text (in the outline pane)

Ctrl + A Selects all objects (in the slide pane)

Ctrl + A Displays mouse pointer and/or change the

pointer to an arrow

Ctrl + B Bold

Ctrl + C Copy selected object

Ctrl + D Duplicate slide

Duplicate object (move first object, then repeat

Ctrl + D
to duplicate with same offset)

Ctrl + E Center a paragraph

Ctrl + F Find

Ctrl + G Toggle guides on/off

Ctrl + H Replace text in edit mode

Ctrl + H Hide the pointer and control button in presen-

tation mode

Ctrl + I Italic

Ctrl + J Justify a paragraph

Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink

Ctrl + L Left align a paragraph

Ctrl + M Insert a new slide

Ctrl + N Create a new presentation

Ctrl + O Open a presentation

Ctrl + P Print a presentation

Ctrl + P Display hidden pointer and/or change the

pointer to a pen (in presentation mode)

Ctrl + R Right align a paragraph

Ctrl + S Save a presentation

Ctrl + T Change the formatting of characters (Font

command, Format menu)

Ctrl + U Apply an underline

Ctrl + U Hide the pointer and control button in 15 sec-

onds (in presentation mode)
Ctrl + V Paste cut or copied object

Ctrl + W Close a presentation

Ctrl + X Cut selected object

Ctrl + Y Redo or repeat an action

Ctrl + Z Undo the last action

Key / Key Command


Ctrl + Shift + Resize from center while maintaining propor-

<resize> tion

Ctrl + Shift + Rotate from corner in 15 degree increments


Ctrl + Shift + + Superscript formatting

Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease the font size

Ctrl + Shift + > Increase the font size

Ctrl + Shift + C Copy formats

Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font

Ctrl + Shift + F6 Move to the next edit window, reverse order

(one or more presentations open)

Ctrl + Shift + F10 Activate the menu bar

Ctrl + Shift + F12 Open Print Dialog

Ctrl + Shift + G Group selected objects

Ctrl + Shift + H Ungroup selected object

Ctrl + Shift + J Regroup objects

Ctrl + Shift + <left To the beginning of a word


Ctrl + Shift + P Change the font size

Ctrl + Shift + <right To the end of a word


Ctrl + Shift + V Paste formats

Ctrl + Shift + Z Change text to default

Shift + <resize> Resize while maintaining proportion

Shift + <rotate> Rotate by 15 degree increments

Shift + <down ar- Select one line down


Shift + Enter When a hyperlink is selected, equivalent to


Shift + F1 Start context-sensitive Help

Shift + F3 Toggle case of letters (lower, initial cap, all


Shift + F4 Find next

Shift + F6 Move to the previous pane in reverse

Shift + F10 (or right- Display the shortcut menu


Shift + F12 Save

Shift + <left arrow> Select one character to the left

Shift + <right arrow> Select one character to the right

Shift + Tab Go to the last or previous hyperlink

Shift + <arrow> Nudge object one pixel

Shift + <up arrow> Select one line up

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