Analytical Study On Self Closing Flood Barrier Using Ansys IJERTCONV3IS16005
Analytical Study On Self Closing Flood Barrier Using Ansys IJERTCONV3IS16005
Analytical Study On Self Closing Flood Barrier Using Ansys IJERTCONV3IS16005
ISSN: 2278-0181
TITCON-2015 Conference Proceedings
4.1ANSYS Analysis
Fig. 8 Maximum total deformation of SCFB (Aluminium alloy)
The SCFB was analysed by considering the boundary condition
of bottom surface as rigid[7]. The barrier is modeled as friction-
aless. The Aluminium alloy material was used for barrier and the
corresponding deformation and stress strain behavior were stud-
ied. The fig.7 shows the meshed test specimen of SCFB.
The authors of the present paper work acknowledge Prof. Selva-
kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Knowledge Insti-
tute of Technology, Salem for his support towards ANSYS stimu-