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GDM-03 2016

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Field Investigation
3.1 Introduction
For any transportation project that has components supported on or in the earth, there is a need for
subsurface information and geotechnical data during its planning, design, and construction phases.
Any geologic feature that affects the design and construction phase of a project, or has a bearing on
site or corridor selection in terms of hazards and/or economics must be investigated and analyzed.
Of equal importance is the clear and accurate portrayal of these conditions in a format that is
accessible and understandable by all users.
Consider the following during field investigation:
• Subsurface investigation: The objectives of a subsurface investigation are the provision of
general information on the subsurface conditions of soil, rock, and water, and specific
information concerning the soil and rock properties that are necessary for the project
geotechnical design and construction.
• Scale of investigation: For transportation projects in Oregon, the appropriate scale of
investigation must be carefully considered. Because of Oregon’s geology and geography,
subsurface conditions are complex and may vary widely over short distances. A more
thorough investigation will provide additional information that will generally decrease the
probability of encountering unforeseen conditions during construction, and increase the
quality and economy of the geotechnical design of a project.
• Balance of investigation: Time and fiscal considerations will constrain the scale and
resolution of the field investigation. Therefore, the geotechnical designer must balance the
exploration costs with the information required and the acceptable risks.
The technical decisions and details required for site investigations require the input of trained and
experienced professionals. Every site has its own particular circumstances, and diverse geologic
conditions, professional experience, available equipment, and the previously described time and
budgetary restraints all contribute to the most cost-effective site investigations. The implications of
site-specific geologic conditions for the type of proposed facility must be investigated for each project.
The remainder of this chapter describes established ODOT criteria to be used in field investigations
as well as information on any areas where ODOT’s criteria differs from the FHWA and AASHTO
guidelines. More information can also be found in the Federal Highway Administration Subsurface
Investigations - Geotechnical Site Characterization Reference Manual (FHWA NHI-01-031).

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3.1.1 Established Investigation Criteria
Professional experience and judgment are the basis of any field investigation program. This chapter
is not intended to provide a prescriptive approach to field investigation, however; there are some
established base levels of investigation for transportation facilities that must be mandated to assure
consistency and quality throughout the agency, and to address a common level of risk acceptance.
• These baselines were based on Federal guidance and the AASHTO Manual on Subsurface
Investigations, 1988. ODOT has adopted the baseline requirements for subsurface
investigations from the AASHTO Manual.
• However, due to the more variable conditions found in Oregon, ODOT’s practice is slightly
more rigorous with respect to exploration spacing and sampling. ODOT variance from
AASHTO guidelines is outlined in Section 3.5 (Subsurface Exploration Requirements) and
Section 3.6 (Subsurface Exploration Methods). LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section
10 provides an additional resource for subsurface investigations, supplementary to the
AASHTO guidelines.
The most important component of subsurface investigation is the personnel that direct the field
activities, interpret the information, and present the results in a clear manner to those responsible for
the final geotechnical design and construction of the project. The quality of information produced from
a subsurface investigation can vary substantially depending on the experience and competence of
the personnel charged with its conduct. Radically different interpretations and conclusions can result
from substandard investigation programs. Subsurface investigation is an investment in the success of
a project with returns that range from 10 to 15 times the cost of the investigation later realized during
final design and construction.

3.2 General Subsurface Investigation

For most projects, the main purpose of a subsurface investigation program is to obtain the
engineering properties of the soil and rock units and define their vertical and lateral extent with
respect to thickness, position in the stratigraphic column – their depth, and aerial extent where they
could affect the design and performance of a structural or earthwork feature.
The properties normally evaluated include Index Properties such as:
• natural moisture content,
• Atterberg Limits, and
• Electrochemical properties (pH and Resistivity)
Additional physical properties may be evaluated, such as
• shear strength,
• density,
• compressibility, and
• in some cases, permeability.
The location and nature of groundwater is evaluated in every subsurface investigation. In addition to
material properties, subsurface investigations are carried out to explore and monitor geologic hazards
that were identified in the office studies previously conducted.

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For this later purpose, landslides are the most common hazard although caverns, compressible
materials, high groundwater, faults, and obstructions may also form the basis or extension of a
subsurface investigation program.

3.2.1 Subsurface Investigations – Phases

Subsurface investigations may be carried out with varying levels of intensity depending on the phase
of the project for which they are conducted. The typical phases are described in the following
sections. P ha s e 1
For the Field Survey and/or Alternative Design phases (Usually described as “Phase 1”) of a project,
the information gathered from the office study is usually sufficient for preliminary
geologic/geotechnical input to the project team and for completion of the Soils and Geology chapter
of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In the case of a large and/or complex project, or if
geologic conditions will have a major impact on the design and construction of a project, then some
amount of subsurface investigation will be warranted to determine the exact location and extent of the
problems and to devise some preliminary cost estimates and alternatives. Ideally, when performing a
subsurface investigation during Phase 1, the exploration would be situated at the location of a major
project feature that would be investigated later during project design. However, as this occurs early in
the project, or certain other alternatives are under consideration, the precise locations of bridge bents
and final alignments may not be known. P ha s e 2
The project design phase (Field Survey up to Preliminary Plans, usually referred to as “Phase 2”) is
where the most intense and focused subsurface investigation occurs for specific project features.
Wherever possible, the project design or Phase 2 investigation should capitalize on any previous
explorations in the project area. Personnel responsible for the field investigation and geotechnical
design should determine the utility of this information.
The project design phase subsurface exploration and testing program provides the geotechnical data
specifically required by the project’s geotechnical design team. The investigation provides the
aforementioned informational needs for the foundation and earthworks design as well as:
• Additional information applicable to other related project elements such as the chemical
properties of soil with respect to corrosion of structural elements, and issues associated with
environmental protection and erosion control.
• The project geotechnical design analyses, decisions, and recommendations for construction
will be based on the information gathered during the Phase 2 investigations.
For these reasons, the information gathered during this phase of investigation should achieve a
degree of accuracy, thoroughness of coverage, and relevancy to support the project design decisions
and to allow for realistically accurate estimates of geotechnical bid items. O t h e r P ha s e s
There will be some instances where additional subsurface investigation is necessary during
Advanced Plans, Final Plans, or even during the construction phase of a project. This is not
necessarily due to an incomplete investigation during the project design phase, but rather the result
of unforeseeable problems that arise during construction, or late design changes following the main
investigational effort and/or geotechnical design. Subsurface investigation is conducted to provide
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design information and is usually adequate, in most cases, for contractor’s estimates for construction
and bidding. Explorations conducted during construction are uncommon, and are usually carried out
to resolve problems or answer questions that arise while the project is being built.
Occasionally, explorations will occur as part of the construction activity to install and monitor needed
instrumentation. When design changes occur late in a project, additional subsurface investigation can
be necessary to confirm the geotechnical design assumptions or to develop additional information.

3.3 Exploration Plan Development

The Exploration Plan is a document that describes the subsurface investigation activities that will take
place to obtain the engineering properties required for geotechnical design. The objective of the
Exploration Plan is to:
• Assure that the sampling and testing carried out for the subsurface investigation thoroughly
covers each of the geologic units applicable to the geotechnical design.
• Verify that the maximum amount of information can be obtained from the fewest number of
borings or other higher-cost methods.
In order to achieve this, the plan must be updated and modified as exploration proceeds to make
sure that the number of samples taken, and tests performed in each unit provides enough numeric
measurements of each critical engineering property distributed throughout the geologic unit to
provide enough confidence in the property to base the geotechnical design upon. In this regard, the
properties of a material at one end of a long alignment may not hold true for the other end, and a
geotechnical designer will not want to base all design parameters for that material on only one or a
few samples.
Subsurface investigation conducted during the project design phase must fully define the subsurface
conditions at a project site to meet the requirements of geotechnical design and construction. The
proper execution of the Exploration Plan will assure that samples and tests are numerically adequate
and distributed vertically and laterally throughout each geologic unit, and that every important
geologic unit at the site is discovered and investigated to the maximum feasible extent. The
Exploration Plan will also assure that the site investigation is conducted in accordance with the
standards of practice outlined in the 1988 AASHTO Manual on Subsurface Investigations and
augmented in this manual. These standards are further subject to modification due to the variability of
the site geology, sensitivity to potential changes, and risk or potential impact.
Exploration Plans should be created, reviewed, and executed by an experienced engineering
geologist or geotechnical engineer.
The geotechnical designer should comprehensively evaluate the various methods and procedures
for subsurface exploration that are currently available to maximize the amount of information
gathered while reducing costs to the extent possible. The most common method for achieving this is
to gain the most information from the fewest number of borings.
Alternatively, various types of exploration methods may be used where practical in lieu of the more
expensive borings to realize those cost savings without compromising the necessary acquisition of

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3.3.1 Exploration Plan Considerations
One of the leading issues addressed when developing the Exploration Plan is the overall scale or
intensity and level of effort for the subsurface investigation. To answer these questions, the expected
complexity of the project site’s geology must be considered with respect to nature of the proposed
project, and the project’s requirements from the subsurface investigation.
In effect, there are some primary factors that will necessitate increasing the Exploration Plan for a
larger-scale subsurface investigation including:
• complex site geology
• complex site conditions
• scale of the project
• sensitivity of the facility to variations in site conditions
The subsurface investigation program should be scoped according to these issues rather than from
some baseline requirement. Each exploration should be justifiable in terms of the information needed
from it. Such informational requirements form the basis of the following criteria:
• the type of boring
• location
• depth
• types of sampling
• sampling interval
These questions can only be answered by the experience, knowledge, and application of
engineering geologic principles by the geotechnical designer. Through careful examination of the
results previously obtained by the office study, and previous experience working in the area are the
essential elements for determining the objectives and requirements of the subsurface exploration
program. M i ni m u m R e q ui r e m e nt s f or S u b s ur f a c e
I n ve s t i ga t i o ns
The considerations of section 3.3.1 do not preclude the necessity of established minimum
requirements for subsurface investigations. The base level of investigation has value as an initial
approach to a subsurface investigation and for preliminary cost estimation of exploration activities as
well as assuring that some uniform amount of exploration is accomplished for all geotechnical design.
The minimum standards for subsurface investigations are well defined in the 1988 AASHTO Manual
on Subsurface Investigations and are broadly accepted in the practice.
Where ODOT Differs from the AASHTO Manual
Where ODOT practice differs from the AASHTO Manual is in the divergence from the minimum
amount of investigation. AASHTO allows for a reduction from the minimal amount of exploration in
areas of predictable geologic conditions and the absence of any geologic hazards. Such conditions
generally do not exist in Oregon and as a rule, prohibit any reduction of the exploration program.
Rather, explorations are added to the program due to the unpredictable nature of the state’s geology.
Much of the work performed during the preliminary office studies will assist in determining the overall
scale of the subsurface investigation program.

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Such added expenditures are always justifiable when additional exploration, testing, and analyses
result in correlative savings on the construction cost and in an overall better geotechnical design. R i s k T ol e r a n c e
Further consideration in the development of the Exploration Plan should be given to developing an
assessment of the risk tolerance of the project to unforeseen subsurface conditions. In this regard, an
assessment of the risks assumed by the constructability and function of the design feature without
the benefit of site-specific subsurface information should be conducted with respect to the potential
for cost overruns during construction and to potential for long-term maintenance or increased lifecycle
costs. The cost of an over conservative design resulting from a hedge against unknown subsurface
conditions is another aspect of risk that should also be evaluated. This is where a design is forced to
be based on the worst possible condition known to be present or perceived at a site in order to
prevent failure because the lack of information precludes the assessment of other alternatives.
Generally, an evaluation of the potential risks at a project site occurs as exploration progresses and
the variability of the subsurface is discovered. S t r u c t ur e S e ns i t i vi t y
The sensitivity of a structure or other facility in terms of performance to subsurface variability also
influences the scale of the subsurface investigation. Consider the following in relation to structure
• Where settlement is concerned, structures are much more sensitive whereas embankments
overall are able to tolerate more post-construction deflection not withstanding those sections
adjacent to bridges.
• Existing structures adjacent to transportation projects also increase the sensitivity of projects
in the built-up or urban environment. Where construction is to occur adjacent to existing
structures or private buildings, the tolerance for settlement or deflection and even vibration is
essentially eliminated, and correspondingly, the need for subsurface information increases.
• Such sensitivity can also extend to environmental, cultural, and archaeological sites where
great efforts will be made to mitigate impacts during construction. For these circumstances,
significant efforts in pre through post-construction monitoring are often required with
instrumentation installed far in advance of contract letting.
• Certain types of construction may also be more sensitive to unanticipated subsurface
conditions such as drilled shaft installation where relatively small changes can result in a
sizeable cost increase.
Despite the best efforts and most detailed subsurface investigations, every significant subsurface
condition may not be discovered or fully examined. The objective here is to reduce the risks accepted
to the barest minimum, and to have some understanding of the risks that will remain. S u bs ur f a c e I n ve s t i ga t i o n S t r a t e g y
An important strategy when conducting the subsurface investigation is to complete the most
important explorations first with the idea that the project schedule may change, funding may be
terminated, or some other decisions made that preclude the completion of all the planned borings.
From this standpoint, the important borings are those that:
1. Provide information about geologic hazards affecting the project or that require monitoring for
mitigation design,

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2. Provide the information that the engineer needs to design the most critical structures, and
3. Again, those locations that provide the most amount of information for the lowest expenditure.
This approach to the subsurface investigation allows design to proceed in the event of the inevitable
project schedule or other priority shifts that may have a more urgent need for geologic or
geotechnical resources. It is quite common for a planned exploration to be interrupted by the needs
of emergency repair work or other critical-path project, and having these explorations complete first
allows engineers to continue work on a project rather than having to wait for the emergency to pass
before getting the information they need to continue so that the interrupted project doesn’t become an
emergency itself.
We recommend referring to Section 7.4.1 AASHTO that provides additional items to consider in
determining the layout of a project subsurface investigation in addition to prioritization of the
explorations. This bulleted list describes key issues in determining importance and priority of
explorations from locations to structures that they are intended for as well as the use of less or even
more expensive methods for investigation that may be required. S c h e dul e o f S ub s ur f a c e I n v e s t i ga t i o n s
Subsurface investigations are ideally completed as early in the project as possible to allow sufficient
time for geotechnical design, quantity estimation, and consideration of alternatives. Clearly, many of
the project features must already be known to some degree before the Exploration Plan can be
formulated. Right-of-way needs must be established to determine cut and fill slope angles and
heights or the need for retaining structures. Plans that are even more detailed are needed to begin
bridge foundation investigations. Typically, the bridge type, size, and location (commonly referred to
as “TS&L) must be known in order to obtain ground-truth information at the precise bent locations.
Completion of Exploration Plan
Because of these informational prerequisites, the Exploration Plan is usually completed soon after
initiation of the structure TS&L phase with a goal for completion set at the 10% of TS&L completion
with respect to its timeline. The target for completion of preliminary geotechnical recommendations is
set at 2/3 TS&L.
In order to meet this date, there will be less than 50% of the TS&L timeline to complete the
subsurface investigation and provide the needed information to the geotechnical designer charged
with making the preliminary recommendations.
Subsurface investigation performed during preliminary phases may be called for at any time prior to
Phase 2, particularly during the EIS phase depending on the size of the project or any other special
requirements. These investigations are intended to develop project geotechnical constraints and/or to
provide general information to assist in alternative route selection, and to address particular
requirements of the EIS rather than to gain site-specific geotechnical design parameters. Preliminary
subsurface investigation typically takes place on an existing state right-of-way readily accessible
areas so there should not be additional time and money spent in acquiring permits of entry, building
access roads and reclaiming sites.
Instrument Monitoring Periods
An additional aspect of the subsurface investigation schedule that also needs to be determined is the
requirement for instrument monitoring periods. These are particularly important as they commonly
extend before and beyond typical project timelines.

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• Landslides: Projects that involve landslide repair or evaluation are the usual reasons for
broadening timelines as it is critical to monitor landslide movements over periods of time that
include at least one wet season (usually November through April) to assess the nature of the
slide evaluate the relationships between precipitation, groundwater, and slide movement, and
determine the correct slide geometry for stability analysis.
• Groundwater: It is also important to monitor groundwater for other construction applications
throughout seasonal fluctuations to help determine actual construction-time conditions.
Grading operations or excavations that would be made “in-the-dry” during certain times of the
year may occur below the groundwater surface during other months. Every effort must be
made to collect this information regardless of the time of year that exploration is conducted.
• Post-construction monitoring: Where post-construction monitoring is necessary, it should
also be identified as early in the Exploration Plan development as possible. Critical structures
in addition to landslides may require such instrumentation for quality assurance in addition to
providing an assessment of long-term performance. E x pl or a t i on S i t e s
One of the primary factors affecting the schedule of the subsurface investigation program is providing
access to drill sites. This includes acquiring the necessary permits as well as the actual physical
occupation of the drill site.
Preliminary borehole location should have taken place during the initial site reconnaissance and
major requirements with respect to accessibility should have been identified at that time. Since
access to certain drill sites requires a significant investment of time, it is necessary to start acquiring
permits of entry, environmental clearances, and engaging contractors to build access roads or bring
additional resources to move the drilling equipment.
The geotechnical designer should clearly indicate the necessary borehole location tolerances to the
field crews to assist in determining site access. When situating a borehole, consider the following:
• For some sites, a few extra feet of tolerance available will allow a borehole to be accessed
with standard equipment or with minimal disturbance while at others, considerably greater
efforts will be necessary to place the borehole at the precise location.
• Where the location of the exploration is crucial, it may be reasonable to mobilize specialty-
drilling equipment.
• Several factors contribute to the amount of tolerance allowed for an exploration. Among these
are the phase of the investigation for which the explorations are performed, in this case, the
final design explorations would require the more precise location.
• The types of structure, expected subsurface conditions, and surrounding facilities also have
more exacting standards for borehole placement.
• A spread footing on rock, or a tieback wall adjacent to and supporting an existing structure
are examples of cases where relatively minor changes in the subsurface conditions have
very serious consequences during construction and would therefore warrant the extra
expenditure to precisely locate the explorations. In this case, the expenditure for mobilizing
special equipment would be far exceeded by orders of magnitude from ensuing claims or
even, litigation.

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Geotechnical Design Manual
December 2016 R i g h t o f W a y a n d P e r m i t s of E nt r y
Determining the exact boundaries of the State’s right of way during exploration planning is essential
since this demarcation is very commonly not correlative to the highway centerline nor does it fall at a
constant length perpendicular to it. Current right-of-way maps should be consulted to assure the
correct property ownership at the exploration site or for any land that must be traversed by
exploration equipment and personnel.
Permits of entry (also known as “Right of Entry Permits”) are required for any site exploration outside
of the highway right-of-way whether the site is on private property or on public lands outside the
jurisdiction of ODOT. For simple cases, these permits can be obtained by the geotechnical designer
in charge of the exploration or other staff. For most circumstances however; these permits should be
obtained by the Region’s Right of Way section. In either case, the region Right of Way section should
be consulted prior to any entry onto private property. A sample Permit of Entry Form is included in
Appendix 3-A.
Each permit of entry form should be accompanied by a site map showing the precise location of the
exploration with respect to property lines and any structures or features on the private property.
Considerable delay in the exploration timeline can stem from the permit of entry process. In many
cases, property owners are unaware of upcoming transportation projects until a geologist or
geotechnical engineer asks them for a permit-of-entry for exploration. Even if unopposed or
unaffected by the project, the owner may be reluctant to sign a permit of entry for a variety of
Often, further explanation of the activity and its purpose will be all that is necessary, or just allowing
extra time for consideration is all that is required, but will affect the exploration schedule nevertheless.
How to Handle Problems Obtaining Access to Property for Field Investigation
In some cases, landowners are particularly slow in granting access to their property for whatever
reason and may even respond to a request for a permit of entry with a letter from their legal counsel.
In these instances, the Region right of way office should be contacted immediately to take a
lead role in negotiations to resolve the issue. Although the Agency has the statutory authority to
access any real property for the purpose of survey or exploration, it is an exceedingly rare case for
ODOT to exercise this authority for subsurface investigation. The cause for performing a subsurface
investigation on such a property must be well founded and without feasible alternatives.
When a property owner refuses permission to enter their property, then all further communication and
resolution becomes the responsibility of the Right of Way Section and the project management.
Under no circumstances should field personnel mention or discuss the State’s statutory authority to
enter upon their property to complete the work, nor should they engage in any bargaining or make
agreements other than those stated on the permit of entry form in exchange for access to their
Obtaining Right of Way from other Real Property-owing Entities
Other real property-owning entities will take more time in granting a permit of entry. Corporations,
governmental agencies, mutually owned properties, and railroads all have different procedures and
requirements for granting access. Corporations may sign permits of entry only from their main offices,
governmental agencies may have lengthy policies and procedures for granting permissions, and
mutually owned properties may have numerous non-resident owners that must all be contacted for
their consent.

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Railway Right of Way
Getting permission to access railroad right of way is a special case and can be a particularly time-
consuming undertaking. For local operators and short lines, getting access may be relatively
straightforward. Some larger carriers have a lengthy and rather Byzantine process for handling
permit of entry requests that can severely affect a project timeline. If exploration or access is needed
on railroad right of way, the project timeline should be adjusted accordingly and alternatives sought
wherever possible. Permit of entry requests for railroad right-of-way should be forwarded through the
headquarters Right of Way section.
In the event that the state-owned railroad right of way must be accessed, contact ODOT's Rail
Section to obtain that permit.
Limiting Site Impact
When performing subsurface investigation on private property, all care must be taken to avoid and
mitigate the site impact. Access to such sites should be planned with the smallest possible impact.
Although some exploration sites will be completely removed during construction, there may be
considerable time between then and the time of exploration. The responsibility for complete
restoration of exploration sites is placed on ODOT by the same statute that provides legal access to
those sites. U t i l i t y L o c a t i on / N o t i f i c a t i on
Underground and overhead utilities in the project area must be identified and approximately located
early in the Exploration Plan development. The presence of utilities may dictate the location of, or
access to exploration points.
Encountering underground utilities during site investigations can be detrimental to the exploration
schedule and budget. Digging or drilling into underground utilities or contacting overhead power lines
with drill rig masts or backhoe arms can be lethal. For these reasons, the exact location of all utilities
must be determined before any equipment is mobilized to the project site.
Utility Notification Center
In Oregon, the law requires that the Utility Notification Center is contacted no less than 48 business
hours prior to any ground disturbing operations. This includes all test pit excavation, drilling, and even
hand auguring or digging.
The Utility Notification Center (or “One-Call” Center) can be reached at 1-800-332-2344.
The Utility Notification Center contacts all of the utility services with facilities in the location(s)
provided to them based on their records. The individual utilities then dispatch their personnel or
contractors to the site to locate and mark the positions of their facilities according to the instructions
provided. The following occurs in relation to utility marking:
• The utilities are also required by law to locate their facilities within 48 business hours. If the
utility operator does not have facilities near the proposed location site, he or she will mark it
as such to indicate that it is safe to proceed. Otherwise, they will mark the approximate
location of their facility in the requested vicinity.
• If the utility is close to the proposed exploration, prudence would dictate that the exploration
be moved slightly to allow for errors in the utility location, and to further prevent the accidental
contact with the utility.

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• If the utility has not marked the requested area in the required period, they should be
contacted prior to commencement of exploration to confirm that the utilities have been
contacted, and that they do not have facilities in that area.
The utility operators are often hard-pressed to comply with the 48-hour requirement due to the sheer
volume of utility locations – particularly during the summer months when numerous contractors are
requesting them. Additional time may be required, so utility location with respect to projected
exploration starting times should be planned accordingly. It is also important to look for any other
utilities that might be operating in the area in case they are not in the records of the Utility Notification
Center. Indications of other utilities are marked riser boxes, manholes, valves, and obvious
illuminated structures such as street lighting and advertising. It is the responsibility of the project
geologist to notify any other utilities operating in the project area.
Procedures to Perform Prior to calling the One-Call Center
The procedures for utility notification and location are relatively simple, but minor mistakes or
overlooked information can result in unnecessary delay and risk to the utilities and the exploration
personnel. The following steps should be completed and information gathered prior to calling the
One-Call Center:
• All proposed exploration sites must be located and clearly marked in the field with a survey
lath, painted target on the ground surface, or both. By convention, the survey lath and target
should be painted white. Efforts should also be made to make the location as visible as
possible for the utility locators such as using additional directional markers and survey
• Each exploration site should be numbered and labeled as either “proposed test boring” or
“proposed test pit.”
• The nearest physical address or milepost, and the closest cross street should be recorded.
• The Township, Range, and quarter Section should also be determined.
When contacting the One-Call Center, the following information will be asked by their operator:
• The caller’s identification number (one will be assigned if not already registered)
• For whom the work is being performed
• Who will be doing the work
• Type of work
• Alternate contact
• Location of site (number of exploration points, county, nearest city, address, cross street,
township range, section)
• Marking instructions (typically a 25’ to 50’ radius from each stake or target)
• Presence of any overhead utilities
The operator determines which utilities are known to have facilities in that area and provide the list
verbally along with the ticket number, which will be used to identify that particular work order. The
operator provides the date and time at which the work should be able to proceed. Once this call is
complete, the operator will then notify those utilities that will then dispatch their locators. ODOT
geotechnical designers use Utility Notification Worksheet, Appendix 3-B, to document utility
location for future reference while on site.

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Geotechnical Design Manual
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Exploration equipment selected for the subsurface investigation should be matched to the site
conditions. Truck-mounted drills are the most commonly available and are capable of accessing most
sites with or without additional work and equipment. However, for many sites, access to boring
locations can be difficult and even very complex in some cases. Often, the cost for mobilizing special
equipment to a project site is more than compensated for in reduced site impact, reclamation effort,
time and materials costs, and the additional personnel and equipment that might be needed.
Frequently, the method of site access is selected based on one or a combination of desired
outcomes whether time and cost, minimizing impact, equipment availability, or equipment capability.
Truck-Mounted Drill Rigs
Truck-mounted drills that are road-legal generally have limited off-road capability even when
equipped with 4-wheel or all-wheel drive due to their size and weight. These types of equipment are
best suited to work on paved or surfaced areas although they are capable of reaching many off-road
locations “in the dry.” Because of their axle loading, they can rapidly become mired in wet or soft
In order to use a truck-mounted drill in difficult conditions, access roads may need to be built using
one or more additional pieces of equipment. In steep terrain, access roads may require substantial
cuts and fills, and where soft ground is encountered, sizeable amounts of rock and geotextile will be
needed to surface the road. Special mats or even plywood may be used to distribute the trucks
weight over soft ground when accessing a boring location. In any case, such work can be expensive,
time-consuming, laborious, and high-impact requiring significant reclamation work after exploration.
Truck-Mounted drills that are off-road capable may require lower-standard access roads, but still
need these roads. If a significant amount of winching or vehicle towing is necessary, an alternative
method of site access should be strongly considered, if only for safety reasons. The advantage of
truck-mounted drill rigs is that they are usually the best-equipped and highest-powered pieces of
equipment available, so if a particular type of drilling or deep hole is required, these may be the only
option. For accessible sites, truck-mounted drills are usually the cheapest and fastest way to
accomplish explorations since they can drive over a site, set up, complete the boring, and move on to
the next location with relative ease and with fewer support vehicles.
Track or ATV-Mounted Drill Rigs
Many exploration drill manufacturer’s product lines now include drill rigs mounted on a variety of track
and rubber-tire ATV platforms with some of the same features and capabilities as their truck-mounted
counterparts. In some cases, the drilling equipment is the same, and only the platform varies:
• Track-mounted drill rigs: Track-mounted drill rigs offer a much greater off-road capability
and ability to access sites in rough terrain and soft ground. Although the track-mounted drill
can reach difficult locations, some road building or at least clearing of trees and vegetation
may be required, although to a much lesser degree, than their truck-mounted counterparts. A
level pad upon which to set the drill may also need to be constructed. One of the drawbacks
of track-mounted drills is that they require slightly more time for set up and moving between
longer distances since they must be hauled to project sites on a flatbed truck or trailer. The
presence of the trailer or large truck for hauling the drill may also prove to be another
encumbrance when working in tight locations or those sites with limited parking or space for
maneuvering a long truck and trailer combination. The types of tracks must also be
appropriate for the site.

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Older-style steel caterpillar tracks are ideal for traversing steep slopes with a soil cover, but
will be harmful to pavements or landscaped areas. Newer developments with rubber tracks
offer better traction on bare rock surfaces, and are less harmful to pavements and
landscaping but should still be used with caution as their treads can still damage or scar most
• ATV Mounts: Typical ATV-mounts consist of “balloon” or other oversized rubber tires for use
in soft ground or swampy areas. The advantage that such vehicles have over tracks is the
lighter load per unit area and correspondingly reduced impact to sensitive areas such as
wetlands, landscaping, private properties, etc. Because of their distributed load, these
vehicles are more suited to soft or uneven ground applications rather than for sites where
traction on steep slopes is most needed. Several manufacturers now produce ATV platforms
with tractor-style tires that offer many of the advantages of tracked and “balloon” tires with
respect to traction, impact, and load distribution.
Difficult Site Access
A variety of site conditions and subsurface information requirements create substantial difficulties in
reaching exploration sites whether in remote, environmentally sensitive areas, or restricted space in
the built-up environment. Such obstacles can range from high-angle slopes and physical barriers to
restricted work areas such as confined spaces (as defined by OSHA), limited work space due to
objects or environmentally sensitive areas, and over-water work. Diverse methods are available to
assist with difficult site access as well as drilling contractors that specialize in this type of work.
Methods and equipment for difficult site access are as varied as the sites themselves. The common
factor that limits what methods can be used for certain applications is the weight of the equipment
with the volume of the machinery also being a limitation.
• Winching or dragging: Much of this work in the past has been performed by skid or trailer-
mounted equipment with some man-portable also employed in some areas. This equipment
has been winched, crane-lifted, or dragged into place by other tractors. With the advent of
track and ATV-mounted drills, winching and skidding drilling equipment into place is no
longer necessary or recommended due to the amount of ground disturbance involved.
• Cranes: Cranes are often employed to lift equipment into tight work areas although the
weight of many of these drill rigs necessitated very large pieces of equipment to move them
and had their own space issues.
• Specialized equipment: Until recently, most of the skid or trailer-mounted and man-portable
drill rigs had restricted power and capabilities. However, drilling technology has advanced to
the point where smaller and lighter equipment is capable of performing heavier drilling tasks.
Specialized difficult-access drilling contractors generally use their own customized equipment
that comes with a specific platform, or breaks down into lighter compartmentalized sections
that are reassembled at the boring location. Much of this specialized equipment is light
enough to be transported while slung beneath a helicopter.
Most modern drilling equipment not mounted on a truck chassis, with the exception of some man-
portable equipment, is capable of completing almost all geotechnical exploration tasks in the same
amount of time as their road-legal counterparts. However, these drills will always be restricted by
allowable axle loads during transport, and so they will always have a disadvantage with respect to
their overall horsepower versus a truck-mounted rig that does not require a truck and trailer
combination for roadway transport. This disadvantage is typically only manifest in very deep and/or
large-diameter boreholes.

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Barge/Over-Water Drilling
Foundation investigation for bridges commonly requires in-stream access to drill sites. To achieve
this, barges or other platforms must be used to set the equipment over the foundation location. Over-
water work will add extra details to a site investigation, and depending on the location, this can add
extensive logistical complexity to a project.
• Permitting: Additional permits will be needed to conduct the over-water work from the US
Army Corp of Engineers and/or the U.S. Coast Guard, and from the port authority or
harbormaster with jurisdiction over the waters in which the investigation is being conducted.
An additional staging and launch areas must be identified where equipment can be loaded
onto the barge, and where the crew can access the work site for daily operations. The
appropriate equipment must also be selected for the site with respect to the currents, depths,
river traffic, obstructions, and other details.
• Launch site: The site for initially loading and launching the drill barge must be of sufficient
size for the type of equipment being used. The launching ramp should have enough grades
to provide enough draft for the barge. The facility will also need enough room to either drive
or lift the drilling equipment onto the barge and to safely load and unload all other ancillary
equipment and supplies. Scheduling the facility for loading and unloading may also be
important at different times of the year. Some ports may only be available at certain times due
to their ongoing cargo loading operations and public or commercial fishing ramps may be
crowded during those seasons. A proximate and smaller location may be available for
launching a skiff or other small craft to support the daily drilling operations and permit crew
changes between shifts.
• Drilling barge: The barge and any other vessels used for the over-water drilling operations
must also be selected and rigged for the conditions.
o The drilling barge itself must be of sufficient size not only to support the weight of the
drill and other equipment, but must also have enough deck space for whatever
sampling and testing operations that will also be carried out.
o The vessel used to transport the drilling barge should also be capable of moving the
barge in all conditions of weather and current.
o For work in very slow currents or standing bodies of water, the drill barge may be
fixed in place by spud anchors or by lashing to a fixed object such as a driven pile or
pier. Where stronger currents occur, whether stream or tidal, a larger vessel may be
required to transport and anchor the drill barge during operations. Additional
anchoring will be needed in such conditions.
o Where water levels will fluctuate quickly during the conduct of drilling such as in tidal
zones and downstream of large dams subject to rapid discharge, allowances must
be made for the drill barge to move accordingly with respect to elevation. These
operations will usually require the drill barge to use free-moving spud anchors that
are also fixed to a more securely anchored vessel.
o The access vessel or skiff must also be capable of operations in all conditions at the
o Provision must be made for keeping track of elevation changes during tidal or current
changes as this will profoundly affect the drilling operations.

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As a condition of the Corps of Engineers and/or the Coast Guard permit, a licensed Marine Surveyor
must be engaged to examine the equipment and the site conditions. This professional will then make
recommendations concerning the equipment, personnel, and safe conduct of operations. Whether or
not a Marine Surveyor is required, their inclusion for over-water work planning is highly
recommended for the particular skills and efficiencies that they bring to this rather hazardous aspect
of subsurface investigation.

3.4 Exploration Management and Oversight

The daily field exploration activities on a project should be based primarily on the execution of the
Exploration Plan. The Exploration Plan provides a framework for scheduling and adjusting field
operations as needed. It will necessarily allow for enough flexibility to modify the subsurface
investigation program as information comes in from the field.
• The Project Geologist should maintain a base-level subsurface model from the subsurface
information as it is received in order to make the needed modifications.
• The Field Geologist/Drill Inspector will need to provide regular updates on the field activities
and information gathered so that changes to the schedule and routine can be made
expediently. With the advent of cellular telephones and increasing areas of coverage, field
crews should only be a few minutes away from contact with the senior geotechnical
designers to inform them of unanticipated field conditions and in turn, receive direction on
how to proceed with the modifications.
Because of the costs of subsurface exploration and the rapid use of the data, it is imperative that the
subsurface investigation is directly supervised by qualified and experienced personnel. All on-site
personnel including drillers, field geologists/engineers, and testing specialists should be instructed
and familiarized with the project objectives and their role in achieving those objectives. Special
geotechnical or other problems that may be anticipated during exploration including contingencies for
addressing them should also be conveyed. All field personnel should be instructed in their role
concerning project requirements for schedules, environmental protection, and especially, site safety
and health procedures. Field personnel should communicate frequently with project supervisors or
geotechnical designers.
Regular transmission of field data such as boring logs, test data, field conditions, and daily driller’s
reports will streamline and economize the site exploration.
Any unforeseen site changes, complications, and geologic or geotechnical problems revealed during
the investigation that will affect the project scope, schedule or budget should be communicated to the
Project Leader without delay. The geotechnical designer charged with the exploration program is
responsible for immediately and succinctly informing the Project Leader of the nature of the problem,
the expected remediation, and the anticipated impact to the project. The geotechnical designer
should then be prepared to offer alternatives and their respective outcomes for the resolution of the

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3.5 Subsurface Exploration Requirements
3.5.1 General
The 1988 AASHTO Manual on Subsurface Investigations is the basis for subsurface investigations
conducted by ODOT. This manual provides guidance on the minimum amount of investigation for the
various structures and geotechnical features constructed for transportation projects. The manual
states however, in numerous places, that there can never be a set of specifications and guidelines
that will determine the amount of exploration that must take place for every project.
The number of borings, their distribution, sampling interval, and depths of penetration will always be
determined by the underlying geology and the size and complexity of the project.
Planning for the subsurface exploration will be based on past knowledge of the site and on the
published and unpublished literature that was consulted during the project reconnaissance phase.
However, even the most thoroughly studied sites will still reveal previously unknown conditions, and
each exploration provides new information about it. In a sense, the site conditions are truly unknown
until the exploration begins, and knowledge of it increases as the investigation proceeds so
adjustments must be made in the field to economize the investigation while assuring a full
investigation of the important geotechnical design elements.

3.5.2 Exploration Spacing and Layout

The layout of explorations on a project is determined by many variables. As previously discussed, the
assumed complexity of the underlying geology and the type of facility typically dictate the exploration
spacing. Consider the following:
• Where conditions are uniform and a considerable amount of previous, reliable work has been
accomplished in a project area, exploration spacing may be increased.
• If the geologic conditions are complex and change significantly over short distances, then
explorations will necessarily be conducted on a shorter interval.
• Facilities that will impart a heavy load or are more sensitive to settlement or other movements
will also require a more detailed exploration.
The 1988 AASHTO Manual on Subsurface Investigations provides a range of exploration spacing for
the various structures and features that are typically the subject of subsurface exploration.
These guidelines are modified for use within the State of Oregon where subsurface conditions at the
vast majority of sites warrant much tighter exploration spacing due to the highly changeable nature of
the state’s geology. S pa c i ng a n d La yo u t S t r a t e gi e s
Because transportation projects are typically linear, explorations tend to be channeled into a relatively
straight and narrow corridor, and are often laid out only along the centerline of many features. This
should be avoided as it most often results in poor development of the subsurface model. To avoid
this, boreholes should be spread out to either side of the centerline to help determine the strike and
dip of the underlying strata, the nature of the contacts (i.e. conformal or non-conformal), and other
changes or irregularities across the subsurface profile. Exploration to reveal or characterize geologic

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hazards such as faults and landslides that affect the proposed project may necessarily be conducted
outside of the proposed alignment(s). Material source or disposal site investigations normally take
place far away from the project alignment and will have different exploration spacing criteria.
Take special care when conducting explorations in particular alignments and foundation locations.
Certain geologic conditions, such as openwork cobbles and boulders, heaving sands, or highly
fractured rock may bind exploration tools severely enough that the drill crew is unable to retrieve
them from the hole where they subsequently form an obstruction during drilled shafts construction. In
areas that experience high artesian pressures, improperly sealed boreholes may form an undesirable
conduit for groundwater to enter footing excavations, cut slopes, or cofferdams.
All borings should be abandoned in accordance to Oregon Water Resources Department
Regulations to prevent vertical water migration. Provision should also be made to extract bound
drilling tools from the boring with special equipment.
The boring layout guidelines presented here are of a general nature and are intended for use in the
preliminary location of site exploration points. The final exploration locations should be developed as
the site investigation proceeds. Information must be incorporated into the Exploration Plan as it
becomes available to assure the most complete, cost-effective outcome. E m b a nk m e n t a n d C ut S l o pe E x pl or a t i o ns
The maximum exploration spacing for embankment fills over 10 feet (3.05m) in height is 200 feet
(61m). Where changeable conditions or problem areas such as those with soft and/or compressible
materials are present, then the exploration spacing should be decreased to 100 feet (30m). In many
cases it will be necessary to conduct additional exploration using cone penetrometers, hand augers,
or backhoe test pits to further define the properties and boundaries of problem foundation conditions.
At least one boring should be located at the point of maximum fill height.
For cut slopes 10 feet (3m) and higher, the maximum boring spacing is 100 feet (30m). Borings
should be staggered to each side of the cut line to help determine the strike and dip of the units in the
cut slope, and one of the borings should be placed at the maximum depth of the cut. For “through-
cuts” where a cut slope will be located on each side of the roadway, boring spacing may be
increased to 200 feet (61m) for each cut slope, but the borings must be staggered so that the total
100 foot (30) spacing continues along the length of the cut.
Additional borings will be required in areas of faulted, sheared, tightly folded, highly weathered, or
other potentially detrimental conditions exist.
Hand augers, direct push (i.e., GeoProbe), air-track drills, test pits, geophysical surveys, and other
alternative exploration techniques can be used to supplement the test borings in proposed cut slopes
to determine the elevations of variable bedrock surfaces and depths to bedrock. Air-track drills may
also be used to penetrate the bedrock surface to determine and further resolve the location(s) of
weathered rock zones and other features within the proposed cut slope. S u b gr a de B or in g s
Where relatively unvarying subsurface conditions are predicted and no other foundations or
earthworks are expected, the maximum subgrade boring spacing should be 200 feet (61m). In areas
where highly variably geology is predicted, the boring spacing should be decreased to 100 feet (30m)
and further decreased to 50 feet (15m) in highly erratic conditions. Where critical subgrade conditions
exist, the boring spacing may be decreased to 25 feet (8m).

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Alternate exploration methods may be used in variable geologic conditions to supplement the borings
and further resolve the characteristics and distribution of problematic materials and conditions. Such
methods may include hand augers, push-probes, geophones, and test pits.
Test pits
Test pits on short intervals (25 feet/8meters) are not recommended due to the potential introduction
of soft areas in the subgrade where the pits were located. If necessary, this problem may be
alleviated by the use of compacted granular backfill materials to abandon the test pits after
exploration. The test pit spoils would then need to be disposed of off-site. Several geophysical survey
methods may also be appropriate for subgrade investigations to supplement the test boring
information. Seismic reflection and electro-magnetic methods are commonly the best suited for
determining material property boundaries and saturated or water-bearing zones. T u n ne l a n d Tr e n c hl e s s P i pe I n s t a l l a t i o n Bor i ng s
Tunnel construction for highway projects in Oregon is rare; however, trenchless pipe installation is
common. Tunnels and trenchless pipe installations share many common construction and design
issues and are thus treated in a similar manner with respect to subsurface characterization and
exploration. Borehole spacing requirements for tunneling and trenchless pipe installation are highly
dependent on the site geologic conditions and topography. The soil, rock, or mixed-face conditions
predicted will determine the borehole spacing as well as the type of exploration and testing
conducted. The depth of the tunnel/trenchless pipe alignment will greatly influence the total amount of
drilling required.
The actual borehole spacing selected for tunnel or trenchless pipe installation should be determined
by the actual site conditions. These conditions should be identified in advance by preliminary site
review, and in the case of larger projects, preliminary site investigations conducted during the Phase I
field survey. The recommended general borehole spacing for selected conditions is shown in the
following table:
Table 3-1. Tunneling and Trenchless Pipe Installation Recommendations
Soft Ground Tunneling
Adverse Conditions 50-100 feet (15-30m)
Favorable Conditions 200-300 feet (61-91m)

Mixed-Face Tunneling
Adverse Conditions 25-50 feet (8-15m)
Favorable Conditions 50-75 feet (15-23m)

Hard Rock Tunneling

Adverse Conditions 50-100 feet (15-30m)
Favorable Conditions 200-500 feet (61-152m)

Trenchless Pipe Installation

Adverse Conditions 15-30 feet (5-9m)
Favorable Conditions 30-50 feet (9-15m)

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In addition to the geologic conditions, other site constraints will equally determine the number and
spacing of borings for tunnels and trenchless pipe installations. The location of existing structures
with respect to the proposed depths and alignments will necessitate a more detailed investigation at
those locations.
Geophysical surveys may also be used in conjunction with the borings to further define the geologic
conditions and to help determine the final boring layouts as defined below.
• Wherever possible, horizontal borings should be taken along the proposed tunnel alignment.
Current technology and contractor capabilities allow longer and more accurate horizontal
borings that provide essential information regarding the expected tunnel face conditions.
• Trenchless pipe installations through existing embankments can and should be fully
penetrated by horizontal borings to determine the conditions along the full length of the
trenchless installation. Because the horizontal borings do not reveal the conditions above and
below the tunnel/trenchless pipe installation horizons, vertical borings are still required.
Clearly, tunnels with horizontal and vertical curves will be difficult to investigate with horizontal
borings, but as technology advances, methods may soon be available to steer borings along these

3 . 5 . 2 . 5 S t r u c t ur e - S pe c i f i c B or i ng s
The actual number and spacing for borings for specific structures varies greatly depending on the
predicted geologic conditions and the complexity of the site. In this regard, nearby features such as
streams and environmentally sensitive areas, geologic hazards, and nearby structures will further
prescribe the actual amount of exploration required.
For all bridges on ODOT projects, at least one boring will be placed at each bent location. Borings
should be placed at opposite sides of adjacent bent locations when practical as defined below.
• For bridges that are 100 feet (30m) wide and larger, at least two borings will be placed at
each bent.
• When spread footings are proposed, two borings at opposing corners of the footing are
advisable. Spread footings located on the banks of rivers and streams should be investigated
with at least two borings – one on the down-slope and one on the upslope side of the
proposed footing.
• If wing walls greater than 20 feet long are to be constructed, then a boring should be placed
at the end of each wing wall and at 50-foot (15m) intervals from the end of the wing wall to
the bridge abutment.
• Trestle-type bridges (usually for detours) should also be investigated at every bent.
Preferably, the borings should be staggered from opposite ends of adjacent bents.
• Where highly variable conditions are anticipated, then a boring should be advanced at both
ends of each bent.
• For drilled shaft foundations, 1 boring should be placed at the location of each proposed shaft
of 6 feet (1.8m) in diameter and larger. Federal Highway Publication FHWA-NHI-10-016
should be consulted for exploration spacing at drilled shaft foundation locations using smaller
diameter shafts.

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All proposed new and replacement culverts require some level of subsurface investigation as defined
• Typically, culverts with a diameter of 6 feet (1.8m) and larger are investigated with test
borings while smaller culverts are investigated with hand-dug test pits or hand auger holes.
However, judgments should be made regarding the actual site conditions and the facility in
question to determine the number and spacing of borings.
• Complex geologic conditions merit a more intense investigation, while larger embankments,
adjacent facilities, and proximate unstable slopes may result in a more detailed investigation
for smaller-diameter culverts.
• At least two borings should be completed for each culvert up to 100 feet (30m) long.
• For culverts longer than 100 feet (30m), borings should have a maximum spacing of 50 feet
• In complex geologic conditions, boring spacing may be decreased to 20 feet (6m). Borings
will typically be located along the axis of the proposed culvert.
• For culvert replacements, the borings should be located immediately outside or partially
within the excavation limits of the original culvert installation with particular care to not locate a
boring where it will penetrate the existing pipe.
• Borings will typically be located along the axis of any proposed culvert location.
• Box culverts 100 feet (30m) and longer require two borings at each end and at the prescribed
interval between the ends. Refer to Section (Tunnel and Trenchless Pipe Installation)
for exploration spacing on culverts installed using trenchless technology.
Retaining Walls
Retaining walls higher than 4 feet (1.2m) and any wall with a foreslope and/or backslope angle
steeper than horizontal require a subsurface investigation. At least two borings are required for every
retaining wall regardless of length with the exception of retaining walls less than 25 feet (8m) long.
The maximum borehole spacing along any retaining wall is 100 feet (30m). The preponderance of
retaining walls for ODOT projects will require closer spacing due to the typically variable conditions
encountered. One boring is required at each end of the proposed wall. Where the proposed wall is
longer than 100 feet (30m) long, and less than 200 feet (61m), the third boring may be placed at
either the midpoint of the wall, or at the location of the maximum wall height. Embankments
supported by retaining walls on each side should be investigated as two separate walls.
Borings are typically located on the wall alignment at the proposed location of the wall face however;
they may be staggered to either side of the wall line but should remain within the wall footprint to
evaluate the wall foundation conditions. Consider the following:
• For soil nail, tieback, and similarly reinforced walls, additional borings should be completed in
the wall reinforcement zones.
• Borings should be located behind the wall in the predicted bond/anchorage zones for tieback
walls, or horizontally 1 to 1.5 times the wall height back from the wall face.

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• Borings for tiebacks/anchors should be interspersed with the borings along the wall face.
Thus, a 200 foot (61m)-long wall would have (at a minimum) 5 borings – 3 along the wall
centerline at the ends and the midpoint and 2 in the prescribed locations behind the wall at
the 50 foot (15m) and 150 foot (46m) points along the wall centerline.
The preceding recommended borehole spacing should be halved for walls that will be constructed to
retain landslides. Landslide retaining walls should have a minimum of 2 borings along the wall line
regardless of length. The maximum borehole spacing along such walls is 50 feet (15m) with
corresponding holes interspersed between located in the bond/anchorage zone. These boreholes
are specifically for characterizing the subsurface conditions at the location of the proposed retaining
wall, and are in addition to any borings advanced to characterize the landslide. Landslide
investigation borings may suffice for the retaining wall investigation only where they fall within the
prescribed locations.
Sound walls, Traffic Structures and Buildings
Sound walls and traffic structures, such as mast arm signal poles, strain poles, monotone cantilever
sign supports, sign and VMS truss bridges, luminaire poles, high mast luminaire poles, and camera
poles are common features on highway transportation projects. Buildings such as maintenance
facilities, rest areas, pump stations, water tanks and other unique structures are also sometimes
required for ODOT projects.
Standard drawings have been developed for sound walls and most of the traffic structures and these
standard drawings contain standard foundation designs for each of these structures. Each foundation
design shown on a standard drawing is based on a certain set of foundation soil properties,
groundwater conditions and other factors that are described on the drawings. These soil properties
and conditions must be met in order to use the foundation design shown on the standard drawing.
The subsurface investigation for these structures (with standard foundation designs) should be
sufficient to determine whether or not the subsurface and site conditions meet the requirements
shown on the standard drawings. If the foundation conditions at the site are determined not to meet
the subsurface and site conditions described on the standard drawings (e.g., “poor” soil conditions or
steep slope), then the standard drawings cannot be used, and a site-specific foundation investigation
and design is required.
For buildings and traffic structures without standard foundation designs, the foundation conditions
must be investigated sufficiently to determine the soil properties and groundwater conditions required
for a site-specific foundation design.
All new sound walls, traffic structures, or buildings require some level of subsurface investigation.
Considerable judgment is needed to determine which structures will need site-specific field
investigations. If the available geotechnical data and information gathered from the site
reconnaissance and/or office review is not adequate to make an accurate determination of
subsurface conditions, then site-specific subsurface data should be obtained through a proper
investigation. In these cases, explorations consisting of geotechnical borings, test pits and hand
auger holes, or a combination, shall be performed to meet the investigation requirements provided.
The extent of the investigation will be largely dependent on the predicted site conditions. At
unfavorable locations, drilling and sampling may need to be conducted more frequently while sites
with favorable conditions may allow for less frequent and/or less expensive investigation methods
such as hand augers holes and test pits.
As a minimum, develop the subsurface exploration and laboratory test program to obtain information
to analyze foundation bearing capacity, lateral capacity, stability, and settlement.

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The following information is generally obtained:
• Geological formation(s)
• Location and thickness of soil and rock units
• Engineering properties of soil and rock units such as unit weight, shear strength and
• Groundwater conditions (seasonal variations and maximum level over the design life of the
• Ground surface topography
• Local considerations, (e.g., slope instability potential, expansive or dispersive soil deposits,
utilities or underground voids from solution weathering or mining activity)
Specific field investigation requirements for sound walls, traffic structures, and buildings are
summarized in Table 3-2. Note that the term “borings” in the table refers to conventional geotechnical
boreholes while the term “exploration points” may consist of any combination of borings, test pits,
hand augers, probes, or other subsurface exploration device as required to adequately determine
foundation conditions.

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Table 3-2. Specific field investigation requirements
Structure Type Field Investigation Requirements
Mast Arm Signal Poles, Only a site review is required if the new structures are founded in new or existing
Strain Poles, embankments that are stable and known to be constructed of granular materials
Sign, and VMS Truss Bridges, or general borrow and compacted in accordance with Section 00330.43 of the
Monotube Cantilever Sign ODOT Standard Specifications. Otherwise, subsurface conditions should be
Supports, Luminaire Poles, verified using geotechnical borings and the Standard Penetration Test (SPT).
High Mast Luminaire Supports, • For mast arm signal pole or strain pole foundations within
and Camera poles. approximately 75 ft. of each other or less, such as at small to moderate
sized intersections, one geotechnical boring for the foundation group is
adequate if conditions are relatively uniform. For more widely spaced
foundation locations, or for more variable site conditions, one boring
near each foundation should be obtained.
• Investigate sign and VMS truss bridges with one boring at each footing
location unless uniform subsurface conditions are sufficient to justify
only a single boring. Where highly variable conditions occur or where
the sign bridge footing is proposed on a slope, additional borings, or
exploration points may be necessary.
• For single, isolated monotone cantilever signs; one geotechnical boring
at each footing location.
• Luminaires, High Mast Luminaire Supports and Camera Poles; one
exploration point each footing location.
• The depth of the explorations should be equal to the maximum
expected depth of the foundation plus 2 to 5 ft.
Sound Walls For sound walls less than 100 ft. in length, a geotechnical boring approximately
midpoint along the alignment and should be completed on the alignment of the
wall. For sound walls more than 100 ft. in length at least 2 borings are required.
Borings or exploration points should be spaced every 100 to 400 feet, depending
on the uniformity of subsurface conditions. Where adverse conditions are
encountered, the exploration spacing can be decreased to 50 feet. Locate at
least one exploration point near the most critical location for stability. Exploration
points should be completed as close to the alignment of the wall face as
possible. For sound walls placed on slopes, an additional boring off the wall
alignment to investigate overall stability of the wall-slope combination should be
Building The wide variability of these projects often makes the approach to the
Foundations investigation of their subsurface conditions a case-by-case endeavor. The
following minimum guidelines for frequency of explorations should be used. More
detailed guidance can be found in the International Building Code (IBC)
International Building Code (IBC). Borings should be located to allow the site
subsurface stratigraphy to be adequately defined beneath the structure.
Additional explorations may be required depending on the variability in site
conditions, building geometry and expected loading conditions. Water tanks
constructed on slopes may require at least two borings to develop a geologic
cross-section for stability analysis.

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Table 3-2 (Cont.)
Structure Type Field Investigation Requirements

Building surface No. of Borings

area (ft ) (minimum)
<200 1
200 - 1000 2
1000 - 3,000 3
>3,000 3–4

The depth of the borings will vary depending on the expected loads being
applied to the foundation and/or site soil conditions. All borings should be
extended to a depth below the bottom elevation of the building foundation a
minimum of 2.5 times the width of the spread footing foundation or 1.5 times the
length of a deep foundation (i.e., piles or shafts). Exploration depth should be
great enough to fully penetrate soft highly compressible soils (e.g., peat, organic
silt, soft fine-grained soils) into competent material suitable for bearing capacity
(e.g., stiff to hard cohesive soil, compact dense cohesion less soil or bedrock).

In addition to the exploration requirements in Table 3-2 (Specific Field Investigation Requirements),
groundwater measurements, conducted in accordance with Chapter 3, should be obtained if
groundwater is anticipated within the minimum required depths of the borings as described herein. C r i t i c a l - Ar e a I n v e s t i ga t i o n s
In areas where critical geologic conditions or hazards such as highly irregular bedrock surfaces,
extremely weathered or altered rock, compressible materials, and caverns or abandoned
underground facilities are predicted from detailed background study or preliminary exploration, it may
be necessary to further investigate the area with additional explorations. Such investigations normally
involve drilling on a grid pattern over the area in question. An initial, wider grid pattern may be
selected to locate the area of most concern with a closer grid pattern used later to further
characterize the area of concern. Grid pattern investigations may consist of hand auger holes, direct
push holes, or cone penetrometers in addition to the more conventional test borings. Geophysical
surveys may also be used to establish or refine the boundaries of the grid pattern investigation. L a n ds l i de s
The number and layout of test borings for landslide investigation depends upon the size and nature
of the landslide itself and on the results of detailed site mapping and initial subsurface models based
on the mapping. Since information about the subsurface is unknown initially, landslide investigation
largely becomes an iterative process as new data obtained provides information that is used to
further develop enough knowledge of the landslide to begin stability analysis.
The approach to landslide investigation is very complex and involves numerous techniques and
procedures, and is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 13. This chapter is intended to convey a
general sense of the layout of the borings needed for a “typical” landslide investigation.

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Enough borings must be made initially to fully develop at least one geologic cross-section through the
axis of the slide. Consider the following:
• As a minimum, there should be borings near the top, middle, and bottom of a known or
potential landslide area. Ideally, the borings would be placed in the toe or passive wedge
area (if applicable), at the head or active slide zone, the area of transition between the active
and passive zones, and in the areas behind the headscarp and in front of the toe outside of
the slide zone.
• For longer slides, space additional borings in the active and/or passive slide zones on 50-foot
(15m) intervals.
• Place additional borings on a 50 foot (15m) interval in a line perpendicular to the direction of
slide movement at the deepest zone of slide movement.
For investigation of areas of potential slide movement, a grid pattern of explorations are usually
selected for preliminary identification and delineation of the affected area. The grid spacing is
dependent on several factors. Usually, the predicted size of the landslide, results of remote sensing,
availability of previous data, and site access will primarily determine the spacing between borings.
Where large areas would potentially be affected by landslide movement, a 200 foot (61m) square or
staggered grid spacing is sufficient for preliminary identification.
Subsurface Investigations on Unstable Rock Slopes
Subsurface investigations for unstable rock slopes are necessary when a significant amount of rock
excavation is needed to accommodate highway realignment or an increased fallout area.
• Typically, the amount of information available at a large, accessible rock exposure is sufficient
for minor slope modification, and of generally greater value than core drilling with respect to
information concerning rock conditions.
• However, when significant modification of the slope is considered for realignment and/or rock
fall mitigation, subsurface investigation is frequently needed to determine the rock character
within the proposed cut, overburden thicknesses, groundwater conditions, three-dimensional
character of the units (if unknown), and other important design and construction information.
• Drilling is recommended to assure continuous subsurface conditions throughout the
excavated rock material.
The skilled geologist’s interpretation of the outcrop generally provides enough information for rock
slope design, but the changeable nature of the state’s geology, and the need to assure subsurface
conditions to prevent construction delays and claims is usually reason enough to gain the additional
assurance of further subsurface data. This is not to state that drilling for a rock cut slope modification
is automatic. The geotechnical designer must determine the cost-benefit of additional subsurface
investigation based on the local geology and the risks involved.
For the assessment of large block or wedge failures, subsurface investigation should proceed in a
similar manner to the approach to landslide investigations as described above. Some of the borings,
or additional borings may be needed at prescribed orientations other than vertical to assess the
projected failure planes.
For projects where realignment or slope modification to increase the fallout area is needed the
investigation should carry on according to the procedures for cut slope investigation described in
Section Embankment and Cut Slope Explorations.

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3.5.3 Exploration Depths
Determining the required depths of subsurface explorations requires the consideration of many
variables such as the size, type, and importance of the structure, and most of all, the underlying
geology. Consider the following:
• The borings should penetrate any unsuitable or questionable materials and deep enough into
strata of adequate bearing capacity where significant settlement or consolidation from the
increased loads from the proposed structure is reduced to a negligible amount. The stress at
depth added by the structure is usually taken from the appropriate tables and charts or
determined using the Boussingesq or Westergaard solutions.
• All soft, unsuitable, or questionable strata should be fully penetrated by the borings even
where they occur below an upper layer of high bearing capacity.
• Test borings should not be terminated in low-strength or questionable materials such as soft
silt and clay, organic silt or peat, or any fill materials unless special circumstances arise while
drilling. T e r m i na t i o n De p t h s
When competent bedrock is encountered, test borings may generally be terminated after penetrating
15 feet (4.5m) into it. Where very heavy loads are anticipated, test borings may be extended to a
considerable depth into the bedrock depending on its characteristics and verification that it is
underlain by materials of equal or greater strength. For most structures, it is advisable to extend at
least one boring into the underlying bedrock even when the remaining borings are terminated in soils
of adequate bearing capacity.
As with all other aspects of subsurface investigation, considerable professional judgment is needed
to determine the final depths of planned explorations. Generally, previous subsurface information is
needed to determine the approximate depth of the proposed borings on the Exploration Plan. Where
this information is unavailable, general guidelines can be used to establish the preliminary exploration
depths and quantities. These guidelines are outlined for specific geotechnical features in the following
sections. E m b a nk m e n t a n d C ut S l o pe E x pl or a t i o n De pt h s
For embankments of 10 feet (3m) or greater in height, the test borings should penetrate from 2 to 4
times the proposed fill height or more depending on the final width of the roadway and the actual
materials encountered. If suitable foundation materials are encountered such as dense granular soils
or bedrock, the depth may be decreased up to a minimum depth equaling the height of the
embankment. Where confined aquifers with artesian pressures or liquefiable soils are present, the
exploration depth should be extended to fully penetrate these units.
Cut slopes with a depth of 10 feet (3m) or more should be explored to a depth that is two times the
height of the proposed cut. When bedrock is encountered in a cut slope boring, the boring should
extend at least 15 feet below the finish grade of the cut. Cut slope borings should be extended if
sheared surfaces or other evidence of landslide susceptibility are encountered that could affect the
performance or constructability of the finished slope.

Oregon Department of Transportation 3-26

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Where minor amounts of earthwork (cut slopes less than 10 feet (3m) deep) for the alignment profile
are expected, test borings and test pits should extend 15 feet (4.5m) below the proposed final grade
elevation. Where bedrock or other hard materials are encountered, coring should be extended 15
feet (4.5m) into the hard stratum to evaluate their conditions. For fill areas less than 10 feet (3m) high,
explorations should extend to 15 feet (4.5m) below the original ground surface unless questionable
materials are encountered. If soft, organic, or other deleterious materials are encountered in
subgrade borings, the depth of exploration should be increased as necessary to fully evaluate those
materials. T u n ne l a n d Tr e n c hl e s s P i pe I n s t a l l a t i o n Bor i ng s
A “rule-of-thumb” for tunnel exploration is the amount of exploration drilling should be 1.5 times the
length of the tunnel. This should be considered as a bare minimum for exploration cost estimating for
tunnel/trenchless installation projects will shallow alignments in very favorable conditions, and does
not include horizontal drilling along the tunnel/pipe profile. Clearly, the amount of drilling for any given
length of tunnel/trenchless installation alignment is dependent on several factors that include, among
others, the depth of the invert, diameter of the tunnel/pipe, geologic conditions, and contingencies.
Typically, tunnel/trenchless installation borings should be extended at least 1.5 tunnel/pipe diameters
below the proposed grade of the invert. It may be beneficial to further extend the borings to as much
as 3 times the tunnel/pipe diameter as a contingency if the final tunnel alignment has not been
determined. The depth of the borings should be increased further to evaluate any unforeseen or
unfavorable geologic conditions encountered that may affect the tunnel or pipe design and
construction. Wherever practical, horizontal borings should be taken along the tunnel profile because
of the advantages of having a full-length representation of the actual tunnel/pipe horizon conditions. S t r u c t ur e - S pe c i f i c B or i ng s
The guidelines for boring depths presented in Section 3.5.3 stem from structure-specific boring
guidelines developed by AASHTO and other agencies. Follow these guidelines:
• It is highly desirable for all structure-specific borings to penetrate at least 15 feet (4.5m) into
• For drilled shaft installations, the test borings should be advanced 1.25 times the total
projected shaft length beyond the predicted shaft base elevation.
• If the shaft base is to be founded in soil or rock with an RQD of 50% or less, then the test
borings should be extended an additional depth below the proposed bottom of the shaft equal
to the larger of 20 feet (6m) or 3 times the shaft base diameter. Shafts are most commonly
designed to bear on competent bedrock, thus, where the RQD is greater than 50%, the test
boring should also be advanced to the greater of 20 feet (6m) or 3 times the shaft base
diameter below the estimated shaft base elevation.
The geotechnical designer must exercise judgment concerning the nature of the facility with respect
to the total and economical amount of drilling needed for the specific structure. Borings for sound
walls, small traffic structures, or culverts may not be required to obtain core samples in bedrock, but
for bridge foundations, bedrock drilling would certainly be needed.

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In those areas where unfavorable or critical geologic conditions are expected to have an adverse
effect on the project design and construction, the explorations should be extended to a depth where
those conditions may be fully evaluated. All problematic strata and areas of concern should be fully
penetrated by the borings. It is advisable to extend the borings beyond the depths that are strictly
necessary rather than terminate them before the desired information is obtained. Borings should
never be terminated in soft, organic, or any other deleterious materials that will adversely affect the
project design, construction, or performance. Extra drilling in some borings is less expensive than
drilling additional borings or even remobilizing equipment to the site to obtain sufficient data for
design. L a n ds l i de s
Considerable flexibility must be built into the Exploration Plan for any landslide, and particularly with
respect to the depth of the explorations. Follow these guidelines:
• Typically, the cross-section drawn along the centerline of the landslide is used to develop the
preliminary exploration depths.
• Circular, elliptical, or composite curves drawn from the headscarp to the toe bulge are
projected onto the cross-section to show the possible depths of slide movement. These
curves are commonly exaggerated to conservatively estimate the slide depth.
• The preliminary boring depths should extend 20 feet (6m) or more below the projected slide
plane to assure that the zone of movement is fully penetrated, and to secure instruments
below the slide plane for the best results.
• Firm, resistant strata, bedrock projections, and irregular surfaces will also affect the geometry
of the slide plane, and subsequently, the final depths of individual borings.
• Landslide borings should always be extended to a depth that clearly identifies which
materials are involved in the current slope movement, which underlying materials are
presently stable, and the location of the slide surface(s). This is not only important to the
development of a stability analysis, but will become important once again during construction
when the precise locations of mitigation efforts will be determined. There is often a possibility
that the observed landslide activity is an accelerated portion of a slower, deeper-moving
landslide that may only be detected by instrumentation. For this reason, at least one boring
should be extended far below the predicted slide surface to divulge such activity. Any
Exploration Plan for landslide investigations should contain the flexibility to extend borings to
considerable depth during the site exploration.

3.5.4 Sampling Requirements

Since the primary purpose of the subsurface exploration program is the collection of samples that are
as closely representative of actual site conditions, the sampling requirements are typically the most
stringent in the Exploration Plan. Particular care must be taken in their method of collection,
measurement, handling, and preservation since field and laboratory testing results are so greatly
dependent on the quality of the sampling. Sampling requirements are also subject to the same
variables that affect exploration layout and depth.

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• Sampling interval: Most Exploration Plans will have a set maximum sampling interval. For
most ODOT projects, Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) are taken, and samples retained,
on 2.5-foot (0.76m) intervals in the first 20 feet (6m) of the boring, and on 5-foot (1.5m)
intervals thereafter to the bottom of the hole or until rock coring begins. In addition to this
minimum interval, samples should also be taken at each noted change in material or
subsurface condition. Where thick, uniform strata exist, a wider sampling interval may be
warranted however, this greatly depends on the extent of previous site knowledge and project
requirements. Where complex conditions and/or numerous strata exist, the sampling interval
may be increased to a shorter sampling interval.
• Sample collection: Samples should be collected from each identified stratum, preferably
from more than one boring to fully characterize each unit. In addition, undisturbed samples
should be obtained from all cohesive soil units encountered. It is frequently warranted to drill
additional borings to obtain undisturbed samples in particular units that may have been
missed by previous sampling intervals or to further characterize those units. Where a larger
volume sample is needed, a variety of sampling methods and techniques can be utilized
including oversized split-spoons, various coring methods, and Becker-hammer drills.
Sampling techniques are discussed in the next section.
• Continuous sampling: Continuous sampling is beneficial in areas of changeable site
conditions and underlying geology as well as critical zones for project design. The zones
immediately below proposed foundation elevations should be sampled continuously in
addition to the zones immediately above, through, and below projected landslide zones of
movement. For tunnel/trenchless pipe installations, continuous sampling should be
conducted for 1 tunnel diameter above and below the tunnel horizon as well as the tunnel
horizon itself. Soil and rock coring is by its nature, a continuous sample, and is the most
common method to obtain a continuous representation of the subsurface materials. However,
continuous SPTs, Shelby Tubes, or a combination of these and other methods can be used.
• Observation: Careful observation and evaluation during drilling and logging of the recovered
samples is essential to the entire exploration program. Much information can be recovered
even when sample recovery itself is minimal. S oi l S a m pl i n g f or Cor r os i o n As s e s s m e nt
The corrosion potential of buried or exposed metal structures depends primarily on the electro-
chemical nature of the soil and the presence of oxygen and moisture. An assessment of these
properties and conditions is necessary to properly determine the corrosion potential of culverts
and structure foundation materials. Electro-chemical tests provide quantitative information
related to the aggressiveness of the subsurface materials and surface water environments.
Electro-chemical soil testing typically includes testing for pH and resistivity and sometimes
sulfate, and chloride contents. Surface water should also be tested in coastal regions where the
potential intrusion of brackish (salt-water) water may occur in tidal streams.
Corrosion of culverts, steel piling and other buried structural elements is most likely to occur at
or above the water table and in disturbed stratified soils such as man-made fills, especially
those containing cinders, slag or ash. Guidance on the amount and extent of soil and
groundwater sampling and testing for corrosion assessment is provided in the later chapters of
this manual that are dedicated to specific structures.

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Steel Culverts
The electrochemical properties of the soil in which a culvert is placed are an important aspect of
culvert design Steel culverts are often subject to corrosion due to either the chemical nature of
the soils surrounding the pipe or due to the acidity of the water flowing through the pipe. The
ODOT Hydraulics Manual (Section 5.8.2) provides guidance on the soil sampling and testing
necessary for metal pipe design. Bulk sampling of surficial soils in the immediate vicinity of the
culvert, sufficient in quantity for testing, is standard practice. If subsurface explorations were
conducted, with samples obtained for the culvert, additional electrochemical testing may be
Soil sampling and testing recommendations for steel piling corrosion assessment are described
in Chapter 8.

3.5.5 Sampling Methods

Various sampling methods are described in this section. Many of the sampling methods are based on
ASTM International standards located at www.astm.org (the “ASTM Site”). S t a n da r d P e ne t r a t i on T e s t i n g
All Standard Penetration Tests must be performed according to ASTM D 1586-99. The Standard
Penetration Test (SPT) is the most common method for field testing and sampling of soils. Some
variations with respect to standard intervals and refusal criteria occur throughout the industry
however the fundamental procedure still adheres to the ASTM standard. The SPT uses the following
• This sampling method uses the standard configuration 2-inch (5cm) outside diameter split
spoon sampler at the end of a solid string of drill rods. The split spoon is driven for a 1.5-foot
(0.45m) interval using a 140 Lb. (63.5 Kg) hammer dropped through a 30-inch (76cm) free
• The number of hammer blows needed to advance the sampler for each 6-inch (15cm)
interval is recorded on the boring log and sample container.
• The Standard Penetration Resistance or uncorrected “N”-value is the sum of the blows
required for the last two 6-inch (15cm) drives. Refusal is defined as 50 blows in 6 inches
(15cm) of penetration and recorded on the log as 50 blows and the distance driven in that
number of blows.
• The hole is advanced and cleaned out between sampling intervals for at least the full depth of
the previous sample.
This general procedure can be used with larger diameter samplers and heavier hammers for the
purpose of obtaining additional sample volumes, but the blow counts do not provide standard
resistance values. Prior to the commencement of drilling operations, the hammer energy must be
measured to determine the actual hammer efficiency. This information can usually be obtained by the
drill manufacturer. If it is not available, a competent technician must be engaged to measure the
hammer energy for each drill rig. T hi n - W a l l e d Un di s t ur be d Tub e S a m pl i n g
Undisturbed samples of cohesive soils should be taken with 3-inch (7.6cm) diameter Shelby Tubes
according to the standard practice for thin-walled tube sampling of soils in
ASTM D 1587-00. This method obtains relatively undisturbed samples by pressing the thin-walled
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tube into the subject strata at the bottom of the boring. Thin-walled sampling is simply a method for
retrieving a sample for laboratory testing. There is no actual field-testing involved with thin-walled
sampling unless a Torvane or Pocket Penetrometer test is performed on the end of the sample.
Pressures exerted by the drill rig while pushing Shelby tubes are frequently recorded for general
reference but do not provide repeatable test results. After the unfavorable effects of the sampling
procedure, transport, handling, and storage, a truly undisturbed sample cannot be realistically tested
in the laboratory. However, with appropriate care, valid samples can be taken for shear strength,
density, consolidation, and permeability testing.
Shelby tubes do not utilize a sample retention system to hold the sample in place during retrieval
from the borehole, so sample recovery can be unreliable. Thin-walled sampling in general is
successful only in soft to stiff cohesive soils. Soils that are very soft are difficult to recover with
standard Shelby tube while the upper range of stiff and very stiff soils are difficult to penetrate or bend
the tube resulting in a disturbed sample. Oversized clasts and organic fragments in the softer soil
matrix can also be detrimental to thin-walled sampling.
Various samplers that use retractable pistons to create a vacuum in the top of the tube can achieve
greater success in obtaining undisturbed samples of soft cohesive soils as well as granular materials. R o c k C or i n g
Rock core drilling should be carried out according to ASTM-D 2113-99. Successful core drilling is as
much a skill as it is a test procedure. Experienced, conscientious personnel are necessary not only to
run the equipment, but also to interpret the results of the drill action as well as the samples
recovered. Material recovered may not actually represent the subsurface conditions present if not
correctly sampled. Observation and interpretation of the drill action, fluid return, and other
characteristics provide indications of the actual validity of the core sample as well as other
information concerning the actual conditions in the subsurface.
ASTM states that the instructions given in D 2113-99 cannot replace education and experience and
should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Qualified professional drillers should be
given the flexibility to exercise their judgment on every alternative that can be used within the
appropriate economic and environmental limitations.
Triple-tube Core Barrel Systems
Because of the close-jointed, highly fractured nature of many rock formations in Oregon, and the
detailed observations desired, rock coring should be performed with triple-tube core barrel systems
that are best suited to such material. These systems provide the best recovery in difficult, highly
fractured, and/or weathered rock, which is extremely important since discontinuity spacing, and
weathering characteristics usually limit the strength of a rock mass with respect to foundation loading,
or the performance of rock excavations. Triple-tube barrels provide direct observation of the rock core
specimen in the split-half of the innermost tube as it is extracted from the inner core barrel. This
allows accurate measurement of RQD and recovery and discontinuity attitudes prior to further
specimen handling. Partial isolation of the sample in the inner split-barrel from the drilling fluids also
preserves much of the discontinuity texture and infilling material that is also very important to rock
mass characterization.
Most rock coring is performed with “H”-sized systems that provide core specimens with a diameter of
213/32 inches (61.1mm).

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Considerable penalties occur with respect to sample quality when using smaller diameter coring
systems due primarily to drill action, particularly at greater boring depths; thus, H-sized core should
be considered the minimum size for explorations.
Larger diameter cores also provide a better assessment of discontinuity properties. There may be
situations where smaller diameter coring is necessary such as difficult access sites where small
equipment is needed that may not have the torque required to turn larger diameter casing. Core runs
are typically made in 5-foot sections since this is the approximate length of most commonly available
core barrels. Runs may be shortened when difficult drilling conditions are encountered. Longer
barrels may also be used in highly favorable conditions such as quarry site investigations or other
areas with uncommonly massive rock.
Rock core specimens should be preserved and transported according to the standard practice in
ASTM D 5079-02. Core specimens should always be extruded from the inner core barrel using the
hydraulic piston system. The inner split barrel should not be manually rammed out of the inner barrel
as this will result in sample disturbance. The core should not be dumped out of the end of the barrel
either since this will also disturb the sample as well as invalidate some of the information. B ul k S a m pl i n g
Bulk sampling should be carried out at all pipe/culvert locations from the actual invert elevation when
test borings are not required. The samples collected are submitted for the appropriate chemical
testing. Typically, bulk samples of 25 lbs. (11Kg) if impermeable bags are used, or 2 gallons (7.5
liters) for jar/bucket samples are collected from each discrete sampling site. Sample receptacles must
be sealed to preserve natural moisture conditions. Bulk sampling may also be conducted for material
source investigations and other surficial applications. All samples collected should be preserved and
transported according to ASTM D 4220-95.

3.5.6 Sample Disposition

Soil and rock samples collected during subsurface exploration should be transported to the
appropriate ODOT region storage facility upon completion of the investigation. Soil samples are
usually retained for only a short period of time after project construction since physical and chemical
changes occur that, over time, invalidate the results of further testing regardless of any effort to
preserve them. Rock core specimens are typically retained for 3 years after the final acceptance of
the project or when the contractors and other concerned parties have been settled with provided that
there are no problems with the performance of the facility. Specimens related to future construction
activities should be retained. Under no circumstance will soil samples and rock core specimens that
may have a bearing on an unsettled claim be disposed of until such claims are finally resolved.

3.5.7 Exploration Survey Requirements

The actual location and elevation of all exploration sites should be surveyed and plotted on the
project base map. Once exploration is complete, the actual exploration site should be marked with a
survey lath or painted target so that the survey crew can readily measure the intended location. The
exploration number should also be marked in the field for accurate reference by the surveyors.
Surveys should be completed based on the project coordinates in addition to the WSG-84 datum.
Elevations should be referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL).

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3.6 Subsurface Exploration Methods
3.6.1 General
Many factors influence the applicability and selection of subsurface exploration equipment and
methodology for any selected project site investigation. Selection of equipment and methods are
usually based entirely on geotechnical data needs and geologic conditions but may also be based on
site access, equipment availability, project budget, environmental restrictions, or a combination of any
of these.
In many cases, trade-offs between expected results and the exploration method chosen must be
evaluated to achieve the needed results within defined time limits and project budget constraints.
Geotechnical designers should be familiar with the exploration methods applied on their projects, and
their results and potential limitations or effects on the data they receive from the field.
Most test borings conducted for transportation projects in Oregon are standard diameter vertical
borings using rotary or auger drilling methods. Sampling within the boring is typically done by
Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs), 3-inch (7.62cm) Undisturbed Shelby Tube samples, HQ3-sized
rock coring, and auger coring. Additional, supplementary explorations are conducted using hand
augers, direct push (i.e. GeoProbe) rigs, cone penetrometers, and test pits dug either by hand or
more commonly with hydraulic excavators. ODOT is currently evaluating and using newer exploration
technologies as they are developed or become increasingly available. The use of sonic drilling and
geophysical methods are examples.

3.6.2 Test Boring Methods

The most commonly used drilling methods on ODOT projects are auger boring and rotary drilling.
Continuous sampling core drilling is employed with both methods. Most modern drill rigs are capable
of employing both of these techniques with only minor adjustments to the tooling in the field. Other
techniques that are less commonly used are displacement borings using rotosonic or percussion
methods. Each drilling method should be selected based on the quality of information obtained in the
materials for which the drilling method is best suited for, thus, selection of drilling technique should be
carefully considered. Since most test borings penetrate many types of materials, several techniques
are commonly employed in any single test boring. Various institutions or individuals have strong
preferences for certain types of drilling methods and will tend to use them as a “default” for almost
any condition encountered. This behavior should be corrected or avoided. Almost every technique is
capable of penetrating the subsurface or “making a hole.” The quality of the results is the purpose of
subsurface investigation, and different drilling techniques are better suited to certain materials and
conditions. Achieving quality results from a drilling program are more important than convenience. M e t h o ds G e n e r a l l y N o t Us e d
Cable-tool, wash, jet, and air-rotary methods are generally not used on ODOT projects for many
reasons. Cable-tool drilling may be useful for some environmental applications and well
installations, but is generally antiquated and not productive for geotechnical investigation. Wash
and jet borings cause down-hole disturbance well past the bottom of the boring, and the fluids
are difficult to recover making them more of a liability than a source of data. Air-rotary drilling
usually causes too much down-hole disturbance to provide reliable SPT data, and difficult to
advance in soft soils. Groundwater typically stops further advancement of air-rotary drills, forms
large voids, and casts sediment-laden water about the site. Air-rotary drilling may be suited to

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specific applications where known materials at a site are delineated based on the drill advance
rate and obvious changes in the drill cuttings as they are flushed from the hole. In these
applications, the air-rotary borings should be supplemental to standard geotechnical exploration
borings conducted at the site. Au g e r B or i ng s
Rotary auger drilling is one of the more rapid and economical methods of advancing exploration
borings. Most modern drilling equipment has enough power to turn augers of considerable diameter
to a substantial depth. Currently, most auguring uses a hollow-stem auger that allows the hole to
remain cased while the various sampling or drilling tools are used and withdrawn from the hole with
drill rods or wireline retrievers. A central “stinger” bit or plug is placed at the bottom of the auger while
the boring is advanced. Solid stem auger use has largely been discontinued due largely to the advent
of hollow stem augers and the more powerful equipment that is capable of turning their larger
diameter drill string. The standard practice for using hollow-stem augers is described by ASTM D
6151-97. Auger boring has many advantages and disadvantages for various materials encountered
as described below.
Auger Boring Advantages
Auger boring has many advantages and disadvantages for various materials encountered. The
primary advantages of augers are the preservation of the natural moisture content of the soil and the
rapid advancement of the drill through soft to stiff soils. Augers are also useful where drill fluids are
difficult to obtain or are an environmental concern, and in freezing conditions where the use of water
is problematic. An additional advantage of augers is that they create a large enough hole to install
larger-diameter standpipe piezometers or nested piezometers in conformance with Water Resources
Department regulations. In addition, the natural piezometric surface is more readily monitored during
drilling. Coring tools are also available for auger systems that provide continuous sampling in soils
and even weak rock materials. These tools can be placed by either rods or wireline into special auger
bits that feed a continuous soil sample into a split barrel that is then retrieved in 2.5 or 5-foot (0.76-
1.52m) sampling intervals. Plastic liners that fit in the auger core barrel can also be used to preserve
soil cores in their natural moisture conditions.
Auger Boring Advantages and Disadvantages
The disadvantages of auguring are the power needed to turn long strings of auger in dense
formations, the volume of the hole and the cuttings created, and the disturbance of the natural
materials in certain conditions. When hollow-stem augers are used in granular soils below the water
table, the hydrostatic pressure differential between the inside and outside of the auger casing will
force saturated sands, silts, and fine gravels up into the casing effectively loosening the materials
below the auger bit. This can be caused by either the natural differential, or by the pressure induced
during retraction of the “stinger” bit or plug. The augers themselves can also affect the conditions of
loose granular materials and silts ahead of the bit. In both cases, SPT values obtained will be
different than what is true for the natural conditions. To counter this effect, a head of water, or other
drilling fluid can maintained in the auger casing to counteract these effects. Adding fluids to the auger
generally negates their advantages and if such action is necessary, a different drilling technique
should be employed. Hollow stem auguring should not be employed when assessing liquefaction

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A common complaint about auguring is the volume of cuttings generated. Where disposal is a
concern, this is probably a disadvantage. However, when drilling in an environmentally sensitive
area, auguring is often preferable because the cuttings are easily contained on site when drilling
above the water table. A past complaint has also been the weight of the augers themselves although
this has largely been negated by the more powerful equipment and the available wire line systems to
assist with moving them around the site. R o t a r y D r i l l i ng
Rotary drilling is the most common, and usually the most versatile drilling method available. Various
tools and products available for rotary drilling allow it to be adaptable to most drilling conditions and
geologic materials. Rotary boreholes can be uncased holes advanced with a drill bit on rods or cased
holes made with a casing, casing advancer and casing shoe. The casing advancer is a driver
assembly with latches that fit in the bottom of the casing where it holds the center bit at the bottom of
the hole and is subsequently retrieved with a wireline system. This method of drilling involves a
relatively fast rotation speed, fluid circulation, and variable pressure on the drill bit to penetrate the
formation, pulverize the formation particles at the bottom of the borehole. The circulating fluids carry
these cuttings away from the bit, up the borehole annulus, and out of the hole.
When the desired sampling depth is reached, the drill rods or casing advancer are retracted from the
hole and replaced with the desired sampling tool. The sampling/testing is conducted while the hole is
filled with fluid, retrieved from the hole, and then replaced once again with the drilling tool and
borehole advancement continues to the next sampling depth. For uncased holes, the drilling fluid is
relied upon to stabilize the borehole and prevent it from caving or heaving. In particularly weak or
porous formations where drilling fluids are rapidly lost, cased holes are generally used. In uncased
holes, the drilling fluid is usually recirculated from a mud tank or pit at the ground surface. Borings
that use casing advancers typically use pure water that is not recirculated.
Rotary Drilling Advantages
The advantage of rotary drilling is the relative speed of advancement in deep borings while
maintaining borehole stability that best preserves in-situ soil conditions by counteracting soil and
pore-water pressures in partially or fully saturated conditions. It is of particular advantage in very soft
materials that are very sensitive to disturbance by the drilling equipment. Because of its ability to
maintain natural conditions, rotary drilling is usually the best choice when conducting in-situ analysis
such as vane shear and pressure meter testing. The trade-offs for rotary drilling is the introduction of
moisture and other minerals that will influence the natural moisture conditions, and the difficulties with
installing groundwater monitoring instruments although this later can in some cases be rectified by
the use of special drilling fluids and by purging the borehole prior to installation. Special care is
needed to contain drilling fluids during exploration, and for ultimate disposal that may involve
transport off-site.
Drill Rods
A variety of drilling rods, casings, and drill bits are available for various tasks. Most drilling tools come
in standard sizes that are generally adaptable to one another. However, complexities arise when
changing from one size to another when various thread sizes and configurations are used. Use the
following information relating to drill rods and casing sizing:
• Drill rod and casing sizes are designated from smaller to larger by the letters R, E, A, B, N,
and H. Drill rod outside diameters range from 13/32 inches (27.8mm) for R-sized rods to 3.5
inches (88.9mm) for H-sized rods.

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• Drill casing outside diameter sizes range from 17/16 inches (36.5mm) for R-sized casing to 4.5
inches (114.3mm) for H-sized casing. Additional letters such as HW or NWJ designate
different thread or coupling configurations.
Complete tables of drilling tool types, sizes, weights, and volumes are available from the
drilling suppliers and manufacturers.
• The important aspects of tool size is that the larger diameter, heavier drill sizes generally
provide a more stable hole and allow a greater variety of testing and sampling tools to be
used. These larger sizes also help control the eccentric movement of longer drill strings,
reduce vibration at the drill bit, and help the driller maintain a straight and plumb boring.
The Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association (DCDMA) has standardized the drill rod and
casing sizes although any number of other sizes and types remain on the market or are frequently
Drill Bits
The choice of drill bit greatly influences the test boring quality and speed of completion. Rotary drill
bits come in a variety of different types, each suited to a particular soil and/or rock composition. Driller
preference is usually what determines what type of bit is used. Experienced drillers can and should
normally be relied upon to select the appropriated bit. Certain drill bits are intended for specific
geologic materials, but many drillers, through their experience and specific equipment, are able to
achieve superb results with bits that are not usually used for that type of material. Follow these
guidelines when using drill bits:
• Soft or loose soils: Soft or loose soils are usually drilled with drag bits. These bits have two
or more wings of either tempered steel or carbide inserts that act as cutting teeth.
• Hard soils and rock: Roller bits are used to penetrate hard soils and rock. Roller bits may
consist of hardened steel teeth or carbide “buttons.” Typically, steel teeth are sufficient for
hard soil drilling while carbide button bits are used for bedrock drilling or for drilling in
formations with numerous boulders and potential obstructions.
Rotary Drilling Fluids
Various admixtures are available for mixing with the drilling fluids in different applications. Usually, the
drilling fluid or “mud” is a mineral solution (usually bentonite and water, thus, a colloidal fluid) with a
viscosity and specific gravity that is greater than water. These properties allow the fluid to better
stabilize the borehole, cool and lubricate the bit, lift the cuttings out of the hole, and can also increase
sample recovery. Various chemical and mineral additives may also be added to the mud mixture for
the site-specific conditions. Certain chemical additives, such as pH stabilizers and flocculants, are
introduced for common groundwater or mineral conditions that are the source of particular drilling
difficulties. Mineral additives, such as barite, may be used to further increase the specific gravity of
the mud for unstable boreholes and zones of high artesian pressures. Other additives inhibit
corrosion of tools; seal off highly fractured or porous formations to prevent fluid loss, increase the
suspension, and entrainment of sediments to flush the borehole, and numerous other applications.
Fluids or “mud mixtures” can greatly enhance rotary drilling, and in some very difficult drilling
situations, is the only way to complete borings. Mud mixing should be treated with care as improper
materials and quantities can actually be detrimental. Volumes and weights should be carefully
measured and fluid density and viscosity should be monitored during borehole advancement as
these properties will be affected by the formation materials. Several batches may be needed for
individual borings depending on the depth of the borehole and other conditions.

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The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service have
established general guidelines for drilling mud mixtures including amounts of dry materials, volume of
water, and fluid densities. ASTM D 4380-84 describes the procedures for determining the density of
bentonitic slurries that can be used in rotary drilling. R o c k C or i n g
Rock core sampling is used to obtain a continuous, relatively undisturbed sample of the intact rock
mass for evaluation of its geologic and engineering characteristics. When performed appropriately,
core drilling produces invaluable subsurface information. Rock coring procedures have generally
remained the same since the advent of the technology: a steel tube with a diamond bit rotated into
the rock. Advancements in the bits, core barrels for retrieving the samples, and improvements to
mechanized equipment overall have greatly enhanced this method.
Rock core drilling procedures and equipment has largely been standardized by
ASTM D2113-99. The Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association (DCDMA) has also
standardized bit, core barrel, reaming shell, and casing sizes similar to drill rods.
Rock coring almost exclusively involves the use of diamond bits, thus the terms “rock coring” and
“diamond drilling” are used interchangeably. Selecting the proper drill bit for the rock coring conditions
is essential. Sample recovery and drill production is dependent upon it. The ultimate responsibility for
bit selection is the driller’s, however, it is important to be familiar with bit types to help determine
recovery problems in the field since they may actually be unrelated to the drilling method. The actual
configuration of the drill bit is selected based on the actual site conditions. The cross-sectional
configuration, kerf, crown, and number of water ports are all determined by the anticipated conditions
and characteristics of the rock mass. Consider the following:
• Incorrect bit selection can be extremely detrimental to core recovery, production, and project
• Typically, a surface-set bit consisting of industrial diamonds set in a hardened matrix is used
for massive rock bodies.
• Larger and fewer diamonds in the set are used for soft rocks while smaller and more
numerous diamonds are used in hard rock. Hard rock bits commonly have a rounded or
steeply angled crown.
• Flat-headed bits are usually for very soft rock. Impregnated bits consist of very fine diamonds
in the matrix and are generally used for soft, severely weathered, and highly fractured
formations. Some carbide blade and button bits are used for soft, sedimentary rocks. These
are ideally suited for soft rocks with voluminous cuttings that require a considerable amount
bit flushing and cutting extraction.
Core Barrel
The core barrel is the section of the drill string that retains the core specimens and allows them to be
retrieved as a whole section. Core barrels may be of different types and sizes, and may consist of
numerous components that may be changed depending on the rock mass condition. Core barrels
have evolved greatly over time. Single-tube barrels were originally used and required the entire drill
string to be retracted to withdraw the sample. These have evolved through double-tube systems of
either rigid-types where the inner tube rotates with the outer barrel, or swivel-types where the inner
tube remains stationary. Most core barrels used today are triple-tube systems that employ another
non-rotating liner to a swivel-mounted double core barrel. This split metal liner retains the sample

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during extraction that allows minimal sample handling and disturbance prior to measurement and
observation. Where desired, a solid, clear plastic tube can be used in place of the split metal tube.
Single and even double-tube coring system often require a considerable amount of effort to extract
the cores from the barrel that can result in detrimental sample disturbance.
Consider the following:
• Available triple-tube coring systems usually provide specimens that range in diameter from
15/16 inches (33.5mm) for “B”-sized core to 39/32 inches (83mm) for “P”-sized core.
• Larger core sizes are also available from rather specialized systems.
• A substantial penalty on the quality of rock structural information results from smaller
diameter cores. Most rock core taken is “H”-sized (213/32 inches, 61.1mm) in diameter.
• The use of smaller N-sized cores may be necessary in difficult access, or very deep drilling
• The difference in RQD measurements between single, double, and triple tube systems are
Specialized Methods
These specialized methods are also used:
• Oriented core barrels: Orienting core barrels can be used to determine the true attitudes of
discontinuities in the rock mass. These specialized core barrels usually scribe a reference
mark on the core as it is drilled. Recording devices within the core barrel relate the known
azimuth to the reference mark so that the exact orientation of the discontinuities can be
determined after the sample has been retrieved.
• Borehole camera surveys: Borehole camera surveys are used to determine discontinuity
orientations. Several methods for both oriented coring and down-hole surveying have
evolved, and highly trained personnel are typically needed to operate them successfully. The
1988 AASHTO Manual is a good source of information on the older core orientation systems
while vendors such as the Baker-Hughes Corporation have technical information on the
newer magnetic/electronic core alignment systems. V i br a t or y o r S o ni c Dr i l l i n g
Sonic drilling may be called vibratory or rotosonic drilling. This type of drilling is used for continuous
sampling in unconsolidated sediments and soft, weathered bedrock. It is best suited for use in
oversized unconsolidated deposits enriched with cobbles and boulders such as talus slopes,
colluvium, and debris flows or any other formation containing large clasts.
• The primary benefit of this method is recovery of oversized materials in a continuous sample,
rapid drilling rate, reduced volume of cuttings, and fast monitoring well installation.
• This drilling technique is 8 to 10 times faster than hollow stem auguring and produces about
10% of the volume of cuttings.
• The drawbacks to this method are that it is typically more expensive, and cannot penetrate
very far into bedrock.

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• The vibration of the drill stem during borehole advancement may disturb the subsurface
materials for an unknown distance ahead of the bit, and soft, loose materials can be liquefied
during sampling.
• The sample size and speed of extraction will require additional personnel to process, log, and
classify in the field.
Sonic drill rigs use hydraulic motors that drive eccentric weights to oscillate the drill head. The
oscillation generates a standing sinusoidal wave in the drill stem with a frequency that can be varied
depending on the materials encountered. The drill head also rotates the drill stem. An inner and outer
casing is advanced so that the hole can be cased at the same time that samples are collected.
During drill advancement, the sample is forced into the inner casing from which it is retrieved on a set
interval. SPTs and Shelby tube samples can be taken between runs of rotosonic coring. B e c k e r Ha m m e r Dr i l l i n g
Becker hammer drills are specifically for use in sand, gravel, and boulders. Some Becker hammer
drill operators may also have a scoring system that can also be run for limited applications. Becker
hammer drills use a small diesel-powered pile hammer to drive a special double-walled casing. The
casing can be fitted with an array of toothed bits depending on the application. An air compressor
forces air through the annulus between the casings to the bottom of the hole where it extracts the
materials up through the center of the innermost casing, through a cyclone, and into the sampling
bucket. The materials can be extracted on a set interval as the driller engages the air compressor.
The Becker drill casings range in size from 5.5-inch (14cm) to 9 inches (23cm) for the outer casing,
and 3.3-inch (8.4cm) to 6 inches (15.2cm) respectively for the inner casing. This size of casing allows
retrieval of relatively large, unbroken clasts. As the drill is advanced, blow counts are taken along with
measurements of the hammer’s bounce chamber pressure. Becker hammer drill data can be
correlated to the soil density and strength in coarse-grained soils similarly to the SPT test. In addition,
SPTs can be taken through the inner casing of the Becker hammer string. S u p pl e m e n t a l D r i l l i n g/ E x pl or a t i o n Ap p l i c a t i o n s
A wide assortment of exploration techniques are available to supplement the subsurface information
gathered from test borings at a project site. Typically, any method that can be employed to properly
evaluate the subsurface conditions in a supplementary capacity is acceptable on an ODOT project if
not constrained by environmental considerations. These methods are usually the most simple and
economic to quickly gather subsurface information with minimal cost. In some cases, more extensive
and costly methods are required to obtain critical design information. Generally, supplemental
investigations consist of simple hand auger borings or backhoe test pits to gather more detailed
information and collect additional samples in near-surface or overburden materials.
Hand Tools
Hand augers are available in many forms that allow rapid penetration of near-surface soils and
collection of representative samples. Various bits can be used that are suited to general soil
conditions that help penetrate and retain samples from certain materials. Extra sections of rods can
be added to extend the depth range of these tools. Small engine-powered augers can also be used
to increase the depth of penetration and to reduce the physical workload. Most hand augers are of
sufficient diameter to permit undisturbed Shelby-tube sampling in the boring where soft soils are
encountered. Additional tools such as jacks, cribbing, and extra weights may be needed to retract the
tube after sampling. Most field vehicles are equipped with shovels that geotechnical designers can
apply to subsurface investigations. Hand-excavated pits can provide essential, detailed information
on the near-surface environment.

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Various hand probes and penetrometers can be used to make soundings of soft material depths and
delineate underground facilities in soft ground conditions. Hand auger borings and hand-excavated
test pits are often required for collection of bulk samples.
Cone Penetrometers
Cone penetrometers can be operated from most drill rigs, or they may come as a separate vehicle
specially rigged for cone penetration testing. The cone penetration test (CPT) is conducted by
pushing an instrumented cylindrical steel probe at a constant rate into the subsurface with some type
of hydraulic ram. The cone penetration test is very advantageous in certain (usually soft) soil
conditions as it provides a continuous log of stress, pressures, and other measurements without
actually drilling a hole. CPTs can be conducted with a transducer to measure penetration pore
pressure. Additional instrumentation can be used to measure the propagation of shear waves
generated at the surface. Standard cone penetration test procedures are described in ASTM D 3441-
98. Electronic CPT testing must be done in accordance with ASTM D 5778.
Percussion or Direct push (i.e. GeoProbe®) Borings
Direct push drills are hydraulically powered, percussion/probing machines originally intended for use
in environmental investigations. The direct push method uses the weight of the vehicle combined with
percussion to advance the drill string. Drive tools are used to obtain continuous, small-diameter soil
cores or discrete samples from specific locations. Direct push drills can obtain continuous samples
through the soil column and are capable of penetrating most soils up to about 100 feet (30m). Small-
diameter piezometers can also be installed through the direct push tools. Direct push rigs are quick
and economical to mobilize and sample the soil column very quickly. Their small diameter and
method of penetration produce few if any cuttings that must be disposed of. The percussion advance
of the direct push method produces a considerable amount of sample disturbance.
Direct push advancement rates may provide a relative determination of soil density with respect to
material encountered by that particular machine but it is not correlative to SPT data. Direct push rigs
are lighter and less powerful than most conventional drill rigs. Thus, they do not have the ability to
penetrate certain formations, and because of the effort in doing so, may give a false, overestimation
of the formation density.
Test Pits
Backhoe-excavated test pits or trenches are commonly used to provide detailed examination of near
surface geologic conditions and to collect bulk samples. Test pits allow examination of larger-scale
features that would not be visible in standard borehole samples. Features such as faulting, seepage
zones, material contact geometry and others are readily measured in test pit walls. In addition,
Torvane and pocket penetrometer tests can be performed in the walls and floor of the test pit. In-
place percolation testing can also be carried out in test pits. Test pits have the advantage of the shear
bulk of materials that can be observed. In this regard, the overall composition of the materials in a
unit are better assessed by the many cubic feet of material excavated and observed opposed to the
relatively minute amount of material contained in a split spoon sampler.
Under no circumstances will personnel enter a test pit deeper than 4 feet (1.2m) below the ground
surface unless the appropriate shoring and bracing is used. If any evidence of instability or seepage
is evident in the test pit walls, no entry will be permitted until shoring is complete. Test pits must be
filled in as soon as they are completed to prevent passersby from entering or falling in. When a test
pit is used for percolation tests or for assessment of trench stability, appropriate barricades and signs
must be placed around the site to prevent accidental entry.

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ODEX or Air-Track Drilling
Percussive air drilling is typically used in a similar manner to other probing systems with the
exception that air-drill holes are used to probe harder materials. A relative rate of advancement
coupled with the cuttings retrieved in certain intervals allows basic interpretation of subsurface
conditions. ODEX systems using an outer casing allow installation of instruments below the water
table that would otherwise be impossible to install with other air-driven equipment. The advantage of
this method is the speed of installation and borehole advancement. As previously described, air
drilling system are not suited for standard testing methods due to the unknown amount of down-hole

3.6.3 Alternative Exploration Methods and Geophysical

Alternatives to drilling and test pit excavations characteristically involve the use of geophysical
methods. For ODOT projects, geophysical survey results are always supplemental to direct
observation of subsurface conditions by borings and test pits and should never be considered as a
Geophysical surveys play an important role in engineering geology and geotechnical engineering
however they do not provide all of the information needed for the development of geotechnical design
From a liability and construction claims standpoint, direct observation, sampling, and testing are
critical. Direct observation and measurement will assure that subsurface conditions not measured by
geophysical survey methods are revealed and further support or refute the results of geophysical
Most of the data obtained from a geophysical survey require an experienced and highly trained
geophysicist to interpret and process before it is of any use to an engineering geologist or
geotechnical engineer. Geophysicists can base their interpretation on direct calculations, tabulations,
or regression analyses, or they may base it wholly upon their own experience. Any geophysical
method used has its own aspects that can result in serious misinterpretation or inappropriate use of
the results. Prior knowledge of the actual site conditions and the possible errors of the survey
technique are needed to calibrate, or fit the data to the known baseline data.
Geophysical survey results and resolution of the data is dependent upon the density of measurement
points, and frequency of measurements. These variables may be set according to the overall project
needs and level of detail required. Modern geophysical instruments are sensitive enough to produce
measurements at the levels needed for geotechnical investigations. Methods most frequently used
• Seismic methods are the most commonly conducted techniques for engineering geologic
• Seismic refraction provides the most basic geologic data by using the simplest procedures,
and commonly available equipment. The data provided is the most readily interpreted and
correlated to other known material properties.

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3.7 Geotechnical Instrumentation
3.7.1 General – Instrumentation and Monitoring
Of equal importance to site characterization and exploration as sampling and testing data is the
information provided by geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring. Sampling and testing of
materials provides needed design information concerning the existing site conditions at the time of
investigation. Information regarding certain site conditions as they change through time due to the
effects of natural variations in the earth’s surface and atmosphere or the effects of human activities,
such as construction, can be provided by the appropriate selection, installation, and monitoring of
geotechnical instruments. Most geotechnical instruments are used to monitor the performance of
structures and earthworks during construction and operation of the facility. Some instrumentation
programs are planned to provide actual design criteria such as landslide depths of movement and
piezometric surfaces. Other programs are intended to verify design assumptions. In any case,
considerable design and planning efforts are needed to derive the needed results. Geotechnical
instrumentation has become much more “user-friendly” as technologies have developed, but an all-
inclusive process beginning with a determination of the instrumentation project objectives that are
carried through to completion and use of the data.

3.7.2 Purposes of Geotechnical Instrumentation

A rule of thumb for geotechnical instrumentation programs is: “every instrument installed should be
selected and placed to assist in answering a specific question.” The point of this rule is to start a
geotechnical instrumentation program on the correct course of study to acquire the necessary results
with the greatest efficiency. Instruments can have an initially high installation cost, but the time and
effort for reading them and making sense of the results where the most costly inefficiencies occur.
Any instrument installed will provide some information; whether or not it is relevant to the immediate
project requirements is the issue. Therefore, efforts must be concentrated on the primary questions to
gather the most important data from the instrumentation program without time lost to the analysis of
extraneous data. S i t e I n ve s t i ga t io n a nd E x pl or a t i o n
Instruments are regularly used to characterize the initial site conditions during the design phase of a
project. Landslide remediation projects rely on instruments to determine depths and rates of
movement as well as pore water pressures to provide basic information for stability analysis and
mitigation design.
Most project sites require some information concerning the actual depth and seasonal fluctuation of
groundwater that not only affects the project design, but also its constructability. Design Verification

Instruments are frequently used to verify design assumptions and to check that facility performance is
as expected. Instrument data gathered early in a project can be used to modify the design in later
phases. Geotechnical instruments are also an inherent part of proof testing to verify design

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Geotechnical instruments are commonly used to monitor the effects of construction. Construction
procedures and schedules can be modified based on actual behavior of the project features for
ensuring safety as well as gaining efficiency in the actual construction as determinations can be
made regarding how fast construction can proceed without the risk of failure or unacceptable
deflections. Instruments can be used to monitor contractor performance to assure that contract
requirements and specifications are being met. S a f e t y a n d Le ga l P r o t e c t i o n
Instruments can be used to provide early warning of impending failures allowing time to isolate the
problems and begin implementation of remedial actions. Instrument data provides crucial evidence
for legal defense of the agency should owners of adjacent properties claim that construction or
operations have caused damage. P e r f or m a nc e
Instruments are used for the short and long-term service performance of various facilities.
Deformation, slope movement, and piezometric surface measurements in landslides can be used to
evaluate the performance of drainage systems installed to stabilize the landslide. Loads on rock bolts
and tiebacks may be monitored to assess their long-term performance or evaluate the need for
additional supports.

3.7.3 Criteria for Selecting Instruments

For each project, the critical parameters must be identified by the designer that will require
instrumentation to determine. The appropriate instruments should then be selected to measure them
based on the required range, resolution, and precision of measurements. The ground conditions are
another consideration in the choice of instruments. Use the following to help select instruments:
• Landslides: Relatively fast-moving landslides may require a larger-diameter inclinometer
pipe or TDR cable to determine the zone of slide movement, or Vibrating Wire piezometers
may be selected to measure groundwater in low permeability soils where a standpipe would
require a large volume of water to flow into it before even small changes in pore-water
pressure can be detected.
• Temperature and humidity: Temperature and humidity also affect the choice of
instruments. Certain instruments may be difficult to use in freezing conditions while warm and
humid environments may affect the reliability of electronic instruments unless particular care
is taken to isolate their environment.
• Number of parameters: The number of parameters to measure is also important for
instrument selection since soil and rock masses typically have more than one property that
dictates their behavior. Some parameters correlate with one another, and instruments that
obtain complementary measurements provide an efficiency gain. In areas with complex
problems, several parameters can be measured, and a number of correlations can be found
from instrumentation data leading to a better understanding of the site conditions. Strain
gages and load cells on a retaining wall and inclinometers behind it are examples where
complementary data can be obtained. When relationships can be developed with the data,
further data can be obtained even when one set of instruments fail.

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• Instrument performance and reliability: Instrument performance and reliability are also
important considerations. The cost of an instrument generally increases with higher
resolution, accuracy, and precision in the instrument. In addition, the range of measurements
obtained can be reduced by higher-functioning instruments, so the geotechnical designer
should have a clear understanding of the scale and level of measurements to be taken.
Example: An example is the placement of a vibrating wire transducer in a borehole to
measure an unknown piezometric surface. The instrument selected would have a wide range
of testing, but a lower resolution of values that could be read. Where the piezometric surface
is known within a narrower range and small changes are of significance to the design, an
instrument capable of reading a smaller range of values but at a higher resolution within the
known range.
• Quality of the instrument: There are some instances where the use of lower-quality
instruments is warranted, but in general, choosing a lower-quality instrument to save on initial
costs is a false economy. The difference in cost between a high-quality instrument and a
lower-quality instrument is low with respect to the overall cost of installing and monitoring an
• Cost: The cost of drilling a hole and the labor of installing the instrument is usually an order of
magnitude higher than the cost of the instrument. The less easily quantifiable loss of data
from a failed instrument in terms of monetary cost should also be considered. It is expensive
and often impossible to replace failed instruments. Furthermore, essential baseline data is
also lost that cannot be replaced. Au t o m a t i c Da t a Ac q u i s i t i o n S ys t e m s ( AD AS )
Automatic Data Acquisition Systems (ADAS) can provide significant advantages to a geotechnical
instrumentation program. They can provide numerous readings at set and reliable intervals, and they
can store and transmit data from remote or difficult access locations. ADAS are necessary for real-
time instrument monitoring and relay. They are beneficial at sites where many sensors are present
that would require copious staff time to read manually or for large-scale proof tests with many
concurrently read instruments to be monitored throughout the test.
Automatic Data Acquisition Systems come in many forms ranging from the very simple, user-friendly
devices to systems requiring significant programming and electronics to install and run. Project
requirements usually dictate what system is selected, but the simplest, most inexpensive, and easiest
to connect to the chosen instruments are best. Follow these guidelines:
• Simple data loggers connected to individual instruments that are retrieved and downloaded
periodically are sufficient for most projects.
• Large, complex problems may require a more intelligent system that can be programmed to
change monitoring routines in response to site or environmental changes.
• Most instrumentation companies also have companion data loggers to go with their products
while several independent companies also manufacture easy-to-use data loggers. Other
companies, such as Campbell Scientific Incorporated, produce more complex systems that
can read multiple installations of different types of instruments as well as store and transmit

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December 2016
• In addition to the data collection devices, these firms also produce software for processing
and displaying the data. The software is another consideration if export to other systems is
desired. Compatibility between programs can create problems and errors in the end product
of an instrumentation project. I ns t r um e nt Us e a n d I ns t a l l a t io n
Instruments have been developed to monitor many specific geologic conditions and engineering
parameters. In many cases, a single instrument can be used or adapted for use on other
applications. For this, the manufacturer and other professionals should be consulted to assure that
the results obtained are valid, or, they may have insights and case histories that are of use for the
situation. The manufacturer’s literature, installation procedures, and other guidance documents
should be followed for proper installation of their products as procedures can vary for different
manufacturers same instrument products. Detailed discussions of instrument installation and
initialization procedures, function, and operation can be found in manufacturer’s documents such as
Slope Indicator Company (SINCO) Applications Guide or in published literature such as Dunnicliff
(1988). I nc l i no m e t e r s
Inclinometers are used on transportation projects mainly to detect and monitor lateral earth
movements in landslides and embankments. They are also used to monitor deflections in laterally
loaded piles and retaining walls. Horizontally installed inclinometers can also be used to monitor
settlement. Inclinometer systems are composed of:
• grooved casing installed in a borehole, embedded in a fill or concrete, or attached to
• probe and cable for taking measurements at set intervals in the casing, and
• a digital readout unit and/or data storage device.
The installed casing is for single installation use, and the probe, cable and data storage unit are used
for almost all installations.
It is important to use the same probe for each reading in any particular installation since each probe
must be independently calibrated.
Inclinometers are manually read by a trained technician on a set schedule or in response to
environmental changes such as increased rainfall in the area or observation of surficial signs of slope
movement. In-place inclinometers spanning known or highly suspected zones of movement can be
installed for continuous, automatic monitoring. These usually remain in the hole permanently if
significant slope movement occurs.
• Inclinometer casing installation is essential to successful performance of the instrument.
Shortcuts taken during installation will frequently result in poor performance of the instrument
or render it useless.
• Inclinometers should be installed according to the procedures described in the SINCO
Applications guide with the exception of the grout valve.
• Borings should be initially drilled or later reamed to a sufficient diameter that will
accommodate the inclinometer casing and an attached tremie tube.

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December 2016
• The tremie tube should be attached to the inclinometer casing approximately 6 inches above
the bottom and along the casing at a close enough interval to prevent it from being tangled or
constricted in the borehole.
• One of the four grooves in the inclinometer casing should be aligned to the direction of slide
movement as the casing is assembled and lowered into the hole to prevent spiraling.
• If the borehole walls are unstable, the drill casing may need to remain in the borehole, and
withdrawn as the grout level rises. Generally, the grout should be maintained at a visible level
in the casing as the drill string is withdrawn.
Initial readings should be taken as soon as the grout has sufficiently set up. This is usually 3 to 5
days after grouting. During installation, some grout is naturally lost to fractures and voids in the
formation. This may occur to the extent that additional grouting is required. Usually, this only entails
topping off the hole with a small batch of grout to stabilize the uppermost portion of the casing. In
more severe cases, the grout pump may be reconnected to the tremie tube to re-grout the remaining
voids. P i e z om e t e r s
Piezometers used to measure pore-water pressure and groundwater levels can range from simple
standpipes to complex electronic devices or pneumatic systems. Piezometers are typically installed
in selected layers to measure the piezometric pressures in that layer. The layout and target depths of
piezometer installation are determined by actual site conditions and project requirements.
All piezometers must be installed according to Oregon Water Resources Department regulations
defined by OAR 690.240 and ORS 537.880 through 537.895. Specifications for properly operating
instruments are usually more stringent than these rules apart from the requirements for
The various types of piezometers are generally used for different applications as described below.
• Standpipe piezometers are general-purpose instrument for monitoring piezometric water
levels and are best suited for granular materials. Standpipe piezometers require a water level
indicator to obtain readings.
• Vibrating Wire piezometers utilize a pressure transducer to convert water pressure to a
frequency signal that is read by an electronic device. Vibrating Wire piezometers can be
automated by electronic systems.
• Pneumatic piezometers are typically used to measure pore water pressure in saturated
conditions. Both Pneumatic and vibrating wire piezometers are used for all soil types and are
better suited to fine-grained soils than the standpipe variety due to the response time and
volume of water needed to record changes in water level in that type.
Piezometers should be placed at the desired sensing zone in a porous medium and sealed with the
appropriate materials above and below this zone to assure measurement of the piezometric pressure
in the desired location. Porous mediums or filter packs should be composed of pre-screened
commercial-grade silica sand. All piezometers should be installed and initialized according to their
manufacturer’s specifications.

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December 2016 O t h e r I n s t r um e n t s
A vast array of geotechnical instruments is available for most applications. Strain gauges,
extensometers, and load cells of all types and configurations for structural as well as geotechnical
applications are obtainable from numerous vendors. Most vendors have prescribed applications as
well as installation and monitoring procedures that should be followed when using their products on
transportation projects. Professional knowledge, experience, and judgment must be applied to the
use of all instruments to assure appropriate use of these instruments and the adequacy of data

3.8 Environmental Protection during Exploration

Compliance with all State, Federal, and Local ordinances, laws and regulations concerning
environmental protection at all work locations is mandatory for any activity that may disturb the
ground surface or vegetation. All environmental permits, clearances, or any other documentation
needed for compliance with the pertinent environmental regulations must be ready prior to
mobilization of exploration equipment.
The ODOT Programmatic Biological Opinion for Drilling, Surveying, and Hydraulic Engineering
Activities may be applicable for some sites. This document can be referenced on the ODOT Geo-
Environmental web page.
Every precaution necessary to minimize environmental impacts during site investigation must be
taken, and every effort made to restore the site to its original condition. All drilling fluids and cuttings
must be disposed of safely and legally. In no circumstance should sediment-laden water or other
pollutants be allowed to enter streams or other bodies of water. In the event where there is a potential
for pollutants to contaminate such, all operations will be suspended until the situation can be rectified.
Violation of Federal, State, and Local environmental protection laws can result in personal penalties,
including arrest and incarceration.

3.8.1 Protection of Fish, Wildlife, and Vegetation

Compliance with the Laws of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries
Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the rules and practices developed through the
Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds is also mandatory. All subsurface investigation activities
shall be conducted to avoid any hazard to the safety and propagation of fish and shellfish in the
waters of the State.
Unless specifically authorized by the State and by permit, the Contractor shall not:
• Use water jetting
• Release petroleum or other chemicals into the water, or where they may eventually enter the
• Disturb spawning beds or other wildlife habitat
• Obstruct streams
• Cause silting or sedimentation of water
• Use chemically treated timbers or platforms
• Impede fish passage

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The permitted work area boundaries will be defined by the permit for the project from the regulatory

3.8.2 Forestry Protection

All necessary permits must be obtained prior to exploration in accordance with ORS 477.625 and
ORD 527.670, and comply with the laws of any authority having jurisdiction for protection of forests.
At certain times of the year, the exploration activities will be subject to IFPL constraints, and
operational schedules must be adjusted accordingly. Fire-suppression equipment may be required
on site as well as a designated fire watch.

3.8.3 Wetland Protection

All operations shall comply with the Clean Water Act Section 404 (33 U.S.C. 1344); Federal Rivers
and Harbors Act of 1899, Section 10 (33 U.S.C. 403 et seq.); Oregon Removal-Fill law (ORS
196.800 - 196.990); Oregon Removal and Filling in Scenic Waterways law (ORS 390.805 - 390.925),
and other applicable Laws governing preservation of wetland resources.
The terms “wetland,” or “wetlands” are defined as “Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface
or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstance
do support, vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated Soil conditions. Wetlands generally
include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.” Wetlands also include all other jurisdictional
waters of the U.S. and/or the State.
If wetlands are known to be on the project site, they should be delineated by the region’s wetland
specialist or their contractor to prevent accidental entry by the exploration operation. Wetlands to be
temporarily impacted should also be identified at this time. Wetlands to be protected will be
considered as “no work zones.”
Subsurface exploration operations must also comply with Clean Water Act Section 404 permits
issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Fill/Removal permits issued by DSL. These permits
allow specified quantities of fill and excavation, including soil and rock samples within specifically
identified areas of wetlands.

3.8.4 Cultural Resources Protection

The exploration crew is also required to comply with all Laws governing preservation of cultural
resources. Cultural resources may include, but are not limited to, dwellings, bridges, trails, fossils,
and artifacts. Known locations of cultural resources will be considered as “no work zones.”
If cultural resources are encountered in the project area, and their disposition is not addressed in the
contract, the exploration crew shall:
• Immediately cease operations or move to another area of the project site
• Protect the cultural resource from disturbance or damage
• Notify the region’s cultural resource specialist
The region’s cultural resource specialist will:
• Arrange for immediate investigation
• Arrange for disposition of the cultural resources
• Notify the exploration crew when to begin or resume operations in the affected area
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3.9 References
• AASHTO, 2007, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, American Association of State
Transportation and Highway Officials, 17th Edition (with current Interims), Washington, D.C.,
• American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Inc., 1988, Manual on
Subsurface Investigations.
• C.H. Dowding, Ed., Site Characterization & Exploration, ASCE Specialty Workshop
Proceedings, Northwestern University, 1978.
• Dunnicliff, John 1988. Geotechnical Instrumentation For Monitoring Field Performance, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
• Oregon Department of Transportation, Hydraulics Manual, Geo-Environmental Section,
• Oregon Department of Transportation, Bridge Design and Drafting Manual, Bridge
Engineering Section, most current version.
• U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Evaluation of Soil and
Rock Properties, Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 5, FHWA-IF-02-034, April, 2002.
• U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Subsurface
Investigation Participant's Manual, Publication No. FHWA HI-97-201, November, 1997.
• U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Subsurface
Investigations - Geotechnical Site Characterization Reference Manual, Publication No.
FHWA NHI-01-031, May, 2002.
• Turner, Keith A., and Schuster, Robert L., Eds., LANDSLIDES Investigation and Mitigation,
Transportation Research Board Special Report 247, 1996, Pages 129-177.
• Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigations, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers Engineering and Design Manual, EM 1110-1-1802, August 1995.
• Geotechnical Investigations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Design
Manual, EM 1110-1-1804, January 2001.
• U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1994, Engineering Geology
Field Manual.
• References are made to various ASTM standards. The ASTM International standards
located at www.astm.org (the “ASTM Site”).

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Appendix 3-A Permit of Entry Form
Oregon Department of Transportation
Phone: (541) 957-3602 FAX: (541) 957-3604
3500 NW Stewart Parkway
Roseburg, OR 97470

(1) (We) ______________ and __________________________ hereinafter referred to as

“grantor”, do hereby grant to the STATE OF OREGON, by and through the Oregon
Department of Transportation, and its officers, agents, and employees, the right and
license to go upon the following described real property to drill or to gain access to
highway Right-of -Way for exploration core drilling at:

Township 37 South, Range 2 West, Section 28

77 Hanley Road
Central Point, Oregon 97502

Property Description:

37-2W-28 TL 800

IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED: That this right and license shall be valid until all
exploration is completed unless revoked by grantor before completion. It is further
understood that the Oregon Department of Transportation shall, to the extent permitted by
Oregon law, be responsible for any unnecessary damage done, in connection with said
exploration, this will include any crops or other improvements on said property.

Grantor hereby represents and warrants that he/she is the owner of said property or
otherwise has the right to grant this permit of entry.

Date____________ Day________, 2003

Permission Acquired by: _____________________


Title: Project Geologist


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December 2016
Appendix 3-B Utility Notification Worksheet
Memo to File
Region Geology Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation

Project Name:
Highway and Mile Point:
Utility Locate Called By:
Locators Called (When):

Required Information
Caller ID #:
Type of Work:
Mile Point:
Quarter Section:
Distance from
Nearest Cross
Overhead Lines:
Special Markings:
Date to Be Located:
Name of Person Called:
Utilities Notified:

Utilities Field Marked:

Cable Television

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Geotechnical Design Manual
December 2016

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