Microtunneling: MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India
Microtunneling: MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India
Microtunneling: MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India
Tanmay A. Thakur1 Ajinkya P. Khamkar2 Pratik S. Kapadnis3 Neel N. Ramjiyani4
Prof. N.G. Gore5
MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India
Abstract— This project report on MICROTUNNELING is
intended to provide information regarding the use of III. PIPE JACKING
Microtunneling in today’s world. Significant technical Pipe jacking is supplementary method used along with
advances and increases in the utilization of Microtunneling micro tunneling so as to push the sections of the concrete
have occurred in the World in the past few years permitting pipes into tunnel drilled by micro tunneling boring machine.
the installation underground of pipes in all ground
conditions with the minimum of surface disturbance. A. Procedure of Pipe Jacking
Microtunneling techniques are providing wide range of 1) Excavate and prepare the driving shaft.
diameter and applications. Many problems of large diameter 2) Set up the jacking frame and the hydraulic jacks to
tunnels and technically demanding tunnels are incorporated adjust to the proposed design line and grade by
due to Microtunneling. This project is specifically tailored providing a simple track to guide the pipe sections.
for those interested in Microtunneling and describes the 3) Install laser guidance system in the driving shaft which
technique in depth together with comparisons with other is fixed in the back of the hydraulic jack pad to guide
trenchless techniques. The project provides an in-depth the operator to jack the pipe in proper alignment and
review of Microtunneling including all its aspects. slope
Key words: Pipe Jacking, Equipments of Microtunneling, 4) Lower the boring machine into the driving shaft and set
Curved Microtunneling it by using an Auger machine.
5) Mate the jacking push plate to the shield or the tunnel
I. INTRODUCTION boring machine.
Microtunneling is a process that uses a remotely controlled 6) Advance the shield or the TBM through the prepared
Micro Tunnel Boring Machine (MTBM). In order to directly opening in the forward shaft support structure. The
install product pipelines underground in a single pass movement of the jacking machine is controlled by the
Microtunneling is usually combined with the Pipe Jacking control panel outside of boring machine, whereas the
method. drilling operation is controlled by the control levers
It is a trenchless method of pipe installation where inside the boring machine.
a pipe is jacked behind a Micro tunnel Boring Machine 7) Retract the jacks and push plate to provide a space for
which is shoved forward as the pipe is installed by avoiding the pipe segment.
man entry. Generally guided by a laser and most often used 8) Place the first pipe segment on the jacking tracks.
for the installation of gravity flow systems. For example 9) Mate the push plate to the pipe and pipe to the shield or
sewer and storm water or for other services where high the TBM.
accuracy is required. 10) Initiate forward advancement, excavation, and spoil
The need of providing long stretches of open trench removal.
for pipe laying can be avoided by Microtunneling as they 11) Repeat pipe jacking cycles until the complete line is
cause extreme disturbance to the community. installed. The next section of pipe is lowered into the pit
In the U.S., Microtunneling has been used to and the above steps repeated.
install pipe from 0.3 m to 3.7 m in diameter. 12) Remove the shield or the TBM from reception shaft.
Microtunneling is currently the most accurate 13) Remove the jacking equipment, IJS and the tracks from
pipeline installation method. Line and grade tolerances of drive shaft.
2.5 cm are the Microtunneling industry standard. This can 14) Restore the site as required.
be significantly useful where a large maze of pipelines exists B. Scope of Pipe Jacking
Pipe jacking is used to install conduits below ground for a
variety of applications including:
Sewerage pipelines
The origins of Microtunneling go way back into the early Storm water pipelines
1970’s where it was developed by the Japanese in order to Road and rail culverts
replace open sewers with underground gravity sewers in
urban areas. South Florida in 1984 was the first location in C. Benefits of Pipe Jacking
the United States where Microtunneling work was initiated. Inherent strength of lining.
This tunnel project spanned over 182 meters while having a Smooth internal finish giving good flow characteristics.
pipe diameter of 1.82 meters. Originally Microtunneling No requirement for secondary lining.
projects were only designed for construction of gravity Considerably less joints than a segmental tunnel.
sewers, but with passing time they are now also used for
Prevention of ground water ingress by use of pipes with
underground crossings of highways, railroads, runways, etc.
sealed flexible joints.
Invert channels can be provided in larger pipes to cables controller, pressure sensor are housed into it. The
contain the dry weather flow of a sewer in a combined progress of MTBM is measured by observing the X and Y
system. coordinates obtained through Laser guidance system. By
adjusting them, the machine can be given desired upward or
IV. CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE downward deviation in path.
Microtunnelling, being a modern method of laying of pipes, D. Diesel Generator and Slurry Separation Tank
has fine and systematic construction procedure leading to Diesel generator supplies power to whole microtunnelling
great accuracy and clean, tidy site. The method can be process. The slurry separation tank consists of two units. In
explained through the points stated below: first one the slurry is screened and in later one it is kept still
1) Excavation for commencement shaft and Transportation so that the debris is settled and water is reused. The settled
of different units and plants to the site. debris is either dumped or used for leveling low lying areas.
2) Construction of thrust wall in the direction of progress
of work and Installation of hydraulic jacking frame E. Other Miscellaneous Units
facing it. The shafts of higher depth are Shortcreted from inside for
3) Setting of slurry separation tank, Bentonite and slurry preventing collapse. A meter gauge is installed at thrust wall
pumps, slurry lines, controlling container and for measuring the progress of work. Loaders and trucks are
Positioning of cranes, Backhoes, Pipes etc. used for hauling the excavated soil and screenings.
4) Fixing Laser guidance system, followed by Lowering of Bentonite is injected throughout the process for lubricating
Micro Tunneling Boring Machine (MTBM) with the machine.
suitable cutting head on the launch skid.
5) Connecting all of the slurry lines and cables with VI. CURVED MICOTUNNELING
appropriate connections of MTBM.
For curved micro tunneling Laser Total System or a Gyro
6) Setting and matching the coordinates of MTBM with
Navigation System is used for guidance while introducing
those in controlling cabin with the help of Laser
the pipe in a curve. This system is created for the guiding
guidance system as per desired alignment of work.
long distance and curved pipe jacking applications for pipe
Starting up of the MTBM.
diameters of more than 1m.
7) Lowering of first pipe section on launching skid and
A servo motorized Laser Total Station which is
jacking it into the drilled tunnel following MTBM.
mounted inside the tunnel on a special bracket is the main
8) Disconnecting the cables and slurry lines indicating
component of the system and it moves along together with
cessation of first section of pipe. Lowering of
the pipeline.
succeeding section of pipe.
The known as-built position of the already installed
pipes helps in continuously determining the actual position
of the laser total station
Capital equipments used in microtunnelling process are: The company named Huxted Tunneling LLC
A. Micro Tunneling Boring Machine recently completed a 480 foot long, 84” Reinforced
Concrete Pipe micro tunnel drive with a 700 foot radius
MTBM is a powerful tunnel boring machine used for horizontal curve which was accomplished using 10 foot long
drilling underground tunnel of desired diameter, with pipe segments.
hydraulic, pneumatic or auger spoil removal system. As per
different conditions of underground soil strata, different VII. MAINTENANCE
cutter heads are chosen. (i.e. specially designed for clay, silt,
sand, rock). Machine consists of two parts namely shield Various cleaning methods include:
and can. It houses cutter head, conical crusher, hydraulic A. Flushing
motors and receiver of the laser. The machine operates on
Flushing is efficient & effectual process of cleaning main.
the diesel generator. Its cost varies from Rs 1 crore to 20
Corrosive materials are easily flushed away during the
process throughout the main. Sediment, gelatinous material
B. Excavator and Crane and stagnant water are also flushed during flushing.
For excavation of the commencement shaft, intermediate Flushing is most effective with flow of six feet per second.
shaft and receiving shaft the excavator is used. Depending B. Drag Cleaning
upon the depth of excavation and groundwater table,
This cleaning method is carried out by a pig liner both
suitable type of excavator is used. The crane, preferably of
discharge & receiver point. Cables attached devices are
compact size and capable of lifting and lowering the
pulled at D/S side for removing heavy encrustation from
concrete pipe sections and MTBM is used. The crane is
inside pipe.
desired to be able to carry the controlling container and
slurry separation tank in case of emergency. C. Hydraulic Jet Devices
C. Controlling container This device is used to dislodge and remove obstruction by
using high pressure jets of water. This method generates
It is the most important unit of process. Different controlling
more amount of waste water which is to be disposed off in a
computers, GPS, controls of Laser, slurry and bentonite
suitable manner.
The demand for utilities provision is directly proportional to
the population in urban areas. Our paper concludes that for
constructing any underground pipeline projects such as oil
pipeline, gas pipeline, water mains, sewer etc. in a densely
congested area the best and most efficient method is
Microtunneling. With respect to development in
construction industry today and a big sum of amount is
granted in the budget of India for the infrastructural
Thus the Microtunneling process shall be used in
future so that we can save space, money, time and make use
of most of the urban area available.
Microtunneling is recently adopted construction technique.
Thus it has high potential of development in the future. In
future, there will be scarcity of open spaces in urban areas
and thus underground construction will be only possible
option for further fulfillment of demand of infrastructure
utilities for the population of urban areas.
Thus the project report gives the basis for future
development of the Microtunneling construction process.