The Various Facets of The Academe: A Reflection
The Various Facets of The Academe: A Reflection
The Various Facets of The Academe: A Reflection
The Filipinos have conflicting views regarding this additional two-year program, Grades 11 and
12, where students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice.
Thus, it lengthened the 10 year cycle into 12 years of educational curriculum. The prolonged
phase of schooling is the pivotal issue that aroused endless debates regarding K12.
To those who oppose the Senior High School Program, their point of argument is the additional
expenses that they shall incur for another two years of studies. It has been the resounding cry
of parents and learners as well.
However, the government, through the Department of Education, already has a solution before
this problem could arise. The expenses which the parents and learners fear to suffer are
answered through the Senior High School Voucher Program. The Public Junior High School
students will receive 100% of the voucher amount while Education Service Contracting grantees
in Private Junior High School will receive 80% of the voucher amount. Hence, parents will not
completely shoulder the burden of educational expenses.
Yes. No doubt that ALS has served as another leg to help the academe walk farther and widen
its reach to the Filipino learners. Though schools have been established nationwide and there
the ratio of teachers to students have proven to be quite adequate, still, quite a number of
learners have never set foot in schools or have decided to drop out from school for reasons like
poverty, early employment, and distance from school to name a few. This is where ALS comes
In other words, it brings education to where students are. This is supported by having the so
called “Mobile Teachers” for reasons that they often go about teaching in rural and depressed
areas where a formal classroom is not available.
ALS passers can be compared to graduates of formal schooling. They can enroll in college, enter
TESDA/ Meralco Foundation/ Technical Schools, be admitted to other non-formal training
programs and even formal training programs, look for work opportunities, and enroll or re-
enroll in formal elementary or secondary education.
Outcome based or results based education identifies what is essential for all students to be able
to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences. This means that the basis of the
curriculum, instruction assessment start from what is important for students to be able to do or
what skill would be developed from them at the end of the learning process. To put it simply,
the result or outcome is first identified before the learning process is conceptualized.
Having the outcome or result predetermined, there is now a clear picture of the inputs,
methods and execution to be used in order to produce the desired learning competencies.
Outcome based framework transformative learning in nature, learner-centered, and makes use
of understanding by design. This means that there is a change in meaning perspectives that
have developed over an individual’s lifetime based upon their life experiences.
Present also in this framework is the critical reflection of contents, processes, or premises
through instrumental and communicative learning. It allows the learner to self-examine of
one’s worldview due to the new knowledge and hence results to reorganization of one’s
perspective. There is transformation to cope with the ever changing world.
E-Learning is internet based learning. It makes use of Internet technologies to deliver a broad
range of solution that enhance knowledge and performance. It somehow eradicates traditional
classroom set up resulting to putting in the learners’ hand his own pace of learning, the amount
of learning and the kinds of lessons to be learned. It is flexible in a sense that it is modular, on-
demand (anytime/anywhere), cost effective, and learning progress can easily be monitored.
With all the advantages that e-learning has to offer, I am still hesitant to accept it completely.
The complete experience that traditional classroom offer is incomparable to that of distance
learning. Physical human interaction is irreplaceable. The spontaneous action-reaction
dynamics of a traditional classroom set-up is contributory not only to the intellectual
improvement but to emotional, psychological and social development as well.
Moreover, e-learning cannot be maximized in a third-world country like the Philippines. Not
everyone has computers and internet access. Sadly, a large number of the populace still needs
computer literacy. It is effective but not to the majority of the Filipino populace.
Education plays a pivotal role in building a nation. It is the key element in affecting national
development. Hence, the main purpose of education is to equip individuals with knowledge and skills to
allow them to share to the needs and demands of an evolving society. It imprints not only personal
growth but imbues social responsibility among its citizens to take an active role in the essentials of a
developing nation. In a more direct language, it makes each a functional member of the society.
Having in mind the basic tenet that the most powerful tool in shaping a nation is education, the
Department of Education is in full force of implementing various programs, activities and services. In
particular, school services are built mainly to cater for the needs of the students and not for teachers,
parents, and school administrators. The following are the different types of school services:
Focusing on Nursery High School, the school service which should be implemented is the Library
Services. Since its establishment in 2012, there were only shelves of books which are considered as the
mini-library. However, the books are all novels that do not cater to the needs of the students. Thus, this
school service is considered almost non-existent.
While the internet provides a wide array of information which the students can have an easy access to,
library services still have its advantages in the learning of the students. The school library is central to
learning of students and a catalyst for literacy and reading. It provides a strong support for teaching and
learning throughout the school. Furthermore, the library can incorporate materials which reflect the
values, culture and identity of the community. This results in uniting the community with the school.
School libraries play a dynamic role as a cost-effective and essential means to prepare students to
become reflective learners who are capable of locating, evaluating and creating knowledge from
information found in a variety of formats.
Schools with strong library program and a certified school librarian ensure their students have the best
chance to succeed. More than 60 education and library research studies have produced clear evidence
that school library programs staffed by qualified librarians have a positive impact on student academic
achievement. These studies clearly demonstrate that strong library school programs help students do
better academically, even when other school variables are considered. Students who don’t speak English
at home can be among those who benefit the most.
1. School library programs foster critical thinking providing students with the skills they need to analyze,
form, and communicate ideas in compelling ways.
2. School libraries are places of opportunity. They are learning hubs and homework help centers where
students use technology and the latest information resources, preparing them to succeed in our global,
competitive economy and the ever-evolving workplace.
3. Strong library programs instill confidence in reading multiple formats which is fundamental to
learning, personal growth and enjoyment.
4. School libraries foster a safe and nurturing climate during the day and before and after school. They
are often the one place in the school that is open to all students and where a school librarian cares and
can support students across grade levels and subject matter.
Certified school librarians make the whole school more effective. They teach students how to learn and
help teachers drive student success.
1. School librarians work with every student in school, teaching them to think critically, providing the
resources and support learners’ need in school and beyond, and nurturing their creativity.
2. They are essential partners for all teachers, providing print and digital materials that meet diverse
needs and collaborating to deepen student learning.
3. They are leaders in school helping to develop curriculum and representing the learning needs of all
students and teachers.
4. School librarians connect other educators to current trends and resources for teaching and learning.