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Design Process & Strategic Thinking in Architecture

Conference Paper · March 2016

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Eman Sabry Abowardah

Prince Sultan University


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ISBN 978-xx-844xx-xx-x
Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Architecture & Civil Engineering
(ICASCE 2016)
London, March 26-27, 2016, pp. xxx-xxx

Design Process & Strategic Thinking in Architecture

Dr. Eman Sabry Abdellatif Abo Wardah1, Dr. Manal Osama Khalil2
Associate Professor- Architecture department- College of Engineering-Tanta University – Egypt

Architecture department - College of Engineering -Prince Sultan University - Riyadh- Saudi Arabia
Assistant Professor-Architecture department - College of Engineering -Prince Sultan University - Riyadh- Saudi

Abstract: Design can be viewed as a strategy of problem solving in which creative ability utilizes arts & science to
generate solutions to problem situations. Designers solve problems in many different ways; however, they go through a
pattern or sequence of steps that they have previously found effective for achieving their designs from conception to
completion. The design process may be a conscious or subconscious effort the designers use on almost every project.
Design process and methodology play a key role in the development of innovative design solutions for many architects.
Many studies have been written on design methodologies, these studies critically analyze, evaluate, compare, and propose
alternative methods for creative problem solving to help designers understand their own style and to offer new alternatives
for achieving solutions. Further, the motivation for the research stems from the observation that each architect uses his own
conceptual frameworks that can assist in setting boundaries and framing reasonable objectives, they can also enhance
communication among an extended network of collaborators. This paper aims to focus on reframing the strategic thinking
and the design process during the 20th century in Architecture, by analyzing the different methods & strategies of design
process, then present a comparison between these different methods, to give a hole vision for the different views, to
differentiate between the traditional design process and the integrative one during the information age, and it’s implement in
Architectural design studio.
Key words: Design nature, Design methodologies, Traditional design process, Integrative process in the information age.

1. Introduction
The methodology of Design process and Strategic thinking play a key role in the development of innovative
design solutions for many architects. Design methodology emerged in the 1960s as an independent scientific
discipline. Design methodologists have been moving away from ‘drawings and patterns’ in the notion of design,
although it is perhaps still a common action of designers of all kinds. Since the literature on design methods
began to appear, design methodology has become an independent discipline. Many studies have been written on
design methodologies, these studies critically analyze, evaluate and propose alternative methods for creative
problem solving to help designers understand their own style and to offer new alternatives for achieving
solutions. Many designers, when probed for reasons to explain their actions, are unable to provide explanations
that give the right descriptions of their actions. Under this model the design process assumes as a “Mystical”
phenomenal. Therefore, the act of designing in architecture is a complex process. Further, the motivation for the
research stems from the observation that each architect uses his own conceptual frameworks that can assist in
setting boundaries and framing reasonable objectives.
1.1. Research problem
Summarized in the existence of an expanding phenomenon within Architects and we cannot ignore it, which
is the “Inspiration from existing buildings as a method”, the problem is that some of architects are experiencing
difficulty getting inspired from existing buildings. Thus, sometimes the result of this process looks more like
“Copy-paste”rather than conscious inspiration.
1.2. Research Questions
1. What methods are used by designers?
2. Does one method better than another, constitute ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways to design?
3. Do different Methods lead to different qualities of results?
4. Do we know How to filter out relevant knowledge with abundance of information?
5. Do we know how to choose and use the right “Inspirational Sources” in a way that enhances our buildings as
the “Planning Process Generator to design high quality creative architecture?

1.3. Research Objective

This paper aims to focus on reframing and de-mystifying the strategic thinking and the design process
during the 20th century in Architecture, through a close scrutiny of existing literature about different design
methodology and strategic thinking. To give a hole vision for the different views, and differentiate between the
traditional design process and the integrative one during the information age.

2. Nature of Design Process

In his book (Design Methods: Seeds of Human Future) 1980 Jones, J. Christopher cited that the design
process does not represent the process of creating, but based on the principle of derivation of the final structure
of elementary introductions, and the relevance of these introductions and the final structure depends on three
primary operations:
• First, gathering information: to include the collection of information along with how to organize, analyze and
make sure they relate to the design position, and that such information be integrated in the image.
• Second, testing: include the design decisions through the process of representing the intellectual capabilities
and intuitive, and personal experience of the designer.
• Third, evaluation process: include judgment on the appropriateness of these decisions to the problem of
And he described also the Design process as a very complex process which contains two types of intellectual
 Unconscious intellectual activities: which related to the designer’s intellectual and creative abilities
 Conscious intellectual activities: This related to the designer’s rationality and logical abilities.

2.1. Intellectual Ideological approaches for design process

It means the intellectual method that is used by the designer in dealing with any design problem, and the
intellectual approaches for the design process can be divided into three ideological approaches are (Jones, J.
Christopher, 1980):
 The Logical Rational Model: This approach is based on the fact that the design process is a
logical process and can be explained which Christopher Jones called Glass Box (Alexander,
Cristopher,1976), it depends on analyzing all the design problems and attitudes to a group of minor
problems and initial molecules that are easily analyzed to basic components and solving each part
separately, and then assemble These molecules once again well to create the best solutions.
 The Creative Intuitive Model: represents the development of the patterns language penned by
Christopher Alexander , so that they become more flexible and tailored creative thought of the
designer, which he described as Black Box, where the more creative ideas inside the mind of the
designer, involuntary way inside the dark box containing the stock of knowledge and previous
experience of the designer.
 The Participation collective Model: This approach represents the development for the two
previous approaches, where can activate the user role or group designer in the design process, and it
highlight that the participation of the user in the design process and decision making also is a must,
and it has been used in different ways and a variety of methods such as questionnaires that
contribute to the explanation of the design positions to the users (Jencks, Charles,1991).
From studying these three approaches we can conclude an important fact that the Architectural Design
Process is located on a linear scale between two opposites, Scientific and Artistic Processes, one of them
consider this process as completely opaque, and the other consider it as completely transparent
(Peterson, John,1980) as shown in (figure1).

Black box

Fig.1: Architectural Design Process views

2.2. Nature of solving a design problem

The complexity of issues involved in solving a design problem requires different types of thinking throughout
the design process. Solving a design problem requires problem-solving strategies (follow some sequential
processes) and creative efforts to reach a solution. The nature of the design process changes from traditional to
creative to innovative depending on many factors, including (Peterson, John,1980):
 The quality of the design problem that may be determined from the beginning to impose specific solutions.
 The nature of the content and whether natural or physical environment for the surrounding buildings.
 Capacity, expertise and self- inventory of knowledge for the designer, which focuses on the creative side.
 Other actors involved in the design process (owner, user, and specialized agencies).

3. Historical overview about the design process

3.1. The Traditional vision of the design process
A lot of theorists wrote about the design process stages, the Royal British Institute of Architecture one of the
educational institutions, which focused on the disclosure of the design process nature and stages, and they
described the design process as a "two-dimensional process" as shown in (figure2) : The first dimension (the
sequential stages of design process) and The second dimension (the decision-making process).

3.1.1. The first dimension (the sequential stages of design process)

A vertical time line formulation reflects the sequential stages of design process from identifying the problem
and put the program down to the implementation phase of the project. Many architects and theorists worked and
studied the design process trying to put some main sequential stages for the architects to follow it in their designs
to achieve successful architectural outcomes. The architect’s views regarding the stages of the design process
varied and the following is some architectural models for the design process stages and sequence:
 Asimow’s Model 1962: He divided the steps and stages which the architectural design process passes through
into (RIBA handbook, 1973): Primary Needs, Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Planning
for Production, Planning for distribution,Consumption Planning, and Project Delivery.
 RIBA’s Model: Royal Institute of British Architecture decided and stated that the design process consists of
twelve steps which categorized into four main stages (RIBA, 1967):
- Briefing (Inception - Feasibility Study)
- Sketch Planning (Outline Proposal - Scheme Design)
- Working Drawing (Detailed Design - Production Of Information - Bill Of Quantities - Tender Action)
- Site Operation (Project Planning - Operation On Site – Completion - Feed Back)
(table1) concludes and presents a review of some architects and theorists opinions about design process stages.

Fig.2: Design process as a two-dimensional process (RIBA handbook, 1973)

3.1.2 The second dimension (the decision-making process)

A horizontal formulation of the decision-making process with repeated courses which occur within each
stage of the architectural design processes (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and decision-making).
 Archer’s Model: He determined the decision making process into some steps: (Brief – Programming - Data
Collection – Analysis - Synthesis – Development - Communication – Solution).
 Laseau’s Model: He determined the decision making process into six sequential steps (Laseau, Paul, 1982):
(Problem Definition - Information Gathering - Developing Alternatives – Evaluating Alternatives - Solution
Selection – Communication). (table2) concludes and presents a review of some architects and theorists
opinions about decision -making during design process stages.
3.2. Architectural Process between Traditional and Creative Processes
There are 3 different types of design processes: creative, traditional and innovative processes. (figure3)
differentiates between them according to their relationship to components used to configure alternative designs.

Fig. 3: The three different types of design processes (Peterson, John, 1980)
On the other hand there are two types of design thinking: the implicit approach & the explicit approach, the
following is a comparison between both of them according to the concept upon which this approach is built, the
process that each one of them follow and the effect and final result for each one of them.
The Implicit approach
 Concept: Design is a holistic and creative process. it is mysterious and springs from the depths of the
designer's subconscious.
 Process: design is best learned by watching. Once a student's sensitivity is developed, his work will be
more sophisticated.
 Effect: design process is best taught through implication, recognition based on intuition.
The Explicit approach
 Concept: Design is only valid so far as it addresses the problems underlying the process. in a fully
conscious way, human problems to be solved by design.
 Process: designer's first effort is to ask questions of, the problem until it loses its mystery.
What the project's Premise is? What its Program Concept is? What his Design Concept for the project is?
 Effect: level of understanding must grow from careful analysis. This is the basis of critical judgment.

4. New models of design methodology in the contemporary architecture

Unlike the Conventional design methodologies which tend to go through the design process in a sequential
manner (usually start with analysis, followed by synthesis, then evaluation), the new models of design
methodology allow different thinking modes to participate in any stage of design activities. In this part, the
research will analyze 2 different approaches for the design methodology in the contemporary Architecture:
 Academic model for design methodology
 Practical models for design methodology.
4.1. Academic model for design methodology
This part of the research analyzes the academic views for the Design Thinking Approaches during the
Contemporary Architecture. Among various teaching/learning models reviewed by the Author, there are a few
approaches which make a considerable effort to acknowledge the interaction between the student and the
educator in its teaching/learning model. This study has developed an integrated thinking methodology for
teaching Architecture design studios by which three types of: initial, logical, and originative thinking are at
work. Therefore, the model suggests that a comprehensive design methodology in Architecture requires an
interactive process of thinking to employ various modes of thinking and implement flexible design approaches in
different stages of design in order to develop a proper solution (figure 4).


Logical originative
thinkin thinking

Fig.4: Integrated thinking methodology

4.1.1. Initial significant Thinking Approach

Basic thinking acts as a major processing mechanism in the designer's mind and as an archive of information
and images, it considered as the most important component of thinking processes during the design process. All
types of information including: the experiences they have had, the environmental background of designers,
images they have seen in the past, and even those new information that they seek and collect throughout a design
process, are collected and processed in this stage. Basic thinking approach can be defined as being part accepted
knowledge which is responsible for presenting a solution. It involves problem solving, designing, and decision
making in the model of the design process (Mahmoodi, 2001).
 Problem Solving: Students need to collect information and formulating the Problem in its wide range,
sensing and researching the Problem, find ways of responding to those problems, finding alternatives and
different ideas. Finally, choosing the Solution.
 Designing: This part includes Imagining and formulating a Goal and focus on it, Students need to invent a
new approaches for producing solutions. And develop deeper criteria for evaluating the work in-process.
Finally, revising the Product.
 Decision Making: In this stage students need to generate alternative design solutions, assessing the
Consequences and visually explore the effects of their visual decisions on the final solution. Making a choice
and appropriate decisions which are not solely based on personal taste, then evaluating the Choices.

4.1.2 Logical Thinking Approach

Logical thinking could be defined as being of recognized knowledge which is responsible for understanding a
problem. It involves Analyzing, criticizing, and comparing in the model of the design process.
• Analyzing: Students need to demonstrate their verbal ideas in a visual/spatial manner and Patterns.
Identifying assumptions about the problem, classifying various collected data. Students need to identify their
major objectives and ideas of solving a problem and finding Sequences. Students need to record all of their
design ideas and develop their ideas based on the old ones.
 Criticizing: To develop criteria of evaluating students work, Students need to assess their work, in
addition to the educators' assessments, also determining some major criteria for developing solutions.
Students need to recognising Fallacies and Looking for weak points for developing solutions. Also students
need to verify the appropriateness of their solutions.
 Comparing: Students need to compare their solutions with others and to develop reasonably logical
solutions for all design problems. Then the students need to infer the relative success of their solution.
Students need also to identify the causal reasons in their thinking process.

4.1.3 Creative Thinking for idealising solutions

Creative thinking is suggested by the Author to be under the dominance of right hemisphere, responsible for
intuitive, visual, and simultaneous thinking during the design process. The Author defines Creative thinking as
being of generated knowledge which is responsible for idealising a solution (Mahmoodi, 2001). It involves
Synthesising, Elaborating and Imagining in his model of the design process. With regards to creative thinking,
the following lists of activities are suggested by the Author to be considered by students and educators of design
during the design process.
• Synthesising:. Students need to implement some design types which would help them generate solutions and to
apply some design strategies to exercise their design ideas so they can prepare a plan of work to generate ideas.
• Elaborating: Students need to be able to expand their initial ideas and modify the initial as well as newly
generated ideas to extend on the ideas which are generated by others. So they can be able to shift their
perspectives and viewpoints and not stick with one idea to develop concrete ideas.
• Imagining: Students need to develop fluent responses to problem to predict the final solution and its effects, in
order to visualize and speculate on their solutions. Besides they need to trust their judgments and decisions.

4.2. Practical models for design methodology

This part present a review of some famous architects’ opinions about The Design Process for the
Contemporary Architectural projects, through analyzing their quotes which reflects their thoughts, present their
knowledge backgrounds, analyzing their inspiration sources, understanding their development tools and
displaying the final results as shown in (table3). And all these factors are related to each other (figure5).

Knowledge Inspiration Development

Final result
background Sources Tools

Fig.5: diagram show the applying analytical process.

4.2.1. Frank Gehry’s Vision for Design Process & Strategic Thinking
One of the most famous Gehry’s Quotes: “I know I draw without taking my pen off the page. I just keep
going, and that my drawings I think of them as scribbles. I don’t think they mean anything to anybody except to
me, then at the end of the project these little drawings wheel out and they’re damn close to what the finished
building is”(artquotes.net).
Knowledge background: Canadian American architect, he belongs to the Modern architecture Schools.
Inspiration Sources: Sculptors and Painters as shown in (figure 6)
Development Tools: Scribbling a sketch - New floor plan – Strategies (Codex rules)
Final results: Morphological forms in a wonderful composition
IAC Building, (2007), Chelsea, New York Guggenheim museum – Spain - 1997

Fig. 6: Frank Gehry’s inspiration sources. (www.archidialog.com)

4.2.2. Zaha Hadid’s Vision for Design Process & Strategic Thinking
The most important quote from Zaha Hadid’s Office which explains her vision in most of her works: “Digital
techniques have become essential ingredients of the project development. Intermediate techniques established a
fertile ground for the quick assimilation of the new digital tools in the process of form finding (A new
Architectural language) and Conception of space was developed” (artquotes.net)
Knowledge background: Iraqi British architect - American Architecture schools -following Le Corbusier and
Frank Lloyd Wright schools in architecture.
Inspiration Sources: Nature Sculpture artwork and Organic architecture (figure 7).
Development Tools: Digital techniques and Advanced Sculptural techniques.
Final results: Sculpted buildings appear like a mystical object. Express fluidity, velocity and lightness.

Fig. 7: Zaha Hadid’s inspiration sources. (www.archidialog.com)

Fig. 7: Zaha Hadid’s inspiration sources. (www.archidialog.com)

4.2.3. Toyo Ito’s Vision for Design Process & Strategic Thinking
Some of the most famous Toyo Ito’s quotes are: “Architects have made architecture too complex. We need
to simplify it and use a language that everyone can understand.” “We have to base architecture on the
environment, the natural world systems are fluid. In contrast to this, architecture has always tried to establish a
more stable system of grid; it made the world’s cities homogenous. In response to that, by modifying the grid
slightly I have been attempting to find a way of creating relationships that bring buildings closer to their
Knowledge background: Japanese Architecture schools - following Le Corbusier and Oscar Neimeyer styles in
Inspiration Sources: natural forms and structures, Islamic patterns, organic design, and Tree structure as shown
in (figure8).
Development Tools: Digital techniques and Sculptural techniques and models.
Final results: Branching design - Tree Buildings - Façade as structure that directly expresses the flow of force.

Tama Art University Library – Tokyo -2007

Serpentine Pavilion, Hyde Park, London. 2002.

Fig. 8: Toyo Ito’s inspiration sources. (www.archidialog.com)

4.2.4. Peter Zumthor’s Vision for Design Process & Strategic Thinking
From the most popular quotes for Peter Zumthor’s is: “I work a little bit like a sculptor. When I start, my
first idea for a building is with the material. I believe architecture is about that. It's not about paper, it's not
about forms. It's about space and material.”
“What I try to do is the art of building, and the art of building is the art of construction; it is not only about
forms and shapes and images.” (http://www.brainyquote.com)
Knowledge background: Swiss architect – following Le corbusier’s style in architecture - Five points of
architecture - conservation architecture.
Inspiration Sources: lifting building PILOTIS, to allow a sequence of green areas and free movement of
pedestrians (figure9,10).
Development Tools: physical model to represents the initial phase of the project.
Final results: raised horizontal beam, up on pilots very large amorphous surface.

Peter Zumthor Architect _ Swiss Pavilio _ Model of Zumthor's Topography of

Expo 2000 Hannover- Germany Terror Museum- International Exhibition,
Berlin, Germany, 1997
Fig. 9: Peter Zumthor’s inspiration sources. (www. folio.brighton.ac.uk)

Fig. 10: Peter Zumthor’s inspiration sources. (www. folio.brighton.ac.uk)

5. Conclusion
 Designing is a process formed from three main phases: “knowledge”, Developing Tools = “Codex Rules”
and “Invention”.
 Designing Method for the famous Contemporary Architects consists from 3 main stages:
- First phase: Knowledge : Knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and
designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis.
- Second Phase: Developing Tools= Codex Rules: Develop tools to analyze buildings and “Understand”
them. Tools that will help us cope with the abundance of architectural information.
- Third Phase: Invention: Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to realize our design idea, our
“invention” and get a high quality and creative architecture. New architectural language and conception of space
was developed.
 The Design process is a very complex process which contains two types of intellectual activities:
Unconscious and Conscious intellectual activities.
 The Conventional design methodologies tend to go through the design process in a sequential manner
(usually start with analysis, followed by synthesis, and then evaluation).
 The new models of design methodology allow different thinking modes to participate in any stage of design
 The following diagram concludes and shows how to be inspired in a conscious way by using the different
knowledge background and inspiration sources (tool box) to generate the Inspiration Techniques Tools = Codex

Knowledge Inspiration Inspiration

background Sources Techniques Tools
(Tool Box) = Codex Rules

Origin & roots Existing buildings Sculptural techniques

Experience Architectural style New digital

Education Relevant buildings


 The following diagram Reflects processes of “conscious and unconscious” inspiration among Architecture.

Tools Inspirations

Undeveloped Developing Conscious Unconscious

tools tools inspirations inspirations

Lead to a high quality &creative architecture


Lead to a “Copy - Paste “Architecture”

• Complex thinking processes are viewed as an interaction between three types of thinking: Critical Thinking,
Creative Thinking and Content/Basic Thinking.
• The “conscious Inspiration method” is formed from three main phases: knowledge, Developing designing
Tools = “Codex Rules”, and Invention.
• The natural development of architecture design is based on inspiration techniques.… = Codex Rules.
• With the methodology of“ conscious Inspiration ,”we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from
relevant buildings.
• Get inspired consciously from existing buildings, and you will experience a unique design process that will
serve your creative desires.
• Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.

The work presented here was funded by Prince Sultan University, Riyadh,KSA. The financial support is
gratefully acknowledged.

6. References
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Association; London.
[4]Arieti, Silvano, (1976). Creativity: A Magic Synthesis. New York: Basic Books.
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[8] Broadbent, Martinez, Cardaci, Zollo, (1998). "The Design Studio Revisited". Environmental Design. Vo1.2, Number 1.
[9] Carolin, P., (1992). "Expectation versus Reality in Architectural Education". In: F. Duffy ed. Strategic Study of the
Profession Phase 1: Strategic Overview. London: RIBA Publications.
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[11] Ching, Francis DK., (1979). Architecture: Form, Space and Order. NY.: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
[12] Ching, Francis DK., (1996). A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. NY.: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
[13] Edwards, Betty, (1992). Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: How to Unlock Your Hidden Artistic Talent. New
revised edition. London: Harper Collins.
[14] Janckes, Charles, (1991) “The Language Of Post- Modern Archeticture”, Academy Editions, London.
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, PHD, university of LEEDS, UK,.
[17]Peterson, John, (9191) “Information Methods for Design & Construction”, John Wily & Sons, N.Y.
[18] Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA)," Hand Book of Architecture & Management", the RIBA Publication,
London, 1973.
[19]Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA), Hand Book of Architecture & Management, Op. Cit., 1967.
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[22]http://www.design.iastate.eduiARTINAB/hots.html, (Accessed 5/1/2000)
[23] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/toyo_ito.html#GCeGXJFpKwxH7267.99
[24] http://archidialog.com/someone has built it before.
[25] https://folio.brighton.ac.uk/user/mg237/exemplary-project-swiss-pavilion-sound-box-designed-by-peter-zumthor
TABLE 1. Review of some architects and theorists opinions about design process stages

Asimow’s Riba’s Model Benett’s Model (C-B-C) Model 1979 Laseau’s Model 1982
Model 1962 1967 1973
1- Primary Briefing 1- Information Design concept 1- Program
needs 1- inception gathering 1- design concept
2- Feasibility 2- Feasibility planning
study study 2- design concept
3- Preliminary Sketch plans 2- general Preliminary design 2- Schematic design
design 3- outline alternative 3-design drawing 3- Preliminary design
proposals solutions 4-design drawing
4- scheme design 3- solution production
4- detailed Working 4- detailed Working drawings 4- working drawings
design drawings design 5-production 5- design development
5- planning for 5- detailed design 5- presenting drawings 6- contract documents
Design production 6-production the design 6- production drawing
development information planning
7- bill of 7-building production
quantities planning
8-tender action
6- planning for Site operation 6- construction 8- building production 7- construction
distribution 9-project planning 7- evaluation operation
Construction 7- planning for 10-operation on
Design consumption site
8-planning for 11- completion
production 12-Feed back
RIBA’s Hand RIBA’s Hand Broadbennett,G. Al-Wareh,M., 1979, Laseau, paul,
book, 1973 book, 1973 , 1973, ”Design “Architecture for 1982,”GraphicThinking
In Architecture” Quality” for Architects &

TABLE 2. Review of some architects and theorists opinions about decision -making during design process stages.

Archer’s Model Jone’s Model 1970 Rittel’s Model 1972 RIBA’s Model 1973 Laseau’s Model 1982
1- Brief 1- divergence (entry 1- entry of the 1- Assimilation 1- Problem definition
2- Programming the problem – problem 2- General study 2- Information
3- data collection collection & 2-collection & gathering
4- analysis analysis analysis information
Synthesis/ 5- synthesis 2- transformation 3- development 3-Development 3- Developing
Creative 6-development (development solutions alternative
Phase solutions)
7-communication 3- convergence 4- solution selection 4- Communication 4- Evaluating
8- solution Evaluation - 5-communication & alternative
communication implementation 5- Solution selection
Archer,L.,1969 Jones,J.,C.,1970,”D Rittel,H.,1972, “On RIBA’s Hand book, Laseau, paul,
“structure of the esign Methods: the state of the art in 1973 1982,”Graphic
References design process” seeds of human design methods” Thinking for
futures” Architects &
TABLE 3. A review of some famous architects’ opinions about The Design Process.

Frank Gehry Zaha Hadid Toyo Ito Peter Zumthor
Canadian American Iraqi British architect Japaneese Swiss architect
architect American Architecture Architecture schools Le corbusier’s
Modern architecture schools Oscar Neimeyer Five points of architecture
Schools Le Corbusier Le Corbusier conservation architecture
Frank Lloyd Wright
Conscious Inspiration Conscious natural forms and lifting building PILOTIS,
Sculptors Inspiration structures to allow a sequence of
Painters Nature Islamic patterns green areas and free
Sculpture artwork organic design movement of pedestrians
Tree structure
Scribbling a sketch
Digital techniques physical model to
Developing New floor plan Digital techniques
Sculptural techniques represents the initial
tools Strategies Sculptural techniques
and models phase of the project
(Codex rules)
Morphological forms in a Sculpted buildings appears Branching design raised horizontal beam, up
wonderful composition like a mystical object Tree Buildings on pilotis
Product Express fluidity, velocity and Façade as structure very large amorphous
lightness that directly expresses surface
the flow of force

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