School in Mexicali, utilizing snowball sampling to gather insights from a specific and
the nuanced perspectives of students within this institution. The survey, administered
satisfaction levels. Key findings indicate that while students generally view the
dissatisfaction with outdated teaching methods and curricula, which they felt did not
align with the needs of contemporary learners. The results underscore the
snowball sampling, this research provides valuable insights into the challenges and
I noticed how my classmates and I had comments about how the school was better
and how they developed unique learning techniques that seemed very effective.
Currently, with the improvement of the internet and social networks, we can learn in
different ways that can be unconventional and therefore more effective. What is this
completely different from those before it, and with changes in society must come
in other areas that we young people consider very old. Why can we change our
lifestyle but not something as important as learning? This type of questioning is very
common because there are things as simple as the use of electronic devices at
school, they are completely cancelled in schools because they prefer to remain at
their usual standard than to update themselves with their main audience, which is
The way schools justify little or no use of any device is that students tend to be
distracted more easily, making it more difficult to learn, a fact that has some truth.
Due to the rise of social networks, we have videos on different topics of interest and
with recent videos lasting approximately 15-30 seconds that have become very
popular, the attention of the people who consume these has become shorter. It has
been demonstrated that anyone who constantly uses this type of videos tends to
develop a constant lack of attention due to the habit of watching 10 different topics in
less than 5 minutes, causing viewing the same topic or image to be difficult.
unattractive, resulting in not being able to learn topics and a great lack of
so that there is an understanding of the subject, given that one must be more self-
taught as a student and do one's own research, which many students find difficult
due to the lack of attention and high degree of procrastination. The majority of
students procrastinate too much because it is very easy for them to get distracted
and have something to distract themselves with. Social networks are a very good
and very bad way, since they give us the opportunity to inform ourselves, information
that may be unreliable because anyone can upload a video with erroneous or not
not being completely educational and lead us to see topics of interest that distract us
We as students, have a different point of view on what quality is for us but also a
priorities in research, we seek to find something new and be able to perfect its
important but also raising awareness about new topics such as current affairs, AI.
Quality education will also depend on who teaches and shares the information, that
is, the educators. Many times, it is seen that students lack understanding of a basic
topic, since educators find it difficult to adapt to their audience and the necessary
learning dynamics. Not to mention, the lack of attention to students' doubts. Schools
require students' own research as well as a logical understanding of the topics, but it
is also important that important doubts about the topics are resolved and that
educators have the ability to help or resolve doubts correctly. Currently, retention
capacity has become essential for students due to the lack of attention of educators
towards them. This is due to the lack of attention to students' doubts and also that
they do not give importance to their understanding of the topic, giving rise to
easily, causing many people to consider the issue but mistakenly, for misinformation
community comes together with an objective and can dialogue, but if there is a
wrong and making an erroneous conclusion with little meaning. These types of
situations could be avoided if you have a specialist in the subject who is willing to
able to present a topic in a good way, being concrete and specific. The biggest
problem that young people present today is lack of confidence and lack of
motivation. Many students show little motivation to follow topics even when they are
of interest because they are not presented in the appropriate way, resulting in them
becoming overwhelmed and losing their interest in the topic. Many times we are
affected by a lack of attention in some aspects and we are not corrected correctly.
We, the students, feel an irrational fear when asking some teachers about current
past treatment that caused a negative feeling at the time for the students and does
not allow us to communicate correctly for fear of rejection or humiliation from the
literacy. At the heart of this transformative process lies the need for educators to
navigate the digital landscape with unparalleled ease, educators must pivot from
solving skills. By integrating technology into lesson plans and leveraging digital tools,
educators can create immersive learning experiences that resonate with digital
pivotal role in instilling values of digital citizenship and responsible use of technology,
equipping students with the skills to navigate the digital realm ethically and
responsibly. In essence, the role of educators extends far beyond the confines of the
innovation, fostering empathy, and nurturing lifelong learning, educators lay the
grapples with several systemic challenges that impede student learning and hinder
academic progress. One of the most pressing issues is the persistent reliance on
outdated pedagogical practices that fail to resonate with the needs and preferences
students underserved and disengaged from the learning process. Furthermore, the
strategies. Without proper support and resources, teachers struggle to adapt to the
and proactive measures to ensure equitable access to quality education for all
interconnected world.
social networks to identify and recruit participants. This method is particularly useful
for reaching populations that are difficult to identify or access through traditional
the primary advantages of snowball sampling is its ability to access hidden or hard-
Snowball sampling can be more efficient than random sampling methods, especially
when dealing with dispersed populations or those not easily identifiable. Once initial
participants are found, they help in recruiting others, significantly reducing the time
and effort needed for researcher-driven recruitment. This method also tends to be
campaigns. When participants are recruited through referrals from known individuals,
they may be more likely to trust the researcher and feel comfortable participating in
the study. This trust can lead to higher response rates and more candid responses,
enhancing the quality and reliability of the data collected. The sense of trust and
familiarity within the network often results in participants being more open and
population. This targeted approach can provide detailed insights into these
richer, more nuanced data. This method is highly adaptable to the changing
dynamics of the population being studied. As new contacts are made, the sample
can evolve and expand in directions that might not have been initially anticipated.
This flexibility allows researchers to follow the natural social networks and
understanding of the group. Because participants are often known to each other,
they may provide more in-depth and rich qualitative data through their shared
experiences and trust-based relationships. The connections within the sample can
lead to more detailed and contextually rich information, which is valuable for
The used the snowball sampling method in a study to understand the dynamics
contributed to conflicts or if the students themselves were part of the issue. The
survey targeted individuals of indifferent age and sex but required the characteristic
Survey Methodology
The survey was conducted using Google Forms, which included questions
related to the educational system at Xochicalco, the educators teaching the subjects,
Upon analyzing the survey responses, we gained insights into several aspects of
the student experience at Xochicalco High School. The responses highlighted key
from both the bilingual and traditional programs. The data collected provided a
us to draw conclusions about the role of the institution and the students themselves
effective method for this qualitative research. It facilitated access to a specific and
enhanced the trust and rapport between participants and researchers. The targeted
and flexible nature of this method, coupled with the rich qualitative data obtained,
In our first question we can see that the majority are 17 years old, this may be
because the majority of students who were asked first are in their last year of high
In this question we had three answers that gave the same result, which are
results 2,3 and 4. This may be because the education, from the students' point of
view, is not very bad but not of quality either. Here you can see that there is no great
conformity but there is also no contempt for it, this could be due to several factors
such as the school environment between them and their relationship with teachers or
We can observe that the vast majority of students are easily distracted, which can
significantly affect their interest in the subject in their education. This could result in
poor achievement and perhaps the focus would not be on a problem with the
facilities but rather on the interest and zero achievement of the students.
In this question we can notice that students tend to be distracted very regularly by
phones, being the main factor of their distractions at study time. This use can be
both during regular class hours or even in external areas such as studying for a
subject. important or deliver the tasks on time, giving way to procratination and
thereby decreasing their interest due to the lack of dynamism or “the wow factor” of
the subjects, because every subject has its best part at the time of its presentation.
What areas do you think your education could be better? Annexc 1.5
In this question we can notice that students would prefer other ways of learning,
this could be seeing different topics of interest or perhaps other learning dynamics
that could be more extreme and effective, such as the non-use of electronic devices,
Do you think that school is not high for the new generations? Annex 1.6
The vast majority chose an affirmative answer. This could be due to the poor
preparation of the new generations and their new needs that should be adapted to
them. We could see more from the academic plans of the schools rather than from
the educators, because currently, many schools have an academic plan that was
used many years ago that could be effective for people of their generation but that
can be counterproductive for these new ones. generations that come with an abuse
What do you think is the reason for the low academic performance that you report?
Annex 1.7
Most people chose the options themselves, this may be the problem of their poor
academic performance. This, together with the previous results, could show us that
the students accept being part of the little knowledge they acquire or that they do not
contribute on their part so that the classes flow as they should or that they are simply
the reason for their little interest in the subjects. Taught are by their teachers.
In annex 1.8 we can notice that the majority of the students are afraid. To resolve
your doubts with the teachers, this may be due to past experiences where they have
been pointed out by the students or by the teachers themselves, since many
situations occur where students ask questions with confidence and are pointed out
as people who did not pay attention or were They become an object of ridicule for
In Annex 1.9 we can note that regardless of the fear that students have of asking
their teachers, we can note that they are the main source of information for the
students or that they are a more reliable source due to their possible knowledge in
that area. Many students ask about topics related to a subject that a teacher teaches
even if it is not related to their academic plan simply out of the interest of knowing
more about that topic. This can create a bond of trust between the teacher and the
student and can open up more dialogue and the opportunity to create great rapport
between them.
In annex 1.10 we can affirm the aforementioned because it talks about good
communication between the student and his teacher. This is a good educational sign
because information can be provided on different topics of interest and good sources
of trust are created in educational fields that pave the way for good information
between people.
In annex 1.11 we can notice that students use artificial intelligence very frequently
and this can have a great impact on the issue of lack of information on their part.
Many times, artificial intelligence addresses topics that are not related to what we
want to achieve or may be incorrect or with very old information with little relevance,
not to mention that students will not do their own research and do not learn correctly
about their topics. This also creates bad habits such as the little use of logic that
greatest conflict falls on students who do not seek an interest in their subjects or that
they have no interest in their studies, which affects their regular life because they are
basic things that we will have to do if they want to enjoy a full life or at least a decent
This research showed us that it is mostly the students who are responsible for
having this type of performance and that teachers are not always the cause of the
setbacks they have throughout their student life. The form of education is important
but the dedication you have is more important. Students always look for a reason to
procrastinate based on other sources and our survey and results were able to affirm
all these assumptions. It may be that other methodologies that do not involve
performance of the students, since also the habit of some parents of leaving their
their projects or breaks, can be the cause of the great addiction and way of
distracting students. Likewise, it may be something that social media algorithms are
causing to our society. If something was very clear, it is mostly the educational
problems that arise, they are not a problem of the educational system or the
teachers who teach these plans, at least in the Xochicalco facilities. Many students
have a rapport with their teachers despite their fear of asking them, but we can
dialogue and with them, they can communicate various topics of conversation about
interests towards their subject or others. . topics that are within the domain of their
teachers. Without a doubt, it was a great conclusion that could help other
generations who find themselves in conflict with their current teachers and who can
truly see that the problems are mostly the students and their lack of interest, rather
Simply Psychology. (2023b, julio 31). Snowball Sampling Method: Techniques &
Lorenza, V. L. (s. f.). Tres problemas prioritarios que urge resolver en la educación media