Micro Tunnelling
Micro Tunnelling
Micro Tunnelling
pp. [page 2015
[25-33], range], 2015
© The
© The Institution
Engineers,SriSri Lanka
Kokila Ranasinghe
Abstract: Al Khuwair is a sub city located in Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman. It is presently
growing rapidly with illustrious highways, modern housing complexes, commercial centres, hospitals,
schools etc., being built. Even though the local population represents around 60% of the total
population, developing infrastructure is an essential need in order to cater to the needs of both the
local and foreign migrant population and also the tourists. The present trend of development of the
city indicates that Al Khuwair would provide a considerable proportion of the Muscat’s wealth. The
yellow tankers roaming around the city are not uncommon in AlKhuwair even though it might
surprise the visitors at their first glance. They enter every house and restaurant at least once a month
in order to empty the septic tanks of those properties. It is also not uncommon to see overflowing
septic tanks emitting in tolerable odours when tankers fail to arrive promptly to empty the
overflowing septic tanks. The aim of the paper is to present the actual experience from Muscat Waste water
Project that has been implemented in order to overcome the above mentioned most critical issue. It highlights
the problems which surfaced with regard to pipe deviations, deflections and pipe cracking that occurred during
the micro tunnelling of 1000mm diameter polycrete wastewater pipes. The attempts made to provide technical
solutions for the deficiencies and possible alternatives to overcome the defective situations are comprehensively
discussed in the paper.
Keywords: micro-tunnelling, pipe alignment, polycrete pipes, deviation, deflection
facilitate construction in areas where cut-and- gravitational hydraulic flows of the branch
cover trenching may not be practical. All of sewer network. The micro tunnelling section of
these advantages can combine together to the 1000mm diameter polycrete trunk sewer in
reduce project costs and risks. Al Khuwair had to be laid in a low lying valley
at a depth of 9m to 20m. The top of the ground
2. Micro Tunnelling in Al water table was at a depth of 12m from the
Khuwair identified ground level.
A 1000mm diameter polycrete pipeline had to The design considerations for micro tunnelling
be constructed using micro tunnelling in Al are given below:
Khuwair under the Muscat Wastewater Project.
The Authorities implemented Borsure 03 Geotechnical Investigations: This is
Project component of the Muscat Wastewater required to identify the type/nature of
Project to connect all premises of the sub city of sub soil strata across which the pipes
Al Khuwair to a new sewer network from have to be driven using micro-
which the collected sewage was to be carried tunnelling and to estimate the
through a 1000mm diameter polycrete trunk overburden soil pressure
main to the wastewater treatment plant at Ground Water Table: This is required
AlAnsab where it was to be treated under to identify, from what depth the
gravitational forces. dewatering has to be introduced.
Location of the Entry and exit points :
The design of the 1000mm diameter polycrete This is to ensure that adequate
pipe was challenging due to lack of experience provision/space is available to erect
on the behavior of the pipe material and the entry/exist shafts, or construct a pit
with sheet piling to position the micro-
remedies that could be implemented to repair
tunnelling or pipe jacking machine
the pipes in case of a failure during infiltration
facilitating tunnelling or jacking
and exfiltration tests and if cracks appear in
Clearance from existing utility service
pipes while they are being driven. Even though
providers: This needs to be obtained
polycrete pipes have been used in the
before the design is finalized to ensure
wastewater industry during last 15 years, there
smooth operation. The pipe to be
is not much information available on record to
driven should be kept away from the
indicate its performance during micro
specified distances from the existing
tunneling. The polycrete material is made of
underground utilities or should be
polymer concrete. The advantages of polymer
provided encasements as required.
concrete include its high compressive strength
which allows for a high jacking force and ensures Assessment on the type of Micro
tunnelling (MT)/Pipe jacking (PJ)
maximum safety, a GRP joint collar for maximum
machines to be used: The capacities of
safety during jacking, a smooth outer pipe surface
the MT and PJ machines are estimated
which reduces friction resulting in lower jacking
based on the sub soil characteristics,
forces, parallel pipe ends providing uniform
diameter of the pipe to be driven and
distribution of jacking forces, highly accurate
the type of pipe to be tunnelled or
dimensions avoiding ovality or tight joints and
providing perfect matching, elasticity, reduced
point loading and risk of rupture, low weight which Pipe material: The type of the pipe to
allows ease of installation, adaptable dimensions be tunnelled is selected based on sub
making it suitable for all micro-tunneling and soil properties, length of drive,
jacking equipment, smooth and even inner surface compressive strength of pipe material,
allowing a high flow rate, high corrosion resistance and tendency to deform.
providing reliability throughout the long service life; Considering the above, concrete shafts were
and the availability of complete systems for jacking introduced in Al Khuwair for pipe entry and
pipes, open cut pipes and manholes. exist. Figure 1 shows how micro tunnelling
machine reaches the exit shaft of the Al
Khuwair 1000mm diameter main trunk sewer.
3. Sewer design considerations for
concrete pipes
For fully developed areas, peak The Wastewater Manual also states that for
maximum flow shall include both sewers greater than 1000mm in diameter, the
sewage and infiltrations/inflows flow velocity at peak flow should be 1 m/s.
In undeveloped areas, where
infiltration and inflow can be Al Khuwair is reasonably developed having a
controlled, Merrimack formula number of urban features. The system had to
could be used to determine the provide provisions for large scale future
peak flow development of mostly non-residential and
For small catchments with less commercial entities where wastewater
than 5-100 properties the peaking generation would be relatively high. Giving
factor shall be taken as 4-5 due consideration to the potential development
related projects in the future and the design
The Merrimack Formula is expressed as: flow calculations and complying with all the
above mentioned requirements, the diameter
Qpdf= 2.65 x Qadf0.087
of the main trunk sewer was selected
Where Qpdf = Peak Daily Flow - ML/Day as1000mm.
Qadf= Average Daily Flow - ML/Day
Selection of pipe material:
To determine the sizes of the sewerage network
There were several options available for the
pipes and their slopes, two more equations are
Design Engineers to select the micro tunnelling
recommended in the design code of practice. i.e
pipe material. The main concern was the
Colebrook – White and Manning’s equations.
strength and the durability of the pipe and its
compressive strength against the jacking force
Colebrook – White Equation is expressed as:
and torque generated by the micro tunnelling
machines in driving pipes. The Design Manual
V = 2(2gDS)1/2log [Ks /3.7D+2.51v / D(2gDS)1/2]
specifies following pipe types for micro
Manning’s equation is expressed as :
Reinforced concrete pipes with
V = (1/n) R2/3 S1/2
GRP lining. The jacking pipe
Where, V = Velocity in m/Sec concrete has to comply with BS EN
D = Diameter of pipe ( mm) 206-1: 2000/BS 8500 and the GRP
S = Hydraulic Gradient ( m/m) internal liner shall have a design
Ks= Equivalent roughness life of 100 years when used for
v = Kinematic viscosity m2/s gravity flow applications.
g = Acceleration of gravity(m/s/s ) The sheet steel pipes welded in
n = Manning’ friction coefficient sections of 03-06 meter lengths and
R = Hydraulic Radius (m) with corrosion protection lining
Polymer concrete pipes (Polycrete
In accordance with the Design Manual, the pipes) and fittings. The standard
minimum sewer diameter is taken as 200mm specification for Polymer Concrete
and the governing slopes depending on the pipe is ASTM D 6783-02
diameters and flow conditions will vary as
indicated below: From among the above mentioned options,
polycrete pipes of 1000mm diameter were
Table 02 -Slopes of sewers depend on pipe selected for micro tunnelling work of the
diameters and flow conditions(50% and 65% Project based on the following:
full) Being able to be driven straight in to
Pipe Dia. Slope V0.5 V0.65 and across the ground as a carrier pipe
mm without requiring any sleeve pipes
200 5.00 mm/m 0.79 High compressive strength
250 3.70 mm/m 0.79 Being able to pass through natural hard
300 2.90 mm/m 0.79 soil formations
350 2.40 mm/m 0.79 Absence of ovality at pipe end
400 2.05 mm/m 0.75 Ease of handling because of the
500 1.54 mm/m 0.75 moderate weight.
600 1.20 mm/m 0.75
800 0.82 mm/m 0.75
Highly corrosion resistant smooth 5. Problems encountered when
inner surface that allows high flow micro tunnelling 1000mm
diameter Polycrete pipes
Reduced point loading and reduced risk of
In micro tunnelling there are several important
Adoptable detentions and availability of factors as indicated below to be focused on
large diameter pipes while maintaining accurate records:
As per the Contract, the pipeline was not commenced in a region where soil
allowed to deviate for more than 300mm properties have changed from
horizontally between any two manholes. Even boulders to soft soil
though the pipeline could not be accepted The soil overburden pressure could
according to the Contract, the drive was done have changed due to the presence of
under continuous supervision. It was very compacted soil layers on top of the
clear that the pipeline had deviated at the tail existing utilities placed at lower
end of the pipe section especially along the last elevations. It was noticed at the point of
10m length out of a total micro tunnelling deviation of the 1000mm diameter
length of 88 m. Although the deviation was trunk sewer, that there was a 33,000
noticed in the control room the operating KVA electrical cable surrounded with
technician was confident that he could concrete at a lower level.
complete the drive not exceeding the tolerance The possible impact on deviation due
specified for deviation. The Consultants to the to machine performance and pipe
Project who were responsible for the quality material discrepancies were ruled out
control of the construction did not accept the by the Contractor as rest of the pipeline
micro tunnelled pipe section. Technical was micro tunnelled smoothly and it
investigation was carried out on the pipe was believed that the problem was due
deviation and the following conclusions were to the specific conditions at the
arrived at: location.
This pipe cracking was found at a 13m distance have been caused by soil conditions or by
from the ground level. The pipes were driven in pipe cracking. Being a single wallpipe it
accordance with the specified alignment might not have allowed there distribution
maintaining accurate elevations for a 123m of the forces and w o u l d h a v e given a
length, although pipes began to crack while lower steering tolerance to the machine.
being driven through one particular location. Polycrete pipe collar width might h a v e
The soil condition at the location was found to b e e n insufficient for the allowance on the
be aggressive. Although nine of the pipes that tunnelling work in a situation where
cracked could be taken away from the deviations have occurred. This might h a v e
receiving end four pipes still remained inside caused a reduced face load contact
as shown in Figure 4. The cracked pipes that generating a pressure exceeding the limit
were removed were sent to the manufacture’s allowed.
laboratory to check their compressive strength
and the pipe material was found to be
defective. The pipes that were removed were The pipes h a d cracked under moderate
replaced as much as possible although nothing pressure (300 tons) at a position where
could be done for the damaged pipes that there had not been any cracks earlier. This
remained underground. Studies were made to had happened after the tunnel was
find out the causes for the pipe cracking and to completed and during the initial
find out a mechanism to repair the four replacement of the nine of the cracked
damaged pipes that were stuck in the pipeline. pipes. The soil condition and pressure at
the location led to the belief that cracked
pipes could have had hairline cracks
The Contractor’s investigations revealed the
before they were put to use.
following as factors that caused the pipes to
Point load caused by the uneven jacking The rectification of the remaining damaged
force applied to the sewer by a defective pipes of the trunk sewer was the major concern
hydraulic power pack. The specialized to make the trunk sewer acceptable.
Subcontractor who tested the jacks
confirmed that they were w o r k i n g 5.3 Rectification of damaged pipes
p r o p e r l y at the time of their operation.
The higher forces of the jacking station Since the polycrete is a composite material with
w e r e not a p p l i e d at the front of the resin as a binder, repair of the defects either at
tunnel. If it was the case, i t w o u l d the site or at the factory was possible.
h a v e b e e n the pipes near the jacking rig
that would have cracked. Repairing procedure was as follows:
It was confirmed that during the drive
there were issues with the speed control of 1. The location of the crack on the pipe
the hydraulic system. These have been was marked.
corrected after the completion of the drive. 2. The surface of the marked area was
Even though jacking pressures in excess of grinded to a width of 150 mm.
600 tons would have been exerted during 3. Any dirt present in the grinded area
the process, pipes were not damaged, as was wiped off.
they were able to withstand pressures up to 4. In a mixing bowl a sufficient amount
800 tons. of resin mix catalyzed with an
Stoppage due to cracked pipes and safety appropriate curing agent was
measures adopted making the soil on t h e prepared and one coat of the paste
t o p o f t h e sewer t o lock and was applied to the prepared area
thereby increasing t h e loadxfriction using a round profile brush.
causing back pressure. The Subcontractor 5. The coat was allowed to seep through
kept on injecting 12 tons of bentonite the crack until it started to gelfy. One
during to page of work although 2 to 3 tons more layer of resin mix was applied to
w e r e t h e n o r m for a 100 meter drive. make the coat approximately 20
Deviation in pipeline had caused t h e micron thick and make it gelfy.
jacking force to increase continuously 6. Polycrete motor was applied evenly
resulting in a point load. There had been on the crack using a putty pallet.
deviations in the driven pipe line 7. At least 20 minutes were allowed for
immediately after the cracking. This might the applied polycrete to cure.
The experience gained in AlKhuwair, clearly • Designed jacking forces at the maximum
indicates the important areas that need to be angular deflection
focused on in the micro tunneling projects with • Pipe stiffness requirements
special attention paid towards laying of • Handling and positioning of the pipe
wastewater pipelines. The construction
difficulties faced in Al Khuwair highlight issues 7. Conclusion
as indicated below that could be shared among
wastewater design/construction engineers The Al Khuwair component of the Muscat
handling micro tunneling of sewers.: Wastewater Project reveals a number of
important factors related to micro tunnelling of
Soil Investigations: the Al Khuwair waste water pipes. The problems surfaced from
example clearly indicates that the main the case study can be summarised as follows
reason for pipe deviation was the lack of for the benefit of new micro tunnelling
understanding on sub soil properties. It practitioners.
was realized that changes in sub soil
properties from hard to soft had an impact Selecting the appropriate pipe material
on the pipe alignment during micro for micro tunnelling is a major factor as
tunnelling. If the change in sub soil pipe deviations and deflections need to
properties was known, then the driving be avoided while driving the pipes.
torque that had to be provided could have Once the pipe material is selected,
been changed accordingly to suit soft soil driving has to be done to minimize
conditions. point loads on the pipe and considering
Existing Utilities: When existing utilities sub soil properties.
were present at low elevations, disturbed More precise soil investigations to be
soils and compacted soils on top had an carried out along the pipe route in
impact on the micro tunnelling which had order to apply the driving torque
to be executed below those utility services. applicable to the available sub soil
Impact of point loads: strata.
When point loads were generated on the Detailed investigations need to be done
pipe to be micro tunnelled, there was a on existing underground utilities in the
tendency for the pipes to get damaged. area to identify disturbed soils and
Therefore the driving force had to be compacted soils that would have
applied throughout the pipe circumference. emerged during the laying of those
utility services at lower elevations as
these could have had an impact on the
6. Basic Design Considerations for micro tunnelling pipes placed deep in
Polycrete pipes the ground as these can cause pipe
cracking pipe deviations and excessive
Polycrete pipes for jacking are designed to settlement of the pipe line
resist all loads and damage from construction It is recommended to stop pipe driving
processes, including crushing of the material and fix an additional manhole when
due to load transfer at the joint. The design pipe deviation is noticed through the
shall be carried out using a design procedure laser beam at the control room as
commonly used in Europe and around the controlling deviations would not be
world, such as ATV rules and standards A 161: possible in some cases. The Contractors
static calculation of driven pipes, DVGW should not take risks in micro
Specification GW 312: Static computation of tunnelling as the rejection of the work
driving pipes etc., and using wherever done by them, additional costs incurred
applicable published codes and standards. to redo the work or cost cuttings by
Consultants/Clients for the deviated
The thickness of the jacking pipe wall usually pipe sections may not be bearable.
determined by the pipe manufacturer is a
function of the following:
1. Section 03, Sewerage Systems, Wastewater
Design Manual, Oman Water Services
Company, pp. 3-2 – 3-23, June 2008.
2. Balasubramaniam, Bala K., Micro Tunnelling
in rock and soft ground strata-Asia Pacific
experiences, Trenchless Australasia –
December 2005.
3. 2011 Industry Review, pp14 – 36, Trenchless
Technology, North American Micro
4. Design and Construction of micro tunnelling
Projects, American society of Civil Engineers,
Industry Review 2011.
5. Micro tunnelling Incident Report 03 – Site
Visit, Muscat Waste Water Project, Contract
03, Al Khuwair network, MonteAdriano,
Middle East LLC.
6. Section 08, Micro tunnelling, Technical
Standard Specification-Civil, Oman
Wastewater Services Company, pp 01-36.